Effects of Oceanic and Atmospheric Phenomena on Precipitation and Flooding in the Manafwa River Basin by MASSACHUSETS INSThfrTE OF TECHNOLOGY William W. Finney III JUN 13 20M B.S. Civil Engineering The Pennsylvania State University, 2013 IBRARIES SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULTFILLMENT OF THE REQUIRMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENINGEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE 2014 C2014 William W. Finney III. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author: Signature redacted -X 1YWilliam 4 W. Finney III Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering May 12, 2014 Certified by: Signature redacted Senior Lecturer of Civil Accepted by: Richard Schuhmann, Ph.D. d Environmental Engineering The Supervisof Signature redacted Heidi M. Nep Chair, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students Effects of Oceanic and Atmospheric Phenomena on Precipitation and Flooding in the Manafwa River Basin by William W. Finney III Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 12, 2014 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering ABSTRACT An investigation was performed to determine the relationship between certain oceanic and atmospheric phenomena and the precipitation patterns in the Manafwa River Basin of eastern Uganda. Such phenomena are the El Niino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). The indices that describe ENSO and IOD are measurements of sea surface pressure and sea surface temperature conditions of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. This study compares the historical precipitation of the Manafwa River Basin with the corresponding values for the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), Oceanic Ninio Index (ONI), and Dipole Mode Index (DMI). This investigation shows a correlation between the magnitude of such indices, and the total monthly and seasonal precipitation and the occurrence of heavy precipitation events. The strongest signal detected was a positive correlation between precipitation from December to February and the Oceanic Nifio Index (ONI) of preceding seasons. A delay in precipitation response was observed from the measured climate indices. This precipitation delay indicates that current index conditions can be monitored to assess the nature of future precipitation. Additional correlations between precipitation and climate indices were identified for many of the remaining months. The characteristics of precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin during consecutive seasons of ENSO phases were also explored. It was discovered that, on average, consecutive El Niiio seasons are associated with a trend of increasing amplitude of seasonal precipitation. Conversely, consecutive La Niia seasons are associated with a trend of decreasing amplitude of seasonal precipitation. The investigation was expanded to Houston, Texas and the Bou Regreg Watershed in northern Morocco to inquire if a similar response could be detected in other areas of the world. The results of this expanded study generally support the proposition that, on average, consecutive ENSO seasons are associated with trends of precipitation amplification or reduction. Although individual ENSO events do not always behave with the same precipitation patterns shown by the averages, there is value in understanding the average long-term seasonal effects of El Niio and La Nina events on watersheds. Applications of this study include, but are not limited to: reservoir and water management, flood prediction, and agricultural planning. Thesis Supervisor: Richard Schuhmann, Ph.D. Title: Senior Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all those who offered guidance and encouragement throughout the writing of this thesis. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have pursued a Master of Engineering at MIT while surrounded by such amazing individuals. Although there are many people who provided support, I would like to extend my gratitude to the following: To my advisor, Dr. Rick Schuhmann, for his guidance and advice over the last five years at MIT and Penn State. He constantly challenges me to think critically and motivates me to produce the best work I am capable of. I appreciate all that he has done for me as a teacher, mentor, advisor, and friend. To my teammates, Joel Kaatz and Joyce Cheung, for their friendship and support throughout this year at MIT. We have certainly shared crazy adventures both in Cambridge and Uganda. To my new friends in Uganda: Julie, Tumwa, Geoffrey, Nasa, and Frank. Their companionship and support made for a rewarding, productive, and memorable trip to Uganda. To my fellow Course 1 M.Eng. classmates, for making this a fun and unforgettable year. To all of the M.Eng. and MIT professors that have offered their assistance and expertise in any way possible. And finally, to my mother, Sue; my father, Bill; my sisters, Kristen and Juli; and my entire family. The guidance they have provided throughout this process has been unmatched. I am extremely grateful for their continuous encouragement and support. 5 6 1 Table of Contents Acknowledgements......................................................................................................................... 5 L ist o f F igures ............................................................................................................................... 11 L ist o f T ab les ................................................................................................................................ 13 1 15 Intro ductio n ........................................................................................................................... 1.1 Purpose of Study ................................................................................................... 15 1.2 Study Area: The Manafwa River Basin ............................................................... 15 1.3 Community Impact of Flooding........................................................................... 18 1.4 Regional Climate Description............................................................................... 19 2 Observed Precipitation Patterns in the M anafwa River Basin .......................................... 23 2.1 Precipitation Data Used for this Study.................................................................. 23 2.2 Historical Precipitation Conditions ...................................................................... 25 3 2.2.1 Annual Precipitation ............................................................................................ 25 2.2.2 Monthly and Seasonal Total Precipitation........................................................... 25 2.2.3 Heavy Precipitation Events................................................................................. 28 2.2.4 Precipitation by Geographical Location ............................................................ 33 Oceanic and Atmospheric Phenomena............................................................................... 36 3.1 Teleconnections in Equatorial East Africa and Uganda....................................... 36 3.2 The El Nino Southern Oscillation ........................................................................ 36 3.2.1 Indices for Measuring ENSO............................................................................... 39 3.2.2 The Effects of ENSO in Equatorial East Africa ................................................. 41 3.3 The Indian Ocean Dipole ..................................................................................... 41 3.3.1 The Index for Measuring IOD ............................................................................ 42 3.3.2 The Effects of IOD in Equatorial East Africa.................................................... 43 The Combined Effect of ENSO and IOD............................................................. 3.4 43 44 W eather in the Manafwa River Basin and Climate Indices................................................ 4 M eth o d ..................................................................................................................... 4 .1 44 4.1.1 Normalization of Precipitation Data .................................................................... 44 4.1.2 Organization of Heavy Precipitation Events...................................................... 45 4.1.3 Determining the General Relationship to ENSO and IOD ................................. 46 7 4.1.4 Comparing Precipitation to the Strength of Indices............................................. 46 4.1.5 Classifying the Strength of Observed Trends ..................................................... 47 4.2 Observed Effect of ENSO in the Manafwa River Basin...................................... 4.2.1 General Relationship Between ENSO and Precipitation ..................................... 48 4.2.2 Monthly Precipitation Compared with SOI Strength........................................... 50 4.2.3 Seasonal Precipitation Compared with ONI Strength ......................................... 59 4.3 Observed Effect of IOD in the Manafwa River Basin .......................................... 66 4.3.1 General Relationship Between IOD and Precipitation ........................................ 66 4.3.2 Monthly Precipitation Compared with DMI Strength ........................................ 68 4.4 5 48 Relationship Between Past Flood Events and Climate Indices............................. 78 Precipitation Trends for Consecutive ENSO Seasons........................................................ 79 5 .1 M eth o d ..................................................................................................................... 79 5.2 Classifying Precipitation Characteristics of El Ninio Phases................................. 79 5.2.1 Oceanic Nifio Index of Consecutive El Ninio Seasons........................................ 80 5.2.2 Normalized Seasonal Precipitation of Consecutive El Ninio Seasons ................. 81 5.2.3 Normalized Monthly Precipitation of Consecutive El Nifio Months................... 83 5.2.4 Heavy Precipitation Events of Consecutive El Nifio Seasons ............................ 84 5.2.5 Precipitation Variability of Consecutive El Nifio Seasons ................................. 84 5.2.6 Behavior of Consecutive Seasons in Individual El Nifno Events ........................ 85 5.3 87 5.3.1 Oceanic Nifio Index of Consecutive La Nifia Seasons ....................................... 88 5.3.2 Normalized Seasonal Precipitation of Consecutive La Nifia Seasons ................. 88 5.3.3 Normalized Monthly Precipitation of Consecutive La Ninia Months ................. 91 5.3.4 Heavy Precipitation Events of Consecutive La Ninia Seasons............................. 92 5.3.5 Precipitation Variability of Consecutive La Ninia Seasons................................. 93 5.3.6 Behavior of Consecutive Seasons in Individual La Ninia Events ........................ 93 5.4 6 Classifying Precipitation Characteristics of La Nilia Phases ................................ Analysis of Results from Investigation of Consecutive ENSO Seasons............... 96 Exploring the Effect of ENSO in Additional Locations................................................... 98 6 .1 M eth o d ..................................................................................................................... 6.2 Bou Regreg Watershed, Morocco - Precipitation Response to ENSO.................. 100 6.2.1 Investigation of Consecutive El Ninio Seasons ..................................................... 8 98 101 6.2.2 6.3 7 8 Investigation of Consecutive La Niia Seasons..................................................... Houston, Texas - Precipitation Response to ENSO .............................................. 104 107 6.3.1 Investigation of Consecutive El Niio Seasons ..................................................... 107 6.3.2 Investigation of Consecutive La Niia Seasons..................................................... 111 Recommendations and Conclusion ..................................................................................... 113 7.1 Value of Study for the Red Cross........................................................................... 113 7.2 Recommendations for Future Flood Prognostication Strategies............................ 119 7.3 Continuing Analysis of Precipitation in Consecutive ENSO Seasons................... 120 12 1 Work s C ited ......................................................................................................................... 12 7 A pp endices.................................................................................................................................. Appendix A - TRMM Precipitation Data Extraction Code .............................................. 127 Appendix B - Monthly and Seasonal Precipitation .......................................................... 130 Appendix C - Heavy Precipitation Events........................................................................ 131 Appendix D - Example Equations .................................................................................... 132 Appendix E - Normalized Precipitation Values ............................................................... 133 Appendix F - Climate Index Values ................................................................................. 134 Appendix G - Months with No Correlation between Precipitation and SOI.................... 136 Appendix H - Seasons with No Correlation between Precipitation and ONI .................. 138 Appendix I - Months with No Correlation between Precipitation and DMI.................... 139 Appendix J - Historical Flood Events............................................................................... 9 141 10 List of Figures Figure 1-1: The Manafwa River Basin in Eastern Uganda........................................................ Figure 1-2: Elevation Changes of the Manafwa River Basin ................................................... Figure 1-3: Tributaries of the Manafwa River and Sub-basins that Contribute to Flooding........ Figure 1-4: Typical Homes of the Butaleja District.................................................................. Figure 1-5: The ITCZ off the Western Coast of Central and South America........................... Figure 1-6: Tim e-Series Movement of the ITCZ...................................................................... Figure 2-1: The Six TRMM Grid Cells of the Regional Watershed.................... Figure 2-2: The Surrounding Region Encompassing the Regional Watershed ........................ Figure 2-3: Total Annual Precipitation of the Regional Watershed .......................................... Figure 2-4: Average Monthly Precipitation of the Regional Watershed ................................... Figure 2-5: Average Seasonal Precipitation of the Regional Watershed.................................. Figure 2-6: Total January Precipitation of the Regional Watershed......................................... Figure 2-7: Total September Precipitation of the Regional Watershed .................................... Figure 2-8: Number of Heavy Precipitation Events Occurring Annually ................................ Figure 2-9: Number of Heavy Precipitation Events Occurring in January................................ Figure 2-10: Maximum One-Day Precipitation Event Each Year................................................ Figure 2-11: Maximum One-Day Precipitation Event for Each Month .................. Figure 2-12: Average Daily Precipitation of the Surrounding Region...................................... Figure 2-13: Surrounding Region with Average Daily Precipitation Circles........................... Figure 2-14: Precipitation Elevation Comparison, West to East at 1.125' N........................... Figure 3-1: Oceanic and Atmospheric Deviations of ENSO ................................................... Figure 3-2: Example Locations with Teleconnections to ENSO............................................... Figure 3-3: Time-Series of Standardized SOI Values .............................................................. Figure 3-4: Tim e-Series of ON I V alues.................................................................................... Figure 3-5: Sea Surface Temperature and Precipitation Response to IOD ............................... Figure 4-1: All M onths - NM P vs. SOI (No Delay).................................................................. Figure 4-2: All Months - Heavy Precipitation vs. SOI (No Delay) .......................................... Figure 4-3: February NMP vs. October SOI (4-Month Delay) ................................................. Figure 4-4: May NMP vs. February SOI (3-Month Delay)...................................................... Figure 4-5: December NMP vs. October SOI (2-Month Delay) .............................................. Figure 4-6: August Heavy Precipitation vs. April SOI (4-Month Delay).................................. Figure 4-7: February Heavy Precipitation vs. October SOI (4-Month Delay) .......................... Figure 4-8: December Heavy Precipitation vs. October SOI (2-Month Delay) ........................ Figure 4-9: All Seasons - NSP vs. ONI (No Delay)................................................................. Figure 4-10: All Seasons - NSP vs. ONI (No Delay) - By ENSO Phase ................................. Figure 4-11: All Seasons - Heavy Precipitation vs. ONI (No Delay)...................................... Figure 4-12: DJF NSP vs. ASO ONI (4-Season Delay)............................................................ Figure 4-13: DJF NSP vs. SON ONI (3-Season Delay) ............................................................ 11 16 17 17 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 30 31 32 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 42 50 51 53 54 55 57 58 58 59 60 61 62 63 Figure 4-14: DJF NSP vs. OND ONI (2-Season Delay) .......................................................... Figure 4-15: DJF Heavy Precipitation vs. SON ONI (3-Season Delay).................................... Figure 4-16: JJA Heavy Precipitation vs. AMJ ONI (2-Season Delay) ................................... Figure 4-17: All Months - NMP vs. DMI (No Delay) .............................................................. Figure 4-18: All Months - Heavy Precipitation vs. DMI (No Delay)..................................... Figure 4-19: January NMP vs. December DMI (1-Month Delay)............................................. Figure 4-20: May NMP vs. March DMI (2-Month Delay)........................................................ Figure 4-21: July NMP vs. May DMI (2-Month Delay) .......................................................... Figure 4-22: November NMP vs. October DMI (1-Month Delay).......................................... Figure 4-23: January Heavy Precipitation vs. December DMI (1 -Month Delay) .................... Figure 4-24: May Heavy Precipitation vs. March DMI (2-Month Delay) ................................ Figure 4-25: November Heavy Precipitation vs. October DMI (1-Month Delay) ................... Figure 5-1: Strength of ONI for Consecutive El Niho Seasons................................................. Figure 5-2: Average NSP for Consecutive El Nifno Seasons................................................... Figure 5-3: Average NMP for Consecutive El Niiio Months ................................................... Figure 5-4: Heavy Precipitation for Consecutive El Nino Seasons.......................................... Figure 5-5: Standard Deviation of NSP for Consecutive El Nifio Seasons ............................... Figure 5-6: ONI of Consecutive Seasons in Each El Niiio Event............................................. Figure 5-7: NSP of Consecutive Seasons in Each El Niiio Event ............................................ Figure 5-8: Strength of ONI for Consecutive La Ninia Seasons .............................................. Figure 5-9: Average NSP for Consecutive La Nifia Seasons ................................................... Figure 5-10: Average NMP for Consecutive La Ninia Months................................................. Figure 5-11: Heavy Precipitation for Consecutive La Nifia Seasons ....................................... Figure 5-12: Standard Deviation of NSP for Consecutive La Niia Seasons............................. Figure 5-13: ONI of Consecutive Seasons in Each La Nifia Event .......................................... Figure 5-14: NSP of Consecutive Seasons in Each La Ninia Event.......................................... Figure 5-15: Average NSP for Consecutive La Nifia Seasons - Events 1, 3, 5, & 6 ................ Figure 6-1: Average Monthly Precipitation in the Bou Regreg Watershed - Meknes............... Figure 6-2: Average NSP for 10 Consecutive El Nifio Seasons - Meknes ................................ Figure 6-3: Average NSP for 15 Consecutive El Niio Seasons - Meknes ................................ Figure 6-4: NSP of Consecutive Seasons in Each El Nifio Event - Meknes.............................. Figure 6-5: Average NSP for 10 Consecutive La Nifia Seasons - Meknes................................ Figure 6-6: Average NSP for Consecutive La Nifia Seasons (5-10) - Meknes.......................... Figure 6-7: NSP of Consecutive Seasons in Each La Ninia Event - Meknes ............................. Figure 6-8: Average NSP for 7 Consecutive El Ninio Seasons - Houston ................................. Figure 6-9: Average NSP for 16 Consecutive El Ninio Seasons - Houston ............................... Figure 6-10: NSP of Consecutive Seasons in Each El Ninio Event - Houston........................... Figure 6-11: Average NSP for 5 Consecutive La Nifia Seasons - Houston............................... Figure 6-12: Average NSP for 19 Consecutive La Nifia Seasons - Houston............................. 12 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 74 76 77 78 80 82 83 84 85 86 86 88 90 91 92 93 94 94 96 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 108 108 110 111 111 List of Tables Table 1: Classification of a Heavy Precipitation Event by Season........................................... Table 2: Classification of Linear Correlation Strength used in this Study ............................... Table 3: General Precipitation Characteristics of ENSO Phases............................................. Table 4: Months with a Correlation between Total Precipitation and SOI................................ Table 5: Months with a Correlation between Heavy Precipitation and 50I............................. Table 6: Seasons with a Correlation between Total Precipitation and ONI ............................. Table 7: Seasons with a Correlation between Heavy Precipitation and ONI ............................ Table 8: General Precipitation Characteristics of IOD Modes ................................................. Table 9: Months with a Correlation between Total Precipitation and DMI ............................. Table 10: Months with a Correlation between Heavy Precipitation and DMI ......................... Table 11: Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP) Values of El Niio Events...................... Table 12: Observed Trend Line Parameters for Individual El Niino Events............................. Table 13: Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP) Values of La Nina Events ...................... Table 14: Observed Trend Line Parameters for Individual La Nifia Events ............................ Table 15: List of all ENSO Events used in this Study (1950-2013)........................................ Table 16: ENSO Events Not Included in Study because of Data Deficiencies .......................... Table 17: Observed Trend Line Parameters for Individual El Nifio Events - Meknes .............. Table 18: Observed Trend Line Parameters for Individual La Nifia Events - Meknes.............. Table 19: Observed Trend Line Parameters for Individual El Nuio Events - Houston ............. Table 20: Sample Guidance for Relating Current SOI Conditions to Future Precipitation........ Table 21: Sample Guidance for Relating Current DMI Conditions to Future Precipitation ...... Table 22: Sample Guidance for Relating Current ONI Conditions to Future Precipitation....... Table 23: Sample Guidance for Actions Taken in Consecutive El Niio Seasons...................... 13 29 48 49 52 56 62 64 67 70 75 81 87 89 95 99 100 103 106 109 114 115 116 118 14 1 1.1 Introduction Purpose of Study The Manafwa River Basin, located in eastern Uganda, is often afflicted by several floods each year causing hardship for the tens of thousands of residents who live in the flooded downstream districts. The American Red Cross (ARC), in collaboration with the Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS), has requested that Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) provide technical support for the development of a flood early warning system. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT aims to assist in the creation of two distinct flood warning methods: a short-term warning system, and the identification of a long-term flood indicator. The short-term warning system will monitor upstream river stage and 'trigger' an alarm hours before imminent flooding. Given hours of advanced warning, the Red Cross will have supplementary time for the preparation and mobilization of disaster relief. The foundation of the short-term warning system is a combination of hydrologic and hydraulic models developed by Kaatz (2014) and Cheung (2014). The function of a long-term flood indicator is to communicate a possible heightened risk of flooding in a future month or season. The long-term flood information strategy can be used by the Red Cross to better organize disaster relief through the stocking of necessary supplies in local offices. The search for a long-term flood indicator involves the examination of historical precipitation patterns to identify if significant trends exist. The investigation also involves the comparison of local weather conditions with oceanic and atmospheric phenomena: the El Niino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). This study focuses on historical precipitation trends, the relationship between precipitation and global climate indices, and the development of a long-term flood information strategy for the Manafwa River Basin. 1.2 Study Area: The Manafwa River Basin The boundary of the Manafwa River Basin was defined by Cecinati (2013), Bingwa (2013), and Ma (2013) with the use of a 30-meter resolution digital elevation map (DEM). The western most point of the basin was selected as the "pour point" and the boundary was delineated with respect to the topography of the territory. The basin covers an area of 2,280 square kilometers (km) and falls mainly within the districts of Bududa, Mbale, Manafwa, Budaka, Butaleja, and Tororo (Cecinati, 2013). Minor sections of the basin also fall within the districts of Sironko, Kibuku, and Pallisa. The basin is located entirely within Uganda; however, sections of the basin are within 1 km of the Uganda-Kenya border. The distance from the most eastern point to the most western point of the basin is 84 km. The only urban area in the basin is the city of Mbale, which is estimated to have a population of 91,800 residents (City Population, 2011). 15 Mbale is not positioned in the flood zone of concern. Manafwa River Basin in eastern Uganda. Figure 1-1 shows the outline of the Figure 1-1: The Manafwa River Basin in Eastern Uganda To the east of the basin is Mt. Elgon, a large extinct shield volcano that rises to an elevation of over 4,000 meters above sea level (ASL). On the western side of the basin the terrain transforms into level plains that are positioned at an elevation of approximately 1,000 meters ASL. The topography of the basin makes it prone to landslides in the upstream mountains and floods in the downstream plains. As precipitation falls in the upstream mountainous districts of Manafwa, Bududa, and Mbale runoff gathers into the Manafwa River and flows downhill (west) towards the plains of Butaleja. Over time agricultural land has moved closer to the river resulting in deforestation and removal of natural vegetation, which has caused deterioration of the natural strength of river banks (URCS, n.d.). The shallow and weakened banks of the Manafwa River cannot contain the increased river stage and flow rate, which occur following precipitation events in the upstream districts. This results in overbank flow and chronic flashfloods. The downstream topography is not only flat, but is also swampy. This landscape has made the downstream districts an ideal setting for large rice growing schemes that support the social and economic activities of the region (URCS, n.d.). When floods occur, the already saturated soil prevents the flood waters from infiltrating into the ground resulting in floods of increased duration. Figure 1-2 shows the elevation changes of the basin and the surrounding area. Mt. Elgon is represented by the red coloring on the eastern half of the image. 