ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF BRIDGES By Rosalie ARCHIVES MASSACHUSETTc fNQT1T OF TECHNOLOLGY J. Bianquis JUL 02 2015 B.S. Civil Engineering School of Engineering, Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics, 2014 LIBRARIES SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE 2015 ( 2015 Rosalie J. Bianquis. All rights reserved The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronics copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author: Signature redacted jngin Department of Civil and Eonmental }/. ay 8:W Certified by: Signature redacted John A. Ocl1sndorf Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture Tbis Supervi or j j# Accepted by: Signature redacted W'eiai qepf g Donald and Martha Harleman Professor of Civil and Environmental Engine Chair, Department Committee for Graduate Students ITE Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Assessment Methodology for the Environmental Impact of Bridges By Rosalie J. Bianquis Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering On May 8, 2015 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering ABSTRACT Residential and commercial buildings and transportation represent 21% of the global greenhouse gas emissions in the world. In the United States, this percentile goes up to 38% of the greenhouse gas emissions of the country. Since the structures account for the highest material weight in buildings, any reduction in the emissions due to structures (their construction, operation, maintenance, and end of life) can have a real impact on the total emissions of greenhouse gases in the world. Many rating systems have been established to evaluate the performance of buildings and their environmental impact. However, less work has been done for bridges. The existing ratings system for buildings cannot yet be adapted to bridges because of the different use of these structures. Indeed, while a building would have important emissions during the operation phase, a bridge would have practically none. Moreover, the bridge creates a shorter path for cars to travel and therefore it can actually reduce some emissions due to the cars and other vehicles. Many other differences show that to evaluate the environmental impact of bridges and their part in the global warming, a new set of studies needs to be conducted. This thesis will develop a methodology to evaluate the environmental impact of bridges, mainly focusing on road bridges: first, by developing a methodology assessing embodied carbon of bridges instead of buildings, second by applying this method to fifteen footbridges and six road bridges, and third by including traffic, operation and maintenance into carbon accounting and conducting three cases studies. The results show that the footbridges emit on average 419 kgco2e/m 2. Road bridges emit on average 1347 kgco2e/m2 for road bridges with a length under 1000m and 3446kgco2r/m 2 for the others. Finally, it shows how important the operation phase is compared to the maintenance phase. Thesis Supervisor: John A. Ochsendorf Title: Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture Rosalie Bianquis 3 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Rosalie Bianquis 4 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to start by thanking some people without whom this thesis would not have been possible. First, I would like to thank my advisor Professor John Ochsendorf who always pushed me further and challenged me to do better. His knowledge and his expertise were priceless during my research. I also would like to thank PhD student Catherine De Wolf for her guidance and her great help from the beginning to the end of this project. Her experience and insight during this year have been a key for me to pursue my research. I would like to thank Professor Pierre Ghisbain and Professor Jerome Connor who taught me more about structural engineering than any other teacher did. Thank you to Emily Spencer whose friendship has been irreplaceable during this year at MIT. Her moral support, her humor and her kindness will always be my best memory. In addition, I would like to thank my parents, Patricia Chapuis and Jean-Philippe Bianquis, along with my sister Clara and my brother Gaspard who encouraged me and believed in me, even when I did not. Finally, I would like to thank my classmates from the Master of Engineering program for their friendship and their support during this year at MIT. Rosalie Bianauis 5 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Rosalie Bianquis 6 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS A bstract .................................................................................................................................................................3 A cknow ledgem ents ..............................................................................................................................................5 Notations .............................................................................................................................................................11 1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................13 1.1 M otivations ........................................................................................................................................13 1.2 Problem Statem ent ...........................................................................................................................15 1.3 D efmitions .........................................................................................................................................16 1.3.1 Sustainability .............................................................................................................................16 1.3.2 G reenhouse G ases ...................................................................................................................16 1.3.3 G lobal W arm ing Potential ...................................................................................................... 17 1.3.4 Life Cycle A ssessm ent .............................................................................................................18 1.3.5 E m bodied and Operational Carbon ..................................................................................... 19 Embodied Carbon ..........................................................................................................19 O perational Carbon ........................................................................................................20 1.4 2 O rgani*zation of Thesis ....................................................................................................................20 Literature Review ...................................................................................................................................... 21 Existing Rating System s of Bridges ...............................................................................................21 2.1 2.1.1 G reenroadSTM ...........................................................................................................................21 2.1.2 H unt's rating system ................................................................................................................ 22 2.1.3 Sim os' rating system ................................................................................................................23 2.2 Embodied Energy and Carbon ...................................................................................................... 24 2.3 O perational E nergy and Maintenance ...........................................................................................25 3 M ethodology .............................................................................................................................................. 27 4 E mbodied Carbon ..................................................................................................................................... 28 4.1 M ethodology ..................................................................................................................................... 28 4.2 Embodied Carbon Coeffi cients .....................................................................................................29 4.3 Pedestrian Bridges ............................................................................................................................ 29 Rosalie Bianquis 7 M-Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 5 4.4 Road Bridges ..................................................................................................................................... 34 4.5 Comparison with other database of embodied carbon coefficients.................................... 38 O peration and M aintenance .................................................................................................................... 5.1 M ethodology for a w hole life cycle carbon assessm ent......................................................... 5.1.1 Construction Stage................................................................................................................... 40 .............. 41 Em ission due to structural materials ECMat Emission due to the use of machines Ecmac ............................................................... 41 Emission due to the transportation of the materials ECTan................................. 42 Emission due to other factors Ecoth........................................................................ 43 . ........ ............ . .... O peration stage ........................................................................................................................ 43 Em ission due to light E oig ........................................................................................ 44 Em ission due to the tollbooth EOToI.......................................................................... 44 Emission due to other factors.................................................................................... 47 5.1.3 M aintenance stage.................................................................................................................... EMMat 47 Emission due to the replacement of structural materials and the use of machines and EM ac.................................................................................................................................... Em ission due to the perturbation of traffic E mT ................................................... 48 48 5.1.4 Benefits of the bridge.............................................................................................................. 52 5.1.5 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 53 Cases studies...................................................................................................................................... 53 5.2 7 40 5.1.2 6 40 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................................57 6.1 Sum mary of results........................................................................................................................... 57 6.2 D iscussion of the results ................................................................................................................. 57 6.3 Future research ................................................................................................................................. 58 6.3.1 A dding data...............................................................................................................................58 6.3.2 Cradle - to - grave assessm ent m ethodology.................................................................... 58 6.3.3 D evelopm ent of a rating system s ...................................................................................... 59 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 7.1 A ppendix A : Pedestrian Bridges Inform ation........................................................................... Rosalie Bianquis 8 60 62 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7.2 Appendix B: Pedestrian Bridge Normalized Material Quantities ......................................... 65 7.3 Appendix C: Pedestrian Bridge Global W arming Potential.................................................... 66 7.4 Appendix D : Road Bridges Inform ation ................................................................................... 68 7.5 Appendix E: Road Bridge N orm alized M aterial Q uantities ................................................... 68 7.6 Appendix F: Road Bridge G lobal W arming Potential........................................................... 69 7.7 A ppendix G : Consum ption of gasoline ................................................................................... 71 7.8 A ppendix H : Em ission factor for transportation..................................................................... 71 7.9 Appendix I: Service Life of different com ponents .................................................................. 71 7.10 Appendix J: G olden Gate Bridge................................................................................................ 73 7.11 A ppendix K : M illau Viaduct....................................................................................................... 76 7.12 Appendix L: Sydney H arbour Bridge ........................................................................................ 79 Table of Figures ................................................................................................................................................. 82 Table of Tables................................................................................................................................................... 82 Table of Equations ............................................................................................................................................ 84 Table of G raphs ................................................................................................................................................. 85 References .................................................................................................................................................. 86 8 8.1 D ocumentation................................................................................................................................. 