A THESIS UNDERTAKEN BY PHILIP CAPLAIN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY JUNE, 1922 INVESTIGATION AN THE INTO EFFECT OF CURRENT DENSITY ON OVERVOLTAGE V I30is SINCERE APPRECIATION MUST BE EXPRESSED TO DOCTOR M. KNOBEL UNDER WHOSE HELPFUL SUPERVISION THIS THESIS WAS ACCOMPLISHED, AND TO WHOM MUST BE ASCRIBED ANY ORIGINAL MATTER HEREIN CONTAINED. 1 AN INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF CURRENT DENSITY ON OVERVOLTAGE INTRODUCTION Overvoltage is defined as the excess of potential required to liberate hydrogen at any metal electrode above that required to liberate it gen electrode; 1. e., at a reversible hydro- one consisting of platinized plat- inum saturated with hydrogen gas. In electrolysis there are two other voltage effects from which overvoltage must be carefully distinguished, namely: the ohmic drop in the electrolyte, and concen- tration polarization. In itself, overvoltage has become of great technical importance in recent years. The success of many commercial processes depends upon its proper regulation. Among these may be mentioned the electrolytic separation and refining of metals, and electrolytic oxidation and reduction processes. It must be carefully consider- ed in attempts to develop non-corrodable alloys and protective coatings for metals, for it has been shown to be a most important factor in corrosion. 2 VARIABLE FACTORS IN OVERVOLTAGE 3 Overvoltage is an irreversible effect, and its magnitude is determined by a number of variable factors, as follows: A. Nature of electrolyte I. Concentration of the ion in question; this is actually a question of concentration polarization, but is properly considered here from the overvoltage viewpoint; the overvoltage increases with decrease of concentration. If, during electrolysis, the rate of ionization is not sufficient to maintain constant concentration of the ion, the overvoltage will rise. The presence of compounds forming com- plexes with the ion will affect the overvoltage by altering its concentration, and the rate with which it is produced by ionization. II. Nature of the ion; the nature and hydration of the ion markedly affect the overvoltage. (See Page 16) III. Presence of addition agents, certain specific substances, usually colloids, increase the overvoltage when present in small amounts. B. Nature of Metal of the electrode I. Its compgsition affects the overvoltage. II. Its surface structure affects the overvoltage. The overvoltage of cast, wrought, and elec- trodeposited metal decreases in the order named for a given metal. I Its past - 4 history may -markedlyaffect the overvoltag. III. Character of surface; a rough surface decreases the overvoltage by increasing the superficial area. In addition, the char- acter of the surface appears to affect specifically the overvoltage by means not yet understood. (See Page /i5) IV. Formation of alloy; If the ion deposited alloys with the metal of the electrode, the overvoltage is diminished. V. Passivity of metal of electrode; under cer- tain conditions the metal may become more noble than normal, affecting, thereby, the overvoltage of ions deposited against it. C. Current density; overvoltage increases with current density. D. Temperature; (See, however, Page 1f) an increase of temperature di- minishes overvoltage. E. Time; overvoltage does not assume its full mag- nitude except after a lapse of time, great with some metals, almost instantaneous with lead and mercury. F. (See, however, Page t5) Pressure; overvoltage appears to decrease with increase of pressure. G. Presence of a depolarizer; a depolarizer can act in two ways: (a) As a catalyzer, increasing the velocity of the slow reaction which is 5 causing irreversibility. (b) By reducing the energy consumption at the electrode below the amount corresponding to equilibrium electrode potential. In the case of cathodic potential, this is usually accomplished by reduction of the polarizer. Another view- point is to consider the depolarizer to lessen the concentration of the products of electrolysis at the electrode, thus decreasing the back electromotive force. It is the purpose of this thesis to investigate the effects of current density on hydrogen overvoltage, in the endeavor to confirm and elaborate upon theories propounded as to the causes of the phenomenon. 6 RESUME OF VARIABLES AFFECTING OVERVOLTAGE A. Nature of electrolyte I. Concentration of the ion in question. (a) Its concentration (B) Rate of ionization producing the ion (c) Presence of complex-forming compounds II. Nature of the ion. (a) Its nature (b) Hydration III. Presence of addition agents. B. Nature of electrode material I. Composition. II. Surface structure. III. Character of surface. IV. Formation of Alloy between discharged ion and electrode material. V. Passivity of electrode. C. Current Density D. Temperature E. Time F. Pressure G. Presence of a depolarizer 7 THEORIES OF OVERVOLTAGE 8 THEORIES OF OVERVOLTAGE Broadly speaking, there are four tenable theories Each theory, as propos- of overvoltage to be considered. ed by the various investigators, embodies different modifications, as indicated in the following resume. I. The Dielectric-Resistance Theory. was proposed by Haber1 This theory He postulated the absorb- in 1902. tion or occlusion of a layer of gas at the electrodeelectrolyte surface. low conductivity, This film acts as a die.lectric of thus increasing the potential gradient to be overcome by the ion in passing from the electrolyte to the electrode. The thickness of this film de- pends upon the nature of the electrode material, thus causing the different overvoltages observed with different electrodes. II. The Surface Tension Theory. elaborated by Moller 2 in 1909. This theory was He found that curves showing the variation of overvoltage with temperature bore a very close resemblance to those of surface tension against temperature. It was also observed that both curves reached their maximum at 5.30, and that the greater the value of the maximum, the greater the slopes of the curves on each side of the maximum. cal formula was obtained, An empiri- giving overvoltage as a func- tion of the surface tension of the gas film, or bubbles, formed at the electrode. To explain the variation of overvoltage with the metal employed as cathode, it was assumed that the assistance offered to the electrical forces fvrming the film varies with the nature of the electrode material. Metals possessing a strong attraction for hy- drogen have a low overvoltage. This theory has been further elaborated by MacInnes 3 Adler, and Contier1 3 . A low current