Experimental Analysis of Boiling Enhancement from Surfactant Addition with Electric Fields by Jordan Mizerak Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASSAC.sHUS -T INSTFITUTE OF TECHN010Gy Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering JUL 30 2014 at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES June 2014 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014. All rights reserved. Signature redacted A uthor ................................... Department of MechanicafT-ngineering May 09, 2014 Signature redacted Certified by............................... V Evelyn I Ag Associate Professor Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Accepted by ......................................... Annette Hosoi Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Undergraduate Officer Experimental Analysis of Boiling Enhancement from Surfactant Addition with Electric Fields by Jordan Mizerak Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 09, 2014, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract This thesis consists of an experimental investigation of the effect of surfactants on the boiling curve of water. Via adsorbtion to the boiling surface, surfactants alter the surface energy interaction during bubble formation at nucleation sites. The surfactants initially enhance the heat transfer coefficient at the onset of nucleate boiling due to higher nucleation density and higher bubble departure frequency. The critical heat flux, on the other hand, generally dropped by nearly 50% in the presence of surfactants. As these surfactants are charged molecules, the application of an electric field was used to increase or decrease adsorption of surfactants on the boiling surface, thereby tuning the level of boiling enhancement during the onset of nucleate boiling and further illustrating the role of surfactants in the boiling process. Thesis Supervisor: Evelyn N. Wang Title: Associate Professor 2 Acknowledgments I would like to principally acknowledge Jeremy Cho for guidance and supervision in boiling experimentation, analysis, and experimental setup. Thanks also to all members of the MIT Device Research Laboratory for feedback and experimental aid. 3 Contents 1 Introduction 8 2 Background 10 2.1 Water Properties..... 10 2.2 Dynamic Surface Tension. 10 2.3 Boiling ............ 11 2.4 Adsorption ......... 12 2.5 Critical Heat Flux . 13 . .. 2.6 Electric Double Layer. . . 14 3 Experimental Setup and Methods 15 3.1 Experimental Setup ............................ 15 3.2 Methods ................................... 16 4 Results and Discussion 19 Surfactant Effect on Nucleate Boiling ..................... 19 4.2 Surfactant Effect on Critical Heat Flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . 4.1 5 Conclusions and Future Work 26 A Boiling Curves 28 4 List of Figures 3-1 Schematic of experimental setup. The copper block receives heat from the power supply controlled by the PC to boil water on the silver foil. The PC also collects data from the thermocouples to calculate the heat flux in real time. The function generator applies a voltage across the silver foil and the titanium counter electrode for desired electrical effects. The condenser, rope heater, and helium gas supply ensure consistent and favorable saturated conditions for boiling experimentation. 4-1 . . . 17 A plot of the full boiling curves up to the CHF for all DTAB tests. Note the general initial enhancement in the onset of nucleate boiling region and the reduction in the CHF for the runs with surfactants as compared to the control experiment of pure water. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4-2 A plot of the full boiling curves up to the CHF for all SDS tests. The general trends are comparable to those of Figure 4-1. . . . . . . . . . 20 4-3 The boiling curves in the onset of nucleate boiling regime for the DTAB tests at various voltages. As a positively charged surfactant, the boiling curves shifted left as the voltage became more negative, suggesting higher adsorption from the effect of the electric field. . . . . . . . . . 22 4-4 The boiling curves in the onset of nucleate boiling regime for the SDS tests at various voltages. As a negatively charged surfactant, the boiling curves shifted right as the voltage became more negative, opposite of the effect of DTAB, though consistent given its negative polarity. . 5 22 A-1 Rising and falling curves of pure water control curve for DTAB experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 A-2 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with no applied voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 A-3 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with an applied voltage of -100mV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 A-4 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with an applied voltage of -1.OV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 A-5 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with an applied voltage of -2.OV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 A-6 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with an applied voltage of -3.OV. ..................................... 