RESURRECTION OF THE BOMBAY TRANS-HARBOUR LINK PROJECT BY USING WHEATON'S MONOCENTRIC MODELS OF URBAN LAND USE by Shubhada Bhave Bachelor of Architecture Sir J.J. College of Architecture Bombay University, India 1984 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREES OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE STUDIES AND MASTER OF CITY PLANNING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 1987 Copyright (c) 1987 Shubhada Bhave The Author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. / Signature of Author A , .,, Department of Architecture February 13, 1987 Certified by Ranko Bon Assistant Professor of Econo ics in Architecture, Thesis Supervisor Accepted by U JiajBeH Chairman, Departmental Committee for graduate students Accepted by MASS CH LOSNGY Director, FEB 2 5 1987 Philip Clay Master of City Planning Program RESURRECTION OF THE BOMBAY TRANS-HARBOUR LINK PROJECT BY USING WHEATON'S MONOCENTRIC MODELS OF URBAN LAND USE by Shubhada Bhave Submitted to the Department of Architecture on February 13, 1987 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Science in Architecture Studies and Master of City Planning. Abstract BOMBAY TRANS-HARBOUR LINK PROJECT: A possible solution to Bombay's seemingly unsurmountable social problems. The primary idea behind this thesis is to present a new technique for the appraisal of large scale urban transportation projects which are envisaged to have a major impact on the surrounding physical and economic urban structure. The Bombay Trans-Harbour Link (BTHL) Project, a 16 kilometers long road bridge proposed by the Indian Planning Commission to connect the island city of Bombay and the surrounding mainland, was considered to be an excellent case study for demonstrating the application of this technique. This project would mean a major transportation investment for the Bombay Metropolitan Region. The investment is justified because it is envisaged to act as a catalyst to draw people from the island to the mainland. This would help reduce the existing acute congestion in the city of Bombay by securing more land mass and bringing this newly acquired land within convenient commuting time of the existing business district in the main city. Thus, the three essential features that the BTHL would perform are: 1. Open up new 'virgin' land for development and thus be an integral part of the process of decentralizing Bombay. 2. Form the 'connecting link' between the mainland and Bombay city, thus removing the only significant bottleneck to development, namely, the lack of adequate communication between the island and the mainland. 3. Once built, the BTHL would open up vast unused areas on the mainland that would in all probability attract other investments and improvements or requirements necessary for development which, once the BTHL is constructed, would be relatively easy to meet. In this case, transportation infrastructure such as the BTHL becomes almost a prerequisite, though by no means a guarantee, of economic development. The benefits would be long-term ones, and in fact in the initial time period after the investment, traffic growth could be much larger than the corresponding anticipated growth in income. In these early stages, the ratio of capital to output could well be extremely high. Thus, in view of the anticipated strategic role of the BTHL and the large investment required, a careful appraisal of the costs and benefits of the project is particularly important. It is equally important to set forth the investment criteria which would be used in deciding whether or not to undertake the project. The engineering feasibility of the project as well as its total cost has been established by Messrs. Peter Fraenkel and Consultants. The Project is estimated to cost US $110.41 million in 1990 constant prices. This thesis emphasises the fact that the methods of evaluation used to date for appraising the benefits of transport investments suffer from the application of mistaken techniques and from inadequate analyses of economic externalities and linkages. The first part of the thesis partly includes a description of these methodologies and a critique of each of them. The second half of the thesis is written from the viewpoint of a consultant to the Indian Planning Commission under the auspices of Tata Economic Consultancy Services, entrusted with the task of seeing whether an investment in the BTHL today would be justified or not, and if so on what grounds. I have endeavoured to present a different methdology for the appraisal of the BTHL Project. This new approach is based upon the application of monocentric models of urban land use to theories of metropolitan spatial development, a technique developed in its most recent form by Professor William C. Wheaton of the departments of Economics and Urban Studies and Planning, M.I.T. By using both static and dynamic monocentric models, this approach helps envisage and compare two alternative urban scenarios of the future, one without the project and one with it. The urban structure is analysed in terms of city spread outward from the Central Businesss District, the rent gradient along the cross-section of the city, and the density structure at all points in the city. This information concerns the potential utility derived per person in either scenario, which in turn becomes the primary criterion for an investment decision. Thesis Supervisor: Ranko Bon Title: Assistant Professor of Economics in Architecture Acknowledgements I wish to extend my most sincere thanks to the following gentlemen who assisted and guided me towards preparing this document. Professor Ranko Bon (Department of Architecture, M.I.T.), for acting as my advisor from the faculty of architecture. Professor William C. Wheaton (Departments of Economics and Urban Studies, M.I.T), for giving a lot of his time to develop a modelling technique for use in this specific context and for subsequently advising me through this semester. Professor Alan Strout (Department of Urban Studies, M.I.T.), for giving valuable feedback and correcting me on the essential points of benefit-cost analysis. I furthermore wish to thank Professor Ralph Gakenheimer (Departments of Civil Engineering and Urban Studies, M.I.T.) for acting as one of the readers of this thesis and Professor Julian Beinart (Department of Architecture, M.I.T.), for guiding me through the course of the thesis preparation seminar and helping me formulate my thoughts. In addition, I wish to thank the American Institute of Architects for the research grant scholarship which provided me the opportunity of spending an extended period of time in Bombay in connection with both planning and operating agencies in order to gather sufficient data for the preparation of this document. I must further add that this thesis could never have been submitted in its present printed format without the diligent editing and computer expertise of Jean Marie Diaz. It goes without saying that none of these individuals or organizations necessarily endorses the views presented herein. And lastly let me dedicate this thesis to my parents who made it possible for me to come to M.I.T. and ever put my wishes before theirs. It was their unwavering confidence in me and the constant support of my husband Brett, that helped me put so much effort into my work. Table of Contents Abstract Acknowledgements 1. BOMBAY CITY: HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT 1.1 NEED FOR EXPANSION ON THE MAINLAND 1.2 HISTORY OF PLANNING STRATEGIES THAT HAVE INFLUENCED THE DEVELOPMENT TO DATE 1.2.1 INDUSTRIAL LOCATION 1.2.2 OFFICE AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT LOCATION 1.2.3 LOCATION OF WHOLESALE MARKETS 1.2.4 ADDITIONAL PORTS 1.2.5 HOUSING 1.2.6 TRANSPORTATION 2 3 6 10 17 23 24 25 27 27 30 2. BTHL: THE SOUTHERN LINK BETWEEN THE ISLAND AND THE MAINLAND 2.1 WHY IS BTHL DESIRABLE FROM THE PLANNER'S POINT OF VIEW? 2.1.1 ENVISAGED DEVELOPMENT SCENARIO- 35 3. A LOOK AT THE FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE BTHL DONE BY TATA ECONOMIC CONSULTANCY SERVICES. 3.1 ECONOMIC APPRAISAL OF THE BTHL PROJECT AS DONE BY TECS 3.1.1 IDENTIFICATION OF BENEFITS OF TRANSPORT PROJECTS Reduced Operating Expenses In Areas Now Served By A New Facility Stimulus To Economic Development Now Served By The New Facility Savings In Time For Passengers And Freight Reductions In Accidents And Damage Increased Convenience And Comfort 3.1.2 BENEFITS SPECIFIC TO THE BTHL PROJECT 3.1.3 IDENTIFICATION OF BENEFITS Savings In Vehicle Operating Expenses Value Added In Industry Savings In Time 3.1.4 QUANTIFICATION OF BENEFITS 3.1.5 METHODOLOGY OF QUANTIFICATION 3.2 A CRITIQUE OF THE ECONOMIC APPRAISAL DESCRIBED IN PART 45 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 51 53 53 55 3.2.1 Principles Of Social Benefit-Cost Analysis 3.3 A NOTE ON THE FINANCIAL APPRAISAL OF THE BTHL PROJECT Rental Levies Sales Tax Proceeds Toll Receipts Regarding Rental Levies Regarding Sales Tax Proceeds Regarding Toll Receipts 55 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 39 40 46 46 46 47 3.4 A CRITIQUE OF THE FINANCIAL APPRAISAL DESCRIBED IN PART 63 3.4.1 The Methodology In General 3.4.2 Specific Drawbacks With The Identification And Quantification Of Financial Benefits In The Case Of The BTHL Toll Receipts Sales Tax Levies Rental Levies 63 63 NEW TECHNIQUE FOR THE APPRAISAL OF TRANSPORT PROJECTS: APPLICATION OF WHEATON'S MONOCENTRIC MODELS OF URBAN LAND USE 4.1 Introduction 4.2 A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF DIFFERENT OPINIONS REGARDING THE APPRAISAL OF TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENTS 4.3 DEVELOPING THE WHEATON MODEL URBAN LAND SUPPLY RURAL LAND SUPPLY RESULTANT OUTPUT OF THE MODEL 4.4 MONOCENTRIC MODELS OF URBAN LAND USE: APPLICATION TO BOMBAY'S TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 4.4.1 Introduction 4.5 MONOCENTRIC CITY MODELS AS APPLIED TO THE PROBELM OF TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENTS 4.6 CONCLUSIONS REGARDING CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.3 COMMENTS 4.7 THEORIZED IMPACT OF THE PROJECT IN RESTRUCTURING URBAN GROWTH IN AND AROUND BOMBAY BASED ON LAND RENT PATTERNS 67 5. INPUT DATA AND METHODOLOGY FOR SIMULATION 5.1 DISCUSSION ON THE OUTPUT OF THE 'BOMBAY' AND THE 'BOMBAY2' MODELS 5.2 COMPARING THE RESPECTIVE WITH AND WITHOUT PROJECT SCENARIOS OF THE TWO MODELS 5.2.1 URBAN BOUNDARY 5.2.2 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION AND LOT SIZES 5.2.3 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION AND DENSITIES. 5.2.4 Rental Incomes 5.2.5 UTILITY LEVEL PER INDIVIDUAL 5.3 SUMMARY OF THE SIMULATIONS PERFORMED 5.4 CONCLUSIONS REGARDING CHAPTER 5 5.4.1 APPLICATIONS OF THE 'BOMBAY' AND THE 'BOMBAY2' MODELS 96 109 4. A COMMENTS 6. CONCLUDING REGARDING THIS STUDY Appendix A. A.1 Table 2 A.2 Table 3 A.3 Table 4 AND OVERALL OBSERVATIONS 63 64 65 67 68 72 74 75 78 81 81 83 86 92 93 115 115 115 117 117 118 120 122 134 140 145 146 147 148 A.4 Table A.5 Table A.6 Table A.7 Table Appendix B. B.1 Table B.2 Table B.3 Table B.4 Table B.5 Table B.6 Table B.7 Table 5 6 7 8 149 150 151 152 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Appendix C. C.1 Table 2 C.2 Table 3 C.3 Table 4 C.4 Table 5 C.5 Table 6 References and Notes 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 Appendix D. D.0.1 CONNECTED AGENCIES D.O.2 OTHER ABBREVIATIONS 170 171 172 Chapter 1 BOMBAY CITY: HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT Large metropolitan cities the world over eventually tend to be suffocated by the various serious civic problems which arise due to overpopulation and the resulting intensive congestion. Bombay city in India is no exception. If at all, the situation there is worse than in most other cities and is deteriorating day by day. The island city of Bombay, which is commonly regarded as the commercial capital of India, cannot continue to develop for long in its present form. The land mass within the municipal confines of the Bombay Metropolitan Region is around 600 sq.kms., of which 438 sq.kms. -is part of Greater Bombay. Because of the peculiar physical configuration of the city, this land mass is distributed in the form of a narrow north-south crescent. The population in the region has already surpassed nine million and is still rising rapidly. The average density works out to be 1106 persons per hectare. Though this number is high in itself, it does not tell the whole story because the population is extremely unevenly distributed over the different wards. In fact, the upper extreme of density is 2000+ persons per hectare. The commercial/business activities are concentrated in a small tip in the south of the city, such that around 62% of the total employment is concentrated in 4% of the land mass of the island. At the same time, residential areas have spread to the north. The transport system is thus under an extremely heavy strain as it is required to carry more than eight million commuters every day in an almost unidirectional flow, the majority of the working population travelling to the CBD in the morning and back north in the evening. This has created intense demand for central residential locations. Housing is getting increasingly inadequate as construction is stalled due to the acute pressure on land, which has caused an increase in the land price. The result is that more than half of the population today does not have a roof over its head and slums on footpaths and shanty colonies are on the increase. Because of its peculiar physical configuration, the city can expand only in the northern direction. The land mass in the city has already been excessively utilised and there is very little scope for further horizontal expansion of the built area. Since most of the business and industrial activities are concentrated in the southern region, any northward expansion of the residential area leads to increasing commuting time between the residence and the place of work and discourages people from moving there. The inevitable result is acute congestion in the city, intense pollution and noise. All these have been far above the internationally recommended safe limits for some years now. Over the years, the city has grown in a most unplanned and haphazard manner. Its population has been continuously rising, and is now over nine million, not including the suburbs. Housing conditions are appalling, with peak densities now reaching over 2000 persons per hactare. Industrial and commercial establishments have mushroomed wherever they could find space. Traffic and communication are extremely poor. Most of the civic infrastructure are in need of major repair. The net result is extremely poor living conditions for the majority of residents in Bombay. The population of Greater Bombay increased from 4.17 million in 1961 to 5.9 million in 1971 and further to 8.24 million in 1981. The land mass toward the center was used up fairly quickly and today offers no scope for further expansion, unless redevelopment and conversion of present land use takes place. However, if the densities have to be prevented from rising beyond their already high level, then a substantial amount of additional capital outlay would be required in residential conversion or new construction. The only other alternative is for residential densities to be allowed to increase to unreasonably high levels. The population of South Bombay has been stable at around 1.5 million over the last FI&U6FE 101 r'P A B AC* (P.56DNTlAL 9eF 51 T1e5 -tAVF 200 PeOsons /+AA 19 P70W TOWJN IFfSomAY. decade, since residential densities had already reached saturation limits. On the other hand, population in the suburbs and extended suburbs has increased considerably, rising from 1.4 million to 4.96 million in one decade, as a result of a lot of open land being available for expansion. Now all land at reasonable commuting distance from the CBD has been eaten away and travelling from the extended suburbs is comparable to long distance travel. The overall population growth rate in the BMR in the past two decades was around 2 3.6% p.a. while the national growth rate was only 2.2% p.a. This phenomenal population increase has caused an increase in the population densities at all locations in the city, but especially steeply as one approaches the CBD at the southern tip. The central density was 1388 persons/ha in 1961, which increased to 1917 persons/ha in 1971 and is around 2000+ persons/ha today. This acute demand for central space has caused a substantial increase in the price of land, in addition to which the housing conditions have grown steadily worse. As the statistical records of the National Building Organization show, today 75% of the population lives in one room units, 15% in two room units and only 10% in larger dwellings. The land rent varies from as high as Rupees 1.25 per square foot near the CBD, to Rupees 0.25 to 2 0.50 in the extended suburbs. This deterioration of the housing condition is evidenced by an almost secular decline in the rate of building completion certificates issued since 1975. In 1981, Greater Bombay contained 1.59 million dwelling units with slums accounting for over 30% of these. The growing population figure in the Bombay Metropolitan Region (BMR) was attributable to the ever increasing employment opportunities as compared to elsewhere. The total employment over the past two decades increased from 1.68 million to 2.86 million. Moreover, most of this employment is concentrated in the extreme southern tip of Bombay. The land mass of this southern tip is only 35 square kms. in contrast with the 369 square kms. of the suburbs. This means that about 61% of the offfice and industrial jobs are in an area of 16 square kms. which is only 4% of the total land mass. This extreme concentration of jobs in the city's southern tip, together with the peculiar north-south configuration of the city, has created substantial transportation problems. Since this southern tip is accessible only from one direction, this employment concentration has placed a tremendous strain on the city's bus and train services causing quite a few hardships to the millions of daily commuters. 9- In addition to the congestion caused by the lopsided employment distribution, the heavy port activity which Bombay supports on its eastern stretch, further impedes the northsouth flow of traffic. The overall effect is that the peak hour traffic from north to south even reaches 4500 Passenger Car Units (PCU) per hour. Apart from this traffic congestion, the overall metropolitan congestion and overcrowding has exerted severe strain on the other civic amenities, like water supply and sanitation. These problems combined with the housing shortage, the lack of adequate open space even for parks and playgrounds, has resulted in very poor living conditions for the residents as well as a host of other social problems. These conditions will continue to deteriorate unless lasting measures such as expansion of the land area are taken quickly. 1.1 NEED FOR EXPANSION ON THE MAINLAND By the year 2001, CIDCO surveys estimate the population of Greater Bombay to grow from the present 8.3 million to 13 million. By that time all the land in the island city which is economically amenable to housing development will have been used up, and the only way to accommodate the natural increase in population and the continuing immigration will be to expand beyond the present limits of Greater Bombay into the rest of the BMR. The Development Plan has estimated that to satisfy the requirements of residential land within Greater Bombay for the projected population of 2001, it would be necessary to channel the city's development into zones hitherto earmarked as 'NoDevelopment' zones, despite the fact that these largely consist of vacant and barren tracts of land along railway corridors located some distance from existing populated areas and marshy and hilly areas. Extending infrastructure to these areas is likely to be relatively expensive. Net residential densities in Bombay are extremely high as Census Data and other 1 surveys about Greater Bombay reveal: I, Fv~6(It 1.02 TYICAL, PoWiN joWN Lt'o(44y ZXN4A& A CI171lI 65 ON 3;VLO)N~iS A6 ZOM151,NVP R4L L5itv, PPN I1N& ;UAL-t$S Cj(OLA' - PAVW$ M15 PfU 04O~ Lw WN6M& WWW~ 61iAWC$ IN Wt~b FACbK6,MVN Fl64W TYP16ALI. NIPPLE eZA--q +fOV.4(N6 (N-F-O~4AY I1O05 - FI6UAE 106 . 7Dt JSL AND CITY MAINLAND 'N / R.-.KALvAN COMPLEX II N42 :4 9 t3 -40 36 - - 38 e-37 51 .. / -- 34 B. |--. -- - E 0 53 UNK) IN - 57- ~BOMBAY MET ROPOLIT AN REGION 3TUDY AREA -ZONES AND SEM- TORS -a. --- TAeSLG E50MMY tA~T50POUTAN 5661ON POPULATIoNAN4C7 &MPWYb'~NT S5TiuAT&S 6REAT3 PERCEN7AGR BOMBAY NEW 88.6% BOMBAY ~ VASAI KALYAN 2X63 OF POPULAT(ON 9-35% 5*.-205-3 o % -E5PLOYM-N6226- Ye RATIO OF 31.IY yo625 gmptOy/P0p.. bOM1AY METROPOLUTAN REGION STUD/ AE/\ SECTOR # TOTAL POPULATION 7.OF TOTAL % ZONES AND 6ECTOliS RESTICTED AREA l377 300 18-33 290S, 300 (2.) 31-.74 E90 EoHA 32 -15 16 2,837,000 31-686% 290 7-A 66 HA 11 1'38 HA 30 A 3 13 14 (2- 9 cD 35 1 6:621,O00 18 19 E ~ (0-7 V) 1,6,46.00 Co-16 20 5f E5 F HA 7) 1-73 9- HA 0-76X q1-2. HA 3.86x 2-6 m) 69,60o (o.oizr 37 m~ 5.5 3,582o HA (0.35 m) 56 p 57 rp 39 40 41 6_ 2 4,4-f2,00 (0-4 7r) E6-65 HA 1 FjcOV86 W0 1 DiSANC 0-10OKM5 TW.P 5O. M9A 1 927-9 -LEE-6ND __ 110-20K5+22 230MS OVER CITY 88-6 30 11.9 MINLAND D15TAt4CF 5AVING5 AFFG#RPUD bOMEbAY tMAThOPOL1TAM RU~461O,(CAfE +4MILE5 1" Island city Suburbs Greater Bombay (average): 1542 persons/ha. (peak): 2000+ persons/ha. (average): 931 persons/ha. (average): 1106 persons/ha. These densities compare unfavourably with foreign metropolitan cities and indeed with all other metropolitan Indian cities. As compared to this, net residential density in the 1 only developed node, Vashi on the mainland, is much lower: Net residential density Gross residential density : 670 persons/ha. : 325 persons/ha. When seen in isolation the density of Vashi reflects a pleasingly low figure. But it also means that the Vashi node has not made any significant dent in the present situation in Bombay and that accelerated development elsewhere on the mainland is essential in order to encourage the benefits of agglomeration with the island city. If there is no acceleration in the growth rate on the mainland, the overall density would decline to 297 persons/ha as the impact of open lands and non-residential areas in New Bombay is felt. Thus if New Bombay does not develop rapidly enough, residential densities in Greater Bombay, already very high, will come under further pressure. Thus, the most important benefit from the BTHL will be the vast areas on the mainland to be opened for housing development. In spite of this fact, these areas have not yet been developed, despite the enormous pressure on the supply of housing in Bombay. This has principally been because of the lack of quick communication and easy access to the city, and especially to the CBD. With Greater Bombay reaching the saturation limit for population density and New Bombay not developing fast enough because of the absence of any east-west link, the only other location for expansion is northward. However this northward expansion has already created problems of its own. One such problem is that the commuting time to the heart of the island city keeps increasing as expansion goes further north. The total commuting time by train is approaching two hours from the northern-most point of Greater Bombay to the CBD at the southern tip. Furthermore, Traffic congestion and peak load on the transport network have increased with the augmentation of the north to south commuter movement. Today, the principal means of mass transport, the rail network, is used to its capacity, with the five suburban rail corridors carrying over four million passengers daily to and from the southern end of the city. In addition, even the public transport buses carry around four million passengers daily. A not inconceivable scenario for future Bombay would then be as follows: Existing zoning restrictions may be relaxed as the pressure on land increases in order to allow part of the 'No-Development Zone' to come under housing. This expansion can however be very limited in extent, since much of this zone consists of land that would be relatively difficult and expensive to develop. What is more likely to happen, therefore, is that net residential densities in Greater Bombay will rise still further and conditions of living will worsen beyond the present level. After that the most visible manifestation of such a 'disaster scenario' will be aggravation of the housing crisis, which even today has reached alarming proportions. The severly bad housing condition today is partially attributable to the culmination of several factors such as the scarcity of land, rapid increase in population, the dilapidated state of much of the formal housing stock, poor housebuilding performance, misplaced 3 government regulations such as wrongly applied rent control measures, and other factors. 1.2 HISTORY OF PLANNING STRATEGIES THAT HAVE INFLUENCED THE DEVELOPMENT TO DATE The following section describes some of the most critical problems caused by the historically unplanned growth of Bombay. This is not to say that urban planning efforts were never attempted. In fact, several steps were taken from time to time in that direction. 4,5 These have been briefly chronicled below. F16vulu 1.0 PO0WNIOUJNf 130Mj4Y TOWAPL9 111' L6FT: - rTVC 10 PA/-K )5 &D.N6 1f1U ROADL rff6L~(N6l~F/61aN6e51ioN IN 1,1a-f'O/&6~ONLJc. NqAFXJ-r. ON&Y ptr,j4? WtloaS AWI MAM5T AT JUNC11ON OF I M~AINl W~A06: ?&vpnN& Thwfic. 6ffTW.Pl r r-16A IT I. to MAY IN6 6PF,76 j N (tH5 T 6U VC-Hla&5 LVIJ il 1OILY WONveU73 Ttf~u 16 19.AFFI6 6066-6110N e5AN 5'MOFC (tfC- &OAp -NO iAf5ONCP 4-0 M PA6F6A tF~ffPAY. _ 1 HE~ 6b%0Tp tAA'N6 OF - IN IV16 F0W80ID rPAN5sPO6i 5066 FN16P) A~ND tr-AWt 1 i~lS &Ul1t(N MA5 UMANPORT ; 57IF~ - -4Lq OL LuJR9Qi 9 9 N V NOIWkNQ7 5714 L 5%lVU-q cgtkL 4/- W')JS -JJO 20IdOd 9tVO79 910 MGV7 Ayg~~ rqNp)QeO HI .57Wi WPL (;.9114-7dQ4 M91; U2nW LY 5;1 5'WO JO W2 NOIL2O'dL9NQ2 a .m - -U . QN IEEIE I 6P!5;N AM&EA6 A0LANF n fbI~Pl5V60fFNT ON ItO, MAW~4~ F16URU 1-15 -JOT(AIV UN,XYCl78P V106&IN b*p Modak-Meyer Master Plan for Bombay city drawn up. Maharashtra Housing Board established to construct houses for different income levels under various social housing schemes. Nearly 70% of their construction is in Greater Bombay. Bombay Town Planning Act enacted. Barve committee suggested the expansion of the southern tip by reclamation of land and the development of alternative growth centres in the northern tip. Messrs. Wilbur Smith and Associates prepared several road network plans for improving communications. Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act came into force. Development Plan of Greater Bombay prepared and approved by the State Government Bombay Metropolitan Region Planning Board set up. Bombay Building Repairs and Construction Board established as part of the Urban Renewal Scheme. Bombay Repairs Cess established to generate necessary finance for undertaking repairs of old and dilapidated buildings so that conversion of land use and reconstruction could take place and new capital outlays could be utilized to rebuild at desired densities. Maharashtra Slum Improvement Board established because around this time the rapid industrialisation of Bombay led to an influx of migrants into the city in search of employment and this led to the inevitable growth of slum dwellings. 1948 1954 1957 1962 1967 1969 However, none of these plans achieved any notable success and certainly did not lend hope for long range and permanent benefits to all the residents of the city. It was then that the 20-year development plan was prepared by the BMR Planning Board in 1969, the latter being the first to recommend the following: " Development of New Bombay on the mainland across the Thane Creek; " Need for controlling commercial growth in South Bombay; * Creating another sub-centre, towards the north, in a hitherto monocentric city in order to reduce aggregate commuting; and e Control on the establishment of new industries. Following the preparation of the Development Plan in 1975, the BMRDA was set up for coordinating and controlling the various existing activities and local bodies for the growth and development of the BMR. Its main function was to plan for the region as a whole, the orderly development of housing and commercial and industrial activities in 4 Greater Bombay and the mainland. The northern part of the island city did not offer much land for long term agglomeration benefits with the Central Business District to materialize. However, the construction of the BTHL and the subsequent opening up of a vast area on the mainland would give scope for most of the above recommendations to be put into effect. In fact, BMIRDA amd CIDCO have both done a lot of footwork in investing towards this goal of decentralizing Bombay so much so that the connecting link to the mainland is now perhaps the only significant bottleneck to the development of New Bombay. A brief look at the planning manouvers undertaken by CIDCO and BMRDA with a 5,6 view to decentralizing Bombay, reveals that they were in six principal directions: 1.2.1 INDUSTRIAL LOCATION Ever since 1969, severe restrictions have been placed on industrial activity in any part of Greater Bombay, increasing in intensity towards the south. Following this, the State Government's Regional Plan of 1974 made major changes in the industrial location policy, such as restricting and rationalising certain zoning policies. Dispersal and decentralisation were looked upon as major policies with respect to industrial location, for the achieving of which larger incentives (such as augmenting infrastructural facilities) were to be provided. New industrial undertakings were allowed only in New Bombay or in the extended suburbs to the north. However, these policies based upon developing growth centres by the provision of a combination of incentives were not very successful. Growth tended to concentrate in already developed areas of the BMR. It can thus be concluded that, unless a wholesale shifting of industries is made possible and sufficient agglomeration benefits offered, the chances of success towards decongesting the island city would not substantially improve. 