Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher

Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher
resolution socioeconomic spatial data analysis
Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund,
and Nathaniel Bell
Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University
Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6, Canada
1 Introduction
In 2003, Paul Longley called for a new urban geography based on disaggregate, high resolution socioeconomic data [36]. In so doing, he made a
compelling argument for human geographers to engage with GIScience
(GIS) to better understand a range of socioeconomic activities, from general population characteristics to the evolution of cityscapes. Longley
speculated that the impediment to a greater embrace of GIS by human geographers was the narrow scope of extant data sets – limited in both scale
and extent – which did not adequately capture the range of human activity.
Analysis has been further stymied by measurement difficulties, which have
compounded the inadequacy of socioeconomic data. The effect has been a
theoretically focused urban geography in which spatial pattern is frequently ignored.
While Longley may have underestimated the cultural divide between
human and applied geographers [31,40], he is correct in arguing that urban
geography might have been better served by exploratory data analysis
complemented by intuitive forms of visualization. These techniques better
explain the new geographic manifestations of consumption and citizenship,
create new possibilities for the integration of data from multiple sources,
and allow for the emergence of more realistic neighborhood ‘types’ and
geodemographic ‘lifestyles’ profiles [36]. Longley suggests that we draw
on sources outside the familiar census and other publicly available data,
such as the right marketing data accumulated at the individual and
neighborhood level by private firms. Such data could be integrated with
existing data sources to broaden the world of socioeconomic analysis.
2 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund, and
Nathaniel Bell
Recently there has been a focus on designing ‘meaningful’ or ‘optimal’
census geographies [3]. The sensitivity of census data to areal unit definition has been overlooked by many users in the past because the ability to
test alternative geographies was not yet possible [2,51]. Unfortunately,
there are many ways to partition space into zones – it is therefore unlikely
that one definitive ‘optimal’ solution exists [22]. The (potential) ability for
users to create custom geographies, tailored to their specific analysis
needs, may end up replacing problems associated with the arbitrary nature
of zone design (known as the modifiable area unit problem, MAUP), with
a new problem – the user modifiable area unit problem. One way of circumventing the propagation of scaling errors in analysis is to start at the
rooftop level and aggregate as needed. This creates the possibility of more
nuanced socioeconomic analysis.
In the following pages, we describe a novel methodology comprised of a
series of protocols developed to enhance the resolution of socioeconomic
data and demonstrate their value for socioeconomic analysis. First, we describe a protocol for integrating cadastral data from multiple socioeconomic attributes from multiple jurisdictions. A seamless spatial fabric of
property data carries with it the ability to assign socioeconomic attributes
at the rooftop (household) level. Second, we detail how land tenure (rental
and ownership) data reported at the Dissemination Area level (DA)1 can be
disaggregated to the individual cadastre, allowing socioeconomic
neighborhoods to be characterized based on the household. We will illustrate this with the example of lone parent families and housing tenure.
Third, we describe the utility of survey data to estimate the income of individual households. This is complemented by the fourth and final component, which involves the assignation of property assessment data – from
real estate boards or government agencies – to individual and rental properties. In combination, these four protocols yield an invaluable highresolution fabric for spatial socio-economic analysis.
As few efforts have been made to date by human geographers to increase the resolution of socioeconomic data – and indeed none have proposed the use of cadastral data as a means of doing so – this is entirely new
territory. Longley and Harris [37] argue that rather than using archaic theories of the city, new models, based on high-resolution socioeconomic data,
are needed. In using cadastral data as a framework for socioeconomic
Dissemination Areas (DAs) are the smallest unit for which Canada Census data
are released. They comprise 700-800 people and are conceptually and spatially
congruous with the US Census Block Face.
Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher resolution socioeconomic spatial
data analysis 3
analysis, we address the call for a “data-rich GIS-based model building”
[36, 37:871].
2 Looking for high resolution data in the literature
Geographical analyses of socioeconomic welfare and population health are
closely tied to notions of deprivation, and have long been dependent on
aggregate statistics derived from national censuses. The census constitutes
a coarse assessment of the population, derived from the quantification of
social and housing indicators. These are aggregated prior to dissemination
in order to preserve the anonymity of individuals enumerated [11,38,46].
