50 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium 15 – 18 July 2015 London, UK

50th AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium
15 – 18 July 2015
London, UK
Welcome to the 50th AMA–Sheth Foundation Doctoral
We are delighted to be hosting the 50th AMA-Sheth Doctoral
Consortium in our own special 50th anniversary year. This is the
first time the event is being held outside North America and I
wish Consortium Fellows and distinguished global faculty a very
warm welcome on behalf of us all at London Business School.
I have no doubt that the Consortium meeting will provide a powerful forum for the
exchange of ideas and perhaps also the start of new collaborations. By strengthening
academic networks, the Consortium supports what is important to all of us – the
integrity and quality of academic research. It is also our pleasure to have you here.
Sir Andrew Likierman
For 50 years, the American Marketing Association-Sheth Foundation Doctoral
Consortium has brought together the top marketing doctoral students with the world’s
most distinguished marketing faculty. The goal of the Consortium is to help young
marketing scholars prepare for their careers by creating an environment in which they
can interact with each other and with leading marketing scholars. Some sessions
at the Consortium will focus on knowledge creation and discuss how to develop
impactful research streams, while others will focus on knowledge dissemination and
discuss how to create outstanding classroom experiences.
During the program, we will:
• Learn about cutting-edge research topics from established scholars in the field;
• Learn about effective pedagogical approaches from excellent teachers;
• Learn about effective time management to balance research, teaching and
• Develop friendships and foster research collaboration opportunities;
• Acquire tips on how to navigate through the review process;
• Explore marketing trends.
This Consortium marks the first time the event is being held outside North America.
Moreover, we will celebrate two significant anniversaries. 2015 will be the year when
the Consortium and London Business School both celebrate their first 50 years.
Thank you for joining us, and welcome to London Business School!
Rajesh Chandy
Bruce Hardie
Nader Tavassoli
Dear Consortium Fellow,
Congratulations on being selected as a 2015 American Marketing AssociationSheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow! On behalf of the American Marketing
Association (AMA), I would like to welcome you to this prestigious event which has a
long, rich tradition in the marketing discipline. Being selected to attend the Consortium
is an honor for both fellows and faculty members.
As background, the first AMA Doctoral Consortium was held in 1966. It was designed
to introduce up-­and-coming scholars in marketing to leaders in the field and to allow
participating doctoral students and faculty to network socially. Over the years, this “by
invitation only” event has flourished to become one of the premier AMA events. In 1997,
a generous commitment to finance part of the Consortium was made by the Madhuri &
Jagdish N. Sheth Foundation. In addition, each year other sponsors – and especially the
host school – make substantial contributions of money, time, and logistical support.
This year, the 50th consortium, is being held outside of North America for the first time.
With over one hundred doctoral students from leading business schools across the
world and nearly as many distinguished faculty, this is undeniably an international event.
The academic thoughts leaders serving as faculty are investing their time out of a
desire to help you and the other doctoral students establish professional linkages and
make successful transitions to your first faculty position. This year’s program offers
presentations and workshops at the forefront of marketing scholarship as well as
many opportunities for Consortium Faculty and Fellows to interact.
The ultimate goal of the Consortium is to foster connections with people whose
interests span the rich diversity of topics, methodological perspectives, and theories
that comprise the marketing discipline. This exposure is designed to spark creativity
and insight by challenging you to think outside of existing paradigms and to broaden
your view of what constitutes good research. The connections that you form at this
event are what make the AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium truly special.
While the Consortium officially ends in a few days, I encourage you to continue to build and
cultivate these newly formed connections as you launch your academic career. You can
strengthen your relationship network through the many AMA-sponsored conferences and
activities that help connect members. Just go to www.ama.org/arc for more information.
Congratulations, again, on being selected as a 2015 American Marketing AssociationSheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow. Enjoy!
Best regards,
Michael K. Brady
President, AMA Academic Council
For the last 50 years, the AMA–Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium has brought
together top marketing doctoral students with the world’s most distinguished
marketing faculty. The invitation-only consortium offers presentations, workshops and
networking events that encourage interaction and dialogue among renowned faculty
and consortium doctoral fellows. The first consortium was held in 1966. In 1997, the
name was changed to the AMA–Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium in recognition
of the Madhuri & Jagdish N. Sheth Foundation’s commitment to finance part of
the consortium on an ongoing basis with the establishment of an AMA Foundation
endowed fund.
The AMA is pleased to provide support to the 50th AMA–Sheth Foundation Doctoral
Consortium through a grant to encourage innovative programming that enhances the
value of participation in the consortium. For additional information about the AMA,
please visit www.ama.org
2015 – London Business School
2014 – Northwestern University
2013 – University of Michigan
2012 – University of Washington
2011 – Oklahoma State University
2010 – Texas Christian University
2009 – Georgia State University
2008 – University of Missouri
2007 – Arizona State University
2006 – University of Maryland
2005 – University of Connecticut
2004 – Texas A&M University
2003 – University of Minnesota
2002 – Emory University
2001 – University of Miami
2000 – University of Western Ontario
1999 – University of Southern California
1998 – University of Georgia
1997 – University of Cincinnati
1996 – The University of Colorado,
1995 – The University of Pennsylvania
1994 – Santa Clara University
1993 – University of Illinois
1992 – Michigan State University
1991 – University of Southern California
1990 – University of Florida
1989 – Harvard University
1988 – University of California at Berkeley
1987 – New York University
1986 – University of Notre Dame
1985 – Duke University
1984 – Northwestern University
1983 – University of Michigan
1982 – University of Minnesota
1981 – University of Maryland
1980 – Penn State University
1979 – University of Wisconsin, Madison
1978 – University of Chicago
1977 – University of Pennsylvania
1976 – University of Houston
1975 – Cornell University
1974 – University of Oregon
1973 – Michigan State University
1972 – University of Texas, Austin
1971 – University of Illinois
1970 – University of Western Ontario
1969 – University of North Carolina
1968 – Penn State University
1967 – Penn State University
1966 – Indiana University
The Conference Co-chairs would like to thank Sir Andrew Likierman for his
enthusiastic support of our initial proposal to host the Consortium, and Professor
Stephen Schaefer for the financial support provided by London Business School. We
would like to thank our Marketing subject area colleagues for their help in the planning
and running of the Consortium, and Amanda-Jane Asifo and Laura Nagle for their
administrative assistance. We appreciate the guidance of Matt Weingarden throughout
the planning process. Finally, a huge thanks to Elisabeth Hajicek, without whose
planning and organisational skills and tireless effort this event would not have taken
16:00 – 19:00
Sainsbury Reception
18:00 – 19:00
Drinks Reception
LBS Dining Room
19:00 – 22:00
Welcome Dinner
Nuffield Hall
Rajesh Chandy, Bruce Hardie, Nader Tavassoli (Consortium co-chairs)
Sir Andrew Likierman (Dean, London Business School)
Mike Brady (President, AMA Academic Council)
Tomas Hult (The Sheth Foundation)
Kay Lemon (MSI Executive Director)
Breakfast at hotel
08:00 – 09:00
S1 lounge and LG
09:00 – 10:15
Plenary: Getting your First Job
Nuffield Hall
Moderator: Simona Botti, London Business School
10:15 – 10:45
Coffee break
S1 lounge and LG
10:45 – 12:00
Concurrent Session: Research I
Coordinator: Oded Koenigsberg, London Business School
Note: Students choose on the day which session to attend.
Session A: Empirical Modelling I
LT 9
Bart Bronnenberg, Tilburg University
Marnik Dekimpe, Tilburg University
Oded Netzer, Columbia University
Harald van Heerde, Massey University
Session B: CB
LT 10
Jeff Inman, University of Pittsburgh
Gita Johar, Columbia University
Michael Norton, Harvard University
Baba Shiv, Stanford University
Session C: Retailing and Sales
LT 3
Michael Ahearne, University of Houston
Dhruv Grewal, Babson College
Ajay Kohli, Georgia Tech
Manfred Krafft, University of Muenster
Eva Ascarza, Columbia University
Darren Dahl, University of British Columbia
Kristin Diehl, University of Southern California
Session D: Services
LT 4
Mike Brady, Florida State University
Kay Lemon, Boston College
Roland Rust, University of Maryland
Eileen Fischer, York University
Markus Giesler, York University
Lisa Peñaloza, KEDGE Business School
Linda Price, University of Arizona
12:00 – 13:30
Dining and Garden Rooms
13:30 – 15:00
Concurrent Session: Managing Your Career
Coordinator: David Faro, London Business School
Note: Students are pre-assigned to sessions.
Session A
LT 9
Session E: CCT
LT 5
Lauren Block, Baruch College
Amitava Chattopadhyay, INSEAD
Robin Coulter, University of Connecticut
Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Koç University
Raj Srivastava, Singapore Management University
Session B
LT 10
Don Lehmann, Columbia University
Jaideep Prabhu, University of Cambridge
Alina Sorescu, Texas A&M University
David Stewart, Loyola Marymount University
Debora Thompson, Georgetown University
Session C
LT 3
Shantanu Dutta, University of Southern California
Ryan Hamilton, Emory University
Aradhna Krishna, University of Michigan
Murali Mantrala, University of Missouri
Deborah Roedder John, University of Minnesota
Session D
LT 4
Rebecca Hamilton, Georgetown University
Sandy Jap, Emory University
Robert Palmatier, University of Washington
Klaus Wertenbroch, INSEAD
Session E
LT 5
Iris Hung, National University of Singapore
Wendy Liu, UC San Diego
Werner Reinartz, University of Cologne
John Roberts, University of New South Wales
15:00 – 15:30
S1 lounge and LG
15:30 – 17:00
Plenary: Doing Research with Impact
Nuffield Hall
17:00 – 19:00
High Tea
Dining and Garden Rooms
19:00 – late
Social Activities
Punam Anand Keller, Dartmouth College
Rajesh Chandy, London Business School (Moderator)
V Kumar, Georgia State University
Brian Wansink, Cornell University
Breakfast at hotel
08:00 – 09:00
S1 lounge and LG
09:00 – 10:15
Plenary: Research Collaborations with Industry
Nuffield Hall
Peter Fader, University of Pennsylvania
Markus Giesler, York University
George John, University of Minnesota
Leigh McAlister, University of Texas at Austin
Nader Tavassoli, London Business School (Moderator)
10:15 – 10:45
S1 lounge and LG
10:45 – 12:00
Breakout Sessions
Group 1
Rebecca Hamilton, Georgetown University
Deborah MacInnis, University of Southern California
David Houghton, Southern Illinois University
Jung Kim, Northwestern University
Noah VanBergen, University of Miami
Group 2
Deborah Roedder John, University of Minnesota
Jaideep Sengupta, HKUST
Miles Condon, Texas Tech University
Raymond Lavoie, University of Manitoba
Laure Weckx, KU Leuven
Hu (Jeffrey) Xie, University of Oregon
Group 3
Ryan Hamilton, Emory University
Debora Thompson, Georgetown University
Jingyi Duan, University of Rhode Island
Tianzhou (James) Duan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Shiri Melumad, Columbia University
Group 4
Geeta Menon, New York University
Elizabeth Moore, University of Notre Dame
William Wilkie, University of Notre Dame
Amita Bhadauria, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Yimin Cheng, HKUST
Katharine Howie, University of Mississippi
Maryam Tofighi, Concordia University
Group 5
Linda Price, University of Arizona
Stijn van Osselaer, Cornell University
Alix Barasch, University of Pennsylvania
Patrick Fennell, Louisiana State University
Gia Nardini, University of Florida
Group 6
Mike Brady, Florida State University
Tomas Hult, Michigan State University
Roland Rust, University of Maryland
Myoung-Jin Chae, Georgia Institute of Technology
Fatima Hajjat, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ashley Stadler Blank, Pennsylvania State University
Group 7
Kay Lemon, Boston College
Christine Moorman, Duke University
Alina Sorescu, Texas A&M University
Sidney Anderson, Florida State University
Denis Khantimirov, Old Dominion University
Lili Zou, University of Hong Kong
Group 8
Eileen Fischer, York University
Markus Gielser, York University
Lisa Peñaloza, KEDGE Business School
Myriam Brouard, HEC Montréal
Annetta Grant, Queen’s University
Andre Maciel, University of Arizona
Courtney Nations Baker, University of Wyoming
Sunaina Velagaleti, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Group 9
Deborah Small, University of Pennsylvania
Dilip Soman, University of Toronto
Klaus Wertenbroch, INSEAD
Sean Hingston, York University
Devin Lunt, University of Texas at Arlington
Ashley Otto, University of Cincinnati
Tatiana Sokolova, HEC Paris
Group 10
Punam Anand Keller, Dartmouth College
Iris Hung, National University of Singapore
Ozgun Atasoy, Boston University
Marija Grishin, University of Kansas
Jihye Jung, Rice University
Group 11
Nidhi Agrawal, University of Washington
Cait Lamberton, University of Pittsburgh
Wendy Liu, UC San Diego
Thomas Allard, University of British Columbia
Linda Hagen, University of Michigan
Jeehye (Christine) Kim, INSEAD
Group 12
David Faro, London Business School
Michael Norton, Harvard University
Sky King, Washington State University
Rafay Siddiqui, University of South Carolina
Jane So, University of Washington
Gabriela Tonietto, Washington University in St Louis
Group 13
Simona Botti, London Business School
Kristin Diehl, University of Southern California
Danielle Brick, Duke University
Virginia Weber, University of Alberta
Adelle Yang, University of Chicago
Group 14
Gita Johar, Columbia University
Amna Kirmani, University of Maryland
Angela Lee, Northwestern University
Efe Camurdan, Koç University
Rebecca Rabino, Virginia Tech
Freeman Wu, Arizona State University
Group 15
Mary Frances Luce, Duke University
Vicki Morwitz, New York University
Michael Frechette, Saint Louis University
Yu-Shan (Sandy) Huang, Oklahoma State University
Amaradri Mukherjee, University of Arkansas
Group 16
Jonathan Berman, London Business School
Aradhna Krishna, University of Michigan
Rebecca Ratner, University of Maryland
Ann McNeel, Baruch College
Jorge Pena Marin, University of Texas at San Antonio
Erin Percival Carter, University of Colorado Boulder
Group 17
Darren Dahl, University of British Columbia
Rebecca Reczek, Ohio State University
Anoosha Izadi, University of Houston
He (Michael) Jia, University of Southern California
Junghan Kim, State University of New York at Buffalo
Matteo Visentin, London Business School
Group 18
Anne Coughlan, Northwestern University
Preyas Desai, Duke University
Mark Bender, University of Pittsburgh
Seung Hwan (Shawn) Lee, Syracuse University
Navid Mojir, Yale University
Wenshu Zhang, Purdue University
Group 19
David Bell, University of Pennsylvania
Fred Feinberg, University of Michigan
Yiyi Li, University of Texas at Dallas
Lingling Zhang, Harvard University
Zemin (Zachary) Zhong, UC Berkeley
Group 20
Wendy Moe, University of Maryland
Oded Netzer, Columbia University
Dinesh Puranam, Cornell University
Keith Smith, University of Georgia
Elham Yazdani, University of Utah
Group 21
Marnik Dekimpe, Tilburg University
Puneet Manchanda, University of Michigan
Harald van Heerde, Massey University
Bruno Jacobs, Erasmus University
Keunwoo Kim, UCLA
Daniel Ringel, Goethe University Frankfurt
Group 22
Michael Ahearne, University of Houston
Jan Heide, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ajay Kohli, Georgia Tech
Nawar Chaker, University of Tennessee
Andrew Crecelius, University of Missouri
Jessica Ogilvie, University of Alabama
Group 23
Shankar Ganesan, University of Notre Dame
Lisa Scheer, University of Missouri
George John, University of Minnesota
Blake Runnalls, Michigan State University
Olalekan (Ola) Seriki, University of Oklahoma
Rob Waiser, University of Toronto
Group 24
Shantanu Dutta, University of Southern California
Dominique Hanssens, UCLA
John Roberts, University of New South Wales
Kristopher Keller, Tilburg University
Tony Koschmann, Emory University
Mitchell Olsen, Indiana University
Group 25
Pradeep Chintagunta, University of Chicago
Sridhar Narayanan, Stanford University
K Sudhir, Yale University
Yanlai Chu, National University of Singapore
Seoungwoo Lee, University of Maryland
Alina Nastasiou, Western University
Group 26
Doug Bowman, Emory University
Bart Bronnenberg, Tilburg University
Gerard Tellis, University of Southern California
Sumaiya Ahmed, University of New South Wales
Maren Becker, University of Cologne
Anatoli Colicev, ESSEC
Andy Reinaker, Temple University
Group 27
Eva Ascarza, Columbia University
Peter Fader, University of Pennsylvania
Sunil Gupta, Harvard University
David Harman, University of Iowa
Niels Holtrop, University of Groningen
Amalesh Sharma, Georgia State University
Group 28
Manfred Krafft, University of Muenster
Don Lehmann, Columbia University
Leigh McAlister, University of Texas at Austin
Marleen Hermans, Maastricht University
Farnoosh Khodakarami, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Bhoomija Ranjan, University of Rochester
Group 29
Lauren Block, Baruch College
Americus Reed, University of Pennsylvania
Duygu Akdevelioglu, UC Irvine
Tatiana Barakshina, University of Illinois at Chicago
Andrea (Lynn) Phillips, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Group 30
John Deighton, Harvard University
Dhruv Grewal, Babson College
Jeff Inman, University of Pittsburgh
Emine Erdogan, Rutgers University
Paul Mills, Kent State University
Jacob Suher, University of Texas at Austin
Group 31
Natalie Mizik, University of Washington
Raji Srinivasan, University of Texas at Austin
Raj Srivastava, Singapore Management University
Jarrod Vassallo, University of Cambridge
Srinivas Venugopal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nooshin Warren, Texas A&M University
Group 32
Amitava Chattopadhyay, INSEAD
Robin Coulter, University of Connecticut
Sumitra Auschaitrakul, McGill University
Alexander Kull, University of South Florida
Jennifer Stoner, University of Minnesota
Group 33
Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Koç University
Robert Meyer, University of Pennsylvania
Stefano Puntoni, Erasmus University
Daniella Kupor, Stanford University
Chiara Longoni, New York University
Christopher Summers, Ohio State University
12:00 – 13:30
Dining and Garden Rooms
13:30 – 15:00
Plenary: Meet the Editors
Nuffield Hall
Moderator: Naufel Vilcassim, London Business School
15:00 – late
Pradeep Chintagunta, QME
Darren Dahl, Journal of Consumer Research
Preyas Desai, Marketing Science
Constantine Katsikeas, Journal of International Marketing
Amna Kirmani, Journal of Consumer Psychology
V Kumar, Journal of Marketing
Puneet Manchanda, Management Science
Murali Mantrala, Journal of Retailing
Robert Meyer, Journal of Marketing Research
Robert Palmatier, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Roland Rust, International Journal of Research in Marketing
David Stewart, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Boat Trip to Greenwich and Dinner at the Cutty Sark
Breakfast at hotel
08:00 – 09:00
S1 lounge and LG
09:00 – 10:15
Concurrent Session: Teaching
Coordinator: Anja Lambrecht, London Business School
Note: Students are pre-assigned to sessions.
Session A
LT 9
David Bell, University of Pennsylvania
Shankar Ganesan, University of Notre Dame
Rebecca Reczek, Ohio State University
Session B
LT 10
Dominique Hanssens, UCLA
Wendy Moe, University of Maryland
Americus Reed, University of Pennsylvania
Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Session C
LT 3
Sunil Gupta, Harvard University
Constantine Katsikeas, University of Leeds
Cait Lamberton, University of Pittsburgh
Geeta Menon, New York University
Session D
LT 4
Doug Bowman, Emory University
John Deighton, Harvard University
Deborah MacInnis, University of Southern California
Stefano Puntoni, Erasmus University
Session E
LT 5
Fred Feinberg, University of Michigan
Natalie Mizik, University of Washington
Jaideep Sengupta, HKUST
10:15 – 10:45
Coffee break
S1 lounge and LG
10:45 – 12:00
Concurrent Session: Research II
Coordinator: Jonathan Berman, London Business School
Session A: JDM
LT 9
Note: Students choose on the day which session to attend.
Vicki Morwitz, New York University
Rebecca Ratner, University of Maryland
Dilip Soman, University of Toronto
Deborah Small, University of Pennsylvania
Session B: IP
LT 10
Nidhi Agrawal, University of Washington
Angela Lee, Northwestern University
Mary Frances Luce, Duke University
Stijn van Osselaer, Cornell University
Session C: Empirical Modelling II
LT 3
Pradeep Chintagunta, University of Chicago
Puneet Manchanda, University of Michigan
Sridhar Narayanan, Stanford University
K Sudhir, Yale University
Session D: Strategy
LT 4
Peter Golder, Dartmouth College
Christine Moorman, Duke University
Raji Srinivasan, University of Texas at Austin
Gerard Tellis, University of Southern California
Session E: Channels
LT 5
Anne Coughlan, Northwestern University
Jan Heide, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mark Houston, Texas A&M University
Lisa Scheer, University of Missouri
12:00 – 14:00
Dining and Garden Rooms
14:00 – 15:30
Plenary: The Future of Business Education
Nuffield Hall
Moderator: Bruce Hardie, London Business School
Andrew Ainslie, University of Rochester
Eli Jones, Texas A&M University
David Schmittlein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Beth Walker, Colorado State University
15:30 – 17:30
Social Activities
On campus
18:30 – late
Event at the London Zoo
Jennifer Aaker
Stanford University
A social psychologist, Jennifer Aaker is the General Atlantic
Professor of Marketing at Stanford University’s Graduate School
of Business. Her research started with a focus on understanding
the self expressive use of brands, how individuals think, feel
and behave differently across cultures, and how goals motivate
behavior. More recently, she has focused her research efforts on
examining how individuals chose to spend their time and money, and when and why
those choices are associated with lasting value. Her self-proclaimed most impressive
accomplishments include (1) establishing the reputation of being a bad cook, (2)
winning dance-off in the early 1980s, and (3) helping to raise three reasonably polite
children who know to send thank you notes. She has also won some awards.
Nidhi Agrawal
University of Washington
Nidhi Agrawal is Professor of Marketing at University of
Washington Foster School of Business. Her research focuses
on consumer psychology and the application of these insights
to design effective marketing and public health communications.
In particular, she seeks to understand how goals, emotions, and
self-control affect behavior. Agrawal is particularly interested in
how using principles from consumer psychology can help consumers live happier and
healthier lives.
Michael Ahearne
University of Houston
Michael Ahearne (PhD, Indiana University) is Professor of
Marketing and C.T. Bauer Chair in Marketing at the University of
Houston. He is also Executive Director of the Sales Excellence
Institute. Mike’s research has primarily focused on improving
the performance of salespeople and sales organizations. He
has published over 40 articles in leading journals such as
JM, JMR, MgmtSci, SMJ, JAP, etc. In 2014, he was recognized by the American
Marketing Association as one of the 10 most research productive scholars in the field
of marketing. He has also had a significant impact outside academia based on the
reach of the Sales Excellence Institute, which is the widely considered the worldwide
leader in sales education and research. Mike was recently honored as the inaugural
winner of the Sales Education Foundation’s Research Dissemination Award for the
impact of his research on business practice. Before entering academia, Mike played
professional baseball for the Montreal Expos and worked in marketing research and
sales operations for Eli Lilly and Company and PCS Healthcare. He currently consults
in the area of sales and sales management in numerous industries.
Andrew Ainslie
University of Rochester
Andrew Ainslie is the Dean of the Simon Business School at
the University of Rochester. He previously was Senior Associate
Dean of the full-time MBA program at UCLA, where he helped
overhaul the program over a 4 year period. His research is in
choice modelling and Bayesian econometrics. He obtained his
PhD from the University of Chicago in 1998.
Punam Anand Keller
Dartmouth College
Punam A. Keller is the Charles Henry Jones Third Century
Professor of Management at the Tuck School of Business at
Dartmouth College. Professor Keller’s general area of expertise
lies in consumer decision-making and choice behavior. Her
specific research interest is in how communication can improve
health and saving message effectiveness. Her research has
been published in marketing, psychology, and health journals. She serves on the
Editorial Boards of several marketing journals, the Journal of Consumer Psychology,
the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Public
Policy and Marketing, and the Journal of Social Marketing. She is an Area Editor
for the Journal of Consumer Psychology and was an Area Editor for the Journal
of Consumer Research and President of the Association for Consumer Research.
Professor Keller has developed several social marketing plans and initiatives to
improve individual and collective well-being. She has worked with the U.S. Department
of Treasury (OFEFA), National Endowment for Financial Education to improve financial
fitness for Americans. Actively involved with the health industry, she has partnered with
CDC to create a communication tool, MessageWorks. She is a board member of PSI
(Population Services International), the largest NGO Social Marketer providing health
products and services to the poorest most isolated people in the world.
Eva Ascarza
Columbia Univeristy
Eva Ascarza is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Columbia
Business School. She is a marketing modeler who uses tools
from statistics and economics to answer relevant marketing
questions. Her research mainly focuses on customer retention/
churn. She specializes in understanding customer churn,
not only modeling and predicting such behavior, but also
understanding whether and how firms should manage customer attrition. Another
stream of her research focuses on developing statistical methodologies (customer
analytics) to be used by marketing practitioners. She received her PhD and MPhil from
London Business School (UK), a MS in Economics and Finance from Universidad de
Navarra (Spain), and a BS Mathematics from Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). Before
joining Columbia Business School in 2010, she was a visiting lecturer at London
Business School where she taught Advanced Multivariate Statistics and Analysis for
Marketing Planning.
David Bell
University of Pennsylvania
David is the author of Location is (Still) Everything: The
Surprising Influence of the Real World on How We Search,
Shop, and Sell in the Virtual One and an expert in how we use
the Internet and related technologies to search, shop, and sell.