density was employed, so that one bubble of hydrogen was evolved in one or more minutes. The overvoltage-time curve was sinuous, with a sharp break following the maximum values of overvoltage. The bubble was freed at approximately the min- imum value, and continued to be evolved at the same point, seemingly indicating that a nucleous was invari- ably left behind. To account for these relationships, MacInnes took cognizance of the fact that the vapor pressure of a bubble varies inversely as its size, the smaller the bubble, the greater the vapor pressure. This increase of.vapor pressure in turn increases the amount of hydrogen gas dissolved in the solution for equilibrium with the gaseous phase. The increase of dissolved hydrogen increases the decomposition cathodic voltage of the solution in accordance with the Nernst Theory, and hence, bg definition, the overvoltage. Stating these facts concisely, from the opposite viewpoint we have: the larger the bubble, the smaller the overvoltage. Hence as the size of the bubble increases, the overvoltage decreases. When the bubble is liberated, the overvoltage starts to increase, due to the minuteness of the nucleus 10 remaining, and rises to a maximum. At which point the bubble again begins to grow, and the process repeats. The overvoltage of a given metal is determined by the size of the nuclei which it can absorb, the larger these nuclei, the smaller the 6vervoltage. MacInnes has used microscopic examination, and the pressure var- iation of overvoltage, (See Page lo ), in support of this theory. III. The Monatomic-Hydrogen Theory, first elaborated by Nernst4 . Nernst assumed that during electrolysis, the hydrogen ions penetrate below the surface of the electrode. There the charge is given up, and the hydogen exists in the monatomic and molecular forms, in accordance with the equation 2H == H2 . For bubble formation a certain minimum concentration of the gas H 2 is required. If the solvent power of the electrode material for the gasbe low, before this minimum concentration is reached, the electrode will have become saturated with the gas at atmospheric pressure. Due to the slow rate at which the electrode arrives at equilibrium with the atmosphere, the electrode must be supersaturated to cause the formation of bubbles. This corresponds to an increase of the elec- trolytic solution pressure of the hydrogen, and a consequent rise of overvoltage. The variation of overvoltage with many of its determining factors lends verisimilitude to this theory. Recently Wilson 5 has found that overvoltage decreases with increase of pressure. sure should cause the reaction H An increase of pres+ H -+ H2 to proceed 11 towards the right with increased velocity, increasing the concentration of H2 , and bringing the electrode nearer to the bubbling point, thus decreasing the overvoltage. For the same reason, an increase of temperature decreases the overvoltage. Haber' had found that the applied cathodic poten- tial is a logrithmic function of the current, which he E = A logI expressed thus: - B, in which A and B are the current. constants, and I is Tafel later attacked the problem from the view- point of the monatomic hydrogen theory. He found that the cathodic, potential for mercury and lead vary very nearly as a logrithmic function of the current, but only approximately so for other metals. As the causes of the deviation from the logarithmic curve, he ascribed the undeterminable influence of three factors, which were the catalytic influence of the electrode material upon the reaction H 1 H -- + H 2 , the influence of time, ), and unknown specific effects of the nature (See page 4 of the electrode surface. Tafel evolved the mathemat- ical derivation following: In or at the surface of the cathod the following reactions are assumed to take place: 1. H E= 2. H H ==H H 2 The first reaction, the discharge of the hydrogen Ion, may take place at a relatively great rate; but the second, the association of monatomic hydrogen to molecular hydrogen, requires appreciable time, as determined 12 by the reaction constants, and any catalytic effects present. Assume electrolysis to take place under steady conditions; i. e., that the decrease in concentration of dissolved hydrogen, by evolution as a gas, is balanced, at all moments, by the increase caused by the association of the hydrogen atoms. Then the concentration of the dissolved molecular hydrogen remains constant. In equation (2) let k be the velocity constant of the reversible reaction. Let I he the current density, CH the concentration of dissolved molecular hydrogen, and CH -the concentration of hydrogen ions. Then -d CH ------ 2 = k CH dt H For steady conditions of electrolysis I = K'C and CH = From Nernst's Formula E=RT ln CH F = RT ln K'I H* F = RT in I + RT ln K 2F F qH E = g16gi-a For reversible reactions this vould be E = 0.0002T logI t a = C.0001T logI - a n 13 For Pb and Hg, at 120, the actual curve was given by E a * 0.107 logI ; whereas the forTmula for the reversible electrode requires E = a + 0.0285 logI It aopears, therefore, that the constant b for electrodes possessing overvoltage is sible hydrogen electrode. greater that that for the reverBoth the 4iuantities, b and a, were calculated for steady conditions of electrolysis at temperature T, and are constant only under these conditions. Summarizing this theory, then, it appears that overvoltage is due to the slow rate, and the irreversibility, of the reaction H + H -v H 2 , and that any factor which will increase the rate, and reduce the irreversibility, will decrease the overvoltage. IV. The fourth theory may be termed the SolidSolution Theory. This theory of Foerster's? also makes use of an intermediate stage between the charged ion and the evolved gas. It differs from the above described theory, however, in that it assumes the formation of a compound or solid solution by the discharged ion within the electrode material, the concentration of which determines the electrode potential. The variation of overvoltage with the variable factors is explained by this theory as follows: Time: the longer electrolysis continues, the great- er the concentration, and hence the greater overvoltage. The rate of decomposition of the solid solutioa equals its rate of formation, finally and the cathodic potential 14 becomes constant. Current Density; the greater the current density, the greater the rate of formation of the solid solution, with consequent increase on concentration and rise of overvoltage. Temperature; the higher the temperature, the more rapid the rate of decomposition of the