rh Rst uDe E d i t o r :H e n r yJ . S h i n e To Our Readers: I h o p ey o u w i l l e n j o yt h i s f o u r t he d i t i o no f our departmentalnewsletter.lt containsnews about current happeningsin the departmentas well as itemsabout our former students.We THE CHEMISTRYDEPARTMENTNEWSLETTER1983 especiallyappreciatethose of you who took time to send us news of your current activities. TexasTech University Lubbock,Texas It is alwaysgratifyingto learnof the successes of our graduates. The past year has beena period of change a n d c o n t i n u e dd e v e l o p m e nf to r t h e d e p a r t m e n t . of all, there was a changeof leadershipas EditorialAssistant:Jane Bradley First I becamethe permanentChairmanand Dr. Holwerdaagreedto serveas Associate C h a i r m a nM . y a d m i n i s t r a t i vgeo a l i s f o r a d d i t i o n agl r o w t hi n o u r e d u c a t i o n aal n d researchactivitiesby enhancingboth the scope and statureof our undergraduateand graduate programs. We havejust completedthe selectionof three new faculty members(net replacements), who w i l l j o i n u s n e x t f a l l .T w o o f t h e m w i l l strengthenour expertisein the areasof analytical,organometallic,and synthetic organicchemistry.The third is a permanent Coordinatorof GeneralChemistrywho has ..{ e x c e l l e nct r e d e n t i a l isn c h e m i c a el d u c a t i o na n d will developour use of comouterassisted instruction. U n d e r gr a d u a t ee n r o l l m e n t sp,a r t i c u l a r l iyn g e n e r a cl h e m i s t r ya, r e c o n s i d e r a b lhy i g h e r than last year.The numberof graduate studentsis at an all-timehigh. Unfortunately, these increasedenrollmentshaveolacedan even greaterburdenon our instructionaland researchequipmentresources. L i k e m a n yc h e m i s t r yd e p a r t m e n tas c r o s st h e n a t i o n ,w e h a v ea c o n t i n u i n gp r o b l e mw i t h inadequateand out-datedequipmentfor instructionand research.Thesedeficiences span the breadthof our programfrom balances for generalchemistryto a massspectrometer for graduatestudentand faculty research. During the pastyear we madesome progressin this area.Microcomputerhardwareand softwarewas acquiredfor the physical c h e m i s t r yl a b o r a t o r i e sT.h i s e q u i p m e nat l l o w s f o r s i m u l a t i o no f e x p e r i m e n tw s h i c ha r e t o o sophisticated, too expensive,or simply impossibleto performat the bench.With funds f r o m a n N S F E q u i p m e nG t r a n ta n d m a t c h i n g moniesf rom TTU, we were able to up-grade o u r E P Re q u i p m e ntto p r o v i d ea n e s s e n t i a l l y state-of-the-art i nstrument.Desoitethese advances,the overallsituationregarding instrumentationleavesmuch to be desired. O n e a d d i t i o n apl r o b l e mi s t h a t o f undergraduatescholarships.Although we do h a v ea f e w s c h o l a r s h i pasv a i l a b l et ,h e n u m b e r is inadequate.We lose many good prospective chemistrymajorsto other universitieswhere s c h o l a r s h i fpu n d sa r e m o r ea v a i l a b l el .f y o u haveany innovativeideason this matter,please contact me. Exceptfor the problemsmentionedabove, I'm very optimisticabout the prospectsfor continuedgrowth and developmentof both the undergraduateand graduatechemistry programsat TexasTech University.We are all d o i n go u r b e s t . M6#4 RichardA. Bartsch Chairman,Departmentof Chemistry years)for studiesof "Periodic D r . J e r r y M i l l ss h e dt h e m a n t l eo f officeof associatechairman(handing Trajectoriesi n Atom-Diatom Dr. Joe Adamcikcontinuesto serve it with reliefand pleasureto Bob with the AmericanChemicalSociety. ExchangeReactions". Holwerda).To show that he is not was of A. Holwerda Dr. Robert He has been appointedChairman e n t i r e l ys a n e ,t h o u g h ,h e i s appointedAssociateChairmanof the the ACS Board Committeeon c o n t i n u i n gt o g i v e h i s t i m e t o t h e Deapartmentin September1982.In Professional and MemberRelations Departmentas FacultySponsorof our this positionDr. Holwerdais for the 1983calendaryear.During ACS StudentAffiliate(namedas an particular the ACS Board for responsible 1982,as a memberof outstanding c h a p t e r )H . e i s a l s ot h e duties,such as administrative of Directors,he attendedBoard the Preorofessional Chairman of , hio), graduateadmissionsand registration. m e e t i n g si n J u n e ( C o l u m b u sO Committee,and to top it all has Novemberand December In September1982Dr. Holwerda l hairmanship ( W a s h i n g t o