simon fraser university Continuing studies in sCienCe

simon fraser university
Continuing Studies in Science
“One of my strongest
interests and concerns
has long been the
Pacific salmon
runs, not for their
commercial value
or their value in the
sport fishery only,
but because of their innate and complex
beauty and their symbolic value as
the last great abundance of the North
American continent. This last in itself is
an emotional value, though it involves
or should involve something more than
that—the self respect and legitimacy of
mankind itself. If, with the knowledge and
understanding we now have, we allow this
to be destroyed, we ourselves are nothing
very important.”
– Roderick Haig-Brown, Writings and
Haig-Brown Symposium on Sustaining Wild Salmon:
Moving from Words to Action
Saturday August 16–17, 2008, Campbell River, BC
This symposium, as part of the Haig-Brown Centenary celebrations, will
address the challenges that we face today in our work to conserve wild
salmon in British Columbia and explore the questions: What solutions and
tools are available? How will communities like Campbell River work with
others to ensure sustainability of wild salmon? How will communities play
a role in the stewardship and management of the resource? What will it
take to make these changes?
Haig-Brown Symposium on Sustaining Wild Salmon:
Moving from Words to Action
Saturday August 16–17, 2008, Campbell River, BC
For more
or www.
Haig-Brown Centenary Patrons
The Honourable Iona Campagnolo
David Suzuki
Robert Bateman
The Honourable David Anderson
BC Hydro
BC Ministry of Environment
Living Rivers—Georgia Basin/ Vancouver Island
Ritchie Foundation
Hosted by
Haig-Brown Centenary Committee
Simon Fraser University Continuing Studies in
Science and the Centre for Coastal Studies
BC Federation of Fly Fishers
Don Krogseth
Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation
Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation
Council (PFRCC)
Pacific Salmon Foundation
Watershed Watch Salmon Society
Sponsors confirmed to date
$20,000 and over:
Simon Fraser University
• Consortium for Genomic Research on all
Salmonids Project
• Ocean Management Research Network (Linking
Science with Local Knowledge Working Group)
• Faculty of Science
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Tyee Club of British Columbia
Island Waters Fly Fishers, Nanaimo
Lonely Loon Flyfishers Society, Kelowna
Haig-Brown Fly Fishing Society, Victoria
Guidelines for Engagement in Dialogue
These guidelines are designed to:
• create opportunities to maximize
• foster a safe place for dialogue
• enable vigorous differences to surface
without disrespecting anyone
• promote an open and full exchange of
• generate an environment of shared
Cover photo: Craig Orr,
Watershed Watch Salmon
Context for Dialogue
All proceedings will be recorded to support
the post-workshop report.
• Presenters/responders respect time by
keeping to their allotted timeframe.
• Participants respect time through concise
comments and questions.
• Participants identify themselves when
• Participants listen and speak with respect.
• Participants try to find a good way to say
difficult things.
• Let there be humour, where we explore
tough issues together, with a spirit of
learning, creating a healthy and constructive
learning environment.
• If there are any questions or concerns please
bring them to facilitators.
Symposium and Associated Events At a Glance
Friday August 15, 2008
Rupert Gale, Fisheries
Project Manager, The Ritchie
9:30 am–12:30 pm Snorkel with the Salmon tour I
10:00–11:00 am
Haig-Brown Study and Garden Tour
10:00 am–12:00 noonGuided Tour of Campbell River
10:00 am–12:00 noon Guided Tour of Campbell River Estuary
12:00 am–1:00 pm
Haig-Brown Study and Garden Tour
1:00–3:00 pm Guided Tour of Campbell River
Patricia Gallaugher, Director,
Continuing Studies in
Science and the Centre for
Coastal Studies, Simon Fraser
1:00–3:00 pm Guided Tour of Campbell River Estuary
Gretchen Harlow, Community
Activity Coordinator, Canadian
Wildlife Service, Environment
7:00 pm–An Evening with Haig-Brown Theatrical Performance
at the Tidemark Theatre
Brian Riddell, Division Head,
Salmon and Freshwater,
Science Branch, Fisheries and
Oceans Canada
Jim Van Tine, Chair, HaigBrown Institute and Chair,
Haig-Brown Centenary
Craig Wightman, Senior
Fisheries Biologist, BC
Conservation Foundation
2:00–5:00 pm Snorkel with the Salmon tour II
6:00–7:00 pm Poster Displays of Salmon Conservation Initiatives
at the Tidemark Theatre
Saturday, August 16, 2008 | Symposium Day One, Tidemark Theatre
8:30 amRegistration and refreshments
10:00 am–3:00 pmUnderstanding and Addressing Threats to Wild Salmon
3:00–5:30 pm Protecting Wild Salmon Biodiversity—preparing for an
uncertain future
6:30 pm–
Silent Auction, Dinner with special presentation by Terry Glavin
at Maritime Heritage Centre
Sunday, August 17, 2008 | Symposium Day Two, Tidemark Theatre
8:30–9:00 amLight refreshments
Symposium Chair
The Honourable Iona
9:00–9:30 am
Summary of Day One
9:30–10:00 am
How Do You Make Salmon Conservation Happen and What Would
Roderick Haig-Brown Do?
10:00 am–3:00 pmMoving from Words to Action: Strategies for Successful Conservation
3:30–A Plan to Move a Vision Forward
Michael Berry, Alby Systems
Annemarie Koch, Sointula
Detailed Symposium Agenda
Friday, August 15, 2008
10:00 am–3:00 pm
Theme—Understanding and Addressing
Threats to Wild Salmon
6:00–7:00 pm
Poster Session
The poster session launches at the
Tidemark Theatre on Friday from 6:00 to
7:00 pm. The displays will remain up for the
remainder of the Symposium.