He is also the Xinmei Zhang and Yongge Dai Professor at the
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where he
developed Wharton’s first course on digital marketing and e-commerce. He is awardwinning teacher and researcher and his articles have appeared in all major marketing
journals including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of
Marketing Research, Marketing Science, and Management Science. His research
has been recognized with the Frank M. Bass Outstanding Dissertation Award, three
John D.C. Little Best Paper Finalist Awards, and INFORMS Marketing Science
Long Term Impact Finalist Awards and First Place Award for the Production and
Operations Management Society Applied Research Challenge. He is an active angel
investor in several Internet startups and serves as an expert witness in consumer
Internet litigation. David is a New Zealand citizen and received his PhD from Stanford
University’s Graduate School of Business.
Lauren Block
Baruch College
Lauren G. Block is the Lippert Professor of Marketing at the
Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College. She received her
PhD in marketing from Columbia University. Dr. Block’s work
is primarily in areas of food well-being, health-persuasion, and
perceptions of product efficacy. Her research includes how
best to use marketing tools, like food labeling and product
packaging, to facilitate healthier food and lifestyle decisions. Current research also
focuses on understanding the product-related and contextual influences that drive
consumer judgments of the efficacy of pharmacological products. Her work in these
areas has been published in our field’s major journals, such as Journal of Public Policy
& Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal
of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Marketing and American Journal of Public Health.
Dr. Block is a current Associate Editor for the Journal of Consumer Research and the
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. She also serves on the Ad Council Research
Committee. Dr. Block serves on the Transformative Consumer Research Advisory
Board and the AdCouncil’s Advisory Research Committee. She was the recipient of
the 2008 Richard W. Pollay Prize for Intellectual Excellence of Research on Marketing
in the Public Interest.
Doug Bowman
Emory University
Douglas Bowman (PhD, U. Pennsylvania) is Professor of
Marketing, McGreevy Term Professor, Senior Associate Dean
for Working Professionals Programs, and Co-Director Emory
Marketing Analytics Center at Emory University’s Goizueta
Business School. His research focuses on the quantitative
aspects of marketing with a substantive focus in the areas of
marketing strategy and customer relationship management. His research into the
evolution of customer preferences in a new market won the Paul Green Award for the
paper published in the Journal of Marketing Research deemed to have the greatest
potential to contribute significantly to the practice of marketing research and research
in marketing. Bowman is on a number of editorial boards including IJRM, JM, JMR,
and Marketing Science and, is past-president of AMA’s Market Insights Council and
also Emory’s University Research Committee. His teaching has been recognized in
multiple ways including the Marc F. Adler Prize for Excellence in Teaching (2004),
which honors teaching quality, course innovation and relevance to real-world problem
solving in all Goizueta Business School programs over a 3 year period, and the Emory
Williams Teaching Award (2013), Emory University’s highest teaching honor.
Mike Brady
Florida State University
Mike Brady is the Carl DeSantis Professor and chair,
Department of Marketing, at Florida State University. His
primary research interest has to do with contextual and
communal factors that influence customer assessments of
frontline service transactions. Mike has published articles in
many top scholarly journals and his work has been cited over
10,000 times to date (Google Scholar). Mike is currently President of the American
Marketing Association’s Academic Council and an Associate Editor for the Journal of
Service Research and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Bart Bronnenberg
Tilburg University
Bart Bronnenberg is a professor of marketing and a CentER
research fellow both at the Tilburg School of Economics and
Management (TiSEM), and a research fellow of the Centre for
Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in London. He holds PhD
and MSc degrees in Management from INSEAD, Fontainebleau,
France and an MSc degree in industrial engineering from
Twente University (The Netherlands). At TiSEM, he teaches courses in marketing
decision making, branding, and demand analysis to MSc and PhD students. Bart
Bronnenberg’s current research covers (1) convenience and retailing, (2) branding
and entry barriers, and (3) consumer search behavior and online product search. His
publications on these topics have appeared in leading academic journals in business
and economics. Jointly with several co-author teams, he won the 2003 and 2008 Paul
Green Award, the 2003 IJRM Best Paper Award, and the 2004 John D.C. Little Best
Paper Award.
Amitava Chattopadhyay
Amitava Chattopadhyay is the GlaxoSmithKline Chaired
Professor of Corporate Innovation and Professor of Marketing
at INSEAD. He is an expert on branding and innovation. Over
the past three decades he has published more than 60 articles,
with the majority appearing in leading international journals such
as the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer
Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Marketing Science,
Management Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, and Long
Range Planning. Professor Chattopadhyay is an Area Editor for the International
Journal of Research in Marketing. He is on the editorial review boards of the Journal
of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Long Range Planning.
Professor Chattopadhyay has been recognized for his research having been the
recipient of the Robert Ferber Award. His recently published book entitled The New
Emerging Market Multinationals: Four Strategies for Disrupting Markets and Building
Brands was recognized as ‘The Best Business Book for 2012’ by strategy+business.
He is a Fellow of the Institute on Asian Consumer Insights and the Ernst & Young
Institute for Emerging Market Studies. He has served as a member of the Association
for Consumer Research’s Board of Directors.
Pradeep Chintagunta
University of Chicago
Pradeep K. Chintagunta is the Joseph T. and Bernice S. Lewis
Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing at the Booth
School of Business, University of Chicago. He is interested in
empirically studying consumer, agent and firm behavior. He
graduated from Northwestern University and has also served
on the faculty of the Johnson School, Cornell University. He
has been a visiting professor at Harvard and Stanford universities. He is currently the
Coordinating editor at the journal Quantitative Marketing & Economics. He collects
vintage electronics.
Anne Coughlan
Northwestern University
Anne Coughlan (http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/
directory/coughlan_anne.aspx) holds the Polk Brothers Chair in
Retailing at the Kellogg School of Management. She joined the
faculty in 1985. Dr. Coughlan’s main research interests are in
the areas of distribution channels, sales force management and
compensation, and pricing. Current research projects include
measuring compliance, monitoring, and enforcement of MAP policies; wardrobing and
optimal open-box retail sales; sales force diversification and optimal group incentive
payments; and optimal management of multi-level marketing distribution channels.
She teaches classes on distribution channel strategies at the MBA and executive MBA
levels, and on quantitative models in marketing at the doctoral level. Anne serves as
Associate Editor and member of the editorial board of the journal Marketing Science,
and as Editor in Chief of the SSRN Marketing Research Network and of its Quantitative
Marketing e-Journal and the Marketing Science e-Journal. Coughlan received her
PhD in Economics at Stanford University. Prior to her appointment at Kellogg, she was
a professor at the business school of the University of Rochester; she was a Visiting
Professor of Marketing at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France in 1997-98.
Robin Coulter
University of Connecticut
Robin Coulter is Professor of Marketing and the Department
Head at the University of Connecticut, and a Brands and
Brand Relationships Institute Fellow. Robin’s interests focus on
consumer behavior issues with strategic marketing implications;
her research employs both qualitative and quantitative methods
to address branding and brand management in a global world,
cross-cultural consumer behavior, behavioral pricing, and advertising effectiveness.
Current projects explore sensory stimulation and self-brand connections, consumer
choice between global and local brands in emerging versus developed markets,
and fresh starts in goal pursuit. Robin has published in marketing and social science
journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology,
Journal of Applied Psychology, International Journal for Research in Marketing,
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising, and Journal
of Advertising Research. She is Volume Editor for Gerald Zaltman’s Legends in
Marketing, The Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique. Robin is President-elect of
the American Marketing Association Academic Council, and an active member of
the Association for Consumer Research. Past consultancies include: New York Life
Investment Management, Procter and Gamble, McNeil Consumer Products, and Coca
Darren Dahl
University of British Columbia
Darren Dahl is the Senior Associate Dean – Faculty and the
B.C Council Innovation Professor at the University of British
Columbia. His current research interests are in the areas of
new product design and development, creativity, consumer
product adoption, the role of social influence in consumer
behavior, and understanding the role of self-conscious
emotions in consumption. His research has been presented at numerous national
and international conferences, and published in various texts and such journals as the
Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research,
Management Science, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. He currently is the
editor-in-chief of the Journal of Consumer Research. Professor Dahl teaches courses
in Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research, and Strategic Marketing Analysis at the
undergraduate, MBA, and executive education levels.
John Deighton
Harvard University
John Deighton is Harold M. Brierley Professor of Business
Administration at Harvard Business School. He has been editor
of the Journal of Consumer Research, and founding co-editor
of the Journal of Interactive Marketing, has served as the
Executive Director of the Marketing Science Institute, and is
a Director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at
Harvard University. Recent research includes “Adding Bricks to Clicks: The Effects
of Store Openings on Sales Through Direct Channels,” in Journal of Marketing,
and “Interactivity’s Unanticipated Consequences for Marketers and Marketing,” in
Journal of Interactive Marketing. Applied case studies include Instacart, the Dove
“Real Beauty” campaign, Twitter’s acquisition of Bluefin Labs, Demand Media, online
marketing in the Obama/Clinton campaign, blogging’s role in the Ford Fiesta launch,
and how Coca-Cola manages its Facebook presence. See also his Twitter feed @
HBSmktg. He has been course head of Harvard’s first year MBA Marketing course,
has taught the elective MBA course in Digital Marketing Strategy, executive education
programs in digital marketing, and marketing strategy in China. He has been a visiting
scholar at the University of Tokyo, Duke’s Fuqua School of Business, the Judge
School, Cambridge University, and the University of Oxford.
Marnik Dekimpe
Tilburg University
Marnik G. Dekimpe (PhD, University of California, Los Angeles)
is Research Professor of Marketing at Tilburg University
(The Netherlands) and Professor of Marketing at KU Leuven
(Belgium). He has won best-paper awards in Marketing Science
(1995, 2001), the Journal of Marketing Research (1999),
the Journal of Marketing (2010), the International Journal of
Research in Marketing (1997, 2001, 2002, 2013), and Technological Forecasting
and Social Change (2000). His work has also been published in journals such as
Management Science, the International Journal of Money and Finance, the Journal of
Retailing, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and the Journal
of Econometrics, among others. In 2010-2012, he served as editor-in-chief of the
International Journal of Research in Marketing, the leading European marketing
journal. He currently is an Associate Editor with the Journal of Marketing Research and
the Journal of Marketing Behavior, and serves on the editorial boards of Marketing
Science, the Journal of Marketing, the International Journal of Research in Marketing,
the Journal of Retailing, the Review of Marketing Science, the Journal of Interactive
Marketing, and Marketing Letters, among others. In 2007-2013, he was an academic
trustee with the Marketing Science Institute. He is currently an academic trustee with
AiMark. His research interests deal with recession marketing, the impact of productharm crises and the drivers of private-label success.
Preyas Desai
Duke University
Preyas Desai is the Spencer R. Hassell Professor of Business
Administration at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke
University. Professor Desai received MS and PhD from Carnegie
Mellon University, and was on the faculty of Purdue University
before joining Duke in 1997. Professor Desai’s research covers a
wide range of topics in marketing strategy, distribution channels,
and marketing of durable products. His research analyzes strategic interactions such
as those among competing firms, and among firms partnering within a distribution
channel. His articles on these topics have appeared in top-tier academic journals
such as Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of
Marketing Research, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. He has served as
a departmental editor for Management Science and is currently the editor-in-chief of
Marketing Science.
Kristin Diehl
University of Southern California
Kristin Diehl’s research focuses on how consumers search
for and use product information, specifically in environments
where search costs are low, assortments are large, and
recommendation tools may be available. She also studies how
people anticipate, experience, and remember events that unfold
over time, particularly when consumers actively take photos of
their experiences. Professor Diehl has published in the Journal of Consumer Research,
the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, the
Journal of Retailing and Psychological Science. In 2010 she received the Early Career
Award from the Association for Consumer Research. Professor Diehl serves as
Associate Editor for the Journal of Consumer Research and the International Journal
of Research in Marketing.
Shantanu Dutta
University of Southern California
Shantanu Dutta: Dave and Jeanne Tappan Chaired Professor
in Marketing at Marshall School of Business, University of
Southern California. Dr. Dutta served as Vice Dean for Graduate
Programs and Research at University of Southern California,
Marshall School of Business and oversaw the PhD, the MBA,
the Global Executive MBA programs and Research Centers
at Marshall School of Business. Dr. Dutta’s research focuses on strategic marketing
issues, specifically how firms can use distribution, strategic partnerships and value
pricing to build competitive advantage. Dr. Dutta has published on these topics in
leading marketing, economics, law and strategy journals. His research has also been
reported in the Economist and the Financial Times. His research has received awards
from the American Marketing Association and the Marketing Science Institute and he
has been invited to present his research on pricing at the National Bureau of Economic
Research. He has consulted for companies and served as an expert witness on
topics like gray markets, value pricing and distribution strategies. Dr. Dutta received his
PhD from University of Minnesota. Prior to joining the Marshall School of Business, he
was on the faculty at The University of Chicago. He was visiting Professor at London
Business School and Singapore Management University.
Peter Fader
University of Pennsylvania
Peter S. Fader is the Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor
of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of
Pennsylvania. His expertise centers around the analysis of
behavioral data to understand and forecast customer shopping/
purchasing activities. He serves as co-director of the Wharton
Customer Analytics Initiative, a research center that serves as
a ‘matchmaker’ between leading-edge academic researchers and top companies
that depend on granular, customer-level data for key strategic decisions. Professor
Fader believes that marketing should not be viewed as a ‘soft’ discipline, and he
frequently works with different companies and industry associations to improve
managerial perspectives in this regard. His work has been published in (and he serves
on the editorial boards of) a number of leading journals in marketing, statistics, and
the management sciences. He has won many awards for his teaching and research
Fred Feinberg
University of Michigan
Fred Feinberg is Handleman Professor of Marketing at the Ross
School of Business, and Professor of Statistics, University of
Michigan. He holds undergraduate degrees in mathematics and
philosophy from MIT, received a PhD in Marketing from MITSloan, and was previously on the marketing faculties at Duke
and the University of Toronto. His research focuses on using
statistical models to explain complex decision patterns, particularly involving sequential
choices among related items (e.g., brands in a category, profiles on a dating site).
Much of his more recent work addresses questions in choice theory, like why people
diversify (overseek variety), how categorical scales ‘pull’ people’s responses, and
models of dyadic choice (as in online dating). He also works in Bayesian econometrics,
dynamic programming, and the interfaces between marketing, psychology, and
economics. He was until recently Associate Editor at Production and Operations
Management and Journal of Marketing Research, when he became Senior Editor of
Marketing Science in 2014. Along with Tom Kinnear and Jim Taylor, he is author of
Modern Marketing Research: Concepts, Methods, and Cases. In his spare time, he
likes to play piano and kvetch, though rarely simultaneously.
Eileen Fischer
York University
Eileen Fischer is Professor of Marketing and the Max and Anne
Tanenbaum Chair of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise at
the Schulich School of Business at York University. She received
her doctorate from Queen’s University in Kingston Ontario in
1988. She is interested in how consumers and entrepreneurs
navigate markets as they strive to achieve their goals, and at
how their actions affect both firm and market level dynamics. Currently, that interest
is leading her to look at social media usage by both entrepreneurs and consumers.
Her work has been published in Journal of Consumer Research; Journal of Retailing;
Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of International Business; Entrepreneurship:
Theory and Practice; Consumption, Markets and Culture; Research Policy and a
range of other outlets. She currently serves as one of four co-editors of the Journal of
Consumer Research and is an editorial review board member for other consumer and
entrepreneurship research journals.
Shankar Ganesan
University of Notre Dame
Shankar Ganesan is The John Cardinal O’Hara, C.S.C.
Professor of Business and Chair of the Marketing Department
at the Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame.
Professor Ganesan’s research interests focus on the areas
of interorganizational relationships, customer relationship
management, buyer-seller negotiations, service failure and
recovery, product recalls, and new product innovation. He is the author of several
articles that have appeared in leading academic journals, including the Journal of
Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Personal
Selling and Sales Management, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal
of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and
MIT Sloan Management Review. Recently, he edited the Handbook of Marketing and
Finance published by Edward Elgar. He served as the editor-in-chief of the Journal
of Retailing, ranked among the top-business journals from 2011-2015. Professor
Ganesan has received numerous awards and honors for his research (Lou Stern
Award, the Davidson Award, Robert Buzzell Award, and the 2012 William O’Dell
Award finalist), teaching (outstanding module in the EMBA program) and editorial
service (outstanding reviewer on the Editorial Review Board from the Journal of
Marketing and the Journal of Retailing). He teaches CRM to the MBAs and Executive
Markus Giesler
York University
Markus (http://markus-giesler.com) is an associate professor of
marketing and the Schulich School’s marketing PhD program
coordinator. His research explores the dynamics and design of
(technology-based) consumer experiences and the influence
of multiple actors on these experiences and on the market
creation process. An Editorial Review Board member at the
Journal of Consumer Research and Consumption, Markets, and Culture, Markus’
research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of
Marketing, and Marketing Theory, funded by the United Nations, the Social Science
and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the European Research Council,
and profiled by, among others, the New York Times, Time, Financial Times, and Fast
Company. Markus has also been recognized as York University’s youngest tenured
and most publicly profiled professor and as one of Fortune’s young business-school
star professors on the rise, Wired’s best recognized experts studying high-technology
consumption, the world’s top 40 business professors under 40, and Germany’s 30
thought leaders under 30.
Peter Golder
Dartmouth College
Peter Golder is Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School
of Business at Dartmouth College. His research on market
entry timing, new products, long-term market leadership, and
quality has won more than 10 best paper or best book awards
including William F. O’Dell (Journal of Marketing Research),
Harold H. Maynard (Journal of Marketing), INFORMS Long
Term Impact Award (Marketing Science), Frank M. Bass Award (Marketing Science),
and Berry Book Prize (American Marketing Association). His research has also been
featured in numerous mass-media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The
Financial Times, The Economist, and Advertising Age. Prior to joining Tuck, Peter was
Professor of Marketing, George and Edythe Heyman Faculty Fellow, and marketing
department doctoral program coordinator at New York University’s Stern School of
Business. He has also held faculty appointments at UCLA and Peking University.
Dhruv Grewal
Babson College
Dhruv Grewal (PhD Virginia Tech) is the Toyota Chair in
Commerce and Electronic Business and a Professor of
Marketing at Babson College. His research and teaching
interests focus on the broad areas of value-based marketing
strategies, retailing, pricing and services. He currently serves
as an area editor for Journal of Marketing, and on the ERB of
Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and
on the advisory board for Journal of Retailing. He was awarded the 2013 University
wide Distinguished Graduate Alumnus from his alma mater Virginia Tech, the 2012
Lifetime Achievement Award in Pricing (AMA Retailing & Pricing SIG), the 2010 Lifetime
Achievement Award in Retailing (AMA Retailing SIG), the 2005 Lifetime Achievement in
Behavioral Pricing Award (Fordham University, November 2005) and the AMS Cutco/
Vector Distinguished Educator Award in May 2010. He was co-editor of Journal
of Retailing (2001-2007). He has also coauthored a number of books: Marketing
Research, Marketing, M Series: Marketing and Retailing Management. He has won
a number of awards for his teaching: 2005 Sherwin-Williams Distinguished Teaching
Award, SMA, 2003 AMA, and Award for Innovative Excellence in Marketing Education,
1999 AMS Great Teachers in Marketing Award.
Sunil Gupta
Harvard University
Sunil Gupta is the Edward W. Carter Professor of Business
Administration at Harvard Business School. His current
research is in the area of digital technology and its impact on
consumer behavior and firm strategy. His previous research
focused on customer management, pricing, and return on
marketing investment. He has published two books and over
80 articles, book chapters, cases and notes on these topics. His research has won
several awards including the 1993, 2002, and 2009 O’Dell Award and the 1998 and
2005 Paul Green Award of the Journal of Marketing Research for the most significant
contribution in the field of marketing; the 1998, 2000, and 2003 Marketing Science
Institute award for the best paper; the 2004 best paper award for the Journal of
Interactive Marketing and the 1999 best paper award for the International Journal
of Research in Marketing. Prior to joining Harvard, Sunil was the Meyer Feldberg
Professor of Business at Columbia Business School and Assistant Professor at UCLA.
Sunil holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute
of Technology, an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, and a PhD from
Columbia University.
Zeynep Gürhan-Canli
Koç University
Zeynep Gürhan-Canli is Migros Professor of Marketing at Koç
University, Istanbul, Turkey. She completed her PhD in marketing
at New York University Stern School of Business. Prior to
joining Koç University, she was a tenured faculty member at
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. Her current
research focuses on consumer information processing in
relation to branding and corporate image (brand relationships, co-branding, brand
extensions, brand communications, corporate social responsibility), consumer fears
and experiences, and corporate responsibility strategy. She has published several
articles in leading academic journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, Journal
of Consumer Psychology, and Journal of Marketing Research. She is an associate
editor for the Journal of Consumer Research and International Journal of Research
in Marketing. She is on the Editorial Review Boards of the Journal of Consumer
Psychology and Journal of International Marketing. She is currently serving as a
member of the academic board of American Marketing Association and Association
for Consumer Research. She served as a faculty fellow at several doctoral consortia
and is the director of the graduate school of business at Koç University.
Rebecca Hamilton
Georgetown University
Rebecca Hamilton is Professor of Marketing at Georgetown
University’s McDonough School of Business. She received
her PhD from the MIT Sloan School of Management in 2000
and was on the faculty at the University of Maryland’s Robert
H. Smith School of Business from 2000-2014. Professor
Hamilton’s research focuses on consumer decision making
and the effects of consumers’ information processing strategies on their attitudes and
choices. Her research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Consumer
Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes and Harvard Business Review. She received the Erin Anderson
Award for an Emerging Female Scholar and Mentor in 2011 and was recognized by
the Marketing Science Institute as a Young Scholar in 2007. She currently serves on
the Board of Directors for the Association for Consumer Research, as an Associate
Editor for the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of the Academy of
Marketing Science, and on the Editorial Review Boards of the International Journal
of Research in Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Interactive
Marketing, Journal of Marketing, and the Journal of Marketing Research.
Ryan Hamilton
Emory University
Ryan Hamilton is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Emory
University’s Goizueta Business School. He received his PhD
in Marketing from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School
of Management and a BS in Applied Physics from Brigham
Young University. His research investigates shopper decision
making: how brands, prices, and choice architecture influence
decision making at the point of purchase. He is a leading scholar in the area of retailer
price image, exploring how customers form subjective store-level price impressions
and how those impressions influence consumer behavior. His findings have been
published in Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal
of Marketing, Management Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
Processes, and Marketing Letters. His research findings have been covered in The
New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time, USA Today, The Financial Times,
CNN Headline News, and Harvard Business Review. Ryan is the proud father of five
young children, which means that he spends much of his time exhausted and slightly
rumpled. It also means he has some cover for his unabashed enthusiasm for Lego
and Spongebob Squarepants. He has never run a marathon and has no intention of
ever doing so.
Dominique Hanssens
Dominique Hanssens is the Bud Knapp Distinguished
Professor of Marketing at the UCLA Anderson Graduate
School of Management. He has served as the school’s faculty
chair, associate dean, and marketing area chair. From 2005
to 2007 he served as Executive Director of the Marketing
Science Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is currently
President-Elect of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science. Dr. Hanssens’s
research focuses on strategic marketing problems, in particular marketing productivity,
to which he applies his expertise in data-analytic methods such as econometrics and
time-series analysis. In 2003 he was awarded the UCLA Anderson School’s Neidorf
‘decade’ teaching award, in 2007 he was the recipient of the Churchill Lifetime
Achievement Award of the American Marketing Association, in 2010 he was elected
a Fellow of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science, and in 2013 he received
the AMA Mahajan Award for Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy Research.
Professor Hanssens’ consulting experience covers strategic marketing problems such
as allocating marketing resources, assessing long-term marketing effectiveness and
growing customer and brand equity. He is a founding partner of MarketShare, a global
marketing analytics firm headquartered in Los Angeles.
Jan Heide
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jan B. Heide is the Irwin Maier Chair in Marketing at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also a Professorial
Fellow, Department of Marketing and Management, University
of Melbourne, and a Senior Research Associate, Judge
Business School, University of Cambridge. His research, whose
primary focus is on inter-organizational relationships, has been
published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Marketing
Science, Management Science, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of
Management Review, and Journal of Law and Economics. He is an Associate Editor
for the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Marketing Research, and has served or
is currently serving on the Editorial Review Boards for Marketing Science, Academy of
Management Review, Journal of Retailing, and Managerial and Decision Economics.
Jan is a previous winner of the Harold Maynard award from the Journal of Marketing,
and a three-time winner of the Louis W. Stern Award. Jan teaches courses to
Undergraduate, Masters, Executive and PhD students. He has won several teaching
awards, including a University of Wisconsin system-wide award.
Mark Houston
Texas A&M University
Mark B. Houston (PhD Arizona State, MBA University of
Missouri, B.S. Southwest Baptist University) is Department
Head, Professor of Marketing, and Blue Bell Creameries Chair
in Business at Texas A&M University. Mark is also affiliated with
Arizona State University’s Center for Services Leadership and
the University of Münster (Germany). His research on channels,
movies, and innovation strategy has been published in Marketing Science, Journal
of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, and
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, among others. He is Associate Editor
of Journal of Service Research and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Mark has served as President of the AMA Academic Council (2012-2013), and has
co-chaired the AMA Summer Educators’ Conference (2005) and the AMA/Sheth
Foundation Doctoral Consortium (2010). He has received teaching awards at the
national (Academy of Marketing Science), university (University of Missouri), and
college levels (TCU’s Neeley School of Business; Saint Louis University’s Cook School
of Business). He has conducted research, consulting, and/or exec education activities
with many firms, including AT&T, Caterpillar, Dell, IBM, INGAA, Marriott.com, and
WellPoint. Prior to joining Texas A&M in 2014, Mark was a chaired full professor served
at TCU.
