Generated using version 3.2 of the official AMS LATEX template 1 A new method for generating stochastic simulations of daily 2 precipitation and air temperature Kimberly Smith and Courtenay Strong 3 ∗ Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Firas Rassoul-Agha 4 Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah ∗ Corresponding author address: Courtenay Strong, Atmospheric Science, University of Utah, 135 S 1460 East Rm 819 (WBB) Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0110. E-mail: 1 5 ABSTRACT 6 In this study, a stochastic weather generator (SWG) is introduced that simulates trended, 7 nonstationary precipitation and temperature values directly, circumventing the conventional 8 approach of adding simulated standardized anomalies of temperature to a prescribed cy- 9 clostationary mean. The model mean makes autocorrelated transitions between wet- and 10 dry-state values, and its parameters are determined by optimizing harmonic and any trend 11 terms. If the stochastic (“noise”) term is assumed to have constant amplitude, analytical 12 results are available via maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and are equivalent to least 13 squares estimation (LSE). Where observations motivate a seasonally-varying noise coefficient, 14 MLE becomes nonlinear, and we formulate an analytical solution via LSE. For illustration, 15 the SWG is shown to produce realistic representations of daily maximum air temperature 16 at a single site, which for the study is the Salt Lake City International Airport (KSLC), and 17 can be generalized to multiple variables (e.g. minimum temperature and solar radiation) at 18 multiple sites. 1 19 1. Introduction 20 While both statistically-based stochastic weather generators (SWGs) and dynamically- 21 based global climate models (GCMs) are used in climate impacts studies, there are major 22 differences between them. SWGs work on a point-scale, or on a point-scale expanded via 23 multisite generalization to a basin-scale, whereas GCMs work on a broad regional scale and 24 can be downscaled to the basin or smaller scale. GCMs have difficulty capturing detail in 25 areas of complex terrain, including the Great Basin. SWGs also have a faster computational 26 time than GCMs, which can take upwards of months to complete a single run. GCMs are 27 very computationally expensive compared to SWGs, and thus, there are not many GCM runs 28 available for analysis. GCMs also have difficulty capturing the very low-frequency (century- 29 scale) connections between the Pacific Ocean and the Great Basin. The performance of 30 state-of-the-art GCMs has been evaluated in terms of ability to capture the “extremes” 31 in precipitation and temperature, and it has been found that GCMs poorly capture the 32 extremes, though they perform better at temperature extremes than precipitation (Kiktev 33 et al. 2007). 34 SWGs alleviate some limitations of GCMs and were introduced as a way to overcome a 35 lack of observational meteorological data and problems associated with missing data both 36 temporally and spatially (Wilks and Wilby 1999; Wilks 2008). In addition, they have been 37 used to better understand the uncertainties associated with future climate (e.g., Wilks 1992; 38 Forsythe et al. 2014). These statistical models generate synthetic time series of precipitation 39 and in some cases also air temperature and solar radiation, which statistically resemble the 40 data used to force the model–usually daily observational weather data (Wilks and Wilby 41 1999). There have been a multitude of early studies on SWGs that solely generate precip- 42 itation occurrence and amount because air temperature and other meteorological variables 43 are affected by whether precipitation occurred. The output of SWGs is a realistic statistical 44 representation of what could happen and is not necessarily what is forecasted to happen. 