Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation A Message from the Foundation

May, 2008
Arizona 4-H
Youth Foundation
A Message from the Foundation
While the experts still can’t agree on whether
or not we are in a recession, all you have to do is look
at the headlines in the newspaper, turn on the TV
news, or go to CNN or one of the other news agencies
online to see that the main topic of concern for ALL
Americans is the state of the economy. Gasoline is at
an all time high, the mortgage industry is in the midst
of a downward spiral and we are beginning to see the
rationing of staple items in many third world countries.
This economic slowdown certainly has an effect on charitable giving. Survey data released in December by the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, which tracks donations nationwide, suggested
that nonprofits were bracing for leaner times. That
means more work, but less money.
“Prior research shows that human services
nonprofits are among the first to see an increased demand for services when the economy slows,” Eugene
R. Tempel, executive director of the Center on Philanthropy, said in a statement accompanying the release
of the report. “In those circumstances, such organizations often also face declining financial support from
households, foundations and corporations. Even
though the economy is not in a recession, uncertain
economic conditions may be of particular concern for
these organizations.”
Who will step up to provide a solution to these
global problems? Believe it or not, it just might be that
young man you passed at the bus stop this morning on
your way into work; or the young lady who asked you
what beverage you wanted when you ordered your
lunch at the fast food restaurant. It might even be one
of those “kids with the goofy, baggy pants” listening
to his IPod or blasting his car stereo at a stop light.
The Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation needs
your help now more than ever. An investment in today’s youth is an investment in the future. What better
way to spend at least a part of your tax rebate check or
your Federal economic-stimulus check than to support
4-H programs across Arizona. Your tax deductible
contribution supports many programs including one of
the newest, SET (Science, Engineering and Technology) which will make sure that our young people are
kept abreast of the latest technological trends.
“4-H is a community of young people across
America learning leadership, citizenship and life
skills”. More and more youth need the values, skills
and guidance 4-H offers. Your generosity can help
make that happen.
Head - Heart - Hands - Health
New 4-H Youth Development Assistant Director
Dr. Kirk A. Astroth began work on March 10,2008 as the assistant director/4-H
youth development programs in Arizona. Kirk was raised in Utah and spent summers working on the Raft River Ranch outside of Declo, Idaho. Kirk earned his
undergraduate degree from the University of Denver and spent his junior year
abroad studying at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Kirk also has a master’s degree in political science from Columbia University (New York) and a
master’s degree in range science from Utah State University. In 1996, Kirk
earned his doctorate at Montana State University.
Board of Trustees
2007- 2008
Tim Knutson
Carol Wuertz-Behrens
Don Butler
Kirk taught at Green Fields Country Day
School in Tucson for four years, serving as
the chairmen of both the social students
departments and the athletic department.
During his summers he was a wild land
firefighter both for the U.S. Forest Service
and the Bureau of Land Management. Kirk
served as a 4-H volunteer in Utah, helping
with several natural resource camps and
judging at the state fair.
Mack McKeon
Dan Klingenberg
Peggy Beaston
Board Members
Cliff Amator
Bill Brake
Donald Butler
Bev Collier
Tim Dunn
Bill Eddings
Sen. Franklin “Jake” Flake
Denis Griggs
Paul Groseta
Cory Mellon
Ana Olivares
Don Walker
Doug Wright
Kirk began his professional career wit the
4-H in Kansas, serving as the area 4-H
specialist for 21 counties in the southeast
corner of the state. After 5 years, Kirk was
promoted to the state 4-H office in Manhattan, KS. In 1990, Kirk was hired as an
Extension 4-H specialist at Montana Sate University, and in 2004 was hired as
the director of the Montana 4-H Center for Youth Development.
Kirk brings an enthusiasm and passion for 4-H to work everyday. He was an instrumental piece in helping to re-establish 4-H programs in Latvia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and is a past president of the National Association of
Extension 4-H Agents (NAE4-HA) and the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP). Kirk is excited to be joining Arizona Extension and is committed
to “making the best better!”
AZ 4-H Foundation Office Update
Our student workers, Jennifer Martin and Andrew Olson work a total of 18
hours per week in the Foundation Office. They do such things as keep our
mailing list updated, create the newsletter, prepare mass mailings, and have
even been known to move furniture when the need was there. Thanks to
Jennifer and Andrew for all their hard work!
One of the other duties of the foundation office is the scholarship process and
we’ve all been working feverishly on our scholarship applications. Our deadline was February 28th and this year we received 85 applications from 10
counties. The competition will be tough and our scholarship committee has
their work cut out for them. The lucky recipients will be notified by mail
Arizona Extension Representative
Bob Peterson
Event Calendar
Summer Shooting Sports Education Certification Training
J.O.L.T Conference
Citizenship Washington
C.W.F Conference
Corporate Sponsors
AcuComm, Inc.
Box Canyon Ranch
(Bob and Mary Bowman)
Arizona Drip Systems
Arizona Farm Bureau
Arizona Machinery
Arizona Public Service
Best Paving
Bingham Equipment
Page 3
Commercial Investor’s
Realty Inc.