Tomas Hult
Michigan State University
Tomas Hult (hult@msu.edu) is Byington Endowed Chair and
Professor of Marketing and International Business in the Eli
Broad College of Business at Michigan State University. At MSU,
he also serves as Director of the International Business Center
(MSU-CIBER). Tomas Hult is President of the Sheth Foundation,
Executive Director of the Academy of International Business,
and has been Editor of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (20092015). He has published more than 50 articles in premier journals across international
business, marketing, strategic management, and supply chain management. Tomas
has served AMA in roles such as vice president of international activities, program
chair of the AMA summer conference, review board member of Journal of Marketing
since 2000, and track chair on several occasions. He has also been responsible for
raising about $15 million for Michigan State University. A native of Sweden, Hult is
the 75th most-cited ‘scientist in economics and business’ for 1997-2007 (Thomson
Reuters), 6th most influential management scholar who received their degrees since
1991 (Aquinis et al. 2012), and an Elected Fellow of the Academy of International
Business. More information about Tomas Hult can be found at http://global.broad.
Iris Hung
National University of Singapore
Iris Hung is Professor of Marketing at Fudan University. She
received her PhD in Marketing from HKUST in 2008. Her
research considers how cognitions and feelings impact
consumer decision making, self-control and prosocial
behavior. She has published in leading marketing journals
including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer
Psychology, Journal of Marketing Research, and Personality and Social Psychology
Jeff Inman
University of Pittsburgh
Jeff Inman joined the faculty of the Katz Graduate School of
Business at the University of Pittsburgh in 2000 and in 2008
assumed the position of Associate Dean of Research and
Faculty. He is Past-President of the Association for Consumer
Research and an academic trustee at the Marketing Science
Institute. His research focuses on shopper and consumer
decision-making. He is on the editorial board of the leading marketing journals,
including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research,
the Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, the Journal of Consumer Psychology,
and the Journal of Retailing. He is also an associate editor at JMR and JM. He has
taught classes in marketing research, advanced research methods, scanner data, and
marketing management. He recently developed a new course on shopper analytics.
Jeff received his BS degree in mechanical engineering from General Motors Institute
(now Kettering University), his MBA from Indiana University, and his Ph.D. from the
University of Texas. His work has appeared in the many of the most prestigious
business journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing
Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, and California
Management Review. He enjoys running and playing videogames.
Sandy Jap
Emory University
Sandy Jap is the Goizueta Term Chair and Professor of
Marketing. Her research focuses on the development and
management of interorganizational relationships such as
how to create and manage strategic partnerships over time,
how to balance their risks and rewards, and the dark side of
collaborations. She has also conducted research on the use
and impact of online reverse auctions in industrial procurement. Her research has
been conducted across numerous industries, is multi method in nature, and has
been published in a variety of journals and books, including: Management Science,
Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Organization Science, Sloan
Management Review, California Management Review, and Harvard Business Review
as well as an array of special issue journals related to channel management, salesforce
management, competition, and eCommerce. She has won numerous research
awards and grants and is an editorial board member at JMR and Marketing Letters
and an area editor at IJRM. Prior to joining Goizueta in 2001, she was on the faculty
of the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In 2009 she was a Visiting Associate Faculty member at the Wharton School at the
University of Pennsylvania in 2009. She teaches channel strategy across all programs
and the PhD marketing strategy seminar. She received her PhD from the University of
Florida (Go Gators!).
Gita Johar
Columbia University
Gita V. Johar (PhD NYU 1993; MBA Indian Institute of
Management Calcutta 1985) has been on the faculty of
Columbia Business School since 1992 and is currently the
Meyer Feldberg Professor of Business. She served as the
school’s Senior Vice Dean from 2011 to 2014 and as the
inaugural Vice Dean for Research from 2010 to 2011. Professor
Johar currently serves as an editor of the Journal of Consumer Research. Professor
Johar’s expertise lies in consumer psychology, focusing on how consumers react
to marketing efforts, especially advertising, promotions and sponsorship. She also
examines the influence of consumer self-control and perceptions of control on
decision-making and consumption. This research has implications for the design of
effective communication strategies. Professor Johar has also published cases on
consumer adoptions of new products and on marketing and advertising planning
and teaches courses on Advertising and Branding, Global Immersion: India, Global
Immersion: Myanmar, Research Methods, and Consumer Behavior to MBA, Executive
MBA and PhD students.
George John
University of Minnesota
Professor George John earned his B.Tech in Aeronautical
Engineering from IIT-Madras, India in 1974, his MBA from the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1976 and his PhD
in Marketing from Northwestern University in 1981. From 19811987, he served on the Marketing faculty at the University of
Wisconsin, Madison. In 1987, he moved to the Carlson School
of Management, University of Minnesota, where he currently holds the General MillsGerot Endowed Chair in Marketing. His research interests center on salesforce issues,
channels of distribution and high technology marketing, with a recent methodological
emphasis on field experimentation. He has published extensively on these topics in the
Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, Journal of
Law, Economics and Organization, Organization Science, and Strategic Management
Journal. He is a ‘Highly Cited Researcher’ in the Economics/Business category of
the Web of Science at http://www.isihighlycited.com. He is also active in executive
education and expert witness consulting on these topics.
Eli Jones
Texas A&M University
Dr. Eli Jones is Professor of Marketing, new Dean of the
Mays Business School, and Lowry and Peggy Mays Eminent
Scholar at his alma mater, Texas A&M University. From July
1, 2012 until June 30, 2015, he was Dean of the Sam M.
Walton College of Business and the Sam M. Walton Leadership
Chair at the University of Arkansas. From July 1, 2008 until
June 30, 2012, he served as Dean of the E. J. Ourso College of Business and the
E. J. Ourso Distinguished Professor of Business at Louisiana State University (LSU).
Professor Jones was at the University of Houston for 11 years. There he was
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor with tenure, Full Professor, Associate Dean
for Executive Education Programs and, prior to that, the founding Executive Director
of the Sales Excellence Institute at the University of Houston. He has published in
the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of
Personal Selling & Sales Management, Management Science, and Journal of Applied
Psychology, among others. He has received Excellence in Teaching awards on the
university, national, and international levels. He teaches strategic selling, advanced
professional selling, key accounts selling, sales leadership, and marketing strategy at
the undergraduate and MBA levels, and a PhD seminar on marketing strategy. Before
becoming a professor, Jones worked in sales and sales management for three Fortune
100 companies.
Constantine Katsikeas
University of Leeds
Constantine Katsikeas is Associate Dean (Faculty) and the Chair
of the Marketing Division, holds the Arnold Ziff Research Chaired
Professorship in Marketing and International Management, and
is the founder of the Global and Strategic Marketing Research
Center at Leeds University Business School. His interests
are global marketing and exporting, customer service, sales
management, marketing strategy, strategic alliances and competitive strategy. He has
published widely and his articles have appeared in Journal of Marketing, Strategic
Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies,
Decision Sciences, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of World Business,
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and other journals. He is the Editor-inChief of Journal of International Marketing and Area Editor of Journal of the Academy
of Marketing Science. He is the recipient of the AMA Global Marketing SIG’s 2013
Excellence in Global Marketing Award for outstanding research that has significantly
influenced the direction of global marketing, the 2006 AMA Foundation Hans B.
Thorelli 5-Year Research Award, and the 1999 S. Tamer Cavusgil Award for the best
Journal of International Marketing article that advances the practice of international
marketing management. He serves on the editorial board of several scholarly
academic journals and is an active member of the AMA, AIB, AIB, and EMAC.
Amna Kirmani
University of Maryland
Amna Kirmani is Professor of Marketing at the Robert H. Smith
School of Business at the University of Maryland. Her research
interests include persuasion knowledge, behavioral signaling,
social influence, and branding. Her work has been published in
several journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research,
Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, and
Journal of Consumer Psychology. Her papers have won the Paul Green Award in
the Journal of Marketing Research, the Maynard Award in the Journal of Marketing,
the Best Paper Award in the Journal of Advertising and Article of the Year at AMA
TechSIG. She is Editor-in-Chief at the Journal of Consumer Psychology, a Policy
Board member of the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, and
President of the Association for Consumer Research.
Ajay Kohli
Georgia Tech
Ajay K. Kohli is the Gary T. and Elizabeth R. Jones Chair at
Georgia Tech. He has previously taught at Emory University,
Harvard Business School and The University of Texas at
Austin. Dr. Kohli’s research focuses on market orientation,
sales management and B2B marketing. He has received
several awards including the Alpha Kappa Psi award (MSI/Paul
Root award), the inaugural Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing award, and the
Sheth best-paper award. He is one of three recipients of the 25-year (AMA doctoral)
Consortium Fellow Excellence award for his year. He is an ISBM Fellow, a recipient
of the Mahajan award for marketing strategy research, and the College-wide Jack
G. Taylor Teaching Excellence Award (UT-Austin). He is among the 100 most cited
authors in Business and Economics combined in a decade. Two of his articles are
among the 10 most cited Journal of Marketing articles in a quarter century. Dr. Kohli
has served as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Marketing. He has served as the
founding Associate Dean and Director of doctoral programs at the Goizueta Business
School, Emory University. Dr. Kohli’s undergraduate degree is from IIT-Kharagpur,
PGDM (MBA) from IIM-Calcutta and PhD from the University of Pittsburgh.
Manfred Krafft
University of Muenster
Manfred Krafft is director of the Institute of Marketing and
full professor at University of Muenster, Germany. Prior to his
current position, he was the Otto Beisheim Endowed Chair of
Marketing at WHU. He earned his PhD from the University of
Kiel, Germany. Currently, he serves as editor-in-chief of Journal
of Personal Selling & Sales Management. He is also a member
of the editorial review boards of several leading academic journals. Manfred is known
for his academic contributions in CRM, direct marketing and sales management.
His papers have been published in, among others, Journal of Marketing, Journal
of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in
Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, and
Journal of Service Research. Manfred was the winner of the inaugural Practice Prize
of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science. His books on International Direct
Marketing, Sales Management, and Retailing in the 21st Century have appeared in
French, English, German, and Korean.
Aradhna Krishna
University of Michigan
Dr. Aradhna Krishna received her PhD from New York University
in 1989, her MBA from the Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmedabad in 1984 and her BA in Economics from Delhi
University in 1979. Besides the Ross school, she has also
spent time at Columbia University, New York University,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the
National University of Singapore. She is considered the pioneer of the field of sensory
marketing. She defines sensory marketing as sub-conscious triggers that affect how
people make purchase and consumption decisions. Her research explores ways in
which a products look, feel, taste, sound, and smell contribute to how it is perceived,
and how people respond to it. She held the first academic conference on sensory
marketing, has edited a research book on the subject, written a popular press book on
the subject, and runs a sensory marketing research laboratory. In addition to sensory
marketing, she works on designing winning cause marketing and corporate social
responsibility programs, and on constructing engaging pricing and promotion policies.
She has more than fifty published articles which have appeared in the most prestigious
outlets including the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of
Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Marketing, Harvard
Business Review among others.
V Kumar
Georgia State University
V. Kumar (VK), the Regents Professor, Lenny Distinguished Chair
& Professor in Marketing, and the Executive Director – Center
for Excellence in Brand & Customer Management at Georgia
State University. VK is recognized as the Chang Jiang Scholar at
HUST; China, Lee Kong Chian Fellow at SMU, Singapore; and
has received over Ten lifetime achievement awards in various
areas of marketing including the 2015 Distinguished Marketing Educator Award from
the AMS and the Paul D Converse Award. VK has received the Sheth Foundation/JM
Award, Robert Buzzell Award, Davidson Award, Paul H. Root Award, Don Lehmann
Award, and Gary L Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize Award. He has published over 200
articles in scholarly journals in marketing as well as book chapters. VK has written
over 15 books including Managing Customers for Profit, Customer Relationship
Management, Customer Lifetime Value, Marketing Research, Profitable Customer
Engagement, Statistical Methods in CRM, and International Marketing Research.
VK spends his ‘free’ time visiting business leaders to identify challenging problems
to solve. Recently, VK has been chosen as a Legend in Marketing where his work is
published in a 10 volume encyclopedia with commentaries from scholars worldwide.
Finally, VK is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Marketing.
Cait Lamberton
University of Pittsburgh
Cait Lamberton is Associate Professor and Ben L. Fryrear
Fellow in Marketing at the Katz Graduate School of Business
at the University of Pittsburgh. Beginning with her dissertation
work on the way that differently-organized assortments could
alter consumer perceptions and choice, Cait has continued
to research the ways that apparently small changes in the
environment or social context could generate important consumer outcomes, studying
effects ranging from brand preference to interest in commercial sharing systems and,
more recently, responses to government actions. In recognition of her research, Cait
was selected as a Young Scholar by the Marketing Science Institute and received the
Association for Consumer’s Research’s Early Career Award for distinguished scholarly
contributions. Cait teaches consumer behavior at the undergraduate, MBA, PhD and
executive levels, while also working on consulting projects in private industry and for
the US government. This active engagement with her students and community placed
her on Poets & Quants ‘Top 40 under 40’ list of business school professors. She
has a BA in English Literature from Wheaton College and an MBA and PhD from the
University of South Carolina.
Angela Lee
Northwestern University
Angela Y. Lee joined the marketing faculty at the Kellogg School
in 1995. She is a consumer psychologist and her expertise
is in consumer learning, emotions and goals. Her research
focuses on consumer motivation and affect, cross-cultural
consumer psychology, and nonconscious influences of memory
on judgment and choice. Her publications appear in both
marketing and psychology journals. She was the recipient of the 2006 Stanley Reiter
Best Paper Award for her research on self-regulation and persuasion, and the 2002
Otto Klineberg Award for the best paper on international and intercultural relations.
She currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Consumer Research and
the Journal of Marketing Research. Angela is a fellow of the Society of Experimental
Social Psychology, a past president of the Association for Consumer Research, and
a board member of the American Marketing Association. Angela is a native of Hong
Kong where she worked as a fund raising consultant for nonprofit organizations before
entering academia. She received her BBA from the University of Hawaii, an MPhil
in Economics from the University of Hong Kong, and a PhD in Marketing from the
University of Toronto.
Don Lehmann
Columbia University
Donald R. Lehmann is George E. Warren Professor of Business
at Columbia University Graduate School of Business. His
research interests include modeling choice and decision
making, meta-analysis, the introduction and adoption of
innovations, and the measurement and management of
marketing assets (customers and brands). He has taught
courses in marketing, management, and statistics at Columbia, and has also taught
at Cornell, Dartmouth, and New York University. He has published in and served on
the editorial boards of Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal
of Marketing Research, Management Science, and Marketing Science, and was the
founding editor of Marketing Letters and editor of the International Journal of Research
in Marketing. In addition to numerous journal articles, he has published several books:
including Market Research and Analysis, Analysis for Marketing Planning, Product
Management, Meta Analysis in Marketing, and Managing Customers as Investments.
He has won best paper awards from several journals, multiple lifetime achievement
awards, and is a Fellow of both the Association for Consumer Research and the
Informs Society for Marketing Science. Professor Lehmann has served as Executive
Director of the Marketing Science Institute and as President of the Association for
Consumer Research.
Katherine Lemon
Boston College
Katherine (Kay) Lemon holds the Accenture Professorship at
Boston College’s Carroll School of Management and is the
Chair of the Marketing Department. Her research interests
include the dynamics of customer-firm relationships, customer
management, and customer experience management. She
served as editor of the Journal of Service Research, and is
the Executive Director-Designate of the Marketing Science Institute. Her research
appears in leading marketing journals including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of
Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, and the Journal of
Service Research. She received the Early Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy
Research Award recognizing her contributions to marketing strategy, the Elsevier
Research Scholar of the Year Award (2008), and has received several best article
awards for her research, including the 2009 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing
Award, given each year to the article that has made long-term contributions to the
theory and practice of marketing. Kay has consulted with and taught senior executives
at leading global companies. Professor Lemon received her PhD from the University
of California, Berkeley. Before joining the Carroll School, she taught at the Harvard
Business School and Duke University.
Wendy Liu
University of California San Diego
Dr. Liu studies the psychology of judgment and decision
making, focusing on consumer choice, social interactions,
and well-being. Her recent research topics include decision
processes, self-control decisions, risky choices, happiness, and
prosocial behavior. Dr Liu received her PhD in marketing from
the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Mary Frances Luce
Duke University
Mary Frances Luce is the Robert A. Ingram Professor of
Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business at
Duke University. She is a member of the marketing area and
has recently taught the marketing core. She is was recently a
co-editor of the Journal of Consumer Research. Her research
interests lie in consumer behavior, medical decision-making,
and the effects of negative emotion on decision behavior. Her recent research has
appeared in American Journal of Bioethics, Emotion, Journal of Consumer Research
and Health Psychology.
Deborah MacInnis
University of Southern California
Debbie MacInnis is the Charles L. and Ramona I. Hilliard
Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Marketing
at USC’s Marshall School of Business. She has served as Vice
Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Vice Dean for Research
at Strategy at Marshall. Debbie’s current research interests
center on the role of emotions in consumer behavior. She is also
interested in research on branding, including brand extensions, brand attachment,
and brand betrayal. She has published over 60 academic papers in some of the
field’s leading academic journals and has received the Journal of Marketing’s Alpha
Kappa Psi and Maynard Awards for the papers that make the greatest contribution
to marketing thought. She has also received the Long-Term Contribution Award from
the Review of Marketing Research. Debbie, who is co-author of a leading textbook
on consumer behavior, has served as Conference Co-Chair, Treasurer, and President
of the Association for Consumer Research. She has also served as Associate Editor
and then Co-Editor of the Journal of Consumer Research. She is currently Theory
Development Editor at the Journal of Marketing and is on the Editorial Review Boards
of the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Puneet Manchanda
University of Michigan
Puneet Manchanda is Isadore and Leon Winkelman Professor
and Professor of Marketing at the University of Michigan’s Ross
School of Business. He holds a PhD and MPhil in Business from
Columbia University. His research interests are broad, covering
marketing and strategy questions in a wide variety of industries.
From a methods point of view, he uses tools from Bayesian
econometrics and empirical industrial organization. His recent work has focused on
peer effects, digital marketing, services, e-commerce, mobile marketing and platforms.
He loves LBS and London.
Murali Mantrala
University of Missouri
Murali K. Mantrala is Sam M. Walton Distinguished Professor
of Marketing and Chair, Marketing Department, at University of
Missouri, Columbia. His previous positions include J.C. Penney
Associate Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville,
Manager at ZS Associates, Evanston, Illinois, and visiting
appointments at Bar-Ilan, Chicago, Cologne, Columbia, Duke,
ISB, Loughborough, Rutgers, Vanderbilt, Washington-St. Louis, and WHU Koblenz
universities. Murali holds a PhD in Marketing from Northwestern University, MBAs
from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and Indian Institute of Management,
Calcutta, and a bachelor’s degree in Physics from University of Delhi. Murali has
published papers on two-sided platform marketing, sales resource allocation,
compensation design, and retail pricing strategies in leading research journals. Two
of his papers in JMR were finalists for the O’Dell Award, while two others in Marketing
Science (MKS) and Journal of Interactive Marketing won the Frank M. Bass Award
in 1998 and the 2013 Best Paper Award respectively. Murali is currently Co-Editor of
Journal of Retailing and serves/served on the editorial boards of JM, MKS, JAMS,
and JPSSM. He co-chaired the 43rd AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium at
MU in 2008. In 2010, he received the Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander
Humboldt Foundation in Berlin, Germany.
Leigh McAlister
University of Texas at Austin
Leigh McAlister is the Ed and Molly Smith Chair in Business
Administration at the McCombs School of Business, University
of Texas at Austin. She received her PhD from Stanford
University and she served on the faculties of University of
Washington and MIT before joining University of Texas at
Austin. She has won many teaching awards and research
awards including JMR’s O’Dell Award, JR’s Davidson Award. In 2014, she received
the Mahajan Award for Lifetime Achievements in Strategy Research and was named
the AMA/Irwin/McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator. Long associated with
the Marketing Science Institute, she served there as Executive Director from 20032005. Currently her research focuses on determinants of firm value and implications
of web communications and she serves as Area Editor for these topics at Journal of
Marketing and Marketing Science.
Geeta Menon
New York University
Geeta Menon is the 11th Dean of the Undergraduate College
at NYU’s Stern School of Business, the Abraham Krasnoff
Professor of Global Business and Professor of Marketing.
She has been on Stern’s Marketing faculty since 1990 and
has served as department chair (2004-08). In 2015, she was
named one of the 20 most influential global Indian women in
business and the arts by The Economic Times. As a researcher, she studies consumer
memory, information processing and emotions in the contexts of survey methodology,
advertising of health information and risk perception. Her work has been published
in leading journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing
Research and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and has been
funded by the National Institutes of Health and the American Diabetes Association.
She is the past President of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), and has
served as the Associate Editor of the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal
of Marketing Research. She cherishes her role as a mentor to doctoral students. She
is the recipient of the Citibank Award for excellence in teaching at NYU Stern. She
received her PhD in Business Administration from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign.
Robert Meyer
University of Pennsylvania
Robert Meyer is the Frederick H. Ecker/MetLife Insurance
Professor and Co-Director of Wharton’s Risk Management and
Decision Processes Center. He is currently the editor-in-chief
of the Journal of Marketing Research, and an associate editor
for the Journal of Marketing. He has previously served as coeditor of Marketing Letters, and associate editor of the Journal
of Consumer Research, JMR, and Marketing Science. He has also served on the
editorial review board of several major journals. Professor Meyer’s research focuses
on consumer decision analysis, sales response modeling, and decision making
under uncertainty. His work has appeared in a wide variety of professional journals
and books, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing
Research, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Marketing Science, Management
Science, and Risk Analysis. Professor Meyer joined the marketing faculty in 1990 after
spending eight years on the faculty of the Anderson Graduate School of Management
at UCLA, and two years at the Graduate School of Industrial Administration at
Carnegie-Mellon University. At Wharton Professor Meyer has served as chair of the
Marketing Department and Vice Dean of Wharton’s doctoral programs.
Natalie Mizik
University of Washington
Natalie Mizik is J. Gary Shansby Endowed Chair in Marketing
Strategy and Professor of Marketing at the University of
Washington Foster School of Business. Natalie’s research
centers on examining financial performance consequences of
marketing strategies and activities, developing new metrics for
marketing assets (Brand Energy), and building empirical models
for assessing the value of intangible marketing assets. Natalie has published research
in a broad set of substantive areas including Branding, Strategy, Managerial Myopia,
Customer Satisfaction, and Direct-to-Physician Pharmaceutical Marketing. Her current
work explores myopic management practices and consequences of earnings inflation
through real activity versus accounting accrual manipulation, corporate branding,
and applications of natural language processing tools in marketing. Her research has
appeared in top academic marketing and management journals. An award-winning
teacher and researcher, Dr. Mizik has served on the faculty of the Columbia Graduate
School of Business, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, and as a visiting professor
at the MIT Sloan School of Management before she joined UW.
Wendy Moe
University of Maryland
Wendy Moe is Professor of Marketing and Director of the
Masters of Science in Marketing Analytics at the University of
Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. She is an
expert in online and social media marketing with a focus on
analytics and intelligence. Professor Moe is a highly published
academic with her research appearing in numerous leading
business journals. She is also the author of Social Media Intelligence (Cambridge:
2014). Professor Moe has been recognized by the American Marketing Association
and the Marketing Science Institute as a leading scholar in her field with the Howard
Award, the Young Scholar Award, the Erin Anderson Award and the Buzzell Award.
She serves on the advisory board of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative as well
as on the editorial boards of Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research,
Journal of Interactive Marketing and International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Professor Moe has been on the faculty at the University of Maryland since 2004. Prior
to that, she was on the faculty at the University of Texas at Austin. She holds a PhD,
MA and BS from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania as well as an
MBA from Georgetown University.
Elizabeth Moore
University of Notre Dame
Elizabeth S. Moore is Associate Professor of Marketing,
University of Notre Dame. Her research interests are
marketing in society, impacts of marketing on children, and
intergenerational family studies. Professor Moore’s research
has been recognized with ‘Best Article’ Awards from both the
Journal of Consumer Research, and (twice) the Journal of Public
Policy & Marketing: she has also published her research in the Journal of Marketing,
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of Business Ethics. In
addition, she serves on multiple editorial boards, and served as associate editor at
JPPM. She has worked with the Kaiser Family Foundation to investigate online food
marketing to children, and has provided expert testimony to the U.S. Federal Trade
Commission, the Institute of Medicine, and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Her current research centers on the impacts of marketing on childhood
obesity, as well as intergenerational influences on consumption behavior. Prior to
joining Notre Dame, she served on the faculties of Boston College and the University
of Illinois. Professor Moore is the recipient of teaching awards at Notre Dame and
Illinois. She graduated from Mount Holyoke College and earned her PhD from the
University of Florida.
Christine Moorman
Duke University
Christine Moorman is the T. Austin Finch, Sr. Professor of
Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke
University. Chris’ research examines the nature and effects of
learning and knowledge utilization by consumers, managers,
organizations, and financial markets. It has been published
in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing,
Journal of Consumer Research, Marketing Science, JPP&M, International Journal of
Research in Marketing, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science
Quarterly, and Harvard Business Review and supported by grants from MSI, ISBM,
and NSF. Chris is founder of The CMO Survey (www.cmosurvey.org) and author of
Strategy from the Outside In: Profiting from Customer Value—winner of the 2011 Berry
Book Prize. Chris has served on the Board of Directors and chair of the Marketing
Strategy SIG for the AMA, as Director of Public Policy for ACR, and as an Academic
Trustee for MSI. Chris is currently an Associate Editor for JM and JMR. Chris received
the 2012 Paul D. Converse award for significant contributions to the field of marketing
and the 2008 Mahajan Award for Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy.
Vicki Morwitz
New York University
Vicki Morwitz is the Harvey Golub Professor of Business
Leadership and Professor of Marketing at the Stern School of
Business, New York University. She received a B.S. in computer
science and applied mathematics from Rutgers University, an
M.S. in operations research from Polytechnic University, and an
M.A. in statistics and a Ph.D. in marketing from the Wharton
School at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests include self prediction,
behavioral aspects of pricing, and the effectiveness of public health communication.