45 The first studies using stochastic simulators of weather data employ two-state, first-order 2 46 Markov chain frameworks regarding precipitation (Bailey 1964; Richardson 1981; Roldàn and 47 Woolhiser 1982), meaning that the probability of precipitation occurrence on a given day is 48 only dependent on whether precipitation occurred or not on the previous day. Precipitation 49 amount was modeled separately, and maximum/minimum temperatures and solar radiation 50 were modeled as a function of precipitation occurrence. Other studies involving stochastic 51 weather generators considered a two-state, second-order Markov chain process (Stern and 52 Coe 1984; Wilks 1999a). Markov chains of higher order have been found to better capture 53 dry spells than first-order Markov chains, thus providing more accurate results for most areas 54 of the western US where dry spells are common, such as the semi-arid Great Basin. 55 One limitation of the common stochastic weather generators is the ability to successfully 56 capture nonstationary variability. In general, the use of the Markov chain analysis assumes 57 stationarity. Previous studies have found that over the western US, El Niño results in a 58 wetter Southwest and a drier Northwest, while La Niña results in the opposite (Ropelewski 59 and Halpert 1986; Dettinger et al. 1998; Woolhiser 2008). In addition, the PDO also has 60 significant impacts on precipitation in the western US. As discussed previously, the PDO 61 is linked to ENSO, which in turn affects how the different phases of ENSO will impact the 62 western US. Woolhiser (2008) introduces the idea of adding nonstationarity to the stochastic 63 framework in order to rectify the effects these major oceanic oscillations have on western US 64 precipitation. Essentially, perturbations given as time series of the oscillations (plus a trend) 65 were linearly added to the probability of precipitation, and the coefficients associated with 66 each perturbation give information on the sensitivity of each of the oscillations (Woolhiser 67 2008). We employ this method in this study and also include a trend to account for the 68 changing climate. 69 In the SWG literature, simulation of daily maximum and minimum air temperature is 70 usually conditioned on whether the day is wet or dry. The most widely used method for 71 simulating temperature is the method used by Richardson (1981). This method involves 72 generating the standardized residual time series of temperature (maximum and mininum 3 73 temperature; the study also includes solar radiation) and using the multivariate generation 74 model as described by Matalas (1967). These standardized residuals are assumed normally 75 distributed, and the coefficients in the generating model are matrices containing the cross- 76 correlations and auto-correlations between the residuals (Matalas 1967). After generating the 77 synthetic residuals, the wet- or dry-state means and standard deviations that were initially 78 removed are reintroduced to yield daily values of the variables. The means and standard 79 deviations depend on whether the day was wet or dry; they are assumed to be cyclostation- 80 ary and are determined by fitting harmonics of the annual cycle to observations (Richardson 81 1981). A limitation of this model is that its mean and standard deviation switch abruptly 82 between wet- and dry-state values prescribed in advance of the simulation. Here, we in- 83 troduce a model whose mean makes autocorrelated transitions between wet- and dry-state 84 values. 85 2. Data and study area 86 We chose to illustrate the proposed SWG using observations from the Salt Lake City 87 International Airport (KSLC), which is located in the Great Basin. The Great Basin is a 88 semi-arid region within the western U.S. characterized by its basin-and-range topography. Its 89 precipitation depends largely on a combination of the state of El Niño-Southern Oscillation 90 (ENSO) and the state of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) (Wise 2010; Brown 2011). 