86 8.2 Im ages ................................................................................................................................................ 87 Rosalie Bianquis 9 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Rosalie Bianquis 10 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 NOTATIONS CEQR - City Environmental Quality Review EC - Embodied Carbon ECC - Embodied Carbon Coefficient EPA - Environmental Protection Agency GHG - Greenhouse Gases GWP - Global Warming Potential ICE - Inventory of Carbon and Energy LCA - Life Cycle Assessment LCCA - Life Cycle Cost Assessment LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design NMQ - Normalized Structural Material Quantities SMQ - Structural Material Quantities Rosalie Bianquis 11 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Rosalie Bianquis 12 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 MOTIVATIONS Treat the earth well it was not given toyou by yourparents, it was loaned toyou byyour children. We do not inherit the Earthfivm our ancestors, we bormw itform our children. This ancient American proverb, pronounced centuries ago, makes even more sense in the society we are living in today. It means that every action that harms the earth and its nature, is an action taken against our children's future. In addition, this is why, feeling concerned about the greenhouse gases (GHG) emission is imperative. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), transport (road, rails, air and marine) and buildings represents 21% of the global GHG emission in the world (Figure 1-1). If we look only at the United States, this number is even bigger: the transportation and the building sector stand for 38%, more than a third, of the total emission in the year 2012 (Figure 1-2). As a civil engineer, the purpose is to make progress in the domain of residential & commercial buildings as well as in the infrastructures (roads, bridges, tunnels). When it comes to buildings, a lot of rating systems for sustainable buildings have been created and a decent amount of research and reports have been made on how to evaluate and measure the sustainability of a building. In contrary, very few studies have been made on infrastructures. Waste and wastewater Ar Co COimmercial buildings 8% Figure 1-2 - U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emission by Source Figure 1-1 - Global Greenhouse Gas Emission by Source Rosalie Bianquis 13 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Bridges are an important part of those infrastructures. According to the United State Department of Transportation, in 2013 there were around 600,000 bridges in total in the United States and each year thousands of new bridges are constructed (Figure 1-3). 60 000 50 000 40 000 30 000 210 000 0 Y1 RS Figure 1-3 - Number ofBridges built in the U.S. As mentioned before, there are already a number of rating systems and studies completed to measure the sustainability of buildings. Why are bridges so different from buildings? First, a major distinction comes from who decides to build them. Indeed, when it comes to buildings the client is most of the time a private company or a private investor, whereas for bridges the client is often the government or a public administration (a city, a state, a region etc.). The main consequence is the budget, which is usually more limited coming from the government than from the private sector. Moreover, because the bridge is reducing the route for the cars, there are fewer expectations about how sustainable it is. The users of the bridges are more concerned about its financial cost to their city, state or country, which they are indirectly paying for through tax money than they are about its sustainability. When a company creates a new building if they get a sustainable certification it sells their company as one who cares about the environment. The image of the company is important. Being a company that cares about the environment will benefit this company. A second major difference is the purpose of the structure. Indeed, most buildings are either apartment buildings or office buildings. The facade and the architecture of the building is a "bonus" compared to its fundamental aim. For the bridge, the initial aim is to link to part of a city or create a shorter route for drivers. At the same time, there is an important social purpose: on one hand, by making two parts of the world closer than before (in time of travel) and, on the other hand, because bridges can often be compared to a piece of art, and they define a city. Everyone knows the Golden Rosalie Bianquis 14 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Gate Bridge belongs to San Francisco (Figure 1-4), or the Tower bridge to London (Figure 1-5). This is an important part of your city that can also have an economic intention by bringing tourism. Figure 1-5 - Tower Bridge, London Figure 1-4 - Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco One last distinction is the GHG emissions "saved" by the presence of the bridge. Indeed, adding a bridge and especially a road bridge helps reducing the emissions of GHG. For the road bridges, it creates a new road for the cars and possibly a shorter route to get from a point to A to a point B. This alternative road allows drivers to have a reduced time on the road and to emit less GHG. When it comes to pedestrian bridges, it is less obvious how they reduce the emission of GHG. It can reduce those emissions by influencing people to walk to a place they would usually take their car to go to. This thesis will illustrate this with some examples of such bridges. All these different properties of a bridge makes it more difficult to create a suitable rating system. This system would have to take into account the construction, the operation, the maintenance and the demolition of the bridge but also its social impact, its economic impact as well as its efficiency to create a simpler and shorter path for cars and/or pedestrians. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT There is a gap in knowledge in the sustainability of bridge design. Indeed, very little information is available on the material used, the dimensions but also maintenance and operation. Almost no studies have been conducted on the occurrence of maintenance and its consequences. Is the bridge still open during maintenance, if yes, how many lanes are in service compared to when it is fully functional, and if not what bypass route is suggested? This knowledge could help characterizing the bridge and its sustainability. Rosalie Bianquis 15 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 The main literature on the maintenance and operation of bridges comes from economic studies. Indeed, for some bridges, a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) has been conducted. The LCCA takes into account the traffic, the different tollbooths and other factors that are important for any infrastructures. Adapting this method to GHG emissions and considering the operation and maintenance phases of a bridge's life cycle will be one of the main goals of this thesis. The aim of this thesis is to create a benchmark for embodied carbon for bridges (for road bridges as well as for pedestrian bridges) and to develop a methodology to take into account maintenance and operation by expanding LCCA methodology to carbon emissions. Thanks to these contributions, a new assessment and conception of sustainable bridges could be developed. 1.3 DEFINITIONS 1.3.1 Sustainability The definition given by the EPA is "Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations." In other words, as defined in the Brundtland report, "sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Sustainable development is a way of thinking by taking into account the consequences, direct or indirect of our actions. The consequences could affect the world in a month, a year or a century but they still exist and making sure that they do not disturb the planet so much that they destroy it, is a sustainable development. 1.3.2 Greenhouse Gases The emissions of GHG are the main anthropogenic contribution to the global warming of the planet. The main greenhouse gas is the carbon dioxide as illustrated in Figure 1-6. However, other gases are considered as gases that impair the planet and the ozone layer such as methane, nitrous Rosalie Bianquis 16 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 oxide and fluorinated gases. The latest are emitted in small amounts, though, they have an important effect on the earth and are sometimes referred as High Global Warming Potential Gases (EPA, 2012). Nitrous Oxide 6% Fluorinated Gases 3% Methane___ 9% A Figure 1-6 - Greenhouse Gases The presence of these gases in the earth atmosphere has increased since the Industrial Revolution due to different human activities. These different activities are listed in the Table 1-1. Burning fossil fuels Burning solid waste Burning trees and wood products Certain chemical reactions Production, transport of coal Production, transport of natural gas Production, transport of oil Livestock and other agricultural practice Agricultural and industrial activities Combustion of fossils fuels Combustion of solid waste jVariety of industrial process Table 1-1 - Greenhouse Gases Source of Emissions 1.3.3 Global Warming Potential The global warming potential (GWP) is a measure that compares the energy absorbed by gas dioxide over a certain amount of years (usually, 100 years) to the one absorbed by the carbon Rosalie Bianquis 17 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 (EPA,2012). The carbon dioxide has a GWP of exactly one because it represents the reference. In Table 1-2, the GWP of methane and nitrous oxide are shown as an example. 21 310 Table 1-2 - Global Warming Potentialof some Greenhouse Gases 1.3.4 Life Cycle Assessment Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the process of evaluating the effects that a product has on the environment over the entire period of its life cycle (UNEP, 1996). As shown in the Figure 1-7, an LCA is divided in four stages: 1. Goal Definition and Scope 2. Inventory Analysis (LCI) 3. Impact assessment 4. Interpretation Lye Cycle A al-s-m-F k Figure 1-7 - Life Gycle Assessment Framework The EPA gives definition of these different phases. Goal definition and scoping is the phase of the LCA process that defines the purpose and method of including life cycle environmental impacts into the decision-making process. Rosalie Bianquis 18 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 The life cycle inventory is the process of quantifying energy and raw material requirements, atmospheric emissions, waterborne emissions, solid wastes, and other releases for the entire life cycle of a product, process, or activity. The Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) phase of an LCA is the evaluation of potential human health and environmental impacts of the environmental resources and releases identified during the LCI. Life cycle interpretation is a systematic technique to identify, quantify, check, and evaluate information from the results of the LCI and the LCIA, and communicate them effectively. The life cycle assessment is a systematic study and can be applied to any product or good. Different software have been created to simplify those assessments, for example GaBic or Athenac. 1.3.5 Embodied and Operational Carbon Embodied Carbon There is an important difference between the embodied energy and the embodied carbon. The embodied energy is the quantity of energy required by all activities associated with the production of a material (Treloar, 1994). It takes into account the energy needed from extracting the material to the final manufacture of the product. It is measured in Joules. The embodied carbon and the embodied energy are not the same measures. The embodied carbon corresponds to the emitted GHG to produce the embodied energy (De Wolf, 2014). The embodied carbon is going to be measured in kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent. It will take into account the fuel used while the material is being process but also the carbon emitted and/or absorbed during that phase. For buildings, the embodied energy and the embodied carbon also takes into account the maintenance and the end of life stages (De Wolf, 2014). For the analysis of a bridge, the embodied carbon is taken into account during the construction phase. Rosalie Bianquis 19 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Operadonal Carbon The operational carbon corresponds to the emitted GHG during the life of the bridge. It includes the emission due to maintenance and operation of the bridges. As opposed to buildings, in bridges the maintenance is considered as a part of the operational carbon, as it is linked to traffic obstruction affecting the use of the bridge. Moreover, if the bridges have lights, the emissions due to the electricity used will enter the operational carbon. 1.4 ORGANIZATION OF THESIS After this introduction, and the definition of some useful notions to fully understand this thesis the third chapter will focus on the literature review. The latter will focus on three main subjects: the rating systems of bridges, the embodied carbon coefficients and the embodied energy, and the maintenance and operation of bridges. The fourth chapter will focus on the embodied carbon in bridges: the emissions occurring during the construction phase of the bridge. It will give values of those emissions and compare about twenty bridges. An embodied carbon benchmark will be established for both road and pedestrian bridges. The fifth chapter will concentrate on the operation and maintenance phase of the bridge: the emissions of GHG, linked to it, and how to consider them. It will not only develop a methodology, but will also carry out case studies. Finally, chapter 6 and chapter 7 will conclude this thesis by summarizing and discussing all the results and suggest different paths for future research. Rosalie Bianquis 20 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 2 LITERATURE REVIEW The literature review will be divided into three sections. The first section identifies the main rating systems for bridges; the second section focus on the limited on embodied energy and carbon research; and finally the last section presents studies on the maintenance and operation of bridges which will provide data necessary for this thesis. 