She teaches the marketing core, marketing research, and judgment and decisionmaking. Her work has appeared in many journals including American Journal of
Public Health, Harvard Business Review, International Journal of Forecasting, Journal
of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing
Research, Management Science, and Marketing Letters. She served as President
of the Society for Consumer Psychology (2011-2012) and as a member of SCP’s
executive board (2010-2013). She is currently co-editor of JCR, has served as an
Associate Editor for JCP and JMR, and is on the editorial board of Marketing Letters.
She co-chaired the annual North American ACR conference (2006) and SCP’s first
international conference (2012). She is co-chairing the 2016 SCP doctoral consortium.
Sridhar Narayanan
Stanford University
Sridhar Narayanan is an Associate Professor of Marketing
at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. He
received his PhD from the University of Chicago in 2005 and
has been at Stanford since July 2005. Before his PhD, he
worked as a Sales and Marketing manager at Unilever, after
receiving a BE in Electrical Engineering and an MBA, both from
the University of Delhi, India. Sridhar’s research focuses on the empirical analysis of
marketing problems. His work has studied the marketing of drugs, with a focus on
how it influences physician learning about new drugs. In other work, he has studied
the effects of online advertising and social effects. He has a particular interest in the
application of Bayesian methods to solve computational and estimation challenges in
problems of marketing and industrial organization. His research has been published
in the leading journals of marketing, such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing
Research and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. Sridhar teaches MBA elective
courses on Marketing Analytics and a PhD course on Bayesian methods. Previously
he also taught the core Marketing Management course and an elective course on
Green Marketing in the MBA program.
Oded Netzer
Columbia University
Oded’s research centers on one of the major business
challenges of the data-rich environment of the 21st century:
developing quantitative methods that leverage data to gain
a deeper understanding of customer behavior and guide
firms’ decisions. He focuses primarily on building statistical
and econometric models to measure consumer preferences
and understand how customer choices change over time, and across contexts. His
research has won multiple awards and has been published in the leading scholarly
journals. He serves on the editorial board of several leading journals including:
Marketing Science, Management Science, Quantitative Marketing and Economics,
and International Journal of Research in Marketing. Oded teaches the core marketing
course to MBA and undergraduate students, a course in Marketing Research to MBA
and Executive MBA students, a doctoral course on empirical research in marketing, as
well as several executive education programs.
Michael Norton
Harvard University
Michael I. Norton is a Professor at the Harvard Business School.
He is the co-editor – with Derek Rucker and Cait Lamberton
– of the forthcoming Cambridge Handbook of Consumer
Psychology, and the co-author – with Elizabeth Dunn – of
Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending. In 2012, he
was selected for Wired Magazine’s Smart List as one of ‘50
People Who Will Change the World’ and his TEDx talk, How to Buy Happiness, has
been viewed more than 2.5 million times.
Robert Palmatier
University of Washington
Robert W. Palmatier is Professor of Marketing, and he holds
the John C. Narver Chair of Business Administration at the
University of Washington’s Foster School of Business. He is also
the research director of UW’s Center for Sales and Marketing
Strategy. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in
Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology,
as well as an MBA from Georgia State University, a doctoral degree from the
University of Missouri, and post-doctoral studies at Kellogg School of Management at
Northwestern University. Prior to entering academia, Professor Palmatier held various
industry positions, including President & Chief Operating Officer of C&K Components
and European General Manager at Tyco-Raychem Corporation. He also served as
a U.S. Navy Lieutenant onboard nuclear submarines. His research has appeared in
Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of
Retailing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science,
and International Journal of Research in Marketing. He will be the incoming editorin-chief for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science beginning on June 1,
2015. His publications have received the Harold H. Maynard, Lou W. Stern, and the
American Marketing Association Best Services Article awards.
Lisa Peñaloza
KEDGE Business School
Lisa Peñaloza is Professor, Kedge Business School, Bordeaux,
France, where she teaches cultural branding strategy, qualitative
research methods, and consumer culture. Her ethnographic
research uses interviews, photographs, and film to document
how consumers and marketers together produce identity,
community, and economic value in the marketplace. Her
published research appears in such journals as the Journal of Marketing, Journal
of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Marketing Theory,
Consumption, Markets and Culture, Journal of Macromarketing, and the International
Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. She has produced two documentary films:
Generaciones: Cutural Identity, Memory, and the Market details market development
in South Texas (2005, 47 minutes), and Inside the Mainstream (with M. Barnhart)
focuses on credit and debt in the US (2009, 27 min); and has authored a play, Dinner
with Marx and Baudrillard, set in a small town on the Turkish Mediterranean, where
former student activists, now successful career professionals, debate the politics of
consumption versus labor. She is former editor of the journal Consumption, Markets,
Culture, and a co-editor of the forthcoming Routledge Companion to Ethnic Marketing
(2015) and of the textbook, Marketing Management: A Cultural Approach (Routledge,
Jaideep Prabhu
University of Cambridge
Jaideep Prabhu is Professor of Marketing and Jawaharlal Nehru
Professor of Indian Business and Enterprise at Judge Business
School, University of Cambridge. He has held positions at
Cambridge, Imperial College London, Tilburg University (the
Netherlands), and UCLA. His research interests are in marketing,
innovation, strategy and international business. In particular, he
studies various cross-national issues concerning the antecedents and consequences
of innovation. He is the co-author of Jugaad Innovation described by the Economist as
“the most comprehensive book yet” on the subject of frugal innovation.
Linda Price
University of Arizona
Linda L. Price (BA, MBA University of Wyoming, PhD University
of Texas at Austin) is Underwood Family Professor of Marketing
at University of Arizona. Linda is immediate Past President of
the Association for Consumer Research, serves on the AMA
Executive Academic Council, the Advisory Board for Journal
of Consumer Research, Academy of Marketing Science
Board of Governors, the Sheth Foundation, and other editorial boards including JM,
JCR and AE for JAMS. She is research faculty of Center for Services Leadership
Network. Linda has received many marketing honors including the 2015 AMA CB SIG
Lifetime Achievement Award, the 2013 Academy of Marketing Science Cutco/Vector
Distinguished Educator Award for Lifetime Contributions to Marketing Scholarship and
the 2013 College of Business Distinguished Alumni Award from University of Wyoming.
Linda’s theory and research is published in leading journals, and combines qualitative
and quantitative methodologies to examine consumer identity and adaptation, social
influence and network interactions. Her research has been and is currently funded
by a variety of agencies including USDA, and Marketing Science Institute. She has
published books, chapters and over 70 articles that have collectively garnered over
7,000 citations, and mentored many PhD students who are now leading marketing
Stefano Puntoni
Erasmus University
Stefano Puntoni is a professor of marketing at the Rotterdam
School of Management, Erasmus University. He is a former MSI
Young Scholar and the recipient of various grants and awards.
Stefano’s research investigates the social, emotional, and
cognitive determinants of consumer behavior, with an emphasis
on the consequences of globalization for consumers. His
work has appeared in leading journals including the Journal of Consumer Research,
Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, and Organizational Behavior
and Human Decision Processes. He holds a PhD in marketing from London Business
School. Stefano’s teaching expertise is in the areas of marketing strategy and brand
management. He has taught at Lancaster University, London Business School,
Bocconi University, and the American University in Cairo. The Financial Times named
him a ‘Professor to Watch’. Stefano is a generally happy and cheerful person with
a tendency to speak too fast in a thick Italian accent. His jokes are funny but not as
funny as he thinks.
Rebecca Ratner
University of Maryland
Rebecca Ratner is Professor of Marketing at the Robert
H. Smith School of Business. She received a PhD in social
psychology from Princeton University in 1999. Prior to her
position at Maryland, she was assistant and associate professor
at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ratner’s
research explores factors underlying suboptimal consumer
decision making and focuses on variety seeking, motivation, and the influence of social
norms. Her research has appeared in marketing, psychology, and decision-making
journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and
Human Decision Processes. Ratner has taught courses on marketing management,
marketing research, and consumer behavior to MBA students, undergraduate
students, and executives. She currently serves as co-editor for Journal of Marketing
Rebecca Reczek
Ohio State University
Rebecca Walker Reczek received her PhD in marketing from
The University of Texas at Austin in 2006. Dr. Reczek’s research
focuses on the area of consumer behavior. Specifically, her
research has explored consumer lay theories, inference making,
and social influence. Given her interest in consumer well-being,
she has explored these theoretical interests in the substantive
domains of food and health decision making, consumer response to sustainable
products, and consumer disposal practices. Current projects continue to explore
these areas, as well as consumers’ online behavior and consumer-to-consumer
persuasion. Dr. Reczek’s research has appeared in the Journal of Consumer
Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Marketing, Marketing
Science, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the International Journal of Research in
Marketing, the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Marketing Letters, and the Journal
of Business Logistics. Dr. Reczek is on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of
Consumer Research, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, and the Journal of Public
Policy & Marketing. She has won multiple awards for her teaching and research,
including being named a 2013 MSI Young Scholar and receiving the 2014 Early Career
Award from the Society for Consumer Psychology.
Americus Reed
University of Pennsylvania
Americus Reed, II is the Whitney M. Young Jr., Professor of
Marketing at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania,
where he has served on faculty since 2000. An avid fitness
enthusiast, part time drummer and tireless educator, Americus’
primary research and consulting areas are in brand equity and
Identity Loyalty – the study of creating and fostering ‘brand
communities’ that transcend the utilitarian aspects of products to actualize iconic
levels of symbolic identity and self-expression; connect to deep levels of emotional
and social affiliation, and cultivate lifelong relationships with consumers. In 2005, his
academic work in this area received honorable mention for the prestigious Robert
Ferber Award for academic impact in the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) and
in 2009 he received JCR’s Best Paper Award. Americus has authored more than
40 articles, book chapters and cases on the topic. He teaches customer analysis,
branding and consumer psychology to undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and
executive students.
Werner Reinartz
University of Cologne
Werner Reinartz is a Professor of Marketing at the University
of Cologne, and the Director of the Center for Research in
Retailing (IFH), Germany. Professor Reinartz holds a PhD in
Marketing from the University of Houston (1999). His research
interest and expertise focuses on the subjects of marketing
strategy, retailing, customer relationship management (CRM),
and service strategies. His work in these domains has been recognized with major
academic awards, such as the 1999 AMA Doctoral Dissertation Competition, the 2001
Don Lehmann Award for the Best Dissertation-Based Research Paper to be published
in Journal of Marketing Research or Journal of Marketing, the 2003 and 2005 MSI/
Paul Root Award of the Journal of Marketing, Finalist for the 2009 O’Dell Award, and
the 2011 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award for long-term contribution to
the marketing discipline. He has published extensively in journals such as Journal of
Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal
of Retailing, International Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Service Research.
In addition, his research was presented in five different feature articles in Harvard
Business Review. Furthermore, he is area editor at the Journal of Marketing and
International Journal of Research in Marketing as well as a member of the editorial
boards of Marketing Science and Journal of Retailing. In 2010, he was the host of the
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference in Cologne.
John Roberts
University of New South Wales
John researches in the areas of marketing strategy, consumer
response modeling, and branding. He has won the American
Marketing Association’s John A. Howard Award for the
top Doctorate in the U.S., its William O’Dell Award for the
most influential piece of research published in the Journal of
Marketing Research published five years previously, and its
Advanced Research Techniques Forum Best Paper Award. He has been a finalist in
the Society for Marketing Science John D Little Award for the top marketing science
paper three times and Runner-Up in its Best Marketing Practice Award three times.
John sits on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of
Forecasting, Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing,
Quantitative Abstracts in Marketing and Review of Marketing Science. He is winner of
the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Marketing Distinguished Researcher and
Distinguished Educator Awards, as well as winning its Best Paper Award three times.
He is the first marketing academic to be made a Fellow of the Australian Academy
of Social Sciences and in 2011 was awarded the Australian Marketing Institute’s Sir
Charles McGrath Award for lifetime contributions to marketing.
Deborah Roedder John
University of Minnesota
Deborah Roedder John is the Curtis L. Carlson Chair in
Marketing at the Carlson School of Management, University
of Minnesota. She holds a PhD in Marketing from the Kellogg
Graduate School of Management. She is an expert in the
area of consumer behavior, and is well known for her work
in consumer branding and children’s consumer behavior.
Her work appears in leading marketing journals, and has been featured in national
media, including Business Week, U.S. News & World Report, The New York Times,
MSN, Time, and AOL News. Professor John is a past president of the Association
for Consumer Research, and a past associate editor for the Journal of Consumer
Research. She currently serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Consumer
Psychology, and is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Consumer
Research, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.
She teaches brand management and research methods at the undergraduate, MBA,
PhD, and Executive Education levels. Her consulting activities include providing
strategic guidance for branding issues and serving as an expert witness in trademark
and brand dilution litigation.
Roland Rust
University of Maryland
Roland T. Rust is Distinguished University Professor and David
Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing at the Robert H. Smith School
of Business at the University of Maryland, where he is Executive
Director of the Center for Excellence in Service and the Center
for Complexity in Business. He is Visiting Chair in Marketing
Research at Erasmus University and International Research
Fellow of Oxford University’s Center for Corporate Reputation. Lifetime achievement
honors include the AMA Irwin McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award,
AMA Fellow, INFORMS ISMS Fellow, EMAC Fellow, Fellow of the American Statistical
Association, the Converse Award, and an honorary doctorate from the University
of Neuchatel, as well as the top career contributions awards in services, marketing
research, marketing strategy and advertising. He has won numerous article and
book awards, including four best article awards from the Journal of Marketing. He
was Editor of the Journal of Marketing, founded the Frontiers in Service Conference,
and was founding Editor of the Journal of Service Research. He is VP of External
Relations for EMAC, and Editor-Elect of IJRM. He has consulted with many leading
companies worldwide. A national class distance runner, he has been inducted into the
DePauw University Athletic Hall of Fame.
Lisa Scheer
University of Missouri
Lisa K. Scheer is the Emma S. Hibbs Distinguished Professor
and marketing doctoral program coordinator at the University
of Missouri’s Trulaske College of Business. She’s published in
Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Academy
of Management Journal, International Journal of Research
in Marketing (IJRM), Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science (JAMS) and Journal of International Marketing as well as other journals. Lisa
has served as co-director of the last two ISBM PhD Camps and co-chaired AMA’s
2012 Summer Educators’ Conference, 2002 Winter Educators’ Conference and the
2008 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium. One of two dozen scholars currently honored
as ISBM Fellows by the Institute for the Study of Business Markets, Lisa serves on
ISBM’s Leadership Board and previously was on AMA’s Academic Council. Editorial
boards include Journal of Marketing, IJRM, Journal of Retailing, JAMS, Journal of
International Marketing and others. Dr. Scheer has been a visiting scholar, thought
leader, featured or keynote speaker in the USA, Austria, Belgium, Germany, the
Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK. Research interests include business-tobusiness relationships, implementation of marketing strategy, service relationships and
interfirm innovation, with emphasis on trust, interdependence, fairness, relationship
marketing and dark side behavior in relationships. Lisa received her PhD from
Northwestern University.
David Schmittlein
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Schmittlein joined the MIT Sloan School of Management
as John C Head III Dean in October, 2007. He has led
expansion of MIT Sloan’s global visibility, worked with the
faculty to create new mission-driven education programs,
developed enhanced learning experiences for current students,
and invested to develop and disseminate business knowledge
that has impact and will stand the test of time. Under his leadership, MIT Sloan has
created four international executive boards, launched three new degree programs,
expanded the size and prominence of the standing faculty, overseen the completion
of Sloan’s new campus, enhanced alumni engagement, and as a result seen annual
giving increase by over 100 percent. Prior to MIT Sloan, Dean Schmittlein served
on the faculty at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania from 1980
until 2007. Dean Schmittlein received a PhD and M.Phil. in Business from Columbia
University and B.A. in Mathematics (magna cum laude) from Brown University.
His research assesses marketing processes and develops methods for improving
marketing decisions, and has been published in leading Marketing, Management,
Economics and Statistics journals. Dr. Schmittlein serves on the Advisory Board for the
School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, and is a Trustee of The
Conference Board.
Jaideep Sengupta
Jaideep Sengupta is Chinese Estates Professor of Business
at HKUST. He received a PhD in Management from UCLA, an
MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, and a
BTech from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. Jaideep’s
research adopts an information processing perspective to
examine the effects of marketing communications and the
mechanisms underlying these effects. His early work contributed to an understanding
of theoretical issues relating to persuasion and attitude strength; some of his later
research continues to build on those themes while examining the efficacy of a variety
of communication tactics ranging from flattery to the use of sex in advertising. His
recent work uses information processing insights to obtain an understanding of
consumer behavior in several other domains as well, such as impulsivity and selfcontrol, product anthropomorphism, perceptions of health risks, etc. Many of these
investigations represent collaborative effort with current and ex-PhD students, with
whom Jaideep particularly enjoys working. Jaideep’s research has been published
in Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of
Consumer Psychology. From 2010 onwards, he has served as an Associate Editor at
JCR. He also serves on the Editorial Boards at JMR and JCP.
Baba Shiv
Stanford University
Baba Shiv’s research expertise is in the area of neuroeconomics,
with specific emphasis on the role of neural structures related to
emotion and motivation in shaping decisions and experiences.
His recent work examines the interplay of the brain’s ‘liking’ and
‘wanting’ systems and its implications for marketing, innovation
and leadership. His research has won numerous awards
including the William O’Dell award for an article that made the most significant, longterm contribution to marketing theory and practice. Two of his research publications
received the Citation of Excellence from Emerald Management Reviews (Top 50
Management Articles in 2005 and 2009). In 2001, he was identified by the Marketing
Science Institute as one of the future leaders of the next generation of marketing
Deborah Small
University of Pennsylvania
Deborah Small is an Associate Professor of Marketing and
Psychology at the Wharton School of the University of
Pennsylvania with a secondary appointment in the Psychology
Department. Her research and teaching interface psychology
and economics, examining fundamental processes that underlie
human judgment and decision making. She studies decision
making in many contexts, including charitable giving, terrorism, negotiation, buyer and
seller behavior, and couples’ financial decision making. Her work has been published
in leading academic journals in Marketing and Psychology and has been described in
many popular news stories and books. She currently serves as an associate editor of
the Journal of Marketing Research and on several editorial boards. She received her
PhD in Psychology and Behavioral Decision Research from Carnegie Mellon University
and her BS from the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Small is a strong supporter
of doctoral students. She has served on 12 dissertation committees, served as
the advisor for 3 students, and co-authored 9 papers with students. She won the
‘Wharton Iron Prof’ award in 2014 for a presentation based on research conducted in
collaboration with three talented doctoral students. She also helped found a joint PhD
program in Marketing and Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dilip Soman
University of Toronto
Dilip Soman is a behavioural scientist and does research on
interesting human behaviours and applications to choice
architecture, consumer welfare, policy and financial well-being.
He is a professor at the Rotman School of Management at
the University of Toronto, the director of the university’s India
Innovation Institute, and the coordinator of the Behavioural
Economics in Action research cluster. He is the author of over 50 research papers and
several books, including the forthcoming The Last Mile (University of Toronto Press).
In his past life, he has degrees in engineering and management, worked in sales and
advertising, consulted for several organizations, and taught at Colorado, Hong Kong
and now in Toronto. When not working, he spends time on photography, reading,
taking weekends seriously and agonizing over successive Indian cricket teams.
Alina Sorescu
Texas A&M University
Alina Sorescu is Associate Professor of Marketing and
holder of the Rebecca U. ‘74 and William S. Nichols III ‘74
Professorship at the Mays Business School, Texas A&M
University. She studies business models, innovation, product
portfolio decisions, branding, and measuring the financial value
of marketing actions. Her research has appeared in Marketing
Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing and
other journals. Her research awards include the AMA John A. Howard Dissertation
Award, the AMS Mary Kay Dissertation Award, the AMA Winter Conference Best
Paper in the Marketing and Technology track, the Strategic Management Society
Conference on Big Bang Innovation Best Paper Award and the Ricky Griffin Research
Excellence Award. Her teaching awards include the Montague Center for Teaching
Excellence Scholar Award and the university level Association of Former Students
Distinguished Teaching Award. Alina serves on the editorial board of the Journal of
Marketing where she was recognized with the best reviewer award. Alina is PhD
Coordinator in the Department of Marketing and she believes that the best part of her
job is working with doctoral students.
Raji Srinivasan
University of Texas at Austin
Raji Srinivasan is Professor of Marketing and Spurgeon Bell
Centennial Fellow at the Red McCombs School of Business,
University of Texas at Austin. Professor Srinivasan received her
PhD from Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from the
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India. Her papers
have appeared in the Journal of Marketing, International Journal
of Research in Marketing and Management Science. Her research interests are in the
areas of organizational innovation and marketing metrics. She is the inaugural winner
of the Erin Anderson Award for an Emerging Female Marketing Scholar and Mentor
(2009) and American Marketing Association’s Varadarajan Award for Early Career
Contributions in the area of marketing strategy and management (2010).
Raj Srivastava
Singapore Management University
Rajendra Srivastava is Provost and Deputy President, Singapore
Management University. A leading authority on the impact of
marketing on business performance, his current work focuses
on business model innovation, marketing metrics, value
of market-based intangible assets (brands, channels) and
management of growth and risk. This research has influenced
both theory and practice on topics ranging from marketing accountability and strategic
metrics across the globe. His paper linking market-based assets and market-facing
business processes to shareholder value in the Journal of Marketing received the
Maynard Award, the MSI/Paul Root Award, as well as the AMA/Sheth Foundation
Award – the only paper to ever receive all three awards. Professor Srivastava has
worked closely with industry and has provided executive training and consultancy
services in Technology/B2B and Services across the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
Raj has served on the faculties of the University of Texas at Austin and Emory
University. He has been a visiting professor at London Business School, Indian School
of Business and Helsinki School of Economics. He holds a B.Tech. (Mechanical
Engineering) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, MS (Industrial Engineering)
from University of Rhode Island, and MBA and PhD in Business from University of
David Stewart
Loyola Marymount University
David W. (Dave) Stewart is President’s Professor of Marketing
and Law at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Dave
has previously held faculty and administrative appointments
at Vanderbilt University, the University of Southern California,
and the University of California, Riverside. He currently serves
as editor of the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing and has
previously served as editor of the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of the Academy
of Marketing Science. Dave has authored or co-authored more than 250 publications
and ten books. His most recent book is a three volume series entitled Handbook
of Persuasion and Social Marketing (Praeger, 2015). His research has examined a
wide range of issues including marketing strategy, the analysis of markets, consumer
information search and decision making, effectiveness of marketing communications,
public policy issues related to marketing and methodological approaches to the
analysis of marketing data. Dr. Stewart has been awarded the Elsevier Distinguished
Marketing Scholar Award by the Society for Marketing Advances and the Cutco/
Vector Distinguished Marketing Education Award by the Academy of Marketing
Science. He has also received the American Academy of Advertising Award for
Outstanding Contributions to Advertising Research. He earned his BA in psychology
from Northeast Louisiana University and his MA and PhD in psychology from Baylor
K Sudhir
Yale University
K. Sudhir is James L. Frank Professor of Marketing, Private
Enterprise and Management and Director of the China India
Insights Program at the Yale School of Management. He
also has a secondary appointment in the Yale Economics
Department. He leads the quantitative academic-industry
research partnerships at the Yale Center for Customer Insights
(YCCI). While his primary contributions are in the structural empirical industrial
organization literature in marketing, his research spans a range of substantive topics
and methodological approaches. Substantively, he is currently pursuing a research
agenda on emerging markets. Sudhir’s papers have received the Little Award, the
Bass award and the Lehmann award; and have been finalists/honorable mentions
for the Green, Wittink, and IJRM Best Paper Awards. Two of his dissertation papers
were nominated to the final ten for the ISMS Long-Term Impact Award from 200911. Sudhir currently serves as Senior Editor at Marketing Science; he has previously
served as an Associate Editor at Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research,
Management Science and Quantitative Marketing and Economics and on the Editorial
Boards of the Journal of Marketing and Journal of Retailing. He received his PhD from
Cornell University and was an assistant professor at NYU’s Stern School from 19982001.
Gerard Tellis
University of Southern California
Gerard J. Tellis (PhD Michigan) is Professor, Neely Chair of
American Enterprise, and Director of the Center for Global
Innovation, at the USC Marshall School of Business. He is
also Distinguished Professor of Marketing Research, Erasmus
University, Rotterdam, a Director of Research at the Judge
Business School, and a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College,
Cambridge University, UK. Dr. Tellis is an expert in innovation, advertising, pricing, new
product growth, emerging markets, global market entry, and quality. He has published
5 books and over 100 papers (http://www.gtellis.net ) that have won over 20 awards,
including the Long Term Marketing Science, Frank M. Bass, William F. Odell, Harold D.
Maynard (twice), and Converse award for lifetime contributions to research. His Google
Scholar cites are over 12,000. He is Vice President of External Affairs of ISMS and an
Associate Editor of Marketing Science and Journal of Marketing Research. Previously
he was a Trustee of the Marketing Science Institute, Treasure of ISMS, and Sales
Development Manager at Johnson and Johnson.
Debora Thompson
Georgetown University
Debora V. Thompson is an associate professor of Marketing at
the McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University.
She earned a PhD in Marketing from the Robert H. Smith
School of Business at the University of Maryland. Her research
interests focus on consumers’ judgment and decision making,
information processing, and persuasion. Professor Thompson
uses psychological principles to predict how consumers form preferences and
recommend effective marketing strategies. Her research on how consumers balance
their desire for product capability and ease of use has won several awards given by
the American Marketing Association, including the Howard Dissertation Award and the
Donald Lehmann Award for best dissertation-based paper published in the Journal
of Marketing Research. She was a MSI Young Scholar in 2011 and her work has
been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research,
Journal of Marketing and Harvard Business Review. She currently serves on the
editorial review board of Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and the
Journal of Consumer Research.
