Cleveland State University - College of Education and Human Services (4 to 3 Conversion) PHYSICAL EDUCATION MULTI-AGE LICENSE (PreK-12) POST-BACCALAUREATE (Effective Fall 2014) Student Name ____________________________________ GENERAL EDUCATION (Effective Fall 2014) Sem. Credits WRITING/COMPOSITION (6 sem. hours) taken M ATHEM ATI CS & QUANTI TATI VE LI TERACY (6 sem. hours) NATURAL SCIENCES BIO 266/267 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (w/lab) BIO 268/269 Human Anatomy & Physiology II (w/lab) 4 4 SOCIAL SCIENCES (6 sem. hours) PSY 220 Child Development PSY 221 Adolescent Psychology 3 3 ARTS & HUMANITIES (6 sem. hours) SOCIAL DIVERSITY (Minimum 6 sem. hours) EDC 300 Diversity in Educational Settings 3 COMMENTS · You MUST have a 2.50 GPA to take courses in the COEHS above the 200 level. · Firm Application Deadlines for Student Teaching are February 15 (Fall Semester) and September 15 (Spring Semester). · Student must complete Professional Core courses with a 2.75 GPA to qualify for PED 440, PED 445, PED 483. · Student must have 2.50 overall GPA, 2.75 Professional Core GPA, and 2.50 Major Field GPA to qualify for teaching license. · Grade of “D” in any Professional Core or Major Field course must be repeated with a grade of “C” or better. Summary of Credits General Education: Professional Core: Major Field: ___________________________________ Evaluator’s Signature 38 29 46-47 113-114 Rev. 9/15/2014 CSU ID # _________________________________ PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Sem. Credits PROFESSIONAL CORE EDB 200 Teaching as a Profession 2 EDB 300 Educational Technology 2 EDB 301 Social Foundations of Education 3 EDB 302 Psychological Foundations of Education 3 [Prereq: PSY 220 & PSY 221] EDL 305 Content Area Literacy 3 PED 440 Modes and Models in Physical Education 3 PED 445 Gateway to the Profession (take w/ PED 483) 3 PED 483 Student Teaching (take w/ PED 445) 10 MAJOR FIELD Group I – Forms of Movement (select 2 courses) PED 210 Archery/Golf 1 PED 211 Badminton/Tennis 1 PED 212 Bowling, Table Tennis, & Other Sports 1 PED 213 Track and Field/Self Defense 1 ___ ___ ______________________________ Group II – Forms of Movement (select 2 courses) PED 215 Lacrosse/Touch Football/Field Hockey 1 PED 216 Pickleball, Racquetball, & Other Sports 1 PED 217 Softball/Basketball 1 PED 218 Volleyball/Soccer 1 ___ ___ ______________________________ Alternative/Lifetime Sport (select 1 course) PED 220 Cross-Country Skiing/Snowshoeing 1 PED 221 Skating/Cycling 1 PED 222 Rock Climbing/Back Packing 1 PED 227 Aerobic Instructor Training 1 PED 240 Adventure Sports 2 Gymnastics – Swimming – Dance PED 225 Movement, Tumbling & Apparatus 2 PED 226 Swimming 1 DAN 210 Dance for the Physical Educator 1 DAN 410 Teaching Dance 2 Theory & Methods HED 210 Personal Health 3 PED 200 Foundations of Sport, Exercise, & Movement 2 PED 301 Early/Middle Childhood Physical Educ. 3 PED 302 Middle Childhood/Adolescent-Young Adult 3 Physical Education PED 322 Kinesiology [Prereq: BIO 266/267] 3 PED 324 Physical Fitness (take w/ PED 325) Prereq: BIO 268/269 2 PED 325 Physiology of Exer (take w/ PED 324) Prereq: BIO 268/269 3 3 PED 328 Legal & Administrative Aspects of P.E. PED 330 Motor Learning & Development 3 PED 415 Evaluation in Physical Education 3 PED 430 Psychosocial Aspects of Physical Activity 3 PED 435 P.E. for Students with Disabilities 4 ____________ Date The following Pearson OAE exams must be taken prior to student teaching and passed before you can apply for the Physical Education PK-12 license. You must designate CSU as your education preparation institution each time you register for the OAE as CSU will need a copy on file to approve your on-line license application. Test Code Qualifying Score Prof Knowledge Assessment (APK): Multi-Age PK-12 eff. 9/1/13 004 220 AND Content: Physical Education eff. 9/1/13 034 220 taken Cleveland State University College of Education and Human Services Rev. 9/26/2012 OHIO TEACHER LICENSE The teacher as a responsive, reflective