10:00–11:30 am
Climate Change—Potential Impacts for
Tidemark Theatre, 1220 Shopper’s Row,
Campbell River
Posters on display from:
• Campbell River Museum
• Campbell River Watershed Management/
Restoration and Stewardship Plan
• Coho Books
• Comox Valley Fly Fisher Club
• Cowichan Stewardship Roundtable
• Greenways Land Trust
• Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation
• Haig-Brown Centenary Celebration
• Headwaters Initiative
• Living Rivers- Georgia Basin/Vancouver
• Oyster River Enhancement Society
• Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation
• Pacific Salmon Foundation
• Simms Creek
• Storie Creek
• Willow Creek
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Tidemark Theatre, 1220 Shopper’s Row,
Campbell River
8:30 am
Registration and light refreshments
9:00 am
Opening Prayer
Hereditary Chief Danny Henderson, Wei
Wai Cum, Campbell River
9:10 am
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome from Mayor Roger McDonell,
City of Campbell River
Welcome from Catherine Bell, MP
Vancouver Island North
9:20 am
Opening Address
The Honorable Iona Campagnolo,
Symposium Chair
Global Scale
Ben Kangasniemi, Climate Science
Specialist, Climate Change Section, BC
Ministry of Environment, Victoria
10:30–10:45 am
10:45–11:00 am
Regional Scale: Climate Change
Adaptation in the Strait of Georgia
Alan Lill, Manager, Living Rivers—Georgia
Basin/Vancouver Island, BC
Conservation Foundation, North
11:00–11:15 am
Local Community Scale: Adapting to
Uncertain Futures Report
Michael Berry, Village of Alert Bay
11:15–11:30 am
11:30 am–12:30 pm
Economic Growth and Biodiversity
Conservation in the Strait of Georgia:
Getting Beyond the Conflict
Neil Dawe, Director, Qualicum Institute,
Gerard Leblanc, Consultant, Landworks
Consultants Inc., Courtenay
Harriet Rueggeberg, Environmental Planner,
HB Lanarc, Nanaimo
Jack Minard, Executive Director,
Comox Valley Land Trust and Technical
Coordinator, Tsolum River Restoration
Society, Courtenay
What is the projected development for this
12:30–2:00 pm
Lunch at The Kwanwatsi Big House with
traditional dance presentation by the
Laichwiltach Culture Group.
9:40 am
Introduction of Facilitators and
Guidelines for Engagement
2:00–2:30 pm
Status of the Strait of Georgia
Ian Perry, Strait of Georgia Co-Chair,
Science Branch, Fisheries and Oceans
Canada, Nanaimo
2:30–3:00 pm
Freshwater Habitat and Status of
Steelhead inthe Greater Georgia Basin
Greg Wilson, Fisheries Biologist, Fish
and Wildlife Section, BC Ministry of
Environment, Surrey
Craig Wightman, Senior Fisheries Biologist,
BC Conservation Foundation, Nanaimo
• What is the productive capacity,
measured in ability to produce smolts, of
freshwater habitat in its current state?
• How much has been lost?
• How much could we recover?
3:00–5:30 pm
Theme—Protecting Wild Salmon
Biodiversity—preparing for an uncertain
3:00–3:30 pm
Introduction to Wild Salmon Policy
Brian Riddell, Division Head, Salmon
and Freshwater, Science Branch, Pacific
Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans
Canada, Nanaimo
3:30–3:45 pm
3:45–4:15 pm
Wild Salmon Policy: Conservation Units
and Regional Management
Jim Irvine, Research Scientist, Management
Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
4:15–4:45 pm
Hatcheries and Enhancement
Carol Cross, Policy Advisor, Oceans, Habitat
and Enhancement Branch, Fisheries and
Oceans Canada, Vancouver
• What is the role for hatcheries and
enhancement (opportunities or risks)?
• Is it realistic to expect that wild fish, even
given strategic enhancement, will be able
to sustain any level of fishing pressure
under current marine survival rates?
Detailed Symposium Agenda
4:45–5:15 pm
BC’s LivingWaterSmart Program:
Water Stewardship and Salmon
Sustainability in BC
Ted White, Innovation and Planning Team,
Water Stewardship Division, BC Ministry of
Environment, Victoria
6:30 pm
Silent Auction, Dinner with Special
Presentation by Terry Glavin
Maritime Heritage Centre, 621 Island
Highway. Tickets for sale through
SFU Continuing Studies in Science
778-782-5466. Cost: $45
6:30 pm: Silent Auction
7:30 pm: Dinner followed by presentation:
Roderick Haig-Brown and the Ongoing
Conversation: From Campbell River to
Barcelona and Back, by Terry Glavin
Introduction: The Honourable Iona
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tidemark Theatre, 1220 Shopper’s Row,
Campbell River
8:30 am
Registration and light refreshments
9:00–9:30 am
Summary of Day One
John Reynolds, Tom Buell BC Leadership
Chair in Salmon Conservation, Simon Fraser
University, Burnaby
9:30 am–3:30 pm
Theme—How Do You Make Salmon
Conservation Happen and What would
Roderick Haig-Brown Do?
9:30 am
What is Salmon Conservation and Why is
It Important? A Panel
John Woodward, Chair, Pacific Salmon
Foundation and Chair, BC Living River
Endowment, Vancouver
Vicky Husband, Senior Advisor, Watershed
Watch Salmon Society, Vancouver
The Honourable David Anderson, Victoria,
Chief Judith Sayers, Hupacasath First Nation,
Port Alberni
Panel Chair: The Honourable Iona
Questions to the Panel:
• Why are salmon important?
• What are wild salmon worth to us?
(economics of fisheries and tourism,
lifestyle—indirect economic benefits of
this, other less tangible economic values)
• What costs are we willing to pay? (direct
investments, increased development cost
foregone development and growth)
12:05–12:25 pm
Headwaters Initiative
Bruce Hill, Headwaters Initiative, Terrace
10:00 am–3:00 pm
Theme—Moving from Words to Action:
Strategies for Successful Conservation
1:30–1:50 pm
West Coast Vancouver Island Aquatic
Salmon Policy Implementation Initiative
Denise Dalmer, Co-Executive Director,
West Coast Vancouver Island Aquatic
Management Board, Port Alberni
10:00–11:00 am
A Panel Presentation
Jamie Alley, BC Ministry of Environment,
Chief Bill Cranmer, ‘Namgis First Nation,
Alert Bay
Paul Sprout, Director General, Pacific
Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
Questions to the Panel:
• Who should decide our future—from
silos to integrated decisions?
