FTL REPORT R82-3 FTL COPY, DON'T REMOVE 33412, MIT DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR AUTOMATED TERMINAL AREA AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL JOHN DEMETRIOS PARARAS SEPTEMBER 1982 .... 02139 FTL REPORT R82-3 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR AUTOMATED TERMINAL AREA AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL John Demetrios Pararas September 1982 - blank page - -2- ABSTRACT This work studies the automation of the terminal area Air Traffic The ATM/C decision-making Management and Control (ATM/C) system. a number of "automation into down broken and process is analyzed with particular described is functions these Each of functions". with the interactions its and system overall the emphasis on its role in Flight Traffic and Runway Scheduling other ATM/C automation functions. greatest the with functions two the as Plan Generation are identified improvements over the current potential for providing efficiency terminal area ATC system and are studied in detail. A very general Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation Less general is developed. Scheduling problem the Runway of formulations and algorithms which have appeared in the literature are A heuristic algorithm is developed. The reviewed and evaluated. of Dear and adopts tne Maximum Position work the on based algorithm is It extends Dear's work him [DEA 76). by proposed Shifting methodology multiple runway to applicable is (1) it ways: several in simulation real-time a in operate to configurations. (2) it is designed constraints arbitrary accept to environment, and (3) it is designed imposed by the ATM/C controller. The methodology for generating flight plans is developed. Flight plans are based on a specified route structure. They are 4-dimensional and conflict-free. To allow maximum runway scheduling flexibility, a It is designed to allow easy .specific route structure is proposed. modification of flight plans to adapt to the dynamically changing schedule. To allow algorithmic development and testing of this (as well as other) ATM/C automation concepts, a real-time terminal area simulation The facility has a facility (called TASIM) is designed and implemented. number of characteristics which make it a good general purpose tool for terminal area ATM/C research: (1) Highly modular design which allows addition, removal and modification of functions with relative ease. (2) Realistic modelling of the aircraft dynamics of motion and the aircraft guidance system. Errors introduced by the navigation equipment (onboard and on the ground) and by the surveillance radars are also modelled. -3(3) Capability to simulate multiple controller positions (4) Flexible controller interface which allows easy implementation of alternative displays and alternative protocols for manmachine interaction. The simulation is fully operational in the conventional (manual) with an it is currently interfaced In addition, mode. ATC a special and with implementation of the runway scheduling heuristic, purpose final vectoring display designed to aid the controller in precisely timing the delivery of landing aircraft at the outer marker. -4- Acknowledgement source of advice and Robert Simpson has been a Professor He has been the teacher work. this of course the throughout inspiration Control, and patiently Traffic Air of field the to me who introduced the last few years. He over subject the on relayed his vast knowledge most needed it, and at I when guidance has been the advisor who provided my own ideas. Working pursue to freedom the same time allowed me the and pleasing rewarding under his supervision has been an extremely grateful. experience. For this I am deeply Professor Amedeo Odoni has shaped my entire graduate career at MIT. My admiration for his rare combination of academic achievement, teaching ability, and deep love and respect for people, was immediate and has kept growing over the years. I feel privileged to have known him and to be able to call him my friend. Professor Thomas Magnanti sparked and has kept alive my interest in mathematical programming and optimization. His inspired teaching and vaiuable guidance during my years at MIT are deeply appreciated. I would also like to express my thanks to Gabriel Handler who introduced me to the field of flight transportation and is thus indirectly responsible for bringing me among the outstanding group of people which comprise the Flight Transportation Laboratory at MIT. Finally, my wife Jan and my son Dimitri provided the stability which saw me through the difficult moments and multiplied my feeling of accomplishment during my successes. The research for this project was performed at the MIT Flight was Funding for the development effort Transportation Laboratory. University Joint the through Center provided by NASA Langley Research Program for Air Transportation Research. (NGR-36-009-017) - blank page - 406MMAN009W -5- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 14 1.1 Background and Motivation 14 1.2 Overview of Previous Research 19 1.3 Document Summary 25 CHAPTER 2: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF AN AUTOMATED TERMINAL AREA ATM/C SYSTEM 29 2.1 Introduction 29 2.2 The Generic Terminal Area ATM/C System 30 2.3 The ATM/C Flight Plan Generator 38 2.3.1 Nominal Flight Plan Generator 40 2.3.2 Runway Scheduler 41 2.3.3 Traffic Flight Plan Generator 44 2.4 ATM/C Command Processor 45 2.5 The ATM/C Traffic Monitor 49 2.5.1 Conformance Detection and Resolution 49 2.5.2 Hazard Detection 50 -6- TABLE OF CONTENTS (continuea) Page CHAPTER 2 (continued) Hazard Resolution Path Generator 2.5.3 52 2.6 Traffic and CTID Displays 53 2.7 The ATM/C Controllerts Role 55 CHAPTER 3: A SIMULATION TESTBED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ATM/C AUTOMATION SOFTWARE 57 3.1 Overview 57 3.2 The Hardware Environment 58 3.3 Major System Components and Interfaces 60 3.4 The Simulation Monitor Process 64 3.4.1 Data Base Initialization 64 3.4.2 Interprocess Communication 68 3.4.3 Subordinate Processes and Execution Control 70 3.4.4 Initialization or Terminal I/0 73 3.4.5 Timer Loop Alert 74 3.4.6 Delay Timer Alert 76 3.4.7 Screen Update Timer Alert 76 3.4.8 Mailbox Message Processor 78 -7TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) -Page CHAPTER 3 (continued) Terminal Input Processing 79 The Position Generator Process 81 3.4.9 3.5 3.5.1 Mailbox Message Processor 82 3.5.1 Traffic Generation Model 83 3.5.3 Aircraft Status Update and Handotf Processing 86 3.5.4 Aircraft Dynamics 87 3.5.5 Air Data System Update 88 3.5.6 Aircraft Navigation System 88 3.5.7 Surveillance System 89 The ATM/C Controller Process 91 3.6.1 Mailbox Message Processor 93 3.6.2 Command Activation 94 3.6.3 Traffic Display Driver 97 3.6.4 Input Editor 102 3.6.5 Input Processor 102 3.6.6 CTID Update 104 3.6 3.7 Implementation Status 106 - - W- -8- TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page CHAPTER 4: THE RUNWAY SCHEDULING PROBLEM 107 4.1 Introduction 107 4.2 Definitions 109 4.3 Formulation ot the Dynamic Runway Scheduling Problem 113 4.4 Measures of Runway Efficiency 117 4.4.1 Runway Capacity 11t 4.4.2 Aircraft Delays 120 4.4.3 User Cost Distribution: The CPS Methodology 125 4.5 The Complexity of the Runway Scheduling Problem 128 4.6 Variations ot the Runway Scheduling Problem 134 4.6.1 Scheduling Landings on a Single Runway (MPS=infinity) 135 4.6.2 Scheduling Landings on a Single Runway (MPS<Na-1) 138 4.6.3 Scheduling Landings on Independent Runways (MPS<Na-1) 143 4.7 Heuristic Versus Exact Algorithms 145 4.8 A Heuristic Algorithm for the Scheduling Problem 150 4.8.1 The Initialization Stage 1b1 -9TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page CHAPTER 4 (continued) 4.8.2 The Feasibility Stage 154 4.8.3 The Optimization Stage 156 4.9 Implementation Status 162 4.10 Coordination Among Terminal Area Control Sectors 163 4.11 Computer Aided Vectoring for Approach Spacing 166 CHAPTER 5: A IETHODOLOGY FOR TRAFFIC FLIGHT PLAN 171 GENERATION 5.1 Introduction 171 5.2 Flight Path Structures 175 5.3 Ground Track Selection and Speed Control 104 5.4 Altitude Selection 188 5.5 Conflict Identification and Resolution 189 5.6 The Base and Final Approach Phases 192 5.7 Aircraft Guidance 207 5.7.1 Recovery from Errors in the Execution of' Turns 207 5.7.2 Speed Control 211 I -10TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 215 6.1 Summary 215 6.2 Recommendations for Future Research 219 APPENDICES A Interarrival Dynamics 222 B The Kinematics of the Intercept Vector 229 REFERENCES 233 -11LIST OF FIGURES Page 2-1 Overall Schematic Diagram of the Terminal Area ATM/C System 31 2-2 The Major Elements ot the Automated Ground Control System 35 2-3 Functional Block Diagram of the Automated Ground Control System 39 3-1 Current TASIM Hardware Diagram 59 3-2 TASIM Software Processes 61 3-3 Top Level Flowchart of the Simulation Monitor Process 65 3-4 Timer Loop Alert Processing Detail 75 3-5 Delay Timer Alert Processing Detail 77 3-6 EXIT Message Processing Detail 80 3-7 Functional Diagram of the ATM/C Controller Process 92 3-8 Traffic Display Layout 99 3-9 Controller Tabular Information Display Layout 105 4-1 Runway Scheduling Heuristic (Initialization Stage) 152 4-2 Runway Scheduling Heuristic (Feasibility and Optimization Stages) 157 4-3 Final Vectoring Display 168 5-1 Typical Terminal Control Area Layout 176 5-2 Typical Nominal Approach Flight Plan 177 -12- LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page 5-3 Example of an Approach Path Structure 182 5-4 Typical Flight Plan for the Base and Final Approach Phases 193 5-5 Horizontal Separations During the Final Approach Phase 197 5-6 The Kinematics of Aircraft Turns 208 5-7 Recovery from Early Speed Reduction in the Downwnind Phase 212 A-1 Minimum Interarrivai Separation (Overtaking Case) 225 A-2 Minimum Interarrival Separation (Opening Case) 225 B-1 The Kinematics of the Intercept Vector 230 -13LIST OF TABLES Page 90 3-1 ATC Radar Beacon System Parameters 5-1 Effect of Aircraft Speed on Horizontal Separations and on the Timing of Descent 202 A-1 Minimum Interarrival Separations at the Runway 226 A-2 A comparison of Landing Sequences 228 - blank page - -14CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Motivation Over the last twenty years advances in computer hardware have had a tremendous impact on every aspect of life. industry, due to its close ties has traditionally program, practically every aspect of assisted design and with the defense industry and the space been among the technology. advanced computer The civil air transportation frontrunners in a crucial role in Today, computers play air transportation. the use of Starting from computer all tne way to manufacturing of aircraft and going autopilots and automatic flight control systems, computers perform tasks of increasing number and complexity. Air The Traffic Control experienced ,the same automation started implementation system. impact. over of the The twenty system in years TRACONs (Terminal Radar Control) facilities respectively. computers which the United effort towards current (third) Control Centers) are the current flights. (ATC) ago States has air traffic control with generation Air the design and Traffic Control and ARTCCs (Air Route Tratfic ATC system's terminal area and enroute Together they provide a nationwide network of store, maintain, and distribute information on all IFR -15In the present ATC system, automation has been accomplisned in data and collection plan Flight processing. automatically collected and distributed and data are surveillance Radar to appropriate stations. returns are automatically correlated and filtered so that the controller Identity has better position information than was previously available. and altitude information, supplied by beacon radar for suitably equipped aircraft, is associated with radar returns. All the available data are used to generate clear alphanumeric traffic displays for the air traffic controller. flight Generally, productivity air traffic of the controller by Finally, it has of many In addition, it has provided controllers with up to and clearances for current and future flight plans date information on the among ATC facilities thus allowing enhanced the exchange of information better coordination. relieving him up to then. tasks which he had to perform manually improved has automation processing IFR flights. Further capabilities improvement will be Subsystem (ETABS). of current the achieved through processing data system's Tabular Display the Electronic The prototype software for ETABS is currently in its late stages of development under a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) research and strips" that designed to development program. are currently used enhance ETABS will replace by the controller. inter-controller communication In and the "flight addition it is provide more flexible data entry capabilities than are currently available. -16It is generally accepted today that is not sufficient alone controller's the ATM/C system. per workload terminal area limiting factor determining in increases aircraft ATM/C system the at Instead, least, the the system's system's capacity will that human today, in the element is not the capacity. be capacity of the it has decreased the so handled This is in data processing any increase in the date has not provided in the usually the bottleneck Indeed the automation entire ATM/C system. facilities comprising traffic. required by increasing the terminal area which is particularly true in achieved to further improvements provide the the ATM/C system capacity of of the to automation in data processing It follows tnat achieved only through increased capacity of the airport and the ATC facilities up to the point when the capacity of these controller. Since it is very country's major airports in capacity elements becomes comparable to have to be unlikely that physical will be feasible in the the result of that of the expansion of the future, the increases more efficient use of available resources. This realization has processing automation decision-making for resulted in efforts to and design computer air traffic control. go beyond software which take The most important the data part in of these efforts are reviewed in section 1.2. (1) The recent air traffic controllers' strike and subsequent firing has of course changed that situation but the effects are hoperully transient. -17- which to some extent from the deviate the following premises motivated by here was work described The prevailing trends in current research on the subject of ATC automation: traffic density in the 1. The high terminal area gives high priority to the problems of automating ATC decision-making the In addition since a for responsible system operation that can be there will offer much larger an the terminal area airspace is of percentage any air transportation, in experienced large of should be much for the enroute airspace automated system simpler. development the airspace, area terminal been found for solutions have Once satisfactory there. the delays improvements in achieved through automation benefits than those that can be achieved through automation of the enroute ATC system. should result in a 2. Decision automation delays spacing reduction aircraft landing aircraft of of delays by during optimal scheduling greater by aircraft. experienced potential the Even true reduction of though automated will result alone avoiding excessive final approach phase, in some gaps between we believe of all runway operations to have much reduction and we therefore for delay consider it to be the primary ATC automation function. We propose, therefore, to view the problem not only as one or -18- stress this view we order to term also one ot traffic control but traffic of instead more the In will, hereafter, use Hsin's (ATM/C) system Cantrol Traffic- Management and Air management. term used commonly "Air Tratfic Control". [HSI 76] 3. The proper timaster-slave"# with for responsibility all the human to satisfy himself that reject a conditions to be met Thus, we insist that the human controller in decision making, and tnat are made without his explicit approval. passive, monitoring role for may somehow exercise a and presumably to override that generate an alternative the machine to play an active, dynamic role no decisions the decision a correct recommendation has been recommendation by requesting certain recommendation. should be the machine, be able to most importantly be able will cause to accepting He information which supports obtain auxiliary which master decision making. presented with recommendations by generated, and corresponds relationship man-machine the human where he veto over machine decision making, intercede on an we see the human as the We exception basis. Instead decision maker and the machine as -19decision generates which system support" a "decision alternatives for him. 1.2 Overview of Previous Research The topic of ATM/C automation last two A decades. number of has receivea much attention over the studies have continuing (see for example [ATH 71], attempt to ones from the [SAR 71], [SCH 73)). point of view and are We will not ourselves to the here but will restrict review all of them most important been conducted of results as well as the impact they have had in shaping the cour.se of future work in the area. Certainly the two most comprehensive studies in terminal area ATM/C automation have been the Metering and Spacing (M&S) program sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) development of the and the Landing System (MATCALS) Marine Air Traffic Control and currently under development by the US Marines. The FAA's M&S program ([TAL 78), Its current version is the third the early 60's. test programs. The first two, and CAAS (Computer problems [TAL 80]) has its origins back in of a series of field FASA (Final Approach Spacing for AXTS) Aided Approach Spacing), suffered from (including procedural incompatibility, a variety of increased controller workload and in the case of CAAS the lack of a tracker) and thus yielded (1) The term ATM/C automation will be from here on used to mean automation of ATM/C decision support as contrasted with data processing automation which was discussed earlier. -20simulations using the current version Computer few conclusive results. of the M&S system are being currently conducted at the NAFEC facility in Atlantic City. landing capacity by providing more consistent landing aircraft than is now inter-arrival spacing of an increase in attainable, thus assuring M&S current The utilization. runway increase airport is to M&S system of the primary objective The provide for not does design multiple airports or for multiple runway operations at the same airport. Provision for departures is made only stream as landing The landing sequence is determined occurs only or at runway Forward case in cases where one of the slippage and of runway and resequencing of nominal time of arrival at the based on the aircraft early the assigned time. is also subsequent resequencing too arrive at the an aircraft cannot intermediate waypoints at that are lengthen tne requests to manually entered well as landing interval by the controller. landings through use of normal gaps in the their intermediate of at one possible in the waypoints. The current flight plan the generator has been direction, right namely optimal control theory (e.g. and faster path control navigation capabilities. has been the first marks M&S effort accomplished. away from time that an automated a step in This has been complex algoritnms based on [SAR 71] and ESCH 73]) and towards simpler techniques consistent with The objectives and limited due, apparently, today's aircraft M&S program scope of the to a decision by the FAA that some -21- automation system is a there ATM/C area Though this is certainly true, was needed quickly. term planning of need for longer system automation which this a comprehensive terminal work attempts to lay tne foundations for. a quickly implementable system. the By focusing on has are departures drawback flight plans The implicitly only generated for standards. provide altitude separation aircraft are in conflict. A closely of capability to recover and into already been only, and the fact account). Another of conflict resolution. arriving aircraft are not future violations of ATC separation required to taken is the lack current M&S work in the which have of single runway configurations mentioned (handling that two of drawbacks some serious incurred FAA M&S system checked for The human controller is whenever flight plans for two related issue is the system's lack continue performing the required functions after controller intervention. Finally, strict in scheduling efficiency. adherence to the runway operations first-come-first-served sequence will unduly reduce the M&S system's Optimizing the runway schedule based on the aircraft mix on hand, was considered but was not incorporated in the current M&S system since (1) The FAA has recently sponsored a study to determine the capacity improvements that can be expected from optimal runway scheduling and revise the decision if satisfactory levels of improvement are found possible. -22...the actual [capacity] improvement [from optimum [and] can scheduling] is expected to be less than 3% ... only be realized when system load is very high. But to achieve the improvement the sequence will appear abnormal The abnormal current ATC practices). (compared to sequence will tend to increase controller workload (since the system's intent will be obscure) and, under heavy loads any increases in workload or any enigmatic system performance must be judged inappropriate.'' [TAL 78] The 3% quoted in this paper is too low an estimate of the expected improvement improvements in capacity. reductions when flight percent to 15 [DEA 76], indicates that range are in can result improvement achievable. achieved only improvement can be algorithm frequent changes in which is flexible the schedule of aircraft in This dramatic delay the airport is operating near saturation. that this planning 10 capacity small relatively however the in of Dear, The work It is true by implementing a enough to accommodate their initial approach phase. It is also not clear regard to the obscurity of the performance. above statement with in the what is meant system's intent and the enigmatic system There is nothing enigmatic about changing the sequence of operations in order to achieve better runway efficiency. In fact, final approach controllers today recognize the efficiency gained by sequencing similar landing aircraft of whenever it can speeds be done easily. in direct succession, and The optimization causes the same types of groupings to occur. do it of runway schedule -23- The is (MATCALS) Landing System Control And Air Traffic Marine being implemented in response to operational requirements to upgrade and the automate It is intended The concept MATCALS through capabilities all-weather landing and control to be a deployable system, equipment. improved traffic Control Squadrons (MATCS). Marine Air Traffic capabilities of control MATCS air terminal designed to replace existing provide significantly advanced sensors, data will automation and links, displays and operator consoles. MATCALS throughout the and surveillance automated provides traffic nautical miles of airspace within 60 control the airfield. In addition it provides automatic and semi-automatic landing guidance and weather conditions down to zero ceiling for suitably control under all equipped aircraft. MATCALS capabilities. its will be developed second stage detection will The automatic third traffic and final with increasing the early 80's and ARTS III system. to today's be comparable include algorithms. stages each stage will be completed in The first capabilities will in three monitoring stage will The and hazard be a fully automated ATM/C system including such functions as runway scheduling and flight plan generation. generation algorithms The runway scheduling flight plan will be the prototype described in this document software for the third stage of the MATCAL and system. -24- The should provide MATCALS effort of problem concerned with is though it will be of and experience MATCALS solutions operations, the military even automation and, ATM/C insight into the valuable new great value in the development of an advanced automated ATM/C system for civil aviation. AERA planning en route for the defined in EGOL 81]. Automatic as as well technology such Beacon System (ETABS). It Advisory and the will matched to as true Service and display the Discrete Adaress Electronic Tabular Display Subsystem four dimensional conflict-free airspeed. planning region. optimal be used to insure that the aircraft Resolution communications all IFR flights within the such and beacon provided by will generate and maintain profiles, etc. AERA is the FAA such as conflict alert,. em state-of-the-art (DABS), characteristics closely Traffic as the mode-S flight plans for concept of AERA will incorporate all the automation functions metering. (ATARS), centralize the will The airspace. that have thus far been developed by route This system. called Route airspace. Traffic Control), Air En-Route (Automated flight for the En ATC system automated is currently developing an the M&S system. the FAA In parallel to climb and Aircraft descent projected flight plans are capabilities. In addition AERA will provide routine aircraft separation and traffic flow control, as well as clearance generation, delivery and acknowledgement functions. The AERA concept will controllers from many improve controller productivity by relieving of the routine functions for which they are -25- currently responsible. airspace enroute efficient use of addition it will make more by limiting by allowing and aircraft In traffic capable movement of freer separation of procedural need for the of area Finally AERA will coordinate the transition of traffic from navigation. the enroute to the terminal area airspace and automatically perform flow control whenever necessary. AERA The concept is an planning horizon. ambitious undertaking is our hope that the FAA It will initiate a similar year 2000 and ATC system for the develop the terminal area program to long term with a beyond. 