1.2.2 OFFICE AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT LOCATION BMRDA made a conscious effort to have a polycentric pattern of job distribution instead of a monocentric one. In particular, it was contemplated that South Bombay should not have any further development unless it was with the objective of deliberately promoting growth elsewhere. With this in view, district centres and suburbs were encouraged to cater to business establishments. It was hoped that New Bombay would become a growth centre with a diversified base. To achieve this in the fastest possible way, BMRDA suggested the shifting of government and semi-government offices to the North and to New Bombay, hoping that the linkages of these establishments would be strong enough to encourage and promote further shifting. It was further hoped that the new port suggested for Nhava on the mainland may help attract much more activity in the future. It was found, however, that the development of the port at Nhava by itself was not enough to persuade the private sector to relocate. Even the relatively low cost of land at Nhava in contrast to that in the CBD in Bombay was not a sufficient incentive for offices to shift there. A brief investigation of the causes reveals that all the locations suggested as new growth centres, have been in remote suburbs. More often than not, these suggested locations have not been able to develop the needed cluster of economic activities which could provide sufficient agglomeration benefits to office establishments. Increasingly, studies showed that the benefits of agglomeration available in the central city outweighed the savings in private costs involved in locating the office elsewhere. As it stands today, the Nhava- Sheva port cannot develop the necessary critical mass to ensure self-sustained growth. This is because the Thane-Creek Bridge has not provided a substantial reduction in commuting time to the CBD though it provides an east-west link to the main city from the mainland. It also did not help direct any of the congestion away from the north- south direction. However, it is hoped that once a southern link is built and areas on the mainland are brought much closer to the CBD in terms of commuting time, agglomeration benefits will soon be evidenced, and effective decentralization can be achieved. EFFI75 70 AT115A6 OI6r&. Shd INDUSIR165 TO Nf&W oolAy. 1.2.3 LOCATION OF WHOLESALE MARKETS This activity causes the maximum amount of population congestion and subsequent traffic obstruction. Most of the wholesale vegetable markets are the open air kind and use a large amount of human labour which occupies an enormous quantity of space. A substantial amount of the traffic obstruction is due to truck traffic which carries products from elsewhere in the country to these markets, most of which are well within the city. Similar conditions exist for non-agricultural produce markets. The Regional Plan of the BMR envisages the shifting of agricultural and nonagricultural produce markets to New Bombay. At present all the wholesale agricultural produce markets are located in and around the South Island City. Unfortunately this already congested region does not possess the physical characteristics to contain a wholesale market. The result is that these wholesale markets are mixed with retail activities and densely populated tenements. The acute shortage of business and warehousing space has led to a steep increase in the cost of space, a large scale conversion from residential to commercial land use, acute lack of parking space, and ever increasing traffic congestion. CIDCO has thus undertaken the phased development of wholesale markets in New Bombay in addition to allocating undeveloped plots to desirous traders. It was estimated through past surveys that wholesale markets together generated a very large number of person trips per day. The impact of the proposed shifting of markets can be gauged from the pattern of outward flow of commodities from the existing markets. Surveys showed that only about 25% of the outward flow was within the island city and 30% was accounted for by the suburbs. Thus, only around half of the total inflow of commodities is for consumption within Greater Bombay. This implies that almost half of the total inflow of commodities need not enter the city at all. The commodities are entering at present only because of the inward central location of the wholesale markets. Thus shifting of the wholesale markets is likely to have a significant positive impact on traffic congestion in the city. To start with, the BTHL would play a similar role as mentioned in the earlier two cases. Because of the geographical constraints, all trucks entering Bombay from outside have to pass through New Bombay. Since only about half of these goods are for consumption within the city of Bombay, around half of the trucks need not enter the city at all but could terminate in New Bombay. The only trucks that would need access to the city are intra-city distribution trucks, catering to the consumption demand within the city itself. Thus New Bombay could handle all inter-city heavy truck traffic, and only smaller intracity distribution trucks would be added to the Bombay traffic instead of the present load of heavy long-distance vehicles. Access to the South Island City would be via a newly constructed southern link and to the North Island City via the TCB. 1.2.4 ADDITIONAL PORTS All the strategies mentioned above would remove the congestion on the Eastern corridor only to an extent, the reason being that the main sources of congestion on this easten stretch of the city are the ports and the port-related activities. The only far reaching solution would be to augment port capacity elsewhere. Thus the government has decided to construct an additional port at Nhava- Sheva, as mentioned earlier. This new port would handle all the overseas trade, and only the internal trade would then need to be handled by Bombay port. Even now, as part of the overall plan for New Bombay, an entire region around the port has been identified for development to contain infrastructure required for the port, areas for port-based industries, housing and commercial activities and various social infrastructure. As already mentioned, however, just the development of the port at Nhava would not be enough for the private sector to relocate. As it stands today the Nhava port cannot develop the necessary critical mass to ensure self-sustained growth. It is only following the development of a sufficient cluster of economic activities by virtue of the link, that sufficient employment can be generated and impetus can be provided to the development of New Bombay. 1.2.5 HOUSING The census data of 1981 estimated the need for 60,000 new housing units in the BMR per year. As against this, the maximum building capability achieved to date has been 25,000 units per year. The following schemes are in operation or at least in the proposal stage to help alleviate housing shortage in the BMR:9 VT6tA Ha TAitU oN PAVfMt1T OF NAJO,6 HIiiMuAY 6ON0108160610FOV IffU WIW&6AI& MWOT Ift OUNIOUN~ J-36M1AY 28 F(6URE M7 PJG'IIL. MAfi3JF75 OR PA~eMEr'NT6 OF -ALff UADY 6LOWO&P t LA TF5. The World Bank inititated and assisted a "Bombay Urban Development Program". This included two programs: e The Slum Upgrading Program, where slum areas mostly in Greater Bombay are proposed to be upgraded by measures such as provision of tenure, improved infrastructure, home improvement loans, etc. e The Low Income Sites and Services Program, which would develop serviced residential, commercial and small industrial plots within a range of existing residential, commercial and industrial activity. MIHADA and CIDCO are following the World Bank example and are developing a number of sites in various extended suburbs. "Habitat India" organised a slum resettlement scheme, which envisaged allocating land to cooperative housing societies to be formed by slum dwellers and surrendering to the Government the land presently occupied by them. As evidenced by the steadily deteriorating condition of Bombay, however, none of these schemes have achieved any significant success, the main reason being that all these schemes tried to achieve the impossible task of accommodating the ever-growing population of Bombay within the narrow confines of the island city itself. Since the space available is very restricted, horizontal expansion could only be very limited. Vertical expansion would still not solve the problem of the over-burdened infrastructure. The overall effect is that residences and workplaces remained as separate as before. Land rents remained just as high toward the centre. Travel costs as a percentage of total consumption kept increasing and net residential area per person was not increasing sufficiently with distance to compensate for this. A vicious circle has thus been formed and, as housing still continues to increase to very high densities within the city, social diseconomies of scale are beginning to be felt strongly. Hopefully, a southern link could trigger off a virtuous circle. Once commuting time to the CBD is substantially reduced, residential decentralization would follow. This of course assumes that locational decisions are based upon travelling time to the CBD. Mutual dependency would then induce employment centres to follow residential development and once the linkage effects begin to be felt, development can be expected to be reasonably rapid. 1.2.6 TRANSPORTATION The first comprehensive investigation involving road traffic in the Bombay area was conducted by Messsrs. Wilbur Smith and Associates in 1962. In their "Bombay Traffic and Transportation Study" they recommended the construction of several freeway and expressway systems. The two most important proposals were the construction of the West Island and the East Island Freeways to provide relief to the western and eastern corridors of the island city. The World Bank also gave aid for "Pedestrian and Traffic Flow Improvement" for schemes such as pedestrian subways, foot over-bridges, widening and extension of roads and bridges, etc. All these measures were aimed, however, at improving conditions within the city in O F T416 UJOMST 6L()6U (N D0M6A 31 (PHA;>Avj) flOL~IVNC & NAt' -'ALY LLW6AIi~~~if !511 5 FM656' VE'OPX- To biv5- UN"~o' 11LFJ$VN7!5 LdIN NON6& 1hr, YPWpjT6 32 --HOU5tN(& ON PITION5 I NTftF t5NUhf sx--MOM ABIWIN& L6OAWION i6'Vw P25 order to accommodate the existing traffic in the best possible way. None of these helped in diverting any of the traffic elsewhere. The construction of the BTHL in conjunction with these earlier measures, however, would substantially help in redistributing traffic loads in a more efficient manner. Moreover, if New Bombay is to develop as planned, it would seem logical to establish major links between Bombay and the Mainland. As already mentioned, the first and only link to date between the city is the Thane-Creek Bridge, which opened to traffic in 1972. This bridge creates a northern link, connecting the respective northern areas of the island city and the mainland. The carrying capacity of the bridge has, however, reached saturation over the past decade. For accelerated development of New Bombay, a link with the southern areas of the mainland is obviously required. This link would have to cater to the differing travel demand created by the planned decentralization of economic activities from Bombay to New Bombay. The traffic survey made by CRRI estimated that such a 7 southern link would carry a load of around 90,000 PCU's by year 2001. Points 1 through 6 above show the advantages of constructing a link connecting the respective southern portions of the island and the mainland from many different angles. Many of these are social benefits, always difficult to quantify and express in monetary terms. Different ways of capturing these benefits are discussed later in this thesis. Chapter 2 BTHL: THE SOUTHERN LINK BETWEEN THE ISLAND AND THE MAINLAND "BTHL" is an abbreviation for the proposed Bombay Trans-Harbour Link Project. The proposed project cost was established, in a feasibility study conducted in 1982-83 by an international consortium of consultants led by Peter Fraenkel and Consultants (UK), and including Premier Consultants (India), Christiani and Nielson A/s (Denmark), and Dr. Helmut Homberg (West Germany). In December 1983, the Steering Group of the Government of Maharashtra appointed Tata Economic Consultancy Services (TECS) to carry out a study on the economic feasibility and environmental aspects of the proposed Trans-Harbour communication link between Bombay and the Mainland. Subsequently a financial study of the same project was also carried out by TECS. The results of both these analyses were not quite satisfactory from the Government's point of view. It was felt that a broader environmental impact analysis of the project would be needed. The analysis done by the author in this thesis, endeavours to look at the project from the broader viewpoint of the economy as a whole and it demonstrates a new approach for the analysis of transport projects. The BTHL comprises of a 16 kilometers long road bridge of reinforced concrete construction spanning the Thane Creek between Sewree in the south of the island city and Nhava in the south of the mainland. The benefits due to the project are assumed to arise mainly on account of the quick and easy access which it will provide between Bombay and the mainland. The opening up of large areas of land for housing would in fact constitute the most important benefit of the link and is especially significant in relieving the acute F16UE LEE0ND DIAII&AT 11 SAV5DNB.K4 0-10 KMS 917-9 10-20 KM +62- 120-SO Aus 88-6 OVER3o0Aow' L-__ - - CITY 12 1-9 - -- - s - - - - MAINLAND D15TAMCE .5AVING5 AfF08PED pY T"E 5THL 5OMBAY ME TROPOLITAN REGO4 (CALG +MILES 1) 2'01 population pressure in Greater Bombay. The link would thus provide a new geographical focus for the development of Bombay and its environs thereby easing the various problems associated with congestion that have arisen on account of the city's haphazard and unplanned growth. The Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) estimates the traffic on the BTHL to be 92,000 vehicles in year 2001, which is the year when the BTHL is expected to be 7 commissioned for use. The CRRI states that this will save an estimated 17 kms per traveller per trip, thus saving an estimated 85 million litres of fuel annually. It is the southern part of New Bombay where a large number of hectares of land are available for housing, which will benefit most in terms of commuting time by the construction of the link. From this point, the total commuting time to the central business district in the city will be on an average 90 minutes. 9 The basic assumptions underlying the appraisal of the BTHL Project are: 1. Construction of the bridge will commence in 1991 and will be complete by the end of year 2000; 2. The East Island Freeway and the Sewree Expressway will be constructed by the year 2000; and 3. In the absence of the project, economic activities on the mainland will take place in accordance with CIDCO's plan for New Bombay, which has been developed without accounting for the link. The BTHL will accelerate the development of such activities, thereby generating economic value in the Bombay region. The economic costs of the project as computed by Messrs. Peter Fraenkel and Consultants were estimated basically under two heads, costs of construction of the BTHL and costs of operations and maintainence. The NetPresent Value of the total costs discounted at 12% to the year 1990 works out to be = US $110.41 million. The entire exercise of estimating the benefits and costs was done using shadow prices, or opportunity costs which represent the value of benefits foregone when resources are shifted from one process to another productive activity. A Standard Conversion Factor (SCF) of 0.8 was chosen to convert all relevant to their economic values, based on the procedure commonly adopted by the World Bank.1 The same procedure is also adopted for calculating benefits at economic prices. The methods used by Tata Economic Consultancy Services for calculating the project benefits, as well as the new approach used by the author for the same are both described in the subsequent chapters of this thesis. The government will undertake the construction of the BTHL, subject to arriving at a satisfactory solution to all the following conditions: 1. Optimum location and capacity for the road link. 2. Most appropriate form for the crossing taking into view the following factors: Possibilities of widening of the road crossing to accommodate a future capacity estimate of 90,000 PCU's per hour; Environmental impacts during and after construction; Suitability from the point of view of Shipping, Defence and Aviation; and 3. Advice on the cost-benefit analysis and implementation of the project, taking into view recommendations on possible ways of financing the project and means of recovering the project costs through tolls or user fees. The engineering feasibility of the project has been conclusively established by the earlier consultants. This includes points 1 and 2 mentioned above. 1Foreign exchange is scarce. It is thus worth more than what would be given by the official exchange rate in terms of domestic resources. The Bank contends that the UNIDO method of pricing goods domestically at border prices and inflating the foreign exchange by applying a foreign exchange rate premium to it,tends to embarrass governments, since the method shows that the domestic economy has been overvalued. The Bank thus adopts an alternative method, by which all prices are measured such that the denominator is not domestic currency but the domestic equivalent of foreign currency. Thus, instead of applying a premium to the foreign exchange, you apply a Standard Conversion Factor (SCF) to domestic prices. Since the World Bank contends that the foreign exchange premium for India is = 1.25, the SCF which would bring the domestic prices in appropriate balance with the true value of foreign exchange, would be 1/1.25 = 0.8. Thus, all economic benefits and costs would equal financial benefits and costs times 0.8. This thesis, provides at least a partial answer to point 3. Its main emphasis is on the identification and quantification of overall benefits to society. However, it chooses not to deal with the issue of recovering project costs through pricing techniques. To do so would require the compilation of another detailed document and is beyond the scope of this thesis. 2.1 WHY IS BTHL DESIRABLE FROM THE PLANNER'S POINT OF VIEW? Given the above background, an obvious solution to the decongestion of the island city lies in locating housing not in Greater Bombay, but in the rest of the BMR. The available locations would thus be either toward the north or in New Bombay. The northern locations as previously noted are handicapped by the long commuting time to the city which is in excess of two hours. This leaves New Bombay as the only efficient solution to Bombay's needs for expanding and absorbing more land. The northern region of New Bombay is already served by the Thane- Creek Bridge, and the central and eastern regions by the East- West Railway Corridor. The southern half of New Bombay will however benefit most by the BTHL in terms of lower commuting time. Average commuting time between the southern half of the mainland and the CBD on the island will then be restricted to 90 minutes on average. Thus in terms of average radial distance to the CBD the overall city size would be actually getting smaller, and resources would then be used more efficiently. The more the urban boundary expands, more will be the social diseconomies of scale to be felt in Bombay. Seen in this perspective, the BTHL project will not merely provide the most efficient solution to Bombay's acute accommodation problem, but it would also be the most viable solution open to the city. As said before, in the absence of this project, Bombay's growing population will have only two equally unpalatable alternatives open. One would be to expand into the farflung suburbs in the BMR, outside of Greater Bombay from where commuting to work in the CBD would be synonymous with long distance travel. A second alternative would be to remain within already congested regions, in which case, population densities would rise well above normally accepted ceilings. The demand for social amenities would fall well above the capacity of the city's already overburdened infrastructure to supply it. This would also mean the quality of life for vast numbers of the city's population would deteriorate to unacceptable levels. There is of course a third, albeit theoretical alternative, which is perhaps open only to more developed countries. In these countries, social diseconomies of scale would induce a dispersal of population and jobs to other cities and towns. This is however unlikely to have much validity in the case of Bombay. Developing countries have, almost by definition, a much narrower range of alternative industrial agglomerations available to choose from, if for no other reason than that industrial development is itself so limited in scope and intensity. Secondly, any progress made in creating jobs, or even residential accommodation in dispersed locations is frequently eroded by a rapid growth in the country's population. A large amount of land would thus have to be opened at one time in order that bulk shifting of various sectors could be achieved, and agglomeration benefits would soon start to be felt. 2.1.1 ENVISAGED DEVELOPMENT SCENARIO Both SICOM and MIDC have long discussed creating "Counter Magnets" elsewhere in the state of Maharashtra as a solution to the situation in Bombay. But despite considerable discussion on this topic and some measure of success, this is still an uphill task at a practical level. The experience of Vashi node showed for example that an isolated development has the danger of ultimately degenerating into a mere "dormitory township". One possible solution would be to have integrated development where New Bombay and Greater Bombay develop together, complementing each other and functioning as one large single metropolis. This would also give New Bombay a chance to develop the needed cluster of economic activities since it would be in close proximity to Bombay, the nearest industrial agglomeration. The BTHL could provide this organic link, where both the island city and the mainland could contain residential and commercial development so that people would be commuting both ways. Only through such uniform, two-way traffic flows would distant industrial areas receive an all round stimulus. In this manner Bombay would be able to escape its geographical constraints, and develop radially instead of being forced to develop into a linear corridor. The identification and quantification of the precise benefits of such a development scenario is, as said earlier, relatively difficult, in many cases necessitating the use of subjective judgement. The various methods followed for these tasks are discussed in the following chapters. F1609F3~ Q202 A MAWI 6MfI-MiA,~A fPAOCT jEc 6OIUZA710N clN 1IfU NiA[NLAIP P-160UP 2'0.4 fp(e5UF 20c4 T1IP MAINLANQ I00?i 1o t At., Poe/vi5 !5~N iN lHc; ro4e:&PovNP> IN CON 14t57 2 uW55.NOW ftl15 -,oN:57MV6(oN OF I I&LV 6-41 - 6P~~~Wc~f' N~ow~7(N ~ ii6WPA~ 01I 4r~- !PI6PR f'c25 I 60WA&bD UF?0K7 Y?/ 1fF 6 N38 T 70 AS-057MU(C1 t4(LCW -INafflFt -fY6VVM & ON 1&F MjAINLW t=)6VAi 2,07 _0VIjf&N~ 7 pfFoI37r 10 -A71p,.46r PtFOPWd 70 1ftt MAiNP WvN Lkz &It ; rAjf4LV W6aVA v OFo O a0F -A AM gov'IONIor0 Watt ZK/ 6::11/ - N4AY6 TVt L . afV1 6aT~ AN6 1 flLOW. Chapter 3 A LOOK AT THE FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE BTHL DONE BY TATA ECONOMIC CONSULTANCY SERVICES. Sections 3.1 and 3.3 of the following chapter briefly discuss the most traditional methods that have been used to evaluate the benefits of transportation projects such as the BTHL. Part I looks at the traditional economic analysis as carried out by TECS whereas Part II looks at the financial analysis, also done by TECS. Measuring of financial costs and benefits is usually a fairly uncontroversial issue, since monetary profitability to the project entity is the only measure for determining financial viability. In case of an economic analysis, where project viability is determined by the 'welfare maximization' accruing to the economy as a whole, measuring the economic costs of a project is substantially simpler than measuring its economic benefits and can usually be limited to making adjustments in the actual expenses to the extent that they do not adequately reflect real economic costs. This thesis does not concern itself with the calculation of costs. The emphasis rather is on the various methodologies used for the identification and quantification of benefits which are then weighed against the costs earlier calculated by Messrs. Peter Fraenkel and Consultants. Sections 3.2 and 3.4 of the following chapter deal with the question of why the measurement of benefits is such a controversial and difficult issue. In view of these difficulties, each part proceeds to critique the traditional methodologies used to date. These methodologies have been discussed in the specific context of the Bombay Trans-Harbour Link Project. The following chapter presents a new modelling technique for the same purpose. It is shown to overcome quite a few of the difficulties experienced in the methods presented in Chapter 3. 3.1 ECONOMIC APPRAISAL OF THE BTHL PROJECT AS DONE BY TECS The Steering Group of the Government of Maharashtra wished to have a study conducted with regard to a social cost-benefit analysis of the BTHL Project. The terms of reference stated the need to examine the 'socio-economic' and 'environmental' aspects of the proposed link on the society or economy as a whole. Hence, the present study, done by Tata Economic Consultancy Services in March 1985.9 Part I of this chapter describes the methodology as carried out by TECS, which was on very traditional lines. This methodology, described in the following pages is based mainly on desk research about economic benefit-cost methodologies including past investigations on relevant topics, and certain basic data from the previous consultants' reports. Part II of this chapter offers a critique of this methodology with respect to some of the more obvious flaws. 3.1.1 IDENTIFICATION OF BENEFITS OF TRANSPORT PROJECTS The study revealed that the economic benefits arising out of transport projects such as the BTHL are generally more difficult to measure than their corresponding costs. This is mostly because many of the benefits are such that there are no corresponding market prices available. A good example is the benefit derived due to savings in time which is difficult to measure because the savings take place over a fairly long time horizon which necessitates fairly long range forecasts to be made. The same is true about the quantification of many other benefits. The most commonly observed benefits arising from transport projects as stated in the consultants' report encompass the following: - Reduced Operating Expenses In Areas Now Served By A New Facility These are perhaps the only benefits of transport projects easily measurable in monetary terms. These mainly arise from items such as fuel savings, maintainence, depreciation, etc. These can be directly measured as the difference between the 'With Project' scenario and the 'Without Project' scenario. 46 Stimulus To Economic Development Now Served By The New Facility These benefits can be measured in terms of the net value of additional output arising from the provision of a transport facility. The difficulty, however, is in judging how much of the stimulus to economic development can be allocated to transport and how much to other complementary investments. Again, the best way of doing this is with the help of the "With" and the "Without" Project scenarios, even though in doing so, a considerable amount of value judgement is involved. Savings In Time For Passengers And Freight These are comparatively more difficult to identify and measure. The valuation of savings in time is a function of the opportunity costs involved. Moreover, the type of externalities that would arise would depend upon the amount of time saved on account of the new facility in relation to original trip duration. If this is substantial, then one could quantify benefits such as bringing new areas into easy commuting distance of workplaces, and making it possible for existing commuters to enjoy more leisure time. There would be an opportunity cost,"t", the time saved if it were substantial enough to pursue other meaningful activity, even leisure. The valuation of these commodities could be done through the computation of 'Aggregate Consumption Benefits'. Reductions In Accidents And Damage These arise only in certain kinds of transport projects, for example, the result of widening an existing highway into a dual carriageway. The most obvious difficulty in the measuring of this benefit is that it involves judgements on the value of human life, always a highly controversial issue. Increased Convenience And Comfort The TECS study stated that these benefits are unlikely to be of a magnitude large enough to affect the economic viability of most kinds of transport projects. Though some of these are not directly quantifiable, they can all be said to give rise to positive externalities. Quantification would thus be largely a value judgement involving the internalization of the associated externalities. 3.1.2 BENEFITS SPECIFIC TO THE BTHL PROJECT The TECS study revealed that the most obvious benefits from the construction of the BTHL would arise mainly on account of the quick and easy access which it will provide between Bombay and the mainland. Provision of such an access would result in savings in commuting time across the harbour and therefore cost. It would also help accelerate the industrial and socio-economic development of the mainland. The anticipated aversion of the housing crisis has already been elaborated upon earlier. Thus, substantial benefits could flow to the region's economy from the generation of value added by industries, provision of employment opportunities, availability of additional housing, resource savings in transportation, etc., all of which will have a favourable impact on the island city in terms of decongestion of all civic services. Indirect benefits which can perhaps be described only in qualitative terms would include benefits such as environmental benefits due to decongestion of Bombay city, improvement of the quality of life of residents on the island and the mainland, reduction in pollution, social development of the mainland, etc. These would be much more difficult to quantify than the directly felt ones. Prima facie, therefore, the study identified the principal benefits of the BTHL Project as accruing from savings in vehicle operating expenses, stimulus to the industrial development of the region, and savings in time. The following few pages discuss the methodology followed by Tata Economic Consultancy Services for the identification and quantification of these benefits. Following this, 3.4 of the same chapter, critiques this methodology used by TECS. Chapter IV then provides an insight into a new method for the identification and quantification of transport benefits. 