solid solution, with attending decrease of concentration and lowering of overvoltage. The investigators Reichenstein , Pring9, and Curzon1 0 have found evidence indicating that the hydrogen deposited at the cathodspenetrates below the surface. The previous history of the electrode affects its internal structure, and in connection with the nature of the surface, determines the amount and depth of penetration. The internal structure, nature, and the physical condition of the metal thus seems to have a great influence upon the overvoltage at the electrode, determining to what extent the liberated gas will dissolve and take part in the electrode reactions. In a definite electrode vol- ume, occupied by the gas through penetration, an inter- mediate formation of hydrides or other unstable compounds takes place. The depth of penetration has been deter- mined by Pring, by depositing one metal on to another until no further change in overvoltage resulted. quired is given by the last The depth re- column of the following table, indicating the thickness necessary to give the effect of the massive metal. wo, jw , - 15 MILLIGRAMS/SQ.CM. METAL MILLIMETERS THICK (From density & weigit) 4 X 10-6 Pt 0.01 Au 0.3 1.6 X 10 Zn 0.3 4.2 X 10~4 Cu 3.0 3.4 X 10~3 Sn 4.0 5.5 X 10-3 Ni 15.0 1.6 x 10-2 Pb 75.0 6.6 x 10 Newberyl, recently investigating the phenomenon of overvoltage, has arrived at some very interesting conclusions. He employed the vibrator method (See Pagesare) for measuring the cathodic potential, in order to eliminate any polarization effects due to the presence of a film of gas surrounding the electrode. During electrol- ysis, he believes, the ions penetrate the electrode surface, pass through intermediate stages, and emerge in the molecular gaseous form, breaking open the surface of the electrode in doing so. Microscopic examination revealed the surface to be pitted with innumerable crater-like formations, apparently confirming the theory. It was found that at high current density the overvoltage of lead, mercury, and platinum increased with time to a maximum, and then slowly fell. The maximum overvoltage Newbery believed to be determined by the mechanical strength of the surface crystals, and the surface tension forces (in the case of mercury) which resist the passage of the molecular hydrogen from the interior of the electrode to the, exterior. The fall of overvoltage, after 16 reaching the the maximum, was attributed to the increased permeability of the electrode surface material to the molecular gaseous form, because of the extreme degree of pitting to which it had been subjected. Newbery investigated some further factors affecting overvoltage, arriving at the following conclusions: (a) Overvoltage was, for the most part, to be ascribed to supersaturation of a superficial volume of the electrode with molecular gas under very high pressure, due to the permeability of the electrode material to ions, and non-permeability to molecular gas. (b) The'hydration ofan ion" affects its overvoltage because of the relatively slow rate of dehydration during discharge of the inn. This is particularly true in the case of iron and related metals. (c) Colloids, in conjunction with hydrated ions, are carried into the electrode material during electrolysis increasing the overvoltage. They have negligible effect upon non-hydrated ions. '(d) Townsend12 in 1897 had shown that the gaseous products of electrolysis, escaping at the electrode, carry an electric charge. Newbery believes that the marked fall of overvoltage, often observed at high current densities, may be attributed to the inductive action, on the electrode, of the escaping charged gas. It was found that at high current densities variations of overvoltage show an inverse relation to variations in the charge of the gas, the action being often sufficient to reduce the overvoltage to a negligible quantity. 17 Of the four factors considered, (a), (b), and (c) tend to increase overvoltage, whereas (d) decreases it. For deposition of a metal, (a) is not operative. At low current densities factor (a) preponderates, whereas at high current densities, (b) is the preponderant factor. Recently Newbery has more thoroughly investigated factor (a), and has been led carefully to distinguish it from overvoltage proper. He calls this mechanical resis- tance which opposes the passage of the ion from the electrolyte to the electrode, and of the molecular gas from the electrode to the atmosphere, the transfer resistance of the cell. The resistance of a cell is composed of two parts, that due to the electrolyte, and that due to the transfer resistance. Transfer resistance is a variable quantity, as follows: I. It is of greatest magnitude where gases are liberated. II. Of considerable magnitude where ions of a gas carry the current. III. Of small magnitude when the current is carried be metallir ions and ions which dissolve the cathode. The high transfer resistance is favored by low current density, low temperature, polished electrode surfaces, and high overvoltage. Eliminating the effects of gas film resistance (as indicated previously) and of transfer resistance, Newbery4s data led him to interesting conclusions. Cathodic hydrogen pvervoltage of metals apparently 18 places these metals in nine groups, corresponding to groups one to eight of the periodic table, and under certain conditions, a group of zero overvoltage., Metals appearing in more than one overvoltage group have valences corresponding to each group. The overvoltage increases in two equal steps from group zero to group two, and thereafter decreases gradually from group to group. In explanation of these results, Newbery assumes overvoltage, as such, to be due to the high solution pressure of compounds, or solid solutions, formed by the discharged ion within the electrode, the nature of this compound or solid solution being determined by the nature of the electrode metal, as indicated by its position in the periodic table. Passivity of the metal, Newbery explains, is due to the insolubility and high conductivity of this compound or solid solution formed at or in the surface of the electrode. 19 RESUME OF THEORIES OF OVERVOLTAGE I. The dielectric-resistance theory. Assumes overvoltage to be due to the electrical resistance of a film of gas formed at the electrode. II. Surface tension theory. Assumes overvoltage to be a direct function of the surface tension of the film of gas,or of the bubble of gasformed at the electrode. III. Monatomic hydrogen theory. Assumes overvoltage to be caused by the slow rate and irreversibility of the reaction H e- H = H . 