31 A-7 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with an applied voltage of -4.OV. ..................................... 31 A-8 Rising and falling curves of pure water control curve for SDS experiments. Note the high superheat in the falling curve occurred due to the sample entering film boiling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 A-9 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with no applied voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 A-10 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with an applied voltage of -100mV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A-11 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with an applied voltage of -1.OV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A-12 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with an applied voltage of -2.OV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 A-13 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with an applied voltage of -3.OV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 A-14 Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with an applied voltage of -4.OV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 35 List of Tables 4.1 Table of the relevant critical heat flux values for the DTAB runs. In general, it is noteworthy that the CHF occurs at a lower superheat and a much lower heat flux value in the surfactant tests, though the amount of adsorption does not show a trend regarding superheat or CHF value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.2 Table of the relevant critical heat flux values for the SDS runs. Note that as adsorption increases, corresponding to an increasingly negative voltage, the critical heat flux decreases. The less adsorption may resemble a physical situation more and more similar to the control case. 24 7 Chapter 1 Introduction Boiling is a mode of heat transfer that is widely used in many industrial processes, including electricity generation, chemical production, and refrigeration. It is a change of phase heat transfer mechanism, which allows for a high heat transfer from a relatively small temperature gradient because of the latent heat of vaporization. This is beneficial from a practical standpoint especially regarding material selection in boiling equipment. The fundamental physical process of boiling consists of the interaction between buoyant forces and surface forces of a vapor bubble at a nucleation site. As soon as the buoyancy force overcomes the surface tension force, the bubble departs and escapes, allowing for a new vapor bubble to form anew in its place. Therefore, the rate of bubble growth and departure, as well as the number of available nucleation sites there are for bubbles to form, are what determine the heat transfer rate. Increasing any of these will enhance the boiling process. Common ways of enhancing heat transfer in boiling is roughening the surface [11, which increases number of nucleation sites, or using hydrophilic surfaces [2]. Surfactants, the focus of this study, are known to lower the surface tension forces, thereby making it easier for bubbles to depart and increase the bubble departure frequency. Surfactants also tend to increase the number of nucelation sites, thereby increasing heat transfer by having more bubble growth locations. Previous works have investigated boiling with surfactants, mostly in the context of liquid-vapor surface tension, viscosity, and surfactant concentration [3-6]. The 8 effect of surface adsorption is the main enhancement mechanism to be explored in this work. 9 Chapter 2 Background 2.1 Water Properties Surfactant solutions are only considered to enhance heat transfer if they are at or below the critical micelle concentration (CMC) and do not aggregate into micelles [7}. As the CMC is generally very low (on the order of a few mM), the effect on bulk properties of the water such as viscosity, thermal conductivity, specific heat, and saturation temperature are negligible [6,8-10]. The surface tension, however, does exhibit a noticeable change on account of the surfactants. The target concentrations of this study are at or near the CMC, so the properties moving forward will be analyzed accordingly. 2.2 Dynamic Surface Tension At a liquid-vapor interface in bubble formation, surfactants adsorb to the interface by way of diffusion. By applying the diffusion equation for a single concentrative agent with conservation of mass, the surface concentration P12, is as follows: rl, = 2C,bulk 10 (2.1) where Cb.1 k is the concentration in the bulk, D, is the diffusivity of the agent, t is the diffusion time, all assuming that the subsurface concentration is zero. Then, using the ideal gas type surface equation of state, and combining with Equation 2.1, the surface tension ,% of the surfactant mixture can be obtained [11]: ?7 = 77,o - RTI',,v (2.2) where 9,,o is the surface tension of pure water, R is the ideal gas constant, T is the temperature. Using Equations 2.1 and 2.2 on approximate boiling time scales of 50ms, the effect of added surfactants on the liquid-vapor surface tension is small, changing the value by less than 5%. 