Regression and Random Confounding Brian Knaeble University of Utah August 2013 Abstract This paper shows how the probability, for a random confounding factor to reverse the estimate of ordinary regression, decreases exponentially with the sample size. Keywords: Model uncertainty, Complementary error function, Thales’ theorem, Confounding 1 Introduction Writing in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Chris Chatfield broadly states, “model uncertainty is a fact of life and likely to be more serious than other sources of uncertainty which have received far more attention from statisticians [3].” More pointedly, Hosman et al. in the Annals of Applied Statistics claim that “when regression results are questioned, it is often the nonconfounding assumption that is the focus of doubt [6].” Despite these concerns, and even in the presence of clear potential for omitted-variable bias, results of scientific papers are often presented as if the model were certain. See [4], [7], [11], [10] and [2] for examples. This paper studies the simple case of confounding of a relationship between two variables, through the presence of a third variable. Assume that n, 3-dimensional observations have been made resulting in the vectors of data, x, y and w, which we assume have been centered. The observed correlation, r(x, y), provides a crude estimate for an association between X and Y , but it may be susceptible to confounding by the lurking variable W . Utilizing the information contained within w, multiple regression and the principle of least squares leads to an adjusted estimate, β̂x|w , for the unique effect of X on Y , while controlling for W . Both β̂x = r(x, y)sy /sx and β̂x|w estimate a supposedly true, unique effect, βx . While r(y, x) is scale invariant, β̂x and β̂x|w are not, however, it is possible to concern ourselves simply with the direction of the estimates, specifically sign(β̂x|w ) and sign(βˆx ) = sign(r(y, x)). For r(y, x) 6= 0 we assume without loss of generality that r(y, x) > 0, and then ask for the probability of β̂x|w < 0. In other words, we ask the question: what is the probability that controlling for a 1 random confounding factor leads to an adjusted estimate opposite in direction of the original estimate. Working with centered y √6= 0 and standardized x and w, meaning ȳ = y , xi > 0, and x̄ = w̄ = 0 and |x| = |w| = n − 1, we fix y and x so that h |y| n−2 we consider a random w on the sphere S√n−1 , distributed uniformly. By this we mean that it is distributed according to the unique, rotationally invariant, probability measure on that sphere (see [9], Theorem 7.23). Note also that the dimension, n − 2, for the sphere is appropriate, since centered vectors lie orthogonal to a vector of ones, and thus within an n − 1 dimensional space. The probability, P , of w being positioned so that β̂x|w < 0, given 0 < r(y, x) < 1, is a function of the sample size n. With r = r(x, y) and n ≥ 6 the following statement is possible. n−2 (n−2)/2 1 1−r 1−r 1 < P (n) < √ Theorem 1.1. √ 2 π π 1+r As the sample size increases, the probability that a random vector causes an estimate to reverse its direction, decreases to zero exponentially. To suggest a rough comparison, suppose the model, Y = β0 + βx X + , is known with certainty to be true, with βx > 0. If we assume that the errors are unbiased, uncorrelated, and have the same variance σ 2 , then because we are working with standardized, explanatory vectors of data, the