Surface Mounted PCB Cleaning Process Improvement and Its Impact on Manufacturing System Performance by Nikith Rajendran B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2010 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of ARCHIVES Master of Engineering in Manufacturing MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUff OF TECHNOLOGY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NOV 0 1 2011 September 2011 LiBRAR IES ( 2011 Nikith Rajendran. All rights reserved. The author grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronics copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium known or hereafter created Sign ature of Author: ........................................................................................... Department of Mechanical Engineering August 16, 2011 A A Certified by: .................................. ..................................... Jung Hoon Chun Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Certified by: ................ .... David E. Hardt Ralph E. and Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Department Committee of Graduate Students Surface Mounted PCB Cleaning Process Improvement and Its Impact on Manufacturing System Performance by Nikith Rajendran Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on August 16, 2011 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Manufacturing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ABSTRACT In the surface mount technology (SMT) assembly line, the printed circuit boards (PCB) are washed to remove the solder flux that was used while soldering to prevent oxidation. However the current cleaning method is highly ineffective in removing these solder flux residues. The solder flux residues cause many problems like electro-migration, improper mold underfill and increase the chances of failure. This project explores alternative methods for the cleaning process and also identifies the important factors involved in cleaning. A model of the SMT assembly line was created using ARENA software and the impact of the different alternatives on the manufacturing system's performance was analyzed using this model. The results indicate that the use of chemicals in the ultrasonic cleaning method gives the best cleanliness performance. The results of the manufacturing system analysis show that the PCB cleaning process is not the bottleneck process in the SMT line and hence none of the different alternatives significantly impacted the throughput rate, cycle time and inventory levels. Cost comparison results also indicate that using chemicals in the batch type ultrasonic machine was atleast 25% cheaper than using chemicals in either centrifugal machine or in in-line machine. Thesis Advisor: Jung Hoon Chun Professor of Mechanical Engineering Director, Laboratory of Manufacturing and Productivity 4 Acknowledgements I would like to gratefully thank the entire cohort team of the Master of Engineering in Manufacturing program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for making this project happen and providing all their support and resources at all possible times. I wish to sincerely thank my advisor, Prof. Jung Hoon Chun, for his invaluable advice, constant support and mentorship and without whom this project wouldn't have been this successful. His guidance was instrumental in steering this project to success. I also wish to express my gratitude to the Vicor Corporation, Andover, MA for giving the opportunity to work in its state of the art manufacturing facility at its Andover facility and also for immediately making available any resource whenever the team ever needed them. I feel greatly indebted to my supervisors at the company, Mr. Mohammed Wasef and Mr. Rudy Mutter not just for providing us support but also for providing us the much needed mentorship, encouragement and motivation. They gave me the opportunity to present and participate in meetings chaired by the Vice Presidents and the CEO. I wish to thank Prof. David Hardt and Dr. Brian Anthony for their support, encouragement and also for arranging such a project. I would like to sincerely thank Ms. Jennifer Craig for her invaluable help in writing this thesis and for instantaneously responding to pleas of help. I would like to gratefully acknowledge the support provided by Mr. Steve Caruso, Ms. Eva McDermott, Ms. Linda Kenison, Mr. Gaurav Sonone, Mr. Ray Whittier and Mr. Karan Barabde at Vicor Corporation. I would like to personally thank Pranav Jain and Ishan Mukherjee who are the best teammates I have ever had and also for making this whole project an experience of a lifetime. I am undoubtedly most thankful to my mother, father and my sisters without whom I would not have been able to come this far. 6 Table of Contents A bstract ........................................................................................................................................... 3 A cknowledgem ents......................................................................................................................... 5 Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ 7 List of Figures............................................................................................................................... 10 List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ 12 Chapter 1 - Introduction................................................................................................................ 14 1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 14 1.2 Company Background................................................................................................ 14 1.3 Product Inform ation and Description......................................................................... 15 1.4 Overview of Thesis ........................................................................................................ 16 Chapter 2 - Overview of M anufacturing Process ...................................................................... 2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 2.2 V .1 Chip M anufacturing Process Flow ....................................................................... 18 18 18 2.2.1 SM T Line ................................................................................................................ 20 2.2.2 Transform er Core Attach.................................................................................... 22 2.2.3 U nderfilling............................................................................................................. 22 2.2.4 M olding................................................................................................................... 22 2.2.5 PCB M arking and Dicing ..................................................................................... 22 2.2.6 J-lead Attach ......................................................................................................... 23 2.2.7 Final Testing ........................................................................................................ 23 PCB Cleaning Process................................................................................................ 23 2.3 2.3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 23 2.3.2 Why Cleaning ...................................................................................................... 23 2.3.3 Factors Involved in Cleaning ............................................................................... 24 2.3.4 PCB Cleaning Process Specifications.................................................................. 25 2.3.5 Cleaning M ethods...................................................................................................26 2.3.6 2.4 2.4.1 Cleaning Process Control and Testing ................................................................ Softw are used for M anufacturing System Analysis.................................................... Explanation of the Basic Elements of the ARENA Software ............................. 7 27 28 29 2.4.2 Building a M odel using ARENA Software ........................................................ 31 2.4.3 Sim ulating the M odel........................................................................................... 32 Chapter 3 - Problem Description.................................................................................................. 34 Problem Statem ent ........................................................................................................... 34 3.1 3.1.1 Areas of Residue Incidence on PCB .................................................................... 35 3.1.2 Root Cause Hypotheses ...................................................................................... 37 Project Objectives ........................................................................................................ 39 Chapter 4 - Literature Review .................................................................................................. 41 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 41 3.2 4.1 4.1.1 Experim ents Design and M ethodology................................................................ 41 4.1.2 Results of Hypothesis-Testing Experiments...................................................... 43 4.1.3 Results of Optim ization Experim ents .................................................................. 44 4.1.4 Common Areas of Flux Residue Incidence ........................................................ 45 4.1.6 Influence of Product Architecture on Cleanliness ............................................... 46 Review of Previous Work ........................................................................................... 47 4.2.1 Work done at Vicor ............................................................................................. 47 4.2.2 Work done by Vendor A ...................................................................................... 47 4.2.3 Work done by Vendor B...................................................................................... 47 Chapter 5 - Software M odel of the SM T Line ........................................................................... 49 4.2 5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 49 5.2 Process Sequence in the SM T Line............................................................................. 50 5.3 Process Tim es.................................................................................................................. 51 5.4 SM T Line M odel in ARENA ...................................................................................... 52 5.4.1 Initialization of the M odel.................................................................................. 53 5.4.2 The Bottom side Screen Printing and SMD Placement Processes ............ 54 5.4.3 The Bottom side Reflow Process............................................................................ 57 5.4.4 The Top side Screen Printing and SMD Placement Processes............................. 58 5.4.5 The Top side Reflow Process ................................................................................. 59 5.4.6 The Cleaning and Allied Processes.................................................................... 60 5.5 Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 8 61 Chapter 6 - Results and D iscussions ......................................................................................... 6.1 Manufacturing System s Analysis Results.................................................................. 6.1.1 64 64 Scenario 1: Current Process Analysis.................................................................... M odel.................................................................................................................... 65 65 Results .............. . --.......................................................................................... 6.1.2 65 Scenario 2: Chemicals used in the Centrifugal Machine....................................... M odel....................................................................................................................66 66 66 Results .................................................................................................................. 6.1.3 Scenario 3: Single Piece Flow Ultrasonic Machine is used .................................. M odel:................................................................................................................... 67 67 Results .................................................................................................................. 6.1.4 67 Scenario 4: Batch-type Ultrasonic M achine is used ............................................. M odel................----............................................................................................... 68 68 Results ................................................................................................................. 6.1.5 68 Scenario 5: In-line W ashing M achine is used ...................................................... M odel................................................................................................................... 69 70 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 Results ................................................................................................................. D iscussion of Manufacturing System A nalysis Results................................................. Cost A nalysis Results..................................................................................................... Cost Comparison of Chem icals .......................................................................... Cost Comparison of M achines............................................................................. 6.4 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... Chapter 7 - Recom m endations and Future W ork.................................................................... 7.1 Recom m endations...........................................................................................................79 7.1.1 Recommendations for the Alternative Cleaning Method .................. 7.1.2 69 71 72 72 73 75 79 79 Recom mended Product Architecture Changes .................................................... 7.2 Future Work ................................................................................................................... Appendix A: Results of Hypothesis-Testing Experiments .......................... 