2.3 Boiling Boiling, even without surfactants, is a complex physical process. However, there are correlations describing the physical parameters of interest, namely the bubble departure frequency, bubble diameter, and heat flux available for analysis. The eventual value of interest is the heat flux q", given by the Mikic-Rohsenow description of boiling [12,13]: q = 7rDinq., (2.3) The heat transfer coefficient h is an alternative measure of the boiling enhancement related to the heat flux, defined by: h = q(2.4) ATSH where ATSH is the superheat temperature. The bubble diameter Db is given by the Cole and Rohsenow correlation [14]: Db = 1.5 x iO9( 11 (PC a)I "" - P v)Puhg( (2.5) where p and p, are the densities of liquid and vapor respectively, g is the acceleration due to gravity, c, is the specific heat, T,t is the saturation temperature, and hf, is the enthalpy of vaporization. Further, the number of nucleation sites is n, given by the following expression: = (RB Qe)mAT (2.6) 2Teatll where the constant m is empirically determined to be 6 for most surfaces, R, a fitting parameter related to roughness, 11 a term encompassing the effects of the contact angle E and cone angle 4, and AT being the superheat. To round out the heat flux expression, q..9 is given by [12] qavg = 2k1AT FA (2.7) PCP,1 where ki is the liquid thermal conductivity, and fb is the bubble departure frequency, given by [15] fA = (0.078 )-. s Db (2.8) The notable parameters from these correlations are the following. The bubble departure frequency fb is a function of the surface tension, which is, although minimally, affected by the surfactants as seen in Section 2.2. The number of nucleation sites, n, is a function of the surface tension as well as the contact angle e, both of which are affected by surfactants. As can be seen in Equation 2.6 with m=6, even slight changes in the value of E and 77, propagate into large changes in the number of nucleation sites, thereby affecting the heat flux significantly. Overall, the number of nucleation sites in the context of the following experiments tends to be more sensitive to a change in 2.4 E due to the small change in surface tension described in Section 2.2. Adsorption The initial contact angle E is given by the Cassie-Baxter 12 equation [16] as follows: cos(E) = (1 - f,) cos(E,) + f, cos(,) (2 (2.9) where f, is the fraction of the surface covered by surfatants, O, is the contact angle with pure water, and E, is the contact angle over pure surfactant. E, was experimentally determined to be 40*, while in previous work E. was found to be greater than e,, thereby enhancing nucleation as Q increases with an increase in E [11]. The area fraction f. is given by: fa = rNaa with Avogadro's number NA, the surface concentration r., (2.10) and the projected area of the surfactant agent a,. 2.5 Critical Heat Flux For pure water, the predicted critical heat flux taken by setting the Helmholtzunstable wavelength to the Taylor wavelength is given by the following expression [17,18]: qCHF = 0.149pg hfg[g(pf - pg)?lv]z (2.11) However, the physical process of the critical heat flux with surfactants is not as well established and could vary greatly from the expression shown in Equation 2.11. Phenomena such as bubble non-coalescence as well as the altered nucleation site density change the mechanisms at the critical heat flux. Therefore, the heat flux expression introduced in Section 2.3 will not be applicable beyond the initial onset of nucleate boiling stage. In addition, surfactants may not enhance the critical heat flux. 13 2.6 Electric Double Layer When applying a potential at an electrode surface, counterions in the solution build up to balance the excess charge at the electrode surface. The concentration of counterions decreases moving away from the electrode, eventually reaching the bulk concentration. This phenomena is known as the electric double layer (EDL). The relationship between potential and surface concentration was developed by Guoy and Chapman with the Poisson-Boltzmann formulation. At low potentials, the Poisson-Boltzmann equation can be linearized to yield the following expression governing the EDL [19] d2T 'j,(2.12) where T is the potential, x is the distance from the surface, and AD is Debye length, or the length of the EDL. The Debye length AD is given by: AD kTe zeco VzeFco = (2.13) where k is the Boltzmann constant, e is the permitivity, z is the charge number, e is the elementary charge, F is the Faraday consant, and coo is the bulk concentration. By integrating this, the surface charge density Q is given by: Q = -(2.14) AD where T, is the surface potential. Q can also be expressed in terms of the surface concentration: Q = zFr,1 (2.15) Note that Guoy-Chapman theory has limited application for surfactants as they are not ideal point charges. However, this theory provides a basic connection between adsorption of surfactants and their interaction with electric fields. 