2.1 ExISTING RATING SYSTEMS OF BRIDGES One of the main sustainable rating system that certifies bridges is called GreenroadsTM. However, there has been attempts to create a sustainable rating system for bridges by different people around the word. 2.1.1 GreenroadsTM GreenroadsTM (Figure 2-1) is originally a rating system for roads in the United States. However, it can be applied to road bridges since they represent a special type of roads. As the sustainable rating system for buildings such as the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM), it is a point system. According to the number of points at the end, the project can get different level of certification or no certification at all. All the different certifications are represented in Figure 2-2. ieas Grosro-I --- tertftled Figure 2-1 - GreenroadsTM logo s rtifle loaftse certified Ieee certified Figure2-2 - GreenroadsM Certification This current bridge certification only takes into account the road pavement and not the environmental impact of the complete structure. This is the main gap in this system. Rosalie Bianquis 21 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 2.1.2 Hunt's rating system In 2004, Lauren Hunt established different criteria a bridge should meet for a newly developed bridge rating system by using both criteria recycled from LEEDTM and her own original ones. After her list becomes final, Hunt weighs each criterion with a certain number of points based on its impact to the environment. These criteria and their weights are shown in Table 2-1. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Brownfield Redevelopment Historic Site Improvements Footin and Pier Location 1 2 Lane Adaptability 3 1 1 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 HOV Lanes & Transit ways Bike and Pedestrian Lanes Tollbooth Transponders 1 1 Storm water Management Green Power Life Cycle Assessment Construction Waste Management Re uired 1 Material Reduction Regional Materials 1 1 Certified Wood 1 Gray Water 1 Cement Replacement 1 Innovation in Design 1-3 Table 2-1 - Rating Systemfor SustainableBridges, by Iauren R. Hunt She tests her rating system on three bridges, certifying if it gets at least 10 points. Out of the three chosen existing bridges, two of them acquire certification. She concludes that her system should be adapted so that the certification is more rigorous. Indeed, creating a rating system for sustainable bridges has first goal to encourage designers to do better than current practice. Even so, I believe it does establish useful criteria on how to study bridges. However, there is no reference on how to evaluate each of these points. For instance, the "Material Reduction" criterion does not assign any number for material quantities. Moreover, each material has different embodied carbon linked to it, which mean that they do not have the same impact. This is also the case for the LCA required: it has to be compared to other numbers to establish whether the bridge should get the points or not. Rosalie Bianquis 22 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 2.1.3 Simos' rating system In 2013, another attempt to create a rating system for sustainable bridges was conducted by Mohamed Marzouk, Ahmed Nouth, and Moheeb El-Said from Cairo University. The paper describes a three-phase process that began with a literature review to identify existing criteria that are used to identify whether or not a bridge is sustainable, and the result of this phase was a list of criteria. The next phase was the review of this list by nine bridges construction expert. Each of them specified the most important criteria affecting the sustainability of a bridge. Finally, the last phase involved giving the experts a questionnaire and asking them to rate each criterion in order of importance. From this survey, any criterion with an average rating of five or less (over ten) was eliminated from the list, trimming the list down to a reasonable length. Using Sismos' procedure, which is a simple weighting method, the criteria were weighted. The final list is shown in Table 2-2. Noise Mitigation Plan 4 3 Waste Management Plan Pavement Management Plan Site Maintenance Plan 4 4 3 Potential for Innovations On-site Renewable Energy 4 4 Habitat Restoration Sustainable sites selection Res ect for historic sites 6 7 8 Intelligent Transportation Systems Providing a Bridge User Guide 5 Lifecycle Cost Analysis Pedestrian/Bicycle Access Transit Access 4 5 5 Visual Enhancements 4 Equipment Emission Reduction 3 Stora e/Separation areas 4 Pavement reuse Earthwork Balance Recycled Materials Reuse Regional Materials 4 5 Long-Life Pavement 5 4 5 Table 2-2 - Criteriafor a ratig system, by Marqouk, Nouth andEl-Said Rosalie Bianquis 23 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Again, as in Hunt's paper, carbon emissions are not directly considered during the construction, operation and maintenance of bridges. As my study will demonstrate, it is the key to evaluate bridges. This literature review illustrates the following gaps. First, the difference between bridges and buildings is not always taken into account. Bridges cannot be studied with the same criteria used for buildings. Moreover, to make it possible to evaluate bridges, reference in the emission of carbon during the entire life of the bridge is crucial. 2.2 EMBODIED ENERGY AND CARBON Research on embodied energy and carbon started a bit more than a decade ago. Since then, different studies have been made to find a way to take this embodied energy and carbon into account during the conception of buildings. The main challenge concerning the embodied carbon is the Embodied Carbon Coefficients (ECC) expressed in kgco2e/kg. Indeed, those coefficient needs to be constant for each material so it is easy to use them to calculate the embodied carbon of a structure but they also need to be accurate. In her thesis, Material quantities in building structures and their environmental impact, Catherine De Wolf (2014) studies challenges and opportunities in estimating GHG emissions of structures. The first contribution is the summary of the existing literature on ECC's. The second contribution is the creation of a global database of buildings with their material quantities and their embodied carbon. The name of the database is DeQo and it contains 200 buildings until now. To find the embodied carbon of one material, a formal LCA has to be completed. However, doing an LCA for each material of the project takes a lot of time and having these coefficients would be a great asset to have the embodied carbon of an entire structure. The other major contribution of De Wolf's thesis is the development of a methodology to calculate the embodied carbon of structures using the ECC's. This methodology will be adapted to bridges in this thesis. Another type of information that would be useful is the LCA of the different structural materials that can lead to establishing the ECC's. One material that would only be used for bridges and roads but not for buildings is the pavement. Santero and Al (2011) have conducted an LCA on this material in Methods, Impacts and Opportunitiesin the Concrete Pavement Life Cycle. This thesis addresses the current gaps on the sustainability of bridges in literature. The key contribution of this thesis will be to use the methodology to calculate the embodied carbon on 20 Rosalie Bianquis 24 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 footbridges and 10 road bridges. This would give a general idea on a baseline for benchmarking regarding bridges and their embodied carbon. 2.3 OPERATIONAL ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE The operation phase and maintenance of bridges are different from the ones of a building. For this reason, another methodology has to be created. Many papers have already been written on the whole life cycle of bridges including the operation and maintenance phase. Most of them are based on examples of real bridges, such as the paper written by Yoshito Itoh, Using CO 2 Emission Quantitiesin Bridge jfecle Anaysis (2002). In this paper, three bridges are studied from construction to end of life with a clear methodology. However, in most papers, including the previous one, do not take into account the cars emissions in the study. Currently, there is no real methodology on how to take into account the emissions due to the cars. Those emissions could be define as the emissions "saved" by the presence of the bridge, by creating a shorter path for cars to travel, but also the added emissions due to the presence of a tollbooth or during maintenance, the traffic delays or the use of a bypass route. The literature on that subject is almost inexistent. However, traffic on bridges are studied in an economic way. Indeed, the delays, or the bypass route lose time for people, and it has a price. Different information can be found on those studies of traffic. The most accurate information is actually given by the government or any highway company. An important source is the City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) Technical Manual. In the issue of 2014, chapters 16 to 19 treat the aspect of transportation and GHG emissions. However, it is not specifically about bridges but it gives numbers and it is for the city of New York. Nevertheless, it gives data that can be used for case study and information on how to take the emission of cars into account. The last category of papers on operation energy and maintenance would be the LCCA of bridges. For example, The Real Price - Holistic Cost-Eficieng Considerationsin Design and Construction of InfrastructureProjects, by Olivier Fisher, is studying the cost of traffic delays and bypass route during the maintenance phase of bridges. The key contribution of this thesis will be to develop the methodology to take into account the traffic in the operation and maintenance phase of a bridge. Thanks to the different LCCA and reports Rosalie Bianquis 25 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 from the government, this methodology will be adapted from cost analysis, and case studies will be conducted. Rosalie Bianquis 26 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 3 METHODOLOGY As explained previously this thesis has two main goals: establishing a benchmark of embodied carbon for pedestrian bridges and road bridges separately and to develop a methodology to assess the operational carbon of road bridges including the consequences on car traffic. To achieve those goals the following methodology was used. The first step was to gather as many information on as many bridge possible. This information include the structural material quantities, the dimension of the bridge (total length, width, span) but also the number of cars per day crossing the bridge, the lighting used, and the presence of a toll. This information can be found on the bridge website for famous bridges, on papers wrote about the bridges or by contacting the engineer or architect companies that were involved with the bridge. When it comes to the traffic, contacting highway agencies is also a good source of information. The second step was to calculate the embodied carbon of the bridges studied. For this step, the methodology will be detailed in the next chapter. This step achieve the first goal of this thesis: creating a benchmark. The third step was to develop the methodology for a whole life cycle carbon assessment. To achieve this step, the life cost assessment of bridges were studied. Indeed, for life cycle cost assessment (LCCA) the traffic delay, or the need of a bypass road are taken into account. The new methodology is adapted from the LCCA. In this step, three bridges will be studied and compared using the developed methodology. This step will achieve the second goal of this thesis. A more detailed methodology for each part of the life cycle will be given at the beginning of each corresponding chapter. Rosalie Bianquis 27 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 4 EMBODIED CARBON 4.1 METHODOLOGY In this the chapter, seventeen footbridges and six road bridges will be studied. The embodied carbon represents the GHG emission during the construction stage. The following methodology has been applied to each bridge. In this phase, the same methodology is used for footbridges and road bridges. 1. Find the structural material quantities (SMQ). This a major step. Indeed, finding accurate structural material quantities for already built bridges is a challenge. However, the main aim of this methodology is so designers, architects and engineer evaluate their bridge during their process of design or just after completion. In those cases, having the material quantities will not be a challenge. The quantity of the structural material i will be SMQi. 2. Normalize the structural material quantity (NMQ). Normalizing the material quantities allows the comparison between bridges. The normalized quantity of the structural material i will be NMQi. The normalization for this methodology is to have the weight of structural material per meter squared: NMQi[kg/m2 ] 3. SMQL [ kg ] Length[m] * Width[m] Equation4-1 - NormaliZedMaterialQuanfiy Calculate the embodied carbon of each structural material (EC). To calculate the embodied carbon of each material, we need to multiply this quantity by the embodied carbon coefficient of this material. The embodied carbon of each material will be ECi and the embodied carbon coefficient of each material will be ECCi. 2 ECi[kgc0~em ] = NMQi[kg/m 2] * ECCi[kgc0 2e/kg] 2 Equation4-2 - Embodied Carbon of each material 4. Calculate the global warming potential of the bridge. This is the last step to calculate the embodied carbon of the bridge. The global warming potential of the bridge is the sum of the embodied carbon of each material. The global warming potential will be GWP. GWP [kgco 2 elm2 ] = Rosalie Bianquis ECi [kgco 2 e/m 2 ] Equation 4-3 - Globalwarming potentialof the bfidge 28 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 4.2 EMBODIED CARBON COEFFICIENTS There are multiple database giving values for the embodied carbon coefficients. The one used in this thesis is the database established by the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. In the last part of this chapter, the global warming of each bridge will be recalculate using other database and compared to the results established in this chapter. The coefficient used in the analysis are shown in the Table 4-1. Table 4-1 - Embodied Carbon Coeficient 4.3 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES To be able to create a benchmark for embodied carbon for pedestrian bridges, seventeen bridges have been compared. The details of the each bridge's material quantity and dimensions are shown in appendix A. The foundations are not taken into account, and the bridge will not be named to protect anonymity. Each bridge will be called using its type (Truss, girder, arch etc.). The Graph 4-1 shows the normalized material quantities of all the bridges per floor area. The bridges are ordered from the smallest to the largest span. There is not a clear trend between the span of the bridge and the material quantities used. The table giving the details is in appendix B. Rosalie Bianquis 29 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Normalized Material Quantities 9Glass Hbir 900 800 600 500 tk 400 300 N - 2- StRIiCturMi SIMd '\N Cy C ' 81" \ S Timbfcrct - N\q \11 Y SC~ x M S200 CRP i 700 6Sse Z Graph 4-1 - NormaiZed MaterialQuanities,per Span Now that the normalized material quantities for each bridge has been established, the global warming of each bridge can be calculated. The Graph 4-2 shows the global warming potential of each bridges, ordered from the smallest to the largest span. Details can be found in appendix C. Global Warming Potential 2500 1000 1500 1000 500 '-C,' ~A.