80 Appendix B : Results of Optim ization Experim ents.................................................................. Appendix C : Grading Scale ...................................................................................................... 84 85 References..................................................................................................................................... 87 9 81 83 List of Figures Fig. 2.1: Flowchart of VI Chip Manufacturing Process ............................................................ 19 Fig. 2.2 SM T Process Flow ....................................................................................................... 20 Fig. 2.3 Snapshot of the ARENA Simulation software screen................................................. 28 Fig. 3.1 Presence of flux residue under a BGA-FET [12] ........................................................ 34 Fig. 3.2 Presence of flux residue under chip capacitor array [12]............................................ 34 Fig. 3.3 Flux residue on and near solder joints of the leads of MLP FET [12]........................ 35 Fig. 3.4 Flux reside on MLP-FET footprint [12]...................................................................... 36 Fig 3.5 Flux reside on 1210 chip capacitor footprint [12]........................................................ 36 Fig. 4.1 Process Flow followed in Experiments ........................................................................ 42 Fig. 4.2: Common areas of flux incidence ............................................................................... 45 Fig. 4.3: Image of 1210 chip capacitor ...................................................................................... 46 Fig. 5.1 Process Sequence in the SMT line ............................................................................... 50 Fig. 5.2: Initialization of the model .......................................................................................... 53 Fig. 5.3: Bottom side screen printing and SMD placement processes flowchart ............ 54 Fig. 5.4: Bottom side screen printing and SMD placement processes model.............. 55 Fig. 5.4a: Explanation of a subset of the model......................................................................... 55 Fig. 5.5: The Bottom side reflow process flowchart..................................................................... 57 Fig. 5.6: The Bottom side reflow process model...................................................................... 57 Fig. 5.7: The Top side screen printing and SMD placement processes flowchart.................... 58 Fig. 5.8: The Top side screen printing and SMD placement processes model.......................... 58 Fig. 5.9: The Top side reflow process flowchart ...................................................................... 59 Fig. 5.10: The Top side reflow process model........................................................................... 59 Fig. 5.11: The Cleaning and Allied Processes Model............................................................... 60 Fig. 5.12: M odel of the SM T line ............................................................................................. 61 Fig. 5.12: Model of the SMT line (Cont.d)................................................................................ 62 Fig 6.1: Scenario 1 Cleaning Model .......................................................................................... 65 Fig 6.2: Scenario 2 Cleaning Model .......................................................................................... 66 Fig 6.3: Scenario 3 Cleaning Model .......................................................................................... 67 10 Fig 6.4: Scenario 4 Cleaning Model ........................................................................................ 68 Fig 6.5: Scenario 5 Cleaning Model ........................................................................................ 69 Appendix C - Fig. 1: Grading Pattern used for 0603 chip capacitors....................................... 85 11 List of Tables Table 2.1: Explanation of the basic elements of the ARENA software [11]............................. 29 Table 5.1: Average Process times on the SMT line [15].......................................................... 51 Table 5.2: Expanded version of some of the sub-models ........................................................ 56 Table 6.1: Manufacturing Systems Analysis Results of Scenario 1 ....................................... 65 Table 6.2: Manufacturing Systems Analysis Results of Scenario 2 ........................................ 66 Table 6.3: Manufacturing Systems Analysis Results of Scenario 3 ........................................ 67 Table 6.4: Manufacturing Systems Analysis Results of Scenario 4 ........................................ 68 Table 6.5: Manufacturing Systems Analysis Results of Scenario 5 ........................................ 70 Table 6.6: Comparison of the different scenarios...................................................................... 71 Table 6.7: Cost comparison of the different chemicals ............................................................ 72 Table 6.8: Cost comparison of machines................................................................................. 74 Table 6.9: Summary of manufacturing system and cost analyses ............................................ 75 Table 6.10: Sensitivity Analysis of Batch type ultrasonic process.......................................... 76 Table 6.11: Sensitivity A nalysis ............................................................................................... 77 Appendix A - Table A: Experiments for Testing of Hypothesis .............................................. 83 Appendix B - Table B: Optimization Experiments.................................................................. 84 Appendix C - Table C: Grading Scale Explanation.................................................................. 85 13 Chapter 1 - Introduction 1.1 Introduction The high-performance electronics industry requires sophisticated and dependable electronic power modules for high precision applications in the fields of computing, data processing, communications and controls. Reliability is a major concern for products in such critical applications. The work of this project is among a larger scheme of projects specifically designed to increase the reliability of the product. The focus of this project is on manufacturing process improvement and optimization in an electronic power module manufacturing plant. The project involves systematic study of root causes for the ineffectiveness of a particular process, development and suggestion of alternative solutions, manufacturing systems analysis and cost comparison analysis of the alternatives and finally the implementation of the preferred alternative. The recommendations based on this project could yield significant improvements in the overall reliability of the product when the improved process is implemented. 1.2 Company Background Vicor Corporation headquartered in Andover, MA is a market-leader of electronic power system solutions for the highly specialized electronics industry. The company designs and manufactures modular power components which have applications in various fields such as computing, communications, industrial control, industrial testing and medical and defense electronics. The company manufactures three types of products- Bricks, V.1 Chips and Picor components. Bricks and V.I Chips are specialized D.C. - D.C. and A.C. - D.C. power convertors and filters and include power regulators, current multipliers and bus convertors. The Picor range includes high density power conversion circuit components. In this work, however, the focus is on the manufacturing process improvement in the production line of V.1 Chips only. 1.3 Product Information and Description V.1 Chip refers to the name given to the latest series of DC-DC converters released by Vicor which have higher power density, higher efficiency, improved transient responsiveness, lower noise levels and lower costs than the previous series of DC-DC converters. DC-DC converters are an integral part of many electronic and electrical applications and are used whenever there is a need to either step-up (also referred to as 'boost') or step-down (also referred to as 'buck') the input voltages in order to deliver an output voltage. A typical example could be observed in a car where different electrical appliances like headlights, radio, etc. require different input voltages and hence would need a DC- DC converter to convert the input voltage from the car battery to meet the different voltage requirements [1]. This DC-DC conversion can be achieved through the V.1 - chipset which includes different modules like PRM (Pre-Regulator Module), VTM (Voltage Transformer Module) and BCM (Bus Converter Module). Each of these modules has different product architectures. But they can be still produced on the same production line. The PRM can be associated with the voltage regulation work i.e. it delivers a highly regulated voltage from an unregulated input source. Though PRM can be used just as a power regulator, it is usually used in conjunction with the VTM which uses the regulated voltage from the PRM and transforms it according to the demand. Thus a PRM - VTM combination essentially serves as a regulated DC - DC converter. BCM module is a supplementary module which is a fixed DC - DC voltage transformer that can be used along with the regular PRM VTM combination and is usually used to provide intermediate voltages. This modular approach of having three or more different modules (PRM, VTM and BCM) for achieving the function of a DC - DC converter is result of the 'Factorized Product Architecture (FPA)' philosophy introduced and followed by Vicor instead of the regular 'Centralized Product Architecture (CPA)' adopted by the rest of the industry [2]. 1.4 Overview of Thesis This thesis is the result of the research carried out at the manufacturing facility of Vicor Corporation in Andover, MA from January through August 2011. The work was carried out by a team comprising Pranav Jain [3], Ishan Mukherjee [4] and the author. The project was a collaborative effort with the major portion of the project being done by the three team members and it later spun-off into three different streams one of which was handled by the author. Formulation of hypotheses and conduction of experiments to test them were part of the joint effort while manufacturing systems analysis and cost analysis based evaluation of the alternatives formed the major portion of the individual tasks handled by the author. Chapters 1 & 2 introduce the topic and describe the background concepts relating to the processes involved in the manufacture of the power modules, provide details about cleaning of PCBs after soldering and finally describe the software that has been used for manufacturing system analysis. The detailed picture of the problem is presented in Chapter 3 while Chapter 4 contains the review of technical literature, the work done by other members of the team and previous work on the problem. Chapter 5 explains the software model that was built to simulate the assembly line and which was also used in the manufacturing system analysis. The results of the experiments conducted as well as the results of the manufacturing system analysis and cost analysis are put forward and discussed in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 has the recommendations based on these results and also the future work that would be necessary to consolidate this work. 17 Chapter 2 - Overview of Manufacturing Process 2.1 Introduction This chapter gives a brief background of all the different manufacturing processes adopted in the production of V.1 Chips at Vicor's facility in Andover, MA. This project is concerned mainly with the SMT subdivision of the production line and hence this chapter discusses it in detail. Since the project deals with the process improvement and optimization of the PCB cleaning process which is part of the SMT line, the cleaning process is also discussed in detail with information about its necessity and the alternatives available. This chapter also discusses the basics of the software that has been used for the manufacturing system analysis of the SMT line. 2.2 V.1 Chip Manufacturing Process Flow V.1 Chips are essentially power modules with surface mount devices (SMD) such as field effect transistors (FET), multiwire leadframe package (MLP), ball grid array (BGA) forms and chip capacitors. Other parts on the chips include transformer core and J-leads. The primary step in the manufacture of V.I Chips is the mounting of the SMDs on the PCBs which is done on the SMT line. At the end of the SMT line, the boards undergo a cleaning process to remove solder flux residues. The subsequent steps are transformer core attach, electrical testing, underfilling, molding, marking and PCB dicing, J-lead attach and final testing. The flowchart in Fig. 2.1 shows the different steps, with the main steps being briefly described in Sections 2.2.1 to 2.2.7. Fig. 2.1: Flowchart of VI Chip Manufacturing Process 19 2.2.1 SMT Line SMT is a modem technology used to construct electronic circuits by directly positioning and mounting the components onto the surface of the PCB. It involves a series of steps in which solder paste is directly applied onto the PCB and then the components are mounted and the boards reflowed in a reflow oven to effect the soldering. The flowchart in Fig. 2.2 shows the different processes within the SMT line. Fig. 2.2 SMT Process Flow 20 The different types of processes showed in the flowchart are explained in detail below. Screen Printing The first step in SMT is screen printing involves the use of a stencil with apertures to allow application of solder paste on the PCB only at required positions. Application of solder paste is done with the help of a squeegee blade which applies the paste over the stencil and finally onto the PCB. The solder paste contains the solder alloy and flux. The flux is used mainly to: e Prevent oxidation of the solder alloy during reflow, e Act as a cleaning agent at the solder-component interface, and, e Provide the necessary tack for the components to stay at their locations till soldering occurs. Solder Ball Attach This process involves placing spheres of solder alloy, known as solder balls, at certain locations on the PCB. The solder balls are small, having a diameter of approximately 0.5 mm. The solder balls are used only on the bottom side of the PCB where a BGA forms the J-lead attachment points. Component Mounting In this step, SMD components from a reel are mounted on the solder paste locations on the board. The components are placed precisely at their locations by the machine heads which remove the components from the reel and place them over their designated positions using the help of fiduciary markers on the board. Reflow After component mounting, the next step is the soldering process. Soldering is done by making the PCB go through a reflow oven. The reflow line has different temperature zones where maximum temperatures exceed 260'F (~127C). The high temperature partially melts the solder alloy contained in the solder paste, making it come into direct contact with the component leads. As the temperature reduces, the solder alloy begins to solidify, thus effecting the soldering. The recent growth in use of lead-free solder pastes due to environmental regulations have led to higher reflow temperatures, which cause flux cleaning problems [5]. It may also be noted that in the manufacture of V.1 Chips, the bottom side of the PCB goes through reflow twice - once for the bottom side and once for the top side. Post-reflow, the PCB is cleaned with deionized (DI) water to remove any flux residues. The PCB cleaning process is explained in detail in Section 2.3. 