1.3 Document Summary The work described here is part the Flight Transportation MIT prototype software for an of a continuing research effort at towards the Laboratory automated terminal designing such a large scale software system, it to clearly define its operation in distinct but interacting elements. to understand the ATM/C system is an essential functionally the step interactions system. In is critically important number of functionally This breakdown is necessary in order at the conceptual level. organization (or modules). between various functional specifications area ATM/C terms of a towards better related entities development of "Finally. software into by bringing out insures that the will be compatible with the system modules for each module of Furthermore it it -26- of the operation The functional overall system. breakdown developed during the course of this research is presented in chapter 2. of compatibility among the The issue apparent in the interactions between the various system modules is most man-machine interface and realized at the before a successful design of the we soon realized factors affect considerable research though we needed to be done man-machine interface were achieved, that the algorithmic development had to depend on the This means that human with the interactions Even automation software. the outset that functional specitications of air traffic not only each controller. module's function but also the algorithm This realization led to the development used to perform that function. of a real-time interactive ATM/C simulation facility called TASIM. The development effort for TASIM is presented in chapter 3. TASIM is currently being modified, under simulate both enroute airspace. stations, it will include controller software terminal area and will Man-Vehicle provide Systems development by the control Facility NASA/Ames, [PAR 82]. In addition to the pseudo-pilot stations. air traffic Research a NASA/Ames contract, to In (MVSRF) environment currently addition to the the MVSRF includes two cockpit simulators The new for the under ATC subsystem and will be used as a testbed for research in cockpit as well as ATM/C automation. In parallel with the development algorithm for automatic runway of TASIM, a real-time heuristic scheduling was designed and implemented. -27- The can algorithm only it has however, Chapter configurations. alternative various solution implemented discussed; is described along with on it by the nature imposed This chapter also display which runway the are procedures problem are formulate the algorithm system in which presents the concept for a is designed to which has order been that are it will operate. final approach controller with the automated be used in connection function in scheduling presented and particular requirements of the runway single of runway scheduling; 4 discusses the problem ways to for tested successfully been To date, configurations. multiple runway handle delivery of precision to allow landing aircraft at the runway in the absence of flight plan automation. The final part flight plan of the research addressed the generation. The general problem of automatic approach has been that first, flight plans must be compatible with conventional navigation capability, and second, preserved flight to plan flexibility the greatest in order Accordingly, flight generated based on structure should be at each in to Based provide possible at maximum prespecified shortening every point a number of linear ground One possible on that we develop the must be along the rescheduling flexibility. track capable of providing a number intermediate point. and analyzed. extent plans consist of a and path stretching legs, and are structure. ThIs of alternative paths structure has been developed methodology for the design of a traffic path generation algorithm which is presented in chapter 5. -28- Chapter 6 summarizes the results and conclusions ot identifies topics for further research and development. the work and - blank page - -29CHAPTER 2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF AN AUTOMATED TERMINAL AREA ATM/C SYSTEM 2.1 Introduction system components The aggregation. described be can system complex Any at each various at level can of subsystem Control system or of components number a into primary system. will be Finally subsystems. in this interest each of broken down into themselves be be described and analyzed from this We will begin with the overall point of view. of In this chapter complex systems requiring the same type of description. the terminal area ATM/C system will levels system and subdivide it We next research, the elements focus namely of the on the the Ground Ground Control and its operation functional modules will be discussed. At each level we will focus not only on the function of each of the components but also on the that is required, as well as to the others as a result control system response therefore develops the system and interactions, the the flow of information from one component of specific external events (e.g. to a conformance alert). This the ground chapter, framework for the design of the automated ATM/C at a top level, of the requirements for the understanding, and the purpose exchange of information of each of the automation functions. At the same time -30it sets the basis for since the software, of the automation and design the organization functional modules in breakdown can be the final regarded as top level software modules for the ATM/C system. 2.2 The Generic Terminal Area ATM/C System Air interactive system. Management Traffic system that Control and can be modeled as best is a (ATM/C) complex, feedback control a Its elements can be grouped into six generic subsystems: Aircraft Control system (A/C) Air-to-Air Data link system (AA COM) Automatic Ground Control system (AGCS) Ground-to-Air Data link system (GA COM) Air-to-Ground Data Acquisition system (AG COM) (GG COM) Ground-to-Ground Data link system An overall block diagram of the terminal area ATM/C system is shown in figure 2-1. The major (AGCS) and the Aircraft Control (A/C) feedback control control loop for systems themselves, ATM/C. the Automatic elements are The Ground Control While each of these are systems. they are Aircraft Control elements of the major systems (or "targets") output their "state" vectors, P.(t) and P.(t), which are measured by the .1 Data Acquisition (AG COM) J 4 system to serve as primary dynamic input data (1) The material in section 2.2 is drawn from the work of Hsin [HSI 76] where the reader is referred for an excellent detailed discussion of advanced ATM/C systems. -31- Ground Control Sectors GA GA COM F 4 F. I AGCS js J IAG COM 4. - - GG COM OTHER ATC FACILITIES Figure 2-1. Overall Schematic Diagram for the Terminal Area ATM/C System. - - i -32- to the i. aircraft processes this AGCS The on the information P.(t) includes AGCS. past positions of and produces its intormation output, F. and F., which are ATC commands or intended flight plans which 1J describe the future path of the aircraft. dynamic inputs to These in turn are the primary the Aircraft Control systems. various Data link The systems accomplish the required flow of information. and availability The importance distribution ATM/C system. operation ot the in the information of is of key It consists or the current "tstate", P.(t), and the "intended" future state or flight plans, F., of the aircraft targets in P.(t) includes the aircraft the system. 1 1. position and altitude as well as heading, bank angle, etc. The available. to Aircraft the aircraft aircraft ATM/C velocity, accelerations, is not globally information heading, for example, is currently available only control system itself. Due to the variation in its completeness and because of measurement errors the aircraft state vector takes three distinct forms: 1. The actual aircraft state, P.(t) 2. The ground information measured aircraft state, on target i available Ground Control system, and P is(), is estimated to sector s of the includes the errors introduced by the Air-to-Ground Data Acquisition system. .t), 3. The airborne measured state, P. 11 information available to the is the aircraft state Aircraft Control system, and -33- includes be available to in the system can also of other aircraft aircraft Information on the state A/C. guidance subsystems of the navigation and the by introduced errors the i, either P.. Ct) Ji. form. absolute in or in Absolute state vector inrormation relative form, AP. .(t). may be relayed to other aircraft through the ground to air be obtained by relative information may link while data separation assurance systems onboard aircraft i. The discrepancy between measured aircraft state requires some further difference, (i.e. their accuracy, accuracy their topological timeliness, is obvious different systems. the airborne period airborne and they since Also by virtue In state quantities. (e.g. to of information their defining availability), they also differ in completeness. are difference in Their produced measurements by two of the measurement systems involved, instantaneous while ground at relatively low sampling rates of revolution the airborne reaching consequences and addition state information is generally measurements are made the information has far elaboration. and measured ground the antenna. the radar includes a wide position, altitude, airspeed, which depend on Finally, variety of while the measured vertical speed. etc.) (1) There exist, of course, military "tracking" radars which can directly control the direction of the beam thus producing very high These radars measure the sampling rates for particular targets. than conventional accuracy better aircraft position with much will be used for these that radars. It is very unlikely. however, future. civil air traffic control in the foreseeable -34today's surveillance receive encoded transponders. altitude and identity and can from mode-C information on the information the airborne therefore, Generally and bearing only range systems measure aircraft state is more complete and in many cases more accurate than the intormation available to the ground. The issues and Sophisticated and accuracy the feasibility the in connection achieved plan flight automated with be system. without high These issues will be discussed quality surveillance and tracking data.. again ATM/C automated cannot ATM/C in automation determine the are factors which of state aircraft of availability important since these information are efficiency of generation and conformance monitoring. We can now show the elements within the block for the AGCS shown in figure 2-1. functional As depicted in elements: the figure Flight the AGCS 2-2, Plan Generator has (FPG), three major the Traffic Monitor (ATM). and the Command Processor (ACP). The FPG is responsible for creating decisions regarding the flow of traffic in the terminal area ATM/C system. The state of all controllea aircraft terms of an optimization process. is the input variable of the process. commands which define a flight plan i. The ATM/C rules and It is best described in , Thegoutput will be the ATC F., for each controlled aircraft, regulations, and the aircraft's dynamic (1) The term "flight plan" is formally defined later in this section. -35- ATM/C TRAFFIC MONITOR (ATM) ATM/C COMMAND Ps . S PROCESSOR (ACP) ATM/C FLIGHT PLAN GENERATOR (FPG) -Conflict Checking ATM/C DISPLAYS (TD and CTID) Figure 2-2. The Major Elements of the AGCS. -36- minimum (e.g. characteristics the determine constraints which decisions. Finally, maximum and set of etc.) airspeeds, feasible ground are control the objective function the ATM/C strategy defines which the FPG is to optimize. two sub-elements: Monitor naturally divides into The Traffic the Conformance monitor and the Hazard Monitor. The (CD) Conformance Monitor, consisting of the Conformance Detection and the Conformance Resolution Path Generation (CRPG) in preventive nature; it control decision and generates a the established flight The Hazard Monitor, of plans exceed satety Detection (RD) rules; it between the Hazard Monitor and the and the is responsible for generates a whenever violation of ATM/C standards is imminent. be drawn the ground to prespecified conformance limits.I the Hazard consisting of the ATM/C is- conformance alert when deviations from Path Generation (HRPG) functions, Hazard Resolution enforcement aircraft adherence monitors functions, hazard alert A distinction should conflict check. "Hazard" implies a perilous current situation in terms of the actual positions of aircraft, whereas "tconflict" refers to a possible future situation based on flight plans. In particular, a flight plan is in conflict with another if an aircraft adhering to it within the conformance limits wiil create a hazard (i.e. violate the ATM/C rules) at some future point in (1) The conformance limits depend primarily on the FPG logic, but the accuracy of the surveillance and the onboard navigation equipment is also a factor. -37Accordingly the conflict check is an integral part of the FPG and time. appears 2-2 to figure in generated are plans that flight indicate conflict-free. Processor also subdivides into The Command the Command (CG) and Generator Command plan. for aircraft will followed, the same flight plan may The aircraft different if the commands its flight conformance to remain in conceivably produce different commands the aircraft navigation pilot can be of commands the what type determine since The Command Activator (CA). times of initiation, such that commands and associated the determine for each aircraft a set of Generator uses flight plan data to are two sub-elements: capabilities expected to accept. The Command Activator is responsible for the timely dispatch of commands to the air traffic controller and (if digital data link is available) to the aircraft. The human only manual controller who controls the real time inputs to the Traffic Information Display form of computer decision support controller. actions. He in figure 2-2 is that of the overall system performance through activity depicted (CTID) Display (TD) and the Controller Tabular software. algorithms which can within remains the the All other elements can have the operate automatically providing framework established commander responsible by for the ATM/C the system's -38Before we discuss the various useful in describing flight plans. the following definitions will be point 3-dimensional space W in W(t), define tim-point. automation functions in more detail, callea a waypoint. will be dimensional waypoints for as four A We shall which the is flight plan for aircraft i. F., 3. time dimension is also specified. A a set ot waypoints or time-points detining a path in 3 or 4-dimensional limit our We include only time-points (t tf). of a definition space. coordinate lies whose time plan to area flight terminal in some interval interval of interest will be the Unless stated otherwise, the time during which the aircraft is under the control of the terminal area ATM/C controller. it is handed off of runway, i.e. the exit aircraft's to the from interest is the ). departing aircraft the For the scheduled of arrival time F. is feasible if it is consistent characteristics (such as i 2. performance at the time of arrival at takeoff time, until the scheduled fix (SXT.). time of the scheduled controller to ATM/C assigned runway n (STAR arrival at the interval For a landing aircraft i, this would be from the time airspeed, with the climb and descent rates, taxi speeds, etc.). 2.3 The ATM/C Flight Plan Generator In this section the FPG is described in more detail with particular interactions between the emphasis on the that are identified. In figure 2-3 three distinct functions: various automation functions the FPG is shown as consisting ot -39- j i Pjs r D COMMAND ACTIVATOR (CD) 2)j COMMAND F. GENERATOR DETECTION ION 7 (CA) CONFORMANCE I R D ION CONFORMANCE RESOLUTION G ION PATH GENERATION (CRPG) (CG) L LCommands f.azard Avoidanc Flight Plan - i[Re-acquisition Commands -- - - - - - - FI Res cheduling I TRAFFIC FLIGHT PLAN NOMINAL FLIGHT PLAN RUNWAY GENERATOR SCHEDULER (TFPG) (RS) 4- I 1P. is GENERATOR (NFPG) IJ -Conflict Checking ATM/C DISPLAYS (TD and CTID) Figure 2-3. Functional Block Diagram of the AGCS. P.s Pis .%7 'js -40- 1. Nominal Flight Plan Generator (NFPG) 2. Runway Scheduler (RS) 3. Traffic Flight Plan Generator (TFPG) Nominal Flight Plan Generator 2.3.1 Given the present position, destination, characteristics, the NFPG determines an would be (terminal plan assignment assumes area speed, could for this purpose. be used earliest times of the airport. arrival at , that any other traffic. nominal performance characteristics descent or climb Where applicable, aircraft type. efficient flight plan. F in the absence of assigned to an aircraft The flight and aircraft performance rates etc.) depending on the standard deparrure and arrival routes The nominal flight plan establisnes arrival at various points in the terminal area or at Of particular interest is the earliest (preferred) time of the runway threshold (first-come-first-served) (PTAR)1 which establishes sequence of operations (NSAR). the nominal NSAR is the basis for the sequencing constraints which will be introduced in section 2.3.2 The NFPG is invoked whenever for takeoff or for landing) schedule change (e.g. new aircraft enter the system (either or when the ATM/C controller requests a in the case of a missed approach). (1) The term "time of arrival at the runway" is used for both landings For landings it is the time the aircraft crosses and departures. the runway threshold, while for departures it corresponds to the time the takeoff roll starts. -41- 2.3.2 Runway Scheduler Given a runway system consisting of Nr runways, and Na aircraft, we the set of STAR.in's runway schedule S as define a (scheduled times of arrival at the runways) for all aircraft i and runways n in the system. S = { STAR.in - Adoption a of , specific scheduling decision. assignment of } i=1,2,3,...,N ar n=1,2,3,...,N schedule will runway Note runways to that a scheduling aircraft be referred decision whenever more all m other than n. By convention we set STAR. not the assigned runway for aircraft i. When two or active, we may restrict landing as a includes the that one active. If runway n is assigned to aircraft i, STAR. to runway is has no meaning for to zero if runway m is more runways are operations to certain and/or takeoff runways, perhaps depending on the type of aircraft. The ATM/C runway schedule system (i.e. defines the efficiency of the time interval the terminal area between successive operations). Generating the schedule thus represents the major optimization effort in the AGCS decision process. objectives and strategies Unlike optimized, system are and strategies well defined performance criterion system wnere ATM/C employed to achieve them are implicit and qualitative terms, be today's manual the objectives,, which are functions to be optimized only defined in performance criteria to implemented in of the STAR's. For might be average the automatic example, the aircraft delay -42and the strategy accomplishes performance adopted will that. In criteria, be chapter their a specific 4 we discuss mathematical runway in schedule which detail alternative representation and their effects on runway scheduling algorithms. The Runway Scheduler is a defined optimization problem: computer algorithm which solves a well Given the nominal sequence at the runways (NSAR), and for each aircraft in the system: 1. its performance characteristics, 2. its Earliest Feasible Time of Arrival, EFTAR. , at each in active runway n, and 3. its Latest Feasible Time ArrivaL, LFTAR. , in of at each . 1 active runway n find a particular schedule S which optimizes the performance criterion and satisfies the following constraints: 1. Spacing: the minimum required time all pairs of operations i and (1) EFTAR. in and LFTAR. will in flight planning logic. and 5. depend j are separations between not violated; on the approach routes and the They will be discussed further in chapters 4 -432. Sequencing: no aircraft is shifted prespecified number of positions by more than a from its position in the nominal sequence; 3. Scheduling: for the scheduled time of arrival all landing time interval, aircraft should at the runway be within i.e., for all landing the feasible aircraft i assigned to runway n, EFTAR. in Ldie: 4. The <STAR. < LFTAR. in in current scheduled time of arrival at the runway cannot change if it is within the prespecified lead time from the current clock time; Lead time constraints are designed the schedule. For departing aircraft smooth operation of the takeoff constraints notice also of their stabilizes as absolutely they allow for taxiing time and queue ne-ar the runway threshold. provide pilots of exact landing time landing can be made. to avoid last minute changes in landing aircraft so that These enough advanced adequate preparations for Under normal conditions the STAR for each aircraft its scheduled time approaches. ensures that time interval before STAR. this will The lead time constraint always happen at some prespecified -44- 2.3.3 Traffic Flight Plan Generator Given the performance new runway schedule * S aircraft in all the characteristics of positions, and the the current , the terminal area the ground control decision process by ATM/C system, the TFPG completes generating a new Flight Plan Decision, * * { F. ((t) , i=1, 2 , 3 ,...,N } i.e. 4-dimensional flight plans F., such that: for aircraft i, i=1.2,...,N a 1. F. is feasible 3. 