91 The precipitation and temperature data used to force the SWG are daily observational data 92 recorded at KSLC (40.78◦ N, 111.97◦ W) from 1 January 1948 to 31 December 2010 via the 93 Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN-Daily) provided by the National Centers for 94 Environmental Information (obtained from The domain map (see Fig. 95 1) shows the location of KSLC within the eastern Great Basin and surrounding area. 96 A day was considered “wet” and given value χ = 1 if the total precipitation that day 97 reached at least 0.25 mm (approximately 0.01 inches). Otherwise, the day was considered 4 98 dry and given value χ = 0. The χ vector was determined from the precipitation time series, 99 and this provided the precipitation occurrence needed to model temperature with the SWG. 100 In this study, we use and generate only maximum surface air temperature at a single site, 101 and generalization to multiple variables at multiple sites is planned. 102 3. Estimation of precipitation and maximum tempera- 103 ture 104 For stochastic simulation of daily precipitation occurrence, the model follows that intro- 105 duced by Woolhiser (2008). The probability of precipitation occurrence is determined with 106 a two-state (wet or dry), second-order Markov chain, which means that the probabiity of 107 precipitation on a given day depends on the precipitation state on the previous two days as 108 follows pij0 (t) = P {xt = 0|xt−1 = j, xt−2 = i} ; t = 1, 2, . . . , 365M. (1) 109 If we assume cyclostationarity, then the pij0 terms are periodic, meaning pij0 (t + K365) = 110 pij0 (t) for any integer K. Due to nonstationarity caused by oceanic forcings of ENSO, PDO, 111 and a trend due to climate change, we define perturbed versions of (1) (ij0) p̃′ij0 (t) = p̃ij0 (t) + b0 (ij0) + b1 (ij0) t + b2 (ij0) S1 (t − τ1 ) + b3 S2 (t − τ2 )) (2) 112 where {b0 , b1 } enable a trend, S1 and S2 are oceanic forcing with periodicity of 3-7 years 113 (ENSO) and 10-15 years (PDO), respectively, and the τ terms are positive lags (i.e., oceanic 114 modes leads precipitation by τ months). 115 For maximum temperature at a single site, the linear model is Tk+1 = aTk + bk + ck ϵk , T 1 = b 0 + c 0 ϵ0 , 5 (3) 116 where a is a coefficient assumed constant, and bk and ck are coefficients that depend on day 117 k. Errors ϵk are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random standard normals. 118 The temperature on day k + 1 is dependent on the temperature on day k, where k ranges 119 from 1 to K − 1 (K being the length of the simulation). 120 a. Maximum likelihood estimation 121 122 We begin with a simplified case where c does not depend on k. The temperature entries T1 to TK are multivariate normals, and the joint density function is given by f (T1 , ..., TK ) = 123 −(DT − B)′ (DT − B) 1 exp , (2π)K/2 c 2c2 where D is the K × K matrix: ⎡ 0 ··· 0 ⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢−a 1 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ... ... D=⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ . ⎢ . ... ... 1 ⎢ . ⎢ ⎣ 0 · · · 0 −a 124 ⎤ 0⎥ ⎥ ⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ ⎥ .. ⎥ .⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ ⎦ 1 and B and T are the K × 1 vectors: ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎢ b0 ⎥ ⎢ T1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ b1 ⎥ ⎢ T2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ . ⎥ ⎢ . ⎥ ⎢ . ⎥ . ⎥ B=⎢ ⎢ . ⎥ ,T = ⎢ . ⎥ . ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ b T ⎢ K−2 ⎥ ⎢ K−1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ bK−1 TK 6 (4) 125 To restrict the model to a reasonable number of parameters, we give structure to the bk 126 values by giving them a trend and harmonics bk = γχk+1 + αk + βχk+1 cos(2πk/τ ) + βχ′ k+1 sin(2πk/τ ) + δχk+1 cos(4πk/τ ) + δχ′ k+1 sin(4πk/τ ), (5) 127 128 129 where τ is the period, assumed to be 365 days. We applied a maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) to the joint density function, which involves maximizing (4) or minimizing its negative log c−2 (DT − B)′ (DT − B) + 2K log c. (6) 130 We first minimize (DT − B)′ (DT − B) to get the MLEs for the D and B matrices. This 131 returns the sum of squared errors 2 ′ (DT − B) (DT − B) = (b0 − T1 ) + K−1 ' (aTk + bk − Tk+1 )2 , (7) k=1 132 133 134 where bk is given in (5). Taking derivatives in (7) with respect to a and each of the parameters in bk and setting them equal to zero gives the following twelve equations: K−1 ' k=1 K−1 ' Tk (aTk + bk − Tk+1 ) = 0, k(aTk + bk − Tk+1 ) = 0, k=1 (b0 − T0 )1{χ1 = 0} + (b0 − T0 )1{χ1 = 1} + (b0 − T0 )1{χ1 = 0} + (b0 − T0 )1{χ1 = 1} + K−1 ' (aTk + bk − Tk+1 )1{χk+1 = 0} = 0, k=1 K−1 ' (aTk + bk − Tk+1 )1{χk+1 = 1} = 0, k=1 K−1 ' k=1 K−1 ' cos(2πk/τ )(aTk + bk − Tk+1 )1{χk+1 = 0} = 0, cos(2πk/τ )(aTk + bk − Tk+1 )1{χk+1 = 1} = 0, k=1 K−1 ' sin(2πk/τ )(aTk + bk − Tk+1 )1{χk+1 = 0} = 0, k=1 7 K−1 ' sin(2πk/τ )(aTk + bk − Tk+1 )1{χk+1 = 1} = 0, k=1 (b0 − T0 )1{χ1 = 0} + (b0 − T0 )1{χ1 = 1} + K−1 ' k=1 K−1 ' cos(4πk/τ )(aTk + bk − Tk+1 )1{χk+1 = 0} = 0, cos(4πk/τ )(aTk + bk − Tk+1 )1{χk+1 = 1} = 0, k=1 K−1 ' k=1 K−1 ' sin(4πk/τ )(aTk + bk − Tk+1 )1{χk+1 = 0} = 0, sin(4πk/τ )(aTk + bk − Tk+1 )1{χk+1 = 1} = 0, k=1 135 where 1 is an indicator function which takes the value of one if the condition in brackets is 136 met and zero otherwise. This is a linear system of 12 equations and 12 unknowns, which we 137 solve numerically. 138 We then minimize (6) as a function of c. Taking a derivative in c yields −2c−3 (DT − B)′ (DT − B) + 2Kc−1 . 139 (8) The derivative has a unique point at which it vanishes: c= ( K −1 (DT − B)′ (DT − B) , (9) 140 which is both the MLE value and least squares estimation (LSE) value. However, constant 141 c tends to overestimate the variance in the summer and underestimate it in the winter (see 142 Fig. 2), motivating a seasonally-varying c denoted by ck , as in (3). The seasonally-varying 143 ck makes the MLE nonlinear in the parameters, so we proceed by taking an LSE approach 144 where linear analytical expressions can be obtained. 145 b. Least squares estimation with varying ck 146 When ck does not depend on k, the LSE for the parameters in bk and a is equivalent to 147 the MLE derived in Section 3.1, namely the set of equations on page 7. Now, we assume 8 148 that c2k has a cyclostationary structure similar to bk but without a trend. Its formulation is 149 given by c2k,0 = ρ0 + ϵ0 cos(2πk/τ ) + ϵ′0 sin(2πk/τ ) + κ0 cos(4πk/τ ) + κ′0 sin(4πk/τ ) 150 (10) for dry days and c2k,1 = ρ1 + ϵ1 cos(2πk/τ ) + ϵ′1 sin(2πk/τ ) + κ1 cos(4πk/τ ) + κ′1 sin(4πk/τ ) (11) 151 for wet days. Here, k varies from 0 to K − 1. However, because we assume that ck is 152 cyclostationary with no trend, it is sufficient to specify ck,0 and ck,1 only for k = 0, ..., τ − 1. 153 Our strategy to estimate ck,0 and ck,1 is to align the data by day of year j = 0, ..., τ − 1 154 and segregate it according to the precipitation sequence. This yields the MLE (and LSE) 155 estimators ĉj,0 = ) −1 Nj,0 (DT − B)′j,0 (DT − B)j,0 and ĉj,1 = ) −1 Nj,1 (DT − B)′j,1 (DT − B)j,1 , (12) 156 where (DT − B)j,0 is the K/τ × 1 vector populated with (DT − B)k if χk+1 = 0 and with 157 zero if χk+1 = 1, where k = j, j + τ, j + 2τ, ..., j + K − τ . Similarly, (DT − B)j,1 is the 158 K/τ × 1 vector populated with (DT − B)k if χk+1 = 1 and with zero if χk+1 = 0, where 159 k = j, j + τ, j + 2τ, ..., j + K − τ . Nj,0 is the number of times χk+1 = 0, and Nj,1 is the 160 number of times χk+1 = 1. 