2.2.2 Transformer Core Attach The next step is attaching the transformer core at the center of each module on the PCB. This core may be made of ferrite or other magnetic materials and plays the crucial role of stepping up or down the voltage. 2.2.3 Underfilling Due to a difference in the thermal expansion properties of the components and the PCB substrate, there exists a risk of adding thermal strain on the solder joints of the components during any thermal cycle, which may cause joint failure. Underfilling is the process of adding a locking resin between the components and the PCB substrate so that the components are fixed in place. Underfilling causes the thermal stress to act on the whole underfilled area, thereby relieving the solder joints of the strain. The resin used is generally an epoxy material. 2.2.4 Molding Molding is the process of introducing a molding material such as a thermoplastic or resin over the PCB to package the components. During the process, the fluid molding material enters all empty spaces on the PCB, packing all the components in place. Molding can be done by compression molding, injection molding or transfer molding. The molding process is preceded by a dehydration bake and plasma etching for better mold compound adhesion. 2.2.5 PCB Marking and Dicing After molding, the PCB is marked using a laser and then diced into individual V.1 Chips using a saw. Subsequently, the individual chips are cleaned by first spraying DI water and isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and then cleaning using a brush. The cleaning is done to remove any contaminants or oxides which may prevent proper J-lead adhesion. 2.2.6 J-lead Attach In this step, J-leads are attached onto the BGA points on the bottom of the V.1 Chips. Jleads are specialized leads used to provide an interface between the V.1 Chip and the external circuit. This is the last step in manufacturing. 2.2.7 Final Testing After the V.1 Chips are made, the final step is the testing. At this stage electrical tests such as high potential tests are performed. Thermal tests are also performed to test performance at extremely high and extremely low temperatures. 2.3 PCB Cleaning Process In Section 2.2, the process of PCB cleaning after SMT was briefly mentioned. This section explains the cleaning process in detail, including why cleaning is done, alternative cleaning methods and existing standards on cleaning. 2.3.1 Introduction PCB cleaning is the process of removing solder flux residues and other stray particles from the surface of PCB after the SMT process. The flux present in the solder paste reacts with the metal oxide and forms metal salts [5] during the reflow process and prevents further oxidation of the solder metal. The by-product of this reaction is the solder flux residue which gets trapped beneath components and near the undersides of solder balls. During the cleaning process, this residue is flushed out and dissolved by an aqueous (DI water) or semi-aqueous (DI water with chemicals) solvent using external agitation [6]. 2.3.2 Why Cleaning The solder flux residue, which is trapped between the components and the PCB substrate and also under the solder balls causes electro-migration. When PCBs and modules are subjected to an external electric field, which in many cases involves large potential drops, the diffusing flux residue particles get excited by the momentum transfer of conducting electrons in the circuit. This leads to the particles being displaced from their positions. A problem may arise when these particles cause bridging between two parts of a circuit, ultimately leading to a shortcircuit. This phenomenon is called electromigration [7]. Electromigration is one of the leading causes for failure of V.1 chips. Another possible effect of flux residue presence is the improper adhesion of the molding compound and J-leads. For proper adhesion to take place, the surface of the PCB and BGA areas must be free of contaminants such as flux residue. Due to these problems, effective cleaning of solder flux residue becomes imperative. 2.3.3 Factors Involved in Cleaning The process of removing flux residue from the PCB board and its components depend on the following factors [8]: e Agitation e Chemical Action * Time and Temperature " External Factors Agitation Agitation is the factor that loosens up the residue, forces water into low standoff areas and forces the flux residue outside the components. The amount and type of agitation produced with the wash solvent is completely dependent on the wash technique used. In the centrifuge based water wash process currently in place, the agitation is produced by the rotation of container. The different forms of agitation are explained in Section If the agitation is insufficient, flux residue remains and the board is not cleaned to desired levels. Chemical Action Although the flux residue is water soluble in nature, its dissolution can be increased by using an alkaline chemical agent [6]. DI water is pH neutral so the surface tension and chemical activity of the solvent is not altered while the use of alkaline solution or saponifier would reduce decrease surface tension resulting in better flow which would dissolve the flux residue faster. Time and Temperature Time and temperature are two critical parameters that affect the effectiveness of the cleaning process. The more time a product in exposed to agitation the cleaning is better. Temperature influences cleaning by altering the surface tension of the solvent, altering the solubility of flux residue, increasing the rate of reaction and/or by activating the chemical present in the solvent. External Factors Influencing Cleaning Process Performance The other factors which are known to be responsible for ineffective cleaning include the choice of the solder paste, reflow temperature and the architecture of the product being cleaned [5]. The solder paste may have specific properties which may affect cleaning process. These properties could be physical properties of the flux residue such as viscosity, water solubility, etc., chemical properties such as reactivity and corrosiveness or electrical properties such as conductivity. Another major factor is the reflow temperature [5]. With the advent of lead-free soldering, the temperature required for effective soldering has increased, leading to changes in properties of the flux residue. One important factor is the amount of gap present between the component and the PCB substrate, called standoff. Lower standoffs when in the order of microns lead to less effective cleaning. 2.3.4 PCB Cleaning Process Specifications Currently, the PCB cleaning process is carried out in two centrifugal water wash machines. The current water wash process uses only DI water for the cleaning the PCBs. The cleaning process occurs over three cycles namely the wash, rinse and the dry cycles each of which takes approximately 5, 5 and 10 minutes respectively. All the three cycles are carried out in the same machine and in the same centrifuge tank. Both washing and rinsing of the boards are done using DI water only. Each machine has the capacity to carry two cartridges with 10 boards in each cartridge. Thus the wash process is a batch type process consuming a total of 20 minutes for washing, rinsing and drying a maximum of 20 boards at a time. These cartridges are suspended using fixtures along the central axis of the centrifuge tank. The tank consists of nozzles positioned vertically on either side of the tank. These two sets of nozzles are used for rinsing during the rinse cycle. 2.3.5 Cleaning Methods The semiconductor and allied industries have in the recent past been able to come up with many alternate methods of cleaning with each method suited to a particular type of product architecture. These different cleaning methods could be classified based on the nature of their primary approach towards cleaning as either physical agitation or chemical action based methods. Agitation Methods The three main methods which fall under this category are explained in detail below: a) Centrifugal Cleaning This method takes advantage of the agitation induced by the centrifugal force in a liquid medium which could range from just plain DI water to chemical solutions containing surfactants or solvents. The centrifugal washing process has been explained in detail in Section 2.3.4. b) In line Cleaning In line method of cleaning is a new development which uses water or a chemical solution sprayed at a pressure through custom designed nozzles over the PCBs which continuously move across a line through the machine. Recent advancements made in nozzle technologies by certain companies have resulted in further improvement of cleaning effectiveness. Though the throughput rates, the physical agitation levels and hence the cleaning effectiveness in an in-line machine are higher especially when compared to the centrifugal washing machine, these machines are characterized by high cost as well as high wastage of DI water or chemical solution [9]. c) Ultrasonic Cleaning This method uses the physical agitation made possible by the superimposition of the ultrasonic waves originating from a transducer, inside a liquid medium. The superimposed waves produce a cavitation effect where vacuum bubbles are constantly formed and undergo implosion. This agitation effect in a chemical solution medium has been found to give encouraging cleaning results. This method has been claimed to have mildly destructive effects on the minute SMDs. Chemical Methods Many commercial companies have introduced different chemicals that achieve high levels of cleanliness. Most of these chemicals are either surfactants or solvents that tend to reduce the surface tension of DI water so that it is able to reach the minute pockets and the remotely accessible areas of the product. These chemicals can be used in any of the machines described in Section in order to provide improved cleaning results. 2.3.6 Cleaning Process Control and Testing Cleanliness can be defined using many different tests. Tests are mainly of two types - visual and electrochemical. Visual tests include removing components and visually observing the presence of flux residues preferably under a microscope, while the electrochemical tests measure chemical and electrical properties to determine cleanliness. Though both ionic and non-ionic contaminants are found on the surface of the board, the ionic contaminants are of particular interest since they have the potential to cause electro-migration and similar other problems [10]. The following are some of the more commonly used electrochemical tests: ionic contamination tests, ion chromatography (IC) tests, surface insulation resistivity (SIR) tests, Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy and visual inspection tests [6]. At Vicor, the ionic contamination test is regularly carried out on the products coming out of the washing process and the results of the test are plotted on control charts which are then used for monitoring the process. On reviewing the test results and the control charts, it was observed that the ionic contamination levels do not cross specification limits, as described by industry standards. This occurs even though flux residues have been frequently found on the board surface and underneath components. This shows that current process control tests are inadequate. 2.4 Software used for Manufacturing System Analysis The software that has been used for performing the manufacturing system analysis is 'ARENA' simulation software from Rockwell Automation. This software was chosen because it is one of the most preferred discrete simulation softwares in manufacturing industries and more importantly because this software, is generally used at Vicor Corporation. Hence the software model of the SMT line developed during the course of this project could be used in future at the company as well. A snapshot of the screen is shown in Fig. 2.3. a ArenaStudent- (Exasting31 -Fdu P Edt Tools Arrange Object Run Window Help * JO 4/ 0 A -> 2 Projc Bar asPese AdvancedTransfer O AdvancedProcess 0 Delay J . aI u. =. 4140 ie% a1.a:. il..)W V pe It i 14UW Ili | e 11 MODEL OF THE S1 4T LINE Dropoff 1. Initialization of the model Hold Match Pickup ReadWrite Release Remove Seize Search Signal Store 2. The Bottomside Screen printing & SMD placen ent processes I 2 4 S "o ec -- t RepoPts eNavgated ted -be---- Name EKTopsidescreenprinting Standard KOl Young TopInspection Standard Machino1 TopUniverselPlacemrent Standard 2 Machone Top UnWersal Placement Standard Inspecto Topplacemenrt E tinm g Pocess Standard Type IActonPrry Seize DelayRelease SeizeDelay Release Seize Dely Release Relas SeizeDelay SerizeDelayReolease Re nirces DelayType rows Constant Mledium(2) Mode(c2) 1 ows Constant Constant 1 rws Medum(2) Constant Medaium(2) Or Constot i Medaiu(2) 1 rows Unt Seconds Allocation ValueAdded Value | RepartStabutles 100 F Seconds Added value 27 Seconds Value Added Seconds Seconds VoiceAdded ValueAdded 39 " 34.5 24 Fr | (4205,-4434) Fig. 2.3 Snapshot of the ARENA Simulation software screen. 