Although researchers continue to draw upon the census because it is the
only concise, reliable source of data from which to determine the spatial
distribution of welfare [11,22,29,36,46], scholars have identified the census as an inherently impoverished source of data whose use for socioeconomic study is fundamentally limited by the coarse and arbitrary zonal
boundaries of data collection [8,11,16,22,29,32,36,37,41,46,49,58]. A consequent effort has been made to expose and address what Mennis [41] refers to as the analytical and cartographical pitfalls of deriving conclusions
about the well-being of populations from discretionarily aggregated data
and their conventional thematic display.
The strongest objections to the use of census data for socioeconomic
analysis concern the arbitrary nature of spatial census partitioning. Census
geography has not been designed for the purpose of conveying understanding of the spatial patterning of socioeconomic phenomena; rather, boundaries, often adhering to street networks and other features of the built environment, are superimposed on the landscape so as to facilitate efficiency in
data collection [8,10,11,22,36,42,49,58]. Raper [49] argues that the census
collection rationale is guided by an understanding that temporal and spatial
arrangements of populations and housing stock can be quantified and, furthermore, that the measurement of corresponding characteristics ‘naturally’
differentiates an area from its surroundings.
The data collection logic which guides the drawing of census boundaries
[10,11,32,36,37,49,58]. The issue of continuous variation gives rise to a
plethora of problems. Principal amongst these is the assumption that
change occurs abruptly at the crisp boundaries of internally-homogeneous
zones. While all researchers working with object models for spatial analysis must contend with how to represent geographic continuity, scholars argue that the use of such data has unique and significant implications for
4 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund, and
Nathaniel Bell
studies of deprivation and social welfare. Because the city is a highly heterogeneous landscape inhabited by mobile and fluid populations, this is
particularly problematic for urban analyses [22,36,49]. Consequently, differences within an enumeration unit are often greater than differences between zones. However, while this has long been recognized, Harris and
Longley [22] contend that the nature of such aggregate surrogate data necessitates that researchers presume - for the purposes of analysis - that all
individuals residing within the same census zone live under the same economic circumstances.
This flawed assumption and the crisp zonal boundaries of census geographies are the sources of two errors that plague socioeconomic analysis:
the modifiable area unit problem (MAUP) and its sidekick the ecological
fallacy (EF). The EF, illustrated by Openshaw [45], reveals that individual
and areal correlations frequently do not correspond. Because the enumeration of spaces and people reduces individuals to statistics aggregated to
represent populations, individuals are conflated with the areas in which
they live. The EF precludes qualifying socioeconomic disparities between
individuals as a function of the areas in which they reside [11,16,29]. Yet
this methodology persists, and is compounded by the MAUP, another scaling problem. Privacy requirements force the aggregation of individual census responses into areal units prior to dissemination [51]. Areal units, however, are recognized as arbitrary and modifiable [44]. Because census
boundaries are arbitrary, there is no concrete relationship between socioeconomic phenomena and the areal units over which they are tabulated [8].
Accordingly, analytical results from areal data are sensitive to how the
units are defined [44] - the examination of data at different levels of abstraction yields different and often competing results [8,32,37,41,49,59].
As Openshaw suggests, areal units are "neither neutral nor meaningful entities, [but] are exogenous to all subsequent uses of the data” [45:18].
The aforementioned analytical problems are only exacerbated by the
conventions of visualizing census data using choropleth maps. Thematic
mapping grossly misrepresents the distribution of aggregate socioeconomic statistics [8], conflates the individual with their area of residence,
and further perpetuates an understanding of socioeconomic phenomena as
internally homogenous to the zone [37]. Eicher and Brewer [13] contend
that because such areal representations of data convey abrupt changes in
values at enumeration boundaries, they reinforce an understanding of social reality as occurring within discrete space. Tate [58] explains that it is
precisely because the census enumeration model is based on the discretization of socioeconomic continuity that aggregate data lends itself so well to
choropleth mapping. A subsequent problem concerns the averaging of so-
Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher resolution socioeconomic spatial
data analysis 5
cioeconomic characteristics, such as population density, over the entire
area of a census unit. Because large non-residential areas are included in
the tabulation, with population characteristics calculated over these lands,
indicator statistics of distribution are significantly skewed and nonrepresentative of spatial – and social - reality [8]. Hence the “surface shadowing effects” of thematic mapping obscure the true underlying geographic distribution of these variables [8,32:25].