2 IV. Solid solution Theory. Assumes the overvoltage to be due to the high solution pressure of unstable compounds or solid solutions formed within the electrode surface by the discharged ion and the material of the electrode. APPARATUS AND METHODS OF PROCEDURE 21 Diagram of the Dynamic Method Fig. ( I) 1 Diagram of the Commutator Method Fig.(2) Rt Lead Cathode THE CELL Fig. (3) -- MINN Copper Lead Platinum Lead -a Glass Tube Glass Tube Ex>osed Meftury Re sevoir Asphalt Exposed Asphalt 'tacking Surface 'Mercury Cathode Construction Fig. (5) Usta:L. Cathode Construction Fig. (4) THE METHOD. With the purpose of confirming, or further modifying existing theories of overvoltage, it is pu-rposed to investigate the variation of hydrogen overvoltage with respect to current density, and against various cathodic materials. For this purpose there are to be considered two methods of procedure, respectively, the commutator method, and the conventional method, which will be called the dynamic method. A diagram of the connections, and of the apparatus, employed by each method is shown on pages (22 ) and (P I ) respectively. The Commutator method was employed by Newbury in the development of the theory outlined on pages (16) to ( 18 ) As used by him, the commutator had a frequency of 2500 cycles per minute; that is to say, contact was completed through the circuit of the applied voltage, and through the potentiometer circuit for alternating periods of aprroximately 0.012 seconds. By means of this system the potentio- meter measures the difference of potential between the cathode and the reference electrode at periods during which no polarizing current is flowing in the cell, for at these times the circuit of the applied voltage is broken. The voltage measured is due to the back electro-motive force of the cathode, caused by the gaseous hydrogen occluded within its surface. Since the potentiometer is balanced against the existing difference of potential, there exists a condition of equilibrium such that no current flows in the cathode-reference electrode circuit. This fact causes the method to possess three important advantages, as follows: a) It eliminates the effect of the presence of gas films on the cathode surface. If current were flowing, the film would oppose an ohmic resistance, and the potential drop thus caused would cause an additive error in the measurement of the cathodic potential. b) It eliminates the effect of the ohmic resis- tance of the electrolyte. If current were flowing, the potential drop in that portion of the electrolyte completing the circuit between the cathode and the reference electrode would cause an additional additive error in the measurement. c) It eliminates the effect of transfer existance, as postulated by Newbery (see pagel'7). This effect obviously is operative only when the current flows and causes a further additive error in the measurement. The commutator method is based on the assumption that the adsorbed hydrogen of the cathode does not diffuse away during the short time of the half cycle of the commutator, the cathodic potential thus remaining /4 constant during that time. The work of Le Blanc in 1910, however, seems to throw this assumption into error of considerable magnitude. On page (2-a ), fig. (617), are reproductions of oscillograph curves of the terminal voltage of electrolytic cells, as obtained by Le Blanc. In these curves, portion (a) represents the voltage at that time during which the current flows; (b) when the current ceases; and (c) when the current reverses and flows in the opposite direction. An essential difference to be noted between this and Newbery's work, is that current is here drawn from the cell to actuate the oscillograph, whereas, in the commutator method, no current is drawn at the time of measurement of the cathodic potential. "U 4Z8 Pt/I-npo, /Pt (b) Pt/0.05-n IKI+X1-n HSO/Pt rig.(7) Leblano's Oscillograph Curves of Cell Terminal Voltage Ordinates =Volts Abscissae = Tiae I Fig. ( 6 ) is the curve obtained with a cell consisting of 1-n sulphuric acid between platinum electrodes at low current density. The shape of the curve indicates that polarization at the electrodes, or concentration polarization has taken place. During the time (a), the electro-motive force increases, due to increasing concentration of the products of electrolysis at the electrodes. During the time (b) current is drawn from the cell by the oscillograph. This current is supplied by the gaseous products of electrolysis which had accumulated at the electrodes, and now reenter the solution. As the concentration of the gases in the electrode material decreases, the voltage of the cell falls slightly. It is the voltage corresponding to that of the part (b) of the curve that the commutator method measures. In this instance, the method would give practically correct results. Since the potentiometer draws no current, the part (b) of the curve would fall off very little, and would be approximately of the same value as at the instant at which the current ceased; which is the desideratum. 30 It must be observed, however, that, in this case, the current density was low ( 0.0045 amp./ sq.cm.), and the electrodes were of platinum. The low current density, and the high occlusive power of the platinum tend to keep the concentration, and resultant pressure bf the gaseous products of electrolysis low. Conditions, however, are not the same at high current density, and with electrodes of other nature than platinum. Under these conditions the concentration and the resultant pressure of the gases may be comparatively large. Indeed, in the case of metals of very low occlusive power, such as mercury, much gas maybe absorbed by the layer of liquid in contact with the electrode surface, instead of by the electrode material itself. At high current density the violent bubbling constantly sweeps away this saturated layer of liquid. Due to the high gas pressures within the surface of the electrode, and the violent bubbling at its surface, diffusion and convection will take place, tending to rapidly dissipate the adsorbed qas of the electrode. Hence, at the instant the polarizing current ceases, the electro-motive force of the cell will fall a3' extremely rapidly. An analogous case is shown by fig. ('1 ), where, though platinum electrodes were employed, an abrupt decrease of voltage is shown. by parts (b) of the curve. This curve was obtained by Le Blanc in the electrolysis of a solution of 0.05-n IPKI in 1-n H2 SO4 . The commutator method, applied to this, and similar, cases would give results