Decoding Strategies for Medical / Health Terminology Adapted from: Henry, M.K. (2003). Unlocking Literacy: Effective decoding and spelling instruction. Maryland, USA: Brookes Publishing. Use your knowledge of Latin and Greek prefixes, suffixes and stems of words to understand new medical terminology. Prefixes – added to the front of the base or root of the word a- (absence of, not) ante- (before) anti- (opposite/ against) aphasic antenatal antibiotic asepsis antidepressant aero- (air) aerobic anaerobic auto- (self) autopsy autoimmune brady- (slow) bradycardia bradypnoea dys- (difficulty) dysfunctional dysentery hyper- (over, excessive) hypertension hyperthyroidism hypo- (under, low) hypodermis hypothermia intra- (within) intracellular intravenous macro- (large, long, great) macrophage macronutrient mal- (bad, abnormal) malnutrition malpractice micro- (small, minute) microscope microsurgery Mon-, mono- (one) monogamy monounsaturated multi- (many / much) multivitamin multisensory poly- (many) polytendinitis polyunsaturated polyclinic tachy- (rapid) tachycardia trans- (across / beyond) transmission transfer Suffixes – added to the end of the base or root of the word -cide (kill) febris (Gk. fever) / -febrile -ism (system, doctrine) suicide afebrile organism fungicide subfebrile hypnotism -itis (inflammation) pancreatitis neuritis -osis (condition, disease) necrosis myosis -ography (picture of) radiography audiography cardiography -pnoea (to breathe) apnoea tachypnoea -logy, -ology (science / study of) immunology radiology Roots or Stems- from Latin and Greek that contain specific meanings aud (hear / listen) audiogram auditory audiovisual arthro (joint) arthroscopic osteoarthritis angi (vessel) angina angioplasty angiotensen bio (life) biopsy biology bioethics algia (pain) neuralgia myalgia chiro/a (Gk. hand) chiropractor chiropractic cise (to cut) incision precision scissors cogn (to know) cognitive recognize metacognition cyst (bladder) cystogram cystology dent (tooth) dental denture dentofacia dem, demo (people) endemic pandemic democratic derm (skin) hyperdermic dermatologist dermatitis ecto (external, outside) ectoderm ectomy (cut out) hysterectomy gram (recorded, written) electrocardiogram cystogram haem (blood) haemorrhoids haemoglobin haemophilia immun- (Gk. immunis, exempt) immunology immunization hydra, hydro (water) hydrotherapy dehydration hypn, hypno (sleep) hypnotherapy hypnosis autohypnosis mania (madness, obsession) schizomania maniac meta (after, beyond) metazoa metatarsal metabolism oma (growth, tumour) carcinoma seroma neuroma neo (new, recent) neonatal neocortex path (feeling, suffering, disease) pathogen pathology phages (Gk. phagein, eat) macrophages ped (Greek= child) pediatrician orthopedics pedagogy phobia, phobic (fear, hatred) claustrophobia xenophobia pneumo (breath or lung) pneumonia pneumotherapy psych (mind or soul) psychosocial psychologist psychotherapist tend, tens, tent (to stretch or strain) tendon hypertension spir, spire (to breathe) expiration respiration aspirate lipo (fat) liposuction lipolosis ortho (straight, correct) orthodontist orthopedics orthopsychiatry cardio, cardia (heart) cardiogram cardiac arrest neuro (nerve) neurology neuron neurotransmitter osteo (bone) osteoclast osteoporosis osteoblast ped (foot –Latin) pod (footGreek) podiatrist pedicure pur (Gk. Fire) purexis Gk (to have a fever) pyrexia hyperpyrexia sepsis (Gk, sepein, to become putrid, infection) aseptic antiseptic therm, thermo (heat, hot) thermal thermometer hyperthermic