2.4.1 Explanation of the Basic Elements of the ARENA Software The models built using ARENA software are similar to flowchart representations of the assembly line. Just like a flowchart has different symbols to represent the different types of processes, ARENA too has different elements which should be used to build a model. An explanation of the basic elements used in the software is given in Table 2.1 [11]. Table 2.1: Explanation of the basic elements of the ARENA software [11] Name of Element Example Function of the Element It indicates that a basic process happening at a machine; It can also Process Sub-model PrcBottom Prntn side Process Pull from operator have a queue associated with it wherein the parts line up before being processed. Process time, variability of the process time, etc. are some of the inputs that can be entered. A sub-model can used to represent a group of machines/ elements that either act together as a single entity or have different purposes. A submodel is used whenever there is a need to de-clutter the model or break a larger line into smaller parts. An entity refers to the part/product that flows through the line. In our case, an entity could either be a single panel or a single chip package. An entity is not visible on the main work area of ARENA screen but is Entity available on the side bar. SezSeize 38~ A 'Seize' element is used to take control of a 'process' or the resource or the machine performing the process. This element generally used in conditional operating situations e.g. when a machine has to wait until the next machine is free. Release Hold Release 41 9lHold 8 A 'Release' element performs the opposite function of the 'Seize' i.e. it releases the control over a machine or a resource, more often after a particular condition is satisfied. A 'Hold' element is usually used in case of conditional operating situations wherein it holds the control or the entity from going forward until a particular condition has been satisfied. Table 2.1 (Cont.d): Explanation of the basic elements of the ARENA software Nae of Example Function of the Element A 'Batch' element can be used to combine several entities into one entity before or after a process. This is useful in our case, especially in the centrifugal washing machine, where a batch of 20 boards is simultaneously washed Batch Separate A 'Separate' element is used to perform the exact opposite function of that of a 'Batch'. It can be either used for splitting an existing batch or in cases like where the panel is divided into 16 chip packages. onvey Convey A 'Convey' can be used to simulate conveying/ transferring options from one machine to another machine or within a machine. Parameters like conveyor length, speed, destination station would have to be specified. 4 Route Station Creae A 'Route' element is used to transfer the entities instantaneously to a destination station which is indicated by a similar element known as 'Station' Route 23 A 'Station' element is generally used in conjunction with the transfer elements like 'Convey' and 'Route' to specify the origin and the 'destination' stations. staton [reate A 'Create' element is used to introduce entities (like boards) into the line and keep count of it. 8J 0 Dispose DispoeDspos A 'Dispose' element takes the entities out of the line and records different statistics like cycle time, etc. Table 2.1 (Cont.d): Explanation of the basic elements of the ARENA software Name of Element Example Function of the Element Assign Assign 4 An 'Assign' element is used to assign a code or an identifying name to the entity passing through it. This is useful especially to keep track of entities. ecord Record 12 A 'Record' element records the details of the entity that has been assigned a code. For example, it can be used to calculate the average total amount of time that an entity spends in the line. 2.4.2 Building a Model using ARENA Software Prior to building a model on the software, information about the different processes in the line, the process sequence, the number of assembly stations, the process or the assembly times, the number and the location of the buffers, individual buffer capacities, type of flow (pull or push), failure rates of the machine, machine uptime and downtime and setup times has to be gathered. The information is then used to build the model by incorporating the appropriate elements as explained in the Table 2.1. The screen that appears when the software is opened has three panes as shown in Fig 2.3. The pane on the upper right corner is the main workspace area and displays the model that is being built. The elements, examples of which have been described in the Table 2.1, are displayed on the left pane. When a particular element has to be incorporated, it has to be selected from this pane and dragged on to the main workspace area. The details about the element, for example, the process times, the failure rates, etc. can be entered in the bottom right pane. If the line to be simulated is too long, it is advisable to split the model into different subdivisions and connect them with the help of 'Route' and 'Station' elements. 2.4.3 Simulating the Model After the model is built, debugging can be performed by going to Run -> Review Errors in the main toolbar. Once the model is error-free, parameters like the length of time for which it has to be simulated (run-length) and the animation speed will have to be specified by going to Run 4 Setup in the main toolbar. It has to be noted that though the software can give the results instantaneously, it is preferable to run it at a slow animation speed in order to observe what actually happens to the entities as they enter the line. This also would enable easy detection of any inadvertent errors. Once the simulation is complete, the software generally outputs the results in a report format. The report has five major subdivisions as follows * Entity * Queue * Resource * System * User defined. Entity subdivision gives information about the average and the maximum value-added times, waiting times, transfer times, etc. of the entities when they pass through the line. The Queue subdivision in general gives data about the average waiting time at every station. The Resource subdivision supplies information about the resource utilization rates. The System subdivision gives information about the number of entities that enter and exit from the system and also about the total time that a single entity takes to pass through the entire line. 33 Chapter 3 - Problem Description 3.1 Problem Statement The DI water based centrifugal washing machine is responsible of removing all flux residues and other contaminants from the boards. However over a period of time it was found that repeated visual inspection tests showed the presence of flux residue on the boards even after being washed. The samples of such incidences of flux residues on the surface of the boards are shown in Fig. 3.1 and in Fig. 3.2. Flux residue Fig. 3.1 Presence of flux residue under a BGA-FET [121 Flux residue Fig. 3.2 Presence of flux residue under chip capacitor array [12] The presence of flux residues can give rise to problems. The important among them are electromigration, poor mold compound adhesion and improper J-lead attachment. Electromigration is a phenomenon wherein the flux residues may migrate to nearby places and end up bridging adjacent circuits or electrodes which ultimately causes shorting. Molding, which is a process that follows the PCB cleaning, is also affected by the presence of flux residue. Flux residue on the surface of the board hinders the entry of the mold compound and also reduces the adhesion between the mold compound and the board. Similarly the presence of flux residue is also suspected to interfere with the attachment of J-leads. Improperly attached and misaligned Jleads are one of the leading causes of component rejection at Vicor. All these problems result in an increase in failure rates. With the company's objective of maximizing product yield and attaining MSL levels of 4 or lower, removing flux residue completely from the boards has become an important priority. 3.1.1 Areas of Residue Incidence on PCB The inspection of products revealed the presence of flux residue in nearly all the inspected products mostly around the solder joints and under certain components. Vicinity of Solder Joints Once the SMDs were pried off from the surface of the boards, it is possible to observe white colored flux residue on the surface of the PCB board. As shown in Fig. 3.3, the residues appeared as a random scattering of white colored particles in clear areas or as rings surrounding solder balls. Further inspection proved that they were water-soluble flux residues which were left behind due to ineffective cleaning. Flux residue Flux residue Fig.3.3 Flux residue on and near solder joints of the leads of MLP FET [121 Under "low standoff' Components The term 'standoff refers to the distance between the bottom surface of surface mount components and the top surface of the PCB board. Certain components such as '1210 chip capacitors' and 'MLP FETs' have standoffs as low as 0.05 mm. Inspection revealed that components with low standoffs were the most significant sites in terms of cleaning effectiveness and nearly all pried-off low-standoff components showed the presence of flux residue both on the surface of the PCB board and also on the underside of the component. The right side of the Fig. 3.4 shows the presence of flux residue on the surface of the PCB underneath the MLP FET component after it was pried off while the left side of the same figure shows the board before the component was pried off. Similarly flux residues underneath 1210 chip capacitor are shown in Fig. 3.5. Flux residue Fig. 3.4 Flux reside on MLP-FET footprint [121 Fig 3.5 Flux reside on 1210 chip capacitor footprint [12] 3.1.2 Root Cause Hypotheses In order to tackle this problem, the root causes for the problem have to be first identified. Pranav Jain [3], in his work titled, "Root cause analysis of solder flux residue incidence in the manufacture of electronic power modules" has explained in detail about the different root causes hypotheses as well as the methodology to test them. The following are hypotheses for what could be the root causes for the incidence of flux residues. Hypothesis - I: Strong Flux Residue Adhesion The first premise about the large amount of flux residue incidence under components is that the adhesive force between the flux residue and the surface under the components is high. If this force is high enough, it could prevent the water or cleaning solution from cleaning and dissolving the flux residue. One reason could be that the properties of the solder paste used might increase the flux residue adhesion. Another reason could be that the resulting residue is insoluble in the water being used in the process. Hypothesis - II: Insufficient Physical Agitation & Component Architectural Causes The fluid flow dynamics are defined by the cleaning method employed. As described in the Chapter 2, the current cleaning method uses the centrifugal agitation to force water into the component standoffs for cleaning. However, if the agitation is not enough, the water cannot enter the standoffs. This led to the hypothesis that the water does not reach the residue with enough agitation in the current process. Another related sub reason for the ineffectiveness in the cleaning process can be hypothesized as due to surface tension effects. The current water wash process uses plain DI water to clean the boards. However, plain DI water has a high surface tension, which does not allow it to enter the low standoffs and hence it results in insufficient agitation which in turn fails to effectively clean the residues underneath components. This would mean that lowering the surface tension of the cleaning medium could result in better cleaning. During the observation stage, it was primarily seen that flux residue found under certain components was always more than under other components. This gave rise to a premise that component design and PCB architecture could be a possible cause for the problem. An example would be that of the MLP FET and the 1210 chip capacitors which tend to have more flux residues underneath them. Hypothesis - III: Strong Flux Residue Adhesion, Insufficient Physical Agitation & Component Architectural Causes Hypothesis III can be interpreted as a sort of combination of the Hypotheses I & II wherein it states that both strong flux residue adhesion and insufficient physical agitation of water in low standoff areas are said to be responsible for poor cleaning. Hypothesis IV: Twice Reflow causes Ineffective Cleaning Another observation was that burnt-in brown residues were observed under the MLP FETs on the bottom side. These may be due to the fact that the bottom side goes through reflow twice; first for the bottom side and second for the top side. It had been highlighted earlier that the use of lead-free solder pastes had led to higher reflow temperatures. Thus, higher temperatures combined with twice reflow may cause burning-in and settling of flux residues which become difficult to remove. 3.2 Project Objectives The project aims to identify the root causes behind the ineffective cleaning by hypothesizing them and by conducting experiments to test the hypotheses. After identifying the root causes, the different factors that can effectively deal with the root causes as well as the effect of every factor would be determined. Based on the gathered information, alternative cleaning solutions which include process and machine changes will be proposed. As a part of this project, it was also desired to conduct a throughput analysis to assess the impact of the process and the flow changes that the company would have to make in order to improve the existing cleaning process. Parameters like the throughput rate, cycle time, work in progress (WIP) inventory and the waiting time would change in the event of any change in any of the processes on the SMT line. Quantifying the changes in the above said parameters with the help of an appropriate software would help in assessing the net benefit of the change from a 'manufacturing systems' perspective. Similarly, it would also be desirable to perform a cost analysis on all the different process-improvement alternatives that have been proposed in this project. This cost analysis would definitely aid in choosing a suitable alternative. Thus the project objectives could be summarized as follows. " Identifying the root causes of the flux residue problem. e Identifying the main factors involved in the cleaning process. * Proposing alternate methods of cleaning. * Performing a manufacturing systems analysis on the SMT line. e Assessing the impact of the different alternate cleaning methods on the system's performance. e Perform a cost analysis on the different alternative cleaning methods. e Choose, qualify and implement the most optimized alternative. 