nD, . C . ) .H e a l s oa t t e n d e d attendedthe NationalACS meetingin a c c e p t e dt h e G e n e r a C for the 1984RegionalACS meeting KansasCity, Mo. with graduate meetingsof the SocietyCommittee w h i c h w i l l b e h e l d i n L u b b o c ki n studentR , a n d yJ o h n s t o n a, n d on ChemicalAbstractsin February December,1984. ( C o l u m b u s , presented papers O h i o ) .I n two on studiesof and November Dr. Roy E. Mitchellhas been A d a m c i k c o m p o u n d 8 2 , D r . c o p p e r a n d c h r o m i u m September' proEressively makinga namefor reactivities. representedthe ACS in presentingan h i m s e l fa n d T T U d u r i n gt h e l a s t OutstandingLocalSectionAward to Dr. John L. Kice has been appointed severalyearsin the chemistryof wine t h e W i c h i t aF a l l s - D u n c a n l o c a l AssociateVice Presidentfor m a k i n g .B y s o r t i n go u t t h e Midwestern on the campus of section Research.In this importantpost Dr. parameters that makea good wine Dr. University,WichitaFalls. Kice is the Directorof the Officeof participatedin the joint Mitchell has Researchand is responsiblefor many Dr. John A. Andersonattendedthe and TTU in producingan effort of UT research-related mattersth roughout 30th Congressof the "Gesellschaft wine that won another experimental u ng" the University.As a resultof f r-ir Arzneipflanzenforsch i n t h e w i n e c o m p e t i t i o na t s i l v e r c u p position, (Societyfor MedicalPlantResearch) acceptingthis administrative the Fair of Texas. Wine from State , 982a , n d D r . K i c ew i l l d e c r e a s eh i s t e a c h i n g i n G r a z ,A u s t r i a J, u l y 1 2 - 1 7 1 grapes grown near French Colombard presenteda paperon "Conversionof dutiesin our department,a necessary i n V a n H o r n C u l b e r s o n C o u n t yw o n but regretablelossto us. He will, Elymoclavineto PaspalicAcid by a p r i z e .O n J u l y 1 3 ,1 9 8 2 ,D r . t h i s graduate however,continueto direct ParticulateFractionfrom an the studentand post-doctoralresearchers Mitchellrepresented TexasGrape Ergotamine-ProducingStrainof Association at the WineGrowers Clavicepssp". Followingthe meeting i n t h e d e p a r t m e n tD. u r i n gJ a n u a r y grape meeting Association Growers Dr. Andersonvisitedthe laboratoryof February1983Dr, and N{rs.Kicewere in Washington, D.C. At the reception i n J a p a n ,w h e r eD r . K i c ew a s a F e l l o w Prof. Detlef Grdgei, lii6titut ftjr that followedthe meeting,Dr. Mitchell , a l l e ,E a s t of the Japan Societyfor the B i o c h e m i ed e r P fl a n z e n H servedmany nice Texaswines.On Promotionof Science.There,he G e r m a n ya, n d g a v ea s e m i n a ro n Decembe1 r - 3 ,1 9 8 2 ,D r . M i t c h e l l "OxidativeStepsin Ergot Alkaloid visitedand gave lecturesat eight "WineriesUnlimited" attended the gave a and also Biosynthesis". Japaneseuniversities, W a s h i n g t o nD, . C . ,t o o . m e e t i n g i n Dr. RichardA. Bartschwas appointed plenarylectureat a Symposiumon W i n e r i e s u n l i m i t e dw , h a t a n i c ew a y O r g a n i cS u l f u rC h e m i s t r ya t T s u k u b a Chairmanof the Departmenton ones work! ls there a of enjoying September1, 1982.Of course,he was University. grapetreaders stomp,Roy? alreadywell establishedin that Dr. Robinson, Welch Professor, Wilse the visited Dr. DavidB. Knaff has also position after servingas interim presented lectures has on his O r i e n t ,g o i n gf i r s tt o J e j u l s l a n d , chairmanfor the precedingyear. Dr. picosecond research in spectroscopy South Korea,in May, 1982,to present Bartschwas host in late September places in in the United States several a paper"RecentAdvancesin f o r t h e 1 9 8 2R o c k yM o u n t a i n I n 1 9 8 2 , h e w a sa a n d a b r o a d . J u n e , Transport" at PhotosyntheticElectron ChemistryDepartmentChairman's Topical at the Third session chairman the I nternationalPhotobiology Conference.This is an annual attair, Meetingon PicosecondPhenomena Workshop.Followingthat Dr. Knaff gathered and at this time 40 chairmen at Germany. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, at TTU to discusscommon problems spentthreeweeksin Japan,giving at the He also chaired a session lectureson his researchwork at in chemicaleducationand research. M o l e c u l a C r r y s t a S l y m p o s u i m U n i v e r s i t i eisn C h i b a ,F u k u o k a , Dr. Bartschpresentedinvitedpapers at St. Jovite, Conference Quebec. Osaka,Saitama,and Tokyo. In in Symposiaon Macrocyclesin Canada,and presentedpapersat FebruaryDr. Knaffalso spoke about AnalyticalChemistryand on v a r i o u su n i v e r s i t i eisn M e l b o u r n e , "Cation Transportin his work TheoreticalOrganicChemistryat the Sydney and Canberra,Australia,on PhotosyntheticPurpleBacteria"at 38th SouthwestRegionalMeetingof "GaugeTransformations" and the 26th meetingof the Biophysical the ACS. held in El Pasoin " C h e m i c aR l e a c t i o n si n S o l u t i o n " . Societyin Boston.Dr. Knaff has also December,1982. Later.he attendedthe International bittenthe appleof authorshipDr. WalterChesnavichattendedthe and on Photochemistry Conference temptationby signinga contractwith FirstSymposiumon Applicationsof in Alexandria, Egypt, Photobiology to co-authora Springer-Verlag TheoreticalChemistryin Industry, and presenteda paper,"Chemical graduate-level in textbook A u s t i n ,T X , O c t o b e r1 4 ,1 5 ,1 9 8 2 .D r . R e a c t i o n si n S o l u t i o n : T h eN e w yet told us As he hasn't Bioenergetics. Chesnavichhas been awardeda Photochemistry". Welch Foundationgrant of $54,000(3 the nameof Eve. FacultyNews Dr. RobertW. Shaw has been nicely s u c c e s s f ui ln o b t a i n i n gs u p p o r tf o r his researchwork, an effortwithout w h i c h r e s e a r c hi n U n i v e r s i t i ews o u l d not be able to prosper.He has receiveda grant from the RobertA. Welch Foundation($45,000for three years)and one from the Research A very happy Corporation($12,500). p i e c eo f n e w si s h i s h a v i n go b t a i n e da cost-sharinggrant of $80,500from the N S F ' sB i o l o g i c aIl n s t r u m e n t a t i o n Programto updateour ElectronSpin Resonance i n s t r u m e n tA. n e q u a ls u m of moneywas suppliedby TTU. With t h i s m o n e yt h e E S Ri n s t r u m e n t ( a c q u i r e db y t h e h o n .e d i t o ri n 1 9 6 2 ) will be madesuitablefor Dr. Shaw's w o r k i n t h e b i o l o g i c aal n d bioinorganicaspectsof ESRand also bettersuitedto ESR in organic chemistry. D r . H e n r yJ . S h i n em a n a g e dt o f i n d yet againa way of visitinghis homelandas a researchchemist.He attendedthe 1Othlnternational O r g a n o s u l f uC r o n f e r e n c ei n B a n g o r , Wales,in September,1982,and talked about his work "Reactionof O r g a n o s u l f uC r a t i o nR a d i c a l sw i t h D i a l k y la n d D i a r y l m e r c u r i a l s " . D r . R i c h a r dE . W i l d ea l s oc r o s s e dt h e briny this year,to attendthe 8th InternationalConferenceon Raman Spectroscopy,in Bordeaux,France, during the first week of September. Dr. HeribertMAnsterer,Dr. Dillip K. Mitra, and ProfessorCharlesShoppee. N EW FACULTYAPPOINTMENTS We are very pleasedto announce the appointmentof three new membersof the faculty,effectivein the fall, 1983.Detailedinformation will appearin our next newsletter,but i n t h e m e a n t i m ew e i n t r o d u c et o o u r readers: D r . D a n i e l W .A r m s t r o n ga, p p o i n t e d as AssociateProfessorin the A n a l y t i c aD l i v i s i o nD . r . A r m s t r o n gw i l l b e j o i n i n gu s f r o m t h e D e p a r t m e not f Chemistry,GeorgetownUniversity, W a s h i n g t o nD, . C . ,w h e r eh e i s currentlyan AssociateProfessor.Dr. Armstrong'sresearchexpertiseis in phasetransfercatalysisand pseudophaseliquid chromatography. Dr. RussellD. Larsen,appointedas AssociateProfessorand Coordinator o f G e n e r aC l h e m i s t r yw, i l l b e j o i n i n g us from the Departmentof Chemistry, Universito y f M i c h i g a nw , h e r eh e h o l d sa n a n a l o g o u sp o s i t i o n D . r. L a r s e n ' sd u t i e sw i l l b e i n t h e c o o r d i n a t i o na n d r e - v a m p i n g of our programin GeneralChemistry. Dr. RobertE. Walkuphas been appointedas AssistantProfessorin t h e D i v i s i o no f O r g a n i cC h e m i s t r yD . r. Walkupis currentlya post-doctoral fellow with Prof.A. L Meyersat ColoradoState University.Dr. Walkup'sresearchinterestsare in syntheticmethodsand organic syntheses,and will broadenthe OrganicDivision'sresearchcapability w i t h h i sc o n t r i b u t i o n s . Prof.CharlesShoppee, Prof.RobertRekers. Reception for Prof.Shoppee, October4, 1982. ProfessorCharlesShoppeeRevisits TTU CharlesW. Shoppee,first RobertA. WelchProfessor of Chemistry(19701975)in our Department returnedto Lubbockfor one weekin October'82. Prof.Shoppeewason a round-theworldtrip,havingbeenfirstto lsraelin earlySeptember to be a speakerin the International Congressof Hormonal Steroids.FromthereShoppeewentto h i sf i r s th o m e l a n dE, n