2. minimum airborne satisfied separations are throughout, i.e. the flight plans are conflict-free. * 3. a smooth transition between F. and F. is provided for all i=1,2,...,N a 4. The pilot workload from the time of system entry to the time of system exit is kept within reasonable limits. The since flight plans generated here conflicting traffic above constraints. are called is taken into traffic flight plans account by the second of the -45The TFPG after a new is normally invoked scheduling decision has a new aircraft entering the system or been made due to due to a missed It may also be invoked however due to a conformance alert. approach. possibility that a is a There free flight plans set of conflict In this case the TFPG will invoke the runway scheduler cannot be found. requesting a schedule modification. 2.4 ATM/C Command Processor This function consists of two sub-functions, the Command Generator (CG) and the Command Activator (CA). guide the aircraft along its assigned commands which, if followed, will flight The plan. specific commands take the commonly terminology flight plan used today for VOR/DME or TACAN Navigation). commands is of and altitude. capability navigation) or the prevailing winds. is either advanced For conventionally equipped be a the The conventional (i.e., (i.e., 3D or 4D Area aircraft the set of allowable the "radar vectoring" type whicg Aircraft Ci) on generated depend (ii) For communications. voice the actual commands navigational alphanumeric messages in form of aircraft's navigational capability, and aircraft's a set of plan data to generate Generator uses flight The Command equipped with 3D or 4D specify heading, speed Area Navigation (RNAV), can be commanded to track directly to the next waypoint or time-point. -46- In order to achieve good conformance to 4-dimensional flight plans, speeds and headings in the winds vicinity of the aircraft. arrival routes for In that wind is performed particularly in the early late stages of case a command to by the pilot (or autopilot) will be preferable segment of a Occasionally a track a VOR since compensation for preferable to a heading command radial would be for the estimated landing aircraft, and the for takeoffs. departure routes RNAV commands to account coincide with a VOR radial, flight plan will stages of should be corrected in tracking. to heading commands and Similarly, will be used whenever possible. Each command message includes at least four additional pieces of information necessary to its further processing: 1. the identity of the aircraft to which the message is directed 2. the time of issuance to the ATM/C controller 3. the time of transmission to the aircraft 4. the acknowledgement of the command by the aircraft The difference between issuance and as to give the ATM/C controller transmission time will be such the opportunity to study and (if deemed necessary) modify the command, to validate its automatic transmission to -47the aircraft at the correct time if digital data link is used for ground to air communications, and to prepare for voice transmission otherwise. The Command Activator is responsible command messages. future commands for This list of First, the controller will be able to When the will be moved for to under his control. CTID and is updated when The controller may also modify any command at this command issuance time has been to the issuance area which may Additional methods to easier reference. attention any or all aircraft commands can be displayed in the flight plans change. stage. commands to the ATM/C controller The presentation of can be achieved in three stages. review all for the timely dispatching of it (e.g. blinking) may be reached, the command be in the traffic display attract the controller's used. Finally after the transmission to the aircraft has been initiated, the command is moved to a post Thus the view area. controller is reminded of commands for all aircraft under his control. the "active" In this area, the commands may also be flagged when acknowledged by the aircraft crew. The transmission validates the capable of to the aircraft is initiated when the controller command. both voice Since it can and data be assumed that the link (mode-S) AGCS will be communications, the processing of the validated command by the Command Activator will depend on the aircraft communication capabilities. The important issue in this respect is that not be responsible for determining the controller should the transmission method. This means -48- mode-S capability. area. If not, voice workload of associated with routine commands to this to alleviate regard is the the controller of commands transmission may be able The computer transmit voice option in synthesizers area and the command through transmit the has to interesting using voice communications. and An communication. possibility that he to the postview the issuance will remain in the command target aircraft has the will be moved so. the command If will realize controller if Activator will determine the Command that via voice to automatically synthesize all aircraft that do not have mode-S capability.1 If validation is not made by the aircraft, message to the the Command the specified time of transmission to Activator ATM/C controller and no action is taken until the ATM/C controller validates the clearance or aircraft to follow. transmitted to the without messages appropriate alert dispatches an initiates another command for the Similar processing takes place after the command is aircraft. acknowledgement of are automatically If a specified time the command dispatched to by interval has elapsed the pilot, the pilot and to appropriate the ATM/C controller. (1) Voice synthesis has tremendous potential in many automation. The technology, however, is still in lot of research is still required with regard to as well as to the human factors aspect before its assessed. aspects of ATM/C its infancy and a the technological usefulness can be -492.5 The ATM/C Traffic Monitor Conformance Detection and Resolution 2.5.1 primary mode is the This monitoring for of automatic of the aircraft the indicated surveillance position Deviations between the AGCS. and the desired position according to its currently assigned flight plan are When deviations monitored. (which may respect to on the depend assigned the established limits exceed externally runway) the location of geographic the out of is declared aircraft alert is generated. flight plan and a conformance conformance with its aircraft with This will generally cause the TFPG to be invoked. In some cases back it will be reasonable to into conformance is performed function Generator Path Resolution alert will flight plan are detected. and the the This of type Longitudinal deviations, recovery from a deviations from the on the other hand, between the aircraft's for the to the fact that no aircraft its nominal airspeed, This the Conformance by TFPG when lateral nominal airspeed assumed In addition fly at exactly of be the result of discrepancies will most likely planning. (CRPG). be desirable conformance airspeed "correction" vectoring. through immediate independent quickly bring the aircraft purposes of flight can be expected to such disagepancies will occur due to erroneous estimate of the wind speed and direction particularly after a change in heading. In that case, it will generally be preferable to -50aircraft based on plan for the the flight modify the new information (namely the new estimate of the ground speed) available to the TFPG. 2.5.2 Hazard Detection generation of conflict-free flight separation assurance, namely through out of aircraft must be Controlled conformance monitoring. plans and of providing primary mode to the backup is a Detection Hazard conformance before they can be in hazard. the snort term straight line Traditionally, this function monitors from separation positions in other aircraft of "unassuming" mode (U-mode). in particularly the the system. We aircraft projections will call of the this the This approach has not been very successful, area where terminal the as as well terrain ground of seconds) 30 of order the of (typically projections the proximity of aircraft results in high false alarm rate. provided to the We will call rate. There is a certain either by this method danger to is primarily responsible for situation to detect such will be biased by information may be to reduce the false mode (I-mode). the "informed" the I-mode the air traffic controller particularly suited the plan Hazard Detection function in order alarm function system, flight ATM/C automated an In since the Hazard Detection safeguarding against "blunders" The I-mode is not blunders because its assessment of or the pilot. the -fact that it "knows" what the -51It is possible, however, to maintain the same aircraft should be doing. same time to blunders and at the performance with respect to level of increase the reliability of the Hazard Detection function by having both modes operating in parallel. can We when the declared it will that have be resolved flight plan according to level is the I-mode determines hazard but U-mode declares a first The alert. hazard of two levels inrormation. For example, one of the two aircraft involved is due to initiate a 90 degree In this case the controller may be warned turn in the next few seconds. expected command is actually in the process in order to insure that the of No initiated. being by requested declared when both the U-mode and unless explicitly second level will be the I-mode declare a hazard, or when The controller. traffic the air is taken further action the (internally determined) probability of an actual blunder has reaced question is to addition to conformance the hazard be initiated hazard monitoring Hazard Resolution resolution that the command in value (for example, the time a specified threshold has message for the been aircraft Path Generator will commands. the to Note In reached). traffic air will be be invoked in that the this case, in controller, suspended, and the order to generate conformance detection function should be declaring a conformance alert and trying to solve the problem at the same time. the conflict checking (1) This will generally not be possible if function of the Traffic Flight Plan Generator is operating properly. -52- At this time any more. to be in hazard found not until it is alert status is maintained for the aircraft A hazard the hazard alert is If there had been a second level alert, conformance monitoring removed. Presumably is resumed. out of aircraft have placed the the hazard avoidance path will plan. original flight conformance with its A normal conformance alert to will then be generated causing the CRPG or the TFPG to be invoked in order the problem to solve the A1'M/C of returning system in its primary monitoring mode. Hazard Resolution Path Generator 2.5.3 function This occurs. is invoked modes of operation Two a second whenever hazard alert level the type of are possible depending on ground-to-air communication available. If voice communication will be generated and processing and made recommended avoidance path is employed, a to the available immediate transmission Command the ATM/C to Generator for controller. The controller then chooses to validate the recommended solution or generate his own. In this mode it may be advantageous to provide the ATM/C controller with more than one alternative. If a feasible digital generate a to processing by This mode ground-to-air data single is available, avoidance path the Command Generator insures link faster reaction and, request immediate and transmission to time to the it may be the aircraft. imminent hazard but -53- paths. reliable a very requires algorithm for generating hazard avoidance The hazard resolution commands are also transmitted to the ATM/C controller to avoid conflicting actions on his part. He is not however required to take active part in the process of resolving the hazard. He can participate in returning the aircraft into conformance. absolutely necessary element is not an The HRPG system and, at least initially, of the automated the ATM/C controller could perform this function manually without any loss in the system performance. 2.6 Traffic and CTID Displays display called traffic uses ATM/C controller human The the Traffic Display information called two displays: (TD), and an the Controller a normal radar auxiliary display for Tabular Information Display (CTID). component of the man-machine interface The displays are the output of the system AGCS. state (current displayed on pertinent information display all can They and performance. and future), either display is controlled by the real-time inputs on the associated about the The information ATM/C controller via keyboard or other data entry device. Information nominally displayed on the TD includes: 1. movements of aircraft surveillance area. a short targets For every alphanumeric block within the radar aircraft displayed there is containing the aircraft's -54- its altitude, identity, current position its aircraft) landing estimated ground speed and (for the landing in sequence; such data 2. geographical as etc., obstructions. as location the well the as of airports, navigational aids located within the surveillance area; 3. well controlled aircraft as to be transmitted to commands as other such as priority messages conformance or hazard alerts. The CTID will display information need for reference. that the ATM/C but does not require constant controller will cognizance of. information includes: 1. All pertinent information on aircraft in the system. takes two (i) forms: constantly displayed This "summary" information including aircraft identification, transponder code, current information displayed explicitly requested description of and (ii) more detailed particular aircraft when clearances. etc. the about a by the ATM/C currently controller (e.g. assigned flight full plan. requested landing speed or takeoff weight for the aircraft etc.); Such -552. System resource data such as condition of active runways and taxiways, weather data, etc.; 3. System performance data such as the statistics on runway utilization, average delays etc. 2.7 The ATM/C Controller's Role The ATM/C controller be the "policy and the is the human element in maker" or "chief executive" who general framework within which the AGCS. He should determines the strategy the software is allowed to generate the plan of action down to the very small details. He controls the decision process in the following ways: 1. overrides the computer generated runway schedule, 2. imposes additional constraints process. Such aircraft land as on the constraints include: soon as emergency), require that an runway scheduling requiring possible, (as in the that an case ot aircraft maintain its current position in the sequence. etc., 3. requests changes in the configuration (e.g.. change in the active runways, change in ATM/C strategy. etc.); 4. validates commands for transmission to various aircraft; -56- computer 5. Edits generated and commands initiates their transmission process. controller's request is acknowledged and he In all cases the ATM/C is informed on the the request results of information is when such necessary to insure that the intended action was taken. The general philosophy followed here is that the ATM/C controller does not simply monitor the computer performance but remains responsible for safe separation and expeditious flow of traffic, and must be totally in control of the system. The automated system must be a tool to assist the ATM/C controller in carrying out the task safely and expeditiously. The to extent which automated system will be successfully implemented in the future depends on the success or failure to develop a suitably designed man-machine interface that allows the ATM/C controller to be at all times in control of capable of exerting such tight in a predictable the found same time, between during normal operation a controllability and extensive interference of ATM/C automation. will be required betore this problem can be reached. point of view. delicate balance options and extensive testing of interactive control and, if desired, control that the computer programs react manner from the ATM/C controller's completely defeat the purpose of the available the overall system At should be which might Careful examination different methods of a satisfactory solution to -57CHAPTER 3 A SIMULATION TESTBED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ATM/C AUTOMATION SOFTWARE 3.1 Overview to deal again and again of this work we were forced In the course with "human factors" aspects of the problem of ATM/C automation in spite of the that the fact a fast time simulation. be tested using in, all cases algorithmic~ and account the method test effectively described area early apparent in the and It was concluded finally that the ATM/C demonstrate previous chapter, any the of necessary. It is a substantial of the extension controller. order to in automation It was functions time, interactive terminal a real A terminal was designed and implemented facility, TASIM, has to -take into effort that, research in the facility was simulation algorithms which would software develonment of interaction with and deveiop study was to and flight plan generation automatic scheduling therefore intention original area simulation to fulfill this purpose. original work done by Heinz, [HEI 76]. TASIM captures in great detail the performance of all elements or a terminal area ATM/C system. Particular emphasis was placed on the interactions between various elements and on the flow of data within the ATM/C system. To insure correct and easily identifiable program logic, -58a top-down design approach to techniques were independent functional clearly software defined used to produce adopted. a system parts (software modules) interfaces and The final product is a development was Composite consisting of highly interconnected through performing clearly derined functions. realistic and flexible simulation facility which can be responsive to the needs provides a vital research tool of human factors research. for the development It therefore of ATM/C automated decision support. This chapter will the features 3.2 that are of within enironmernnt give a brief description or wh1,ti TASIM and highlight consequence in realistically ATM/C uoain ucin reproducing the h!2ve to efom The Hardware Environment The current hardware diagram for TASIM is shown in figure 3-1. A VAX-1l/780 provides the main computing power and houses about 95% of the software. A PDP-1l/34 computer is used to generate the traffic (radar) display and receive information communicates via on active data link with aircraft in the VAX-l1/780 the only to simulation or on controller inputs requesting some type of display restructuring function to be performed. In addition the facility currently includes an ATM/C controller station and a simulation monitoring station. The ATM/C controller computer as the TD station uses a MEGATEK calligraphic display and a VT-100 video terminal as the CTID. It is the VAX-11A780 PDP-1/34 Figure 3-1. Current TASIM Hardware Diagram. -60primary man-machine TD in ARTS III format, Display) is used generated by data interface. entry The traffic movements while the CTID to display (Controller Traffic Information supplementary various automation functions. device allowing are displayed on The tabular information VT-100 keyboard is the real-time interaction between the ATM/C controller and the simulation software functions. The simulation monitoring station, consisting of video terminal, is currently used well and as start end a second VT-100 only to initialize the the simulation run. Since data base as it also allows real-time interaction with the simulation software, its capabilities can be expanded real in the fvlture to time. levels, This capability weather and includp modification of the data bqse in will over traffic allow direct wind conditions, unusual situations that merit and can control be used to bring about close investigation (e.g. procedures for changing runways due to shifting wind direction, etc.). In the near SANDERS future TASIM will be moved to Graphics-7 displays as TD's and a VAX-ll/750 with three three Texas Instruments 940 terminals as CTID's, [PAR 82]. 3.3 Major System Components and Interfaces The processes, simulation as shown software consists in figure 3-2. "stand-alone" computer program operating of 4 major Each components, called process is a separate in parallel and independent of Figure 3-2. TASIM Software Processes. -62the A common, memory-resident the message. possibly the process which sent mailbox, a message contents and on the function is performed depending specific in the a message is received it. When with associated a mailbox has process Each mailboxea. called devices the others via process communicates with VAX computer each I/0 virtual the VAX-11/780 CPU. PDP-ll/34 computer, they all share operates on the Within the display program which the traffic the exception of With others. data base is shared by all VAX-1l processes. the simulation execution. Mnnitor Proce.ss oversees The Simulation Prior to the beginning of real-time operation, it initializes the global for responsible the required. processes as displays, statistics and allocation timing on In addition CPU usage. the execution During execution. the real-time to start input it and it is time to various and optionally CPU of collects, the subordinate accepts operator mailboxes, and the communication creates processes, of loading proper the insures and initializes data, status of all other simulation processes. The Position updating the Generator Process is responsible state (e.g. position, active aircraft in the simulation. of the Aircraft Control Systems System (surveillance overall 2-1). schematic radar and diagram of It for maintaining and speed, altitude. etc.) of all provides realistic dynamic models and the Air-to-Ground tracking the terminal Data Acquisition processing) depicted area ATM/C in the system (figure -63The Process Air Traffic Controller interface between the simulation software accepts and processes ATM/C commands statistics (e.g. responsible for the and to primary follow, and aircraft delay, maintaining and updating computer simulation operating etc.). In addition, it is the traffic situation Traffic Display in cooperation with the PDP-l1 It displays ATM/C sequence of runway operations, for aircraft average as and the ATM/C controller. controller entries, information such as the current generated functions software. on the In the current implementation the Command Activator also resides in this process. The ATI/ Nominal Plan Flitght Plan Generator implements Flight Plan Generation. Generation, Runway Scheduling, It determines the operations and the recommended flight The flight plans are then by the optimal and Traffic Flight schedule Command process. Activator of runway plans to implement that schedule. translated into ATC commands Generator which resides in this dispatched three major functions: by the Command The commands are subsequently to the ATM/C controller for validation and subsequent transmission to the aircraft. The choice of functions performed by each process closely matches the real ATM/C environment where several systems operate in parallel and communicate through various links. sequential require machine several and to accomplish communicating small intervals of CPU time to parallel processing at least Of course, a computer is basically a true parallel computers. processing would Fortunately by allocating each process, it is possible to simulate macroscopically. Furthermore, the details -64- of how CPU framework for CPU can provide the the Simulation Monitor operating system while the VAX are the responsibility of time is allocated to each process adjusting by allocation process priorities as necessary. The Simulation Monitor Process 3.4 simulation creates but remaining processes to A.Lt A- *-. not It does execution. function, J.. process controls and Simulation Monitor The real-time the perform any environment operate properly. "i A v ,JYe A.a.