16 Max = 4296 m ASL Min =938 m ASL I-A laawl Figure 1-2: Elevation Changes of the Manafwa River Basin Water flows from points of higher elevation to lower elevation, thus, the general flow of water in the Manafwa River Basin is from east to west. Theoretically, all precipitation that enters the watershed and transforms into surface water exits the watershed through the "pour point" in the far west. The Manafwa River Basin was divided into multiple sub-basins based on its topography, which dictates how runoff flows over land. Bingwa originally defined the watershed as containing eleven sub-basins (Bingwa, 2013). Kaatz redefined the region of interest within the watershed, selected sub-basin w-150 from Bingwa's analysis and subdivided it into six sub-basins that directly contribute to flooding in the redefined downstream area of interest (Kaatz, 2014). Figure 1-3 shows the sub-basins defined by Bingwa and excluded from the current analysis in white; the sub-basins that are the focus of the current analysis are shown in color. The precipitation that falls over the excluded white sub-basins flows into tributaries, which do not join the Manafwa River until after the current flood zone of interest. Flood Zone Figure 1-3: Tributaries of the Manafwa River and Sub-basins that Contribute to Flooding 17 The Manafwa River Basin encompasses an area large enough to permit the existence of microclimates; therefore, various parts of the basin experience different weather conditions at the same time. One area of the basin may experience severe rains while another area is simultaneously experiencing clear skies. Flashfloods may occur because of rain events upstream, not because of rain in the location of flooding. This causes the unexpected arrival of floods, which have no logical or instinctual warning. Local residents of Butaleja recounted instances of going to sleep during dry weather conditions and waking up because of water flowing into their homes (CAO, 2014). 1.3 Community Impact of Flooding Floods threaten food and economic security of the Butaleja region and cause risks to human health. The sub counties in Butaleja District that are most affected by floods are Mazimasa, Himutu, Kachonga, Butaleja Rural, and Butaleja Town Council. In 2010 the combined residency of these five sub counties was estimated to be 38,780 people living in 7,756 households (URCS, 2010). Flood waters enter homes and dampen the floors creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Many local residents sleep on the ground and the damp floors increase the risk of contracting illnesses such as pneumonia. The invasion of the flood waters also increases the risk of diseases such as malaria and cholera. Latrines overflow and flood waters carry sewage to residential and agricultural areas. The stagnant pools of water that form after flow stops become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Boreholes where many local residents draw their drinking water can become contaminated with turbidity levels that are too high for safe human consumption (BDLG, 2010). The infrastructure in the region is often not constructed to withstand the force of flood water. Houses and other buildings are customarily assembled with resources that are available locally such as branches and mud bricks. Figure 1-4 shows a typical home in Butaleja District. The flood waters cause cracks to develop in the walls of buildings compromising the structural integrity and often leading to complete collapse (BDLG, 2010). Damage to homes causes the displacement of families, which then rely on the government and humanitarian organizations for shelter and other necessary services. The challenge of caring for these people is intensified by the loss of additional community infrastructure such as roads, bridges, health centers and schools (URCS, n.d.). The collapse of bridges causes transportation challenges for the local people and for relief agencies trying to carry supplies into the area. The destruction of other community hubs such as schools and health centers causes further difficulty in securing a place to gather and begin recovery after the disaster (URCS, n.d.). 18 Figure 1-4: Typical Homes of the Butaleja District Floods typically occur two times per year: either in the months of April to June, or September to October (URCS, n.d.). The floods coincide with the two main crop growing seasons of March to June, and August to November (BDLG, 2010). The onset of such floods is particularly devastating for an area where 95% of the population depends on agriculture for their livelihoods (URCS, 2010). In the past, flood waters have lingered for one and a half to three weeks before receding. The strong force of the flowing water and prolonged duration of standing water can cause complete destruction of any crops that were not harvested or properly stored before a flood (BDLG, 2010). When floods occur the communities affected often experience displacement from their homes, loss of crops and livestock, destruction of infrastructure, and even face the risk of fatalities. The Red Cross aims to build community resilience to such disasters through the development of community action plans (URCS, n.d.), and a flood early warning system. The objective of this project is to develop a flood early warning system that can be owned and operated by the local communities, not just the Red Cross. Once operational, the short-term warning system will notify the Red Cross and local communities of imminent flooding allowing them to begin early evacuation of people and belongings, and expedite disaster response. The identification of a long-term flood indicator may even help prevent the loss of crops by adjusting cultivation and harvesting patterns to the expected precipitation conditions of future seasons. 1.4 Regional Climate Description The nation of Uganda is located in equatorial East Africa. It is positioned mostly between the latitudes of 1.50 S and 40 N with sections of the country on either side of the equator. The typical rainfall patterns of Uganda are predominately driven by the movement of the InterTropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The ITCZ is a low-pressure region characterized by clouds 19 and precipitation that oscillates across the equator on a predictable schedule two times every year (McSweeney, et al., 2008). This meteorological phenomenon is caused by the joining of the northeasterly and southeasterly trade winds along the equator. At times the ITCZ may circle the entire globe along the equator; at other times it exists in broken segments (Lu, 2013). Figure 1-5 is a satellite image provided by NASA showing the ITCZ as a belt of increased cloud cover off the western coast of Central and South America. Figure 1-5: The ITCZ off the Western Coast of Central and South America Image Source: (NASA, 2000) The movement of the ITCZ back and forth across the equator results in two distinct rainy seasons in Uganda. The first rainy season occurs from March to May (MAM) and is commonly referred to as the 'long rains.' The MAM rainy season is caused by the northern migration of the ITCZ across the equator. The second rainy season occurs from September to November (SON) and is commonly referred to as the 'short rains.' The SON rainy season is the result of the ITCZ returning south across the equator (Camberlin & Philippon, 2001; Breytenbach, 2013). The SON rainy season in Uganda typically experiences greater year-to-year variability than the MAM rainy season (Behera, et al., 2005). Certain sources suggest that the 'short rains' in East Africa last from October through December (Kizza, et al., 2012; McSweeney, et al., 2008). This study will consider the 'short rains' in Uganda to occur during the SON season. Precipitation is also experienced during the other six months of the year that do not fall within a rainy season; however, total precipitation is highest during the MAM and SON seasons. The location of the ITCZ at various times throughout the year is shown in Figure 1-6. The images were generated using a time-series animation of rainfall depth on NASA's Earth Observatory website. The rainfall data used for this animation are monthly derived satellite precipitation estimates from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) product 3B43. The dense blue belt spanning horizontally across the globe represents the high levels of precipitation caused by the ITCZ (NASA, 2013). 20 mm Total Rainfall 1.0 10 100 Figure 1-6: Time-Series Movement of the ITCZ Image Source: (NASA, 2013) 21 2000 As shown by Figure 1-6, in July 2002, the majority of the ITCZ is north of Uganda (top image). In October 2002, while the ITCZ is on its migration south, Uganda is directly beneath of the ITCZ (middle image). By January 2003, the ITCZ has traveled far enough south that the heavy band of rainfall has passed through Uganda (bottom image). Although the main precipitation patterns of Uganda are driven by the ITCZ, the weather is affected by the interaction of multiple atmospheric and oceanic conditions. The ITCZ interacts with the quasi-biennial oscillation, monsoon winds, and other tropical weather systems to dictate the precipitation conditions of East Africa (Kizza, et al., 2012). The Uganda Department of Meteorology participates in annual meetings with the countries of the Greater Horn of Africa to develop seasonal weather predictions. The countries work together using statistical methods to predict how global climate conditions will affect the weather of the region. The Uganda Department of Meteorology then down scales the analysis to produce individual forecasts for the various regions of Uganda (Bamanya, 2014). The final published weather forecasts specify the following elements: an overall seasonal precipitation projection (below normal, normal, or above normal), when the rains will start, when the rains will peak, when the rains will cease, warnings of flash floods, and indications of poor rainfall distribution for specific areas (NECJOGHA, 2011). The seasonal weather forecasts are the result of statistical models interpreting the interaction of multiple inputs. Such inputs are sea surface temperatures, the strength of various trade winds, the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), and the El Niino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (Bamanya, 2014). The affect that ENSO and IOD have on precipitation characteristics in Uganda is further discussed in this study. 22 2 2.1 Observed Precipitation Patterns in the Manafwa River Basin Precipitation Data Used for this Study The historical precipitation data used for this study were daily derived satellite precipitation estimates from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) product 3B42 V7. Using the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) website, daily data were accessed for January 1, 1998 through December 31, 2013. The study period covers a timeframe of 16 years. The TRMM 3B42 V7 system gathers a precipitation estimate every day on a 0.250 by 0.250 gridded resolution. The range of the data collection spans from latitudes of 50* S to 50* N and covers all 3600 around the equator. A binary file corresponding to global daily precipitation was downloaded from GES DISC for each day of the 16-year study period (NASA, 2014). The data downloaded are an estimate of the average total daily precipitation in millimeters (mm) that falls over an entire (0.250 by 0.250) gridded area. Code was written in MATLAB to extract the precipitation data from the binary files for the TRMM grid cells associated with the Manafwa River Basin. A sample of this code is included in Appendix A. The number of functioning rain gauges in Uganda has been decreasing since the 1960's making it difficult to gather ground-based precipitation measurements for the country in general (Kigobe, et al., 2011). The Manafwa River Basin is located in one of the most data-scarce regions in Uganda. TRMM precipitation estimates were Previous studies have used because of the lack of reliable rain gauge data in the study area. determined that the TRMM 3B42 system is among the most reliable products for estimating precipitation in the region (Asadullah, et al., 2010). The Manafwa River Basin is contained mainly within the six TRMM grid cells spanning an area between longitudes of 33.75' E and 34.5' E, and between latitudes of 0.75' N and 1.50 N. The positioning of the Manafwa River Basin within these six TRMM grid cells is depicted in Figure 2-1. 1.250 N 1.000 N 0.750 N 33.750 E 34.250 E 34.000 E 0 34.50 E Figure 2-1: The Six TRMM Grid Cells of the Regional Watershed 23 The combined area of the six TRMM grid cells, which are shaded in Figure 2-1, is approximately 4,620 square km and will be referred to as the "Regional Watershed." The cells in Figure 2-1 are identified using the following naming scheme: NW, N, NE, SW, S, and SE. The daily precipitation recorded by each of these six TRMM grid cells was used to calculate the average daily precipitation for the Regional Watershed. The "Surrounding Region" is defined as the area between the longitudes of 330 E to 35.250 E, and between the latitudes of 0' N to 2' N. The long-term average daily precipitation estimates for the Surrounding Region were processed to allow for a geographical comparison of precipitation rates. The location of the Regional Watershed within this Surrounding Region is shown in Figure 2-2. 33.OOP*E 2.00* N 0.000 N 35.250 E Figure 2-2: The Surrounding Region Encompassing the Regional Watershed Image Source: Google Earth The Surrounding Region covers an area of approximately 55,400 square km and encompasses the northern coast of Lake Victoria in the south, Lake Kyoga in the west, and Kenya in the east. The precipitation data for the Regional Watershed and Surrounding Region have been organized in multiple ways to observe monthly, seasonal, and annual trends. 24 2.2 Historical Precipitation Conditions 2.2.1 Annual Precipitation The average annual precipitation for the 16-year observation period (1998-2013) was determined to be 1.52 meters per year for the Regional Watershed and 1.46 meters per year for the Surrounding Region. These values indicate that, on average, the Manafwa River Basin may experience slightly more precipitation than adjacent regions. The annual precipitation for the Regional Watershed fluctuated between 1.30 meters in 2000 and 1.92 meters in 2006. The precipitation experienced each year over the 16-year period is shown in Figure 2-3. 2 Sy =-0.0043x + 10.1 R2 = 0.02 tf 1.25 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Figure 2-3: Total Annual Precipitation of the Regional Watershed The linear trend line illustrates a slight decreasing trend in annual precipitation over time; however, the coefficient of determination (R2) is extremely weak and prevents this data set from independently supporting a claim that precipitation is decreasing with time. Given the short 16year period of this analysis, long-term annual trends cannot be commented on with a high level of confidence. A study by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) concludes that the annual precipitation in Uganda may be decreasing with time (McSweeney, et al., 2008). The results shown in Figure 2-3 representing annual precipitation of the Regional Watershed do not contradict the UNDP conclusion that annual precipitation is decreasing. 2.2.2 Monthly and Seasonal Total Precipitation As stated in Section 1.4, the weather patterns of equatorial East Africa are predominately driven by the ITCZ, which results in two main rainy seasons in Uganda. The first rainy season lasts from March through May (MAM) and the second lasts from September through November 25 (SON). The Uganda Department of Meteorology states that the districts of Bududa and Manafwa, located on the western slopes of Mt. Elgon, experience an additional rainy season from July to August (Bamanya, 2014). Figure 2-4 shows the calculated average monthly precipitations for the Regional Watershed. 200 C 150 0 100 - 50 0 Figure 2-4: Average Monthly Precipitation of the Regional Watershed The month of June is not specified as falling within any of the known rainy seasons. However, June was determined to have similar precipitation to the months of March and July, which both fall in rainy seasons. Therefore, June was grouped into the regionally unique, July to August, rainy season. The monthly data were then transformed into average seasonal data and are depicted in Figure 2-5. 500 400 - 300 200 100 Dec-Jan-Feb Mar-Apr-May Jun-Jul-Aug Sept-Oct-Nov Figure 2-5: Average Seasonal Precipitation of the Regional Watershed 26 The 'long rains' from March to May (MAM) have the greatest precipitation with an average of 485 mm. The 'short rains' from September to November (SON) receive slightly less precipitation at 455 mm. Following the two main rainy seasons in amount of precipitation is the rainy season specific to the region, lasting from June to August (JJA), which receives an average of 384 mm. The season spanning from December to February (DJF) receives the least amount of precipitation at 195 mm. All monthly and seasonal total precipitation data for the Regional Watershed during the 16-year study period can be found in Appendix B. Monthly and Seasonal Total Precipitation Trends The total precipitation experienced in each month of the 16-year study period was analyzed to determine if monthly precipitation is changing with time. The results were unremarkable for ten of the twelve months. The two months that showed a trend with time were January and September. The plot in Figure 2-6 shows that January total precipitation has a decreasing trend with time. 200 y =-5.1869x + 10462 R2= 0.39 o 150 100 0 50 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Figure 2-6: Total January Precipitation of the Regional Watershed The appearance of a decreasing trend in Figure 2-6 is influenced by the unusually high precipitation total of January 1998, and low precipitation total of January 2012. 27 A trend for total precipitation in September was also detected. September precipitation may have increasing trend with time. 250 Figure 2-7 shows that - y =4.7037x - 9278.7 R2 = 0.38 200f Cd 150 1 .0 50 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Figure 2-7: Total September Precipitation of the Regional Watershed If the observed trend of increasing total precipitation in September is accurate (as shown in Figure 2-7), then there may be a future heightened risk of flooding in the Manafwa River Basin during the month of September. The R2 values for the trends of January (0.39) and September (0.38) total precipitation, are considerably higher than the R2 value that was observed for annual precipitation (0.02) in Figure 2-3. Although a stronger trend may be present for January and September than for annual precipitation, analysis of precipitation data spanning farther back in time would be necessary to draw conclusions on monthly trends. 2.2.3 Heavy Precipitation Events Classification of Heavy Precipitation Events The classification of a "heavy precipitation" event is somewhat subjective. Some studies define heavy precipitation as a daily rainfall event, which falls in the top 10% and/or 5% of all precipitation events (Groisman, et al., 2005). Other sources indicate that a heavy precipitation event occurs when the daily precipitation total exceeds a defined threshold value that is specific for that season and region (McSweeney, et al., 2008). This paper defines "heavy precipitation" events as the greatest 10% by depth of all daily precipitation events for each of the four main seasons. The four seasons have been previously defined as: December to February (DJF), March 28 to May (MAM), June to August (JJA), and September to November (SON). If precipitation was not experienced in any of the six TRMM grid cells that compose the Regional Watershed on any given day (all cells reading a precipitation value of 0.00 mm), then that day was classified as a "non-precipitation" event. If precipitation was experienced in any of the six TRMM grid cells (any cell reading a precipitation value greater than 0.00 mm), then that day was classified as a "precipitation" event. Once classified as a "precipitation event," each day was assigned the precipitation value associated with the TRMM grid cell that received the greatest amount of precipitation that day. The calculation of the threshold value for a "heavy precipitation" event was dependent on the number of "precipitation events" that were experienced in each season over the 16-year study period. The number of days considered to be "precipitation events" within each season was calculated and the "threshold" value that separated the top 10% from the bottom 90% of "precipitation events" was then determined for each season. Monthly and Seasonal Heavy Precipitation Events The method detailed in Section was carried out to determine the daily precipitation threshold value for a heavy precipitation event in each season. The results from this process are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Classification of a Heavy Precipitation Event by Season Season Daily Precipitation Threshold (mm/day) December to February (DJF) 16.9 March to May (MAM) 26.8 June to August (JJA) 23.0 September to November (SON) 26.9 The seasonal heavy precipitation thresholds are similar in relative scale to the total seasonal precipitation results shown in Figure 2-5. The two main rainy seasons, MAM and SON, have the highest threshold values for the classification of a heavy precipitation event. The regionally unique JJA rainy season has the third highest heavy precipitation threshold, followed by the DJF season with the lowest threshold value. 29 Heavy Precipitation Trends Based on the seasonally unique heavy precipitation threshold values detailed in Table 1, the number of heavy precipitation events that occurred in each month, season, and year over the 16-year study period was determined. The number of heavy precipitation events that occurred each year is plotted in Figure 2-8. 65 y= -0.6029x + 1244.3 R2 =0.12 OL 50 Ce 20 20 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Figure 2-8: Number of Heavy Precipitation Events Occurring Annually Similar to the total annual precipitation plot shown in Figure 2-3, there is a decreasing trend of heavy precipitation events. The weak R2 value (0.12) does not permit this decreasing trend to be commented on with high level of confidence. The two plots (Figures 2-3 and 2-8) show that 2006 received the greatest total annual precipitation, as well as the highest number of heavy precipitation events. 30 The number of heavy precipitation events that occurred in each month and season over the 16-year time period was also plotted with respect to time. A small correlation was detected for heavy precipitation events occurring in one out of the twelve months. Figure 2-9 shows a slight decreasing trend (with R2 =0.31) of heavy precipitation events for the month of January. 8 * y= -0.2074x + 418.16 R 2= 0.31 6 > -~0 4 0 1999 1997 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Figure 2-9: Number of Heavy Precipitation Events Occurring in January The decreasing trend of January heavy precipitation events (shown in Figure 2-9) corresponds with the simultaneous decreasing trend of total precipitation for January (shown in Figure 2-6). The presence of decreasing trends is primarily driven by abnormally high total and heavy precipitation in January 1998, and abnormally low total and heavy precipitation in January 2012. It is likely that the precipitation values for these two months cause the appearance of a declining precipitation trend when a long-term trend may not actually exist. 31 The maximum one-day precipitation event that occurred each month, season, and year was then examined to determine if extreme precipitation events have been gaining intensity. The maximum one-day precipitation event that occurred each year is plotted in Figure 2-10. 110 y =0.5587x - 1049.7 R 2 = 0.04 e 90 70 rZ 70 50 50 - 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 -- 2011 2013 Figure 2-10: Maximum One-Day Precipitation Event Each Year Although the trend line in Figure 2-10 has a positive slope, indicating the maximum one-day event is increasing with time, the weak R2 value (0.04) does not support the existence of an increasing annual trend. The maximum one-day precipitation event that occurred in each month over the 16-year time period is displayed in Figure 2-11. 120 - E80 -- 0 04 Figure 2-11: Maximum One-Day Precipitation Event for Each Month Figure 2-11 provides an indication as to which months have historically experienced the most extreme rainfall events. The highest one-day precipitation events were experienced during the 32 last two months of both main rainy seasons (April and May for the MAM season, and October and November for the SON season). Tables in Appendix C provide detailed information on the number of heavy precipitation events and the maximum one-day heavy precipitation event for each month, season, and year. 2.2.4 Precipitation by Geographical Location The average daily precipitation for each TRMM grid cell that is contained in the Surrounding Region was plotted with respect to latitude and longitude. The average daily precipitation determined for each cell accounts for every day of the entire 16-year study period. This analysis was performed to recognize how the precipitation conditions of the Manafwa River Basin differ from adjacent areas and if microclimates exist. Figure 2-12 shows the geographically unique average daily precipitation of the Surrounding Region. 6- 1.875 N - 5.5 1.6250 N C4 4.5 4 335 4 0 1.3750 N -- W 1.1250 N -Al+0.3750 - N 0.1250 N 2.5 33 33.5 34 Longitude ('E) 34.5 35 Figure 2-12: Average Daily Precipitation of the Surrounding Region Each latitude was assigned a different colored circle to make the precipitation patterns easier to visually detect. As seen in Figure 2-12, the data points representing daily precipitation in the west are positioned tightly together, indicating low variability in average precipitation when moving from north to south. Average daily precipitation becomes more variable when moving east across the Surrounding Region. This is shown by the wider spread of precipitation data points on the right side of Figure 2-12. 33 Figure 2-13 provides a different depiction of the data shown in Figure 2-12. Below, Figure 2-13 overlays a satellite image of the Surrounding Region with TRMM grid cells, each cell containing a circle with a diameter corresponding to the magnitude of precipitation estimated for that grid cell (a larger circle indicates greater average daily precipitation). Figure 2-13: Surrounding Region with Average Daily Precipitation Circles Note: The size of the circle contained within each TRMM grid cell represents magnitude of daily precipitation The same feature of low precipitation variability in the west can also be observed in Figure 2-13; the circles on the west side are of similar diameter. The topography of the land to the west is predominantly flat plains with minor changes in elevation. The precipitation values become variable when moving eastward across the Surrounding Region, which is illustrated by circles of varying diameters on the right side of Figure 2-13. The presence of Mt. Elgon (4,000 meter ASL) causes orographic lifting and increased precipitation because of the substantial rise in elevation. Ground elevation and increased precipitation because of orographic lifting can be observed in Figure 2-14. 34 * Precipitation - Ground Elevation 4.5 9000 4S o L7000 E 3c 5000 > C2.5 W 3000 2 1000 33 33.5 34 34.5 Latitude ( 35 E) Figure 2-14: Precipitation Elevation Comparison, West to East at 1.1250 N Figure 2-14 indicates a relationship between ground elevation and precipitation. An increase in precipitation is observed when approaching Mt. Elgon on the western slope. The change in ground elevation causes a wider range of the daily average precipitation values to be experienced near Mt. Elgon. The larger circles in the southeast quadrant of Figure 2-13 indicate that the highest precipitation occurs in that region. This is likely because of the combined effect of Lake Victoria and Mt. Elgon. The close proximity to a massive body of water, Lake Victoria, causes "lake-effect" precipitation, which interacts with the orographic lifting produced by Mt. Elgon and results in greater precipitation than adjacent regions. The analysis performed in this section indicates that geographic location and topography have an impact on the amount of precipitation that falls within the Surrounding Region. These findings support a previous study that details the precipitation experienced in the Mt. Elgon region. This study found the greatest precipitation to be on the western slopes of Mt. Elgon, followed by the southern slopes, and then by the northern and eastern slopes. The study also mentions that the mid-slopes of Mt. Elgon receive the highest precipitation, as opposed to the summit or lower slopes (Mugagga, et al., 2012). The upstream extents of the Manafwa River Basin are located on the western mid-slopes of Mt. Elgon, which has been shown as a high precipitation area. This helps to provide explanation for why the Manafwa River Basin may be prone to precipitation events that cause flooding. 