A Strategy for Transition from a Uranium Fueled, Open Cycle SFR to a Transuranic Fueled, Closed Cycle SFR ARCHVES by MA SSACHUSETTS INSHiUS OF TECHNOLOGY Joshua Richard JUL 2 5 2012 B.S. Nuclear Engineering University of Florida, 2010 u ?RARIES Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2012 Copyright May 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved Author: - V Certified by: A Joshua Richard Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering , Michael Driscoll (thesis supervisor) Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Science and Engineering --7 Certified by: ujid TEPCO Professor of Nucl Accepted by: - zimi (thesis reader) ience and Engineering - Mujid Kazimi TEPCO Professor f Nucle Science and Engineering Chair, Department ittee on Graduate Students 1 A Strategy for Transition from a Uranium Fueled, Open Cycle SFR to a Transuranic Fueled, Closed Cycle SFR by Joshua Richard Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering on May 11th, 2012, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Science and Engineering Abstract Reactors utilizing a highly energetic neutron spectrum, often termed fast reactors, offer large fuel utilization improvements over the thermal reactors currently used for nuclear energy generation. Conventional fast reactor deployment has been hindered by the perceived need to use plutonium as fuel, coupling the commercial introduction of fast reactors to the deployment of large-scale thermal reactor used fuel reprocessing. However, the future of used fuel treatment in the United States is highly uncertain, creating a bottleneck for the introduction of fast reactor technology. A strategy centered around using uranium-fueled fast reactor cores in a once-through mode-a uranium startup fast reactor (USFR)-decouples fast reactor commercialization from fuel reprocessing and enables transition to a recycle mode once the technology becomes available and economic. The present work investigates the optimal strategy for recycling spent fuel from once-through sodium cooled fast reactors (SFRs), by analyzing the performance of various designs. A range of acceptable transitions are described and their economic, breeding, nonproliferation, and safety performance are characterized. A key finding is that the burnups of all cores were limited by the allowable fluence to the cladding rather than by the core reactivity. The carbide cores achieve fluence-limited burnups 15-25% greater than the comparable metal cores, though the metal cores can be optimized via decrementing the fuel volume fraction to reach fluence-limited burnups within 10% of the carbide cores. The removal of minor actinides from the recycled fuel has a minimal impact on the achievable burnups of both types of fuels, decreasing the fluence-limited burnup by less than half a percent in all cases. Similarly, long-term storage of the USFR fuel had minimal impact on the achievable burnups of all cores, decreasing the fluencelimited burnup by no more than 2% in all cases. Levelized fuel costs were in the range of 5.98 mills/kWh to 7.27 mills/kWh for the carbide cores, and 6.81 mills/kWh to 7.57 mills/kWh for the optimized metal cores, which is competitive with fuel costs of current LWRs and once-through SFRs. The metal and carbide multicore cores, made using slightly more than one once-through SFR core, functioned as slight fissile burners with fissile inventory ratios (FIRs) near 0.9. The uranium+ cores, made using one oncethrough SFR core plus natural uranium makeup, functioned in a fissile self-sustaining mode with FIRs near unity. All cores discharged fuel that was less attractive for weapon use than that of an LWR. The carbide cores had maximum sodium void worths in the range of $2.81-$2.86, approximately half the worth of the metal cores, which were in the range of $4.97-$5.14. Carbide and metal multicore cores possessed initial reactivities in the range of 15,000 pcm, requiring either multi-batch staggered reloading or control system modifications to achieve acceptable shutdown margins. The uranium+ carbide and metal cores achieved acceptable shutdown margin with the nominal control configuration and the singlebatch reloading scheme. The overall conclusion is that USFR spent fuel is readily usable for recycle. Thesis Supervisor: Michael Driscoll Title: Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Science and Engineering 2 Table of Contents A b stra ct ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 T a b le o f Co n te nts .......................................................................................................................................... 3 List of Fig u re s ................................................................................................................................................ 6 List of T a b le s ...............................................................................................................................................- 9 1 In trod u ctio n ............................................................................................................................................. 10 0 1.1 O bje ctive s..........................................................................................................................................1 10 1.2 Backg ro u nd ....................................................................................................................................... 1.3 Organization of Thesis.......................................................................................................................14 15 2 M e th o d .................................................................................................................................................... 2 .1 In tro d u ctio n ...................................................................................................................................... 15 2.2 Design Overview ............................................................................................................................... 15 2 .3 Ne u tro n ics ......................................................................................................................................... 18 2 .3 .1 ERA NO S ...................................................................................................................................... 18 2 .3 .2 M CNP ......................................................................................................................................... 19 2.4 Fuel Cycle Econom ics........................................................................................................................21 2 .5 Sum m a ry ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Carbide Core Analysis............................................................................................................................... 3.1 Intro du ctio n .................................................................................................................................- 24 25 -.. 2 5 3.2 Radial Power Distribution ................................................................................................................. 25 3.3 Transition Strategy ............................................................................................................................ 27 3 .3 .1 O v e rvie w .................................................................................................................................... 27 3 .3 .2 M u ltico re.................................................................................................................................... 28 3 .3 .3 Ura n iu m+. ................................................................................................................................... 31 3.4 Reactivity W orth of M inor Actinides ........................................................................................... 34 3.5 Storage Im pact .................................................................................................................................. 36 3.6 Econom ic Performance ..................................................................................................................... 37 3.7 Fissile M aterial Ratios ....................................................................................................................... 39 3.8 Nonproliferation M aterials Attractiveness ................................................................................... 42 3.9 Safety Characteristics........................................................................................................................ 44 3.9.1 Sodium Void Coefficient............................................................................................................. 44 3.9.2 Shutdown M argin....................................................................................................................... 45 3 3.10 Sum m ary ......................................................................................................................................... 4 M etal Core Analysis.................................................................................................................................. 47 50 4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 50 4.2 Radial Power Distribution ................................................................................................................. 50 4.3 Transition Strategy ............................................................................................................................ 52 4.3.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 52 4.3.2 M ulticore....................................................................................................................................53 4.3.3 Uranium+. ................................................................................................................................... 55 4.3.4 Burnup Lim it Im provement Strategies................................................................................... 59 4.4 Reactivity W orth of M inor Actinides ........................................................................................... 79 4.5 Storage Im pact .................................................................................................................................. 81 4.6 Econom ic Performance ..................................................................................................................... 83 4.7 Fissile M aterial Ratios ....................................................................................................................... 86 4.8 Nonproliferation M aterials Attractiveness ................................................................................... 92 4.9 Safety Characteristics........................................................................................................................ 93 4.9.1 Sodium Void Coefficient............................................................................................................. 93 4.9.2 Shutdow n M argin ....................................................................................................................... 95 4.10 Sum m ary ......................................................................................-................................................... 96 5 Sum m ary and Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 99 5 .1 O v e rv iew ........................................................................................................................................... 99 5.2 Radial Power Distribution ................................................................................................................. 99 5.3 Reactivity Profile and Burnup Perform ance of Carbide and M etal Cores .................................... 99 5.3.1 Nom inal Cases............................................................................................................................ 99 5.3.2 M etallic Core Burnup Im provement M ethods.........................................................................100 5.4 Reactivity Impact of Minor Actinide Removal and Long Term Storage ................... 101 5.5 Econom ic Perform ance ................................................................................................................... 102 5.6 Fissile M aterial Ratios ..................................................................................................................... 102 5.7 Nonproliferation M aterials Attractiveness ..................................................................................... 103 5.8 Safety Characteristics......................................................................................................................103 5.8.1 Sodium Void Coefficients ......................................................................................................... 103 5.8.2 Shutdow n M argin.....................................................................................................................104 5.9 Sum m ary ......................................................................................................................................... 4 105 6 Recom m endations for Future W ork ...................................................................................................... 107 6.1 Reactivity Control Im provem ents ................................................................................................... 107 6.2 Advanced Fuel M anagem ent Schem es ........................................................................................... 107 6.3 Conversion to a Conventional Breeder with Uranium Blankets ..................................................... 108 Acknow ledgem ents...................................................................................................................................109 References ................................................................................................................................................ 110 Appendix A: Sam ple ERANOS 3D-Variational Nodal Transport Input.......................................................112 Appendix B: Sam ple ERANOS RZ-Diffusion Input......................................................................................115 5 List of Figures Figure 1. Axial USFR/TRU-SFR core layout, from (Fei, Innovative Design of SFR using 16 U ranium Startup (Ph.D . Thesis), 2012)........................................................................................ Figure 2. Radial configuration of the USFR/TRU-SFR core. Orange is fuel region 1, blue is fuel region 2, green is fuel region 3, gray is the MgO reflector region, and black is the B4 C shield 17 assem b ly reg ion ............................................................................................................................ Figure 3. Reactivity vs. core residence time for the Pu-U-C reference case calculated using the 20 MCNP5/BGcore code and the ERANOS code package........................................................... Figure 4. Distribution of combined unit cost for electrochemical reprocessing and remote 23 fabrication of fast reactor fuel, from (Shropshire, et al., 2009) ................................................. 26 Figure 5. Radial flux profile for the carbide multicore core ...................................................... 27 Figure 6. Radial flux profile for the carbide uranium+ core...................................................... the reference carbide recycle core using the multicore Figure 7. Reactivity vs. burnup for 30 tran sition strategy .......................................................................................................................... Figure 8. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reloaded Pu-U-C fuel using the multicore strategy ........ 31 Figure 9. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reference carbide recycle core using the uranium+ 33 tran sition strategy .......................................................................................................................... Figure 10. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reloaded Pu-U-C fuel using the uranium+ strategy...... 34 Figure 11. Reactivity vs. burnup for the carbide core transitioned using the multicore strategy 35 displaying the reactivity worth of the minor actinides............................................................... Figure 12. Reactivity vs. bumup for the carbide core transitioned using the uranium+ strategy 35 displaying the reactivity worth of the minor actinides............................................................... Figure 13. Reactivity vs. burnup for the multicore carbide cores after cooling ....................... 36 Figure 14. Reactivity vs. burnup for the uranium+ carbide cores after cooling ....................... 37 Figure 15. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the transition multicore carbide core 40 ....................................................................................................................................................... Figure 16. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the transition uranium+ carbide core 41 ....................................................................................................................................................... Figure 17. Proliferation materials attractiveness of the multicore carbide TRU-SFR cores of various reloads (diamonds), and the reference LWR attractiveness (triangle).......................... 42 Figure 18. Proliferation materials attractiveness of the uranium+ carbide TRU-SFR cores of 43 v ariou s relo ads .............................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 19. Shutdown margin of the equilibrium carbide multicore core.................................. 47 Figure 20. Shutdown margin of the equilibrium carbide uranium+ core ................................. 51 Figure 21. Radial flux profile for the metal multicore core...................................................... 52 Figure 22. Radial flux profile for the metal uranium+ core...................................................... Figure 23. Reactivity vs. bumup for the reference metal recycle core using the multicore 53 tran sition strategy .......................................................................................................................... Figure 24. Reactivity vs. bumup for the reloaded Pu-U metal fuel using the multicore strategy 55 6 Figure 25. Reactivity vs. burnup for the transition Pu-U metal core using the uranium+ strategy 57 ....................................................................................................................................................... Figure 26. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reloaded Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy 59 Figure 27. Microscopic scattering and absorption cross sections of natural carbon, ENDF/B-VII 62 d ata ................................................................................................................................................ 62 data........................ Figure 28. Scattering-to-absorption ratio of natural carbbn, ENDF/B-VII Figure 29. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 3% 63 vol. frac. of graphite moderator ................................................................................................. Figure 30. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 5% 64 vol. frac. of graphite moderator ................................................................................................. Figure 31. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 7% 64 vol. frac. of graphite moderator ................................................................................................. Figure 32. Microscopic scattering and absorption cross sections of Si-28, ENDF/B-VII data.... 65 66 Figure 33. Scattering-to-absorption ratio of Si-28, ENDF/B-VII data ...................................... Figure 34. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 3% 67 vol. frac. of SiC m oderator ........................................................................................................ Figure 35. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 5% 67 vol. frac. of SiC m oderator ........................................................................................................ Figure 36. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 7% 68 vol. frac. of SiC m oderator ........................................................................................................ Figure 37. Microscopic scattering and absorption cross sections of Mg-24 and 0-16, ENDF/B69 V II data ......................................................................................................................................... Figure 38. Scattering-to-absorption ratio of Mg-24 and 0-16, ENDF/B-VII data.................... 69 Figure 39. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 3% 70 vol. frac. of M gO m oderator ...................................................................................................... Figure 40. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 5% 71 vol. frac. of M gO m oderator...................................................................................................... Figure 41. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 7% 71 vol. frac. of M gO m oderator ...................................................................................................... Figure 42. Reactivity vs. burnup for the TRU-SFR metal core using the combined pyroprocess/M N R cycle................................................................................................................73 Figure 43. Microscopic scattering and absorption cross sections of Na-23, ENDF/B-VII data... 75 Figure 44. Scattering-to-absorption ratio of Na-23, ENDF/B-VII data.................................... 75 Figure 45. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with a fuel 76 v o l. frac. o f 4 3% ............................................................................................................................ Figure 46. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with a fuel 77 v o l. frac. o f 37 %............................................................................................................................ Figure 47. Dependence of the fluence-limited and reactivity-limited average discharge burnup for Pu-U-Zr metal fuel of various volume fractions, transitioned using the uranium+ strategy. . 78 7 Figure 48. Reactivity vs. burnup for the transition case and successive reloads of the uranium+ 79 TRU-SFR metal core with a fuel volume percent of 30.85%.................................................... Figure 49. Reactivity vs. burnup for the metal core transitioned using the multicore strategy 80 displaying the reactivity worth of the minor actinides............................................................... Figure 50. Reactivity vs. burnup for the metal core transitioned using the uranium+ strategy 80 displaying the reactivity worth of the minor actinides............................................................... Figure 51. Reactivity vs. burnup for the uranium+ metal cores with 30.85% fuel volume fraction 82 after co o lin g .................................................................................................................................. Figure 52. Fluence-limited burnup as a function of cycle for the uranium+ metal core with a fuel 83 volum e fraction of 30.85% ....................................................................................................... Figure 53. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the transition multicore metal core87 Figure 54. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the transition uranium+ metal core88 Figure 55. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the first reload metal core after 89 MN R and pyroprocessing ............................................................................................................. Figure 56. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the transition uranium+ metal core 90 w ith a fuel volum e fraction of 30.85% ..................................................................................... Figure 57. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the first reload uranium+ metal core 91 w ith a fuel volum e fraction of 30.85% ..................................................................................... Figure 58. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the second reload uranium+ metal 91 core with a fuel volum e fraction of 30.85% .............................................................................. Figure 59. Proliferation materials attractiveness of the metal multicore TRU-SFR cores of various reloads, recycled using the combined pyroprocessing/melt-and-recast strategy .......... 92 Figure 60. Proliferation materials attractiveness of the metal uranium+ TRU-SFR cores of 93 various reloads with the optimized fuel volume fraction of 30.85%........................................ 95 Figure 61. Shutdown margin of the transition multicore metal core ........................................ 96 Figure 62. Shutdown margin of the transition multicore metal core ........................................ 8 List of Tables Table 1. Core design specifications and operating parameters, from (Fei, Innovative Design of 15 SFR using Uranium Startup (Ph.D. Thesis), 2012) ................................................................... Table 2. Reactivity comparison between the MCNP5/BGcore carbide case and the ERANOS 21 carb id e case ................................................................................................................................... Table 3. Unit costs and lead times for front-end once-through fuel cycle steps used for 22 com parison to the recycle m ode ............................................................................................... Table 4. Composition of reprocessed USFR spent fuel loaded into the carbide TRU-SFR core 28 using the multicore strategy with no cooling............................................................................. 28 Table 5. Plutonium vector for the reference multicore carbide core ........................................ Table 6. Composition of reprocessed USFR fuel loaded into the carbide TRU-SFR core using the 32 uranium + strategy w ith no cooling .......................................................................................... Table 7. Levelized fuel costs for the carbide fueled SFR cores in recycle mode, with the 38 reference once-through LW R LFC ............................................................................................ Table 8. Sodium void coefficients of reactivity for the transition and equilibrium multicore 44 carb ide cores ................................................................................................................................. Table 9. Sodium void coefficients of reactivity for the transition and equilibrium uranium+ 44 carb id e co res ................................................................................................................................. 45 ..... Table 10. Control rod reactivity worths for several commercial sodium fast reactor designs Table 11. Composition of fuel reloaded into the metal TRU-SFR core using the multicore 54 strategy w ith no cooling ................................................................................................................ Table 12. Plutonium vector for the reloaded TRU-SFR metal core using the multicore strategy 54 Table 13. Composition of reprocessed USFR fuel loaded into the metal TRU-SFR core using the 56 uranium+ strategy w ith no cooling .......................................................................................... Table 14. Composition of reprocessed TRU-SFR fuel reloaded into the metal TRU-SFR core 58 using the uranium + strategy with no cooling............................................................................. Table 15. Plutonium vector for the reloaded metal core using the uranium+ strategy.............. 58 Table 16. Levelized fuel costs for the metal fueled SFR cores in recycle mode, and the reference 84 once-through L WR LFC ............................................................................................................... Table 17. Levelized fuel costs for the metal fueled SFR cores in mixed melt-andrecast/pyroprocessing recycle mode, and the reference once-through LWR LFC .................... 