~ monitors the overall Air Traffic Control necessary for the It is also responsible for A.LVW t."CLL V. A.LIE S.LJ.U1L.LVU_ monitor is shown in figure 3-3. Data Base Initialization 3.4.1 We distinguish between two types of data in the simulation: local data. data and and/or modified) by Global data are shared (i.e. all processes in only be accessed by a single process. is global. the simulation. global can be referenced Local data can The major part of TASIM data base Local data generally consist of working areas and other such data. Global data are categorized into 4 groups: 1. Process data 2. Dynamic data -65- Interprocess Communication Initialization Terminal I/0 In it .aI iza t iorr- Figure 3-3. Top Level Flow-Chart of the Simulation Monitor Process. 3. Static data 4. Screen data Process data contain information required by the Simulation Monitor to control and by each its operation. process to control number, identification statistics, utilization name, process of number former include process The execution include latter The etc. information such as current simulation process), well as data required monitor the various processes, as process CPU specific time (for the Simulation Monitor and active aircraft currently priorities, total number of aircraft (for the Position Generator process), etc. consist of aircraft "files" Dynamic data aircraft file and radar "files". one active aircraft in contains pertinent information on the simulation. Four types of information are maintained: include the aircraft type, flight 1. Aircraft ID data, which transponder code, number, and other such data typically include position, altitude, found in a flight strip. state 2. Aircraft speed, heading data, which bank the angle, and other such information instantaneous dynamic describing the aircraft. Actual values Each state of the as well ask values indicated by the various airborne or ground instruments are maintained. -67- data, which include 3. Aircraft command and other such speed* heading the data describing clearances to receive is due received or aircraft has commanded altitude, in the future. 4. Aircraft scheduling current sequence data, which include number, the assigned runway, the scheduled time of arrival as well as other such at the runway, schedule runway optimal under data describing the current the ' objective function. Each radar file contains surveillance information surveillance radar in the simulated airspace. be simulated though typically only one provided by one Any number of radars can is used as the primary source or position information at any given time. Static data consist simulation environment of reference information which describes the and remains unchanged throughout the run. group includes data describing the simulated airspace (i.e. This location of airports, runway description, location and type of navigational aids and radars, departure nominal and approach routes, etc.), the characteristics of simulated aircraft types, the traffic levels and mix, etc. change Note that with even though the traffic level§ and time, determined apriori. they are considered static the traffic mix may data since they are -68- Screen data consist of on CTID screen. the information specially formatted for display This group contains base. elsewhere in the simulation data is in a Here, however, this information format suitable for quick display. Even though this procedure adopted since it conserves computer memory. it was requires additional already found information required to repeatedly reformat the same CPU time which would have been and in a real-time environment information whenever needed for display, trading-off memory for CPU time is advantageous. 3.4.2 Interprocess Communication is the "central nervous Interprocess communication simulation very design of and consequently, important for proper system" of the protocol is the communication operation as well as for maintaining a flexible and expandable system. Interprocess communication is accomplished called mailboxes. process? process mailbox (receiver) requesting for mail, A performs the sender of the a message (sender) leaves providing vital some function to via virtual I/0 devices information and (usually) be performed. requested function(s) and in another The receiver reads its (optionally) advises the outcome and/or completion of the operation. The message minimally contains the message code and the identification of the sender process. when base. It may contain additional information such information is not readily regarding the request accessible from the global data For example. when some function has to be performed on a specific -69- aircraft, whereas can be retrieved be required that may additional information the message, in is included identification aircraft the from the global data base by the receiving process. communications allow both asynchronous This method of interprocess is very simulating in important the ATM/C where some environment should be deferred immediate processing while others functions require Tnis to be easily implementable. and sequential processing of messages either because some higher priority function takes precedence or because certain successfully be to have conditions before function the can be asynchronous processing is good example of A processed. met the message sent by the Simulation Monitor to the Air Traffic Controller process notifying it availability of of the to the PDP-l1 Traffic Display Driver (i.e. operation and prompt display of be sent data to computer). to the To insure smooth the latest information on the positions of aircraft in the system, this function has to take precedence over for example, entered on the update has been manually of input the processing entered keyboard. completed. or that the function is resumed The latter In contrast, when the has validated a command to Position Generator process receives a message information in the appropriate ot the request is waived by the aircraft state update function of the two. ATM/C controller may have when the TD ATM/C controller has some aircraft, the in order to enter the new aircraft's command data. The processing Position Generator until the end of the cycle since the latter is the highest priority -70- Subordinate Processes and Execution Control 3.4.3 The simulation preparing TASIM. loading into memory and monitor is responsible for for execution all the subordinate processes which comprise Currently these are the Position Generator, the ATM/C Controller process, and the Flight Plan Generator. the Process data (described in the The information contained in previous section) govern the loading of all processes. The functions performed broad categories, triggered by intervals. Monitor periodic the internal All which by the simulation can be and aperiodic. clock and are periodic functions has sole are divided into two Periodic performed at controlled by responsibility for timing functions are specific time the Simulation the software and the Simulation Monitor controls the achieving real-time performance. The logic execution specific of according to which periodic functions function performed. is uniform This is achieved and independent of the by assigning processes into "timer chains" which define the sequence in which each process will be activated in response to a specific timer alert. there is an explicit sequence of functions (or Within each process possibly a single function) which is performed in response to the timer alert message sent by the Simulation Monitor. Upon completion of the requested function(s) each process sends a termination message to the Simulation Monitor which causes the latter to look for and activate the next process in the timer -71When the last process has been activated, chain. the expiration of the waits for and perform time the timer time interval at which part of more than one timer chain A process may be chain is restarted. the Simulation Monitor different functions depending on which timer chain caused the process activation. Aperiodic functions are triggered by some simulation event wnich is not guaranteed to generally regularity. performance of The involve the Simulation any specific occur at such time or functions does Monitor but is triggered by with any not necessarily a direct message by the process which detected the event to the process which is responsible for performing the function in question. command data triggered by a manually The update of the aircraft entered command, is a good example of an aperiodic function performed by the Position Generator process due to an event detected by the Air Traffic Controller process. The execution logic is thus layered into several functional levels with each level controlling the execution of the level immediately below and controlled by the level immediately above it. performed require functions that triggered their minimal awareness activation. This allows Within each level the of the chain of events easy modification of function at any level by changing the sequence of subfunctions activated and/or inserting new functions to perform as functions in be included in more parts of more that chain. Furthermore it allows than one level in than one higher this structure and level functions. In the -72- current version the has a simulation single timer chain. periodic Currently the periodic functions of TASIM are: 1. Traffic Generation 2. Aircraft Dynamics update 3. Air Data system update 4. Aircraft Navigation system update 5. Surveillance system update 6. Aircraft Status update 7. Command Activator 8. Traffic Display data update functions are first six The process while the configuration the Position Generator the Air Traffic Controller last two are performed by In the current process. performed by these functions are performed every 4 seconds which corresponds to the typical period of revolution of the in the radar antenna however since a there is enough terminal area. time chain can CPU time for This need be executed all at any period the required performed. Currently the aperiodic functions of TASIM are: 1. Runway Scheduling 2. Keyboard Input Editing and Processing 3. CTID update not be the case as long as computations to be -73- process, two the other while by is performed scheduling Runway by the are performed Generator Plan Flight the ATM/C controller process. Initialization of Terminal I/0 3.4.4 and computer standard the general Since system operating purpose terminal was not input, etc.), of a by the VAX-ll/780 the special functions special purpose driver was designed and designed specifically to suit the The terminal driver was needs of the interface between the ATM/C controller be discussed in and movement. driver provided implemented. and will the proper direct cursor control, item selection, required by the simulation (e.g. editing cursor position to perform adequate well as information and initializing the control the required to data internal screen in the video responses, setting for display of tabular operating mode prompts as includes formatting of It operation. output for real-time input prepares the terminal Terminal initialization connection with the and the simulation ATM/C Controller process (section 3.6.6). When the initialization phase process waits real-time initiates the Upon entering Position Subsequently the wait number the operator requesting for input from operation. of occurrences is completed, the Simulation Monitor the real-time mode, Generator-ATM/C state is entered again. require the beginning of the Simulation Controller At the program timer loop. this point however a Monitor's attention and -74described in the are These state. wait exit the it to will cause following sections. Timer Loop Alert 3.4.5 The timer loop alert indicates that it is time to start a new cycle single timer loop is defined currently Even though only a loop alerts. processing of timer Figure 3-4 shows the periodic timer loop. of the the logic has been designed to handle any number of timer loops. The loop is first identified and if the last has completed execution the procedure the delivery of a new alert at for first process new timer loop the end of the time interval appropriate a START question, (ii) sending loop in the timer for initiating a (i) requesting (from the operating system) This includes: takes place. process in the chain loop, (iii) collecting CPU in the timer message to the usage and other If statistics from this timer loop, and (iv) reentering the wait state. the last process loop has not in the timer initiation of the new cycle must be delayed. occur -during normal operation cannot delay in requesting interval operations be achieved due the initialization a delay timer (currently set since they Such situations should not indicate that to CPU unavailability. new cycle of a alert completed processing, the at the at 1/100 of end The required is implemented of a a second), much real time by: (i) shorter time (ii) initializing the compilation of delay statistics, and (iii) re-entering the wait state. -75 Figure 3-4. Timer Loop Alert Processing Detail. -76- Delay Timer Alert 3.4.6 tr The adea that the initialization of a timer -indica glr This situation is of delayed due to CPU unavailability. loop has been course undesirable and is not expected to occur during normal operation. has been a high number of other users (e.g. 15-20) on the system. is well usage current CPU the that the system which not incurred delays unless there operates currently, the simulation has indicates in environment time sharing the in even Indeed, below This the VAX-1l/780 capabilities. The figure The 3-5. timer delay timer the logic for processing the caused loop that alert is depicted in alert is identified, statistics are updated to account for the additional delay interval, and if the last for this process in the loop has completed timer loop is initiated. execution, the new cycle Otherwise the timer loop initialization is further delayed. 3.4.7 Screen Update Timer Alert This alert occurs periodically and causes the update ot information on. the VT-100 superseded. video screen This alert ATM/C Controller process. if is common the displayed to the information Simulation Monitor Since it is an integral has been and the part of the display interface, its discussion will be presented in connection with the ATM/C Controller process (section 3.6.61. -77- YES Figure 3-5. Delay Timer Alert Processing Detail. -78- Mailbox Message Processor 3.4.8 a message When The sending process. 1. the message. received and message type of the depends on processing and respond to order to process wait state in exits the Simulation Monitor mailbox the in its is placed on the The following message types are currently implemented: READY message message can This inform to loop timer a d . 1 3 s bee nd l a c -- -, e t-10 process in the timer loop, if any, can be STARTed. sending process is the last one in processing is required since the when initialized occurs. a timer that Monitor message (see sections via the START processing requested 3 Simulation the a periodic process in by any be sent the timer next If the loop, no timer loop cycle will be alert or a delay timer alert If the process is not the last one in the loop, a START message is sent to the next process. -The wait state is reentered in either case. 2. EXIT message This message is received by the the sending the normal indicates process is about to Simulation Monitor when end execution. real-time mode, reception of that the process has While in the EXIT message encountered some error -79condition and of the run is thus an abnormal termination system is already in the termination a reply to an EXIT message imminent. If the mode, this message is simply sent by the Simulation Monitor to all processes as part of rundown the Simulation condition the sent the message It then enters code. messages are EXIT outputs Monitor that process In procedures. the normal the of the identification well as the on-line and the wait state is entered. as the error termination mode. all processes sent to mode, that are still If an EXIT message is received in the termination mode, the program checks if all exited. If not, all processes Monitor stores the global processes have EXIT message. Simulation When all mailboxes, deassigns all it waits have for a new exited, the data base, deletes I/0 channels and exits. The processing is shown schematically in figure 3-6. 3.4.9 Terminal Input Processing When input wait state to from the terminal parse the input is available, the and perform the process exits the desired function. commands are currently implemented: 1. START This command simulation. initiates the real-time Optionally, the simulation operation of the time at which the Two -80- Figure 3-6. EXIT Message Processing Detail. -81- that the simulation case can be should begin operation real-time At that pass through the "transient up building if steady the point the This mode permits TASIM real-time operation is initiated. to quickly In FREERUN mode in the operates specified time is reached. until the specified. state state" of traffic performance is of interest. 2. END This command causes the process to mode, send EXIT messages to enter the termination all other processes, and wait for replies before exiting (see previous section). 3.5 The Position Generator Process The aircraft targets in radars and the process Generator Position the simulated airspace as well navigation equipment. subsystems: 1. Mailbox Message Processor 2. Traffic Generator 3. Aircraft Status Update 4. Aircraft Dynamics model 5. Air Data System model movements simulates the It of the as the surveillance consists of seven major -826. Navigation System model 7. Surveillance System model The surveillance system drives all the other components since all other functions are performed once every revolution of the radar antenna (see discussion of the Simulation Monitor process in the previous section). 3.5.1 Mailbox Message Processor The operation messages received responsible functions. of the Position in the Generator process is mailbox. for interpreting The mailbox those messages and message controlled by processor is invoking the required The messages defined in the current configuration are: 1. START This message is sent by a new invoked update cycle the Simulation Monitor and causes to be sequentially. When started. All the update subsystems are is completes a ready message is sent to the Simulation Monitor's mailbox. 2. READY This message is sent by to inform the Position the Flight Plan Generator process Generator that processing (i.e. runway scheduling in the current configuration and traffic plan generation in the future) has been completed. It -83allows the Position Generator to coordinate its requests for rescheduling (see next section). 3. EXIT This message the end of Simulation Monitor to signal is sent by the the run. It causes the position generator to pause execution and to respond with an EXIT message before exiting. 3.5.2 Traffic Generation Model The traffic generation model is designed to realistically duplicate in detail the processes which generate Traffic is generated due to demand airports within simulation terminal each airport traffic mixes. generation the These of landings time the ATM/C the terminal area. for landing at, or area under is characterized and of takeoffs taking off from consideration. by demand are separate for landings and Poisson random processes. earliest traffic in rates as In the well as for takeoffs. The are assumed to be incependent The time of generation is assumed to be the controller has knowledge of some aircraft's intentions to land at or takeoff from the airport For each airport, an aircraft (takeoff pr landing) is generated during each simulation update interval &t with probability = X.At p. 1. 1 -84at an airport i demand rate for this type of operation where A. is the (number of aircraft per unit time) it is well known that the resulting generation times will form a Poisson process provided that At is small enough compared to the inverse an aircraft, the generation of When this process results in the current simulation time is assigned as rate, 1/X. EDRA 67]. the demand of the aircraft's generation time. The aircraft to applicable different for that of takeoffs. landing for The mix airport. each the on based is determined type Variation in the mix aircraft aircraft mix may be over time may be modelled as a step function or as a piecewise linear function. are Fixes described simulation by of aircraft that are can be longitude, the types the relative frequency airport use the in their assigned with which aircraft taking off the fix, etc. In addition each fix latitude and to the fix. or landing at an has several altitudes that can be assigned to aircraft using it. In order to determine the fix for the newly generated aircraft, the model first determines the fix must be which has just been compiled, aircraft all eligible fixes. In order active and able to be assigned to been generated. the relative operating at the Once the liAt of frequencies airport eligible, the type of aircraft eligible with which in question to be are fixes has each is used by normalized. The -85assigned fix is then randomly selected from the resulting probability distribution. In some cases the interval between the generation of two successive landings bound for the same entry fix will requirement for horizontal separations will the traffic generation model simulates taken by the separations. enroute Let n specific entry fix. controller desirable and the highest is the the time t. of that be violated. the ATC In such cases the actions that might have been in order be the number of available The model assumes be such to provide adequate altitude levels at some that lowest altitude is the most least desirable. For each altitude i, the last aircraft passage is stored. At .. any time t the altitude is called .Dp.en if t. + t < t I min- where t. is the minimum time separation between two co-altitudinal aircraft. The lowest open altitude at the time the aircraft arrive at the entry fix is assigned. time, the earliest time of arrival time an at the fix altitude is open. model then, is that the enroute the entry aircraft fix and are separations. delays handed-off to is expected to If no open altitude exists at that is revised to The coincide with the inherent assumption in this controller is aware of the situation at incoming traffic the terminal in order to insure that area controller with proper -86- Flight Plan Generator process is alerted through a incorporate the functions. Currently new in aircraft this a cycle, the been generated during one aircraft has If at least decision automated the support Scheduling Runway the triggers message mailbox message to function which will determine the new runway schedule. Aircraft Status Update and Handoff Processing 3.5.3 function This aircraft as of all status is responsible "life" in the simulation. for maintaining they pass and updating the phases of their through various At any time the status of any aircraft is 1. Dormant 2. Active Inactive 3. 4. Marked for deletion generation all Upon by all ignored aircraft full participant in they deactivated. their reached for is time becomes a assigned update function status activation until functions of the reach their final Dormant dormant. aircraft are exception of the simulation with the and the Runway Scheduler. aircraft, some aircraft are is Aircraft the simulation. destination it at which When the activated and remain active time they are Landings become inactive shortly before touchdown on their runway while assigned departing traffic terminal area exit fix. is deactivated Upon upon reaching deactivation of an -87- the now useless information. (local) data bases discarding purge their When this is completed, the aircraft time statistics are a chance to be given subsystems have to various simulation aircraft, is marked for deletion at which are saved if global data collected, the aircraft needed, and the aircraft is finally deleted from the system. it is appropriate controllers that and to automatic handoff direction start a target ATM/C mode, acceptance the maintained until the handoff of aircraft determines an The ATM/C and alerted through ATM/C controller has handoff initialization and handoff procedure. are involved are identified If the messages. handoff position The activation. whether also handles function This status disabled the automatic for is explicitly accepted. the aircraft is Reminder messages are sent if a prespecified time interval is elapsed without reception of handoff acceptance. 