John V. Krutilla Research Stipend Awardees

John V. Krutilla Research Stipend Awardees
Patrick Bayer and Alexander Ovodenko, postdoctoral researchers and lecturers in the
Department of Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis, will use their stipend for
work on the local politics and economics of shale gas development and regulation in the
United States.
Derek Lemoine, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona, will use this stipend to support work
to update and improve the damage functions used in integrated assessment modeling of climate
change policy.
Timothy Fitzgerald, Assistant Professor, Montana State University, will use this stipend to
support research on the energy/environmental tradeoffs associated with natural gas fracking.
Junjie Zhang, an Assistant Professor in the School of International Relations & Pacific Studies,
University of California, San Diego, will use this stipend to support research on agglomeration
effects of wind power development in China.
Kevin Tsui, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Clemson University, will
use this stipend to support research on how the spread of residential air conditioning since the
middle of the twentieth century has changed the relationship between weather and health in the
United States.
1616 P St. NW Washington, DC 20036-1400 tel 202.328.5000 fax 202.939.3460
James M. Sallee, an Assistant Professor in the Harris School of Public Policy Studies at the
University of Chicago, will use this stipend to support research on the effects of a Canadian tax
and subsidy “feebate” program aimed at improving vehicle fuel economy.
C. Josh Donlan, III, a PhD graduate of Cornell University in ecology and evolutionary biology
and a Visiting Fellow at Cornell University, will use his stipend to conduct research on
biodiversity offsets as a tool in managing fisheries by-catch.
Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, of the Department of Economics at the University of Colorado and
the economics faculty of the Yale School of Management, is the recipient of the second annual
Krutilla Research Award. He will use his stipend for study of the interaction between
institutional mechanisms for decentralized water resource management and water pollution in
Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Montana/Missoula,
is the recipient of the first annual Krutilla Research Award. She will use her stipend for study of
the mechanisms behind the observed negative effect of inequality on deforestation in Mexico.
1616 P St. NW Washington, DC 20036-1400 tel 202.328.5000 fax 202.939.3460