40 Chapter 4 - Literature Review 4.1 Introduction This section provides a brief summary of the work carried out by Pranav Jain [3] and Ishan Mukherjee [4] in the development of an alternative cleaning process for the surface mounted PCBs. Pranav Jain [3], in his work titled, "Root cause analysis of solder flux residue incidence in the manufacture of electronic power modules" explains not only about the different root cause hypotheses for ineffective cleaning but also about the different tests that were conducted to test the hypotheses. Based on the results of those tests as shown in Table A in Appendix A, the hypotheses were either accepted or rejected. The accepted hypotheses were then used in identifying the most appropriate cleaning method and conditions. Ishan Mukherjee [4]'s work, "Cleaning Process Development and Optimization in the Surface Mount Assembly Line of Power Modules" deals with the optimization of the cleaning process and the experiments that were conducted for that purpose are shown in Table B in Appendix B. Due to the highly interlinked nature of the works of both Pranav Jain [3] and Ishan Mukherjee [4], the experiment methodology and the inspection methodology adopted by them are the same and are explained in Section 4.1.1. The results from their individual studies are explained in Section 4.1.2 and in Section 4.1.3 respectively. Also some of the trends that were observed during the experiments are explained in Section 4.1.4. These trends and observations form the basis for the design changes that have been recommended in Chapter 7. 4.1.1 Experiments Design and Methodology The experiments intended to test each of the hypotheses as explained in Section 3.1.2, are shown in the Table A in Appendix A. During the experiments, the boards that were produced in the SMT line were taken out of the line after the top-side reflow and put into the soak/ultrasonic bath for performing the experiments at various combinations of temperature, time, chemical concentration and level of physical agitation. Two types of chemicals namely Chemical A and Chemical B were used during the experiments. After the experiments were performed, the boards were washed in the centrifugal water wash machine and then were taken for inspection. A diagrammatic representation of the process flow followed for these experiments is shown in Fig. 4.1. Proposed soak! Top side relwultrasonic reflow cycle Regular Water wash process Baking in Ove Oven Visual L Isetio spection Fig. 4.1 Process Flow followed in Experiments After the experiments were performed on the floor of the facility at Vicor, the boards were taken to lab and inspected under the microscope. Nine components (including BGA FETs and the 0603 chip capacitors) found on the top side and eleven components (including the MLP FETs and the 1210 chip capacitors) found on the bottom side in each of the chip packages found on the board were pried off and observed. The footprints of these components on the surface of the boards were also observed. The grading was made on a 1 - 5 scale where 5 represented the cleanliest and 1 represented the dirtiest. A sample grading scheme is shown in the Appendix C. The results of the grading are also given in Table A in Appendix A. The average cleanliness score at the footprints of all the pried components is given for every experiment. But during the experiments it was found that certain critical components like the MLP FET and the 1210 chip capacitors consistently had flux residues. Hence separate indices such as 'critical footprint score' and 'critical component score' were coined which gave the average cleaning scores at the footprints and beneath the critical components like MLP FET and 1210 chip capacitors only. A discussion of the results of these hypotheses-testing experiments is given in Section 4.1.2. These results were then used by Ishan Mukherjee [4] to design experiments that could help in optimization. The hypothesis-testing experiments clearly showed that better physical agitation (e.g. ultrasonic agitation) when aided by the chemicals (especially Chemical B) gave the best cleanliness results. The optimization experiments that were conducted to identify the optimum parameters when ultrasonic agitation was used with Chemical B are shown in Table B in Appendix B. Since the currently employed cleaning process at the company used only centrifugal agitation instead of ultrasonic agitation, it was desired to find out what would happen when centrifugal form of agitation was combined with the effect provided by the chemicals. Hence in some of Ishan Mukherjee's experiments [4] the boards were washed in the centrifugal machine with varying levels of Chemical B concentration. Also some of the important hypothesis-testing experiments were repeated in order to verify the repeatability of such results. An experiment was also conducted to determine the significance of the temperature factor by increasing the temperature to a higher level but keeping all the other factors constant. The results of these optimization experiments are discussed in Section 4.1.3 4.1.2 Results of Hypothesis-Testing Experiments These results as shown in Table A in Appendix A were then used qualitatively by Pranav Jain [3] in his work to accept or reject the different hypotheses. Hypothesis - I According to hypothesis I, strong flux residue adhesion was the principal cause for ineffective cleaning. The results of these experiments indicate that though strong flux residue adhesion was counteracted either by using chemicals from different vendors or by allowing sufficient soak time, the cleanliness scores were not as improved as expected. Hence we can safely contend that this hypothesis is not true. Hypothesis - 1 Hypothesis II states that there is insufficient physical agitation. The results of these experiments show a vast improvement over existing process but still have room for more improvement. Hence we can conclude that physical agitation is a significant factor but it alone is not sufficient. Hypothesis - III Hypothesis III states that both strong flux residue adhesion and insufficient physical agitation are together responsible for the cleaning ineffectiveness. These experiments gave the best results on all the three parameters and hence we can conclude that this hypothesis is true. Hypothesis - IV The experiments testing this hypothesis gave the worst results among all the experiments and hence we can safely reject this hypothesis. 4.1.3 Results of Optimization Experiments Ultrasonic Optimization Results The results of the optimization experiments as shown in Table B in Appendix B were then analyzed using statistical process control software by Ishan Mukherjee [4] to identify the optimum parameters for the ultrasonic cleaning method which uses chemicals. It was found that 5% concentration of Chemical B with 7 minutes of washing time at 600C could give the most optimum performance. Effect of Different Factors Ishan Mukherjee [4] also analyzed the effect of different factors like type and level of chemical concentration, type and level of physical agitation, time and temperature on the cleanliness scores. The study revealed that physical agitation had the most prominent effect among all the factors and that the ultrasonic form of agitation was the best among the different forms of physical agitation. Chemical concentration was the next most important factor with an increase in chemical concentration producing favorable results. Chemical B was the better of the two chemicals. The effect of time factor decreased with increasing periods of time i.e. time was a significant factor during shorter periods of time but its effect was not so significant for longer periods of time. The effect of temperature was negligent beyond 60 0 C. Results of Other Experiments The centrifugal washer experiments when used with varying chemical concentrations gave much better results as shown in Table B in Appendix B, compared to the existing process but however were slightly lesser than the ultrasonic form of physical agitation even when all the other factors remained the same. The experiments also showed that the results improved with increasing chemical concentrations. These experiments verified the repeatability of the results with most of the repeatability experiments of Phase II falling within + 5% limit of the results of the corresponding experiments in Phase I. This verified the robustness of the inspection methodology. The temperature study indicated that the temperature was an insignificant factor atleast within the maximum allowed temperature of 70*C. 4.1.4 Common Areas of Flux Residue Incidence The most prominent trend that was noted during the inspection that certain components were found to be particularly very tough to clean whereas many other components could be cleaned easily. Components namely the MLP FET and the 1210 chip capacitors found on the bottom-side of the board were found to be difficult to clean whereas most topside components like the BGA FETs were relatively much easier to clean i.e. even lower concentrations of chemicals or lower times or centrifugal agitation were able to completely clean components like BGA FET but not the MLP FET or the 1210 chip capacitors. Hence the concept of 'overall cleanliness score' for a board became irrelevant and a new concept of 'critical component cleanliness score' which took into account the level of cleanliness of only the MLP FET and the 1210 chip capacitors, had to be termed. Fig 4.2 shows the MLP FET and BGA FET at the end of 'soak in plain DI water for 5 mins' and the 'ultrasonic for 10 mins in plain DI water' experiments. Soak in plain DI water for 5 mins: Flux residue P FET I|BAFET Ultrasonic in plain DI water for 10 mins: Flux residue MLP FET ||BGA Fig. 4.2: Common areas of flux incidence FET In Fig. 4.2, both BGA FET and MLP FET had flux residues at the end of soak experiment but when ultrasonic agitation is introduced, the BGA FET appears to have cleaned but the MLP FET still has burnt-in flux residues left on it despite increasing agitation. 4.1.6 Influence of Product Architecture on Cleanliness Similar to the above observation, it was also found out that there are certain product architecture issues that impact cleaning. For example, in the 1210 chip capacitor which is a component that is difficult to clean, it was discovered that the flux residue presence is much more wherever there is a copper pad right next to its leg. This was observed across all the boards irrespective of the chemical concentration or the physical agitation used or the cleaning time provided when they were being cleaned. Flux residue found only on copper pad Flux residue is not found on this substrate CoOPer Pad Leg of the component Fig. 4.3: Image of 1210 chip capacitor From the above Fig. 4.3, it can be seen that the grey colored substrate next to the copper pad does not have any flux residue at the same time when the copper pad adjacent to it has greyish flux residues. The reason is that when a copper layer is added over the substrate in a PCB, it decreases the effective standoff of the component and hence it makes it difficult to clean. During subsequent discussion with the company's design team, it was found that these copper pads projecting from the leg of the component are unnecessary and that they do not perform any function and hence they can be removed in order to improve cleaning. 4.2 Review of Previous Work 4.2.1 Work done at Vicor Eva McDermott and Hardie Macauley [13] had in their work at Vicor Corporation titled "Water wash process optimization" explored the impact of three different solder paste types, the effect of water wash temperature and the effect of the post-reflow wait time on the cleanliness of the boards being washed through the existing centrifugal machine. They also did a 'Fixture Loading Study' wherein the effect of the board location in the fixture when placed inside the centrifugal machine was studied. The results of the experiments conducted as part of the study showed that none of the above mentioned factors significantly affected the cleanliness of the boards. However the solder paste study yielded valuable information on the consistency of the solder paste material which was then used to select the solder paste among the three options. 4.2.2 Work done by Vendor A Vendor A performed many series of experiments on the boards that were sent to them by Vicor using their chemical (Chemical A) across three different machines (ultrasonic machine, centrifugal machine and the in-line machine) at different levels of chemical concentration, time and temperature. Vendor A strongly recommended the use of the In - line machine at 15% concentration of Chemical A and at a total time of 10 minutes and a temperature of 1504F [12]. 4.2.3 Work done by Vendor B Vendor B conducted different phases of experiments, experimenting with different levels of concentration of their chemical (Chemical B) in the centrifugal machine at different temperatures and time levels. Vendor B report recommended the use of 7% Chemical B solution in the centrifugal machine with the same values for time and temperature as the existing process across the three cycles namely the wash, rinse and dry cycles [14]. 48 Chapter 5 - Software Model of the SMT Line 5.1 Introduction This chapter explains in detail about the software model that was developed for simulating the SMT line. The basics of the ARENA software which was used for building the model are explained in Chapter 2. It is necessary to gather data on the process sequence and individual process times before modeling the line. The process sequence of the SMT line is given in Section 5.2 while the process times required by the different processes are given in Section 5.3. The following were some of the important assumptions and considerations: e The product/entity that was considered during modeling was the same product on which Pranav Jain [3] and Ishan Mukherjee [4] had performed their experiments. This is important especially since different products might take different periods of time to undergo the same process on the same line. e In the software, one board is considered as one entity. It has to be noted that each board has 16 subdivisions known as chip packages. " Only the SMT line has been simulated. e The SMT line is a 'pull' type of line i.e. in such a line, a machine does not start processing an entity until its succeeding machine accepts the entity that it has just produced. For this to happen, the succeeding machine has to be free. So the current machine waits until the succeeding machine is free before it begins to process. 