least-squares estimate β̂x has variance σ 2 /(n − 1) (see [12], Section 3.2). Assuming normality as well allows us to conclude that β̂x =d N (βx , σ 2 /(n − 1)) (see [12], Section 3.4). Since for x > 0 the Gaussian, complementary error function satisfies Z ∞ 2 2 x 1 −x2 /2 1 1 1 √ √ e−t /2 dt < √ e−x /2 , e < (1.1) x2 + 1 2π x 2π 2π x (see [5]) we can conclude that P β̂x < 0 | βx > 0 is decreasing exponentially in the sample size as well. The upper bound of (1.1) implies P β̂x < 0 | βx > 0 < (βx √ √ 2 1 1 √ e−(βx n−1/σ) /2 , n − 1/σ) 2π while the lower bound from Theorem 1.1 ensures n−2 1 1 − r(x, y) √ < P β̂x|w < 0 | β̂x > 0 , 2 π where we have temporarily written P β̂x|w < 0 | β̂x > 0 in place of P (n). Thus, asymptotically, P β̂x < 0 | βx > 0 < P β̂x|w < 0 | β̂x > 0 , 2 2 2 as long as e−βx /(2σ ) < (1 − r(x, y))/2. This observation alludes to the dangers of over-fitting: for any r(x, y), situations may exist, where up to sign, upon accounting for a random w, the probability of the adjusted estimate being correct is less than the probability of the original estimate being correct. Conversely, the upper bound for P (n) has interesting implications as well. Suppose for example, as part of a model selection procedure, that investigators notice sign(β̂x|w ) 6= sign(β̂x ), in the presence of a modest |r(x, y)| = 1/3. According to the theorem, the probability of such an occurrence must be less than 1/2(n−2)/2 , where n is the sample size. For large n this probability may be small enough to warrant a rejection of the assumption of a uniformly random w. Thus, investigators are lead to serious consideration of W as a confounding factor. 2 Caps on a Sphere For the purpose of proving Theorem 1.1 we can assume that all three vectors, y, x and w, have each been geometrically standardized, meaning they are centered and position on a unit sphere. Definition 2.1. The (d − 1)-dimensional sphere of radius a is Sad−1 = (u1 , u2 , ..., ud ) ∈ Rd : u21 + u22 + ... + u2d = a2 . Definition 2.2. The d-dimensional ball of radius a to be Bad = (u1 , u2 , ..., ud ) ∈ Rd : u21 + u22 + ... + u2d < a2 . Remark 2.1. We use the same notation for embedded such objects. Remark 2.2. When a = 1 we drop the subscript. Definition 2.3. For nonzero vectors u1 and u2 , define the angle between them, θ, to be hu1 , u2 i . θ(u1 , u2 ) = cos−1 |u1 ||u2 | Definition 2.4. Given a point, p, on the sphere S k−1 , and an angle φ, where 0 < φ < π/2, define the cap, C(p, φ), as C(p, φ) = s ∈ S k−1 : θ(s, p) < φ . Definition 2.5. Given a cap, C(p, φ), of the sphere S k−1 , define its negative, −C(p, φ), as −C(p, φ) = s ∈ S k−1 : θ(−s, p) < φ . Definition 2.6. Given a cap, C(p, φ), of the sphere S k−1 , and also the cap’s negative, −C(p, φ), define their union, K(p, φ), as K(p, φ) = C(p, φ) ∪ −C(p, φ). 3 Proposition 2.1. Let x, y ∈ S k−1 : 0 < r(x, y) < 1. Let w ∈ S k−1 . Then, β̂x|w < 0 ⇐⇒ w ∈ K(x + y, θ(x, y)/2). Proof. The truth of Proposition 2.1 follows from Thales’ theorem in geometry. For the details consult Section 3 of the paper “Reversals of Least-Squares Estimates” [8]. 