35 3 Oceanic and Atmospheric Phenomena 3.1 Teleconnections in Equatorial East Africa and Uganda There have been numerous studies that have observed teleconnections between certain oceanic and atmospheric phenomena and the precipitation conditions of East Africa. Two such phenomena are the El Nifio Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). The Uganda Department of Meteorology takes into account the presence and strength of ENSO and IOD when developing seasonal weather forecasts for the Greater Horn of Africa and for the specific regions of Uganda (Bamanya, 2014). Studies have shown that ENSO and IOD impact the total precipitation and the variability of precipitation in the region (Behera, et al., 2005; Black, et al., 2002; Breytenbach, 2013; Nicholson & Kim, 1997). 3.2 The El Niuo Southern Oscillation The El Nifto Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a global climate phenomenon driven by the interactions of atmospheric and oceanic conditions across the equatorial Pacific Ocean (NOAA a, 2012). The Southern Oscillation is an interruption of the typical movements of the Walker Circulation, which is a convective circulation of moist air rising over the western Pacific and dry descending air over the eastern Pacific. The disturbance of this circulation is also characterized by deviations in sea surface temperatures and stronger than normal currents (Reid, 2000). The presence of ENSO conditions across the equatorial Pacific Ocean are recognized to alter weather patterns at various locations around the world. There is both a "warm" and a "cool" phase to ENSO, which are respectively referred to as El Ninio and La Niia. An ENSO episode typically occurs every three to five years; however, historical records show that the episodes may occur on a two to seven year interval. An El Nifno episode is expected to last in the range of nine to twelve months, whereas La Niia episodes have the capability of lasting up to three years (NOAA a, 2012). The El Niio component of ENSO is considered to be the "warm" phase because of higher than normal sea surface and sub-surface temperatures of the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. The atmospheric conditions associated with El Ninio are above average sea surface air pressures over the western Pacific Ocean and below average sea surface air pressures in the east. The typical easterly trade winds are reversed, which then move east across the Pacific towards South America. El Niino has been linked with a decrease in convective rainfall over the western equatorial Pacific, and an increase in convective rainfall in the east. The atmospheric conditions push ocean water to the east resulting in a higher than normal sea surface elevation near South America, and a lower than normal sea surface elevation near Indonesia. In addition to above average seas surface temperatures, the movement of ocean water causes the 36 deepening of the Pacific Ocean thermocline in the east, and rising of the thermocline in the west (NOAA a, 2012). The La Nina component of ENSO is considered to be the "cool" phase because of below normal sea surface and sub-surface temperatures of the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. The atmospheric conditions associated with La Nifia are above average sea surface air pressures over the eastern Pacific, with below average air pressure in the west. The easterly trade winds move across the equatorial Pacific towards the Indonesian region. La Niia has been linked with an increase in convective rainfall over the western Pacific and a decrease in convective rainfall in the east. The atmospheric conditions push ocean water to the west resulting in a higher than normal sea surface elevation near Indonesia, and a lower than normal sea surface near South America. In addition to below average sea surface temperatures, the movement of ocean water causes a shallower than normal Pacific Ocean thermocline in the east and the deepening of the thermocline in the west (NOAA a, 2012). The disruption that ENSO causes to the convective Walker Circulation, sea surface temperatures, and thermocline depth can be seen in Figure 3-1. Images were found on the website for the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. Normal Conditions ---------------------- 0----I El Nilo Conditions 12"E WOW La N 11a Conditions 12 " 80W Figure 3-1: Oceanic and Atmospheric Deviations of ENSO Image Source: (NOAA e, 2014) 37 The weather implications of ENSO expand far beyond the limits of the Pacific Ocean. During El Niino and La Nifia episodes many areas of the world get warmer or cooler, respectively (NOAA a, 2012). The teleconnections of ENSO extend around the globe, affecting certain locations greatly, and other locations not at all. Figure 3-2 shows locations around the world, which are affected by ENSO conditions during the northern hemisphere winter (DJF). Figure 3-2: Example Locations with Teleconnections to ENSO Image Source: (NOAA c, 2012) As seen in Figure 3-2, the impact of El Ninio (warm phase) and La Nifia (cool phase) are opposite for the specific location that is affected. The location and effects of teleconnections change with the different seasons. 38 3.2.1 Indices for Measuring ENSO Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) As discussed in Section 3.2, the Southern Oscillation is the deviation from the typical convection of the Walker Circulation. The "strength" of the departure from the typical Walker Circulation is measured by the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) (Reid, 2000). The SOI is a measure of sea surface air pressure differences across the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The reference points for measuring sea surface air pressure are Darwin, Australia and Tahiti. The SOI is calculated by measuring the sea surface air pressure at both locations, standardizing the air pressure measurements, taking the difference of the standardized values, and dividing by the monthly standard deviation of the two locations. The SOI is ultimately, a simple representation of the departure from the average sea surface air pressure differences that were experienced during the 30-year base period from 1951 to 1980 (NOAA g, 2014). A negative SOI is associated with El Nifio, the warm phase of ENSO, which occurs when the sea surface air pressures are below normal at Tahiti (central Pacific) and above normal at Darwin (western Pacific). A positive SOI is associated with La Nifia, the cold phase of ENSO, which occurs when the sea surface air pressures are above normal at Tahiti and below normal at Darwin. An SOI that remains either positive or negative for an extended period of time typically indicates the occurrence of a La Niia or El Ninio event (NOAA g, 2014). Sea surface air pressures at these locations are continuously monitored and are usually recorded as monthly averages. Figure 3-3 shows a time-series of historical SOI values since 1950. Southern Oscillation Indicies S01: Tahiti - Dan 4.0 ~2.0 N a 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Figure 3-3: Time-Series of Standardized SOT Values Image Source: (NCAR, 2012) In Figure 3-3 positive SOI values (blue) represent La Nifia conditions and negative SOI values (red) represent El Nifno conditions. 39 Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) The Oceanic Ninio Index (ONI) is a measurement related to sea surface temperatures of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The index is measured on a seasonal basis, where every three consecutive months represents one season. The ONI is the departure of the current season (three-month period) average sea surface temperature (0 Celsius) from the average sea surface temperature for that same season over the 30-year base period of 1971 through 2000. The sea surface temperature measurements are associated with the Ninio 3.4 region (between the latitudes of 50 S and 5' N, and longitudes of 1200 W and 1700 W) of the central equatorial Pacific Ocean. A positive ONI indicates that the Ninio 3.4 region is warmer than normal, whereas a negative ONI indicates that it is cooler than normal (NOAA d, 2014). The ONI is the index that NOAA uses to categorize the existence of a warm phase (El Nifio) or a cool phase (La Ninla). The warm phase of ENSO, El Ninio, is represented by ONI values of 0.5 and above. The cool phase of ENSO, La Ninia, is represented by ONI values of -0.5 and below. ENSO is only considered to be in a warm or cool phase when the ONI is above 0.5 or below -0.5 for five consecutive three-month seasons (NOAA a, 2012). Figure 3-3 shows a time-series of historical ONI values since 1955. 3 0 S0C 2 -2 U 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Figure 3-4: Time-Series of ONI Values Image Source: (NOAA Fisheries, n.d.) In Figure 3-4 positive ONI values (red) represent El Nifio conditions and negative SOI values (blue) represents La Niia conditions. It should be noted that the relationship between index values and ENSO conditions is the opposite for SOI and ONI. This can be observed by the reversal of colors on either side of the axes in Figures 3-3 and 3-4. 40 3.2.2 The Effects of ENSO in Equatorial East Africa The two phases of ENSO, El Niio and La Nifia, have opposite effects on weather conditions in East Africa; however, the affect is only observed during certain seasons. When the impact is measurable, El Niio is typically associated with above average precipitation and La Niia is associated with below average precipitation. ENSO affects each season differently and there is not a scientific consensus on the specifics of its impact. One study indicates that ENSO has a strong connection with the short rains (SON) in East Africa but that the long rains (MAM) are unaffected (Phillips & McIntyre, 2000). Other sources have identified a delayed reaction between ENSO conditions and the MAM rainy season; a report from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) indicates that the presence of La Nifia conditions from October through December may lead to less rainfall during the following MAM rainy season. The report also indicates that La Niia conditions lead to below average rainfall from October through December, while El Niio conditions lead to above average rainfall during this same time period (USAID, 2010). Additional studies indicate that there is a positive correlation between ENSO and precipitation in November and December, but a negative correlation for precipitation in August and September (Phillips & McIntyre, 2000). NOAA indicates that there is also a link between ENSO and the DJF season in equatorial East Africa; La Nifia events result in decreased rainfall while El Niio results in increased rainfall (NOAA b, 2012). La Nifia conditions have also been recognized to delay the onset of the rains in East Africa, reduce the total precipitation received, and make the precipitation patterns more erratic (USAID, 2010). ENSO has complicated interactions with the weather patterns of equatorial East Africa and Uganda. The possible connections between ENSO and precipitation become even more complex when analyzing the weather patterns on a sub-regional scale. One study, which focused on the impact that ENSO has on the various regions of Uganda, found that ENSO affects the regions differently. The study recommended that local level decisions regarding climate must be made on a sub-regional level (Phillips & McIntyre, 2000). Such decisions could involve agricultural planting schedules, drought mitigation, and flood preparedness. 3.3 The Indian Ocean Dipole Similar to ENSO, the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is a coupled oceanic and atmospheric phenomenon that has weather implications far beyond the Indian Ocean. The IOD is the irregular fluctuation of sea surface temperatures across the western and the southeast equatorial Indian Ocean (ICDC, n.d.). The two phases to IOD are referred to as "positive" and "negative," with neutral periods occurring in between. The positive phase of IOD is associated with greater than average sea surface temperatures in the western Indian Ocean, and the negative phase is 41 associated with below average sea surface temperatures in the western Indian Ocean (JAMSTEC, 2012). 3.3.1 The Index for Measuring IOD Dipole Mode Index (DMI) The strength of the IOD is determined through the use of the Dipole Mode Index (DMI), which is a measurement of the east (100 S to 00 N, 900 E to 1100 E) to west (500 E to 700 E, 100 S to 100 N) temperature difference across the equatorial Indian Ocean (Australia Bureau of Meteorology, 2014). The anomaly is the departure of Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures differences from the base period of 1982 to 2005 (NOAA h, 2014). A positive DMI is characterized by cooler than normal sea surface temperatures in the southeast Indian Ocean and warmer than normal temperatures in the western Indian Ocean. The meteorological conditions associated with a positive DMI are increased precipitation over East Africa and drought over the Australian and Indonesian region. Conversely, a negative DMI is characterized by warmer than normal sea surface temperatures in the southeast Indian Ocean, and cooler than normal temperatures in the western Indian Ocean (JAMSTEC, 2012). The meteorological conditions associated with a negative DMI are increased precipitation in the Australian and Indonesian region and decreased precipitation over East Africa. (Cai, et al., 2013) (Australia Bureau of Meteorology, 2014). The sea surface temperature and precipitation effects of IOD are depicted by Figure 3-5. Positive Dipole Mode Negative Dipole Mode Figure 3-5: Sea Surface Temperature and Precipitation Response to IOD Image Source: (JAMSTEC, 2012) In Figure 3-5 the regions shaded with blue and red are respectively associated with below or above average sea surface temperatures during IOD events. Cloud cover indicates areas of enhanced convective systems and increased precipitation (JAMSTEC, 2012). 42 3.3.2 The Effects of 10D in Equatorial East Africa Previous studies have demonstrated that IOD has an impact on the weather patterns experienced in East Africa. Precipitation in the region typically increases during positive IOD events and decreases during negative IOD events (JAMSTEC, 2012). Although the teleconnection has been observed across seasons, certain studies suggest that IOD has the most significant impact on precipitation in East Africa during the short SON rainy season. It has also been theorized that only extreme IOD events impact the precipitation in the region (Behera, et al., 2005). 3.4 The Combined Effect of ENSO and IOD It is generally accepted by the scientific community that ENSO has a substantial effect on precipitation in East Africa. There are a greater number of studies documenting the effect of the ENSO than studies documenting the effect of the IOD. Certain studies have more recently called for the need to observe the combined effect of ENSO and IOD on precipitation in Africa. The two climate phenomena cannot be viewed in isolation of each other when studying precipitation patterns (Williams & Hanan, 2011; Black, et al., 2002). A study by USAID indicates that the precipitation impact of ENSO on East Africa is dependent on the strength of ENSO conditions, as well as the sea surface temperature anomaly of the Indian Ocean (USAID, 2010). Another study suggests that the influence of IOD on the short SON rainy season in East Africa is "overwhelming" when compared to the concurrent influence of ENSO. By isolating ENSO from IOD, it appears that ENSO has a significant impact, when in reality the greater impact is caused by IOD. That study also indicates that the removal of IOD conditions can show the opposite of what would be expected for precipitation in East Africa given the ENSO conditions (Behera, et al., 2005). For example, precipitation in Africa is consistently associated with IOD, despite the concurrent phase of ENSO (Saji & Yamagata, 2003). Severe flooding in East Africa during 1961 occurred without the existence of El Niio conditions; however, anomalous Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures were present (Behera, et al., 2005; Reverdin, et al., 1986). Certain studies also encourage further investigation of the way in which ENSO drives IOD. This will contribute to an overall enhanced understanding of how the entire system disturbs the weather patterns of equatorial East Africa and various regions around the world. It has been acknowledged that ENSO and IOD conditions effect precipitation in the region; however, there is still a poor correlation between the strength of the climate indices (e.g. SOI, ONI, and DMI) and the historical precipitation experienced (Black, et al., 2002). An investigation was performed to further understand the effect that the two oceanic and atmospheric climate systems have on the microclimate of the Manafwa River Basin. The findings are presented and discussed in subsequent sections of this paper. 43 4 Weather in the Manafwa River Basin and Climate Indices 4.1 Method A correlation between certain global climate indices and the local weather in the Manafwa River Basin would provide a macro-level tool with which to gauge the relative probability of extreme precipitation events and floods. This macro-level tool allows the issuance of information to the Red Cross that an increased amount of precipitation might be expected with an associated increased risk of flooding. A method was developed to determine if there exists a relationship between global climate indices and characteristics of precipitation experienced in the Manafwa River Basin. The climate indices of concern (SOI, ONI, and DMI) are measurements of ENSO and IOD and are recognized to impact weather patterns of equatorial East Africa. These teleconnections were discussed in Section 3. This analysis attempts to confirm whether a correlation exists between the occurrence of an ENSO or IOD event, and how the strength of the associated indices affects the microclimate of the Manafwa River Basin. If such a correlation exists, it is essential to understand the impact that the indices have on various precipitation characteristics for specific months and seasons. Precipitation characteristics of concern in this analysis included: total precipitation, occurrence of heavy precipitation events, extreme precipitation events, and overall variability. If a variation from the expected precipitation was observed, the indices were further examined to determine if ENSO or IOD was the driving force behind the divergence. Total precipitation and heavy precipitation events were compared to the various climate indices to determine existing relationships. The data inputs for this method and their treatment are discussed in subsequent sections. 4.1.1 Normalization of Precipitation Data The total precipitation experienced by the regional watershed for every month over the 16-year period (1998-2013) was calculated and the average monthly precipitation values were determined. The monthly average results were previously discussed in Section 2.2.2. The monthly precipitation data were normalized by the average monthly precipitation value for that specific month. The data normalization process resulted in a Normalized Monthly Precipitation (NMP) value for every month of the 16-year period. NMP values are a dimensionless representation of the amount of precipitation that falls in a given month, compared to the average precipitation for that month. NMP values greater than 1.0 correspond to a monthly precipitation that is greater than average while NMP values less than 1.0 correspond to a monthly precipitation that is below average. 44 NMP values are useful because they provide the ability to simultaneously compare the total monthly precipitation of any month to the strength of a global climate index. Precipitation experienced in two different months (e.g. June and December) cannot be compared unless they are first normalized. For example, a total monthly precipitation of 100 mm in both June and December is not equivalent because June and December have different expected monthly precipitation totals. Normalizing the precipitation data allows for the comparison of the total precipitation experienced in separate months to determine the magnitude of effect that a climate index may have on precipitation. For example, in December 1999 and August 2012 the Regional Watershed experienced, respectively, 62.2 mm and 126.4 mm of precipitation. August 2002 received more than twice as much precipitation as December 1999; however, both months have a NMP value of 0.85 (indicating 85% of average precipitation for that specific month). This investigation aims to find if there is a climate index, series of indices, or pattern of events that leads to an increase or decrease in expected monthly precipitation. The process of normalizing precipitation data was repeated for the seasonal precipitation data. This study follows the seasonal specification set forth by the NOAA, where each year has 12 three-month running seasons: starting with December-January-February (DJF) and ending with November-December-January (NDJ). Each season has a two-month overlap with the season before it and after it. The first step in the process of normalizing seasonal data was to calculate the total seasonal precipitation experienced in each season for the entire 16-year time period. Total precipitation for each season was normalized to the average precipitation for that season. Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP) values are important when comparing precipitation to the ONI, which is measured on a running three-month seasonal basis. Example calculations for the normalization of monthly and seasonal precipitation data is found in Appendix D. The resultant NMP and NSP values for the 16-year study period in the Manafwa River Basin are found in Appendix E. 4.1.2 Organization of Heavy Precipitation Events The classification of heavy precipitation events and the determination of daily threshold values for each season were previously discussed in Section 2.2.3. This study compares the number of heavy precipitation events experienced in a month or season to the SOI, ONI, and DMI to determine if a certain index or series of indices leads to an increased number of heavy events, which may also increase the risk of flooding. The analysis of heavy precipitation events with respect to climate indices is discussed in subsequent sections. 45 4.1.3 Determining the General Relationship to ENSO and IOD The monthly and seasonal precipitation data were analyzed to determine if the phases of ENSO (El Ninio or La Ninia) and IOD (positive or negative) affect the amount of precipitation received in the Manafwa River Basin. The average of the NMP and NSP values corresponding to the each phase was calculated to observe if a greater or lesser amount of precipitation is typically experienced in one phase or another. Additionally, the number of months and seasons within each phase that received above average precipitation (i.e. NMP > 1.0) and below average precipitation (i.e. NMP < 1.0) was determined. Each phase of all ENSO and IOD events was then examined for the minimum, maximum, and range of NMP and NSP values experienced. This analysis determined what phase received the most extreme precipitation events (i.e. both high and low precipitation extremes) and the range between the two most extreme values. The greater the range between the maximum and minimum values of each phase, the more variability of precipitation was experienced in that phase. This definition of precipitation extremes allows for the determination of whether precipitation is more variable during an ENSO and IOD event, or during the neutral phase. 4.1.4 Comparing Precipitation to the Strength of Indices Monthly and seasonal precipitation was compared to the strength of climate indices (SOI, ONI, and DMI) to determine the effect of Pacific and Indian Ocean atmospheric and oceanic conditions on precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin. The analysis performed in subsequent sections involves plotting NMP, NSP, and the number of heavy precipitation events against the corresponding climate index values. This investigation aims to determine if the magnitude of a global climate index yields a significant correlation with the precipitation characteristics of the Manafwa River Basin. Plots were generated showing a series of delays of monthly and seasonal precipitation from the index of previous months and seasons. For example, the NMP value for May 2011 was plotted against the SOI values of: May 2011 (No Delay), April 2011 (1-Month Delay), March 2011 (2-Month Delay), February 2011 (3-Month Delay), and January 2011 (4Month Delay). NMP values and the number of heavy precipitation events were compared to the DMI in an identical manner. NSP values were compared to the ONI using the same structure of delays for ENSO seasons, not months. For example, the NSP for AMJ 2011 was plotted against the ONI values of: AMJ 2011 (No Delay), MAM 2011 (1-Season Delay), FMA 2011 (2-Season Delay), JFM (3-Season Delay), and DJF (4-Season Delay). Delays were plotted to determine if precipitation is most affected by the current, or by the preceding oceanic and atmospheric conditions; and if previous conditions affect precipitation, to define how far in advance that signal starts. 46 The evaluation of the relationship between precipitation and climate indices was performed by observing the correlation in all months collectively, followed by observing all months (and seasons) independently. The study was conducted with this method to determine if the relationship between indices and precipitation is uniform or changes throughout the year. Furthermore, each season may have a different time interval in which it takes precipitation in the basin to respond to the index, and thus needs to be viewed in isolation of the other seasons. The monthly and seasonal climate index values used in this study are displayed in Appendix F. Monthly SOI and seasonal ONI values were accessed through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Monthly DMI values were accessed through the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC, 2014). The monthly index values for SOI and DMI varied slightly among the different climate agencies that record and publish the indices; therefore, the analyses performed in subsequent sections of this report are valid for the specific indices that were accessed from NOAA and JAMSTEC. 4.1.5 Classifying the Strength of Observed Trends The precipitation data used in this study covered a timeframe of 16 years; therefore, each month and each season occurred 16 times. In this study, the occurrence of every month or season will be represented by a data point that symbolizes a precipitation characteristic (e.g. total precipitation or number of heavy precipitation events) and the strength of a climate index. When observing each month independently, the data set will consist of 16 points. There are two exceptions with regards to seasonal data. The DJF and NDJ seasons each have 15 precipitation data points because the precipitation values for December 1997 and January 2014 were not included this study. It will be neglected that DJF and NDJ have a sample size of one less than all other months and seasons. A system for classifying the strength of trends was developed assuming that all plots comparing precipitation to indices had a sample size of 16 data points. A directional trend, with a sample size of 16, is significant at the 5% level (95% confidence) if the correlation coefficient (R) is greater than or equal to 0.43. This corresponds to a coefficient of determination (R2 ) of 0.185 or greater to indicate significance. The source used to define this "significance" level (Lowry, 2013) is not peer reviewed literature. It is an internet textbook (VassarStats) that was provided as a link on a NOAA website (Linear Correlations in Atmospheric/Seasonal Monthly Averages) when seeking guidance on the significance of correlations. Additional sources were consulted for the development of a classification system for the strength of the trend (Taylor, 1990; Harrington, n.d.; Jost, n.d.; Quinnipiac, n.d.). It was determined that the classification of correlation strength is specific to the science or discipline in which it is being used, and even within a discipline, there is still subjectivity in classifying significance. 47 Table 2 shows the classification system that was developed to compare the trends within this study. Table 2: Classification of Linear Correlation Strength used in this Study Range of R2 Values Strength Classification 0.0-0.185 None (-) 0.185 -0.25 Very Weak 0.25-0.375 Weak 0.375 - 0.575 Moderate 0.575 - 0.725 Strong 0.725-1.0 Very Strong The classification system specified in Table 2 will be used for the remainder of this study. Any linear trend line that is observed to have and R2 value less than 0.185 will be considered insignificant, and will be denoted with a dash mark (-) in any following table. Trends with R2 values ranging from 0.185 to 1.0 will be classified using the terminology of "Very Weak" to "Very Strong" as indicated in Table 2. 