very much in error. It is a fact that, whereas, at low current densities, Newbery's results checks those of other investigators, at high current densities, they are of decidedly lower values. The phenomenon considered must take place with great rapidity. In LeBlanc's work the length of time represented by portion (b) of the curves is 0.019 seconds. Newbery's commutator, having a frequency of 2500 cycles / minute, the length of time is 0.012 seconds. It is thus seen that the initial assumption of the conrmutator method, namely, that the cathodic potential on open circuit does not decrease over a short period of time, is false, and to a magnitude sufficient to vitiate the value of the results obtained. For this reason it was decided to employ the dynamic method, particularly because it is believed that the errors present are, or may be made, of small magnitude, as follows: Transition resistance, e this factor is a recent postulate, propounded by Newbery, and still awaiting confirmation. Though probably present, it is likely of small magnitude. Ohmic resistance of a film of gas, microscopic examination has shown that the gas, evolved at the cathode, forms, as bubbles, on minute nuclei, scattered at various points on the surfaceiw It is extremely doubtful, if, under ordinary conditions of electrolysis, that an intact film of gas forms, covering the entire surface, so as to cause the effect attributed to it. Ohmic resistance of the electrolyte,- at high current densities, the reference electrode being' some distance from the cathode, the error introduced by this factor may be of considerable magnitude. In order to reduce it to a minimum, the tip of the reference electrode is bent at an angle and closely pressed against the surface of the cathode, as shown on fig (p ), page (as), In the calculaticns cognizance was taken of the ohmic drop existing in the conductors between the exposed surface of the cathode,and the notentiometer lead. 313 THE APPARATUS AND PROCEEDURE. A diagramatic representation of the cell used is shown in fig (3 ), page (a3 ). The electrolyte used was 2-n sulrhuric acid. At this concentration the dissociation> of the acid is about fifty percent, so that an aprroximately normal solution of the hydrogen ion was 6btained. The reference electrode was of the mercury mercuric sulphate type. The mercuric sulphate was added to excess, so as to saturate the 2-n sulphuric acid of the electrode. The solution of the electrode was of the same acid concentration as that of the cell so as to avoid concentration difficulties. It was found that the value of the reference electrode of this type with respect to a normal hydrogen reference electrode was very closely 0.670 volts. That is to say, in order to obtain the cathodic potential on the hydrogen scale, readings with respect to the mercury-mercuric sulphate electrode must be decreased by 0.670 volts. The anode consisted of sheet platinum. compartment, as shown in fig (3 ), The anode was separated from 3 -1 .that of the cathode by a tube, about two centimeters in diameter, plugged with glass wool, so that oxygen, evolved at the anode, might not find its way to the cathode, there to exert a depolarizing effect. The cathode consisted of one of the substances against which it was desired to measure the hydrogen overvoltage. It was built up with a definite exposed area, usually of one square centimeter, and save where a crystalline surface was desired, was carefully polished to smoothness, finishing up with 0000 emery paper. It was found most convenient to build upr the cathode in the form shown in fig (4 ), page (e-t). To this effect a heavy copper lead was soldered to, or tightly,wrapped around a projecting portion of the sample, a glass tube was slipped over the lead, and the joint sealed tight with asphalt of grade twelve. The asphalt was applied by heating a portion in the flame to incipent fusion, and then rubbing on the joint, smoothing with the flame, or a heated glass rod. When using mercury as the cathode, however, the electrode was built up in the form shown in fig (5 A Ilatinum wire, dipping into the mercury, served as the lead. ). It was always endeavored to so place the electrode, that, the lines of current flow in the electrolyte were of uniform density, and at right angle to the surface of the electrode. To this end the tip of the reference electrode was placed in contact with the cathode surface in an extreme upper corner, and the exposed cathode surface was placed opposite the opening from the anode chamber, at right angles to the line of current flow. In the case of the mercury electrode, however, the same -effect was attained, by immersing the electrode vessel deeply in the cathode apartment. Voltage was applied to the cell by means of a twenty volt drop wire. In series with the cell there was connected a; variable high resistance, so as to give stability to the electrical system. A milliammeter, scaled to 0.1 of a milliampere was used to measure small currents, and an ammeter, scaled to 0.01 of an ampere to measure large currents. A Leeds and Northrup potentiometer, in connection with a Weston standard cell, was employed to measure the cathode potential. When it was deemed necessary, as with platinized platinum, smooth platinum, and palladuim, to aid in the saturation of the cathode material with hydrogen, this 36 gas was bubbled through the electrolyte, over the cathode surface, the cathode conpartment being covered, so as to put the electrolyte under a hydrogen pressure of an atmosphere. In all cases, for the same purpose, a small current, of about 0.2 of a milliampere, was passed before the run, for some time, until numerous small bubbles of hydrogen were evident on the cathode surface. At high current densities Newbery had found that the overvoltage falls off, instead of increasing, with increasing current density. In explanation he offered a rather complex postulate. Namely, he attributed the fall of overvoltage to the inductive effect of escaping electrically charged gas, though no explanation was given, in electrical terms, as to the manner in which the effect is accomplished. It appears, however, that there exists a simpler explanation, far more tenable; that is, the temperature effect. At current densities of the magnitude of one ampere per square centimeter, the overvoltage is usually of the order of a volt. Since overvoltage is an irreversible effect the energy it represents must be dissipated as heat at the surface of the cathode. At an area of one square centimeter, there must therefore be evolved heat energy of the magnitude