-1 Graph 4-2 - PedestrianBridges Global Warming Potential As the Graph 4-2 shows, there is not any direct trend between the span of the bridge and the Global Warming Potential of the bridge. Different conclusions can be drawn from this graph. First, there is no direct link between the material quantity used and the global warming of the bridges. For example, the girder bridge 8 has the highest total weight in material quantity; however, its global warming potential is especially low. To go into more details, the Graph 4-3 is showing the global warming potential of each pedestrian bridge by showing the impact of each material. Rosalie Bianquis 30 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Global Warming Potential 2500 Glass Fiber 2000 1500 3 1000 3 Stainless Steel . 'Timber 500 0 N Concrete 1$ Structural Steel Graph 4-3 - Pedestrian Bridges Global Warming PotentialperMaterial mainly is Two bridges stand out in the last two graphs: the girder bridge 4 and the double helix. This 2 due to the material used more than to the quantity of material used. Indeed, the girder bridge carbon is entirely built out of fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP). This material has a high embodied The same coefficient, which means that many emissions of GHG are created during its production. steel also has an way, the double helix bridge has been made partially out of stainless steel. Stainless no maintenance important ECC. Those materials are used for different reasons: a better performance, information of their and so on. Looking only at the construction stage does not give us enough on the double helix efficiency. Indeed, it is possible that in the future, no maintenance will be needed other bridges. bridge and less emissions of GHG will occur during the maintenance stage than for the the study. When it Since these two bridges stand out, they will not be taken into account in the rest of However, this is a comes to the use of FRP, it will supposedly increase the life span of the bridge. new material and nothing has been fully established yet. The Graph 4-4 shows the global warming potential of the different pedestrian bridges. can be established. Thanks to this graph, an average of global warming potential per pedestrian bridge . 2 The average value of global warming for pedestrian bridges is 419 kgco2e/m or Another way to establish a benchmark would be to analyze each type of bridge separately by range of span. Rosalie Bianquis 31 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Global Warming Potential 1200 1000 800 600 L 400 200 Graph 4-4 - PedestrianGlobal Warming Potentialwithout extremities The Graph 4-5 shows the global warming potential range per type of bridges. However since there is only one hybrid bridge no conclusion can be taken for that type of bridge. The more interesting range concerns the girder bridge since seven of them have been studied and it is the most common type of pedestrian bridges. The average global warming potential for that type of bridge is 2 569kgco2e/m . It is above the average define for all pedestrian bridges. Moreover, the range goes 2 2 from 200 kgco2e/m to almost 1000 kgco2e/m . This shows that there is not any real trend between the type of bridge and the global warming potential link to it. Rosalie Bianquis 32 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Global Warming Potential - Per type 1200 1000 5 800 1 600 0 400 0 200 0 -o -? -obt~ 10 H Graph 4-5 - PedestrianBridge GlobalWaning Potential/ Per Type ofBridge The main conclusion that can be drawn from the Graph 4-5 is the efficiency of a truss bridge compared to any other bridge. This is mainly because truss bridge are more efficient towards their material use than any other type of bridge. The Graph 4-6 shows the range of GWP for pedestrian bridges by range of span. There is a clearer trend than for the previous graph. Indeed, this graph shows that the GHG emissions increase with the span of the bridge. It means that having more piles and smaller span may be an advantage when it comes to the global warming potential of the bridge. However, as stated as the beginning of this chapter, the material quantities of each bridge are given without the foundation. Adding more piles requires more material quantities and most of the time, more concrete. If the conditions of the ground are not advantageous than it can be the most important part of the project. In conclusion, to be able to drawn any results from the Graph 4-6 it would be essential to have the material quantities of the piles of each bridge. Rosalie Bianquis 33 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Global Warming Potential - Per Span 1200 1000 800 AI 600 0 400 200 -- ---- --- - - ---- - 0 V1 V1 Vi Graph 4-6 - PedestrianBridge Global Waming Potential!/ Per Span When it comes to pedestrian bridges, the benchmark established is 419 kgco2e/m 2. However, different studies can be made to have benchmarks more appropriate to each bridge and its properties. Indeed, a truss bridge would probably have higher expectations when it comes to global warming than a girder bridge. Each of this parameter has to be taken into account; nonetheless, to be able to establish these different values, each category requires its own study. 4.4 ROAD BRIDGES To be able to create a benchmark for road bridges, the same methodology is used. Indeed, while calculating the GWP of a bridge there is not much difference between a pedestrian bridge and a road bridge since it only takes into account the construction stage. Six bridges are studied and compared in this section. Moreover, in the case of the road bridges the foundation are taken into account because more data is available on road bridges than on pedestrian bridges. Finally, in the case of the road bridges all the bridges are called by their name because all the information used is public. The details of each bridge material quantities are given in appendix D. Rosalie Bianquis 34 M.Eng Thesis -mom"- . ......... ....... Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 The Graph 4-7 shows the normalized material quantities of each bridge. The bridges are ordered from the smallest to the largest span. Like for the pedestrian bridges there is not a clear trend between the span and the material quantities. However, it seems that two categories stands out. For the span under 1000 m (all bridges until the Sydney Harbour bridge included) the material quantities are under 6000 kg/m2 and for the span above 1000 m (the Golden Gate Bridge and the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge) the material quantities are above 10 000 kg/m2. The details of the normalized material quantity are given in appendix E. Normalized Material Quantities 14000 12000 10000 8000 2 : 6000 * 4000 MConcrete Steel 2000 0 Graph 4-7 - Road Bridges Norma/iZed MaterialQuantiies Now that the normalized material quantities for each bridges has been established, the GWP of each bridge can be calculated. The Graph 4-8 shows the global warming potential of each bridges, ordered from the smallest to the largest span. The table giving the details is in appendix F. Rosalie Bianquis 35 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Global Warming Potential 4500 -g 4000 a 3500 3000 2500 -2000 vix1 1500 1000 500 0 I II 1.1 Graph 4-8 - Road Bridges Global Warming Potential If we compare Graph 4-7 and Graph 4-8, we can see that the order is respected: the bridges with more material quantities have a higher GWP. This makes a lot of sense when we look at the material quantities. Indeed, the steel is considered the same for all bridges as well as the concrete. Moreover, on the Graph 4-8, as established for the Graph 4-7, the global warming potential is . 2 increasing with the span. The average global warming potential is 1986 kgco2e/m The Graph 4-9 is showing the influence of each material. The steel has a higher ECC (1.46) than the concrete (0.13). However, the quantity of steel needed for a structure to be stable is most of the time less than the quantity needed for concrete. Global Warming Potential 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 7-E 2000 1500 " Stec] 1000 " Concrctc 500 0 up Op ;014 4 -V k 3 O01 N Graph 4-9 - Road Bridges Global Warming per Material Rosalie Bianquis 36 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Another analysis is to compare per range of span, as it was done for the pedestrian bridges. The Graph 4-10 shows the ranges of GWP per ranges of span. Global Warming Potential - Per Span 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 4 1500 1000 500 VV VI Graph 4-10 - RoadBridges Global Warming PotentialperSpan This graph shows once again that the global warming potential can be divided in these two categories. However, since only six bridges are studied, no universal conclusions can be drawn. In future research, more case studies will be necessary to verify these preliminary results. The average for bridges under 1000 m span is, according to these data, 1347 kgco2e/m 2, and the average for the bridges above 1000 m span is 3446 kgco2e/m 2. These two values are really far from each other and represents two different benchmark for road bridges. To conclude, when it comes to road bridges, two benchmark have been established: 1422 2 kgcO2e/m 2 for bridges with a span that is less than 1000 m and 3661 kgco2e/m for bridges with a span that is more than 1000m. Like for pedestrian bridges, more studies should be made to have more accurate benchmark. Moreover, when it comes to road bridges the maintenance and operation have a higher weight than for pedestrian bridges and can have a significant impact on the emission of GHG over the life of the bridge. Indeed, most of these bridges are built to avoid a detour for cars, which means that Rosalie Bianquis 37 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 most of them are built for convenience purposes. The maintenance of road bridges might force the cars to take an alternative, longer route to go from one point to another. This will be the subject of the next chapter, chapter 0. 4.5 COMPARISON WITH OTHER DATABASE OF EMBODIED CARBON COEFFICIENTS All the benchmarks established previously in this chapter are based on the ICE ECC of the University of Bath. However, there is a number of different databases in the world and these benchmarks are not true in any other database. The difference between the different databases can be significant. To see how different the results can be, the global warming potential of the road bridges has been calculated with the ECC of Athena. The ECC of the ICE of the University of Bath and of Athena are shown in Table 4-2. This table shows how different the ECC can be. 0,80 0,091 0,107 Table 4-2 - Embodied Carbon Coeficient / ICE U. of Bath -Athena 1,46 The Graph 4-11 shows the GWP of the road bridges using the Athena ECC while the Graph 4-12 shows the GWP of the road bridges using the ICE U. of Bath ECC as done earlier in the chapter. The average GWP of the road bridges using the Athena is smaller than the one using the ICE U. of Bath ECC. Indeed, for Athena the benchmark would be 1269 kgco2e/m 2 and for the ICE the benchmark is 1989 kgco2e/m 2. However, the order of the bridges stay the same: The one who had the highest GWP for the ICE ECC still has the highest GWP with the Athena coefficient. Rosalie Bianquis 38 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Global Warming Potential 3000 2 2500 "000 1500 1000 '''Eu' 500 Graph 4-11 - Global Watming Potential/ Athena ECC Global Warming Potential 4500 4000 -- 3500 3000 - ~ -. 2500 8s2000 1500 1000 10 1500 Graph 4-12 - Global W/arming Potential/ ICE U. of Bath ECC This shows that the values are not the same depending on the ECC used. All the values previously determined in this chapter can only be used when the GWP of the bridges are calculated using the ICE of the University of Bath ECC are used. This chapter created different benchmarks for pedestrian bridges and road bridges. However, it only gives information about the construction stage of the bridge. The next chapter will focus on the operation phase and the maintenance of bridges. Rosalie Bianquis 39 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE In this chapter, the operation phase and the maintenance phase of the bridge life. The operation represents the energy needed to have lights on the bridge, or the electricity needed for the operation of a tollbooth or any other energy needed during the life of the bridge. The maintenance takes into account the replacement of the materials and the emissions due to the perturbation of the car traffic. Because the maintenance phase has a more important impact for road bridges than for pedestrian bridges, the methodology developed in this chapter will be focused on road bridges. After the development of the methodology, three case studies will be conducted, analyzed and compared. 5.1 METHODOLOGY FOR A WHOLE LIFE CYCLE CARBON ASSESSMENT This part will develop the methodology for the whole life cycle carbon assessment of bridges expect the demolition which is out of the scope of this thesis. It will also take into account the benefits brought by a bridge. 