• What are the boundaries for change?
(What are realistic expectations for new
advisory structures?)
• What is the vision for regionally-based
resource decisions?
• Is there a future for salmon fisheries?
• What will they look like?
•What are the roles of each player
and what can they honestly do with
respect to integrating science and local
knowledge with policy?
• How transparent should government
science be?
11:00–11:15 am Break
11:15 am Case Studies of community-led
conservation initiatives and community
participation models for salmon recovery
and management
11:15–11:45 am
Campbell River Watershed Management
and Restoration
Dave Ewart, Watershed Enhancement
Officer, Quinsam Hatchery, Fisheries and
Oceans Canada, Campbell River
Shannon Anderson, Biologist, Fisheries and
Oceans Canada, Campbell River
11:45 am–12:05 pm
Cowichan Stewardship Roundtable
Kate Miller, Environment Manager,
Cowichan Valley Regional District, Duncan
12:25–12:45 pm
12:45–1:30 pm
Lunch Provided
1:30 pm Case Studies Continued
1:50–2:10 pm
Englishman River
Michele Deakin, Chair, Steering Committee,
Englishman River Watershed Recovery Plan,
Qualicum Beach
2:10–2:30 pm
Sustainable Forest and Wetland
Warren Cook, Bowser
2:30–2:45 pm
2:45 pm
Panel of respondents will identify common
challenges and obstacles in addition to the
circumstances that enable positive change
observed in the case studies. What are the
common challenges and how do we move
Paul Kariya, Executive Director,
Pacific Salmon Foundation, Vancouver
Jamie Alley, BC Ministry of Environment,
Chief Judith Sayers, Hupacasath First
Nation, Port Alberni
3:30 pm
A Plan to Move a Vision Forward—
Lessons for BC from the Salmon 2100
Ken Ashley, Manager, Special Projects
and Business Leadership, Fish and Wildlife
Branch, BC Ministry of Environment,
North Vancouver
Respondent: Chief Bill Cranmer, ‘Namgis
First Nation, Alert Bay
Closing: The Honourable Iona Campagnolo,
Symposium Chair
Associated Events |
Haig-Brown Study and Garden
Tour I: 10:00–11:00 am; Tour II: 12:00 noon–1:00 pm
A Guided Tour of the Campbell River
Tour I: 10:00 am–12:00 noon; Tour II: 1:00–3:00 pm
2250 Campbell River Road. Cost: $5
Registration: required and limited to 15 for each tour.
A guided tour by museum staff of the Haig-Brown property, the
restoration project on Kingfisher Creek and parts of the historic
home of Rod and Ann including the study.
Departure: Meet in church parking lot across from Above Tide
(Haig-Brown Residence), 2250 Campbell River Road
Cost: free
Registration: required and limited to 20.
Requirements: Good walking shoes and appropriate outwear
required. The tour will be conducted on foot and by personal
vehicle. Please indicate if you need a ride from the tour launch and if
you are willing to carpool.
Travel by car and foot and tour the river from the canyon to
the estuary. During the tour guides will review the circumstances
that lead to the deterioration of rearing and spawning habitat in
the Campbell River and also discuss the planning process for the
Hydro Flow Agreement, water use planning and the Watershed
Management Plan. Participants will also tour restoration sites
including gravel placement and side channels, and discuss results
and future plans for the river.
Snorkel with the Salmon Tour of the Campbell River
(registration is limited to 10 people per tour and is expected to sell
out quickly. Please reserve early to avoid disappointment).
Tour I—9:30 am–12:30 pm
Tour II—2:00–5:00 pm
No experience necessary and children 12 and older welcome.
Adults $125 plus GST, 16 and under $78 plus GST
No previous experience necessary.
Registration: Required and limited to 20. Early registration
recommended to avoid disappointment.
Paradise Found Adventure Tour will take you on a journey into the
shallow pools and the slow running waters of the Campbell River, to
witness the migration and spawning habits of the massive runs of
Coho, Steelhead, Chum, Chinook and pink salmon that spawn in the
Campbell River.
We enter the water at the logging bridge, where a slow moving
pool and plenty of room makes entry both safe and enjoyable. From
there you receive a lesson on the safety procedures and expectations
of what you might see in the river. This is also a good spot to check
all equipment and take a little swim around to get used to the
equipment, making sure that the run is as comfortable as possible.
We are careful not to disturb the fishermen casting into the
waters on both banks of the river, occasionally we retrieve their
favourite fishing lures that have caught on the rocks in the depths of
the pools.
Swim across the river to one of our favourite deep pools; famous
with our guides as the lair of the giants, this is where the really big
guys like to hang out. If you miss this one don’t worry, there will be
plenty more viewing opportunities along the river as we casually
drift with the current.
A guide ratio of 1 to 5 guests increases the comfort zone for
those of you who have never experienced this awesome spectacle.
We assure you; your worries will be replaced with adrenaline when
you encounter a school of the giant Tyee. This snorkel tour is
exclusive to the Campbell River and to Paradise Found Adventure
Tour Company.
Further down the river, in the shallows it seems that you could
not possibly float over the rocks. This is not a problem if you keep
your arms stretched out in front of your body, your head down
and go with the flow of the river. You will gently flow with the
water around any obstacles in your path, all the while becoming
increasingly excited about the growing number of different species
you encounter.
A Guided Tour of the Campbell River Estuary
Tour I: 10:00 am–12:00 noon; Tour II: 1:00–3:00 pm
Departure: Meet at the logging bridge across the Campbell River just
downstream of the Quinsam confluence—access by Campbell River
Road towards Gold River.
Cost: free
Registration: required and limited to 20.
Requirements: Good walking shoes and appropriate outwear
required. The tour will be conducted on foot and by personal
vehicle. Please indicate if you need a ride from the tour launch and if
you are willing to carpool.