professional: A partner in learning INFORMATION FOR POST-BACCALAUREATE STUDENTS The College of Education and Human Services offers State of Ohio Teaching Licensure in one of the following areas for individuals who have previously earned a Bachelor’s degree: (1) Early Childhood: Grades PreK-3; (2) Middle Childhood: Grades 4-9, six combinations of subject areas; (3) Adolescent/Young Adult: Grades 7-12, various subject areas available through the CSUteach program; (4) Physical Education: Grades PreK-12; (5) Foreign Language: Grades PreK-12 (French or Spanish); (6) Music: Grades PreK-12; and (7) Visual Arts: Grades PreK-12. The attached checklist outlines the program requirements for one of these licensure programs. A State of Ohio Teaching License and a master’s degree are available in the areas of Early Childhood: Grades PreK-3; Mild/Moderate Intervention Specialist; Moderate/Intensive Intervention Specialist: Grades K-12; and Early Childhood Intervention Specialist: Grades PreK-3. If you choose to pursue a Post-Baccalaureate licensure program, you should be aware of the following: 1. ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES. Prospective students should apply through Undergraduate Admissions as a Post-Baccalaureate in Education and Human Services. Admission to the College requires an earned bachelor’s degree with a grade point average of 2.50 or higher (4 point scale). 2. ADMISSION TO LICENSURE PROGRAM. Admission to the University or College of Education and Human Services DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY CONSTITUTE ADMISSION TO ONE OF THE TEACHING LICENSURE PROGRAMS OFFERED BY THE COLLEGE. All students are required to meet certain standards and requirements of the College to be fully accepted into a licensure program and prior to registering for professional coursework in education beyond EDB 200 (Teaching as a Profession). These standards and requirements are: 1. A cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or higher (4 point scale) for an earned Bachelor’s degree. If this requirement has not been met at the time of the intake interview (see below), you will not be eligible for acceptance into teaching licensure at that time. You will, however, be able to qualify for admission by achieving a grade point average of 2.50 or higher for at least 12 credits taken at CSU and then returning to complete the intake interview process. 2. Completion of an intake interview with an advisor in the College Advising Office, Julka Hall, Room 170, or in the case of Physical Education, with the coordinator of Undergraduate Student Services in Julka Hall, Room 164. Submission of “unofficial” transcripts from all previous colleges attended is required at the time of this interview. During the intake interview, a College Advisor will evaluate your transcripts, discuss program requirements, and complete a program checklist for you. You will also be required to sign a Verification of Good Moral Character form at the time of your interview. You can contact the College Advising Office at (216) 687-4625 to schedule an intake interview or to find out about group information meetings that are held throughout the semester. For physical education students, please call the HPERD department at (216) 687-4870 to schedule an interview. 3. CONTINUING GRADE POINT AVERAGE REQUIREMENT. A CSU GRADE POINT AVERAGE OF AT LEAST 2.50 IS REQUIRED FOR CONTINUING ENROLLMENT IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COURSEWORK. 4. REQUIREMENTS FOR PRACTICUM, STUDENT TEACHING, AND ENDORSEMENT FOR A TEACHING LICENSE. Eligibility for practicum, student teaching, and endorsement depends on an overall grade point average of 2.50 or higher, plus a professional education coursework grade point average of 2.75 or higher, plus a major field grade point average of 2.50 or higher for those students in multi-age, middle school, and adolescent/young adult programs. Students must take all the required Praxis II exams prior to enrollment in student teaching.