5.1.1 Construction Stage The first stage of the bridge is the construction. The emission during the construction stage includes the global warming potential calculated in the previous chapter. The emission of the construction stage are divided in four categories as shown in Equation 5-1. = ECuat + ECuaC + ECrra + Ecoth Equation5-1 - Total Emission during Construction Stage EcMat: Emission due to the structural materials ECMac: Emission due to the use of machines ECTra: Emission due to the transportation of the material EcOth: Emission due to other factors Rosalie Bianquis 40 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Emission due to structuralmaterialsEcmat This represent the GWP calculated in Chapter 4. The information needed to calculate ECMat are summarized in Table 5-1. 1 kgcoia/kg Table 5-1 - Informationneededfor EcvAf, The methodology was developed in the previous chapter, and is reminded below. Normalize the material quantity: 1. Equation 5-2 - Normaltz!edMaterialQuantiy NMQi[kg/m2 ] = MaterialQuantity[kg] Length[m] * Width[m] 2. Calculate the embodied carbon for each structural material: ECi[kgco2 e/m 2] = NMQi[kg/m 2 ] * ECCi[kgco2 e/kg] 3. Calculate EcMat: EcMat [kgco2 e/m 2] = Equation 5-3 - Embodied Carbon Equation 5-4 - Emission due to the structuralmaterials ECi[k9co2e /m 2 ] Emission due to the use ofmachines EcMUc These emissions represent the emissions due to the electricity needed for the construction, for example for a crane. The information needed to calculate Ecmac are summarized in Table 5-2. Rosalie Bianquis 41 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Table 5-2 - Information neededfor Ecm, The methodology is shown below. The value of the emission factor given by the EPA of the United State is 0,69 kgco 2,/kWh. 1. Calculate the energy needed for each machine: Ei[kWh] = Energy[kW] * Hours[h] 2. Calculate the emission for each machine normalized: EMaci[kgco2 /m 2 ] 3. = E i[kW h] hm] * Emsion[kg Emission[ k9co2elkW h] Ek * /] Equation 5-6 - Emission per machine Length[m] * W idth[m] Calculate Ecmac: ECMac[k9CO2 e/m 2 ] = I Equation 5-5 - Enery neededper machine EMaci[kgco 2 ,/m 2 ] Equation 5- 7 - Emissions due to the use of machines Emission due to the transportation of the materials Ec,,. These emissions represent the emissions due to the trucks carrying the materials. It mainly depends on where the materials are coming from. The information needed to calculate EcMaC are summarized in Table 5-3. Table 5-3 - Information neededfor Ecrrm Rosalie Bianquis 42 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 The methodology is shown below. The consumption of gasoline of a car is shown in appendix G. The emission factor for a car is 2,348 kgco2e/L. The values of the emissions factors for different type of vehicles are shown in appendix H. 1. Calculate the emission for each supplier: ETi[kgco 2e] = Distance[km] * Gasoline[L/km] * Emissions[kg~C 2 e/L] 2. Equation 5-8 - Emission of each supplier Calculate the total amount of emission due to transportation normalized Ecrran[kgcQe/m 2] X ETi [kgco2 e] ECTrn: Equation 5-9 - Emission due to the transportationof Length[m] * Width[m] matenalf Emission due to other factors Ecot Different factors can lead to more emission during the construction phase: for example, if a temporary bridge is constructed, or by the traffic being rerouted during construction. Those emission can be calculated either by the same method as above (for the temporary bridge), or, for the traffic detour, by using the method developed for the maintenance in the following section. 5.1.2 Operation stage The two main source of emission during operation of the bridge are the presence of a tollbooth before the bridge and the presence of lights on the bridge. However, some bridges open to let the boats pass under it and this should also be taken into account in the operation stage. The emission of the operation stage are divided in three categories as shown in Equation 5-1. EO = EOLig + EOTOI + Equation 5-10 - Emission during the OperationStage EOoth EoLig: Emission due to the light on the bridge EOTOI: Emission due to the tollbooth Eooth: Emission due to other factors Rosalie Bianquis 43 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Emission due to lght Eo,&g Depending on the bridge, the electricity needed for lighting can be significant. The information needed to calculate EOLig are summarized in Table 5-4. The methodology is shown below. The value of the emission factor given by the EPA of the United State is 0,689551 kgco 2c/kWh. Calculate the total energy needed for the lights: 1. EL[kWh/year] = Hours[h/year]* Energy[kWh] Equation 5-11 - Total energy neededfor lights peryear Calculate the total energy for the whole life of the bridge: 2. ELtot[kWh] = EL[kWh/year] * Lifespan[year] Equation 5-12 - Total energy neededfor lights Calculate Eoiig: 3. Eoug[kgco2 e/m 2 ] ELtot[kWh] * Emission[kgc0 2e/kWh] * Width[m] Equation 5-13 -Emissions due to lights -Length[m] Emission due to the tollbooth EoTo, There is two consequences coming from the presence of a tollbooth. First, the electricity needed for its operation and second, the slowing down of the traffic due to the tollbooth. Equation 5-14 - Emission due to the presence of a tollbooth EOTOI = EOT OE + EOToIT Rosalie Bianquis 44 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Eo'ri : Emission due to the electricity needed for the tollbooth EoTOrri: Emission due to the slowing down of traffic Emission do to the electricity needed for the tollbooth EoT.OE The information needed to calculate EoTL are summarized in Table 5-5. The methodology is shown below. The value of the emission factor given by the EPA of the United State is 0,689551 kgco 2 e/kWh. 4. Calculate the total energy needed for the tollbooth: ETe[kWh/year] = Hours[h/year] * Energy[kWh] 5. Equation 5-15 - Total energy neededforthe tollbooth peryear Calculate the total energy for the whole life of the bridge: ETetot[kWh] = ETe[kWh/year] * Lifespan[year] 6. Calculate Equation 5-16 - Total energy neededfor the EOT0 IE: ETetot[kWh] * Emission[kgco lkfh] EOTOE [kgco 2 eM 2] tollbooth Length[m] * Width[m] 5-17 - Emission due q to the electricity neededfor the tollbooth Emission due to the slowing down of traffic Eororr Rosalie Bianquis 45 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 This emission represents the surplus of emission by a car because it has to slow down and accelerate again when it faces a tollbooth, compared to the emission a car would release if it would stay at the same speed. The information needed is shown in Table 5-6. Table 5-6 - Information neededfor EoT 0 o. The methodology is shown below. The consumption of gasoline of a car is shown in appendix G. The emission factor for a car is 2,348 1. kgco2e/L. Calculate the distance needed to stop: Speed[km/h]Z D [m] = % 10 Equation 5- 18 - Distance needed to stop -0 2. Calculate the gasoline used by one car on that distance: Using appendix G. 3. Calculate the emission with a tollbooth: ETol [kgco2e/year] 4. - (GasUsedBefore [L/car] + GasUsedAfter[L/car]) = * Equation 5-19 Emission with tollbooth peryear Cars[cars/year]* Emission[kgco2 /L] Calculate the emission without a tollbooth: EwoTol [kgcoe/year] - Equation 5-20 = (Dbefore [m] + Dafter[m]) * Gas[L/(km. car)] * 5. Cars[cars/year] * Emission[kgco 2 /L] tollbooth peryear Calculate the total surplus of emission per year: ETTol [kg coe/year] Equation 5-21 - Total emission = ETol[kgc0 2e/year] - EwoTol[kgco2 e/year] 6. Emission without Calculate EOTOIT EoTo1T [kgCO2 e/m Rosalie Bianquis surplusperyear 2 ]= ETTol[kgcoze/year] * Lifespan[year] Length[m] * width[m] 46 Equation 5-22 - Emission due M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 to the slowing down of traffic Emission due to other factors Some other factors can emit during the operation of the bridge, for example if the bridge can move to let boats go through the river. To take into account these other factors the same methodology can be applied as the one developed for the lights or the tollbooth. 5.1.3 Maintenance stage The maintenance is going to occur multiple times during the life of the bridge. For the different materials used, the life service of this material is different. Some service life are detailed in appendix I. To have the emission due to maintenance the emission due to the maintenance of each material are summed. However, it is possible that if the service life of one material is 15 years and another is 20 years they will not maintain it every 15years and every 20 years but only every 15 years, replacing or maintaining both materials at once. Different scenarios are possible and should be studied. For now, this is just the methodology when we assume that each material is maintained separately. The emission due to maintenance of one material are separated into three categories, as shown in Equation 5-23. EM (EMMat + EMMac + Equation 5-23 - Emission due to maintenance EMTra) EMMat: Emission due to the replacement of materials EMMac: Emission due to machines Em-a : Emission due to the perturbation of traffic Rosalie Bianquis 47 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 51.3.1 Emission due to the replacement of structural materials and the use of machines Emmat and EMMac The methodology for these emissions is the same as the one developed in the construction stage. Emission due to the perturbadon of traffc EmTra The maintenance of a bridge can have different consequences on the traffic. The bridge can close during the time of maintenance and the cars need to take another path or the bridge reduce the number of line available for the cars and the traffic is slow down because of the work on the road. These two scenarios are developed separately in the following sections. Case 1: The bridge closes Emrrac1 When the bridge is closed, the cars have to take another path. First, the length of influence of the bridge needs to be define. For that, we are taking one of the road bridges studied earlier: the Crossing in Netherlands. The Figure 5-1 shows the bridge by a red line. It crossed the Waal. However, when studying the bridge the length of influence as to be taken into account. It is the length between A and B. Indeed, these two points represent the crossing between the main road going to the bridge and other major toads where cars might change direction if the bridge is closed. When the bridge is closed, the cars will not go up to the bridge and then change road. The length of influence defines the bridge and the road before and after the bridge that is linked to it. When the bridge is closed, the cars have to take a bypass road. For the crossing bridge, the bypass road is represented in Figure 5-2 . This is the fastest way to go from A to B when the bridge is closed. Rosalie Bianquis 48 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Figure5-1 - Length ofinfluence Figure5-2 - Bjpass road Knowing these definitions, the emission due to the traffic perturbation can be estimated. The information needed is shown in Table 5-7. Rosalie Bianquis 49 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 kgcou/L Table 5-7 - Information neededfor E rc The methodology is shown below. The consumption of gasoline of a car is shown in appendix G. The emission factor for a car is 2,348 1. kgco2e/L. Calculate the gasoline used for each road: Gasoline[L/car] Equation 5-24 - Gasoline = Length[km] * vehicle(km/h) [L/(km. car)] 2. Calculate the emission for one car: ETraffic [kgco2elcar] - * 3. usedfor eachpath (GasBypass[L/car]- Gasbridge[L/car]) Equation5-25 - Emissionper car when the bridge is closed Emission[kgcoze/L] Calculate EMrraci : EMTraC1 [kgco 2 eM2 ] ETrafpc[kgco2e/car] * Cars[cars/year]* duration[years] * Length[m] * width[m] Lifespan[years] ServiceLife [years] Equation 5-26 - Emission due to the closure of the bridge Rosalie Bianquis 50 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Case 2: The bridge stays open EfrraC2 In this case, the bridge stays open, but reduces the number of lines available for cars. Depending on the bridge and its localization, the speed during the work can differ; the assumption is that the speed is reduce by 20km/h during the maintenance. The information needed is shown in Table 5-8. The methodology is shown below. The consumption of gasoline of a car is shown in appendix G. The emission factor for a car is 2,348 kgco2e/L. Calculate the emission of one car crossing the bridge during maintenance: 1. EMTra[kgco2 /car] Gasused (km/h) [L/(km. car)] * 2. Equation 5-27 - Emission during delays per car Emission[kgcoze/L] * Length[km] Calculate the emission of one car crossing without maintenance: EwoMTra[kgco2 e/car] Equation5-28 - Emission during delays = Gasused(km/h)[L/(km. car)] * Rosalie Bianquis per car Emission[kgcoe/L] * Length[km] 51 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 3. Calculate EMTraC2: EMTraC2 [kgco2e1m2 * = (EMtra[kgc0 2e/car] - EwoMtra[kgC0 2 e/car]) * cars[cars/year] duration[years]* lifespan[year] Length[m] * width[m] * servicelife[years] Equation 5-29 - Emission due to trafic delay All of this analysis is an estimation for the maintenance because it is possible that during the closure of the bridge some cars that usually take the bridge will take a very different path. 5.1.4 Benefits of the bridge The presence of a bridge also reduces the emissions of GHGs because it creates a shorter path for cars to travel. However, this thesis considers that all the car that would take the bridge would take the other path as well. It is possible that many cars would maybe not go through the trouble of talking the other path and stay on their side of the bridge. Before the bridge was created, the cars probably took the bypass route defined in the previous part, maintenance. The information needed to calculate the benefits is shown in Table 5-9. The "saved" emissions are called EB. Table 5-9 - Information neededfor EB The methodology is shown below. The consumption of gasoline of a car is shown in appendix G. The emission factor for a car is 2,348 kgco2e/L. Rosalie Bianquis 52 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 4. Calculate the gasoline used for each road: Gasoline[Licar] Equation 5-30 - Gasoline = Length[km] * vehicle(km/h)[L/(km. car)] 5. usedfor each path Calculate the emission for one car: Esaved [kgco2e /car] = (GasBypass[L/car]- Gasbridge[L/car]) * 6. Calculate Equation 5-31 - Emissionper car saved Emission[kg~C 2 e/L] EB : EB [kgco2e/m 2 ] Esaved [kgc ~e/car] * 2 * Cars[cars/year]* duration[years] Length[m] * width[m] Lifespan[years] ServiceLife [years] Equation 5-32 - Emission saved 5.1.5 Conclusion This methodology assess the environmental impact of road bridges. It takes into account the benefits of the bridge. However, engineer and/or architects can only influence the construction, operation and maintenance stages of the bridge life. Even if the benefits of the bridge are significant, the emission added by the bridge are still added to the universe. As the next section will show, the benefits are indeed most of the time more significant than the emission during the other stages. 