3.5.4 Aircraft Dynamics This is responsible function for maintaining and updating the dynamic state of all aircraft in the simulation, moving them through the simulated region in response to internal and external forces. Internal forces are generated to bring the measured aircraft state into alignment with the commanded variations. magnitude. state and include power ch'anges External forces include the effects The aircraft model relationships between and control surface of wind direction and used accurately describes tne functional various aircraft components, and includes time -88- lags present in the longitudinal, aircraft. lateral and vertical response of each The model was implemented by Heinz and is described in detail in EHEI 76] and [HOF 72J. 3.5.5 Air Data System Update This function manages airborne instruments airspeed/mach indicator. models neinz updates readings such as the compass/gyro indicators, the The measurement errors for developed by Hoffman available (heading indicator), the altimeter, and vertical speed all the instruments are based on [HOF 72]. The model was function is responsible for maintaining airborne simulating navigational equipment the navigation system for implemented by different devices Omnidirectional Range station to the are errors. modelled: By and and (ii) aircraft and large, aircraft radio navigational aids. (i) Very (VOR). which indicates the aircraft, current readings of each simulated navigation today is performed with the use of the the Aircraft Navigation System This Two of LnsI 7.6. 3.5.6 the number and High Frequency magnetic bearing from Distance Measuring equipment (DME-TACAN), which indicates the slant range between the station and the aircraft. As is generally the case, the simulation assumes that VOR and DME-TACAN transmitters are collocated in VOR/DNE or VORTAC installations so that both the range and the bearing from a single known geographic -89location is available. Each tracking two VORTAC navigation VOR/DME or modes to be radial interception aircraft stations. simulated 3.5.7 This while tracking a different of independently allows a variety of navigation VOR course. and VOR The models and their errors were developed by The model was implemented by Heinz EHEI 76J. Surveillance System This function aircraft models the radars position information. generally employed skin tracking). Two types of transmits a coded and altitude Control with surveillance systems are StUrveillance radars aircraft. ground transmitter (often referred to Beacon trackers aircraft which sometimes that provide Ground in Lracking airbUrne utilize reflected energy from the as capable including area used for aircraft navigation systems Hoffman [HOF 72J. is interrogate a transponder on the reply, consisting of information. Normally the the aircraft ID two systems are operated in parallel, with the surveillance radar serving as a backup to the beacon system. The simulated radar parameters which determine its performance. for those parameters that are used is described by a set of Table 3-1 gives the values to describe the terminal area and enroute versions of the current civil_ beacon system known as ATCRBS (Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System). have not yet been implemented in TASIM. Note that tracking algorithms -90- TABLE 3-1 - ATC Radar Beacon System Parameters Parameters Terminal Enroute Max range 60 nmiles 200 nmiles Elevation coverage 0 to 45 degrees 0 to 45 degrees Scan rate 15 RPM 6 RPM Range bin width 1/16 nmiles 1/4 nmiles Azimuth bin width 0.088 degrees 0.225 degrees -91- 3.6 The ATM/C Controller Process managing the controller controller, and for information display tabular (CTID) and the The traffic display software reside partly in the traffic display (TD). and partly VAX-l1/780 the ATM/C input by real-time commands processing accepting and for is responsible process Controller ATM/C The in the It will be PDP-11/34. described here, the ATM/C Controller process. however, since it is an integral part of activator is a function of the In the current configuration the command ATM/C Controller process. 3-7 presents Figure Controller hardware video and terminal of the ATM/C functional diagram software components. identifies the major process and (VT-100 a top level calligraphic MEGATEK The display computer) are also depicted in the figure. The message in mailbox message the mailbox. Management software In turn, it invokes the The Traffic Display sends appropriate Data sent by the Input START message is Traffic formats and Display driver updates the positions of the aircraft (resident in the PDP-1l/34) which on the MEGATEK screen. the of a Traffic Display Data Management software data to aircraft the reception Activator when a and the Command received. the processor is invoked by The Traffic Display driver also responds to data Processor to modify the (displayed range, displayed altitudes, etc.). is triggered periodically by a timer alert and screen characteristics The CTID Display software updates the information *Driver managementl fInput MProcessor . S Simulation Base Base Mailbox Messages Figure 3-7. raf Traffic Disp>1ay Data Management Mailbox Message --ProcessorACITO VAX-11 PDP-11 DATA LINK COMMAND VTO Functional Diagramn of the Air Traffic Controller Process. -93- on controller inputs. Each input character is processed separately as it This allows various is entered. line by defining the input is triggered by The Input Editor the VT-100 video display screen. editing functions to special function keys. be performed on When a line ending character is entered, the input editor transfers the command line to the for identifying and performing the Input Processor which is responsible requested The Input function. Processor displays warning and error controller in case of messages on the VT-100 screen to inform the ATM/C incorrect, ambiguous or unrecognized input. 3.6.1 Mailbox Message Processor messages Two are currently recognized by the Mailbox Message Processor: 1. START This message, sent by ATM/C controller the Simulation Monitor, directs the process to initiate aircraft positions on the radar Command Activator function. an update of the display and to invoKe the When both these functions are complete the process responds with a READY message sent to the Simulation Monitor. This currently ends the only timer loop of the simulation (see section 3.4.5). 2. EXIT This message, sent by the Simulation Monitor, signals the -94- end of the the I/0 run. The ATM/C channels, mailboxes, stops controller process deassigns associates the with display driver PDP-ll/34 computer, responds with the VT-100 software and the on the an EXIT message sent to the simulation monitor, and exits. 3.6.2 Command Activation This function is responsible for maintenance and timely dispatching of commands to the aircraft. Piloting commands are generated either by the Command Generator based on the input by the ATM/C controller automatically are in the form format as the ones entered by aircraft flight plan or are directly For uniformity the commands generated of alphanumeric strings and the ATM/C controller. in the same Processing of both types of commands is therefore identical. Two concepts for command management ATM/C systems there is no precise future planning so issuing a piloting command at some anticipated. Even can be identified. In present that the need for future point in time cannot be fully when, for instance, the ATM/C controller knows that soon some aircraft will be required to make a turn to intercept the ILS, he does which not have the means this command to determine the exact should be executed. time or location at Furthermore it is not at all clear that the pilot will accept a command to turn to some heading, say, 90 seconds from now consequence the ATM/C when he is busy preparing for controller waits and issues the landing. As a command when the -95- "queueing the commands on refer to this process as We it immediately. pilot has to execute certain point in space and the aircraft reaches a the ground". We in the air". "queueing commands opposite the visualize contrast, by can, Here commands are process, namely transmitted to the aircraft in advance and it is the pilot's responsibility to execute them at the time. proper between distinguish We location-triggered commands, depending on starts at a specific point in time time-triggered and whether the command execution or at a specific point in space. An IFR flight plan is an example of queueing location-triggered commands in the air approved process since it ~is the terminal the where followed by of~the~ pilot to the pilot The area environment. is of this only time-triggered execution of a holding perform one responsible to minute turns In advanced ATM/C systems dimensional flight planning, time-triggered command 1,2 or 3 minute straight legs. incorporating four follow the procedure is an example today's ATM/C system is the command sequence in pattern approach A missed route. in responsibility queueing in the air is certainly feasible (from a technological point of view) when coupled with a digital air-to-ground data link and airborne time-triggered autopilots. The simulation was designed with the capability to time-triggered and location-triggered commands. handle both This is accomplished by associating four different time values with each command: -96- 1. the scheduled time of transmission 2. the actual time of transmission 3. the scheduled time of execution 4. the actual time of execution these depends on the method employed The interpretation of each of by the communication time and commands are queued and scheduled) is zero as times in that case measures the the the actual piloL workload. When the difference in transmission times long as the command is transmitted discrepancy in execution The executed. it is scheduled to be before of execution is the pilot time of associated with in the air, ground the congestion difference between the the actual Lherefore is response (actual contrast, transmission and of time By links. and/or workload controller ATM/C by the the actual time of transmission is difference between the scheduled and caused queued on are commands When system. ATM/C capability of the pilot and/or aircraft autopilot to execute the commands promptly. There are even though this is feasible most compelling compatible of (to the all the air for advanced automated ATM/C systems. is the need develop to greatest extent possible) Queueing commands on the ground ground (namely queueing commands in distinct disadvantages in systems The that are with existing equipment. only requires advanced equipment on the the computers and computer programs that implement the advanced ATM/C functions) and is capable of operating with absolutely no advanced capability requirements onboard the aircraft. Second, by -97commands to transmitting the changing traffic congestion create in advance on the we either, (i) that have not yet the capability to revise commands deprive the system been executed if the aircraft well situation warrants it, link communications by or (ii) transmitting we and subsequently revising or cancelling commands. The ground ATM/C system concept thus avoiding all these described here problems. queues commands Aircraft on the flight plans, and therefore commands, are subject to change until some short time interval before they are scheduled to start execution. sent to the to inform him ATm/C controller transmitted to the aircraft shortly and not done so yet. to review the validation, This interval At that time a message is that the to request validation if he has is chosen to allow the ATM/C controller traffic situation and possibly modify thus command will be providing another check against the command before system malfunction. When the command has been validated by the ATM/C controller the command is transmitted to the aircraft via data link, if such proper time of execution or the software provides ATM/C controller so that he is used, at the display cues for the can correctly time the command transmission by voice. 3.6.3 Traffic Display Driver This function is responsible displayed on the TD screen. for maintaining the information The displayed information and capabilities of current ARTS III displays was chosen as a basis for the design of the -98- The Display. Traffic simulation's goal however primary not to Instead the aim spectrum of ARTS III capabilities. duplicate the full was that will easily allow incorporation of was to create an infrastructure new functions and visual aids that are needed by the ATM/C controller in order perform to his in the MEGATEK display screen. ground automated control a photograph of the is a blown-up negative of Figure 3-8 environment. role new The displayed items include: 1. Aircraft symbol and tag The same symbol, configuration, system. MATM/ ATM/C line a is used (\) while aircraft n teL (/) for of the aircraft in the contrl oVf thef=u a backward slanting around The orientation be the ATM/C orientations are available. included in the aircraft tag: Flight identification other appropriate the aircraft is positioned relative to aircraft symbol. a. current easy identification. is centered (surveillance) position by the uncontrolled traffic is represented by a position selected in direct represented by slanting line aircraft tag line to represent all ircra supervisor are forward slanted The estimated target. The the center of the of the aircraft tag can controller. Eight possible The following information is i code (transponder identification pilot-controller communications. code or used in 50,11-56 Figure 3-7. Traffic Display Layout -100- b. Indicated altitude (in 100's of feet) c. Latest altitude clearance (in 100's of feet) (+ if the symbol speed d. Vertical aircraft is climbing and - if it is descending.) e. Ground speed (in knots) In a addition this If the number. etc.) is in aircraft some unusual state, hazard or conformance hand-off/hand-over, however, (e.g. alert, computer identification the aircraft area displays (five Normally tag. the aircraft is provided on characters) area message purpose general an appropriate blinking mesgpge is displayed in this area. 2. Terminal area network The terminal area network consists of "nodes" and a set of arcs connecting It defines them. air routes airspace. Each type of node symbol. Two intersection be position of (waypoint), obstructions ground also types represented displayed terminal area within the departure is represented by a distinct nodes, are is available. accompanied by their name nodes if VORTACs and VORTACs currently (hills, radio as arrival and nominal defined. antennas, their and airway etc.) Fixed can existence and waypoints are code while for obstructions the minimum safe altitude is displayed. -1013. Range rings Three concentric range rings They whose are TCA centered around are includea in the display. the location is simulated. They are of the airfield used to provide the controller with a measure of distances. 4. Airfield layout A rough sketch depicting the airfield as well as other runway layout of the primary airfields in the simulated area is displayed. 5. Simulation clock The current simulation time in hours, minutes, and seconds is displayed. Each depending item its displayed with minimum on the relative screen is displayed importance. maximum intensity while beam intensity. ditferent intensiLy Aircraft symbols range rings are A medium setting clock, the terminal area network with is used and tags are displayed with for the simulation and the airfield layouts. In addition to the standard display items, special purpose displays can be overlayed on the screen. Figure 3-8 shows such a special purpose display. operation of this display is presented in chaptr 4. The -102Input Editor 3.6.4 The editing and of display character basis. function is responsible for ATM/C controller Three types of manging the accu mulatio keyboard inputs on keys are defined. a character by Self-insert keys transmit printable character codes that are inserted in the input buffer and on displayed display Instead they cause simple Control keya not stored are passed immediately to the processing of normal in the input key commands and input identification function for further o f quick acinky rcesn Th transmit editing functions to be performed on Finally Quick action keys are single the input line. prcsig screen. are generally characters which non-printable buffer. the is input lines which allows some independent of the actions to be taken without destroying the normal input already in the input buffer. 3.6.5 Input Processor The input the processor is the simulation facility. available for parsing. heart of the It is triggered The input man-machine interface of whenever a command line is processor is responsible for parsing the command line, and identifying and performing the requested function. Parsing linguistic the normal sense input lines of the word resemble* syntax and is usually analysis in the more difficult if the command language is flexible enough to provide a convenient and reliable tool of communication between the ATM/C controller and the software. -103- currently The the has parser implemented features which following enhance its usability: 1. Abbreviation ot verbs and keywords 2. Default settings for required but missing keywords 3. Implicit specification of missing parameters 4. Checks for input consistency first The and controller ATM/C probability of error. as system Abbreviating verbs having totally the and keywords for example make different meaning. understood by the cases however, In most among them. that are inconsistent result in inputs erroneous commands increase also they command will be that a misspelled it more probable while software the between tie of communications the ease three enhance As an example, a clearance for an aircraft to climb to 10,000 feet while something is wrong, though it is not it is now at 20,000 indicates that by any means clear addressed. descend Probably the wrong possible that the ATM/C It is however instead information what is wrong. on of climb that or current the aircraft's checks for data consistency. have vast and deserves extensive the study altitude. in future controller meant controller ATM/C been included. aircraft was A variety has wrong of such The subject is however research regarding the design of the man-machine interface of the automated ATM/C system. -104- CTID Update 3.6.6 CTID The function in update the modified data Flagging of modified. Information Display has been Controller Tabular on the data after some triggered function that performed is the responsibility of the the modification. screen to provide the ATM/C controller system status and performance. significant departure display been has from current practice the that display is a a secondary TD to also which uses the against two separate The argument ATM/C data on the with alphanumeric use of The supplementary information. displays the VT-100 video Information Display uses Controller Tabular The controller at look can the supplementary data without being distracted from his primary task, that of monitoring of target movements on the TD. Minimizing the distraction is of course desirable. from the ATM/C controller's primary task It is not clear however that use of a secondary display will result in greater distraction if it is directly adjacent emphasis has been time little to the TD screen. given to the At the same distraction resulting from the additional effort required to access supplementary information. second display will visible at thus minimize accessing time current CTID configuration divided into four sections The following information. displayed: more data can be provide more display area so that one time and is shown each types in figure 3-9. displaying of a The and effort. The different information are The screen is type of currently - X-. -6, L- PD TYPE |CtRE CAV A -EA T ___ -ere iaq: L.50 mriutes -FRE7RD ELAY SHIFT : ET9 I ~ *... Naim dela: 4.75 minutes ivage shifts: 2 . -Cumt eb.iective Ai- AASLi-3 AAS4 : MINItZE AVERACE DELAY CUidi T2 j CU TR~ Mt S± A -.Runwe in use... 2 Parvatter setting,- 29.95 Uind fron 200 at 10 knots.Ceiling at 3000 feet: -.Visibilit'a 3 NM . 7 - r TL.TO IANJU DIRECT; SPEED 200; DESCENID TO 60 - E0:08:00 'iL LY 40 FROM HTM; SPEED 180; DESCEND TO 50 09:30 TR HDC 90 SPEED IM0 DESCENT TO 40 90 13:00 Figure 3-9. Controller Tabular Information Display Layout -1061. Airport scheduling data 2. Simulation statistics 3. ATC messages 4. Computer generated commands When there is more data of some type screen section on which the data scroll the defined for different section data within this the purpose. screen section. however. than there is space in the is displayed, the ATM/C controller can display section Currently each Several types In that case using quick type of of data the ATM/C action keys data occupies a can share controller will a screen be able to chose which data type he wants displayed at any one time. 3.7 Implementation Status TASIM is currently fully operational conventional terminal area ATM/C system. for simulations of The only conventional function which has not yet been implemented is tracking of radar targets. ATM/C automation software, has already been Plan Generators, Monitor software runway scheduling is implemented. of the Development of the Command Generator, is, therefore, required undergone approximately 60 performance has been satisfactory. hours of Of the the only function that and before Nominal and Flight of the Conformance experimentation and testing of the fully automated ATM/C system can begin. far the debugging TASIM runs has and thus its To date, however, there has been no systematic testing of all its functions. -107- CHAPTER 4 THE RUNWAY SCHEDULING PROBLEM 4.1 Introduction The runway scheduling problem addresses the Given a certain configuration consisting of Nr runways, and the current position ot a set of Na aircraft wishing to each aircraft i, a runway n runway, STAR. criterion, spectrum land or takeoff, assign to and the scheduled time of arrival at that such that some objective function, or system efficiency1 , is optimized. of operational there can following question: The schedules are and safety constrained requirements. be substantial improvements As by a wide Dear has .shown, in runway capacity and aircraft delays when runway scheduling is applied. [DEA 76] Scheduling variation in improves runway the minimum standards between pairs time efficiency by taking interval of aircraft. type etc.). of operations Methods operations have involved for determining been developed by ATC separation These intervals are ATC safety requirements, and vary depending the allowed advantage of the based on the on the type of aircraft and (arrival-arrival, arrival-departure, the minimum in connection time with intervals between runway capacity (1) The term efficienc.y is used to stress the fact that runway capacity maximization is not always the main objective. Runway capacity can be traded off against reductions in aircraft delay, as well as against more equitable distribution of delays or other user costs. -108- Appendix A ([PAR 81a], [HOC 74]). models. illustrates how scheduling affects aircraft delays through an example involving aircraft of varying landing speeds. A substantial improvement can also be realized through coordination of basis. current practicedepartures In stream allow it. the landing some for both landings scheduling decisions due to critical length. departure queue dissipates. soluion to^ which seems adequate gaps unavailability of prbl implementable, queue increases beyond If the departure is the As , thi +pr-ioa meho is inevitable today can in the request until the with case necessarily efficient. but not when gaps in are inserted only are created by tower controller landing stream, gaps on a tactical and takeoffs desgne all A to be U easily --. runway time Much idle be eliminated through procedural scheduling the usage of the runway system. Runway scheduling is tactical. The schedules the known traffic at any given time. schedule will have to be updated every time on intention to land or takeoff known to known aircraft, the are generated based This means that the runway a new aircraft the ATM/C system. possible formulations of the problem makes its Given a set of fall into two distinct categories: The static formulation assumes that every aircraft in the system is capable of arriving at the runway threshold (for takeoff or landing) at t . Stated differently. this implies that or after some reference time -109- the current position of aircraft in the terminal area (or the gates) is of no importance to the scheduling problem. as long as they exception of constrained assumption the t . greater than aircraft chosen only the by simplifies in time which accounted for to ininimum greatly formulations implicitly are the is not through All STAR's will be feasible As a consequence, operate first, separation problem an STAR's are requirements. since explicit minimum the with the time This it allows some variable, but intervals between is consecutive operations. The dynamic broad framework of above assumption airspace or at aircraft addresses runway ATM1/C in the terminal area. is weak since As the earliest a result each scheduling the position (within time that within the It recognizes that the the aprons) and the operational affect threshold. formulation the terminal area characteristics of each it can aircraft's STAR reach the runway is constrained by the position of the aircraft at the time rescheduling occurs. 