The KYC works to engage youth in community development
The KYC works to give wings to youth ideas and power to youth voices
It is a youth-driven organization that works to improve social, educational and economic opportunities for young people
Inside the NUMBERS
• A.R. Scammell Academy Island Warriors 2003-2004: the last season?
• Graduating class 2003-2004? 8 students?
• Getting a grad date involves a ferry ride and a whole lot of scouting
Inside the NUMBERS …
•Bottom line: Jobs. Without jobs, there’s no reason to stay.
•We want and will get an education. We can’t do that from Change
•We don’t want seasonal work. The fishery and tourism industries are both seasonal.
•The types of jobs we want to do are wide-ranging, but we won’t be able to work them in Change Islands.
•We’re all looking for a “Big Savior” and there’s nothing coming.
•Job opportunities are located close to universities. Don’t get a chance to come home. I.e. St. John’s
• Need industries that can grow and change, new and diverse
• Everything must be SUSTAINABLE
• We need to Think Outside the Box
• We need to take more risks, but do better research
• The wild fishery may be dead. People wait for it to save
Rural Newfoundland. It won’t. We will continually exhaust whatever we catch and process. There are too many fish plants, too big a work demand, and not enough product coming in. An economy can’t be sustained like this.
• We are blessed with resources – the greatest resource may be the ocean itself. Use resources with innovative ideas i.e. hydrogen cells for cars
• Youth need careers that are interesting, new, different and exciting – rural Newfoundland is not producing these
• Because of our location, we can’t commute. Even a fixed link between Fogo and Change Islands would help. Good for tourism as well.
• Need greater youth involvement in government at all levels.
• Youth need to find avenues to get their voices and ideas out. Youth have opinions and new ideas. People are still talking about industries that are centuries old. New thinking, new ideas.
Youth represent a new generation of thinkers.
A new generation of ideas.
Now we need to meld the old ideas with the new in a way that works for us all.
The economy is evolving. Our community has to change with it.
With change comes opportunity.