4.2 Observed Effect of ENSO in the Manafwa River Basin 4.2.1 General Relationship Between ENSO and Precipitation The total seasonal precipitation data were analyzed to determine what impact the phase of ENSO has on total precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin. The average NSP value corresponding to each ENSO phase was calculated to observe if a greater or lesser amount of precipitation is experienced during El Nifto or La Nifia. Additionally, the number of seasons in each phase receiving above average precipitation (NSP > 1.0) and below average precipitation (NSP < 1.0) was determined. The results of this analysis are shown in Table 3. 48 Table 3: General Precipitation Characteristics of ENSO Phases Phase of ENSO Description of Seasonal Precipitation Parameters Number of Seasons in Each Phase Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP) El Nifno La Nifia Neutral Overall Total 35 71 84 With Above Average Precipitation (NSP > 1.0) 18 24 46 With Below Average Precipitation (NSP < 1.0) 17 47 38 Average 1.15 0.91 1.02 Minimum 0.58 0.25 0.66 Maximum 2.08 1.47 1.34 Range (Max - Min) 1.50 1.22 0.68 As previously discussed in Section 3.2, the classification of an ENSO episode is contingent upon the event lasting at least five seasons. El Niio events typically last less than a year, while La Nilia events can last up to three years (NOAA a, 2012). The total number of seasons over the 16-year study period that were associated with El Niio, La Niia, and neutral phases were totaled to determine how often each phase occurs. There were approximately twice as many La Nifia seasons (71) in the study period as there were El Niio seasons (35). An ENSO event was present approximately 56% of the study period, 106 out of 190 seasons. El Niino and La Ninia ENSO phases were determined to have average NSP values of 1.15 and 0.91, respectively. The ENSO neutral phase was found to have an average NSP value of 1.02, falling approximately half way between El Niio and La Nifia. These values indicate that the average El Ninio season receives 12.8% more precipitation than the average neutral season, and the average La Niia season receive 10.9% less precipitation than the average neutral season. For El Niio episodes, the total number of seasons that received above average precipitation (18) was similar to the number of seasons that received below average precipitation (17). These numbers suggest that the above average precipitation seasons were more extreme than the below average precipitation seasons in terms of deviation from the average; therefore, driving the average NSP value higher. The same comparison yielded different results for La Niia, which had nearly twice as many seasons with below average precipitation (47) as compared to above average precipitation (24). This indicates that in the Manafwa River Basin, La Niia is more likely to result in below average seasonal precipitation than El Nifio is to result in above average 49 seasonal precipitation; however, when an El Nifio season is above average, it has a greater potential to far exceed the average precipitation. As expected, El Ninto phases had the highest maximum NSP (2.08) indicating that the most extreme precipitation occurred during an El Nuio event. Similarly, La Nifia had the lowest minimum NSP (0.25) indicating that the most extreme minimum precipitation occurred during a La Niia event. The range between maximum and minimum NSP values experienced in each phase was much greater for El Nifno (1.5) and La Nin-a (1.22) than for the ENSO neutral phase (0.68). This indicates that variability of total seasonal precipitation is greater for ENSO seasons than for neutral seasons. These findings show that, overall, El Niio and La Nifia have distinct effects on the seasonal precipitation conditions in the Manafwa River Basin. 4.2.2 Monthly Precipitation Compared with SOT Strength Monthly precipitation was compared to the strength of the SOI to determine the effect that the gradient of Pacific Ocean sea surface air pressures between Darwin and Tahiti have on precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin. NMP values and the number of heavy precipitation events each month are plotted against the measured SOI in a series of delays. Comparison of Precipitation and SOI for all Months Collectively The NMP values for all months over the 16-year period were plotted against the corresponding SOI for that month. Figure 4-1 shows that by viewing all months simultaneously, no correlation exists between the precipitation of a given month and the corresponding SOI. 3 -0..1264x + 1.0438 y R2=0.09 2 0.0 7 8 se %0 00 -4 9 -3 -2 9, -1 0 1 Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) 2 Figure 4-1: All Months - NMP vs. SOI (No Delay) 50 3 4 The weak R2 value (0.09) in Figure 4-1 prevents the confirmation of a relationship between total precipitation in any month and the strength of the SOI. The number of heavy precipitation events occurring each month was also compared to the strength of the SOI. The results are shown in Figure 4-2. 12 y =-0.5047x + 3.1022 R2 = 8* * 00 9 99 0 m0~ e ------.- S----,-4 0.06 -3 -2 -1 ,--t----3 4 Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) Figure 4-2: All Months - Heavy Precipitation vs. SOL (No Delay) Similarly, by viewing all months at once in Figure 4-2, a weak 1R2 value (0.06) exists for the trend of heavy precipitation events against the S0I. The plots representing the S0I's effect on total monthly precipitation (Figure 4-1) and the number of heavy precipitation events per month (Figure 4-2) both have linear trendlines with negative slopes. The negative slopes indicate that a positive SOI (La Nijia conditions) is associated with below average total precipitation and fewer heavy precipitation events. Conversely, a negative 501 (El Nii'o conditions) is associated with above average precipitation and more heavy precipitation events. Previous studies have found that, although a relationship exists between precipitation and ENSO, the precipitation response to ENSO is non-linear and requires a non-linear approach (Black, et al., 2002) (Slingo & Annamalai, 2000). The weak R2 values observed in Figures 4-1 and 4-2 show that there is no correlation between precipitation and 501 when viewing all months collectively. Plots were also generated to determine the relationship between SOI and the delayed monthly total and heavy precipitation. Similarly, no correlation was detected between SOI and the delayed monthly precipitation response when observing all months collectively. Comparison of Total Precipitation and SOT for Independent Months The NMP values were sorted by month to observe how the SOI might uniquely affect the precipitation of each month. Previous studies have shown that certain months are affected by ENSO and certain months are not. To enhance the observed effect of the SOI, the NMP values 51 for all twelve months of the year were plotted (No-Delay through 4-Month Delay) specific to the individual month. It was determined that seven out of twelve months had no observable correlation to the SOI (all plots had R2 values less than 0.185). The seven months with no correlation to the SOI are March, April, July, August, September, October, and November. The linear trend line parameters corresponding to the months with no correlation between SOI and total precipitation can be found in Appendix G. The five months that had a correlation between total precipitation and SOI are January, February, May, June, and December. The strength of the correlations was determined to range from "very weak" to "moderate." The linear trend line parameters and the correlation details for these five months are shown in Table 4. It is apparent that by observing the precipitation of individual months, correlations between precipitation and SOI begin to emerge. This confirms that months must be observed independently of each other to understand the true effect of SOI on local precipitation. Table 4: Months with a Correlation between Total Precipitation and SOT Precipitation Month Index Month Length of Delay Normalized Monthly Precipitation (NMP)(NP)(Sol) Southern Oscillation Index Index -toPrecipitation January December 1-Month Delay November 2-Month Delay October 3-Month Delay September 4-Month Delay February January December November No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay October 4-Month Delay May April March February January June May April March February December November October September No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Dela 3-Month Dela = -0.4657 + 1.1368 = -0.2057x + 1.0103 August 4-Month Delay January February May June December No Delay Linear Trend Line Parameters Equation Characteristics of Trend R2 y= NMP x = S01 Strength only if R 2 > 0.185 Positive or Negative Negative Negative I______ y = -0.3068x + 1.1151 y = -0.2388x + 1.1176 y = -0.3056x + 1.1143 y = -0.36x + 1.1055 0.392 0.224 0.166 0.292 Moderate Very Weak - - Weak Negative 1.1217 0.315 Weak Negative y= -0.1638 + 1.0707 = -0.2649 + 1.0993 y -0.2757 + 1.1361 = -0.4729x + 1.1773 0.159 0.280 0.285 0.379 - - Weak Weak Moderate Negative Negative Negative 0.468 Moderate Negative 0.317 0.190 0.221 0.405 Weak Very Weak Very Weak Moderate Negative Negative Negative Negative 0.060 - - 0.077 0.199 - - Very Weak Negative 0.004 - - 0.004 - - 0.024 - - 0.299 0.253 0.428 0.208 Weak Weak Moderate Very Weak Negative Negative Negative Negative 0.274 Weak Negative = -0.4339x + = -0.0987x + 1.0321 y = -0.0838x + 1.0477 y = -0.0795x + 1.0343 y -0.0374 + 1.014 y= -0.1357x + 1.022 = -0.2117x + 1.0106 = 0.019lx + 0.9938 y= 0.0141x + 0.992 v = -0.0252x + 1.0109 y = -0.3403x + 1.1914 y = -0.5057x +1.2497 = -0.5802x + 1.2212 y = -0.4882x + 1.1892 y = -.5395x + 52 1.0944 Every correlation shown in Table 4 between SOI and total monthly precipitation is negative, indicating that a greater SOI is associated with less precipitation. The strongest correlation in four of the five months, shown in Table 4 was determined to be between total precipitation and the SOI of a preceding month (all months except January). This is significant because it implies that there is a delayed response between Pacific Ocean air pressure conditions and the resultant weather in the Manafwa River Basin. This allows for the possibility of monitoring SOI to anticipate the nature of future precipitation. The delay from the SOI that yielded the highest correlation was different for each month, which means that each month is unique in its local precipitation response to SOI, and its reaction time. The results for February precipitation show that the response to the SOI becomes stronger as the delay is lengthened; the slope of the trend line becomes steeper and the R 2 becomes larger, which both indicate that the impact on precipitation is greater. The plot for February total precipitation and October SOI is shown in Figure 4-3. 3 -y =-0.4657x + 1.1368 R2 =0.468 .2 ~ 11 0 - -3 -- - --- -2 _ __ _______ 0 -l 1 2 3 October - Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) Figure 4-3: February NMP vs. October SOI (4-Month Delay) It is demonstrated in Figure 4-3 that there exists a moderate negative correlation between the SOI of October and the precipitation in February of the following year. The three points located farthest left in the plot all had SOI values less than -1 and NMP values of 1.5 or greater. This indicates that the three lowest SOI values during October led to precipitation in February that was at least 50% greater than average. Conversely, the October with the highest SOI value (point farthest to the right) resulted in a February precipitation that was 64% below average. 53 The correlation between the SOI of February and the precipitation received three months later, in May, is shown in Figure 4-4. 2 y = -0.0795x + 1.0343 R2 0.405 2 1.5 S 1 __ 0.5 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 February - Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) Figure 4-4: May NMP vs. February SOI (3-Month Delay) Although the trend displayed in Figure 4-4 has a moderate correlation between February SOI and May precipitation, the slope of the trend line (-0.0795) is far smaller in magnitude than the slope in Figure 4-3 (-0.4657). This indicates that February precipitation is more impacted by October SOI, than May precipitation is impacted by February SOI. The range of May NMP values stays with in 0.63 and 1.42 despite a wide range of February SOI values. The smaller range of May NMP values indicates that total precipitation in May is less variable than in February, despite the magnitude of the preceding months' SOI. 54 Figure 4-5 shows the moderate negative correlation between October SOI and precipitation in December. 3 -0.5802x + 1.2212 R2 = 0.428 .y .t 0 1+-3 9 -2 -l 0 1 October - Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) 2 3 Figure 4-5: December NMP vs. October SOI (2-Month Delay) The cluster of data points in the bottom right of Figure 4-5 shows that October SOI values above 1.0 typically lead to December NMP values of 1.0 (average) or below. The results in Figure 4-3 and 4-5 show that October SOI may be an indicator for total precipitation in both December and February. Comparison of Heavy Precipitation and SOI for Independent Months An analysis comparing heavy precipitation events with the strength of the SOI was performed to determine the effect of SOI on heavy precipitation events in specific months. Six out of twelve months were determined to have a significant correlation between the occurrence of heavy precipitation events and the S01 of previous months. These six months are January, February, April, May, August, and December. The information pertaining to correlations between SOI and the precipitation of these six months is found in Table 5. 55 Table 5: Months with a Correlation between Heavy Precipitation and SOT Precipitation Month Heavy Precipitation Events January February April May Index Month Oscillatio Index (Sol) atIndex Precipitation y = # heavy x = So No Delay Characteristics of Trend 2 S nifint Positive R2 > 0.185 Negative y = -0.7022x + 2.5758 y = -0.5219x + 2.5702 0.285 Weak Negative 1-Month Delay 0.148 - - November 2-Month Delay y = -0.4009x + 2.4662 0.041 - - October 3-Month Delay y = -0.6722x + 2.51 - - September 4-Month Delay y = -0.9565x + 2.5815 0.141 0.212 Very Weak Negative February January December November No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay - - Weak Moderate Weak Negative Negative Negative October 4-Month Delay Moderate Negative April March February January No Delay I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay y= -0.4801x + 2.957 = -0.8561x + 3.071 = -1.0703x + 3.2785 y -1.4163x + 3.2811 y= -l.5796x + 3.214 y= -0.0221x + 4.1947 y= -0.5344x + 4.4914 = -0.586x + 4.4402 = -0.2413x + 4.278 - - December May 4-Month Delay No Delay = -0.2937x + 4.3325 = - 1.208x + 2.8729 April March February 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay -0.8789x + 3.0981 = -0.6735x + 3.1956 y = -0.2724x + 2.93 Janua 4-Month Dela August December November October September No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Dela 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Dela 3-Month Delay y = -0.3015x + 2.9255 = -0.223 1x + 3.7265 y = -0.8528x + 3.9007 y = -0.9843x + 3.8474 y = 0.7248x + 3.6513 y = 1.2088x + 3.2947 y = -1.545x + 4.119 y = -2.2515x + 4.3617 = -2.8791x + 4.3476 = -2.0871x + 4.0588 August 4-Month Delay y = -2.4102x + 3.6718 June May April December Linear Trend Line Parameters January December July August Length of Delay = 0.122 0.261 0.384 0.306 0.481 0.000 0.118 0.289 - - Weak Negative 0.033 0.046 - - - - 0.263 0.363 0.344 Weak Negative Weak Weak - Ne ative Negative - 0.114 0.094 0.007 0.076 0.066 0.038 - - - - 0.309 0.251 0.527 0.190 Weak Weak Weak Moderate Very Weak Positive Negative Negative Negative Negative 0.274 Weak Negative 0.278 The findings presented in Table 5 are similar to the results discussed in Section, which compared total monthly precipitation and the strength of the SOI. The precipitation of four months was determined to be impacted by S01, with respect to both, total precipitation and the number of heavy precipitations events. Those four months are January, February, May, and December. The results in this section differ from the results of Section because one month (August) was identified to have a positive correlation between the strength of the SOI and the number of heavy precipitation events experienced. This indicates the effect of S0I on the number of heavy precipitation events is the opposite of what was observed from the negative 56 correlations between SOI and total precipitation in Section A positive correlation between SOI and heavy precipitation events means that a higher SOI is associated with a greater number of heavy precipitation events. The positive correlation between April SOI and August heavy precipitation can be observed in Figure 4-6. 8 y= 1.2088x + 3.2947 R2 = 0.278 6 0 U E 'E 41 2 00 -2 -1 0 April - Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) 12 Figure 4-6: August Heavy Precipitation vs. April SOI (4-Month Delay) It seems unusual that the number of heavy precipitation events in August only has a correlation with April SOI and not any of the months following April. Furthermore, it is unique that August total precipitation was seemingly unaffected by the SOI of any preceding months. The positive correlation detected may indicate a trend between April SOI and heavy precipitation events in August, or it may be the result of a separate climate system, such as IOD, having a greater impact on precipitation in the basin during August. However, one study did identify a negative correlation between El Nifio conditions and precipitation in the months of August and September in Uganda (Phillips & McIntyre, 2000). The number of heavy precipitation events in both December and February was most affected by the state of the SOI in October (a 2-month delay to December and a 4-month delay to February); however, October SOI was not found to have a correlation with heavy precipitation in January. Although no correlation was detected between October SOI and heavy precipitation in January, total precipitation in January did appear to be affected by the October SOI. Figure 4-7 shows the effect that October SOI has on heavy precipitation the following February. 57 8 y =-1.5796x + 3.214 R 2= 0.481 4 0 00 -2 0 -l 2 1 October - Southern Oscillation Index (SOT) Figure 4-7: February Heavy Precipitation vs. October SOI (4-Month Delay) It is shown in Figure 4-7 that the three lowest October SOI values (points farthest to the left) are associated with greatest number of heavy precipitation events experienced in February. The positive October SOI values on the right side of the plot are shown to result in zero heavy precipitation events in February three different times. The plot representing the relationship between October SOI and heavy precipitation events in December is shown in Figure 4-8. 12 y= -2.8791x + 4.3476 R2= 0.527 9 6 00 3e 0~ -2 - -1 0 October - Southern Oscilliation Index (SOl) 1 2 Figure 4-8: December Heavy Precipitation vs. October SOI (2-Month Delay) The results depicted in Figure 4-8 for October SOI and December heavy precipitation are similar to what was observed in Figure 4-7 for October SOI and February heavy precipitation. In both 58 plots the lowest SOI values are associated with the highest number of heavy precipitation events while the occurrence of no heavy precipitation events is associated with positive SOI values. The analysis performed in this section shows that of the six main rainy season months (MAM and SON) only April and May were affected by the SOI. The precipitation experienced during the long rains of SON was found to have to no correlation with SOI of any preceding months. SOI will not be a reliable indicator for the prognostication of increased total or heavy precipitation during the SON season. The linear trend line parameters for the six months with no correlation between SOI and heavy precipitation events are found in Appendix G. 4.2.3 Seasonal Precipitation Compared with ONI Strength Seasonal precipitation was compared to the strength of the ONI to determine what effect Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures have on precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin. NSP values and the number of heavy precipitation events each season were plotted against the ONI in a series of delays. Comparison of Precipitation and ONI of all Seasons Collectively NSP values for every season over the 16-year study period were plotted against the corresponding seasonal ONI value for all seasons. Figure 4-9 shows NSP compared to the strength of the ONI. 2.4 y =0.1338x + 1.0268 R2 =0.16 0 0.8 0 -2 -1.5 -1 0.5 0 -0.5 Oceanic Ninio Index (ONI) Figure 4-9: All Seasons - NSP vs. ONI (No Delay) 59 1 1.5 2 The R2 value of 0.16 in Figure 4-9 is stronger than what was observed when simultaneously plotting precipitation of all months against the corresponding SOI in Figure 4-1. A series of seasonal precipitation delays from the ONI were also plotted but no significant correlations were determined when observing all months collectively. The data points plotted in Figure 4-9 were then separated into the three separate data sets according to the ENSO phase in which they fell: El Nifno, La Ninia, and Neutral. A linear trend line was plotted for both the El Nifio and La Niia events to observe if a stronger trend exists in a specific ENSO phase. The results of this analysis are shown in Figure 4-10. 2.4 9 El Nino * La Nifia * Nuetral R2 =0.33 Z- 1.6 R2= -z 0.09 0.8 * *; 9 9 00 0 -- _ -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Oceanic Niho Index (ONI) l 1.5 2 Figure 4-10: All Seasons - NSP vs. ONI (No Delay) - By ENSO Phase The R 2 value (0.33) for the El Nifno data set increased substantially from the all-phase data set (in Figure 4-9) indicating that when ENSO is in the El Niino phase, total precipitation may have a stronger correlation to the magnitude of the ONI. 60 The number of heavy precipitation events occurring each season was then compared to the strength of the ONI. The results are shown in Figure 4-11. 30 8 4 W y= 1.8434x + 9.1003 R2 = 0.12 -~i) * * 20 0 -2 -1.5 -1 0.5 0 -0.5 Oceanic Nifio Index (ONI) 1 1.5 2 Figure 4-11: All Seasons - Heavy Precipitation vs. ONI (No Delay) The plots representing the ONI's effect on total seasonal precipitation (Figures 4-9 and 4-10) and the number of heavy precipitation events per season (Figure 4-11) all have linear trend lines with positive slopes. This indicates that a negative ONI (La Nifia conditions) is associated with below-average precipitation, and less heavy precipitation events. Conversely, a positive ONI (El Nifio conditions) is associated with above-average precipitation and more heavy precipitation events. Although the correlations observed in these plots are too weak to confirm the relationship between seasonal precipitation and the ONI, it is evident that the ONI may be a better indicator than the SOI for precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin. This hypothesis is further explored by observing the effect of the ONI on specific seasons. Comparison of Total Precipitation and ONI for Independent Seasons Total precipitation of specific seasons was then evaluated against the strength of the ONI. The analysis of individual seasons allowed strong trends to emerge for certain seasons, while other seasons were relatively unaffected. The DJF season was determined to be more affected by the ONI in terms of total precipitation than any other season, and was the only season deemed to have a significant correlation with the ONI. Furthermore, the trend between DJF precipitation and the strength of the ONI was the strongest observed thus far in this study. The correlation parameters for DJF total precipitation and ONI are provided in Table 6. 61 Table 6: Seasons with a Correlation between Total Precipitation and ONI Precipitation Season Index Season Length of Delay Normalized Seasonal Precipitation Oceanic Niio Index Index (NSP) (ONI) Precipitation December to February DJF NDJ OND SON _________ _ F ASO Linear Trend Line Parameters Characteristics of Trend on -to- No Delay_ =NSP x=ON! 2-Season Delay 3-Season Delay = 0.4072x y = 0.4002x y = 0.4262x y = 0.4458x 4-Season Delay y= _1-Season Delay REqua Significant only if R2 > 0.185 Positive or Negative + 1.1602 + 1.1361 + 1.1051 + 1.0713 0.618 0.658 0.662 0.591 Strong Strong Strong Strong Positive Positive Positive Positive 0.471lx + 1.0628 0.471 Moderate Positive The results displayed in Table 6 show that DJF precipitation has "strong" and "moderate" positive correlations with the ONI of all preceding seasons that were investigated. This analysis supports the results produced in 4.2.2 from studying the impact of the SOI on monthly precipitation. The three months of December, January, and February were all determined to experience precipitation impacts (total and heavy) based on the strength of the SOI. It is reasonable that a second ENSO related index, ONI, also impacts precipitation in these months. The trends observed between DJF precipitation and ONI were all positive correlations, indicating that a higher ONI (El Nifto conditions) is associated with greater precipitation. The observed R2 values resulted in the classification of trends as "moderate" and "strong." The SOI was not found to have a "strong" correlation with precipitation of any month. The results shown in Table 6 indicate that the ONI can be monitored during the ASO and SON seasons, to gauge a forecast of what the precipitation may be like from December to February. The relationship between the ONI of ASO and the precipitation of DJF is shown in Figure 4-12. 2.4 T y =0.4711x + 1.0628 71 R 2 =_0.4 1.6 0 -- -2 -l 0 ASO - Oceanic Niio Index (ONI) Figure 4-12: DJF NSP vs. ASO ONI (4-Season Delay) 62 1 2 As depicted in Figure 4-12, positive ONI values during ASO are associated with above average total precipitation during DJF. Figure 4-13 shows the strong positive correlation between DJF precipitation and the ONI of SON. 24A v3o y = 0.4458x + 1.0713 R2 = 0.591 1.6 p - _________________________ 9 CL p U 0. 9 0.8 I 9, 9 9 0 - --- - - - -1 -2 0 SON - Oceanic Niho Index (ONI) 2 I Figure 4-13: DJF NSP vs. SON ONI (3-Season Delay) When observing DJF total precipitation from the 4-season delay (Figure 4-12), to the 3-season delay (Figure 4-13) from the ONI, the correlation increases in strength from "moderate" to "strong." This indicates that the ONI signal for precipitation response in DJF becomes more reliable as the season gets closer in time. The correlations shown in Figures 4-12 and 4-13 would provide sufficient lead-time with which to aid in the forecasting of future total precipitation. Figure 4-14 shows the strong positive relationship between the ONI of OND and the total precipitation of DJF. 2.4 y=y 9 0.4262x + 1.1051 R =0.662 1.6 -o> 0.8 0 -2 -1 0 OND - Oceanic Nifio Index (ONI) Figure 4-14: DJF NSP vs. OND ONI (2-Season Delay) 63 1 2 The 2-season delay of DJF precipitation plotted in Figure 4-14 shows an even stronger precipitation response than what was observed for the 3-season delay (Figure 4-13) and 4-season delay (Figure 4-12). The R2 value (0.662) in Figure 4-14 indicates the correlation between the ONI of OND and the precipitation of DJF to be the strongest trend that has been observed in this study. Comparison of Heavy Precipitation and ONI for Independent Seasons The seasonal precipitation analysis was then expanded to search for a relationship between heavy precipitation events and the strength of the ONI. Two seasons were detected to have a correlation between heavy precipitation and the ONI, while two seasons had no correlation. The two seasons with a correlation were DJF and JJA. The two main rainy seasons, MAM and SON, are essentially unaffected by the ONI according to this study. The trend line parameters corresponding to the seasons with no correlation between heavy precipitation and ONI can be found in Appendix H. Table 7 shows the trend line information for the two seasons (DJF and JJA), which have a correlation between heavy precipitation and ONI. Table 7: Seasons with a Correlation between Heavy Precipitation and ONI Precipitation Season Index Season ________________________ Length of Linear Trend Line Delay Characteristics of Trend Parameters _____ 2 Heavy Precipitation Events Oceanic Nifio Index Equation y # heavy x = ONI R (ONI) Index -toPrecipitation December to February DJF NDJ OND SON No Delay I-Season Delay 2-Season Delay 3-Season Delay = 4.0105x + 9.4441 y = 3.9534x + 9.2108 = 4.232x + 8.9106 y = 4.4695x + 8.5818 0.526 0.562 0.572 0.521 ASO 4-Season Delay JJA MJJ AMJ MAM No Delay I-Season Delay 2-Season Delay 3-Season Delay 4-Season Delay y 4.6302x + 8.484 y= -1.645x + 8.7422 y = -3.222x + 8.5347 = -3.712x + 8.450 = -2.3514x + 8.541 y = -1.0834x + 8.701 0.399 0.072 (DJF) June Jo to August I JFMA Significant only if R 2 > 0.185 Positive or Negative Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate ____________ Moderate Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive - - 0.188 0.234 Very Weak Very Weak Negative Negative 0.150 0.064 - - - The results in Table 7 indicate that DJF heavy precipitation has a moderate positive correlation with ONI for all seasons investigated. The heavy precipitation events experienced in JJA was found to have a very weak negative correlation with ONI of two preceding seasons. As seen in Tables 6 and 7 the DJF season was found to have similar correlations for heavy precipitation and total precipitation. The R2 values fell slightly from Table 6 to Table 7 for all JJA precipitation delays plotted, which resulted in the reclassification of the correlation strength as "moderate." 