84 Table 18. Levelized fuel costs for the uranium+ metal cores with various moderating materials 85 added to reduce cladding fluence and enhance burnup ............................................................ Table 19. Levelized fuel costs of the uranium+ metal cores with a fuel volume fraction of 86 30.85% , including the effects of cooling ................................................................................... Table 20. Sodium void coefficients of reactivity for the transition and equilibrium multicore 94 metal cores w ith melt-and-recast ............................................................................................... Table 21. Sodium void coefficients of reactivity for the transition and equilibrium uranium+ 94 metal cores with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85%................................................................. 9 1 Introduction 1.1 Objectives The goal of the present work is to identify and characterize optimal strategies for transition from a once-through, uranium-fueled SFR to a plutonium-fueled SFR in recycle mode. This transition will seek to minimize the changes necessary to complete the process, aiming to simply replace the uranium fuel with plutonium fuel recycled from the once-through mode of the SFR. An important determination to make regarding the transition is the appropriate amount of fissile material to be used in the creation of the recycle core. To provide insight into the core physics resulting from such a determination, the power distribution, achievable discharge burnup, and reactivity worth and burnup implications of excluding minor actinides from the recycled fuel, or from long term cooling, will be evaluated. Using this information, estimates of the levelized fuel costs will be developed, the production or destruction of fissile material will be characterized, and the attractiveness of the spent fuel from a proliferation perspective will be addressed. Finally, parameters describing the safety performance of the core will be estimated, including the maximum sodium void worth and the shutdown margin achievable with the nominal control assembly configuration. Taken together, these analyses will provide an overview of the potential performance of the fast reactor in recycle mode, and will provide direction for further analysis of the alternative fuel cycle strategy using uranium startup of fast reactors for transition to a recycle mode for a fully closed fuel cycle. 1.2 Background Fast spectrum reactors, also called fast reactors, are nuclear reactors in which the average energy of neutrons present in the system is much greater than the thermal energies of neutrons in most currently operating light water reactors. Historically, fast spectrum reactor development progressed due to a perceived need for reactors that produced more fissile fuel than they consumed. (Till & Chang, 2011) In the immediate postwar period, the potential of a fast reactor to reach excellent breeding performance was recognized by both Enrico Fermi, creator of the world's first man-made nuclear reactor CP-1, and Walter Zinn, the first director of Argonne National Laboratory. In the years following the war, Zinn outlined the possible design characteristics of a high-performance breeder reactor, and his work would become the basis for the design of the Experimental Breeder Reactor-I (EBR-I). EBR-I was built at Argonne's 10 experimental facility in Idaho, and began operation in 1951 using metallic uranium fuel and sodium-potassium (NaK) coolant. It was a small test reactor, meant to provide data and experimental results for further fast reactor development. It also happened to be the first reactor to generate electricity in the world, powering the building it was in and a nearby machine shop. Later, in 1962, it was converted to operate using recycled plutonium, becoming the very first reactor to operate on plutonium and also the first reactor to convert from a once-through uranium cycle to a plutonium recycle mode. However, EBR-I was subsequently decommissioned as a new, larger fast reactor design, the EBR-II, took its place. EBR-II was designed from the beginning to be plutonium-fueled, and its facility included not only the reactor and associated electricity generation equipment, but also an on-site fuel processing facility, where the newly-discharged spent fuel was melted down and recast for reuse in the EBR-II core. Even at this early juncture, the idea of a once-through, uranium-fueled fast reactor had been discarded, with the emphasis on fuel breeding for fissile resource maximization. The concept of fuel reprocessing was not unique to the fast reactor concept. During the Manhattan Project, Glenn Seaborg first separated microgram quantities of plutonium in 1942 via co-precipitation with bismuth phosphate. (Forsberg, 2012) The process was scaled to kilogram quantity and production began at the Hanford site in 1944, where spent fuel from the B-10 reactor was reprocessed for nuclear weapon plutonium production. In 1954, the solvent extraction process PUREX finished development and was deployed for large scale reprocessing of the low-burnup defense reactor spent fuel, with an eventual throughput of 5,000-7,000 MTHM/y. Motivated by the progress the defense establishment had made with reprocessing technology, the potential for commercial fuel reprocessing facilities was investigated, concomitant with the expansion of commercial light water reactors for electricity generation. The first commercial fuel reprocessing facility was opened in 1966 in West Valley, NY, owned and operated by the The West Valley Davison Chemical Company's Nuclear Fuels Services subsidiary. Reprocessing Plant had a capacity of up to 300 MTHM/yr, substantially less than the DoD's Hanford facility, yet still reasonable for the first attempt of medium-burnup commercial reactor fuel. General Electric designed and constructed a plant in Morris, IL, which was completed in 1972. Finally, Allied General Services designed and constructed a large-scale (1500 MTHM/yr) Commercial spent nuclear fuel commercial fuel reprocessing facility from 1970-1977. reprocessing was seen as an inevitable addition to the nuclear fuel cycle, given the scarcity of uranium resources and the progress made in its technical development and deployment. However, the commercial fuel reprocessing encountered significant obstacles during its lengthy development and attempted deployment that ultimately precluded its inclusion as a permanent component of the commercial nuclear fuel cycle. The West Valley plant ceased commercial operation in 1972 to make process modifications in line with new regulatory requirements. After 11 four years of investment and attempted implementation, Nuclear Fuels Services decided that the remaining modifications were too costly and complex to justify implementation and continued operation, and so the decision was made not to restart fuel reprocessing operations and plant ownership was transferred to the state of New York, together with the responsibility for waste and environmental remediation. (U.S. Department of Energy, 2005) The GE plant in Morris, IL was undergoing startup testing in 1975 when it was determined that it would not be able to meet its fuel processing specifications, and so the facility never began commercial operation. (National Research Council, 2006) The Barnwell reprocessing plant experienced setbacks when environmental groups began objecting to its operation in the early 1970's, and encountered further adversity when the Atomic Energy Commission, which had been the regulatory authority the plant had been working with to review and approve its design, was eliminated and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission assumed the authority for regulating commercial nuclear facilities. (Norman, 1976) The NRC pursued exhaustive public engagement during the licensing process, substantially hindering licensing efforts. Furthermore, the detonation of a nuclear device by India in 1974 sparked fears of nuclear materials proliferation to rogue states or terrorists, and reprocessing was seen as a key avenue for such proliferation to occur. President Jimmy Carter sounded the death knell for commercial fuel reprocessing in the United States in April of 1977, when he banned nuclear reprocessing by the private sector based primarily on nonproliferation concerns. (Associated Press, 1983) Though President Reagan would reverse this decision in 1982, additional uranium resources had been located by that time, and coupled with the increased regulatory burden this would prevent fuel reprocessing from being economically competitive with the once-through cycle. Today, fast reactors are again being considered for the next generation of commercial nuclear power. A variety of factors have driven the renewed interest. The Generation-IV International Forum (GIF), chartered in 2001 by 13 nations to carry out research and development on advanced nuclear energy systems, set goals related to performance improvements for advanced reactors in the areas of sustainability, economics, safety and reliability, and proliferation resistance. (Generation-IV International Forum, 2002) GIF analyzed and recommended six broad types of reactor configuration to meet these goals, one of which was the sodium-cooled fast reactor. The sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) is well positioned to meet the challenging goals of GIF. Even in a once-through mode, its exceptionally high burnups (-100 MWd/kgHM) lead to high uranium utilization (ratio of heavy metal mass fissioned to the total mined uranium mass used for making fuel), increasing the sustainability of the system. (Waltar, Todd, & Tsvetkov, 2012) Its high power density (~600 kW/L) is almost six times greater than that of the typical pressurized light water reactor (~104 kW/L), allowing for a smaller core and vessel for the same power output. With the boiling point of the sodium coolant at 883 C (at STP), the primary vessel can operate near atmospheric pressure while still reaching the high temperatures (300 C or greater) 12 required for efficient electricity operation. In fact, the sodium coolant is operated at an average primary system temperature of ~550 C, much higher than the 300 C of the typical LWR, which helps the SFR to achieve increased thermal efficiency (42% vs. 33.7% of thermal energy converted to electricity). (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011) Thus, the sodium fast reactor is a desirable choice for meeting the next generation of energy challenges. However, if fast reactors are to be started up using reprocessed plutonium from LWRs, the availability of such material places an upper limit on the deployment rate of fast reactors, keeping their share of total installed capacity less than 50% through the end of this century. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011) This causes the impact on cumulative natural uranium consumption of the introduction of TRU-initiated fast reactors to be smaller than desired, at only 35% less than if fast reactors had not been introduced at all. To obviate the bottleneck associated with fast reactor startup using TRU from LWRs and enhance the market penetration of such reactors, it has been proposed to startup fast reactors using a uranium-fueled, once-through mode. (Fei, Shwageraus, & Driscoll, A Cost Effective Once-Through Startup Mode for SFRs, 2011) Employing enriched uranium to fuel fast reactors allows for an early phase-out of light water reactors, such that once the LWRs currently in service reach the end of their 60-year lifetime, they are retired and replaced with fast reactors fueled with uranium. This has the long-term impact of reducing demand for natural uranium and enables uranium savings to be realized in the century timeframe, as these fast reactors are eventually converted to the recycle mode. The key to successful startup of fast reactors using uranium is to ensure that they are able to achieve uranium utilization and levelized fuel costs competitive with the current fleet of LWRs. This was achieved primarily via the introduction of a high-albedo reflector as a replacement for the traditional uranium blanket surrounding the reactor core. This reduces the leakage in the uranium-fueled reactor to compensate for the reduced number of neutrons produced per absorption in uranium as compared with plutonium. (Fei, et al., 2012) It also improves the proliferation resistance of the core, as the plutonium bred in the uranium blankets of traditional fast breeder reactors is typically weapon grade. Once the economics become favorable or the waste management benefits are determined to be as important as the economics, the once-through fast reactors will switch to a recycle mode to greatly increase the natural uranium utilization of the cycle. The most straightforward and costeffective transition will require minimal changes to the core internals and heat extraction systems, and would ideally include simply reprocessing the spent fuel generated by the oncethrough mode, using it to fabricate plutonium-uranium recycled fuel assemblies, and then loading these assemblies back into the fast reactor. However, a range of performance and safety analyses must be conducted to ensure a smooth and effective transition to a recycle mode. This task is the principal focus of the present thesis. 13 1.3 Organization of Thesis The thesis is organized into three sections, spanning six chapters. The first section provides a broad overview of the project, including relevant background information and the methodology behind the investigation. The second section presents the results and discussion of the research. Chapter 2 describes the methodology behind the research performed, the computer codes used in the analysis, and the economic models used to develop cost estimates. Chapter 3 presents analysis of the reactivity, burnup, economics, breeding, proliferation materials attractiveness, and safety characteristics of the carbide fast reactor cores. Chapter 4 provides this information for the metal fast reactor cores. The third section concludes the thesis and provides a summary of the main conclusions. Chapter 5 presents the most salient results obtained from the analysis, and Chapter 6 provides recommendations for future work. 14 2 Method 2.1 Introduction This chapter provides an overview of the design of the TRU-SFR, which is virtually identical to that of the USFR proposed by MIT CANES researchers. (Fei, Innovative Design of SFR using Uranium Startup (Ph.D. Thesis), 2012) The radial and axial layouts of the core are described, and the relevant operating parameters of the system are presented. The computational codes used to perform the core physics analysis are described, and a benchmark case is presented to enhance confidence in the results obtained. The levelized fuel cycle cost model used for economics calculations is presented, and the values used to obtain the cost estimates are provided. 2.2 Design Overview The design of the TRU-SFR is identical to that of the USFR, save for the composition of the fuel loaded into the core. As with many sodium-cooled fast reactors, the core consists of a series of hexagonal assemblies, each with a triangular lattice of pins within a coolant duct. The design specifications and operating parameters are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Core design specifications and operating parameters, from (Fei, Innovative Design of SFR using Uranium Startup (Ph.D. Thesis), 2012) Parameters Power (MWth/MWe) Values 2400/1000 Active care height (cm) 102 Total height (cn) Number of Fuel Assemblies 342 360 Number of Regulating Rods Number of Shutdown Rods Inlet temperatire (*C 13 Outlet temperature (*C 545 Assembly pitch (cm) 16.14 Assembly duct thickness (cm) 0.39 Assembly 14.92 (cm) inner flat-flat distnce Fuel Cladding thicimess (cm) The reactor is a commercial-sized design efficiency of 42%. The active core height for a H/D ratio of 0.287. The core has regulating assemblies and six shutdown assembly. 6 395 0.05 producing 2400 MWth and 1000 MWe, for a thermal is 102 cm, with a core diameter (fuel only) of 355 cm, 360 fuel assemblies with 19 control assemblies (13 assemblies), giving 19 fuel assemblies per control 15 Of particular note regarding the design of the USFR and the TRU-SFR cores is the lack of a depleted uranium blanket for breeding plutonium. Instead, the core is surrounded by a highalbedo reflector to reduce neutron leakage and maximize the core's reactivity. The reflector material was chosen to be magnesium oxide due to its reflective properties and excellent thermal performance. (MacDonald & Driscoll, June, 2010) Both axial and radial reflectors are employed, as shown in the axial core layout displayed in Figure 1. *1-1 - pe.ug IWw~dd "s Fk I I kC.'. Figure 1. Axial USFR/TRU-SFR core layout, from (Fei, Innovative Design of SFR using Uranium Startup (Ph.D. Thesis), 2012) The upper and lower MgO reflectors are each 40 cm thick. The upper reflector occupies onethird of the gas plenum, which is 120 cm tall. The core has two radial rings of MgO reflector assemblies and one radial ring of B4 C (with natural boron) shield assemblies, as displayed in Figure 2. 16 Figure 2. Radial configuration of the USFR/TRU-SFR core. Orange is fuel region 1, blue is fuel region 2, green is fuel region 3, gray is the MgO reflector region, and black is the B 4C shield assembly region The reflector and shield assemblies are full-length, stretching the full 342 cm of core height. The reflector assemblies are managed so as to spatially homogenize the fluence received throughout their operating lifetime. In successive cycles, the assemblies are rotated 180', the inner and outer rows are then swapped, the assemblies are rotated 180' again, and finally both rows are inverted (flipped end-over-end). This sequence then continues until the assemblies are replaced. The fuel assemblies are separated into three radial regions. The inner radial region, fuel region 1, is colored orange, the middle radial region, region 2, is colored blue, and the outer fuel region, region 3, is colored green. 54 fuel assemblies are present in the inner fuel region, 156 in the middle region, and 150 in the outer region. Control assemblies are present in all three fuel regions and are colored purple. 7 control assemblies are present in the inner region (where flux is peaked, due to uniform fissile loading), 6 control assemblies are located in the middle region, and 6 control assemblies are located in the outer region, for a total of 19 control rods. 17 2.3 Neutronics 2.3.1 ERANOS To perform the core physics and depletion calculations required for investigating the reactivity and burnup performance of the plutonium core in recycle mode, the code suite European Reactor ANalysis Optimized calculation System, version 2.1 (ERANOS-2. 1) was selected. (Ruggeri, 2006) Initially envisioned as a tool to develop and analyze SFR cores for construction in Europe, particularly Super-Phenix, continued development of the code has well-positioned the code to serve as the workhorse analysis tool for Generation-IV fast reactor designs. ERANOS was written in ESOPE, a derivative of the FORTRAN-77 language developed by the CEA, which can be compiled using most standard FORTRAN-77 compilers. A modular code structure was employed, which can be used to create blocks of data (called SETs) for use in calculations. External temporary storage and permanent storage are provided by the internal GMAT and ARCHIVE functions, respectively. These functions are all part of the ALOS workflow software used for development. The main components of the ERANOS package are: nuclear data libraries (multigroup cross sections from the JEF-3.1 evaluated nuclear data library), a cell and lattice flux code (ECCO), core-wide reactor flux solvers (diffusion, Sn transport, and variational nodal transport), a depletion calculation module, and various output processing modules. A brief overview of the main components is presented below. The data library used by ERANOS contains cross sections from the JEF-3.1 evaluated nuclear data file. (Nuclear Energy Agency, 2009) JEF-3.1 was developed by the NEA for use in neutron transport calculations, and has been benchmarked for use in fast reactor calculations. The JEF3.1 data was processed into several multigroup libraries within ERANOS using the NJOY software. (McFarland & Muir, 1994) The main library is a 1968-group library with 41 principal nuclides, mostly actinides and other important resonance absorbers. Probability tables are included for the most important 37 of these 41 resonant absorbers. The remaining materials use a 33-group library containing 246 nuclides, including pseudo (lumped) fission product data. The 2-D lattice calculations are performed by the transport solver ECCO. ECCO uses the subgroup method to perform resonance self-shielding of the 1968-group cross sections for the materials present in the lattice. The geometry can be specified as either homogeneous or heterogeneous. If a heterogeneous calculation is selected, the collision probability method is used to perform flux calculations over the lattice. Specifying the homogeneous mode can greatly expedite calculation. Since the mean free path of neutrons in a SFR is on the order of the size of the lattice, the homogeneous approach is appropriate for the present analysis. The self-shielded cross sections generated are then condensed and smeared to provide effective cross sections for use in the core-wide coarse group flux calculation. 18 Three flux solvers are available for use in the ERANOS package: diffusion, Sn, and variational nodal. The diffusion and variational nodal solvers can be performed in 1-,2-, or 3-D geometry. The present analysis used the diffusion solver with an R-Z 2-D geometry to provide initial scoping calculations and sodium void worth data, and the 3-D Cartesian geometry using the variational nodal method for the core-wide depletion and dpa calculations. The burnup module in ERANOS solves the Bateman equations for the actinides of interest, as well as the lumped fission products. The material depletions are performed on the full-core scale, as opposed to the lattice level. The material concentrations are then output for each burnup step input by the user. 2.3.2 MCNP To benchmark the use of ERANOS for plutonium-fueled SFR neutronic analysis, the MCNP5 Monte Carlo transport code was employed. (X-5 Monte Carlo Team, 2003) MCNP5 is frequently employed as a benchmarking tool due to its highly accurate calculation method, which makes very few assumptions in the solution of the neutron transport equation. MCNP5 is written in ANSI-standard Fortran-90, making it suitable for most standard Fortran-90 compilers. The code shares data between various routines using Fortran modules. The code operates in several default steps. The first step is IMCN, problem initiation, where the input file is read and processed to prepare for calculation. The next step is cross section processing (XACT), where the data libraries for the nuclides present in the problem are loaded into memory. The calculational step MCRUN performs the stochastic solution and reports the specified results to the user. MCNP5 employs the Monte Carlo stochastic method of numerical solution to the problem of neutron transport. The Monte Carlo method simulates the behavior of individual particles and then estimates the mean values of user-specified parameters of particles in the physical system based on the average behavior of the simulated histories. Unlike deterministic methods, which provide near-complete system information (including the flux in every region of the geometry) as a matter of course during their solution, stochastic methods require specific information to be specified by the user for collection during the calculation. Though this requirement and the method of individual particle simulation both result in relatively slower problem solution, their use requires fewer assumptions to be made, chiefly the cross-section group collapsing necessary for multi-group deterministic energy treatments. Monte Carlo methods are able to employ continuous-energy cross section data libraries where the evaluated data can be used directly, with no need for resonance self-shielding or other energy condensation. Thus, they are well-suited to provide comparative neutronic analysis for method validation. 19 To eliminate differences based solely on the evaluated data, the JEF-2.2 library was also employed for use with MCNP5 in continuous energy form. The problem geometry was kept identical to that used in the ERANOS model. Since MCNP5 performs only steady-state criticality analysis, the external depletion code suite BGcore was used to perform the burnup calculation. BGcore uses the MATLAB computing language to couple the steady-state flux calculation of MCNP5 with a depletion solver for burnup analysis. (Fridman, Shwageraus, & Galperin, 2008) The fluxes calculated by MCNP5 are read by BGcore using its MC2SAR module, which provides the multigroup spectrum required for the SARAF depletion and decay module. SARAF calculates the reaction rates necessary for solving the Bateman equations, and works via a direct application of the matrix exponential method. The resulting fuel composition evolution for that burnup step is then returned to MCNP5 using the SAR2MC module. MCNP5 then performs another steady-state flux calculation using the updated material compositions, and the process continues until the desired burnup is reached. A comparison calculation was performed between ERANOS and MCNP5/BGcore to provide confidence in the ERANOS results. (Fei, Innovative Design of SFR using Uranium Startup (Ph.D. Thesis), 2012) The reference core was carbide with 15.2% plutonium, 75% of which was Pu-239, for a total Pu-239 fissile loading of 11.4% of heavy metal. The resulting plot of reactivity vs. core residence time (effective full power days, EFPD) is shown in Figure 3, and the resulting reactivity disparities are presented in Table 2. 18500 18000 -+BGcore S17500 E -- ERANOS 0. 17000 16500 4) 16000 15500 15000 0 100 t FI I - -T TT! T 1 200 300 1 ; -1 r 400 - T 500 600 Core residence time (EFPD) Figure 3. Reactivity vs. core residence time for the Pu-U-C reference case calculated using the MCNP5/BGcore code and the ERANOS code package 20 Table 2. Reactivity comparison between the MCNP5/BGcore carbide case and the ERANOS carbide case Time (Days) BGcore ERANOS reactivity Reactivity Ap (pcm) 0 100 200 300 400 500 (pcm) (pcm) 18012.0 17525.8 17048.9 16545.0 16088.4 15621.1 18086.5 17518.1 17034.5 16545.9 16054.3 15558.9 74.55 -7.67 -14.43 0.94 -34.08 -62.17 The agreement between ERANOS and MCNP5/BGcore is well within acceptable limits. The greatest disparity is actually encountered at BOC, where the ERANOS case has an initial reactivity of 18086.5 pcm, while the BGcore reference case had an initial reactivity of 18012.0 pcm, for a reactivity difference of +74.55 pcm (0.4%). The disparity in the two calculations ranges from this maximum of +74.55 pcm to a minimum of +0.94 pcm, fluctuating slightly between the two extremes due to the stochastic nature of the BGcore solution. Ultimately, the comparison establishes the ERANOS software as a reliable estimator of the reactivity of the SFR core for use in performing core physics performance evaluations. 