Travel by car and foot and tour the estuary. Guides will review
the history of the estuary including descriptions of industrial use
and discuss the city’s Estuary Management Plan and Memorandum
of Understanding with other government agencies. Participants
will look at the restoration projects and examine before and after
photographs of the area before discussing the results and future
restoration plans.
Nature Walk of the Campbell River — 2:00–4:00 pm
Departure: meet at the logging bridge across the Campbell River just
downstream of the Quinsam confluence—access by Campbell River
Road towards Gold River
Cost: free
Registration: required and limited to 20
Requirements: Good walking shoes and appropriate outwear
Guides will lead participants down the river discussing the flora and
Associated Events |
The exit site is a slow moving, deep water tidal affected pool in
the estuary, often visited by harbour seals awaiting the easy prey of
trapped salmon following the tides in and out of the river. The huge
rocks that mark the banks of the river make exiting easy and the bus
is waiting to pick you up for the second run.
The option of running the rapids is given the second time
around. We also suggest that you hold off on the picture taking
the first time but highly recommend you carry your underwater
camera on the second run. After having experienced this tour once,
your comfort zone is dramatically increased with the result that you
inevitably see much more.
The short rapid run is not for everyone as the chances of seeing
salmon are hindered by the speed at which you’re travelling, but for
the thrill seeker this is an absolute must. For those who choose to
do the previous run again, we drop the thrill seekers off with a guide
and the rest of us continue down to where we originally entered the
river and start all over again.
The entire trip takes anywhere from 3–4 hours depending on
the group. All equipment, transportation and expert instruction is
included. We recommend that you remove all earrings as they have
been mistaken for fishing lures before, and it can give you a start to
have a rainbow trout nibble on your ear.
Poster Session — 6:00–7:00 pm
Tidemark Theatre
Cost: free
The poster session launches at the Tidemark Theatre on Friday from
6:00–7:00 pm. The displays will remain up for the remainder of the
7:00 pm
An Evening with Haig-Brown Theatrical Performance
From the writings of Roderick Haig-Brown, adapted for the
stage by Janet Munsil
An Evening with Haig-Brown introduces viewers to the ideas and
exquisite prose of writer, angler, and conservationist Roderick HaigBrown. This one-hour solo performance is a visually poetic piece of
theatre that focuses language, ideas, and images from nature. It aims
to provide a sense of the man and his work, a feeling of the cyclical
passage of time, and to draw attention to Haig-Brown’s timely
lessons about conservation and the importance of learning to be
gentle, tolerant, humble, and compassionate towards the natural
The monologue delivered by a fly-fisherman, standing in a river
is divided into four seasons, reflecting the development over time of
Haig-Brown’s thoughts on man’s relationship with the natural world.
Each season is composed of three elements, adapted from HaigBrown’s writing: a descriptive introduction to the new season and
its effect on the river, a specific anecdote related to fly-fishing or the
close observation of nature at that time of year, and finally, a broader
view of man’s place in and effect on the environment.
Tickets available through the Tidemark Theatre. 1-800-994-0555
$23 adults, $18 seniors and children (15 and under). This amount
includes GST and Tidemark service charge.
Jamie Alley is a geographer by training with degrees in natural
resource management from Simon Fraser University and the
University of Victoria specializing in coastal zone management.
Jamie began his career with the BC Provincial Government in 1977
and has held a variety of policy and program positions in natural
resource ministries as well as the Intergovernmental Relations
Secretariat and the Cabinet Office. From 1998 until 2002 he
was the Director of Freshwater Fisheries Management and from
2002–2004 he worked on establishing the Living Rivers Program
and Trust Fund. He is currently the Director of the Oceans and
Marine Fisheries Branch in the Ministry of Environment and has
responsibility for the provincial government’s interests in marine
fisheries management, seafood industry development and oceans
resource management. Jamie is the co-chair of the national
Oceans Task Group under the Canadian Council of Fisheries and
Aquaculture Ministers, the Canada/BC Oceans Coordinating
Committee and the BC/Washington Coastal and Oceans Task
Force, and is a member of the West Coast Vancouver Island
Aquatic Management Board.
Shannon Anderson is a Biologist with the Resource
Restoration Division of the Oceans and Habitat Enhancement
Branch with Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Campbell River.
The Resource Restoration Division (RRD) is a team of biologists,
engineers, engineering technologists and Bio-technicians working
together with other sectors and outside partners to restore and
enhance the productivity of fish habitat. RRD provides guidance
and information for watersheds as part of both major recovery
plans and Water Use Planning processes. Shannon has worked
for RRD for over ten years, providing support to the South Coast
area—mainly to the Campbell River area and Mainland Inlets.
She was a fish culturist and seasonal hatchery worker at Quinsam
Hatchery for the previous 12+ years and has deep roots in
Campbell River being born and raised there. Shannon has a BSc
in Biology from the University of Victoria and is happy and proud
to support a community that has the vision to build partnerships
and plans to protect and rebuild the fisheries resources of the
area, which in turn provides many benefits to local ecosystems.
The Honourable David Anderson was born in Victoria
seventy-one years ago. He remembers being given Roderick HaigBrown’s book Starbuck Valley Winter when twelve years old, and
reading most of the other books of Haig-Brown when a teenager.
Since then he has been an active conservationist, particularly in
the area of protecting our coastline from oil tanker traffic and
offshore drilling. He served both as an MLA and an MP, and
served in the cabinet of Prime Minister Chretien as both Fisheries
Minister (1997–99) and as Environment Minister (1999–2004).
Ken Ashley is the Manager of Special Projects and Business
Leadership with the Fish and Wildlife Branch, BC Ministry of
Environment. Ken worked for the Fisheries Research and Development
Section of the BC Ministry of Environment for many years and
developed a variety of innovative lake aeration, lake and stream
fertilization and habitat restoration solutions. He earned his BSc
and MSc in Zoology, and an MASc and PhD in Civil/Environmental
Engineering from UBC. Ken recently took a two-year work assignment
at the Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) as Senior Engineer in
Utility Analysis and Environmental Management Division to learn
about the deleterious effects of municipal wastewater discharges
and drinking water withdrawals on aquatic ecosystems. Ken returned
to the Ministry of Environment in 2008, and is the provincial
contact for the Living Rivers program and other habitat restoration/
compensation programs.