14 Chapter 3 Experimental Setup and Methods The goal of this experimentation is to collect data for the boiling curve up to the critical heat flux for surfactant solutions at various voltages. By varying the elec- tric field, the adsorption of charged surfactants to the boiling surface is expected to change and thereby change the heat transfer coefficient. This change in heat transfer coefficient should be displayed in the boiling curve, shifting it left for a higher heat flux at a lower superheat temperature as adsorption increases. As the work presented is principally experimental in nature, a robust experimental setup is required to ensure meaningful and repeatable results. Part of the work of this thesis was determining the proper experimental process; various boiling surface materials, surfactant concentrations and types, and voltage levels were iterated through before reaching the setup presented here, leading to the results presented in this work. 3.1 Experimental Setup A previously custom designed boiling apparatus is used for all experimentation. Refer to Figure 3-1 for a visual schematic of the boiling setup. A copper block of cross sectional area 4cm2 delivers heat to the boiling surface. There are four thermocouples placed 8mm apart in the copper block near the boiling surface, whose temperatures are used to calculate the heat flux to be depicted in the boiling curve. Because there 15 are heat losses from the copper block, the following fin equation formulation is solved in real time by a PC [11]: 2T(x) Ox 2 hP kA (T(x) - Too) = 0 with boundary conditions T(x = 0) = T.. and (-)q=L (3.1) = at an arbitrary value of L, with qg and h used as fitting parameters. A power supply receives inputs from the PC to control the power being supplied to the heater in the copper block. The boiling surface is a silver foil soldered onto the copper block, which is roughened with 200-grit sandpaper for enhanced nucleation sites. The heating surface is enclosed by a glass casing, which has a rope heater wrapped around to ensure saturation conditions in the bulk. A line of rubber tubing provides an adjustable flow of helium for degassing purposes. A condenser is used to conserve the volume of water in the boiling chamber by condensing the steam with chilled water back into the chamber. A function generator is used to input the desired electrical effects. Leads are attached to the silver foil and titanium counter electrode, a titanium rod with added mesh for increased surface area. A multimeter displays the actual output voltage, allowing for manual tuning of the function generator output to achieve the desired voltage. The PC collects all of the electrical and temperature data, controls the input power, and performs heat flux calculations. 3.2 Methods Upon proper cleaning of all surfaces, 400mL of deionized water is filtered and added to the boiling chamber. Before every set of experiments, a degassing run is performed. The sample is heated and allowed to boil for about a fifteen minute period, which along with a helium flow near 200mL min' rate acts to degas the water. A high air content shifts the boiling curve significantly, making the degassing process important for repeatably and accurately characterizing the boiling characteristics of water. The degassing run also guarantees that the entire sample is saturated, as it gives time for the rope and surface heaters to input enough energy to bring the entire sample up 16 Helium Flow Titanium Counter Electrode Rope Heater Function Electrical Leads Thermocouples Thermal Data Eom Thermocouples silver Foil Copper Block PC Heat Input Power Control P r Figure 3-1: Schematic of experimental setup. The copper block receives heat from the power supply controlled by the PC to boil water on the silver foil. The PC also collects data from the thermocouples to calculate the heat flux in real time. The function generator applies a voltage across the silver foil and the titanium counter electrode for desired electrical effects. The condenser, rope heater, and helium gas supply ensure consistent and favorable saturated conditions for boiling experimentation. from room temperature. Upon finishing any run, the power is shut off and the sample is allowed to cool until all nucleation sites are shut down. This is done between every run, as the opening of nucleation sites is an important physical process in boiling, and heat flux measurements would be compromised slightly should a few nucleation sites remain active between runs. However, waiting too long could lead to losing saturation conditions in the sample. After the degassing run, a boiling curve of the deionized water is collected, taking the sample up near the critical heat flux. This run serves as a baseline between separate boiling experiments, as small variations such as exact water volume or foil 17 surface finish can vary slightly each time a separate experiment is performed. The input power is ramped up linearly at a rate of 40W min- until the experimenter manually shuts the power off when the boiling curve levels off, carefully trying to avoid entering the film boiling regime and damaging the experimental setup. Data is collected for both the heating up to CHF ('rising' curve) and cooling down from CHF ('falling' curve), as