OHS COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE AS/NZS 4801 OHSAS 18001 OHS20309 SAI Global June 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................2 2. SCOPE .....................................................................................................................................................2 3. ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................2 4. DEFINITIONS ...........................................................................................................................................2 5. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES ...............................................................................................................2 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. HEADS OF ACADEMIC/ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS ........................................................................................................ 2 SUPERVISORS .................................................................................................................................................. 2 MONASH OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) .............................................................................................. 2 OHS COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................2 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 OHS POLICY ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 MEETINGS ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION VIA EMAIL, WEBSITES .............................................................................................. 2 OHS NOTICE BOARDS ......................................................................................................................................... 3 OHS CONSULTANTS’ REPORT/NEWSLETTER .......................................................................................................... 3 OHS DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................................................. 3 HAZARD AND INCIDENT REPORTS......................................................................................................................... 3 OHS COMMITTEES ............................................................................................................................................. 3 FEEDBACK TO OH&S .......................................................................................................................................... 4 7. RECORDS ................................................................................................................................................4 8. COMPLIANCE ..........................................................................................................................................4 9. REFERENCES .........................................................................................................................................4 9.1 10. MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................ 4 DOCUMENT HISTORY ............................................................................................................................4 OHS Communication Procedure, v1 Date of first issue: June 2014 Responsible Officer: Manager, OH&S Date of last review: N/A For the latest version of this document please go to: http://www.monash.edu.au/ohs/ Page 1 of 4 Date of next review: 2017 21/05/14 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to define the Monash University process for communicating relevant OHS information to staff, students, visitors and contractors. 2. SCOPE These procedures apply to staff and students of Monash University. 3. ABBREVIATIONS OHS OH&S 4. Occupational health and safety Monash Occupational Health & Safety DEFINITIONS A comprehensive list of definitions is provided in the Definitions Tool. 5. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES A comprehensive list of OHS responsibilities is provided in the document OHS Roles, Committees and Responsibilities Procedure. A summary of responsibilities with respect to OHS communication is provided below. 5.1 HEADS OF ACADEMIC/ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS Heads of academic/administrative units must ensure that all relevant OHS information is communicated to staff in a timely manner by ensuring that: staff are aware of the OHS Communication Procedure; the OHS Communication Procedure is implemented in their academic/administrative unit; and OHS is discussed regularly at meetings. 5.2 SUPERVISORS Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that they, and the staff and students that they supervise, follow the OHS Communication Procedure. 5.3 MONASH OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) OH&S are responsible for making all policies, procedures, guidelines and tools available. 6. OHS COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE 6.1 OHS POLICY Monash University’s OHS Policy and OHS Issue Resolution Procedure must be communicated to staff and students via: 6.2 OH&S website; and OHS notice boards. MEETINGS Health and safety should be included on the agenda of meetings at faculty/divisional, unit and work group level to allow discussion of these issues at a range of levels. 6.3 ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION VIA EMAIL, WEBSITES 6.3.1 6.3.2 OHS Communication Procedure, v1 Date of first issue: June 2014 Information regarding health and safety issues should be circulated via email or posted on websites at: university level; faculty/divisional level; and/or academic/administrative unit level. Emails and websites can be used to: publicise new OHS policies and procedures and programs; Responsible Officer: Manager, OH&S Date of last review: N/A For the latest version of this document please go to: http://www.monash.edu.au/ohs/ Page 2 of 4 Date of next review: 2017 21/05/14 6.4 consult the university community during the development of OHS policies and procedures; ask for feedback; and alert the university community or the members of a particular academic/administrative unit to OHS hazards. OHS NOTICE BOARDS The following information must be communicated via OHS noticeboards: Names and contact details of Health & Safety representatives; Names and contact details of First Aiders; OHS Policy; OHS Issue Resolution Procedures; and “If you are injured at work” Poster. 6.5 OHS CONSULTANTS’ REPORT/NEWSLETTER OH&S must communicate relevant information to the Monash University community. The OHS Consultants’ report/newsletter must be updated/issued at least quarterly, but should be updated when information changes. Some examples of relevant information include: 6.6 OHS DOCUMENTS 6.6.1 All new documents produced by OH&S must be communicated to all staff via: an email to Safety Officers, Health & Safety representatives and OHS committee chairpersons; local OHS committees via the Consultants’ report; the OH&S web site. Major review to existing documents must be communicated to all staff via: an email to Safety Officers, Health & Safety representatives and OHS committee chairpersons; and the document history in the document appendix; and/or local OHS committees; and/or the OH&S web site. Minor reviews to existing documents do not need to be communicated to all staff. 6.6.2 6.6.3 6.7 changes to OHS legislation; changes to Monash University OHS Management System; highlight available services such as: Counselling services; Return to work; and OHS training. HAZARD AND INCIDENT REPORTS Hazard and Incident reports represent an official form of communication under the OHS Management System. Further details are covered in Hazard and Incident Reporting, Investigation and Recording Procedure. 6.8 OHS COMMITTEES 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.8.4 OHS Communication Procedure, v1 Date of first issue: June 2014 Before each OHS committee meeting, notice of the next meeting must be circulated to the staff and students in the area, requesting agenda items for discussion. Items submitted must be included on the agenda of the next meeting and the proposer invited to the meeting for discussion of the item. Minutes of meetings must be kept and made accessible to all staff and postgraduate students, either on notice boards or electronically. Minutes must be: Responsible Officer: Manager, OH&S Date of last review: N/A For the latest version of this document please go to: http://www.monash.edu.au/ohs/ Page 3 of 4 Date of next review: 2017 21/05/14 6.9 FEEDBACK TO OH&S 6.9.1 OH&S should record all feedback received from staff, students and external parties. This feedback should be assessed and should prompt initiatives to generate continual improvement of the OHS Management System. 6.9.2 7. 8. only accessible to Monash staff and students when posted on web sites; sent to the area’s OHS Consultant/Advisor as soon as possible after the meeting. RECORDS Record to be kept by Records To be kept for: Academic/administrative unit Minutes of meetings 10 years Occupational Health and Safety Minutes of meetings 10 years Correspondence containing recommendations 10 years Consultant’s Reports 10 years COMPLIANCE This procedure is written to meet the requirements of: AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems – specifications with guidance for use OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems – requirements. 9. REFERENCES 9.1 MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS DOCUMENTS (http://www.monash.edu/ohs/ohs-information-and-documents) OHS Roles, Committees and Responsibilities Procedure Health and Safety Issue Resolution Procedure 10. DOCUMENT HISTORY Version number 1 Date of Issue Changes made to document June 2014 OHS Communication Procedure, v1 OHS Communication Procedure, v1 Date of first issue: June 2014 Responsible Officer: Manager, OH&S Date of last review: N/A For the latest version of this document please go to: http://www.monash.edu.au/ohs/ Page 4 of 4 Date of next review: 2017 21/05/14