64 The moderate positive correlations, which exist for DJF heavy precipitation compared to the strength of the ONI, indicate that the correlation is well established. This suggests the ONI of previous seasons can be used to predict the possibility of heavy precipitation events in an upcoming DJF season. Figure 4-15 shows the correlation between the ONI of SON and the heavy precipitation of DJF. 20 y =4.4695x + 8.5818 R2 =0.521 15 z S*. 10 - 5 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ --- 0 -2 -1 0 SON - Oceanic Niio Index (ONI) 1 2 Figure 4-15: DJF Heavy Precipitation vs. SON ONI (3-Season Delay) Figure 4-15 shows that the highest three ONI values for SON were associated with the DJF seasons with the greatest number of heavy precipitation events. High ONI values during SON can be used to anticipate the occurrence of heavy precipitation events during DJF. As discussed in Section, the JJA season was not detected to have a relationship between total precipitation and ONI. When the month of August was observed independently, in Figure 4-6, total precipitation in August had a weak positive correlation between heavy precipitation and the SOI. That positive correlation indicates that El Niio conditions lead to decreased heavy precipitation events (the opposite of expected). Similar results were observed for this seasonal analysis using ONI as the indicator. JJA was found to have a very weak negative correlation between heavy precipitation events and the ONI of the two preceding seasons (AMJ and MJJ). The negative correlation, when observing the ONI, indicates that El Nio conditions lead to a decreased number of heavy precipitation events during JJA. Figure 4-16 shows the very weak negative correlation between the ONI of AMJ and the heavy precipitation events in JJA. 65 15 0 y =-3.7124x + 8.4503 R = 0.234 V0) >e 0 S5T 0 -1 -0.5 0 AMJ - Oceanic Nifio Index (ONI) 0.5 1 Figure 4-16: JJA Heavy Precipitation vs. AMJ ONI (2-Season Delay) The 2-season delay correlation detected in Figure 4-16 is not as useful, from a practical standpoint, as a 3 or 4-season delay would be for predicting the occurrence of future heavy precipitation events. Although this 2-season delay correlation was detected, it does not provide sufficient advanced warning because the ONI measurement of AMJ is not complete until after the JJA season has already started. The 2-season delay plots have a one-month overlap between the seasons of ONI and precipitation. For example, by the time the ONI for AMJ is calculated, the JJA season would already be one full month (June) into the season. The correlation is still helpful because it can aid in understanding what precipitation may be like for the remainder of the season. There are also strategies, used by agencies such as NOAA, for predicting the movement of the indices based on the current climate activity; the prediction of such indices can then translate into the prognostication of future precipitation conditions in the basin. 4.3 Observed Effect of IOD in the Manafwa River Basin 4.3.1 General Relationship Between IOD and Precipitation An initial investigation of the impact that the mode of IOD has on precipitation in Manafwa River Basin was conducted. This analysis serves as an indicator of the general effect that Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures have on precipitation in the basin. The results from this analysis are detailed in Table 8. 66 Table 8: General Precipitation Characteristics of IOD Modes Description Mode of IOD of Monthly Precipitation Parameters Number of Months in Each Mode Normalized Monthly Precipitation (NSP) Positive Negative Neutral Overall Total 161 31 0 With Above Average Precipitation (NMP > 1.0) 66 13 0 With Below Average Precipitation (NMP < 1.0) 95 18 0 Average 1.00 0.98 - Minimum 0.01 0.19 - Maximum 2.91 1.73 - Range (Max - Min) 2.9 1.55 - The 16-year study period consists of 192 months. The majority of the study period, 161 of 192 months (84%), was characterized by a positive monthly DMI. Considering the poor distribution of negative and positive IOD events during the 16-year period, a longer study period with a wider spread of IOD events is needed to more clearly define any trends. There are 161 months that are classified as a positive IOD event, 58% of which (95) had below average precipitation for that month (NMP < 1.0). The distribution of below to aboveaverage months was similar for the 31 months when the IOD was negative; 58% of these months (18) had precipitation that was below average for that month. Given the near identical proportion of months with above-average precipitation to months with below-average precipitation for both positive and negative IOD events, it does not appear that the mode of IOD has a strong impact on precipitation in the basin. The average NMP for the positive and negative modes were 1.00 and 0.98, respectively. An NMP value of 1.0 indicates average precipitation, meaning that both positive and negative IOD modes received within 2% of average monthly precipitation overall. The maximum NMP observed for the positive IOD was 2.91, much higher than the maximum NMP of 1.73 for negative IOD. The results also show that the range of NMP values was much greater for the positive mode than for the negative. This could indicate that positive IOD events have greater variability in total precipitation; however, these numbers may be skewed by the existence of two extreme outliers in monthly data. January 1998 (NMP=2.91) and January 2012 (NMP=0.1) 67 received abnormally high and low levels of precipitation, respectively, and both corresponded to positive IOD events. These are extreme outliers and do not properly represent the distribution of the monthly precipitation data set. This analysis does not provide conclusive results of the overall effect of DMI on precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin. There are multiple explanations for why no effect was observed: only extreme IOD events may affect precipitation, an index to precipitation delay was not accounted for, and precipitation is likely to be effected in only certain months. 4.3.2 Monthly Precipitation Compared with DMI Strength Monthly precipitation was plotted against corresponding DMI values to determine if a relationship exists between the two. Delays were plotted to determine if precipitation is most affected by the Indian Ocean conditions of current months or previous months. Comparison of Precipitation and DMI for all Months Collectively The NMP values and the number of heavy precipitation events for all months over the 16-year study period were plotted against the corresponding monthly DMI. The results are shown in Figures 4-17 and 4-18, respectively. y =0.3384x + 0.923 R2=0.04 0 0 2 * 0 00 .. . 0 -1 -0.5 0 Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Figure 4-17: All Months - NMP vs. DMI (No Delay) 68 0.5 1 12 0 y 1.7016x + 2.54 R2 = 0.04 8 *0 e - 0~ 0 e . e e @ Oft 0 00 so m.e @ es . * @ 4 -1 0 -0.5 0.5 1 Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Figure 4-18: All Months - Heavy Precipitation vs. DMI (No Delay) The weak R2 values for both plots indicate that no significant correlation exists between precipitation and DMI when observing all months collectively. The total precipitation and number of heavy precipitation events was also plotted against the ONI of previous months. Similarly, no correlations were detected for the series of delays between DMI and precipitation when observing all months collectively. Comparison of Total Precipitation and DMI for Months Independently The analysis performed in Section 4.2 showed that ENSO indices only impact the precipitation of certain months, and that viewing all months collectively in Section prevented the detection of a correlation between indices and precipitation. It was expected that the analysis of individual months would also allow trends to emerge between total precipitation and the DMI. The results from this analysis are shown in Table 9. 69 Table 9: Months with a Correlation between Total Precipitation and DMI Precipitation Index Length of Month Month Delay Normalized Monthly Precipitation (NMP) Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Index -toPrecipitation January No Delay y = 0.8508x + 0.8364 1-Month Delay January December November October 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay y = 1.4177x + 0.7 y = 0.8584x + 0.7908 y = 0.7166x + 0.7305 September February 4-Month Delay No Delay y = 0.8727x + 0.6258 y = 0.2476x + 0.9514 January December November October March February January December I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay y = 1.3314x + 0.7439 y = 0.8506x + 0.82 y= 0.5945x + 0.8551 y 0.5725x + 0.784 y = -0.0516x + 1.0115 y = -0.5221x + 1.1024 y = -0.4686x + 1.0901 y = -0.3999x + 1.0846 November 4-Month Delay April March February January No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay y = -0.4618x + 1.1126 y = -0.4281 x + 1.0853 December 4-Month Delay May April March February January July No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay June 4-Month Delay November October September August February March April May October November EquationR NMP x = DMI Significant only if R2 > 0.185 y= Positive or Negative 0.086 0.401 0.326 0.202 Moderate Weak Very Weak Positive Positive Positive 0.208 Very Weak Positive 0.007 0.201 0.138 0.150 - - 0.124 - 0.001 0.082 0.069 0.084 - 0.248 Very Weak Negative y = -0.1632 + 1.0362 y = -0.065x + 1.0128 y = 0.0089x + 0.9983 0.239 0.040 0.008 0.000 Very Weak - Negative - 0.1358x + 0.9713 y = 0.3376x + 0.9521 0.057 0.182 0.010 0.373 0.045 0.011 0.001 0.191 0.297 December November October September No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay y = 0.1048x + 0.9791 y = -0.6127x + 1.1361 y = -0.1942x + 1.0381 y = 0.0961 x +0.9815 y= 0.0377x + 0.9891 y = 0.7413x + 0.8761 y = 0.7043x + 0.9 y = 0.5023x + 0.9 y = -0.481x + 1.1069 y = 0.0813x + 0.9746 y = 0.1 385x + 0.9498 y = -0.068 1x + 1.0206 y = 0.0704x + 0.9796 y = 0.5808x + 0.9029 y= 0.8637x + 0.8475 y 0.7121x + 0.7779 y = 0.729lx + 0.736 y = 0.4724x + 0.8568 y= 0.5019x + 0.8544 y= 2.136 1x + 0.6437 y = 0.9215x + 0.8373 y = 1.1741 x + 0.6338 y = 1.3666x + 0.5051 August 4-Month Delay y= June May April March October September August July December Classification of Trend Parameters Positive - July July Linear Trend Line y 70 0.6621 x + 0.7994 0.082 0.086 Very Weak - - - - Weak Negative - Very Weak Weak - 0.011 0.024 0.006 - 0.005 0.190 - 0.368 0.369 0.285 0.121 - - Positive Positive - - Very Weak Positive Weak Weak Weak Positive Positive Positive - 0.100 - 0.267 0.112 0.266 0.267 Weak 0.064 - Positive - Weak Weak Positive Positive Table 9 shows that nine months were determined to have a correlation between total precipitation and the magnitude of the DMI. June, August, and September were the only months with no observed correlation and are excluded from discussion and inclusion in tables and figures in this section. The linear trend line parameters corresponding to months with no correlation between total precipitation and DMI can be found in Appendix I. In this study, it has been shown that ENSO indices have the greatest correlation with precipitation in December, January and February. These months were also shown to be impacted by DMI. Total precipitation in December, January, and February all had correlations with the DMI of at least one preceding month. January precipitation was observed to have the greatest correlation with the magnitude of the DMI in December. Figure 4-19 shows a moderate positive correlation between the DMI of December and the total precipitation of January. 3 y 1.4177x + 0.7 R2 =0.401 2 0 -1.2 -0.6 0 December - Dipole Mode Index (DMI) 0.6 1.2 Figure 4-19: January NMP vs. December DMI (1-Month Delay) The trend shown in Figure 4-19 has an R2 value of 0.401, which is greater than what was observed for January precipitation against SOI in Tables 4 and 5. This indicates that DMI has a stronger correlation than SOI for total precipitation in January. The trend line in Figure 4-19 has the steepest slope of any correlation shown in Table 9, which indicates that variations in DMI have an even greater impact on total precipitation in January than for any other month. The outlying point in the upper right of Figure 4-19 represents an unusually high total precipitation coupled by and unusually high DMI. The presence of this one point is very responsible for magnifying the slope and R2 value associated with the linear trend line. The other points on the plot all appear in the same vicinity in comparison to the far right point; therefore, Figure 4-19 shows that DMI may only affect precipitation when the DMI is sufficiently high (or low) and the resultant precipitation response may be severe. 71 The three months of the long rainy season (March, April and May) are the only months that were identified to have a negative correlation between total precipitation and the strength of the DMI. Figure 4-20 shows the weak negative correlation between March DMI and total precipitation in May. 1.8 - -0.612 7 x + 1.1361 R 2 =0.373 Sy - 1.2 0>0 N 0.6 0 -1 0 -0.5 0.5 1 March - Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Figure 4-20: May NMP vs. March DMI (2-Month Delay) The negative correlation in Figure 4-20 indicates that a lower (negative) DMI in March is associated with greater precipitation in May. As shown in Table 9, low DMI conditions between November and April may lead to increased precipitation during the long rainy season of MAM; however, the "weak" and "very weak" correlations between DMI and total precipitation do not permit a high level of confidence in this trend. 72 The relationship between DMI and total precipitation transitions back to a positive correlation when observing the total precipitation of July. Figure 4-21 shows the weak positive correlation between May DMI and total precipitation in July. 2 + 0.9 y =0.7043x R2 =0.297 1.5 0 00 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 May - Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Figure 4-21: July NMP vs. May DMI (2-Month Delay) The positive correlation shown in Figure 4-21 demonstrates that a high DMI in May can lead to a greater amount of precipitation in July. As shown in Table 9, a high DMI in June may additionally indicate greater total precipitation in July. In Section the JJA season was determined to have a very weak negative correlation between heavy precipitation and ONI, and Section 4.2.2 shows that precipitation in July was unaffected by the SOI. This indicates that precipitation in July may be more affected by DMI than by either ENSO index. The analysis of ENSO indices in Section 4.2 shows that SOI and ONI do not impact precipitation during the short rains of September, October, and November (SON); however, the investigation performed in this section shows precipitation in October and November is impacted by DMI. The relationship between June DMI and October precipitation is a very weak positive correlation; however, the DMI correlations with November total precipitation get stronger. The plot shown in Figure 4-22 demonstrates the positive correlation between October DMI and total precipitation in November. 73 2.4 y . b - 0.6996x + 0.799 R'2=0.369 1.6 0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 October - Dipole Mode Index (DMI) 0.5 1.0 Figure 4-22: November NMP vs. October DMI (1-Month Delay) Figure 4-22 shows that high DMI values in October may indicate a greater amount of total precipitation in November. As specified in Table 9, the DMI values of September may also be an indicator for total precipitation in November, though the correlation is weaker than for October DMI values. Comparison of Heavy Precipitation and DMI for Months Independently The analysis of correlations between monthly heavy precipitation events and the strength of DMI yielded correlations for seven months: January, February, March, May, August, November, and December. These findings are slightly different than the analysis of DMI and total precipitation, which was discussed in Section, because three of the months that had a correlation between DMI and total precipitation (April, July, and October) were not identified as having a correlation between DMI and heavy precipitation. Conversely, August total precipitation was not determined to have a correlation with DMI, while heavy precipitation in August does have a correlation with DMI. Table 10 shows the seven months, which were determined to have a correlation between heavy precipitation events and DMI. 74 Table 10: Months with a Correlation between Heavy Precipitation and DMI Index Month Length of Delay Heavy Precipitation HayIndex Events Dipole Mode (DMI) Index -toPrecipitation y January No Delay y= 1-Month Delay January December November October 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay September 4-Month Delay February January December November No Delay Delay y = 3.8089x +2.0175 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay y= 2.9376x + 2.1285 y = 2.258x +2.1997 October 4-Month Delay March No Delay February February March May August November December 1-Month 1-Month Delay Characteristics of Trend Linear Trend Line Parameters Precipitation Month = quation Eqato # heavy x = DMI 1.2287x + 2 ignificant only if R2 > 0.185 Positive or Negative 0.025 0.359 0.280 0.204 - - y = 3.5985 + 1.5511 y 2.1342x + 1.7923 y = 1.933x + 1.5855 Weak Weak Very Weak Positive Positive Positive 1.1195 0.293 Weak Positive 0.011 0.147 0.147 0.193 - - - - - - Very Weak Positive 1.9662 0.146 - - y =-l.135x + 2.3147 0.017 0.068 0.189 0.103 - - y = 2.782x + 2.0762 y =1.0606x + 2.541 9 y = 2.084x + y = -2.0948x + 2.4735 January December 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay y = -3.4383x + 2.7238 y =-1.9617x + 2.4776 November 4-Month Delay y May April March No Delay I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay y 0.3122x + 2.7682 y= -2.929x + 3.3959 y = -3.5786x + 3.6076 February January 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay y y August July June May April November October September August July December November October September August No Delay I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay = -1.9195x + 2.5303 -0.6239x + 2.9349 -0.4439x + 2.8979 y = 3.1528x + 2.7321 y =2.9715x + 2.8255 = y =-l.6235x + 3.959 y = -1.6398x + 3.9203 y = 0.0222x + 3.6831 y 4.2091 x + 2.3194 y = 3.3085x + 2.0306 y= 2.921x + 2.0047 y= 1.7364x + 2.5363 y= 1.7441x + 2.5566 y= 10.804x + 1.4478 y =4.1331x + 2.5203 y = 4.8553x + 1.7356 y = 5.3465 + 1.3138 y = 2.5551 x + 2.4757 - - Very Weak Negative - - 0.219 0.004 Very Weak Negative - - 0.179 0.306 0.011 - - Weak Negative - - 0.006 - - 0.202 0.131 0.024 Very Weak - Positive - - - 0.042 Weak Weak Positive Positive - - - - 0.000 0.292 0.266 0.153 0.055 0.040 0.342 0.112 0.228 0.205 - - Very Weak Very Weak Positive Positive 0.047 - - - - Weak Positive As seen in Table 10, the strongest correlation classification observed between DMI and heavy precipitation in any month was "weak". Although DMI may impact heavy precipitation events in seven months, the small R2 values indicate that DMI may not be a reliable gauge for predicting heavy precipitation events. 75 The number of heavy precipitation events in January had the greatest correlation to the magnitude of the DMI. Figure 4-23 depicts the weak positive correlation between December DMI and heavy precipitation events in January. 8 y =3.5985x + 1.5511 R2 =0.359 61 > :j41 0 2* 0I -1.2 _ 0 -0.6 0.6 1.2 December - Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Figure 4-23: January Heavy Precipitation vs. December DMI (1-Month Delay) As seen in Figure 4-23, a high DMI in December may lead to an increase in the number of heavy precipitation events in January. This is similar to the results shown in Figure 4-19, which depicts the correlation between December DMI and total precipitation in January. The outlying point in the top right of both plots is associated with a high DMI and precipitation (total and heavy) that is well above average. The presence of this one point is a strong contributor to creating the observed positive trend. As previously stated in Section, an extreme IOD event may be required to actually impact total precipitation and heavy precipitation, but the impact from the extreme IOD event may be severe. The analysis of total precipitation showed that February was most impacted by the January DMI. This analysis of heavy precipitation shows that February is most impacted by November DMI. It is possible that total and heavy precipitation in February may be influenced by the window of DMI values between November and January. The positive relationship indicates that high DMI values from November to January may lead to a greater amount of total and heavy precipitation in February. In Section the three months that constitute the long MAM rainy season (March, April, and May) were shown to have a negative correlation between total precipitation and DMI. Similarly, the analysis performed in this section determined that a negative correlation exists between DMI and the heavy precipitation events of March and May, indicating that a higher DMI is accompanied by less heavy precipitation events. For the number of heavy precipitation 76 events in March, the correlations extend back to the DMI of November, a 4-month delay. From the correlations shown in Tables 9 and 10, increased total and heavy precipitation would be expected during March through May following a period of November through February that is characterized by low (negative) DMI values. Figure 4-24 shows the negative correlation between March DMI and the number of heavy precipitation events in May. 6 y 0 -3.5786x + 3.6076 R 2=0.306 0@ 4 2 0 -1 -0.5 0 March - Dipole Mode Index (DMI) 0.5 1 Figure 4-24: May Heavy Precipitation vs. March DMI (2-Month Delay) Figure 4-24 shows that the highest two DMI values during March were associated with the smallest number of heavy precipitation events experienced in May. The number of heavy precipitation events in November and December had the strongest correlation with the DMI of the current month (no-delay). The no-delay relationship is not as valuable, from a precipitation forecasting perspective, as a relationship that has an index to precipitation delay. Both months, November and December, were also determined to have correlations with the DMI of previous months. For example, Figure 4-25 shows the positive correlation between October DMI and heavy precipitation events in November. 77 10 y = 3.3085x + 2.0306 R2 = 0.266 8 6 4 0 0 2 0 0 00 -_ __ _ __ _ 0 -1.2 0 -0.6 0.6 1.2 October - Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Figure 4-25: November Heavy Precipitation vs. October DMI (1-Month Delay) As indicated in Figure 4-25, high DMI values in October can lead to an increased number of heavy precipitation events in December. The point on the plot, farthest to the right, has the highest October DMI and the greatest number of heavy precipitation events in November. 4.4 Relationship Between Past Flood Events and Climate Indices A list of historical flood events in the Manafwa River Basin was compiled from records accessed through the Red Cross, Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT), Dartmouth Flood Observatory, and news agencies. An investigation was performed to determine if a certain pattern of climate index values is most likely to precede a flood. The study took note of the SOI, ONI, and DMI of the month of flooding and of the months prior to flooding. It was further examined in which phase of ENSO (El Nifio, La Nifia, and neutral) the flood occurred, and how many consecutive seasons into that phase it was. By identifying the climate conditions that gave way to historical floods, it is possible that monitoring for similar conditions would help act as an indication of heightened risk of future floods. The results of this study are shown in tables found in Appendix J. A more extensive list of historical floods is necessary to perform an in depth analysis on the climate conditions that typically precede floods. 78 5 5.1 Precipitation Trends for Consecutive ENSO Seasons Method The analysis in Section 4.2 shows correlations between the strength of ENSO climate indices (SOI and ONI) and the precipitation experienced in the Manafwa River Basin during certain months. The examination performed in this section aims to determine if there is a specific trend of precipitation that develops through each successive season of an ENSO event. The individual seasons of El Niio and La Nifia episodes were analyzed to determine if any patterns exist. This study will explore the precipitation patterns of the first five consecutive seasons of an ENSO event. The five-season study duration was selected for two reasons: (1) the ONI must be either above 0.5 or below -0.5 for five consecutive three-month over-lapping seasons to be classified as an ENSO event, and (2) using five seasons permitted no less than four data points to be factored into any average. It will be determined if the progression of an ENSO event leads to specific set of precipitation patterns. The analysis of consecutive ENSO seasons will attempt to explain the relationship between the ONI, total monthly and seasonal precipitation, the number of heavy precipitation events, and the variability of experienced precipitation. 5.2 Classifying Precipitation Characteristics of El Ninto Phases The 16-year study period from January 1998 through December 2013 experienced four complete El Nifno events. There was an additional El Niio event, which started in AMJ 1997 and ended in MAM 1998; however, the entire duration of the El Nifio event is not within the 16year study period and is not included in the results discussed in this section. The El Nifno events that occurred during this period had durations between five and ten seasons. It has been previously established in this paper that El Niio conditions typically lead to above average precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin (with the exception of JJA having a "very weak" negative correlation between ONI and heavy precipitation). It was hypothesized that consecutive El Nifio seasons may lead to a heightened effect on precipitation. 79 Oceanic Nifto Index of Consecutive El Niuo Seasons 5.2.1 The average ONI value for each consecutive season of an El Niio event is shown in Figure 5-1. The positive trend line indicates that the average ONI increases as an El Nino event progresses through the first five seasons. y =0. 105x + 0.46 R2= 0.88 0.8 XS con2 0 goz > 0.6 0.4 0 1 3 2 4 5 Consecutive El Niio Season Number Figure 5-1: Strength of ONI for Consecutive El Nifio Seasons The strong R2 value (0.88) allows the increasing trend to be commented on with a high level of confidence. The increasing magnitude of the ONI indicates that the Nifio 3.4 region in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean is a undergoing a greater departure (warmer) from the average seasonal temperature of the base period. This paper has previously shown that the strength of ENSO indices (ONI and SOI) may have an impact on precipitation experienced in the basin; therefore, it is possible that precipitation may follow the increasing trend of ONI with consecutive El Ninto seasons. 80 5.2.2 Normalized Seasonal Precipitation of Consecutive El Nifto Seasons The NSP values for every season of all four El Nino events, which occurred during the 16-year study period, are shown in Table 11. Table 11: Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP) Values of El Nifto Events Consecutive El Nuo Seasons Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (Seasonal Precip / Avg 19 98-2013 Seasonal Precip) El Nifio Event 1 El Nifio Event 2 El Nifio Event 3 El Nifo Event 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.99 0.83 0.79 0.74 0.85 1.13 1.46 1.61 1.76 1.71 0.58 0.73 0.95 1.00 1.27 1.28 7 8 1.33 0.84 0.96 1.00 0.96 0.85 0.83 0.68 1.54 - 9 10 1.94 - - 1.06 - Duration 10 (Season-Y ar) End Date (Season-Year) A A Er AllEvents (1998-2013) 2.08 0.88 0.99 1.09 1.12 1.17 1.00 1.36 - 1.53 1.41 1.06 1.54 1.67 1.06 7 5 10 8 AMJ-2002 JJA-2004 ASO-2006 JJA-2009 - JFM-2003 DJF-2005 DJF-2007 MAM-2010 - 0.89 - (Seasons) - The column to the far right shows the average NSP for each consecutive season. The average NSP value for the first five seasons of El Nifio events was plotted against the corresponding consecutive El Ninto season number (1 through' 5) and is shown in Figure 5-2. The average NSP values for consecutive El Ninto seasons, six through ten, are also shown in Table 11; however, these values were not factored into the analysis because their average was based on too few events. The fields highlighted in gray in Table 11 are the data, which were factored into the plot in Figure 5-2. 