Report of the Internal ReviewCommitteefor the GraduateProgram Review Rawls Collegeof BusinessAdministration A report submitted to the Graduate Schoolof TexasTech University April 19,2010 Submittedby: Vickie ltrampton@ersonalFinancial Planning) RashidAl-Hmoud (Economics) SteveFraze (Agricultural Education) This report is basedon materialsdrawn from The Rawls Collegeof BusinessAdministration (CoBA) GraduateProgramReview 2003-2008documentand meetingsof the review team with numerousCoBA faculty and students.The internal review team (Al-Hmoud, Fraze,and Hampton) along with an external reviewer(Dr. SridharRamaswamifrom Iowa StateUniversity) held face-to-facemeetingswith selected groups. Dr. Sridharhas submittedan independentreport focusingon the PhD program;therefore,the PhD programis not a primary focus of this document. The committeerecognizedfour active masterprogramsat the Rawls CoBA-Master of Sciencein Accounting(MSA), Master of Sciencein BusinessAdministration(MS), Master of Business Administration(MBA), and InternationalMaster of BusinessAdministration(IMBA), and one PhD program. Thesedegreeprogramswere developedfrom five different areasof business-accounting, finance,information systemand quantitativesciences,management,and marketing. In addition,the CoBA hastwo separatelystandingprograms-Health OrganizationManagement(HOM) and Energy commerce(ECOM). ProgramOverview and Vision (good) The vision of the Rawls College of BusinessAdministrationis to be amongthe top three schoolsof choice in Texasfor prospectivestudents,employers,faculty, businesscommunity, and the public at large. They would like to concentrateon programswherethey will be excellentand where they have a competitiveadvantage.The overarchinggoal of the college is that every faculty memberhired, student admitted,and ernployerinvited to campuswill be successful. The review team encountereda very positive energyamongfaculty and studentsregardingthe Rawls CoBA as a placeto study and work. For the most part, studentswere satisfiedwith the rigor of their educationalexperienceand the quality oftheir peers,a notableexceptionbeing the concernsharedby faculty regardingadmittanceof studentsto the MBA programwithout work experience.Faculty affirmed that the working environmentallowed and encouragedthem to be successfulin their teachingand research,and studentswere very positive aboutthe faculty and the accessthey had to faculty. CoBA has developednumerouspartnershipswith other units on the TexasTech Systemcampuses,including many dual degreeMBA programs,and it continuesto improve collaborationwith businessesfor the purposesof establishinginternships,enhancingplacementof students,development,and to becomea schoolof choice. Thereare severalexamplesin placethat havetaken advantageof the competitiveadvantageenjoyedat TexasTech, a very comprehensiveuniversitywith both the Law and Medical Schoolsin the samecity with the main campus. Theseincludethe executivedelivery MBA programsfocusingon attorneys, physiciansand other medical professionals,and.themany residentdual-degreeMBA prograrns.The Health OrganizationManagementprogram is anotherexamplethat holds promise. Although Lubbock is a very remotemetropolitanarea,the committeewould like CoBA to considerour locationas a competitiveadvantage,ratherthan a disadvantage.Lubbock enjoys an extremelylow cost of living that can be very attractive to graduatestudentsand potential faculty, and we have an excellent airport with good serviceespeciallycomparedto thosein many universitycommunities. In terms of focus on programswhere excellencecan be achieved,the committeebelievesthat opportunitiesexist to consolidateresourcesto promoteexcellencein selectedprograms. For example,the MSA programappearsto be very strongwith a limited numberof faculty while the IMBA and some concentrationsof the MS appearto be struggling. Assumingresourcesare being spenton the struggling programs,they should be reallocatedto build excellencein programsthat are strongand/or have strong potentialfor excellence. Looking specificallyat the goals statedin the CoBA's StrategicPlan,the committeehasnotedthe oogrades" and comments: following o o o o o Academicexcellence: Becomea businessschoolof choice in Texasfor students,faculty, employers,and the generalpublic (good). Continueefforts to establishthe PhD programwith a nationalemphasis. Accessand diversity: Recruit,retain,and graduatebusinessstudentswho are preparedto succeed in and provide leadershipto organizationsand