Administrative Council Meeting Minutes September 21, 2009

Administrative Council Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2009
Attendees: John Burns, Sukant Misra, Alon Kvashny, Steve Fraze, Tom Thompson, Phillip
Johnson (for Eduardo Segarra), Philip Gipson, Leslie Thompson (for Kevin Pond), Jane
Piercy, Cindy Akers, Norman Martin, Jeremy Brown
1. Approval of August 3, 2009 Minutes
Minutes of the August 3, 2009 meeting were approved.
2. Administrative Council Retreat Review
Dr. Burns distributed an expense sheet for the Administrative Council Retreat.
3. Faculty Retreat Review
Dr. Burns distributed an expense sheet for the Faculty Retreat. Dr. Burns suggested
the faculty retreat be held for a half day rather than a full day. If classes start earlier
again next fall, it would be helpful to have a half-day retreat. Discussion began
regarding the cost of the booklet for the retreat. A portion of the contents could
possibly be removed, or the booklet can be discontinued. Dr. Burns asked the
department chairs to discuss the length of the retreat and the booklet with the
faculty at their faculty meetings.
4. Strategic Hires
Dr. Burns distributed a spread sheet prioritizing the strategic hires information
requested by the provost office. Dr. Burns explained the prioritizing process, which
involved accreditation issues and replacement positions. This information is due to
the provost today. Dr. Burns asked the council to review the information and email
him any changes or suggestions by noon.
5. Other
Jane reminded the council that she would like a list of recent graduates so that she
and Norman can work on spotlighting alumni on the CASNR website.
Jane announced that Lori Villarreal has replaced Lori Allamon in their development
office. Lori comes from the PASS Center on campus.
Jane announced that the college has received additional monies from Gordon Davis
along with matching TRIP funds.
Jane reported that the development office recently had some scholarship fund
issues. She asked the department chairs to let her know of any issues or concerns
regarding scholarships. By working together the issues can be resolved.
Jane reported that she attended a semi-retirement celebration event for Dan and
Linda Taylor. The Taylors have set up a general scholarship fund, which includes
donating five cents per bale of cotton to the fund.
Dr. Burns announced the outstanding agriculturalists have been named.
Dr. Burns reported that he traveled to Austin to testify to the State Board of
Education regarding the inclusion of agricultural courses in the basic science
curriculum in high schools.
Dr. Akers reported the final numbers will be available on Thursday. The college
numbers are up nine percent. The university numbers are up six percent. Dr. Akers
reported that she attended the president’s reception for prospective TTU students
in Austin prior to the football game. There were approximately 110 students, with
approximately 10 contacts for CASNR. The chancellor, president and Dr. Shonrock
were present at the reception.
Dr. Gipson announced that the NRM conference room is complete and ready for use.
Kay Arellano is the contact for reservations.
Dr. Fraze inquired about the HEAF funds. As of this date, information has not been
Dr. Misra reported that the chancellor’s office is working on a brochure that includes
the goals for the TTU System and its strategic plan.
Dr. Misra announced the Thailand fellows, which are involved with the Cochran
Fellowship Program, will be arriving this evening. The final agenda for their visit
will be ready today. Their primary focus is food safety. They will be leaving on
October 3rd.
Dr. Misra distributed information for the Helen DeVitt Jones Graduate Student
Scholarships. Dr. Misra asked the council to review the information and give him
feedback by the end of the week. This information will be available on the CASNR
website. Contact can be made directly to the department chairs on the website.
Dr. Misra reported the Revenue Enhancement Allocation Task Force will become the
Responsibility Center Management Council. President Bailey has charged the
council to meet every Monday at 10:00 a.m. for one year. Jon Strauss, Interim Dean
for the College of Engineering, and Ron Mitchell, Professor of the Rawls College of
Business, will be co-chairing the council.
Dr. Kvashny reported that he attended the 2009 ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo in
Chicago. Reports indicate that Texas is doing better economically that most other
Dr. Leslie Thompson reported the 4-H Foundation Board met on campus recently.
There is a strong possibility that the 4-H Roundup meeting will be held on the TTU
campus in 2012.
Norman Martin reported that there is a new program in Firefox software that allows
you to pull a photo of a web page. This program is free of charge.
The 2009 Faculty Retreat presentations will be placed on the CASNR website.