5.2 Process Sequence in the SMT Line The following flowchart indicates the process flow in the SMT line. Bottom Side Solder Paste Printing Bottom side paste inspection Solder ball attach Bottom side component mounting Bottom Side Solder Reflow Bottom Side Inspection Store in Stacker & Invert Tpside solder paste printing I ( Top side solder paste inspection 1-1-111-1-11--l-, 7 -- _"----,_,- .- I Top side component mounting -1 Top side component mounting -2 a L L F Top solder reflow Top side Inspection PCB Cleaning Fig. 5.1 Process Sequence in the SMT line 50 5.3 Process Times The results of the time study analysis that was conducted at Vicor [15] for the product under consideration are given in Table 5.1. The times shown below are the average process times for every process. The machines used for every process are also given in the same table. Table 5.1: Average Process times on the SMT line [15] Process Time Machine/ Operator Process Step No. of boards Otpte Outputted a single (Seconds) during operation Bottom Side Solder DEK bottom side Screen printer 42 1 Paste Printing Bottom side paste inspection Solder ball attach Koh Young Machine 22 1 Shibuya BGA Attach Machine 44 1 Bottom side component Bottom side Universal Module A 34 1 mounting Surface Mount Machine Module B 52 1 350 16 Human Operator FIFO Stacker 10 187 1 20 DEK top side Screen printer 45 1 Koh Young Machine 27 1 Module A 49 1 Module B 56 1 Module A 43 1 Module B 41 1 Bottom Side Solder Reflow_____________ Bottom Side Inspection Store in Stacker & Invert Top side solder paste printing Top side solder paste inspection Top side component Topusieicmpoe mounting -1 Top side component mounting - 2 BTU Pyramax Bottom side Reflow Oven __ Top side Universal Surface Mount Machine - 1 Top side Universal Surface Mount Machine -2 Top solder reflow BTU Pyramax Top side Reflow Oven 351 16 Top side Inspection Human Operator 10 1 PCB Cleaning Centrifugal water wash machine 1,202 20 2,565 N.A Total Time in the line 5.4 SMT Line Model in ARENA Since the SMT line consists of many processes, it is advisable to split the line into several subdivisions and these subdivisions could be modeled individually. Finally these subdivisions could be linked together to get the entire model of the SMT line. Such splitting into smaller subdivisions facilitates better understanding, better visualization of the line and promotes easier debugging of problems in the model. The SMT line was split into six smaller subdivisions which are given below: . Initialization of the model . The Bottom side screen printing and SMD placement processes . The Bottom side reflow process . The Top side screen printing and SMD placement processes . The Top side reflow process . The cleaning and allied processes Each of these subdivisions is explained in the sections 5.4.1 to 5.4.6 and the models that were developed to represent the subdivisions are also shown. Reviewing the basics of the software especially the basic functions of the element types as explained in Chapter 2 is essential for better understanding of the model. 5.4.1 Initialization of the Model 'Initialization of the model' subdivision is a vital part in the model. In this subdivision, as shown in Fig 5.3, the 'Create' element named 'Boards Enter the line' has been used to introduce the entities into the line. An 'Assign' element named 'Assigning Entities' has been used to assign a code to every entity that enters the line which enables easy tracking of entities. The 'Assign' element was instructed to especially keep track of the total time that an entity spends in the entire line. The next element in the model is the 'Seize' element named 'DEK Bottom side printer is seized' which checks if the DEK Bottom side printer is free. (It has to be noted that the DEK bottom side printer performs the first operation in the line namely that of the bottom side screen printing). The 'Separate' element named 'Separating the entities' that follows the 'Seize' element has been used in the model to separate the entities and send them forward into the line only if DEK bottom side printer is free or send them backward if it is not free. The next element is the 'Route' element named 'Route to 2' which transfers the entities that successfully come out of the 'Separate' element into the second subdivision i.e. The Bottom side screen printing and SMD placement processes. Fig. 5.2: Initialization of the model 5.4.2 The Bottom side Screen Printing and SMD Placement Processes The list of processes that were considered in the subdivision named 'The Bottom side screen printing and SMD placement processes' are shown in the flowchart below. Bottom Side Solder Paste Printing Bottom side paste inspection Solder ball attach Bottom side component mounting Fig. 5.3: Bottom side screen printing and SMD placement processes flowchart The model that was developed for this subdivision is shown in Fig. 5.4. A 'Station' element named 'Entering 2' has been used to receive the entities sent from the previous subdivision. This element then sends the entities to the 'Process' element named 'DEK Bottom side printing process' which performs the process of 'Bottom side solder paste printing.' The next element is a sub-model named 'Pull from Koh Young Bottom Inspection' which pulls the entity only if the succeeding 'Koh Young Bottom Inspection' machine is free. How a sub-model such as 'Pull from Koh Young Bottom Inspection' performs the pull functionality in the model is explained in detail in the Subsection 'Koh Young Bottom Inspection' is a 'Process' element which performs the operation of 'Bottom side paste inspection'. The 'Pull from Shibuya' sub-model pulls entities from the 'Koh Young Bottom Inspection' element only if the Shibuya machine 1 is free. The 'Shibuya machine 1' element performs the process of 'Solder Ball Attach'. Similarly the 'Pull from Bottom Universal Module A' and the 'Pull from Bottom Universal Module B' sub-models pull the entity into Module A and Module B respectively only if they are free. It has to be noted that 'Bottom side Universal Surface Mount Machine' has two modules namely Module A and Module B as shown in Table 5.1 and both perform the same process of 'Bottom 54 side component mounting'. Thus all the processes represented in the flowchart in Fig 5.3 have been included in the model. The 'Pull from Stacker' then checks the Stacker's status and outputs the entities through the 'Route' element named 'Route to 3.' 2. The Bottomside Screen printing & SMD placement processes Pull fromBDtlmUniversal Rulto3 Pull forn Sacker Botue achine Mbdule B Fig. 5.4: Bottom side screen printing and SMD placement processes model Explanation of the 'Pull' Sub-model Since the SMT line is a 'pull' line, sub-models have been used in order to achieve the functionality of a pull model. A 'pull from machinename' sub-model (e.g. 'Pull from Shibuya' sub-model in Fig.5.4a) checks whether the succeeding machine is free and allows the current machine to operate only when the succeeding machine has received the entity that the current machine has sent. By including such a sub-model before every major process, a 'pull' type of line can be simulated. The following example shows how the 'pull' type of line can be created with the help of a sub-model. Consider the following set of elements, Koh YarU _________ BCttornL~Pt from Shibuya Inspechnm T rrdin ________________ PI from Bct 0 Fig. 5.4a: Explanation of a subset of the model LKiersa fBotboi 0 The expanded versions of the two sub-models are shown in the Table 5.2. Table 5.2: Expanded version of some of the sub-models Let us consider the 'Shibuya machine 1' in Fig.5.4a. According to the principles of a 'pull' line, the Shibuya machine-i should start operating only when the succeeding 'Bottom Universal Machine' takes in the entity processed by it i.e. the Bottom Universal Machine should pull the Shibuya Machine -1. In the 'Pull from Bottom Universal' sub-model as shown in Table 5.2, we can see that the control initially passes through 'Bottom Universal is seized' element, which in turn transfers the control to 'Bottom Universal Machine' and checks if it is free. If it is free, control returns back to this sub-model and authorizes the 'Shibuya machine 1' to do the work through 'Shibuya is Free' element. Thus the 'pull' model is simulated. 5.4.3 The Bottom side Reflow Process The next subdivision is 'the bottom side reflow process.' The processes that form a part of this subdivision are shown in the flowchart in Fig. 5.5. Bottom Side Solder Reflow Bottom Side Inspection Fig. 5.5: The Bottom side reflow process flowchart It has to be noted that the reflow process is essentially a continuous flow process where the entity (i.e. the board) which is placed on the conveyor belt continuously passes through the reflow oven and is subjected to different temperature zones. Since it is a continuous flow process, it has to be represented using a 'Convey' element in the model. Fig. 5.6 shows the convey element named 'Reflow oven' which is used for representing the reflow process. But in the ARENA software, the convention is that whenever a convey element is used, an 'Access' element (named 'Accessing the conveyor in oven') has to be used to input entities in the conveyor. Similarly, an 'Exit' element named 'Exit from Conveyor 1' has been used to output entities out of the conveyor. The 'Route to Post Reflow Inspection' is a 'Station' element which represents a station on the conveyor where the inspection is performed. Finally the 'Route' element named 'Route to 4' is used to transfer entities to the next subdivision. 3. The Bottomside Reflow Process Entenrg3 Arta Fig. 5.6: The Bottom side reflow process model 57 5.4.4 The Top side Screen Printing and SMD Placement Processes The next subdivision is the 'Top side screen printing and SMD placement processes' which consists of the processes shown in the following flowchart in Fig. 5.7. Store in Stacker &Invert Top side solder paste printing =Top side solder paste inspection Top side component mounting -1 Top side component mounting - 2 Fig. 5.7: The Top side screen printing and SMD placement processes flowchart As soon as the entities come from the previous subdivision, they enter a stacker where they are allowed to cool. The stacker also acts as a first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer. The remaining part of this subdivision is similar to the 'Bottom side screen printing and SMD placement processes' subdivision and hence its model is also similar as shown in Fig. 5.8. Fig. 5.8: The Top side screen printing and SMD placement processes model 58 5.4.5 The Top side Reflow Process The fifth and the penultimate subdivision is the 'Top side Reflow process' which consists of the processes shown in the flowchart in Fig 5.9. Top solder reflow Top side Inspection Fig. 5.9: The Top side reflow process flowchart This subdivision is similar to the 'Bottom side reflow process' subdivision which has been discussed in Section 5.4.3. The model developed for this subdivision too is similar to that of the 'Bottom side reflow process.' The model is shown in Fig. 5.10. 5. The Topside Reflow Process AccesangRthe Enle nspectd nExt ng5 topsdefeno fam oven - - Roule10D6 Fig. 5.10: The Top side reflow process model 5.4.6 The Cleaning and Allied Processes The final subdivision 'The cleaning and allied processes' is the part that the project is most concerned with. Different alternative cleaning solutions have different versions of this subdivision. The different alternatives differ in parameters like process sequence, process times and batch-type-flow/single-piece-flow. These differences impact the output variables like throughput rate, waiting time and utilization rates of the entire line. Each of these versions would then be simulated and the results so generated would help in comparison of the alternative solutions. The models of the different alternatives and their simulation results are explained in detail in Chapter 6. However a model of the existing scenario in this subdivision is shown in Fig. 5.11. Currently only the PCB cleaning operation falls within this subdivision. In the model, the 'Station' element named 'Enter Cleaning Area' receives the entities from the previous subdivision which are then pulled into the washing machine by the 'Pull from Water Wash Machine' sub-model. This sub-model also performs the task of batching the entities into groups of 20 before sending them into the water wash machine since the currently used centrifugal water wash machine takes in entities in batches of 20. The 'Process' element named 'Water Wash' performs the PCB cleaning process. The entities coming out of the water wash machine are then taken into the 'Recording' submodel where the batch of 20 is split up and the details of individual entities are recorded using the 'Record' element. The entities are then disposed from the SMT line using the 'Dispose' element named 'Exiting the line into the oven.' This marks the end of the SMT line. Fig. 5.11: The Cleaning and Allied Processes Model 5.5 Conclusion All the individual models of the subdivisions which have already been linked together through the use of 'Route' and 'Station' elements, can now be clubbed together to form a model of the entire SMT line as shown below in Fig 5.12. MODEL OF THE SMT LINE 1. Initialization of the model nels enterthe i o Atsinineentity sidepnting &- SMDgpa rocesses 2. The Bottomnside Screen printing & SMVD placement processes 3. The Bottomnside Reflow Process or ovencr Fig. 5.12: Model of the SMT line 4. The Topside Screen printing & SMD placement processes 5. The Topside Ref low Process ovenn and Allied Processes Fig. 5.12: Model of the SMT line (Cont.d) This model was then used in simulating the different scenarios that result when different alternative cleaning solutions were used. The results of the simulations are discussed in Chapter 6. 