who representa diversepopulation(good). This college is consistentwith nationalaveragesfor graduatebusinessprogramsin terms of diversity. Engagement:Develop greatbusinesscommunity interactionsthat enhancethe educational experienceof businessstudentsand their understandingof the businesscommunity (good)' CoBA has establishedrelationshipsthat are very strongbut needto expandin this area. Technology: Make appropriateuseof technologyin the delivery of servicesby the Rawls College(good moving towardsexcellentwith the new facility). Partnerships:Build strategicbusinessand academicrelationshipsfor the advancementof the Rawls College (good/excellentin caseof the executivedelivery MBA programs) It is importantto note that the Rawls Collegereaffirmedtheir AACSB accreditationin 2005 and have maintainedit sincethen. This is a major accomplishmentand extremelynecessaryin meetingtheir vision. Facult-vProductivitv ( good) The faculty is a true assetto the graduateprogramsin the Rawls College of Business. The numberof track faculty increasedslightly (from 64-67)during this review period and two new tenure/tenure endowedchairswere added. Over 40 percentof the tenuretrack faculty membersare at the rank of full professor,providing a valuableresourcein leadershipand productivity level for the college. There are alsothreeHorn Professorscurrently on the faculty. While the faculty survey showedthis group to be a bit more critical comparedto graduatestudentson the items surveyed,the faculty we met with were very positiveand passionateabout the studentsthey instructed. The faculty are very good teachersbasedon studentevaluationsincludedin the self-studymaterialsand accordingto the studentswe met with during the review. They are very productivecomparedto Texas Tech University averagesin generatingstudentcredit hours and in grantingdegrees;however,this is the resultof relatively large classsizesparticularly in the MBA program. Someof the bestteachers participateon an over-loadbasis in the executivedelivery of the MBA program,producingstudent-credit hours at no cost to the university. And basedon our meetingwith the MBA Committee,this extra teachingis not harming researchproductivity. Overall, the studentswe met with seemedgenerally satisfiedwith faculty. Regardingresearchproductivity, 80 percentof the faculty membershave publishedsomethingduring their tenureat TTU, with the number ofjournal articlespublishedincreasingby ll7 percentover this review period. The trend is certainly positive and will be necessaryto continueas TTU and the Rawls Collegetry to meet the goal of a tier-oneresearchuniversity. In meetingwith PhD students,some indicatedthat they publishedwith faculty; however,institutionalizingthis practiceshouldproducea winwin for faculty and students. across The lack of externalgrant funding from the faculty is traditional amongbusinessschools/colleges important to the nation. However,externalunrestrictedresearchfunding is becomingincreasingly universitiesnationally. TexasTech University is not an exception,and in fact the questto becomethe next major researchuniversity in Texas makesour administrationeven more motivatedto reward unrestrictedgrant dollars. Acquisition of thesefunds also is importantin improving faculty publication recordsand supportingadditionalPhD students. Oualitv and Ouantity of GraduateStudentsand Graduates(good) 'ogood"and consistentwith the quantityand The quantityand quality of graduatestudentsis generally quality of graduatestudentsat peer institutions. The growth of the non-doctoralgraduateprogramwas inconsistentduring the study period (2003-2008) as comparedto the previous5 years(1998-2003). Although enrollmentin the MBA and MSA programs grew by 19Yoand500/0,respectively,enrollmentin the MS programactually droppedby 50o/o,and remainedthe samein the IMBA programduring the study period. Enrollment in the MS programdid improve slightly towardsthe end of the study period,which was a direct result of CoBA's recruiting efforts in India. Graduatestudentslisted affordability of the programand city, availability of graduate funding, and diversity of graduatecoursesas reasonsfor joining the graduateprogram. Studentdropout ratewas describedby faculty membersas high, especiallyin the MBA program-the largestof the four tracks. They attributedthat to students'lack ofpreparedness,lack offunding, and students'low placementexpectations. Placementof MSA and MS students(especiallythosein the Financearea)has beenimpressive. These