2.4 Fuel Cycle Economics The levelized fuel cost is a measure of the costs associated with the production of a single unit of energy. Commonly quoted in mills/kWh, it provides a meaningful way to compare the cost of electricity generation between reactors and fuel cycles of different configurations. Two important parameters are needed to compute the LFC: the cost of the fuel and the amount of electricity generated. The formulations for these component parameters are given in Equation 1 and Equation 2. Equation 3 provides the formulation for the LFC itself. Fuel Cycle Cost Net Present Value ($USD) = FCCNPV = ZC * (1 + id)n (1) where Cn=cost for the nth fuel cycle component id=discrete discount rate= 10% per year tA=lead time from the date of fuel loading for the purchase of material from the nth fuel cycle component 21 Levelized Cycle Energy (MWhe) = Eieve = Bd * M * 7th * 24 * * (1ec*Tcyc ic *Tcyc (2) where Bd=average discharge bumup (MWd/kgHM) M=total heavy metal loading of the core (kgHM) n1lh=thermal efficiency ic=continuous discount rate=9.5% per year Tcyc = cycle length (years) = P * 365 Lc=capacity factor--95% P=Reactor thermal power rating (MWth) Levelized Fuel Cost ($USD/MWh) = (mills/kWhe) = FCCNPV Elevel (3) The cost of the fuel for a once-through cycle involves several front-end costs associated with obtaining the uranium and making it into fuel for the reactor. These costs include mining, where the ore is dug out of the ground and milled into the typical U3 0 8 yellowcake powder, conversion, where the yellowcake is converted into UF 6 gas, enrichment, where the UF 6 gas is fed through diffusion membranes or gaseous centrifuges to increase the concentration of U-235, and fuel fabrication, where the enriched UF 6 gas is converted into U0 2 ceramic pellets and placed inside the metallic fuel assembly structures. The unit cost ($/mass) of these steps can be obtained from industry sources, and together the total cost of enriched fuel assemblies can be calculated by the sum of the unit costs, adjusted for the lead times and the interest rate used by the utility. The assumed costs for these fuel cycle steps are shown in Table 3. (Fei, Innovative Design of SFR using Uranium Startup (Ph.D. Thesis), 2012) Table 3. Unit costs and lead times for front-end once-through fuel cycle steps used for comparison to the recycle mode Ore Purchase Conversion Enrichment Fabrication Unit Cost Lead Time 100 $/kgNatU 2 years 10 $/kgNatU 2 years 1 year 100 $/SWU 0.5 years 250 $/kgU 22 The cost of the reprocessed fuel is driven by entirely different considerations. Since the recycled fuel need not be mined, converted, or enriched, these costs are not included in the front-end fuel cost of recycled fuel. Instead, the costs come from the processes used to dissolve the spent fuel from the USFR, remove the fission products, and re-form the actinides into the desired fuel composition (in this case, carbide) and fabricate it into a new assembly. Since the reprocessing and fuel fabrication are usually performed in the same facility at the same time, these costs are combined into a single parameter describing the total unit cost of creating new, recycled fuel from spent fuel. Though this process has not been employed commercially in the United States, several reports from U.S. government laboratories have sought to estimate the projected costs of such a process. (Shropshire, et al., 2009) The projected unit cost of this recycle process, with upper, lower, and median estimates, is shown in Figure 4. For the purposes of the present work, the median estimate of $6000 per kg of reprocessed heavy metal was used, with the same lead times for natural uranium purchase and fuel fabrication as the reference LWR case. Low NominalMean High Figure 4. Distribution of combined unit cost for electrochemical reprocessing and remote fabrication of fast reactor fuel, from (Shropshire, et al., 2009) Comparing the unit costs of the once-through LWR fuel cycle with the unit costs of the recycle mode TRU-SFR fuel cycle, it is clear that on a per-mass basis, reprocessing is much more expensive, hence no commercial reprocessing has been pursued in the United States. However, this is much more of an issue for LWR fuel reprocessing, since much more fuel must be reprocessed to obtain the necessary quantities of plutonium for new fuel fabrication. Reprocessing the fuel from the USFR can be more economic because it has much more plutonium as a fraction of total heavy metal, and that plutonium is "cleaner" because it has more fissile plutonium as a fraction of total plutonium (see the discussion in Section and Section on the increased worth of the USFR spent fuel for more details). However, the need to reprocess fewer kg of spent fuel is only one factor in the effort to make the recycle-mode TRU-SFR economically competitive with the once-through LWR fuel cycle. Recall that the LFC depends on both the cost of the fuel and on the amount of electricity generated from that fuel. To make a serious effort to achieve LFCs competitive with LWRs, the SFR must produce more energy per kg of fuel since its fuel costs more per kg to make. This is where the art and science of core physics analysis and design for burnup maximization enables this strategy to be cost competitive. SFRs are able to achieve much higher burnups than LWRs 23 due to the breeding present in their fast spectrums, which greatly reduces the slope of their reactivity vs. burnup curves. Thus, designing an economically competitive fast reactor recycle mode centers around maximizing the achievable burnup of the recycle cores. This is complicated in the present instance by the concurrent need to respect dpa limitations on cladding. 2.5 Summary The core layout, design, and operating parameters of the recycle mode TRU-SFR were kept identical to those of the once-through USFR. The core, designed for commercial operation, operates at a nominal power level of 1000 MWe, with a thermal efficiency of 42%. The fuel in the core is divided into three regions, with a uniform fissile loading for all regions. The key design feature is the use of high-albedo MgO radial and axial reflectors in place of a depleted uranium blanket, which reduces core leakage, maximizing reactivity. The ERANOS code package was selected for core physics analysis. The 1968-group JEF-3.1 library, generated using NJOY, was used in the ECCO lattice calculation to perform the selfshielding resonance treatment and generate collapsed coarse-group cross sections for use in the deterministic flux solvers present in the package. Both the RZ-diffusion solver and the XYZ variational nodal transport method flux solvers were employed in the course of the analysis. The ERANOS code package's appropriateness for the present analysis of a plutonium-fueled SFR was benchmarked using the MCNP5/BGcore Monte Carlo linked depletion calculation system. Maximum error was +74.55 pcm (0.4%) and occurred at BOC. Thus, the ERANOS code was accepted for use as an effective and accurate reactor physics analysis tool. The economics model employed was consistent in methodology and cost inputs to the work on the once-through mode by Fei. (Fei, Innovative Design of SFR using Uranium Startup (Ph.D. Thesis), 2012) The levelized fuel cost of a given SFR core was estimated by calculating the fuel cycle cost of the recycled fuel and dividing it by the levelized amount of electricity produced throughout the cycle. 24 3 Carbide Core Analysis 3.1 Introduction The design of the recycle SFR core began by maintaining as many of the once-through core's design features as possible. Of particular note is that the high albedo magnesium oxide (MgO) reflector is retained in lieu of using a depleted uranium blanket typical of classical sodium fast reactor designs. Since the reference once-through uranium-fueled core uses uranium-carbide (UC) fuel, the initial design of the plutonium-fueled recycle core incorporated a plutoniumuranium-carbide (PUC) fuel form with a fuel volume fraction of 40%, as in the once-through core. In all cases examined, the burnup of the PUC core was fluence-limited. The fluence-limited bumup was found to be acceptably high for achieving economic fuel cycle performance. The target SFR fuel cycle cost was chosen as the reference LWR levelized fuel cost (LFC) of 7.11 mills/kWh. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011) The carbide cores consistently approached this target, achieving varying degrees of success depending on the recycle strategy employed. The carbide fuel was found to have excellent neutronic characteristics in the recycle core, such that the core's spectrum achieved a balance between reactivity performance (enabled by a fast spectrum) and displacements-per-atom (dpa) damage in the cladding (lower dpa is associated with a softer spectrum). The radial flux distribution in the core was found to remain nearly constant with burnup (since a uniform initial enrichment was loaded). 3.2 Radial Power Distribution The radial fast flux profile of the carbide-fueled TRU-SFR was characterized to provide an overview of the power distribution present in the core, since power is roughly proportional to power. The radial fast flux distribution was plotted at the beginning of the cycle, the middle of the cycle, and the end of the cycle. The plot for the carbide core transitioned using the multicore strategy is shown in Figure 5. 25 4.5E+15 4E+15 6 3.5E+15 E 3E+15 <-+BOC -a-MOC 2.5E+15 -+EOC X2E+15-- - 1.5E+15-U. 1E+15 5E+14 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Radius (cm) Figure 5. Radial flux profile for the carbide multicore core As seen in Figure 5, the flux profile experiences only a minor change with bumup, with the power shape flattening as the center zones are depleted more rapidly than the outer regions. The peak fast flux (>0.1 MeV) is 3.87E+15 n/s/cm^2 at BOC, occurring at a radial position of 24.8 cm from the centerline. The peak fast flux at MOC is 3.37E+15 n/s/cm^2, and occurs on a plateau from 26.6 cm to 33.85 cm from the centerline. The peak flux at EOC is 3.06E+15 n/s/cmA2, occurring from 81.5 cm to 86.0 cm. This outward movement of the power shape is due to the core's uniform fissile loading, where all the fuel throughout the core contains the same composition of fissile material. Since the outer regions experience more leakage than the center, the center has a greater initial flux. However, this increased flux at BOC causes the fissile material in this region to fission more rapidly than the outer regions, so its reactivity is depleted more quickly than these outer regions. Thus, as the cycle progresses, the outer regions begins to have more reactivity than the center zone despite their increased leakage, and the so the power shape flattens. Complex fuel management schemes like those used for LWRs to flatten the power profile at BOC are not employed since the core's bumup is fluence-limited, not reactivitylimited, so these schemes do not improve the average discharge burnup of the core. 26 5E+15 ---- 4.5E+ 15 4E1 E 3.5E+15 < ---BOC -0---MOC 3E+15 EOC 2.5E+15 .2 2E+15* 1.5E+15 U. - 1E+15 5E+14 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Radius (cm) Figure 6. Radial flux profile for the carbide uranium+ core The radial flux profile for the carbide core displays more central peaking than the multicore case, and experiences a larger swing with burnup. The peak flux at BOC is 4.52E+15 n/s/cm^2, 17% greater than the peak BOC flux of the multicore carbide core. This higher flux level is due to the decreased fissile loading present in the uranium+ transition core (6.92 HM% vs. 8.01 HM% fissile plutonium) relative to the multicore core (see Section for a more complete description of the heavy metal loading of the uranium+ carbide core). The peak flux at MOC is 3.63 E+15 n/s/cmA2, at a radial location of 24.8 cm to 33.9 cm. The peak flux at EOC is 3.16E+15, occurring at 101.7 cm from the centerline. It is interesting to note that this EOC peak flux for the uranium+ core is only 3.2% greater than that of the multicore case, indicating that the two cores are neutronically similar. 3.3 Transition Strategy 3.3.1 Overview The transition from the once-through SFR (the USFR) to the recycle-mode SFR (the TRU-SFR) incorporated two different strategies, selected to bracket the range of potential transition modes. The uranium+ strategy sought to preserve the transuranic masses from the USFR core, which created a lower bound on the plutonium enrichment of the TRU-SFR core. The multicore strategy sought to preserve the composition (weight fractions) of the transuranics from the USFR core, which created an upper bound on the plutonium enrichment of the TRU-SFR core. The performance of the recycle core was then evaluated for these bracketing scenarios and the optimal transition strategy was identified. 27 3.3.2 Multicore Fuel Composition The multicore strategy preserved the composition of spent fuel from the USFR in the transition to the TRU-SFR. This principally consisted of maintaining the weight fractions of the transuranic actinides in the spent fuel (shown in Table 4 below), and resulted in an upper bound on the achievable maximum weight fraction of fissile plutonium of 8%. Table 4. Composition of reprocessed USFR spent fuel loaded into the carbide TRU-SFR core using the multicore strategy with no cooling. Isotope U-235 U-236 U-238 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 Np-237 Am-241 Am-242 Am-243 Cm-242 Cm-244 Cm-245 HM Weight % 3.09% 1.91% 85.26% 0.08% 7.91% 1.33% 0.10% 0.0088% 0.26% 0.004796% 0.000135% 0.000516% 0.000365% 0.000086% 0.000006% The once-through USFR produces spent fuel with low minor actinide concentrations, with americium and curium nuclides comprising less than 0.00 1%of the total heavy metal mass. Since the fuel loaded into the TRU-SFR is obtained from a once-through uranium-fueled SFR, it has a much higher quality plutonium vector, as shown in Table 5. Table 5. Plutonium vector for the reference multicore carbide core Isotope Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 % of Total Pu 0.90% 83.84% 14.05% 1.11% 0.09% 28 The high-quality plutonium reduces the total required plutonium mass in the recycle core. Since the multicore strategy seeks to preserve the composition of the fuel extracted from the oncethrough SFR in the transition to the recycle mode, and the once-through core has lost mass due to bumup during the cycle, it takes 1.16 spent fuel assemblies to make 1 recycled assembly. Fuel Management Scheme The TRU-SFR core is divided into three fuel regions, a reflector region, and a shield region, as shown in Figure 1. The fuel management scheme necessarily differs from that of a typical LWR because the fuel bumup is fluence-limited, not reactivity-limited. This unique characteristic led to the development of an alternate fuel management strategy. For the carbide core TRU-SFR, the fuel management seeks to achieve nearly the same discharge burnup for all assemblies, regardless of fuel region. It accomplishes this by discharging the fuel in the center zone (which has the highest flux, as shown in Figure 5 previously) after one cycle at the fluence-limited burnup for that fuel. The fuel in the middle and outer zones is then shuffled, such that the fuel in the outer zone is moved to the middle zone, and vice versa. Fresh fuel is then loaded into the center zone and the reactor is restarted. During the next refueling outage, all three zones are discharged and replaced with fresh fuel. The average discharge burnup of the fuel is expected to be consistent across all three zones. Reactivity Profile and Burnup Performance The reference carbide core used with the multicore transition strategy has a fuel volume fraction of 40% (consistent with the reference once-through carbide core). The reactivity over the cycle is shown in Figure 7. 29 10000 Fluence Limit: 136 MWd/kgHM 5000 Reactivity Limit: 176 MWd/kgH E 0S 50 100 250 150 300 350 400 U -5000- -10000 -15000 - -- --- Average Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 7. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reference carbide recycle core using the multicore transition strategy The multicore transition strategy using carbide fuel is characterized by an approximately linear decrease in reactivity with increasing burnup. The initial reactivity (8441 pcm) and the shallow slope (-62 pcm/(MWd/kgHM)) help to achieve a reactivity-limited bumup of 176 MWd/kgHM. However, the radiation damage to the cladding must also be considered, as this is also a limiting consideration in the maximum achievable bumup of fast reactors. The cladding radiation damage metric used here is displacements-per-atom, or dpa, and the limit for the oxidedispersion steel (ODS) cladding employed is 200 dpa. Some aggressive estimates put the dpa limit of ODS steel at 250 dpa, but this is a theoretical maximum achieved under ideal conditions, and as such the more conservative 200 dpa limit was selected for the present work. (Kimura, et al., 2011) If the ODS cladding can be shown to operate to greater than 200 dpa, the associated fluence-limited bumups would necessarily be larger and would result in more favorable economics, as long as the fluence remained the limiting factor on the achievable burnup. The carbide reference core using the multicore transition strategy reaches the 200 dpa limit at a burnup of 136 MWd/kgHM, which is 77% of the reactivity-limited burnup. A reload simulation was also performed, taking the spent fuel from the plutonium-fueled core and recycling it once to help predict the equilibrium behavior of the recycle mode. The resulting reactivity curve is compared to that of the transition core in Figure 8. Since fluence is again the limit on burnup, the reload core can achieve comparable bumup to the transition core. 30 20000 Transition Fluence Limit: 136 MWd/kgHM Reload 1 Fluence Limit: 149 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 10% 15000 10000 - E Transition Reactivity Limit: 176 MWd/kgHM Reload 1 reactivity Limit: 217 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 23% 5000 50 -5000 ---- 100 0 150 300 350 400 Transition -*-Reload 1 -10000 -15000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 8. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reloaded Pu-U-C fuel using the multicore strategy The reactivity curve for the reloaded carbide core has a similar slope as before (-73 pcm/(MWd/kgHM)), but begins with a higher initial reactivity, which results in a 23% larger reactivity-limited burnup of 217 MWd/kgHM. However, the fluence-limited burnup only increases 10%, from 136 MWd/kgHM to 149 MWd/kgHM. Thus, the fluence-limited burnup decreases to only 69% of the reactivity-limited burnup, down 8% from 77%. Additionally, the large excess reactivity at the beginning of the cycle (14430 pcm) makes it exceptionally difficult to achieve shutdown without significant control modifications (see Section 3.9.2 for a more detailed discussion). The average discharge burnup of the multicore carbide core, while fluence-limited, still manages to exceed that of a conventional SFR in a breeder configuration by 50% (since the reference SFR breeder, GE's PRISM, is quoted as achieving an average discharge burnup of 100 MWd/kgHM). (Waltar, Todd, & Tsvetkov, 2012) However, it falls 15% short of the average fuel burnup of a typical SFR burner core, which reaches a burnup of 177 MWd/kgHM. 3.3.3 Uranium+ Fuel Composition The uranium+ transition strategy seeks to preserve the actinide masses obtained from a single once-through SFR core, supplementing the mass defect (mass lost to burnup) with natural uranium. This strategy effectively places a lower bound on the effective fissile plutonium enrichment loading achievable in recycle mode. The resulting fuel composition, after adding 883 kg of natural uranium to 41,657 kg of reprocessed USFR fuel, has the actinide vector shown in Table 6. 31 Table 6. Composition of reprocessed USFR fuel loaded into the carbide TRU-SFR core using the uranium+ strategy with no cooling Isotope U-235 U-236 U-238 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 Np-237 Am-241 Am-242 Am-243 Cm-242 Cm-244 Cm-245 HM Weight % 2.77% 1.65% 87.18% 0.07% 6.83% 1.14% 0.09% 0.0076% 0.23% 0.004140% 0.000117% 0.000446% 0.000315% 0.000074% 0.000005% Since natural uranium (instead of reprocessed fuel from another assembly) was used to supplement the mass defect from the once-through assembly, the heavy metal weight fraction of uranium-238 (and uranium-235) increases relative to the weight fractions of the other actinides. The heavy metal fraction of fissile plutonium (Pu-239 and Pu-241) decreases from 8.01 HM% to 6.92 HM% for the same reason, which decreases the reactivity of the core and increases the flux required to attain the specified power level of 2400 MWth. The plutonium vector remains the same as in the multicore strategy since only uranium is added. Reactivity Profile and Burnup Performance A depletion calculation of the uranium+ transition core in the recycle mode of the SFR was performed to estimate the reactivity as a function of burnup. The results of this simulation are shown in Figure 9. 32 A00 Fluence Limit: 118 MWd/kgHM 2000 Reactivity Limit: 138 MWd/kgH M 50 E 100 15 200 250 300 350 400 -2000 CL -4000 l -6000 M -8000 -10000 -12000 -14000 -16000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 9. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reference carbide recycle core using the uranium+ transition strategy The reactivity curve for the recycle core using the uranium+ strategy took a parabolic form, due to the enhanced breeding relative to the multicore strategy (see Section 3.7 for a more detailed explanation). The reactivity-limited burnup was 138 MWd/kgHM, a 21% decrease from the multicore case. However, the fluence-limited burnup was 118 MWd/kgHM, a decrease of only 13%. The fluence-limited burnup was therefore 85% of the reactivity-limited burnup, which was 8% better than the multicore case. The initial reactivity was only 1133 pcm, with a maximum reactivity of 2380 pcm at 65 MWd/kgHM, making for a more controllable system than with the multicore strategy. The Pu-U-C core using the uranium+ strategy for transition was recycled and a second reactivity curve was generated for the reload cycle, as shown in Figure 10. 33 10000 Transition Fluence Limit: 118 MWd/kgHM Reload 1 Fluence Limit: 124 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 5% 5000 Transition Reactivity Limit: 138 MWd/kgHM Reload 1 Reactivity Limit: 173 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 25% E 50 100 250 150 300 350 400 -5000 --- Transition -u-Reload 1 -10000 -15000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 10. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reloaded Pu-U-C fuel using the uranium+ strategy The reactivity curve for the reload plutonium core takes the same parabolic shape as the transition core, but as was the case with the multicore recycle strategy, the uranium+ reload core has a greater initial reactivity, 4590 pcm, than the transition core. The reload core's peak reactivity is 5310 pcm at 43 MWd/kgHM. The reactivity peak occurs earlier for the reload core than for the recycle core because the fissile plutonium loading has increased (due to slight breeding) during the transition cycle, and as the amount of fissile plutonium increases the conversion ratio decreases. The reactivity-limited burnup of the reload case is 173 MWd/kgHM, an increase of 25% over the transition case. However, similar to the multicore strategy, the fluence limit changes less, increasing only 5% to 124 MWd/kgHM for the reload case. Thus, the fluence-limited burnup is only 71% of the reactivity-limited burnup for the reload case, a decrease of 14% from the transition case. 3.4 Reactivity Worth of Minor Actinides The reactivity worth of the minor actinides was investigated for the carbide cores for both the multicore and uranium+ transition strategies. The reactivity curve for the transition multicore case displaying the reactivity worth of the minor actinides is shown in Figure 11. 34 10000 NominalFluence Limit: 135.9 MWd/kgHM MA Removed Fluence Limit: 136.3 MWd/kgH M Percent Change from Previous: -0.3% 5000 U 0. 50 U (U a) 100 350 300 250 150 400 -+*-Nomninal -5000 - MA Remov ed -10000 -15000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 11. Reactivity vs. burnup for the carbide core transitioned using the multicore strategy displaying the reactivity worth of the minor actinides Removing the minor actinides results in 4% greater initial reactivity (a reactivity worth of 352 pcm), but decreases the reactivity-limited burnup by 2%. This occurs because the removed MA are replaced with additional plutonium and uranium to preserve mass, and the additional plutonium raises the initial reactivity while slightly reducing the breeding and thus decreasing the slope of the reactivity curve, resulting in a negligibly decreased reactivity-limited bumup. The fluence-limited bumup increases negligibly (0.3%). 4000 Nominal Fluence Limit: 117.9 MWd/kgHM MA Removed Fluence Limit: 118.1 MWd/kgH M Percent Change from Previous: -0.1% 2000 0 ' - 50 100 - - - - - 250 200 1 300 350 400 -2000 0. -4000 C.IL -- -6000.1- -4-Nominal -e-MA Removed -8000 -10000 -12000 -14000 - -16000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 12. Reactivity vs. burnup for the carbide core transitioned using the uranium+ strategy displaying the reactivity worth of the minor actinides 35 The initial reactivity of the carbide core transitioned using the uranium+ strategy increased by 18% when the minor actinides were removed, giving a BOC reactivity worth of 203 pcm. The reactivity-limited bumup decreases 2%, while the fluence-limited burnup increases negligibly by 0.1%. Regardless of the transition strategy employed, the reactivity effect of the minor actinides is minimal. It is therefore recommended to include them in the recycling strategy to reduce the longevity of the radioactivity and amount of decay heat generated by the waste product of the recycling process, as well as the total waste mass that must be disposed. 3.5 Storage Impact The impact of storing the fuel for an extended period of time after discharge from the USFR was evaluated for both the multicore and the uranium-+ carbide core cases. To simulate the effect of cooling on the fuel, and to provide an upper limit on the reactivity lost to cooling, all of the Pu241 present in the fuel was assumed to have decayed into Am-241. The effect of this decay on the initial reactivity and the achievable burnup of the core was then evaluated. 15000 Cooled Transition Fluence Limit: 134.1 MWd/kgHM (-1.29%) Cooled Reload 1 Fluence Limit: 142.0 MWd/kgHM (-4.63%) 10000 5000 0 050 100 250 150 300 350 400 -5000 -*-Transition -4-Reload 1 -10000 -15000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 13. Reactivity vs. burnup for the multicore carbide cores after cooling As with the uncooled cores (Refer back to Section, the cooled cores do experience an increase in reactivity after their first reprocessing/reload cycle, as the fluence-limited burnup increases from 134 MWd/kgHM to 142 MWd/kgHM. However, relative to the uncooled fuel, the loss of the Pu-241 does have a slight negative impact on the reactivity and thus the fluencelimited bumup. The reactivity of the cooled transition core decreases by 803 pcm (9.5%), and 36 the fluence-limited bumup decreases by 1.29%. However, these effects are small, making storage a viable option in this case if fuel cycle pressures prevent rapid transition to the recycle mode. 10000 _ Cooled Transition Fluence Limit: 116.1 MWd/kgH M (-1.59%) Cooled Reload 1 Fluence Limit: 119.1 MWd/kgH M (-3.76%) 5000 E Q. - -- -- 0 50 100 0 150 250 300 350 400 U 5000 -*-Transition -- Reload 1 -10000 -15000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 14. Reactivity vs. burnup for the uranium+ carbide cores after cooling The results for the uranium+ cases were similar to those of the multicore cases. The initial reactivity of the cooled fuel in the transition from the USFR to the TRU-SFR decreased 867 pcm (77%), decreasing the fluence-limited burnup by 1.6% to 116.1 MWd/kgHM. The effect of cooling was greater for the first reload of TRU-SFR fuel, where the initial reactivity of the cooled fuel was 2270 pcm less than for the hot fuel. Accordingly, the fluence-limited bumup of the cooled fuel decreased 3.8% to 119.1 MWd/kgHM, relative to the uncooled fuel. Again, however, the loss of reactivity is not significant enough to preclude startup, and the initial reactivity actually improves with successive reloads. Thus, while the cooling time of the fuel must be accounted for in the design of the transition core, its impact is not significant enough to drive the decision to reprocess fuel, which can then be decided based on economic, waste management, or other factors. 3.6 Economic Performance The fuel cycle costs of the TRU-SFR in the recycle mode are primarily dependent on the achievable burnup of the fuel. Since this burnup is typically limited by the allowable fluence to the cladding, maximizing the bumup means minimizing the cladding fluence. Since fuel that is fluence-limited cannot be shuffled to overcome this limit, complicated fuel management schemes are ineffective at improving the achievable burnup. Thus, the key to obtaining levelized fuel 37 costs (LFCs) on par with those of the current LWR once-through cycle is designing a transition and recycle scheme that minimizes cladding fluence and maximizes the fluence-limited burnup of the cycle. For the carbide cores, two different transition and recycle strategies were investigated: the multicore strategy, in which the composition (heavy metal weight fractions) of the spent fuel from the USFR was preserved in the transition to the TRU-SFR, using slightly more than one (- 1.12) once-through cores to satisfy the mass defect between the once-through mode and the recycle mode, and the uranium+ strategy, in which the heavy metal masses of the USFR core were preserved and supplemented with natural uranium to create the TRU-SFR recycle mode core. The costs associated with these two strategies were similar from a reprocessing perspective, but the resulting fluence-limited bumups varied, giving rise to differences in the LFC achievable by each strategy. As has been detailed in preceding sections, the achievable bumups of the transition and equilibrium recycle mode carbide cores are exceptionally larger than those of the typical LWR. The carbide core recycled using the multicore strategy achieved equilibrium average discharge burnups of 149 MWd/kgHM (assuming no cooling), which is roughly three times that of the typical LWR burnup of 50,000 MWd/kgHM. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011) However, the multicore strategy suffers from issues with reactivity control (see Section 3.9.2) and uses plutonium resources less efficiently. The recycle mode carbide core rectifies these problems, and reaches a fluence-limited equilibrium average discharge burnup of 124 MWd/kgHM without any fuel cooling. The LFC computed using these achievable burnups is shown in Table 7. Table 7. Levelized fuel costs for the carbide fueled SFR cores in recycle mode, with the reference once-through LWR LFC Fuel Type LWR Oxide SFR UC SFR UC SFR UC SFR UC SFR UC SFR UC SFR UC SFR UC Reprocessing Scenario None (Once through) Uranium+ Multicore Uranium+ Multicore Uranium+ Multicore Uranium+ Multicore Stage Transition Transition 1st reload 1st reload Transition (cooled) Transition (cooled) 1st reload (cooled) 1st reload (cooled) Maximum Bumup (Mwd/kgHM) 45 118 136 124 149 116 134 119 142 LFC (mills/kwh) _______ 7.00 7.17 6.41 6.89 5.98 7.27 6.49 7.12 6.20 As shown in Table 7, the LFCs of both the multicore and uranium+ transition strategies closely approximate the LFC of the reference once-through LWR fuel cycle. The LFC of the transition carbide core recycled using the uranium+ strategy is 7.17 mills/kWh, 2.4% greater than the 7.00 mills/kWh fuel cost of the reference LWR case. However, this slight disparity decreases once the equilibrium cycle is reached (upon first reload of the TRU-SFR core), which obtains a LFC of 6.89 mills/kWh, actually 1.5% less than the LWR case. This cost decrease is realized via the 38 increase in the fluence-limited bumup, which increases 5% from 118 MWd/kgHM to 124 MWd/kgHM. The enhanced efficiency of the SFR cores also helps them to approach lower LFCs than the LWR reference case. A similar trend is experienced for carbide cores transitioned using the multicore strategy, which for the first transition achieves a LFC of 6.41 mills/kWh, 8.4% less than the LWR reference case. The transition multicore case's LFC of 6.41 mills/kWh is also 3.9% less than the LFC of 7.17 mills/kWh obtained for the uranium+ case. This is a direct result of the enhanced fissile inventory present for the multicore case, which limits the sustainability of the fuel cycle since it requires multiple USFR assemblies to create one TRUSFR assembly using this strategy. Since cooling the fuel before reprocessing and reloading it into the core reduces the fissile content which in turn reduces the fluence-limited bumup, the LFCs of the cooled core cases are uniformly worse than those which were immediately reloaded. The LFC of the uranium+ transition core is 7.27 mills/kWh, 1.4% higher than if it had not been allowed to cool and 3.8% higher than the reference LWR case. Similarly, the LFC of the transition multicore case also increases, by 1.2% relative to the uncooled case, yet is still 7.3% less than the reference LWR LFC. The cooled reload cases also have increased LFCs relative to the uncooled reloads, as the uranium+ and multicore reload LFCs increase 3.3% and 3.7%, respectively. However, the cooled uranium+ reload (equilibrium) case is only 1.7% more than the reference LWR LFC, and the cooled multicore case is 11.4% less. Thus, the economic arguments for immediate reprocessing are weak at best, and are expected to be outweighed by other fuel cycle considerations, such as the capability to develop and deploy the reprocessing technology at an acceptable cost or the desire to improve the waste management characteristics of the spent USFR fuel. 3.7 Fissile Material Ratios To characterize the creation or destruction of fissile material in the core as a function of burnup, several fissile material ratios were identified and employed to provide additional insight into the behavior of the core's reactivity as a function of bumup. Fissile material ratios consider a particular element or set of elements and their fissile isotopes, and compare the amount present at a particular bumup step to the initial quantity of the material present at the beginning of the cycle. For the present analysis, three fissile material ratios were chosen to describe the core: the fissile uranium ratio (FUR), which compares the quantity of U-233 and U-235, the fissile plutonium ratio (FPR), which considers the quantity of Pu-239 and Pu-241, and the fissile inventory ratio (FIR), which considers the sum of the fissile isotopes of these two elements. The masses of these fissile isotopes are then weighted by their respective reactivity worths, as calculated by the ERANOS code. Though typically these ratios are not weighted with the reactivity worths of the fissile materials, it was decided that since this information was available 39 it should be used to provide a more complete picture of the gain or loss of reactivity due to fissile isotope breeding (or burning). Ultimately, the unweighted values differed from the weighted values by only 2-3%. The formulations of these expressions are shown in Equations 4-6 below. Reactivity-Weighted Fissile Uranium Ratio (FUR) Weighted mass of fissile uranium (235 U * W23s + 2 33 U * W 233 ) at a given timestep Initial reactivity-weighted mass of fissile uranium (4) Reactivity-Weighted Fissile Plutonium Ratio (FPR) Weighted mass of fissile plutonium ( 239 Pu * W 239 and 24 1 Pu * W241) at a given timestep Initial reactivity-weighted mass of fissile plutonium (5) Reactivity-Weighted Fissile Inventory Ratio (FIR) Mass of fissile uranium and plutonium weighted by reactivity worth at a given timestep Initial reactivity-weighted mass of fissile uranium and plutonium (6) These fissile material ratios were calculated as a function of burnup for the carbide cores discussed in the preceding sections. Figure 15 shows the fissile ratios as a function of burnup for the nominal multicore carbide transition core. 1.2 1 (a 0 M. 0.8 (U Reactivity Limit @ 176 MWd/kgHM 0.6 -+-#FIR 0.4 - -FPR -r-*FUR 0.2 0 0 50 100 200 150 250 300 350 400 Average Discharge Efurnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 15. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the transition multicore carbide core For the transition multicore carbide core, the fissile inventory ratio is always less than 1, meaning that the reactor is in a fissile-burning mode throughout the cycle. This is reflected in the linearly decreasing reactivity as a function of burnup (recall Figure 7). However, note that 40 while the uranium is burned, plutonium is bred up until approximately 100 MWd/kgHM, at which point there is a net burning of fissile plutonium. The fissile plutonium ratio peaks at 1.14 at 108 MWd/kgHM and equals approximately 1.13 when the core reaches its fluence-limited burnup at 136 MWd/kgHM, such that when the fuel is removed and recycled again using the multicore strategy (preserving weight percents), the reactivity of the reload core has improved because the weight percent of fissile plutonium has increased. The fissile inventory ratio at the fluence-limited burnup is 0.93, decreasing to 0.9 at the reactivity-limited burnup of 176 MWd/kgHM. 1.4 0 S12 EFluence Limit @118 MWd/kgHM 0.8 Reactivity Limit @ 138 MWd/kgHM 4) 0.6 g ) 0.4 LL -+- FIR -- FPR -*--FUR 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 16. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the transition uranium+ carbide core Unlike the carbide core transitioned using the multicore strategy, the carbide core transitioned using the uranium+ strategy serves as a net breeder of fissile material up until its fluence-limited burnup is reached. The fissile inventory ratio remains above 1 until approximately 170 MWd/kgHM, which is after both the fluence-limited burnup is reached (at 118 MWd/kgHM) and the reactivity-limited burnup is reached (at 138 MWd/kgHM). This is primarily due to the enhanced plutonium breeding present in the system, which rises up to 1.29 at 108 MWd/kgHM and remains so until the fluence-limited burnup is reached. The fissile inventory ratio rises to approximately 1.06 at 65 MWd/kgHM before decreasing to 1.04 at the fluence-limited burnup. This accounts for the slightly enhanced reactivity of the reload uranium+ carbide core relative to the transition core as discussed in Section 41 3.8 Nonproliferation Materials Attractiveness The composition of spent fuel generated by the USFR and the TRU-SFR was analyzed to evaluate its attractiveness from the standpoint of potential proliferation for use in nuclear weapons. The evaluation, proposed by Saito and Artisyuk, compares the fissile attractiveness of a plutonium vector to the technical difficulties in constructing a weapon using that plutonium vector, as described in Equation 7. ao Attractiveness = (7) DH a SN 23 8 SN2 DH a is the a-rossi function, defined by Saito as the ratio of the supercriticality (the amount of reactivity above kinf=1) of the material in an infinite system to that material's prompt neutron lifetime. DH is the decay heat and SN is the spontaneous fission neutron generation rate. The attractiveness increases as the reactivity of the material increases, and decreases as the decay heat increases and the number of spontaneous fission neutrons increases. The attractiveness is plotted vs. the percent of plutonium that is Pu-238 and Pu-240, with various bands describing the regions considered "weapons grade," "weapons usable," and "practically unusable." The proliferation attractiveness of the plutonium generated by the multicore carbide core (with melt and recast) through its various cycles (transition and equilibrium) was analyzed, and the results are displayed in Figure 17. 2 102 .... ... ... ..... .. .. .......... .. .......... ............ ............ .. Un6i.061e... 10 ...... ... ....... .... .. ... ... .............. .. ... ------........... ...... ..... .. .. . .. .......... ... .. .... .... .. .... . ... ... .... 00 . .......... . .. . ... . 100 ..... . . ..... . .... .... ... .. ..... ... . .... ... .. ........ ................... . ................ W *...... Grad4, .. .. ....... ........... ..... .. ............... .... .. .. . .... . .... .... 10 10 - 10-1 10 %Pu240 10 102 Figure 17. Proliferation materials attractiveness of the multicore carbide TRU-SFR cores of various reloads (diamonds), and the reference LWR attractiveness (triangle) 42 The fuel transitioned into the TRU-SFR from the USFR is centrally located in the "weapons usable" region of the attractiveness plot, yet still far from "weapon grade," with a Pu-238 fraction of 0.90% and a Pu-240 fraction of 14.05%. After the first cycle in the TRU-SFR, the fuel's plutonium vector moves toward the "practically unusable" region of the attractiveness diagram, containing 2.20% Pu-238 and 24.61% Pu-240. After the first reloaded TRU-SFR cycle, the equilibrium concentration is reached, with 2.81% Pu-238 and 29.73% Pu-240, placing the plutonium vector just into the "practically unusable" region of the attractiveness diagram. The reference LWR spent fuel contains 2.4% Pu-238 and 24% Pu-241, which makes it "weapons usable." Thus, recycling the USFR fuel in the TRU-SFR serves an important nonproliferation function, significantly reducing the plutonium's attractiveness to potential proliferators. 2 10.....,. ............................... --.. ... - .... --. 10 .... 0~ 10 10 10 10 %Pu240 10 10 Figure 18. Proliferation materials attractiveness of the uranium+ carbide TRU-SFR cores of various reloads The materials attractiveness ofthe carbide cores transitioned using the uranium+ strategy was also evaluated. These cores began with the same plutonium vector as the multicore cores, using the same spent fuel from the USFR. The plutonium vector of the spent fuel discharged by the transition cycle of the TRU-SFR contains 1.99% Pu-238 and 23.80% Pu-240. This is slightly more attractive than the spent transition fuel generated by the multicore carbide case, primarily because the multicore core reaches a higher average discharge bumup than the uranium+ core (136 MWd/kgHM vs. 118 MWd/kgHM), so more Pu-240 is created via neutron capture of Pu239 and more Pu-238 is created primarily via alpha decay of Cm-242, which is itself created via neutron capture and successive beta decay of Am-241. The composition of the spent fuel from the equilibrium case has a plutonium vector with 2.33% Pu-238 and 28.60% Pu-240, placing it just shy of the "practically unusable" region. However, the spent fuel from the equilibrium TRU-SFR cycle is much less attractive from a proliferation perspective than that from the USFR, encouraging a transition to the recycle mode if nonproliferation is a priority. 43 3.9 Safety Characteristics 3.9.1 Sodium Void Coefficient A key characteristic of the dynamic response of a fast spectrum reactor core is the sodium void coefficient of reactivity. This parameter describes the neutronic response to changes in the density of the sodium coolant, often encountered in accident or overpower scenarios. This coefficient is given in two forms, either as a percent of change in reactivity per percent of void change, given in $/% void, or as an absolute reactivity worth of maximum coolant void, given in $. Both forms of the sodium void worth were evaluated for the carbide cores, and the results for the multicore melt-and-recast carbide core for its various cycles are shown in Table 8. Table 8. Sodium void coefficients of reactivity for the transition and equilibrium multicore carbide cores Transition Transition Equilibrium Equilibrium Sodium void worth BOC 0.0241 EOC BOC EOC 0.0235 0.0357 0.0304 1.6753 1.5608 2.8111 2.1848 ($/%void) Maximum void worth ($) 1 The sodium void worth for the transition core is slightly positive at all points in the cycle, though it begins at 0.0241 $/% void and decreases to 0.0235 $/% void at the end of the cycle. The maximum void worth (with the sodium completely voided) is $1.67 at BOC, decreasing to $1.56 at EOC. Sodium void worths are slightly greater for the equilibrium core, beginning at 0.0357 $/% void and decreasing to 0.0304 $/% void at EOC. Similarly, the maximum void worths are also increased, beginning at $2.81 and decreasing to $2.18 at EOC. The sodium void worths are larger for the equilibrium core in part because the equilibrium core obtains a greater percentage of its fissions from plutonium than the transition core. The transition core has heavy metal with 3.09% U-235, whereas the equilibrium core has only 0.64% U-235. This decrease in fissile uranium loading impacts peff, which decreases from 426 pcm for the transition core to 348 pcm for the equilibrium core. Table 9. Sodium void coefficients of reactivity for the transition and equilibrium uranium+ carbide cores Transition Transition Equilibrium Equilibrium EOC BOC EOC BOC Sodium void worth ($/%void) Maximum void worth ($) 0.0244 0.0240 0.0371 0.0287 1.6693 1.4736 2.8590 1.9375 _ The sodium void worths for the carbide core transitioned using the uranium+ strategy are similar to those of the carbide cores transitioned using the multicore strategy. The transition core has a 44 sodium void coefficient of reactivity of 0.0244 $/% void at BOC, which decreases to 0.0240 $/% void at EOC. The maximum void worths of the transition core begin at $1.67 at BOC, decreasing to $1.47 at EOC. The equilibrium uranium+ core begins with a sodium void coefficient of 0.0371 $/% void, which decreases to 0.0287 $/% void at EOC. The equilibrium core's maximum void worths are $2.86 at BOC and $1.94 at EOC. Both carbide cores have sodium void worths significantly smaller (roughly half) than those of other commercial-sized fast reactor designs. The oxide core of France's Super-Phenix I had a maximum sodium void worth of $5.9, and the oxide core of the UK's CDFR had a maximum void worth of $5.7. The oxide-fueled EFR had a maximum coolant void worth of $6.4. With a maximum void worth of $1.67 for the transition cycle and $2.86 for the equilibrium cycle, the TRU-SFR is well within standard practice for sodium void worth, with the choice of recycling strategy (uranium+ or multicore) having little meaningful impact. 3.9.2 Shutdown Margin Another important safety characteristic of the core is shutdown margin, which describes how subcritical the system can be made using reactivity control methods. Shutdown margin ensures that the nuclear chain reaction can be stopped so the reactor can be placed into a cold shutdown condition, either for planned maintenance or refueling outages or in case of an accident. The shutdown margin must also account for the reactivity gained as the fuel temperature decreases to the cold condition, ensuring subcriticality for all conditions. An important aspect of the criticality control of the core is the reactivity worth per control rod. If the rod worth is too high, the system can be negatively impacted by a single failure. Additionally, if the rod worth is large then the local flux shape experiences large fluctuations with rod movement, which negatively impacts the cladding integrity. To provide an idea of the acceptable range of rod worths, data for several commercial SFR designs is displayed in Table 10. Table 10. Control rod reactivity worths for several commercial sodium fast reactor designs Reactor Nominal Full Electric Power (Mwe) Total Driver Fuel Assemblies # of Regulating Rods Regulating Rod Worth (%Ak/k) # of Shutdown Rods Super Phenix-1 BN-800 CDFR SNR 2 ALMR 1242 870 1500 1497 303 364 409 349 414 92 21 16 18 25 9 0.40 0.42 0.278 0.34 0.76 3 12 12 0 3 Shutdown Rod Worth (%Ak/k) 0.5 0.34 0.33 - N/A Fuel Assemblies/Control Rod 15.17 14.61 11.63 16.56 7.67 The nominal USFR core has 19 control assembly positions. Each hexagonal assembly consists of B 4C rods in a triangular lattice. The boron in the B 4 C is enriched to 60% B-10. This nominal arrangement was kept in the transition to the recycle mode to facilitate low-cost, straightforward implementation. 45 The shutdown margin and rod worths of the multicore carbide core for the equilibrium cycle were evaluated, as the equilibrium cycle was found to have greater reactivity than the transition cycle (recall Section The results are shown in Figure 19. 20000 15000 -4--ARO -r-ARI, Cool 10000 E 5000 01 50 100 200 150 300 350 400 -5000 -10000 -15000 -20000 - BOC Shutdown Margin:+6979 pcm (+7371 w/o max rod) ARho of -7453 pcm Average rod worth:$1.13/rod (0.392% Ak/k) -25000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 19. Shutdown margin of the equilibrium carbide multicore core It is clear from Figure 19 that the standard configuration of control assemblies is not sufficient for providing shutdown capability with some margin. With all rods in and the core at a cold shutdown temperature of 200 C, the reactivity of the core drops 7453 pcm from 14432 pcm to 6979 pcm, which is still substantially supercritical. With the maximum-worth rod failed in an ex-core position, the core's reactivity is supercritical by 7371 pcm. With 3-batch staggered batch refueling similar to many LWRs, this initial reactivity could be halved to 7,216 pcm, but this would still make the shutdown margin a slim -155 pcm. The average rod worth of 0.392% Ak/k per rod is similar to that of the Super-Phenix I (0.40% Ak/k) and the BN-800 (0.42% Ak/k). However, this is moot if it is not enough to drive the core subcritical. Thus, significant changes to the control materials of the core and/or complex multi-batch fueling strategies must be implemented if the multicore transition strategy were to be implemented. 46 10000 --5000 -g-h-+/-ARI, ARO Cool 0 E 0. 4.. 100 50 250 150 300 35 0 400 -5000 -10000 -15000 -20000 BOC Shutdown Margin: -3913 pcm (-3466 pcm w/o max rod) ARho of -8502 pcm Average rod worth: $1.23/rod (0.447%Ak/k) -30000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 20. Shutdown margin of the equilibrium carbide uranium+ core The equilibrium carbide core transitioned using the uranium+ strategy can successfully be driven subcritical with margin using the standard control configuration of the once-through USFR. The shutdown margin with all rods inserted at a cold condition is -3913 pcm, which increases to 3466 pcm with the highest-worth rod removed, for a total change in reactivity from full power of -8502 pcm. This makes the average rod worth 0.447% Ak/k, similar to that of Super-Phenix I (0.40% Ak/k) and BN-800 (0.42% Ak/k). Thus, the uranium+ strategy is preferable to the multicore strategy if minimal core control changes are desired. 3.10 Summary The flux and reactivity performance of the carbide cores were characterized. Cores transitioned from the USFR using both the multicore strategy and the uranium+ strategy were analyzed. The multicore strategy preserved weight percents in the transition, while the uranium+ strategy preserved masses, supplementing mass defects with natural uranium. The multicore strategy resulted in a core with 8.01% fissile plutonium, while the uranium-+ strategy resulted in a core with 6.92% fissile plutonium. The increased fissile loading of the multicore core resulted in a peak fast flux at BOC of 3.87E+15 n/s/cm^2, 17% less than the peak fast flux at BOC of the uranium+ core, which was 4.52E+15 n/s/cm^2. The power profiles of both cores began centerpeaked and flattened with burnup. The transition multicore carbide core reached a fluence-limited burnup of 136 MWd/kgHM, with an initial reactivity of 8441 pcm and a reactivity-limited burnup of 176 MWd/kgHM. This fluence-limited burnup results in a levelized fuel cost of 6.41 mills/kWh, 8.4% less than the 7.00 47 mills/kWh levelized fuel cost of the LWR. The reactivity of the core increases after the first reload (again using the multicore strategy), resulting in an initial reactivity of 14430 pcm, a fluence-limited burnup of 149 MWd/kgHM, and a reactivity-limited burnup of 217 MWd/kgHM. This reload case obtained a levelized fuel cost of 5.98 mills/kWh, 14.6% less than then reference LWR cost. However, the multicore core experienced significant difficulties with reactivity control due to its high initial reactivity. Inserting the 19 control assemblies (with B4 C enriched to 60% 10B) decreased the initial reactivity to +6979 pcm (+7371 with the highest-worth rod stuck out), meaning that the core was not able to go subcritical with the nominal configuration of Significant design changes to the control system would need to be control materials. implemented to control the reactivity of this multicore carbide core, possibly including adding additional control assemblies or reducing the amount of reflector material surrounding the core. Another option would be to implement 3-batch staggered refueling. Both of these options will make the transition from the once-through to the recycle mode more costly and complex, making alternative transition strategies (such as uranium+) more desirable. The transition uranium+ carbide core began with an initial reactivity of 1133 pcm and reached a fluence-limited burnup of 124 MWd/kgHM, with a reactivity-limited burnup of 138 MWd/kgHM. This fluence-limited burnup was good for a levelized fuel cost of 7.17 mills/kWh, only 2.4% more than the reference LWR LFC. The first reload of the TRU-SFR core achieved a fluence-limited burnup of 124 MWd/kgHM, with an initial reactivity of 4590 pcm and a reactivity-limited burnup of 173 MWd/kgHM. The reload core's burnup results in a LFC of 6.89 mills/kWh. The initial reactivity of the reloaded uranium+ carbide core can be controlled with the nominal control assembly configuration from the once-through mode. With all rods inserted, the initial reactivity of the core drops to -3910 pcm, or -3470 pcm without the highest-worth rod. The average rod worth is 0.447% Ak/k, which is similar to that of the oxide-fueled Super-Phenix I (0.40% Ak/k) and the oxide-fueled BN-800 (0.42% Ak/k). The maximum sodium void worth of the multicore case is $2.81, and the maximum void worth of the uranium+ case is $2.86. Both of these values are approximately half of the values for similar ceramic-fuel cores. Removing minor actinides from the USFR fuel for recycle into the TRU-SFR carbide cores had only a slight effect on their reactivity. The multicore transition core's initial reactivity increased by 352 pcm (4.2%), but the fluence-limited burnup actually decreased by 0.2%. Likewise, for the transition uranium+ carbide core, the initial reactivity increased by only 203 pcm, while the fluence-limited burnup decreased by 0.1%. Cooling the fuel (i.e. long term storage) before making the transition from the USFR to the TRUSFR also had a small impact on achievable burnup. The effects of cooling were approximated by assuming all the Pu-241 had decayed into Am-24 1. For the multicore transition core, the cooled fuel experienced a drop in reactivity of 803 pcm, which decreased the fluence-limited burnup by 1.29%. The reloaded multicore core experienced a drop in reactivity of -2990 pcm, which resulted in a fluence-limited burnup 4.63% less than the freshly reloaded fuel. For the uranium+ transition core, the initial reactivity decreased by 867 pcm resulting in a 1.6% lower 48 fluence-limited burnup. The reloaded uranium+ carbide core lost 2270 pcm using cooled fuel, which decreased the fluence-limited burnup by 3.76%. In both cases, however, the reactivity lost due to fuel cooling is substantially less than the -7800 pcm reactivity loss with long-term cooling for plutonium recycle in LWRs. (Arnold, 2011) 49 4 Metal Core Analysis 4.1 Introduction While the carbide cores exhibit high fluence-limited burnups, economic fuel cycle costs, proliferation resistance, and safe dynamic response, many fabrication and operational issues associated with using a carbide fuel form remain unresolved. Additionally, the process used to recycle the carbide fuel is unspecified, whether it should be through some form of aqueous reprocessing or through alternate methods. (Plaue & Czerwinski, 2003) Conversely, the United States has had extensive experience designing and operating sodiumcooled fast spectrum reactors using metallic fuel forms, including uranium metal, uraniumplutonium metal, and most recently uranium-plutonium-zirconium alloy. Additionally, reprocessing techniques to recycle fuel in these forms were developed and refined, resulting in the pyrometallurgical process (pyroprocess) for recycling of metallic fuel. This experience in both fuel design, in-core operation, and reprocessing makes metallic fuel desirable for a fast spectrum reactor in recycle mode. As with the carbide cores, the reactivity of the metal cores must be evaluated as a function of burnup, and the resulting fluence-limited and reactivity-limited burnups must be identified. Both the transition and equilibrium core reactivity profiles must be characterized. Additionally, the effects of cooling time, the impact of removing minor actinides, and the safety characteristics of the cores should be investigated. The fuel costs of the cores will be determined, and appropriate strategies for improving the economics by increasing the achievable burnups will be evaluated. The attractiveness of the TRU-SFR's spent fuel for potential proliferation will be characterized. Ultimately, the most effective strategies for transitioning and operating metal cores in recycle mode will be identified. 4.2 Radial Power Distribution The radial flux profile of the metal cores transitioned using both the multicore and the uranium+ strategies were evaluated. The results for the multicore case are presented in Figure 21. 50 5E+15 S4E+15 -- O E 3.5E+15 3E+15 2 -- MOO E. EOC -aw ---- 2E+15 + 1.5E+15 U 1E+15 5E+14 0 50 100 150 200 250 Radius (cm) Figure 21. Radial flux profile for the metal multicore core The peak fast flux for the metal transition multicore case at beginning of cycle (BOC) is 4.39E+15 n/s/cm^2, occurring at 23 cm from the core's centerline. The peak flattens and moves outward with burnup, decreasing to 4.04E+15 n/s/cm^2 at 26.6 cm from centerline at the middleof-cycle (MOC) and to 3.76E+15 n/s/cm^2 at 28.42 at end-of-cycle (EOC). This peak fast flux at BOC is 13% greater than the carbide multicore case, despite the greater fissile loading of the metal core relative to the carbide core (see Section 4.3.2 for more detail). This is due to the harder spectrum of the metallic fuel, which slows down neutrons less effectively than the carbide core because the carbon in the carbide core is a low-A material, making it a more effective neutron moderator. 