81 1.4 I y = u.uitx -r- u.OJnu R2 = 0.95 7 1.2 1.1211 1.09 0.99 08 1.0 0.8 0.8 10 0 1 3 2 4 5 Consecutive El Ninio Season Number Figure 5-2: Average NSP for Consecutive El Nifio Seasons The positive slope of the linear trend line shows the increasing amplitude of NSP with each consecutive season of an El Niino event. The high coefficient of determination (R2=0.95) permits this trend to be accepted with a high level of confidence. Although only four El Ninio events were used to generate this plot, it is remarkable to see such a strong increasing trend of normalized precipitation as El Nifto seasons progress. The author of this paper is not aware of any other sources that have commented on the amplified precipitation trend of consecutive ENSO seasons. The plot shown in Figure 5-2 does not indicate that a particular season will receive more precipitation than the previous El Nifio season; instead, it shows that each consecutive season will receive more based on what is average for the particular time of year. For example, the third consecutive El Nifio season may occur during DJF of one El Ni5to event, and then during SON of another El Nifio event. The slope of the trendline implies that, on average, each consecutive El Nifio season receives 7% greater normalized precipitation than the previous season. These findings do not indicate or suggest that the trend will continue past the fifth El Ninio season. There was not sufficient precipitation data available to include additional El Nifio events and involve a greater number of consecutive seasons. 82 5.2.3 Normalized Monthly Precipitation of Consecutive El Nin-o Months A similar analysis was then performed to compare the average NMP values of the consecutive months of El Nifio events. Monthly precipitation was explored for two main reasons: (1) to separate the overlap in the seasonal precipitation data, and (2) to confirm that that the increasing amplitude of precipitation still exists when observing consecutive months. Each season shares precipitation data for two of its three months with the season preceding it, and the season following it. For example, the three consecutive seasons AMJ, MJJ, and JJA all have a two-month overlap with the adjacent seasons. Plotting monthly data shows the unique monthly precipitation, uninterrupted by the precipitation that occurred in the month before and after it. The minimum of five seasons that constitutes an ENSO event translates into a minimum of seven months. Figure 5-3 shows the increasing trend in amplitude of monthly precipitation for consecutive months of the average El Ninio event. 1.6 - -y _ 0.0888x + 0.6962 R2 =0.61 CZ e e 0.7 0 1 2 4 5 3 Consecutive El Nifio Month Number 6 7 Figure 5-3: Average NMP for Consecutive El Niffo Months The correlation is interrupted by a low average NMP for the sixth month; however, the R2 value (0.61) demonstrates that the increasing trend still exists. It appears that when plotting the seasonal data the deviation of the sixth month was hidden by the very high precipitation during the seventh month. The trend of seasonal precipitation likely has a stronger correlation than monthly because the total seasonal precipitation makes up for variations or discrepancies in the monthly data. 83 5.2.4 Heavy Precipitation Events of Consecutive El Nino Seasons The average number of heavy precipitation events experienced in each consecutive season of an El Nifio event was then calculated and plotted to determine if a trend exists. The results are shown in Figure 5-4. 12 y =0.2x + 10.15 R2=0.2 0 0 9 0 1 2 3 Consecutive El Nifio Season Number 4 5 Figure 5-4: Heavy Precipitation for Consecutive El Nbio Seasons The positive slope of the trend line indicates that, on average, more heavy precipitation events occur as an El Nifio event progresses. The R2 value (0.2) corresponding to the relationship of heavy precipitation with consecutive El Ninio seasons is much smaller than what was observed for the trend of total seasonal precipitation (R2 =0.95) shown in Figure 5-2. Although a positive slope exists in Figure 5-4, the trend cannot be commented on with confidence. Figure 5-4 shows that El Nifio seasons 2, 3, and 5 all receive a similar number of heavy precipitation events, indicating that there is not an actual increase in heavy precipitation events with each season. 5.2.5 Precipitation Variability of Consecutive El Nio Seasons The standard deviation of the NSP for each consecutive El Nilo season was then calculated and plotted. The results, seen in Figure 5-5, clearly show the increasing trend of standard deviation with each consecutive season of an El Nifio event. 84 0.6 - y =0.0468x + 0.2145 R2 = 0.83 C4'- 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Consecutive El Ninio Season Number Figure 5-5: Standard Deviation of NSP for Consecutive El Niuo Seasons The R2 value (0.83) shows that this positive linear correlation can be accepted with confidence. The plot shows that deviation of NSP becomes greater as the El Niio event progresses, indicating that precipitation in consecutive seasons becomes more variable, and thus, more unpredictable (for at least the first five seasons). The findings in this section have shown that as an El Nifio event progresses, there is an increasing amplitude of average NSP (Figure 5-2), coupled with an increasing variability in precipitation (Figure 5-5). 5.2.6 Behavior of Consecutive Seasons in Individual El Nifno Events The El Ninio behavior detailed in the previous sections is the result of averaging four El Nifto events together. The characteristics of these four El Niino events were then observed independently to determine if each event acts consistent with the behavior of the average El Nifto event. The ONI for the first five consecutive seasons of each El Nifto event was plotted for comparison to the increasing trend of average ONI shown in Figure 5-1. The trend of ONI through consecutive seasons for each individual El Nifto event is shown in Figure 5-6. 85 1.5 1.1 * El Nifio - Event 1 * El Nifio - Event 2 z 0.7 0.7 A l Niiio -- vent * El Nifio - Event 3 + El Nifio - Event 4 0.3 0 1 2 3 4 Consecutive El Nino Season Number 5 Figure 5-6: ONI of Consecutive Seasons in Each El Nbio Event All four events yielded linear trend lines with positive slopes, indicating that the ONI is increasing with consecutive seasons (i.e. the temperature departure of the Nifio 3.4 region is becoming greater). The NSP values for the first five consecutive seasons of each El Nifio event were then plotted to determine if the trend would mimic that of the ONI for the specific individual events. The plots of NSP values for each El Ninio event are shown in Figure 5-7. 2.0 0 1.5 +* El Nifio - Event I 1.0 - M U M * El Nifio - Event 2 A El Nifio - Event 3 * El Nifio - Event 4 0.5 0 I 2 4 3 5 Consecutive El Niho Season Number Figure 5-7: NSP of Consecutive Seasons in Each El Nifio Event Figure 5-7 shows that only two of the four trend lines for NSP with consecutive El Nifto seasons have a positive slope, indicating that the increasing trend of NSP does not exist for all El Nifio events. 86 The slope and R2 values associated with all trend lines in Figures 5-6 and 5-7 are shown in Table 12. Table 12: Observed Trend Line Parameters for Individual El Nino Events El Nio Event Duration (seasons) Oceanic Nbio Index (Figure 5-6) Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (Figure 5-7) Linear Trend Line Slope R2 Linear Trend Line Slope R2 1 10 0.09 0.88 -0.0359 0.37 2 7 0.04 0.33 0.003 3 5 0.06 0.20 0.146 0.00 0.82 4 10 0.23 0.97 0.1668 0.97 The R2 values associated with the ONI (Figure 5-6) for El Nifno Events 2 and 3 are weak, implying that a strong increasing ONI trend does not actually exist. El Ninio Events I and 4 have the greatest slopes for the ONI trend lines and correspondingly high R2 values. The stronger correlation observed for El Nino events 1 and 4 is likely because of the longer duration of these El Ninio events (10 seasons); whereas, the El Ninio Events 2 and 3 have poor correlations and only lasted seven and five seasons, respectively. When observing the average NSP for each of the first five consecutive El Ninio seasons in Figure 5-2, there is a clear trend of increasing amplitude of precipitation. By viewing each El Niino event individually in Figure 5-7, the increasing trend of precipitation amplitude is not as evident. The two most recent El Niio events (3 and 4) have positive slopes with high R2 values, as shown in Table 12, indicating a strong trend of increasing precipitation amplitude with consecutive seasons. The two earliest El Nino events (I and 2) have near-zero or negative slopes with much weaker R2 values; therefore, these events did not experience the expected trend of increasing precipitation amplitude. As shown in Table 12, El Nino Event 4 was observed to have the greatest slope and R2 value for both the ONI and NSP trends. El Nifno Event 2 provides an example of a poor ONI correlation translating into a poor NSP correlation. Although Figure 5-2 shows that average NSP has a strong tendency to increase with consecutive El Nifio seasons, the same trend does not carry over into individual El Niio events. Additional El Nino events should be further observed to explore whether the precipitation behavior is similar to the average in a majority of El Nifno events. 5.3 Classifying Precipitation Characteristics of La Ninia Phases The 16-year study period from January 1998 through December 2013 experienced six complete La Niia events. The La Niia events that occurred during this timeframe had durations 87 between 5 and 33 seasons. It was shown in Section 5.2 that consecutive El Nifno seasons are characterized by trends of increasing precipitation amplitude and variability. It is hypothesized that consecutive La Nifia seasons will be characterized by decreasing trends of normalized precipitation. 5.3.1 Oceanic Nin-o Index of Consecutive La Nin-a Seasons The average ONI for each consecutive season of a La Ninia event was plotted and the results are shown in Figure 5-8. -0.3 y -0.1862x - 0.249 R2 = 0.747 X -0.6 .5-0.9 -1.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Consecutive La Niia Season Number Figure 5-8: Strength of ONI for Consecutive La Nifia Seasons The negative trend line indicates that the average ONI decreases as a La Ninia progresses through the first five seasons, meaning that the Nifio 3.4 region is getting cooler, experiencing a greater departure from the average temperature of the base period. The strong R2 value (0.75) permits this decreasing trend to be accepted with a high level of confidence. 5.3.2 Normalized Seasonal Precipitation of Consecutive La Nin-a Seasons The process of averaging the NSP value for each consecutive season of a La Ninia event was then performed. Table 13 shows the NSP values for each season of all six La Nifia events used in this study. 88 Table 13: Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP) Values of La Niia Events Normalized Seasonal Precipitation Consecutive (Seasonal Precip / Avg998-20 3 - Average All La Nia Seasonal Precip) La Nifia Seasons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 La Nifia La Nifia La Niia La Nifla Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 La Nifia Event 4 Event 5 1.03 0.94 0.87 0.90 0.85 0.88 0.57 0.46 0.88 1.31 1.47 1.18 0.97 0.69 14 0.97 0.96 0.93 0.87 0.78 1.31 - 0.67 0.60 - 1.26 1.07 1.08 - 0.67 0.72 0.89 0.75 La Nia (1998-201 3) 1.18 1.27 1.11 1.04 0.25 0.32 0.85 - 1.06 0.96 0.89 0.91 0.79 0.68 0.79 1.00 0.93 0.94 Event 6 - - 0.88 1.15 1.08 1.03 0.93 0.90 - 1.08 - - - 0.99 0.89 - - - - - 0.89 - - - - - 1.06 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.03 0.98 1.06 0.97 0.99 0.81 0.61 0.46 0.63 0.76 0.85 0.89 0.98 0.96 1.03 0.96 1.02 1.08 1.11 - - - 0.63 0.57 0.66 0.70 0.82 - 1.03 0.98 0.97 0.99 0.81 0.61 0.46 0.63 0.76 0.85 0.89 0.98 0.96 1.03 0.96 - - - - - - - - - - 1.02 1.08 1.11 32 33 1.22 0.95 - - - - - 1.22 - - - - 0.95 Duration 33 5 11 5 10 7 11.8 (Season-Y ar) JJA-1998 OND-2005 JAS-2007 OND-2008 JJA-2010 ASO-2011 - (Season-Year) FMA-2001 FMA-2006 MJJ-2008 FMA-2009 MAM-2011 FMA-2012 - (Seasons) 89 - The column to the far right in Table 13 shows the average NSP for each consecutive season of La Nifia events. The average NSP value for the first five seasons of a La Nifla event was plotted against its corresponding consecutive La Nifia season number (1 through 5). The fields highlighted in gray in Table 13 show the data, which was factored into creating the resultant plot in Figure 5-9. 1.2 y= -0.0594x + 1.0994 R2 =0.89 1.06 0 0.96 1.0 9 e 091 0.79 0.8 z 0.6 0 1 3 2 4 5 Consecutive La Nifia Season Number Figure 5-9: Average NSP for Consecutive La Nifia Seasons The negative slope of the linear trend line in Figure 5-9 shows the decreasing amplitude of the total precipitation received with each consecutive season of a La Nifia event. The R2 value (0.89) indicates that a very strong relationship exists for the value of the average NSP with each consecutive season of a La Nifta event. The decreasing trend shown in Figure 5-9 does not indicate that a particular season will receive less precipitation than the previous La Nifia season; instead, it indicates that a season will receive less precipitation based on what is average for the specific time of year in which that season falls (e.g. in some cases the seasonal precipitation The decrease in NSP is might decrease while absolute precipitation might increase). approximately 6% with each consecutive La Nifia season for the first five seasons. These findings do not indicate that the decreasing trend will continue past the fifth season. 90 5.3.3 Normalized Monthly Precipitation of Consecutive La Nin-a Months The average NMP values for each consecutive month of La Nifia events were then plotted to confirm that the decreasing trend still exists when observing months individually. The results are seen in Figure 5-10. 1.3 S y =-0.0775x + 1.219 R2= 0.69 > 1.0 0.8 Ze 0.7 0 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 Consecutive La Nifia Month Number Figure 5-10: Average NMP for Consecutive La Nifia Months The R 2 value (0.69) decreased from the plot of average NSP (0.89) in Figure 5-9; however, the decreasing trend of normalized precipitation can still be seen in the monthly data. Similar to the results of plotting NMP in consecutive months of El Nifio, there appears to be one outlying month. The average NMP for the third month of La Ninia drops below what it is expected considering the trend of the other six months. Adding additional La Nifna events to this study may improve the observed correlation by having a larger sample size that minimizes the effect of outlying precipitation data. 91 5.3.4 Heavy Precipitation Events of Consecutive La Ninla Seasons The average number of heavy precipitation events experienced in each consecutive season of a La Nifia event was calculated and plotted to determine if a decreasing trend exists. The negative slope of the trend line in Figure 5-11 indicates that fewer heavy precipitation events occur as a La Nifia event progresses. 1 10 1 y = -0.8x + 9.3 R2 = 0.80 0 0> 8 0 z 6 4 t I ' 2 3 Consecutive La Nifia Season Number 4 5 Figure 5-11: Heavy Precipitation for Consecutive La Nifia Seasons The R2 value (0.80) is very high indicating a strong linear correlation may exist. Consecutive El Nifno seasons are not necessarily associated with an increase in heavy precipitation events; however, the results of this study show that consecutive La Nifia seasons are associated with a decline in heavy precipitation events. The decreasing trends of average NSP (Figure 5-9) and number of heavy precipitation events (Figure 5-11) suggest that precipitation may become more suppressed with each consecutive La Nifia season. 92 5.3.5 Precipitation Variability of Consecutive La Nin-a Seasons The standard deviation of NSP values for each consecutive La Ninia season was calculated and plotted. The results, shown in Figure 5-12, indicate no correlation between standard deviation of NSP and the consecutive La Nifia seasons. 0.5 y= 0.005x + 0.2458 R2 =0.01 0.4 0.3 - o 0.2 z - 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 Consecutive La Nifia Season Number 4 5 Figure 5-12: Standard Deviation of NSP for Consecutive La Nifia Seasons The lack of a correlation between standard deviation of NSP and consecutive La Nijia seasons differs from the results shown in Figure 5-5, which represents increasing standard deviation of NSP for consecutive El Nifno seasons. There is no observed trend in variability of precipitation for consecutive La Nifia seasons. 5.3.6 Behavior of Consecutive Seasons in Individual La Nin-a Events The La Ninia behavior detailed in the previous sections is the result of averaging These six events were then observed parameters for six individual La Nifia events. independently to determine if the behavior of separate events is similar to that of the average. The ONI for the first five consecutive seasons of each La Nifia event was plotted to compare with the decreasing trend of average ONI shown in Figure 5-8. The plot of seasonal ONI values for all six La Nifia events is shown in Figure 5-13. 93 -0.2 U 0 * -0.6 * La Ninia - Event I -o U -1 0 p * ~e - -.------- A La Nifia - Event 3 z0 0 0 A La Nifia - Event 2 ~ * La Nifia - Event 4 1.4 + * La Nilia - Event 5 * La Nilna - Event 6 -1.8 1 0 2 3 4 Consecutive La Niia Season Number 5 Figure 5-13: ONI of Consecutive Seasons in Each La Nifia Event Figure 5-13 indicates that four of the six La Nifia events generated a linear trend line with a negative slope, indicating the ONI was decreasing with consecutive seasons. The NSP values for the first five consecutive seasons of each La Nifia event were then plotted to determine if the NSP trends are linked to the ONI trends for the specific events. The results of plotting all NSP values for each La Nifia event are shown in Figure 5-14. [ 1.8 1 A 1.4 U 0 U I 0 0 1.0 N 0.6 * La Ninia - Event I E La Nifia - Event 2 A La Ninia - Event 3 ~0 *LaNiia+ La Nifia - Event Event 4 4 U X La Ninia - Event 5 * La Ninia - Event 6 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Consecutive La Niia Season Number Figure 5-14: NSP of Consecutive Seasons in Each La Nifia Event Figure 5-14 indicates that most of the La Nina events appear to exhibit a trend of decreasing NSP. La Ninia Event 2 is clearly an exception to the decreasing trend. 94 The slope and R2 values associated with all trend lines in Figures 5-13 and 5-14 are shown in Table 14. Table 14: Observed Trend Line Parameters for Individual La Nifia Events La Nijia Event Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Duration (Seasons) 33 5 11 5 10 7 Normalized Seasonal Precipitation Oceanic Niuo Index (Figure 5-13) (Figure 5-14) Linear Trend Line Linear Trend Line Slp2_________ Slope -0.17 0.01 -0.2 0.0 -0.15 -0.08 R 2 0.94 0.01 0.98 0.00 0.87 0.57 Slope R2 -0.0392 0.2338 -0.2103 -0.0763 -0.0566 -0.208 0.79 0.85 0.96 0.39 0.98 0.64 As seen in Table 14 and Figure 5-13, four of the six La Ninia events had ONI trend lines with negative slopes and significant R2 values (0.94, 0.98, 0.87, and 0.57), indicating that a trend in decreasing ONI exists. The referenced events are La Nifia Events 1, 3, 5, and 6. It is likely that La Nifia Events 2 and 4 did not behave similarly because they each had short, five-season durations, and the magnitude of the ONI was weakened by the fifth season. The four La Niia events, which had decreasing ONI trends (events 1, 3, 5, and 6), also yielded decreasing trends of NSP with consecutive seasons. The decreasing trend of NSP for each of these four La Niia events was supported by strong R2 values (0.79, 0.96, 0.98, and 0.64, respectively). La Nifia Events 2 and 4 were characterized by poor correlations for ONI, thus resulting in poor correlations for NSP as well. The decreasing trend of average NSP shown in Figure 5-9 is consistent with the behavior of at least four of the six individual La Nifna events observed. The analysis performed in this section indicates the effect that each consecutive season of a La Niia event (for the first five seasons) has on the expected precipitation characteristics of that season. As a La Niia event progresses, the average ONI decreases leading to subsequent decreases in the amplitude of total seasonal precipitation, and the number of heavy precipitation events that occur. Accounting for Minimum-Length La Ninia Events The analysis in Section 5.3.6 suggests that a decreasing trend of ONI in consecutive La Niia seasons leads to a subsequent decreasing trend of NSP. La Niia Events 2 and 4 only lasted for five seasons each, and thus, did not demonstrate the decreasing trend of ONI and NSP observed in the other four, longer, La Ninia events. La Niia Events 2 and 4 were then removed from the data set to help differentiate between the behavior of short and long-lasting La Niia 95 events. The average NSP was then calculated for the first five consecutive La Ninia seasons, only factoring in La Nifia Events 1, 3, 5 and 6. The results of this process are shown in Figure 5-15. 1.4 y = -0.1285x + 1.3212 R2=0.96 0 0.6~ 0. zJ~ 0.2 0 1 3 2 Consecutive La Niia Season Numbe 4 5 Figure 5-15: Average NSP for Consecutive La Nifia Seasons - Events 1, 3, 5, & 6 The removal of the short La Nifia Events 2 and 4 leads to a strengthening of the linear trend line slope and of the R2 value (when compared to Figure 5-9). The decrease in average NSP between consecutive seasons rises from to 6 to 13%, and the R2 value rises from 0.89 to 0.96. The trend of decreasing amplitude of NSP with consecutive La Nifia seasons is enhanced by the removal of the two minimum-length La Nifia events. This indicates that the behavior explained for the first five seasons is only applicable to La Nifia events that last longer than five seasons. 5.4 Analysis of Results from Investigation of Consecutive ENSO Seasons The analysis performed in this section attempts to explain trends in precipitation behavior of consecutive ENSO seasons. With respect to weather in the Manafwa River Basin of eastern Uganda, it is shown that El Ninho is correlated with increasing amplitude of local precipitation with consecutive seasons, while decreasing amplitude of local precipitation is observed for La Nifia. These trends were observed for only the first five seasons of an ENSO event. This observation is not supported by any other study, and is believed to be a new and unique remark on the precipitation impact of ENSO. The behavior of consecutive El Nifio and La Nifia seasons was found to exhibit opposite properties. As an El Nifio event progresses, the average ONI increases leading to subsequent increases in the amplitude of seasonal precipitation and the variability of precipitation 96 experienced. The trend in increasing occurrence of heavy precipitation events was not sufficiently significant to suggest that heavy precipitation events increase with consecutive El Nifio seasons. As a La Nina event progresses the average ONI decreases leading to subsequent decreases in the amplitude of seasonal precipitation and in the occurrence of heavy precipitation events. This study provides a method of forecasting the expected precipitation of an upcoming month or season within an ENSO event. Given that the ONI begins yielding ENSO conditions, these findings provide a way of anticipating precipitation in upcoming ENSO seasons. The individual ENSO events were not always found to behave in the same manner as the average event describes; however, knowledge of the long-term average behavior is a valuable tool for responsible adaptation to weather conditions. 97 6 Exploring the Effect of ENSO in Additional Locations 6.1 Method The teleconnections of ENSO extend far beyond Uganda and equatorial East Africa. Every location that experiences weather impacts is affected in a specific way, and has a unique response to ENSO. The precipitation characteristics that one location exhibits cannot be translated to describe the simultaneous precipitation response of a separate location. The investigation detailed in Section 4.4 shows notable trends for the precipitation experienced in consecutive seasons of ENSO events. Presently, the observed trends can only be associated with the weather conditions of the Manafwa River Basin in eastern Uganda. This study intends to apply the same methods of consecutive ENSO season comparison to other locations around the world that are impacted by ENSO. The results of this examination will indicate if various regions around the world exhibit the systematic precipitation trends that the Manafwa River Basin does. The identification of such precipitation tendencies would provide a tool with which to better forecast extreme events such as floods and drought. To support to validity of the precipitation trends observed in the Manafwa River Basin, two additional locations have been selected for analysis of historical weather conditions related to ENSO. The locations are Houston, Texas and the Bou Regreg Watershed in northern Morocco. Monthly precipitation measurements were accessed for Houston from 1950 through 2013 (NOAA f, 2014), and for Morocco from 1950 through 2009 (ONEE, 2009). The study performed in this section has multiple advantages over the study performed on the effect of ENSO for the Manafwa River Basin: (1) the precipitation data available extend farther back in time, (2) the precipitation data are measurements, not satellite estimates, (3) the study includes many additional El Niio and La Nifia events, and (4) trends can be explored past the first five consecutive seasons. 98 The ENSO events that are reflected in this study, which occurred between 1950 and 2012, are listed in Table 15. During this time-period there were 19 complete El Nifno events, and 16 complete La Niia events. Table 15: List of all ENSO Events used in this Study (1950-2013) El Nifio Events La Ninia Events Number Start Season End Season Duration (Seasons) Number Start Season End Season Duration (Seasons) 1 JJA-1951 DJF-1953 MAM-1957 OND-1958 MJJ-1963 AMJ-1965 JAS-1968 AMJ-1972 ASO-1976 ASO-1977 AMJ-1982 JAS-1986 AMJ-1991 ASO-1994 AMJ-1997 AMJ-2002 JJA-2004 ASO-2006 JJA-2009 DJF-1952 JFM-1954 JJA-1958 FMA-1959 JFM-1964 MAM-1966 DJF-1970 FMA-1973 JFM-1977 JFM-1978 MJJ-1983 JFM-1988 MJJ-1992 FMA-1995 MAM-1998 JFM-2003 DJF-2005 DJF-2007 MAM-2010 7 14 16 5 9 12 18 1 SON-1950 AMJ-1954 AMJ-1964 JJA-1970 AMJ-1973 SON-1974 ASO-1983 SON-1984 AMJ-1988 ASO-1995 JJA-1998 OND-2005 JAS-2007 OND-2008 JJA-2010 ASO-2011 JFM-1951 NDJ-1956 DJF-1965 DJF-1972 JJA-1974 MAM-1976 DJF-1984 ASO-1985 AMJ-1989 FMA-1996 FMA-2001 FMA-2006 MJJ-2008 FMA-2009 MAM-2011 FMA-2012 5 32 9 19 15 19 5 12 13 7 33 5 11 5 10 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 6 6 14 19 14 7 12 10 7 5 10 The average NSP for consecutive seasons of El Niino and La Nifia events will be calculated and plotted to determine if a correlation exists. If a precipitation trend is evident it will be interesting to observe how far into the ENSO event the trend lasts. The NSP for each season of individual ENSO events will then be plotted to observe if the individual events exhibit similar behavior as the average NSP values illustrate. 99 6.2 Bou Regreg Watershed, Morocco - Precipitation Response to ENSO The Bou Regreg Watershed, in northern Morocco, often endures periods of extreme drought. The precipitation data used for this study were recorded at a meteorological station in the city of Meknes, just northeast of the watershed. The average monthly precipitation for Meknes is shown in Figure 6-1. 1 11 II0 r- 0 80 60 o 40 Co 20 PU~UU7I -- Figure 6-1: Average Monthly Precipitation in the Bou Regreg Watershed - Meknes The monthly precipitation data show that June through September is characterized by very little precipitation, while July and August receive almost no precipitation. Although the remaining eight months of the year experience greater precipitation, all twelve months were found to have years when a total of 1 mm of precipitation, or less, was received during that month. The development of a strategy to better predict future precipitation conditions in the Bou Regreg Watershed would be invaluable for implementing responsible water management practices during times of anticipated drought conditions. The monthly precipitation data is used to calculate NSP values for the analysis of precipitation response in consecutive ENSO seasons. The monthly precipitation data set provided by the Office National de l'Electricit6 et de l'Eau Potable was missing approximately 5% of the monthly precipitation measurements from the nearly 60-year timeframe. Any ENSO event that occurred during this 60-year time period, which was missing at least one month of precipitation data, was omitted from the study. The analysis of ENSO precipitation trends in the Bou Regreg Watershed did not consider the ENSO events shown in Table 16. 100 Table 16: ENSO Events Not Included in Study because of Data Deficiencies ENSO Events Omitted from Bou Regreg Watershed Study (Event Numbers defined in Table 15) El Niho Events La Nifia Events 12 13 14 18 19 - 8 9 10 12 15 16 The ENSO events listed in Table 16 did not have complete monthly precipitation data and are not used in the analysis in subsequent sections. Investigation of Consecutive El Nin-o Seasons 6.2.1 Normalized Seasonal Precipitation of Consecutive El Niuo Seasons The average NSP was plotted for consecutive El Niiio seasons to determine if a trend exists. Figure 6-2 shows that there is a strong decreasing trend of average NSP for the first 10 seasons of an El Ninio event. 