The use of aggregate data, and reliance on choropleth cartography to
convey statistics, has serious implications for the formation and delivery of
socioeconomic policy by the state. Census geography and its visualization
are a way of “politically understanding” social welfare, and they engender
an understanding of socioeconomic phenomena as “regularities” that can
be altered via policy to produce both desirable and predictable results
[11:41-42]. Census geographies are imbued with power and represent particular political interests, articulated onto the landscape via an elitist political language used to label areas and people as deprived [10,11,22,49]. The
results of census geometries – tied to notions of normality/abnormality are often either the overestimation or underestimation of deprivation in
terms of both intensity and extent [11,22].
Because they do not reflect actual social activity, Longley and Harris
[37] assert that aggregate statistics can only be used as very indirect indicators of behavior and welfare. The formal geographies used to inform and
administer resources and services often bear no relevance to lifestyles or
socioeconomic trends. This arises because many continuous socioeconomic phenomena are not quantifiable and are therefore left out of the
enumeration; indeed, only some things are measured, often to the exclusion of others [39]. Moreover relevant information is further obscured
when data are aggregated to spatially normalized zones [22]. The data lost
is not peripheral, but indeed has much to say about how zones are determined and how the data itself is generalized [22,36]. The census of Great
Britain, for example, does not collect data on income [9], even though income has been identified as a primary indicator of health [33,62,63,64].
This has led Holloway et al to observe that “when population density, or
any socioeconomic variable, is mapped by choropleth techniques, the results often tell us more about the size and shape of the enumeration unit,
than about the people actually living and working within them” [26: 285].
Furthermore, as articulated by Bracken and Martin, areas where socioeconomic extremes exist “tend to be those for which the spatial basis of
enumeration is least appropriate” [8]. Inequality does not exist exclusively
at the scale of census polygons [22]. Harris and Longley [22] assert that
because of the problem of continuous variation identified above, census
6 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund, and
Nathaniel Bell
geography serves to obscure where deprivation actually exists. Moreover
using census units to qualify the socioeconomic welfare of subsections of
the population, and subsequently basing the delivery of services on this
geography, is based on the fundamentally flawed assumption that census
units are suitable for these practices. According to Kirby [29], policy is
consequently often guided by the belief that resources should be targeted
where concentrations of deprivation exist. However, he postulates that
such a policy approach is based on a distorted understanding of the spatial
manifestations of poverty. In his review of the literature, he points to contentions in urban theory that “easily located pockets of hardship, which account for the bulk of such families, do not exist” [29:179]; rather, deprivation is widespread. While there are indeed areas that can be identified as
deprived, deprived people live in all types of neighborhoods, as do people
who enjoy a high level of welfare [29]. To this extent, Kirby argues that:
Census and census-type variables, which relate strongly to
housing and income, can only provide information on deprivation that stems from wider social inequalities, and which
cannot be addressed by spatial remedies. [29:178]
This is similarly expressed by Fieldhouse and Tye [16]. Accordingly,
“policy initiatives directed to the inner areas can simply act as palliatives
to problems originating elsewhere” [29:179]. Fieldhouse and Tye [16]
identify the results of policy based on aggregate areal statistics as the delivery of assistance to only those deprived persons living in areas defined
as deprived; similarly, deprived individuals outside of deprived zones become doubly deprived because they are denied access to the services and
resources they require. Indeed, Minot [43] contends that the effectiveness
of service delivery, such as poverty alleviation programs, hinges on the
geographic unit of analysis and targeting.
3 Generating socioeconomic surfaces: Review of
previous methodologies
To circumvent the descent into the ecological fallacy (EF) and modifiable
area unit problem (MAUP), and to better inform policy, scholars have
identified the need for detailed, disaggregate socioeconomic data from
which to draw valid inferences about the spatial distribution of social welfare [8,13,16,22,26,32,36,37,39,41,58]. However, because the census is the
only source of reliable socioeconomic data and individual privacy must be
Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher resolution socioeconomic spatial
data analysis 7
preserved, one of the only means for garnering higher-resolution data is to
disaggregate the census [8,13,16,22,26,32,36,37,39,41,42]. Not only does
disaggregation of data provide a much better indication of where deprivation is concentrated [16], but Holloway et al [26] indicate that breaking
down enumeration units begets more relevant statistics, allowing for more
meaningful analysis.