Catherine Bell represents the riding of Vancouver Island North.
The riding comprises the top half of Vancouver Island from Fanny Bay
to Cape Scott, the Islands adjacent and part of the mainland North
Coast. First elected in January 2006, Catherine is the New Democratic
Party critic for Natural Resources, Western Economic Diversification
and is deputy critic for Fisheries responsible for West Coast fisheries
issues. Catherine has lived most of her life in the North Island; raised
her two sons in Courtenay; and, through her work as a cook became
a member, activist and for nine years, a General Vice President, of the
BC Government & Service Employees Union. Her passion for social
justice led her to become involved at the national and international
level with organizations working for peace, social justice, equality for
women, and to raise awareness of issues such as HIV/AIDS in Africa,
gender equity, Fair Trade and environmental sustainability.
Michael Berry is a biologist who has lived in and worked out of
Alert Bay for over 30 years observing the changes (biological and
economic) over that time. Much of his work has involved working in
the Nimpkish watershed, Vancouver Island’s largest watershed and
a favorite of Roderick Haig-Brown (there is a large rock in the lower
river, locally known as ‘Haig-Brown Rock’, where he fished with Edgar
Lansdowne). Michael’s work in the Nimpkish has been directed at
attempting to rebuild the once-famous Nimpkish sockeye run and
rehabilitating habitat in the watershed. Michael is also a Councillor for
the Village of Alert Bay.
The Honourable Iona V. Campagnolo, PC, CM, OBC, began
public life as an elected School Trustee and Board Chair, followed
by Alderman for the City of Prince Rupert. Elected as a Member
of Parliament for Skeena during the 1970s, she was appointed as
a Member of the Federal Cabinet in the Trudeau Government.
Choosing a path of social justice, human rights and respect forthe
environment, Iona served with a number of non-governmental
organizations in Canada and Africa, including McMaster International,
CUSO and Project Angola and was a Board Member with The
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
in Montreal, The North-South Institute in Ottawa and the Arctic
Institute of North America in Calgary. In British Columbia, Iona
Campagnolo was among the Founders of The Fraser Basin Council and
served as Chair for six years. She was the founding Chancellor of The
University of Northern British Columbia and holds four honourary
Michele Deakin is originally from Ontario where she received
an education in Business Management at Ryerson Polytechnical,
and Recreation specializing in Parks Management at University of
Waterloo, Michele has worked in both the government and the
non-profit sectors. She lived on Haida Gwaii for 12 years and has
lived on Vancouver Island for four years. In those four years she has
initiated an eelgrass mapping project, forage fish mapping, raised
the profile of shoreline management issues, co-chaired the Brant
Wildlife Festival, represented The Nature Trust and Englishman
River Watershed Recovery Plan on the planning team for the
Oceanside Tourism Association Strategic Plan. She is Co-chair of the
Seagrass Conservation Working Group, represents the Stewardship
community on the Advisory Committee for the Georgia Basin/
Vancouver Island Living Rivers Fund, and Chairs the Steering
Committee of the Englishman River Watershed Recovery Plan.
degrees (UNBC, University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University and
Brock University). Iona served a six-year term as the 27th Lieutenant
Governor of British Columbia from 2001 to 2007. She holds two
traditional First Nations names: from Chief Hac bo quo too (Kenneth
Harris –GitK’san) Noltz-whe-Neha and from Chief Skidegate
(Clarence ‘Dempsey’ Collinson –Haida) Saan-ag-K’waas. She is
currently the Honourary President of The Land Conservancy, British
Columbia’s ‘National Trust’, Patron, Comox Valley Community Justice
Centre, Patron, The Galiano Museum Association and an Honourary
Director, Music By The Sea Festival—Bamfield and a Member,
‘Women for Women in Afghanistan’. Iona is also life-member of the
Union of BC Municipalities and The Association of Former MLAs of
which she is also an Honourary Director.
Carol Cross graduated from the University of British Columbia
in 1980. She has worked for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Canada for over 30 years, largely in various facets of the Salmonid
Enhancement Program, including field programs, assessment and
technical support. She was involved in drafting the Wild Salmon
Policy from its inception through to its release. She is currently a
Policy Advisor for Oceans, Habitat and Enhancement Branch.
David Ewart is the Watershed Enhancement Manager at the
Quinsam River Hatchery in Campbell River. He has been acting in
this capacity for 12 years but has held other positions there since
1980. He has participated in many enhancement and assessment
projects on the northern part of Vancouver Island, the outer Islands,
and the mainland inlets. Prior to working in Salmon Enhancement
David was a Fisheries Guardian for two years working in the
Johnstone Strait, mainland inlet areas, and briefly in the Victoria
District. He has a Diploma in Renewable Resource Management
from Lethbridge Community College in Alberta, as well as a list of
experience and on the job training gained from close to 30 years
working in the fisheries field. David grew up in Campbell River and
has a strong commitment to the watershed and resource because it
is his home and an important part of his life.
Chief Bill Cranmer is a hereditary chief of the ’Namgis First
Nation. He has been elected Chief Councillor since 1994 and an
elected Councillor since 1979. His council portfolios include: Treaty,
Kwakwala Steering Committee, Co-Chair Hiring Committee, ‘Namgis
House Revitalization, Chair of the Musgamagw Tsawataineuk
Tribal Council, Economic Development, Whe-La-La-U Lands Task
Force, Finance Committee, and Ex-Officio of all NFN Committees.
Chief Cranmer is a long-time champion of preserving First Nations’
languages in BC and chair of the First Peoples Language Foundation.
