Fixed Assets Department Annual Physical Inventory Purpose • The purpose of the annual physical inventory is for all Financial Manager to account for all college property and maintain its location/custodian name up to date in the Banner/Fixed Assets System. Physical Inventory Report • Print Department Inventory Report (Estimated Date March 13, 2009) a. Deliver report to each department by March 31, 2009 b. Provide instructions on completing report and department signature receiving report c. Return completed report by 4/30/09 Information To Verify • • • • • • • Account for item STC Inventory Tag Number Complete Item description Serial Number Location (campus, building and room #) Custodian Name Check off items verified Items Not Located • Note as not found • Was the item transferred, stolen? • a. If not found, you are required to continue searching b. If transferred, you should have a copy of the Fixed Asset Control Record c. If stolen, you should have a copy of the police report/case number Physical Inventory Report Completion • Dept Financial Managers should verify all items are accounted for • Dept Financial Managers are required to sign and date each sheet of the report • Each department should keep a copy for their records • Send the original to the Fixed Assets department by due date Physical Department Spot Check • In addition to completing the yearly physical inventory report, the College/Fixed Assets Department is required to conduct a college property spot check by department. • This process is done to ensure that information provided by the departments is accurate and maintained in the Banner/Fixed Assets System. Process to Conduct Spot Checks • Schedule a meeting with the Financial Manager, Administrative Assistant, Secretary and other employees involved during the physical inventory process. • The Fixed Assets Department reviews the physical inventory report along with everyone at the meeting and concentrates on the assets stated not found by the department. Process to Conduct Spot Checks • The Fixed Assets Department will then conduct a search and try to find the assets. Once the spot check review is completed the following documentation is done: a. We create a report on items found b. Update changes in the Banner/Fixed Assets System c. Provide copies of the spot check report to the Financial Manager d. The Fixed Asset Department keeps a copy for future auditors or SACS.