4.2 Definitions This section gives formal definitions are extensively used here are the for terms and variables that throughout the chapter. ones applicable only to specific defined as they are needed. Variables not appearing t sections. Those will be -110We will generally assume that there are Na aircraft to be scheduled When aircraft are on Nr runways. classified into types, Nt will denote the number of distinct aircraft types. Lower case i and Usually letters i, j will j, k, 1, m, and n will to specific refer be used as indices. aircraft, m and n will index runways, and k and 1 will be used to index aircraft types. The set of aircraft for which is called the decision aircraft ae, A d scheduling decisions have to be made A d, and is defined as: = {l,2,...,N } The set of active runways is denoted by R and defined as: R ={,2,...,N r } Two functions, which provide aircraft and those the denotes the correspondence between indices of of runways and aircraft types, index of the runway assigned are defined. to aircraft RWY(i) i. Similarly TYPEi) denotes the index of the aircraft type to which i belongs. The schedule of runway operations will be denoted by S defined as the set S = { STAR. : i=1,2,...,N , a in n=1,2,...,N r }- 4-1 and is -111STAR. is the time aircraft i in where, as before, will be set to if n/RWY(i) and it n. STAR.in is meaningless at runway is scheduled to arrive zero by convention. formulation of In the mathematical integer 0-1 through specified will be assignment of and the of operations the sequcnce the runway scheduling variables problem aircraft to runways e.. Ij nm These . are defined as follows: if n = RWY(i), and m = RWYj) 1 and STAR. in ij nm jm jand if i e.. < STAR. P = m = RY(i) 4-2 0 otherwise i and different aircraft for two i.e. j, if e.. =1, aircraft i is scheduled to operate before aircraft j. given a Under set of separation and interval allowed between two aircraft i m respectively will be denoted by s. standards, . minimum time the j assigned to runways n and The subscripts used stress the dependence of the minimum time separations on the aircraft pair i and js as well two as the runway on operations not have do for requirement which each aircraft operates. s.. to be to be in direct Note that the The only succession. applicable is that aircraft i precedes Ij nm j, is set to By convention, s.. e.. =1. ijnm ijn negative number when runways n and m are independent. aircraft i.e. a large -112- that imply scheduled cannot be chapter 2, section 2.2.2, time constraints, discussed in The lead time revised. Ad aircraft set, A. are not aircraft Such or their the runway at of arrival A , whose by aircraft, denoted of a set be there will runway assignment the decision included in have to be taken into account in However, they still the new schedule since they affect the schedules of other aircraft which The runway schedule, therefore, is are still eligible for rescheduling. Ad, while aircraft in tne set A0 optimized over all aircraft in the set appear in maintained. the The constraints set A+ that insure to aircraft in of all separations proper the terminal are area ATM/C system can now be defined as: A= + 0o d A UA Latest Feasible Time of Arrival at The concept of the Earliest and Runway the was definitions by making as the aircraft. formalize their explicit their dependence on the runway, as well chapter in We will denote them by depend LFTAR. in and now introduced on the 2. We in and LFTAR.in . EFTAR. characteristics aircraft EFTAR. in (primarily its airspeed) and represent the time interval within which eacn aircraft can reach the runway threshold from its current position. For landing aircraft, this interval reflects the flexibility provided by the TFPG in expediting the aircraft through delays imposed by the schedule. the terminal area and in absorbing Note that, if holding is allowed at the entry fixes, LFTAR. for landing aircraft in will not be limited by flight planning considerations before the aircraft reach the entry fix or while -113- they are holding there. At that stage of the approach, fuel availability limiting factor for LFTAR. . onboard the aircraft is the in For takeoffs. . EFTAR. reflects the taxi time to runway n, while LFTAR.in will typically in be very large since there need be any not how long restriction to aircraft may be on gate hold. that, given the proper When LFTAR. is very large, it is possible in conditions, aircraft i will be pushed at the end time schedule runway the possibility, an aircraft the position In is revised. of . POS. and min aircraft i max i avoid to in the in the overall such a sequence of We will denote by minPOS and i can occupy and maximum positions that aircraft in the sequence within a certain runway n. position order can occupy operations will need to be constrained. POS. , the minimum in max of the sequence every The limits applicable to the sequence will be denoted by POS.. i Finally, in the mixed integer linear programming formulation of the next section, we wil.1 use the symbol M to denote a very large positive constant. 4.3 Formulation of the Dynamic Runway Scheduling Problem We are now in the position to formlate the dynamic runway scheduling problem as a mixed integer mathematical program. Find STAR. and in , for i,jEA e.. ijnm and n,mER, that minimize some specified objective function Z(S) and satisfy the following constraints. -114- 1. Scheduling Constraints jm M jimm V .V b) 2. STAR . jcAd -"LER < LFTAR. 'e .. 3m jm 33mm Sequencing Constraints V jcA d e.. i. a) E icA+ > >- . POS. *e.. n jm 3jm V meR ifj b) e.. < POS. 'e.. Zjmm - max Jm JJmm x -iPA V j6Ad V mER i#j c) - e. > minPOS V jeAd e .. < V jEAd neR mcR iEA i#j d) neR mER iEA POS. -115- 3. Spacing Constraints + s.. ijnm ijnm 'e.. ju --> STAR.in STAR. - (1 - e..)' )jnm V icA+ and jEA+ V nER and mER 4. Assignment Constraints S{0,1} e.. 1j ff b) V iEA , jEA V nER , mER V e.. jeA d mER cE (ij )= + e.. j imnf nm 1 V jEA d + V iE-A -{j} nER mER ifj d) z e..jriijm- < M'e.jm jjm V jEA , V mER nER iEA ifj - e) < M'e.. e.. j imn JJaM d V jEA , V mER nER iEAI The scheduling constraints (la and lb) simply require that, for all aircraft j j, STAR. jm lies in the interval [EFTAR. ,LFTAR.J isassigned to runway mi (i.e. if e..* J 1m when aircraft j n = 1). When aircraft j is not -116to be zero, which assigned to runway m, the two constraints force STAR. is consistent with the convention adopted for that case. and 2b, the summation of aircraft e.. assigned to e.. over all ijmm operate on i and is zero unless both j. scheduled to operate before In constraints 2a operate similarly. sequencing constraints The aircraft i, is runway m j When prior to aircraft j,since runway m and are assigned to j the number of i is is not assigned to runway m, the right hand side of the constraint becomes zero. Consequently, all e.. 1JMM are constrained to be zero. and 2b except that they Constraints apply to 2c and 2d are equivalent to 2a the position of aircraft j in the overall sequence. In the spacing compared to the to 1, i.e. aircraft that problem variables and parameters. when aircraft i j operates STAR. constraints, M is assumed to be is greater than STAR. in jin minimum time separation between the e.. When is assigned to operate on its assigned runway m, by at a large constant e.. .5isequal on runway n before the constraint insures least s. in two operations. , the required In all other cases is zero and the constraint is redundant, since the right hand side is dominated by M. Finally, the sequencing assignment constraints insure that variables sequencing variables to are consistent. Constraint the two integer values 0 the values of the 4a and 1. limits the Constraint 4b requires that every aircraft is assigned to a runway once and only once. -117Constraint 4c insures that either aircraft i is scheduled after aircraft j, or j is scheduled after i, but not both. 4e state that if e.. jjMm all aircraft i and is zero, runways e.. ijnm n. Finally, constraints 4d and and e.. This jimn insures should also be zero for that each aircraft is consistently assigned to one runway. The objective function of function the schedule S examines runway in the above (i.e. formulation of the STAR. 's). in efficiency measures and is a general The next section develops alternative objective functions to be optimized by runway scheduling. 4.4 Measures of Runway Efficiency Runway efficiency is a multi-dimensional quantity. It is impossible to capture every aspect of the operation of the runway system in a single number. collectively, We, describe the therefore, use several term. In measures which, taken this work we will consider the following measures of runway efficiency: 1. Runway capacity 2. Aircraft delay (total or average) 3. Weighted aircraft delay (total or average) 4, Equitable distribution of delay or fuel costs The mathematical several sections for expressions which are each of these measures, are developed in the next functions of the time -118- each aircraft to these expressions We will refer reaches the runway. interchangeably as cost functions or objectiye function. Runway Capacity 4.4.1 Runway capacity is the most of the normal use The runway system. term refers saturation capacity of the to the Saturation capacity is defined as the average number of aircraft that can runway system during some takeoff and/or land at the time, assuming infinite unit of widely used runway efficiency measure. models have been A number of demand. developed to estimate analytically the saturation capacity for a variety Of runway operations coufigurLatius. to operations, At. calculate The the mean Lime iLervals Lhe These modeis use interval time bVeLween between successive saturation capacity is then simply the inverse of At, i.e., At is averaged sequence, over all and over 4-3 = 1/A t C successive pairs all possible of aircraft The sequences. sequence is weighted by its probability for a specific contribution of each of occurrence given some mix of aircraft types. The saturation capacity, as quantified based on a representative aircraft above, is an expected value mix. (1) See for example [PAR 81a] and [HOC 74]. It is, therefore an -119We are interested in optimizing inappropriate measure for our purposes. at a particular instant in time, i.e. the capacity of the runway system based on takeoff. This the capacity wishing to traffic of the "snapshot" a specific capacity will generally be substantially different from Naturally, in the absence of calculated in equation 4-3. by lead time constraints or other operational restrictions, optimizing situation changes, we as the traffic the "snapshot capacity repeatedly land and also optimize the long term capacity of the runway system. The average interval between successive Consider some schedule S. is given by the difference between operations achieved by this schedule the scheduled operation, time the of by divided the last total operation number of and that of operations, the first i.e. the cardinality of the set A+ At(S) = (max {STAR. isA+ in 4-4 neR nER The runway system min {STAR. }) / MA+) - in icA+ throughput rate can now be defined as the inverse of the average interval between successive operations: TR(S) = 1 / 6t(S) Throughput rate is maximized if last operation is minimized. can thus be used 4-5 as the the interval between the first and the The last (or maximum) scheduled time (MST) objective function Formally the objective function can be written as: for the optimization. -120- Z(S) = MST(S) = max { STAR. } . eA+in 4-6 nER and section 4.3 optimization of the is a minimax problem since the objective becomes: min Z(S) = min idA+ max { STAR. i . . + +in iEA neR nER function can new objective The normal minimization new decisinu min by a standard variable t a, converted back be easily transformation, i.e. by into a defining a by substituting t max for the above objective and by adding the following set of constraints: V jEA , V mER STAR. < t jm - max 4.4.2 Aircraft Delays Delays system are experienced responsible for direct operating cost the by increase in aircraft a within the large fraction of airline (fuel, crew salaries, elIc.) the block time cost is also increased due to for the trip. terminal is area ATH/C costs. The increased due to The indirect operating the lower aircraft utilization rate (e.g. passenger miles per unit of time). The cost of the trip as perceived by -121- is also increased the passenger air travel. average speed of decrease the since delays effectively These effects on airlines and passengers alike are particularly obvious on short trips. experienced by an The delay aircraft in the terminal the aircraft arrives at the assigned difference between the actual time the time it would runway and The latter traffic. runway, PTAR., have arrived in the is called We note that the absence of other area is the the preferred absence of any other time of arrival at the runway assigned to the aircraft in the traffic will be the one the aircraft can safely reach So if we let PTAR.in be the prefe.rred time of arrival at runway n first. we have: PTAR. 2 =. min d { PTAR.ini iEA nER For planning purposes we will use STAR instead of the actual time of arrival at the runway which, of course, is not known. The aircraft delay is given by: d. = STAR. - PTAR. nER or d. = S TAR WY(i) - PTAR. since STAR. is non-zero only for n = RWY(i). in Several delay related objectiv-e functions can be of interest. -122- is simply given aircraft delay, TAD(S), The total all the aircraft in the delays experienced by system. by summing the For some runway schedule S therefore, N a d. TAD(S) i=1 The average aircraft delay is given by: AD(S) = TAD(S) / N any For constant. instance a of the runway scheduling problem. Na is a The total and average aircraft delay are therefore equivalent objectives, since the schedule that minimizes one will also minimize the Furthermore since other. N a TAD(S) = ( ~1 STAR iRWY(i)i - PTAR.) i=1 Na Na STAR. RWY()- i=1 and de lay the second is. i-1 term is a constant. minimization af equivalent .tao minimiz ing the. Aum The objective functions considered the cost associated 4-7 PTAR. average aircrafl f .the. STJAR'Ia. thus far implicitly assume that with aircraft delays is the same for all aircraft. -123This delay weighted the unit time of delay importance attached to aircraft to vary. total The true. generally is not allows the experienced by different We define N a w.d. TWD(S) 1 3. i=1 importance, the relative w. is where or weight, unit time of of the delay experienced by aircraft i. will weights The typically associated with a unit time of same weight will be and the be representative delay (e.g. of the costs the direct operating cost), applied to all aircraft of the same type. i.e. w. = w. 1 J if TYPE(i) = TYPE(j) This assumption is necessary for chapter. In general some algorithms presented in this however, each aircraft may be weight. The average weighted delay is defined as: N AWD(S) = TWD(S) / w i.=1 ) assigned a distinct -124Since the denominator is again a constant for each instance of the problem, the two objective runway scheduling functions are equivalent. Similarly, the weighted sum of the STAR's, N N WSST(S) w. ( i=1 N STAR. ) n=1 a = 4-8 w.STARiR(i) i:l is also equivalent to TWD(S) and to AWD(S) and will be the general objective function used when discussing optimization of aircraft delays. We now turn to an even more general case of delay related objective functions, where the contribution of each aircraft is additive, but each contribution is not necessarily a linear function of the delay. We will refer to this class of objective as Generalized Weighted Delays. N a 4-9 f.(d.) GWD(S) i=l Note that f. may be distinct a special case of GWD(S) for which f.'s delays, i.e. f. :1 =w.d. i 1 for each aircraft, and that TWD(S) is + (constant) are linear functions of the -125- User Cost Distribution: The CPS Methodology 4.4.3 of delay (or other cost) distribution We finally turn to the issue the among Inequities system. in the of of usersI classes users, or distribution of area ATM/C the terminal almost always user costs of multi-user systems is performed. arise when system-wide optimization Such inequities will not be tolerated by the users, and it is essential that they are dealt with by the optimization process. Objective functions can be developed the cost (instead maximum user optimization criterion, of the for example, to remedy this situation. the optimum as the schedule will be such that all user costs will tend to be roughly the same. this approach is that such is used average cost) If The drawback with optimization criteria are generally too weak to result in significant improvements on a system-wide basis. A preferable method which insure the schedules users. cost impose on constraints non-preferential treatment of the runway all system A wide variety of explicit constraints can be imposed to achieve this goal. can is to For example, the average cost experienced by each user class be constrained experienced by constraint will not to exceed all the system a certain percentage users collectively. alleviate large inequities of the average This type of 4ut there is no guarantee One obvious (1) Users may ,be classified in several different ways. classification may be by aircraft -type, while in discussing cost distribution, it may be more appropriate to put all aircraft of each airline in a distinct user class. -126- that class will some user consistently discriminated against. not be The reason is that they do not remove the cause of the inequities. They merely limit their effect. is best maximized efficiency characteristics. aircraft runway scheduling problem in the Inequities of the same where those maximum efficiency. with similar of aircraft by "bunching" in the case is particularly evident This arise because runway landing speed should of landing be bunched for Departing aircraft behave similarly with respect to the departure route assigned to them and to the runway on wnich they are to take As a off. consequence, "minority" aircraft, those that i.e. pushed back in the schedule. The phenomenon avoided of "bunching" suggests that by restricting rather than the position by restricting the This experiences. aircraft in amount of delay each therefore, limit the position constraints which The Constrained work will, of the inequities can be best group ot aircraft concentrate on of the aircraft Position Shifting (CPS) methodology, the sequence a class of in the sequence. proposed by Dear, is designed to achieve this goal [DEA 76]. CPS seeks aircraft in to limit the forward the ATM/C system. and 4ackward The nominal sequence movement of all of operations (as (1) See section 4.6 for further discussion of this effect. Also extensive analysis of aircraft [DEA 76) and [PSA 78) include bunching for the case of scheduling landings on a single runway. -127basis the as is used PTAR's) relative the by determined for the constraints imposed on the position of aircraft in the optimal schedule. The from the can nominal position that to any arbitrarily set be is set to N When MPS sequence is unconstrained. of zero an MPS For and is feasible MPS only the optimization is no to N , better and a better (from the function) schedules can be of the value of the objective point of view determined. value. MPS increases from 0 As achieved. any aircraft. will be allowed for operations of sequence nominal the largest deviation (MPS) is of Position Shifts Maximum number of all aircraft in the the position Experience has shown that MPS values of 4 or 5 achieve values for the objective function that are very close to those At the same time it insures without any position shifting constraints. non-preferential treatment of all aircraft in the ATM/C system.1 The constraints sequencing CPS implement the allowable position methodology. in for each min POS in) are expressed in absolute terms. max Ci) + MipS POS. = POS in nom and min POS. in POS (1) See for example nom [DEA Ci) - MiS 76]and [PSA 78] of seccion 4.3 maximum and minimum formulation Note that sequence in the the the aircraft One could let maxPOS. and -128to make the relationship of the limits on the position of aircraft i to its position in the nominal sequence. POS nom(i) explicit. The absolute form of the sequencing constraints allows the CPS methodology to be used as For schedule. some example, we can aircraft by to the aircraft operate in variety of imposing a a means of setting the have direct control of we can force direct succession if needed. made available for that two aircraft to Such options can controller, as a means to the ATM/C to the the position of maximum positions minimum and Similarly, same value. operational constraints and will be of controlling the scheduling function of the automation software. 4.5 The Complexity of the Runway Scheduling Problem For each problem of the quantity we can identify a number which is representative of input variables defining it. the size of the problem. This number is called size of the runway scheduling problem may The be the number of 0-1 variables in the formulation of section 4.3 i.e., SIZE(RSP) = (N N )2 a r The time complexity, of size n, is defined as time units T(n), of an algorithm that solves some problem some function f(n) such required to obtain a solution is that: the number of equal to Cf(n), for some constant C. We then say that the time complexity of the algorithm is af Iag order aL f(n), and write: T(n) = O(f(n)) -129is a property of algorithms rather Even though the time complexity the time complexity of a problem itself, we can talk about than of the mean the time complexity problem if that is understood to of the most efficient algorithm that can solve the problem. time complexity of the runway scheduling In order to determine the . and Consequently, the formulation is a mixed integer linear program function is also a long as the objective (MILP) as the on the of the problem variables, STARi schedules are all linear functions e.. that are imposed set of constraints note that the problem, we minimized. This variables. problem - transformation can be the is MST(S) When obviously the is objective obtain an used to linear function of case when function, equivalent MILP WSST(S) is a standard as shown in section 4.4.1. In the case of generalized weighted delays there is no exact method which will transform the problem into the standard MILP formulation. can however approximate this problem function by weight a piece-wise as an MILP if We we substitute each linear approximation (see [BRA 77]). Furthermore, if all the generalized weights, f (d ) are convex functions of d., aircraft delays the the approximation does not increase the complexity of the problem. The (e.g. time complexity Branch O(exp[(N aNr ) 2]). of the and Bound) that best known general solves the runway urpose algorithm scheduling problem is This value can be improved by recognizing that, due to -130- the assignment constraints of section is not independent. aircraft all min. We will show problem is exponential with respect complexity of the in the 's For example. if e.inn is set to 1 for some value of has to be zero for n, then e.. 4.3, the selection of the e.. system and polynomial with that the time to the number of respect to the number of active runways. To make the discussion concrete, a simple algorithm that solves the problem will be analyzed. It consists of generating ot values for eij nm s and solving such set. Obviously sets of values. the remaining linear program for each the algorithm will have to generate only feasible Generating all possible sets of the assignment constraints the feasible sets values and then using to reject the ones that are infeasible will not be an improvement over the classical branch and bound approach. Feasible sets of values can be generated efficiently by first values for e.. 