63 Chapter 6 - Results and Discussions 6.1 Manufacturing System Analysis Results Manufacturing system analysis was performed using ARENA software with the help of the basic model that was built as explained in Chapter 5. The basic model represents the existing scenario while different scenarios were simulated by creating slightly different versions of the final part in the basic model (i.e. the cleaning and the allied processes subdivision of the model). In Sections 6.1.1 to 6.1.5, each of the scenarios is first introduced and the modification made in the model is then highlighted and finally the results of the simulation are displayed. The simulation results can be obtained by 'running' the model on the ARENA software as explained in detail in Section 2.4.3. The models can simulated for a given length of time and the results obtained through simulation like throughput, WIP and waiting time can be used for comparing the different scenarios. 6.1.1 Scenario 1: Current Process Analysis This scenario analyzes the existing SMT line setup as it is. The cleaning process in the existing scenario is carried out in the centrifugal machine which consumes about 20 minutes per operation. It is a batch type process wherein it can take a maximum of 20 boards with 2 cartridges consisting of 10 boards each suspended on opposite sides of the machine during operation. There are two machines of the same specifications on the line which ensures that the centrifugal washing process is not the bottleneck in the SMT line. Model Fig 6.1 represents the cleaning subsection of the model. It has to be noted that since this is the existing scenario, no changes were made to the basic model. Fig 6.1: Scenario 1 Cleaning Model Results The model was simulated and the important results are given in the Table 6.1. Table 6.1: Manufacturing Systems Analysis Results of Scenario 1 Run Total Toa Roa Time Total no. of nrate boards Throughput (no. of boards per Average Waiting Time Average WIP (no. of (mns) outputted hour) (mins) boards) 600 600 60 31 68 _ _ _ Utilization rate of bottleneck Bottleneck Machine machine Top side Universal 1_ Surface Mount 1 0.98 6.1.2 Scenario 2: Chemicals used in the Centrifugal Machine This scenario considers the case when chemical solution would be used in the existing centrifugal water wash machines instead of plain DI water. When chemicals (either A or B) are used in the existing centrifugal machines and when all the other parameters like the time and the wash, rinse and dry cycles remain the same, there would not be much impact on the line from the manufacturing systems perspective except that the washing machine downtimes would increase in order to facilitate frequent bath changes and chemical replenishments. Model The model for this scenario would be similar to that of the previous scenario except that the failure rates (machine downtimes and uptime ratios) for the washing machines would be different. The model that was used to simulate this scenario is shown in Fig. 6.2. Fig 6.2: Scenario 2 Cleaning Model Results Table 6.2: Manufacturing Systems Analysis Results of Scenario 2 Total Run Time (mins) Total no. of boards outputted 600 600 580 580 _ Throughput rate (no. of boards per hour) _ 58 58 _ Average WIP (no. of Average Waiting Time (mins) 31 31 Bottleneck Machine boards) _ 68 68 Utilization rate of bottleneck machine Top side Universal Surface Mount 1 0.98 0.90 Thus we can observe that in this scenario, the throughput rate decreases due to increased downtimes. 6.1.3 Scenario 3: Single Piece Flow Ultrasonic Machine is used This scenario assumes a two-step cleaning system wherein the boards would be first individually sent into an ultrasonic bath for a total of 10 minutes (5 minutes for each side) and then would be batched and sent into the existing centrifugal machine for performing the regular wash, rinse and dry cycles on it. This type of cleaning method is similar to the methodology adopted by Pranav Jain [3] and Ishan Mukherjee [4] when conducting the experiments in their works. If the same ultrasonic baths that were used for the experiments were to be used for full scale production, then 10 such baths would be necessary to sustain the current production levels. Model: As explained, we can see the ultrasonic bath preceding the centrifugal water wash process in the model. The following model has 10 ultrasonic machines and 2 centrifugal machines to sustain the current throughput rate. This information i.e. the number of machines used in each process has to be entered while building the model. 6. The Cleaning and Allied Processes Fig 6.3: Scenario 3 Cleaning Model Results Table 6.3: Manufacturing Systems Analysis Results of Scenario 3 Total Run Time (mins) Total no. of boards otud Throughput rate (no. of boards per Average Waiting Time Average WIP (no. of hour) (mins) boards) 600 600 60 31 75 oupue Bottleneck Machine Utilization rate of bottleneck machine Top side Universal Surface Mount 1 0.98 It can be noted that the throughput rate remains unaffected but the WIP inventory increases slightly when compared to the existing scenario. 67 6.1.4 Scenario 4: Batch-type Ultrasonic Machine is used As seen from the Scenario 3, following the two-step process increases the total process time and the WIP inventory and also increases complexity in the line by adding 10 additional ultrasonic machines. Hence a batch type ultrasonic machine which would not only impart the ultrasonic agitation while cleaning but also perform the wash, rinse and the dry cycles was considered as a replacement for the centrifugal water wash machine. Model The ultrasonic water wash machine being considered here can wash in batches of 10 boards and takes an average of 7 minutes to wash a single batch. Wash time of 7 minutes was chosen based on Ishan Mukherjee's [4] optimization results for ultrasonic washing. Fig 6.9 represents the model that uses this type of batch type ultrasonic water wash machine. 6. The Cleaning and Allied Processes Fig 6.4: Scenario 4 Cleaning Model Results Table 6.4: Manufacturing Systems Analysis Results of Scenario 4 Total Run Time (mins) Total no. of boards outputted Throughput rate (no. of boards per I__hour) 600 610 61 Average Waiting Time Average WIP (no. of (mins) boards) 27 61 Utilization rate of bottleneck Bottleneck Machine machine Top side Universal Surface Mount 1 0.98 It can be seen that the throughput rate has increased and even the average waiting time and average WIP inventory have decreased when compared to the existing scenario. This is possibly due to the effect of the lower time consumed for washing in this scenario. 6.1.5 Scenario 5: In-line Washing Machine is used The in line machine is another cleaning alternative that is popularly used in the industry. This machine is a continuous flow process where pressurized water or chemical solution is sprayed over the boards as they are sent through the machine. This necessitates the use of copious amounts of water and chemicals and hence has high operating costs in addition to heavily burdening the recycling system. Also this machine has relatively much higher capital costs as shown in Table 6.8 when compared to the other alternatives. Model The in line machine that was considered during this model had a total traversable length of 5 feet and with a conveyor speed of 0.5 foot per minute, the entire process consumed 10 minutes for cleaning. Since this is a continuous flow process, the in line washing process is represented with the help of a 'conveyor' module rather than a 'process' element in the software as shown in Fig. 6.5 Fig 6.5: Scenario 5 Cleaning Model Results The model was simulated and following are the important results. Table 6.5: Manufacturing Systems Analysis Results of Scenario 5 Total Run Time (mins) Total no. of boards outputted Throughput rate (no. of boards per Average Waiting Time Average WIP (no. of outputted hour) (mins) boards) 600 616 62 24 53 (mms) 1 __ Bottleneck Machine Utilization rate of bottleneck machine Top side Universal Surface Mount 1 0.98 The results show that the actual throughput has slightly increased when compared to the existing scenario. This increase is due to the existing batch type centrifugal process being replaced by the continuous flow in line machine and hence the boards need not wait to be batched before being sent into the washing machine. Another result of this phenomenon is that the waiting time and the WIP inventory also decrease slightly. 6.2 Discussion of Manufacturing System Analysis Results In Section 6.1, manufacturing systems analysis was performed on different alternatives. The following are salient points observed from the analysis. * The PCB cleaning process was not the bottleneck process in any of the scenarios. Rather the Top side Surface Mount Machine 1 was consistently found to be the bottleneck process across all the scenarios with a utilization rate of 0.98. * Since cleaning process was not the bottleneck in any scenario, variations of the cleaning process did not adversely impact the manufacturing system performance of the SMT line i.e. the differences between the different scenarios in terms of output parameters like throughput rate, WIP inventory and total process time were not very significant. * As expected, continuous flow processes like the in-line machine gave better performance than the existing batch type centrifugal process. The ultrasonic machine also showed good performance thanks to the lesser time consumed by it. Adding chemicals to the existing machine increases downtime and hence the throughput is also reduced. A quantitative comparison of the different alternatives is given in the Table 6.6. The information in the Table 6.6 was extracted from Table 6.1 to Table 6.5. Table 6.6: Comparison of the different scenarios Scenario Throughput rate (no. of boards per Average Waiting Time (in minutes) Average WIP (no. of boards) 60 31 68 58 31 68 60 31 75 61 27 61 62 24 53 hour) Existing centrifugal process Chemicals used in the existing centrifugal process Two step process (single piece flow ultrasonic bath and the existing centrifugal machine) Batch Type Ultrasonic Machine In line machine 6.3 Cost Analysis Results Apart from the manufacturing system analysis, cost analysis is another significant tool that aids in the evaluation of alternatives. There are two major sources of differences in costs namely the operational costs and the capital costs. Since these costs depend upon the cost of chemicals and the cost of machines respectively, a comparative analysis of the different options available for chemicals and machines are presented in Sections 6.7.1 and 6.7.2. These results are then used to compare and evaluate the different scenarios as shown in Table 6.9. 6.3.1 Cost Comparison of Chemicals The cost comparison of the two chemicals that were used during the experiments is given in the Table 6.7. It has to be noted that the optimum chemical concentration level was found to be 5% of Chemical B by Ishan Mukherjee [4] in his work on process optimization. Table 6.7: Cost comparison of the different chemicals Costs Chemical A Chemical B Cost of One Drum $2690 $1,980.00 Drum Volume (Gallon) 53 55 Cost per gallon of chemical $51 $36.00 Cost per gallon of chemical solution (at 5% concentration) $2.55 $1.80 Cost per gallon of chemical solution (at 10% concentration) $5.10 $3.60 The chemicals when used in the cleaning machine will be used in two ways. One is through evaporation and drag-out and the other is through frequent wash tank (bath) replacements. Due to operation at elevated temperatures and also due to flow through pumps, there is some continuous loss of chemicals through evaporation and drag-out which has to be replenished frequently. Also since the chemical solutions in the wash tank accumulate dirt, they have to be replaced periodically to maintain the effectiveness of the machine. The rates of evaporation and drag-out as well as the frequency of the bath changes are machine-dependent and vary from one machine to another. The rates and frequencies along with their associated costs are given in the Table 6.8. 6.3.2 Cost Comparison of Machines The Table 6.8 shows the cost comparison between different machines/options available. The table compares costs across four segments namely the depreciation costs, chemical replenishment in wash tank (bath) costs, evaporation and drag-out chemical replacement costs and finally total costs. Since the frequency of bath changes and rates. of evaporation are machine specific, they were included in Table 6.8. In the case of current centrifugal machine, the cost shown in the same table is that of retrofitting cost. The machine has to be retrofitted if chemicals are to be used. A new centrifugal machine can also be used instead of retrofitting the old machines, if chemicals were to be used. The depreciation costs shown in Table 6.8 include only the additional costs that would be incurred when any one of the alternatives is considered. Hence in the case of current centrifugal machine, only the cost of retrofitting is given in Table 6.8. The costs of purchasing a new in-line machine and a batch type ultrasonic machine are also given. The 'soak/ ultrasonic bath' is actually a twostep process as explained in Scenario 3 (Subsection 6.5.3) and since it assumes that it can use the existing centrifugal machine, the cost given is only that of the new ultrasonic bath and the transfer stations. The total depreciation cost for every scenario is then calculated based on the number of machines required to sustain the current production levels. The bath capacity and the required frequency of bath changes in every machine are given in Table 6.8, based on which the annual chemical requirement for bath changes was calculated. There is also a cost associated with the disposal of the chemicals which is also given in Table 6.8. Similarly the amount of chemicals lost annually to evaporation and drag-out is calculated and the cost associated with it is also given. Total costs of machines and chemicals for sustaining the current production rates are calculated at the end of the table and they enable comparison of the different scenarios when either Chemical A or B is used. Table 6.8: Cost comparison of machines Current New Centrifugal Centrifugal Machine Machine DepreciationCosts Cost of new Machine/ cost of retrofitting Annual Depreciation costs @ In-line Machine Batch type Ultrasonic Machine Soak/ Ultrasonic Bath $30,000 $100,000 $300,000 $150,000 $11,500 $6,000 $20,000 $60,000 $30,000 $2,300 Boards per hour 60 60 120 120 12 Total Process Time Required for 20 20 10 7 30 No. of machines required to sustain the current production 2 