1.6 y =-0.0436x + 1.4455 R2 =0.59 .o 1.4 t o 1.2 > N 1 0.8 0 2 6 4 Consecutive El Nifio Season Number 8 Figure 6-2: Average NSP for 10 Consecutive El Nio Seasons - Meknes 101 10 The ten-season NSP trend shown in Figure 6-2 indicates that the five-season NSP trend, observed in Section 4 for the Manafwa River Basin, may in fact last longer into the ENSO event. The study duration of consecutive El Niflo seasons was then extended to determine if the decreasing NSP trend continues past the tenth season. The results of this investigation are shown in Figure 6-3. 1.5 y -0.0491x + 1.4611 R 2 = 0.83 S1.2 eoe 0. 0.6 - 0 3 6 9 12 - 15 Consecutive El Nifio Season Number Figure 6-3: Average NSP for 15 Consecutive El Nifio Seasons - Meknes Figure 6-3 shows that the decreasing NSP trend continues further into consecutive La Nina seasons. When prolonging the precipitation analysis from 10 to 15 seasons, the slope of the trend line becomes steeper, and the R2 value becomes considerably higher. The transformations of these parameters can be observed by viewing Figure 6-2, followed by Figure 6-3. The steeper trend line slope indicates that the percent decrease of normalized precipitation between seasons becomes greater, and the larger R 2 indicates a very strong correlation. It is evident that a trend of decreasing amplification of seasonal precipitation associated with consecutive El Niio seasons exists. Not all El Nifio events considered in this study lasted for 15 seasons; therefore, the NSP values for each El Nifio event were only factored into the consecutive season average NSP until that specific event ended. Each progressive season, after the fifth, season may have less El Nifio events that are used to calculate the average NSP. Behavior of Consecutive Seasons in Individual El Niiio Events The NSP values for each El Niho event were then plotted for the first ten consecutive seasons. The parameters for the resultant trend lines are shown in Table 17 and the plots are displayed in Figure 6-4. 102 Table 17: Observed Trend Line Parameters for Individual El Nifto Events - Meknes El Niuo - NSP Linear Trend Line Parameters (Figure 6-4) Event Duration Slope R2 1 2 3 7 14 16 5 9 12 18 11 6 6 14 -0.1383 0.0867 -0.1383 -0.1817 -0.1518 -0.1191 0.0803 0.0089 0.00218 -0.1339 -0.0785 0.184 0.158 0.184 0.830 0.299 0.443 0.180 0.006 0.008 0.597 0.325 - 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (seasons) 19 - 13 14 - - 14 7 - - 15 12 10 7 -0.0916 -0.2469 0.0195 0.094 0.212 0.012 18 5 - - 19 10 - - 16 17 4 * El Nifio - Event I * El Nifio - Event 2 Z * El Nifio - Event 3 3 x El Nifo - Event 4 El Nifio - Event 5 * El Nifio - Event 6 0 2-- + El Nifio - Event 7 CA - 03 El Nifio - Event 8 El Niuo - Event 9 + El Nifio - Event 10 U U U * El Nifmo - Event + m El Nino U 0 11 A El Nifio - Event 15 2 6 4 Consecutive El Nifio Season Number 8 10 - Event 16 , El Nifo - Event 17 Figure 6-4: NSP of Consecutive Seasons in Each El Nifto Event - Meknes It is evident that the consecutive season decreasing trend of average NSP does not exist within every El Nifno event. Negative trend line slopes were detected in 9 of the 14 El Nifno events, 103 indicating similar behavior to the deceasing trend of average NSP; however, not all of the nine events with negative slopes have sufficiently high R2 values to confirm the decreasing trend. The R2 values observed range from 0.094 for El Nifio Event 15, up to 0.83 for El Nifio Event 4. Not one of the five El Nifio events with positive slopes has a significant R 2 value (maximum of 0.18), indicating these are anomalous events and there is no significant trend of increasing NSP with consecutive El Nifio seasons. 6.2.2 Investigation of Consecutive La Nina Seasons Normalized Seasonal Precipitation of Consecutive La Nifia Seasons The average NSP for each La Nifia season was then calculated, and the first ten seasons were plotted as shown in Figure 6-5. 1.5 _ _ _ y =0.061x + 0.5354 R2 = 0.61 -S 1.2 - 0.9 0 - 0.6 - - - 0.30 2 4 6 8 10 Consecutive La Ninia Season Number Figure 6-5: Average NSP for 10 Consecutive La Nifia Seasons - Meknes Although a strong increasing precipitation trend was observed over the first ten seasons, it appears that the trend does not begin immediately. Instead, the increasing tendency of average NSP starts in the fifth season, and has a strong increasing trend through the tenth season. 104 The average NSP for the fifth through tenth seasons were then plotted in isolation of the first four seasons. This plot is shown in Figure 6-6. 1.5 y 0.1437x - 0.1186 R. 0.99 R2= 0.9 0.6 0.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Consecutive La Ninia Season Number Figure 6-6: Average NSP for Consecutive La Nifia Seasons (5-10) - Meknes The trend line slope and R 2 value increased considerably from observing the trend of the first ten seasons (Figure 6-5) to observing the trend of the fifth through tenth seasons (Figure 6-6). The two plots show that the amplitude of precipitation in the Bou Regreg Watershed increases for a subset (fifth through tenth) of consecutive La Nifia seasons. Behavior of Consecutive Seasons in Individual La Ni*na Events The NSP of consecutive seasons in all La Nifia events were then plotted to determine if individual events exhibit the same trend of increasing precipitation amplitude for average NSP that is shown in Figure 6-5. The parameters for the resultant trend lines are shown in Table 18 and the plots are displayed in Figure 6-7. 105 Table 18: Observed Trend Line Parameters for Individual La Nifia Events - Meknes La Nijia - NSP Linear Trend Line Parameters (Figure 6-7) Event Duration Slope R2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 32 9 19 15 19 5 0.2819 0.1437 0.0597 0.2098 0.0654 0.2509 0.0278 0.693 0.464 0.222 0.932 0.465 0.827 0.007 8 12 13 - 7 33 5 11 5 -0.1882 0.033 -0.1514 10 - 7 - (seasons) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - 0.683 0.080 0.710 - 2.4 4 x * La Nifia - Event I 1.6 * La Nifia - Event 2 ALa Nifia c2 - Event 3 XLa Nijia - Event A N A 0.8 ~ X * 4 La Nifia - Event 5 * La Nifia - Event 6 A La Niha - Event 7 - z La Nifia - Event 11 La Nifia - Event 13 AA +La Nifia - Event 14 x ..-w U 0 2 4 6 8 10 Consecutive La Nina Season Number Figure 6-7: NSP of Consecutive Seasons in Each La Nifia Event - Meknes Positive trend line slopes were observed for eight of the ten La Ninia events, indicating that many of the events exhibit an increasing behavior similar to what was observed for average NSP. La Ninia Events 3, 7, and 13 had positive slopes, but were accompanied by R2 values too small to 106 indicate a significant increasing trend. The remaining five events with positive slopes had R2 values of varying strength, between 0.464 (Event 2) and 0.932 (Event 4); therefore, five of the ten La Nifna events studied exhibit an increasing trend of NSP in consecutive seasons. The duration of the La Niia events were then analyzed to determine if duration had an influence on the trend observed. La Nifia Events 1 and 7 both had durations of 5 seasons, yet Event 1 had a strong NSP correlation and Event 7 had no correlation. La Nifia Events 4 and 6 each had long durations of 19 seasons and both exhibited a strong increasing trend of NSP; however, La Nifia Event 11 was also long (33 seasons), but proved to have a negative trend of NSP. The duration of the La Ninia events does not immediately appear to have a strong influence on whether the consecutive season NSP values display the expected increasing trend. 6.3 Houston, Texas - Precipitation Response to ENSO The city of Houston is located in the southern United States approximately 40 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Considerable portions of Texas are considered to be water scarce and a fundamental understanding of the anticipated hydrologic cycle is essential for responsible water management. Houston has been associated with experiencing temperature and precipitation impacts from ENSO. Certain studies show that Texas is impacted by ENSO in similar ways to Uganda; El Ninio phases are associated with above-average precipitation, and La Ninia phases with below-average precipitation. The teleconnection is most recognized to affect the weather conditions of December through February (NOAA a, 2012). Developing a better understanding of how consecutive ENSO seasons affect precipitation in the region would help the city improve its water management practices. 6.3.1 Investigation of Consecutive El Nifto Seasons The average NSP values for consecutive El Ninio seasons were calculated and plotted over two different durations. A strong correlation between consecutive El Ninio seasons and increasing amplitude of precipitation was observed for the first seven seasons, which is seen in Figure 6-8. 107 1.4 y 0 N 0.0471x + 0.8556 R2 = 0.624 1.2 M- ~0 0.8 0.6 0 2 1 4 3 6 5 7 Consecutive El Nifio Season Number Figure 6-8: Average NSP for 7 Consecutive El Nifio Seasons - Houston The average NSP values were then plotted for the first 16 consecutive El Nifio seasons to explore if the trend exists in the later seasons of El Nifno events. The results of this investigation appear in Figure 6-9. 1.4 0 eS 1.2 0 S 0e eS e0 0.8 0.6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Consecutive El Nino Season Number 14 16 Figure 6-9: Average NSP for 16 Consecutive El Niuo Seasons - Houston After the seventh season, the NSP appears to decrease through the sixteenth season. Figure 6-9 indicates that consecutive El Niiio seasons in Houston are characterized by an increasing trend in NSP, followed by a decreasing trend. After the thirteenth season the average NSP value falls 108 below 1.0 (indicating below average precipitation). The average NSP stays below 1.0 for the remaining El Niino seasons. This suggests that although El Niio is characterized by an increasing trend of normalized precipitation for the first seven seasons, the later seasons are more unpredictable and can even result in below-average seasonal precipitation. Behavior of Consecutive Seasons in Individual El Ninto Events The NSP values for the first seven consecutive seasons of individual El Nifno events were then plotted to identify if an increasing NSP trend exists. The parameters for the resultant trend lines are shown in Table 19 and the plots are displayed in Figure 6-10. Table 19: Observed Trend Line Parameters for Individual El Nifno Events - Houston El Nifno - NSP Linear Trend Line Parameters (Figure 6-10) Event Duration Slope R2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7 14 16 5 9 12 18 11 6 6 14 19 14 7 12 10 7 5 10 0.0267 0.0608 0.0853 0.4727 0.0481 0.0475 0.0017 0.0324 -0.1652 0.1339 0.1282 0.0244 -0.0334 -0.0263 0.019 0.239 0.0493 -0.2199 0.0828 0.084 0.286 0.086 0.938 0.120 0.267 0.000 0.246 0.895 0.667 0.478 0.026 0.043 0.112 0.072 0.863 0.042 0.831 0.151 (Seasons) 109 2.5 * El Niuo - Event 1 * El Niuo - Event 2 AEl Nijo - Event 3 2 x El Nifto - Event 4 El Niho - Event 5 0 * El Niho - Event 6 4") I.- + El Nifto - Event 7 1.5 A * 0 4) C,) -o 4") N - El Nifio - Event 8 - El Niino - Event 9 + El Nifio - Event 10 1 * El Ni'o - Event 11 a X *El Nifo - Event 12 x z AEl Niuo - Event 13 0.5 + El Nio - Event 14 a El Niho 15 - Event * El Niho - Event 16 - El Nifio - Event 17 0 El Nifio - Event 18 0 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 El Niio - Event 19 Consecutive El Ninio Season Number Figure 6-10: NSP of Consecutive Seasons in Each El Niio Event - Houston This study encompassed analyses of 19 individual El Nifno events. Trend lines with positive slopes were detected for 15 of the 19 El Ninio events; however, 8 of those 15 events were associated with R2 values that made the trend insignificant. Even though only seven events have increasing NSP trends with strong linear correlations, the majority of El Ninio events appear to exhibit increasing NSP tendencies with consecutive seasons. 110 6.3.2 Investigation of Consecutive La Nin-a Seasons The average NSP for the first five consecutive seasons of a La Niia event was plotted and is shown in Figure 6-11. 1.2 y= 0.0276x + 0.9052 R2 = 0.683 .1.1-- N 0.8 4- 0 1 3 2 Consecutive La Nifia Season Number 5 4 Figure 6-11: Average NSP for 5 Consecutive La Nifia Seasons - Houston The increasing trend was the opposite of the expected trend because Texas typically receives below-average precipitation during La Ninha events. The increasing trend of the first five seasons is insignificant because the slope is small, only increasing NSP by approximately 2.8% each season. The increasing NSP trend disappears when expanding the plot to encompass the average NSP of the first 19 seasons, as shown in Figure 6-12. 1.2 - C 0.8 .N z 0.6 0 4 12 8 Consecutive La Nina Season Number 16 Figure 6-12: Average NSP for 19 Consecutive La Nifia Seasons - Houston 111 20 As seen in Figure 6-12, any linear trend ceases to exist after the fifth consecutive season and the average NSP values oscillate, while staying below 1.0 (average precipitation). This indicates that the seasonal precipitation is below average for the sixth through the nineteenth seasons. Although Houston is expected to have dry conditions during La Nifia, consistent with the state of Texas, Figure 6-12 shows that the precipitation response to La Nifia may take approximately six seasons before the precipitation declines to below-average for the remainder of the La Niia seasons. The delayed precipitation decline in Houston may be influenced by conditions from the Gulf of Mexico and, therefore, deviate from the expected La Niia conditions of the greater state of Texas. The NSP trend for individual La Nifia events was not explored further because there was no significant trend observed for average NSP with which to compare the behavior of the individual events. 112 7 Recommendations and Conclusion 7.1 Value of Study for the Red Cross The Red Cross aims to better serve the residents of the Manafwa River Basin in eastern Uganda by improving disaster response following the devastating floods that frequently affect the region. The development a long-term flood information strategy would provide the Red Cross with an advanced warning that the risk of flooding is heightened, allowing for early preparation and mobilization activities. A process or method that helps inform the Red Cross of an increased potential for extreme weather events would permit the collection of necessary resources, scheduling of volunteers, and the formulation of a unique response plan. The findings discussed in Sections 4 and 5 of this study, which explain correlations between precipitation and climate indices, provide the Red Cross with the framework to begin implementing a long-term flood information system for the Manafwa River Basin. Daily precipitation estimates for the Manafwa River Basin from 1998 through 2013 were analyzed and compared to three climate indices: the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), the Oceanic Nifno Index (ONI), and the Dipole Mode Index (DMI). This investigation showed that the strength of indices in preceding months and seasons may function as an indicator for future precipitation conditions. Certain indices were demonstrated to have correlations with the amount of total precipitation and the occurrence of heavy precipitation events for specific months. The Red Cross could implement a system of monitoring these indices on a weekly basis to aid in the identification of precipitation patterns of concern. If the value of a current index indicates that a future month will receive enhanced precipitation, proper flood recovery planning can begin. Continued monitoring of these indices will show if the threat of enhanced precipitation conditions diminishes or becomes even more prevalent. Given the strength of a correlation between the magnitude of an index and the subsequent expected precipitation, different levels of preparation can be initiated that are appropriate for the specific threat. A series of tables was prepared that provide sample guidance for relating current climate index conditions to the anticipated precipitation conditions of the Manafwa River Basin. Tables 20, 21, and 22 provide a simplified account of the precipitation and index correlation results discussed in Section 4. The term "Total" indicates that the total precipitation is expected to be greater for that month or season if the corresponding index meets the specified condition. The term "Heavy" indicates that the number of heavy precipitation events is expected to be greater for that month or season if the corresponding index meets the specified condition. 113 Table 20 below provides sample guidance for relating the current SOI conditions to anticipated precipitation conditions in the Manafwa River Basin. The information in this table is a summary of the correlations detected between SOI and precipitation in the basin, which is presented in further detail in Tables 4 and 5 of Section 4.2.2. Table 20: Sample Guidance for Relating Current SOI Conditions to Future Precipitation Climate Index Conditions Current Month January SOI Status Current Month Next Month Low Sol Total (M) Heavy (W) - Total (W) Heavy (W) - Low Sol - - Heavy (W) Total (M) - High SOT - - - - - Low SOI - - SOI - - Total (VW) Heavy (W) - - Low SoI - Total (VW) High SOl - - - Heavy (W) Low SOl Hea (W) - - - High February Anticipated Precipitation Conditions SOI In 2 Months April May June July Heavy (W) Heavy_____ - Total (VW) ________ (W)_____ High SOl - - - - - SOI High SOI Low SOI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - High SOl - - Low SOI - - - Total (W) Heavy (W) SOI - - - Low SOI - - - High SOT - - - Low SOl - - Total (M) Heavy (M) High SOI - - Low SOI - Total (W) Total (M) - Heavy (W) - Heavy (W) - Total (W) Total (VW) Low August High September October In 4 Months - - March High In 3 Months November High SOI Low SoI December High SOI Total (VW) Total (W) Heavy (VW) Heavy (VW) - Total (W) - - - Total (M) Heavy (M) Total (W) Heavy (M) Heavy (W) - -- - - - Precipitation Type: Total - Indicates that increased Total Monthly Precipitation may occur Heavy - Indicates that a greater number of Heavy Precipitation Events may occur Strength of Trend: (VW) - Very Weak (W) - Weak (M) - Moderate 114 (S) - Strong (VS) - Very Strong - Table 21 below provides sample guidance for relating the current DMI conditions to anticipated precipitation conditions in the Manafwa River Basin. The information in this table is a summary of the correlations detected between DMI and precipitation in the basin, which is presented in further detail in Tables 9 and 10 of Sections 4.3.2 Table 21: Sample Guidance for Relating Current DMI Conditions to Future Precipitation Anticipated Precipitation Conditions Climate Index Conditions Current Month ___________ January February DMI Status __________ Current Month Next Month In 2 Months In 3 Months In 4 Months - _____________________________ Low DMI High DMI - - Heavy (VW) - - Total (VW) - - Low DMI - - - - - - - H ig h D M I - - - Low DMI - - Total (W) Heavy (W) High DMI - - - - - Low DMI Total (VW) - - - - High DM1 - - MayHigh Low DMI DM I M Hg May -- -- --oa --W- - - Total (W) - - F eb ruary March April High DMI Low DMI - - - - - High DMI - Total (VW) - - Total (VW) Low DMI - - - - - ______ High DMI - - - -- Low DMI High DM I - - - - - August Heavy (VW) - - - - - - - September Low DMI High DMI Total (W) Total (VW) Heavy (VW) Heavy (W) June July Total (W) Low DMI - - October Total (VW) Heavy (W) Total (W) Heavy (VW) Low DM1 - - - Total (VW) Total (W) Total (W) High DM1 Heavy (W) Low DMI High DMI Total (W) Total (M) Heavy (W) Heavy (W) Ig D - Heavy (VW) High DM1 November December - Total (W) - -Heavy Heavy (W) Heavy (VW) - - - - Precipitation Type: Total - Indicates that increased Total Monthly Precipitation may occur Heavy - Indicates that a greater number of Heavy Precipitation Events may occur Strength of Trend: (VW) - Very Weak (W) - Weak (M) - Moderate 115 (VW) (S) - Strong (VS) - Very Strong Table 22 below provides sample guidance for relating current ONI conditions to anticipated precipitation conditions in the Manafwa River Basin. The information in this table is a summary of the correlations between ONI and precipitation in the basin, which is presented in detail in Tables 6 and 7 of Sections 4.2.3 Table 22: Sample Guidance for Relating Current ONI Conditions to Future Precipitation Anticipated Precipitation Conditions Climate Index Conditions Current Season DJF JFM ONI Status Current Season Low ONI - High ONI Total (S) Heavy (S) Low Next Season ONI In 2 Seasons In 3 Seasons In 4 Seasons - High ONI Low ONI FMA MAM AMJ MJJ High ONI Low ONI - High ONI - Low ONI Heavy (VW) High ONI - Low ONI Heavy (VW) High ONI - Low ONI JJA - ONI - High ONILow ASO ONI -_- Total (M) High ONI High SON - High ONI-Low JAS - Low ONI High ONI NI Heavy (M) - High-Heavy Total (S) (S) NI Low ONI ONDHigh ONI High__N_ Low ONI High ONI NDJ Total (S) (S) _Heavy -_- Total (S) Heavy (S) Precipitation Type: Total - Indicates that increased Total Monthly Precipitation may occur Heavy - Indicates that a greater number of Heavy Precipitation Events may occur Strength of Trend: (VW) - Very Weak (W) - Weak (M) - Moderate (S) - Strong (VS) - Very Strong 116 Although Tables 20, 21, and 22 do not provide a guarantee of precipitation conditions in the Manafwa River Basin, they provide a framework for the Red Cross to begin monitoring current climate indices as part of a long-term flood information strategy. The analysis of the precipitation behavior of consecutive seasons in ENSO events also provides valuable guidance to the Red Cross for use in a long-term flood information strategy in the Manafwa River Basin. It was shown in Figure 5-2 that the first five seasons of the average El Niio event are characterized by increasing amplitude of normalized precipitation. It was further revealed in Figure 5-5 that variability of precipitation becomes greater with consecutive El Nifio seasons. Various climate agencies (such as NOAA's Climate Prediction Center) provide updates and predictions regarding anticipated ENSO conditions. The Red Cross should stay informed about the state of El Ninio to compliment the flood information strategy based upon monitoring the strength of climate indices as presented in Tables 20, 21, and 22. When an El Niio event begins the Red Cross can anticipate the continuation of heightened precipitation conditions for, at least, the first five consecutive seasons of the event. A summary of how the Red Cross can adapt their actions and emergency preparedness to such heightened precipitation conditions is provided in Table 23 on the following page. 117 Table 23: Sample Guidance for Actions Taken in Consecutive El Ninio Seasons Expected Precipitation Conditions El NioE Season Number Normalized Seasonal Precipitation Departure from Average Seasonal Precipitation Example Action for Red Cross 1 0.91 9% Less No Action 2 0.98 2% Less No Action 3 1.05 5% More No Action 4 1.12 12% More Begin monitoring ONI for El Niio conditions (ONI above 0.5). If El Niio conditions persist, future seasons may have increased rainfall. Monitor index conditions closely. 5 1.19 19% More The ONI has been above 0.5 for five consecutive seasons and is officially classified as an El Nifio episode. Seasonal precipitation is well above average. Begin preparing for possibility of flooding. 6 1.26 26% More 7 1.33 33% More 8 1.40 40% More 9 1.47 47% More 10 1.54 54% More As El Nifio progresses the amplitude of seasonal precipitation increases. A rise in total precipitation may enhance the risk of flooding. Red Cross staff should stock necessary resources and be prepared for disaster relief. Notes: The example actions are not suggested, they are merely provided as an example of what in-country experts at the Red Cross in Uganda might decide best fits the system that they develop as a long-term information strategy. The NSP values for El Niho seasons I through 5 were calculated from the linear trend line equation in Figure 5-2, which presents the average NSP in the Manafwa River Basin for the first five consecutive El Niio seasons. The NSP values for El Nino seasons 6 through 10 were calculated through extrapolation of this trend into further seasons. Table 23 shows the increasing amplitude of Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP) in successive El Ni5o seasons. The NSP values in this table are based off of the analysis performed in Section 5.2.2 and are calculated from the linear trend line for average NSP shown in Figure 5-2, which depicts the increasing trend of precipitation amplitude over the first five El Nifno seasons. The trend in Figure 5-2 was only plotted for five seasons because the 16-year study period had a limited number of El Nifio events with which the calculate the average season NSP. The sample guidance in Table 23 has projections for NSP through the tenth season, which means that the NSP values for El Nifio seasons 6 through 10 were calculated through extrapolation of the linear trend line in Figure 5-2. The trend was extended to the tenth season because the analysis in Section 6.2.1, which considers nearly 60 years of precipitation data in the Bou Regreg Watershed, shows that precipitation trends in consecutive ENSO seasons can last well beyond the fifth season. When using precipitation in the Bou Regreg Watershed as an example, Figure 6-3 shows an El Ninio trend lasting 15 seasons, and Figure 6-5 shows a La Nina trend lasting 10 seasons; therefore, Table 23 may provide a realistic portrayal of what total seasonal precipitation 118 in the Manafwa River Basin could be like during an El Nifio event. The example actions listed in Table 23 are not suggestions, they are merely provided as an example of what in-country experts at the Red Cross in Uganda might decide best fits the system that they choose to develop as a long-term information strategy. The analyses discussed in this report have shown correlations between climate indices (SOI, DMI, and ONI) and the precipitation experienced in the Manafwa River Basin of eastern Uganda. The precipitation trends presented throughout this study, and summarized in Tables 20, 21, 22, and 23, can be utilized by the Red Cross to determine if there is a heightened risk of flooding in an upcoming season. 7.2 Recommendations for Future Flood Prognostication Strategies The investigation of historical precipitation conditions in the Manafwa River Basin and the analysis of the correlation to various oceanic and atmospheric phenomena presented many Weather can act in unpredictable ways and contradict previously defined challenges. correlations. Precipitation is a result of the intricate interactions of many oceanic and atmospheric conditions, which should not be viewed in isolation of each other. A long-term flood information strategy could be enhanced by exploring additional weather systems that may impact the basin, such as large-scale monsoonal winds and the ITCZ (Kizza, et al., 2012), to determine how the interaction of all systems will alter precipitation. Future analyses should account for the interactions of many systems, to determine if the effect of one system out-weighs another, or if the resultant precipitation patterns are a mixed response of multiple systems working in concert. The method relied upon in this study for determining precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin used daily satellite precipitation estimates with a gridded resolution of 0.25'. Higher precision products are available that can provide precipitation estimates on a three-hour basis (e.g. TRMM 3B42 V6), or with an enhanced resolution of 0.10 (e.g. ARC2). Such products may offer a more accurate representation the precipitation conditions of the basin. Defining precipitation rates on an interval of less than one day would allow for a better understanding of the nature of the heavy precipitation events experienced in the basin. Distinguishing the difference between a one-day heavy precipitation event and a multi-hour extreme event would allow for the comparison of how climate indices uniquely affect a specific type of precipitation event. The historical climate indices used in this study were monthly and seasonal averages; however, real-time running measurements and weekly averages can also be accessed. Focusing the study on weekly average indices and their corresponding weekly total and heavy precipitation values may help better define the response time with which oceanic and atmospheric conditions impact precipitation characteristics. 