studentsare very satisfiedwith their level of educationand are confidentabouttheir chancesin thejob marketupon graduation. Studentsin the MBA programare lessconfidentof their chances,however. Theselow expectationsspawnfrom the placementtrack record of MBA studentsin the past,which is describedas "moderate"by CoBA's self study. The committeerecognizesthe importanceof recruiting seriousand capablegraduatestudents.The committeealso believesthat the CoBA had done a superbjob recruiting studentsin the MSA and MS programs. From talking to representativegraduatestudentsin theseprogramsand their professors,one could easilymake the conclusionthat studentsare satisfiedwith their level of educationand potential and seriousness.The placement,and professorsare quite huppy with students'level of preparedness samecannotbe said about the MBA program,however. Both graduatestudentsand their professorsin the MBA programacknowledgethe inconsistentquality of the graduatestudentbody in the program. Someof the studentsin the programhave had work experiencebeforejoining and are well prepared; othersare not (especiallythose in the 150-hourprogram). While the committeeunderstandsthe value of the MBA programto the CoBA and to TexasTech as a whole, and also recognizesthe opportunitycost of raising admissionrequirements,the committeebelievesthat the CoBA is now in a strongposition that allows it to becomemore selectivein terms of admission. The committeealso believesthat spending more effort on securingadditional internshipsfor MBA studentswould result in acquiring"directed experience"while in the programthat would improve placementupon graduation,and, thus, help in attracting better quality studentsin the long run, The CoBA has the proper infrastructure to do so. The committeewas pleasedto hearthat the admissioncommitteehas startedinterviewingpotentialgraduate part of the admissionprocess. students,as Cuniculum and Programsof Study (good) Master's Programs-The Rawls Collegeof BusinessAdministrationhas a very strongand diverse graduateprogramat the Master's level with four basicdegreeprograms;the MSA (Master of Sciencein Accounting),MS (Master of Sciencein BusinessAdministration),MBA (Master of Business Administration),and the IMBA (Master of InternationalBusinessAdministration). One of the major concernsfor the college in the previousprogramreview six yearsago was studenVfacultyratio. This has beencorrectedthrough enrollmentmanagementand reductionof the undergraduateprogramby about students. With this reduction,the graduateprogramhas beenable to grow without 1600undergraduate the additionof new faculty other than replacementdue to attrition. Although growth has been inconsistentacrossthe different programs,this can be attributedto enrollmentmanagementand the state of the economy. This could certainly be the casewith enrollmentin the internationalprogram. One of the positive points for the college is the MBA Committee. This committeeappearsto be very active in the oversightand managementof the MBA program. In meetingwith the committee,there is evidenceof concernfor a quality programthat is both progressiveand innovative. This committeeis vital to the successof the largestportion of the graduateprogramwith the MBA accountingfor 66%oof the total graduatestudentsenrolled in degreeprograms. Most issuesthat needaddressingare relatedto resourcesor the lack thereof. It is apparentthat eachdegreeprogramhas a largecourseoffering with adequatediversity in the courses for different specializations.Surveysof both faculty and studentswere in agreementat somewhere betweenstronglyagreeingand agreeingthat the programsoffered an adequateselectionof graduate coursesthat arc taught at an appropriatelevel with sufficientrigor. For programscontainedspecifically in the college,both faculty and studentsagreedthat the selectionof courseswere offered in a timely mannerfor completionof degreesin timely manner. Agreementby both faculty and studentsin the or concernsemergingin the survey. surveyaboutprogramswas strongthroughoutwith no weaknesses When readingthe individual comments,there were numerousitems that were positive as well as several concerns,but with any set of individual commentsfrom a survey such as this, they needto be balanced with the overall surveyresults. Anonymity also allows the commentsto be very specificto the problems of the individualthat may or may not reflect on the overall quality of the program. Various groupsof studentsfrom the different