2 1 1 10 Total annual Depreciation costs $12,000 $40,000 $60,000 $30,000 $23,000 20% per machine one complete operation Wash Tank (Bath) Change costs: Wash Tank (Bath) Capacity of a machine (amount of working 25 25 75 25 2.35 Once in 1 week Once in 3 weeks Once in 4 weeks Once in I week Once in I week 125 41.7 93.75 125 11.75 250 83.4 93.75 125 117.5 $2500 $834 $937.5 $1250 $1175 $15,243 $5,085 $5,716 $7,621 $7,164 $11,500 $3,836 $5,750 $5,405 solution required in gallons) Frequency of bath changes Chemical consumed in bath changes annually (in gallons) per machine Total chemical consumed in bath changes annually (in gallons) for all machines Annual Chemical disposal costs Total Annual bath change & chemical disposal costs Chemical A Chemical B I I $4,313 I I Evaporation and drag-out replacement costs: Chemical lost in evaporation and drag-out per hour of operation (in 0.18 0.18 0.72 0.18 0.017 1080 1080 4320 1080 102 2160 2160 4320 1080 1020 Chemical A $110,095 $110,095 $220,190 $55,048 $51,989 Chemical B $77,760 $77,760 $155,520 $38,880 $36,720 gallons) Amount of Chemical lost annually per machine Total amount of chemical lost across all machines Total annual chemical replacement costs Total annualcosts (Depreciationcosts and chemical costs): Total Annual costs Chemical A Chemical B $137,338 $101,260 $155,180 $121,596 $285,906 $92,669 $82,153 $219,833 $74,630 $65,125 6.4 Conclusion Table 6.9 combines the results of both the manufacturing system and cost analyses and thus provides a brief summary of the differences between the different scenarios and combinations. Table 6.9: Summary of manufacturing system and cost analyses Throughput rate (no. Process Scenario 1 2a of boards per hour) Existing centrifugal proc ss Chemicals used in the existing 60 Chemical A centrifugal machine Chemical B 2b Chemicals used in a new centrifugal machine 3 Two step process (single piece flow ultrasonic bath and the Chemical A Chemical B Plain DI water Chemical A existing centrifugal machine) Chemical B 58 Batch Type Ultrasonic Machine Chemical A 58 60 5 Chemical A $0 $137,338 $155,180 $121,596 $82,153 $65,125 61 $30,000 $92,669 $74,630 Plain DI In ine mchinewater In line machine Annual Cost $23,000 Chemical B 5 Additional $101,260 Plain DI 4 Total 6 62 Chemical B $60,000 $285,906 $219,833 Each of the scenarios that were discussed in Sections 6.1.1 to 6.1.5 is compared in Table 6.9. The total additional annual cost given in the last column of Table 6.9 represents only the additional cost that would be incurred when each of the scenarios is implemented. The throughput rate is also given so as to give an idea of the manufacturing system performance of each alternative. It has to be remembered that since the cleaning process is not the bottleneck process, the manufacturing systems performance of the SMT line was not much affected. When the existing centrifugal water wash process is pursued in the current centrifugal machine, there is no additional cost since it does not involve any chemical and hence it also does not need any retrofitting. The second row gives the results for Scenario 2 when either of Chemical A or B is used in either current centrifugal machine or in a new centrifugal machine. The next three rows give the results for Scenarios 3, 4 and 5. Either of plain DI water, Chemical A or Chemical B could be used in any of these scenarios. Hence the costs associated with every combination are given in the table. It has to be noted from Table 6.9 that Batch type ultrasonic machine represents the most optimal scenario with good performances from the perspective of both manufacturing systems performance and cost. It has to be understood that a particular scenario need not perform well in both parameters. For example, the in-line machine has the best throughput rate but suffers from very high costs. A sensitivity analysis was also performed on the optimal solution of the batch-type ultrasonic machine in order to understand how this scenario reacts to changes in the prices of the chemicals. Table 6.10 shows how the total annual additional costs vary correspondingly with changes in chemical prices. Table 6.10: Sensitivity Analysis of Batch type ultrasonic process Total Additional Annual costs Percentage Percentage change in Total additional annual costs changein prices of Plain DI Chemical chemicals water A 10% $30,000 $86,527 $70,292 No change $30,000 $92,669 10% increase $30,000 20% increase $30,000 30% decrease increase Chemical B Plain DI Chemical A Chemical B 0% -6.63% -5.81% $74,630 0% 0.00% 0.00% $98,811 $78,968 0% 6.63% 5.81% $104,953 $83,306 0% 13.26% 11.63% $30,000 $111,095 $ $ $87,644 0% 19.88% 17.44% water $ 0 1 From the Table 6.10, it could be inferred that the Chemical B when used in batch type ultrasonic machine is less sensitive to price changes than when Chemical A is used in the same machine and also that plain DI water is least sensitive. The analysis given in Table 6.9 assumes that the V.1 chip assembly line is run at full capacity. But since the line can sometimes be run only at partial capacity, a sensitivity analysis was performed wherein the costs incurred was calculated when the production line is run at different capacities. The Table 6.11 gives the results of the analysis. Table 6.11: Sensitivity Analysis Scenario 1 2a 2b 3 4 5 Total Annual Additional costs (when line is runat) 100% 75% 50% Existing centrifugal proc ss $0 $0 $0 $74,669 Chemical A $137,338 $106,004 Chemicals used in the existing centrifugal machine Chemical B $101,260 $78,945 $56,630 $97,590 $126,385 Chemical A $155,180 Chemicals used in a new centrifugal machine Chemical B $121,596 $101,197 $80,798 Plain DI $2,0 $2,0 $300 water $23,000 $23,000 $23,000 Two step process (single piece flow ultrasonic bath and the Chemical A $82,153 $67,365 $52,577 existing centrifugal machine) Chemical B $65,125 $54,594 $44,063 Plain DI $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 water Batch Type Ultrasonic Machine Chemical A $92,669 $77,002 $61,335 Chemical B $74,630 $63,473 $52,315 Plain DI $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 Process In line machine water _____ Chemical A $285,906 $229,430 $172,953 Chemical B $219,833 $179,875 $139,917 Through Table 6.11, it is possible to observe that though the cost differences among the different scenarios narrow down as the utilization rate of the line goes down, batch type ultrasonic machine still is a cost effective alternative. 78 Chapter 7 - Recommendations and Future Work 7.1 Recommendations 7.1.1 Recommendations for the Alternative Cleaning Method Based on the results of the experiments conducted by Pranav Jain [3] and Ishan Mukherjee [4] and also on the data analysis that was later performed on these results, it was discovered that the ultrasonic physical agitation when supplemented by chemical action, especially by that of Chemical B, gave the best cleanliness scores among all the alternatives considered. Even the manufacturing system analysis and the cost analysis revealed that replacing the existing centrifugal machine with the batch type ultrasonic machine gave an optimal combination of throughput performance and cost levels as shown in Section 6.5. The WIP inventory and the waiting time in the line were also found to be lower than the current scenario. Hence the batch type ultrasonic machine that washes the boards with Chemical B is put forward as the recommended alternative cleaning method. The recommended process parameters for this method are 7 minutes for washing time and 5% concentration by volume of Chemical B [4]. The results of manufacturing system analysis revealed that the PCB cleaning process was not the bottleneck process in the SMT line and hence none of the alternatives considered adversely impacted the manufacturing systems performance of the SMT line. 7.1.2 Recommended Product Architecture Changes It was observed that certain components like 1210 chip capacitors and MLP FET found on the bottom side of the board were found to be particularly tough to clean as explained in Section 4.1.6. It was also discovered that these components had improper designs which if corrected could greatly aid in improving the cleaning effectiveness. Hence, if design changes like e The elimination of the projecting copper pads beneath the 1210 chip capacitors " And the replacement of a dual leg MLP with a single leg MLP FET, are made, the ultrasonic physical agitation in plain DI water itself without the aid of any chemicals can completely clean the boards. Thus non requirement of chemicals would result in cost savings as high as 60% annually. Also the many potential side effects that the chemicals have on the boards like etching of board surface could be prevented apart from improving safety on the assembly line as these chemicals are volatile. Non requirement of chemicals also eliminate the need for costly recycling, chemical disposal and obtaining environmental clearances. The usage of plain DI water drastically reduces the operational costs and also makes the system insensitive to price changes in chemicals. Hence it is highly recommended that these design changes be made and once these changes are made, the batch type ultrasonic machine that washes boards in plain DI water should be implemented. The recommended total washing time is 7 minutes [4]. 7.2 Future Work Following are some of the directions for future work that could help in consolidating the work of this project. " The impact of cleanliness on the quality and performance of the V.I chip needs to be better studied. It has been known that ineffective cleaning causes electro-migration, improper mold adhesion, voids and inclusions in molds and improper mold underfill. Quantifying and measuring the impact of cleanliness levels on these defects could help in better understanding of the criticality of the cleaning process in the production. Quantification of benefits could help in performing a cost benefit analysis on the cleaning process. e The impact of the alternative cleaning method on the throughput of only the SMT line was studied. However its impact on the throughput on the entire production line, if studied, would enable the throughput to be expressed in terms of the revenue increase/decrease which in turn would enable easy cost comparison of the different scenarios. * Since the usage of chemicals was recommended only if the recommended design changes were not made, it would be desirable to study the impact of the chemicals on the materials on the board. These chemicals were suspected of causing etching on copper pads and depositing an oily film on some of the components. Also the impact of chemicals on the electrical performance also needs to be studied. " Establishing a suitable and a reliable method of process control for the PCB cleaning should also be pursued in the future. 82 Appendix A: Results of Hypothesis-Testing Experiments Appendix A - Table A: Experiments for Testing of Hypothesis S. No. Soak/Ultrasonic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Soak Soak Soak Soak Soak Soak Soak Soak Soak 10 11 Ultrasonic Ultrasonic 12 13 14 Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Ultrasonic 15 16 Twice water washed Twice water washed 17 No water wash Conditions (conc. In % & time in mins) Experiments for testing hypothesis I 0% & 5 min 0% & 10 min 0% & 20 min 0% & 40 min 0% & 60 min 7.5% Chemical A & 5 min 7.5% Chemical A & 10 min 7.5% Chemical A & 20 min 7.5% Chemical B & 10 min Experiments for testing hypothesis II 0% & 5 min 0% & 10 min Experiments for testing hypothesis Overall Footprint Score Critical Footprint Score Critical Component Score 2.43 2.58 2.39 3.59 3.00 3.44 3.46 3.51 4.51 1.67 2.08 1.78 1.22 1.28 2.83 2.94 2.89 4.03 1.36 1.61 1.83 1.64 1.75 3.25 3.39 3.56 3.61 4.68 4.89 4.60 4.83 4.75 4.86 5.00 5.00 4.94 5.00 5.00 4.86 5.00 5.00 4.36 2.31 2.31 1.67 1.67 1.44 1.39 3.59 3.22 1.58 HI 7.5% Chemical A & 5 min 7.5% Chemical A & 10 min 7.5% Chemical B & 5 min Experiments for testing hypothesis IV N/A N/A Baseline Experiment N/A Appendix B: Results of Optimization Experiments Appendix B - Table B: Optimization Experiments S. No. Board No. Agitation Chemical Conc. (v/v) Time (mins) Temp (deg C) Critical Component Score Critical Footprin t Score Centrifugal washer experiments 1 396 Centrifugal 7.5% Chemical B 20 60 4.33 4.64 2 397 Centrifugal 7.5% Chemical B 20 60 4.42 4.31 3 399 Centrifugal 10% Chemical B 20 60 3.94 3.94 4 400 Centrifugal 10% Chemical B 20 60 4.00 4.06 5 401 Centrifugal 12.5% Chemical B 20 60 3.81 3.86 6 402 Centrifugal 12.5% Chemical B 20 60 3.86 3.97 7 403 Centrifugal 5% Chemical B 20 60 3.25 3.44 8 404 Centrifugal 5% Chemical B 20 60 3.28 3.67 Ultrasonic Optimization experiments 9 405 Ultrasonic DI Water 2 60 4.75 4.03 10 407 Ultrasonic DI Water 20 60 5.00 4.03 11 858 Ultrasonic 2.5% Chemical B 4 60 4.81 4.33 12 859 Ultrasonic 2.5% Chemical B 10 60 4.81 4.42 13 860 Ultrasonic 5% Chemical B 7 60 4.94 4.69 14 861 Ultrasonic 7.5% Chemical B 4 60 4.97 4.86 15 862 Ultrasonic 7.5% Chemical B 10 60 5.00 4.83 16 863 Ultrasonic w/o rinse DI Water 10 60 5.00 4.33 ____________________ Repeatability experiments 17 406 Ultrasonic DI Water 10 60 5.00 4.50 18 409 Soak 7.5% Chemical B 10 60 5.00 4.64 19 411 Soak 7.5% Chemical A 10 60 3.31 2.56 20 412 Ultrasonic 7.5% Chemical B 5 60 4.92 4.94 21 413 Ultrasonic 7.5% Chemical A 5 60 4.86 4.92 70 3.64 4.03 Temperature Study experiment 22 410 Soak 7.5% Chemical B 10 Appendix C: Grading Scale The grading scale that was followed during the experiments is shown in the Table C below. Appendix C - Table C: Grading Scale Explanation Score Description 5 Completely Clean 4 Trace - Minute Amounts 3 Low flux residue incidence 2 Non-Uniform residue presence 1 Uniform residue presence 0 Large amounts of residue A figurative example of the grading pattern is show in Fig. 1 below. 2 4 Appendix C - Fig. A: Grading Pattern used for 0603 chip capacitors References [1] "Factorized Power Architecture in V.1 Chips", www/shared/documents/whitepapers/fpa10l.pdf, accessed on July 22, 2011. [2] "DC - DC Converters : A primer",, accessed on July 22, 2011. [3] Jain, P., 2011, "Root cause analysis of solder flux residue incidence in the manufacture of electronic power modules", MIT, Cambridge, MA. [4] Mukherjee, I., 2011, "Cleaning Process Development and Optimization Surface Mount Assembly Line of Power Modules", MIT, Cambridge, MA. in the [5] Lee N.C., 2009, "Lead-Free Flux Technology and Influence on Cleaning", 11th Electronics PackagingTechnology Conference. 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