119 7.3 Continuing Analysis of Precipitation in Consecutive ENSO Seasons The analysis performed in this thesis indicates the existence of a trend in precipitation through consecutive seasons of ESNO events. The investigation began by exploring the precipitation response to ENSO for the Manafwa River Basin in eastern Uganda. It was discovered that the first five seasons of El Nifio events have a trend of increasing Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP), indicating that each consecutive season receives a greater proportion of precipitation based on what is average for the specific time of year. Conversely, the first five seasons of a La Nifia event exhibited a decreasing trend of normalized precipitation. The analysis was then expanded to observe the precipitation response in Houston, Texas and Meknes, Morocco. The results of the investigation for ENSO precipitation conditions in Houston and Meknes generally supported the findings initially presented for the Manafwa River Basin. The normalized precipitation in Meknes was determined to have an increasing trend for the first 15 seasons of an El Ninio event, and a decreasing trend for the first 10 seasons of a La Niia event. Houston was found to have an increasing trend in amplitude of precipitation for the first seven seasons of an El Niinio event, but no distinct trend for consecutive seasons of La Nifia. Although individual ENSO events do not always behave with the same precipitation patterns as shown by the averages, there is value in understanding the average long-term seasonal effects of El Nifio and La Nifia events on watersheds. The author of this thesis believes the observation made on the trend of increasing and decreasing amplitude of precipitation with consecutive ENSO seasons to be an original remark for explaining the effect of ENSO. These precipitation trends are discussed in detail in Sections 5 and 6 of this report. An example trend can be observed in Figure 5-2, which shows increasing amplitude of seasonal precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin through the first five consecutive El Ninio seasons. Conversely, Figure 5-9 provides an example of consecutive La Niia seasons experiencing a decreasing trend of total seasonal precipitation. The trends discussed in this study may be valuable tools for predicting total precipitation and the occurrence of heavy precipitation events in future seasons of ENSO events. 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Biogeosciences, Volume 8, pp. 27-40. 126 Appendices Appendix A - TRMM Precipitation Data Extraction Code % % % % % % % This code will extract daily precipitation estimates (in units of mm/day) Global precipitation data can be from the TRMM Product 3B42(V7). downloaded from at the following URL: http://mirador.gsfc.nasa.gov/ corresponding to each day of any given month into Place the .bin files This code will then extract precipitation data from the same folder. the specified TRMM grid cells, and will create and save a .xls table containing daily precipitation data at specific latitudes and longitudes. clc clear specify the month and year of the data % The user must first ; year = 1998 month = 12 The "if" %Enter the year (####) of the data you wish to extract %Enter the month (##) of the data you wish to extract below will statements determine automatically the number of days % in the month based on the user entered information above mon=num2str(month,'%02.0f'); if strcmp(mon, '04')==llstrcmp(mon,'06')==llstrcmp(mon, =1 dayspermon = '09')==llstrcmp(mon, 30; end if strcmp(mon,'01')==llstrcmp(mon,'03')==llstrcmp(mon,'05')==l1 strcmp(mon,'07')==lj strcmp (mon, '08') ==1 I strcmp (mon, '10') ==l Istrcmp (mon, '12') ==1 dayspermon = 31; strcmp(mon,'02')==l dayspermon = 29; end if && mod(year,4) == 0 end strcmp(mon, '02')==1 && mod(year,4)> dayspermon = 28; if 0 end % Creates a matrix with 1 row and "dayspermon" dates =(1:1:dayspermon); columns Begins replication of file naming format of the .bin files from NASA filenames=repmat({'3B42_daily.'},dayspermon,1); 127 'l')= Creates a stacked matrix for the month containing matrix = zeros(8,8,dayspermon); This m X n grid cells loop will cut out a region of each daily .bin file and creates a % stacked matrix for the month (dimensions m x n x days permonth) for i = 1 : dayspermon % Formats the name of file to match the name of downloaded .bin files % The file name includes the name of the TRMM product % the date as a 4 digit % suffix 2 digit month, 2 digit (3B42 daily), day, then followed by the (.7.bin) filenames{i} = ,num2str(mon,'%02d') % This year, [ filenames{i} , num2str(year) num2str(dates(i),'%02d'), ,'.', '.7.bin']; section of code was provided with TRMM data manual fid = fopen(filenames{i}, a = fread(fid, 'r'); 'float','b'); fclose (fid); data = a'; count = 1; % The variable h defines the number of rows of the matrix. % number of latitudes at which data will be extracted. It is the h=8; j=1; % This code was provided with the TRMM data manual for i lat = 1:400 for j_lon = 1:1440 lat = -49.875 + 0.25*(ilat - 1); if j lon <= 720 lon = 0.125 + 0.25*(jlon - 1); else lon 0.125 + 0.25*(j lon = end dailyraintotal - 1) - 360.0; = data(count); % This section extracts the TRMM data from the coordinates that the user % instructs. The longitudes and latitudes entered here create a box for % which all data inside of its limits will be extracted. if lon>33.0 && lon<35.00 && lat>0.0 && lat<2.0 matrix(h,j,i)= daily rain total; j=j+l; if j>8 h=h-1; j=1; end 128 end count = count + 1; end end end count=0; % The stacked matrix created in the loop above is loaded and its dimensions % are defined. % file=['matrix.mat']; name=['matrix']; load(file) str=['A=',name,';']; eval(str) % Redefines "count" as zero count = 0 ; % This section will cycle through each day pulling out specific data points % from the previously created stacked monthly matrix. The desired points % can be changed at any time. for day = 1: dayspermon count = count + Grid A(count) GridB(count) GridC(count) GridD(count) GridE(count) GridF(count) 1 ; = A(4,4,day) ; = A(4,5,day) ; = A(4,6,day) = A(5,4,day) = A(5,5,day) = A(5,6,day) ; ; ; ; end % This command creates a table of monthly precipitation data with each % column corresponding to a different latitude and longitude. ManafwaGrid =[dates',GridA',GridB',GridC',GridD',GridE',GridF'] clear A clear(name) % The "ManafwaGrid" table will be saved as an Excel file monthlyfile = ['MonthlyPrecip','.', xlswrite(monthlyfile, ManafwaGrid) mon,'.', num2str(year), '.xls'] ; Note: Sections of this code were taken from the NASA TRMM Data Manual and Cecinati, 2013 129 Appendix B - Monthly and Seasonal Precipitation Total Monthly and Annual Precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Avg. Annual Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 173.0 84.9 31.0 89.5 46.9 83.9 62.7 35.1 39.6 83.6 38.8 62.5 52.1 21.8 0.6 43.3 59.3 94.3 12.7 19.8 41.7 57.5 81.4 72.0 39.0 107.8 119.8 73.8 50.1 159.3 22.3 21.0 23.0 62.2 85.4 202.5 57.8 157.8 120.9 85.8 77.4 126.5 165.2 70.5 160.7 58.7 151.8 112.6 55.2 169.8 116.2 190.9 179.9 154.1 152.4 222.0 206.3 224.5 181.2 213.3 175.1 166.4 219.9 210.2 122.7 239.5 217.8 192.3 244.5 141.9 155.3 178.7 162.9 220.5 110.5 249.9 181.9 188.9 174.2 168.6 152.8 163.3 174.5 151.4 176.2 104.1 113.2 102.1 165.3 94.3 177.5 89.5 116.7 169.2 126.8 108.0 69.1 115.5 115.3 118.1 76.6 116.3 156.8 110.1 108.7 151.6 82.4 121.8 70.5 161.2 136.7 194.8 163.0 48.6 120.8 98.4 91.2 79.4 118.5 133.8 170.5 164.3 139.7 126.4 147.6 160.7 127.5 133.2 193.7 181.5 104.0 133.8 223.9 102.5 139.4 148.9 104.3 134.2 130.7 151.4 102.8 129.0 172.3 144.5 175.1 233.6 133.9 153.8 136.1 187.1 171.0 213.7 154.6 166.1 184.8 180.7 238.1 166.6 97.7 129.7 129.5 214.0 120.2 230.7 184.3 133.8 135.6 145.3 110.6 160.5 138.2 122.8 126.3 159.7 134.9 118.8 135.9 68.9 275.4 89.1 185.8 117.6 85.6 253.5 130.1 96.0 13.6 62.2 73.9 29.5 194.5 71.8 51.1 14.8 112.5 50.3 11.0 174.2 62.3 24.8 152.8 72.9 1604.9 1519.9 1304.9 1655.4 1512.2 1542.1 1356.9 1394.8 1923.8 1646.2 1628.0 1411.5 1513.9 1481.4 1401.8 1393.8 139.9 73.3 1518.2 Total Seasonal Precipitation in the Manafwa River Basin NDJ JFM FMA MAM AMJ MJJ JJA JAS ASO SON OND (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 111.2 113.1 205.2 133.9 359.9 206.5 125.2 162.1 315.9 162.9 123.7 385.6 106.4 46.5 219.2 352.7 300.1 108.7 289.0 225.3 251.2 212.2 200.5 312.6 273.9 273.4 171.3 363.2 156.7 76.8 236.1 370.6 395.2 231.7 351.9 400.4 373.6 373.9 346.6 486.3 365.4 401.0 328.7 521.2 257.6 315.7 410.5 520.7 524.4 367.2 488.8 505.8 512.6 412.4 557.6 560.5 434.5 501.4 447.1 514.7 398.6 469.1 538.9 539.4 435.0 411.5 496.4 479.2 604.3 424.5 547.9 564.4 490.7 448.7 457.6 478.4 401.3 532.0 445.8 505.3 365.2 366.2 495.6 339.7 519.8 270.5 527.9 487.8 510.4 445.2 286.3 389.0 377.0 383.8 307.4 394.7 393.8 375.2 456.6 303.2 446.9 320.8 405.5 439.1 515.2 452.5 221.8 370.1 437.6 311.8 295.4 394.9 414.8 403.7 442.7 311.6 398.4 403.5 433.3 445.0 622.1 478.4 306.5 390.7 509.4 364.7 432.5 404.2 489.6 475.7 529.3 395.8 374.2 462.7 401.5 522.2 547.5 546.1 442.2 403.7 546.6 418.8 463.6 408.6 441.8 437.6 549.3 404.2 345.4 437.9 342.9 664.4 442.9 550.4 455.7 355.5 576.2 446.4 420.3 318.0 369.8 380.9 427.3 496.0 288.2 316.7 213.1 601.8 259.5 427.6 476.1 281.7 413.9 428.2 279.5 236.7 216.0 289.8 236.1 413.3 253.3 222.1 123.2 471.5 178.2 259.4 343.9 169.7 278.9 326.2 - Avg. 185.2 237.7 370.6 484.7 484.8 411.1 383.8 422.0 464.0 455.0 373.7 267.9 Year DJF 130 Appendix C - Heavy Precipitation Events Number of Heavy Precipitation Events in the Manafwa River Basin Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 7 3 2 4 2 4 2 5 0 1 2 4 4 2 3 1 3 1 4 5 4 1 3 6 4 6 5 3 4 4 8 5 2 3 2 5 5 2 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 5 6 4 2 7 1 7 1 4 2 1 1 2 3 0 3 1 2 0 2 4 1 9 4 1 0 7 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 6 0 3 1 1 4 6 2 3 2 0 1 3 3 3 3 1 4 4 2 7 4 1 2 1 5 1 6 4 4 3 2 2 1 2 1 9 1 5 4 1 1 0 0 7 5 3 3 3 6 2 5 5 5 1 2 7 2 3 4 3 3 5 3 0 1 1 7 2 7 3 0 2011 7 2 3 6 2 2 1 3 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 0 3 1 1 2 2 7 3 40 40 35 34 36 41 29 26 60 32 39 35 31 28 26 30 2.3 2.8 2.1 4.2 2.8 2.8 2.4 3.7 3.1 2.6 3.1 3.3 35.1 2012 2013 Avg. 1 0 1 0 1 0 11 2 Maximum One-Day Precipitation Event (mm/day) in the Manafwa River Basin Annual Max. Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 61.1 39.0 19.0 46.1 24.4 52.8 62.8 16.4 18.8 41.8 43.1 43.4 23.7 25.2 1.7 24.1 47.3 11.8 20.3 18.6 37.8 42.1 43.0 30.5 39.2 36.6 29.9 19.5 47.3 11.4 13.0 17.2 44.7 54.4 27.1 45.9 35.2 32.8 27.8 46.4 66.5 26.2 44.7 27.2 42.3 21.3 34.7 50.8 89.6 41.9 43.4 36.3 55.3 45.8 62.4 52.0 33.0 74.2 48.0 102.7 63.4 32.0 65.3 41.5 84.1 33.5 37.9 49.2 56.4 43.8 35.3 60.0 36.2 42.5 44.5 68.1 35.5 27.8 37.6 38.4 34.1 32.3 38.9 57.4 19.7 45.2 28.0 34.8 51.2 44.5 25.7 31.5 35.6 35.3 39.8 53.4 51.9 34.7 40.7 62.6 39.6 29.4 34.1 47.6 28.4 68.3 38.9 18.9 38.2 26.1 21.3 26.0 20.8 37.3 32.8 60.9 26.5 38.8 46.2 42.1 43.4 35.8 49.7 34.8 38.0 73.0 35.7 35.6 39.2 44.8 46.0 50.6 31.9 45.8 48.7 72.2 51.9 53.8 28.9 35.3 34.6 52.6 29.3 68.3 49.1 39.5 47.6 83.2 50.1 21.0 29.4 32.7 50.5 38.6 47.4 46.2 24.5 44.2 58.1 33.4 43.8 41.3 58.3 50.9 49.1 28.1 38.5 27.0 55.2 46.3 83.2 61.2 32.2 79.4 34.4 33.1 11.6 28.2 25.7 29.0 48.3 39.2 18.2 7.8 25.9 29.0 10.5 38.3 25.1 14.3 52.6 36.5 89.6 54.4 58.3 83.2 56.4 52.8 62.8 72.2 66.5 74.2 83.2 102.7 63.4 79.4 65.3 68.3 Max. 62.8 47.3 66.5 102.7 84.1 57.4 68.3 73.0 72.2 83.2 83.2 52.6 - 131 Appendix D - Example Equations Calculation of Normalized Monthly Precipitation (NMP): Total Precip.February201 1 (mm) Average Precip.February 99 8 - 20 13 (mm) NMP February2 01 1 = NMP February201 1 = 41.7 mm 62.2 mm = 0.67 (dimensionless) 0.67 x 100% = 67% of Average PrecipitationFebruary 9 98 2 01 1 Calculation of Seasonal Precipitation and Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP): Total Precip.MAM 2 0 06 (mm) = March2 0 06 (mm) + April2 0 06 (mm) + May 2 0 0 6 (mM) Total Precip.MAM 2 00 6 = 165.2 mm + 213.3 mm + 181.9 mm = 560.5 mm NSP MAM 2 00 6 NSP MAM 2 0 06 = Total Precip.MAM 2 0 0 6 Average Precip.MAM 1 9 9 8 - 2 0 13 560.5 mm 5 = 1.16 (dimensionless) 484.7 mm 132 Appendix E - Normalized Precipitation Values Normalized Monthly Precipitation (NMP) Values for the Manafwa River Basin Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2.91 1.43 0.52 1.51 0.79 1.41 1.52 0.20 0.32 0.67 0.92 1.31 1.16 0.63 1.73 1.92 1.19 0.81 2.56 0.36 0.34 0.37 0.74 1.74 0.50 1.36 1.04 0.74 0.67 1.09 1.42 0.61 1.38 0.50 1.31 0.97 0.48 1.46 0.99 0.94 0.80 0.79 1.15 1.07 1.17 0.94 1.11 0.91 0.87 1.14 1.09 0.64 1.25 1.13 1.39 0.81 0.88 1.01 0.92 1.25 0.63 1.42 1.03 1.07 0.99 0.96 0.87 0.93 0.99 0.86 0.89 0.97 0.88 1.42 0.81 1.53 0.77 1.00 1.45 1.09 0.93 0.59 0.99 0.99 1.02 0.66 1.32 0.93 0.92 1.28 0.70 1.03 0.59 1.36 1.15 1.64 1.38 0.41 1.02 0.83 0.77 0.67 0.90 1.15 1.10 0.94 0.85 0.99 1.08 0.86 0.89 1.30 1.22 0.70 0.90 1.50 0.69 0.94 0.67 0.87 0.85 0.98 0.66 0.83 1.11 0.93 1.13 1.51 0.87 0.99 0.88 1.21 1.11 1.38 1.04 1.15 1.13 1.48 1.04 0.61 0.81 0.81 1.33 0.75 1.44 1.15 0.83 0.85 0.91 0.69 0.99 0.88 0.90 1.14 0.96 0.85 0.97 0.49 1.97 0.64 1.33 0.84 0.61 1.81 0.93 0.69 0.19 0.85 1.01 0.40 2.65 0.98 0.70 0.20 1.54 0.69 0.15 2.38 0.85 0.34 2.09 0.99 1.06 0.59 0.67 1.41 0.65 1.05 0.88 0.37 0.01 0.73 Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP) Values for the Manafwa River Basin Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 DJF JFM FMA MAM AMJ MJJ JJA JAS ASO SON OND NDJ - 1.48 1.26 0.46 1.22 0.95 1.00 1.07 0.63 0.95 1.08 1.01 1.01 0.94 1.31 0.99 1.08 0.89 1.41 0.70 0.85 1.11 1.07 1.08 0.76 1.01 1.04 1.06 0.85 1.15 1.16 0.90 1.03 0.92 1.06 0.82 0.97 1.11 1.11 0.90 0.85 1.02 0.99 1.25 0.88 1.13 1.16 1.01 0.93 0.94 0.99 0.83 1.10 0.92 1.23 0.89 0.89 1.21 0.83 1.26 0.66 1.28 1.19 1.24 1.08 0.70 0.95 0.92 0.93 0.75 1.03 1.03 0.98 1.19 0.79 1.16 0.84 1.06 1.14 1.34 1.18 0.58 0.96 1.14 0.81 0.77 0.94 0.98 0.96 1.05 0.74 0.94 0.96 1.03 1.05 1.47 1.13 0.73 0.93 1.21 0.86 1.02 0.87 1.06 1.03 1.14 0.85 0.81 1.00 0.87 1.13 1.18 1.18 0.95 0.87 1.18 0.90 1.00 0.90 0.97 0.96 1.21 0.89 0.76 0.96 0.75 1.46 0.97 1.21 1.00 0.78 1.27 0.98 0.92 0.85 0.99 1.02 1.14 1.33 0.77 0.85 0.57 1.61 0.69 1.14 1.27 0.75 1.11 1.15 0.75 0.88 0.81 1.08 0.88 1.54 0.95 0.83 0.46 1.76 0.67 0.97 1.28 0.63 1.04 1.22 0.60 0.61 1.11 0.72 1.94 1.06 1.12 0.68 0.88 1.71 0.88 0.67 2.08 0.57 0.25 1.18 0.89 0.84 1.31 1.15 1.15 0.72 1.53 0.66 0.32 0.99 133 - Appendix F - Climate Index Values Monthly Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) Values used for this Study Data Source: (NOAA g, 2014) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 -2.7 1.8 0.7 1 0.4 -0.2 -1.3 0.3 1.7 -0.8 1.8 -2 1 1.7 1.7 1.1 -0.7 1.2 -3.1 0.1 -0.1 2.6 1.1 1.9 -1.1 2.3 -1.5 2.7 0.5 -0.2 -2.4 1.3 1.3 0.9 -0.2 -0.3 0.4 0.3 1.8 0.2 1.4 0.4 -0.7 2.5 0.7 1.5 -1.4 1.4 1.2 0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.9 -0.6 1.1 -0.1 0.7 0.8 1.2 1.9 -0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 -0.5 -0.8 -0.3 1 -0.8 -0.5 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.9 0.4 0 0.8 1 0.3 -0.2 0.3 -0.2 -0.6 -0.8 0.4 -0.2 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.4 0.2 -0.4 1.2 1.2 0.5 -0.2 -0.2 -0.5 0.3 -0.5 0.2 -0.6 -0.3 0.3 0.2 1.8 1 0 0.8 1.2 0.4 0.7 -0.4 -1 0.1 -0.3 -0.3 -1 0.4 1 -0.2 1.8 0.4 -0.2 0.2 -1.4 1 -0.1 0.9 0.2 -0.6 -0.1 -0.3 0.4 -0.6 0.2 1.2 0.3 2.2 1 0.2 0.3 -1.5 1.1 1 1.1 0 -0.4 0 -0.1 1.2 -1.3 0.7 1.3 -1.2 1.7 0.8 0.3 -0.1 -1.2 1 1 1.8 0.7 -0.5 -0.3 -0.7 -0.2 0.1 0.9 1.3 -0.6 1.3 1.1 0.3 0.7 -1 1.4 1.4 0.8 -0.8 -1.1 1.1 -0.8 0 -0.3 1.7 1.4 -0.7 2.9 2.5 -0.6 0.1 1.1 -0.1 Seasonal Oceanic Nifio Index (ONI) Values used for this Study Data Source: (NOAA, 2014) Year DJF JFM FMA MAM AMJ MJJ JJA JAS ASO SON OND NDJ 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2.2 -1.5 -1.7 -0.7 -0.2 1.1 1.8 -1.3 -1.5 -0.6 0 0.8 1.4 -1 -1.2 -0.5 0.1 0.4 0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.4 0.3 0 0.4 -0.2 -0.7 - -1 2.1 -1.2 2.3 -1.3 2.4 -1.4 2.3 -1.5 -0.9 -0.8 -0.2 0.5 -0.2 -1 -0.7 -0.1 0.7 -0.1 -1 -0.6 0 0.8 0.2 -1.1 -0.5 0 -1.1 -0.6 -0.1 -1.3 -0.6 -0.2 -1.5 -0.8 -0.3 -1.7 -0.8 -0.3 0.8 0.4 0.9 0.4 1.2 0.4 1.3 0.4 1.3 0.3 2004 2005 2006 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.7 0.1 0.8 0 0.7 -0.2 0.7 -0.5 0.7 -0.8 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 0.3 0.6 -0.9 0.7 -1.5 -0.8 1.6 -1.4 -0.9 -0.7 0.3 -1.5 -0.7 1.3 -1.2 -0.6 -0.5 -0.1 -1.2 -0.5 1 -0.9 -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.9 -0.2 0.6 -0.6 -0.3 0 -0.3 -0.7 0.2 0.1 -0.3 -0.2 0.1 -0.3 -0.5 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 -0.4 -0.3 0.5 -0.9 -0.2 0.1 2013 -0.6 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 0.3 -0.6 -0.2 0.6 -1.2 -0.4 0.4 -0.3 0.5 -0.8 -0.1 0.8 -1.4 -0.6 0.5 -0.3 0.8 -1.1 -0.2 1.1 -1.5 -0.8 0.6 -0.2 1 -1.2 -0.5 1.4 -1.5 -1 0.2 -0.3 1 -1.4 -0.7 1.6 -1.5 -1 -0.3 -0.4 134 Monthly Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Values used for this Study Source: (JAMSTEC, 2014) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 - - - - - - - - 1.158 1.259 1.542 1.092 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 0.701 0.607 0.121 0.259 0.368 0.369 0.067 0.067 -0.241 0.045 -0.059 0.230 0.059 0.060 0.407 0.308 0.223 0.477 0.378 0.231 0.123 0.157 0.178 0.167 0.091 0.204 0.298 -0.372 -0.115 0.335 0.117 0.352 0.213 0.423 0.105 0.377 0.280 0.314 0.155 0.177 0.125 0.253 -0.263 -0.055 0.280 0.274 0.269 0.633 0.542 0.200 0.251 0.204 0.354 0.343 -0.146 0.104 0.126 0.288 0.191 0.301 0.051 0.328 0.569 0.362 -0.055 -0.093 0.044 0.342 0.363 -0.102 0.063 -0.335 0.193 0.015 0.495 0.407 0.481 0.193 0.136 -0.112 -0.281 0.080 0.199 0.344 0.029 0.354 -0.172 0.039 0.155 0.249 0.431 0.313 0.073 0.269 0.226 -0.284 -0.056 0.425 0.398 0.179 0.058 0.444 0.015 -0.065 0.352 0.366 0.559 0.121 0.315 0.539 0.862 0.128 -0.254 0.326 0.445 0.010 0.095 0.412 0.171 -0.037 0.532 0.545 0.429 0.205 0.253 0.654 0.953 0.109 -0.084 0.347 0.308 0.171 0.680 0.335 0.289 -0.136 0.815 0.632 0.483 0.288 0.132 0.595 0.848 0.091 -0.337 0.202 0.247 -0.056 0.788 0.149 0.384 -0.042 0.957 0.464 0.422 0.374 -0.043 0.747 0.502 0.232 -0.366 0.166 -0.026 0.035 0.368 0.114 0.114 0.005 0.769 0.255 0.154 0.197 -0.207 0.607 0.174 0.467 -0.096 0.089 -0.010 0.178 0.073 0.415 0.098 -0.061 0.399 0.011 0.181 0.389 0.029 0.104 0.495 0.375 135 Appendix G - Months with No Correlation between Precipitation and SOI Months with No Correlation between Total Precipitation and SOT Precipitation Month Index Month Length of Delay Normalized Monthly Precipitation (NMP) Southern Oscillation Index -toPrecipitation Index Linear Trend Line Parameters y Equation NMP x = SOI R2 (Sol) March April July August September October November r March February I-Month Delay No Delay January 2-Month Delay December 3-Month Delay November 4-Month Delay April March February January December July June No Delay I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay I-Month Delay May 2-Month Delay April 3-Month Delay March 4-Month Delay August July No Delay 1-Month Delay June 2-Month Delay May April September August July June 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay = 0.1 143x + 0.935 y = -0.0043x + 1.0019 = 0.0997x + 0.9626 = -0.0429x + 1.0212 y = 0.0272x + 0.9898 y = -0.0781 x + 1.0254 = -0.0531 x + 1.0302 = -0.0323x + 1.0139 y =-0.0413x + 1.0155 y= -0.0419x + 1.0207 = 0.0085x + 0.9979 = 0.2337x + 0.962 y = -0.2064x + 1.0103 = -0.066x + 1.0214 0.037 -0.0448x + 1.0171 = -0.0 109x + 1.0042 = -0.0457x + 1.008 = -0.1093x + 1.0273 0.022 0.001 0.017 0.078 May 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay = = June 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay September August 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay July 4-Month Delay 136 0.003 0.179 0.133 0.101 0.111 0.107 0.000 0.143 0.119 0.032 y = -0.0561 x + 1.0319 = 0.0899x + 0.9843 y = 0.0284x + 0.9929 = 0.0444x + 0.9928 = 0.1005x + 0.995 y = 0.0941 x + 0.9694 y= -0.0445x + 1.0172 y = -0.0436x + 1.0076 y = -0.0506x + 1.0126 y = 0.06x + 0.9902 y = 0.1025x + 0.9949 October Se tember August July November October 0.105 0.000 0.109 0.019 0.0352x 0.100 0.008 0.013 0.069 0.157 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.020 0.061 0.9943 0.005 0.0458x + 0.9774 y -0.1485x + 1.0566 = -0.0846x + 1.0328 y = -0.1 37x + 1.024 y= -0.1082x + 1.0271 0.008 0.105 0.024 0.066 = + 0.033 Months with no Correlation between Heavy Precipitation and SOT Precipitation Month Heavy Precipitation Events March June July September October November Index Month Southern Oscillation Index (Sol) Length of Delay Ito Precipitation March February January December 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay November June May April March February July June May April March September August July June May October September August July June November October September August July Linear Trend Line Parameters No Delay Equation R2 y = # heavy x = SOI y= y= y= y= 0.4208x + 1.8231 0.0605x + 2.0364 0.4454x + 1.8955 -0.0346x + 2.0796 4-Month Delay y= 0.4571x 1.8911 0.050 No Delay I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay y= -0.9002x + 2.9588 y= -0.3256x + 2.8288 y = 0.1428x + 2.7661 y = 1.051 x + 2.7527 0.078 0.011 0.006 0.005 4-Month Delay No Delay y = -0.27724x + 2.93 y= 0.0364x + 2.4284 0.065 1-Month Delay y = 0.7768x +2.3113 y = -0.5567x + 2.4653 y = -0.2233x + 2.5 101 y = -0.2936x + 2.6045 y = -0.8994x + 3.4735 y = -0.6315x + 3.2355 y = -0.379x + 3.2198 y = 0.1514x + 3.1004 y = 0.5462x + 3.0977 y = -0.5679x + 2.8415 y = -0.4481 x + 2.7987 y = -0.4925x + 2.7112 y = -1.1516x + 2.9129 y = 0.6898x + 2.5129 y = 0.3875x + 2.8712 y = -0.7885x + 3.3631 y = -0.3243x + 3.1882 y = -0.449x + 3.1411 y = -0.2843x + 3.1336 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay 137 + 0.073 0.003 0.111 0.001 0.000 0.096 0.053 0.022 0.062 0.130 0.069 0.020 0.002 0.029 0.051 0.022 0.028 0.123 0.029 0.019 0.099 0.012 0.024 0.008 Appendix H - Seasons with No Correlation between Precipitation and ONI Seasons with No Correlation between Total Precipitation and ONI Precipitation Month Index Month Length of Delay Normalized Seasonal Precipitation Oceanic Ninio Index Index-toPrecipitation (NSP) (Sol) MAM FMA 1-Season Delay JFM 2-Season Delay No Delay Linear Trend Line Parameters y = Equation NSP x = ONI R DJF 3-Season Delay = 0.0819x + 1.0138 y = 0.0587x + 1.0128 = 0.039x + 1.0095 = 0.0308x + 1.0071 NDJ 4-Season Delay y= 1.0055 0.106 JJA MJJ No Delay I -Season Delay AMJ 2-Season Delay MAM 3-Season Delay 0.127 0.165 0.137 0.038 FMA SON 4-Season Delay No Delay September to ASO November (SON) JAS JJA I-Season Delay 2-Season Delay 3-Season Delay = -0.1364x + 0.9838 y = -0.1 886x + 0.9764 y = -0.1 776x + 0.9767 y = -0.0742x + 0.9875 y = -0.01 15x + 0.9975 = 0.0354x + 1.0057 y = 0.0377x + 1.0054 y = 0.0377x + 1.011 = 0.03x + 1.0036 MJJ 4-Season Delay y -0.0279x + 0.9965 0.004 March to May June to August I_ = 0.0313x + 0.131 0.135 0.105 0.095 0.002 0.026 0.021 0.014 0.007 Seasons with NO Correlation between Heavy Precipitation and ONI Precipitation Month Normalized Seasonal Precipitation (NSP) March to May (MaAM) September to November (SON) Index Month Length of Delay Linear Trend Line Parameters Southern Index-to- Oscillation Index Precipitation MAM No Delay FMA JFM DJF _1-Season Delay 2-Season Delay 3-Season Delay NDJ SON 4-Season Delay No Delay ASO JAS JJA MJJ 1-Season Delay_ (SOI) Equation y = # heavy x = ONI = 0.9072x + 9.2156 y = 0.8792x + 9.2548 y = 0.5852x + 9.2051 y = 0.4356x + 9.1632 y= 0.4089x + 9.134 R2 0.030 0.056 0.044 0.035 0.033 3-Season Dela 0.6325x + 8.9153 = 0.4434x + 8.8762 y = 0.0684x + 8.8211 y = -0.0872x + 8.8021 0.013 0.005 0.000 0.000 4-Season Delay y = -1.2545x + 8.6557 0.012 2-Season Delay 138 = Appendix I - Months with No Correlation between Precipitation and DMI Months with No Correlation between Total Precipitation and DMI Precipitation Month Index Month Length of Delay Normalized Monthly Precipitation (NMP) Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Index -toPrecipitation June May No Delay 1-Month Delay y =0.5693x + 0. 9 05 7 y= 0. 1 18x + 0.9833 0.175 0.013 0.2237x + 0.9554 82x + 1.0849 y = -0.4048x + 1.0794 y= 0.1951 x + 0.9409 + 0.935 y =0.2239x y = 0.1383x + 0.9769 y = 0.1336x + 0.981 y 0.2515x + 0.9499 y= 0.22x + 0.9203 0.026 June August April 2-Month Delay March 3-Month Delay February 4-Month Delay August July No Delay 1-Month Delay June 2-Month Delay May 3-Month Delay April 4-Month Delay No Delay September September __________ August July June May Linear Trend Line Parameters Equation Equation NMP y y R x = DM1 =-0.3 0.086 0.116 0.072 0.069 0.016 0.026 0.050 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay y = 0.3267x + 0.901 y = 0.1909x + 0.9446 y = -0.3516x + 1.0588 0.078 0.173 0.043 0.089 4-Month Delay y -0. 1267x±+1.018 0.020 1-Month Delay 139 Months with No Correlation between Heavy Precipitation and DMI Precipitation Month Index Month Length of Delay Heavy Precipitation Dipole Mode (DM) Index Preciptation April March February January Events April June July September October Linear Trend Line Parameters = Equation # heavy x = DMI R No Delay I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay y y y= y 1.8593x + 3.8172 -0.4658x + 4.291 -3.1009x + 4.7976 1.5252x+3.8942 0.039 0.003 0.151 0.038 December 4-Month Delay y = -0.2157x + 4.2331 0.001 June May April March No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 0.088 0.001 0.034 0.045 February 4-Month Delay July No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay I-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay No Delay 1-Month Delay 2-Month Delay 3-Month Delay 4-Month Delay y =2.6351x + 2.3719 y = -0.1 665x + 2.8361 y = I.7005x + 2.4738 y = -1.8141x + 3.2156 y = -1.2432x + 3.0564 y= -l.6258x + 2.9091 y 1.5143x+2.1843 y = 2.1305x + 2.1315 y = 2.3413x + 1.9712 y = -I.9937x + 2.8805 y= 0.6247x + 2.8988 y = 4959x + 2.9747 y = -0.5429x + 3.2825 y = -2.4862x + 3.5407 y = -1.9822x + 3.4064 y=.4212x+2.1817 y = 1.6912x + 2.0126 = -0.6105x + 2.81 y = 0.0892x + 2.5991 y = 4.6153x + 1.8533 June May April March September August July June May October September August July June 140 y 0.025 0.092 0.048 0.165 0.108 0.090 0.010 0.007 0.006 0.073 0.080 0.049 0.051 0.007 0.000 0.170 Appendix J - Historical Flood Events Historical Flood Events in the Manafwa River Basin # Year Month Source of Flood Record 1 1997 November EM-DAT April EM-DAT May EM-DAT November Dartmouth Flood Observatory July EM-DAT October EM-DAT November EM-DAT 8 December EM-DAT 9 July IFRC Appeals August EM-DAT 11 September EM-DAT 12 October EM-DAT 13 Feb IFRC Appeals March IFRC Appeals 15 April IFRC Appeals 16 May Dartmouth Flood Observatory 17 July IFRC Appeals August EM-DAT September EM-DAT May Dartmouth Flood Observatory June Disaster Report 2 3 2002 4 5 2003 6 7 10 14 18 2006 2007 2010 2011 19 20 21 2012 141 Occurrence of Floods With Respect to DMI and SOI Southern Oscillation Index (So) Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Date of Past Floods # Year Month 2 Months Before Flood 1 Month Before Flood 1 1997 November 1.158 April Month of Flood 2 Months Before Flood 1 Month Before Flood 1.259 1.542 -1.4 -1.5 -1.2 0.091 0.177 -0.146 1.1 -0.2 -0.1 May 0.177 -0.146 -0.102 -0.2 -0.1 -0.8 November 0.680 0.788 0.368 -0.6 -0.4 -0.5 July 0.063 0.354 0.444 -0.3 -0.6 0.3 October 0.532 0.815 0.857 -1.0 -0.6 -1.3 November 0.815 0.857 0.769 -0.6 -1.3 0.1 8 December 0.857 0.769 0.399 -1.3 0.1 -0.3 9 July 0.495 0.249 0.366 -0.1 0.5 -0.3 August September 0.249 0.366 0.366 0.545 0.545 0.632 0.5 -0.3 0.4 -0.3 0.4 0.2 12 October 0.545 0.632 0.464 0.4 0.2 0.7 13 Feb 0.389 0.477 0.213 -0.7 -1.1 -1.5 March 0.477 0.213 0.633 -1.1 -1.5 -0.7 15 April 0.213 0.633 0.569 -1.5 -0.7 1.2 16 May 0.633 0.569 0.193 -0.7 1.2 0.9 17 July 0.136 0.269 0.539 0.4 0.2 1.0 August 0.269 0.539 0.654 0.2 1.0 0.4 September 0.539 0.654 0.595 1.0 0.4 1.0 May June 0.200 -0.055 -0.055 -0.112 -0.112 0.226 0.7 -0.3 0.0 -0.3 0.0 -0.4 20 18 18 Months with Negative DMI 1 3 3 Months with Neutral DM1 0 0 0 2 3 2002 4 5 2003 6 7 10 11 14 18 2006 2007 2010 2011 19 20 21 2012 Months with Positive DMI Month of Flood - Months with Positive SO 7 8 10 Months with Negative Sol 14 12 10 Months with Neutral SOI 0 1 1 142 Occurrence of Floods With Respect to ENSO Phase Date of Past Floods Oceanic Niflo Index (ONI) Phase of ENSO Seasons into 2 Seasons Before 1 Season Before Season of Flood Flood Flood November 1.8 2.1 2.3 April -0.2 0.0 0.1 X 12 May 0.0 0.1 0.3 X 13 November 0.8 0.9 1.2 July 0.0 -0.2 -0.1 October 0.2 0.3 0.5 X November 0.3 0.5 0.8 X 2 8 December 0.5 0.8 1.0 X 3 9 July -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 X 5 August -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 X 6 11 September -0.3 -0.4 -0.6 X 1 12 October -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 X 2 13 Feb 1.4 1.6 1.6 X 7 March 1.6 1.6 1.3 X 8 15 April 1.6 1.3 1.0 X 9 16 May 1.3 1.0 0.6 X 10 17 July -0.6 -0.3 -0.2 X 2 August -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 X 3 September -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 X 4 May -0.6 -0.5 -0.3 X June -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 X Seasons with Positive ONI 9 10 11 Seasons with Negative ONI 10 10 10 Seasons with Neutral ONI 2 1 0 # 1 Year 1997 2 3 2002 4 5 2003 6 7 2006 10 Month El Niiio La Ninia Neutral X iNtO ENSO 6 X 6 X 4 2007 14 18 2010 2011 19 20 2012 21 Total Floods in - - 9 Each ENSO Phase 143 2 2 10 - Total Precipitation and Heavy Precipitation Events in Month of Flooding -Month of FloodNormalized Values Date of Past Floods Precipitation Heavy Events November - - April 1.15 0.72 May 0.92 1.78 November 0.96 0.65 July 1.03 0.82 October 1.33 2.67 November 1.97 2.94 8 December 1.54 2.15 9 July 1.64 1.23 1.3 1.36 11 August Ags September 1.51 1.28 12 October 0.75 0.76 13 Feb 2.56 2.55 March 1.31 0.97 15 April 1.09 1.91 16 May 0.87 0.36 17 July 0.83 0.41 August 1.5 1.90 September 1.21 1.60 May 0.99 1.07 June 1.02 0.71 Above Average Monthly Precipitation (> 1.0 ) 14 12 Below Average Monthly Precipitation ( < 1.0 ) 6 8 # # Year 1 1997 2 3 2002 4 5 2003 6 7 10 14 18 2006 2007 2010 2011 19 20 21 2012 er MnhTotal Month 144