of a Watt. This is a very large amount of heat to be dissipated in such a small area, and it must cause a comparatively large increase of temperature at the metal-liquid junction. An increase of temperature of any considerable magnitude tends to decidedly decrease the overvoltage. Since, at high current density, the overvoltage-current density curve is very flat, normally increasing but slightly with increase of current, a decrease of even small magnitude, caused by the rise in temperature, would actually cause the curve to fall off. In the runs a thermostadt was employed, which, though decreasing the effect referred to, was found powerless to eliminate it cempletely. This is because the temperature rise, due to the overvoltage, is.extremely localized, and not very subject to the influence of the thermostadt. At low current densities, the current was increased and readings taken every minute, the lapse of time being allowed to permit the overvoltage to attain a condition of approximate equilibrium. But at current densities exceeding fifty milliamperes per square centimeter the adjustments and readings were made as rapidly as possible (akout every half minute), since the time effect, though 38 present, is greatly overbalanced by the temperature effect mentioned above. During a preliminary run against palladium, a black deposit was observed forming on the surface of the electrode. The deposit completely covered the surface, was easily rubbed off, and rapidly dissappeared on exposure to the air, leaving the surface in its original polished condition. The deposit is probably a hydride of palladium, which is oxidized on exposure to the atmosphere. The data, and the curves,,are for values obtained against this black deposit. . On polishing a sample, the surface is reduced to an amorphous condition. In the case of tellurium and of a duplicate specimen of tin a crystalline surface was obtained by a fresh fracture in the firsV case, and, in the latter, by annealing the polished sample at a high temperature. At high values of current density the deposited hydrogen vigorously attacked the tellurium, forming hydrogenated tellurium. The surface of the sample being eaten away, the reference electrode was no longer in contact with it. The ohmic drop of the electrolyte thus caused an additive error in the readings, and, for this reason, the curve of the results, given later on,is shown as a dotted line. 39 THE THEORY Room 14-0551 M ibraries Document Services 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: docs@mit.edu http://libraries.mit.edu/docs DISCLAIMER Page has been ommitted due to a pagination error by the author. . - -- I. THEORY. The monatomic theory of overvoltage (see page /I ) ascribes the deviation of the overvoltage from a logarithmic function of the current density to the influence of several factors, such as catalytic influences; time effect; temperature effect; deviation of gases from the perfect gas laws, when occluded in the metal of the electrode; specific effects of the nature of the electrode surface, such as transition resistance; etc. Believing the catalytic influences to be of pre- dominating importance, Dr. Knobel, under whose super- vision this thesis was accomplished, applied its effect to the mathematical analysis of the phenomenon. Let the following symbols have the indicated meaning. n - 2; being the numerical coefficient of the left hand side of the equation 2 H = H 2 ; the specific reaction rate of the equation H = H 2 2H=H 2 t ; time in seconds. p ; pressure in atmospheres, the subscript indicating of what gas. I ; current in amperes. R ; the universal gas constant, being equal to 8.32 joules per degree T ; temperature in degrees absolute. 'I 42 ;value of the Faraday in coulombs, F being equal to 96500 C, ; concentration of the hydrogen ion in the electrolyte. E ; Overvoltage kg ; a constant K5 ; specific reaction rate of the reaction H2 = 2H On assumption of the monatomic hydrogen theory, and in accordance with the law of mass action as applied to the reaction rate, - dPHtn dPH- = kiPH 1 PH d t Furthermore, due to the liberation of atomic hydrogen by electrolysis, dPH dt where k 2 is a constant. At equilibrium, at any point during electrolysis, k PHI2 = k 2 r P 2 H, 3 where k 3 = k .L ki 43 In accordance with Nernst's formula, E RT F in P 1 where k, is a constant such that k0. - RT F I E RT F ln E RT 2F in E = 8.32 x 298 x 2.303 96500 2 x where k4 I .RT 2F in (k C ,) ln k3 -_RT F -AT. ln k 2F 3 - = PH ln (klC ,) log It k, RT in - (tLC E = 0.0297 log I -t-k4 When E is zero, I is not zero, bnt is a very small quantity, provided kg is large. According to the mona- tomic hydrogen theory, the overvoltage should be zero when the current is zero. The discrepancy may be traced to the neglect of the back reaction, H 2 = 2 H. Assuming this reaction to take place, then, reasoning as before, - d P1 k1 Pj P 1 2 d t k2 1 -k = k1 Pif1 2 - k5 i2 44 2 P k3 I +k 6 where k 6 E E RT F ln = k P 5 2 k3 It k6 - RT 3.F 0.0297 log (I+k7 )t RT 2F in (k C ) in k3 - RT iln (k/C1.) F where k7 = k6 E 0.0297 log (Ii1-7 ) t k 4 By definition, k4 k4 .00297 log kc 2 .0297 log k3 - R F ln (k C (a constant) ik2 is invariable; k1 is larger,the larger the catalytic rower of the metal. Thus k4 is smaller, the larger the catalytic power of the metal. From the equation involving E, k7 , and k , it is evident that k7 is larger, the larger the catalytic power of the cathode. ) At very low current densities, the monatomic hydrogen, liberated in small amounts, is all adsorbed by the cathode material, and in the reaction 2H = H 2 is practically completely subjected to the catalytic influence of the cathode. This catalytic influence is constant, and the quantities k and k 7 invariable. remain 4 Then, in the equation E - 0.0297 log (I-k7 )-fk4 ,' since k 7 is very small, the derivative of E with respect to log I will be a constant of value 0.0297. As the current density increases, the amount of monatomic hydrogen liberated increases. it is postulated that the cathode material is not capable of completely adsorbing and catalysing the increasing amcunts of the gas liberated, and that the layer of liquid, in immediate juxtaposition with the cathode enters into the reaction to aid in that capacity. Since the catalytic power of the liquid is not the same as that of the cathode material, the total effective catalytic influence changes continuously in value, and thus the values of k7 and h undergo a continuous change. At the 46 referred to in the derivation same time the quantity k as invariable, no longer remains constant, but the