3.1.3 IDENTIFICATION OF BENEFITS Savings In Vehicle Operating Expenses The BTHL would substantially reduce the distance and provide quicker access between Bombay city and Nhava-Sheva on the mainland for both long distance as well as intra-hinterland traffic. As compared to the existing alternative of using the Thane-Creek Bridge, there will be benefits accruing directly and immediately, such as savings on fuel, and some indirectly and after some time such as savings in vehicle maintainence. CRRI surveys showed that long distance traffic, all of which presently uses the Thane-Creek Bridge, would form a substantial component of the traffic on the new bridge. From the mainland south of Nhava to the city south of Sewri, the reduction in trip length would be about 17 kms. The total savings in fuel and maintainence costs would thus depend upon the projections of such traffic for the coming decades, through the use of a traffic model, and then calculating the savings by comparing the "With" and "Without" Project 9 scenarios. Such projections would then have to take into account the following: 1. The location of the proposed port at Nhava-Sheva, which would itself generate and divert a certain amount of traffic from Bombay Port; 2. In addition to long distance traffic, social and economic developments on the mainland will necessitate interaction between the city and the mainland which will generate traffic movement across the harbour; and 3. The proposed location of the new international airport in New Bombay, will also generate new two-way traffic. Value Added In Industry With the construction of the proposed link, it is envisaged that new areas will be "opened up" for industrial location, especially in the south and the south-east of the lower half of New Bombay. The link will bring such areas closer to Bombay and make possible active interaction between the city and the mainland. Past experience reveals that the Thane-Creek Bridge proved to be an indispensable link between Bombay and the MIDC industrial belt on the Thane-Belapur road, and between Bombay and New Bombay itself. Though undoubtedly a few industries had already been established even before the construction of the Thane-Creek Bridge, most of the speedy development took place only after the project was sanctioned. The BTHL would have the same basic advantages in as much as the areas would become much more accessible and travelling time would be cut substantially. Most of the industries postulated to come here are in the nature of expansion or diversification of already existing Bombay based companies, for whom communication with the city would be a distinct advantage. Further advantages would be easy access to Bombay's market, to the various sources of raw material and skilled manpower, and to the excellent communication facilities. These are what were described before as the agglomeration benefits. Bombay is the administrative capital of the state of Maharashtra as well as the financial capital of the country. Thus, even for virgin companies to be located in New Bombay, the existence of such a nearby metropolis would be a distinct advantage, and interaction with this metropolis could be considered an inevitable stimulus to growth. In addition these new industries would have a concentration of skilled manpower to draw on from population centres in the CIDCO region or otherwise. On this basis, industrial development is estimated within and without the immediate borders of the BMR. Ideally, the construction of this link would induce the development of specific growth centres in this area with MIDC providing basic infrastructure. Favourable conditions for setting up new industries already exist in the southern part of the mainland within the BMR. With plentiful utilities likely to be available in this area, and with the advantage of the Nhava- Sheva Port in the vicinity, the region has a considerable potential for development. In addition, there is already a large demand for industrial areas. To the extent that part of this development can be identified as being mainly on account of the link, it would be considered as an external benefit of the link project which can then be valued and internalized. The contribution of these industries to the gross national income could be valued as the difference between benefits gained in the "With" and "Without" Project scenarios, and attributing the incremental benefits to the link. The net benefit to society from the link would then be the value added, net of all additional costs of infrastructure, land development, and related facilities - without which the incremental benefit would not be realized. The consultants' report however, stated the difficulty of the need to rely on value judgement in order to forecast the levels of value added under different assumptions. Observed trends in existing industrial area were used by the consultants as a guideline for this exercise. Savings In Time The consultants' study identifies the benefits due to savings in time as follows. The most positive externality of the link would be to bring a large area on the mainland within reasonable commuting time of the island city. This would have the very important effect of reducing some of the pressure of housing in Bombay which would otherwise reach unreasonably high levels at the end of the century. Admittedly, some of the residential areas of the BMR are scheduled to be developed independently of the Link Project. The main contributions of the link to these projects would be to improve accessibility, and subsequently to stimulate the development of these areas so that the construction of residences would take place at a more rapid pace. Further, the link would lend a significant appreciation to land and property values on the mainland, especially regions in close proximity to the link and in hitherto inaccessible regions in the southern part of the BMR. This latter contribution, i.e. the appreciation in property values, is then assumed to be the reflection of the social value of benefits of agglomeration, which was made possible by the link. This is to say that, in the absence of the link, residential areas in most of New Bombay would be poorly connected to the island city in terms of commuting time. The residents would then feel a comparatively poor identification with the megalopolis that is Bombay, especially its commercial centre, the southern tip of the island. As the "Without Project" scenario outlined earlier shows, the anticipated increase in Bombay's population by the turn of the century is phenomenal, totalling around 20 million by 2001 A.D. There will be little choice other than to live in the suburbs on the virtual periphery of feasible commuting time from the city. In this situation, New Bombay, especially its southern regions, would be no more attractive to the commuter than the distant suburbs of Greater Bombay. The 'critical mass' of people that is needed to develop a CBD would then be denied or at least delayed to New Bombay. This would give rise to yet another vicious circle, in which the growth and development of the entire region would be more uneven. In Bombay, a broad inverse relationship is seen to exist between property values and system commuting time and thus commuting costs. This empirical correspondence was used by the consultants to determine the various property values on the island city. These observed rates in different localities were then applied to areas on the mainland which were at comparable system travel times. These property rates which can be charged on the mainland were then assumed to be the "consumer's willingness to pay" which formed a measure of the housing benefits or indirectly of the benefits due to savings in time. 3.1.4 QUANTIFICATION OF BENEFITS For the purposes of this critique, only the methodology of quantification of the housing benefits has been elaborated upon, since this involves the maximum amount of subjectivity. As said before, to quantify the housing benefits the consultants mainly concerned themselves with the benefits accruing due to savings in time. "Savings in time" are taken to be of consequence only in as much as they make it possible to 'open up' large amounts of land on the mainland chiefly for residential dwellings, within reasonable commuting time of the island city. Housing opportunities will accrue from the expectation that the link will accelerate the housing development in New Bombay. The 'social value' of these 'time savings' is therefore the value of 'provision of new housing within reasonable commuting time' measured in terms of 'aggregate consumption' i.e. in terms of "consumer's willingness to pay". The "consumers" were assumed to be the people who are expected to occupy the newly opened up areas on the mainland. To measure the net benefits two scenarios "With Project" and "Without Project" were considered. A much faster rate of development was assumed for the "With Project" situation. Also, since the commuting time to the city will be much lower with the link, it was assumed that the valuation placed by society on such housing, will be much higher with the link than without it. The difference in the 'willingness to pay' between the two scenarios is taken to be the net benefits due to housing directly attributable to the link. 3.1.5 METHODOLOGY OF QUANTIFICATION "Consumer's willingness to pay" was estimated by using as proxy the prevalent rates in the northern suburbs of Bombay which are located within comparable commuting time of the CBD in South Bombay for corresponding areas on the mainland. This is done for both the "With Project" and the "Without Project" situations and the difference calculated between the two. The following modes of travel between Bombay city and the mainland are . then assumed for the two scenarios: 9,10 "With Project" scenario: : Bus Mass transport Public transport : Car - via the East Island Freeway. - via the BTHL. - via the East Island Freeway. - via the BTHL. "Without Project" scenario: : Rail Mass transport Bus : Car Public transport - via the East-West Corridor. via the East Island Freeway. via the East Island Freeway. via the Sewree Expressway. via the Thane Creek Bridge. The rates for housing in the comparable suburbs of the island city were obtained through a survey of flat owners and through informal discussions with officials of the "Flat Owners' Association" and the "Housing Development Finance Corporation" (HDFC) in Bombay, and therefore assumed to be fairly accurate. The following assumptions were then made for the quantification of these housing benefits: 9 1. Net Residential Area = 44% of the Gross Area for Residential Development; 2. The estimated benefits are expected to accrue from the acceleration in housing development only in the southern half of New Bombay, which totals 2500 ha. This is because the link is not assumed to benefit the northern half of New Bombay as much in terms of commuting time. Thus, this estimate about the pace of housing development in the CIDCO regions is at best a conservative estimate, since the total amount of residential land thrown open by CIDCO in New Bombay totals 7000 ha within the political boundaries of the BMR, in addition to a considerable area in the immediate vicinity. 3. For middle income housing, 'willingness to pay' is based on the travel time for mass transport and for high income housing it is based upon the travel time for private transport. The study did not include the benefits arising out of areas earmarked for sites and services. Since these areas account for a substantial portion of the CIDCO region, the study in fact omitted a substantial portion of the economic benefits. Given all the restrictions imposed on the quantification of benefits, the aggregate benefits must be regarded as a very conservative estimate. On the basis of the above assumptions, the total economic benefits for middle and high income housing were calculated separately, for the "With" and "Without" Project scenarios and discounted to the present using a discount rate of 12%.2 The difference in the present values in the two scenarios came out to be US $149.57 million. This can be termed as the financial benefit of the BTHL Project. A standard conversion factor of 0.8, prescribed by the World Bank for the current year was used to convert financial prices to economic prices. The report stated that this this economic benefit which came out to be US $119.66 million was a very conservative estimate. The corresponding costs as computed by Messrs. Peter Fraenkel and Consultants are US $110.41 million also at 1990 constant prices. 3.2 A CRITIQUE OF THE ECONOMIC APPRAISAL DESCRIBED IN PART 3.3 The critique which follows has its basis in the principles of social benefit-cost analysis which need to be satisfied. These can be described as follows. 3.2.1 Principles Of Social Benefit-Cost Analysis12 All countries, especially developing countries, are faced with the problem of allocating resources efficiently in order to achieve their fundamental objectives which include the maximization of economic growth, more equitable distribution of income, development of backward regions, etc. 2Refer to Appendix A for tables A.1 through A.8 which demonstrate the calculations done by Tata Economic Consultancy Services regarding the economic benefits arising from housing and resource savings in transportation. Irrespective of the scope or magnitude of this objective, some kind of trade-off must clearly exist. A country cannot have more of everything at the same time. A choice has to be made for competing ends. "Social or Economic Benefit-Cost Analysis" is a method of presenting this choice conveniently, in terms of a common denominator. In terms of this 'denominator', which is the discount rate, if the benefits exceed the costs the project can be accepted. If not, it must be rejected. In a purely financial analysis of a proposed project, monetary 'profitability' is the only measure for determining its viability. "Social Benefit-Cost Analysis" uses a different measure, which could be described as "the estimated effect of a project on the fundamental objectives of the economy". This analysis values 'costs' and 'benefits' differently. Financial prices can then not be utilized for the analysis. Thus, the fundamental principles of economic analysis can be described as follows: It is necessary to go into the question of what prices represent in terms of real resource costs or gains to the economy in relation to fundamental objectives. This is the principle of 'shadow prices', which in practice differs substantially from that of 'financial prices'. Shadow prices are defined as the increase or decrease in welfare resulting from any marginal change in the availability of commodities or factors of production. In practice, valuation of these welfare changes is synonymous with the estimation of "Social Opportunity Costs", which are the outputs or returns foregone in alternative uses. In what ways the economic analysis described earlier fails to satisfy these basic principles is elaborated in the following pages. This economic appraisal as carried out by TECS, has been critiqued in view of the objectives mentioned earlier. Given the definition of economic costs and benefits, they are perforce to be valued differently than in a financial analysis. An economic analysis should be concerned with "welfare maximization" and all economic benefits and costs should thus have been valued in terms of their welfare implications to the economy. In this case, inevitably it would require a fairly clean judgement about the fundamental objectives which the city of Bombay is facing today. Instead of this, we find that the identification and quantification of economic benefits and costs has been restricted mainly to users. For example, resource savings in transportation are attributed only to the users of the BTHL because of the distance saved in commuting. However the study completely ignores the fact that there will also be resource savings to the residents of Bombay city, chiefly due to the reduction of congestion in the main north-south length of the city. Savings in time will form a large component of these resource savings. As a second example, the project's welfare impact with respect to housing benefits can best be approximated in terms of "aggregate consumption", usually estimated in terms of the "consumer's willingness to pay". As said before, this concept of "willingness to pay" is a convenient means of valuing a variety of disparate benefits into a single index of aggregate consumption. Thus the contribution of any commodity to society's aggregate welfare is ultimately a function of the aggregate willingness of consumers to pay for it. The economic argument presented above, thus takes a biased perspective. In the first place, the term 'consumer' is defined narrowly and taken to mean only the people now occupying the newly developed areas on the mainland. The analysis however does not take into account the change in the welfare measure or the utility accruing to the individuals or the consumers in the city of Bombay. If done correctly, the "aggregate consumption" should include changes in consumption on the mainland as well as those on the island city. For example, though the total rental income on the mainland may increase, the rental income from Bombay city alone may decrease since the prices on the island city would drop after some of the demand shifts to New Bombay, thus changing the overall rental structure. Thus the aggregate rental income may increase or decrease, subsequently causing a corresponding change in the aggregate income, and the individual utility will accordingly change. This will give rise to another subsequent difficulty. 57 In the analysis, to estimate "consumer's willingness to pay" existing suburbs or locations which are within system travel times comparable to travel distances in the "With" and "Without" Project scenarios were selected. Existing property rates of the comparable suburbs on the island were then applied to corresponding areas on the mainland. However, the study ignores that these are 'Marginal Rate Transactions', i.e., if the supply of housing were to be sizeably increased due to the opening up of the mainland by the link, then the rates on the island city which have been used for comparative purposes would decline. Thus property values on the island would not be a correct measure of the consumer's willingness to pay on the mainland. In short, therefore, one could say that the main disadvantage of such an approach is that it does not implicitly encompass environmental benefits such as the decongestion of the island (whether absolute or relative) and the subsequent improved quality of life. This is a serious omission, since a major premise in the consideration of the link project, is the extent to which it will have favourable environmental impacts on the island city as well as on the mainland. The study has assumed in fact that these benefits of increased convenience and comfort, are unlikely to be of a magnitude large enough to affect the economic viability of the project. In reality, however, directly or indirectly the link can be expected to act as a catalyst to the development of the BMR as a whole. This externality of the link, needs to be 15 valued and internalized. The consultants' report has also included 'value added due to industry' as a major part of the benefits due to the BTHL Project. The argument made by the consultants is that the construction of the link would induce the development of specific growth centres in the New Bombay area, and to the extent that this can be identified as being mainly on account of the link, it could be considered as an external benefit of the link project. approach could be criticized for a number of reasons. Such an Most importantly, it would be difficult to know how much of the increased output is attributable to the improvements in transport made by the BTHL, and how much to other complementary investment. In the second place, by the norms of traditional macro-economic theory, an investment project such as the BTHL would not be considered to produce any sizeable benefits. This is because of the following reason. The BTHL would perhaps facilitate the location of industries on the mainland. However, even if the locational decision of an industry is influenced by the BTHL, it does not necessarily mean the industry, in its new location, contributes anything more to the economy or to the Gross National Product of the country than it did before. Counting the benefits due to value added by industry as a result of increased output per worker, is thus a very indirect method and would involve too much value judgement. Thus, the correct methodology of quantification of the benefits would be to take into account the benefits directly accruing to each individual in the city. The quantification of indirect benefits however, becomes a very subjective exercise, and prone to errors. All of this is however not the fault of the project analyst, but it is an essential drawback in the traditional methodology of economic appraisal. Some of society's objectives that are being considered in this specific context unfortunately cannot easily be incorporated into social prices, such as for example, reducing congestion and coping with further influx of workers in cities. Though such objectives are no less a legitimate concern for the government, it is beyond the scope of the techniques used to date to place a value on such goods. Though an attempt has been made to measure these non-quantifiable economic benefits by comparing the "With" and the "Without" Project scenarios, the net benefit so computed would still not include all the non-quantifiable benefits. Indeed, in some cases even if the net benefits do not present an overtly favourable picture, it is possible that the loss may be compensated for by the non-quantifiable benefits that society needs. The economic analysis presented here makes it very difficult to compare such desirable but non-measurable social objectives against finite cost figures. It is thus easy to underestimate the net benefits or costs by ignoring external or linkage effects. The most that can be done in this technique is to make a rough estimate of the net external impact that the project will have and try to include that in the appraisal. This would however become a very subjective exercise. Summarizing this critique of the economic appraisal of the BTHL Project, the most serious drawback occurring throughout the analysis could be described as follows. All changes in unit prices (land, travel) or changes in supply (land) that in turn order changes in prices must be evaluated through a demand curve, such as the one shown on the following page. However, we find that the calculations done by Tata Economic Consultancy Services are not developed from the principle of "demand analysis". The analysis therefore becomes faulty since the future demand is not adequately forecast. 3.3 A NOTE ON THE FINANCIAL APPRAISAL OF THE BTHL PROJECT The purpose of a financial analysis is to determine whether a project entity is likely to be financially viable, or likely to meet its financial obligations to produce a reasonable return on the capital invested. The financial analysis thus focuses on the costs and revenues of a project entity which may be responsible for the project, and is usually summarized by the entity's income and cash flow statements and its balance sheets. The basic assumptions underlying the appraisal of the BTHL Project is similar in both the financial and economic appraisals. Subsequent to the economic appraisal, the Steering Group of the Government of Maharashtra wished to have a study to appraise the costs and revenues that would accrue to the Government if the BTHL were to be constructed. This study as carried out by the appointed body, Tata Economic Consultancy Services in September 1985 is briefly presented below. 0 In estimating the benefits of the project, two alternative scenarios, "With" and "Without" Project were postulated. Relevant benefits were taken to be the difference in the figures in the two scenarios. These are thus the 'net' or the 'incremental' benefits of the project. The project benefits were identified as follows: Rental Levies These apply to lands leased for residential and industrial purposes on the newly developed portions of the mainland. Sales Tax Proceeds Incremental revenues under this head were estimated only by the value of increased industrial production which the link would facilitate and on which a minimum levy of 4% was applied. Toll Receipts An average toll of Rs.10/vehicle was applied to all "external" traffic likely to use the bridge. This "external" traffic referred essentially to long distance traffic whose origin or destination was outside Greater Bombay. The following assumptions were made in the estimation of these benefits: Regarding Rental Levies Prevailing rentals in the CBD were taken as the maximum rate that could be levied in the "With Project" scenario, and lower rates were arbitrarily chosen for the "Without Project" scenario. Although the bridge is scheduled to open in the year 2001, it was expected that housing and industrial development would commence earlier, on account of the 'anticipated' benefit of time and distance savings afforded by the BTHL. Hence two situations were postulated: In the first one it was assumed that the development of land and infrastructure as well as the resultant rental benefits will commence midway through the construction phase of the project. The second more conservative scenario assumed that development on the mainland would commence only in the year that the BTHL was ready for operation. Regarding Sales Tax Proceeds Incremental tax proceeds on consumption goods were not considered since it was assumed that consumption patterns would remain unchanged with or without the Project. Regarding Toll Receipts "Internal" Traffic between Bombay and New Bombay was not considered for the purposes of toll, as this was thought to amount to double-counting of benefits. This was because, higher the toll levied for using the bridge, lower would be the appreciation of land values on the mainland and hence the receipt from rental levies. It was however, recognized that in practice, it would be difficult to implement the levy of toll for only external vehicles using the bridge. The consultants' report stated that the rental levies formed a maximum proportion of the benefits. A sensitivity analysis wherein tolls and sales-tax receipts were excluded, indicated only a marginal fall in the worth of the project. 