161 162 Once we have estimated cj,0 and cj,1 , we use the LSE method to estimate the parameters in equations (10) and (11). Specifically, we minimize τ −1 ' (ρ0 + ϵ0 cos(2πj/τ ) + ϵ′0 sin(2πj/τ ) + κ0 cos(4πj/τ ) + κ′0 sin(4πj/τ ) − ĉ2j,0 )2 (13) τ −1 ' (ρ1 + ϵ1 cos(2πj/τ ) + ϵ′1 sin(2πj/τ ) + κ1 cos(4πj/τ ) + κ′1 sin(4πj/τ ) − ĉ2j,1 )2 . (14) j=0 163 and j=0 164 Taking derivatives in each of the parameters in (13) and (14) and setting them equal to zero 9 165 yields equations that are familiar from Fourier analysis. For dry days, we have ρ̂0 = τ −1 τ −1 ' ĉ2j,0 , j=0 ϵ̂0 = 2 τ τ −1 ' ĉ2j,0 cos(2πj/τ ), j=0 τ −1 ϵ̂′0 = 2' 2 ĉ sin(2πj/τ ), τ j=0 j,0 τ −1 2' 2 κ̂0 = ĉ cos(4πj/τ ), τ j=0 j,0 τ −1 κ̂′0 166 2' 2 = ĉ sin(4πj/τ ), τ j=0 j,0 and for wet days, we have ρ̂1 = τ −1 τ −1 ' ĉ2j,1 , j=0 ϵ̂1 = ϵ̂′1 = 2 τ τ −1 ' ĉ2j,1 cos(2πj/τ ), 2 τ τ −1 ' ĉ2j,1 sin(2πj/τ ), j=0 j=0 τ −1 2' 2 κ̂1 = ĉ cos(4πj/τ ), τ j=0 j,1 τ −1 κ̂′1 2' 2 = ĉ sin(4πj/τ ). τ j=0 j,1 167 The parameters are inserted back into (10) or (11) to generate the synthetic temperature 168 series using the linear model (3). An example simulation with the seasonally-varying ck is 169 shown in Fig. 3. Note how seasonally-varying ck better captures the low variability in the 170 summer and high variability in the winter. 10 171 4. Comparison to the Richardson method 172 Because the Richardson method of simulating stochastic temperature is the most widely- 173 used in the field (referred to as the multivariate generation model), it is useful to compare it to 174 the model introduced here. The Richardson method is essentially an autoregressive process 175 that simulates standardized residuals; the details of this method can be found in Richardson 176 (1981) and Matalas (1967). The Richardson method prescribes the means and standard 177 deviations of the data (for wet and dry days) prior to simulation via a harmonic fit and then 178 reintroduces them after simulating standardized residuals. As noted in the Introduction, 179 this causes the model mean and standard deviation to abruptly switch between wet- and 180 dry-state values. The model we introduce here (3) also has wet- and dry-state harmonics 181 (bk ) and noise amplitudes (ck ) prescribed in advance, but the mean of the model (D−1 B) 182 and standard deviation make autocorrelated, and hence more realistic, transitions via the 183 parameter a in D. 184 We highlight the difference between the methods in Fig. 4, which compares the compos- 185 ite synthetic temperature simulated by the two models to the observational temperature for 186 precipitation occurrence sequences of dry-dry-wet-wet-dry-dry for each season. The obser- 187 vational temperature reflects a typical cold frontal passage in each season (e.g., Shafer and 188 Steenburgh 2008). In general, the observed maximum temperature increases shortly before 189 the frontal passage due to southerly flow and warm air advection; on the first day of precip- 190 itation, the maximum temperature decreases modestly. On the second day of precipitation, 191 the temperature continues to decrease, and it slowly rebounds following the precipitation 192 event. Our model tends to follow this same pattern. In contrast, the abrupt switching be- 193 tween wet- and dry-state means in the Richardson model results in an unrealistically large 194 decrease in temperature on the first day of precipitation, followed by minimal change on the 195 second day (actually zero change with large enough sample). 11 196 5. Discussion and conclusions 197 This study presents a new linear model for simulating stochastic temperature realiza- 198 tions, and the method was illustrated for maximum temperature at a single site within the 199 Great Basin. We first considered a simplified version of the model with a constant noise 200 coefficient, c, and applied MLE to obtain its parameters. However, this constant c compro- 201 mised between the variance in the summer and the variance in the winter, which resulted in 202 a simulation that did not adequately capture the seasonal variance found in the observations. 203 A seasonally-varying noise coefficient, ck , rendered the MLE nonlinear, and we presented an- 204 alytical solutions via LSE. The resulting temperature realization more closely matched that 205 of observations, with increased wintertime variance and decreased summertime variance. 206 Further realism may also be possible by relaxing assumptions used here. For example, 207 we assume the amplitude of noise, ck , to be annually cyclostationary but without trend. 