51 6E+15 5E+15 -<BOC E 4E+15 ----- - 3E+15 MOC EOC M 2E+15 UL 1E+15 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Radius (cm) Figure 22. Radial flux profile for the metal uranium+ core The peak fast flux for the uranium+ transition metal core at BOC is 5.24E+15 n/s/cm^2 at a radial position 23 cm from the centerline. This is 19.5% greater than the multicore metal core, due to the decreased fissile loading of the uranium+ case relative to the multicore case (see Section for more details). It is also 16% greater than the carbide uranium+ case, due to the metal fuel's harder spectrum. The peak fast flux decreases to 4.84E+15 n/s/cmA2 at a radial position of 28.42 at MOC, and to 4.48E+15 n/s/cmA2 at a radial position of 28.42 at EOC. The core at EOC attains a relatively flat profile out to ~100 cm from the centerline, where it begins to decrease until reaching the edge of the core. 4.3 Transition Strategy 4.3.1 Overview As with the carbide cores, two strategies were employed in determining the composition of recycled fuel in metal form to transition to the TRU-SFR. The multicore strategy maintained the weight percents of the heavy metals in the transition, and the uranium+ strategy maintained the masses of the heavy metals, supplementing them with natural uranium to account for mass lost to burnup or any differences in core mass between the nominal carbide once-through configuration and the metal recycle mode configuration. The compositions these transition strategies created are discussed in detail in the following sections. 52 4.3.2 Multicore Fuel Composition Since the multicore strategy seeks to preserve the fuel (actinide) composition generated by the once-through USFR, the actinide vector is the same as shown in Table 4. However, due to the change in the heavy metal volume fraction (90% for the metal fuel, and 95.2% for the carbide fuel) and the fuel density (16.14 g/cc for the metal, 13.63 g/cc for the carbide), the heavy metal mass loading increases from 42,540 kg to 47,620 kg. This increases the amount of once-through carbide fuel (the nominal fuel form of the USFR) needed to fuel the TRU-SFR, requiring 1.19 spent assemblies to make 1 new, metal U-Pu assembly. Reactivity Profile and Burnup Performance The reference metal core used with the multicore transition strategy has a nominal volume fraction of 40% (consistent with the once-through carbide core). The reactivity during the cycle is shown in Figure 23. 20000 t -- 15000 Fluence Limit: 115 MWd/kgHM E 10000 0. cL Reactivity Limit: 247 MWd/kgH M 5000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -5000 -10000 - Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 23. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reference metal recycle core using the multicore transition strategy The metal multicore transition strategy is characterized by a near-linearly decreasing reactivity curve, with a large initial excess reactivity of 15478 pcm. The large initial reactivity and the shallow slope (-66 pcm/(MWd/kg)) help the core to reach an exceptionally high reactivitylimited burnup of 247 MWd/kgHM. However, this is deceptive-the cladding damage due to neutron fluence (measured here in displacements per atom, or dpa) must also be considered, to 53 ensure the cladding maintains its structural integrity with margin during operation. The reference limit for the steel HT-9 cladding employed is 200 dpa. The multicore metal reference core reaches this 200 dpa limit at a burnup of 115 MWd/kgHM, which is 48% of the reactivitylimited burnup. The plutonium-uranium metal fuel discharged from this transition cycle was then reprocessed and reloaded in the TRU-SFR, again using the multicore strategy to preserve the composition of the spent fuel. The composition of the reloaded fuel is shown in Table 11. Table 11. Composition of fuel reloaded into the metal TRU-SFR core using the multicore strategy with no cooling Isotope U-235 U-236 U-238 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 Np-237 Am-241 Am-242 Am-243 Cm-242 Cm-244 Cm-245 HM Weight % 0.98% 2.17% 83.80% 0.23% 9.43% 2.57% 0.26% 0.0480% 0.45% 0.031972% 0.001337% 0.004842% 0.002191% 0.001441% 0.000157% The fissile plutonium loading (9.7% of heavy metal) of the reload core differs by 1.7% percent from the transition core (8.0% of HM). The fissile uranium loading (0.98% of HM) is approximately 2% less than in the transition case (2.77% of HM). Table 12. Plutonium vector for the reloaded TRU-SFR metal core using the multicore strategy Isotope Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 % of Total Pu 1.80% 75.23% 20.50% 2.09% 0.38% 54 The quality (percent of fissile) of the plutonium vector decreased for the reloaded fuel relative to the transition fuel. The fissile plutonium fraction decreased from 84.95% to 77.32% of total plutonium. However, more total fissile plutonium is present in the reload fuel, such that the reactivity of the reload core is greater than the transition core, as shown in Figure 24. 20000 15000 - Transition Fluence Limit: 115 MWd/kgHM Reload 1 Fluence Limit: 119 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 3% 10000 Transition Reactivity Limit: 247 MWd/kgHM -- Reload 1 Reactivity Limit: 253 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 2.6% 0. .1 5000 0 -~ 0 50 -5000 - 100 150 200 250 300 350 -u-Transition -+-Reload 1 -10000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 24. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reloaded Pu-U metal fuel using the multicore strategy The reactivity-limited burnup of the reloaded core (253 MWd/kgHM) is 2.6% more than for the transition core (247 MWd/kgHM). Only a small increase is expected, given the small changes in fuel heavy metal composition from the transition core to the reload core. The fluence-limited burnup also increases slightly, up 3% from 115 MWd/kgHM to 119 MWd/kgHM. However, the increase in fluence- and reactivity-limited burnup comes at the cost of increasing the initial reactivity by 2190 pcm (15%), from 15,478 pcm to 17668 pcm. Greater initial reactivity leads to control issues, as discussed in detail in Section 4.9. 4.3.3 Uranium+ Fuel Composition Due to the mass differential between the reference once-though carbide core and the recycled metal core, the fuel composition using the uranium+ recycle strategy with the metal core has a much reduced plutonium fraction as compared to the recycled carbide core. This is displayed in Table 13. 55 Table 13. Composition of reprocessed USFR fuel loaded into the metal TRU-SFR core using the uranium+ strategy with no cooling Isotope U-235 U-236 U-238 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 Np-237 Am-241 Am-242 Am-243 Cm-242 Cm-244 Cm-245 HM Weight % 2.55% 1.47% 88.47% 0.07% 6.10% 1.02% 0.08% 0.0068% 0.20% 0.003698% 0.000104% 0.000398% 0.000281% 0.000066% 0.000004% As compared to the carbide uranium+ transition core, the metal uranium+ transition core has a 11% lower fissile plutonium heavy metal fraction (6.92% of HM vs. 6.18% of HM). Using the uranium+ strategy, only natural uranium is used to supplement the mass defect between the once-through core at end-of-cycle and the recycled core. The mass defect is larger for the carbide to metal transition (7716 kgHM) compared to the carbide-to-carbide transition (2636 kgHM, which is the mass lost to burnup), so the fissile plutonium heavy metal fraction decreases. The heavy metal fractions of all non-uranium nuclides also decrease. Note that the plutonium vector for this transition core remains unchanged from that in Table 5. Reactivity Profile and Burnup Performance Since the uranium+ metal core has the lowest fissile plutonium enrichment (6.18% of heavy metal), its fluence-limited bumup suffers accordingly. However, because it breeds plutonium at a greater rate than the other cores, its reactivity-limited burnup remains high (see Section 4.7 for a more detailed description of the breeding in the uranium+ metal core). The reactivity vs. burnup curve for the uranium+ metal core is shown in Figure 25. 56 8000 " " 6000 "'1 4000 00. Reactivity Limit: 212 MWd/kgHM - 2000-- 3 50 100 150 200 - 250 300 350 -2000 -4000 -6000 -8000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 25. Reactivity vs. burnup for the transition Pu-U metal core using the uranium+ strategy The reactivity curve takes a parabolic form, due to the enhanced breeding present with the reduced fissile/fertile ratio. The reactivity-limited burnup occurs at 212 MWd/kgHM, 54% greater than for the carbide uranium+ core. However, the fluence-limited burnup occurs at 90 MWd/kgHM, which is 24% less than the carbide core's 118 MWd/kgHM. This marked decrease in fluence-limited bumup is driven by the higher fast flux in the fuel, which arises due to the lower fissile fraction and the harder spectrum. The reactivity-limited burnup is reduced by 21% relative to the multicore case, entirely due to the reduced fissile fraction. The spent fuel discharged from this transition case was then recycled and reloaded into the TRUSFR using the uranium+ strategy. Since the fissile inventory ratio of this transition cycle is above 1, the discharged spent fuel had a greater fissile heavy metal fraction, as shown in Table 14. 57 Table 14. Composition of reprocessed TRU-SFR fuel reloaded into the metal TRU-SFR core using the uranium+ strategy with no cooling Isotope U-235 U-236 U-238 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 Np-237 Am-241 Am-242 Am-243 Cm-242 Cm-244 Cm-245 HM Weight % 0.73% 1.47% 87.08% 0.16% 7.94% 2.00% 0.20% 0.0366% 0.32% 0.019486% 0.000836% 0.003737% 0.001620% 0.001155% 0.000129% The weight fraction of fissile material in the reloaded fuel increases approximately 2% from the transition core. However, the plutonium quality decreases, with a 7.1% drop in fissile plutonium fraction, as shown in Table 15. Table 15. Plutonium vector for the reloaded metal core using the uranium+ strategy Isotope Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 % of Total Pu 1.58% 76.72% 19.37% 1.98% 0.35% 58 10000 Transition Fluence Limit: 90 MWd/kgHM Reload 1 Fluence Limit: 98 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 9% 8000 6000 E -Transition Reactivity Limit: 212 MWd/kgHM Reload 1 Reactivity Limit: 227 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 7% 4000 2000S - 0 50 100 150 200 50 300 350 -2000 -4000 -+-Transition -*-Reload 1 -6000 -8000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 26. Reactivity vs. burnup for the reloaded Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy The 2% increase in fissile plutonium loading is reflected by increases in both the reactivity- and fluence-limited burnups. The reloaded core's reactivity-limited bumup increased 7% from 212 MWd/kgHM to 227 MWd/kgHM, and the fluence-limited burnup increased 9% from 90 MWd/kgHM to 98 MWd/kgHM. However, the increase in the fissile plutonium fraction has the detrimental effect of increasing the initial reactivity by the significant amount of 5490 pcm, which leads to issues in reactivity control and safety performance during transients. Additionally, as the fissile loading increases, the breeding decreases, such that the parabolic shape encountered for the transition core begins to approach the linearly decreasing shape of the multicore strategy. 4.3.4 Burnup Limit Improvement Strategies Using metallic fuel, achievable bumups were found to be limited by the cladding damage (dpa), rather than a lack of reactivity. The magnitude of the disparity between the fluence-limited and reactivity-limited bumups for the metallic fuel stands in contrast to that of the carbide fuel. Where the metallic fuel had fluence-reactivity burnup limit disparities of 134 MWd/kgHM (for the multicore strategy) and 129 MWd/kgHM (for the uranium+ strategy) on the equilibrium cycle, the carbide fuel had disparities of 68 MWd/kgHM (for the multicore strategy) and 49 MWd/kgHM (for the uranium+ strategy). Since it is desirable to maximize the bumup of the fuel to minimize the levelized fuel cost, converging these two burnup limits is a priority for the metal cores, whose fluence-limited burnups are 20% (multicore) and 21% (uranium+) lower than for the carbide cores. 59 The determining factors for cladding dpa are fissile loading and spectrum hardness. With greater fissile loadings, the flux required to reach a given power drops, as shown in Equation 8: P= K * ff p(E, r)Efiss (E, r)dEdV (8) where K is the recoverable energy released per fission. As the flux drops, fewer lattice displacements occur and the clad is damaged less. Thus, increasing the enrichment is one method of reducing the cladding dpa. Several problems arise with simply increasing the fissile loading to reduce the dpa. As will be discussed in Section 4.9.2, increasing the enrichment leads to issues with reactivity control. Additionally, it increases the number of feed assemblies required for reprocessing and fabrication of a new product assembly, driving up costs. However, increasing the fissile loading is not the only method of reducing the cladding dpa. Embedded in the above equation is the dependence of the fission cross section on energy. The cladding total cross section also depends on energy, and so the neutron energy spectrum present in the reactor can have a significant impact on the cladding dpa. Beyond the probability of interaction as described by the cross section's energy dependence, the neutron's energy also affects the amount of damage inflicted per collision. Thus, reducing the average energy of the neutrons in the reactor can help to alleviate damage issues. But there is no free lunch when it comes to simply softening the spectrum. Fast reactors are designed, after all, to run on more energetic neutrons than thermal reactors for a host of reasons, and softening the spectrum can. be counterproductive for accomplishing these tasks. The breeding ratio of fissile creation to fissile destruction decreases as the spectrum slows into the epithermal region, where resonances severely decrease the actinide cross sections' characteristically large fission to capture ratio present at high energies. Decreased breeding significantly decreases the reactivity-limited burnup, essentially replicating the issue of a reactivity/fluence burnup limit gap except that the reactivity becomes the deciding factor. Additionally, the absorption cross sections of neutron poisons, such as xenon and samarium, become significantly larger at lower energies, further hindering the core's reactivity. Thus, it is important to strike a balance between a spectrum soft enough to keep dpa low so that the fluence-limited burnup is acceptably high, and a spectrum hard enough to enable sufficient breeding such that the reactivity-limited burnup is acceptably high. Ideally, in the present situation, the fluence/reactivity limit gap would be closed via a softening of the spectrum such that the fluence-limited burnup increases and the reactivity-limited burnup decreases until they converge to the same value. Several strategies are presented which attempt to achieve this goal. 60 Addition of Moderating Materials One possible method for slightly softening the spectrum is the addition of moderating materials to the fuel assembly. One possible method of introducing these materials consists of sleeves placed in the sodium bond gap between the fuel pin and the cladding, though this method reduces the thermal conductivity of the pin leading to higher fuel temperatures. Other possible methods include homogeneous mixing in the fuel pin itself, or introducing separate pins of the material into each assembly. Whatever the method used to introduce these moderating materials, they can serve to slow down neutrons based on their reasonably high scattering cross section. Graphite Graphite is an excellent moderating material, and is commonly used in thermal reactors such as the Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR) in the United Kingdom to moderate neutrons to thermal energies. When applied to a fast reactor, far less graphite would be employed than in a thermal reactor to maintain an acceptably fast spectrum. However, reactor physics analysis must be performed to determine what amount, if any, should be incorporated. Carbon is a particularly effective moderator because it is a light element (A=12) with a high scattering-to-absorption cross section ratio. The low-A increases the energy lost per collision, as described by the average logarithmic energy decrement, 4. The high scattering-to-absorption cross section ratio minimizes parasitic absorption as the neutrons are slowed down. The product of 4 and the scattering-to-absorption ratio is called the moderating ratio, and is used to describe the effectiveness of a material at slowing down neutrons; the greater the moderating ratio, the more effective the moderator. (Rinard, 1991) Though this parameter is typically calculated as a thermal-averaged single value, this approach has limited usefulness for characterizing its performance in a fast spectrum reactor. Instead, the continuous energy scattering and capture cross sections can be inspected visually to gain a qualitative sense of their relative disparity, and their ratio can be plotted to give a quantitative description of their moderating effectiveness. 61 Incident neutron data I ENDFIB-Vil.0 I CNat II Cross section 0.1 0 a h ao0 incident energy (MeV) Figure 27. Microscopic scattering and absorption cross sections of natural carbon, ENDF/B-VII data Incident neutron data i ENDFB-Vl.O I CNat I MT=102: (zg) radiative capture I Scattering-to-absorption ratio 10000000 1000000 r C 100000- W C. E 0 1E-10 1E-2 E- IE-7 1E- 1E-5 1E4 0.,01 an1 0.1 I 10 100 Incident energy (MCV) Figure 28. Scattering-to-absorption ratio of natural carbon, ENDF/B-VII data As shown in Figure 27, carbon has a large disparity in its scattering and absorption cross sections at thermal energies, and this disparity increases monotonically until about 1 MeV, upon which the first scattering resonances are encountered. Figure 28 helps provide a quantitative description of this disparity: the microscopic scattering cross section is roughly 500 times larger than the capture cross section at thermal energies (-0.0025 eV). The ratio increases throughout 62 the epithermal spectrum, peaking at a scattering-to-absorption ratio of approximately 5 million from 10 keV to 100 keV, and then decreasing to approximately 1 million at 1 MeV before dropping sharply thereafter. From these visual inspections, it is expected that carbon is likely to be a very effective moderating agent in the hard spectrum present in the uranium-plutonium metal core. ERANOS simulations were performed to evaluate the reactivity profile and burnup performance of the graphite-added metal core TRU-SFR transitioned using the uranium+ strategy. Cases with 3% volume fraction, 5% volume fraction, and 7% volume fraction of graphite were modeled, with the graphite replacing fuel volume in each case. 8000 ->Reference Fluence Limit: 90 MWd/kgH M 3% Graphite Fluence Limit: 101 MWd/kgH M Percent Change from Previous: 12.1% 6000 4000 2000-+*-Reference E -0-3% Graphite CL 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -6000 -2000 -4000 -6000 ........... -8000 -10000 -12000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 29. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 3% vol. frac. of graphite moderator As was expected, graphite serves as an excellent moderator, softening the spectrum such that the fluence-limited bumup increases 12%, from 90 MWd/kgHM to 101 MWd/kgHM. However, it does so at significant cost to the initial reactivity of the system: the system is subcritical by 1600 pcm at BOC. However, if this initial reactivity deficit can be compensated for and the system is allowed to breed with burnup, the ultimate reactivity-limited burnup could be as high as 150 MWd/kgHM. However, this would mean that the achievable burnup is still significantly fluence-limited, with a difference of 49 MWd/kgHM between the reactivity and the fluencelimited burnups. As shown in Figure 29, the addition of graphite essential serves only to vertically shift the reactivity vs. burnup curve downward, which reduces the reactivity-limited burnup by 30% to 150 MWd/kgHM (assuming the initial reactivity deficit could be overcome). One possible method of overcoming the reactivity limitations at BOC includes the introduction of staggered batch (multi-batch) refueling, which would have no effect on the fluence-limited 63 burnup but can compensate for reactivity deficits at BOC. However, since the fluence-limited burnup increases by only 12%, the fuel cycle cost is still not likely to become more competitive. 10000 Reference Fluence Limit: 90 MWd/kgHM 5% Graphite Fluence Limit: 110 MWd/kgH M Percent Change from Previous: 22.7% 5000 --E 0. CL Reference -m-5% Graphite 050 -50 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -5000 (U -10000 -15000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 30. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 5% vol. frac. of graphite moderator 10000 5000 0 U 0. 350 -5000 U (U 0 -10000 -15000 -20000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 31. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 7% vol. frac. of graphite moderator As shown in Figure 30 and Figure 31, adding larger amounts of graphite (5% and 7% of the total core volume fraction, respectively) softens the spectrum such that the reactivity of the core is significantly subcritical. This renders the cores impractical for operation. Graphite appears to be too effective as a moderating material, such that it slows enough neutrons into the resonance 64 region such that the product of nu (the average number of neutrons released in fission) and the macroscopic fission cross section no longer exceeds the absorption cross section, driving kinf below unity. Silicon Carbide Silicon carbide presents an interesting choice as a potential moderating material. Able to withstand exceptionally high temperatures, it is a credible candidate for fast reactor service. Since it contains carbon, it has similarly desirable moderating characteristics, but with a lower carbon density. Silicon also has excellent moderating properties, though slightly less so than carbon. Since the issue encountered when using graphite as the spectrum softening material arose from carbon's over-moderation of neutrons, silicon carbide had promise as a potential upgrade. Incident neutron data I ENDFB-Vil.0 I Si28 11 Cross section n E 0 S 0 C) Incident energy (MeV) Figure 32. Microscopic scattering and absorption cross sections of Si-28, ENDF/B-VII data 65 Incident neutron data I ENDFB-Vil.0 I Si28 I MT=102: (z,g) radiative capture I Scattering-to-capture ratio 10e000 - - 1000_10 CL tooE 0 to- IE-10 1E.9 IE4 IE7 IE 1E-5 IE4 0.001 01 0.1 to 1 too incident energy (MeV) Figure 33. Scattering-to-absorption ratio of Si-28, ENDF/B-VII data Silicon, similar to carbon, is a light material (A=28) and has a high scattering-to-capture cross section ratio in the thermal and low epithermal region, increasing monotonically from approximately 5 at 1 meV to nearly 10,000 at 10 keV. However, unlike carbon, silicon-28 (which comprises 92.2% of natural silicon) has significant resonances in both its scattering and absorption cross sections beginning at approximately 20 keV, which causes significant fluctuations (from 10,000 to less than 1) in the scattering-to-capture cross section ratio above this energy. The complex resonance structure in the fast region of the spectrum makes the moderating performance of SiC very difficult to predict, making direct simulation crucial for evaluating the fluence reduction benefit. However, note that the scattering-to-capture ratio for Si-28 remains below that of carbon at all energies, suggesting improved performance relative to the graphite inserts. 66 8000 Reference Fluence Limit: 90 MWd/kgHM SiC Fluence Limit: 97 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 7.7% -3% 6000 4000RIeIf..e-rn.cIe 2000 -- -+- Reference --- 3% SiC . 50 o 100 250 150 300 350 -2000 -4000 -6000 -8000 -10000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 34. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 3% vol. frac. of SiC moderator Adding the equivalent of 3% volume fraction of SiC to the core successfully softened the spectrum such that the fluence-limited burnup was increased, by 7.7% from 90 MWd/kgHM to 97 MWd/kgHM. The reactivity remained positive, beginning at 771 pcm and peaking at 3900 pcm at 60 MWd/kgHM. The core is still fluence-limited, as the reactivity-limited burnup occurs at 181 MWd/kgHM, which is 84 MWd/kgHM greater than the fluence-limited burnup. 8000 Reference Fluence Limit: 90 MWd/kgH M 5% SiC Fl uence Limit: 102 MWd/kgH M Percent Change from Previous: 13.7% 6000 4000 Reference -.2000 ECL 2 5% Si C 0 -2000 9 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -4000 -6000 -8000 -10000 -12000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 35. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 5% vol. frac. of SiC moderator The case with 5% volume fraction of SiC follows the trend established by the 3% vol. frac. case. The reactivity vs. burnup curve is shifted vertically downward, reducing the reactivity 67 throughout the cycle while also reducing the fluence to the cladding. This causes a 13.7% increase in the bumup achievable before reaching the 200 dpa cladding fluence limit, rising from 90 MWd/kgHM to 102 MWd/kgHM. However, the initial reactivity is slightly subcritical, standing at -375 pcm. This can be rectified by slightly decreasing the amount of SiC added to the system, reducing the SiC volume percent to less than 5%. 10000 Reference Fluence Limit: 90 MWd/kgHM 7% SiC Fluence Limit: 109 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 20.6% 5000 -+.- Reference -a-7% SiC 0 50 E. 200 100 250 300 350 -5000 N -10000 -15000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 36. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 7% vol. frac. of SiC moderator As was expected, the case with 7% added SiC had too soft a spectrum, decreasing the initial reactivity to -1330 pcm, far too subcritical for startup. However, it is interesting to note the magnitude of the percent increase in the fluence-limited burnup seems to be consistent for various increases in the amount of SiC added. Adding 3% SiC to the core increased the fluencelimited burnup by 7.7%, so the fluence-limited burnup increased 2.6% per percent increase in the SiC content. Adding 5% SiC to the core increased the fluence-limited burnup by 14%, a 2.7% burnup increase per percent SiC added. Adding 7% SiC to the core increased the fluence limited burnup by 21%, resulting in a 2.9% bumup increase per percent SiC added. It seems that not only is SiC effective at increasing burnup, but also that it becomes slightly more effective as more is added. Magnesium Oxide Magnesium oxide has been utilized in the USFR as a high-albedo reflector to minimize leakage. Thus, it holds promise as a moderating material for use in softening the core's spectrum. An evaluation of the cross sections of magnesium and oxygen will provide insight into the potential 68 effectiveness of MgO. Since natural magnesium consists of 79.0% Mg-24 and natural oxygen consists of 99.7% 0-16, these isotopes will be examined. Incident neutron data I ENDFB-VII.0 I II Cross section ICi I10.1- -0.01- 0 oI M-4 1E-5 IE4 E-7- IE-) IE-I IE-10 IE-9 1E-6 0-7 1ES 1E-5 IE-4 0001 0.01 10 0L 100 Incident energy (MeV) Figure 37. Microscopic scattering and absorption cross sections of Mg-24 and 0-16, ENDF/B-VII data Incident neutron data I ENDFIB-Vil.0 II MT=2 : (z,zO) elastic scattering I IF$ 016 ScaiCapture Ratio 018 Mg24 Mg24SeatfCaptureRate -- 1000000- C C 9 10000- E 00 0 1E-10 I 1E-9 SEO ON IE7 E- 1E-5 IE-4 0,001 C0I 0.1 1 10 100 incident energy (MSV) Figure 38. Scattering-to-absorption ratio of Mg-24 and 0-16, ENDF/B-VII data Mg-24 and 0-16 share similar scattering cross sections, ranging from 5-50 barns in the thermal region and remaining roughly 5 barns up until approximately 50 keV. Here, Mg-24 has a large, narrow capture resonance, which drives down its scattering/capture microscopic cross section ratio to 5. 0-16 experiences its first scattering resonances around 0.5 keV, and has no significant 69 capture resonances. Mg-24's scattering-to-capture cross section ratio ranges from 15 to 500 in the thermal region, and fluctuates around an average value of 10,000 in the range of 0.1 to 12 MeV. This suggests its moderating performance will be similar to that of silicon, but slightly improved because its resonances begin at higher energies. 0-16's scattering-to-capture cross section ratio ranges from 5,000 to 100,000 in the thermal region and, due to the relatively constant (in lethargy space) scattering cross section and the 1/v capture cross section, goes as 1/v from 1E-8 MeV to 0.2 MeV, ranging from 5,000 to 1E8. The ratio then fluctuates around an average value of 1E8 until 50 MeV. These cross sections suggest that MgO will be somewhat similar to SiC in moderating effectiveness, though slightly less so, since Mg-24 has cross section characteristics similar to Si-28 and 0-16 is slightly less effective a moderator than C-12. 8000 Reference Fluence Limit: 90 MWd/kgHM MgO Fluence Limit: 96.5 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 7.2% -3% 6000 4000 E 2000 -4- Reference --- 3% MgO 0. 