g l a n dt ,o s e e friendsand relatives, and thenceto the USA and Lubbock,his adopted ProlessorsPiII -Soon Song, homeland,beforereturningto his Henry Shine,CharlesShoppee secondhomeland, Australia. Whilein and RobertRekers.Reception LubbockShoppeespokeat the weekly for ProfessorShoppee, departmental seminaron "5-chloro-Sp October4, 1982. cholestane: the FirstSimple5pchlorosteroid". and met former colleagues at a receptionfor him held in the DennisRoomon October4, (see photos).Shoppeehas now "retired" positions, twicefrom University first from the University of Sydneyin 1969, and nextfrom TTU in 1975.But,he hasn'tretiredfrom chemistry.During the years1976-1979 he wasan Hon. Professional Fellowin Chemistry, Macquarrie University(NewSouth Wales)and havingthen movedto Melbournewasappointedin 1980as Hon.VisitingProfessor of Organic Chemistry,at La Trobe University.At La Trobe,as at Macquarrie, Shoppee consultswith facultyand students, and evenstillworks"at the bench"in his own laboratory. Y'allcomebackagain Charles,and we'llgiveyou a lab to work in here,wheneveryou wish. Dr. KatherineLynn Rogers,M.D.(8.S. 1955)Honoredas "Distinguished Alumna"by Ex-SludentsAssociation On October29,Dr. KatherineRogers was one of four alumni(alumnae? alums!)honoredby TTU'sex-student association at a banquetin the University Center.Earlierthat day, the though,Dr. Rogersrevisited recognizing ChemistryDepartment, muchthat had not changed(andmost l i k e l yn e v e rw i l l )i n t h e o l d b u i l d i n gb, u t marvelling at the comparative spaciousness and functionality of the new.Dr. Rogersevenrecognized herselfin the photoof the 1953classof C h e m3 3 1 ,s t i l lh a n g i n gi n t h e s e c o n d f l o o rc o r r i d o o r f t h e o l d w i n g .A receptionwas heldin the DennisRoom, sponsoredby the Department and the Pre-medSocieties, who did mostof the work (seephotos).Dr. Rogersobtained her M.D.from UT at Southwestern MedicalSchooland wascertifiedas a pediatricphysicianin 1964,practicing in SanAntonio.Shewasthe firstfemale to serveas chiefof the 1O0O-member SantaRosaMedicalCenter(San A n t o n i o )i,n 1 9 7 8S . h ei s c u r r e n t l a ylso a staffmemberof SanAntonio's Methodist, NlX,Metropolitan, and BaptistHospitals, and is a clinical professorof pediatrics at the UT Health SciencesCenter in SaAAnlgnis- tn addition,Dr. Rogersdoesvolunteer work as a pediatrician for the Texas CradleSocietyand the BarrioClinicfor the Poor,in SanAntonio.We tip our hat to a distinguished alum,whosework servesso manypeoplein need. Dr. KatherineRogers,Mrs. Nancy ( Dalton) Tarwater(pre-med advisor),with pre-medsfudenfs Frank Burns and RichardHarrison, Receptionfor Dr. Rogers,October 28, 1982. DeanLarryGravesand Dr. KatherineRogers. Instrumenlsfor Instruclionand Research is plagued applicants f rom otherUniversities for a Our Department continuallywith the shortage(evenlack limitedamountof moneyavailablein in someareas)of modernsophisticated t h e N S F . Fundsfor the purchase This yearwe havebeenfortunatein instrumentation. piecesof obtainingfundsto updateour Electron of large,vitallynecessary, Paramagnetic Resonance equipment, costingin the hundredsof thousandsof dollars,are not ordinarily Spectrometer, boughtoriginallyin 1962. The grantapplication from the University's State waschairedby available to Dr. RobertShaw,and coveredthe monies.That is,we find it impossible go to the University researchneedsof severalother faculty and saywe need $200,000for a new massspectrometer, membersincluding:Drs.DavidB. Knaff, RobertA. Holwerda, The or new NMRinstruments. JulianSpallholz (Foodand Nutrition),and HenryJ. doesnot havesuchsums University The usualway out of this Shine. available. On the otherhand.we werenot d i l e m m ai s t o a p p l yf o r a n N S F successful in our application to replace InstrumentGranton a costsharing That is,we our massspectrometer, which is now 12 basiswith the University. yearsold, in its terminalillness,and too applyfor a grantfor an instrument with the old for finding neededparts.We face costing,say,$200,000 the sameproblemswith our 12-yearold to pay commitmentfrom the University 100megahertz NMR instrument. halfthe cost if the NSFwill supplythe The prospectsfor the future are not otherhalf.Of course.in such entirelybleak,though.Otheravenues we competewith other applications Dr. KatherineFogers with Pre-med sludentsHarry Weaver,Richard Harrisonand JarvieMcKenzie. for possiblehelpareavailable and maybewe can find our way alongthem. The Perkin-Elmer Companyhas