5.2 CASES STUDIES This part will conduct three case studies: the Golden Gate Bridge, the Millau Viaduct and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The case studies have been summarized in the next table; however all the calculations are available in respectively appendices J, K and L (respectively Golden Gate Bridge, Millau Viaduct and Sydney Harbour Bridge). Rosalie Bianquis 53 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 To be able to compare theses different bridges, the results are shown in Graph 5-1. This graph shows that the Golden Gate Bridge is the bridge who has the highest emissions. Moreover, it shows that the maintenance represent the smallest part while the construction represents the larger part of emission. Rosalie Bianquis 54 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Case Studies 7000 6000 5000 E 4000 3(100 Maintenance stage 2000 UOperation stage 1000 N Construction Stage 0 Graph 5-1 - Case Studies Comparison As Graph 5-2 shows, the benefits of a bridge are much higher than the emission of the bridge. Since it is unlikely that all the cars that currently take the bridge would take the bypass road if there wasn't a bridge, the Graph 5-2 shows the benefits when only 10%, 20% or 50% of the cars take the bypass road. There is indeed a paradox called the Braess paradox named after the German mathematician Dietrich Braess. Adding an extra road can be adding traffic and not always reducing the traffic on the other roads around. By applying the paradox to the bridge, adding a bridge may attract traffic and therefore the volume of cars on the bridge each day do not exactly reflects what would actually happen is no bridge was ever constructe. However, by looking at Graph 5-2, and at the different percentiles, all the bridges seems necessary to save some emissions. The Golden Gate Bridge is the one with the highest value of emissions "saved". Even more, if the total emissions is calculated by adding the construction, the maintenance, the operation and subtracting the benefits, the Golden Gate Bridge has the lowest emissions of all. This is important because the previous graph showed that the Golden Gate Bridge emitted the more. Rosalie Bianquis 55 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Benefits v.s. Emissions 2F+05 :'-+05 11;+05 1F;+05 81+04 4 161;+04 4 +04 2F+04 Iisioni 0 10011o 50"'(, 20% V I0%"o .X ' OFE+00 N "jeV Gp5- -Bn Graph 5-2 - Benefits vs. Emissions To conclude, the case studies showed how important the construction of these bridges are. Moreover, it showed, that including the benefits of the bridge is important to be able to compare them. However, engineers and architects must focus on the emissions due to the construction, operation and maintenance stages of the bridges and make sure these emissions are reduced as much as possible. If the bridge would not have been built, it would have been worse but the emissions due to the bridge are still there. Rosalie Bianquis 56 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 6 CONCLUSION 6.1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Three types of results were established in this thesis and will be summarized in this section. . A benchmark for the embodied carbon of pedestrian bridges was established at 419 kgco2e/m 2 Two benchmarks for the embodied carbon of road bridges were established. For road bridges with a span less than 1000 m the benchmark is 1347 kgco2e/m 2 . For road bridges with a span over . 1000 m the benchmark is 3446 kgco2e/m 2 Finally, the methodology to include the operation and the maintenance of the bridge to calculate the GHGs emissions during the life of the bridge. The main conclusions that can be drawn from the three case studies are the following. The construction stage is the one where the emissions are always the most important. The operation stage also creates a significant amount of GHGs emissions even if there are less important than in the construction stage. Finally, the maintenance stage is the less important one regarding the GHGs emissions. It means that choosing structural materials, which have small ECCs, is probably more important than choosing structural materials, which do not need maintenance. 6.2 DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS Different results have been established in this thesis. First different benchmarks have been created and second, a methodology to study a bridge from cradle-to-gate has been developed and used on three different bridges. The established benchmarks could be sub-divided in other benchmarks to fit each type of bridge. However, it is a start in being able to compare bridges one to another. The bridges are an important part of our society and being able to evaluate them as any other structure is important. The methodology gives a clear plan to calculate the emissions due to a bridge over its life. It also shows the area where improvement is needed and what is less important while designing a bridge. The construction stage of a bridge is the part all engineers just focus on to start improving the environmental impact of bridges. An important result is the fact that the maintenance is the smallest part of the emissions and therefore using material that would not need maintenance is not the first concern. Moreover, those materials have, most of the time, high ECC which significantly increases Rosalie Bianquis 57 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 the embodied carbon. To be able to know if they are useful or not for a bridge regarding the GHG emissions, a study has to be made ahead and it should not be assumed that they are better for the environment because there is less maintenance. Finally, the normalization of the emissions should be discussed. For now, the emissions are normalized by square meter. However, the aim of a bridge is to go from one point to another as efficiently as possible. It would be interesting to study the bridge normalized by meter where the length there are normalized with is the length they have to span over. Indeed, depending on the area some bridges might need eight lanes while some will only need two. Normalizing by square meter might give an advantage to bridges that are actually worse for the environment then other. To conclude, all of these results not only give a reference for future research on but also give a clearer way to study bridges and their environmental impact by understanding the main source of emissions. 6.3 6.3.1 FUTURE RESEARCH Adding data To be able to verify the benchmarks established during this thesis, studying more bridges would be the next step. Being able to compare more bridges would not only verify the benchmarks established but would also give the possibility to add subdivided benchmarks per type of bridge and per span, or per length. Moreover, conducting more case studies as the three ones shown in this thesis would also verify the different conclusions. It would help distinguish the more efficient materials and where the engineers could have a positive impact on the environment. 6.3.2 Cradle - to - grave assessment methodology The methodology developed in this thesis is only considering the life of the bridge before its demolition. However, a bridge easy to dismantle and/or where the pieces can be easly reused is an asset for the environment. To be able to evaluate the end-of-life of the bridge a last part needs to be added to the previous methodology. In 2014, Hoxa and al. explain in a publication adding the end-of- Rosalie Bianquis 58 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 life of a building is actually adding a ratio of the production emissions to the total emissions. This approach would be interesting to adapt to bridges. 6.3.3 Development of a rating systems The main goal in the future is to create a rating system dedicated to bridges. A rating system helps designers, architects and engineer to have a goal and to design better. Before this rating system could be created, other aspects of a bridge should be explored. Indeed, as stated in the introduction a bridge is not only about transportation. It is a piece of art, an economic investment and a way to bring communities together. As Isaac Newton said, we build too many walls and not enough bridges. This is in the path of changing and therefore rating those bridges should be part of the evolution. Rosalie Bianquis 59 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7 APPENDIX Rosalie Bianquis 60 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 APPENDIX PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES Rosalie Bianquis 61 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7.1 APPENDIX A: PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES INFORMATION Girder Bridge 1 Truss Bridge 1 Dimension Dimension Span 5 m Length 60 m Width 2,5 m Weathering Steel S355 24329 Concrete 45600 Table 7-1 - GirderBridge 1 Stainless Steel Sawn Hardwood Timber kg kg 3 m Span Length Width 10505 kg Steel Material Table 7-3 - Arch Bridge 1 687500 m m m m m m 106 140 13 Span Length Width Material Material 48511 kg 25440-1 kg Steel Timber Table 7-5 - GirderBridge 2 900000 69000 Table 7-6 - GirderBridge 3 Girder Bridge 4 Dimension 44 m 3,5 1,2 0,15 m m m 93810 kg k Arch Bridge 2 Dimension Span Total Length Width 40 m 109,2 m 2,8 m 86100 k Material Material Glulam kg Table 7-7 - GirderBridge 4 Rosalie Bianquis 1 Girder Bridge 3 Dimension 40 40 4 FRP k Table 7-4 - Suspension Bridge Girder Bridge 2 Dimension Span Width Depth Thickness of the deck m m m 144 325 4 Material Concrete kg Dimension m m Steel kg Suspension bridge 1 5 26 Span Length Width 9053 10353 Table 7-2 - Truss Bridge 1 Arch Bridge 1 Dimension Steel m m m Material Material Span Length Width 25 25 3 Span Length Width Table 7-8 - Arch Bridge 2 62 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Hybrid Dimension Arch Bridge 3 Dimension Span Length 46 102 Width m Span Width 30 8 m Im 3 m Total length 100 m Steel 96000 kg Structural Steel 18991 m3 Concrete Rebar 124800 kg 13606 k Rebar steel 157853 Concrete 1945008 Table 7-10 - Arch Bridge 3 Material Material Table 7-9 - Hybrid Dimension 130 8 mr mr 126 m m In 33 38,3 4,7 Span Length Width mr Material 700000 Steel Material Concrete 300000 Table 7-12 - Truss Bridge 2 kg Table 7-11 - GirderBridge 5 Double Helix Truss Bridge 3 Dimension Dimensions kg Length 280 mr Length 12 Span Width 65 10,8 m Width Span 1,4 8,1 1000000 kg 650000 Stainless Steel Table 7-13 - Double Helix kg m Material Steel kg kg Girder Bridge 7 Length 8 m Span Width 7,5 m 1,5 m Length Span Width Materials Dimensions 199,7 67,1 15,73 m m m Materials 786 429 kg kg 6 kg Concrete Steel 598 kg/m2 62 kg/M 2 Table 7-16 - GirderBridge 7 Table 7-15 - GirderBridge 6 Rosalie Bianquis 2434 5796 Table 7-14 - Truss Bridge 3 Dimensions Resin m m m Materials Structural steel Timber Girder Bridge 6 Glass Fiber Epoxy resin m3 m3 Truss Bridge 2 Dimension Girder Bridge 5 Length Width Span rn 63 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Girder Bridge 8 Dimensions 173,4 51 Length Span Width 15,5 In m In Materials Concrete 710 kg/M 2 Steel 86 kg/M 2 Table 7-17 - GirderBridge 8 Rosalie Bianquis 64 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7.2 APPENDIX B: PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE NORMALIZED MATERIAL QUANTITIES Type of Bridge Span Structural Girder Bridge 1 Truss Bridge 1 5 25 162 Arch Bridge 1 5 135 Suspension bridge 1 Girder Bridge 2 144 529 40 303 Girder Bridge 3 106 495 Girder Bridge 4 Arch Bridge 2 Hybrid 44 40 46 314 Arch Bridge 3 Girder Bridge 5 Truss Bridge 2 Double Helix 30 130 121 673 33 65 331 Truss Bridge 3 Girder Bridge 6 8,1 7,5 145 Girder Bridge 7 67,1 62 598 Girder Bridge 8 51 86 710 Quantities (kg/m 2 ) Normalized Material Concrete Timber Fiber Stainless StelSPe Conret FRP Glulam Glass Resin 66 36 304 121 138 159 38 609 282 2431 1667 215 345 1 Table 7-18 - PedestrianNormalized MaterialQuantities Rosalie Bianquis 65 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7.3 APPENDIX C: PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL Embodied Carbon [kgco2,/M2 Type of Bridge Span Structural Arch Bridge 1 Girder Bridge 1 Girder Bridge 6 Truss Bridge 3 Truss Bridge 1 5 5 197 Arch Bridge 3 Truss Bridge 2 Arch Bridge 2 Girder Bridge 2 Girder Bridge 4 Hybrid Girder Bridge 8 Double Helix Girder Bridge 7 Girder Bridge 3 Girder Bridge Steel FRP Stainless Timber Steel Glass Fiber 237 33 269 226 8,1 25 211 176 30 35 281 316 178 178 245 245 443 17 460 44 2016 46 458 51 125 65 483 67,1 91 106 722 130 144 2016 458 76 201 1805 1322 64 155 27 749 983 1 226 460 276 248 99 33 40 40 Total 197 7,5 5 Suspension bridge 1 Rebar Concrete Steel (m) 1 1 1 1 1 772 983 772 _ Table 7-19 - Pedestrians Bridges Global Warming Potential Rosalie Bianquis 66 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 APPENDIX ROAD BRIDGES Rosalie Bianquis 67 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7.4 APPENDIX D: ROAD BRIDGES INFORMATION Albert Chanel Dimensions Akashi Kaikyo Bridge Dimensions Span 1991 m Length 3910 m 35,5 Mr Width Span 80 m Length 80 m Materials Width Materials kg kg 200000000 Steel Table 7-20 - Akashi Kaikyo Bridge Concrete 1250000000 Concrete Dimensions 1280 Length Width 2737 27 Millau Viaduct m Span m m Length Width Materials 713940000 kg Concrete Steel 141293000 kg Table 7-22 - Golden Gate Bridge Dimensions 342 Span Length Dimensions 285 1195 Width kg kg Concrete Steel Table 7-24 - Sydney HarbourBridge 7.5 m M The Crossing Materials 228000000 52800000 m 2460 34 Materials Concrete 206000000 kg Steel 36000000 kg Table 7-23 - Millau Viaduct Sydney Harbor Bridge Dimensions 503 mr Span Length 1149 m 49 mr Width Concrete Steel kg/M 2 Steel 500 kg/M 2 Table 7-21 - Albert Chanel Golden Gate Bridge Span 3750 m M M 27,5 Materials m 149000000 k 16100000 k Table 7-25 - The Crossing APPENDIX E: ROAD BRIDGE NORMALIZED MATERIAL QUANTITIES Normalized Material Quantities Type of Bridge Span (m) Steel Concrete 80 500 3750 285 490 4534 342 503 430 938 2463 4050 1280 1912 1991 1441 Table 7-26 - Road Bridges NormalizedMaterialQuantities 9661 9005 Albert Chanel The Crossing Millau Viaduct Sydney Harbor Bridge Golden Gate Bridge Akashi Kaikyo Bridge Rosalie Bianquis (kg/m2) 68 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7.6 APPENDIX F: ROAD BRIDGE GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL Global Warming Potential [kgco2e/m 2] Type of Bridge Albert Chanel The Crossing Millau Viaduct Sydney Harbor Bridge Golden Gate Bridge Akashi Kaikyo Bridge Rosalie Bianquis Span (m) 80 Steel 730 Concrete 401 Total 1131 285 342 503 715 628 1369 485 264 433 1200 892 1803 3825 3067 1280 2791 1991 2104 Table 7-27 - Road Bridges GlobalWarming Potential 69 1034 964 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 APPENDIX METHODOLOGY Rosalie Bianquis 70 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7.7 APPENDIX G: CONSUMPTION OF GASOLINE Consumption of a car 0,16 0,14 0, 12 0,18 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 0 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Speed km/hI Graph 7-1 - Consumption of Gasoline 7.8 APPENDIX H: EMISSION FACTOR FOR TRANSPORTATION Emission factor Airplane 7.9 500 gco2!