FAQ on Writing Papers Using L TEX A Jun Tang email: tangjunee.umn.edu August 3, 2003 Contents 1 Introdution 1 2 Doument lass 3 3 Online resoure 5 4 Tables and Figures 4.1 How to show gures in \draft" mode? . . . . . . . 4.2 How to have a table or gure shown as landsape? 4.3 Footnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Footnotes in tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Multiple footnote with idential text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 7 9 9 9 5 Math 11 6 Bibliography 13 7 Pakages 15 7.1 From where an we obtain required pakages? . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8 Mis 17 i ii CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introdution LATEXis a very useful tool for writing papers and thesis. It will generate very beautiful doument ompared with other softwares, suh as MS WORD. Speifially, it is very onvenient to writing formulas under LATEX. The best is that LATEXan be free for use and has numerous free pakages to enhane the funtion of LATEX. However, it faes the same diÆulties similar to other freewares. It is hard to use ompared with WYSIWYG1 softwares. Numerous independent pakages makes it also hard to nd the pakage you require. This FAQ is trying to help those who is somewhat new in using LATEXwhile already has the basi knowledge of the how to write and ompile LATEXles. If you have any question or suggestions, please write to tangjunee.umn.edu 1 What your see is what you get 1 2 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Chapter 2 Doument lass 3 4 CHAPTER 2. DOCUMENT CLASS Chapter 3 Online resoure 5 6 CHAPTER 3. ONLINE RESOURCE Chapter 4 Tables and Figures 4.1 How to show gures in \draft" mode? Add \psfull before \begin{doument}. If no \psfull ommand has been dened, then dene a new ommand as following: \newommand{\psfull}{\setkeys{Gin}{draft=false}} \psfull may have already been dened in some pakages. 4.2 How to have a table or gure shown as landsape? Using environment landsape dened in pakage lsape. For example: \usepakage{lsape} ... \begin{landsape} \begin{table} \entering \aption{Landsape table}\label{tab:land.table} \begin{tabular}{||} \hline Nothing in the table. \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \end{landsape} With these ommands, the results is shown in Table 4.1. 7 8 CHAPTER 4. Table 4.1: Landsape table Nothing in the table. TABLES AND FIGURES 4.3. FOOTNOTES 9 Table 4.2: Footnote in table No footnote for this entry Footnote for this entrya a here is the footnote Please note, the pakage is not landsape whih denes landsape mode of a full doument. 4.3 Footnotes This setion will over some problem related to footnotes, espeially when they are required in tables or gures. Some of the information are borrowed from: http://www.tex.a.uk/gi-bin/texfaq2html. 4.3.1 Footnotes in tables Sometimes, we need to add footnotes on the table entries. But if we diretly add these \footnote{something}, the footnotes will show nowhere. There are multiple solutions for this problem. Here is the most straight forward one: using minipage. For example: \begin{table} \entering \aption{Footnote in table}\label{tab:land.table} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} %for 2-olumn doument, use 0.5\textwidth \entering \begin{tabular}{|||} \hline No footnote for this entry & Footnote for this entry\footnote{here is the footnote} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \end{table} The results is illustrated in Table 4.2 4.3.2 Multiple footnote with idential text The problem an be easily solved by utilizing footnotemark and setounter ommand. For example: A\footnote{A, B, C, and D has the same footnote. And the footnote appears for the first time on A.}, ... \newounter{fnnumber} 10 CHAPTER 4. TABLES AND FIGURES \setounter{fnnumber}{\value{footnote}} B\footnotemark[\value{fnnumber}℄, ... C\footnotemark[\value{fnnumber}℄, ... and D\footnotemark[\value{fnnumber}℄. has following eet: A1 , ... B1 , ... C1 , ... and D1 . It is also said that the same eet an be ahieved by using label and ref ommand. But I annot make it work with following odes: A\footnote{A, B, C, and D has the same footnote. And the footnote appears for the first time on A.\label{fn:id.fn}}, ... B\footnotemark[{\ref{fn:id.fn}}℄, ... C\footnotemark[{\ref{fn:id.fn}}℄, ... and D\footnotemark[{\ref{fn:id.fn}}℄. The reason of failure may ome from the re-denition of ref ommand in some of the pakage I'm using. In the re-denition, ref ommand is proteted, suh that it annot be used as a parameter for the footnotemark ommand. 1 A, B, C, and D has the same footnote. And the footnote appears for the rst time on A. Chapter 5 Math 11 12 CHAPTER 5. MATH Chapter 6 Bibliography 13 14 CHAPTER 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY Chapter 7 Pakages 7.1 From where an we obtain required pakages? If you are using PC, from Miktex 2.2, you an install a full version of latex whih inludes all pakages required. It also provides online update funtions, so that you an maintain the up to date pakages on loal hard disk. However, installing all of the pakages requires over 600MB spae. Miktex an be obtained through: www.miktex.org. If you are using Linux or Unix, you an manually download the require pakages through: http://www.tan.org. If you are using Miktex older than 2.2, you an also download from tan.org. But please remember to update the Miktex database. 15 16 CHAPTER 7. PACKAGES Chapter 8 Mis 17 Index Figures Show gures in draft mode, 7 Footnotes Footnotes in tables, 9 Multiple footnote with idential text, 9 Miktex, 15 Tables Footnotes in tables, 9 Landsape tables, 7 18