's, and then generating all the possible sequences within each runway. From the assigning aircraft to runways, i.e. selecting 13-nn aircraft sequences the rest of the values can be generated in polynomial time. The number of ways aircraft can be assigned to runways consistently N is (Nr) a since each aircraft can be assigned to any runway (i.e. Nr alternative ways) independently of any other aircraft assignment. (1) Note that, with the exception of the case where GWD(S) is the objective function, the solution to the resulting LP is trivial. -131- Furthermore, runway assignments, specific set of for a the number of distinct sequences that can be constructed are: N r lK ! n=1 where. Kn is the number of aircraft assigned to is of the order of N ! since runway n. This number it is (at least in principle) possible to assign all aircraft to one runway leaving all tne others idle. The time complexity of the runway scheduling problem is therefore, N = 0( T(RSP) (N ) a N ! r Instead of generating a ) all sequences within each runway limit the number of distinct sets the sequencing constraints to further Suppose that each aircraft is only of values that have to be evaluated. allowed to be shifted by nominal position. we may use (forward or at most MPS backward) from its Let us consider the following recursive algorithm for generating sequences within each runway: Step 0: Determine the next aircraft in the nominal sequence that has not been assigned a position. been assigned positions go If all aircraft have to step 3. Otherwise remove this aircraft from the list and continue with step 1. Step 1: Scan the list ot If the allowable positions for this aircraft. list is empty. go to step la. Otherwise go to -132- step lb. Step la: Reset the list of allowable positions for this aircraft. Reenter the aircraft position assignment. level of to the list of aircraft without the previous calling Return to the algorithm. If this is the top calling level then STOP. Step lb: Assign to the aircraft a position from the list that has not been already assigned to another aircraft and delete the position the from list. the allowable If all positions have already been assigned go to step la. Step 2: Apply this algorithm on the aircraft that remain without an assigned position. Upon return from the next calling level go to step 1. Step 3: Generate the e.. jm objective function 's from the sequence. and return to the Evaluate the previous level of the algorithm. This tree. algorithm in trave:sal of a The nodes on the k h level of the tree represent all the possible position assignments tree essence performs "depth-first for runway n to (k-1) aircraft. is Kn+1, where, aircraft assigned to the runway. The Accordingly the depth as before, K n is the of the number of number of branches from each node on the kth level correspond to the number of allowable positions for the k th aircraft. (1) The term depth-first means that the branches out of any node are traversed before any additional nodes on the same level are reached. -133In order to determine the number of branches from each node, let us assume that at the kth level we are considering the aircraft i for which POSnom (i)=k. From the tree there will the root of be exactly (MPS+l) branches since the first aircraft will be allowed to occupy positions 1, The second aircraft will be allowed on positions 1, 2, ... , MPS, 14PS+1. 2, ... , MPS+1, MPS+2. But since one of these positions will be occupied by the first aircraft, there will only be (MPS+1) feasible positions for this aircraft (K -MPS) there as well. By the same reasoning, branches from each will be (MPS+l) number of branches from nodes at the number of positions at each node. level above Finally, the last MPS levels are limited by the that are not yet occupied as opposed to the number of allowable positions. Consequently the total number of the total number of feasible leaves on the tree, and therefore sequences that need to be evaluated is given by: (K -MPS) (MPS)l (MPS+1) (Kn-M Each step of Furthermore, each the algorithm can, be performed leaf of the in polynomial time. tree requires the recursive algorithm to be performed at most K times. part of the The time complexity of the algorithm is therefore dominated by the number of leaves that have to be reached. -134- is when worst case the Again are assigned all aircraft to one By considering MPS to be a constant the number of leaves is runway. N 0( (MPS+1) a number of possible runway combine this result with the We can now assignments to obtain: N T(RSP) = O( r in terms is polynomial which 4-10 [N (IIPS+1)] a of the number runways, of Nr, and exponential in terms of the number of aircraft, Na 4.6 Variations of the Runway Scheduling Problem In this section exact for which problem scheduling examine we all only cases three variations algorithms have the runway appeared in the of aircraft are considered. of section 4.3 are assumed landing literature. In Furthermore, the non-binding. According to the classification of section 4.1, therefore, constraints scheduling the variations to be discussed here belong to the class of static runway scheduling problems. The algorithms Instead we possible and not valid. will will focus on not be described in the assumptions that make how the algorithm The goal will be to: fails when any of quantitative terms. the approach taken these assumptions is -1351. Explore the special characteristics of the problem that emerge, 2. Identify that may the desirable properties of be used to general optimal solutions advantage in obtaining problem, as require additional the well solutions to as undesirable constraints to be imposed ones that in order to insure that the resulting schedules are implementable. 3. Gain insight on various aspects of the problem and on how their interactions affect its complexity. 4.6.1 Scheduling Landings on a Single Runway (MPS=infinity) This is the simplest in It was studied the class of runway scheduling problems. extensively by Dear, [DEA 76]. In our terminology1 the problem can be stated as follows: Given Na aircraft wishing to land on a single runway and assuming that 1. EFTAR. = t PTAR. 3.. 2. LFTAR. = o, 3. 4. max POS. 1 . POS. min 1 o . V i=1.2,....N a V i=l,2,...,N = N aa, = 0 (1) Runway subscripts are suppressed. V i=1,2,....N V i=1,21...,N a not needed for this discussion and have been -136- arrival at the scheduled time of schedule which minimizes the maximum find the runway runway (MST(S)). is some reference time which Here, t can be arbitrarily set to zero. Dear that proves solution the optimal analytically derived, and it is unique. speed and precedes all others of this an calls Dear speeds) sequence. Dear of landing which each aircraft as one in a descending sequence succeeds all others lower (or equal) landing higher (or equal) landing speed. ascending (in terms similarly defines can be The optimal schedule is the one aircraft succeeds all others of in which each problem to this of higher landing speed and precedes all others of lower lainuLg speed. Analytical solutions constraints are imposed derived also are if initial particular. it is In on the landing sequence. final and assumed that there exists one aircraft with fixed landing time STAR =t , 0 0 which is constrained to land constrained to occupy the last position in the sequence. scheduled time of arrival if, which is first and another aircraft, at the runway for i Of course, the is not fixed. The optimal solution in the constrained cases is shown to consist of at most three subsequences, either one ascending and two descending, or two ascending and one descending. The above results the matrix of time are based on the special separations between results, therefore, cannot be extended structure exhibited by successive landings. These to cases which include departing -137aircraft because the arrival-departure separations do not have the same structure. important aspects of bring out several Dear's results the runway scheduling problem. characteristics similar with aircraft of "bunching" of demonstrate the phenomenon 1. They clearly the relationship result of is a direct Furthermore, the bunching in this case). landing speeds similar (i.e. between landing speeds and minimum aircraft separations. 2. initial Imposing schedules the runway solution in two a have a multiplicity of solutions affect the value does not ways: sequence, (i.e. number of aircraft in each since the actual function. on a single ascending unique solution), we now subsequences constraints optimal the affects instead of First, final and Second, aircraft bunching since, even though aircraft of of the three of the objective is not as pronounced the same landing speed are in direct succession within each subsequence, they can now be in" up to different three places in the overall sequence. 3. In every terms of sequences. which case, the optimal aircraft schedules Behind this allows a solutions are not unique but in defined in terms aircraft transformation lies an assumption schedule to be derived from a -138sequence of operations. auLpion. In this We will call case, the it the scheduling scheduling assumption is simply that the runway will not remain idle unnecessarily. Since no scheduling constraints are imposed, the scheduled time of arrival at the runway for any aircraft j can be determined by: STAR. = STAR. + s.. where. i sequence. 13 1 J is'the The algorithms subsections. aircraft directly preceding j in the same scheduling assumption is used in the which will be examined in the next two A more general version of this assumption is used in the heuristic algorithm described in section 4.8. 4.6.2 Scheduling Landings on a Single Runway (MPS<N -1) This version of the runway scheduling problem is similar to the one that was described in the previous subsection. Now however, sequencing constraints are imposed on some or all aircraft. The algorithm does not depend on any particular structure of the sequencing constraints. it was that developed based on each aircraft i can the CPS methodology however, be shifted up to problem can be formulated as follows: we will assume MPS positions backward from its (unique) nominal position, POS nom Since forward or (i). Accordingly the -139Given Na aircraft wishing to land on a single runway. and assuming that, EFTAR. = t PTAR. 1. 1 1 =c2, 2. LFTAR. 3. 4. , 0 V i=1,2...,N V i=1,2,...,N 3..*a POS. = POS nom (i) I max = POS nom (i) . POS. min . 2 ,.**.N + MPS , V i=1, - V i=1, 2 ,.*.,Na iPS , runway schedule which IPS are constants, find the where. POS nom(i) and a minimizes the maximum scheduled time of arrival at the runway (MST(S)). Psaraftis. [PSA 78], this solve First problem. programming algorithm to developed a dynamic that, showed he the given scheduling assumption presented in the previous section and ignoring the sequencing constraints, the Salesman Problem, (TSP). solving TSP's constraints. This for function go to as a classical Travelling problem could be formulated Furthermore, be modified could was the dynamic programming approach letting done by the sequencing incorporate to of the value the objective was reached. infinity whenever an infeasible state The approach can also be modified to handle the total aircraft delay and the weighted sum of the aircraft delays as objectives. The time complexity of this algorithm can be shown to be: N T At this point reduced the (RSP) = O(Na 2 a) Psaraftis made time complexity of a key assumption which drastically the algorithm from an exponential to a -140- He took advantage of the polynomial function of the number of aircraft. fact into categories can be classified that aircraft with similar characteristics. (or types) each These types can be defined such that, for all i=1,2,...N a s..j TYPE(j) = TYPEk) iff ( = each category, within all 5 1} = s. s.. i.e. S.k and aircraft are indistinguishable with respect to their time separations. This original assumption state-stage formulation. The allows a more compact diagram associaLed worst case (in representation the dynamic programming with the terms of of time complexity) for the modified formulation occurs when each of the aircraft types contains the same number of aircraft. Letting Nt be the number of aircraft types and denoting by rxl the smallest integer which is greater or equal to x, the time complexity of the modified algorithm is N TMDP (RSP) = O( Nt EN a/Ntt1+1]t ) The time complexity of the function of the number of modified algorithm is then a polynomial aircraft. It remains with respect to the number of aircraft types. T (RSP) are the same type. identical when N t=N a i.e. exponential. however, As expected. TDP(RSP) and when no two aircraft are of -141Unlike the analytical programming approach results derived does not depend aircraft separations. validity of Instead, the optimality by Dear, on a particular the only recursion the structure of the condition necessary is that the dynamic for the separation matrix satisfies the triangle inequality, i.e. S.. + ij for all aircraft satisfied, last triplets S. jk > S. ik i, js and k. When this the information required at each stage is scheduled aircraft as well as the number inequality is limited to only the of aircraft in each aircraft class that have not yet been scheduled. We can generalize inequality is false this result by but, for any observing that if the triangle i, j, k, four aircraft 1, the inequality: s + sjk+ skl > sii is satisfied, we can assure correct on two scheduled the program. last Similarly, aircraft spacing by maintaining information at every-stage if the equivaLent inequality of the dynamic is satisfied for all aircraft n-tuples the state representation of the dynamic program has to maintain information on the last n-2 aircraft in order to assure correct separations among all aircraft pairs. In thik general complexity of the algorithm is: T (RSP) = O( Nt(n-2) [[N a/Nt 1+1] t case, the time -142- This landings are to be scheduled. not if hold j case, however, the is not inequality. may pairs between two of n for mixed operations is 5 or is. it is possible to insert 2 or 3 departures between some the required separations aircraft without increasing of landing triangle inequality aircraft- scheduled departing is a takeoffs and when both In particular. the landings. i and k. The typical value 6. That satisfies the triangle aircraft the separation matrix For landing between them. It constraints are handled. Namely, each conditions that instead of the same way the The scheduled time of now the sequencing constraints are state would now have to one. satisfy two feasibility requirement would be only additional arrival at it may seem At first, studied by Psaraftis. can be handled that these scheduling programming formulation to the included in the dynamic runway scheduling problem if happens what consider to is instructive well as the the runway as value of the objective function associated with each state would have to be stored. this Unfortunately, is the case only when tne runway throughtput rate is maximized. When other to guarantee the dynamic perspective, objective functions are optimized. an optimal solution program is not when this approach fails because the optimality satisfied. criterion for Looking at it from a different scheduling constraints are imposed the state-stage description is incomplete unless the time variable is introducea as part -143- of it. In particular, time has to be the stage variable along with the number ot aircraft for which scheduling decisions have been made. more Another, subtle, the is that longer valid. types is no aircraft into problem In the classification of absence of scheduling constraints, it is reasonable to assume that aircraft of a specific type in their relative will land order in which aircraft of objective function. are In present. nominal order. a certain class This is no In any land has no effect on the longer true when scheduling constraints essence, aircraft each type within each has distinct limits indistinguishable since case, the relative are no longer on its scheduled time of arrival at the runway. 4.6.3 Scheduling Landings on Independent Runways (MPS<Na-1) We now are active. turn to the In case where two (or more) independent all other respects the problem runways considered here is very similar to the ones considered in the previous two sections. Given N aircraft wishing to land on two independent runways, and assuming that, (1) Two runways are independent when aircraft operations on the two In effect, each runway can be runways need not be coordinated. scheduled as if the other did not exist. -1441. PTAR. 2. LFTAR. EFTAR. = t . o in in 00 in V i=1,2,..., V n=1,2 V , 3. maxPOS.in = POS nom (i) + MPS 4. . POS. in min = POS nom i) - V i=1,2,...N a V n=12 S V i=1,2,-...,N a V n=1.2 ' , runway schedule wnich MPS are constants, find the where, POS nom(i) and a V n=1,2 minimizes the maximum scheduled time of arrival at the runway (MST(S)). In the absence of any sequencing constraints, this problem could be to extended a as formulated dynamic solve it program and This [PSA 78]. Psaraftis' algorithm approach fails can be when sequencing constraints are present. author developed The Bound algorithm were incorporated by introducing to solve this was used and sequencing The 2-tour TSP formulation problem, [PAR 78]. constraints a Branch and artificial nodes in its graph representation. In the graph representation of the unconstrained problem, each node an aircraft represents aircraft was possible represented by a position constrained problem can modified graph. larger than and that number of nodes each assignment runway be shown to be for a 2-tour nodes on the new The number of of the modified graph, each In the to be scheduled. graph of the corresponding to a the aircraft. TSP defined The on the graph is considerably unconstrained problem. Both -145problems, however, are shown to be constrained airft problem of the same time complexity, i.e the is exponential with respect to number .0 the in the system as opposed to the number of nodes in the modified graph. In addition has the to having exponential time same problems as complexity, this algorithm Psaraftis' dynamic programming approach with respect to scheduling constraints and inclusion ot departing aircraft. 4.7 Heuristic Versus Exact Algorithms The three variations of runway scheduling discussed in the previous section provide good evidence of the complexity of the problem. The most striking observation is the rapid increase in the complexity of the problem as new constraints are section 4.6.1 are gained in the aircraft into types in section The unconstrained can be solved analytically. introduced (section advantage imposed. Finally all becomes exponential. programming approach is quickly lost when a 4.6.3. Once sequencing constraints 4.6.2), the problem dynamic problem of The by classifying second runway is introduced approaches fail when scheduling constraints or departures are introduced. The complex general runway scheduling problem than the Furthermore, a any of variations new solution has to (landing or departing) (&ection 4.3) that have be found every time enters the terminal area ATM/C is far more been examined. a new aircraft system. In view -146of the restrictions imposed on the algorithm by the environment in which it has to operate, it is necessary to abandon the search for strictly optimal schedules. The alternative is to use heuristic algorithms which will generate near optimal schedules within the time limits imposed by the real time operation of the ATM/C system. Heuristic algorithms consist generate new feasible way. The of a set solutions to the problem at rules are usually local solution that has of rules that in nature. function, to generate a new therefore, a local variation of hand in a systematic They are thus far resulted in the best feasible solution. the current best are used to applied to the value of the objective Each new solution is, solution. The newly generated solution is compared to the current best and the one producing the best terminates value when for the the objective function is kept. current solution The algorithm is better than all its local variations generated by the algorithm. There are First, two disadvantages associated the solution found by with heuristic algorithms. the heuristic may be far from optimal. Second,; since the heuristic rules are usually local in nature, the value of the final solution may vary greatly depending on the initial solution used to start performance of may, the algorithm. In many a heuristic algorithm can situations, the be ascertained. for example, have a "worst case performance of 2". worst case An algorithm This means that -147the value of the objective function resulting from the heuristic solution will be at most twice that of the optimal value. The average loss in performance with respect to the strictly optimal solution is usually much less severe than indicated by the worst case performance based on of the algorithm. pathological cases which Worst case performance is usually are seldom, if ever, encountered in real applications. A much performance, more indicative i.e. on the average. 