effect of its change may be thrown over into k7 and k4 . Since k7 and k4 are no longer constant, under the conditions referred to, the derivative of the curve with respect to log I will cease to be a constant, but will deviate smoothly from a constant value. As the current density increases to high values, however, the part played by the absorbtion and catalytic powers of the liquid becomes of predominating influence, the cathode then serving, for the most part, merely as a conductor, to relieve the ions of their charge. The catalytic power of the liquid being constant, the quantities k7 and k4 approach constancy at high current densities. Once more the derivative of the overvoltage with respect to log I approaches the constant 0.0297. It is thus to be expected that the curve of over- voltage plotted against log I will, at low current densities, deviate from a straight line of slope 0.0297, and again approach a straight line, of the same slope, at high current density, the slope for intermediate current densities being of a continuously varying value, always greater than 0.0297. At very high current densities, it is postulated that the pressure of the occluded monatomic hydrogen approaches a value of one atmosphere. At zero over- voltage, under conditions of equilibrium, i.e., at the decomposition cathodic potential, the current density being zero, the monatomic hydrogen is occluded at a pressure corresponding to its equilibrium pressure with the molecular gas existing at a pressure of one atmosphere; it being understood that the cathodic compartment is under a hydrogen atmosphere of one atmosphere during the electrolysis. The maximum overvoltage, approached with increase of current density, then represents the electro-motive force necessary to cause an increase of the monatomic hydrogen pressure from its equilibrium value to that of one atmosphere. The change of pressure of the gas represents a change in the free energy of the system. Let-AF be the change of free energy represented by the reaction of two moles of monatomic hydrogen at one atmosphere pressure to one mole of the molecular gas at one atmosphere pressure; Emar. be the value of the maximum overvoltage in volts; and Q be the amount of electricity in coulombs, passed to liberate two moles of the monatomic gas. Assuming the reaction to be isothermal and reversible, the following equation holds true, - A F = Q Emam. The average of the value of the free energy, A F; as ascribed by various investigators, such as Langmuir, Keys , Lewis, and Bohr, is about 67000 calories. Q is equal to two faradays. Hence we have, - Ema 67 000 x 4.2 2 x 96500 1.46 volts where 4.2 is a factor for the conversion of calories to joules. Due to the large differences in the magnitude ascribed by different investigators to the value of the free energy change, the value obtained for the maximum overvoltage is open to wide variations. If the overvoltage should finally reach its maximum value, the curve, in accordance with the proposed postulates of the preceeding derivation, would lose its logarithmic character, becoming a straight horizontal line. Summarizing the substance of the preceeding discussion, we obtain the following:Overvoltage is, in effect, a logarithmic function of the current density. It departs from a strict logarithmic relation in a I. zzz - 40 fashion such that when plotted against log I,itdeviates from a straight line of slope 0.0297 at low current density, and again approaches a straight line of the same slope at high current density. At high current densities the overvoltage approaches, as a limit, a value in the neighborhood of 1.46 volts. The preceeding statements are independent of the nature of the electrode under usual circumstances. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS DATA OVERVOLTAGE CURVES AGAINST CURRENT DENSITY OVERVOLTAGE CURVES AGAINST LOG.OF CURRENT DENSITY DISCUSSION DATA I V Fe Chem electrolyte Metal OVERVQLAGE Milli Log Milli Amps. Amps. Sn Sn' amorph. oryst. v Brass Monel Metal Duri- ron 4 I .1680 0 -00 .2411 .2704 .2026 .2824 .1 -1..0 .3995 . 5340 . 2183 .3160 .3832 1911 .1710 1 0.0 .8561 .6791 .4036 .6592 .4967 .2754 .1970 2 .3010 .9469 . 7020 .4474 .7249 .5346 .3022 .2136 5 .6990 1.0258 .7515 .5024 .'885 .5960 .3387 .2443 10 1.0 1.0767 .8258 .5571 .8349 .6459 .3832 .2856 50 1.6990 1.1851 .9270 .7000 .9322 .8011 .5345 .5096 100 2.0 1.2230 .9614 .8184 .9696 .9104 .6244 .6129 200 2.3010 1.2342 .9806 .9854 .9989 1.1088 .7108 .7240 500 2.6990 1.2380 1.0031 1.2561 1.0407 1.2318 .8619 .8591 1000 3..0 1.2306 1.0091 1.2915 1.0682 1.2544' 1.0716 1.0205 1500 3.1761 1.2286 1.0186 1.2908 1.0859 1.2491 1.2095 1.1400 k-1 I V OVERVOLTAGE Au. Milli Amps. 0 Log Milli Ams Cd 0 Cu .466 .1 1.0 a,22 .651 .351 1 0.0 .241 .981 .479 2 .3010 5 .6990 .332 1.086 10 1.0 .390 1.134 50 1.6990 .507 1.211 100 2.0 .588 1.216 200 2.3010 .668 1.228 500 2.6990 .770 1000 3.0 1500 3.1761 .807 v Al Graphite Ag Pt smooth Pt platinized - 0.000 - .0034 .499 .3166 .2981 , .0154 .565 .5995 .4751 .024 .0022 .034 .0208 .625 .6520 .5787 .548 .051 .0272 .745 .7250 .6922 .584 .068 .0300 .826 .7788 .7618 .186 .0376 .968 .9032 .8300 .801 .288 .0405 .996 .9774 .8749 .988 .355 .0420 1.176 1.0794 .9379 1.246 1. 186 .573 .0448 1.237 1.1710 1.0300 .798 1.254 1.254 .676 .0483 1.286 1.2200 1.0890 .768 .0495 1.292 1.2208 1.0841 1.257 1.269 \31 (A' I v Milliamp Log Milliamp Milli- Hg 0V. amp II Log Millia amp Tellurk ium Ov . Milliamp 41 0.00 v Palladium OV. -00 .2805 0.00 .5562 .416-0.3809 .0504 .227 0.114 .8488 .832-0.0799 .3505 1.135 .0550 .1392 1.54 .1875 .9295 14667 ..2219 .4162 2.27 .3560 .1820 3.87 .5877 1.0060 4.16 .6191 .4405 4.54 .6571 .2349 7.69 0.8859 1.0361 8.32 .9201 .4530 11.35 1.0550 .3165 38. 7 1. 5877 1.0634 41.6 1.619 .4705 22.7 1.3560 .4034 76.9 1.8859 1.0665 83.2 1.9201 .4733 L13.5 2.0550 .7205 154 2.1875 1.0751 166.7 2.222 .4986 227 2.3560 .8607 387 2.5877 1.1053 416 2.619 .5370 454 2.6571 .9521 769 2.886 1.108 832 2.9201 .5940 1135 3.0550 1.0513 3.0618 1.126 1250 3.0969 .6590 2270 3.3560 1.1168 3400 3.5315 1.1570 -00 0.00 .0769 -1.114 " .769 1153 - -00 Log Milliamp -0.8440 .0546 - m - - CURVES OF OVERVOLTAGE AGAINST CURRENT DENSITY On these curves the average value oftF is taken as 67000 cal.. Bohr's value is 61000 cal.. .. . ... .- Volts | p I.p I 1.6 v} i ii - ------- - - 1 - _- - - H- H -i __ { 1.4 "T 1.2 - I -t 1.0 - - - -- r- 0.8 p4 0.6 *TN* 0.4 -T T2I -,H 0.2 Am AS t T .C2 T"* 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0>6 0.7 0.8 C0.9i 1, 1. 