Generating maps of socioeconomic characteristics using dasymetric
mapping is a means of modeling population demographics on a continuous
scale [11,13,22,32,41]. This is a technique which allows for the isolation
of data into areas that appear internally homogeneous independent of the
boundaries of original data collection [13]. An extension of areal interpolation methods, dasymetric mapping employs ancillary sources - either landuse data or spectral imagery - to identify trends in the data [41]. This approach is a great improvement over the choropleth model principally because it liberates data from the arbitrary zones of data collection, and allows data to be re-aggregated at multiple - and meaningful - scales
[13,39,41]. Dasymetric mapping may be conducted using both polygon
and raster based methods, although the latter technique is preferred because surfaces provide a much better representation of the continuous
variation of socioeconomic spatial reality [58]. While some analysts approach socioeconomic surface modeling using a search radius [21,32],
most socioeconomic surfaces are built using some form of what Tate [58]
refers to as “kernel density estimation” [58:301]. These include models
built by Bracken and Martin [8], Martin [38], Mesev [42], and ThurstainGoodwin and Unwin [59]. Bracken and Martin [8] used a simple inverse
distance weighting function on population-weighted centroids of census
units to generate a population density surface. Martin’s [38] technique, referred to by Bailey and Gatrell [4] as adaptive kernel estimation, improves
upon the former simple distance-decay model by adjusting the size of the
kernel to reflect the density of census population-weighted centroids.
More current approaches to census data disaggregation use ancillary
data to exclude non-residential areas from analysis [13,26,41,42]. Eicher
and Brewer [13] evaluated a number of both polygon and raster-oriented
dasymetric mapping techniques. Of particular interest is the “grid threeclass method,” a weighting technique for redistributing population values
to land use for each county on the basis of a set ratio of 70% urban, 20%
agricultural, and 10% forested [13:129]. The immediate disadvantage of
this approach is the assumption that the distribution of land use is uniform
in each county. Mennis’ [41] model addresses this limitation by accounting
for urban population density. Urbanization classes indicative of the degree
of urban development – high density urban, low density urban, and non-
8 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund, and
Nathaniel Bell
urban - were derived from spectral imagery to generate a population surface. Using urban development as a proxy for residential density, Mennis
assigns the population data to the grid cell via a two-step process: first,
relative differences in population among the three urbanization classes are
accounted for from census block group data, and subsequently, the proportion of area represented by each urban class for each block group is calculated. This technique improves upon simple dasymetric mapping techniques by accounting for the proportion of the data collection unit (in this
case, the census block group) that each ancillary class represents, rather
than distributing population to pixels on the basis of the class alone (e.g.
urban vs. rural).
Each of these techniques points to the value of working at appropriate
resolutions rather than those assigned by administrative fiat. In the following section, we demonstrate a method for building an integrated cadastral
fabric that can subsequently be populated with socioeconomic data at the
household level.
4 The rise of the household: Why we should use cadastral
data for socioeconomic analysis
Residential property values reflect consumption, which has been identified
as a sound measure of welfare [25]. House value as a consumption indicator is unique because unlike the consumption of goods such as automobiles
- the patterns of which say a lot about access to public transportation and
lifestyle choices [9] - longitudinal trends in housing prices are more direct
indicators of socioeconomic inequality [35]. In their study of the influence
of the forces of social change on the urban real estate markets in Toronto
and Vancouver, Ley et al [35] correlate a growing social gap with the concentration of inflation in the prices of single-family homes. As evidenced
by price increases experienced outside of the traditionally wealthy
neighborhoods, variables such as social status had a minimal impact on
housing market inflation in Vancouver. The researchers instead attribute
inflation in single-family home prices to dwelling types, which, because
they are closely correlated with family type and confer information about
the number of adults earning a wage income in a household. This informs
the analysis of household income because it suggests that households with
greater collective or higher individual incomes are likely to concentrate in
a particular housing type. Ley et al [35] also conclude that the concentration of real estate inflation in this particular housing type is indicative of a
growing socioeconomic gap in the city of Vancouver.
Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher resolution socioeconomic spatial
data analysis 9
The Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD), located within the
province of British Columbia (BC), houses over two million people residing within twenty one municipalities. It constitutes one metropolitan area
consisting of 424 census tracts (CTs), which further break down into 3369
dissemination areas (DAs). By mapping distribution of the income in the
GVRD at the cadastral level, minute trends in the surface are manifest and
signal socioeconomic transition. The reasons for this are two-fold. First,
urban cadastres represent a high resolution spatial fabric. The primitive
spatial unit of the cadastre is the legal parcel. Thus cadastral level data creates the possibility of conducting socioeconomic analysis at the household
level. Second, the cadastre is a framework for which information is typically already available. Many of the variables used for socioeconomic
analysis, such as income, are not associated with the cadastre. However,
information regarding dwelling values and tenure type is typically assigned
to each legal parcel. In the Greater Vancouver metropolitan area, this information is available from the British Columbia Assessment Authority
(BCAA), which collects this data for purposes of taxation. In this case we
can use residential property values as a proxy for household income. The
value of a cadastral fabric as a basis for socioeconomic analysis has been
under-explored in urban and population health geography chiefly due to
‘lack of data’. Our first protocol is the development of cadastral data sets.
5 Methodology, protocol by protocol
5.1 Protocol one: Building an urban data set house by house
In some regions, integrated cadastral systems are in place. In such circumstances the creation of a seamless fabric is an unnecessary step. In this instance, we investigated the feasibility of using the Province of British Columbia’s seamless digital cadastre being developed by the Integrated
Cadastral Initiative (ICI). The ICI program is one of the numerous complementary initiatives in Canada2 charged with integrating the private land
cadastral systems – presently managed by municipalities - into a standardized data set. However, the Vancouver portion of the ICI project is not
complete. Private utility companies and other agencies also maintain cadastral data but it is unavailable or cost prohibitive to acquire. Our use of
the cadastre is as an ‘empty’ digital spatial framework which can be sub-
10 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund,
and Nathaniel Bell
sequently populated with attributes relevant to socioeconomic analysis.
The goal was therefore to ensure consistency across the fabric.
A number of challenges preclude the simple merging of cadastres across
municipal boundaries. Each municipality in the GVRD test region keeps
its own cadastral data set with unique attributes and spatial units. In an attempt to build a seamless cadastral fabric, problems include differences in
attributes, spatial boundary definition, scale of collection, software specific
file formats, as well as administrative and cultural resistance. Ironically
problems of a geometric or spatial nature were generally considered computationally trivial [7,23,24,61] in the context of combining data from multiple contiguous municipalities. Preservation of attribute integrity is more
complex. Retention of land use attributes associated with the cadastre is
key as it allows use of land use/land cover as an ancillary data source to
differentiate between residential and non-residential areas. Land use refers
to the activities occurring on a particular piece of property, including both
the intent and the reality of how a given parcel within a metropolitan
boundary is altered by human decisions [20]. Although some attribute integration problems – such as standardization of common fields – may also
be described as trivial, land use is variably categorized and understood.
However, because it is complicated by semantic heterogeneity, integration of land use taxonomies is non-trivial and therefore belongs to the purview of “application semantics,” which has been recognized as the most
difficult aspect of data interoperability [7]. Land use classification is a municipal government responsibility in the GVRD. There is no regional land
use classification standard, and resulting taxonomies of land use are disparate and thereby incommensurable. For example, one community may
identify single family as a land use designation; this designation may include two or three different types of single-family types in a competing
classification (see Table 1).
Table 1. Summary of zoning designations based upon industrial, low-rise
residential, high-rise residential and single-family residential land use categories
for the identified communities
Res Low
Res High
North Vancouver
Port Coquitlam
Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher resolution socioeconomic spatial
data analysis 11
Indeed, in the same way that municipalities adhered to different survey
control standards in their data collection, they have all devised internally
unique land use classification schemes. Encountering incompatibilities between non-spatial attributes is routine. However, while survey control and
projection incompatibilities can be resolved via algorithmic transformations, semantics cannot be normalized in this way. This is contrary to proposed GIScience solutions oriented towards the automation of the semantic
integration process [1,6,12,14,17,18,28, 30,34,48,50,52,55,57]. Automated
solutions furthermore do not overcome institutional resistance to vertical
integration and the difficulty of gaining consensus on standards for automation across jurisdictions [24].
We addressed issues of semantic incommensurability using a
methodology from the social sciences that we have termed database
ethnographies [54]. An ethnographic approach was used to interview data
stewards in order to glean important contextual information about
categorization, rationale for collection and other factors necessary to
understand the semantic terms – or attributes – used in the respective
municipal databases [54]. While database ethnographies do not resolve the
lack of agreement on naming conventions, they are a means of identifying
semantic differences. This is a first step before any talk of consensus or
standardization – if at all possible – can begin.