3.4 A CRITIQUE OF THE FINANCIAL APPRAISAL DESCRIBED IN PART 3.1 3.4.1 The Methodology In General This type of methodology uses financial or monetary profitability as the only measure for determining project viability. Often however, a project could be necessary in order to serve the fundamental objectives of the economy. Such a project is normally called a "public good". These types of projects should almost by definition be concerned with 'welfare maximization' and thus especially for public goods all benefits and costs should be valued in terms of their welfare implications for the economy. Thus monetary profitability would not be the right or only criteria on which to base an investment decision, especially as said before for a "public good". In the language of economics, one could say that the financial analysis is very narrow by definition, because the profits or the costs to one enterprise do not represent real gains or losses or rather real resource costs or benefits to the economy as a whole to the extent that workable competition does not prevail in major sectors of the economy. Thus market prices are often not enough by which to value a good. 3.4.2 Specific Drawbacks With The Identification And Quantification Of Financial Benefits In The Case Of The BTHL Toll Receipts Limiting the measured benefits to tolls paid presupposes that the benefits of the link are confined solely to the actual users of the BTHL. This is actually not the case. Since the link is intended to promote the dispersal of Bombay's population, the greater the usage of the facility, the larger will be the benefits to all the residents of Bombay, even if they themselves are not the actual users. And thus, if this is the case, the incidence of the financial levy required to recover the costs, should justifiably be allowed to fall upon the population at large through for example, general taxes, rather than on users through toll charges, especially as user charges are a subjective measure and bear no real relation to the actual cost of construction of the BTHL. Thus, since the price charged as user taxes does not represent the real resource cost to the economy, it is bound to be somewhat arbitrary, and the distribution of benefits through tolls could either reduce their overall size or be inconsistent with other public policies. For example, the principal public policy in the case of the BTHL is to attract people to the mainland. Charging of toll could thus be inconsistent with this policy, since it would detract rather than attract people. In fact if charged at all, toll taxes should be considered as neither benefits or costs. They are a cost to the taxpayers, but a benefit to the government. They may in fact be considered merely as "transfer payments" from the 'consumer surplus' to the 'producer surplus'. In addition to those mentioned above, there are quite a few difficulties with respect to the actual collection of toll tax. One such difficulty is that traffic estimates derived from the model are likely to be sensitive to the assumptions made regarding the toll structure on the link. Furthermore, the analysis does not take into account that if toll taxes were actually charged, there will also be corresponding offsetting costs such as the cost of toll collection procedures, as well as the costs accruing due to the simultaneous lowering of traffic speed. Sales Tax Levies Similar to toll taxes, sales taxes are neither a benefit nor a cost from the country's point of view. An increase or decrease in the sales tax does not mean that there would be an increase or decrease in the economic resources required as inputs to a project. (Except to the extent that they raise prices and thus reduce the quantities that could be purchased.) These benefits can also be more appropriately be regarded as "transfer payments" rather than costs or benefits. Rental Levies For the quantification of benefits due to rental levies, prevailing rental rates in and around the CBD in South Bombay were used. These however do not correctly represent the "consumer's willingness to pay" because of the following reasons: In Bombay city, historical evidence has shown that, rents from properties decrease monotonically with increasing distance from the CBD. Even if the BTHL brought about a substantial reduction in commuting time and distance, the nearest point on the mainland would still be at least six miles away radially from the CBD. The likelihood of rents anywhere on the mainland equalling those at the Central Business District is very low. Therefore, the values attributed to the rental incomes have been miscalculated. (As mentioned earlier, this assumes that commuting time to the CBD is the only significant factor affecting land rents at any particular location. Other factors, such as less congestion, better views, etc., are assumed not to make a substantial difference to the monotonic declining gradient of rents, outward from the CBD). Such an analysis using the appreciation of rental levies on the mainland implicitly harbours another drawback. It neglects the fact that the appreciation of property values on the mainland could be accompanied by a depreciation of values on the island city itself. Thus a more accurate accounting of the benefits would be not only the increased rental levies on the mainland but the aggregate change in rental income all over Bombay and the mainland. Furthermore, it has not been taken into account that rental payments will only equal the change in transportation savings. The financial analysis has assumed that the collection of toll will be allowed on construction of the bridge. Then in this "with toll" situation, consumers will be willing to pay that much less as rental payments as they pay in toll taxes. The analysis has thus ignored that the charging of toll will cause a decrease in the aggregate rental payments, since toll taxes and rental payments are both made out of the same "consumer surplus". Summarizing the above three points one could say that within the narrow bounds of the definition of a financial analysis of a single project, the direct objectives of the project entity could be fulfilled by a positive financial cash flow, but this would give no clue as to the welfare impacts on the economy itself. Chapter 4 A NEW TECHNIQUE FOR THE APPRAISAL OF TRANSPORT PROJECTS: APPLICATION OF WHEATON'S MONOCENTRIC MODELS OF URBAN LAND USE 4.1 Introduction This chapter deals with a relatively new approach to project appraisal which could conceivably replace or at least complement traditional methods of benefit-cost analyses. It can be anticipated that there will be an increasing reliance by governments and private investors on the kind of project analysis to be described below because of three important factors:16 1. It makes it possible to devise relatively simple and directly applicable rules for judging investment proposals, so that application of this technique can become more universal and used for all investment projects of a similar nature; 2. The results of this kind of project appraisal can be reduced to a comprehensive set of decision making rules; and 3. It overcomes one of the most serious drawbacks of traditional appraisal techniques in as much as it implicitly encompasses externalities and linkages accruing from the project, as opposed to the traditional methodologies which generally identify only direct user benefits. The Planning Commission of the State Government of Maharashtra should be able to use this document to aid in the decision making process of whether or not to undertake the construction of the BTHL. It is also hoped that the World Bank would review this thesis before making a final decision on whether or not to finance the BTHL Project. A certain amount of guesswork has gone into the preparation of the following section. This was required since only in rare circumstances will statistical raw material match concepts of pure theory. Because it is the essence of most investment projects that all benefits and some of the costs occur in the future, future economic development has had to be prophesized. The computerized model which was used for this purpose was made as case-specific as possible by basing all the input parameters within the context of the economic framework of Bombay. 4.2 A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF DIFFERENT OPINIONS REGARDING THE APPRAISAL OF TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENTS Briefly summarizing the earlier part of this document, in rapidly urbanizing India in the past two decades the planning of urban transportation by Federal, State and Local authorities has come to depend increasingly on economic decision making. Perhaps to a greater extent than in other areas of government investment (with or without international financial and technical assistance), urban transportation has developed an elaborate planning methodology, until today based on the traditional fundamentals of Benefit-Cost Analysis. In the initial stages, expanded transportation facilities are seen to reduce the effective price (including time) of travel. In the short run this increases the number of trips, while in the long run this encourages urban decentralisation and greater lengths of trips. Both forces increase aggregate travel and the consumer surplus thus generated can be approximated from an estimated demand function for the use of the BTHL. This methodology was initially restricted to financial appraisal techniques, and more recently these financial studies are often complemented by economic appraisal studies. However, this methodology has been criticized frequently over the years, mainly because it is a partial approach (as illustrated in the previous section of this thesis) and appears to ignore the long-run repercussions of major transportation investment in the "adjoining" market for land and housing. Thus, it includes only direct user savings as benefits of the project and ignores the effect of externalities and linkages. One example of an externality would be as follows. A change in the transportation network could change the pattern of land rents which in turn would increase or decrease the total rental income, which would 16,21 affect the overall aggregate income level. These changes in rent and density that invariably follow transportation investment certainly leave little doubt that benefits and costs are being created in addition to those accruing directly to highway users. The intent in this chapter is to extend a solution to the economy as a whole, such that society's objective function would include the maximization of total output, but will be by no means limited to such a maximization. There will be additional social objectives, part of which will be incorporated in the objective function and part will be treated as constraints that the economy must satisfy. Thus, valuation of inputs and outputs at social prices will ensure that the allocation of resources will maximize total welfare. In dealing with this problem of measurement of transportation benefits, Wheaton has quoted the views of many writers who to date have developed quite varied opinions, some of which have been illustrated earlier in the section on traditional analyses. 6 Early authors such as Robert M. Haig suggested that land prices fully capitalized the benefits received by highway users, so that any increase in these benefits would only show up in higher land rents and to consider both changing rents and user savings would amount to "double counting". 16 This view is supported by Arnold Harberger in his many writings on economic benefit-cost analysis, and the technique he advocates has been demonstrated earlier in the economic appraisal done by TECS for the identification and quantification of the benefits 16,17 of the BTHL project. This traditional view gave way to several succeeding alternative solutions to the same question of quantification of benefits. Mohring cast serious doubt on Haig's proposition by arguing that while a reduction in travel costs must surely generate benefits, "aggregate" land payments may increase or decrease because the increases in some land rents may be completely offset in specific cases, by decreases in others. The economic appraisal demonstrated earlier surely justifies this criticism because it considers only the increased land payments from New Bombay and does not take into account the possibly changed land payments in Bombay. It therefore chooses to ignore the fact that "aggregate" land payments from the BMR as a whole may decrease. Clearly in this situation user benefits and changing land rents could not be equivalent. Anne Friedlaender expanded this view, arguing that changing land rents represented an additional benefit in the land market, distinct from that accruing to highway users. There was some question however, of whether and how the additional benefit should be measured. As Wheaton points out, in the short run, such changes represent capital gains or losses, while in the long run they are only "transfers" between tenant and landlord. Within 16 the traditional benefit framework, neither makes a contribution to the GNP. 16 A recent contribution to the debate was made by David Pines and Yoram Weiss. They come closest to taking "aggregate" land payments into account and are thus a step ahead of the rest. They state that a "weighted difference" between rent increases in the affected area and rent decreases in other areas is a more appropriate measure. Most importantly, they conclude with the view that transportation benefits should be determined with a general equilibrium measure of income compensation. The most recent attempt to develop such a "Spatial Equilibrium" model of transportation investment comes from Robert Solow and William Vickrey (1971, 1973). They explore the question of what optimal amount of land should be devoted to urban transportation. Increasing such land (which means making new investment) reduces congestion and spatially stimulates the demand for residential land consumption. On the other hand, greater land devoted to transportation restricts the supply available for residential use. This viewpoint is used as a basis for developing the Wheaton model, which is principally based on the principle of, "Demand Curve Analysis". It should be made clear at this point that what we need is a model that forecasts how the BTHL Project forecasts land prices and consumption by changing the supply of land and the cost of travel. A graphical representation of the following principle would be as follows: t4ET VTiL4 1Y/PE#50NOgF THE NA6te1NAL CifAN66 N eZN 60M03 5 UJ PWS ZZMPN ATCQ PGONAND - q AN Tl FUN62 [ON 6F LN~p Pt3(MuA5 p Figure 4-1: DEMAND CURVE ANALYSIS: Measurement of demand and economic benefits for urban transportation systems Without the project we would get the following: Initial price of land: P Maximum amount the consumers are willing to pay: ODAQ. Amount that the consumers do pay: OPAQ, Therefore, initial consumer surplus: PDA Once the BTHL is constructed however, the changing (rather, the increased) supply of land and the reduced price of travel would induce two effects: 1. More land could be consumed. In this case, Maximum willingness to pay at the lower price: Q.AFQ, Amount consumers actually have to pay: Q.JFQ Resulting consumer surplus: JAF 2. A reduced price for the same amount of land consumed. 3. Resulting additional consumer surplus: P,P.AJ The model therefore is based on the fact that all changes in unit prices (land, travel) or changes in supply (land) that in turn order changes in prices must be reevaluated through a demand curve analysis. 4.3 DEVELOPING THE WHEATON MODEL The model used for the quantification of the benefits of the BTHL has been taken from the family of monocentric models (originally developed by Alonso) and adapted for use in this specific context. The purpose of this chapter, then, is to demonstrate through the exploration and use of the Wheaton model a more appropriate methodology for the measurement of benefits of certain types of transportation investments. Within this framework, urban commuting is viewed as a "factor" necessary for the consumption of housing and land. The model works on the basis of the assumption that the approach of "income compensation" or "compensating variation" is the right measure of project investment benefits. "Income compensation" is defined as the amount that is required to be paid by a consumer to leave him as well off with an investment project as without it. Why is this measure of "income compensation" (technically known as compensating variation) the right measure of welfare? Only an economy with no distortions, economies/diseconomies of scale, etc., allows the allocation of resources according to market prices to lead to a maximization of profits for the producers and of utility to the consumers. However, since no such perfect system exists, market prices in practice will not inevitably guide producers and consumers toward social optimum. The best way then of measuring social and private (demanders'/consumers') benefit would be by calculating "consumers' willingness to pay" which would include all market distortions. This is the concept of "consumer sovereignty" where his willingness to pay determines the ultimate value of all final products. Expressed in monetary terms, therefore, economic benefits are measured as the maximum amount people, either individually or collectively, would be willing to pay for the project's output. A consumer's decision of how much to buy of any particular good available to him in the market depends upon the limited amount of income he has available. Thus, since his willingness to pay depends upon his budget constraint, this limited 'budget' or 'income' of the individual becomes one of the necessary exogenous parameters of the model. Let us term this exogenous income, "Y". Let us now begin by assuming a city which contains "N" individuals distributed such that each household is made of five members. There are thus "N/5" households in the city. It is assumed that at least one member of each household is engaged in productive work and that all such work activity occurs at a singular point in the city, the central business district. We will then assume that "Y" is the equal and identical income accruing to every such working member within the city. Since residences and workplaces are assumed to be separated, this fact necessitates costly commuting by these working members. We will further assume that the consumption set available to the consumer contains three items only: 1. Land consumption, "q", whose rent is, "r"; 2. Travel cost to a central employment district, which is assumed linear and equal to a constant, "k", times the distance, "t"; and 3. Expenditure on everything else, which we will assume to be a composite commodity, "x". With this in mind, the consumer variables, "x" (the composite commodity) and, "q" (land consumption), are thus determined to maximize land rent with respect to the utility function. Let us now assume that the total land supply, "A", is made up of urban land, and surrounding peripheral rural land. Total rental income is then the income accruing from both urban land users as well as rural land users. R = r(urban users) + r (or "s" which is the rural opportunity rent of land) Further, the total household income is defined so as to come from two sources: 1. Exogenous wage receipts = "Y ", which is the income accruing at the Central Business District of the city; and 2. An equal share of net rental payments that accrue from urbanization, "R". URBAN LAND SUPPLY The supply of land available for urban use reaches from the city centre to a distance "b" at the urban periphery. Rental income from urban users equals the integral of the bid rents of consumers from the city centre to the urban periphery, "b". ,F- FENT\&6&T ePPe8TUNtlY titi09T P0(NT ON UN N Ar LAND ON fnAT t:AP1UV5 M [LbT6 F Pk Z6 'GPjPt19FRY "b OF VR6AN LAQt eLt-Py LAIOp~a LGAND T eA In this case, the demand balances supply when the holding capacity of land up to point, "b", equals the long run population to be housed, "N". RURAL LAND SUPPLY At the urban periphery "b" the land rent equals the opportunity rent from non-urban or alternative to urban or rural land use. Rental income from rural users = s (A - 7tb2 (NDME FF0M UMB/\N (/5eU [N6ONE = FF9OM MIU3AL, U6695 =5 C(A - Jc b9 We will now assume that though consumers will live at different locations in order to maximize their own utility, since all households are identical, equilibrium requires that all households enjoy the 'same' level of utility. This utility depends upon land consumption, "q", and the rest of the composite commodity available for consumption, "x". This utility condition can be stated as, Utility = u(x,q). (1) However, as noted earlier, this equality of utility takes place only under the condition of budget constraint. The budget constraint allows a consumer to pay only an amount equal to "r" as land rent. Thus mindful of their resources, and given a common utility, "u", households will offer for each site the maximum that their budget will allow. The location pattern of residences then depends on which household has the highest bid for each particular site. Since total income Y equals the sum of total rental payments from both rural and urban users as well as exogenous wage receipts at CBD, the condition of income constraint or budget constraint can then be noted as: Y = rq + x + kt. (2) Thus, x = y - rq - kt. (2') Taking this condition of income constraint and inserting it into equation (1), we can rewrite the utility condition, U = u(x,q) as U = u(y - kt - rq, q). (3) The consumer can then decide how much land to buy at each location by maximizing his utility with respect to q. This gives a condition which states that, Marginal Utility of q Marginal Utility of x This is the maximum rent, "r" that he is willing to pay for a property, at any location from the CBD. With transportation improvements, such as the construction of the BTHL, and the resulting lower commuting costs, the consumer can purchase land at a price less than the maximum he would be willing to pay, or travel to the CBD at a price less than the maximum he would be willing to pay. It is only under these circumstances that the consumer can be said to be better off than before. In the language of economics, this difference between the maximum amount a consumer is willing to pay and what he actually does pay, is referred to as the "consumer surplus". Let us explain this a little further. In addition to condition (4), it must also be true that if t changes, utility maximization must not change, because, given a choice of locations, consumers must be indifferent to the choice of location. Thus, differentiating the bid rent,"R" with respect to, "t" and equating it with zero, we arrive at the following condition: (5) Change in R with respect to T = dR/dt = -k/q This condition means that as a consumer considers a more distant location, the extra commuting is balanced by savings in land expenditure. Finally the land market as a whole to be in equilibrium, the amount of land that households consume or demand must be equal to the total land supply. This condition is stated by the following two equations. The first one states that the total population, "N"of a city is such that, N=J 01 -2ndt (6) and the second one states that the land rent at the urban periphery "b" equals the rural opportunity rent of land or that, rb=s (7) We further say that, according to equation (5) as "k" falls, the rent gradient becomes less steep, density flattens, city boundary expands and the consumers are made better off. The utility level thus rises as shown in figure 4.01. In the long run, another effect is seen which is that the supply of land rises, density flattens and moreover because land is made accessible, border may not increase. Thus the utility level is even higher than in the previous case. This phenomenon is represented in figure 4.02. Overall, we can say that the project creates increased utility for everyone. The basic question the model asks itself in calculating the utility is, " What change in Y would give the same level of utility without the project as with the project so that everybody is equally well off?" The answer to this question then is "income compensation", which the model derives. RESULTANT OUTPUT OF THE MODEL In the initial stages of the construction of the BTHL, " The total price of travel falls, but as yet no additional land mass is added to the city. As a result, * The city boundary expands. " Overall residential density is lowered. * Aggregate travel increases. tfi t& CENTr&AL PNT5 rEEP PVN5ATY &HADIENr F Pi(pl VMnM IMPOV9MENr INTAy&U Mi~t 11-6. BuT NO APt7ITIOAL LAND FLATTES I I I I DeCNSITY I UP>VVA PEw(Pnry ti. .3o6NM~f UXPAMtas. 6>/ 01 Ot/ I In the long run, with the construction of the BTHL, " The total price of travels falls and in addition, land mass on the mainland is developed as an extension of the mainland, thus allowing more residential land for development. It is assumed that the demand for residential land is such that all new land coming on the market would be purchased, and thus once the market clears decongestion of the island would automatically take place, the valuation of the resultant social benefit being covered by the "consumer's willingness to pay". As a result, " City boundary contracts. " Residential density is lowered. " Aggregate travel may increase in the short run, but will almost certainly decrease in the long run. eENfSOL. eKTS 5TEC-&P rNNnY 61(NT PA tVtu 413 > rus APPITIoMAL 6ANP I APP7(T1ONAZ, AfP9 CITY BOUNCMY .ONF PACTS AB pn56-D F1WM NTHE NNNGI> F&ATT&P P5NSV' 6wApiiwr OUNCAA7 eNIF/AT a~T I MiL.&! FW0A Summarizing therefore, the variables and parameters which need to be satisfied for the working of the model are derived from two basic equations which are as follows: Utility condition: Utility = u (x,q). Budget constraint: r = (y - x - kt)/q. The variables which are fed exogenously into the model are, the total population, "N", income, "y", transportation costs, "k", rural opportunity rent, "s" or "r ", and travel time to the CBD, "t". The model then endogenously derives the individual utility level, "u", land consumption at location t, "q", density pattern with respect to commuting distance, "1/q (t)", rent pattern with respect to commuting distance, "R (t)", and the border of urbanization, "b". The simultaneous solution of the various equilibrium conditions derived from these parameters and variables represents the so- called "city model", which calculates the final expression for the general equilibrium compensation per individual. This "level of welfare" is determined so as to meet the resulting demand for space. The "N" individuals in the city are assumed to be distributed such that at any distance "t" from the CBD, there are 2 t/q individuals. The final expression for the general equilibrium income compensation per individual in the city will then equal: 2xCIN b t2/qdt The aggregate project benefits for all individuals then equal, 2x bt2/qdt 40 This is then the final expression for "marginal change in consumer surplus" which may also be expressed as the level of consumption of the BTHL. This, then is the change in, "Y " required to give the same level of utility without the project as with the project, so that everybody is equally well off, and which we had earlier termed as, "Income Compensation". In this entire analysis it is therefore assumed that no separate benefits need to be calculated on account of the presumed improvement in the quality of life, such as for reduced population density in residential areas, reduced noise, lower pollution, etc. This is because the proposed, "willingness to pay" implicitly incorporates such changes. It should be mentioned that while the benefit of a transportation project accrues initially to the users or to the owners of the transportation facility, competition and a desire to maximize profits leads them to share it in various degrees with other groups such as producers, etc. The cost reduction then benefits the nation as a whole and not the users of the transportation facility alone. Thus, the value of the project is measured by its contribution to the growth of national income. 4.4 MONOCENTRIC MODELS OF URBAN LAND USE: APPLICATION TO BOMBAY'S TRANSPORTATION PLANNING The following section describes the Wheaton model as applied to the appraisal of 22,25 urban transportation projects. It is, as mentioned earlier, the final and most complete version of the Solow-Vickrey model, adapted to suit the specific context of the city of Bombay. Hopefully, the following section will lead to a sufficiently clear understanding of the model. Some of the assumptions may seem a little unrealistic at first glance, and the reader may thus tend to doubt the veracity of the model for use in shaping major policy issues. However, as the discussion develops further, it reveals the aptitude of the model for influencing judgement regarding transport investment in the right direction. 4.4.1 Introduction The family of the so called "Monocentric City Models" represents a unique branch of microeconomics. Each model expands the theory of consumer/producer behaviour to incorporate two additional pieces of data -- space consumption and locational preference. For the moment, the consumption set of each individual includes expenditure on travel costs to the CBD as well as expenditure on land consumption. These two items in the consumption set are generally assumed to bear an inverse relationship with each other. To treat this model in as simple a manner as possible, all monocentric models are based on a common set of three assumptions. The applicability of these assumptions in the specific context of Bombay city is tested at the end of this chapter. Assumption I It is assumed that at least one member of every household is engaged in productive work and that all such activity occurs at a singular point in space. Residences and workplaces must therefore be separated, a fact that introduces costly commuting. Assumption II Within the neo-classical framework, a household utility function is assumed in which 'the consumption of space' and 'rental income' are positive arguments and the 'cost of commuting' is a negative argument. Given a constrained budget, utility maximization results in a situation in which space consumption must be traded against commuting cost, or that higher density must be weighed against greater travel. Density patterns thus evolve as a consequence of this tradeoff. Assumption III It is assumed that the consumption of space, does not involve the use of capital that is either rigid or immobile in the long run. Past land use therefore, plays no role in determining present or future density, and change through redevelopment is always assumed at least as a possibility. Unfortunately, urban structure in almost every society departs from at least one of these assumptions. The applicability of the model will depend upon how serious the digression is. For example, housing capital is rigid in all but nomadic cultures and while some cities may have a dominant pattern of central employment, locational decision making is rarely based solely on a trade-off between space and commuting costs. Consequently, one should not expect the monocentric models to produce especially accurate representations of modem cities. If the assumptions made are really far from the truth, then the models' utility in forecasting urban growth for policy analysis would be limited. It would still, however, serve an important educational function by increasing the understanding by planners and economists of how urban spatial markets operate in theory. The clarity of the simple structure has created a new awareness of spatial equilibrium and of the role of transportation. Fortunately the application of this model to the case of Bombay suffers from very few drawbacks because the assumptions in the model are very close to the reality in Bombay. This has been elaborated with respect to the specific assumptions at the end of this chapter in the second section. The specific case of the model's implications for the decision making process in urban transportation projects is explored in Section I, a very important extension of the model. This section accommodates the simultaneous relationship between transportation and density. Section II concludes this chapter. It looks at the recurrent three assumptions. It is suggested that the relaxation of any one of them will create mathematical difficulties that require more complicated simulation approaches to urban modelling. However, quoting from Wheaton, "Loss of generality and mathematical elegance is the price of realism." 