Harald van Heerde
Massey University
Harald van Heerde (PhD 1999, University of Groningen, the
Netherlands) is Research Professor of Marketing at Massey
University, Auckland, New Zealand and Extramural Fellow
at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. His research uses
econometric models to measure the effectiveness of marketing.
His work has appeared in the leading journals such as the
Journal of Marketing (JM), the Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) and Marketing
Science. Van Heerde is the recipient of the William O’Dell Award for Long-term Impact
(JMR), the Paul Green Best Paper Award (JMR), the Informs Society of Marketing
Science Long-term Impact Award and the International Journal of Research in
Marketing (IJRM) Best Paper Award. His papers have been award finalists on thirteen
more occasions. Van Heerde serves as an Associate Editor at Marketing Science and
IJRM, and as an Editorial Board member at JM and JMR. Van Heerde has attracted
over NZ$2 million in research grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Research, the New Zealand Royal Society Marsden Fund, the Australian Research
Council, and the Marketing Science Institute. Van Heerde is Academic Trustee at
AiMark, the institute for Advanced International Marketing Knowledge. Van Heerde has
consulted for companies such as Unilever, Miller Breweries, and Aztec (Australia).
Stijn van Osselaer
Cornell University
Stijn M.J. van Osselaer is Professor of Marketing at Cornell’s
Johnson Graduate School of Management. His research
focuses on branding, customer loyalty, and the influences of
learning, memory, and cognition in consumers’ decisions.
Stijn’s work has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research,
Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, and
several other scientific journals. He is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Consumer
Research and serves on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Marketing,
Journal of Consumer Psychology, and International Journal of Research in Marketing.
At Johnson, Stijn teaches the core Marketing course. He previously taught at the
University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, London Business School, and
Rotterdam School of Management. In 2012-2013, he was a visiting research scholar
at the University of Colorado’s Leeds School of Business. Stijn is the current President
of the Society for Consumer Psychology, co-chaired the 2010 annual conference of
the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), and served as a member of ACR’s
Board of Directors. He has won awards for research, teaching, and service.
Beth Walker
Colorado State University
Beth Walker (PhD, Pennsylvania State University) is the newly
appointed Dean of the College of Business at Colorado State
University. Prior to being named Dean, Beth was Chair of the
Department of Marketing and AT & T Professor of Services
Marketing and Management, and Associate Dean for the W.
P. Carey MBA at Arizona State University. Beth’s research
interests center in the marketing strategy domain, focusing on cross-functional
working relationships and isolating the characteristics of high-performance account
managers. Her research has been published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal
of Marketing Research, MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of the Academy of
Marketing Science, Journal of Services Research. Beth and her co-authors received
the 2011 Harold H. Maynard Award, Journal of Marketing, reflecting the most
significant contribution to marketing theory and thought. Beth is currently serving on
the Board of Directors for the American Marketing Association. She also served as
the president of the American Marketing Association Academic Division as well as an
elected member of Academic Council, the governing board of the AMA for educators.
Brian Wansink
Cornell University
Brian Wansink is the John Dyson Professor of Marketing, the
Director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and Co-Director of
the Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs
and co-founder of the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement at the
Dyson School of Applied Economics & Management at Cornell
University, Ithaca NY. He earned his Ph.D. in marketing at
Stanford (1990) and was marketing professor at the Amos Tuck School at Dartmouth
College (1990–1994), the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (1994–1995), and the
Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (1995–1997) and the Julian Simon
Faculty Scholar and Professor of Marketing, Nutritional Sciences and Agricultural and
Consumer Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (1997–2005).
He is also the author of over 150 peer-reviewed papers and of the best-selling book
Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think (2006) and of the recently released
book Slim by Design: Mindless Eating Solutions for Everyday Life (Sept. 2014).
Klaus Wertenbroch
Klaus is Professor of Marketing at INSEAD and launching
editor of the European Marketing Academy’s (EMAC) Journal
of Marketing Behavior. He holds a PhD and an MBA from the
University of Chicago and an M.Sc. (Diploma) in Psychology
from the Darmstadt University of Technology in his native
Germany. Before joining INSEAD in 1999, he taught at Duke
University and then at Yale University. Klaus also held appointments as Visiting
Professor of Marketing at UC Berkeley in 2009 and at Wharton from 2010 to 2013.
Klaus’s research focuses on behavioral economics and its strategic marketing and
public policy implications, especially on consumer self-control problems with a focus
on overconsumption and overspending. His current research is on social justice and
redistribution. His work has appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal
of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, and Psychological Science, among
others. Klaus won the 2005 O’Dell award and the 1995 AMA dissertation award, a
competition he co-chaired in 2014/15. He was also a finalist for the 2006 and 2009
Journal of Consumer Research Best Article Awards. Klaus was an Associate Editor for
JCP and has been serving on the Editorial Boards of JCR and JMR, among others, for
many years.
William L. Wilkie
University of Notre Dame
William L. Wilkie is the Nathe Professor of Marketing at the
University of Notre Dame. His research centers on consumer
behavior and marketing in society. In 2012, the American
Marketing Association Foundation inaugurated the ‘William
L. Wilkie “Marketing for a Better World” Award,’ (winners to
date are Philip Kotler (2013), Jagdish Sheth (2014), and Alan
Andreasen (2015). Professor Wilkie has received the AMA’s highest recognition, the
‘Distinguished Marketing Educator Award,’ a ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ from
AMA’s MASSIG, Canada’s Pollay Prize, and is an AMA Fellow. He has also received
Notre Dame’s ‘President’s Award’ and the Outstanding Teacher Award, voted by
Notre Dame’s graduating seniors. Dr. Wilkie served as President of the Association
for Consumer Research and was named one of the 25 ‘Most-Cited Authors in
Marketing’ during a 25-year period: one article was named a ‘Citation Classic in the
Social Sciences’ by the Institute for Scientific Information. Prior to Notre Dame, he
served on faculties at Purdue, Harvard, and Florida, as an in-house consultant at the
U. S. Federal Trade Commission, and as Visiting Research Professor at the Marketing
Science Institute, Cambridge, MA. His undergraduate degree is from the University of
Notre Dame and his graduate degrees are from Stanford University.
Juanjuan Zhang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Juanjuan Zhang is the Epoch Foundation Professor of
International Management and Associate Professor of Marketing
at the MIT Sloan School of Management. She holds a PhD
in Business Administration from the University of California
Berkeley and a B.Econ. from Tsinghua University. Zhang
studies social interactions and marketing strategies. Her
research covers industries such as consumer goods, social media, and healthcare,
and functional areas such as product development, pricing, and sales. Her work
combines theoretical and empirical methods, aiming to understand the root cause
of market phenomena and derive optimal strategy recommendations. Zhang is a
winner of the Frank Bass Award for the best marketing thesis, a two-time finalist for
the John Little Award for the best marketing paper, and a Marketing Science Institute
Young Scholar. She is an Associate Editor of Management Science and Quantitative
Marketing and Economics. She also serves as the VP of Membership of the INFORMS
Society for Marketing Science. Zhang teaches Marketing Management at MIT Sloan.
Among other recognitions, she has received the MIT d’Arbeloff Fund for Excellence
in Education and the Jamieson Prize – the most prestigious of MIT Sloan’s teaching
Rui (Juliet) Zhu
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Juliet Zhu is Associate Dean for alumni affairs and for Asia, and
Professor of Marketing, at the Cheung Kong Graduate School
of Business (CKGSB) in China. Prior to joining CKGSB, she
was the Canada Research Chair in Consumer Behavior, and
Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of British
Columbia, Canada, and Assistant Professor of Marketing at
Rice University, USA. Professor Zhu received her PhD in Business Administration
from the University of Minnesota, USA. Professor Zhu has done extensive research
on consumer behavior, creativity, and advertising. Her research has been published
in leading journals such as Science, the Journal of Consumer Research, and the
Journal of Marketing Research, and has been featured in media outlets such as
the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Independent, CBC, and Financial
Times. She currently is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Marketing Research and
the International Journal of Marketing Research. Professor Zhu teaches in the MBA,
EE, and EMBA programs. Her teaching interests include consumer behavior, brand
management, and philanthropy entrepreneurship.
Sumaiya Ahmed
University of New South Wales
Sumaiya Ahmed, is a PhD candidate, at the University of New
South Wales, with three years of experience in tutoring and
lecturing a range of Marketing courses. The motivation of her
work stems from solving important managerial problems. For
her thesis, she has developed and applied a model to help
managers identify the optimal time to wait before releasing a
DVD that would improve total revenue (for both Box Office and DVD) for a given movie
by 2.5% on average. She is passionate about communicating her research, which
has been showcased in the Australian media, e.g. The Science Show. She has also
presented in conferences, such as the Theory and Practice in Marketing. Her interests
are in developing robust models to solve optimisation problems.
Duygu Akdevelioglu
UC Irvine
I am a third-year doctoral student in Marketing at the Paul
Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine.
My research focuses on social media, social networks, and
consumer communities. Social media platforms like Facebook
have created new opportunities for consumer interaction.
Understanding consumer behavior and the dynamics of
consumer engagement in such settings become critically important to essential issues
in marketing. My dissertation aims to provide an understanding of culturally shaped
relationships of social media in online consumptionscapes, explore changing structural
properties in social media networks, and develop a framework that examines tie
strength in consumer communities. Before joining UC Irvine, I received an MS degree
in Marketing at Bilkent University, Turkey.
Thomas Allard
University of British Columbia
Thomas’ research interests include self-improvement motives,
the positive side of negative emotions, and the psychological
implications of pricing on consumer behavior. His research has
been published in the Journal of Consumer Research. Prior to
joining the Sauder School of Management, University of British
Columbia, he received his Master’s degree in Marketing and
Bachelor’s degree in Finance from HEC Montreal.
Sidney Anderson
Florida State University
Sidney Anderson is a PhD Candidate in Marketing in the College
of Business at Florida State University. His current work focuses
on the intersection of clinical quality and the patient experience.
Specifically, this includes investigating the interaction between
clinical and experiential quality to inform theory and practice
about ways to increase hospital productivity and patient
satisfaction. He received a BS in Computer Information Systems and a Masters in
Business Administration from the University of Central Missouri. Prior to his research
career, Sidney worked 11 years as a data conversion consultant for corporate,
government, and university clients. He has presented his research at national
conferences such as American Marketing Association and Decision Sciences Institute.
He is a McKnight Fellow, and currently serves as the ex officio of the PhD Project’s
Marketing Doctoral Student Association after serving as its President (2014) and Vice
President (2013).
Ozgun Atasoy
Boston University
Ozgun Atasoy is a Marketing doctoral student at Boston
University’s Questrom School of Business and expects to
graduate in May 2016. He studies consumers’ judgment and
decision making. Specifically, he specializes on consumers’
financial decision making. He has MA in Economics degrees
from the University of Maryland College Park, and Sabanci
University. He has a BA in Economics and a BSc in Mathematics from Bogazici
University. In his spare time, he likes playing basketball, playing the piano, and writing
short articles for Scientific American.
Sumitra Auschaitrakul
McGill University
Sumitra Auschaitrakul is a doctoral student in marketing in
the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University,
Canada. She has a B.A. in Communication from Thammasat
University and M.B.A. in Marketing and Finance from the
NIDA Business School, Thailand. Her research focuses on
marketplace interactions between consumers and firms, as well
among consumers themselves. In the area of consumer-to-firm interaction, Sumitra
is investigating the effect of anticipated firm interaction on attitude gap of consumers.
In the area of consumer-to-consumer interaction, Sumitra’s research investigates
the effect of self-disclosure in peer-to-peer markets on product evaluation. Sumitra
has presented her research at annual conferences of the Association for Consumer
Research and the Society for Consumer Psychology.
Tatiana Barakshina
University of Illinois at Chicago
With an MBA degree from Bradley University (USA) and 12
years of industry experience in marketing research (managing
international projects, working in Russia and USA, being elected
as Council member of European Society for Marketing and
Opinion Research), I am currently a 3rd year PhD student at the
University of Illinois at Chicago. In my dissertation, I am looking
at decision-making mechanisms used by patients (medical consumers) while making
emotionally difficult choices.
Alix Barasch
University of Pennsylvania
Alix Barasch is a fourth-year PhD student at The Wharton
School of the University of Pennsylvania. Her research examines
social aspects of consumption and falls into two major streams.
One stream investigates how people decide what to share with
others. In this stream, Alix investigates the motivations that drive
people’s photo-taking behaviors and their decisions to transmit
information via word-of-mouth. A second stream of research explores prosocial
behaviors and and their signal value. In this stream, Alix studies what motivates people
to do good deeds and how they perceive other prosocial actors. Alix graduated
summa cum laude from Duke University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and
a minor in Chemistry. After graduating, she worked at MDRC, a non-profit organization
dedicated to education policy research. Prior to entering the doctoral program, Alix
spent a year as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Macau. She loves dancing and
is currently suffering from dog withdrawal.
Maren Becker
University of Cologne
Maren Becker is a fourth-year doctoral student at the
Department of Retailing and Customer Management,
University of Cologne, Germany. Her research interest focuses
on advertising effectiveness. Specifically, she examines
how different execution and content strategies influence TV
advertising effectiveness for different types of FMCG brands. As
part of her doctoral training, Maren successfully completed several quantitative PhD
courses concerning for example ECM, VAR, DL models etc. Maren holds a bachelor’s
degree in International Business and a master’s degree cum laude in strategic
Marketing from the University of Maastricht. For her master-thesis, she was granted
a scholarship from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) in Canada
where she also worked as a Research Assistant. Additionally, she also won the best
thesis award in 2010 of the business administration faculty. Prior to joining the doctoral
program at the University of Cologne, Maren worked as a senior research analyst at
the Nielsen Company.
Mark Bender
University of Pittsburgh
Mark Bender is a doctoral candidate in marketing at the
University of Pittsburgh working under the supervision of
Dr. Tansev Geylani and Dr. Esther Gal-Or. In his research
Mark applies game theoretic and economic tools to study
substantive issues in marketing. His research interests include
digital marketing, online platforms, and two sided-markets. Of
particular interest to Mark are questions related to daily deal websites, crowdfunding
websites, and media streaming platforms. Mark has presented his research at
numerous conferences including Marketing Science, Frank M. Bass Frontiers of
Research in Marketing Science, and Platform Strategy Research Symposium. Mark
is a recipient of the Doris and Douglas Bernstein PhD Student Teaching award. Prior
to entering the doctoral program, Mark earned bachelor’s degrees in economics (with
honors) and history from Washington and Jefferson College (Summa Cum Laude;
Phi Beta Kappa) as well as a master’s degree in economics from the University of
Amita Bhadauria
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Amita Bhadauria is a doctoral candidate at the University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee and has an MBA with a concentration
in marketing from the same institution. Broadly, her research
interests lie in the field of consumer behavior and she primarily
uses lab experiments and field data. Her dissertation focuses
on investigating the effect of aesthetics on consumer creativity
and ethical decision making while taking into account the psychographics of
consumers such risk taking tendency and the degree of affinity towards beauty in
general. Additionally, her dissertation explores how product perception is affected
by the aesthetics of anthropomorphized advertisements that are prone to intensify
body image consciousness. She is currently working on several research projects,
one of which addresses the question of how demographics and psychographics
of consumers affect engagement in word of mouth dissemination and product
assessments. Her research has been published in International Journal of Marketing
Studies and Global Journal of Management and Business Research. Her teaching
experience and interests include Consumer Behavior, Market Research and Social
Media Marketing. Prior to joining the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, she worked
in the advertising division of Google.
Danielle Brick
Duke University
Danielle Brick is a PhD student in Marketing at the Fuqua
School of Business at Duke University. Her research examines
the effects of consumption on relationship outcomes. In
particular, she focuses on how brand and interpersonal
relationships affect one another, and how they are affected by
other factors such as power and resources. Prior to joining the
Marketing Program at Fuqua, Danielle graduated cum laude from Amherst College
and conducted neuroendocrinological research at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Myriam Brouard
HEC Montréal
Myriam Brouard is PhD Candidate from HEC Montréal.
Having previously completed a Bachelor’s in Commerce from
Concordia University, as well as a Major in East Asian Studies
from Université de Montréal, she went on to complete a
MSc in International Business. Between the Master’s and the
PhD, Myriam worked on three continents as an independent
marketing consultant, specializing in brand management. Now in the fourth year of the
PhD, she is completing thesis-based work, which is slated for journal submission. Her
main research interests include: the integration of media and technology in everyday
life, the changes in consumer behaviours and consumer expectations engendered
by mainstream compulsive consumption (i.e.: binge-watching), and the link between
sales tactics, product design, and consumption escalation. Since Winter 2013, she
has been teaching courses in English and French for the Marketing department at
HEC Montréal at the B.A., M.Sc., and MBA level. Courses taught include: Marketing
Management (BA, MSc), Consumer Behaviour (BA), and Sales, Negotiation, and Sales
Management (MBA). Alongside these academic pursuits, Myriam is also very involved
in her community, chairing the 2015 edition of the Doctoral Symposium at HEC, as
well as volunteering consulting hours to the Tyndale St-George Community Centre in
Efe Camurdan
Koç University
Efe Camurdan is a 4th year PhD candidate in Marketing at the
Koç University/Turkey. His research interests are primarily in the
area of consumer behavior with an emphasis on motivation/
needs and branding. Efe’s dissertation examines the effects
of achievement mindsets that are frequently triggered in the
marketplace on consumer evaluations of brands. Specifically,
the first essay establishes the role of achievement mindsets in influencing consumers’
brand attitudes that are based on different comparative claims. The second essay
demonstrates achievement mindsets’ differential effect on brand dilution which
depends on consumers’ level of self-brand connection. Efe currently has two papers
under review and presented his dissertation research at ACR, SCP and EMAC
conferences. He also spent a year in University of South Carolina as a visiting
Fulbright scholar. Prior to joining the marketing program at Koç University, Efe earned
a BS in Business Administration from Bilkent University and worked in companies like
Shell and Johnson & Johnson.
Myoung-Jin Chae
Georgia Institute of Technology
Myoung-Jin is a PhD candidate in marketing at the Scheller
College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology. Her
primary research interest is customer satisfaction in the service
industry. Specifically, her research focuses on how service
failure by an individual employee of a firm influences customer
satisfaction with the firm. In her research, she examines how
different aspects of employee interconnections at work influence this relationship,
using survey and scenario based experiments. In other research she examines
the relationship between brand personalities and customer engagement. Prior to
joining the PhD program, she worked in the marketing department of a life insurance
company in Seoul, Korea. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration
and Statistics from Korea University in Korea and a master’s degree in Statistics from
Columbia University. In her free time, she enjoys traveling.
Nawar Chaker
University of Tennessee
Nawar Chaker is a PhD student in the Marketing and Supply
Chain Management program at the University of Tennessee at
Knoxville. He joined the department in August 2012. Nawar
received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Colorado at Boulder. He earned a Master
of Business Administration, with an emphasis in Change
Management, from the University of Colorado at Denver. Nawar has work experience
in marketing, sales, distribution and engineering. His research interests include
personal selling, sales management, and sales cross-functional integration.
Yimin Cheng
Yimin Cheng is a fourth-year PhD student in marketing at
the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His
dissertation research explores the interface between work and
consumption. In one essay, he finds that cost-benefit heuristics
that consumers commonly use in goal pursuit are driven by the
extent to which they subscribe to the Protestant Work Ethic. For
example, all else equal, consumers with higher work ethic judge a relatively expensive
courier service to be more reliable than a cheaper counterpart. In another essay, he
finds that belief in the Protestant Work Ethic leads to stronger preference for natural
healthcare. In one study, an analysis of publicly available data reveals that countries
with higher work ethic have lower Caesarean-section rates, but only if these countries
have relatively low (vs. high) medical resources and hence regard C-sections as
unfamiliar and unnatural. Yimin’s other research interests include emotion and moral
psychology. He was a visiting PhD student at Wharton during Fall 2014, and has
served as trainee reviewer for JCR. Prior to commencing doctoral studies at HKUST,
Yimin received a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Wuhan University and a master’s
degree in enterprise management from Peking University.
Yanlai Chu
National University of Singapore
Yanlai is a PhD candidate from the department of Marketing,
NUS Business School. He obtained his bachelor degree in
engineering from Wuhan University, and minor in computer
science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
His research interest includes empirical industrial organization,
emerging markets, dynamic and static structural modelling. His
dissertation topic is about tax, automobile and environment, and brand equity.
Anatoli Colicev
Anatoli Colicev is a PhD candidate in the Decision Sciences
concentration. Anatoli completed his bachelor and master’s
degree cum laude at University of Cagliari where he majored
in Marketing, Statistical Methods for Financial Markets.
Anatoli’s research interests lie in the area of marketing-finance
interface with a focus on social media marketing strategies.
His dissertation entitled ‘Valuing Social media’ investigates the benefit of social media
for brands. He is also interested in branding and supply chain management. He is
proficient in SAS, Stata, Eviews, and XL-stat statistical software and in R programming
language. Anatoli has presented at various international conferences and has an
interesting international background and speaks fluently 4 languages.
Miles Condon
Texas Tech University
After starting his academic career in social psychology, Miles
transferred to the marketing PhD program and will now be
entering his third year at Texas Tech University in Lubbock,
TX. His primary research focus broadly involves unconscious
processing, with a particular emphasis on priming effects
and implicit attitudes. While focusing on these constructs, his
research spans a wide range of consumer behavior topics, including impulse buying
and consumer brand equity. Miles is also interested in the consequences of humor in
consumer behavior, such as the role of humor in attitude change and branding.
Andrew Crecelius
University of Missouri
Andrew Crecelius is a doctoral candidate entering his fifth year
at the University of Missouri. He previously earned his BBA from
the University of Notre Dame and his MBA from the University
of Missouri. His research focuses on the implementation of
relationship marketing strategy at the organizational frontlines.
The role of the behaviors of frontline representatives of the firm –
such as salespeople – is of particular interest to him. Andrew’s stream of research on
sales prospecting activities with his advisor Srinath Gopalakrishna has been presented
at international conferences such as Marketing Science and has been recognized with
two MSI grants, including one for the ‘Thought Leadership on the Sales Profession’
competition. Andrew’s dissertation focuses on the impact of networking behaviors
by frontline representatives of the firm on customer acquisition outcomes. He
conceptualizes frontline networking behaviors as a form of marketing communication
executed by the salesperson across the boundaries of the organization. The first essay
examines behavioral conditions for effective frontline networking, while the second
explores interactions with other marketing communications using a large-scale panel
study. Both studies benefit from an ongoing collaboration with a major U.S. insurance
Jingyi Duan
University of Rhode Island
Jingyi Duan is a PhD candidate at University of Rhode
Island. Her research interests include social media consumer
behavior, materialism, as well as experiential and hedonic
consumption. Jingyi has one research paper accepted to
publish on Qualitative Market Research and one publication
on Arts Marketing: An International Journal. She also has two
research papers under review. She has presented her research at leading academic
conferences including AMA, ACR and AMS. Jingyi’s dissertation examines how
sharing purchases and desired consumption items on social media influences
consumers’ emotions, product satisfaction and purchase intention. Jingyi has been
teaching different marketing courses including Marketing Principles and Social Media
Marketing. Prior to her doctoral studies, Jingyi received her Master’s degree from The
Chinese University of Hong Kong and worked as a Digital Marketing Officer for two
years at Hong Kong.
Tianzhou (James) Duan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James is a PhD Candidate at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology studying Marketing. His research focuses on
consumer behavior in online shopping and digital goods,
including how factors such as product presentation, description,
and reviews affect purchasing behaviors. Prior to his PhD
studies, James has worked as a Product Manager and Software
Engineer, earning an MBA from Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business in
between. He also holds a BS in Computer Science and a BA in Economics from the
University of Maryland, College Park.
Emine Erdogan
Rutgers University
Emine Erdogan is a doctoral candidate in Marketing Department
at Rutgers Business School. Her research interests lie broadly in
the area of mindfulness, innovation and marketing strategy. She
is a recipient of the Kauffman Foundation Fellowship in Global
Research Symposium (2013) and the full scholarship of Turkey
Ministry of Education for graduate studies in the USA. Emine
has published two papers in peer reviewed journals (one is forthcoming) and has been
an ad-hoc reviewer for several journals and conferences. She has taught Marketing
Research at Rutgers University (2015) and served as an assistant editor in Journal of
Graduate School of Social Sciences in Pamukkale University (Turkey). She received her
BS in Business Administration and MS in Economics from Selcuk University (Turkey).
She can be contacted at Rutgers Business School, 1 Washington Park, Newark, NJ
07102. Email: emine.erdogan@rutgers.edu
Patrick Fennell
Louisiana State University
Patrick Fennell is a fourth year PhD student in the Department of
Marketing at Louisiana State University. He has held marketing
positions with Fortune 500 companies such as Tech Data, the
world’s second largest IT products distributor, and Samsung,
where he was responsible for a national award winning territory
of over 100 retail outlets, including Sears, Lowe’s, and Best
Buy. Patrick’s research interests include price judgments and service recoveries.
His dissertation investigates the unique role of three price judgments in explaining
purchase intent and quality perceptions. His work has been presented at the
Association for Consumer Research, the American Marketing Association Summer
and Winter conferences, and the Society for Marketing Advances, where his work
received best paper awards in the pricing and services marketing track in 2014.
Patrick was also the recipient of the 2014 Jane K. Fenyo Best Student Paper Award
from the Academy of Marketing Science. Patrick received the annual Daryl McKee
memorial PhD award, presented by the department in recognition of collegiality,
mentoring and program stewardship.