Database ethnographies were the basis for resolution of land use integration [54]. They permitted the identification of attributes common to each
data set as a basis for establishing linkage with the British Columbia Assessment Authority (BCAA) land use code system. The BCAA assigns
each legal parcel in the province a code which describes the dominant use
of the property; this code can be accessed via the BCAA jurisdiction/roll
number attribute encoded with each legal parcel. However there is no
standard governing how the jurisdiction/roll number is assigned to each
cadastre. Moreover, not all municipalities use BCAA data as the basis for
determining land use – some smaller jurisdictions ground truth and record
observed land use; others yet view municipal zoning as synonymous with
land use. The implication is that although a BCAA land use code exists for
every parcel of each municipal cadastre, it is not necessarily included as an
attribute with the digital data, or it is not disseminated to data users. For
municipalities that do not rely on BCAA codes for land use determination,
this data was unavailable. By using database ethnographies, sufficient information was gleaned from database stewards to enable a rational integration of non-spatial attributes for the integrated cadastre. Though this meth-
12 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund,
and Nathaniel Bell
odology was arguably more time-consuming than automated integration, it
is the basis for defensible very high resolution urban data.
Fig. 1 captures the non-triviality of attempting either automated integration or direct comparison of land use data sets across jurisdictional
boundaries. Lack of taxonomic standardization meant that in order to employ the land use data, it was necessary to aggregate to lower-resolution
GVRD land use classes, which are generalized from the aggregation of
land use information from all of the local governments. The GVRD generalized land use classes served as a ‘lowest common denominator’ allowing
cross-jurisdictional comparisons of land use within the region.
Trivial integration problem
Non-trivial integration problem
Fig. 1. Differentiating between trivial (Roll Number) and non-trivial (Landuse) attribute integration problems in generating a high-resolution cadastral fabric
These integration protocols are somewhat generic in that similar issues
dog the development of integrated data sets in every jurisdiction. However,
our approach is distinguished by 1) the differentiation between trivial and
non-trivial semantic problems, and 2) the detailed interviews conducted
with data stewards to determine how they derived land use classifications.
This strategy is described in Figs. 2 and 3.
This series of steps permitted the creation of a seamless integrated cadastre for the Vancouver region. By differentiating between trivial and
Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher resolution socioeconomic spatial
data analysis 13
non-trivial semantic attributes, different methodologies could be employed
to solve each set of problems.
Trivial integration problem
Fig. 2. Solving trivial integration problems for cadastral data. Roll Number integration is easily solved by using a numeric identifier for all municipalities
5.2 Protocol two: Own or rent designating tenureship at the
cadastral level
Once the integrated cadastral fabric was created, the challenge was to
populate individual residential properties with socioeconomic data. Canadian Census data can be procured in cross-tabulated tables that preserve in a predetermined and therefore limited way - the multidimensionality of
individual census responses otherwise lost in areal census data. This allows
researchers to create custom population counts (for areal units) from differing configurations of the available data dimensions. When information on
dwelling type is included as a data dimension, cross-tabulated census tables can be used in conjunction with land use (or cadastral) polygons to assign demographic/socioeconomic characteristics spatially within census
14 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund,
and Nathaniel Bell
Trivial integration problem
Non-trivial integration problem
Fig. 3. Non-trivial integration problems require semantic interpretation. In this instance, database ethnographies were introduced as a methodology to get the semantic context from database stewards. Individual database managers were interviewed and institutional context and usage were clarified for semantic terms.
areal units. This is a substantial benefit to researchers who rely on census
data to provide a broad perspective of residential life, as dwelling type along with tenure status - are good indicators of socioeconomic status. Although not available for all census categories, cross-tabulated data have the
Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher resolution socioeconomic spatial
data analysis 15
potential to provide researchers with a more granular depiction of how certain attributes are distributed within areal aggregation units.
