Administrative Council Meeting Minutes April 5, 2010

Administrative Council Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2010
Attendees: John Burns, Norman Hopper, Sukant Misra, Eduardo Segarra, Tom Thompson,
Steve Fraze, Philip Gipson, Alon Kvashny, Kevin Pond, Cindy Akers, Jane Piercy, Norman
1. Approval of February 15, 2010 Minutes
Minutes of the February 15, 2010 meeting were approved.
2. Promotion and Tenure – Matters of Concern (i.e., peer institutions; no personal
Dr. Burns reported discussion at a recent Deans Council Meeting included matters of
concern relating to promotion and tenure; in particular, the nature and quality of
outside letters. Letters must come from peer institutions and letters must not come
from individuals with whom you have a personal relationship. More information
will be forthcoming, and will include a revision to the University OP and a list of
peer institutions.
3. Presentation of Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 – Robby Carlson
Robby gave a presentation and overview of MS Communicator. Office
Communicator provides an instant messaging client which allows you to
communicate instantly with students, faculty, and staff. It includes chat, file
transfer, application sharing, along with voice and video communications. The
software may be downloaded from the eraider website at
4. Faculty Retreat – Date and Length of Retreat
Discussion began regarding the date of the retreat. Faculty are on duty Monday,
August 23, 2010, with the first day of classes beginning on Thursday, August 26,
2010. A possible date for the retreat is Tuesday, August 24th, if new faculty
orientation is not scheduled on that day. The schedule of the retreat will begin with
an Advisory Board meeting in the morning, followed with lunch, faculty retreat in
the afternoon and dinner in the evening. Council members were asked to be
thinking about possible themes for the retreat. A list of past themes will be emailed
to the council members. Dr. Burns will check the availability of the Merket Alumni
5. Other
Dr. Misra gave an update on the RCM Council meetings. The council is meeting
weekly. They have developed a test model using the 2009 budget. The timeline of
activities include: incorporating 2010 data into the test model later this Spring;
phasing in some pieces of the RCM model in fall 2010; and additional elements
phased in fall 2011. It is expected that the full implementation of the RCM model
will take place by fall 2012. More information will be forthcoming in the next few
Information regarding budget cuts should be distributed this week.
Discussion began regarding future strategic hires. Should the departments start
identifying individuals and start the process for next year. Dr. Burns will check on
the timeline for the future.
Dr. Hopper distributed a copy of a series of emails regarding summer teaching
funds. The funding model for summer budget is still in question. Dr. Hopper will
forward information as it is received.
Dr. Akers distributed the CASNR Student Services Center report for the months of
March and April. The information includes recruitment events, etc. A contact tally
sheet for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo was also distributed. Dr. Akers
reported a Denver recruiting event has been added to the spring receptions.
Jane reported CASNR has received an 11.9% return on investments.
Dr. Misra reported republican representatives have decided not to request any
earmarks. The republican senators are making requests. Our republican
representatives that are not making requests are Randy Neugebauer and Mike
Conaway. Senators that are making requests are Kay Bailey Hutchison and John
Cornyn. Also, Congressman Chet Edwards is making requests for earmarks.
Dr. Pond reported that he has received TLF numbers for two vacancies in the
Department of Animal and Food Sciences, and will be advertising the positions soon.