subtle effects such as opening of nucleation sites can be investigated by comparing the two curves. This process is repeated with varying voltages and concentrations of surfactant added. In general the same sequence of different voltage runs is kept between different experiments, as there may be slight effects based on the history of nucleation sites opening or water lost throughout the experiment escaping from the chamber. To prepare the surfactant samples, the mass needed to make 40mL of the desired concentration was measured out carefully on a scale. The samples were then mixed and treated with heat and sonics to ensure full dissolution. The two surfactants used were positively charged dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) and negatively charged sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The concentration used was 2.6mM, which is below the CMC at 100'C for both DTAB (14mM) and SDS (10mM). 18 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion A coarse depiction of the full boiling curves of all runs to be analyzed are shown in Figures 4-1 and 4-2 for DTAB and SDS respectively. The two major effects to be discussed in detail will be the onset of nucleation, which is the theorized enhancement by adding surfactants, as well as the critical heat flux. The varying voltages applied to the system are meant to tune the enhancement of boiling, as the more negative the voltage becomes, a decrease in adsorption of SDS and similarly an increase in adsorption of DTAB occurs due to their polarities. As this was principally a preliminary experimental analysis, potential physical explanations are presented, though would need further investgation to confirm such effects. 4.1 Surfactant Effect on Nucleate Boiling The effect of surfactants on the onset of nucleate boiling was consistent across the trials performed. In general, there was a trend in the DTAB tests that higher negative voltages corresponded to greater enhancement, as the boiling curve shifted left, as expected from a positively charged surfactant. This effect is shown in Figure 4-3. Similary for SDS, the boiling curve shifted right as the voltage became more negative as seen in Figure 4-4. It was not necessarily monotonically increasing or decreasing across the voltage changes, but the overall trend is consistent. A noteworthy qualitative observation regarded the possibility of an electrolysis 19 80-Control 70 -. 60 ---. -50 -S40 -- .2 oV V 1.0v 2.OV 3.OV -4.0V 30120100 0 20 40 60 Superheat (*C) 80 100 Figure 4-1: A plot of the full boiling curves up to the CHF for all DTAB tests. Note the general initial enhancement in the onset of nucleate boiling region and the reduction in the CHF for the runs with surfactants as compared to the control experiment of pure water. 100-Control -0.0V 80 - _0.1V -1.0v E -2.OV 60 . -3.OV -4.OV 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 Superheat (*C) 80 Figure 4-2: A plot of the full boiling curves up to the CHF for all SDS tests. The general trends are comparable to those of Figure 4-1. 20 of water reaction ococuring at the higher voltage runs. Upon increasing the voltage up to -4.OV with a steady state current of around 10mA, bubbling started to occur immediately despite the surface temperature being otherwise too low for any boiling to occur. This may suggest the production of hydrogen and oxygen gas from splitting water, arising from the same nucleation sites as the bubbles arose from in boiling. This brings up two questions. First, whether or not the surfactants are active in lowering the activation energy of the electrolysis reaction and thereby enhancing the chemistry of the system. Second, more relevant in the context of this thesis, is whether or not the opening of these nucleation sites had an effect on the boiling curve at this voltage. In the case of DTAB, the -4.OV curve did indeed start above the -3.OV curve, which follows the trend, but eventually the -3.OV curve rose above the -4.OV curve. In the case of SDS, the -3.OV curve does not follow the trend and initially started below the -4.OV curve- which could be explained by enhanced nucleation by -4.OV due to electrolysis- while later the two curves more or less followed each other. The trends are not strong enough by any means to attribute these inconsistencies, but it is an interesting opportunity for boiling enhancement by opening nucleation sites via different methods. 4.2 Surfactant Effect on Critical Heat Flux While enhancement in nucleate boiling does improve efficiency in that region, many engineering applications are targeted to operate in the nucleate boiling regime near the critical heat flux. Thus, one ultimate goal in boiling enhancement is improving performance near the CHF. Referring again to Figures 4-1 and 4-2, the critical heat flux of all surfactant runs is considerably lower than that of the control run of deionized water. Beyond the initial enhancement in the nucleate boiling regime, the slope of the boiling curve levels off and is nearly constant, adopting a value somewhat close to the CHF over a high range of superheat values of at least 10'C in most cases. In the control case, on the other hand, the boiling curve remains linear or even increases slightly in slope until 21 3025 -- --- E 20 -15 --- Control 0.OV 0.1V 1.0V -2.OV - -- 3.OV -4.OV iC1050 0 5 10 15 Superheat (*C) 20 25 Figure 4-3: The boiling curves in the onset of nucleate boiling regime for the DTAB tests at various voltages. As a positively charged surfactant, the boiling curves shifted left as the voltage became more negative, suggesting higher adsorption from the effect of the electric field. 