announcedthat it will donate for an instruments valuedat $16,500 alumnior othersourcedonationof towardscertainPE instruments $50.000 (but not NMRand massspec).The causeof PE'smakingthis wasthe reportby the announcement N.Y.Timesthatvisitorsfrom the PeoplesRepublicof Chinahad expressed surpriseat the outmoded equipmentbeingusedat a leading midwestern This report university. pointsup the dilemmamanyAmerican universities are in,that fundingfor researchand equipmentcomesmainly from externalsources.Whenit comes to largepiecesof equipmentthe d i l e m m ai s m o s tp a i n f u lT. h e p a i no f this dilemmais beingfelt severelyat TexasTech.whereour NMRand mass New PostdoctoralFellows: Dr. HeribertMUnsterer, Technical University, Munich(Prof.G. Kresze) j o i n e dD r .S h i n ei n J u n e1 9 8 2 Dr. Karamjeet Arya,BombayUniversity, IndiaD , r .R i c h a r dD . G r i f f i nP , urdue University, Dr. WayneA. Jalenak, University of Nebraska, and Dr. Jamine Lee,ColoradoStateUniversity have joinedDr. Robinson's group research "Who'sWho Among Studenlsin AmericanUniversities and College" Two chemistryseniors,David Womackand LyndraBills,wereamong the 48 Techand TTUSMstudents selectedfrom the junior,senior,and graduaterostersfor recognitionin Who'sWho this year.Selectionfor outstanding achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service whileattendingTTU,was madeby a committeeof faculty,staffand students. Dr. HenryJ. ShinereceivesDads AssociationD istinguished Faculty ResearchAward, February5, 1983, from Dr. Robert C. Albin, representing TTU's Researc h Counci l. Itsnowjoke EditorReceivesDadsAssociation The DadsAssociation Awardto Award for Research EditorShine(seeabove)wasto have Dr. HenryShinehasreceivedthe 1982beenpresented at a luncheonon 83 Distinguished FacultyResearch February5. But,on Friday,the 4th,the Awardfrom TTU'sDadsAssociation. snowmanvisitedLubbockfor the third This awardhasbeenmadeyearlyfor t i m et h i sw i n t e r b , r i n g i n ga n e a tl i t t l e the pastsevenyearsand is for "that f ullblizzardthat closeddown the campus time professor who duringthe by 12:30p.m..So, discretionbeingthis precedingcalendaryearhas published time the lesserpartof valor,the Dads distinguished research". Selectionis Association luncheonwascalledoff madefromten nomineesby the TeachingAwardsto GraduateStudents and the awardwas madeto Shineat a University Research Counciland a shortbusinessmeetingon the Sth.By TexasTech University committeeof the DadsAssociation. Outstanding that time,of course,the fine WestTexas Presentation GraduateStudentTeacherAward, of the awardto Shinewas sun hadvanquished the snow.But,all R a n d yJ o h n s t o n madein the University Centeron of this bringsus to pointout to thoseof February 5. (for Department Awards of Chemistry you who are now far afieldthat superiorperformance as a teaching Lubbockhashad record-breaking Our PolishConnection assistant). snowsthisyear,totalling,so far,34.8 Hoon Hwang Returningto Polandto resumeduties inches.The secondone,a 17-incher, W i l l i a mM c D o w e l l in his homelanduniversity was Prof. alsoclosedthe campusand just about LouisStewart (Technical Witold Charewicz University, everything elsein Lubbockon January Wroclaw). Dr. Henryka Slebocka-Tilk 21.Yes,we knowthat that'snot the way it goesup in the trozennorth,but how'd (Academyof Sciences,Lodz)has left TTU (Dr.Kice)to continueresearchin you thinkyou'dget on in one of our C a n a d aJ. o i n i n gT T U i s D r . L u d m i l l a d usters? Weclas(TechnicalUniversity, Wroclaw) to work with Dr. Kice,and Dr. Anna ACS StudentAffiliateChapter Czechand Dr. BronislawCzech, Commended husbandand wifeteamfrom Katowice. spectrometryfacilitiesare now in a very Our studentaffiliatechapterof the to work with Dr. Bartsch. bad way indeed,and wheresome AmericanChemicalSocietywas moderninstrumentation facilities(x-ray awardeda rating And OtherConnections of commendable by crystallography,photo-electron Newsof former postdoctoralfellows: the SocietyCommitteeon Chemical spectroscopy)are non-existent.Hence, Education. In a letter to President Dr. A. L. K. Aljibury(postdoctoralfellow participation in the Perkin-Elmer '68-'69)spentthe pastyear Cavazos, the chairman of the committee in the yr,a program, a donationof $50,000or writes"out of a total of 776 chapters, Chemistry Department, University of more,wouldbe mosttimelyfor us. judged34 to be the Committee California, Berkely. On the homefrontTexasTech,in commendable. The students(of the