Gowan Company
(Caroline Jessen
Jacque Accomazzo
Desert Tree Farms, Inc. Keithly-Williams Seeds
Doug Mellon Farms, Inc The Norton Foundation
Dunn Grain Company
Farm Credit Services
(SW Region)
Pima County Farm
Paul C. Helmick
Pivotal Sandia, LLC.
Resolution Copper
Salt River Project
Shamrock Farms
Sundance Farms
Wells Fargo
Head - Heart - Hands - Health
Donor Recognition
A special thank you to the following individuals, corporations and foundations who have made a difference in
the lives of Arizona’s youth by helping the Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation reach out to children and young
people all across Arizona. These donations were made during the period of July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007.
Emerald Partner
(more than $50,000)
Jim & Mary Faul
Diamond Clover Club (Cont.)
Bronze Clover Club
($5000 to $10,000)
($1000 to $4999)
($100 to $499)
Jacquelynn Accomazzo
Bob Stump Election Committee
Evelyn Cheatham
Janice Levin
Norton Foundation
Pima County Jr. Livestock Sales
John M. & Karen A. Sparks
Land O'Lakes Foundation
Robert & Linda Lee
Howard Paley
Paul C Helmick Corporation
W. Bradford Perkinson
Pinnacle West (APS)
Pivotal Sandia, LLC
Resolution Copper Mining
Salt River Project
Shamrock Foods Company
Texas Roadhouse
VCT Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Carol Wuertz-Behrens
Wuertz Farming, LLC
AAA Landscape
Acoma Animal Clinic
Julie C. Adamcin
Winifred P. Anderson
Arizona Agricultural Aviation Assn
Arizona Grain, Inc
The Ashton Company, Inc
Aspen Veterinary Clinic P.C.
Baboquivari Cattle Company
Charles & Janice Bell
Bill's Landscape Service
Leland & Linda Brake
Bruce Hiscox Farm Account
Earl H. & Louise R. Carroll
Greg & Veronica Celaya
Classic & Contemporary Amerind Art
Lynn Crowley
Henry J. & Berniece M. Czajjkowski
Desert View Farms
Dr. Paul C. Deutsch
Lee & Jill Dueringer
Russell J. Duke
Dune Compnay of Yuma LLC
Eagle Produce Limited Partnership
Elephant Bar Restaurant
Brenda Even
Federal Cartridge Company
Feenstra Friesians
Cheryl Foster
Marcia Foster
Lewis Gibson
Gladden Family Farms
Robert C. & Marybeth Goree
Dan Hardison
Charlotte Hargreaves
Harris Cattle Co (HC Douglas)
Bruce Heiden
Platinum Clover Club
Diamond Clover Club
($1000 to $4999)
The Accomazzo Company
Arizona Farm Bureau
Arizona Machinery Company
Best Paving, Inc
Bingham Equipment Company
Box Canyon Ranch
Norma J. Buzzard
Caroline Lott Jessen Foundation
Foster & Leigh Cheatham
Desert Construction, Inc.
Desert Tree Farm
Doug Mellon Farms, Inc.
Tim Dunn
Farm Credit Services Southwest
Farnam Companies, Inc.
Griggs Products, Inc.
Marifloyd Hamil
Keithly-Williams Seeds
K. F. & L. A. Keller
Dan A. Klingenberg
Page 4
Gold Clover Club
($500 to $999)
A Tumbling T Ranches
Margery A. Bayless
Robert & Mary Bowman
Mary Louise T. Brown
Tom & Mary Lou Edwards
Gingg Farms
Michael F. Hand
Amy Jean Knorr
Donald R. & Barbara K. Liem
Michael Martindale
John & Cindy McCain
Head - Heart - Hands - Health
Donor Recognition
Bronze Clover Club (Cont.)
Bronze Clover Club (Cont.)
Copper Clover Club (Cont.)
($100 to $499)
($100 to $499)
(under $100)
David B. Jenner
Chet Johns
Dr. William L. Joslin
Klingenberg Farms
Gladys Klingenberg
Kyrene Trailblazers
Chuck Lakin
Lisa Lauxman
F. C. Layton
Joe Leisz
Lemke Revocable Trust
Lilly Corporate Center
Richard B. Lines
Leon & Helen Luey
James A. Mansperger
Maricopa County Cattlewomen
Cathy L. Martinez
W. A. McGibbon
MDM Farms, LLC
Meyer & Lundahl
M. S. Milroy
John Neal
Joe Bob Neely
Douglas C. Nelson
Jon L. & Carolyn Nickerson
Normark Investors LTD
Robert L. Ochoa
Ronald Olding Jr.
Herman L. & Kathleen M. Orcutt
Arthur B. & Lois L. Pacheco, Jr.
Pastor for Arizona 2006
Paul E. Rovey Dairy
Payson Concrete & Materials, Inc
Eugene Peterson
Ted A. Pierce
Donald & Cathy Roberts
Ronald N. & Cynthia N. Rovey
Eugene G. Sander
Donald G. Scheer
Geraldine Schultz
Clyde T. Sharp
James L. Shelly
Show Low Animal Hospital, P.C.