Fig. 4 illustrates the potential utility of linking cross-tabulated census
data with cadastral level land use polygons. In areas where housing characteristics (dwelling type and tenure) are heterogeneous, such data enable researchers to identify meaningful socioeconomic variation otherwise
masked by areal counts and/or averages even when fine-scale small areas
data is used. Figures Six and Seven, produced using a cross-tabulation that
included dwelling type, housing tenure status, and household type, illustrates the value of this technique in practice. Examining tenure status first,
Fig. 5 shows that when the 260 renter households living in DA identification number 59152888 are mapped according to their proportions in each
dwelling type, most renters live in the northeast portion of the DA in highrise buildings. Similarly, Fig. 6 maps the distribution of single parent families by dwelling type providing a more accurate indication of where lone
parent families reside within the DA being examined. Even though DA
59152848 contains more lone parent families than its surrounding DAs,
cross-tabulated data reveals they are primarily located within the southeast
quadrant of the DA. The two examples provided both link census data with
cadastral (property parcels) polygons rendering variation within DAs visible.
Fig. 4. Linking cross-tabulated census data to cadastral land use on a DAUID
(Dissemination Area Unique Identifier) basis
16 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund,
and Nathaniel Bell
% Renters by DA
% Renters by residential structure
Fig. 5. Mapping the percentage of renters per legal parcel provides a more precise
indication of where renters reside at the cadastral level compared to indicators of
rental tenure aggregated at the DA (Dissemination Area) level
Number of lone parent
families at the DA level
Number of lone parent families
at the cadastral level
Fig. 6. The number of lone parent families as an aggregate statistic at the DA (Dissemination Area) level versus the number of lone parent families at the cadastral
level within the DA
Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher resolution socioeconomic spatial
data analysis 17
Understanding the distribution of land tenure and household type (in this
case the marital status of families with children) is an anecdote to the generalization of census data and could be further complemented by understanding the distribution of income at the household level. Perhaps most
importantly this approach identifies possible spatial mismatches between
census boundaries and underlying social geographies. In the absence of local knowledge spatial mismatches of this nature can produce misleading
representations and conclusions. The technique described here could be
used to improve the resolution of spatial analysis in urban research generally, but in particular it offers a means to improve population health research, as both housing tenure and the incidence of lone parent families are
commonly used to characterize relative health patterns by a number of socioeconomic deprivation indices [19,27,47,60].
5.3 Protocol three: Visualizing household survey data at the
rooftop level
In an ideal GIScience scenario, one would be able to disaggregate household income from the census or other source to the rooftop level. Such an
exercise would be fraught with uncertainty and dogged by issues of privacy – especially given the tentative nature of the resultant model. As an
alternative, we chose to use survey data acquired by postal questionnaire
as part of a study on new immigrants and hidden homelessness [15]. The
questionnaire was sent to all households living in rental apartments in two
DAs selected based on their percentage of recent immigrants and low
household income was reported in the previous (2001) Canadian census. A
response rate of 20.7% was achieved; this is marginally higher than the
20% sampling rate of Census Canada. Asked to indicate their income from
a set list of household revenues, 23.8% of respondents from one DA (Edmonds) said they earned less than $1,000 per month, while 15.1% of responses from the second DA (Metrotown) were under this level. The majority of respondents from both areas, however, reported annual household
incomes that fall below $24,000, which is less than half the Vancouver
Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) median household income.3 Results for
the Metrotown DA are illustrated in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 demonstrates the degree of detail that becomes available using
survey data in conjunction with cadastral data. In this case, the survey data
from individual households within rental properties was aggregated to the
building (rooftop) level. Despite the limitations of an incomplete census,
these data - when mapped using small multiples - illustrate the micro-scale
variation in social conditions present within the DA surveyed.
18 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund,
and Nathaniel Bell
Fig. 7. Survey data from individual rental households was aggregated at the cadastral (rooftop) level. Despite the limitations of an incomplete census, these data –
when mapped using small multiples – illustrate the micro-scale variation in social
conditions present within the DA surveyed
Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher resolution socioeconomic spatial
data analysis 19
This survey was designed primarily to confirm the presence or absence
of poverty in the area and shed light on the experiences of residents in
ways not addressed by census data. It was not a random sample – as all
households within the chosen areas were surveyed – and there was no control for who would respond. By contrast, polling firms actively pursue a
random sample by targeting subgroups when surveying to ensure proper
matching between respondents in the sample and the general population.
As a result, non-response bias and sampling error is likely present in the
results. The power of this data is magnified, however, when combined
with property and land tenure data, which together suggest possible future
research directions and questions.