25-Control -0.0V 20 -0.1V -1.0v 15 -- 2.OV -- 3.OV 10 -4.OV 105 0 0 5 10 15 Superheat (*C) 20 25 Figure 4-4: The boiling curves in the onset of nucleate boiling regime for the SDS tests at various voltages. As a negatively charged surfactant, the boiling curves shifted right as the voltage became more negative, opposite of the effect of DTAB, though consistent given its negative polarity. 22 it reaches CHF, at which point it reaches a narrow maximum and enters film boiling. A potential qualitative explanation for this phenomenon could be the following. In a given boiling surface material, there should be a somewhat uniform distribution of different nucleation site sizes. Thus, in the control case, there is a more gradual and consistent opening of these new nucleation sites as the input power is increased, as the higher superheat temperature allows for the effect of buoyancy to overcome that of surface tension for an increasing amount of supposedly evenly distributed nucleation site sizes. In the case of adding surfactants, however, as soon as nucleation occurs, the entire boiling surface almost immediately becomes blanketed by bubbles, displaying an opening of nucleation sites across the entire surface. Thus, these nucleation sites cause the immediate enhancement as seen in Section 4.1, but are quicdy exhausted and reach a saturation in heat flux as no additional nucleation sites can be adopted. Regardless of why it levels off for such an extended range of superheat values, what is more important is the near 50% reduction in heat flux seen across most runs. It was observed qualitatively that much larger bubbles developed in the control experiment due to coalescense as the heat flux approached CHF, while with surfactants added the bubbles remained smaller as the surfactants prevented coalescence. With a higher density of nucleation sites with surfactants added, it is a lower energy state to create small bubbles on these nucleation sites provided by the surfactants lowered surface energy. Thus, there would be an increase in bubble departure frequency with additional superheat, but little increase in heat taken away by each bubble if they remain approximately the same size. With a lower density of available nucleation sites, not only would the bubble departure frequency increase, but the bubble size also increases for the larger nucleation sites adopted. Further investigation in this regard is essential for surfactants to be viable in the boiling process. As can be seen in the boiling curves presented, the critical heat flux of the surfactant solutions occurred at a much lower superheat than that of the control runs. This may suggest an alteration in the transition from nucleate boiling to film boiling, especially considering the vastly different slope behaviors observed in the case of surfactant and control boiling cases. As film boiling arises from the transition between 23 Table 4.1: Table of the relevant critical heat flux values for the DTAB runs. In general, it is noteworthy that the CHF occurs at a lower superheat and a much lower heat flux value in the surfactant tests, though the amount of adsorption does not show a trend regarding superheat or CHF value. Run Control 0.OV -0.1V -1.0V -2.0V -3.OV -4.0V Superheat (0C) 81.79 42.75 50.92 50.23 60.25 48.29 47.48 Critical Heat Flux (W cm- 2 ) 77.90 37.31 38.53 36.38 35.23 42.95 39.76 %Reduction 0 52.1 50.5 53.3 54.8 44.9 48.9 Table 4.2: Table of the relevant critical heat flux values for the SDS runs. Note that as adsorption increases, corresponding to an increasingly negative voltage, the critical heat flux decreases. The less adsorption may resemble a physical situation more and more similar to the control case. Run Control 0.OV -0.1V -1.0V -2.0V -3.OV -4.OV Superheat (0C) Critical Heat Flux (W cm- 2 ) % Reduction 88.25 93.21 0 45.94 38.86 58.3 49.12 39.96 57.1 47.46 46.82 49.8 47.17 47.51 49.0 50.42 49.10 47.3 50.61 50.31 46.0 individual bubbles to a continuous vapor blanket, the size and density of bubble formation on the boiling surface are likely important agents in the transition, of which appear to vary between surfactant and pure water boiling. Specific notable experimental data are presented in Tables 4.1 and 4.2 for DTAB and SDS respectively. In the runs with SDS, there was a negative correlation between the enhancement in nucleate boiling and the value of the heat flux at CHF. That is, the more adsorption of surfactants there was, the more reduction in critical heat flux was observed. Lower and lower adsorption could correspond to a physical situation more and more like that of the control experiment, adopting the characteristics of a 24 higher CHF and worse performance in the onset of nucleate boiling regime. If this is indeed the case, a time dependent voltage application based on what stage of boiling is occurring may be worth exploring. This effect was not seen for DTAB, however. There also did not seem to be any correlation between the superheat temperature of the CHF and the adsorption level. 