1. 2. 13. 14. e 3. I5. D ‘{s 4 (9 5. 0. 7. 9. LOD 16. 17. Z/3 tD 18. 3 qL) 19. :)4° 20. ° 4 H C-)4 L 21. 1/3 ô\ ( 1 10. 11. O5 ) ( )O 23. )1 &U 2:1. 12. ** ** ** ** ** ** 25. — ** ** ** 2. 26. Id g(.i) 30. ) 27. 1(r) 29. k(;i) —3 1 = f() = 1. x = 31. q(.r) •1- 3 = 3 / 32. q(r) f(:r) S -ç ‘ -5 a -i 1 5 Practice Exaiii 1 I”afli(: Instructions: (jv(’ V(YI11X(’Il 50 iniiiiitvs to (O1H1)l(tC tliix I)1[Ct Justify ea(l1 aiiswer. Use the last two pages to reeoicI your answers. Each aiiswer has equal weight icy ‘xain. 7: > - ::H x L - : C CNI LI i-I—S U” I (i c’1 7: •1 4 6. \‘Viil (‘ Z(’ + 5) ax au i1lt(’g(r in xtaiidard form. 1 L) 7. 1 ax an i itcgcr Vritc ( -r iii xl au(larcl form. c 4 Lts 3 -- I 200 8. \Vrite 32 ax an iuuteger iii avQ 9. xtaul(lard form. ,Lt QU \Vimat ix the xmui of the firxt 60 1 enux of t1u aiixwer xhioHl(I 1)1’ an integer in xtammdard form.) 70 1 xequ(nee 3. —3, —9, —1.5, —‘ -G ( ) 10. v\Jiat do’x lie lollowi ig xmun equal: 16 + 6 + ‘_—‘ + + “7 -J Ti ._/ —J. . . .7 (Your 11. laII(v J)artv. ‘loll uvii :3 jl(kelX. 7 1 iex 1111(1 5 have to weir Ioiiiml alt 10 h>i ol ((Jllli)illatiorlx (all you \\1’itr? lvf)es (Iii I(re itiaiiy nI F1ov 1)1 shoes. l)airx ‘1011 - 12. There arc 60 guests at a of a costitiiie (liflerent cotitest, (1 1st ways (liii Oll judge 1 iivv 1 to seivet one guest ax I lie wiinier tile worst (:Ostllilie. I-low man 01W as the (olitest? (2O• 13. univ oat. ‘ion 01W as a ruiiuuiet up, aii( tE) 9 S7 = You work at a keniiel that has 99 puppies. You need to decide to give ew1i one a ([istinet ID collar. How ininiy (lifierelit (lecisiolls can you make? cc ti. can buy 24 different kinds of bagels at a bagel shop. You uteed to choose I l (lillereIlt types ol 1)1 igels. I low iiuiy different seh ttions (10 yOu I iave 1 0 choose fuon You (/L\r: 15. What, ix (3) J__ ? (Your answer should be a natural nuiuibvr ‘ 13L l! in , o1.Th l2 16. If 1(r) — tid q(;r) I = 4:r + I, then what is g o 9 (— ( . . I t I. MvT 1m.t is 11w implied domain of / (;r) 18. \A hat the iiiiplied domain of 11(7) = 10.r — 4:z: + 11? 72+9 is or—2 Below is a graph of a fnnetioii f(:r). Use this graph to answer questions 19. What is 1(2)? 20. What is the domain of 21. What is the range of 22. What, are the .r-mtercepts of the graph of 23. What is the 1Jii1tvreept f’? [_ Z LL] f? L of tin graph of f? ( f’? (oo o L 1.9 — 23. E I; E — - 4- 1D 7: — .- - - :: I —‘ cs-i C1’- > s—i > —___) + N \___) t > 4_’c - li I -L —I-- —H- I I