3 Exponentials In this section we use Proposition 2.1 to prove Theorem 1.1, by setting k = n−1 and estimating the proportion, P (k), of the (k−1)-volume of S k−1 , that is taken up by K(x + y, θ(x, y)/2). This can be done using techniques of modern convex geometry [1]. In what follows “∂” denotes the boundary of a set,“◦” denotes the interior of a set, and µ denotes the measure of a set. Note that ∂Bad = Sad−1 . Lemma 3.1. Let x, y ∈ S k−1 : 0 < r(x, y) < 1. For all k ≥ 2, µ(K(x + y, θ(x, y))) 1 >√ µ(S k−1 ) 2π 1 − r(x, y) 2 k−1 . Proof. Without loss of generality assume that (x + py)/2 = (t, 0, 0, ..., 0), for some t > 0. Elementary trigonometry ensures t = (r(x, y) + 1)/2, and also q q that |(x − y)/2| = 1−r(x,y) . Let s stand for 2 Due to the curvature of S k−1 , 1−r(x,y) . 2 µ(K(x + y, θ(x, y))) > 2µ Bsk−1 . d/2 2π Also, µ(B d ) = dΓ(1+d/2) , µ(∂B d ) = Lecture 1). Therefore, 2π d/2 Γ(1+d/2) , 2µ Bsk−1 µ(K(x + y, θ(x, y))) > = µ(S k−1 ) µ(∂B k ) 2sk−1 2π (k−1)/2 (k−1)Γ(1/2+k/2) 2π 1+k/2 Γ(1+k/2) 2sk−1 Γ(1 + k/2) π(k − 1) Γ(1/2 + k/2) 2 sk−1 3k − 5 √ π (k − 1) 2k − 2 (k−1)/2 1 3k − 5 1 − r(x, y) √ 2 π (k − 1)2 (k−1)/2 (k−1)/2 1 1 − r(x, y) 1 − r(x, y) √ 2 2 π k−1 1 1 − r(x, y) √ . 2 π =√ > = ≥ = d/2 2π and µ(Bad ) = ad dΓ(1+d/2) (see [1], 4 The third inequality is due to the hypothesis k ≥ 2. The middle inequality is due to the following argument. In general, Γx = (x − 1)Γ(x − 1), resulting in Γ(x)−Γ(x−1) = (x−1)Γ(x−1)−Γ(x−1) = Γ(x−1)((x−1)−1) = Γ(x−1)(x−2). By convexity, Γ(x + 1/2) is thus greater than Γ(x) + Γ(x − 1)(x − 2)/2, and with the substitution of Γ(x)/(x − 1) for Γ(x − 1) in the latter expression, the inequality simplifies to Γ(x + 1/2) > Γ(x) + Γ(x)(x − 2)/(2(x − 1)). Dividing by Γ(x) then results in Γ(x+1/2)/Γ(x) > 1+(x−2)/(2(x−1)) = (3x−4)/(2x−2). With x = 1/2 + k/2, the result is Γ(k/2)/Γ((k − 1)/2) > (3k − 5)/(2k − 2). Lemma 3.2. Let x, y ∈ S k−1 . Let 0 < r(x, y) < 1. For all k ≥ 5, (k−1)/2 1 − r(x, y) µ(K(x + y, θ(x, y))) 1 <√ . µ(S k−1 ) π 1 + r(x, y) Proof. Without loss of generality assume that (x + py)/2 = (t, 0, 0, ..., 0), for (r(x, y) + 1)/2, and also some t > 0. Elementary trigonometry ensures t = q q 1−r(x,y) 1−r(x,y) . Let s stand for 1+r(x,y) . that |(x − y)/2| = 2 Radial projection (from the origin) of C(x+y, θ(x, y)) onto {(u1 , u2 , ..., uk ) ∈ Rk : u1 = 1} ∼ = Rk−1 results in the ball Bsk−1 , so that µ(K(x + y, θ(x, y))) < 2µ Bsk−1 . Also, µ(B d ) = Therefore, 2π d/2 dΓ(1+d/2) , µ(∂B d ) = 2π d/2 Γ(1+d/2) , 2µ Bsk−1 µ(K(x + y, θ(x, y))) < = µ(S k−1 ) µ(∂B k ) d/2 2π and µ(Bad ) = ad dΓ(1+d/2) . 2sk−1 2π (k−1)/2 (k−1)Γ(1/2+k/2) 2π k/2 Γ(1+k/2) Γ(1 + k/2) 2sk−1 π(k − 1) Γ(1/2 + k/2) 2 sk−1 k + 3 √ π (k − 1) 4 2 sk−1 k + 3 √ π 4 k−1 2 sk−1 2 √ π 4 1 k−1 s √ . π =√ < = ≤ = The third inequality is due to the hypothesis k ≥ 5. The middle inequality is due to the following argument. In general, Γ(x + 1) = xΓ(x). By convexity, Γ(x + 1/2) < (Γ(x) + Γ(x + 1))/2. Thus, Γ(x + 1/2) < (Γ(x) + xΓ(x))/2. Dividing by Γ(x) results in Γ(x + 1/2)/Γ(x) < (1 + x)/2. With x = 1/2 + k/2, Γ(k/2)/Γ((k − 1)/2) < (k + 3)/4. 5 Since both µ(K(x+y,θ(x,y))) and µ(K(x+y,θ(x,y))) are expressions for the proµ(S k−1 ) µ(S k−1 ) portion, P (k), after rewriting in terms of n = k + 1, the truth of Theorem 1.1 follows directly from the lemmas. References [1] Ball, Keith. An elementary introduction to modern convex geometry. Flavors of geometry, 1–58, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 31, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1997. MR1491097 (99f:52002) [2] Cervellati et al. Bone mass density selectively correlates with serum markers of oxidative damage in post-menopausal women. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (2012) Volume 51, Issue 2, Pages 333-338 Hosman, Carrie A.; Hansen, Ben B.; Holland, Paul W. 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