OHS training at Monash University Mandatory Mandatory where the work/study includes exposure to the hazard Courses are recommended where relevant to the work/study or role Online Monash Safety Induction Program Contractor Safety Induction Security Staff Induction Tenants, Cleaning & Events Staff Induction 2-3 H 2H Online self paced 1H 1H 5H 2D 3H 30 min 30min 15min 15min 3y 3y 3y 3y 3y 3y 3y 2y On election 1 P/A 3y 3y Before start 2D 3H 3-4 H 1.5 H 1H 3H 1H 1H 1D * 5D 2D Staff with OHS Role Biosafety officers Emergency wardens First aiders First aid coordinators Health & safety representatives (including Deputy) Laser safety officers Radiation safety officers Safety officers OHS Committee Chairs Staff/Students/Contractors Deans/Divisional Directors Senior managers Supervisors (Academic Research / Professional Staff) Technical staff (laboratory/studio/workshop) Demonstrators/Tutors Honours students Postgraduate students Project Managers/Officers Contractors Security Staff Cleaners,Tenants & events staff Responsible Officer: Manager, OHS Date of last review : April 2015 Radiation Safety Officer Refresher 1H Student Project Safety (Risk Management)(Group session to be organised by area) 2H Biosafety Module 2 (OGTR/AQIS) Before start Biosafety Module 1 or RPL (Microbiologicals) Before start Health & Safety RepresentativeRefresher Before start Health & Safety Representative/Deputy On start 3y Breathing Apparatus (PUAFIR207B) 3y Hydrofluoric Acid safety Before start Hazard Substances & Dangerous Goods Awareness Before start Ergonomics and Manual Handling 3y Workplace Safety Inspections 3y Hazard & Incident Reporting and Investigation Awareness 3y Risk Management Radiation Safety Officer 2H Radiation Safety - Unsealed Sources (CD multimedia based) 2H Laser Safety Officer training 2H Once 3y * Inductions Laser Safety (Prerequestite to Laser Safety Officer training) 2H 1/year for FA currency Essential OHS 3y OHS Specialised Level 2 First Aid (HLTFA301C) Includes anaphylaxis training Emergency Warden Training (PUAWER004B) 3y CPR Refresher (HTCPR201B) Includes amnaphylaxis refresher Fire Safety at Work (CPPFES2004A) 3y Managing Safety & Hazards In the Workplace (NSCA) Gas Cylinder & Cryogenics Duration (D=Day / H= Hours) Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training (CPPFES2005A) (Group session organised by area) First Aid and Emergency Response (Parasol) Course to be completed every AS/NZS 4801, OHSAS 18001 OHS20309 SAI Global (Registered Training Organisation) and evidence provided to SDU ChemWatch MSDS * Course may be completed externally through an RTO