Michael Frechette
Saint Louis University
Michael has several years of industry experience, which includes
over ten years living and working in East Asia. Currently in his
third year of the doctoral program at Saint Louis University,
he is studying a dual track of both International Business and
Marketing. Michael’s dissertation is focusing on different types
of consumption modes (i.e. P2P, B2C) seen in the contexts of
collaborative and access-based consumption. Other interests are in the areas of social
networks, computer mediated exchange, and cross-cultural effects.
Annetta Grant
Queen’s University
Annetta Grant is a PhD Candidate in Marketing at Queen’s
University, Canada. Annetta is interested in understanding how
the social and cultural context shapes individual consumption
practices and markets. Her research examines how an
underlying Western belief in progress, or the notion of getting to
a better place, shapes businesses and consumption practices.
In her dissertation work, Annetta specifically examines the cultural imperative of
consuming new products, as a means to progress, and how this shapes contested
understandings of obsolescence. In another research project, Annetta examines
how the cultural importance of competition among consumers, as a component
of progress, shapes a business platform. She has presented her research at the
Association for Consumer Research, and Consumer Culture Theory conferences.
Annetta brings a practical perspective to her research. Prior to entering the PhD
program, Annetta worked for five years in the marketing departments at Cirque du
Soleil, Shell and Travel Alberta.
Marija Grishin
University of Kansas
Marija Grishin is a doctoral candidate in Marketing at the
University of Kansas. She received her bachelor’s and master’s
degree in Marketing from the Faculty of Economics in Skopje,
Macedonia. Prior to joining the University of Kansas, Marija
worked at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje, Macedonia
where she conducted research and taught several marketing
courses. Grishin is currently working on several research projects, with her main focus
being in the area of consumer welfare. She examines how consumers make healthy
food choices, and is particularly interested in the interplay of endorser type and goal
progress on consumers’ food choices. In addition to research, Marija also enjoys
teaching. During the fall semester of 2014, she developed the syllabus for Digital and
Social Media Marketing and independently taught this new course at the University of
Kansas School of Business.
Linda Hagen
University of Michigan
Linda is a fourth-year doctoral student in marketing at the
Ross School of Business. She investigates how active
involvement in the consumption process affects self-evaluative
emotions, motivated reasoning, and behavior; with a focus
on how consumers regulate their feelings. For instance, in
one paper, Linda shows how being served food rather than
serving themselves enables consumers to reject responsibility and prevent guilt, in
turn allowing them to eat more unhealthy food. This work is at an advanced stage of
review at the Journal of Marketing Research. In another project, Linda investigates
how desire for control drives consumers’ preference for large assortments, and how
co-production as an alternate source of control can attenuate the problematic lure of
large assortments. Her research on inferences of self-agency has been published in
Emotion. Before starting the PhD program Linda obtained a Masters in Psychology at
Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) and gained work experience in an intercultural
consulting firm.
Fatima Hajjat
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Fatima Hajjat is a PhD Candidate in marketing at the University
of Massachusetts, Amherst. She earned an MBA from
Texas Tech University and a BSc from Jordan University for
Science and Technology, Jordan. In addition to her teaching
responsibilities, Fatima is currently working on her dissertation
research in which she examines the antecedents and
consequences of reverse psychology in the area of consumer behavior. She is also
investigating a number of issues related to integrated marketing communication.
A related project, for which Fatima completed a number of studies and at the final
stage of writing an article for journal publication, examines the effect of speech rate
of service employees’ on consumers’ perceptions of employees and the effect of
these perceptions on consumers’ brand perceptions. Fatima is currently working,
independently and in collaboration with other researchers and making significant
progress, on research projects related to subjective age, social media, and product
quality. One article was recently published in the Journal of Emerging Trends in
Economics and Management Sciences and some were presented in national
David Harman
University of Iowa
David Harman is a PhD candidate in Marketing at the University
of Iowa. His academic interests include customer retention
and direct marketing, with his current research focused on
stochastic customer lifetime value models. He previously
worked at AT&T Mobility where he managed the targeting
strategy for AT&T’s wireless retention direct marketing
campaigns; the unanswered questions from his professional life influence his research
interests. David has an MBA in Marketing from the University of Washington in Seattle,
and a BA in Philosophy from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, NM. He enjoys cooking,
bicycling, reading, and road trips, time permitting.
Marleen Hermans
Maastricht University
Marleen Hermans is a doctoral candidate in Marketing at the
School of Economics and Business at Maastricht University, The
Netherlands. Marleen obtained both a M.Sc. and a Research
Master degree with a strong focus on marketing modeling
from Tilburg University. Her research focuses on manufacturerretailer power battles and the consumer and investor responses
it brings about. Currently, she investigates which managerial actions (i.e., price and
advertising) manufacturers and retailers can take in various conflict situations to
mitigate potential losses. Marleen has presented her research at the EMAC Doctoral
Colloquium in Valencia (2014) and various conferences, such as EMAC and Marketing
Science. Her teaching experience includes courses both at the Bachelor and Master
level, and supervision of various master thesis students. Prior to starting her PhD,
Marleen worked for approximately two years as a market researcher and project
manager at a research market agency in The Netherlands.
Sean Hingston
York University
Sean Hingston is a PhD candidate at the Schulich School of
Business, York University, Canada. Sean’s primary research
interests are in the area of psychological essentialism and
theories of artifact categorization. Some of his recent projects
explore how beliefs about contagion influence consumers’
assessments of products and other consumers. His work has
been presented at the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) and Administrative
Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) conferences. Prior to his doctoral studies,
Sean received a BA in psychology from the University of Guelph and an MSc
in marketing from the Stockholm Business School. In his spare time, he enjoys
performing, composing, and producing music.
Niels Holtrop
University of Groningen
Niels Holtrop (1986) is a PhD student at the University of
Groningen, The Netherlands. His research focuses on the areas
of marketing effectiveness, customer relationship management
and customer base management. The central tenets in his
research are the need for firms to track customer behavior
over time, the need to select the right targets for marketing
actions based on their behavior, and the evaluation of these marketing actions. To
that end he develops and applies statistical and econometric methods that allow for
the monitoring of customer behavior over time, and the identification of the short- and
long-run effects of marketing actions targeted at (groups of) these customers. This
way, he contributes to the accountability of the marketing department and its actions
within the firm in a world increasingly shaped by data analytics. His work and expertise
cover a variety of industries, including the insurance, telecommunications and energy
industries, as well as the pharmaceutical sector and online retailing.
David Houghton
Southern Illinois University
David is a doctoral candidate in Marketing at Southern Illinois
University. Prior to his time at SIU, he attended the University
of Central Missouri, where he received a Bachelor of Music
(BM) degree with a focus in Music Technology (2006), and
a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus in
Marketing (2011). While attending school, he had a 12-year
radio broadcasting career at KTBG-FM in Kansas City, Missouri. He held many roles
at the radio station, including on-air talent, webmaster, recording engineer, and digital
marketing manager. He recorded live performances from over 300 artists and was the
recording engineer and co-producer for five studio albums. While at the radio station,
he mentored many interns and practicum students from UCM and taught as an
adjunct. During this time, he discovered his love for marketing and teaching. David’s
current research interests include the antecedents and consequences of the own-vs.access consumption decision, with a focus on the role of psychological ownership.
Recently, David and two co-authors worked on a series of three manuscripts
examining the traits and motivations of fantasy sports participants and gamblers, with
a focus on the ethical and public policy implications of legalizing pay-to-play fantasy
Katharine Howie
University of Mississippi
Katharine Howie is a doctoral candidate in Marketing at The
University of Mississippi. She received her MBA from Missouri
State University in Springfield, Missouri. Her research interests
are primarily related to prosocial consumption, causerelated marketing, and marketing for nonprofit organizations.
Katharine’s research has been published in the Journal of
Business Ethics and she has presented research at various conferences including:
Association for Consumer Research, American Marketing Association, and Society for
Marketing Advances.
Yu-Shan (Sandy) Huang
Oklahoma State University
Yu-Shan (Sandy) Huang is a PhD candidate of Marketing in
the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University.
Her research interest focuses on the interface between
customers and service workers, including the influence of
dysfunctional customer behavior, preferential treatment,
customer orientation, service branding and behavioral ethics
during service encounters. Her work has been presented at the AMA and SMA
conferences. Sandy has taught marketing principle (undergraduate) and promotional
strategy (undergraduate) courses at Oklahoma State University. She is a member of
the American Marketing Association and the Society of Marketing Advances.
Anoosha Izadi
University of Houston
Anoosha is a third year doctoral student in the Marketing
program at University of Houston. Her research interests include
perceptual and sensory issues, emotions, art and aesthetics,
and luxury marketing. She is currently investigating the role of
haptic engagement in product design. Before joining the PhD
program, Anoosha received an MS degree in Transportation
Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.
Bruno Jacobs
Erasmus School of Economics
My name is Bruno Jacobs and I am a PhD Candidate at the
Erasmus School of Economics, currently in my third and
penultimate year of my PhD project. My daily supervisors are
Bas Donkers and Dennis Fok. Before I started working on
this PhD project I did a MSc in econometrics with quantitative
marketing as specialisation. This is reflected in my position at
the Erasmus School of Economics, as I’m affiliated to both the Marketing department
and the Econometric Institute. My current research is on the intersection of marketing,
econometrics and computer science. In particular, I am interested in modeling of
(observed) customers choices, with an emphasis on large-scale applications. This
is also reflected in my first paper which revolves around purchase predictions in
large assortments. More generally, my research interests are focused on hierarchical
Bayesian modeling and its applications in marketing.
He (Michael) Jia
University of Southern California
He (Michael) Jia is a PhD candidate in marketing at the Marshall
School of Business, University of Southern California. Before
entering the USC Marshall School of Business, he obtained
a BA and an MA in marketing, both from Nanjing University,
China. His research mainly focuses on how various visual cues
in a marketing context influence consumer responses. Visual
themes of product designs and visual aspects of product displays are important
decision variables for marketers. In the domain of product design, he examines how
consumers respond to cute-looking products (e.g., a product design with infantilelooking features). In the domain of product display, he investigates how dynamic
visual cues (e.g., the movement speed of a product) in video ads, static visual cues
(e.g., the display size of a product) in print ads, and anthropomorphic product
presentations (e.g., making a product talk and move like a human in a video) shape
consumer perception, evaluation, and decision-making. He is particularly interested
in the impacts of these visual cues on consumers’ various post-acquisition decisions,
including what complementary products to choose for an already owned product and
whether to retain or discard an already owned product.
Jihye Jung
Rice University
Jihye is a second-year doctoral student in marketing at the
Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University. She
has substantial professional experience in consulting and
business research across various industries including consumer
electronics, chemicals, consumer goods, and pharmaceuticals.
She contributed to three consumer-trend books during her
professional career. Those experiences laid the foundation for her interest in consumer
behaviors. Jihye’s current research focuses on financial decision making, educational
spending, and the role of social influence in consumer behavior. She received an MBA
from KDI School and a BA in business from Yonsei University.
Kristopher Keller
Tilburg University
Kristopher O. Keller is a second-year doctoral candidate at
Tilburg University. His research interests include private labels,
branding strategies, rebranding, marketing-mix effectiveness,
competitive reaction, and product distribution. He recently
won the 2014 international GfK market research award for
his work on private label branding strategies. In this project,
Kristopher focuses on drivers of retailers’ decision whether to use their store-banner
brand on their products or develop a stand-alone brand with no relation to the
retailer. Using a contingency framework, he then links the branding decision to the
retailer’s performance and finds those adhering to the industry norm to perform
substantially better than those that do not. Kristopher presented his work at the
2014 EMAC doctoral colloquium, the 2015 EMAC conference, as well as at the 2015
Marketing Science conference. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses
on marketing channel management and empirical applications of marketing research
and serves as a reviewer for EMAC and Palgrave Communications. Prior to starting
his PhD in 2013, he finished his research master’s in business, focusing on marketing,
as recipient of the Dean’s scholarship at Tilburg University. He also holds a master’s
degree in Marketing Research from Tilburg University and a bachelor’s degree in
business administration and economics from Goethe University, Frankfurt/Germany.
Denis Khantimirov
Old Dominion University
Denis Khantimirov has received his PhD in Marketing and
International Business from Old Dominion University (May 2015).
His research interests focus on issues related to dysfunctional
customer behavior within the domain of services marketing
and international marketing strategy. Prior to joining the PhD
program, Denis founded his own business, and worked for
reputable hospitality establishments both in Europe and the United States. He is also
serving as a reviewer for various conferences and Editorial Boards since 2012.
Farnoosh Khodakarami
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Farnoosh Khodakarami is a PhD candidate at the KenanFlagler Business School at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill. She received her MSc in Management from
Queen’s University, MBA and BSc in Industrial Engineering
from Sharif University of Technology. In her research, Farnoosh
performs econometric analyses on customers’ data. Her
research interests include Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Customer
Loyalty, Database Marketing and Nonprofit Marketing. Farnoosh has published in the
Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Information and Management. In addition, she
has presented her research in multiple conferences. Farnoosh also has experience
in teaching. She taught the undergraduate marketing course in Spring 2014 at the
University of North Carolina and she will teach this class again in Spring 2016.
JeeHye (Christine) Kim
Christine is a doctoral candidate in marketing at INSEAD.
Her main research interests include motivation, indulgent
consumption behaviors and busyness. Her research examining
how the experience of nearly winning impacts motivation is
forthcoming at Psychological Science. She combines laboratory
and field experiments as well as secondary data analysis for
her research. For example, she has collaborated with a local mall and a school dining
hall to conduct field experiments. Her dissertation examines how busyness (thinking
of oneself as a busy person) impacts consumer motivation and indulgent behaviors.
Originally from South Korea, she grew up in Los Angeles and holds a bachelor’s
degree from UCLA and a master’s degree from Harvard University.
Jung Kim
Northwestern University
Jung Kim is a PhD candidate in marketing at Kellogg School of
Management at Northwestern University. Jung is interested in
understanding symbolic consumption, especially as it relates
to branding and consumer values. In one stream of research,
Jung examines how and when consumers use brands as
means to offset threats to their self-image. In another stream,
he investigates some of the consequences of materialism on our psychosocial wellbeing. His work has been published in the Psychological Science. Jung has a BS in
marketing from the University of Arizona and a MS in marketing from Kellogg.
Junghan Kim
State University of New York at Buffalo
Junghan Kim is a fourth-year PhD student in Marketing at State
University of New York at Buffalo. His main research interests
include visual communication, motion perception and stimulus
novelty. Particularly, he examines how animated advertisements
(e.g., ads with motion graphics or kinetic typography) influence
consumer perceptions of product novelty. He is also interested
in understanding how consumers’ actual product usage patterns are related to their
subjective perceptions of product and adoption intention. His research has been
presented at the annual conferences of the Association for Consumer Research and
the Society for Consumer Psychology. Before joining the PhD program, he earned
a BS in Business Administration from Hongik University and a MS in Marketing from
Yonsei University, South Korea.
Keunwoo Kim
Keunwoo​‘s main interest is in applying new econometric
methods to exciting and unsolved marketing problems. As a
marketing researcher, he has worked on how airline’s response
to passengers’ complaints affects consumer’s ticket purchase
decision. As an econometrician, he developed an efficient
Laplace approximation method on individual multinomial logit
model with Professor Sanjog Misra. Also, he has worked on improving the efficiency
of ‘bayesm’, a popular R package in marketing and econometrics, with Professor
Peter Rossi by using C++. Prior to UCLA, he worked as Java and C engineer in a
Korean company for three years and earned MS degree in Statistics at the University
of Chicago.
Sky King
Washington State University
Sky King is a PhD candidate at Washington State University
(WSU). He earned his BS and MBA degrees at Weber State
University in Ogden, Utah. His primary research interest lies in
the area of transformative consumer research. In his dissertation
research, he investigates how individual differences in
consideration of future consequences predict financial decisionmaking and health behavior. Prior to joining WSU, Sky spent time as marketing
manager, recruitment coordinator, and admissions adviser for Weber State University.
In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his friends and family.
Tony Koschmann
Emory University
Tony Koschmann is a fourth year doctoral student at
Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. He holds an
MBA from Indiana University, an MA in television-radio-film
from Syracuse University, and a BS in mathematics and
technical communications from Plymouth State College. His
research interests include brand competition, brand lifecycle
management, and sports and entertainment products. Prior to enrolling at Emory, he
worked in marketing intelligence and analytic roles at NBC Universal, Sears Holdings,
and Legacy.com
Alexander Kull
University of South Florida
Alexander J. Kull is a PhD candidate in Marketing at the
Muma College of Business, University of South Florida. His
research investigates the strategic marketing implications of the
increasing democratization of power relations and value creation
among stakeholders, with his two main research streams
focusing on innovative brand management and corporate social
responsibility. Some of his current projects examine the beneficial and detrimental
effects of co-creation on brands’ relationships with consumers and other stakeholders.
His dissertation, part of which is forthcoming in the International Journal of Research
in Marketing, explores this phenomenon in a prosocial context. Alex has presented his
research at various conferences (e.g., AMA, ACR, AMS, BBR) and has won several
awards (e.g., Muma College of Business Research Award, Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship
Award). Prior to his doctoral studies, Alex worked for eight years in his native Germany.
As Senior Consultant at a McKinsey spin-off, he optimized customer-oriented
processes for leading multichannel retailers and media companies. As Director of
Strategy and Marketing at BBDO, he developed branding and positioning strategies
for various Fortune Global 500 companies. Alex holds an MBA and BBA with highest
honors from Gonzaga University.
Daniella Kupor
Stanford University
My core research interests are in the areas of consumer
persuasion and decision making.
Raymond Lavoie
University of Manitoba
I graduated with my Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.) in Marketing
from the Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba
in 2011. After working for a year in the aerospace industry and
starting a skate sharpening company I entered the graduate
program to pursue a PhD at the Asper school studying
consumer behavior. While in the program I have developed
ties with the local business community to create interesting research projects. I have
conducted experiments and field studies in collaboration with such companies as
the Manitoba Opera and local app developer Zenfri Inc. I continue to oversee my
skate sharpening company and we sponsor two scholarships each year for local
hockey academy students graduating from grade 8 who demonstrate leadership
in the classroom and on the hockey ice. I currently have research papers under
review related to social influence and advertising while my topic of expertise is Flow.
I have presented my research at conferences such as the Association for Consumer
Research, the Society for Consumer Psychology and the Administrative Sciences
Association of Canada where I received a best paper award in 2013.
Seoungwoo Lee
University of Maryland
Seoungwoo Lee is a PhD candidate at the University of
Maryland. His research interests include mobile applications,
crowdfunding, and loyalty programs. In his dissertation,
Seoungwoo builds dynamic structural models and uses
Bayesian estimation methods and parallel computing
techniques to explore strategic decision makings on the
platforms for mobile applications. His first essay investigates mobile app publishers’
dynamic versioning decisions on offering free, paid, or freemium versions. He also
studies several alternative commission structures imposed by mobile application
platform, with the goal to investigate whether both platform and app publishers can be
better-off. The second essay of his dissertation studies strategic investment behaviors
on crowdfunding platforms. He examines the tradeoffs facing investors between the
payoffs of early investments and uncertainty reduction of waiting. Before joining the
PhD program, Seoungwoo worked at the Center for Decision Sciences at Columbia
Business School. Seoungwoo holds an undergraduate degree in industrial engineering
from Korea University and a master’s degree in operations research from Columbia
Seung Hwan (Shawn) Lee
Syracuse University
Seung Hwan (Shawn) Lee is a PhD Candidate in Marketing at
the Whitman School of Management at the Syracuse University.
He earned his MS in Marketing and his BS in Electrical
Engineering at the Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea.
Before becoming a PhD student, he worked as a Software
Engineer for a venture company and as a Marketing Analyst
for Korea-Telecom and other companies. Shawn’s research utilizes applied game
theory and empirical research to further connect Consumer Behavior and Quantitative
Marketing. Topics, including, Price Discrimination, Name-Your-Own-Price and
Marketing Channel Management are met with behavioral perspectives to bring a more
comprehensive understanding of marketing issues.
Yiyi Li
University of Texas at Dallas
Yiyi Li is a fourth-year PhD candidate in Management Science
with a concentration in Marketing at University of Texas at
Dallas. Prior to enrolling at UT Dallas, she received her BA in
marketing from Fudan University (Shanghai, China) in 2011. Yiyi
built up her particular interest in Internet marketing in her senior
year. Under the supervision of her then advisor, Yiping Song,
she worked on the herding behavior in online group buying using data from a top
Chinese daily-deal website and was awarded ‘Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis of
Fudan University’. Her current research focuses on the effectiveness of online multichannel advertising in different stages of consumer’s purchase funnel in a competitive
environment. She is also interested in the network effects in the evolution of two-sided
market and the impact of online word-of-mouth on consumer behavior. She enjoys
writing and debugging programs in SAS, Matlab and Perl. Outside of work, Yiyi likes to
swim, play badminton and travel.
Chiara Longoni
New York University
Chiara Longoni is a fourth year doctoral Candidate in Marketing
at New York University’s Stern School of Business, where she
studies consumer behavior with the aim of understanding
and improving consumer welfare. Specifically, her research
focuses on how categorization, emotions, and identities shape
judgments and behaviors. In the domain of consumer health,
her work examines the role of disease categories in shaping risk assessment, and the
influence of incidental emotions in the processing of health appeals. In the domain
of sustainable consumption, her work examines the ironic behavioral, cognitive, and
perceptual consequences of validating green choices. Prior to joining Stern, Chiara
worked in the marketing departments of SC Johnson and Kraft Foods. She completed
her BS and MS at Bocconi University in Milan (2005) and her MA in Psychology at
New York University (2011).
Devin Lunt
University of Texas at Arlington
Devin Lunt is a 3rd year student at University of Texas-Arlington.
He comes from a background in Non-profit Management with
7 years of experience in mid-level management. While originally
interested in management, he switched to marketing for his PhD
due to his interest in why potential donors do or do not choose
to help and the subsequent strategies that would be most
effective in reaching potential donors. His research interests include decision making
competence, pro-social behaviors, and decision making with respect to brand and
service provider selections. His dissertation focuses on the Identifiable Victim Effect,
an irrational tendency to help one identified victim over groups suffering from the same
plight. His other interests include sports, weight training, and musical composition.
Andre Maciel
University of Arizona
Andre is a Ph.D. candidate in marketing at the University
of Arizona with a focus on market dynamics and consumer
behavior. Andre has two manuscripts under review at the
Journal of Consumer Research: one conditionally accepted
and another invited for second submission. He also has
a forthcoming chapter in a volume on the sociology of
markets. These works are related to his dissertation, “The Role of Aestheticized
Markets in Contemporary Formations of Social Class and Gender.” His advisor is
Melanie Wallendorf; his dissertation committee includes Sidney Levy, Robert Lusch,
John Sherry Jr., and Jane Zavisca. During the Ph.D. program, Andre received the
Outstanding Doctoral Student Award from the marketing department at the University
of Arizona. Additionally, he won two research grants from the University of Arizona to
conduct research projects in parallel to his dissertation. Before the Ph.D. program,
Andre obtained a Master’s degree in Marketing from the Université de Rennes, France
and a Bachelor’s degree in Business from UFRGS, Brazil. He also published a book on
the theoretical links between marketing and interpersonal relationships, and worked for
large companies such as Dell Computers and France Telecom. Andre speaks English,
French, Portuguese, and conversational Spanish.
Ann E. McNeel
Baruch College
Ann E. McNeel is currently a PhD Candidate in Business
(Marketing - Consumer Behavior) at the Zicklin School of
Business, Baruch College, City University of New York
(CUNY). Ann received her Master of Business Administration
(MBA) degree with a dual-concentration in Marketing &
Communications and Media Management from Fordham
University’s Graduate School of Business in New York City, NY and her Bachelor of
Science (BS) degree in Biology with a minor in English from Georgetown University in
Washington D.C. Ann teaches undergraduate marketing at Baruch College where she
earned the John A. Elliott Teaching Award in 2013. Some of Ann’s current research
interests include: consumer linguistics, sensory marketing, health biases, and exercise
Shiri Melumad
Columbia University
Shiri Melumad is a PhD Candidate in Marketing at Columbia
University Graduate School of Business. Shiri’s current research
interests include the impact of technology use on emotions and
behavior, mobile marketing, as well as the psychological and
behavioral consequences of self-expression. Her dissertation
focuses on the distinct implications of smartphone use for
consumer behavior. Her research shows, for example, how the use of smartphones
uniquely impacts consumers’ emotions and the manner in which they express
themselves in user-generated content relative to the use of other devices. Prior to
entering the PhD program, Shiri earned her BA in Psychology with a minor in History
from Columbia University.
Paul Mills
Kent State University
Paul Mills is a third-year doctoral candidate at Kent State
University. His current research examines consumer preferences
and choice, purchase behavior, and pricing using a combination
of laboratory and field experiments as well as analytical models.
Paul was a winner of a 2013 Marketing Science Institute
international competition on mobile marketing for his proposal
on ‘pull’ mobile coupons. Paul currently serves as the Vice Chair of Research for the
AMA DocSIG and was responsible for the most recent ‘Who Went Where’ report. His
current research projects include investigations of Pay What You Wish pricing, options
pricing for consumer goods and services, and behavior-based price discrimination
in which customer prices are conditioned on their purchase history. Paul has a BA
and MA in economics, and owned his own marketing research and consulting firm
in Cleveland, Ohio prior to beginning his PhD program. Paul plans to enter the job
market during the summer of 2016.
Navid Mojir
Yale University
Navid Mojir is a PhD candidate in quantitative marketing at Yale
School of Management. He is an empirical modeler whose
current research is focused on market-share contracts in B2B
markets (specifically between surgical device manufacturers and
hospitals) and consumer search. For his dissertation, Navid has
assembled an original dataset on market-share pricing contracts
and transactions between a surgical device manufacturer and hospitals around the
United States. Using this dataset, he investigates how market-share contracts affect
hospitals’ adoption of new technology, taking into account the decoupled nature of
purchase decisions by procurement managers and disaggregate usage by surgeons.