4.5 MONOCENTRIC CITY MODELS AS APPLIED TO THE PROBELM OF TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENTS We now come to the most relevant part of the model. Using the expanded model described above, Wheaton investigated a major problem in policy making, that of the benefits from reductions in travel costs, which presumably occur as a result of greater highway investment. Wheaton sought to determine if the presently used traditional method of measuring only the cost savings to users captures all the consumer surplus. He deduced that a reduction in travel cost within the more general model would not only benefit users directly but by adjusting aggregate rents could change the rental income and thus the aggregate income. This in turn would ultimately alter the level of welfare or utility. Changing rent would also affect land consumption and so secondary consumer surplus may be gained or lost in the land market as well. This change in consumer surplus can be represented under the derived demand curve for travel. Until now, we have shown the model to be a descriptive, educational device, exemplifying the application of traditional microeconomics to spatial decisions and the creation by transportation of a so-called hedonic market for urban land. However, the model discussed so far has recognized only part of the relationship between land use and transportation. While the friction of space gives rise to a density pattern, the location of residences may in turn influence the cost of travel. It is common knowledge that the character of highway transportation results in congestion costs. The extent of these externalities depends jointly on the size of the highway facilities and the magnitude of their usage. In a monocentric city, where all commuting is done radially towards the centre, the shape of the density gradient will affect the volume of traffic passing each point. Thus, unless investment in transportation facilities is sufficient to insure free-flow travel, travel cost and residential density must be determined simultaneously. The general equilibrium income compensation necessary to offset the reduction in travel costs represented in Wheaton's model in the previous chapter captures all these effects simultaneously. The most sophisticated version of this model (Mills and Solow, 1972) incorporates this effect of congestion. It can be described as follows. Given the budget constraint, households maximize a utility function that depends on other goods, "x" and space consumption, "q". The cost of travel in this model, "k(t)", is distinguished from that in the previous descriptions because it incorporates the value of time costs in addition to direct money expenses. Therefore, the total cost of travelling a unit mile will depend on traffic flow or speed and hence on the supply of transport facilities, and on the volume of traffic at location "t". The supply of transportation facilities is presumed to be proportional to the amount of land devoted thereto. In a monocentric city, a fraction of land at each location, "w(t)", is exogenously set aside for highways. This is the land assumed to be withdrawn from the residential market for use in transportation. The volume of traffic, "v(t)", passing through these facilities at a particular point depends on the number of commuters who live beyond that location. The Mills-Solow model then helps us compute the cost per mile of travel under the assumption that travel costs at the CBD equal a predetermined amount, usually zero. As before, land consumption, "q", and consumption of other goods, "x", are determined as functions of the price of land, "R", and the cost of travel, "k". The model further determines the urban boundary or the size of the city, "b". We could now use the model to test sensitivity to change in the various parameters, for example, those required to check whether the flattening of the density gradient could be achieved by either expanded transportation facilities or claiming of additional land mass. The model would, for instance, state that in the short run as the price of travel falls, or income rises, the city boundary expands, residential density is lowered and aggregate travel increases. The model states in the long run, when the price of travel falls in addition to more land mass being made accessible for development, the city boundary shrinks, residential density is lowered, and while the aggregate travel may increase in the short run, it will almost certainly decrease in the long run. Summarizing, therefore, one could say that the "general spatial equilibrium income compensation" value of a marginal transport investment is equal to a marginal change in consumer surplus, measured under the derived demand function of travel, and can thus be used to compute the value of the net benefits of a transportation investment. It is because of this that all the changes in housing and land market that accompany highway investment can be completely ignored in benefit calculations if highway demand is adequately forecasted, so as to permit the implicit inclusion of the benefits into the model. To keep the model relatively simple, however, simulations are carried out only for the exogenously changing variables of population, travel cost, and rural rent. Income however is retained as a constant parameter in all the simulations, the reason being as shown in the following. Wheaton's research revealed that utility functions in the model are not very sensitive to differing income levels. As income increases, the value of time and space consumption rises, but they increase in an exactly offsetting manner. Thus the bid rents of low, middle, and high income households all look quite similar. The model, therefore, for the moment assumes that all individuals have identical incomes the value of which is equated with the average per household income in Bombay. 4.6 CONCLUSIONS REGARDING CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.3 Is it really possible to apply the described model of the monocentric city to the specific context of the city of Bombay? Can a policy decision as major as the construction of the BTHL be based on the results of such a model? The answer to both the questions raised above would be 'yes' if all the assumptions made for the working of the model, and the parameters which set the context of the environment, are shown to be true or at least not far from the truth. Once the shortcomings of the model are recognized, it would be easier to veer the final judgement such that the gap is bridged. As said earlier, taken as a group, monocentric city models have three assumptions in common. They assume that (a) all employment is centrally located, (b) locational choice depends only on commuting cost and space consumption, and (c) all housing capital is fluid and mobile. These assumptions illustrate an important problem in any scientific research which is that models that are simple enough to yield general, deductive conclusions frequently require over restrictive assumptions. In the case of the monocentric city models, these assumptions are essential for mathematical tractability. Without these assumptions, the solution would become more general in character but noticeably more difficult to obtain. The question is thus of the applicability and the veracity of these assumptions under specific conditions. If applicable in a specific context, each assumption could eliminate an important and essential feature of urban structure. The important question to be decided is, therefore, whether in the case of Bombay the eliminated features are ones which could form the core of many urban policy issues? In the following few pages, the relevance of applying these assumptions is discussed in the context of Bombay city. Assumption I: All employment is centrally located This is perhaps the most widely criticized assumption of the monocentric models. There are few cities with even a majority of the employment located in the CBD. It is fortunate, however, that Bombay is one of the few existing cities in which this is entirely true partly owing to its peculiar geographical configuration. Though part of its service employment is spread among most regions, and although there has been a recent move towards decentralization of office and industrial establishments, the majority, i.e. 62% of the employment, is located in the southern tip which barely makes up 4% of the total land mass of Bombay. It is also true that, as assumed in the model, this CBD at the southern tip emerged from a competitive solution to the land market because the bids of firms declined more rapidly than that of the households. The assumption about a centrally located employment centre is, therefore, well justified in this case. Let us look at a tentative future scenario. BMRDA and CIDCO are making concentrated efforts to decentralize the current CBD which is in the southern tip. The initial idea was to move part of it towards the northern end of the city. This however was not successful because merely moving a part of the CBD to the north did not divert congestion from the main city at all and the tentative northern CBD suffered from a lack of enough space to establish a CBD big enough to achieve agglomeration benefits. With the proposed bridge across the mainland, however, part of the north-south traffic could be diverted into an east-west movement. Initially this would tend to trigger a decentralization of residences. Recent studies of industrial location (Kemper, 1970) have shown that the location of households and firms is closely interdependent. With such a bridge, it should be entirely possible to model the Bombay Metropolitan Region as a system of monocentric subcities, each with an employment subcentre and a workforce. At the very least there would be two such subcities in the BMR, the existing one in the south of the BMR and a new one on the mainland. The actual degree of employment decentralization which would be feasible or the number of subcentres that would likely be created can perhaps only be explained by a more detailed study of agglomeration economics. In the long run, greater decentralization would mean the creation of two smaller subcentres and would lead to "less" aggregate commuting. This would further enhance the benefit stream as the distance travelled and thus the cost of travel comes down still further. Either of the two models used for the purposes of simulation can conceivably lead to this future scenario. However, the shortcomings of the model in its present form, need to be recognized. The model cannot incorporate the growing tendency towards two-worker households or the large amount of travel for purposes other than commuting to work. These two issues suggest that to most consumers the concept of accessibility is more general than simply that of travel cost to the subcentre of their own employment. This certainly complicates the essential simplicity of the basic model. With multiple centres, workplaces or trip purposes, transportation costs bear a discontinuous and highly complicated relationship to euclidean space. Assumption II: Locational choice depends on income, the preference for space and the disutility of commuting As said before, though some cities do have a dominant pattern of central employment, locational decision making is rarely based solely on a trade-off between space and commuting costs. The assumption, however, is reasonably true in the case of Bombay again by virtue of the peculiar north-south configuration of space in the city. As said before, employment centres in Bombay are concentrated in the extreme southern tip. Households or the labour force extend to the far northern region and even on the mainland, though the latter are relatively few to date. Traffic congestion in this very narrow north-south arc is one of the main problems of the city. Historical data from the Bombay Housing Board show that plots in South Bombay have been commanding the highest rents or prices for some years now. Census data show that the richest cross section of society is almost completely concentrated in the southern tip. The locational preference of people is supported by further evidence of the past few years. The efforts to decentralize the present CBD, at least to some extent began around a decade ago. Offices began to be located in certain commercially zoned areas in the nothern tip, especially in the Bandra-Kurla complex. It was just around this time that residentialproperty rates in the Bandra/Pali Hill area in the north increased phenomenally and now command rents next only to those charged in South Bombay. This is also the second highest peak of concentration of high income people in Bombay. This agglomeration of higher income groups nearer the CBD shows that property values in Bombay vary to a large extent with system commuting time and costs. It is important to note the difference between commuting distance and commuting time in a city as ridden with congestion as Bombay. Here, commuting distance is of consequence only in so far as it affects the costs of transportation. If transportation costs could be held constant, the only variable which would affect locational decisions would be the system time involved. A good example can be seen from the following. The very affluent section of population localities such as Malabar Hill or Cuffe Parade (which are in close proximity to the CBD as also to all the supporting services such as theatres, restaurants, educational institutions, etc.) command relatively higher rates than Bandra or Juhu, though the income level of the cross section of people living at either place could be about the same. Similarly, upper middle localities such as Dadar or Mahim would command relatively higher rates than comparatively more distant suburbs such as Borivli or Versova. We have in the Wheaton model, therefore, assumed an unambiguous statistical relationship between system times and property values for any given income or group. Assumption III: In the long run, all capital is fluid and mobile This presupposes that the structure of a city in which capital has been built gradually will in the limit closely resemble that of a city in which capital is put in place all at once. This means that housing capital is neither physically nor economically durable. Without durability there is no opportunity cost to old capital, no barrier to change, and no history to urban development. Redevelopment occurs continually to replace old and sub-optimal uses by new. In reality this assumption rarely holds good. As Wheaton states, "Since housing is the most rigid form of capital, land development is essentially an evolutionary process." The history of the urban structure of Bombay city reveals that there was a very long period of time (from the late 1800's to the 1970's) during which capital within the city remained almost static. At around the end of this century, buildings started reaching the end of their economic life, and over the last two or three decades a huge amount of redevelopment is being seen in the southern tip of Bombay and around the new BandraKurla commercial complex in northern Bombay. This phenomenon has been explained by 24 Wheaton, who states, "There is frequent profitabilty of replacing even rigid capital. Urban growth can occur through demolition or conversion as well as through new development." When capital was relatively new (around the late 1800's), increasing urban population caused new households to be first accommodated on vacant land at the fringe, and central capital remained almost completely rigid. As demand kept building to excessive levels and the city expanded, land rent for more central sites exceeded that for capital structures already there. It was at this point that conversion, demolition and new construction occurred at the centre. However, now that the building capacity in Bombay (especially at the southern tip), is almost completely saturated, the city should expand more rapidly at the fringe and the urban rent profile is expected to be more convex. It is also entirely possible that the government would invest even more money in reclaiming additional land from the creeks, swamps and marshes at the southern tip, and new construction as well as redevelopment could take place centrally. To account for both these possibilities happening in the treatment of capital stock, two separate scenarios have been considered for modelling: Simulation I. "Bombay": Redevelopment occurs through so demolition and conversion of buildings in the CBD of Bombay city. Further increase in population can now be simultaneously accommodated in the reconstructed, rebuilt area of Bombay as well as the newly opened up areas on the mainland. Simulation II. "Bombay2": The island city of Bombay remains static and fixed. No further redevelopment or change occurs. The mainland serves the purpose of absorbing all the "growth" in population and the original population in Bombay remains fixed. This could well be the more likely scenario because of the fact of the low residential mobility envisaged in Bombay city. Thus, because of the inherent limitation of general modelling, an alternate simulation methodology was thought appropriate. A number of simulations have thus been performed with different future population distribution estimates. The total population in the two scenarios above remains the same. The difference lies in the redistribution of population between the island city and the mainland. COMMENTS It would be tempting to conclude that the results of this analysis pertain to all government transportation investments that have impacts in the land market. If this were the case, the persistent problem of measuring and evaluating these impacts might be avoided. 16 Unfortunately, this extrapolation is premature. To begin with, many types of road investments have direct influences on land and housing and not just indirectly induced ones through the alteration of some other market price. For example, consider a transport investment within a larger urban renewal project; if the proposed policy or the urban renewal project is cheaper land development, then this will have a direct impact in the land market, or may give rise to externalities which directly influence the surrounding market, rather than only a secondary "induced" change. Clearly therefore, it is important to characterize the type of influence that any investment has on the land market before considering whether and how to evaluate it. Secondly, to avoid the complexity of Solow's model, this paper assumed an exogenous price for commuting. In actual practice, the price faced by transport users is an endogenous function of the extent of their usage, often depending upon location, mode of tranport, route followed in transit, or fuel cost, etc. Moreover, in the absence of congestion tolls, this exogenous price of commuting will not equal social cost and so the market for transportation will contain a distortion. As Harberger suggests, the correct benefit measure for investment may be different in the presence of such distortion. Thus, without "congestion" or "peak" pricing the benefits of urban highway investment may involve a more complicated assessment of demand than that conducted in this paper. 4.7 THEORIZED IMPACT OF THE PROJECT IN RESTRUCTURING URBAN GROWTH IN AND AROUND BOMBAY BASED ON LAND RENT PATTERNS The development of land at the edge of the city, whenever it occurs, must compete with the present value of agricultural land rents. Thus, the overall price/density gradient will not necessarily be smooth, but it will be continuous and the net present value of land development or the 'price' of land will decline continuously with greater commuting distance. However, the present value of rent payments would decrease by exactly the same amount as the present value of travel costs would increase. The land consumption would then be based upon an "income compensated demand curve". Because of utility convexity, land consumption will always increase as land prices fall with distance. It is further contended that the pattern of development is influenced, not by the rate of population growth, but only by the growth rate in household income and the change in travel costs. Given the situation in Bombay city, residential density and the price per unit of land will continue to decline monotonically from the location of employment. This could be in three places, the southern tip of Bombay, the Bandra-Kurla commercial tip in north Bombay, and the new CBD on the mainland. With the establishment of these monocentric subcities, concentration of higher rents and subsequently higher income residents will be in more than one location in the city. A greater population would result in higher density at all locations, i.e. an increase in density at each existing location as well as expansion at the urban fringe. This could create a steeper density gradient. At the same time, increases in income or further decreases in the cost of travel will create a flatter density and price gradient. Thus residential density would primarily be determined by the price for land, which would reflect current travel cost savings. It would moreover be totally flexible subject to an overall floor to ground space constraint. As the situation stands today, even in suburbs located far away from the CBD, residential density is often higher than at some intermediate locations. Especially for these excessively dense suburbs, a necessary condition for density to decrease would be 'sufficiently rising income' or 'sufficiently falling travel costs'. The latter could be made possible by the BTHL. The history of the island city shows that as population increased over short time periods, the density increased over space for a few periods. However, growing pressures for vacant central land, due to the immobility of the CBD, soon led to redevelopment and replacement of older capital. Today, urban land use is composed of higher density, partially reconstructed development in the centre and a relatively flat density gradient from there outward. This trend is expected to continue in the future in a cyclical manner. Thus, different growth profiles may not necessarily result in development. Population growth which is bound to happen either by itself or when accompanied by changes in travel cost, could cause redevelopment because existing density levels would then have become suboptimal. Thus, once the proposed bridge is opened up and new land starts being developed at reasonable commuting distances with respect to the CBD, one could adopt the stance that the government (which at present owns 75% of this land), should throw it open to the free market. One would then certainly expect that speculative land holding would occur. One would imagine that an asset would be held until the marginal rate of net price appreciation equals the opportunity cost of time -- normally the interest rate. Such widespread speculation can be considered a necessary and perhaps desirable outcome of a well functioning market in which major changes in demand are accurately anticipated. This wide-spread holding could be totally pareto-efficient. Chapter 5 INPUT DATA AND METHODOLOGY FOR SIMULATION For the actual evaluation of the Bombay Trans-Harbour Link Project, Wheaton's mono-centric model of urban land use based on the static theory of spatial equilibrium was used. To treat the problem in as simple a manner as possible the analysis is restricted exclusively to comparative statics. Though various dynamic models have been formulated, some of which even overcome some of the shortfalls of the static ones, static modelling has been chosen for the purposes of this analysis because it allows more simplicity. The conceptual and mathematical structure of the dynamic models is often very complicated and a lot of subjective judgement is involved. Furthermore, if one or more of the assumptions had been belied in the static analysis, then the static equilibrium portrayed by such a model would not have correctly reflected the process of urban development, as each assumption could well eliminate an important and essential feature of urban structure, which in fact could be the core of many urban policy issues. As it happens however, the case of Bombay was singular in its ready adaptability to the basic assumptions of the static model. As described in the earlier section, the assumptions closely reflect the existing situation in Bombay, and thus the conclusions drawn are not based on unreal or farfetched suppositions. These assumptions thus helped in mathematical tractability, and their imposition on the model in fact, enabled the solution to be much more specifically geared to the case of the city of Bombay. Moreover, because of the essential elegance and simplicity of the model, it was possible to carry out a number of simulations fairly easily and quickly and thus incorporate within the analysis a sufficiently broad confidence interval. For example, the value of the per capita income of the country was used to represent the income level of all the households instead of using different exogenous incomes for the various different income groups. Thus upper and lower extremes of income were not considered at all. Each individual's exogenous income was equated with the per capita national income of US $1400 per year. The next question would be to decide how serious an effect a particular margin of error would have on the final decision. Thus a number of sensitivity analyses were carried out for those variables which seemed to have the greatest impact on a project's profitability. Since the margin of error surrounding the estimate of social prices is even greater than for market prices, there will often be a considerable range of options for true social values. The conclusions, therefore, were accepted only when it was found that the results of all the simulations tended in the same direction. Comparisons with reality also helped to narrow down the confidence interval quite substantially. The static equilibrium "Base Simulation" model was programmed by Professor Wheaton. The target of the model is the Urban Space which is within the confines of the political boundaries of the Bombay Metropolitan Region. The area pockets which are marked as 'gaothans' (village like pockets) or as semi-rural areas have been deducted from the total urban land lying within the boundaries of the BMR. As said before, this total urban space comprises of two parts, (a) the old island city of Bombay lying west of the Thane Creek, and (b) the mainland called "New Bombay" situated east of the Thane Creek. Two specific scenarios were then mapped out for the workings of the model: Scenario I: "Without BTHL" This assumes only the one (existing) east-west link between the island and the mainland. Scenario II: "With BTHL" This presumes the existence of two such east-west links (one existing, one proposed), between the island city and the mainland. It is assumed in Scenario II, that the construction of the bridge will commence in 1991 and will be complete by the end of the year 2000. Benefits due to the project are assumed to be felt from 2001 onwards. In all the simulations carried out there is assumed to be only one employment centre in the southern tip of the island city. No sub-centres have been considered in the analysis. Thus, the whole space within the BMR is considered to be one monocentric space. All distances are then counted radially in linear distances from the employment centre. This total urban space of Bombay and the mainland was partitioned into several concentric rings, each one half mile in width. The distance of any ring from the CBD is determined as the radial distance from the outer tip of the ring to the centre of the employment district. The gross residential area in each concentric ring was separately calculated, as also the existing population in each ring. It should be noted that the population data was only available zone-wise, as is to be expected, and the distribution of this zone-wise population in concentric rings has been done as accurately as possible. From the total area of each ring, the estimated vacant land was deducted, leaving the gross area available for development. Note that the term vacant denotes vacant, reclaimed, hilly, marshy areas, and the restricted 'no- development' zones. It denotes land not available for development. Each simulation corresponds to only one single time period during which the exogenous input parameters remain constant. Different simulations were then run in which the initial market characteristics varied from those in the terminal or the base period by some specified cumulative rate of growth. These simulations can then be said to depict different urban "histories", each of which is based upon some set of assumed growth profiles up to the predicted market conditions of year 2040. Two separate series of simulations were then run as described in the earlier section of this chapter. SIMULATION I: "BOMBAY" Redevelopment occurs through demolition and conversion of buildings in the CBD of Bombay city. Further increase in the population can now be simultaneously accommodated in the reconstructed, rebuilt area of Bombay city as well as in the newly opened up areas on the mainland. In this simulation, the model endogenously decides both, the extent to which the urban boundary needs to stretch outward from the CBD in order to accommodate the original population as well as the city spread needed to accommodate every incremental stage of population growth. Thus, it decides endogenously that the city should spread to a radius of 12.5 miles in order to accommodate the population of 2.3 million households in the design year of 2001. SIMULATION II: "BOMBAY2" The island city of Bombay remains static and fixed. No redevelopment or change occurs. The mainland serves the purpose of absorbing all the 'growth' in population whereas the original population in Bombay remains fixed. In the "Without Project" scenario, in terms of radial distance from the CBD, the nearest point on the mainland is 9 miles away from the CBD, whereas it is only 6 miles away from the CBD in the "With Project" scenario. In this scenario, there may not be net decongestion of Bombay over the present level, but future congestion could be alleviated. The 'Bombay2' model is programmed slightly differently from the 'Bombay' model. The difference lies in the fact that in the 'Bombay2' model, the original size of the island city is fixed exogenously at a radius of 10.5 miles from the CBD. The model determines endogenously only the required city spread to accommodate the 'increase' in population which is to be accommodated on the mainland. The Libraries Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Institute Archives and Special Collections Room 14N-118 (617) 253-5688 This is the most complete text of the thesis available. The following page(s) were not included in the copy of the thesis deposited in the Institute Archives by the author: F(VR&~ 5-01 MAINLAND ISLAND CITY (cSBURa) IG N N A - APLYAN COMPLEX 5 ol / 0U Zad I- DOMBAY METROPOLITAN REGION ,ONES 101 TUDYAREA- AND SECTOAS 50MEAY tN1TIOPOWAN P366ION PoruolN AV M4VweMMe M1I esTrIAS ITEM sFiEATe13 oMBAY HEW 1OMBAY 88-6 88s7 OF POPULATION yo22 PERiCENIA&B oP Hs s Y1RATIO OF limptoy/POPra. KALYAN /o-oS- 31f X 2 5.6 VASA 6-9 % 6% 0-3%o 5.37 1.35V e bOMDAY MfETROPOLITAN REGION STUDY AEA SECTOR #* TOTAL POPULATION /./OF TOTAL ,i1377, 300 1,. ZONES AND SECTORS AREA RESIICTED 1-3%26-63 MtA 30 31 A 2 ,90I, (2-9 31-74 X oo 4 C D 36 D 6,621,00 7-.2A (0o.7in) 19 1, 6 46100 10 CO-16 E n) 6g,600 (0-0? *p F Z 290 fA 7n) F8 1 I 3168 2, 837, 000 (2- 9 290 HfA n) 66 $4A 1-79 9-9 HA 0.76 /y £.