Dr. ShimonCohen(postdoctoral fact, has appliedto the StateLegislature fellow TTU Chapter),the chapteradvisor,Dr. 1976,1977 with Dr. Wilde)and formerly for a grantapproximating for JerryMills, $1,250,000 and the chapterpresident, at the Technion,lsrael,is now at the equipmentfor the sciences, for Ms. LyndraBills,haveset an excellent GeneralElectricResearchLaboratories. inclusionin the nextbiennialbudget. examplefor othersto follow."The Schenectady, We hopethat the Legislature N.Y. will be Department is fortunatein havinghad sympathetic and generous. Thatsum (Dr.Kice)from Dr. Holger Hansen suchdedicatedofficers,members,and seemslikea lot of money,but whenone Kemisk Institute, Aarhus University, advisorof the studentaffiliatein 1982. realizesthat a modernmass Denmark,hasreturnedto Denmark. spectrometer or 250MHZ NMR Dr. Ja Hong Kim (Drs.Holwerdaand instrumentmay cost $200,000250,000 Mills)hasreturnedto JeonbugNational it can be seenthat a milliondollarsmay University, Korea. not go veryfar. We are open to all ideas Dr. Dilip K. Mitrahasleftthe and largedonations! department aftercompletinghis year w i t h D r .S h i n e . promotedto full professor. Dr. Wolfe hasenteredthe agricultural and food sciencescenein Albertawith great v i g o ra n d g u s t o .H e i s C h a i r m a o nf theAlbertaDairymen's Association subcommitteeon contaminati ng substances. He is a memberof the NationalAdvisoryCommitteeto the FederalDepartment of Agriculture ExpertCommitteeon Meats,and of the AdvisoryCommitteeon pig project researchto the AlbertaHog Producers MarketingBoard.ThisJanuary(1983), his department beganthe firstof a programson seriesof innovative "Topicsof lmportance to FoodScience Research and Educationin Canada". The seriesconsistsof seminarsby Newsfrom Alums respond,Bill,bothto you and us. '79) guestsfrom otherinstitutions, mainly, BurtonK. Andrews(BS'82)is Dr. RobertD. Fugate(Ph.D. has and is supportedby the Endowment continuingat TTU for an MS degree beenpromotedto VicePresident of Fundfor the Future. with Dr. Chesnavich. Research as an Salesfor SLM Instruments, Inc.Dr. All of that seemsfar removedfrom undergraduate with Dr. Chesnavich has F u g a t el i v e si n C h a m p a i g nl l,l , w i t h physicalbiochemistry, resultedin co-authorshio but the w i f e ,L i n d aa, n d s o n s ,J o h n ( ' 1 0a) n d of one connectinglinkscan be seenin Wolfe's researchpaper. Jim (2).Earlierin 1982perceptive ultrastructural readerscouldseeBob Fugate's smiling researchinterests: K e l i a( A l l e n )B a l l o u( B S ' 7 2 )n o w changesand physicochemical, face(nowbearded)in the full-pagead. "retired"from chemistry,livingin b i o c h e m i c aal n , dp h y s i o l o g i c a l for SLM-Aminco, when Bob was Houstonwith husband(Troxel),son properties muscleduringthe of beef Customer Applications Manager for and youngerdaughter,describes onsetof rigorand underdifferent daysduringhis herselfnow as motherand homemaker. SLM.In earlier-yet conditions.Dr. Wolfeis a P h . Dw . o r kB o b F u g a t ew a st h e g u i d i n g processing Keliaworkedin the TTU Agronomy co-author the textbook"Foodin of a n d o p e r a t i n l g i g h t f o r t h e c i r c u l a r Department for a whileand thenfor (PicaPicaPress, Perspective" d i c h r o i s mi n s t r u m e ni nt P r o f .S o n g ' s Dow Chemicalin Freeport. Keliasends Edmonton 1978). group. Dr.Wolfeaskedfor instrumentation So, has newsof Sandra(Carson)Hufsmith, the addressof Jim Burton(MS'66, r e m a i n e tdh et h i n gw i t hh i m . M.D.,(BS'70) now livingrin-Hjtlsboro, P h . D .Y a t e ' 7w) ,h i c hw e p r o m p t l yc u l l e d O r e g o nM . a n yt h a n k sK e l i aa, n do u r Tzu-LiJu (MS'79)writesfrom f r o mo u r c o m p u t epr r i n to u t .B u t ,J i m greetingsand bestwishesto you. GaithersburS, Md.,whereshe is a you out there?SendFreda "howdy" are senior systems analyst with M/A COM J o e lC . B u d g e( B S ' 8 1 )i s a c h e m i s t and a lineor two to us. toxicologist with the TexasDepartment SigmaData,lnc.,and sendsher Kenneth F. Rash(8.S.'69)is a pilot appreciation for the assistance and time of PublicSafety.Joelwrotefrom c irlines at TTU.Thanks,Tzu-Li.That helpseven f l y i n gB o e i n g T 2 Tfso r R e p u b l i A Odessathat he wouldbe movingto seeminglyimpassive chemistrypundits. out of Atlanta,GA. Kenspent5 yearsas Templeto work for the DPSand would a pilot in the USAFand then returnedto be marryinganotherchemist,Sondra ; S ' 6 1 )i s W e l d o nE . S c h a e f e(rB S ' 5 9 M graduateschoolat the University of ( M S ,P . H . , ' 7 6 ) . Frisbie l i v i n gi n B e t h l e h e mP,a . ,a n d r u n n i n g California at Davis. There he completed SchaeferIndustries, Inc.,in Allentown, S a m u eJl . C a m p b e l M l , . D .