SERVICE NETWORKING SUPPORT FELLOWSHIP The University Women’s Club, Texas Tech University, with approximately 200 members from all segments of the University, began inauspiciously when a small group of Tech faculty wives met to plan a tea in the fall of 1930, when the faculty had grown to 200 and there was little opportunity for the wives to meet one another outside their respective departments. Each shared the feeling that there was a need for a women’s organization. Mrs. John Granberry, Mrs. A.W. Evans, Mrs. R.E. Garlin, Mrs. A.B. Cunningham, and Mrs. R.C. Goodwin organized the tea and sent invitations to the wives of the faculty and administration of the college. They seemed to have captured the feeling of the other faculty wives, and the Tech Faculty Women’s Club was officially born at the tea when Mrs. A.W. Evans was elected president and Mrs. Fred Sparks was elected vice president. During those early years, there were no dues and no emphasis on programs. The first meetings were kept informal and held in the Parish House of the Episcopal Church with refreshments provided by the hostess. Since its early years, the University Women’s Club has grown considerably. The membership now also includes women faculty and administrators. Different programs and interest groups meet the diverse needs of its members. The club has both social and educational objectives, as well as an overall focus that unites its members. This focus is the Paul Whitfield Horn Fellowship Endowment, which funds scholarships for women graduate students. The University Women’s Club contributes to the funding of this endowment through dues and various fundraisers. Celebrating 80 years For Membership: Heather Medley 806.742.7275 ph INTEREST GROUPS - Bunko - A dice game that is fun and easy to play. Contact - Cooking Group - Contact - Daytime Bridge - Contact - Friday Night Bridge - Contact Barbara Mckenna, 793-0945. - Gardening Group - Enjoy gardening, sharing ideas, plants and learning new information. - Needlework Group – Contact Susan Kimbrough, - Newcomers Group - Contact Kathryn Rainwater, - (Out to) Lunch Bunch - Contact programs at work for CONNECTING YOUR LIFE TO THE PEOPLE AND INFORMATION YOU NEED The University Women’s Club has four events each year where all members are invited. For more information on these events, go to our website at Welcome Coffee September 12, 2010 (Sunday), 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM College of Education, TTU Campus 80th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, February 26, 2011 Overton Hotel Holiday Coffee TTU Women’s Club & HSC Faculty Wives’ Club December 4, 2010 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM The Home of Rachel Bradley - 3009 23rd Street Spring Luncheon Saturday, April 9th 2011 11:00 AM - 1:00PM Lubbock Women’s Club - 2020 Broadway Poinsettia Sale will benefit the Horn Endowment Family Picnic June 2011 TBA flexible opportunities for your lifestyle needs R E L A T I O N S H I P B U I L D I N G P R O V I D E S A S T R O N G A C A D E MI C C O MM U N I T Y . Colleen Farley, - Ronald McDonald House - Contact MEMBERSHIP INTERESTS GROUPS Active membership shall consist of women in faculty/staff positions or wives of faculty/staff members during their connection with Texas Tech University and/or other institutions within the Texas Tech University System. Interest Groups allow members to join others with similar interests for companionship and enjoyment. Interest groups are subject to change and are all open to any member. Come once. Come every week. Interests Groups are for the enjoyment and fellowship of the members of University Women’s Club. Caye Wright, - Round Table Book Club - Contact Heather Norville, - University Therapeutic Riding Center Contact Sally Murray, E X E C U T I V E C O M MI T T E E To promote the club’s social and educational - Go Go Gals- Contact D’Anne Asquith, objectives, members volunteer to serve in lead- ership capacities. Executive Committee Mem- - Happy Trails- Contact Deann bers for 2010-2011 are: President – Julie Smith President Elect – Camille Frost Crews Programs Vice President – Susan Conover Membership Vice Presidents – Heather Medley Interest Groups Vice President – Zoe Metcalf Special Events Vice Presidents –Mary Ann Jones Secretary – Kathryn Rainwater Treasurer – Elizabeth Lehman Lechtenberger,, Note: Groups are Subject to Change Interests Groups begin because of a members interest in a topic and desire to share that with others. If you have an idea for a group, would like to start a group or just want more information on interest groups, contact Zoe Metcalf, Interest Groups Vice President, 806-742-2984. For more information about the dates, time and locations of interests groups visit the UWC website at: . PAUL WHITFIELD HORN FELLOWSHIP E N D O W ME N T Named in the honor of Texas Tech University’s first President, in 1941 the endowment was founded as a scholarship fund by the Quarterly Club and has since provided financial assistance to Texas Tech University women graduate students. Recipients are selected primarily for their professional aspirations, demonstrated and potential academic ability, character, and financial need. In 1963, the fund became a joint project of the Quarterly Club and University Women’s Club. In 2004, the Quarterly Club disbanded leaving the University Women’s Club responsible for the endowment Funds are raised from membership dues, poinsettias sales, and a silent auction. The endowment is administered by a committee of UWC members appointed by the President for overlapping terms of three years.