/km Lorry or truck 60 to 150 gco2e/km Train 30 to 100 gco2e/km Ship 10 to 40 gco2e/km Table 7-28 - Emissionfactorfortransportation APPENDIX I: SERVICE LIFE OF DIFFERENT COMPONENTS Replacement cycles of bridge component (years) Standard service Short service Long service life life life Pavement 10 15 20 Prestressed Concrete deck 40 50 60 30 20 Reinforced Concrete deck Table 7-29 - Service fife of bridge component Rosalie Bianquis 71 40 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 APPENDIX CASES STUDIES Rosalie Bianquis 72 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7.10 APPENDIX J: GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE I Construction Stage Emission due to materials Structural Material Embodied Carbon Coefficient Normalized 2737 27 m m Concrete 713940000 141293000 Steel kg kg Length Width Dimension Concrete Steel I 0,107 kgco2,/kg 1,46 kgco2,/kg material quantities Concrete 9661 kg/m2 Steel 1912 kg/m 2 Embodied carbon per material Concrete 1034 kgco2e/m 2 Steel 2791 kgco2,/m 2 1 38251 kgco2c/m 2 I Total embodied carbon Table 7-30 - ConstructionStage / Golden Gate Bridge Operation Stage Lights Total Number of Hours of lights on the bridge h/year 1644 Summer h/year 2648 Winter Total 4292 h/year Power needed for the bridge watt 72324 Total watt Lifespan 200 Emission years kgco2e/kwh 0,527 Coefficient Table 7-31 - OperationStage / Golden Gate Bridge (1) Rosalie Bianquis 73 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Lights Total energy needed Total Total 310392 kWh/year Total energy needed during life 62078401 kWh Total energy needed for lights 443 kgco2c/m 2 Table 7-32 - Operation Stage / Golden Gate Bridge (2) Tollbooth Road Before tollbooth After tollbooth 40 70 km/h km/h Cars Number of cars 40908000 cars/year Emission Coefficient 2,348 kgco 2 !/L Distance needed to stop Before tollbooth 161 491 After tollbooth m m Gasoline used with tollbooth Before tollbooth 0,00161 L After tollbooth 0,00423 L L Total 0,00584 Gasoline used with tollbooth Total 0,00387 L Emissions With tollbooth 560944 kgco2,/year Without tollbooth 371481 kgco2,/year Surplus 189463 _kgc2,/year Total emissions form tollbooth 513 kgco2e/m 2 Table 7-33 - Operation Stage / Golden Gate Bridge (3) Rosalie Bianquis 74 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Maintenance Stage Emission due to materials Length Width Concrete Dimension Structural Material Embodied Carbon Coefficient m m kg 2737 27 45876000 Concrete 0,107 kgco2!/kg Normalized material quantities Concrete pavement 621 Embodied carbon Concrete kg/m2 per material pavement 66 kgco2e/m2 Total embodied carbon 886 kgco2,/m 2 _ Table 7-34 - Maintenancestage / Golden Gate Bridge (1) Road 2,788 70 Length of influence km km/h Cars Number of cars 40908000 cars/year Duration Service life of material 15 years Lifespan 200 years Duration of closing 0,11 years 2,348 kgc 0 2 e/L Emissions Coefficient Gasoline During maintenance Not during maintenance 0,186796 L 0,14498 L Emissions During maintenance 0,43860 kgco2,/car Not during maintenance 0,34040 kgco2e/car 83 kgco2e/m 2 Total emission due to traffic Table 7-35 Maintenance stage / Golden Gate Bridge (2) Rosalie Bianquis 75 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7.11 APPENDIX K: MILLAU VIADUCT Construction Stage Emission due to materials m m 2460 34 Length Width Dimension kg Concrete 206000000 Steel 36000000 kg Concrete 0,107 kgco2,/kg Steel 1,46 kgco2c/kg Structural Material Embodied Carbon Coefficient Normalized materi quantities Concrete 2463 kg/M 2 430 kg/m 2 Steel Embodied carbon per material 2 Concrete 264 kgco2c/M Steel 628 kgco2c/m 2 Total embodied carbon 892 kgcO2e/M2 Table 7-36 - ConstructionStage / Millau Viaduct operation Stage Lights Lifespan 200 years Emission Coefficient 0,527 kgco 2 c/kwh Total energy needed Total 690806 Total Total energy needed during life 138161200 kWh/year kWh Total energy needed for lights 871 kgc02,/M2 Table 7-37 OperationStage / Millau Viaduct (1) Rosalie Bianquis 76 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Tollbooth Road Before tollbooth After tollbooth 110 110 km/h km/h Cars Number of cars 4700000 cars/year Emission Coefficient 2,348 kgco 2c/L Distance needed to stop 1211 1211 Before tollbooth After tollbooth m m Gasoline used with tollbooth Before tollbooth After tollbooth 0,00877 L 0,00877 Total 0,01753 L L Gasoline used with tollbooth Total 0,01016 L Emissions With tollbooth 193498 kgcO2,/year Without tollbooth 112166 kgcO2c/year Surplus 81332 kgcO2,/year 194 kgco2e/m 2 Total emissions form tollbooth Table 7-38 - Operation Stage / Millau Viaduct (2) Emission due to materials 2460 Length Width 34 Concrete 20073600 Dimension m m Structural Material kg Embodied Carbon Coefficient Concrete 0,107 kgco 2,/kg Table 7-39 - Maintenance stage / Millau Viaduct (1) Rosalie Bianquis 77 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Normalized material uantities 1240 Concrete pavement kg/m2 Embodied carbon per material Concrete pavement 26 kgco2e/m2 Total embodied carbon 342 kgco2e/m2 Table 7-40 - Maintenancestage / Millam Viaduct (2) Road Length of influence 19,66 110 Cars Number of cars 4700000 km km/h [cars/year Duration Service life of material Lifespan Duration of closing 15 years 200 years 0,08 years 2,348 kgco 2 ,/L Emissions Coefficient Gasoline During maintenance 1,02232 L Not during maintenance 0,82572 L Emissions During maintenance 2,40041 kgco2e/car Not during maintenance 1,938791 kgco2,/car Total emission due to traffic 27 kgco2,/m2 Table 741 - Maintenancestage / Millau Viaduct (3) Rosalie Bianquis 78 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 7.12 APPENDIX L: SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE Construction Stage Emission due to materials 1149 49 m Structural Material Concrete 228000000 Steel 52800000 kg kg Embodied Carbon Coefficient Concrete Steel Length Width Dimension m 0,107 kgco2,/kg 1,46 kgco2e/kg Normalized material quantities Concrete 4050 Steel 938 Embodied carbon kg/m 2 kg/M 2 per material 433 kgco2e/m 1369 kgco2,/m Concrete Steel 2 2 2 1803 1 kgco2,/m Total embodied carbon Table 7-42 - ConstructionStage / Sydney HarbourBridge Operation Stage Lights Total Number of Hours of lights on the bridge Summer Winter Total 1756 h/year 2578 h/year 4334 Power needed for te Total watt 1 330001 h/year bridge watt Lifespan 1001 years Emission Coefficient 1 0,5271 kgco2e/kw Table 7-43 - Operation Stage / Sydney HarbourBridge (1) Rosalie Bianquis 79 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Lights Total energy needed Total Total 143032 kWh/year Total energy needed during life 14303190 Total energy needed for lights kWh 134 kgco2c/m 2 Table 7-44 - Operation Stage / Sydney HarbourBridge (2) Tollbooth Road Before tollbooth After tollbooth 70 70 km/h km/h Cars Number of cars 58292804 cars/year Emission Coefficient 2,348 kgc 0 2 /L Distance needed to stop Before tollbooth After tollbooth 49 49 Gasoline used with tollbooth Before tollbooth 0,00412 After tollbooth Total 0,00412 0,00825 m m L L L Gasoline used with tollbooth Total 0,00510 L Emissions With tollbooth 1128642 kgco2,/year Without tollbooth 697497 kgco2,/year Surplus 431145 kgcO2,/year Total emissions form tollbooth 766 kgco2e/m2 Table 7-45 - OperationStage / Sydney HarbourBridge (3) Rosalie Bianquis 80 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 Maintenance Stage Emission due to materials Dimension Structural Material Length Width Concrete Embodied Carbon Coefficient Concrete 1149 49 13512000 m m kg 0,107 kgco2e/kg Normalized material quantities Concrete pavement 240 per material Embodied carbon Concrete kg/m 2 26 kgco2e/m 2 pavement 171 kgco2,/m 2 Total embodied carbon Table 7-46 - Maintenance stage / Sydng HarbourBridge (1) Road Length of influence 1,49 70 km km/h Cars Number of cars 58292804 cars/year Duration Service life of material Lifespan Duration of closing 15 years 100 0,06 years years 2,348 kgco 2 ,/L Emissions Coefficient Gasoline During maintenance Not during maintenance 0,0769831 L 0,059751 L Emissions During maintenance 1 Not during maintenance Total emission due to traffic 0,18076 kgco2e/car 0,14029 kgco2,/car 16 kgco2,/m2 Table 747 - Maintenance stage / Sydney HarbourBridge (3) Rosalie Bianquis 81 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 TABLE OF FIGURES FIGURE 1-1 - GLOBAL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION BY SOURCE......................................................................................13 FIGURE 1-2 - U.S. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION BY SOURCE................................................................................................. 13 FIGURE 1-3 - NUMBER OF BRIDGES BUILT IN THE U.S....................................................................................................... 14 FIGURE 1-4 - GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE, SAN FRANCISCO ......................................................................................................... 15 FIGURE 1-5 - T OWER BRID GE, LONDON FIG URE 1-6 - GREEN H O USE G ASES .................................................................................................................................... 15 17 ........................................................................................................................................... FIGURE 1-7 - LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK..............................................................................................................18 FIGURE 2-1 - G REEN ROAD STM LO GO ........................................................................................................................................... 21 FIGURE 2-2 - GREENROADSTM CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................................... 21 ..49 FIGURE 5-1 - LEN GTH OF INFLUEN CE.................................................................................................................................. ............... 49 FIGURE 5-2 - BYPASS RO AD........................................................................................................................................... TABLE OF TABLES TABLE 1-1 - GREENHOUSE GASES SOURCE OF EMISSIONS.....................................................................................................17 TABLE 1-2 - GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL OF SOME GREENHOUSE GASES................................................................18 TABLE 2-1 - RATING SYSTEM FOR SUSTAINABLE BRIDGES, BY LAUREN R. HUNT .......................................................... 22 TABLE 2-2 - CRITERIA FOR A RATING SYSTEM, BY MARZOUK, NOUTH AND EL-SAID .................................................... 23 TABLE 4-1 - EMBODIED CARBON COEFFICIENT ....................................................................................................................... 29 TABLE 4-2 - EMBODIED CARBON COEFFICIENT / ICE U. OF BATH - ATHENA..............................................................38 TABLE 5-1 - INFORMATION NEEDED FOR EcmAT ................................................................................................................... 41 TABLE 5-2 - INFORMATION NEEDED FOR EcMT ....................................................................................................................... 42 TABLE 5-3 - INFORMATION NEEDED FOR EcrR 42 ...................................................................................................................... TABLE 5-4 - INFORMATION NEEDED FOR EOLIG..... TABLE 5-5 -----------------------------------------...................................................................... - INFORMATION NEEDED FOR EOTOLE--------------.-. TABLE 5-6 - INFORMATION NEEDED FOR EOTOLT-----------------------------------------TABLE 5-7 - INFORMATION NEEDED FOR EM{m ci-....... -------........................................................... ........... ----.......................... . ..-........................................................... ------. . -------............................................... 44 45 46 50 TABLE 5-8 - INFORMATION NEEDED FOR EMTRAC2....................................................................................................................51 TABLE 5-9 - INFORMATION NEEDED FOR ER.............................................................................................................................52 T ABLE 7-1 - G IRD ER BRID G E 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 62 T ABLE 7-2 - TRUSS B RID G E 16.........................................................................................................................................................62 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 62 T ABLE 7-4 - SUSPEN SION B RID GE 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 62 T ABLE 7-3 - ARCH B RID GE T ABLE 7-5 - G IRD ER BRID G E 2.....................................................................................................................................................62 T ABLE 7-6 - G IRD ER BRID G E 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 62 T ABLE 7-7 - G IRD ER BRID G E 4 ..................................................................................................................................................... 62 T ABLE 7-8 - ARCH B RID G E 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 62 Rosalie Bianquis 82 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 TA BLE 7-9 - HY BRID ........................................................................................................................................................................ 