Terry Glavin is a journalist, the author of eight non-fiction books,
and an adjunct professor in the Creative Writing Department at the
University of British Columbia. His most recent book, Waiting for the
Macaws, is published under separate titles in Canada, the United
States, the UK and Germany. For this book, he traveled around the
world to report on the impacts of globalization, biodiversity loss,
and the vanishing of cultural and linguistic diversity. His book The
Last Great Sea: A Voyage Through the Human and Natural History of
the North Pacific Ocean, was nominated for the Bill Duthie Prize and
the Roderick Haig-Brown Non-Fiction Prize, and was the winner of
the Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Prize. As a journalist and columnist for
The Vancouver Sun, The Globe and Mail, the Georgia Straight and the
Tyee, and a frequent contributor to such newspapers and magazines
as Lettre International (Berlin), Canadian Geographic, the Vancouver
Review and the Ottawa Citizen, Terry specializes in relating natural
history to anthropology and contemporary cultural phenomena. He
has won multiple awards for feature length essays, including several
science-writing prizes, Western Magazine Awards and National
Magazine Awards. He is editor of Transmontanus Books, a recipient
of the Haig Brown Prize from the North Pacific chapter of the
American Fisheries Society, and the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal.
Terry is proud to work with conservationists Vicky Husband, Craig
Orr and others, as a conservation adviser to the Watershed Watch
Salmon Society.
Warren Cook lives on Bowser and has 87 acres of land in the
Deep Bay area which was clearcut in the early 1900s. Warren and his
family have replanted the area in the hope of creating a sustainable
forest with a special wetland environment to help attract wildlife.
Neil Dawe is a Registered Professional Biologist who recently
retired from the Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada
after 31 years. Much of his working career involved studies on
bird use of estuaries and the ecology, restoration, and creation of
estuarine marsh habitat. He is a co-founder of the Brant Wildlife
Festival, and a founding Director of the Mount Arrowsmith
Biosphere Reserve Foundation. He is a co-author of The Birds
of British Columbia and the author of the children’s book, The
Hummingbird Book and Feeders and co-author of another children’s
book, The Bird Book and Bird Feeder, which has sold over 957,000
copies and has been translated into five languages. Neil is a recipient
of Environment Canada’s National Citation of Excellence Award for
outstanding achievement in advancing the goals of conservation
and protection of wildlife and habitat and has also received the
Federation of British Columbia Naturalist’s Outstanding Service
Award. In 2001, he was honored with the Ian McTaggart-Cowan
Award of Excellence in Biology from the Association of Professional
Biologists of British Columbia. Currently, he is a Director of the
Qualicum Institute, a society for ecological, economic, and social
sustainability and is also the first Canadian Director of the Center for
the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.
Chief Danny Henderson is a hereditary chief with the Wei Wai
Georgia Basin International Task Force, managed the Saanich Inlet
Study and worked on drinking water source protection policy
leading to the passing of the Drinking Water Protection Act in
2001. Ben joined the Climate Change Branch in 2002. His focus is
now on increasing BC’s capacity to adapt to climate change. He was
instrumental in establishing the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium
based at the University of Victoria; the consortium works with
stakeholders to provide information on regional scale historical
climatology and projections. Ben is also involved with projects to:
develop regional projections sea level rise, provide operational storm
surge forecasting, develop projections of agricultural crop potential,
and to improve BC’s hydrometric and climate monitoring programs.
Cum First Nation.
Bruce Hill is the Director of the Headwaters Initiative in
Terrace, BC. He has had many jobs in his lifetime, including being a
commercial fisher and logger. He was also a member of the Skeena
Watershed Committee which was a multi-sectoral, consensus-based
initiative from 1992–1997 that adapted a co-management approach
of Skeena stocks. For several years he worked for, and helped
develop, the Nanikila Institute in Kitimaat Village. During these years,
he became an integral part of the battle to save the Kitlope Valley.
Being devoted to the environment, he later worked for Ecotrust
Canada, Sierra Club, and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society.
His current project, the Headwaters Initiative, is an organization he
and a friend started that works with northern communities on issues
of development, sustainability and conservation. He is also currently
an advisor to the SkeenaWild Conservation Trust.
Paul Kariya is the Executive Director for the Pacific Salmon
Foundation. His experience in the BC fishery dates back to childhood
in Ucluelet where he helped his father, a commercial fisherman,
and a founding member of the Ucluelet Fishing Company, on their
troller. With first hand knowledge of the issues being faced by fishing
communities on Canada’s West Coast, Kariya’s professional career
has included various positions within the Department of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development, the Department of Fisheries and
Oceans, the BC Treaty Commission, Fisheries Renewal BC and, most
recently, Pacific Salmon Foundation. Paul is a graduate of UBC, 1975.
He completed his MA and PhD in Geography at Clark University,
Worcester, Massachusetts in 1987. As an applied academic, his
research interests have been in community development, social
justice and resource values and ethics.
Vicky Husband was born in Victoria and has lived all her life in
this region. She began her environmental activism on local issues in
the 1970s and has worked for over 30 years as a full time volunteer
on environmental and land use issues. She was president of the
Friends of the Ecological Reserves for four years, worked with the
Sierra Club of Canada, BC Chapter for 18 years and has been a board
member of The Land Conservancy for 9 years. In recognition of
her work to protect the ancient temperate rainforest on the coast
of BC, including old growth forests on Vancouver Island, (such as
Clayoquot Sound, Tsitika/Robson Bight, Carmanah/Walbran etc.),
South Moresby (Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve) in Haida
Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), the Khutzeymateen grizzly bear
sanctuary on BC’s north coast, the Great Bear Rainforest, and many
other areas, she was awarded the Order of Canada and the Order of
BC and an honorary doctorate from University of Victoria. She is
presently working on sustainable fishery, forestry and land use issues,
including raising public awareness around the disputed Western
Forest Products lands beyond Sooke and development and land use
issues in the rural Highlands, outside of Victoria, where she has lived
for 40 years.