208 We also assume that temperature depends only on itself and precipitation occurrence, but 209 precipitation amount and climate teleconnections that influence air mass trajectories may 210 be additionally important. 211 Even though this study is focused on only maximum temperature at a single site, the 212 method described can be generalized to include minimum temperature and solar radiation. 213 In addition, it is also possible to generalize the method for multiple sites because of the 214 linear formulation, extending ideas described in Wilks (1998) and Wilks (1999b), where the 215 sites themselves have spatial correlation but are generated independently of each other. 216 Acknowledgments. 217 This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under 218 grants EPS-1135482, EPS-1135483, EPS-1208732, and DMS-1407574. Any opinions, find- 219 ings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors 220 and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Provision of 12 221 computer infrastructure by the Center for High Performance Computing at the University 222 of Utah is gratefully acknowledged. 13 223 224 REFERENCES 225 Bailey, N. T. J., 1964: The Elements of Stochastic Processes. John Wiley, New York, 39 pp. 226 Brown, D. P., 2011: Winter circulation anomalies in the western United States associated 227 with antecedent and decadal ENSO variability. Earth Interact., 15 (3), 1–12, doi:10.1175/ 228 2010EI334.1, URL 229 Dettinger, M. D., D. R. Cayan, H. F. Diaz, and D. M. Meko, 1998: North–south pre- 230 cipitation patterns in western North America on interannual-to-decadal timescales. J. 231 Climate, 11 (12), 3095–3111, doi:10.1175/1520-0442(1998)011⟨3095:NSPPIW⟩2.0.CO;2, 232 URL<3095:NSPPIW>2.0.CO;2. 233 Forsythe, N., H. Fowler, S. 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The depicted time period is 8 September 1961 to 4 June 1964. 296 Note the too-high variability in the summer and relatively too-low variability 297 in the winter in the synthetic data. 19 20 298 3 As in Fig. 2 but with seasonally-varying ck on the stochastic term. 299 4 Composite observational temperature (black lines) and composite synthetic 300 temperature for sets of days that follow the precipitation occurrence sequence 301 dry-dry-wet-wet-dry-dry in each season. The red lines indicate the model 302 presented here, and the blue lines indicate the Richardson model. The number 303 of samples in each set is approximately 125. 17 21 Fig. 1. The study area: the eastern half of the Great Basin (which includes northern and western Utah, extreme southwestern Wyoming, extreme southern Idaho, and Nevada) and surrounding area. The star indicates the location of the Salt Lake City International Airport (KSLC). The colorbar indicates elevation in meters above sea level. 18 50 40 temperature (deg. C) 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 day of simulation 5700 5800 5900 6000 Fig. 2. Observational temperature data (black line) and synthetic data (red line) with constant c. The depicted time period is 8 September 1961 to 4 June 1964. Note the too-high variability in the summer and relatively too-low variability in the winter in the synthetic data. 19 50 40 temperature (deg. C) 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 day of simulation 5700 5800 5900 6000 Fig. 3. As in Fig. 2 but with seasonally-varying ck on the stochastic term. 20 spring temperature (deg. C) 21 34 19 33 18 32 17 31 16 30 15 29 14 28 13 27 12 26 fall temperature (deg. C) 21 8 19 7 18 6 17 5 16 4 15 3 14 2 13 1 1 2 3 4 day winter 9 20 12 summer 35 20 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 day Fig. 4. Composite observational temperature (black lines) and composite synthetic temperature for sets of days that follow the precipitation occurrence sequence dry-dry-wet-wetdry-dry in each season. The red lines indicate the model presented here, and the blue lines indicate the Richardson model. The number of samples in each set is approximately 125. 21