degreeprogramswere selectedto interview with the committeefor periodsof about 45 minutes. There is always concernwhen it appearsa group has been selectedfor the interview with the review committeeand that the interview was not an open invitation. Although studentswere told that their responseswere anonymous,commentsmadeby studentswere later identifiedas to who had madethe commentby advisorsknowing who was presentin the interviews. With that in mind, the following is a list of strengthsand issuesneedingto be addressedmentionedby the graduatestudentsinterviewedby the committee. In somecases,what was considereda strengthby one group was viewed as a weaknessby anothergroup. One examplewas the admissionof studentswithout work experience. Strengths: o Practicalityof the Professors o -Small classsize o Inexpensiveto affendTexasTech University as comparedto other universitiesand colleges . o Availability of scholarships Placementof studentsgraduating from MS and MSA programs o MBA studentscan be admitted without work experience o MBA orientationis excellentfor non-businessstudentsand studentswith no work experience o Quality advisementwithin the college Issuesto Address: o o MBA joint degreesare very difficult in schedulingclasses Advisementforjoint degreesvaries in quality o No apparentarticulationbetweenthe collegeand departmentsoutsidethe collegeon joint programs o Varying levels of rigor basedon who teachesa course o Redundantclasseswithin the core curriculum o o No clear division betweenundergraduateand graduaterequirementsof dual listed courses Placementof MBA graduateslow r Transferofcredits for Internationalcoursesnot consistent o Difficulty of Internationalstudentstransferringcredits o Too easyto be admitted o Work experienceshould be requiredfor admissionto all programs With most of the issues,either positive or negative,therewas a consensusto eachof the listed items acrossthe different groupsof students.As to the validity of the concerns,it would be difficult for the review committeeto make a judgment and theseare listed for the administrationof the collegeto be awareof for possibleconsideration.Overall, the Rawls Collegeappearsto be doing a commendablejob with the different programsoffered at the Master's level. Within any quality program,there are going to be ongoingissuesand problemsthat arise. It is apparentthat the overall quality of the programis high and that the administration,faculty, and staff are striving to continueto build and maintain a quality graduateprogram. Facilitiesand Resources(excellent) Otherthan reviewing the building plans and touring the currentbuilding, we did not focus on facilities becauseof the new building that is currently under construction.The committeebelievesthat the new structureand placementof faculty offices will facilitate synergy among faculty from various programs, comparedto the existing structure. Recommendations With the coming of ResponsibilityCenteredManagement(RCM), Rawls Collegewill needto make decisionswithin a different academicenvironmentthan they are accustomedto. The following recommendations are made within the contextof the mission,vision and goals of CoBA and RCM. Increasethe number of PhD students,and encouragemore consistentlythat PhD studentspublish while they are students. External grant funding (or alternative funding sources)should be pursuedfor RA positionsto increasePhD enrollment. 2. Increaseinternshipsfor MBAs to acquiredirectedexperienceresulting in improvedplacement. This is especiallyimportant if the Collegecontinuesto admit studentswithout prior work experience.There is currently an infrastructurein CoBA to do this, but it would no doubt require additionalemphasisand resources.However,CoBA alumni could be very supportivein this l. effort. 3. Considereddropping IMBA as a separatedegree(could be an option within the MBA). Basedon history,this degreewill not meet the new CoordinatingBoard rules (THECB) for low producing MS degrees(a minimum of three graduatesper year-not averaged).This is especiallyimportant if CoBA is expendingresourceson the IMBA degreeprogram. 4. Improve articulationboth in advisingand schedulingacrossthe degreesthat comprisethe various dual degrees. 5. Addressthe issueregardingthe inconsistencyof rigor betweencourses(issuesraisedby students who were interviewed). Perhapsa peer review systemof teachingwould be usefulto seeif the issueis broadly basedand to correctthe problem if necessary. h I/"/z!u Date '2a/ a SteveFraze.Ph.D. Date