50 100 150 250 300 350 S-2000 S-4000 -6000 -8000 -10000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 39. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 3% vol. frac. of MgO moderator As was expected, adding 3% MgO to the assembly had a similar fluence reduction to the SiC additive, increasing the fluence-limited bumup by 7.2%, from 90 MWd/kgHM to 96.5 MWd/kgHM. This is 0.5% less than the 3% SiC case, making MgO a slightly less effective spectrum softener than SiC. The initial reactivity of the core was reduced from 2920 to 436 pcm with MgO, while the SiC was reduced to 771, a difference of 335 pcm. Thus, the MgO increased the fluence-limited bumup less and reduced the reactivity of the core more than the SiC, indicating that the SiC is desirable from a purely neutronic perspective. 70 8000 Reference Fluence Limit: 90 MWdI/kgH M 5% MgO Fluen ce Limit: 101 MWd/kgH M Percent Change from Previous: 12.7% 6000 4000 E -- Reference 2000 -. s-5%MgO 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -2000 -4000 -6000 -8000 -10000 -12000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 40. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 5% vol. frac. of MgO moderator 10000 -> Reference Fluence Limit: 90 MWd/kgH M 7% MgO Fluence Limit: 107 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 19.4% 5000 -- Reference E --m-7% MgO 50 100 1 200 250 300 350 -5000 -10000 -15000 Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 41. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with 7% vol. frac. of MgO moderator Adding 5% MgO increased the fluence-limited burnup 12.7%, from 90 MWd/kgHM to 101 MWd/kgHM. This is comparable to, though less effective than, the 13.7% increase gained by adding 5% SiC. Adding 7% MgO increased the fluence-limited burnup by 19.4%, to 107 MWd/kgHM, also less than the 20.9% increase gained when adding 7% SiC. Adding 3% MgO resulted in a 2.4% fluence-limited burnup increase per percent MgO added, while adding 5% and 7% MgO resulted in 2.6% and 2.8% increases in fluence-limited burnup per percent MgO added, respectively. Adding 3%, 5%, and 7% SiC increased the fluence limited burnup by 2.6%, 2.7%, 71 2.9% per percent SiC added, respectively. Though SiC is more effective as a spectrum softener from a purely neutronic perspective, MgO is already in widespread use in the USFR and TRUSFR as a high-albedo axial and radial reflector, which might make it desirable to utilize MgO in the pins for purposes of consistency. MgO has also been successfully tested as an inert matrix for minor actinide burnup in SFRs, providing enhanced confidence in its suitability for the present system. Melt-and-Recast Another option to increase the fuel burnup between full reprocessing steps is to incorporate the melt-and-recast (MNR) system of spent fuel recycling. As used early in EBR-II operation and recently proposed by Ehud Greenspan, MNR is a simple, cheap alternative to full pyroprocessing wherein the spent fuel is melted down, the gaseous and volatile fission products are collected, and the remaining materials (actinides and solid fission products) are recast into the metal fuel form. (Greenspan & Heidet, 2010) Though this methodology cannot be used indefinitely, it can be used in conjunction with full pyroprocessing to reduce fuel recycling costs over the long term. Melt-and-recast functions by capitalizing on the large difference in the fluence-limited burnup and the reactivity-limited burnup instead of seeking to eliminate it. MNR is applied to essentially replace the fuel cladding without trying to make major changes to the fuel composition, since the reactivity of the fuel is not the limiting factor. By replacing the cladding, the fuel recycled using the MNR process would then be able to achieve the reactivity limit on burnup, at which time it could be recycled using a full pyroprocess. The fuel cycle using MNR would begin as outlined previously, with the USFR spent fuel recycled using the full pyroprocess and loaded into the TRU-SFR. However, once the fuel in the TRU-SFR reaches its fluence limit, it would be removed from the core and not pyroprocessed, but fed into the MNR process. This would replace the cladding while having very little impact on the fuel's composition, such that the reactivity-limited burnup of the fuel would be only slightly impacted. The fuel from the MNR process would then be reloaded into the reactor and burned until it reached its reactivity-limited bumup, at which time it would be recycled using the full pyroprocess, and the cycle would begin again. Essentially, the MNR process would replace every other pyroprocess step, and since MNR is expected to cost less than the full pyroprocess, this would result in cost savings. Since the combined MNR/pyroprocessing recycle strategy depends on maximizing both the fluence-limited burnup per cycle and the difference between the fluence-limited and reactivitylimited burnups, the multicore transition strategy was identified as the ideal means of beginning the recycle mode. After the first USFR-to-TRU-SFR transition is completed using the multicore strategy (where the composition of spent fuel is maintained), subsequent reloads can be 72 performed using the uranium+ strategy (where natural uranium can be used to supplement mass differences between discharged and reloaded assemblies). The bumup vs. reactivity results of such a system are displayed in Figure 42. 20000 --Transition (multicore) Fluence Limit: 115 MWd/kgHM 1st Reload (uranium+) Fluence Limit: 94.2 MWd/kgHM -2nd Reload (uranium+) Fluence Limit: 97.1 MWd/kgHM 15000 10000 Transition (multicore) Reactivity Limit: 249 MWd/kgHM 1st Reload (uranium+) Reactivity Limit: 232 MWd/kgHM 2nd Reload (uranium+) Reactivity Limit: 240 MWd/kgHM 0 5000> 0 50 -5000 100 150 2 200 300 350 --- Transition MNR -+-1st Reload MNR --- 2nd Reload MNR --- -10000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 42. Reactivity vs. burnup for the TRU-SFR metal core using the combined pyroprocess/MNR cycle The transition case using the multicore cycle remains unchanged from the previous analysis. Its large (134 MWd/kgHM) difference between the fluence- and reactivity-limited burnups allows the core to run until reaching the fluence limit at 115 MWd/kgHM, melt and recast the fuel, and then run until the reactivity limit is reached (249 MWd/kgHM), such that the fuel is pyroprocessed only when the fuel has reached a bumup of almost 250 MWd/kgHM. The impact of this recycled high-burnup spent fuel on the reactivity profile of successive reloads was investigated, to characterize the equilibrium bumup behavior of this MNR/pyroprocess cycle. After the first pyroprocess recycle step from the TRU-SFR ("1st Reload" in Figure 42), the reactivity vs. burnup profile shifts downward such that the initial reactivity decreases from 15500 pcm to 6820 pcm, and the reactivity-limited bumup decreases from 249 MWd/kgHM to 232 MWd/kgHM. The fluence-limited bumup also decreases, from 115 MWd/kgHM to 94.2 MWd/kgHM. However, after another successive MNR/pyroprocess cycle, the equilibrium (approximated by the "2nd Reload") achieves better burnup performance. The 2nd Reload case reaches a fluence-limited bumup of 97.1 MWd/kgHM and a reactivity-limited burnup of 240 MWd/kgHM, which is acceptably high for economic performance as discussed in Section 3.6. 73 Varying the Fuel Volume Fraction The final method of improving the achievable bumup of the metallic core was to vary its fuel volume fraction. Varying the fuel volume fraction had several effects on the composition of the fuel and also on the neutron moderating environment. Varying the fuel volume fraction is perhaps the most simple method of adjusting the spectrum, and as such it holds much promise as a viable strategy for maximizing fuel burnup. Varying the fuel volume fraction also means adjusting the coolant (or sodium bond) volume fraction to account for the changes in fuel volume. As the fuel volume fraction decreases, the coolant volume fraction increases, and vice versa. These alterations can come either via an increase/decrease of the coolant outside the cladding (altering the diameter of both the fuel and the clad) or via an increase/decrease in the size of the sodium bond within the pin (altering the fuel diameter while keeping the cladding diameter constant). The second option allows for the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the plant to remain the same, while also improving on the void coefficient in the case of shrinking the fuel (since the sodium in the bond will not experience the voiding that occurs in the coolant). Thus, the fuel volume fraction was varied by altering the fuel diameter while keeping the cladding diameter intact. Varying the fuel volume fraction is similar to the previous discussion of adding moderator materials since it is essentially equivalent to adding or removing sodium, which can slow neutrons slightly (though it cannot be counted a true moderator-if it was, fast reactors wouldn't use it as a coolant!). The scattering and capture cross sections of Na-23 (100% of natural sodium) are shown in Figure 43, and their ratio is shown in Figure 44. 74 Incident neutron data I ENDFIB-VII.0 I Na23 I i Cross section n C 0 V S 'ii 0 C) incident energy (Mev) Figure 43. Microscopic scattering and absorption cross sections of Na-23, ENDF/B-VII data Incident neutron data! ENDFB-VII.0 i Na23 i IMT=2 : (z,zO) elastic scattering I Na24 scattering-to-capture ratio CL E 1E-10 IE.2 1E4 E-7 IE-6 IE- IE-4 O001 0.01 0.1 10 Incident energy (MeV) Figure 44. Scattering-to-absorption ratio of Na-23, ENDF/B-VII data Sodium has a higher average thermal capture cross section (0.5 barns) than both Si-28 (0.2 barns) and Mg-24 (0.05) but a nearly equivalent scattering cross section (thermal average of 5 barns). This causes Na-24's scattering-to-absorption ratio to range from 2 to 50 in the thermal region, which is substantially less than Mg-24's range of 15-500 but similar to Si-28's range of 4 to 75. However, the epithermal and fast regions are of more interest for this application, and here the resonance structure of sodium differentiates its neutronic behavior from that of Mg-24 75 and Si-28. Na-23 experiences its first capture resonance near 0.01 MeV, while Si-28 and Mg-24 both experience their first capture resonance near 0.05 MeV. Na-24's average scattering cross section in the range 1 keV to 1 MeV is approximately 5 barns, similar to that of Mg-24 and greater than that of Si-28 (2.5 barns). However, Na-23 has wider, greater-amplitude capture resonances in this range, making it more of an absorber of neutrons in the fast spectrum. It's scattering-to-capture ration in this range averages 5,000, which is similar to that of Mg-24 and Si-28, but the precise resonance behavior varies significantly and is expected to impact the effect of the sodium as a spectrum softener. Since the uranium+ strategy has much more of a need to improve the fluence-limited burnup, efforts focused on this strategy rather than the multicore approach. With the nominal fuel volume fraction at 40%, the fuel volume fraction was increased to 43% and decreased to 37% to gain insight into the neutronic response. 8000 Reference Fluence Limit: 90 MWd/kgH M 43% vol. frac Fluence Limit: 81 MWd/kgH M Percent Change from Previous: -9.8% -- 6000 4000- -+Reference 0 --- 43 Vol. Frac. 0 0 50 100 150 200 300 350 -2000 -4000 -6000 -8000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 45. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with a fuel vol. frac. of 43% As seen in Figure 45, increasing the fuel volume fraction has the effect of hardening the spectrum, as less moderator is present to collide with and slow the neutrons in the system before they interact with the fuel. Hardening the spectrum enhances the conversion ratio of the system, which causes the reactivity swing to increase; the initial reactivity of the system drops from 2920 pcm to 1220 pcm, while the peak reactivity increases from 5780 pcm to 6240 pcm. The fluencelimited burnup decreases 9.8% from 90 MWd/kgHM to 81 MWd/kgHM. Since the goal is to increase the fluence-limited burnup via spectrum softening, it is apparent that the fuel volume fraction must be decreased to accomplish this objective. 76 8000 ---- Reference Fluence Limit: 90 MWd/kgHM 37% vol. frac Fluence Limit: 100 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: 10.8% 6000 4000- E 0 -20 Reference --- 37 Vol. Frac. 50 100 250 20 150 300 350 400 -2000 lu -4000 -6000 ------ -8000 - -10000 -12000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 46. Reactivity vs. burnup for the Pu-U metal fuel using the uranium+ strategy with a fuel vol. frac. of 37% Decreasing the fuel volume fraction 3%, from 40% to 37%, softens the spectrum and reverses the reactivity and fluence trends encountered for the 43% fuel volume fraction case. The initial reactivity increases from 2920 pcm to 4680 pcm, and the peak reactivity remains nearly constant, dropping slightly from 5780 to 5660 pcm. However, the peak reactivity occurs 16 MWd/kgHM earlier in the cycle, occurring at 41.7 MWd/kgHM instead of 57.8 MWd/kgHM. This alteration of the reactivity vs. burnup curve stands in contrast to the changes incurred when adding moderator materials such as SiC or MgO. In those cases, the fuel volume fraction was unaltered and the coolant (sodium bond) volume fraction was adjusted to account for the addition of the moderator. This strategy had the effect of shifting the reactivity curve downward with negligible change in the slope of the curve. However, when altering the fuel volume fraction, the conversion ratio is more significantly impacted via two phenomena. First, the reduction in fuel volume fraction under the uranium+ strategy means that less natural uranium must be added to the discharged USFR fuel during the pyrometallurgical recycling process. This effectively increases the fissile loading as a percent of heavy metal, which reduces the breeding in the system and alters the shape of the reactivity curve, flattening it somewhat. Additionally, sodium serves as a better spectrum softener, not because it is a better moderator, but because it captures or preferentially absorbs enough neutrons to soften the spectrum enough that the dpa is limited but reactivity is not as significantly impacted. This effective spectrum softening improves the fluence-limited burnup, which increases 10.8% from 90 MWd/kgHM to 100 MWd/kgHM. This indicates improved performance relative to the addition of 3% SiC or 3% MgO, which increased the fluence-limited bumup 7.7% and 7.2%, respectively. Importantly, the initial reactivity remains positive and actually increases due to the higher concentration of fissile plutonium in the fuel (though the total plutonium mass loading remains constant). The reactivity-limited burnup begins to converge toward the fluence-limited 77 However, a 92 burnup, decreasing 9.7% from 212 MWd/kgHM to 192 MWd/kgHM. MWd/kgHM gap still exists between the reactivity-limited and the fluence-limited burnups, indicating that further reductions in the fuel volume fraction can be pursued. Accordingly, a sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the optimal fuel volume fraction at which the fluence-limited burnup would be maximized. The fuel volume fraction was decreased to a lower limit of 30.85%, at which point the mass discharged from the USFR equaled the mass recycled into the TRU-SFR, such that no natural uranium was necessary to compensate for a mass defect from the UC fuel to the Pu-U-Zr metal fuel. The results of this investigation are presented in Figure 47. 180 170 c 160 150 MC 140 -4- Fluence-limited 130 -- Reactivity-limited 120 L. 0 110 --- - ------- 100 90 30% 31% 32% 33% 34% 35% 36% 37% Fuel Volume Fraction Figure 47. Dependence of the fluence-limited and reactivity-limited average discharge burnup for Pu-U-Zr metal fuel of various volume fractions, transitioned using the uranium+ strategy. As the fuel volume fraction decreases, the fluence-limited and reactivity-limited burnups converge toward each other. At the specified minimum of 30.85% fuel volume fraction, the fluence-limited burnup is 122 MWd/kgHM, only 19 MWd/kgHM less than the reactivity-limited burnup of 141 MWd/kgHM. If the fuel cycle choice was made to create multiple TRU-SFR plutonium-fueled assemblies from a single USFR assembly, this disparity could be eliminated by reducing the fuel volume fraction until the reactivity-limited burnup converged with the fluencelimited burnup, which is likely to occur around 29.2% fuel volume fraction (using linear extrapolation). The impact of successive fuel recycles was investigated to determine the equilibrium cycle behavior of the uranium+ metal core with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85%. The reactivity as a function of burnup for two successive reloads is displayed in Figure 48. 78 10000 -+-Transition --A- Reload 1 -4- Reload 2 5000 E 50 100 1 200 250 300 350 400 450 -5000 -10000 -15000 -20000 Transition Fluence Limit: 121.5 MWd/kgHM Reload 1 Fluence Limit: 112.1 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Transition: -7.7% Reload 2 Fluence Limit: 112.0 MWd/kgH M Percent Change from Reload 1: -0.15% -25000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 48. Reactivity vs. burnup for the transition case and successive reloads of the uranium+ TRU-SFR metal core with a fuel volume percent of 30.85% The initial reactivity of the first reload cycle decreases 53% from 7806 pcm to 3703 pcm. This is primarily due to the loss of fissile material throughout the transition cycle, since the fissile inventory ratio is approximately 0.9 during this time (See Section 4.7 for a more detailed analysis of the breeding in the system). The fluence-limited burnup decreases accordingly, decreasing 7.7% from 121.5 MWd/kgHM to 112.1 MWD/kgHM. The reactivity-limited bumup remains mostly unchanged, since the breeding of the system increases once the fissile content is decreased relative to the fertile content. However, the fuel converges to the equilibrium cycle essentially after one reload. The initial reactivity of the second reload core is only 254 pcm less than the first reload core. This is because the fissile inventory ratio of the second core is 0.98, keeping the fissile content between loading and discharge essentially unchanged. This is also reflected in the fluence-limited bumup change, which is only 0.15% less for the second reload core than for the first reload core. Equilibrium behavior can be assumed to be reached after the 2nd reload, as the fissile inventory ratio of this cycle is 1.01. 4.4 Reactivity Worth of Minor Actinides As with the carbide cores, the reactivity worth of the minor actinides was evaluated for the metal cores. Reactivity worths were evaluated for cores transitioned from the USFR using both the multicore and the uranium+ recycling strategies, at a nominal fuel volume fraction of 40%. 79 20000 Nominal Fluence Limit: 115.3 MWd/kgHM MA Removed Fluence Limit: 115.4 MWd/kgH M Percent Change from Previous: 0.1% 15000 iC.) -u-Nominal 0. -+-MA Removed .1.~ 5000 C., 0 0 - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -5000 -10000 --- Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 49. Reactivity vs. burnup for the metal core transitioned using the multicore strategy displaying the reactivity worth of the minor actinides The initial reactivity of the fuel with the minor actinides removed is increased by 1.6% (240 pcm) relative to the case with all minor actinides left intact. However, the reactivity-limited burnup decreases 1.1% from 247 MWd/kgHM to 244 MWd/kgHM. As in the carbide core, this is because the removal of the minor actinides must be compensated via the addition of additional plutonium and uranium content, such that the initial reactivity is slightly increased but the breeding is slightly decreased. The fluence-limited bumup increases negligibly (0.1%) due to the slight addition of uranium and plutonium. 8000 Nominal Fluence Limit: 89.99 MWd/kgHM MA Removed Fluence Limit: 89.89 MWd/kgHM Percent Change from Previous: -0.1% 6000 4000 E. 0. 2000 C) %0 0 -+-Nominal -e-MA Remove d_ 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -2000 -4000 -6000 -8000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 50. Reactivity vs. burnup for the metal core transitioned using the uranium+ strategy displaying the reactivity worth of the minor actinides 80 Similar to the multicore case, removing the minor actinides from the fuel loaded into the TRUSFR impacts the fluence- and reactivity-limited burnups only slightly. The initial reactivity increases 2.7% (80 pcm), while the reactivity-limited burnup decreases 1.3%. The fluencelimited burnup decreases 0.1%, primarily due to the reactivity worth of the minor actinides being replaced with natural uranium. This stands in contrast to the multicore case, where both uranium and plutonium are added which slightly increases the fluence-limited burnup because the reactivity of the uranium-plutonium mix is greater than that of the minor actinides (throughout the cycle), whereas the natural uranium added in the uranium+ case has a reduced reactivity (throughout the cycle) than the minor actinides. For both the multicore and the uranium+ strategies, minor actinides have minimal impact on reactivity, reactivity-limited burnup, and fluence-limited burnup. Since destroying minor actinides via irradiation is a major benefit to waste storage and disposal, it is recommended to include the minor actinides in the fuel recycling process. 4.5 Storage Impact Since the timetable for transitioning once-through USFR reactors to TRU-SFR reactors in a plutonium recycle mode is uncertain, the impact of cooling was evaluated for the optimal metal fuel recycle core, with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85%, transitioned using the uranium+ strategy. To simulate the impact of cooling the fuel, all of the Pu-241 was assumed to have decayed into Am-241. This provides a conservative baseline estimate of the reactivity loss associated with cooling the fuel; Pu-241 has a 14.4 year half-life, so if the fuel is recycled on the order of this time frame, it will retain significant quantities of the Pu-241. The effect of cooling was investigated for both the initial transition, and for the successive reloads. In each case, all of the Pu-241 was assumed to have decayed away into Am-241, and the subsequent reactivity penalty was evaluated, first for the transition case and then for the first and second reloads. The reactivity vs. burnup profiles for the cooled uranium+ metal cores are shown in Figure 51, and the reactivity penalty associated with fuel cooling is further highlighted in Figure 52. 81 10000 -_-_-_-_-_-_Cooled Transition Fluence Limit: 120.3 MWd/kgHM (-0.98%) Cooled Reload 1 Fluence Limit: 108.9 MWd/kgHM (-2.89%) Cooled Reload 2 Fluence Limit: 107.2 MWd/kgHM (-4.29%) 5000 E 50 100 1 200 250 300 350 400 450 5000 + -10000 0) -+-Transition - -Reload 1 -4-Reload 2 -15000 -20000 -25000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 51. Reactivity vs. burnup for the uranium+ metal cores with 30.85% fuel volume fraction after cooling The reactivity vs. burnup trend of the transition core of cooled fuel remains largely unchanged from those of the fuel that was reprocessed with minimal cooling (compare with Figure 48). The initial reactivity of the transition case has decreased by 775 pcm (9.9%), which decreases the reactivity-limited burnup by 0.7%. Only slight changes in reactivity are encountered for the fuel cooled before the transition from the USFR to the TRU-SFR, since this fuel has only small amounts of Pu-241 (0.08% of HM, see Table 15). Larger variations in reactivity and reactivity profiles are encountered for the TRU-SFR reload cases. For the first core of cooled reloaded fuel, the initial reactivity is 2173 pcm (59%) less than fuel reloaded without significant cooling. This leads to a reactivity-limited burnup decrease of 12%. For the second reload of cooled fuel, the initial reactivity is 3170 pcm (80%) less than for the hot fuel. However, the breeding in the system is enhanced in this case and so the reactivitylimited burnup of the cooled fuel core is surprisingly close to that of the hot fuel core, differing by only 0.8%. 82 124 -- Immediately Reloaded 20-U-Cooled then Reloaded -0.98% difference 122 120 : 118 I - - -- 116 -2.89% difference 114 112 110 4.29% difference] --- 108 106 2 1 3 Cycle Figure 52. Fluence-limited burnup as a function of cycle for the uranium+ metal core with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85% Similar to the reactivity-limited burnup change, the fluence-limited bumup of the transition core is only minimally impacted by the effect of cooling, decreasing only 0.98% from that of the hot core. Again, however, the reload cores experience greater decreases in achievable burnups. The first reload core using cooled fuel achieves a fluence-limited bumup of 108.9 MWd/kgHM, 2.9% less than for the hot reloaded core. The second cooled reload core experiences a greater drop, reaching a fluence-limited burnup of 107.2 MWd/kgHM, 4.3% less than for the second hot reloaded core. The fluence-limited burnup of the cooled second reload core is 1.5% less than for the cooled first reload core. This stands in contrast to the near-identical fluence-limited burnups of the uncooled first and second reload cores, which differ by only 0.15%. This suggests that the cooled cores may take an additional cycle to reach equilibrium compared to the uncooled cores. 4.6 Economic Performance The economic performance of the metal TRU-SFR cores was evaluated to determine the most effective strategy for transition from the USFR to the TRU-SFR. The achievable burnups of the metal core cases were used together with the front-end fuel cycle costs discussed in Section 3.6 to develop levelized fuel cost estimates for each metal core iteration. 