Document 11267148

prior approval from:
› Immediate Supervisor
› Financial Manager
› Division Vice President
 Cellular
Phone Stipend Request Form
 Notice of Employment
 Employee Cellular Phone Statement
or Contract which includes the name
and cellular phone number
 Justification (Non-Exempt Employees)
Cellular phone must be cleaned out
prior to returning it to the Purchasing
 Include the STC employees name and
phone number when returning phone
 Contact Becky or Estela at 872-4681 with
any questions
In March 2009 all forms must be sent to
the Purchasing Department after all
approvals have been obtained.
Purchasing will verify that all College
phones have been returned prior to
beginning the stipend.
 In September 2009 all stipend renewals
must be sent to Rosie Salinas at the
Human Resources Office.
 Complete
a Stipend
Termination Form
 Revise your NOE copy
 Forward to Rosie Salinas at the
Human Resources Office.