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Amp./Sq.Cm. 1.5 Volts 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Amp/Sq.Cm. 1.3 1.4 1.5 - ~ 24' ~ $I4 iI IL-4 - 1.6 o 1.4 44 F-[ 141 - - IL- 1.2 ~ 1. V -F t",Li j~r~ _ -Ie-el e-h -T 0.8 0.6 0.4 =77 0.2 7~ _ I-, 4 A ~ tt__ __ 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.09 1.0 1.1 Amp/Sq .Cm. 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1 6 1.4 0.8 -- 0. I4ItI.J~i= II -rrard - - --1 - - 0 .2P-0.6r 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0-.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Am~p./Sq .Cm. 1.4 1.5 3 H - 1 IT - - - -+- -- -- t - - -- -I-- t - -- , 4-- - - 1.6 rA 1.4- Caa Ye t ef 11 on Bn 0 ---- 1.2 r 1.0 4 - -t _ 2* ii.. -r t 0.8 * I, -t - L 0.4 VITj 4t~I I2Tf 0.2 -1-R IFi_EH It ~JiIj7 §tI '4. iZl=f t 14 R 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 41-L, 114 17 if 0.3 4Y 4 ~ Th ~f4i~ThTh~T2~4f 0.0 0.1 4___4_ 1-- 0.7 C_.8 I~i C.2 1.(0 1 1.2 peres 1.3 . per Sq.Cm. -I -=Now 6/ CURVES OF OVERVOLTAGE AGAINST THE LOGARITHM OF CURRENT DENSITY t r-:- FL f , 11 I '' c 1 I |771 '4- 2 2 Volts -- - - -- -ii--- --- j - 1.4 -I-1.2 e4 - 1.0 0.8 ------ LL +. C.j.is +4...it...> 0.4 - .: 0.2 A 0.0 0.2 J~ 4iI 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1171 17] 1.2 1.4 ift 1.6 1.8 2.0 -I- -~-,-~-~ted- I 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Log.of Amp./Sa.Cm. 3.2 FIV a-~ 7~ _ ~- _ii7~ 4 Volts 1,6 - - I 4 -- r - - --- - - - -- 1.4 1.2 -b- - i 1.0 0.8 0.6 r 0.4 **~0 c - S aW *DHO. _ 0.2 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.8 2.2 2.4 2.6 Log.of Amp./Sa.Cm. 3.0 3.2 - , - , - ~-.4 . - -. ~}~tt~4' '1 itt - 4 TI *1 ; -.- 7+ th ~±fi~'I "~1~.1 I -I -- 4 7 -n ---- 4---4 Volts ( very Zv c l gE 1. 6 gI.gadr - .- Log i.l + -4 + - -- ~----4----- -4--4- 172 ii iii I _______________ -4- ~'~Ti Y24 P7 '47 4 1 I K 1.4 a Mf 1.2 f- -- -1 1.0 Uk 6"Q& ~-- -i Rg. . -I- --I I- 0.4 -17 - I-rLL0.2 I-~ '1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1-~4 1.4 -1, V -I- t-Th~ 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.& 3.0 3.2 Log.of Amu./Sq.Cri. 44 -I., ~1i74i~t I- I IK'KJ Volts -tj 1.6 It i4~ti~ II H- -U V - I, t i 1 LKi -- I--- I -~-1- 1.4 -, 7>4,> -j -t 4 f I- I-4 i -I- Cv r cIta 4 1.2 FT7 'LaRpst -I 1.0 ______ 4I~~- 0 .8 I A ii.' -I----- -~ -II I 1 L4~~ ii I ___ 4 0.6 - 0.4 ---- - ---- -4-- -V - 111 ~wm - -4- L.mAti~± I 0.2 -'-if ± 0.2 0.4 4 I- ± 0.0 T_ 0.6 0.8 1.0 ____ 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2. 3.0 Log.of Amp./Sq.Cw. 3.2 66 THE RESULTS. The data obtained, showing the variation of overvoltage with respect to current density, is given graphically on the preceeding pages (pagesSa-'4. The form of the curves is very satisfactory. exceeds the calculated maximum. approaching it. No curve Many are apparently Were Bohr's value (61,000 calories) for the free energy, A F, used, instead of an average value (67,000 calories), the calculated maximum overvoltage would be 1.33 volts. This would be a still more satisfactory limit for the curves obtained. It may be expected that at very high current densities, if other effects (such as the temiperature effect, ect.) do not interfere, that the tendency of all the curves to approach the calculated maximum would become very evident. The curve of the overvoltage with resrect to log. I are plotted on pages(a-rf). Points corresponding to values of current less than one milliampere are not Plotted, because, in addition to the enormous rate at which the logarithm varies, the variation of overvoltage with respect to current density, in this range, is so rapid that the milliammeter was very far from being of a - ~ .. -~ 67 datisfactory sensitivity or accuracy. The curves are of great interest, because, as predicted, they are apparently deviating from a straight line at low current density, and approach a straight line at high current density. Because of the limited range of the curves, it is not certain whether the ,slope approached are actually of the calculated value, that is, 0.0297. The curve obtained with platinized platinum is, however, an exception, in that it is practically a straight line throughout. Apparently the capacity of this cathode for the adsorbtion, catalysis, and evolution of gas is so great that the changes in catalytic power, causing the deviation of the curve from a logarithmic form, do not take place, the curve remaining very nearly a true logarithmic function. Moreover, it is a noticeable fact, that the slope of the platinized platinum derivative is only about one half of the calculated value. 46 THE CONCLUSION. Consideration of the results leads to the conclusion that, though very satisfactory, a further extension of the investigation is necessary to make them definitely conclusive. Further mathematical analysis of the theory is required to explain the low value of the slope obtained for the overvoltage curve of platinized platinum with respect to log I. It would also be desirable to further extend the range of the data, and of the curves, with the end in view of obtaining more definite information as to the existance and the value of the limit approached by - a) The overvoltage curves b) The slope of the overvoltage curves with respect to log. I. At low current densities, to attain this end, it will be found necessary to employ a very sensitive and accurate milliammeter, for reasons already indicated. It would also be desirable to evolve a method to more definitely saturate the cathode material with the gas, since it is believed that failure to achieve saturation at low current densities was a factor of consequence in the results. At high current density, to further extend the range, secondary effects, such as the temperature effect, must be combatted. It is believed that the magnitude of the temperature effect may be very successfully diminished, without introducing any undesirable effects, by causing the electrolyte to have a positive circulation, continually sweeping the electrode surface with a cooling stream. 70 REFERENCES 1. Haber Haber & Russ 2. Moller Zt. Electrochem. (1902) 47, 257, (1904) Zt. Phys. Chem. 65, 226, (1909) J.A.C.S. Maclnnes & Con tieri Nernst 539, Zt. Phys. Chem. 3. MacInnes & Adl er 4. 8, J.A.C.S. 41, 194, (1919) 41,2013, (1919) Ber. d. h. Chem. 69,4415, (1895) TheoretischeChemie 4th.Editi onPg.714(1903) 5. Wilson Unpublished.Thesis M.I.T. 6. Tafel ZT. Phys. Chem. 50, 7. Foerster Zt. Phys. Chem. 69, 236, (1909) Zt. Elecktrochem. 16, 353, (1910) 8. Reichenstein Zt. Elecktrochem. 15, 704, (1909) 9. Pring Zt. Elecktrochem, 19, 255, (1913) 10. Pring & Curzon Trans. Fara. Soc. 7, 237, (1912) " " 11. Newbery Jourhal Chem. 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