83 Table 16. Levelized fuel costs for the metal fueled SFR cores in recycle mode, and the reference once-through LWR LFC Fuel Type Reprocessing Scenario _________ Stage __________________ _________________ Maximum Burnup (MWd/kgHM) LFC (mills/kwh) ________ LWR Oxide None (Once through) Metal Uranium+ Transition 90 9.18 Metal Metal Metal Multicore Uranium+ Multicore Transition 1st reload 1st reload 115 98 119 7.49 8.56 7.30 -_45 7.00 Table 16 displays the levelized fuel costs for the metal cores at a nominal fuel volume fraction of 40%. It is clear that the achievable bumups for these cases are too low, resulting in uncompetitive fuel cycle costs. The multicore metal core achieves a maximum discharge burnup of 115 MWd/kgHM, resulting in a LFC of 7.49 mills/kWh, 7% larger than the LWR reference LFC of 7.00 mills/kWh. The uranium+ metal core fares even worse, achieving a maximum burnup of only 90 MWd/kgHM, which gives a LFC of 9.18 mills/kWh, a staggering 31% increase over the nominal LWR LFC. It is clear from these results that simply transitioning the USFR carbide core to the TRU-SFR with a metal fuel form, keeping all else constant, is not an economically attractive strategy. Hence, several strategies were investigated to identify possible means of improving the fluencelimited burnups of the metal cores, as discussed in Section 4.3.4. One possible means of improving the fuel burnup before full reprocessing was the melt-and-recast strategy, in which the fuel and cladding were melted down and re-casted using a simple process once the fluence limit of the cladding was reached, and the recast fuel was then reloaded into the core and allowed to run until its excess reactivity was exhausted (or the fluence limit was again exceeded). This allowed for every other recycle step to be the cheaper melt-and-recast (MNR) process, which was assumed to cost half of what full pyroprocessing would cost, making its unit cost $3,000/kgHM. The economic impacts of incorporating this strategy are displayed in Table 17. Table 17. Levelized fuel costs for the metal fueled SFR cores in mixed melt-and-recast/pyroprocessing recycle mode, and the reference once-through LWR LFC Fuel Type Reprocessing Scenario _________ _________________ LWR Oxide None (Once through) SFR Metal SFR Metal SFR Metal Multicore & Melt and Recast Uranium+ & MNR Uranium+ & MNR Stage _________________ Maximum Burnup (MWd/kgHM) -_45 Transition 1st reload 2nd reload LFC (mills/kwh) _______ 7.00 115 (230) 94(188) 97 (194) 6.90 7.85 7.68 With the MNR strategy, the large gap between the fluence-limited and reactivity-limited bumups is exploited to allow for the incorporation of the melt-and-recast step between full pyroprocessing steps. Thus, the transition core utilized the multicore strategy, which has a larger gap between the fluence- and reactivity-limited burnups. Subsequent reloads are completed preserving fissile masses using the uranium+ strategy. In Table 17, the maximum burnups listed are the initial first-run burnups (the fluence-limited burnups) reached before the melt-and-recast 84 process is performed. The core is then reloaded and burned until it reaches the reactivity-limited burnup, shown in parentheses in the table. The resulting levelized fuel cost for each cycle (between full pyroprocessing steps) is then computed and displayed. The transition case achieves a competitive LFC of 6.90 mills/kWh, 1.4% less than the nominal LWR LFC of 7.00 mills/kWh. However, the LFC increases as the TRU-SFR fuel is pyroprocessed and reloaded using the uranium+ strategy, increasing to 7.85 mills/kWh (12% higher than the nominal LWR case) for the first reload and then decreasing slightly to 7.68 mills/kWh (9.7% higher than the LWR case) for the second reload, which approaches equilibrium behavior. This increase in the LFC from the transition case to successive reloads occurs because the transition cycle has a fissile inventory ratio of approximately 0.8 upon reaching its reactivity-limited bumup, and since the reload cases use the uranium+ strategy, little fissile material is added in the pyroprocess recycle. However, once reloaded, the fuel has a fissile inventory ratio of slightly more than 1, as equilibrium behavior is attained, resulting in little change in the LFCs of the reload cores (See Section 86 for a more detailed discussion of the FIR of the various metallic cores). Table 18. Levelized fuel costs for the uranium+ metal cores with various moderating materials added to reduce cladding fluence and enhance burnup LFC Additive Heavy Metal Mass (kg) Fluence-Limited Bumup (MWd/kgHM) (mills/kwh) None 3%SiC 5%SiC* 7%SiC* 3%Graphite* 3%MgO 5%MgO* 7%MgO* 47620 46192 45239 44287 46192 46192 45239 44287 90.0 96.9 102.3 108.6 100.9 96.5 101.5 107.5 9.18 8.59 8.18 7.76 8.31 8.62 8.24 7.83 In an effort to improve the fluence-limited burnup of the metal core transitioned using the uranium+ strategy, moderating materials were introduced as a means of softening the spectrum and reducing the cladding dpa. The achievable fluence-limited burnups of these cases are displayed in Table 18, with the cores that are subcritical (absent any specialized fuel management strategy) marked with an asterisk. As discussed in Section, the addition of various moderating materials was only mildly successful in enhancing the fluence-limited burnup of the core. However, all moderating materials were able to improve on the fluencelimited burnup of the uranium+ reference case, which was 9.18 mills/kWh, which is 31% greater than the reference LWR LFC of 7.00 mills/kWh. The greatest improvement in the fluencelimited burnup was encountered for the case with 7% SiC additive, which achieved a fluencelimited burnup of 108.6 MWd/kgHM, and was able to obtain a LFC of 7.76 mills/kWh, only 11% greater than the reference case. The 7% MgO case reached a fluence-limited burnup of 107.5 MWd/kgHM, resulting in a LFC of 7.83 mills/kWh. Still, though, these LFCs are greater 85 than desired, especially since the effects of fuel cooling and successive reloads were not taken into account. Table 19. Levelized fuel costs of the uranium+ metal cores with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85%, including the effects of cooling Reprocessing Scenario Fluence-Limited Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Reactivity-Limited Burnup (MWd/kgHM) LEG (mills/kwh) Transition Transition (cooled) Reload 1 Reload 1 (cooled) Reload 2 Reload 2 (cooled) 121.5 120.3 112.1 108.9 112 107.2 140.5 139.5 127.9 125.7 138.3 137.1 6.81 6.87 7.29 7.47 7.29 7.57 As discussed in Section 0, varying the fuel volume fraction was found to be an effective method for improving the fluence-limited burnup of the uranium+ metal core. The transition case reached a fluence-limited burnup of 121.5 MWd/kgHM, resulting in a LFC of 6.81 mills/kWh, 2.7% less than the reference LWR LFC. The LFC decreases slightly if the fuel is cooled before the transition from the USFR to the TRU-SFR is made, resulting in a LFC of 6.87 mills/kWh, 1.8% less than the reference LWR LFC. Upon reloading of the TRU-SFR fuel, the LFC increases to 7.29 mills/kWh, 4.1% greater than the reference case. If this first reload fuel is cooled, it results in a LFC of 7.47, which is 6.7% greater than the reference. The second reload approximates that of the first, obtaining an identical LFC of 7.29 mills/kWh if the fuel is not cooled. If the fuel is cooled, the LFC is 7.57 mills/kWh, 8.1% greater than the reference. The fluence-limited burnup of the cooled reload cases keeps rising because the reload cases contain a higher proportion of Pu-241 due to the extended burnups, such that the loss of this Pu-241 increases in reactivity worth with successive reloads. The most important conclusion in this economic analysis is that the LFCs for the range of cases investigated are generally within 10% of the LWR reference LFC. Since significant uncertainty exists in many parameters used to estimate these costs (reprocessing cost, tolerable dpa, etc), and also considering that the LFC is only ~10% of the busbar cost, then the differences in the LFCs of the various cases should not prejudice the selection of most of the systems studied, but rather other factors such as ease of transition, safety, and nonproliferation should be considered. 4.7 Fissile Material Ratios The fissile material ratios applied to the carbide cores (recall Section 3.7) were also applied to the various metal cores. The fissile material ratios of the metal core transitioned using the multicore strategy with a nominal fuel volume fraction of 40% are shown in Figure 53. 86 1.2 1 0 Fluen ce Limit 115 MWd/kgHM 6 S@ Reactivity Limit @ 245 MWd/kgHM -+-FIR E.I -FPR 0.2 0 0 50 100 200 150 250 300 350 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 53. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the transition multicore metal core Similar to the carbide-fueled configuration, the metal multicore transition case functions as a fissile burner throughout the cycle, with the fissile inventory ratio remaining below one at all times. The fissile inventory ratio at the fluence-limited burnup of 115 MWd/kgHM is 0.9, and it decreases to 0.8 by the time the reactivity-limited burnup of 245 MWd/kgHM is reached. The carbide multicore case experienced enhanced breeding, as it discharged with a fissile inventory ratio of 0.93 at its fluence-limited burnup of 136 MWd/kgHM. This is reflected in the shape of the fissile plutonium ratio curve, which for the metal core peaks at 1.06 at 77 MWd/kgHM and decreases to 1.05 at the fluence-limited burnup of 115 MWd/kgHM. The multicore carbide core's fissile plutonium ratio peaked at 1.14 at 108 MWd/kgHM and discharged at 1.13, which drives the carbide core's higher fissile inventory ratio. 87 1.4 (0 0 .8 T Fluence Limit @ 90 MWd/kgH M Reactivity Limit @ 210 MWd/kgHM 0.6 4) - ) 0.4- -+-F-R -- U) 0.2 - - FUR - 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 54. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the transition uranium+ metal core The metal uranium+ transition core functions as breeder, similar to the uranium+ carbide core. However, the metal core is more effective a breeder than the carbide, as the fissile inventory ratio of the metal core peaks at 1.1 at 77 MWd/kgHM and is 1.09 at the fluence-limited burnup of 90 MWd/kgHM. The carbide core, for comparison, peaks at 1.06 at 65 MWd/kgHM and 1.04 at the fluence-limited burnup of 118 MWd/kgHM. The fissile plutonium ratio of the uranium+ metal core peaks at 1.32 at 96 MWd/kgHM, and is 1.3 at the fluence-limited burnup of 90 MWd/kgHM. This is the driving force behind the enhanced reactivity of the reloaded uranium+ TRU-SFR metal core, which is able to reach a fluence-limited burnup of 98 MWd/kgHM, as discussed in Section The fissile material ratios were also investigated for the metal cores incorporating the melt-andrecast strategy. Since these cores ran to greater burnups before full pyroprocessing was undertaken, they generally functioned as fissile material burners. The fissile material ratios of the first core that was pyroprocessed and reloaded after the transition burn-MNR-burn cycle is shown in Figure 55. 88 1.2 Fluence Limit @ 94.2 MWd/kgH M 0.8 0 .6 - 0.4 ---- Reactivity Limit @ 232 MWd/kgHM --- ----Melt and Recast Limit -- @@188 MWd/kgHM -- m-FPR FUR 0.2 - 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 55. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the first reload metal core after MNR and pyroprocessing When the fluence limit of this reload core is reached at 94.2 MWd/kgHM, the fissile inventory ratio is 1.07, nearly equal to the fissile plutonium ratio of 1.1. This is because the transition cycle has fissioned most of the fissile uranium left in the recycled USFR fuel, so little is left for the first reload of TRU-SFR fuel. Note, though, that the fissile inventory ratio is only slightly greater than 1 (1.01) at the maximum bumup of the recast fuel, though the fissile plutonium ratio is 1.05 at this point. Ultimately, this results in slightly enhanced reactivity for the second TRUSFR reload cycle, as discussed in Section The fissile material ratios were also investigated for the uranium+ metal cores with the fuel volume fraction of 30.85%, optimized to maximize their fluence-limited bumups. The fissile material ratios of the uranium+ transition metal core with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85% are shown in Figure 56. 89 1.2 (A 0 0.8 Reactivity Limit @ 140.5 MWd/kgHM Cm 0.6 - Fluence Limit @ 121.5 MWd/kgHM 0.4 -- FIR U)-e U) FU R 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 56. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the transition uranium+ metal core with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85% This uranium+ transition core functions as a net fissile burner, with a linearly decreasing fissile inventory ratio as a function of bumup. The fissile inventory ratio at the fluence-limited burnup is 0.91, whereas the fissile inventory ratio of the transition uranium+ metal core with a fuel volume fraction of 40% was 1.09 at its fluence-limited bumup of 90 MWd/kgHM. This occurs because less plutonium breeding occurs, as the fissile plutonium ratio peaks at 1.085 at 100 MWd/kgHM and is 1.08 at the fluence-limited burnup of 121.5 MWd/kgHM. This conversion behavior is the underlying cause of the reactivity loss of the first reload of the TRU-SFR when using this 30.85% metal fuel and the uranium+ recycling strategy, as described in Section 0. 90 1.2 W) 0 0.8 4' *0 Reactivity Limit @ 127.9 MWd/kgHM 0.6 -.- 0 4) FIR - - -FPR 0.4 -*- FUR 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Maximum Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 57. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the first reload uranium+ metal core with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85% The burner behavior is lessened for the first reload of this 30.85% metal uranium+ core, as the fissile inventory ratio now increases with burnup until 50 MWd/kgHM and thereafter decreasing to 0.99 at the fluence-limited burnup of 112 MWd/kgHM. This indicates that the first reload core is close to reaching equilibrium, yet still needing to converge further. The general flatness of the fissile inventory ratio and the fissile plutonium ratio suggests that the equilibrium cycle for this SFR will have a conversion ratio of unity, such that by the end of cycle approximately the same fissile material will be present as at the beginning. 1.2 U) 0 0.86 .0- Reactivity Limit @138.3 MWd/kgHM 0.6 --- 0.4 (I) LL FIR - -- FPR -* FUR 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Maximum Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 58. Fissile material ratios as a function of burnup for the second reload uranium+ metal core with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85% 91 This steady-state converter behavior of the equilibrium cycle is confirmed by analyzing the fissile material ratios of the second TRU-SFR metal fuel uranium+ reload, as shown in Figure 58. The fissile inventory ratio peaks at 1.03 at 50 MWd/kgHM, and then equals unity at the fluence-limited bumup of 112 MWd/kgHM. The fissile plutonium ratio is 1.02 at the fluencelimited burnup, which is just enough to compensate for the burned fissile uranium. The fissile material ratios of this case corroborate the conclusion of the reactivity vs. burnup analysis conducted in Section 0, that the maximum fluence-limited bumup achieved by the equilibrium cycle is 112 MWd/kgHM. 4.8 Nonproliferation Materials Attractiveness . ... ..... ........ ......... . ..... ... .... .... ... . ..... ...... .. ..... .. .. ...... .. .......... .. ...... .. .... ........... . ... .... ..... ... 10 ... .... . .. U 00 0-) D110 ......... .. .......... .. ..... ... ..... .... 7 ............. .... 100 ............. .... ...... . I ..... W 1 ....... ............... Gr6dor 10 10 2 . ..... . ..... .. . ............... ........... ........ ...... .... ..... ... ... ....... 10-I 100 %Pu240 ....... ..... ... ... .... .... .. 10 10 Figure 59. Proliferation materials attractiveness of the metal multicore TRU-SFR cores of various reloads, recycled using the combined pyroprocessing/melt-and-recast strategy The initial transition core, pyroprocessed from the USFR spent fuel, contains a plutonium vector with 0.9% Pu-238 and 14.05% Pu-240, placing it in the middle of the "weapons usable" band of the attractiveness function. After the first cycle in the TRU-SFR, the spent fuel contains 2.48% Pu-238 and 24.95% Pu-240, placing it on the boundary of the "weapons usable" band. After the first and second reloads, the fuel converges to an equilibrium plutonium vector with 2.20% Pu238 and 29.3% Pu-240, slightly more attractive than the transition case yet still almost "practically unusable." In all cases, the spent fuel from the TRU-SFR is significantly less attractive from a proliferation perspective than the spent fuel from the USFR. Thus, transitioning from the once-through USFR mode to the recycle TRU-SFR mode serves an important nonproliferation function, providing additional justification for moving to the recycle mode rapidly. 92 ~ Pradc . .. ........ 0 10 10 10 10 %Pu240 10 10 Figure 60. Proliferation materials attractiveness of the metal uranium+ TRU-SFR cores of various reloads with the optimized fuel volume fraction of 30.85% The materials attractiveness of the uranium± cores more closely resembles that of the carbide cores than the multicore metal cores. The plutonium vector after the transition cycle consists of 1.88% Pu-238 and 21.43% Pu-240. The vector then converges to its equilibrium values of 2.44% Pu-238 and 28.03% Pu-240 after the second reload. Compare this to the equilibrium values of the uranium+ carbide core, which has 2.33% Pu-238 and 28.60% Pu-240, making these two core configurations roughly equivalent in terms of proliferation materials attractiveness. These values are also equivalently attractive as those of the multicore metal core, which has less Pu-238 (2.20% vs. 2.33%) but more Pu-240 (29.33% vs. 28.60%). Ultimately, the choice of fuel type (carbide vs. metal) and reprocessing strategy (multicore vs. uranium+) has little impact on the degree of proliferation attractiveness of the TRU-SFR spent fuel. All configurations make the plutonium vector significantly less attractive than the USFR spent fuel, serving as additional motivation for moving to the fuel recycle mode sooner rather than later. 4.9 Safety Characteristics 4.9.1 Sodium Void Coefficient The sodium void coefficients of reactivity were evaluated for the metal cores transitioned using the multicore and the uranium+ strategies. The results for the metal multicore core using the melt-and-recast strategy are displayed in Table 20. 93 Table 20. Sodium void coefficients of reactivity for the transition and equilibrium multicore metal cores with melt-and- recast Transition BOC Sodium void Transition @ Transition Equilibrium BOC EOC MNR Equilibrium @ MNR Equilibrium EOC 0.0369 0.0220 0.0175 0.0615 0.0276 0.0221 1.2596 0.7235 0.5571 5.1389 1.5688 0.9877 worth ($/%void) Maximum void worth ($) The sodium void coefficient of reactivity begins at 0.0369 $/% void, decreasing to 0.022 $/% void at the fluence-limited burnup of 115 MWd/kgHM. After the fuel is melted and recast, the sodium void coefficient of reactivity decreases to 0.0175 $/% void at the reactivity-limited burnup. The maximum void worths decrease accordingly with burnup, beginning at $1.26 and decreasing to $0.724 at the melt-and-recast point and even to $0.557 at the reactivity-limited burnup (EOC). The equilibrium core has a greatly increased void coefficient of reactivity at BOC, beginning at 0.0615 $/% void, almost double that of the transition core, decreasing to 0.0276 $/% void at the melt-and-recast limit, and further decreasing to 0.0221 at the reactivitylimited burnup. The maximum void worths follow a corresponding trend, beginning at $5.14 and decreasing to $1.57 at the MNR point and to $0.988 at the reactivity-limited burnup. Table 21. Sodium void coefficients of reactivity for the transition and equilibrium uranium+ metal cores with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85% Transition Transition Equilibrium Equilibrium Sodium void worth BOC EOC BOC EOC 0.0371 0.0203 0.0607 0.0260 ($/%void) Maximum void worth ($) 2.7272 I 0.8078 I 4.9732 I 1.1168 I The uranium+ metal cores behave similarly to those of the multicore metal cores. The sodium void coefficient of reactivity begins at 0.0371 $/% void and decreases to 0.0203 $/% void for the transition case. The equilibrium case, due to the increased plutonium content, has more positive sodium void coefficients, beginning at 0.0607 $/% void and decreasing to 0.026 $/% void at EOC. The maximum void worths of the transition core begin at $2.73 and decrease to $0.808 at EOC. The maximum void worths of the equilibrium cycle begin at nearly double that of the transition cycle, starting at $4.97 and decreasing to $1.12 at EOC. While the maximum sodium void worths of the metal cores ($5.14 for the multicore case and $4.97 for the uranium+ case) are greater than those of the carbide cores ($2.81 for the multicore case and $2.86 for the uranium+ case), they are still similar to those of other commercial-sized metal fuel fast spectrum reactors. The ALMR, which was similar to the design of the IFR and the S-PRISM fast reactors, had a maximum void worth of $6.5. Thus, though the carbide cores have less positive sodium void worths, the metal cores are still within acceptable limits. 94 4.9.2 Shutdown Margin The shutdown margin of the metal cores was investigated for both the multicore (with melt-andrecast) and uranium+ transition strategies. The multicore case with the greatest reactivity was the transition cycle, so this cycle was the focus of the shutdown analysis. The results for the transition multicore case are presented in Figure 61. 20000 15000 10000 0 -o-ARO - -- w-ARI, Cool ---- - 5000 0. 50 - 100 150 200 250 300 350 -5000 -10000 -15000 BOC Shutdown Margin: +6370 pcm (+6830 pcm w/o max rod) ARho of 8,740 pcm Average rod worth: $1.10/rod (0.460 %Ak/k) -20000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 61. Shutdown margin of the transition multicore metal core Similar to the multicore carbide core, the multicore metal core is unable to go subcritical with the standard control assembly configuration. The reactivity of the core with all rods in is 6370 pcm, which increases to 6870 pcm with the highest-worth rod out. The total change in reactivity with all rods inserted is 8,740 pcm, for an average rod worth of 0.460% Ak/k. This rod worth is similar to that of the oxide-fueled BN-800 (0.42% Ak/k) and less than that of the metal-fueled ALMR (0.76% Ak/k). However, the positive shutdown reactivity is an issue which must be resolved, and so the multicore case is not desirable unless other motivations deem acceptable the added cost of modifying the control assembly system or implementing a multi-batch refueling strategy. 95 10000 5000 - - 50 E - -1-AR ICool - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 100 150 0 250 300 350 400 450 -5000 CL-10000 -15000 -20000 -25000 -30000 -35000 BOC Shutdown Margin: -3569 pcm (-2970 w/o max rod) ARho of -11,375 pcm Average rod worth: $1.43/rod (0.599%Ak/k) -40000 Average Discharge Burnup (MWd/kgHM) Figure 62. Shutdown margin of the transition multicore metal core The shutdown margin of the transition uranium-+ metal core with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85% was identified as the limiting scenario. With all rods inserted, the uranium+ metal core successfully reached a shutdown condition with negative reactivity, achieving a shutdown margin of -3569 pcm (-2970 pcm without the highest-worth rod). The total change in reactivity with all rods inserted was -11,375 pcm, for an average rod worth of 0.599% Ak/k. This rod worth is more than that of the uranium+ carbide core (0.447% Ak/k), but still less than that of the ALMR metal core, which has an average rod worth of 0.76% Ak/k. Thus, the uranium+ transition strategy is preferable to the multicore strategy if minimizing changes to the core configuration is a priority, regardless of whether carbide or metal fuel is employed. 4.10 Summary The reactivity and burnup performance of the multicore and uranium+ metal cores was evaluated. The multicore metal transition core achieved a fluence-limited burnup of 115 MWd/kgHM, with a reactivity-limited burnup of 247 MWd/kgHM, for a LFC of 7.49 mills/kWh. The reactivity-limited bumup of the metal multicore transition case is 41% greater than that of the corresponding carbide multicore transition case, yet its fluence-limited burnup is 15% less. The harder spectrum of the metal fuel increases the cladding dpa per unit bumup, resulting in poorer bumup performance and higher LFCs. The uranium+ metal transition core reached a fluence-limited bumup of 90.0 MWd/kgHM, with a reactivity-limited bumup of 212 MWd/kgHM, for a LFC of 9.18 mills/kWh. The carbide uranium+ transition core's reactivitylimited burnup was 54% less, but its fluence-limited burnup was 24% greater. The large disparities in the metal cores' fluence-limited and reactivity-limited burnups, which resulted in 96 high LFCs, indicated that additional methods of softening the spectrum to increase the fluencelimited burnup and improve the economic performance were needed. The first method of improving the fluence-limited burnup of the metal cores involved adding various moderating materials to soften the spectrum and reduce the dpa per unit burnup. Adding 3% graphite to the system improved the fluence-limited burnup by 12%, but dropped the initial reactivity of the core below zero, though this could possibly be overcome using some sort of multi-batch fuel management scheme. Adding 5% SiC increased the fluence-limited burnup by 14%, with the initial reactivity dropping to approximately zero, and adding 5% MgO increased the fluence-limited burnup by 13% but dropped the initial reactivity to less than that of the SiC. The second method for improving the achievable burnup between full pyroprocessing reloads was to run the transition core until the fluence limit was reached, at which point the fuel was not reprocessed but rather simply melted down and recast with new cladding. This "melt-and-recast" approach saved on recycling costs since melting the fuel was assumed to be half as expensive as full pyroprocessing, which improves the fuel cycle cost. The LFC for this strategy came to 6.90 mills/kWh, 1.4% less than the nominal LWR LFC. However, issues with reactivity control limit the cost effectiveness of this transition strategy. The final means of improving the fluence-limited burnup was to reduce the metal fuel volume fraction. By reducing the fuel volume fraction from the nominal 40% to 30.85% (at which point the heavy metal mass of the metal core equaled that of the carbide core), more sodium was introduced to the system which had an important spectrum softening effect. Additionally, fewer kg of HM needed to be reprocessed for fabrication of the recycled assemblies, lowering fuel cycle costs. The resulting fluence-limited burnup of the uranium-+ metal core with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85% was 6.81 mills/kWh, 2.7% less than the nominal LWR LFC. The impact of minor actinides on the initial reactivity and the fluence-limited burnups of the metal cores was found to be minimal, similar to that of the carbide cores. Removing the minor actinides from the nominal multicore metal transition core increased the initial reactivity by 240 pcm, and increased the fluence-limited burnup by only 0.1%. Removing the minor actinides from the uranium+ transition metal core increased the initial reactivity by only 80 pcm and decreased the fluence-limited burnup by 0.1%. Cooling the fuel before loading it, using the uranium+ strategy with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85%, reduced the fluence-limited burnup by only 0.98% in the transition cycle, and by only 4.29% for the equilibrium cycle. The metal cores achieved acceptable nonproliferation performance, while safety results were mixed. Transitioning from the once-through USFR mode to the recycle TRU-SFR mode reduced the attractiveness of the plutonium in the fuel from "weapons usable" to "practically unusable." The multicore metal core had issues with reactivity control for shutdown, being unable to reach a subcritical configuration using the nominal control arrangement of the USFR with single-batch refueling. The uranium+ metal core achieved a shutdown margin of -3570 pcm (-2970 without 97 the max-worth rod), with an average rod worth of 0.599% Ak/k. This compares favorably to the average rod worth of the metal-fueled ALMR, whose rods were worth 0.88% Ak/k. The uranium+ metal core has a maximum sodium void worth of $4.97, still less than the ALMR's $6.5 total void worth. Ultimately, the uranium+ metal core with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85% was identified as the optimal metal-fuel transition strategy from the nominal carbide USFR core. It achieved economic burnups with safe dynamic characteristics and adequate control. 98 5 Summary and Conclusions 5.1 Overview Possible strategies for transition from a once-through, uranium-fueled sodium-cooled fast reactor (the USFR) to a plutonium-fueled SFR in recycle mode (the TRU-SFR) were examined. Strategies for transition from the nominal carbide USFR core to both carbide and metal TRUSFR cores were investigated. The general features of the USFR were preserved, in particular use of a high-albedo reflector in place of a breeding blanket. The power distributions, reactivity profiles, reactivity impacts of minor actinide removal and long term storage, economic performances, breeding behavior, nonproliferation and safety characteristics were characterized. This chapter presents a summary of the results obtained from these efforts. 5.2 Radial Power Distribution The radial power distribution of the carbide and metal cores were both center-peaked, since the nominal recycling scenario used only a single-batch reloading scheme with a uniform fissile loading. The radial power profiles flattened with burnup as the fissile material in the center was depleted more rapidly than on the outer regions. The metal cores experienced greater peak fast fluxes (4.39E+15 n/s/cmA2 for the multicore case and 5.24E+15 n/s/cmA2 for the uranium+ case at BOC) than the carbide cores (3.87E+15 n/s/cmA2 for the multicore and 4.52E+15 n/s/cmA2 for the uranium+), since these metal cores have a harder spectrum. The uranium+ cores have higher peak fluxes than the multicore cores due to decreased fissile loadings. 