Annemarie Koch was born in Aklavik at the mouth of the
Mackenzie River. Even before she became inspired by his work on the
Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry and was introduced subsequently
to Justice Thomas Berger on the east coast, she had a keen interest in
nature and the need for thoughtful stewardship of all that sustains
us. Trained as a biologist, Annemarie spent much of her early career
working in local government planning. She has also worked in
journalism and salmonid enhancement, and now runs a guesthouse
in the vibrant community of Sointula. Annemarie sits on the boards
of the Johnstone Strait Killer Whale Interpretive Centre and the Alert
Bay Marine Research societies, and is past chair of the Stewardship
Centre for British Columbia. She has been a volunteer warden for
the Nature Trust for over 20 years, and is actively supporting the
Northern Vancouver Island Salmonid Enhancement Association’s
efforts to establish a salmon stewardship centre in Port Hardy.
Jim Irvine obtained his PhD in 1984 from the University of Otago
in New Zealand after which he worked on salmon stock assessment
issues in Japan for six months. He then joined Fisheries and Oceans
Canada as a research scientist at the West Vancouver Laboratory
for three years until he he moved to the Pacific Biological Station in
Nanaimo in 1987. He has worked on salmonids for most of his career,
focusing on stock assessment, ecological and conservation issues.
Currently he is the Co-Chair of the Fisheries and Oceanography
Working Group and is one of the primary architects of the Wild
Salmon Policy.
Gerard LeBlanc has been a flyfisher for over 25 years. He is also
a principal of Landworks Consultants Inc., a Courtenay-based land
use planning and project management firm. Gerard has over 30
years experience in these areas of practice and has been an active
professional planner in BC for close to 20 years. Gerard is currently
working on projects on Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast
that include RAR Implementation policies for the Powell River
Regional District, a conservation-oriented subdivision servicing
bylaw for the Cowichan Valley Regional District and as a contractor
with Ducks Unlimited working on the implementation of the Green
Bylaws Toolkit.
Ben Kangasniemi is a Climate Science Specialist in the Climate
Change Branch of the BC Ministry of Environment. Ben received
a B.Sc. from the University Victoria in 1975, and is a Registered
Professional Biologist. Over the past 30 years, Ben has served in a
variety of technical, scientific, management and policy roles with
the BC Ministry of Environment. He worked on the International
Joint Commission Flathead River Study, co-chaired the Puget Sound/
Alan Lill is the Coordinator of the Greater Georgia Basin
Steelhead Recovery Project and also has his own consulting business,
A.F. Lil and Associates based in North Vancouver.
Denise Mullen-Dalmer has 20 years experience in British
Columbia’s natural resource management sector. She is currently
the co-Executive Director of the West Coast Aquatic Management
Board and runs her own consulting company. She was Director of
Policy for over 10 years in the BC Ministry of Energy and Mines,
has worked in BC Hydro Grid Operations and BC Transmission
Corporation. She has been an elected Board of Directors member
of the Western Electric Coordinate Council and the Northwest
Regional Transmission Association, as well as the BC representative
of the Western Governors Committee on Regional Electric Power
Roger McDonell was elected Mayor of Campbell River, BC in
November 2005. This was his first step into municipal politics. Born
in Brandon, Manitoba, he moved to British Columbia in 1978 to
pursue a keen interest in the ocean. His attraction to scuba diving
and photography led to a career that combined journalism and
technology. For decades before entering politics, Roger shared
the news and told North Island stories through local and national
publications, radio stations and broadcasters, including CTV, Global,
CBC, CBS and other national and international companies. He’s
still the go-to guy for regional nature and wildlife video footage.
An active community supporter since his arrival in Campbell River,
Roger has followed other business interests as well, even serving
as the manager of the local chamber of commerce from 1986 to
1993. Roger’s appreciation for the nature of the North Island and
an entrepreneurial spirit help him represent and lead the people
of a seaside community that calls itself the “Salmon Capital of
the World.” Mayor McDonell is a Director on the Island Coastal
Economic Trust, the Comox Strathcona Regional District and is the
Chair of the Spirit of BC—Campbell River committee. He is also
the city’s ex-officio representative on Vancouver Island North Film
Commission and Tourism Campbell River and Region Society.
Ian Perry is a senior researcher with Fisheries & Oceans
Canada, at the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo. His research
expertise includes the structure and function of marine ecosystems;
developing ecosystem-based approaches to marine resources
management; the human dimensions of marine ecosystem changes;
and scientific leadership of international and inter-governmental
programs on marine ecosystems and global change. He is an
Adjunct Professor at the Fisheries Centre at UBC, and is the Chair
of the international Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics program
He currently co-leads DFO’s Strait of Georgia Ecosystem Research
John Reynolds is a professor at Simon Fraser University, where
he holds the Tom Buell BC Leadership Chair in Salmon Conservation
and Management. His research program focuses on understanding
connections between salmon and their ecosystems, emphasizing
implications for conservation and sustainability. This includes
long-term studies of links between salmon-derived nutrients and
biodiversity in 50 watersheds in the Great Bear Rainforest. He
participates on a variety of scientific advisory committees and
boards of conservation organizations, including the Pacific Institute
for Climate Solutions, the Pacific Salmon Forum, the Vancouver
Aquarium and the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society.
Kate Miller is currently the Environment Manager for the
Cowichan Valley Regional District and has been a practicing
environmental and community planner for the past 20 years. Kate
has been an active proponent of a community based collaborative
approach to resolution of complex environmental issues. This
has included the opportunity to work with a diverse range of
communities, cultural groups and mentors including local, provincial
and federal governments, First Nations, private industry, women’s
organizations, and local community NGOs and CNGOs.
Jack Minard is the Executive Director of the Comox Valley Land
Trust and sits on the Comox Valley Conservation Strategy Steering
Committee. Jack has been the Technical Coordinator of the Tsolum
River Restoration Society for the past 11 years and his involvement
with the restoration and protection of salmon and salmon habitat
has convinced him that “official” land use plans must take into
account natural systems and form long-term protection of sensitive
ecosystems and riverine habitats through prudent and informed
land use scenarios. Jack will present an example of a Conservation
Strategy designed to place conservation at the foundation of land
use planning.
