Document 11299751


[Minor revision–posted 1/27/16 (replaces 10/16/12 edition)]

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 30.03: Museum of Texas Tech University

DATE: January 27, 2016

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to ensure understanding and a standardized approach concerning the organization and responsibilities of the Museum of Texas Tech University.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed in October of odd-numbered years by the executive director of the museum and the senior vice provost with substantive revisions forwarded to the provost and senior vice president.


1. The Museum Complex a. The Museum of Texas Tech University complex includes the main museum building, the

Moody Planetarium, the Natural Science Research Laboratory, and the Lubbock Lake

Landmark. b. The museum is an integral part of the total university academic program, providing a unique teaching and learning environment through the preservation and presentation of scientific, historical, and cultural heritage. The museum is a valuable resource for undergraduate, graduate, and individual study courses, as well as for faculty and students of the Museum

Science and Heritage Management Programs. These graduate programs are housed in the museum and integrated into museum operations. Student opportunities further enhance the value of the museum to university departments. These facilities serve as a unifying agent for research and exhibit programs and the academic activities of departments. The general public may share in the academic activities of the museum through special tours and programs that supplement regular visiting hours. The non-university community will be able to enjoy public programs designed for all visitors, as well as those offered as a result of the academic program in museum science.

(1) The museum has established the following objectives strategic goals:

(a) Generate excellence in public and academic programming;

(b) Further community engagement;

(c) Foster and enhance collections-based research;

(d) Acquire and maintain quality collections;

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(e) Institute environmental sustainability; and

(f) Sustain high standards of museum professional practices.

(2) The museum features educational exhibits from its collections of art, biology, history, clothing and textiles, ethnology, archaeology, paleontology, and geology. Traveling exhibits expand and enhance these rotating exhibits.

2. Activities and Facilities of the Museum a. The activities and facilities of the Museum of Texas Tech University are a part of the teaching and research function of the university. b. The museum as a research institution conducts regional to international transdisciplinary research in accord with its mission statement and scope of collections. The collections, in turn, reflect the research focus of the museum. c. The Museum of Texas Tech University Association contributes to the museum’s development by securing donations or purchasing art. The association also serves as a conduit for monetary gifts with which to enlarge the museum facility or for grants that support art acquisitions, exhibits, public programming, and collections care. d. The university serves as the holder of title to the following properties utilized in the operation of the Museum of Texas Tech University:

(1) The museum building(s);

(2) Equipment and installations;

(3) All materials and collections purchased with state funds and all materials and collections secured by staff whose salaries are paid by state funds; and

(4) All materials and collections specifically donated to the university. d. The museum will be administered by an executive director who shall be recommended by the provost and senior vice president to the university president and approved by the chancellor and the Board of Regents . e. The Museum of Texas Tech University Association will have the opportunity to provide advice and consultation in the process of selecting the executive director of the museum. f. The museum will strive to maintain accreditation already earned and overseen by the

American Alliance of Museums (AAM) in Washington, D.C., and will also reflect in practice the priorities established by the AAM. This includes the current emphasis on visitor experience, visitor service, public programming, and outreach. g. The leadership, staff, and students of the museum will seek to create an atmosphere that demonstrates best professional standards of ethics, transparency, respect, and collaboration and they will be held accountable for their efforts.

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3. Use of Museum Space and Facilities a. The Museum of Texas Tech University offers a variety of programs and activities as well as serving as an extension of the research and instructional academic functions of the university.

Selected facilities of the museum may be made available for special purposes on approval of the executive director. b. The collections of the museum are held in trust for the people of the state of Texas. Use of museum collections for loan purposes (exhibition , research , conservation) must follow established museum procedures and be approved by the appropriate collections curator and the executive director.

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