5.3 Reactivity Profile and Burnup Performance of Carbide and Metal Cores 5.3.1 Nominal Cases The nominal carbide and metal cores both had a fuel volume fraction of 40%. The carbide cores had fuel with a density of 13.63 g/cc, with a heavy metal fraction (of fuel) of 0.952. The metal cores had fuel with a density of 16.14 g/cc, with a heavy metal fraction of 0.9 (the rest of the fuel alloy consisted of zirconium). Thus, for a fixed fuel volume fraction, the metal cores had a higher total fissile loading. The transition multicore carbide core reached a fluence-limited burnup of 136 MWd/kgHM, with an initial reactivity of 8441 pcm and a reactivity-limited burnup of 176 MWd/kgHM. The 99 reactivity of the core increased after the first reload (again using the multicore strategy), resulting in an initial reactivity of 14430 pcm, a fluence-limited bumup of 149 MWd/kgHM, and a reactivity-limited burnup of 217 MWd/kgHM. The transition uranium+ carbide core began with an initial reactivity of 1133 pcm and reached a fluence-limited burnup of 124 MWd/kgHM, with a reactivity-limited burnup of 138 MWd/kgHM. The first reload of the TRU-SFR core achieved a fluence-limited burnup of 124 MWd/kgHM, with an initial reactivity of 4590 pcm and a reactivity-limited burnup of 173 MWd/kgHM. The nominal metal cores generally experienced greater differences between their fluence-limited and reactivity-limited values. The multicore metal transition core achieved a fluence-limited burnup of 115 MWd/kgHM, with a reactivity-limited burnup of 247 MWd/kgHM, a significant difference of 132 MWd/kgHM. The reactivity-limited burnup of the metal multicore transition case (247 MWd/kgHM) is 41% greater than that of the corresponding carbide multicore transition case (176 MWd/kgHM), yet its fluence-limited bumup is 15% less. The harder spectrum of the metal fuel increases the cladding dpa per unit burnup, resulting in poorer fluence-limited burnup performance. The uranium+ metal transition core reached a fluencelimited burnup of 90.0 MWd/kgHM with a reactivity-limited bumup of 212 MWd/kgHM, for a difference of 122 MWd/kgHM. The carbide uranium+ transition core's reactivity-limited burnup (138 MWd/kgHM) was 54% less, but its fluence-limited burnup (124 MWd/kgHM) was 24% greater. The large disparities in the metal cores' fluence-limited and reactivity-limited burnups, despite their greater fissile loading as compared to the carbide cores, indicate that additional methods of softening the spectrum to increase the fluence-limited bumup are needed. 5.3.2 Metallic Core Burnup Improvement Methods The first method of improving the fluence-limited bumup of the metal cores involved adding various moderating materials to soften the spectrum and reduce the dpa per unit burnup. Adding 3% graphite to the system improved the fluence-limited burnup by 12%, but dropped the initial reactivity of the core below zero, though this could possibly be overcome using some sort of multi-batch fuel management scheme. Adding 5% SiC increased the fluence-limited burnup by 14%, with the initial reactivity dropping to approximately zero, and adding 5% MgO increased the fluence-limited bumup by 13% but dropped the initial reactivity to less than that of the SiC. Ultimately, adding moderator materials showed some promise for improving fluence-limited burnups of the metal cores and reducing the gap between the fluence-limited and the reactivitylimited bumups. However, the optimal method of incorporating these materials into the assemblies must be further investigated. The second method for improving the achievable burnup between full pyroprocessing reloads was to run the transition core until the fluence limit was reached, at which point the fuel was not 100 reprocessed but rather simply melted down and recast with new cladding. This "melt-and-recast" approach saved on recycling costs since melting the fuel was assumed to be half as expensive as full pyroprocessing, which improves the fuel cycle cost. However, issues with reactivity control complicate this transition strategy, making multi-batch staggered reloads or modifications to the control systems necessary. The final means of improving the fluence-limited burnup was to reduce the metal fuel volume fraction. By reducing the fuel volume fraction from the nominal 40% to 30.85% (at which point the heavy metal mass of the metal core equaled that of the carbide core), more sodium was introduced to the system which had an important spectrum softening effect. Additionally, fewer kg of HM needed to be reprocessed for fabrication of the recycled assemblies, lowering fuel cycle costs. The fluence-limited burnup of the equilibrium uranium+ metal core with the optimized fuel volume fraction was only 10% less than that of the equilibrium carbide uranium+ core. Reducing the fuel volume fraction is the most straightforward method of improving the fluence-limited burnup of the metal cores. 5.4 Reactivity Impact of Minor Actinide Removal and Long Term Storage The impact on initial reactivity and fluence-limited burnup of removing minor actinides from the recycled fuel during the reprocessing step was investigated. The initial reactivity of the multicore carbide core increased by 4% but the fluence-limited burnup increased by only 0.3%. The initial reactivity of the uranium+ carbide core increased 18% yet this translated into only a 0.1% increase in the fluence-limited burnup. The metal cores experienced similarly small impacts when the minor actinides were removed during recycling. The metal multicore case's initial reactivity increased only 1.6%, and the fluence-limited burnup increased negligibly (0.1%). The metal uranium+ case experienced a 18% increase, yet the fluence-limited burnup actually decreases negligibly (-0.1%). In all cases, it is clear that removing the minor actinides during the reload process has minimal impact on the achievable reactivity of the reloaded core. Thus, it is recommended to leave the minor actinides in the heavy metal so as to alleviate waste management issues associated with their disposal, such as the long-lived nature of their decay heat and dose from radioactive decay. The impact of cooling the fuel in long-term storage was also investigated. To simulate the effect of long-term cooling, all the Pu-241 (til/2=14. 4 years) present in the fuel discharged by the USFR was assumed to have decayed into Am-241. The carbide multicore core experienced a drop in initial reactivity of 9.5%, with a corresponding decrease in fluence-limited burnup of 1.3%. The carbide uranium+ core experienced a decrease in initial reactivity of 77%, though the fluencelimited burnup decreased only 1.6%. The metal uranium+ core lost 59% of its initial reactivity, though the fluence-limited burnup decreased only 1%. Ultimately, the total effect of long-term 101 storage on achievable bumup was minimal, and so the decision to move to the recycle mode need not be driven by a desire to maintain the reactivity worth of the spent fuel generated by the once-through USFR. 5.5 Economic Performance In all cases, the levelized fuel cost of the recycle cores relative to each other was driven by the achievable fluence-limited bumup of each. Their cost-competitiveness relative to the nominal LWR once-through fuel cycle was driven by the balance of their increased front-end fuel costs against their increased bumups and higher thermal efficiencies (42% vs. 33.7% for the LWR). The multicore transition carbide core results in a levelized fuel cost of 6.41 mills/kWh, 8.4% less than the 7.00 mills/kWh levelized fuel cost of the LWR. The reload multicore carbide case obtained a levelized fuel cost of 5.98 mills/kWh, 14.6% less than the reference LWR cost. The uranium+ transition carbide core achieved a levelized fuel cost of 7.17 mills/kWh, only 2.4% more than the reference LWR LFC. The uranium+ carbide reload core's burnup results in a LFC of 6.89 mills/kWh. The metal multicore transition core generates a LFC of 7.49 mills/kWh, and its reload (with melt-and-recast) develops a LFC of 7.85 mills/kWh. The metal uranium+ transition core with an optimized fuel volume fraction of 30.85% obtains a LFC of 6.81 mills/kWh, with a LFC of 7.29 mills/kWh for the reload case. Most of these cores managed to obtain LFCs within +10% of the reference LWR case, suggesting that the optimal recycle strategy may not be driven by the fuel cycle economics but by other factors, such as the cost of converting from the once-through mode to such a recycle strategy, the safety performance of the recycle mode core, or the proliferation attractiveness of the spent fuel generated by the recycle mode. 5.6 Fissile Material Ratios The ratio of fissile material, at a given burnup, to the fissile material present at BOC was calculated for the carbide and metal cores. Fissile material included U-233, U-235, Pu-239, and Pu-241. The ratios were weighted by the reactivity worth of each fissile isotope, so that the actual impact on the core's reactivity could be more accurately judged. This reactivity weighting only impacted the final results by 2-3% compared to mass-only comparisons. The reactivityweighted fissile inventory ratio (FIR) of the carbide transition multicore core was 0.93 at EOC, meaning that the core functioned as a slight burner of fissile material during this cycle. The uranium+ carbide transition core had a FIR of 1.04 at EOC, so it functioned as a slight breeder during this cycle. The metal multicore transition core had an EOC FIR of 0.90, and the uranium+ metal transition core (with a fuel volume fraction of 30.85%) had an EOC FIR of 0.91. 102 The equilibrium cycle of this uranium+ case possessed a FIR of 1.0, meaning that it reached steady-state conversion behavior. Generally, the multicore cores functioned as slight fissile burners, and the uranium+ cores functioned in a fissile steady-state, with FIR's barely above or approximately equal to one. 5.7 Nonproliferation Materials Attractiveness The quality of plutonium generated by the TRU-SFR is of keen interest to the nonproliferation community, as the quality of plutonium generated by fast reactors in the past has been assumed to be very attractive to potential proliferators. The plutonium discharged by the USFR and transitioned into the TRU-SFR was classified as "weapons usable" using Saito's methodology, though it was still far from "weapon grade." It contained 0.9% Pu-238 and 14.05% Pu-240, making it slightly more attractive than the plutonium generated by LWRs, which typically has 2.4% Pu-238 and 14.05% Pu-240. However, after a few cycles in the TRU-SFR, the plutonium vector becomes significantly less attractive regardless of whether carbide or metal fuel was used, or which transition strategy was employed. The equilibrium carbide multicore core had plutonium with 2.81% Pu-238 and 29.73% Pu-240, making it "weapons unusable." The equilibrium uranium+ carbide core had plutonium with 2.33% Pu-238 and 28.60% Pu-240, placing it just inside the "weapons usable" band. The metal cores fared similarly, as the plutonium in the equilibrium multicore metal core had 2.81% Pu-238 and 29.73% Pu-241, placing it on the edge of the "weapons usable" band. The metal uranium+ equilibrium core had 2.44% Pu-238 and 28.03% Pu-240, making it also just inside the "weapons usable" region. In all cases, the SFR spent fuel was the same or less attractive than LWR spent fuel. 5.8 Safety Characteristics 5.8.1 Sodium Void Coefficients The sodium void coefficient of reactivity and the maximum sodium void worth were evaluated for the carbide and metal cores to provide insight into their kinetic safety behavior. The carbide cores performed significantly better than other ceramic (oxide) cores and the metal cores. The multicore carbide transition core had a peak sodium void coefficient of reactivity of 0.0241 $/% void, with a maximum void worth of $1.68, both at BOC. These values increased to 0.0357 $/% void with a maximum worth of $2.81 for the equilibrium cycle at BOC. For the uranium+ multicore carbide transition core, the sodium void coefficient of reactivity was 0.0244 $/% void with a maximum void worth of $1.67, both at BOC. These values increased to 0.0371 $/% void and $2.86 for the equilibrium case, both at BOC. The maximum worth values obtained for the 103 carbide multicore and uranium+ cores were similar, and were improved relative to those of commercial oxide-fueled SFR designs. France's Super-Phenix I had a maximum sodium void worth of $5.9, and the UK's CDFR had a maximum worth of $5.7. The metal cores performed more consistently with previous commercial fast reactor designs, with higher sodium void coefficients and void worths than the carbide cores. The multicore transition metal core had a sodium void coefficient of reactivity of 0.0369 $/% void, with a maximum worth of $1.26. These values increased to 0.0615 $/% void and $5.14 for the equilibrium cycle (using melt-and-recast). The uranium+ metal transition core obtained values of 0.0371 $/% void and $2.73, which increased to 0.0607 $/% void and $4.97 for the equilibrium cycle. Both the multicore and uranium+ cores compare favorably to the other large metal-fueled commercial SFR, the US's ALMR, which has a maximum void worth of $6.5. Though the carbide cores have approximately half the sodium void worth of other oxide and metal cores, the metal cores analyzed here still achieve acceptable performance consistent with previous SFR designs. 5.8.2 Shutdown Margin The single-batch-loaded multicore cores, both carbide and metal, have significantly greater initial reactivity than do the uranium+ cores, which leads to complications with reactivity control. The carbide multicore equilibrium core (the limiting case) cannot reach a subcritical configuration with the nominal control configuration inherited from the USFR (19 control rods, 60% enriched B-10) and single batch reloading, as its initial reactivity is 14432 pcm and the reactivity change with all rods inserted is -7453 pcm, for a shutdown reactivity of +6973 pcm. The average rod worth of the carbide core was slightly above $1 ($1.13 per rod, 0.392% Ak/k), but was similar to that of the oxide-fueled Super-Phenix I (0.40% Ak/k) and BN-800 (0.42% Ak/k). The multicore metal core had an initial reactivity of 15110 pcm, and inserting all the control rods decreased the reactivity by 8,740 pcm to +6370 pcm. The average rod worth of the metal multicore core was $1.10 (0.460% Ak/k) per rod, greater than that of the carbide core (0.392% Ak/k) but similar to that of the BN-800 (0.42% Ak/k). Though these shutdown margin issues could be alleviated via the addition of control assemblies to the core or by employing a multi-batch reloading scheme, these strategies would add to the complexity of the transition process and would require additional analysis. The uranium+ cores, on the other hand, experienced no such issue with reactivity control using the nominal control configuration and single-batch refueling. The carbide equilibrium core (the limiting case) began with a reactivity of 4590 pem, dropping 8502 pcm to -3913 pcm with all rods inserted (-3466 pcm without the maximum-worth rod inserted). The average rod worth of the carbide uranium+ core was $1.23 per rod (0.447% Ak/k), which was comparable to that of 104 the carbide multicore core (0.392% Ak/k) and to the Super-Phenix I (0.40% Ak/k) and BN-800 (0.42% Ak/k). The metal transition core began with a reactivity of 7806 pcm, which decreased by 11,375 pcm to -3570 pcm with all rods inserted (-2970 pcm without the maximum-worth rod). Its average rod worth was $1.43 (0.460% Ak/k) per rod, still less than the comparable metal-fueled ALMR, which has an average rod worth of 0.76% Ak/k. These cores are more straightforward to transition from the once-through USFR mode than are the multicore cores, requiring no changes to the nominal reactivity control systems and possessing the capacity to do single-batch refueling. 5.9 Summary A range of options for transitioning the once-through, uranium-fueled USFR to the plutoniumfueled, recycle mode TRU-SFR were identified. The carbide cores achieved higher fluencelimited burnups than the metal cores, and had smaller deficits between these fluence-limited burnups and their reactivity-limited burnups. The metal cores were able to approach the burnups of the carbide cores via the introduction of moderating materials, the use of the melt-and-recast strategy, and decreasing the fuel volume fraction. Decreasing the fuel volume fraction was found to be the most effective, straightforward method. The fluence-limited burnup of all the cores experienced little perturbation from the removal of minor actinides during fuel reprocessing, so it is recommended that they remain in the recycled fuel for improved waste management. Similarly, long-term storage of the fuel had little effect on the achievable fluencelimited burnup of any core, such that the decision to reprocess need not be driven by a desire to maximize the reactivity of the spent fuel stockpile. The multicore cores (both carbide and metal) functioned as slight burners of fissile material, and the uranium+ cores functioned essentially at a fissile steady-state. All TRU-SFR cores generated plutonium that was less attractive than that discharged by the USFR, and was comparable to that of current LWRs. The carbide cores had sodium void worths that were roughly half that of the metal cores, which had worths consistent with those of previous SFR designs. Shutdown margins of the multicore cores (carbide and metal) were positive, absent the addition of additional control assemblies or the introduction of multi-batch staggered reloading. The uranium+ cores had comfortable shutdown margins. The average rod worths were acceptable for all cases. In short, all cores achieved varying degrees of success at transitioning from the oncethrough mode to the recycle mode. Future focus should be on the uranium+ metal core with an optimized fuel volume fraction (30.85% in this case). Metal is preferable to carbide because the knowledge base and development level is significantly higher. Uranium+ is preferable to the multicore strategy because it allows for a self-sustaining equilibrium cycle (with a small amount of natural uranium 105 added), the excess reactivity is more easily manageable, and its fuel cycle cost is still comparable to that of the reference LWR. If, in the future, the motivation exists to move to a conventional uranium-blanket breeder, the multicore strategy may be employed at that time to increase the initial reactivity to compensate for the increased leakage. 106 6 Recommendations for Future Work 6.1 Reactivity Control Improvements Safe and effective reactivity control is essential for any nuclear reactor. This study of the TRUSFR has characterized the control capabilities possible using the nominal configuration of control assemblies inherited from the USFR, which has 19 B4 C control assemblies at 60% B-10 enrichment. However, this control system is not capable of attaining acceptable shutdown margin if the multicore recycle strategy is employed with single-batch refueling. Concurrent with investigation into multi-batch reloading, investigations into adding control assemblies or rearranging the assemblies is recommended. The creation of two separate banks of control assemblies, one for reactivity adjustments during normal operation and another for ultimate shutdown capability, should be explored. To prevent reactivity insertion accidents, it is desired to limit the average control assembly worth to less than $1, such that the system can avoid going prompt critical if one rod is removed. Limiting the control assembly worth is also desirable for minimizing local peaking and preventing excessively large flux variations with control assembly movement. Though the present analysis achieved average rod worths similar to those of previous commercial fast reactor designs, it may be desirable to improve the resiliency further than has previously been achieved. Thus, when investigating methods to improve the shutdown margin of the TRU-SFR, effort should be made to reduce the average rod worth below $1. In view of the underdeveloped status of UC fuel, it is recommended that future work focus on metal fueling, e.g. of the IFR type. 6.2 Advanced Fuel Management Schemes Loading the core in multiple batches with staggered reloading is an effective way to reduce the initial reactivity of the core and increase the reactivity-limited burnup. However, this reloading system adds complexity to the refueling schedule and the refueling process. Core design should be performed to evaluate the optimal loading pattern of fresh and burned assemblies, and the optimal number of batches should be evaluated to balance a high capacity factor with the desired decrease in initial reactivity. The impact of multi-batch refueling on cladding dpa and fluence should be evaluated to determine whether these still limit the achievable discharge burnup. 107 6.3 Conversion to a Conventional Breeder with Uranium Blankets The current USFR and TRU-SFR operate with fissile inventory ratios near unity, allowing for a steady-state equilibrium cycle to be maintained but no additional fissile inventory to be generated. If it becomes necessary or desirable to increase the fissile production of the system, a switch to a more conventional breeder reactor with a uranium blanket in place of the high-albedo reflector will need to be made. The reactivity and burnup performance of this transitional core configuration must then be evaluated, including the required increase in fissile loading to account for the additional leakage to the blanket. The resulting equilibrium cycle should be characterized, including the desired recycle strategy, whether uranium+ or multicore. Fissile material ratios should be calculated for both the core and the surrounding blanket. The safety parameters such as sodium void worth and shutdown margin should be reevaluated. At present there appears to be no obvious difficulties in transforming the cores evaluated in this thesis into conventional breeder mode-e.g. as discussed by Till and Chang. 108 Acknowledgements The author is thankful for the financial support provided for this research by the multi-sponsored MIT study on "The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle." The author also wishes to thank the National Nuclear Security Administration's Office of Nonproliferation and International Security for the financial support provided for this research as part of the Next Generation Safeguards Initiative's Nuclear Nonproliferation and International Safeguards Graduate Fellowship Program. The author is thankful for the patient and understanding support of the project provided by his advisor, Professor Emeritus Michael Driscoll, and his thesis reader and mentor, Professor Mujid Kazimi. Their kindness in helping the author to obtain and understand the results of the research were greatly appreciated, and their expeditious yet thorough and constructive review of his thesis was greatly valued. The author also wishes to thank his father, Jonathan Richard, and mother, Marietta Richard, for their unwavering love and support as he worked to complete the research and write the thesis. His brother, William Richard, is greatly appreciated for the brotherly love and encouragement he provided throughout the project. The author would like to thank his friends Dave Chauncey, Aaron Shoemaker, Mark Mayleben, and Erik Yeary for their steadfast friendship and his friends from his community groups at CoaH who supported him as he worked to complete his Master's degree. The author also wishes to extend the deepest thanks and praise to the Author of all, his Savior, Jesus Christ, for his redeeming grace and mercy in all of life, and especially for the successful completion of this degree. To Him be the glory, forever and ever. Amen! 109 References Arnold, R. (2011). Effects of cooling time on a closedfuel cycle. Cambridge, MA: MIT Subject 22.78 Term Project. Associated Press. (1983, July 24). Barnwell reprocessing plant to shut down without opening. The News and Courier. Charleston, SC. Electric Power Research Institute. (2001). 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Los Alamos, NM: Los Alamos National Laboratory. 111 Appendix A: Sample ERANOS 3D-Variational Nodal Transport Input # include "BUcalculation.proc" # include "fluxcalculation.proc" # include "outputananlysis.proc" # include "core_description.proc" !# include "core_descriptionNaplenum.proc" # include "ecco cellsdescription.proc" !# include "NAKeccocells description.proc" !# include "ecco_cellsdescriptionGPN.proc" ! reference calculation with Gas plenum !# include "eccocellsdescriptionNaplenum.proc" !# include "NAKeccocells descriptionNaplenum.proc" !*******************STEEL WHILE LINA WORKS ON IT*********** ->TESTEDREFLECTORMATERIALS MATERIAUSIMPLE 'RADREFLTEST' STRUCTURE FORMULEMOLECULAIRE 3.581 ! 3.581 (Theoretical density without porocity) ELEMENT CIA 1.00 'Mg24' 78.99 'Mg25' 10.00 'Mg26' 11.01 ELEMENT CIA 1.0 '016' 100.00 DILATATION (EXPSTRU) MATERIAUSIMPLE 'AXREFLTEST' STRUCTURE FORMULEMOLECULAIRE 3.581 ELEMENT CIA 1.00 'Mg24' 78.99 'Mg25' 10.00 'Mg26' 11.01 ELEMENT CIA 1.0 '016' 100.00 DILATATION (EXPSTRU) will be modified only in Na plenum calculations 112 SIMPLEMATERIAL 'PLNCOMP' ABSORBER MOLECULARFORMULA 2.51981 ELEMENT CIA 4.00 ! CIA: Atomic porcentage for each isotopes 'B1O' 20.0 'BIl' 80.0 CORPS 'CO' 1.0 EXPANSION (EXPSTRU) I*******************STEEL WHILE LINA WORKS ON IT******** !*******************TO MODIFY*************************** ->NAINFRACTION 11.4;! in the bound (won't be voided) ->FUELFRACTION 40.0; ! Use of Inverted Fuel (Ting) ->HT9_FRACTION 25.7; ->NAOUTFRACTION 22.9; ! in the coolant (will be voided) ->MEANENRICHMENT 11.6199; ->FUELUSED 'U235'; ! 'UPU' or 'U235' !*******************TO MODIFY*************************** ->PASSE (300); ->ITER 16.; ->NG 33 ; ->TYPE GEO '3D'; ! for fluence calculation need to be 3D ->TRANSPORT 'YES'; ->PTH 2.4E9 ; ->EXPENSIONCORE 'NO'; ->ADJOINT 'NO' ; ->ZINT 1 150 40 80; ->MASS 40335; ! totale mass of HM in the REFERENCE core (used for BU calculation) !->MASS 45600; ! totale mass of HM in the TID core (used for BU calculation) !->MASS 53010.1 ; !total mass of HM for 9.9% enriched TID core with corrected El input ->PERT _NB 1 ; ! number of the perturbation, for the archives ->PERTITER 9 ; !nb of iteration of PASSE efpd before PERT calc ->DNAPERT 0.85 ; ! sodium density g/cm3 113 ->TFUELPERT 1030; ! Tfuel celcius !PERTURBATIONCALCULATION ; ! if we do this, then we can't do ! the first ECCOSTDCALCULATION ->T3MEDITION 'YES'; COREEVOLUTIONCALCULATION; MATERIALRESULTSEVOLUTION; ->RADTRZR 0.5 ; ->RAD_T_3DXYMIN 30 30; ->RAD_T_3DXYMAX 30 16; ->RADTZ 151 ; ->AX_T_3DXY 33 23; ->RADTRZRMIN 0.0; ->RAD_T_RZRMAX 210.0; ->AX_T_Z_MIN 100.0; ->AX_T_Z_MAX 202.0; -> ITER 3 ; TRAVERSEXY; -> ITER 6 ; TRAVERSEXY; -> ITER 9 ; TRAVERSEXY; * DAY; *MBUP; * 'Mean BU in MWd/HMKg'; *RHOV; *DPAC; Fin; 114 Appendix B: Sample ERANOS RZ-Diffusion Input # include "BUcalculation.proc" # include "flux calculation.proc" # include "output ananlysis.proc" # include "core_description.proc" !# include "core_descriptionNaplenum.proc" # include "ecco cellsdescription.proc" !# include "NAKeccocells description.proc" !# include "ecco_cellsdescriptionGPN.proc" ! reference calculation with Gas plenum ! include "eccocellsdescriptionNaplenum.proc" !# include "NAKeccocells descriptionNaplenum.proc" !*******************STEEL WHILE LINA WORKS ON IT*********** ->TESTEDREFLECTORMATERIALS MATERIAUSIMPLE 'RADREFLTEST' STRUCTURE FORMULEMOLECULAIRE 3.581 ! 3.581 (Theoretical density without porocity) ELEMENT CIP 1.00 'Mg24' 78.99 'Mg25' 10.00 'Mg26' 11.01 ELEMENT CIP 1.0 '016' 100.00 DILATATION (EXPSTRU) MATERIAU_SIMPLE 'AXREFLTEST' STRUCTURE FORMULEMOLECULAIRE 3.581 ELEMENT CIP 1.00 'Mg24' 78.99 'Mg25' 10.00 'Mg26' 11.01 ELEMENT CIP 1.0 '016' 100.00 DILATATION (EXPSTRU) will be modified only in Na plenum calculations 115 SIMPLEMATERIAL 'PLNCOMP' ABSORBER MOLECULARFORMULA 2.51981 ELEMENT CIA 4.00 ! CIA: Atomic porcentage for each isotopes 'B10' 20.0 'B11' 80.0 CORPS 'CO' 1.0 EXPANSION (EXPSTRU) !*******************STEEL WHILE LINA WORKS ON IT******** !*******************T0 MODIFY*************************** ->NAINFRACTION 11.4;! in the bound (won't be voided) ->FUELFRACTION 40.0; ! Use of Inverted Fuel (Ting) ->HT9_FRACTION 25.7; ->NAOUTFRACTION 22.9; ! in the coolant (will be voided) ->MEANENRICHMENT 11.6199; ->FUELUSED 'U235'; ! 'UPU' or 'U235' ***Modified fuel composition in e-c_d.proc (JOSH) !*******************T0 MODIFY*************************** ->PASSE (300); ->ITER 16; ->NG 33 ; ->TYPEGEO 'RZ'; ! for fluence calculation need to be 3D ->TRANSPORT 'NO'; ->PTH 2.4E9 ; ->EXPENSIONCORE 'NO'; ->ADJOINT 'NO' ; ->ZINT 1 150 40 80; ->MASS (Changed !->MASS !->MASS 40335 ; ! totale mass of HM in the REFERENCE core (used for BU calculation) from 37025) (JOSH) 45600 ; ! totale mass of HM in the TID core (used for BU calculation) 53010.1 ; !total mass of HM for 9.9% enriched TID core with corrected El input ->PERTNB 1 ; ! number of the perturbation, for the archives ->PERTITER 9 ; !nb of iteration of PASSE efpd before PERT calc 116 ->DNAPERT 0.75 ; ! sodium density g/cm3 ->TFUELPERT 1030; ! Tfuel celcius !PERTURBATIONCALCULATION; if we do this, then we can't do ! the first ECCOSTDCALCULATION ->T3MEDITION 'YES'; COREEVOLUTIONCALCULATION; MATERIALRESULTSEVOLUTION; ->RAD_T_RZR 0.5; ->RAD_T_3D_XYMIN 30 30; ->RADT_3DXYMAX 30 16; ->RADTZ 151 ; ->AX_T_3DXY 33 23; ->RAD_T_RZRMIN 0.0; ->RAD_T_RZRMAX 210.0; ->AXTZ MIN 100.0; ->AX_T_Z_MAX 202.0; ARCHIVE 'ARCHDON' ->EDLMEDIUM MEDIUM STANDARD; ARCHIVE 'ARCHDON' ->PDLMICRO MICRO STANDARD; ARCHIVE 'ARCHDON' ->EDLCHAINE CHAINE EVOLUTION; ARCHIVE 'ARCH3DEVOL' -> EDLCORE EDLCORE; ARCHIVE 'ARCH3DEVOL' -> EDLGEOMETRY EDLGEOMETRY; ->VAR 0; ->SUFFD ('FLXD'/CAR(VAR)); ->SUFFC ('CONC'/CAR(VAR)); ARCHIVE 'ARCH3DEVOL' ->EDLCONCENTRATION ('STD_'/SUFFC); ARCHIVE 'ARCH3DEVOL' -> EDLFLUX -> BEFFITER (VAR); (SUFFD); BEFFCALCULATION; ->ITER3; TRAVERSEXY; 117 -> ITER 6 ; TRAVERSEXY; -> ITER 9 ; TRAVERSEXY; * DAY; *MBUP; * 'Mean BU in MWd/HMKg'; *RHOV; Fin; 118