Brian Riddell is a research scientist and Division Head of Salmon
and Freshwater Ecosystems in the Science Branch of Fisheries and
Oceans Canada based at the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo.
His research interests include population biology and genetics
of Pacific salmonids, and formulation of science-based policy for
conservation and utilization of Pacific salmon. During 2002–04,
as Science Advisor to the Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation
Council (PFRCC), Brian authored or co-authored reports on
the Broughton Archipelago Pink Salmon advisory, the PFRCC
Aquaculture advisory, Stock Assessment for Central and Northern
BC, a technical review of over-escapement, and an Advisory on
a proposed Aquaculture Forum for BC. He was a primary author
of Canada’s Policy for Conservation of Wild Pacific Salmon and is
recognized internationally for his work in salmon conservation and
Harriet Rueggeberg has degrees in biology and natural
resource planning and started her career in 1983 as an independent
consultant in environmental assessment and policy analysis,
managing projects for agencies in BC, Yukon and the Northwest
Territories. In 1994, Harriet became the City of Nanaimo’s first
Environmental Planner developing policies and programs for
stream protection, stormwater management, erosion control,
ESA protection, steep slope development, environmental and
sustainability indicators, and public stewardship. Harriet joined
Lanarc Consultants Ltd. (now HB Lanarc) in 2001 where her work has
continued in environmental policy and land use planning for local
governments, as well as park planning, habitat compensation policy,
and coastal and watershed stewardship. The Green Shores project is
an extension of this philosophy into the marine environment, where
Harriet has been providing ongoing advice on local government
policy and legislative tools.
Craig Wightman is Senior Fisheries Biologist at the BC
Conservation Foundation (Living Rivers—Georgia Basin/Vancouver
Island Program). He spent 34 years as a fisheries biologist with
the provincial government working on special projects based out
of Victoria (1971–1987), and then as regional steelhead biologist
responsible for Vancouver Island (1987–2005). From 2005–2008,
Craig was the Manger of Salmon and Steelhead Recovery responsible
for the Living Rivers program in the Georgia Basin and on Vancouver
Greg Wilson is a Fisheries Biologist in the Fish and Wildlife
Section of the BC Ministry of Environment in Surrey. His interest in
lake ecology started while growing up in Quebec. After receiving
his BSc from Bishops University he headed west to study lake and
reservoir restoration at Washington State University. When not
chasing cows out of the streams before sampling, he was on road
trips to see family in Vancouver—where he settled after graduation
in 1997. Since then he has been working in various capacities for
the BC Ministry of Environment on a variety of lake, reservoir,
stream and river restoration studies and projects including work
on Okanagan Lake, the Mesilinka River north of Prince George,
and Alouette Reservoir in Maple Ridge. For the last four years he
has been working as the regional steelhead biologist for the Lower
Mainland (MoE Region 2). When he is not working on the Greater
Georgia Basin Steelhead Recovery Program, the Living Rivers Georgia
Basin Program, or picking up after train wrecks, his girlfriend puts
him to work collecting sculpin samples for her thesis.
Chief Judith Sayers is the elected Chief of the Hupacasath First
Nation, located on the edge of the Somass River. She is serving her
seventh two-year term as elected Chief and oversees the political,
administrative and economic development of the Hupacasath First
Nation. Under the direction of Chief Sayers, the Hupacasath First
Nation has grown from a struggling 260 member band to a major
player in the economic and social development of the Alberni Valley.
Chief Sayers has actively developed partnerships with government
and business. She has also served as the Chief Negotiator for the
Hupacasth First Nation since 1993 in the British Columbia Treaty
John Woodward spent over 20 years with Woodward’s Stores
and 35 years with the Douglas Lake Cattle Company. He is currently
co-owner of Woodcorp Investments Ltd., a venture capital company
as well as being owner of the Bulkley River Lodge in Smithers, BC.
Mr. Woodward’s directorial commitment to Pacific salmon began
20 years ago with the creation of the Pacific Salmon Foundation. He
is currently serving as Chair of PSF as well as Chair of the BC Living
Rivers Trust—a fund established by the Province with a $21 million
endowment which is dedicated to the conservation and restoration
of rivers in BC. Past directorships include service with the BC
Waterfowl Association, the Tyee Club of British Columbia, the World
Wildlife Fund (Pacific Region), Ducks Unlimited, and the Pacific
Salmon Society. He has also served on the board of the Salvation
Army, Saunders & Company Contracting Ltd., Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
Classical Chinese Garden, Canuck Place, Coal Harbour Marina, the
Retail Council of Canada, the Vancouver Art Board, Whiteline Road
Maintenance and the Vancouver Better Business Bureau. He served
as Governor of the Vancouver Maritime Museum and co-chaired
the Vancouver Public Library Capital Campaign. An avid sportsman
and conservationist, John’s reputation in both the corporate and
environmental arenas is exemplary.
Paul Sprout was born in Vancouver, British Columbia and
holds a Technical diploma from the BC Institute of Technology and
degrees in Biology and Business Administration from Simon Fraser
University. He entered the federal public service in 1977 as a Biologist
with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Since beginning with
the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Paul has held a variety of
positions such as Area Director, North and South Coast of British
Columbia, Regional Director of Operations, Associate Assistant
Deputy Minister, Fisheries Management and most recently Regional
Director General, Pacific Region, all of which have contributed to
his extensive experience in dealing with Canadian domestic fishing
issues. He has been instrumental in the implementation of the 1999
Canada US Salmon Agreement as well as fisheries management
policies on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Paul has represented
Canada as Co-chair of the Canada US Pacific Salmon Commission
and will continue to do so as Chair.
Ted White is a water policy advisor with the BC Ministry of
Environment’s Water Stewardship Division. Ted is a biologist who
has worked with the province since 1994 on a number of water
related initiatives including: developing new methods for monitoring
water quality in community watersheds; planning and performing
regulatory review of water licences through the BC Hydro Water Use
Planning Program; and developing water policy. Most recently Ted
has been involved in the development of Living Water Smart: British
Columbia’s Water Plan.