5.4 Protocol four: Assigned value at the rooftop level
The fourth protocol for increasing resolution of urban datasets involves
taking real estate assessment data and assigning them to individual cadastres. In this instance, data was provided by the British Columbia Assessment Authority (BCAA) in spreadsheet form. BCAA assigns a real estate
value to each property parcel in the province split into land and building
Total assessed values for residential property allow a glimpse into a dimension of net worth other than pay-cheque; moreover, disparities in
property values are indicative of the degree of socioeconomic inequality
within a metropolitan area [35]. Total assessed value for a property is sufficient information to determine what level of household income would
normally be required to support a particular property.2 Clearly, there are
limitations, but as a modeling exercise it allows us to leverage property
parcel data to determine the differences in household income required to
own property across an area. Given that individual households buy property at different times and at different mortgage rates, term length, and
Minimum household income required was calculated assuming a 25% downpayment, 25 year amortization period, monthly payments, a 6.0% rate of interest and a maximum mortgage payment-to-income ratio of 28%. The interest
rate reflected the average rate (for a 5 year fixed-rate closed mortgage) posted
by Canada’s five major banks (Bank of Montreal, Bank of Nova Scotia, CIBC,
Royal Bank and TD Canada Trust) on December 13th, 2005. The maximum
mortgage payment-to- income ratio was set to 28% in order to leave room for
other shelter related expenses like property tax, insurance, utilities, and maintenance costs, and still meet the threshold typically used by mortgage lenders
(shelter cost-to-income ratio of 32%).
20 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund,
and Nathaniel Bell
down-payment size, the assumptions in the model are not universally applicable. This is especially true in the GVRD where we frequently find recent immigrants who are asset rich but income poor. This approach does,
however, yield interesting insight into housing costs for an assumed average household and the required income levels needed for such a household
to support itself. Fig. 8 illustrates that household values are affected by a
clustering effect. Visualizing this clustering at a very high resolution, we
are able to avoid the problem of losing small pockets of high and low valued homes. Such pockets are eradicated when data are aggregated – even
to minimum census units. It is why, by examining household value at the
cadastral level, that pattern emerges.
This approach to using alternative (non-census) high-resolution data to
generate a model of a non-census socioeconomic variable is very much a
part of what Longley and Harris [37] urged geographers to do. The business community has long engaged in modeling in this manner for exploratory purposes or strategic decision making (even if it is less than perfectly
accurate). We are reminded that all models are wrong; some are useful
6 Conclusion: Moving beyond the census
Smith [56: 32] notes greater specificity and the ability to move “beyond
the comfort zone of census tract analysis” is required to understand
neighborhoods and the individuals that populate them. In this paper we
have described a series of strategies to develop higher resolution data as a
means of breaking out of traditional administrative units in order to better
understand social phenomena.
Producing more granular representations requires moving beyond the
accepted scales and categories embedded in census data analysis and employing research approaches that can illuminate the ‘blind-spots’ of the
census. The census remains the familiar stand-by for socioeconomic analysis for three main reasons: 1) use of census geographies enables use of the
suite of non-spatial attributes collected at regular intervals by national
governments; 2) the geography of its tidy boundaries are freely available to
researchers; and 3) its reporting structures are acceptable among reviewers
of all socioeconomic analysis. We argue, however, against the comfort
zone of census geographies and its suite of attributes as a strategy for potentially revealing pattern and characteristics that are not visible in the aggregate and that are revealed using attributes typically collected at the individual level – such as tax assessment values.
Building an integrated cadastral fabric for higher resolution socioeconomic spatial
data analysis 21
Fig. 8. The minimum household income required to purchase – via mortgage – a
single-family detached home in Burnaby (suburb of Vancouver, Canada) assuming a 25% down-payment, 6.0% interest rate, 25 year amortization, and maximum
income to mortgage payment ration of 28%
22 Nadine Schuurman, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Rob Fiedler, Darrin Grund,
and Nathaniel Bell
This strategy is not at first glance appealing. It promises to involve
many hours of data acquisition and attribute integration of disparate cadastral data sets. It certainly involves the introduction of uncertainty with the
disaggregation of data from other administrative units. In short, this approach is messy yet it promises a means of better understanding human
geography. We have pursued it in the belief that is better to have an untidy
high-resolution analysis that reveals new and unpredictable patterns than
clean aggregated data that reinforces what we know already.
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