( B A ' 7 6 ) all of his coursework and his oralsfor Pa.,whichmakesceramiccastingsfor beganhis generalsurgeryresidencyat the Ph.D.whenalongcametemptation industrialuse.Weldonand family T T U H S Ci n J u l y .D r .C a m p b e l(lM D in the form of a job offerwith Republic. visited us after a long, long absence in June'82)was inductedas a charter As Ken said it, he "tossedtest-tubes July '1982. memberof the AlphaOmegaAlpha asideand took to the skies,"and now '82) MedicalHonorSocietyat TTUHSCon DouglasA. Webb(BS is now a seesLubbocksometimes from 35,000 graduatestudentat CornellUniversity. May 28,1982.He receivedthe RobertJ. feetup.Well,somepeoplewouldfeel Salemaward"for the graduating While senior at Tech,Webbdid undergraduate that's pointof view,but a reasonable at TTUHSCwho hasdemonstrated researchin theorticalphysical thentherearethe otherswho staya excellence in scholarship and chemistrywith Dr. Chesnavich and is a littlecloser.All was not lostat UC, performance duringhis surgical co-authorof two researchpapers. either, for with his wingsKen hasan clerkship". Dr. FredH. Wolfe(Ph.D.'66)has been M . S .( ' 7 7 ) . W i l l i a mJ . D u n n( B A ' 8 1 )i s i n D e n t a l madeChairmanof the Department of Dr. BongRaeCho (Ph.D.'80),now on Schoolat UTHSC,Houston.Bill has FoodScience,University of Alberta, the facultyof KoreaUniversity, and Dr. writtenaboutthe maturingyearhe Edmonton,Canada.FredWolfegot his l l - W o oY a n g ( P h . D' 8. 2 ) ,n o w o n t h e spentin oil fieldservicefollowing Ph.D.in physicalbiochemistry with facultyof KoreaMilitaryUniversity, graduationin 1981and priorto entering formerchairmanand "founding havebeenawardedyoung-scientist DentalSchool.He alsocommentson researcher"at TTU, professoremeritus, researchgrants from the KoreaScience the supportand helphe receivedfrom Joe Dennis.He wentto Albertain 1966 F o u n d a t i o n . Dr. Millsduringthat period.Forthis,we as a researchassociatein the Dr. Jong Gun Lee (Ph.D.'78)hasjoined thankhim. Bill asks"how are Steve Department of Biochemistry, and was the facultyof the Department of Harrelson('81),Stephanie Nelson('81) appointedassistantprofessorin Food Chemistry, Pusan University, Korea. and RezaFathi"?Let'shope they Sciencein 1968.ln 1975he was Otficersof the Departmentof ChemistryGraduateStudent Mary Ettel Association: (President),JesseYeh(Vice President),Louis Stewart (Treasurer)and ClintonAnderson (Secretary). Scholarshipsand Awardsto ResearchDegrees UndergradualeStudents,1982 LarryAvens(Ph.D.'82,Dr. Mills) The SamuelHunt LeeMemorialAward " C o n t r i b u t i o nt os t h e G r o u pV - G r o u pV Bond" (to an outstanding freshman c h e m i s t rm y a j o r )G , i r i s hV a l l a b h a n D o n g - H a kB a e( P h . D'.8 2 ,D r .S h i n e ) "Scopeand Mechanism of the T h e C R C P r e s sI,n c . 3 5 t hA n n u a l D e c o m p o s i t i oonf 1 , 4 - D i m e t h y l -41-, Freshman ChemistryAchievement d iaryl-2-tetrazenes". Award,(to an outstanding studentin freshmanchemistry), Donald V i c t o rL . D a v i d s o (nP h . D . ' 8 2 , D K r .n a f f ) Braswell "lon Transportin Photosynthetic Purple Bacteria". AmericanChemicalSocietyStudent AffiliateScholarship (to an P a u lD . D o b r o w o l s k( M i .S.'82,Dr. outstanding sophomorechemistry Marx)"TotalSynthesis of student),KarenMikkelson Catalpalactone". The "AnalyticalChemistry" Award(to D e l p h i aF . H a m i l (l P h . D'.8 2 ,D r . t h e b e s tj u n i o rc h e m i s t r m "Vibrational y a j o ri n Redington) Studiesof analyticalchemistry), StephenStults HydrogenFluoride". The TexasInstituteof the American Yen-long V i n c e nH t o n g( P h . D . ' 8 2D, r . Instituteof Chemists, StudentAward Marx)"MigrationTendencyof Some ( f o ro u t s t a n d i nagc c o m p l i s h m einnta Substituents in CationicRearrangement programin chemistry Reactions". baccalaureate o r c h e m i c ael n g i n e e r i n a gn ,d S u k o nP i r a k i t i g o o(nP h . D . ' 8 2D, r .M i l l s ) potential professional as a chemist), "RingSizeInterconversions Howto survivein theU.S.Airforcestationed of DouglasA. Webb in Papillion,Nebraska: CaptainGerald Cyclopolyphosph i nes". Walzel(M.5.1976). The MerckIndexAward(for RupaAnanthanarayan (M.S.'82,Dr. outstanding achievement by a Bartsch)"CationComplexation by graduatingsenior),HarryWeaver