± HA 7 38 3,582,00 55 Co-35 v) 54 g.6% 21-5 HA 56 p 57 4.85 /4,4-'2,00 (0-4 7n) 102 E6-65 HA PUFAN SPACE OF TiE 1I5413 SEVE1AL IS PARTITfONED INTO ---- 1SLAAND C T CONCENTPIlC A3IN65 RADIATING -OUTWAMD FWOM THE CSD. K -cli t\\ NORT-fi E. 15LAND CITY TOU SLAN c l l- CBDN 1% S E1TI AI NATHEONLN W0 ( ': S.CTi) ~ N -r . - - L"AND SOUCW I L AN E - 14:| SMS5AY---2 ~ - BOMB Y ME TROPO LIT AN EGlON ~AS5UMMING THE 5TK H15I NOT CONST RUCTE D WITHOUT PROJECT SCENAPlO 103 Note : 1. All distances are denoted in radius miles from C80. 2. All area figures are denoted in square miles. 3. All population figures denote a percentage of the total population of the BMP. TAEBLE 5.b WITHOUT PROJECT SCENARIO. RRDIUS FROM CB AREA IN EACH VACANT ARER RING PER RING Bombay Bombay 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 GROSS LAND AREA 0.785 1.375 1.590 1.440 1.125 1.125 1.000 1.440 1.690 2.190 2.310 2.300 1.900 2.250 2.500 2.840 3.030 3.000 3.030 3.220 3.280 3.560 3.590 3.750 3.880 4.000 4.125 3.780 3.125 2.030 2.280 3.870 4.530 4.810 5.050 5.160 5.250 5.420 5.600 5.650 5.530 5.890 6.000 4.710 3.590 2.940 1.540 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.041 0.048 0.043 0.034 0.034 0.135 0.194 0.228 0.296 0.312 0.311 0.257 0.304 0.338 0.383 0.409 0.405 0.409 0.435 0.312 1.424 1.436 1.500 1.552 1.600 1.650 1.512 1.875 1.218 1.368 2.322 2.718 2.886 3.030 3.096 3.150 3.252 3.360 3.390 3.318 3.534 3.600 2.826 2.154 1.764 0.924 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PERCENT POP.N Bombay AREA IN EACH VACANT AREA RING PER RING Mainland Mainland PERCENT POP.N Mainland 18.30 31.74 31.68 7.30 1.80 0.590 1.490 2.375 3.040 3.770 4.380 5.170 6.325 7.450 8.550 8.960 9.530 10.330 11.750 12.820 13.140 13.920 14.100 14.200 14.120 12.500 11.190 13.160 13.380 13.200 13.180 13.020 12.850 12.430 11.480 9.440 9.160 8.840 0.00 7.500 6.650 5.680 1.500 0.780 0.310 342.260 153.080 104 0.500 1.400 2.300 3.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.325 7.450 8.550 8.960 9.530 10.330 11.750 12.820 13.140 13.920 14.100 14.200 14.120 12.500 11.190 13.160 13.380 13.200 13.180 13.020 12.850 12.430 11.480 9.440 9.160 8.840 7.500 6.650 5.680 1.500 0.780 0.310 0.80 U138AN 5ACE OF THE 6MA 15 PAATITIONEo INTO SEVESAL CONCENTRIC 3IN66 F3AOIATIN6 oTWAPD FROM Th- CZD -I f(U) 5'05 1LAND CurY * -021 \~ 9 N-\\ NORTH 5LAND CITY - .oUTf ExlSI\ NOPTM .. 6i-NE - L(iNS . cy--A--ANE CCNE Ir EK.U\ .- C50DIN SOUTHBOMOAY s0THEBN .To rfE LNX . \_ -- M -OU- Tfi I O\N-LAND 6 MAIN--3 l :16 KMS NLENGTffi . / 117 N - W-T:?FPQUCT SEDAR6 - %1 MERPLTEGO -5MA -5UM(C --- -if - --.- 105 E EC 205RUTO OfTEB E ARI MtLN TABLE 5.C WITH PROJECT SCENARIO. RADIUS FROM CBD AREA IN EACH VACANT RRER RING PER RING Bombay Bombay 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 GROSS LAND AREA 0.785 1.375 1.590 1.440 1.125 1.125 1.000 1.440 1.690 2.190 2.310 2.300 1.900 2.250 2.500 2.840 3.030 3.000 3.030 3.220 3.280 3.560 3.590 3.750 3.880 4.000 4.125 3.780 3.125 2.030 2.280 3.870 4.530 4.810 5.050 5.160 5.250 5.420 5.600 5.650 5.530 5.890 6.000 4.710 3.590 2.940 1.540 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PERCENT POP.N Bombay 0.024 0.041 0.048 0.043 0.034 0.034 0.135 0.194 0.228 0.296 0.312 0.311 0.257 0.304 0.338 0.383 0.409 0.405 0.409 0.435 0.312 1.424 1.436 1.500 1.552 1.600 1.650 1.512 1.875 1.218 1.368 2.322 2.718 2.886 3.030 3.096 3.150 3.252 3.360 3.390 AREA IN EACH VACANT AREA RING PER PING Mainland Mainland 0.590 1.240 1.960 2.560 3.350 4.220 5.540 7.220 8.565 8.630 9.950 8.070 8.160 8.440 8.840 9.890 9.500 9.280 10.880 10.940 11.980 12.560 12.970 12.500 11.690 10.910 10.820 11.560 11.000 10.470 11.080 10.630 11.440 10.160 8.630 7.230 5.910 4.940 3.750 3.125 2.500 2.000 1.500 0.690 0.190 9.318 3.534 3.600 2.826 2.154 1.764 0.924 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 338.060 153.080 106 PERCENT POP.N Mainland Both series of simulations, "Bombay" and "Bombay2", contain five different time periods for each individual set of constant exogenous utility parameters. Each time period has a length of ten years, and each successive time period corresponds to an increased population figure. The following exogenous variables were assigned within the context of this urban space and used as input data into the model. (The values of these variables were changed according to the simulation being performed. However, before putting in the variable data for the simulations, utility parameters were set such that certain values remained constant through all the series of simulations.) 1. The total household income remains fixed over each time period. For this purpose, the exogenous and (for the moment) identical income of each individual, "y", was equated with the value of the Annual Per Capita Income of India = US $1400. This was calculated as follows: P.C.I. (India) = Rs.2180/year: 1983-84 current prices P.C.I.(Maharashtra State) = Rs.3032/year: 1983-84 current prices The average conversion rate for the ruppee is Rs. 13 per US dollar. Thus average Per Capita Income equals US $233 per individual. Thus average Per Household Income would be US $1400, assuming a household size of five individuals. This income figure was kept constant for all the simulations. 2. As stated, household income is assumed to be divided between land consumption "q", whose rent is 'r' and the rest of the composite commodity "x", whose value is unity. The model then assumes that the share of the annual income on land expenditure remains constant through all the simulations at a value of 5% of the total. 107 These variables which were exogenously fed into the model were calculated as follows: I. The total population is composed of "N" number of individuals with identical tastes. As explained earlier, simulations were carried out for successive increases in population. The estimates of population growth were taken from CIDCO surveys and from the observed growth rates of the past three decades as revealed by past census figures. As mentioned earlier, in forecasting future population, account was taken of the fact that BMIRDA is taking several mitigating measures to stem migration, but offsetting this, substantial new land is simultaneously being opened up to accommodate larger population. Adjustments have thus been made to the estimates based on these figures. Consider for example the "Bombay" model. The base population in Period I is assumed to be equal to 11.5 million individuals or 2.3 million households. Population figures for each successive time period are then predicted as follows: PERIOD YEAR TOTAL POP. POP.AS # HH's I II III IV V 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 11.5 15 20 25 30 2.3 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 ANNUAL GROWTH RATE 3.00% 3.33% 2.50% 2.00% There is assumed a slight increase in the population growth rate in between Periods I and II, but subsequently, a decreasing growth rate has been assumed, since by this time the mitigating measures envisaged by the 108 government to stem migration would start taking effect as well as the development of alternative industrial growth centres in areas outside Greater Bombay. The average household size was assumed in the model to be equal to 5. This figure was based on the 1983 IDBI (Industrial Development Bank of India) survey, which stated that average household size for the State of Maharashtra was equal to 5.07.The total number of households in Bombay was thus automatically computed as being equal to N/5. I.The annual travel cost is defined as the linear constant "k" times the distance to the CBD "t". For the base simulation, the annual travel cost of a round trip per mile to and from the central employment district was taken to be US $150. This was calculated as follows: Annual Per Household Income equals US $1400. Assuming 250 working days/year, Average Daily Wage would be US $5.60/day. Let us assume Average Daily Wage to be US $6.00/day. Assuming a 10 hour work day, the hourly wage would work out to 60 cents per hour. Buses are the most common means of mass transport for the majority of the population. The average travelling speed of the buses is 10 m.p.h. If we then value time at 1/2 the wage rate, time cost per mile would be 3 cents. Thus, round trip cost per mile would work out to 6 cents. Annual round-trip cost per mile would then be 6 times 250, which equals US $15 per year. Simulations were also carried out by increasing this annual travel cost to US $20. HI.The annual opportunity rural rent for urban peripheral land "s", was assumed to be US $1000 /yr. No information could be found on the actual price of urban peripheral land in and around the city of Bombay. The figure of US $1000/year was arrived at by using data from 109 cities in other third world countries of comparable size and density. Simulations were also carried out by decreasing the value of the annual rural rent to US $500/yr. It must be noted that the term "rural" rent in the case of Bombay actually represents "rent at the urban periphery". The effect of these exogenously imposed parameters on the simulations can be seen from the printouts of the program at the end of this chapter. 5.1 DISCUSSION ON THE OUTPUT OF THE 'BOMBAY' AND THE 'BOMBAY2' MODELS Let us use a couple of the simulations for exploring which factors the model determines endogenously, and how they differ between the "Bombay" and the "Bombay2" models. These are presented in tables B-3 and B-7 if Appendix B. Both simulations assume the following utility parameters : 1. Number of households: 5.0 million. 2. Average annual household income = Annual Per Capita Income = $1400 p.a. 3. Annual cost of round-trip transport per mile = $15 p.a. 4. Share of household income on land expenditure: 5%. 5. Annual opportunity rural land rent at urban periphery = $1000 p.a. 6. Time period = Year 2021. Given these utility parameters, the models proceed to reveal the value of endogenously determined parameters, given that all input data correspond to a single time period, of the year 2021. To understand the format of the models' output let us use the example shown below. The simulation below (Table B-1 from Appendix B) pertains to the "Bombay" model, and corresponds to the following parameters: 1. Time period: Year 2001. 2. Total population at the time: 2.3 million households. 3. 'Without Project' scenario. 110 TABLE 5-d (or table B-1) from Appendix B) As seen from table B-I demonstrated on the previous page, the output of the models is arranged as follows: ENTER THE # OF HOUSEHOLDS IN CITY:230000 ENTER AVERAGE ANNUAL HH INCOME:1.4 ENTER ANNUAL COST OF R-TRIP TRANSP PER MILE:.015 ENTER LAND EXPENDITURE SHARE:.05 ENTER ANNUAL RURAL LAND RENT:1 ENTER 1 IF PROJECT, 0 IF NOT;O ENTER STARTING BOUNDARY (miles);5 .05 .01 1.40 2300000. 00 .00 1 1.0686 U 11 1.4663 dist 5 1. 1.5 2.0 2.5 3. 0 3.5 4. 0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9. 0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 23.5 -. 0153 land rent 14.3106 12.8334 11.5022 10.3031 9.2-237 8.2525 7.3792 6.5944 5.8895 5.2567 4.6890 4.1800 3.7239 3.3154 2.9499 2.6229 2.3306 IV1 23.5000 1.00 V lot size .0048 .0054 .0059 .0066 .0073 .0081 .0091 .0b0 .0112 .0125 .0140 .0156 .0174 .0194 .0217 .0243 .0272 2.0695 .03(4 1.8365 1.6285 1.4431 1.2779 1.1309 1.0000 1.0000 .0341 .0382 .0429 .0481 .0541 .0608 .0608 1 D4168. 7000 1 64478.3000 1 71358.4000 1 39745. 1000 98254.3000 88375.9500 70618.5600 91363.3400 96279.8700 1 11964.2000 1 05920.0000 94529.1100 69952.3500 74161.2500 73724.8400 74885.9400 71393.7400 75538.8300 84877.5600 93702. 3500 94335.9600 97450.8100 94312.1300 93887.2100 93887.2100 Columns Utility. Commuting distance in radius miles from the CBD. III. IV. Urban land rent in each successive ring from the centre to the periphery. Average lot size in each successive ring from the centre to the periphery. 111 Population in each ring in terms of number of households. DISCUSSION ON THE MODELS' OUTPUT The following discussion refers only to the corresponding "Without Project" scenarios of the two models. It pertains to tables B- 1, B-3, B-5, and B-7 of Appendix B. 1. POPULATION Bombay2 3 The Bombay2 model assumes that no redevelopment takes place in the existing capital stock of the island city. The old existing population on the island city remains fixed. Any growth in population beyond the year 2001, is now accommodated in New Bombay. In table B-7 the population equals 5.0 million households. This implies a difference of 2.7 m. households above the figure of 2.3 assumed for the base simulation. Column V then indicates that up to the radius of 9 miles, which is the boundary of the island city of Bombay, no growth of population has been allowed to take place. Growth is only accommodated on newly developed land from a radius of 9 miles outward up to a radius of 16.5 miles. Bombay The Bombay model allows redevelopment and conversion of older capital stock. Growth in population results in an increase in density at all locations. Growth is thus accommodated on the island as well as on the mainland. In table B-3 the growth of 2.7 million households causes the urban boundary to extend only up to a radius of 14.5 miles. Since redevelopment of the entire city is assumed to take place to needed densities at every successive stage of population growth, the horizontal spread of the city away from the CBD is less than in the Bombay2 model. 3 1t should be noted that in the "Bombay2" model, only the output figures corresponding to a radius of 9 miles from the CBD and outward are to be taken into account when reading the simulations. 112 2. AVERAGE LOT SIZE. Bombay2 Model The Bombay2 model assumes that the average existing lot size up to a radius of 9 miles outward from the CBD is equals 0.0124 acres. In a perfect market economy, this would be the approximate size of every lot in the city. However, as Column IV in table B-7 shows, actual lot sizes vary from 0.0104 acres at a radius of 9 miles to 0.0591 acres at the periphery which is at a radius of 16.5 miles. Average lot sizes, are therefore seen to increase monotonically from the point that the mainland begins, at a radius of 9 miles from the CBD, to the urban periphery. Correspondingly we find residential density dropping from 96 households per acre at 9 miles to 17 households per acre at the periphery. Bombay Model In the Bombay model, the average lot size of 0.0124 acres occurs approximately in the middle of the city at a radius of 6 miles. As seen in table B-3, the lot sizes varying from 0.0026 acres at the centre to 0.0591 acres at the periphery. The slope of the density gradient in the Bombay model is seen to be much less steep than in the Bombay2 model. Though the peripheral densities in both models are seen to remain the same, the urban periphery extends less far out in the Bombay model as compared to the Bombay2 model. (14.5 in the Bombay model as compared to the 16.5 of the Bombay2 model.) 3. LAND RENT Bombay2 Model The simulations show that though land rent decreases monotonically with increasing distance from the CBD, the rent gradient is much more steep nearer the centre, and flattens out considerably as we go further away. The overall rent gradient is much steeper in the 'Bombay2' model than in the 'Bombay' model. As the population keeps increasing in successive time periods, land rents nearer the CBD keep going up. This is evidenced in 113 table B-7 by the fact that the land rent at a distance of 9 miles in year 2001, when the population is 2.4 million households, is calculated by the model as $1442.9 per acre. The land rent in year 2021, when the population is 5.0 million households, is on the other hand $6951.5, showing that the land rent has increased to more than four times its original value, when in fact the population increased by only two times. Thus land rents are seen to increase in much higher proportions than the percentage increase in population. Bombay Model For the same corresponding increase in population, we find that the land rents at any particular location in the Bombay model are lower than the central rents in the Bombay2 model. In table B-3, when population increases from 2.3 million to 5.0 million, land rents at a 9 mile radius increase from $2069.5 to $3865.7. Thus in the Bombay model, land rents are seen to increase approximately in the same proportion as the increase in population, both increasing to twice their original value. 4. AGGREGATE VALUE OF INCOME COMPENSATION Bombay2 Model Total household income comprises of exogenous non-wage receipts, "y " plus an equal share of aggregate rents "R". As seen in the utility parameters, the Bombay2 model starts with an exogenously determined identical income for each individual, which has been equated with the Annual Per Capital Income of $1400. Further, as seen in column II of table B-7, the existing rental income equals $135.7. The rental from newly developed land then has to be such that the average aggregate rental income which is the average of the rental incomes from existing land as well as newly developed land, comes out to be $97.3. The household income then becomes, 1400 + 97.3 = 1497.30, as seen at the top of column II. Bombay Model 114 Table B-3 reveals that the average aggregate rental income, which is the average of the rental incomes all over the city is $66.8. The total household income is thus equals $1400 plus $66.8 or $1466.8. This figure is thus seen to be lower than the total income figure in the corresponding 'Without Project' simulation in the Bombay2 model. 5. URBAN PERIPHERY Bombay2 Model Both simulations assume the total population of the BMR to have grown to 5.0 million households by year 2021, from the initial figure of 2.3 million households of year 2001. As noted earlier, the Bombay2 model assumes no redevelopment. The model is set up so that the original 2.3 million households continue to live on the island and the growth of 2.7 million households is accommodated on the mainland. In column II of table B-7 the model shows that to accommodate this growth in population, land supply has to reach from the city centre to a location "b" at the urban periphery, which as seen at the bottom of column II, is at a radius of 16.25 miles or 32.5 rings away from the CBD. Correspondingly, as seen from the bottom of column III of table B-7, it is at this distance of 16.5 miles from the CBD, that consumer bid rents equal the opportunity cost of rural land "s", which is assumed equal to $1000 per annum. Bombay Model In the Bombay model, since redevelopment and conversion of older stock is assumed, growth of population is distributed over the mainland as well as the old island city. The horizontal spread is thus lesser than in the Bombay2 model. As seen in table B-3, the city has to extend to a radius of only 14.5 miles or to a distance of 28.5 rings away from the CBD. It is at this distance that consumer bid rents equal the $1000 per annum. 115 5.2 COMPARING THE RESPECTIVE WITH AND WITHOUT PROJECT SCENARIOS OF THE TWO MODELS The following discussion pertains to tables B-3, B-4, B-7 and B-8 of Appendix B. 5.2.1 URBAN BOUNDARY Bombay2 Model After the proposed construction of the BTHL, the nearest point in New Bombay will be only 6 miles away from the CBD on the island, instead of the initial separation of 9 miles. Column V of table B-8 then indicates that this population will now be accommodated from a radius of 6 miles outward up to a radius of 14.5 miles. Thus, in the 'With project' scenario, the urban boundary has to extend only up to a radial distance of 14.5 miles from the CBD in order to accommodate all the population as opposed to the 16.5 miles of the 'Without Project' scenario as seen in table B-7. Bombay Model In the 'With Project' scenario of the Bombay model, as seen in table B-4, building the new bridge means that the urban boundary has to extend only up to a 13.5 miles, instead of the 14.5 miles, of the 'Without Project' scenario as seen in table B-3. Moreover, the horizontal spread of the city is even lesser than in the Bombay2 model. 5.2.2 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION AND LOT SIZES Bombay2 Model Since in the 'Without Project' scenario, new residential developments have to be pulled much further away from the CBD in terms of radial distances to accommodate the growing population, the mid point of the city is also much further away from the CBD. In the 'Bombay2' model, population density remains the same from the CBD up to a radius of 116 9 miles. Rental income is arrived at by capitalizing on the changes caused by the growth in population that is accommodated on the mainland. Lot sizes available at any particular radial distance from the CBD are much smaller than those at corresponding distances in the 'With Project' scenario. However, we find that the proportional difference between the corresponding lot sizes in the two scenarios remains the same from the centre to the periphery. For example as seen from tables B-7 and B-8, Radial Distance Ratio Of Lot Sizes Without With Project Project Without/With 9.0 miles 0.0104 0.0169 0.61 14.5 miles 0.0366 0.060 0.61 Moreover, the gradient of lot sizes shows the same decline in the 'Without Project' scenario and in the 'With Project' scenario, the lot sizes reducing by the same increment in both scenarios. Bombay Model As seen in tables B-3 and B-4, the ratio of lot sizes in the two scenarios is revealed as follows: Radial Distances Lot Sizes With Without Project Project Ratio Of Without/With 9.0 0.0163 0.0210 0.77 13.5 0.0464 0.0598 0.77 Thus, in the Bombay model as in the Bombay2 model, the gradient of lot sizes remains about the same in both the 'With' and the 'Without' project scenarios. Lot sizes are smaller in the 'Without Project' scenario than those at comparable distances in the 'With Project' scenario, but the proportional difference between the corresponding lot sizes in the two scenarios remains the same from the centre to the periphery. 117 5.2.3 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION AND DENSITIES. Bombay2 Model In this model we find that peak densities closer to the centre are much lower in the 'With Project' scenario than in the 'Without Project' scenario. The densities at the periphery are however not much affected. They tend to remain more or less the same in both scenarios or to decrease only infinitesimally in the 'With Project' scenario. For example as seen in tables B-7 and B-8, Densities (HH's Per Acre) % Decline Without With Project Project Location At 9 MILES At PERIPHI ERY 96 17 59 40% decline 6% decline 16 Bombay Model This model shows that densities at the centre are definitely much more affected by the construction of the project than densities at the periphery, but in lesser proportion than in the Bombay2 model. For example, tables B-3 and B-4 demonstrate the following: Location Densities (HH's Per Acre) With Without Project Project At CBD At PERIPHERY 385 17 303 17 %Decline 23 % decline 0 % decline 5.2.4 Rental Incomes Bombay2 Model In this simulation of the Bombay2 model the Per Capita Rental Income is seen to decrease with the construction of the project. As seen in tables B-7 and B-8, Per Capita Rental Income decreases from 1.4845 to 1.4562. 118 Bombay Model On the other hand, in the Bombay model we find that in the 'With Project' scenario as seen from tables B-3 and B-4, Per Capita Rental Income increases from 1.4697 to 1.4705. The change in rental income is computed assuming that the income compensation is actually paid. Any measured changes in the aggregate rent will be based on altered utility levels, and hence the changes are not equivalent to the net change in per capita rental income, the latter being based upon the assumption of constant utility. Thus, though the utility level of each individual increases with the construction of the project (as seen in part V below), the per capita rental income and consequently the aggregate rental income could increase or decrease. Thus the increase or the decrease of aggregate rental income is not an appropriate indicator of benefits to society. 5.2.5 UTILITY LEVEL PER INDIVIDUAL Finally as a cumulation of all the factors mentioned above, individuals will have different levels of utility in the two scenarios. Bombay2 Model The model shows that the utility level of each individual in the 'With Project' scenario is higher than in the 'Without Project' scenario. For example, as seen from tables B-7 and B-8, the level of utility in the 'With Project' scenario is 1.0539 utils, whereas, the level of utility in the 'Without Project' scenario is 1.0369 utils. The difference in the two scenarios in terms of altered utility levels is thus 0.0170 utils. Translated in monetary terms, the difference in the utility level of an individual in the two scenarios will equal 1.4 times 1000 times 0.017 or $23.8 per person. The aggregate project benefits to the economy of the BMR, at this time period of year 2021 and given the fixed set of utility parameters, then is equal to the utility per person multiplied by the number of working or commuting population. The model assumes it will 119 be recalled that one member of each household is an earning member and has thus to travel to his place of work which is always assumed to be separate from his residence. As the most conservative estimate then, the number of people commuting can be taken to be equal to the total number of households. Thus Net Project Benefits in year 2021 would then be equal to $23.8 times 5 million households or $119.0 million. Thus, the total aggregate benefits accruing to the entire population of the BMR are substantially higher with the construction of the BTHL. The successive simulations show that the current value of monetary benefits increases as the population keeps growing. Bombay Model As seen from tables B-3 and B-4, the individual utility in the 'With Project' scenario is 1.0499, while individual utility in the 'Without Project' scenario is 1.0365. The difference in the level of welfare of the individual in the two scenarios is thus 0.0134. In monetary terms then, the level of welfare is equal to, 1.4 times 0.0134 times 1000 or $18.76 per person. Therefore, project benefits for the year 2021 in current prices equal 18.76 times 5 or $ 93.8 million. Thus, in the long run, benefits due to the BTHL are higher if one assumes that Bombay city will develop along the lines of the 'Bombay2' model, rather than develop along the lines of the 'Bombay' model. In view of this discussion, let us now review the summary of all the simulations performed within the Bombay and the Bombay2 models. 120 5.3 SUMMARY OF THE SIMULATIONS PERFORMED The study of these prototypical simulations using both the "Bombay" and the "Bombay2" models, leads to a few generalizations about the working of the two models. Summarizing the previous few pages one could thus make the following observations. 1. City spread: Population increases cause less horizontal spread in the 'Bombay' than in the 'Bombay2' model. As a consequence, the midpoint of the city is also closer to the CBD in the 'Bombay' model, and the urban periphery extend closer in. 2. Population density: In the 'Without Project' scenario, densities at locations closer to the CBD are generally higher in the Bombay2 model, while the peripheral densities are about the same in the two models. Thus the slope of the density gradient is steeper in the Bombay2 model. Once the BTHL is assumed to be built, densities nearer the CBD show a much sharper fall in the Bombay2 model than in the Bombay model. Thus, the BTHL is seen to have much more impact on central densities in the Bombay2 model than in the Bombay model. 3. Increase in land rents: In the Bombay2 model, even a small increase in population causes a proportionately much larger increase in land rents nearer the centre. In the Bombay model, even to begin with, land rents at any location are much lower than the Bombay2 model. Subsequently, we find that for every increase in population, land rents in the centre increase in the same proportion as population increases. Furthermore, summarizing and generalizing the comparison between the respective 'With' and 'Without' Project scenarios of the two models, we could make the following additional comments. 121 1. City spread: The construction of the BTHL would help to a much larger extent in reducing the horizontal spread of the island city if one assumes that development of the city will proceed along the lines of the 'Bombay2' model instead of the 'Bombay' model. 2. Lot sizes: Lots increase monotonically as we go outward from the CBD in both models. However, the difference in lot sizes at comparative distances in the 'With' and 'Without' Project scenarios of the Bombay model, remains the same at any location within the city. On the other hand, lots increase in increasing proportions, as we recede from the CBD, in the Bombay2 model. 3. Peak densities: Construction of the BTHL would have a large impact on the peak densities in the Bombay2 model, but not as much in the Bombay model. 4. Per Capita Rental Income: Construction of the BTHL would cause the annual per capita rental incomes to decrease in the Bombay2 model but to increase in the Bombay model. As said before, however, this is no indicator of increased or decreased welfare levels as the individual utility level is seen to increase in both the models. 