State Emp Charitable Contribution
Steinhoff Enterprises, LLC
Corinne Stinson
Tempe Feed & Tack
Thoroughbred Paint & Body, Inc.
Transportation Services, Inc
Valley Auto Wrecking, Inc
Don Walker
Wilbur Wuertz
Youngker & Youngker II
Charles F. Youngker
Z.Z. Cattle Corporation
Walter & Karen Johnson
Robert Kennedy
David King
Dorothy Knapple
Lazy Y
Jason J. & Rozlyn Lipsey
Loren's Pooper-Scooper Service
Ruth M. Lovik
Edith & J. David Lowell
Maricopa County Farm Bureau
Jeffrey Mariotte
Garold McKenzie
Michael Mekelburg
Leon W. Miller
Helen G. Hood Mitts
North Central Animal Hospital, PC
Nancy Olson
Albert Parenteau
David & Ellen Patterson
Pencin Veterinary Clinic
William & Rose Piper
James F. & Lavina S. Platt
Donna J. Powers
Terry & Jane E. Pray
Barbara Ramage
William J. Rasmussen
Richard A. Rezzonico
Mary A. Robinson
Rural Animal Clinic, P.C.
Deanna & David Sampson
San Cayetano Veterinary Practice
Frank Sawrawk
Frank A. & Twila M. Shelton
Stanley Smith
Allan D. & Joan Solheim
Don L. & Gloria Spencer
K. D. Taylor
United Way of Southern Arizona
University Pet Hospital (Richard
Russ & Eleanor Upton
Waymon Farms, Inc
Ray & Eileen Weick
Judith Wheeling
W. R. & Loree Williams
Alice Jane Woehlecke
Copper Clover Club
(under $100)
Animal Care Center
Paul & Frances Bohardt
Lettie B. Cale
Thomas & Sammie Caywood
Chandler Ginning Co.
Lee Cheatham
Combined Federal Campaign
Calvin Cordes
John or Anna Daer
Damiani Construction
Robert E. & Della Dennis
Daniel C. & Shawna Depugh
Elkhorn Ranch, Inc
Enke Enterprises
Ethel F. & C. Kenneth Farnsworth
Faye & Paul Finley
Robert & Margaret Fisher
Ken Forgia
Dr. Mark & Mary Lou Frankel
Sandra S. Froman
G & M Agricultural Supply Company
Graydon & Betty Gaudy
Chester C. & Ruth J. Gibbens
Harry B. Glover
Rober A. & Linda Hale
Happy Tails Pet Services
Herbert M. & Mary M. Hull
Insty Prints (Gary Kojo)
Donald & Betty Jacks
Rebecca & John T. Johnson
4-H Scholarships are a GOOD Investment!
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The Arizona 4-H Foundation has been blessed by a number of generous donors who have given to our 4-H scholarship endowments. We
have reviewed the success of the first 20 years of scholarships from
1980-2000. These students have now had the opportunity to graduate
and establish their careers. So what have we discovered?
These established professionals credit the 4-H scholarships they received with not only providing them with financial support so that
they could attend the college of their choice but they also provided
them with inspiration and confidence to continue to achieve beyond
their high school careers. Several also credit the scholarship application process with preparing them to set goals and prepare themselves
for other applications and awards.
From 1980 to 2000 there were nearly 200 students who received
over $250,000 in scholarships. From that group of 4-H scholars, here
is an example of some of them and what they are doing now.
Curt Cassels ( Maricopa) is a National Marketing Director for Proctor and Gamble. He credits his 4-H career
with his success. Victorio Cattle
Ana Olivares (Pima) is Assistant Director of Pima County Transportation. Victorio Cattle, Traweek Endowments
Julie Heider (Pima) has a Ph.D. in microbiology and a law degree. She is a Patent attorney in Chicago. Foundation
Tim Bee (Pima) is President of the Arizona State Senate and a candidate for US Congress. Cigna and Marley Endowments
Keith Bee (Pima) served several terms in the State Senate and is now a magistrate in Pima County Arizona Nationals
Lyle Rasmussen (Pima) is a researcher for Caterpillar, Inc. Anderson Endowment
Alethea Fadala (Pima) has established her own licensed goat dairy in Pomerene. Macbeth Endowment, Women in
James Wojcik (Maricopa) is an administrator for the Arizona Department of Education in Vocational Education.
Kieckhefer Endowment
Holly Heap Winters (Apache) served an internship with Senator Orin Hatch, worked as a lobbyist and is now a
professional photographer in Mesa. Accomazzo
Shannan Marty (Apache) has invented a device which measures ground water contamination and set up her own
company. She is now raising her children and is active in setting up an aquarium with the Desert Museum.
On behalf of all of these young people, we want to thank all
the donors who have helped us establish our large
endowment base which has made these investments possible.
Each year, even more endowments are set up.
Some counties have set up their own scholarship fund.
Please contact the Foundation for more information on how
you can help.
We are looking for updates on other scholarship winners.
Please send your update to
Page 6
2008 Board Meeting Dates
Budget Meeting
Board Elections
Financial Update
4-Her’s Around Arizona!
Page 7
The Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation
325 Forbes Building
The University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210036
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0036
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