In another related project, he examines the effect of these contracts on competition.
Navid also works in the area of consumer search – using a structural econometric
model of temporal and spatial dimensions of search, he shows that in the presence of
search costs, frequent price promotions can increase store loyalty to one’s preferred
Amaradri Mukherjee
University of Arkansas
Amaradri Mukherjee recently completed his second year in
the doctoral program in the Department of Marketing at the
University of Arkansas, Walton College of Business. Amaradri’s
research interests focus on understanding the drivers of value
creation in corporate social responsibility initiatives. Additionally,
he is interested in pricing strategies, Internet marketing, and
consumer welfare issues. He has presented his work at both Summer and Winter
American Marketing Association Educators’ Conferences, Marketing & Public Policy
Conference, and the Society for Marketing Advances Conference since beginning the
PhD program. Originally from India, he has a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering
(Computational Image Modeling) and an MBA, both from the University of Memphis.
Gia Nardini
University of Florida
Gia Nardini is a doctoral candidate in Marketing at the
Warrington College of Business, University of Florida. Gia’s
research focuses on how people process hedonic experiences
(i.e., mindfully versus mindlessly), and the effect different
processing styles have on affective responses and overall
wellbeing. Her work seeks an understanding of the theoretical
underpinnings of experiential consumption and mindfulness. She has presented
work at ACR and the University of Houston Doctoral Symposium. Her dissertation
investigates the effect of picture taking on the enjoyment and processing of hedonic
experiences. Prior to entering the PhD program, Gia received a BS in Marketing from
the University of Florida.
Alina Nastasoiu
Western University
Alina Nastasoiu is a PhD Student at Ivey Business School,
Western University, in Canada. She is interested in modelling
consumer behaviour using rich behavioural and psychological
insights and appreciates working both with experimental
and secondary data. Currently she is studying consumers’
perception of loyalty points from a mental accounting
perspective and has been developing a dynamic structural model of points collection
and endogenous reward redemption that is applicable to the growing number of retail
reward programs. The model is a great tool for assessing the effectiveness of such
programs and can also be used to design optimal loyalty reward schemes. Before
joining Ivey, Alina received her masters’ degree in Economics from Central European
University in Budapest (class of 2010, with distinction) and BAs in Economics and
Political Science from the Academy of Economic Studies and the National School of
Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest.
Courtney Nations Baker
University of Wyoming
Courtney Nations Baker is a PhD Candidate in Marketing at the
University of Wyoming. She obtained her BS and MS degrees
in Marketing from Clemson University. In her research, Courtney
has focused primarily on issues related to Services Marketing
and Transformative Service and Consumer Research. Her
work seeks to better understand how individuals consume
services to enhance personal and environmental well-being during transformational
ritual experiences. Specifically, her dissertation explores the process of individuallevel ritual change and the manifestation of this process for service providers
and related consumption activities, by focusing on consumers who have chosen
sustainable alternative burial services. With her advisor, Dr. Stacey Baker, Courtney
also researches issues of consumer vulnerability and social justice. Together, they
have explored consumer vulnerability in natural disaster, in poverty, and in everyday
circumstances. Courtney is published in the Journal of Macromarketing and in two
forthcoming edited volumes. Overall, Courtney’s research vision focuses on how
individuals behave and consume when faced with difficulties in their lives, such
as death or disaster. Courtney seeks to understand how service providers can
positively influence meaningful life experiences in ways that are inclusive, co-creative,
responsive, and considerate of well-being issues.
Jessica Ogilvie
University of Alabama
Jessica is a third year doctoral candidate in Marketing at
The University of Alabama. She received her BS in Finance
and Economics from The University of Alabama where she
graduated Summa Cum Laude in May of 2011 and her MS
in Marketing from The University of Alabama in May of 2012.
As a double major in Finance and Economics, she was a
representative of The University Scholars Program as a top Corporate Finance
student and recipient of the Faculty Excellence Award in Finance. While completing
her Master’s degree, she worked on both original and corporate driven research. As a
doctoral student her primary research interests include strategic issues related to sales
and service topics. She has had research accepted at multiple conferences, both
nationally and internationally. Jessica has been named a 2015 NCSM Doctoral Fellow
and recently received the 2015 William O. Bearden Research Award. She currently
has had research accepted at multiple peer reviewed journals including the Journal
of Retailing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales
Management, and Business Horizons. Jessica works in the University of Alabama
Sales Program where she teaches the Sales Management course. She is Research
Director in the Sales and Leadership Development Group which consults on sales
training and competency models.
Mitchell C. Olsen
Indiana University
Mitch is a PhD candidate in the marketing department at Indiana
University’s Kelley School of Business. His dissertation draws
from social identity and framing theories to investigate how a
brand’s new product introductions impact the brand itself. The
first essay of his dissertation, which focuses on how ‘green’ new
products impact brand attitude, was recently published in the
Journal of Marketing. Overall, Mitch is particularly interested in using various empirical
modeling approaches to examine the strategic value of innovation and brands. He
also has a manuscript under advanced review at the Strategic Management Journal
which investigates how a firm’s reputation for quality influences the strategic decision
of whether to pursue novel products, as managers weigh the greater risk of failure
against the possibility of disproportionate returns. Mitch earned both a BS and MS
in Business from Indiana University. Prior to joining the marketing PhD program, he
worked in Customer Business Development at Procter & Gamble.
Ashley Otto
University of Cincinnati
Ashley Otto is a doctoral candidate in Marketing in the Lindner
College of Business at the University of Cincinnati. Her research
contributes to the domains of decision-making, social cognition,
and self-control. Her recent work focuses on the role of political
ideology and freewill beliefs on self-control, the effect of waiting
on consumer preferences, the influence of incidental brand
exposure on decision readiness, and the impact of belief confidence on willpower
efficacy. Ashley’s dissertation outlines a systematic influence of implicit and explicit
choice precedents on decision-making processes (such as decision avoidance
and choice postponement) as well as the factors that influence the utility of these
precedents. She holds a BA and MS in marketing, both from Texas A&M University.
Jorge Pena Marin
University of Texas at San Antonio
Jorge Pena-Marin is a doctoral candidate in marketing at the
University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). His research is
mainly focused on understanding how numerical information
influences a number of consumer judgments such as
negotiation, persuasion, and consideration set formation. For
instance, in one project he found that negotiators are more
willing to accept round (vs. nonround) offers because round numbers signal meanings
related to completion. Among Jorge’s various projects, one is under second round
review at JCR and another is now under review at JPSP. In addition, Jorge has
presented his research at SCP and ACR conferences. Jorge earned a bachelor’s
degree in business and a Masters degree in Marketing from IE Business School in
Spain. Prior to joining the doctoral program, Jorge worked in consulting and marketing
management positions at companies such as Accenture, JWT and TBWA.
Erin Percival Carter
University of Colorado Boulder
Erin Percival Carter is a fourth-year PhD Candidate in Marketing
at the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado
Boulder. Her research examines how consumers pursue wellbeing, infer authenticity, and make complex moral judgments.
Erin’s papers investigate how consumer theories about the
pursuit of well-being affect consumption and downstream
preferences, how flaws can improve product evaluations by reducing consumer
uncertainty about production processes, and how consumers’ price fairness
judgments are affected by inferences of potential harm. Prior to pursuing a PhD, Erin
was a marketing manager for a private holding company that owned and operated
a collection of technology and sustainability focused businesses. She completed her
Bachelor of Science in Marketing at the University of Wyoming.
Andrea Lynn Phillips
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
A. Lynn Phillips is a 2nd year PhD student in marketing strategy
at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her research interests are
in the field of branding, and specifically in personal branding,
CSR, and branding for entrepreneurs. She is a mixed methods
researcher, with an MS in Survey Research and Methodology, a
BA in Sociology, and an interest in research methods of all sorts.
She has been published in the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology and the
Hastings Business Law Journal for her coauthored papers on survey and statistical
methods. Her current research is on personal branding strategies of entrepreneurs.
Dinesh Puranam
Cornell University
I am interested in measuring ‘Voice’ and analysizing its implications
for consumers and businesses. ‘Voice’ maybe sourced from a
variety of unstructured data such as online user generated content
and audio recordings. Prior to joining academia, I spent 8 years in
the analytics consulting industry working with firms such as GE,
P&G, Discover Financial and NBC.
Rebecca Rabino
Virginia Tech
Rebecca Rabino is a third-year doctoral candidate in consumer
behavior at the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech.
Rebecca earned her BA from Northeastern University in
2011, where she double-majored in English and Economics.
Her research falls into two main research streams. In the
first, Rebecca explores the impact of both deception and
the identification of deception on consumer attitudes and the spread of word-ofmouth. In her second major stream of research, Rebecca investigates the drivers and
consequences of consumer curiosity, particularly the impact of activated curiosity on
consumer attitudes and evaluations. Rebecca’s additional research interests include
charitable donation behavior and hedonic and utilitarian consumption.
Bhoomija Ranjan
University of Rochester
Bhoomija Ranjan is a third-year PhD student in Marketing at
the Simon Business School. Her research interests lie in the
inter-related behavior of retailers and consumers with respect to
product variety in the market, specifically consumer learning and
optimal retailer decisions in growing demand situations. She is
also interested in applied structural estimation and quantitative
modelling. Before joining the Simon School, Bhoomija had a Masters Degree from the
Department of Economics in Rochester, and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.
Andy Reinaker
Temple University
Andy Reinaker is a 4th year Marketing PhD student at Temple’s
Fox School of Business. He is interested in research that helps
managers improve their marketing efforts through customer
insights, including digital strategy and mobile marketing, social
influence and networking, and organizational strategies. He is a
member of the Global Center for Big Data in Mobile Analytics,
where he is engaged in multiple field experiments with select corporate partners. He
has presented his research at prestigious conferences including the MIT Conference
on Digital Experimentation, and has several working papers in the mobile marketing
domain. His expertise is built upon experience as a consultant for a globally leading
management consulting firm, as a product manager in the Health care industry,
and as a former member of Fox’s Center for Neural Decision Making. He earned his
undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University with a BS in Management
Science & Information Systems.
Daniel Ringel
Goethe University Frankfurt
Daniel is a doctorate student at Goethe University in Frankfurt,
Germany expected to graduate in early 2016. His research
interest lies in creating insights in today’s large markets by
combining new data sources (e.g. online consumer search)
with new methods adapted from other research disciplines
(e.g. physics). His current research includes a new model for
visualizing asymmetric competitive market structure among over 1,000 products as
well as a new method for estimating new product cannibalization. Strong relationships
to several large practice partners grant Daniel access to valuable primary data that he
uses in empirical studies of his modelling work. In 2014, Daniel won the ISMS Doctoral
Dissertation Proposal Award for his proposal titled ‘Creating Insights in Markets with
Many Products’. Before starting his academic career, Daniel was a management
consultant at the Monitor Group and an entrepreneur. Daniel consulted Fortune 500
companies around the world in marketing strategy and primary market research. He
later founded his own consulting firm for marketing and electronic commerce and
a retail and distribution business in the hobby industry. Daniel sold both companies
successfully in 2011 to join the Chair of Electronic Commerce under Prof. Dr. Bernd
Blake Runnalls
Michigan State University
Blake Runnalls is a third-year doctoral candidate in the
department of marketing at the Eli Broad Graduate School
of Management at Michigan State University. His research
interests include topics related to sales management, the
customer-firm interface, and organizational learning and
knowledge management. Currently, Blake is conducting
research with a multi-billion dollar business-to-business (B2B) firm investigated the
development, execution, measurement, and evaluation of sales training programs.
In addition, Blake teaches an MBA-level pricing course at the Broad School and
continues to teach undergraduate courses in quantitative business research methods
and marketing strategy. Before pursuing a doctoral degree, Blake worked in the
insurance industry as a claims adjuster and conducted research at the Center for
Urban Transportation (CUTR). Blake earned a BA in Public Relations from Marist
College, a MA in Economics from the University of South Florida, and a MBA at the
University of Massachusetts-Amherst. During his MBA program, Blake interned within
the private banking division at Credit Suisse and completed his MBA practicum work
at General Electric. Outside of school, Blake enjoys watching baseball, working on
automobiles, and staying up-to-date on current events.
Olalekan (Ola) Seriki
University of Oklahoma
I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Lagos
State University, Lagos, Nigeria, and my MBA in Marketing and
General Management from the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill. Prior to pursuing my doctorate, I worked as
an analyst for a financial institution in Nigeria and as a market
analyst for a medical device firm at Durham, North Carolina.
My research interests include sales and marketing strategy in a business-to-business
Amalesh Sharma
Georgia State University
Amalesh Sharma is a doctoral student at the Center for
Excellence in Brand and Customer Management (CEBCM) at
Georgia State University. His research interest is in empirical
marketing strategy, where he solves business problems using
econometric and structural models. Substantively, he seeks
to understand the distribution strategies of firms in emerging
markets and examine the role of market signals in product adoption. His research
along with his co-authors has been published/forthcoming in Journal of International
Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Harvard Business Review and Marketing Science.
His co-authored research was one of the finalists for the 2014 Gary L. Lilien ISMSMSI Practice Prize Competition. In this research, they use multiple marketing science
techniques to solve multi-faceted business problems of a Non-Profit Organization. In
another forthcoming article in Journal of Retailing, he shows how firms can leverage
distribution to maximize performances in emerging markets. Currently, he is exploring
the importance of social resources in M&A strategies and the distribution dynamics in
emerging markets. Prior to joining the PhD program, Amalesh earned his Bachelor’s
degree in Physics and an MBA in marketing and finance and worked in the banking
and financial service industry and academics in India.
Rafay Siddiqui
University of South Carolina
Rafay is currently a fourth-year doctoral student in Marketing at
the University of South Carolina. His research interests focus on
judgment and decision making, especially within the domain of
Keith Smith
University of Georgia
Keith Marion Smith is a PhD student in the Department of
Marketing at the Terry College of Business, University of
Georgia. His research investigates post-purchase online
customer engagement in product development, advertising,
and sales; online customer communities; and automated
web-crawler collection techniques to capture online customer
behavior. His work has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice and
Memory & Cognition, and he has been awarded multiple Marketing Science Institute
Research Grants. Prior to his graduate work, Keith worked as a software developer
and project manager, building marketing technology solutions for Bridgestone, VF
Corporation, and Cub Cadet. He previously earned a BA in Psychology and Sociology
from Miami University, an MA in Psychology from Vanderbilt University, and an MBA
from Belmont University.
Jane So
University of Washington
Jane So is a third-year doctoral student in marketing at the
Foster School of Business, University of Washington. Her
primary research interest is in the area of consumer behavior,
with a focus on emotions and resource scarcity. In particular,
she is interested in studying the effect of self-conscious
emotions on consumer’s judgment and decision making. Also
her research explores how feelings of time vs. money scarcity affect consumer’s
decision making. Her work is forthcoming in the Journal of Consumer Psychology
and has been presented at the UBC-UW conference. Prior to joining the doctoral
program, she received her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from Seoul National
Tatiana Sokolova
HEC Paris
Tatiana Sokolova is a PhD candidate in marketing at HEC
Paris. Her research lies in the domains of behavioral pricing
and numerical cognition. In her dissertation, Tatiana studies
the mental representations underlying various price judgment
biases, such as relative thinking and the left-digit anchoring
bias. In other research projects she looks at how decision
framing affects information processing styles. Her work has been presented at the
ACR, SCP and EMAC conferences. Besides her PHD studies at HEC Paris, Tatiana
has been a visiting PhD student at the Johnson School of Management at Cornell
University during Spring 2013, and as of September 2014 she is a visiting scholar at
the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.
Ashley Stadler Blank
Pennsylvania State University
Ashley Stadler Blank is a PhD Candidate in the Department of
Marketing at the Pennsylvania State University. Her research
interests lie in the field of consumer behavior and focus on
consumer judgement and decision-making when consumers
participate in the creation of products and services. More
specifically, she explores the benefits and drawbacks of
consumer participation (e.g., in design or production) for both consumers that evaluate
and firms that offer participation-based products and services.
Jennifer Stoner
University of Minnesota
Jennifer Stoner is a PhD candidate who just completed her
4th year at the University of Minnesota. Her research interests
include consumer-brand relationships, brand personality,
and power and status. Her research has been published in
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and
featured in presentations at Association of Consumer Research,
Society of Consumer Psychology and American Marketing Association conferences.
Her dissertation examines the perception of power that consumers perceive in brands
and how those perceptions impact consumer behavior. Prior to entering the PhD
program, Jennifer received both a BBA and an MBA in marketing and held several
marketing positions in industry including at the College Football Hall of Fame and
AirTran Airways.
Jacob Suher
University of Texas at Austin
Jacob Suher is a fourth-year PhD candidate at the University
of Texas at Austin. He studies consumer behavior with an
emphasis on understanding the psychological antecedents and
consequences of in-store decision making. Jacob’s research
has been published in the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of
Marketing Research, and the Journal of Advertising Research.
His paper on the causal effect of in-store travel distance on unplanned purchasing
received the MSI/H. Paul Root Award for its contribution to marketing practice.
Jacob’s dissertation examines shoppers’ motivations for unplanned purchases.
The first essay investigates the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on the
dynamics of multiple goal pursuit within a shopping trip. The second essay explores
an alternative to price cuts for in-store marketing – personalized messages that
highlight shoppers’ intrinsic motivations. Prior to his graduate studies, Jacob received
a bachelor’s degree in economics from Wharton and then studied shopper marketing
with Dr. Herb Sorensen at TNS Retail & Shopper.
Christopher Summers
Ohio State University
Christopher Summers is a doctoral candidate in marketing
who studies how lay theories and marketplace expectations
influence consumption. His research investigates the ways
in which past behavior, awareness of persuasive intent, and
interactions with technology (e.g., behaviorally targeted
advertising, ‘smart’ devices) shape consumer behavior and
decision-making. His work appears in the Journal of Consumer Research. He has also
received several awards, including winning 2nd prize in Ohio State’s Hayes Graduate
Research Symposium for his research on consumer-to-consumer persuasion. For
more information about Chris, or to get in contact with him, please visit his personal
webpage: www.casummers.com
Maryam Tofighi
Concordia University
Maryam Tofighi is a PhD candidate and part-time lecturer in
Marketing at the John Molson School of Business, Concordia
University, Canada. Maryam’s main research interests include
socially responsible consumption, visual attention in retail
environment, and brand management. Her dissertation
examines the effect of ethical attributes on retailers’ portfolio of
private label brands and national brands. Her work has been presented at conferences
such as the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), the Society for Consumer
Psychology (SCP), and the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC).
Gabriela Tonietto
Washington University in St. Louis
Gabriela Tonietto is a doctoral candidate at Olin Business
School, Washington University in St. Louis. She received her
BSBA, Magna Cum Laude from Washington University in 2011.
Tonietto’s research interests include judgment and decision
making, intertemporal preferences, and hedonic consumption.
She is particularly interested in identifying factors that enable
and disable consumers in making easier choices and having better experiences.
To that end, in one of her projects, she examines how an interruption between the
choice [of a product] and the purchase stages can decrease incidence of purchase,
by ‘cooling down’ the consumers’ affect towards hedonic products. In a new
research stream she has embarked upon, Tonietto studies the role of serendipity,
identifying counterfactual thinking as one of its drivers and examining its downstream
consequences. In yet another project, she studies how scheduling leisure activities
can reduce excitement towards them. This work demonstrates that scheduling
temporally structures the otherwise free-flowing leisure tasks and makes them feel
more like work, which then decreases reported excitement and enjoyment with such
activities. This joint work with Selin A. Malkoc was recently awarded Best Paper at the
2015 Haring Symposium.
Noah VanBergen
University of Miami
Noah VanBergen is a third-year doctoral candidate in the
Marketing Department at the University of Miami, where he
studies consumer behavior. His specific research interests
include aspects of consumption and non-consumption,
numerosity and numerical information, self-regulation, and
auditory influences on consumer behavior. In particular, his
research primarily examines how numerical or quantitative information in marketing
environments affects a range of downstream consumer behaviors, including product
evaluations, product efficacy expectations and experiences, and willingness to
donate to charitable causes. For example, in one project he examines how varying
the number of product replicates in an assortment affects the benefits consumers
derive from consuming familiar vs. unfamiliar products, holding the quantity consumed
constant. He has presented his research at conferences for the Association for
Consumer Research and the Society for Consumer Psychology, and has experience
teaching Marketing Foundations at UM.
Jarrod Vassallo
University of Cambridge
Jarrod Vassallo is a PhD candidate studying at Cambridge
Judge Business School on a Cambridge Trusts Scholarship.
He is a reviewer for the Academy of Management, a guest
lecturer at the University of Sydney and has been employed as
an expert witness on branding and reputation by the Federal
Court of Australia. Two themes underlie Jarrod’s PhD research:
The first relates to how organizations perform under shock-like situations such as
reputation-damaging events or natural disasters. The second theme concerns how
hybrid organizations – e.g., those pursuing financial and social objectives – targeting
the poor in developing markets make branch location decisions and perform given
these shocks. Jarrod has built research partnerships with BRAC, Grameen Bank,
bKash, Bangladesh Bank, PKSF and Institute of Mircofinance and several other large
organizations in Bangladesh. Previously, Jarrod was employed as a Senior Strategy
Consultant at Interbrand, and more recently at Landor Associates – the world’s two
most prominent brand consultancies. In addition to his PhD studies, Jarrod continues
to consult, write articles and give guest lectures to business school students. He
resides at Magdalene College in Cambridge.
Sunaina Velagaleti
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sunaina Velagaleti is a doctoral student in Marketing at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. She will complete her PhD
in May of 2017. Her research focuses on the experiences of
stigmatized or marginalized consumer groups as they navigate
market contexts and explores how heterogeneity within these
consumer groups generates unique positional (dis)advantages.
She examines both individual, purposive action as well as its dynamic interplay with
structural and cultural forces. She is published in the Journal of Consumer Research
and has presented her work at conferences including the Association for Consumer
Research, Transformative Consumer Research, and Consumer Culture Theory. Her
teaching interests include consumer behavior, marketing management, qualitative
research methods and design, qualitatively based marketing insights, and marketing
research. Before joining the PhD program, Sunaina earned her undergraduate
degree at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business and her MBA
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has worked at General Mills and the
University of Illinois at Chicago. Sunaina has also served in the AmeriCorps program,
collaborating with organizations such as the National AIDS Fund and the AIDS Legal
Council of Chicago.
Srinivas Venugopal
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Srini is a doctoral student in marketing at the University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His research examines the
intertwined nature of consumption and entrepreneurship in
subsistence marketplaces. Srini conducts empirical research
in subsistence marketplaces across four countries – India,
Tanzania, Argentina and United States. Prior to joining the
University of Illinois, he was leading a technology-based social venture in Tamil
Nadu, India. His venture was focused on delivering education services to low income
consumers in rural regions of Tamil Nadu. Research interests: There are more than
a billion poverty-stricken entrepreneurs in the world who run micro-enterprises to
meet basic consumption needs. This pervasive phenomenon presents an interesting
theoretical conundrum, that of consumer-entrepreneur duality. This duality blurs the
boundaries between consumption and entrepreneurship, which have traditionally
been distinct domains of scholarly inquiry. Srini’s research aims to provide a theoretical
foundation for the notion of consumer-entrepreneur duality and test its implications
Matteo Visentin
London Business School
Matteo is a PhD candidate in marketing at London Business
School. His main research interest investigates how product
design affects consumer judgment and decision-making.
Particularly, Matteo’s dissertation examines how knowledge
of a customer-centric design process affects consumers.
Companies often chose to communicate to consumers that
the design of their products is the result of a customer-centric approach. Matteo’s
research shows that such information increases consumer’s sense of power and, as
a consequence, it can have negative effects on product evaluations. For example,
consumers tend to judge a far brand extension more harshly when a brand claims a
customer-centric approach. Originally from Italy, Matteo received a bachelor’s degree
and master in industrial design from Politecnico of Milano. After four years as product
designer he moved to United States thanks to a Fulbright scholarship, where he
received a master’s degree in psychology from Boston University. In his spare time
Matteo likes to keep his design skills alive by hacking products and working on proof
of concept prototypes for some small inventions. He is also the co-inventor on two US
Rob Waiser
University of Toronto
Rob Waiser is a doctoral candidate in Marketing at the Rotman
School of Management (University of Toronto). His research
interests include sales management, incentive compensation,
and the effects of budgeting on managerial decision-making.
Most of his research is based in analytical modeling, with some
projects also using economic experiments. In one ongoing
project, Rob is exploring the roles of firm-imposed budget constraints and privatelyinformed sales managers in the optimal design of sales force incentive compensation
plans. In another, he examines how a firm can manage a salesperson’s psychological
motivations in a sales contest through the design of incentive structures and the way
in which contest outcomes are publicly announced. Rob’s research questions are
strongly influenced by his work with more than 40 client organisations over the nine
years that he spent at ZS Associates, a global consulting firm specializing in sales and
marketing management. Prior to ZS, Rob obtained a Bachelor of Mathematics from
the University of Waterloo, with majors in Statistics and Combinatorics & Optimization.
Nooshin Warren
Texas A&M University
Nooshin Warren is a PhD candidate in marketing at Texas A&M
University. Her research interests lie on the interface between
marketing and finance with a focus on innovation. She holds
a BS in Industrial Engineering and an MBA from Iran’s Sharif
University of Technology. Nooshin was selected to be an ISMS
INFORMS as well as a PDMA Doctoral Consortium fellow. She
presented her dissertation research at the 2015 Theory and Practice in Marketing
Conference, the 2015 AMA Winter Conference, the 2014 INFORMS Marketing
Science Conference, and the 2014 EMAC Conference where she won the Best Paper
Award Based on Doctoral Dissertation. Nooshin‘s dissertation focuses on the stock
market reaction to new product announcements. Her first essay investigates how
firms’ history of new product announcements shapes investors’ expectations of future
announcements and their reaction when these announcements materialize. The results
of this paper suggest that successful innovators obtain diminishing abnormal stock
returns from subsequent innovations. The second essay of her dissertation examines
the antecedents and the stock market reaction to announcements of new products
made concurrently with other corporate news by the same firm. Her research reveals
the extent to which firms benefit from such concurrent announcements.