5. Utility levels or Project benefits: In the initial stages of population growth, project benefits are higher in the Bombay model than in the Bombay2 model. With subsequently increasing population however, the BTHL generates much higher project benefits in the Bombay2 model as compared to the Bombay2 model. This is because, as population keeps growing, it becomes increasingly difficult to accommodate through continued horizontal expansion, since this would result in the city growing to inefficient proportions, or displaying diseconomies of scale. In such a scenario, where no redevelopment of the 122 city's interior is possible and the only alternative for a city to face population growth is expansion away from the CBD, a project such as the BTHL would be much more valuable than in a city where redevelopment of older capital stock is allowed, thus offering an alternative way of stopping sub-optimal horizontal spread of the city. In reality, the future development of the city of Bombay would probably see a combination of the two models, "Bombay" and "Bombay2", with, perhaps, a greater leaning towards the scenario portrayed by the "Bombay2" model. Whichever path the future development of the city of Bombay follows, tables C-I through C-6 of Appendix C reveal that benefits due to the BTHL Project exceed the corresponding costs by a substantial margin. Fortunately this statement can now be made with a reasonable amount of confidence, since plenty of simulations were performed, each with a different set of assumptions and parameters. This enabled us to take into account a number of alternatives for possible development scenarios in the future. 5.4 CONCLUSIONS REGARDING CHAPTER 5 Summarizing therefore, let us go over the salient features of each section and see how different growth and development patterns can be envisaged for Bombay city under different sets of assumptions as made in the "Bombay" and the "Bombay2" models. The main features in the two models have been illustrated with the help of figures 5.04 to 5.12 presented in the following ten pages. These reveal different ways in which future development of the city of Bombay could take place and show how the development scenarios would differ in the "Bombay" and the "Bombay2" models. They further reveal, as noted earlier, that whether the city develops along the lines of the "Bombay" model or the "Bombay2" model, in both cases the BTHL would help restrict uneconomical city spread, and consequently increase the 'level of welfare' or the 'utility level' of each individual in the city. 123 As stated earlier, the land mass of the city of Bombay has a peculiar geographical configuration. The city is shaped in the form of a north-south crescent, connected to the mainland only on its northern parts and bounded by the sea on all its other sides. High natural birth rate and ever increasing migration have caused the population of the city to near 13 million. This population is moreover, very unevenly distributed. Most of the employment (around 62%), is concentrated in 4% of the land mass in the southern tip of the city whereas the residential areas spread far north into the suburbs and extended suburbs. The city is thus definitely monocentric with regard to its employment concentration, but unfortunately this CBD is placed to one extreme end of the city instead of in the geographical middle. The BMR has experienced a population growth rate of around 3.6% per annum in the past two decades. This growth rate, though much higher than the national average, is certainly not disastrously high by international standards. In fact comparisons with other countries show that it is relatively low on the international scale. The main problem in Bombay is then, not merely the growth rate of population but the intense shortage of land for expansion in order to accommodate the population growth. There is a large amount of vacant land available on the mainland. This has not yet been developed because of the lack of a major east-west link between the island city and the mainland. This is coupled with the fact that housing conditions within the city are showing increasing deterioration and are growing steadily worse. Most of the already burdened civic infrastructure are in need of major repairs. It is these latter two problems coupled with the population increase, that have caused a tremendous demand for central space, causing a subsequent increase in the price of the latter. The increasing population has caused very high density levels at all locations in the city, and especially steeply as one goes nearer the southern tip of the city, as is revealed by figures 5.05 and 5.09. The lopsided employment concentration has also placed a substantial 124 TA~L5-e- LEGEND U3ED FOR THE FOLLOWING GRAF'{4 OL bQ0MAY JNciieAE IN PopuLATioN FtstJvLr5 IN INC8E.ASED PN51TY AT ALL L-OCATION- WITH EVF-0Y MNCPREMNTAL INCFREASM OF PDPULAION, ~PI-EVELoP1EI~r OC(WUi5 ALL O'/EP5 UP-CITY. 5OM5AY 2? MODEL NO PWOOEVEWOPt4E.NT 15 ALUoWSD. l6LANO CUIY fir=MAINS T1M 5ADMS r-t ALL 51$6E-OF r"tAND. POPUL.VIDN C~WN1I. ALL. uNF-W u R~P6VL.'AI OCvnC&EOA)U 15 ArC.'!OOMP1E9OLY ON~. FOPMJA1I2' OaC~wyN ct4LANo ciy IN PI~Y.01 REM4AN5 CON&$ANTI 'rtlac)6#Ol) IN'6Ot61SAY1Z WMOL INCA~EAWO ;5(n CAN6FS IN JIIE 'f~oMAy'MO(EL Of'.,'lt'oN DeNsIny Al ANY 4cATION IN Wotin oNft -10 iCO' O(3 'M2,5Tlr46' ,PopotAvoON 8EIN ADO 6iY O0'NEwV' ------------ N~Wew F~ I . C-)U) IN POU(AT(ON lhAT 1:5 A6CO(WWE ONL ON *IffF MAINLAND ammpq R' ~f4oFiltWV LAN li 6060816 OF MII 16L4P 611Y( 1WG NORM INT1O TVIE 6UqS~~i5 0P5 CrTY OF 130(41AY : EXPAN,-ON CAN TA467 PLACE E-11H13 TO (V~51P6UAY-5 INTOR MAIRLANI' VMUP LFTw4O~wBEY14 t. H~~ie - FI6U % 5'O'4 - TOTAL PorI0AJoN 2.3M tit VESI6N IFA 2001 OF PTY 5PP) AD J ArN PRHe eb' PGA. [t7N 5(Ty AFO5UNP 609 0Bl6INAL, c11Y PUN611Y -- A3 IN Y8f2001. u ul LW PU 05 1 1-5 2 2-5 3 3-5 + 4-5 5 5-5 6 6-5 7 7-5 8 -5 9 9-5 PEN S(Tl&~S 10 10-5 ti 11-5 12. 12-5(EIENI "IL5 FFOM 6O PsAD6iUS BOMSAY MODEL CITY OF &OM6AY RIPHE3A/- A5 A55UMMED AT a WIT/HOUT PROJECT 5CENABIO EGINNING OF Dr.516N 'FI 2001 1BY -1=buf 5' -5,3: TOTAL PONLAT(ON 5M litiS YEARI 2021I PMf PHf6Pmy §5"-" 0%4E;3AU, Pt-N611Y OF zgy %p . ~Jp~&jq 2. - 2-5- +.5 56 6 7~ 8.5 9 95 IC 10-5 ~5-514 5 125 FAADIV6 MILES PROM 40D P~flI9HG~Y 1i6-5I16 WJIflOtT PROJECT 5CUNAI\1O bO0MY. MODL4 Fl&uf .506 POPULATMON YEA9 2021 TOTAL d i1 LrOAN MRF~ f'ff1 641)' _,:IPnEAr6 -ON lffU MAINL-ANI IW 0-1 15 2 25 SS 44f 5 -55 6 65 7 75 8 5 9 2 -55VW5115 RADi~s i51l3-5 MILF-SPROM~ -CSD 13OMDAY IlWITH PROJECT MOD~EL 5CCNARJO h*06te - HbUP65'07- OPULAlI laMlWAEAE CAU-';s IH CI1y 6Pn0A WSM6M INC.AFA5 VEAM 2001 CITY OFrBOM1AY At YEAP5 2022 PopuLAriOr 5MI1W, YEAM POFULNJIION 2.3t 1HS 6E6(NI4N6 d0i PE1S( C 5OME AY MODEL FibuW7 5.oa - - TOTAL RPpJLATioN 2-4N1 HH:5 DES&N YEBi 2001 P'E'N LUNVPAL Pr:NSI1Y l1Y TUFit tc)A5 fOL.O VN5I1Y7 IN-ICeXTPA SlA4P THIS PUN511Y OF ltt P (X5R FOP, ALL TIM' & PUNCDS IN TH~ t; &f3AY2 NODEL. toW PEN~3PHURAL. L 1 ~~701.51 ,L *52 ''. LI , 2-5 3 ,±4 L . 35- .. 1 5 ,LA , , 5 5-5 6 &-1 7 Y 1 599 5 r-5AD1IUS MILES FPRO:M -C90 BOM13sAY2 MODEL 41 a os0~ P&N~rtY Mf t~fIR WiTIOLJT PROJECT 5CENARI(O CITY OF BOM5AY A5 A5Vt'MitWD AT B6NNING OF M5161 4 YEAI9 200( - TOTAL PoPUIATION 5.OM Hls YEAf5 2021 F0 '- NaW WN6lY ON qAINL^No 0L-DN6(1Y O5 IAAJY 1-225 ~ --. 5 5536 7, 75 a es 8-5 10 w- 1-5 12 its RAOIU5 MtIS FROn cSD 2. WITI-OUI P'ROJECT SCtNARI1O bOMAY MooE. - Pl6VE5.10 - TOTAL POPULATCON YSAA 50M tif 5 2021 ai - VF AN 8 mPmlHPy fNUUJ P&VeLoFPMN7 0 ~D 0 WN6f1f 6F /6(AND 6(1 "..w. -ft9 .. jigMNN(N q V'F6AN PP(FPlif) o 5 15 2 2-5 35 5 6 6-5 7 7-5 6 6-5 DOMBAY MODEL 9 9-5 to i0-3 11 P1 r- 1125 16 1-" WNWWADIV5 MILE5 PAOM C&D 11-5 12 WIi PROJECT 5CENARIO Y F16URF -5- it MPULAI(ON INCAP-ME CAU-ce5 LARGE tt4CFJE^,SF- IrA C11Y 6PAVAD Y6AI5 :2001 Cill -Ofr950M8AY A7 Oe&NNIN& OF P6516N YPAF5 FMLATION 2-4 (4 HHS YPAm 2o2l POPULAI(ON 5MHHS WITtIoUl PHOJaCl !5LWlAAl0 fp)Atxu-s WOULD 60vplo fps MILF_15 FIMLAMON INrFWAV 6W&FS %IF04Y SM&L. INCAEAie IN eIY 612Z. YF-AA 20 -21 POPVLAICN 5-Ohl Htfs W11H P"OdeGl 5CEMM10F)"OIV5 OriLy lmcjpw6lz 5 -tc) 14-5 MIL95 DOMbAY 2 MODEL IVU52- UTILITY Gf5Ad'1W15COI'AF;'ARiNC VJF(I1 ANVWIT1007 FOCT -E1Nhfi(O OF TH8 OMOAY2 NOP5L- OOMaAY Mom,,PEFP5NCF 9- I0- IN (jT(L(1 WVSb (8FWACN THE 56C-NlAf10. .TWAO 6/-ON5TANT 'i- 12IFFP13NCE IN ~uT(UlY L24-VeL,5136TWUC-N TFT I -5,CNAM106 JK'LFR5 IN69C-hKAN6 90 ~0 '0 0 N '0 0 'S~1 to 9- 9 '0 0 in m0 '0 0 0 '0 IL) 0 0 9 '0 0 0 - -4 4I 2S 2-3 1991 604- POPULk ION ~3.c 2001 20-91 2011 2031 IN HHS/ACS +2-0 21991 :3-0 2001 4'0 2011 YEAR OF PPOJScr UFE bON1BAY MODEL EO0MBAY2 MODEL. -5-060 2031 2021 YEAR O~F PhO0JECeTLFE strain on the city's bus and train services, thus causing severe hardships to the millions of daily commuters. 5.4.1 APPLICATIONS OF THE 'BOMBAY' AND THE 'BOMBAY2' MODELS The results of both these models have been presented with the help of two different scenarios for each set of fixed utility parameters. These are the "With Project" and the "Without Project" scenarios. The "With Project" scenario assumes that the proposed construction of the BTHL has taken place. Both the "Bombay" and the "Bombay2" models start with a basic assumption that once the BTHL is built, people would be willing to live on the mainland and any land opening up would immediately be taken up by the created demand. This assumption is based on the following fact. The BTHL will bring the areas on the mainland at reasonable commuting distances (and time) from the CBD. Surveys reveal that people are willing to accept the tradeoff between living outside the island city and increased comfort in terms of living conditions and commuting time, as well as the advantage of residential ownership, all of which the mainland would have to offer. The construction of the BTHL would thus mean a substantial improvement in the transit system of the city because of its potential capacity to to divert residential development, some of the employment and subsequently a large amount of traffic to the mainland. As seen in figures 5.05/5.06 and figures 5.09/5.10, the construction of the BTHL may therefore result in a much flatter density gradient than before. For any particular year, the models work under the assumption of a constant exogenous annual travel cost. We are thus assuming that by living further away, people still spend the same on transportation, but they can now live at lower densities. Thus, even without lowering the unit cost of transportation, there will be net utility accruing to an individual resident of the BMR. 135 We further assume that the additional development of the city of Bombay under increasing population can take place broadly in two possible ways. One such envisaged scenario is represented by the "Bombay" model and the next one by the "Bombay2" model. The following pages discuss the salient points of the "Bombay and the "Bombay2" models, with the help of figures 5.04 through 5.12 which are presented prior to this section. The Bombay Model This model can best be described as being an 'instant static model'. The model as such assumes when a part of the mainland is made accessible by the construction of the BTHL, population will start spilling over on the mainland. This model assumes that growth in population of a city can cause the redevelopment or the conversion of older capital stock in the centre of the city. Once the additional land mass on the mainland is integrated with the city of Bombay through improved transportation, the region consisting of both the island and the mainland develops as an integrated whole, and an increase in population would result in an increase in density at all locations. This is evidenced in figures 5.05, 5.06, and 5.07. In figure 5.07 which represents the "Bombay" model, Part A represents the initial spread of the city in the design year 2001. Part B shows that with increased population and the same amount of land, residential development goes further north at ever increasing commuting distance from the CBD. Part C then shows that when additional land mass in the surrounding areas of the mainland is taken up and joined to the city, development instead of going further north, at ever increasing commuting distance from the CBD, will spread sideways and the distribution of population will be such that, the urban periphery will now extend less far out from the centre or the CBD. Thus the city size does not develop to an uneconomically large proportion. As a result, individual level of welfare increases. In each simulation within the 'Bombay model' therefore, it is assumed that utility increases not because of the decrease in 136 the unit cost of travel, but because of the opening up of more land mass as the construction of the BTHL relaxes the land constraint. The utility lies in the fact that in spite of the additional land mass, in terms of radial spread from the CBD, the city is much smaller than it would be with an equivalent increase in population in the 'Without Project' scenario. This subsequently results in less aggregate commuting for the population of the BMR as a whole, even though we have not assumed any reduction in the unit cost of travel. Eventually in the long run however, this reduction in aggregate commuting would result in a reduction in the overall level of traffic congestion, allowing savings in time and other resource costs to commuters, and thus subsequently reducing the unit cost of transportation. Therefore, with the availability of an expanded supply of land, even if unit cost per mile of travel did not decrease, the total transportation outlay as a percentage of an individual's aggregate income would decrease, thus creating savings in the unit cost of travel in the long run. Thus the 'Bombay' model is at best a very conservative estimate, assuming unit travel costs to remain constant over time in spite of a substantially increased transport investment In fact the benefits would be even higher than the ones calculated if the travel costs were to go down. The 'Bombay2' Model This is the second envisaged scenario. The 'Bombay2' model can be better explained by drawing a comparison with the 'Bombay' model. In comparing the 'Bombay' series with the 'Bombay2' series, we will start with the major differences. Redevelopment and conversion of older capital stock is permitted in the Bombay model. You can thus build higher into the interior. In Bombay2 in contrast, redevelopment is not allowed to change the old capital stock 137 in the interior of the old island city. As seen in figure 5.11, the island city remains static, retaining its original density of year 2001 at all times. All growth has to be absorbed in the newly opened up areas on the mainland i.e. in New Bombay. Thus, since no redevelopment occurs, the city increasingly spreads horizontally outward from the CBD, for every incremental increase in population. This horizontal spread of the city is much more in the Bombay2 model than in the Bombay model. Thus in the Bombay2 model, the BMR as a whole is much more affected in its size or radial spread outward from the CBD if the BTHL were not to be constructed, than in the Bombay model. Figure 5.09 further reveals that in the 'Without Project Scenario' of the Bombay2 model, the nearest point on the mainland is 9 miles away from the CBD. It is from this point outward that the population growth is absorbed. On the other hand, in the 'With Project Scenario', growth can be accommodated from 6 miles outward to the periphery and the city spread is much smaller, as revealed in figure 5.10. Very broadly therefore, the Bombay2 model can be described as a 'Two Period Anas Model', which is based on the theory of simple myopic growth. With respect to the 'Without Project' scenario we could describe the "Two Period Anas Model" or the "Bombay2" model as follows. 4 Period I This is the period during which the island city develops from 0 miles to a radius of 9 miles and establishes a certain density pattern which we will term as "old density", which is shown in Part 'A' of figure 5.11. This period which is equivalent to the 'Anas' model, lasts upto year 2000. The development of each ring within the radius of 9 miles is determined exclusively by market conditions at the time of development. Unlike the 'Bombay' model, older capital in the interior is assumed to be durable, and once built is assumed to remain 4Refer figures 5.09, 5.10, and 5.11 pertaining to the following discussion. 138 forever or abandoned, but never altered or replaced. The "old" residential density thus always remains fixed after the year 2000, and the existing capital stock does not changes, as seen in figure 5.11. Period II This period begins in year 2001, when the population starts growing still further. New development now begins at the outer edge of the development from the previous Period I, i.e. at the urban fringe. Thus growth is accommodated only on the "new" land beyond a radius of 9 miles outward to the urban periphery, as seen in figures 5.09 and 5.11. This urban periphery extends just far enough so that the intervening land accommodates the growth in households at their demanded densities. This new development has a density pattern of its own which we will term as "new" density. At the time that redevelopment is occurring, the old rent and the old density pattern of Period I remain fixed. The character of the older stock of the island city influences that of new development in New Bombay only by setting the existing boundary from which that development proceeds. (9 miles in the 'Without Project' scenario, as seen in figure 5.09 and 6 miles in the 'With Project' scenario, as seen in figure 5.10). The condition for Period I can be expressed as follows: 0 9 miles 2.3 Initial Population in Period I households million up to year 2000 Land mass of Bombay city Land mass on the island Similarly, the condition for Period II can be expresssed as follows: J 9 miles Urban Periphery 0.7 Net change or growth in population million households New land mass of New Bombay Land mass of New Bombay In 'Bombay2' therefore, the existing stock never changes. The capital stock at any 139 period of time is just the accumulated construction that has occurred in all periods prior to the present. According to this model, therefore, spatial development of the BMR occurs incrementally over time in successive rings from the centre of employment outwards. As a result, as seen in figures 5.09 and 5.10, the density gradient exhibits a saw-tooth pattern, declining smoothly within periods, but making discrete changes between the two broadly defined periods. Greater travel distance as in the 'Without Project' scenario ensures that land consumption will fall or that density will increase between periods. This density increase between periods is seen to be much lesser in the 'With Project' scenario due to the commuting time and distance being cut down by the construction of the BTHL. 140 Chapter 6 CONCLUDING COMMENTS AND OVERALL OBSERVATIONS REGARDING THIS STUDY It has been assumed throughout this thesis that residential densities are a prime indicator of congestion. In relation to international standards, Bombay can certainly be called a very congested city. At the same time, a city's density pattern is also important in any analysis of congestion. Bombay city in particular has very high density near the core but has substantial vacant land at the periphery. The physical setting in which the city exists, its age, the economic functions which it performs, and the area within which it is located, all have a bearing on a city's spatial density pattern. Urban geographers have found both similarities and differences in the pattern of growth of cities in developed and developing countries. Among cities in developed countries, four distinct stages of growth have been observed. 1. 'Youth Stage', in which the population is spatially relatively restricted, and concentrated near the city's business core. 2. 'Early Maturity Stage', in which there is a real expansion of the city, and greatly increased density adjacent to the commercial core. 3. 'Late Maturity Stage', in which occur still greater peak densities and spatial expansion. There is also the emergence of a 'density crater' in the density gradient of the city that is accounted for by the lowered desirability of residence in the commercial core and the ability of commercial users of central locations to outbid residential users, the latter then moving to the suburbs. This 'density crater' is often accompanied by a surrounding 'density 141 rim' which is a high density area in the mid-city a little removed from the CBD but not as far as the suburbs. 4. 'Old Age Stage', which shows still greater spatial expansion, a deepened density crater and a density rim further removed from the commercial core of the CBD. Among Third World cities as evidenced in Bombay, several differences to the above pattern emerge. Even with continued spatial expansion, central densities often remain high. The result is continued overcrowding and congestion in or near the core areas. Moreover, while the affluent in the developed world suburbanize and consume relatively inexpensive land, in the cities of the Third World it is often seen that the group with the least spatial mobility resides on land at the periphery. Improvement of income levels often leads to greater demands for relatively central locations with a resultant increase in overcrowding. One reason for such a tendency is the imperfect accessibility to the core city areas from the peripheral areas in Third World Cities. Data show that Indian cities have much more congested CBD's than the cities of most other countries even in the Third World. During the decade 1971-81, Bombay's density gradient started showing some signs of 'Late Maturity', although at a much higher density level than in cities at a similar stage in developed countries. At the same time, density in the northern suburbs dropped below the average city density, one reason being out- migration. These density losses however have been more than offset by density gains in the mid-Bombay areas. Thus, what happened in Bombay in the last decade, is distinct from the suburbanization witnessed in developed countries. In the latter, the process of urbanization is proving to be a finite process. Low rates of natural population increase, virtually no inflow of rural migrants, and suburbanization have put well defined constraints on city growth. Bombay's case is slightly different. The overall rate of population growth has 142 remained constant at 3.5% per annum during the last three decades. The locational pattern of growth has inevitably been oriented towards the suburbs and extended suburbs because of the total lack of additional space in the CBD. While the south island city could only grow by 0.6% per annum, the suburbs grew at around 5% per annum. In the coming years, the pace and locational pattern of Bombay's population growth will depend on how far the forces of decentralization can offset the pace of natural population increase and inward migration. The pace of natural population increase has been growing over the years, and now accounts for about half of the total population increase. As a recent World Bank report on Bombay comments, "The real question is whether the pace of 'natural' decentralization is fast enough". One way of approaching this problem of quick decongestion, is the 'polycentric' approach which seeks to create an independent, self-supporting city which could create a counter-magnet to Bombay. As said earlier in the thesis, the object of this approach, would be to prohibit all future growth in the city and to divert it instead to New Bombay, which would ultimately be encouraged to grow into a self-sufficient city. Such a scenario, appears on the face of it an attractive one, and if it could be made to work, would offer a solution to many of Bombay's problems. A moot point however is whether New Bombay can develop at an acceptable pace and independently of the old metropolis. As said earlier, Vashi is the child of the Thane-Creek Bridge, which connected the mainland to Bombay in the respective northern areas. The development of Vashi started just around the time that the bridge was opened in 1972. CIDCO and TECS surveys show that nearly 60% of Vashi's residents have come from Greater Bombay. More than half of them still commute to the metropolis for work. This dependence exists because many sectors of the economy have not been developed satisfactorily in New Bombay. This failure could be attributed to the fact the existing link with old Bombay is not good enough. This is because, despite acute and escalating congestion in the island city and despite plentiful availability of 143 built-up land and infrastructure offered by CIDCO in New Bombay, the majority of the sectors in the economy prefer to stay either in the city or shift only to the northern regions of New Bombay next to the Thane-Creek Bridge. It is therefore the city of Bombay which has provided and is providing the major propulsive forces behind New Bombay's development, which at best is extremely slow. Why has this happened? 3 As Nigel Harris points out, "Despite the ambitious program of new town development in various countries, the number of people involved has been far too small to significantly affect the urban population, and the cost of new town development precludes any other result. These new towns have not been able to be 'self-contained' since their size and restricted employment base inevitably makes them dependent upon the nearest metropolis. " After surveying the attempts to create new towns by various Third World nations, Bertrand Renaud, an urban economist from the World Bank, came out strongly in favour of 'satellite towns' (or 'dormitory towns') and against 'new towns'. 32 He points out, "Wherever new towns have come up, they have proved to be an enormous waste of resources, since they, by and large fail to take off, or their growth is too slow. In contrast to new towns, such satellite towns are viable and economical." In the light of all the information presented above, it can be forseen that, conceived as an independent entity, it is doubtful if New Bombay would for some time be able to absorb the future waves of migrants that come to the metropolis. No other town or growth centre in the State of Maharashtra, has been able to attract a significant proportion of the migrants from outside the State, most of whom continue to come to Bombay. 33 As Richardson notes, "Migrants are typically low-income, and low income service jobs are typically generated only after a major concentration of economic activity has built up rather than in the early stages of an area's development. A growth centre needs to be sufficiently advanced to spin off a large number of service and informal-sector jobs". In accordance to this statement, we find that most of the migrants to Vashi are 144 predominantly middle-income. Moreover, a concentration of economic activity implying a critical mass of population and jobs will take a considerable time to generate. Against this background, it seems that efficient communication links with Bombay are more essential than incidental to New Bombay's development. A link such as the BTHL would be an essential ingredient of the alternative approach to decongestion, where the spatial growth concentrations of the city are diversified. A characteristic of this type of decongestion is that it is spontaneous in that it represents an extension of natural metropolitan growth. This type of desired decongestion can then be defined as:9 1. The consideration of Bombay Metropolitan Region as one city, the 'Bombay Metropolitan City". 2. Using the entire city to move people and jobs out of Greater Bombay as 'naturally' as possible into the mainland, by providing uniform and adequate employment, civic amenities and transport and. communications services throughout the region. 3. Directing all of the above without affecting the economic prosperity of the region, which could otherwise have a negative effect on the economies of the state and the country. The recommended approach should thus be that Greater Bombay should "grow naturally" into what could be called the Bombay Metropolitan City, whereby the growth of the metropolis in the years to follow would be eastwards into the mainland. As noted earlier, the simulations performed show that whichever way the city of Bombay chooses to decentralize, either along the lines of the 'Bombay' model, or along the lines of the 'Bombay2' model, there is net added utility to every individual residing either on the island city or on the mainland. Quickening the pace of development on the mainland, clearly amounts to quickening the pace of decentralization, which is what the new approach to decongestion of Bombay is all about. 145 Appendix A? ECONOMIC COSTS OF THE 8THL PROJECT (As calculated by M/s Peter Fraenkel and Partners). YEAR CONST. 1985 1986 198? 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2039 2039 2040 MAINT. 11.98 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 11.98 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 NPV at 12% to 1990 TOTAL COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.98 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 29.16 28.02 15.83 15.83 15.83 13.02 14.47 15.21 15.21 15.21 16.90 24.78 24.78 24.78 24.78 24.78 23.74 23.74 23.74 23.74 25.10 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 30.16 24.72 25.24 25.24 25.24 25.24 25.24 25.24 25.24 25.24 21.17 1.05 110.41 146 A. 1 A. Table 1 A.2 Table 2 The following pages present the estimates about various data as made by the original group of consultants. QUANTIFICATION OF BENIFITS : INCREASE IN LAND VALUES OF RESIDENTIAL LAND POPULATION ESTIMATES : (Before the design year). GREATER BOMBAY 1961 1971 1981 1986 1991 4.15 5.97 7.55 8.89 10.23 0.21 0.62 1.03 (Island city) NEW BOMBAY (Mainland) REST OF THE BMR 1.30 1.90 2.32 3.20 4.08 TOTAL BMP 5.45 7.87 10.07 12.70 15.33 POPULATION EsrIMATES : (After the design year 2001). 2001 -2010 2011 With 2020 Without 2021 With 2030 Without 2031 With 12.90 14.70 15.20 15.80 17.10 16.20 18.40 NEW BOMBAY 1.84 3.15 2.89 5.06 4.27 7.64 6.07 REST OF THE BMR 5.84 7.36 7.12 9.20 8.68 9.93 9.30 20.58 25.21 25.21 30.05 30.05 33.77 33.77 GREATER BOMBAY TOTAL BMR PROJECTED LAND DEVELOPMENT IN NEW BOMBAY In # hectares of Gross Residential Area 2001 to 2010 2011 to 2020 2021 to 2031 New Bombay Nhava Sheva New Bombay Nhava Sheva New Bombay Nhava Sheva WITH PROJECT 210 85 280 120 340 150 WITHOUT PROJECT 150 50 175 60 200 Net Residential Area is 44% of the Gross Residential Area. 147 A.2 70 2040 Without - A.3 Table 3 COMPUTATION OF ESTIMATED NET BENIFITS DUE TO INCPEASE IN LAND VALUES Projections of Gross Developable Land: (Totally 2500) In # of hectares/year, only in the Nhava-Sheva region. 