63 TABLE 7-10 - ARCH BRIDGE 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 63 TABLE 7-11 - GIRDER BRIDGE 5...................................................................................................................................................63 TABLE 7-12 - TRUSS BRIDGE 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 63 TABLE 7-13 - DOUBLE HELIX........................................................................................................................................................63 TABLE 7-14 - TRUSS BRIDGE 3 ...................................................................................................................................................... 63 TABLE 7-15 - GIRDER BRIDGE 6 ................................................................................................................................................... 63 TABLE 7-16 - GIRDER BRIDGE 7 ................................................................................................................................................... 63 8 ................................................................................................................................................... 64 TABLE 7-17 - GIRDER BRIDGE TABLE 7-18 - PEDESTRIAN NORMALIZED MATERIAL QUANTITIES .................................................................................... 65 TABLE 7-19 - PEDESTRIANS BRIDGES GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL ............................................................................ 66 TABLE 7-20 - AKASHI KAIKYO BRIDGE ...................................................................................................................................... 68 TABLE 7-21 - ALBERT CHANEL ..................................................................................................................................................... 68 TABLE 7-22 - GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE ........................................................................................................................................ 68 TABLE 7-23 - MILLAU VIADUCT.............................................................................................................................................. 68 TABLE 7-24 - SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE .................................................................................................................................. 68 TABLE 7-25 - THE CROSSING.........................................................................................................................................................68 TABLE 7-26 - ROAD BRIDGES NORMALIZED MATERIAL QUANTITIES .............................................................................. 68 TABLE 7-27 - ROAD BRIDGES GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL .......................................................................................... 69 TABLE 7-28 - EMISSION FACTOR FOR TRANSPORTATION.........................................................................................................71 TABLE 7-29 - SERVICE LIFE OF BRIDGE COMPONENT .............................................................................................................. 71 TABLE 7-30 - CONSTRUCTION STAGE / GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE.......................................................................................73 TABLE 7-31 - OPERATION STAGE / GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE (1)........................................................................................73 TABLE 7-32 - OPERATION STAGE / GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE (2)..................................................................................... 74 TABLE 7-33 - OPERATION STAGE / GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE (3)..................................................................................... 74 TABLE 7-34 - MAINTENANCE STAGE / GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE (1) ............................................................................... 75 TABLE 7-35 MAINTENANCE STAGE / GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE (2).................................................................................. 75 TABLE 7-36 - CONSTRUCTION STAGE / MILLAU VIADUCT ..................................................................................................... 76 TABLE 7-37 OPERATION STAGE / MILLAU VIADUCT (1).................................................................................................... 76 TABLE 7-38 - OPERATION STAGE / MILLAU VIADUCT (2) ............................................................................................... 77 TABLE 7-39 - MAINTENANCE STAGE / MILLAU VIADUCT (1).................................................................................................77 TABLE 7-40 - MAINTENANCE STAGE / MILLAU VIADUCT (2)............................................................................................78 TABLE 7-41 - MAINTENANCE STAGE / MILLAU VIADUCT (3)............................................................................................ TABLE 7-42 - CONSTRUCTION STAGE / SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE ................................................................................ TABLE 7-43 - OPERATION STAGE / TABLE 7-44 - OPERA TION STAGE / SYDNEY TABLE 7-45 - OPERATION STAGE / 78 79 SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE (1)................................................................................79 HARBOUR BRIDGE (2) .................................................................................. 80 SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE (3)................................................................................ 80 TABLE 7-46 - MAINTENANCE STAGE / SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE (1) ............................................................................ 81 TABLE 7-47 - MAINTENANCE STAGE / SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE (3) .......................................................................... 81 Rosalie Bianquis 83 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 TABLE OF EQUATIONS EQUATION 4-1 - NORMALIZED MATERIAL QUANTITY............................................................................................................28 EQUATION 4-2 - EMBODIED CARBON OF EACH MATERIAL ................................................................................................ 28 EQUATION 4-3 - GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL OF THE BRIDGE......................................................................................28 EQUATION 5-1 - TOTAL EMISSION DURING CONSTRUCTION STAGE................................................................................40 EQUATION 5-2 - NORMALIZED MATERIAL QUANTITY............................................................................................................41 EQUATION 5-3 - EMBODIED CARBON ......................................................................................................................................... 41 EQUATION 5-4 - EMISSION DUE TO THE STRUCTURAL MATERIALS....................................................................................41 EQUATION 5-5 - ENERGY NEEDED PER MACHINE....................................................................................................................42 EQUATION 5-6 - EMISSION PER MACHINE .................................................................................................................................. EQUATION 5-7 - EMISSIONS DUE TO THE USE OF MACHINES .............................................................................................. 42 42 EQUATION 5-8 - EMISSION OF EACH SUPPLIER..........................................................................................................................43 EQUATION 5-9 - EMISSION DUE TO THE TRANSPORTATION OF MATERIALS....................................................................43 EQUATION 5-10 - EMISSION DURING THE OPERATION STAGE...........................................................................................43 EQUATION 5-11 - TOTAL ENERGY NEEDED FOR LIGHTS PER YEAR..................................................................................44 EQUATION 5-12 - TOTAL ENERGY NEEDED FOR LIGHTS ........................................................................................................ 44 EQUATION 5-13 - EMISSIONS DUE TO LIGHTS ........................................................................................................................... 44 EQUATION 5-14 - EMISSION DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF A TOLLBOOTH .......................................................................... 44 EQUATION 5-15 - TOTAL ENERGY NEEDED FOR THE TOLLBOOTH PER YEAR ................................................................ 45 EQUATION 5-16 - TOTAL ENERGY NEEDED FOR THE TOLLBOOTH .................................................................................. 45 EQUATION 5-17 - EMISSION DUE TO THE ELECTRICITY NEEDED FOR THE TOLLBOOTH ............................................. 45 EQUATION 5-18 - DISTANCE NEEDED TO STOP ........................................................................................................................ 46 EQUATION 5-19 - EMISSION WITH TOLLBOOTH PER YEAR......................................................................................................46 EQUATION 5-20 - EMISSION WITHOUT TOLLBOOTH EQUATION 5-21 PER YEAR..........................................................................................46 - TOTAL EMISSION SURPLUS PER YEAR...........................................................................................................46 EQUATION 5-22 - EMISSION DUE TO THE SLOWING DOWN OF TRAFFIC .......................................................................... 46 EQUATION 5-23 - EMISSION DUE TO MAINTENANCE...............................................................................................................47 EQUATION 5-24 - GASOLINE USED FOR EACH PATH ................................................................................................................ 50 EQUATION 5-25 - EMISSION PER CAR WHEN THE BRIDGE IS CLOSED ................................................................................ 50 EQUATION 5-26 - EMISSION DUE TO THE CLOSURE OF THE BRIDGE ................................................................................ 50 EQUATION 5-27 - EMISSION DURING DELAYS PER CAR ........................................................................................................... 51 EQUATION 5-28 - EMISSION DURING DELAYS PER CAR ........................................................................................................... 51 EQUATION 5-29 - EMISSION DUE TO TRAFFIC DELAY .............................................................................................................. 52 EQUATION 5-30 - GASOLINE USED FOR EACH PATH ................................................................................................................ 53 EQUATION 5-31 - EMISSION PER CAR SAVED ............................................................................................................................. 53 EQ UATIO N 5-32 - E M ISSIO N SAVED ............................................................................................................................................. 53 Rosalie Bianquis 84 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 TABLE OF GRAPHS GRAPH 4-1 - NORMALIZED MATERIAL QUANTITIES, PER SPAN ......................................................................................... 30 GRAPH 4-2 - PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL ................................................................................ 30 GRAPH 4-3 - PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL PER MATERIAL ................................................. 31 GRAPH 4-4 - PEDESTRIAN GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL WITHOUT EXTREMITIES....................................................32 GRAPH 4-5 - PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL / PER TYPE OF BRIDGE ................................... GRAPH 4-6 - PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL / PER SPAN..........................................................34 33 GRAPH 4-7 - ROAD BRIDGES NORMALIZED MATERIAL QUANTITIES ............................................................................. 35 GRAPH 4-8 - ROAD BRIDGES GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL .......................................................................................... 36 GRAPH 4-9 - ROAD BRIDGES GLOBAL WARMING PER MATERIAL...................................................................................... 36 GRAPH 4-10 - ROAD BRIDGES GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL PER SPAN......................................................................37 GRAPH 4-11 - GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL / GRAPH 4-12 - GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL / ICE U. ATHENA ECC....................................................................................... OF BATH ECC ....................................................................... 39 39 G RAPH 5-1 - C ASE STUD IES C O M PARISO N .................................................................................................................................. 55 G RA PH 5-2 - B EN EFITS VS. EM ISSIO N S ........................................................................................................................................ 56 G RAPH 7-1 - C O N SUM PTION OF G ASOLIN E................................................................................................................................71 Rosalie Bianquis 85 M.Eng Thesis Assessment Methodology for Environmental Impact of Bridges - 2015 8 REFERENCES 8.1 DOCUMENTATION "Global Emissions." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. U.S. Department of Transportation. ww. w (I .g Cas sen, R. H. 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