25 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work Boiling using surfactants shows promise as a potential method for boiling enhancement. This was primarily an experimental exploration of the theorized effects of adsorbing surfactants to lower surface energy to enhance nucleation using electric fields and charged surfactants. This effect was well displayed in the results, as there was a clear trend of boiling enhancement with higher adsorption of surfactants. This corresponds to a more efficient process at low superheat values in the initial stages of the boiling curve. The effect of surfactants on the critical heat flux, however, was detrimental. While the superheat temperature of the CHF did decrease, the critical heat flux typically decreased by about 50%, which is an unacceptable reduction in heat flux. While it is progressive to enhance efficiency at lower heat flux regimes, improving the performance at the maximum heat flux regions will be the decisive factor in improving boiling processes on a larger scale. Thus, there is widespread future work to investigate before boiling with surfactants becomes a viable process. Investigation into understanding the reduction in critical heat flux that occurs is of paramount importance. Further, only two po- tential surfactants were tested in this experimentation; creating a formulation as to what types of surfactants lend themselves well and their desirable characteristics may help physically uncover the complex boiling process with surfactants. In addition to surfactant type, concentration and applied voltage to yield the improvement at the 26 onset of nucleate boiling without sacrificing the critical heat flux would also make the process more robust. Upon having a grip on these physical issues, the design of a device or process that takes advantage will be what bridges the gap between theory and actual boiling enhancement. 27 Appendix A Boiling Curves 80-Rising 70 -Failing 60S50S4030 $20100 0 20 40 60 Superheat (*C) 80 100 Figure A-1: Rising and falling curves of pure water control curve for DTAB experiments. 28 40 -Rising 35 -Falling 30 E 25- 20LA_ i5, I 15 10 5 -' V0 10 20 30 40 Superheat (*C) 50 60 Figure A-2: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with no applied voltage. 40 -Rising 35 -Falling 30 E 25 20 U- 15 I 10 5 n 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Superheat (*C) Figure A-3: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with an applied voltage of -100mV. 29 40 -Rising 35 -- Failing 30 E 25 ,20 110 5 0 20 10 30 40 Superheat (0 C) 50 60 70 Figure A-4: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with an applied voltage of -1.OV. 40 -Rising 35- -- Failing 30 E x 25 20 15 ia cc I 10 5 0 0 20 40 Superheat (*C) 60 80 Figure A-5: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with an applied voltage of -2.OV. 30 A . NI -- Rising --- Falling 40 E -0-30 x 20 | 101 0' 0 10 20 30 40 Superheat (*C) 50 60 70 Figure A-6: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with an applied voltage of -3.OV. 40 -- Rising -- Falling 35 30 E 25 20 U_ is CO 10 I 5 . . 0 . 10 - 4 20 - 30 40 Superheat (*C) 50 ___ 60 ____ 70 Figure A-7: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of DTAB added with an applied voltage of -4.OV. 31 100 80 E ~z -- Rusing T-Falling 60- Li 40XV 20- 01 0 20 40 60 Superheat (*C) 80 100 Figure A-8: Rising and falling curves of pure water control curve for SDS experiments. Note the high superheat in the falling curve occurred due to the sample entering film boiling. ILI I 35 - Rising Falling 3 0E 25 2 01 51 05A 0 10 20 30 40 50 Superheat (*C) Figure A-9: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with no applied voltage. 32 40 -Rising 35 -Falling 30 E 25 20 15 z 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 0 Superheat ( C) 50 60 Figure A-10: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with an applied voltage of -100mV. 50 40 Using Failing E (30 - L20 .It 10F 0' 0 10 30 40 Superheat (*C) 20 50 60 Figure A-11: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with an applied voltage of -L.OV. 33 Falling 5 -- Rising -- Failing -A00 4C N 3( x LL- 2( 4, UC C 0 10 20 30 Superheat (*C) 40 so Figure A-12: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with an applied voltage of -2.OV. 50 40 E Rising 'Falling 30 20 0., 100' 0 10 20 30 40 Superheat (*C) 50 60 Figure A-13: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with an applied voltage of -3.OV. 34 60 -Rising 50 s Falling IaIn E40302010 0 0 10 30 40 0 Superheat ( C) 20 50 60 Figure A-14: Rising and falling curves with 2.6mM of SDS added with an applied voltage of -4.OV. 35 Bibliography [1] Benjamin J Jones, John P McHale, and Suresh V Garimella. 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