Multidentate Ligands'. Energy-Conservation Renovations The Weymouth-Campbell Scholarships: As the Springsemester('83) for superiorperformance (asa progresses, visitorsand occupantsof freshmanchemistrymajor),Girish t h e c h e m i s t r by u i l d i n gw i l l b e c o m e Vallabhan moreand moreawareof energy(as a sophomorechemistrymajor), ( . u r r s t svr r r l g C O n S t r u C t i O iw i Ork L e n n i sD i p p e l , underway. A contractfor 91,045,130 has G e n eM c D o n a l d beenlet for makingextensive a l t e r a t i o ni sn t h e a i r h a n d l i n g and ( a sa j u n i o rc h e m i s t r m y ajor), energybalancingsystemsin the FloydBarry, b u i l d i n gT. h e s ea l t e r a t i o nasr ed e s i g n e d L y n d r aB i l l s , The LastStage....... to providemorefume hoods,improve RicardoMatos, The hon.editor'spracticeis to write e x i s t i n gh o o df a c i l i t i e sa,n d i m p r o v et h e StephenStults, the roughcopy for thesenewsletters temperature controlin the building.At DavidWomack d u r i n gt h e C h r i s t m ahso l i d a yp e r i o dA . tl t h e s a m et i m e ,m o r ee c o n o m i c a l are assembled in the months The Dow Scholarships (for outstanding materials h e a t i n ga, i r - c o n d i t i o n i nagn,da i r previously. Photographs are madefor achievement by a chemistrymajor), h a n d l i n gw i l l b e a c h i e v e dT.h ea i r u s b y C a r o lK i n g ,t h e c h i e f LeeSommitz pressure(fromheatingand coolingair photographer of the University's News Rob Tschauner f l o w )i n t h e b u i l d i n gw i l la l s ob e b e t t e r and Publications office.The Newsletter controlled. At the presenttime the is typedin Januaryand thentakenover TexasTech DadsAssociation negativeair pressurein the building to Tech Press,and handedoverto Scholarshipsfor 1982-83 oftenmakesthe openingof outside ElaineAtkinson,the notorious Floyd Barry, senior. doorsfeasibleonly to the well-muscled "Misselaineous" of the University's K a r e nM i k k e l s o nj u, n i o r . a m o n gu s .C h a n g e si n t h e b u i l d i n g Publications (whereshe is Bureau junior. Tracey Price, hoodshavebeencalledfor, not only by AssistantManager). puts Misselaineous James Ryder, senior. the needto adustair-pressure balance, our copy intothe attractive layoutof the but alsoto meetsafetystandards and f inalform,chooseseachyearthe researchemphases. Construction work EditorialAssistant photographic designfor the f ront page, is beingcarriedout at one siteat a time and sees the Newsletter throughthe i n t h e b u i l d i n gs o a s t o c a u s em i n i m u m Mrs.Sharon(Gerald)Grant,who saw printingstages.Misselaineous putsher us through the first threenewsletters, interuptionof classand laboratory mark on the design of many of Tech's leftTexasTech in Juneto work in one work. publications, particularly the Theatre of of the locallaw offices.Sharonset up Supervising the logisticsof the Center.Our thanks,then,to much of the logistics of the newsletter, renovations is in the handsof Dr. Misselaineous. We offeredher,as a sign of exes,mailing,as wellas RobertRekers,who wasthe liasonman addresses of our thanks, the f ree,life-longauditof the experttyping.Shehas handedover for the department and builderswhen all chemistrycourses.But,shesaid the reigns to Mrs. Jane Bradley who has the new chemistrybuildingwas built she'djust as soon havethe second takenthemoverfor Newsletter 4. over10 yearsago.Completionof prize,the trip to LasVegas(theone in renovations shouldoccurin May,1983. Nevada,of course). ooooooooo 'oN 6Ll. ltulrad sPXoI'lsoqqnl orvd e6elso6'g'1-1 '616 1r1o.r6-uo11 We would be very pleasedto hear from the Department'sgraduates.Send us your updatedaddressand descriptionof what your are now doing professionally or otherwise.lf there is a particularinquiryyou may have for news of the Department,let us haveit please. Name: Dateof Graduation(or Associationwith Department): Address: C u r r e n tP o s i t i o n : Item of news for us: l n q u i r yo f n e w sf r o m u s : Send Responseto: ProfessorH. J. Shine,Editor Dept.of Chemistry TexasTech University Lubbock.Texas79409 60t6/ sPXoI'Icoqqnl Allsrueq3 ;o lueuyeda6 Alrsrenrulqcaf sPXaI When thesenewsletterswere begun in 1980we had no preconceptions about the future years.Here, though,the fourth newsletteris out and we seemto be in harnessfor the forseeablefuture.But, the newsletterdoes dependso much on our graduatesfor news.Writeto us about yourselvesand your work. A l l t h e b e s tu n t i l n u m b e rf i v e . H.J. Shine