2001 to 2010 2011 to 2020 2021 to 2030 WITH BTHL CIOCO (upper) MIG 30 40 50 HIG 5 7 9 22 32 40 3 5 7 60 84 105 MIG 16 20 25 HIG 3 3 4 MIG 14 16 17 HIG 2 3 3 35 42 49 CIOCO (lower) MIG HIG TOTAL (With Project) WITHOUT BTHL CIOCO (upper) CIOCO (lower) TOTAL (Without Pr) LAND VALUES IN $ / 50.FT WITH BTHL CIOCO (upper) In Constant * MIG 30.60 HIG 69.30 CIOCO (lower) MIG 23.10 HIG 53.90 WITHOUT BTHL CIOCO (upper) In Constant $ MIG 21.56 HIG 53.90 CIDCO (lower) MIG 17.33 HIG 46.20 148 A.3 - Projections of Gross Developable Land: (Totally 7000) In # of hectares/year, in the entire New Bombay region. 2001 to 2010 2021 to 2030 2011 to 2020 WITH BTHL CIOCO (upper) 117 MIG 72 98 HIG 8 10 13 MIG 60 80 96 HIG 7 8 11 147 196 237 52 60 69 CIOCO (lower) TOTAL (With Project) WITHOUT BTHL CIOCO (upper) MIG HIG ------------ 8 7 6 ----------------------------------------------- CIOCO (lower) ---------------------------------- -50 42 MIG HIG ------------------------------------------ 5 5 57 6 TOTAL (Without Pr) 122 105 9---------------- 149 A.4 140 ECONOMIC BENIFIT STPAIN FOR INCREASE IN LANO VALUES : Considering only the 2500 ha of the Nhava-Sheva region. YEAR H"UuuM WEFITS. 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 PV of ben at 12 X to 1990 RnmSpoWT 8&p!T5S 0.DU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 118.27 118.27 118.27 118.27 119.27 118.27 118.27 118.27 118.27 118.27 184.57 194.57 184.57 184.57 184.57 184.57 184.57 184.57 184.57 184.57 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55' 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55. 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55 237.55 43.60 58.92 58.82 58.92 58.82 58.82 59.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 50.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 59.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 193.78 51.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 Re. HOUSING BENEFITS. This is at financial prices. Economic Benifits = Financial Benifits P SCF. Economic Benifits from Gross Developable Area = 193.78 x 0.8 = 155 million dollars. Thus, economic benifits from Net Residential Area 68 million dollars. 15500.44 = THUS, 68 TOTRL ECONOMIC BENEFITS FROM THE 8THL AS STATED BY THE CONSLLTAINS + 51.66M = 119.66 million. This assumes that only the 2500 ha around Nhava-Shava will be affected directly by the link. However, a total of 7000 ha are being thrown open to residential development ment in New Bombay. The total benifits from all of this land will be such higher. Re will now attempt to quantify these. 150 A.5 .5 Table 5 ECONOMIC BENIFIT STRAIN FOR INCREASE IN LAND VALUES : Considering the 7000 ha in all of New Bombay. NET BENIFITS DUE TO INCREASED LAND VALUES. YEAR 1965 1986 198? 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 199? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 PV OF BENIFITS at 12% to 1990 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.38 229.38 229.38 229.38 229.38 229.38 229.38 229.38 229.38 229.38 346.73 346.73 346.73 346.73 346.73 346.73 346.73 346.73 346.73 346.73 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 444.52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 43.60 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 58.82 370.46 51.66 These benifits are at financial prices. Economic benifits = Financial benifits 9 SCF. Economic benifits from 7000 ha of gross developable area = 296 370 x 0.8 = Thus, economic benifts from the net residential area will be = 130.24 million dollars. 296 w 0.44 = THUS, TOTAL ECONOMIC BENEFITS DUE TO THE BTHL PROJECT AS STATED BY THE CONSULTANTS FOR A GROSS AREA OF 7000 HA. ON THE MAINLAND ARE 130.24 + 51.66 = 181.9 million dollars. 151 A.6 A. T RESOURCE SAVINGS DUE TO TRANSPORTATIO4 : (As stated by the original group of consultants). The region-wise break-up of the 42 zones in AREAS Island City South Island City North Suburbs New Bombay Rest of the BMR the BMR is as follows # OF ZONES 6 6 10 8 12 flows are between 16 zones in the BMP, The relevant traffic 12 of which are from Greater Bombay, and 4 on the mainland. Note : Population, enployment and ownership estimates for these zones were obtained from the 1980 census data. METHODOLOGY USED FOR THE QUANTIFICATION OF TRANSPORT BENEFITS Recently done TECS surveys provided the consultants with data about the estimates of Zonal Population, Zonal Employment and Vehicle Ownership. Thus, trip generation (productions and attractions) of each zone could be calculated. The various figures for modal split were obtained from the CRRI surveys, both for Mass Transport and Private Transport. These initial two stages provided the input data for calculating the inter-zonal Trip Distribution. flows would be only As said before, it was decided that relevant traffic between 16 zones in the BMR, 12 of which are in Greater Bombay, and 4 on the Mainland. distribution data between these relevant 16 Thus the inter-zonal trip estimates across the zones, enabled the projection of two way traffic BTHL, from the design year onwards. Estimates were then made for resource savings in transportation for the different vehicle types. This multiplied by the estimates of the two way traffic flows gave the total savings in resource costs due to the BTHL. 152 A. 7 ) Transportation model as determined by Peter Fraenkel STEPS TO BE FOLLOWED 1. Trip generation. 2. Modal split. 3. Trip distribution. and consultants 1. TRIP GENERATION : x PRODUCTIONS : HBW TRIPS = (0.571 HBO TRIPS = (0.294 x x P) + (2.085 P) + (3.297 NHB TRIPS = x P) (0.029 M m + (2.003 + (0.040 x E) x ATTRACTIONS : HBW TRIPS = 34.55 + (1.205 xE) HBO TRIPS = 8.96 + (0.204 XP) + (0.325 M E) NHB TRIPS = 0.94 + (0.014 'P) + (0.214 KE) where, HBW = Home based work. HBO = Home based other purpose. NHB = Non home based. P = Zonal populaion. E = Zonal employment. VO = Zonal vehicle ownership. 2. Modal split is as follows Depicted as percentage of mass transport REGIONS Island citu South Island city North Suburbs and New Bombay Rest of the BMR ATTRACT PRODUCE 75 65 85 80 85 90 95 95 3. TRIP DISTRIBUTION : This matrix for inter-zonal movements is produced by combining, in a formula the trip generation estimates. Seperate distribution has been carried out for private and mass transit. The gravity model used is as follows : Tij = PiAj (e-mtij)X(tij-n) Ej~j (e^1-mtij)K(tij^ -n) where, Tij = trips from zone i to zone j Pi = zonal production Aj = zonal attraction tij = travel times between zones i and j. m,n = parameters which have already been calliberated by Ms. Peter Fraenkel and consultants. Parameters m n Private transit 0.11 0.6 Mass transit 0.02 0.8 The estimates of travel time (tij) were derived from CRRI. (Central Road Research Institute : On the basis of their projections of road network likely to prevail by year 2001). 153 A.8 A8 Table 8 Appendix B B.1 Table 1 WELCOME TO THE CITY MODEL dollar numbers in 1000s) (enter all ENTER THE # OF HOUSEHOLDS IN CITY: 2300000. ENTER AVERAGE ANNUAL HH INCOME: 1.4 ENTER ANNUAL COST OF R-TRIP TRANSP PER MILE:.C15 ENTER LAND EXPENDITURE SHARE:.05 ENTER ANNUAL RURAL LAND RENT: 1 ENTER 1 IF PROJECT, 0 IF NOT;O ENTER STARTING BOUNDARY (miles);5 2300000. (0 01 1.40 .05 1.00 05 1.4663 1. 0686 di st .5 1..0 1.5 2. ( 2. 5 3. 01 3.5 4. 0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 -. 0153 land rent 14.3116 12.8334 11.5022 10.3031 9. 2237 8.2525 7.3792 6.5944 5.8895 5.2567 4.6890 4. 1800 6.5 7. 0 3.7239 3.3154 2.9499 2.6229 2.3306 7.5 .( 8.5 9.0 9.5 2.0695 10.5 1.8365 1.6285 1 .4431 11. () 1-2779 11.5 12.0 23.5 1.1309 1(. () 1.0000 1 . 0000 154 B. 1 23.5000 lot size .(0048 104168.7000 164478.3000 . 0C59 171358.4000 .0066 139745. 1000 98254.3000 , 0073 88375.9500 0081 70618.5800 .0091 91363.3400 .0101 96279.8700 .0112 .0125 111964.2000 .0140 105920. 00OO 94529.1100 .0156 69952.3500 .0174 .0194 74161.2500 73724.8400 .0217 74885.9400 .0243 71393.7400 .0272 75538.8300 .0304 84877.5600 .0341 93702.3500 .(0382 94335.9600 .0429 97450.8100 .0481 94312. 1300 .0541 93887.2100 .0608 93887.2100 .0608 . 0054 B.2 Table 2 WELCOME TO THE CITY MODEL (enter all dollar numbers in 1000s) ENTER THE # OF HOUSEHOLDS IN CITY:2300000. ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER AVERAGE ANNUAL HH INCOME:1.4 ANNUAL COST OF R-TRIP TRANSP PER MILE:.015 LAND EXPENDITURE SHARE:.05 ANNUAL RURAL LAND RENT:1 1 IF PROJECT,, IF NOT; 1 STARTING BOUNDARY (miles);5 2300000. 00 00 1. 40 1. 0822 1.4668 dist .5 1.0 1.5 2. 0 2.5 3.0 3. 4. o 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 .05 .01 -. 0305 land rent 11.2108 10.0531 9.0098 8. 0702 7.2244 6.4634 5.7791 5. 1642 4.6119 4.1162 3.6715 3.2727 2.9155 7.0 2.5956 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10. 0 2.3092 2.0532 1.8243 1.6196 1.4373 1.2745 10.5 1.1293 11. 0 21.5 1. 0000 1 . 0000 155 B. 2 1. 00 21.5000 lot size .0062 81641.0300 .0066 128902. 0000 .0076 134287.8000 .0084 109508.4000 76991.3000 .0094 69247.5200 .0104 55330.9400 .0116 0129 71581.3300 .0143 .0160 .0178 .0199 .0222 .0248 .0277 .0310 .0347 .0388 .0435 .0488 .0548 .0615 .0615 75429.6000 87712.9500 82973.7600 93041.2000 90551.5100 108685. 4000 116868.1000 127826.5000 133776.7000 140713.3000 150714.7000 154537. 5000 139187.9000 140618.2000 140618.2000 - WELCOME TO THE CITY MODEL (enter all dollar numbers in 1000s) ENTER THE # OF HOUSEHOLDS IN CITY:5000000. ENTER AVERAGE ANNUAL HH INCOME:1.4 ENTER ANNUAL COST OF R-TRIP TRANSP PER MILE:.01 5 ENTER LAND EXPENDITURE SHARE:.05 ENTER ANNUAL RURAL LAND RENT: 1 ENTER 1 IF PROJECT, 0 IF NOT;O ENTER STARTING BOUNDARY (miles);5 5000000. 00 1. 40 .01 .05 00 28.5000 1.4668 -.0359 1.0365 lot size di st land rent .5 1.0 1.5 2. 0 2. 5 3.0 3.5 4. 0 4.5 5. 0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7, 0 7.5 8. 0 8.5 9. 0 9.5 10. 0 10.5 1 1. 0 11.5 12. 0 26.6892 23.9363 21.4551 19.2201 17. 2080 15.3975 13.7693 12. 3059 10.9915 9.8114 8.7526 7.8032 6.9524 6. 1904 5.5084 4. 8983 4.3529 3.8657 3. 4306 3. 0425 2.6964 2. 3880 2.1134 1 . 8690 1.6517 1.4586 12.5 13.0 13.5 1.2871 194126.5000 306542.3000 319390. 6000 260488. 3000 183163.4000 . 0044 164762. 3000 .0049 131667.4000 . 0054 170360. 1000 .0060 179543.0000 .0067 208809. 1000 .0075 197554.2000 .0083 176324.2000 . 0093 130493. 1000 .0104 .0116 138357. 0000 174641.6000 137555.3000 .0130 139734.6000 .0146 133230.7000 .0 163 140979. 3000 .0183 158423.4000 .0205 174911.9000 .0230 176111.8000 .0258 181944.4000 .0290 176101.9000 .0326 175326.2000 .0366 178308. 1000 .0412 177720.3000 1.1349 .0464 .0524 14.5 1. 0000 1. 0000 .0591 .0591 156 B.3 1.00 .0026 .0029 . 0032 .0035 .0039 14.0 28.5 B.3 Table 3 155713.5000 137108. 2000 137108.2000 WELCOME TO THE CITY MODEL (enter all ENTER dollar numbers in THE # OF HOUSEHOLDS 1000s) B.4 Table 4 IN CITY:5000000. ENTER AVERAGE ANNUAL HH INCOME: 1. 4 ENTER ANNUAL COST OF R-TRIP TRANSP PER MILE:.015 ENTER LAND EXPENDITURE SHARE: .05 ENTER ANNUAL RURAL LAND RENT: 1 ENTER I IF PROJECT, 0 IF NOT; I ENTER STtARTING BOUNDARY (miles);5 1.00 .05 .01 1.40 5000000.00 .00 1.4673 26.5000 -. 0474 1.0499 lot size di st land rent . 0033 150696. 4000 20. 7223 .5 .0037 237967.4000 18.5853 1.0 .0041 247946.5000 16.6591 1.5 .0046 202224.3000 14.9241 2. 0 .0051 142197.8000 13. 362) 2.5 .0056 127915.0000 11.9564 3.0 .0063 102223.7000 10.6923 3.5 .0070 132266.8000 9. 5562 4. 0) . 0078 139399. 4000 8.5356 4.5 0086 162125.6000 7.6194 5.0 153390. 1000 .0096 6.7973 5.5 172029.5000 .0108 0602 6. 167453. 5000 . 0120 5. 3995 6.5 .0134 201021.2000 4.8079 7.0 .0150 216191.8000 4.2783 7.5 .0168 236503.6000 3.8045 8.0 .0187 247554.9000 3.3810 8.5 .0210 260436.0000 3.0026 9.0 .0235 278995.9000 2. 6648 9.5 .0264 286123.0000 2. 3633 10. 0 .0296 257749.6000 2.0946 10. 5 -0332 260445.4000 1.8551 11. .0373 200097.7000 1. 6418 11.5 .0419 181820.5000 1.4520 12. 0 . 0472 167197.000X0 1.2832 12.5 154798.9000 .0531 1.1332 13.0 149994.6000 .0598 1 . 0000 13. 5 .0598 149994.6000 1 - 000O 26.5 6. 0- 157 B. 4 B.5Table5 WELCOME TO THE CITY MODEL (enter all 1000s) numbers in dollar ENTER THE # OF HOUSEHOLDS IN CITY: 2400000. ENTER AVERAGE ANNUAL HH INCOME:1.4 ENTER ANNUAL COST OF R-TRIP TRANSP PER MILE:.015 ENTER LAND EXPENDITURE SHARE: .05 ENTER ANNUAL RURAL LAND RENT: 1 ENTER I IF PROJECT, 0 IF NOT;O ENTER STARTING BOUNDARY (miles);5 .05 .01 1.40 2400000. 00 r .00O 20. 5000 -. 0247 1.4435 1 . 0684 1.4435 1.0684 .0427 .0124 lot size land rent di st , 0066 10.2920 .0073 9.2142 1 . 0. .0082 8.2444 1.5 .0091 7.3724 2.0 S.0101 6.5886 2,5 .0112 5. 8846 3.0 .0125 5.2526 3.5 .0140 4.6856 4.0 .0156 4.1772 4.5 .0174 3.7216 5. 0 .0194 3. 31 36 5. 5 .0217 2.9484 6.0 .0243 2.6217 6.5 .0272 2.3297 7.0 . 0304 2. 0688 7.5 .0341 1. 8359 8. 0 .0382 1. 6281 8.5 .0429 1.4429 9.0 .0482 2778 1. 9.5 .0541 1308 1. 10. 0 .0608 1.0000 10.5 0C)0 . 1 . 0608 20.5 .5 158 B. 5 1 . 00 - 0000 -0000 - 0000 -0000 - 0000 -0000 -0000 . 0000 - 0000 - OO0 . 0000 - 0000 . 0000 - 0000 0000 . 0000 8800.9160 19797. 3400 28089.0600 45784. 5400 45784.5400 WELCOME TO THE CITY MODEL dollar numbers in 1000s) (enter all ENTER THE # OF HOUSEHOLDS IN CITY:2400000. ENTER AVERAGE ANNUAL HH INCOME:1.4 ENTER ANNUAL COST OF R-TRIP TRANSP PER MILE:.015 ENTER LAND EXPENDITURE SHARE: .05 ENTER ANNUAL RURAL LAND RENT:1 ENTER 1 IF PROJECT, 0 IF NOT;1 ENTER STARTING BOUNDARY (miles);5 .05 .01 1.40 2400000.00 .00 15. 5000 -. 1971 1. 4079 1. 0700 1.4079 1.0700 .0050 .0124 lot size rent land di st .0113 5.8686 .5 .0126 5.2392 1.0 .0140 4.6744 1.5 -0156 4.1680 2.0 .0175 3.7140 2.5 . 0195 3. 3Q74 3.0 .0218 2.9434 3.5 .0244 2.6178 4. 0 .0273 2.3266 4.5 .0305 2.0665 .0342 1.8342 5.5 .0383 1.6269 6.0 .0430 1.4420 6.5 .0483 2773 1. 7.0 .0542 1.1306 7.5 0609 1.0000 8.0 .0609 1.0000 15.5 5. 0 159 B.6 B.6 Table 6 1. 00 -0000 .0000 0000 -0000 0000 .0000 0000 0000 .0000 0000 0000 9850.9760 18457.0300 25990.8300 30222.9700 35186.7800 35186.7800 B.7 Table 7 WELCOME TO THE CITY MODEL (enter all dollar numbers in 1000s) ENTER THE # OF HOUSEHOLDS IN CIrY: 500000). ENTER AVERAGE ANNUAL HH INCOME:1.4 ENTER ANNUAL COST OF R-TRIP TRANSP PER MILE':.015 ENTER LAND EXPENDITURE SHARE:.05 ENTER ANNUAL RURAL LAND RENT:1 ENTER 1 IF PROJECT, 0 IF NOT; 0 ENTER STARTING BOUNDARY (miles) ;5 5000000. 00 .05 1.40 .01 1.00 .00 -. 0496 32 . 5000 1. 4973 1 . 0369 .0124 .1357 1. 4973 1.0369 lot size dist land rent .0017 41.0147 . 0000 .5 .0000 1.0 .0019 36.8658 1.5 .0000 33.1185 .0021 .0000 .,0023 2.0 29.7358 .0026 . 0000 26.6838 2.5 .0000 .0029 23. 9315 .0032 . 0000 3.5 21.4510 . 0000 4.0 19.2166 .0000 0039 17.2049 4.5 .0000 .0044 15.3948 5. 0 . 0000 .0049 13.7670 5.5 .0000 .0054 12.3040 6.0 .0060 .0000 10.9898 6.5 0000 .0067 9. 8100 7. 0 .0000 . 0075 8.7514 7.5 .00(10 * 0083 7. 8022 8. 0 . 0000 . 0093 6.9515 8.5 36273. 8500 .0104 6. 1897 9. 0 81968.8600 .0116 5.5078 9.5 . 0130 116836.4000 4.8978 10.0 .0146 191329. 4000 4.3525 10.5 .0163 203937. 8000 3.8653 11.0 .0183 203818.4000 3.4304 11.5 .0205 208490. 2000 3. 0423 12. 0 .0230 219470.4000 2.6962 12.5 .0258 224610.6000 2.3879 13. 0 .0290 225349.6000 2.1133 13.5 . 0326 205809. 3000 1.8689 14. 0 .0366 199255.8000 14.5 1.6517 .0412 179225.3000 1. 4586 15. 0 .0465 180730. 6000 1. 28-71 15.5 .0524 185058.1000 1.1349 16. 0 .0591 171799.2000 1.0000 16.5 .0591 171799.2000 32. 5 1 . 0000 160 B. 7 WELCOME TO THE CITY MODEL (enter all dollar numbers in 1000s) ENTER THE # OF HOUSEHOLDS IN CITY: 5000000. ENTER AVERAGE ANNUAL HH INCOME:1.4 ENTER ANNUAL COST OF R-TRIP TRANSP PER MILE:.015 ENTER LAND EXPENDITURE SHARE:.05 ENTER ANNUAL RURAL LAND RENT:1 ENTER I IF PROJECT, 0 IF NOT;1 ENTER STARTING BOUNDARY (miles);5 5000000. 00 1. 40 . 01 .05 B.8 Table 8 1. 00 .00 1.0539 .0124 1.4868 .1041 di st .5 1 .0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3. 0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5. 0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9. C) 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12. 0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5, 26.5 -. 1467 1. 0539 land rent 25.4448 22. 8537 20.5152 18.4057 16.5037 14.7899 13.2465 11.6572 10.6074 9. 4837 8.4739 7.5671 6.7532 6. 0230 5.3685 4.7820 4.2569 3.7870 0037 .0042 .0046 .0051 .0057 .0063 .0070 .0078 . 0087 .0097 0109 0121 .0135 .0151 .0169 .0189 2.9912 2.6557 2.3563 2.0892 1.8510 .0211 .0237 .0265 .0298 .0334 .0375 .0421 .0474 .0533 . 0600 .0600 1. 6389 1. 4501 1.2821 1.1327 1. C)C)00 1.0000 B.8 . 3668 3. 161 28.5000 1.4868 lot size .0028 .0030 .0034 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 . 0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 43237. 5400 81538.4300 115577.0000 135291.7000 158573. 0000 178807.1000 209991.8000 244668.9000 259325.3000 268775.2000 274376.7000 204487.1000 185179.7000 170579.2000 158612.7000 155923.3000 132232.4000 118960.9000 118960.9000 Appendix C C.1 Table 1 SUMMARY OF SIMULATIONS PERFORMED. Note : 1. All distances are indicated in miles. 2. All parameters except the variable ones mentioned are constant. 3. Population is represented in millions of people. 4. Project benefits are presented in millions of $s. THE BOMBAY MODEL. SIMULATION I. Variable paraneters Annual r-trip cost/mile N HH's = $15, Annual rural land rent = 1000. Without Project Utils 2.3 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Urban Boundary 1.0686 1.0586 1.0470 1.0365 1.0281 = $20, Annual rural land rent $/person Project Benefits = 19.18 18.90 18.76 18.90 57.54 75.60 93.90 113.40 1000. d u $/person Project Benefits Urban Boundary Utils 10.25 11.25 11.75 12.25 12.75 SIMULATION Il1. Variable parameters Annual r-trip cost/mile = $15, 0.0137 0.0135 0.0134 0.0135 With Project Urban Boundary 1.0452 1.0347 1.0206 1.0102 1.0021 2.3 3 4 5 6 11.75 12.75 13.25 13.75 1.0723 1.0605 1.0499 1.0416 Without Project Utils d u Urban Boundary Utils 11.75 12.75 13.75 14.25 14.75 SIMULATION II. Variable paraaeters Annual r-trip cost/mile # HH's With Project 0.0090 0.0120 0.0120 0.0119 10.25 11.25 11.75 12.25 1.0437 1.0326 1.0222 1.0140 12.60 16.80 16.80 16.66 37.80 67.20 84.00 99.96 Annual rural land rent = 500. Project Benefits $/person d u With Project Withoutroject a HH's --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Utils Urban Utils Urban Boundary Boundary ----------------------------------------------------------------1.0778 14.25 3 1.0644 14.75 1.0783 13.75 0.0139 19.46 58.38 4 1.0515 15.75 1.0648 14.75 0.0133 18.62 74.48 5 1.0420 16.75 1.0548 15.75 0.0128 17.92 6 1.0333 17.25 1.0459 16.25 0.0126 17.64 2.3 SIMULATION IV. Variable Annual 89.60 105.84 parameters r-trip = cost/mile $20, Annual rural rent land = 500. Project # Without HH's Project With d Project u $/person Benefits ---------------------------------------------------------------Utils Urban Utils Urban Boundary Boundary ---------------------------------------------------------------1.0506 12.25 3 1.0375 12.75 1.0497 12.25 0.0122 17.08 51.24 4 1.0249 13.75 1.0353 12.75 0.0104 14.56 58.24 5 1.0140 14.25 1.0246 13.25 0.0106 14.84 74.20 6 1.0054 14.75 1.0159 13.75 0.0105 14.70 88.20 2.3 162 C. 1 C.2 Table 2 THE BOMBAY2 MODEL. SIMULATION I. Variable parameters Annual r-trip cost/mile = $15, Annual rural land rent = 1000. d u With Project Without Project # HH's $/person Project. Benefits Utils Urban Urban Boundary Boundary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Utils 33.60 3 1.0649 13.25 1.0729 10.75 0.0080 11.20 4 1.0509 15.25 1.0639 12.75 0.0130 18.20 5 1.0369 16.25 1.0539 14.25 0.0170 23.90 119.00 6 1.0258 17.25 1.0439 15.25 0.0181 25.34 152.04 72.80 11. SIMULATION parameters Variable Annual 10.25 1.0684 2.4 = cost/mile r-trip $20, Annual rent land rural = 1000. Project. # Without HH's d Project With Project u $/person Benefits ---------------------------------------------------------------Utils Urban Utils Urban Boundary Boundary --------------------------------------------------------------1.0487 2.4 43.68 3 1.0379 12.75 1.0483 10.25 0.0104 14.56 1.0177 14.75 1.0357 12.25 0.0180 25.20 100.80 4 0.9996 15.75 1.0215 13.25 0.0219 30.66 153.30 5 0.9838 16.25 1.0085 13.75 0.0247 34.58 207.48 6 III. SIMULATION parameters Variable Annual 10.25 = cost/mile r-trip $15, Annual rural land rent = 500. Project # Without HH's With Project d Project u */person Benefits ---------------------------------------------------------------Utils Utils Urban Urban Boundary Boundary ---------------------------------------------------------------- 30.66 3 1.0685 14.75 1.0758 12.25 0.0073 10.22 4 1.0549 16.75 1.0679 14.75 0.0130 18.20 72.80 5 1.0418 18.25 1.0574 16.25 0.0156 21.84 109.20 6 1.0296 19.25 1.0472 17.25 0.0176 24.64 147.84 IV. SIMULATION parameters Variable Annual 11.25 1.0701 2.4 r-trip = cost/mile $20, Annual rural land rent = 500. Project # Without HH's Project With d Project u $/person Benefits ---------------------------------------------------------------Utils Utils Urban Urban Boundary Boundary ---------------------------------------------------------------1.0504 11.25 3 1.0417 14.25 1.0518 11.75 0.0101 14.14 4 1.0211 16.25 1.0383 13.75 0.0172 24.08 5 1.0026 17.25 1.0237 14.75 0.0211 29.54 147.70 6 0.9867 17.75 1.0118 15.75 0.0251 35.14 210.84 2.4 163 C.2 42.42 96.32 C.3 Table 3 SUMMARY OF' BENEFIT STREAMS XFOR THE ALTERNATIVE SIMULATIONS. presented in millions of people. Benefits are presented in millions of $s. Note : Population is YEAR POP.N SIMULATIONS BOMBAY MODEL I 1991-2000 2001-2010 2011-2020 2021-2030 2031-2040 11.5 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 57.54 75.60 93.80 113.40 II 37.80 67.20 84.00 99.96 BONBAY2 MODEL IV III 58.38 74.48 89.60 105.84 164 C.3 51.24 58.24 74.20 88.20 I 33.60 72.80 119.00 152.04 II 43.68 100.80 153.30 207.48 III 30.66 72.80 109.20 147.84 IV 42.42 96.32 147.70 210.84 EVALUATING BENEFITS AGAINST COSTS FOR THE BTHL PROJECT. ECONOMIC BENEFIT AND COST STREAMS. Note : The Net Present Value has been calculated by discounting at 12% to the year 1990, in each of the following simulations. YEAR 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 19% 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 SUM NPV BOMBAY SIMULATION I. COSTS BENEFITS 11.98 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 11.98 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57.54 59.35 61.15 62.96 64.76 66.57 68.38 70.18 71.99 73.79 75.60 77.42 79.24 81.06 82.88 84.70 86.52 88.34 90.16 91.98 93.80 95.76 97.72 99.68 101.64 103.60 105.56 107.52 109.48 111.44 113.40 115.36 117.32 119.28 121.24 123.20 125.16 127.12 129.08 131.04 257.72 110.41 3742.97 170.43 C4 Table 4 BOMBAY SIMULATION II. BENEFITS COSTS YEAR BOMBAY SIMULATION III. YEAR COSTS BENEFIT 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 SLIM NPV 11.98 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23-97 23.97 11.98 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.80 40.74 43.68 46.62 49.56 52.50 55.44 58.38 61.32 64.26 67.20 68.88 70.56 72.24 73.92 75.60 77.28 78.96 80.64 82.32 84.00 85.60 87.19 88.79 90.38 91.98 93.58 95.17 96.77 98.36 99.96 101.56 103.15 104.75 106.34 107.94 109.54 111.13 112.73 114.32 257.72 110.41 3241.14 137.65 23.97 165 C.4 SUm NPV 11.98 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 11.98 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1..05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 257.72 110.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.38 59.99 61.60 63.21 64.82 66.43 68.04 69.65 71.26 72.87 74.48 75.99 77.50 79.02 80.53 82.04 83.55 85.06 86.58 88.09 89.60 91.22 92.85 94.47 96.10 97.72 99.34 100.97. 102.59 104.22 105.84 107.46 109.09 110.71 112.34 113.96 115.58 117.21 118.83 120.46 3569.65 168.11 C.5 Table 5 YEAR 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 SUM NPV BOMBAY SIMULATION IV. COSTS BENEFITS 11.98 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 11.98 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 257.72 110.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.24 51.94 52.64 53.34 54.04 54.74 55.44 56.14 56.84 57.54 58.24 59.84 61.43 63.03 64.62 66.22 67.82 69.41 71.01 72.60 74.20 75.60 77.00 78.40 79.80 81.20 82.60 04.00 85.40 86.80 88.20 89.60 91.00 92.40 93.80 95.20 96.60 98.00 99.40 100.80 2948.12 139.15 80MBAY2 SIMULATION I. YEAR COSTS BENEFITS 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 SUM NPV 11.98 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 11.98 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 91.28 95.90 100.52 105.14 109.76 114.38 119.00 122.30 125.61 128.91 132.22 135.52 138.82 142.13 145.43 148.74 152.04 155.34 158.65 161.95 165.26 168.56 171.86 175.17 178.47 181.78 257.72 110.41 4456.06 155.05 166 C.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.60 37.52 41.44 45.36 49.28 53.20 57.12 61.04 64.96 68.88 72.80 77.42 82.04 86.66 BOMBAY2 SIMULATION II. YEAR COSIS BENEFIT 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 20:37 2038 2039 2040 sUM HPV 11.98 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 11.98 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 257.72 110.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.68 49.39 55.10 60.82 66.53 72.24 77.95 83.66 89.38 95.09 100.80 106.05 111.30 116.55 121.80 127.05. 132.30 137.55 142.80 148.05 153.30 158.72 164.14 169.55 174.97 180.39 185.81 191.23 196.64 202.06 207.48 212.90 218.32 223.73 229.15 234.57 239.99 245.41 250.82 256.24 6033.51 208.15 YEAR 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 .2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 SUM NPV 80MBAY2 SIMULATION III. COSTS BENEFITS 11.98 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 11.98 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.66 34.87 39.09 43.30 47.52 51.73 55.94 60.16 64.37 68.59 72.80 76.44 80.08 83.72 87.36 91.00 94.64 98.28 101.92 105.56 109.20 113.06 116.93 120.79 124.66 128.52 132.38 136.25 140.11 143.99 147.84 151.70 155.57 159.43 163.30 167.16 171.02 174.89 178.75 182.62 257.72 110.41 4306.19 148.72 BOMBAY2 SIMULATION IV. YEAR COSTS BENEFITS 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 sUM NPV 167 C.6 11.98 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 23.97 11.98 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.42 47.81 53.20 58.59 63.98 69.37 74.76 80.15 85.54 90.93 96.32 101.46 106.60 111.73 116.87 122.01 127.15 132.29 137.42 142.56 147.70 154.01 160.33 166.64 172.96 179.27 185.58 191.90 198.21 204.53 210.84 217.15 223.47 229.78 236.10 242.41 248.72 255.04 261.35 267.67 257.72 110.41 6014.82 201.63 C.6 Table 6 Appendix D D.1 GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE REPORT Island City: This is the main city of Bombay. It is a peninsula bounded by the Bay of Bengal on the east, the Arabian Sea on the west, and the Indian Ocean on the South. It lies to the west of the Thane Creek which separates it from the mainland. Suburbs: These are the peripheral areas spreading further up from the northern tip of Bombay city. Greater Bombay: This is the island city inclusive of its suburbs. The latter are considered a part of the north-island city. Mainland: Within the boundaries of the Bombay Metropolitan Region, the mainland consists of seven different nodes which together comprise New Bombay. New Bombay was initially proposed as a satellite to the main city of Bombay to alleviate some of the latter's burden. It lies to the east of the Thane Creek. The island city is separated from the mainland by the Thane Creek. The ThaneCreek Bridge is the only east-west link between the two. However, the island does connect with the mainland as one goes further and further up from its northern tip, from the suburbs and extended suburbs, but this is a very considerable distance. The island city runs in the shape of a north-south corridor running parallel to the mainland beyond the Thane Creek. Thus, a northern link would connote a connection between the north island city and the corresponding northern portions of the mainland and likewise a southern link would connect the with corresponding southern portions. BMR: The Bombay Metropolitan Region which comprises of the island city of Bombay inclusive of the suburbs and New Bombay on the mainland. 168 D1 South Island City and North Island City: These are two clearly discernible divisions of the island city. The South island city primarily includes the Central Business District. All areas north of the Mahim Creek form part of the North island city inclusive of the suburbs and the extended suburbs. CBD: The Central Business District situated in the extreme southern tip of the Island City. In fact 61% of the total employment in the city is concentrated at this tip, which forms barely 4% of the total land mass. TCB: The Thane-Creek Bridge to date the only east-west link between the island city and the mainland. It connects the northern tip of the island city (Chembur) with the corresponding northern part (Vashi) of the mainland. BTHL: The Bombay Trans-Harbour Link Project. This is the proposed southern link to the mainland, which would connect the southern tips of both the island and the mainland. (Sewri on the island with Nhava on the mainland). D.1.1 CONNECTED AGENCIES BMC: Bombay Municipal Corporation BMRDA: Bombay Metropolitan Region Development Authority CIDCO: City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra CRRI: Central Road Research Institute of India IM-B: Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore MIDC: Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation MSEB: Maharashtra State Electricity Board PFP: Peter Fraenkel and Consultants, an international group of consultants, initially appointed to appraise the BTHL project 169 D2 SICOM: State Industrial Investment Corporation of Maharashtra TECS: Tata Economic Consultancy Services, the largest techno-economic consultancy of its kind in India. This thesis is prepared by the author, under the auspices of this agency D.1.2 OTHER ABBREVIATIONS (In reference to chapters 4 and 5) P.C.I.: Per Capita Income, represents the 'Per Worker Income' or the income of every working member in the city of Bombay. Since it is assumed that each household has only one earning member, this term also represents the 'Per Household Income'. UTILS.: This is the index or the unit used for measuring the "level of welfare" or the "utility level" of individuals under different conditions. The model in chapter 4 is set up such that each util can be represented in monetary terms by multiplying with a factor of 1.40. 170 D3 References [1] Alonso, William. Location and Land Use. Harvard University Press, 1964. [2] Alonzo, William. A Theory of the Urban Land Market. Papersand Proceedingsof the Regional Science Association 6, 1960. [3] CIDCO (editors). New Bombay Draft Development Plan. CIDCO Publications, 1982. [4] Chief P.R.O.,CIDCO. New Bombay, an Outline Of Progress. CIDCO Publications, 1983. [5] Chief P.R.O.,CIDCO. Sale Of Tenements At Vashi, New Bombay On Outright PurchaseBasis. CIDCO Publications, 1983. 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