Virginia Weber
University of Alberta
Virginia is currently completing her third year in the Doctoral
program at the University of Alberta. She completed her
Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at the same institution, and
this background in psychology guides her research interests
toward interpersonal and social influences on consumers.
This interest has allowed her to investigate questions such
as how rejection impacts consumers and their behavior toward possessions they
associate with their rejecters; how sharing emotions about brands via social media
impacts the intensity of these emotions; and how the need to be both similar to and
distinct from others influences the way in which consumers respond when one’s
friends publicly display a connection to one’s own identity-linked brands. Finally, in
her dissertation project, Virginia asks what occurs when a consumer introduces one
of their experiences to a friend, only to have the friend dislike this experience. Beyond
research, Virginia has cultivated teaching and service opportunities. She has taught
two sections of Introduction to Marketing, been a Junior Reviewer at the Journal of
Consumer Research, and helped to form the Business Doctoral Association at the
University of Alberta.
Laure Weckx
KU Leuven
I am a fourth year PhD student at the Behavioral Engineering
Research Group at KU Leuven, Belgium. One of my main
research interests, and the topic of my dissertation, is the
impact of curiosity on consumer behavior. In my dissertation,
I explore whether states of curiosity affect consumption of
information in different and unrelated domains, whether states
of curiosity also trigger effects in domains unrelated to information consumption
(e.g. eating behavior) and vice versa (i.e. whether a state of hunger can enhance
information consumption) and whether, how, when and why the secrecy cues (often
used in marketing, e.g. Coca Cola’s Secret Formula) enhance consumer perceptions
and buying behavior. My other research interests include time perception, embodied
cognition, and the influence of language on consumer behavior. Prior to entering the
PhD program, I graduated with a Master of Business Engineering from KU Leuven,
Belgium. In my spare time, I enjoy running, dancing, travelling, reading, drawing and
going to concerts.
Freeman Wu
Arizona State University
Freeman Wu is a third year doctoral student in Marketing at
the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.
His research interests focus on social influence and consumer
responses to retail and service environments. Specifically, he is
interested in studying persuasion knowledge and interpersonal
retail interactions between salespeople and consumers. Before
joining ASU, Freeman earned a BSc in Psychology from the University of British
Hu (Jeffrey) Xie
University of Oregon
Hu Xie is a fourth-year doctoral student in marketing at the
Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon. His
research investigates consumer social perceptions that are
projected onto brands and how these projections influence
moral judgements of the brands. One project studies brand
anthropomorphism phenomena by examining the consumers
who perceive brands as having minds. Hu looks at perceptions of mind types (e.g.,
Functional Mind, Social Mind, Emotional Mind) and uncovers how various perceptions
shape the moral judgments consumers form about the brands given their actions. Hu
is interested in the strategic implications and how managers can build and benefit from
such projections of mind types. Currently, Hu has a few research projects under review
at marketing journals including one at the Journal of Marketing. Related to his research
interests, his teaching focuses on marketing management and international marketing,
where he has received superior student evaluations at the undergraduate level. Prior to
joining the PhD program, Hu earned his MBA from University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Hu’s prior industry experience includes brand management for Coca-Cola, and global
marketing for a leading consumer brand at Johnson & Johnson.
Adelle Yang
University of Chicago
I study consumer behavior with a focus on judgment and
decision making processes. I have conducted research on
the role of justification in consumer’s choices, how different
evaluability of product attributes influence inter-personal
decision making, and how future-oriented cognition affects
current consumer preferences for choice consistency. My
recent work has evolved around a number of gift giving conundrums. In one recent
project, for example, I examine how gift givers’ choices systematically deviate from
gift recipients’ preferences, as well as from gift givers’ choices when they choose for
themselves. More broadly, I have developed a strong interest in interpersonal decision
processes in my research work, including gift giving, advice giving, and pro-social
Elham Yazdani
University of Utah
Elham Yazdani is PhD student at University of Utah. She is
working mainly under supervisory of Dr. Shyam Gopinath.
Her research interest includes online WOM, social networks
and customer lifetime value. She has used data scraped from
the Web to build econometric models. While the modeling is
very competent, they are probably best viewed as descriptive
rather than structural models. She had a presentation in 2015 Marketing Science
conference. She is also interested in Hidden Markov models and Bayesian methods.
Her current research work is about applying HMM on a data set of different customer
types based on their loyalty level. She did her MBA and BS in Industrial Engineering in
Iran. She did some research about consumer decision making by using surveys in her
MBA. Elham will graduate in 2018 and her future research career will be quantitative
Lingling Zhang
Harvard University
Lingling is a fifth-year doctoral student in the Marketing Unit at
the Harvard Business School. Her primary research interests are
business-to-business marketing and multi-channel marketing.
In one of her papers, Lingling examines the role of market
power on price negotiations between merchants and online
retailers. Her other work looks at the effectiveness of multichannel marketing in the context of television advertising, personal selling, and online
video advertising. Prior to Harvard, she worked for five years as a statistician at the
University of Michigan. Lingling earned her BA and MS in Information Science from
Nanjing University in China and her MS in Applied Statistics from the University of
Wenshu Zhang
Purdue University
Wenshu Zhang is a PhD candidate in Krannert School of
Business at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. She
received her MS from the College of Business Administration
at Seoul National University in South Korea in 2011 and
BS from the Guanghua School of Management at Peking
University in China in 2009. Her research focuses on sales force
compensation schemes, marketing channel coordination, and B2B market contracts.
Her current research investigates how brand equity associates with choice of groupbased versus individual-based compensation scheme. Her preliminary results were
presented at the Marketing Science Conference held at Emory University in Atlanta,
Georgia, in June, 2014. She is advised by Professor Subramanian Balachander.
She teaches an undergraduate course entitled Marketing Management and earned
the Krannert Certificate for Outstanding Teaching in the Summer semester 2013
and Spring semester 2014. She is a runner and a swimmer, having run the Purdue
Boilermaker Half-Marathon and 5K in fall, 2014.
Zemin (Zachary) Zhong
UC Berkeley
Zemin (Zachary) Zhong is a third-year PhD student in marketing
at the University of California, Berkeley. He is interested in
analyzing consumer and seller interactions in online, as well as
in behavioral economics and marketing strategy. He current
research focus is on modeling consumer search in online
markets using game theory. In another project, he uses field
experiments to test how consumers respond to online price dispersion. He has also
investigated the economics of consumer feedback and how feedback scores affect
demand, using regression discontinuity approaches based on scraped data from
Taobao. Zemin holds master’s degrees in management and finance from Peking
University and University of Hong Kong, as well as bachelor’s degrees in science and
economics from Peking University.
Lili Zou
University of Hong Kong
Lili Zou is a year 3 PhD candidate from The University of Hong
Kong, under the supervision of Prof. Bennett YIM. Her research
interests focus on service marketing. Lili’s PhD dissertation topic
is about crowding management and she is interested in how
to alleviate customers’ crowding perceptions in services from
the perspectives of both customer-customer and customermachine interactions. Lili is also working on some projects related to loyalty program,
specifically is about how to improve the effectiveness of loyalty programs through
customers emotion management and marketing commutation strategies of loyalty
programs. In addition to crowding management and loyalty program, and she is
also interested in research on customers-service providers interaction and customer
London Business School’s vision is to have a profound impact on the way the
world does business. The School is consistently ranked in the global top 10 for its
programmes and is widely acknowledged as a centre for outstanding research.
As well as its top-ranked full-time MBA, the School offers degree and award winning
executive education programmes to executives from around the world.
With a presence in four international cities – London, New York, Hong Kong and Dubai
– the School is well positioned to equip students from more than 130 countries with
the tools needed to operate in today’s business environment. The School has more
than 39,000 alumni, from over 150 countries, which provide a wealth of knowledge,
business experience and worldwide networking opportunities.
London Business School’s 157 academics come from more than 30 countries and
cover seven subject areas: accounting; economics; finance; management science and
operations; marketing; organisational behaviour; and strategy and entrepreneurship.
Its faculty are influential experts who generate a wealth of thought leadership by
combining the best of academia and real world problem-solving.
Patrick Barwise
Emeritus Professor of Management and Marketing
Professor Patrick Barwise is an expert on marketing and
media – specialising in brands; advertising; customer focus;
media trends; and broadcasting policy. His research interests
include customer-focused strategy and execution; using
customer insights to improve business performance; and
marketing leadership. Outside of London Business School,
Professor Barwise is Chairman of Which?, the UK’s leading consumer organisation;
a Visiting Senior Fellow, at the London School of Economics; an experienced
conference speaker, consultant and expert witness; and an advisory board member
of two successful start-ups: Research Now (online fieldwork) and Verve (online
brand communities). Prior to his appointment to London Business School, he was
involved in sales and marketing with IBM, the Austin-Hall Group and Graphic Systems
Jonathan Berman
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Professor Jonathan Berman conducts research in judgment
and decision-making and consumer behavior. His specific areas
of focus look at (a) signals of selfishness in altruistic decisionmaking and (b) how consumers evaluate and manage their
personal finances. Before joining London Business School,
Jonathan completed his PhD at the Wharton School, University
of Pennsylvania. He also holds an MSc in Decision Sciences from the London School
of Economics and a BA in Economics from Northwestern University.
Simona Botti
Associate Professor of Marketing
Simona Botti is Associate Professor of Marketing at London
Business School. She joined London Business School in 2007
after two years as Assistant Professor at the Johnson Graduate
School of Management, Cornell University. Simona received
a BA from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, and a MBA and
PhD in Marketing from the University of Chicago. Simona
teaches the Brand Management elective and co-directs the Strategic Branding
program for executive education. Her research is on consumer behavior and decision
making, with a focus on the psychological processes underlying perceived personal
control and how different ways of providing and exercising control (choice, power,
information) influence well-being. She has published in the main psychology and
consumer behavior journals, is Associate Editor at International Journal of Research in
Marketing and Journal of Consumer Psychology, and in the editorial boards of Journal
of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, and
Journal of Marketing Behavior. She co-chaired the 2012 SCP Conference in Florence,
Italy; the 2013 SCP Doctoral Symposium in San Antonio, Texas; the 2013 ACR
Conference in Chicago, Illinois; and the 2014 BDRM Conference in London, UK.
Rajesh Chandy
Professor of Marketing
Rajesh Chandy holds the Tony and Maureen Wheeler Chair
in Entrepreneurship at London Business School, where he is
a Professor of Marketing and serves as Academic Director of
the Deloitte Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. His
research areas include innovation, marketing strategy, and
emerging markets. Chandy’s research has received several
awards, including the JM Harold Maynard Award, the AMA StrategySIG Early Career
Contributions Award, and the MSI Alden Clayton Dissertation Award. His papers have
also been named as finalists for the JMR William O’Dell Award, the JMR Paul Green
Award, and the INFORMS Practice Prize. Chandy serves as an Area Editor for the
Entrepreneurship and Innovation area at Management Science, and is on the editorial
boards of several journals. During 2006-2008, Chandy served as a member of the
US Secretary of Commerce Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st
Century Economy. Chandy’s teaching awards include the Outstanding Professor of
the Year Award, the Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Outstanding Faculty
Dedication Award. His consulting and executive education clients include Nordea,
Novo Nordisk, Toshiba, St. Jude Medical, 3M, Philips, Commonwealth Microfinance
Limited, American Medical Systems, Hutchinson Technology, Microsoft, Mundipharma,
Rexam, Wrigley, GfK, Futuredontics, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom, Bertelsmann, and
Telenor, among others.
David Faro
Associate Professor of Marketing
David Faro received his PhD in Marketing at the University of
Chicago, and joined London Business School in 2006. Dr Faro’s
research examines consumer and managerial decision-making,
the psychology of time perception and how people assess the
preferences of others. He serves on the editorial board of the
Journal of Consumer Research. Dr Faro teaches the marketing
core course for MBAs and an elective course on Behavioural Economics and Decision
Making. He also teaches on various executive education programmes. Before joining
academia, Dr Faro worked in the marketing departments of household appliance firms
in Turkey and Greece. He speaks English, Turkish and Hebrew.
Bruce Hardie
Professor of Marketing
Bruce Hardie is Professor of Marketing at London Business
School. He holds B.Com and M.Com degrees from the
University of Auckland (New Zealand), and MA and PhD
degrees from the University of Pennsylvania. His primary
research interest lies in the development of data-based models
to support marketing analysts and decision makers, with a
particular interest in models that are easy to implement. Most of his current projects
focus on the development of probability models for customer-base analysis. Bruce’s
research has appeared in various marketing, operations research and statistics
Sungtak Hong
PhD Student
Sungtak Hong is a PhD candidate in marketing. His dissertation
work focuses on the inter-related decisions made by
manufacturers, retailers and consumers with respect to product
variety in competitive markets. As a methodology, his work
applies microeconometric models and Bayesian inferences.
The first essay of his dissertation investigates grocers’ in-store
assortment for a mix of product categories in a particular space (e.g., the checkout
aisle, end-of-aisle shelves or freezer space), and examines how variety of such
assortment influences a consumer’s multicategory purchase decisions. His second
essay studies a multi-product firm’s use of product variety in its strategic interactions
with potential entrant firms in a novel context of the post-deregulation Korean soju
market, and the paper has been selected as the EMAC 2015 best paper of the
conference based on doctoral work. In addition, he has several ongoing projects
under research domains of firms’ decisions on product variety and consumers’
purchase decisions across multiple categories. Prior to joining the PhD program,
Sungtak worked as a research fellow at the International Growth Centre, London
and as an account manager at Nielsen Company, Seoul. He holds a master’s degree
in economics from the London School of Economics and a bachelor’s degree in
economics from Sogang University.
Olivia Kim
PhD Student
I received my Bachelor of Science degree from MIT, majoring
in Management Science and minoring in Brain and Cognitive
Science. After working for a couple of years at Accenture, I
received my MBA from Seoul National University Global MBA
program, and deciding that I wanted to pursue an academic
route, worked in the Josh Ackerman lab at MIT and am now
studying Consumer Behaviour in Marketing at LBS.
Oded Koenigsberg
Associate Professor of Marketing
Oded Koenigsberg covers a wide range of topics in
marketing strategy, pricing and the marketing manufacturing
interface. Especially, he focuses his research on pricing and
on incorporating logistical constraints into firms’ marketing
decisions. He develops models that attempt to incorporate
the cross-functional aspects of firms’ marketing management
decisions. His articles on these topics have appeared in academic journals such as
Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal
of Production Operations Management and Quantitative Marketing and Economics.
Oded received PhD from Duke University and was on the faculty of Columbia
University before joining LBS in 2012.
Anja Lambrecht
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Anja Lambrecht is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at
London Business School. Her research focuses on marketing
decisions in digital environments, with particular emphasis on
nonlinear pricing, consumers’ multi-stage adoption/purchase
decisions and online targeting and advertising. Anja’s work
has been published in leading marketing journals, including
the Journal of Marketing Research and Marketing Science and in 2014 Anja received
the Paul E. Green Award. Before joining London Business School, she was a Visiting
Assistant Professor at the UCLA Anderson School of Management and a Visiting
Scholar at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Prior to her academic life, Anja
Lambrecht worked as consultant at McKinsey & Company in Frankfurt. Anja has a
PhD from Goethe University, Frankfurt and previously obtained Master degrees from
Goethe-University Frankfurt and Universite de Paris-Dauphine in Paris.
John Mullins
Associate Professor of Management Practice in Marketing and
An award-winning teacher and scholar, Professor John W.
Mullins brings 20 years of experience in high-growth retailing
firms to his teaching and research, including two ventures and
one public offering, which he personally founded. His research
has won national and international awards from the Marketing
Science Institute, the American Marketing Association, and the Richard D. Irwin
Foundation. He is a frequent speaker to audiences in entrepreneurship and venture
capital. Professor Mullins earned his MBA at the Stanford Graduate School of Business
and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. Since becoming a professor in 1992, he has
published four books, numerous cases and more than 40 articles in a variety of outlets,
including Harvard Business Review, the MIT Sloan Management Review, and The Wall
Street Journal. His trade book, The New Business Road Test: What Entrepreneurs and
Executives Should Do Before Launching a Lean Start-Up (4e, London: Prentice-Hall/
FT 2013), is the definitive work on the assessment and shaping of entrepreneurial
opportunities and is used in university courses worldwide. Professor Mullins’ book on
business models – the critically acclaimed Getting to Plan B: Breaking Through to a
Better Business Model (Boston: Harvard Business Press 2009) – was named on “Best
Books of 2009” lists by BusinessWeek and INC Magazine. The book was co-authored
with Randy Komisar, a partner at the esteemed venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins
Caufield & Byers in California. He has consulted with, and provided executive education,
for a variety of organisations – both large and small – on five continents, including:
the Young Presidents Organisation, Endeavor, Kenya Airways, Merck-Serono, Grupo
Guayacan, the European and African Venture Capital Associations, Pumpkin Ltd, and
the International Finance Corporation, among numerous others. He has served on the
boards of fast-growing entrepreneurial companies in the United States, United Kingdom,
Europe, and Asia.
Anja Schanbacher
PhD Student
Anja Schanbacher is a third year PhD student in Marketing
at London Business School. Her research interests include
judgement and decision-making, financial decision-making,
and the self and identity. In her dissertation research with her
advisors David Faro and Simona Botti she examines when
and how future changes in income affect present consumer
decisions. Prior to her PhD studies she received a Diplom (equivalent to Master’s)
degree in Psychology from Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. She also spent
some time as a student and research assistant in Social Psychology at the University
of California, Santa Barbara, for which she received a fellowship by the German
Academic Exchange Service.
Ken Simmonds
Emeritus Professor of Marketing and International Business
Professor Ken Simmonds focuses his research on global
strategy, international business management, strategic
marketing, and strategic management accounting. He is a
Fellow of the Academy of International Business and a Fellow
of the Academy of Marketing. Professor Simmonds established
marketing at Cranfield School of Management and held the first
Chair of Marketing at Manchester Business School (where he was Geigy Professor of
Marketing). He has also been Ford Foundation Professor at the University of Chicago
and Professorial Fellow at Said Business School at the University of Oxford. He has
served on many corporate boards and advisory panels and undertaken numerous toplevel consulting projects for large multinationals including IBM. He has devised creative
strategies for a wide variety of firms of all sizes, industries and services.
Nader Tavassoli
Professor of Marketing
For the past 23 years, Professor Nader Tavassoli (www.
nadertavassoli.com) has advised and taught organisations
ranging from internet and high-tech start-ups to over 30 Global
Fortune 500 companies. He is a recipient of the prestigious
Excellence in Teaching Award at London Business School,
where he teaches on their senior-most executive programmes,
and where he was the founding director of the Customer Focused Marketing
Programme and Walpole Luxury Management Programme. Since 2006, Professor
Tavassoli has been non-executive chairman of The Brand Inside (www.thebrandinside.
com) - ‘Activating Brand-Led Change’– and, in 2013, he co-founded Compaso
(www.compasolearning.com) – ‘Learning at the Speed of Change’. He is an angel
investor and advisor to Phigital ‘Create and Discover a New World of Experiences’
(www.gophigital.com). Professor Tavassoli was previously on the faculty of the MIT
Sloan School of Management where he was faculty director of the Entrepreneurship
Programme and founding director of the e-Business Programme. He is a globetrotter
and has lived in Australia, England, France, Germany, Spain and the USA.
Prasad Vana
PhD Student
Prasad Vana is a PhD candidate in Marketing at London
Business School. His research interests focus on modelling
consumer behaviour in online settings and the application of
behavioural economics models to empirical contexts of interest
in marketing. His past work has focused on modelling consumer
behaviour in online cashback shopping and group buying. His
current research focuses on modelling consumer behaviour in crowdfunding. Prior
to joining London Business School, Prasad worked as a transportation consultant in
Columbus, Ohio. His past education includes an MS in Engineering from the University
of Texas at Austin and B.Tech in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology,
Naufel Vilcassim
Professor of Marketing
Professor Naufel J. Vilcassim is an expert on the use of
economic theory and econometric techniques to analyse
substantive marketing problems and serves as the Academic
Director of Aditya Birla India Centre. He has focused this
research on problems in particular areas of the marketing mix,
such as competitive interactions and market structure, pricing
and price promotion, marketing channels, measurement of market response to
investments in advertising and other marketing mix elements, and household choice
behavior. Currently, he is undertaking research that examines the role of managerial
capital and suitable information tools in enhancing the business performance of
micro-entrepreneurs in Africa. At LBS, Professor Vilcassim has previously served as
the Deputy Dean for Faculty, Faculty Director of the Dubai Program, and Chair of the
Marketing Subject Area. Prior to joining LBS, he served as a faculty member in the
business schools at USC (Marshall) and Northwestern University (Kellogg) and was
a visiting professor at the University of Chicago Business School. He has published
extensively in leading research journals such as Marketing Science, Management
Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Econometrics, Quantitative
Marketing and Economics, International Journal for Research in Marketing, and
Journal of Retailing, among others. He is an Associate Editor for Management
Science and serves on the editorial board of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing
Research, Quantitative Marketing and Economics and the International Journal of
Research in Marketing and the Asian Journal of Marketing. He has also served on
the research grant proposal evaluation panel of the European Research Council and
the Hong Kong Universities Grant Commission Research Assessment Exercise and
has evaluated research proposals for the USA National Science Foundation. He is a
member of the Institute for Operations Research & Management Science (INFORMS)
and the American Marketing Association. He has also consulted for various
Thomas Zhang
PhD Student
Thomas Shouthang Zhang’s Research interests are marketing
strategy, entrepreneurship, emerging markets, marketingfinance interface. He holds a BA from Princeton, an MSc from
LSE and an MBA from HKUST.
Attire throughout the Consortium is smart casual.
Student Fellows will be accommodated in assigned twin rooms in the Meliá White
Meliá White House
Albany Street, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 3UP
Website: www.melia-whitehouse.com
Telephone +44 (0)20 7391 3109
Consortium Faculty will be staying in a number of nearby hotels, including
Hotel Danubius
18 Lodge Road, St John’s Wood, London, NW8 7JT
Website: www.danubiuslondon.co.uk
Telephone +44 (0)20 7722 7722
Please refer to the map provided on page 160 for directions.
Other Practicalities
Internet Access
Internet access is available via eduroam. Faculty and fellows will have received a
personal wifi password at registration in case their mobile device is not configured for
eduroam access.
Consortium Locations
The consortium will be held at London Business School (LBS). Our faculty, PhD
students, and staff will be on hand to guide you during the conference. The
Registration desk at Sainsbury Reception will be staffed throughout the event.
Catering Locations at the School
The Opening Reception on Thursday will be held in the Dining Room, on the
ground floor of the Sainsbury building.
The Welcome Dinner will be held in Nuffield Hall, Rooms at the Park (also referred
to as the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists or RCOG), a building next
to the School. This will be clearly signposted.
All coffee breaks will be held in the S1 lounge on the first floor and on the Lower
Ground Platform, both the the Sainsbury building by the lecture theatres used for the
Concurrent sessions. The S1 lounge will be available throughout the consortium to all
All lunches are buffet lunches and will be held in the Dining Room and Garden
Room, on the Ground floor of the Sainsbury building. In case of dry weather further
seating will be available on the Upper Quad, outside the Dining Room and all
participants will be free to use the Front Lawn outside the Dining and Garden
High Tea on Thursday will be served in the Dining Room and Garden Room in the
Sainsbury building.
Session Locations
All Plenary Sessions will be held in Nuffield Hall.
All Concurrent Sessions will be held in LT3, LT4, LT5, LT9 and LT10, all in the
Sainsbury building. Consortium fellows will be assigned to the Teaching and Career
sessions. Details of that assignment will be communicated separately. Fellows are free
to decide which Research I and Research II sessions to attend.
Individual Breakout Sessions will be held in a number of meeting rooms in the
A wing, Sainsbury and Plowden buildings (please refer to map on page 162 for
We will be offering a daily morning run in Regent’s Park with one of our Fitness
Centre trainers at 07:30 for around 30 minutes.
Meeting points will have been communicated to all participants.
Walking tours that explore the local area will commence following High Tea.
Our trip to Greenwich will commence following the afternoon plenary, with doubledecker buses departing from Park Road; LBS Marketing PhD students and staff will
guide you to the departure point. We will then take a chartered boat from a pier near
Blackfriars Bridge (Chrysanthemum Pier) for a scenic trip to Greenwich. Faculty and
fellows will have the opportunity to socialize informally during the trip.
Greenwich is home to the Royal Observatory, the World’s Prime Meridian Line and
National Maritime Museum. Our dinner will be held in the Dry Berth beneath the hull
of the Cutty Sark. The Cutty Sark is the last surviving tea clipper from the golden age
of sea-based commerce. After dinner, faculty and fellows will have an opportunity to
wander about the museum that is built into the ship, tracing some of the history of trade
and marketing that is represented in it. Guides will be on hand to give further insights.
We will be taking a group picture of all Consortium Fellows during Saturday lunch
(12:00 – 14:00).
Details will be confirmed with Fellows during the Consortium.
Following the final plenary there will be social activities on the Front Lawn.
Details will have been communicated to all participants.
The Closing Event will be held at the London Zoo and will include a visit to Penguin
Beach, with our very own exclusive ‘Penguin Beach Live’ demonstration and a
summer BBQ on Prince Albert Terrace and Lawn.
Coach transfer to the Meliá White House will be available at specified times and
shared taxis to other accommodations as needed.
Directions to Hotels
Directions to Public Transport Links
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1: LT10
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1: LT9, S1 Lounge
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Dean’s Residence
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The Regent’s Park
Conference Locations at the School
London Business School
Regent’s Park
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7000 7000