2 may, optimal. measure how close to for a heuristic is the average the optimal are the heuristic solutions A heuristic, for example with worst case performance of on the average, generate solutions that are within 10% of the An extreme example of this discrepancy between the average and worst case performance of algorithms is the Simplex method used to solve Linear Programs.2 In the worst case, the time required optimal solution using the Simplex to obtain the algorithm is an exponential function of the number of constraints.3 The average performance of the algorithm, however, is a polynomial function of this number. Simplex method is, understandably, due average versus worst case The success of the to this tremendous difference in performance. Unfortunately, the average (1) Assuming the objective function is to be *Minimized. The analogous definition applies for maximization of the objective function. (2) In this case the performance is in terms of time required to obtain the solution since the Simplex method is an exact algorithm. The principle, however, remains the same. (3) See [PAP 82] -148performance of an algorithm is often much more difficult to derive (or even estimate) than its worst case performance. The heuristic algorithm important advantages which this application. First, the which has. been implemented make it a very example. that process of mathematical formulation there exist formulation a variety of in nature, or adopted. In to operate not amenable the runway the schedules. necessary to force an aircraft to land aircraft are in to the scheduling problem, other operational constraints controller may want to impose on two functions is a typical world applications often impose constraints either qualitative mathematical of constraints and problem usually involves a degree Linearization of higher order In addition, real are attractive alternative for We will discuss some of the most important ones. objective function in an optimization of idealization. in TASIM has that the ATM/C For example, it may be as soon as possible, or to force direct succession. Even if the general problem formulated in section 4.3 could be solved in polynomial time, it would probably be impossible to incorporate the full repertoire of other constraints which would be required remains in control of to insure that the ATM/C controller the automated decision support system. The heuristic procedure can handle arbitrary forms of constraints as well as arbitrary objective functions. Seconds at all times prior there exists a feasible solution. to the termination of the heuristic This is not the case with all optimal -149- algorithms. first In feasible solution availability of a dual algorithms, the of them, the an important subset is obtained the optimal The solution. may be very important feasible solution at all times from an operational aspect. since within the overall system in which the process spaced to but terminate abruptly. occur at used solutions. When there allowed generate scarce, strict These events stochastic effectively to require the optimization a number of events may algorithm is embedded, intervals. in controlling the is plenty better are usually time allowed of time property for When the can be reaching good available the solutions. time limits may be This not evenly algorithm is time available is imposed on the algorithm and we are still assured of obtaining a good solution. Third, in real objective that should problem at are hand. all possible world applications, be optimized. Runway capacity, The problem overwhelming majority objective from that of the a single the case with the costs. etc.. Exact algorithms often of attributes that constitute a "good" of real world function that seldom aircraft delays, user is compounded near-optimal solutions exist. is This is clearly candidates for optimization. fail to capture the multiplicity solution. there by the fact that, problems, a substantial in the number of Each may result in a value of the primary is indistinguishable, efor practical purposes. strictly optimal value. Yet, they may rate (1) In the case of runway scheduling such an event may be a new aircraft entering the system. -150- than the higher substantially to with respect is designed to The heuristic objectives. latter the secondary make intelligent trade-offs among alternative solutions based on secondary objectives. In many situations, including algorithm may heuristic procedures adopting be the only may mathematical viable easily inferior solutions, formulation, the problem alternative. compensate even when can be at hand, The for the the problem, solved through a heuristic advantages of possibility of in its idealized efficient polynomial algorithms. AL A A TL ~~~ Alf----- The heuristic adopted [DEA 76]. by Dear A In qr-o atP'i 1 myn algorithm implemented in to generate number of TASIM uses the feasible sequences important in a improvements have basic idea systematic way, been introduced, however. The scheduling logic has been extended to provide for multiple runways; time varying scheduling finally, the algorithm has been constraints have been incorporated; adapted to the real-time environment in which it has to operate. The heuristic consists of three parts or stages. In the initialization stage, the problem parameters are set up according to the "state" of the ATM/C system at current time. The second stage is a feasibility search which generates a feasible solution to be used as the initial solution required by the third stage. The latter is the -151optimization heuristic permutations of the none of the which generates current best new sequence. The local permutations allowed by the sequences by local algorithm stops when heuristic rule is better than the current best. 4.8.1 The Initialization Stage The initialization stage of the scheduling algorithm is depicted in figure 4-1. Upon being invoked the algorithm enters this stage. the decision aircraft set, Ad, for rescheduling, A , rescheduling because time from and the set of are generated. the current time. all aircraft ineligible Aircraft may not their current STAR is within a In addition, its position and may constrain a landing its surrounding be eligible for prespecified lead the ATM/C explicitly "freeze" the STAR for some aircraft. generation algorithm First, controller may Finally tpe flight plan from being rescheduled if traffic pattern do not allow modifications to its flight plan to be generated. The scheduling updated next. constraints for all aircraft in tne system are The updating procedure is related to the position of the aircraft along assigned to its previously it. This will assigned flight be discussed plan further in and the runway connection with automatic flight plan generation which is presented in the next chapter. The time next. These separations between all pairs are used during the of aircraft are calculated feasibility and the optimization -152- Figure 4-1. Runway Scheduling Heuristic, Initialization Stage. -153stages. Special want to impose separation requirements that the on specific aircraft are taken ATM/C controller may into account during tnis calculation. The most common reason for be the entry of a new incorporated in the flight plans for them, and The flight plan nominal invoking the scheduling algorithm would aircraft in the system. optimization process aircraft are New by first generating nominal by inserting them in the current schedule. generation is based on prespecified nominal landing and routes. Nominal flight plan generation will be discussed further in the departing routes as well as nominal speeds along these next- chapter.- Landing aircraft in the sequence. be at the end feasible. is not are initially inserted in In most cases, of their nominal position the nominal position for landings will the sequence and the resulting schedule will be It is possible, however, that the aircraft's nominal position at the end of the current schedule. This siLuation will typically exist when travel times from various entry fixes to the runway thresholds differ substantially. schedule will be infeasible. aircraft is moved In this case, it is possible that the Whenever the schedule is not feasible, the backward in the sequence until a feasible schedule results or until it reaches an infeasible position. Of course, when two or more runways are active, the on each active runway are tried nominal as well as subsequent positions before moving the aircraft backward. -154- all other aircraft is not changed by Note that the relative sequence of the insertion. time required for landings than the to reach the runway from an entry An attempt is made to insert new departures in the sequence as far fix. forward as is allowed by their PTAR. enough to large allow the departure to this assigned sloc. The during the optimization stage. active all possibilities are If a gap between two landings is to take off without changing the landing, the departure will initially existing scheduled time of either be much shorter which is typically on taxi time, runway is based the and their preferred time of arrival difference between the current time at the because differently somewhat treated are departures New assignment may Again tried when two before the of course be changed or more runways are departure is moved backward in the sequence. Finally, once schedule the constraint that have generator. aircraft have been incorporated in the list is updated to include any new constraints all the new been imposed by or the flight plan obsolete constraints (e.g. ones having the ATM/C During this process controller to do with aircraft which are not in the decision set Ad) are deleted. 4.8.2 The Feasibility Stage In general, the algorithm the schedule generated by will not be feasible. the initialization stage of The algorithm will, therefore, -155- enter the feasibility stage. procedure as the same heuristic the generate the optimal stage to during the in the optimization The only difference is that, schedule. optimization stage, the that its value are used to compare schedules feasibility stage uses a specially This function is Di infeaaibility. called the index defined function defined so one employed objective function(s) the normal while feasible schedule is generated by using A is zero when positive if the schedule is infeasible. the schedule is feasible, and In essence, the method used to to the standard method employed to generate a feasible schedule is akin generate a feasible solution to a linear program.I A variety of forward method infeasibilities. each constraint can be- defined. such functions to is define the here we By infeasibility, is violated. Of as objective The most straight the sum mean the all the amount by which course, the constraints violated do not contribute anything to this sum. of that are not As an example, suppose that according to a schedule STAR. in for some infeasible aircraft i and the and > LFTAR. in some runway contribution of n. the The schedule scheduling is obviously constraint for aircraft i to the infeasibility index would be equal to STAR. -LFTAR. . (1) See for example [SIM 66]. in in -156- the point of value and is feasible schedule corresponding infeasibility the If at any infeasibility is least. the index of one for which is the current best schedule feasibility stage therefore, the During the zero tne enters the to goes index the. algorithm optimization stage with that schedule as the initial solution. The Optimization Stage 4.8.3 The optimization stage section 4.5. The primary motivation 0-1 variables of the formulation easily constracted based can be algorithm constructed in on the is based is that, given the the optimal schedule in section 4.3, on a scheduling values of the assumption consistent with the objectives. In the optimization practice, generation, sequence steps: evaluation. is performed in generation, schedule The flowchart of figure three sequential and the schedule 4-2 depicts the combined operation of the feasibility and the optimization stages. The method for generating sequences of is independent of (current best) the number schedule of runways is used to operations according to their STAR's, on a small single runway. subsequence are At any time, the operations to be evaluated that are define the active. base The input sequence of as if all aircraft were operating positions of aircraft permuted to produce the new sequence. within a We'will -157- YES Figure 4-2. Runway Scheduling Heuristic, Feasibility and Optimization Stages (continues). -158- YES YES Figure 4-2. Runway Scheduling Heuristic, Feasibility and Optimization Stages (continued). -159- call this the active subsequence. The positions of aircraft which are not within the active subsequence are not affected. The procedure begins by defining the active subsequence to include the last K aircraft in the base sequence, where K is an input parameter. The next permutation within the and checked current active subsequence is generated for feasibility with respect to the sequencing constraints relative to the overall sequence (constraints 3c and 3d of section 4.3). If all the permutations within evaluated, aircraft the subsequence in the the current active subsequence have been slides forward. subsequence becomes The position permanent immediately preceding the-first aircraft and of the last the aircraft of the subsequence is included in its place. Once schedule a and scheduling new sequence has thus runway assignment assumption. This can been generated, also be is done by the corresponding determined based on the sequentially considering each aircraft, starting with the first aircraft in the current permutation of the active subsequence and ending with sequence. Note that the last aircraft in the overall only the schedule of aircraft succeeding the ones that have been resequenced could be affected. If the runway assignment of not yet become permanent, (1) the aircraft under the scheduled consideration has times of arrival at the runway Runway assignments usually will become permanent scheduled time of arrival at the runway is frozen. before the -160- are evaluated for all possible runway assignments and the earliest STAR is used. may be infeasible due A runway assignment requirements within the runway, (constraints In addition, reasons. aircraft in 2a and 2b of section 4.3). a runway assignment may be infeasible For example. the runway may be too short question, or the to the sequencing controller may have for operational for the type of explicitly requested that aircraft of that type should not use a certain runway. Given the runway runway is determined respect to all In" adA.Jdion, iL assignment, the scheduled time of arrival at the so that it satisfies the spacing constraints with aircraft for which STAR's have already been determined. to has at the runway EFTAR. . in WpLyiU com tle earLiest feasible time of rival STAR. is therefore given by: in STAR. in max {EFTAR. in , t. in } where, tin The maximization {STARRWY(j) 3max jiRWY(j)n determining t. is performed in preceding i in the sequence under consideration. over all aircraft j If at any point during the schedule generation, any of the remaining constraints is found to be violated, the process is stopped and a new sequence is generated. The evaluation of each schedule generated captures multi-objective nature of the runway scheduling problem. alternative functions are "active" simultaneously. time, the objective ATM/C controller can decide what the A the number of At any relative importance of -161- each objective should active aircraft delay capacity of may the of objective. tertiary the be the may absolute number secondary of the objective, and may be the based on the position shifts of be will presumably The' decision the average maximization objective, primary runway system the minimization be minimization of Thus, be. current traffic situation in the terminal area. is first done is used to objective. is determined. of all active objectives The value The secondary objective based on the primary objective. break ties between that schedule The comparison minimize the primary tertiary objective is used, and so If ties still exist, the been- scanned. on-until all -the-active-objectives-have In the unlikely event that ties still exist, the current best schedule is preserved. Two schedules are considered equivalent with respect to a certain objective if their values are within a certain percentage of each other. This allows, for of thus 2.7 and their example, two schedules which result 2.8 minutes respectively, performance with deciding factor. to be respect to The actual "margin schedules are considered equivalent can in average delays considered equivalent and other objectives of equivalence" within becomes the which the vary depending of the objective in question. The new better. schedule replaces the current best if it is found to be When this happens, the sequence generation process is restarted with the last K aircraft comprising the active subsequence once again. -162- terminates when the forward sliding Accordingly, the optimization stage is not in the subsequence will include an aircraft which of the active decision aircraft set. 4.9 Implementation Status the previous section has been The heuristic algorithm described in as well as can handle both landings and takeoffs, The software provided by TASIM. time environment in the real is currently operational implemented and the features which Some of multiple runway configurations. were described in the previous section for the sake of completeness have not however, because been~implemented, software for flight plan generation, the controller the existence of they require as well as full specification of These scheduling software. interaction with the runway are: 1. Software scheduling constraints applicable determining the software This aircraft. with conjunction and plans flight nominal generating for Currently nominal the will Traffic be Plan flight plans are obtained to each fully in implemented Flight for Generator. as input data and are specific to each entry fix. 2. Software to constraints. accept and The heuristic variety of constraints. process controller is designed to allow imposed a wide The full repertoire of constraints -163controller, however, has be available to the which should not been specified. 3. however, separations should be a fully operational system, on categories and actual the of classification eliminate In of research and development. adequate for the purposes based This is as input data. the separation minima are obtained determined Currently the separation minima. Software for determining This traffic. prespecified into aircraft will runway scheduling algorithm will allow the to treat each aircraft as unique. testing of the runway scheduling There has been limited simulation heuristic. a'very practical method for obtaining It appears to provide an efficient testing is needed, however, in demonstrate very high operational runway schedule at the in terms Further its performance and order to establish gains efficiency rates. of increased runway operational capacity, and reduced delays under given traffic conditions. 4.10 Coordination Among Terminal Area Control Sectors Automatic current ATM/C implementation runway scheduling represents procedures of this in the function a drastic terminal, will require area. departure from In particular, restructuring of the -164coordination procedures among the terminal area control sectors (i.e. approach control, departure control, ground control, In the present landing clearances, system, the Tower but does not is responsible have direct control stream it receives from final approach control, or stream it receives from ground control. is responsible for for sequencing and Tower). over the landing over the departure This means that Final Approach sequencing landings, Ground takeoffs, and the for takeoff and control is responsible Tower is responsible for interlacing the two types of operations. With above the decisions implementation of runway scheduling, are centralized. Assuming all three for the moment of the that the current controller positions in the terminal area remain distinct, it is clear that substantial this point coordination will we cannot provide an be required answer as to how among them. At this should be done. We will, however, briefly describe one possible scenario: The Tower controller decisions regarding the the software, he current has primary responsibility use of the runway system. generates the runway schedule. responsibilities, i.e. assuring for all major With the support of He the safe also maintains his operation of the runway system. (1) Here ground control is the terminal area sectoZ responsible for controlling traffic on the surface of the airport and n=t about the ground control system in general. -165- interacts with the runway scheduling The Tower controller normally establishing the of the purpose for software general strategy. He decides, for example, which objective function should be optimized, what MPS value is appropriate for the particular time of constraints (e.g. tactical impose however, He may, day, etc. specifying tne position aircraft, requiring that two aircraft exchange and/or the STAR for some the software to schedule some landing position in the sequence, forcing at the earliest possible time, etc.) if the need arises. The controller also Tower makes informs the scheduling function of unusual configuration to be used and situations that have to be taken into account. missed approach for rescheduling, that other controllers the runway decisions regarding he enters a For example, Finally, he reviews constraints etc. may have have imposed and negotiates changes if required. The current schedule for departing and controller Ground to the aircraft is made Departure known to the controller. The Ground controller is responsible for the management of the departure queue. He has to insure that the order in which aircraft are queued at each runway holding area is the one required schedule is available, the ground gate hold based on the length decisions can now be made hold interval will depend on by the schedule. Since a precise controller does not have to implement of the departure on an aircraft-by-aircraft the scheduled delay and taxi time for each individuai aircraft. queue. basis. Gate hold The gate on the estimated -166The Final Approach controller obtains scheduling information on all landing aircraft. He is responsible for delivering landings Outer Marker at the time implied by the schedule. schedule by imposing schedule cannot be constraints whenever, safely implemented. in at the He interacts with the his judgement, He is, therefore, the the one most likely to use the tactical constraints which were mentioned above in the discussion of the responsibilities of the Tower controller. Finally, the Entry cnntroller is responsible for landing traffic as it first enters on the holding schedule stacks the terminal area. for landing (when they are He, also, aircraft has complete information and manages needed) in controller manages gate hold operations. the same the way operation of the Ground It is important to note again that runway scheduling allows holding stack management to be done on an aircraft-by-aircraft basis. 4.11 Computer Aided Vectoring for Approach Spacing It is impossible to excpect that a fully automated ATM/C system can be introduced at once. For this reason, it is important to consider the when evolutionary period automation functions are gradually in order to determine the interim needs of air traffic controllers. In order to exemplify how TASIM can be useful in addressing this type of problem. a special purpose display was designed and implemented. -167- The display is designed final spacing runway without provides the The display visual method to time the final controller with a controller in aircraft at the flight planning. of automated support assist the delivery of landing achieving accurate the to turn onto the runway centerline. of the final The geometry of part final vectoring the vectoring display figure 4-3) (shaded in area approach area, shown in 3-8). The final a point called the (also figure starts at figure 4-3, is vector marker (VM) which is situated about 2 miles from the outer marker (OM). The glideslope. to OM is the point where It is assumed that the the runway aircraft would acquire the final vector will be less than +200 that the centerline so the pilot/autopilot may acquire and commence tracking the centerline with less than a 200 change in heading. The displacement of the VM is designed to allow stabilization on the runway centerline by the time the OM is reached, even if the aircraft is vectored along the edge of the final vectoring area and thus intercepts the centerline at the VM. Horizontally representing The number across arrivals from inside each the top of the left or box indicates the display, the right side the position there are boxes of the runway. in the landing sequence currently assigned to the aircraft by the runway schedule. boxes move towards the landing the runway centerline extension at speed of the aircraft they represent. The a speed equal to -168- 19 f2j_ 49 VECTOR MARKER OUTER MARKER Figure 4-3. Final Vectoring Display. -169- a box reaches the runway centerline extension, When 1. it expands to a size error in the which indicates the maximum tolerable delivery to the runway. This value has been specified, and will generally depend on the accuracy of the surveillance system. 2. it grows a "wand" to the left or right (depending on the position of the aircraft it represents). and 3. it starts moving along the centerline extension towards the OM. The wand time to 200 is positioned so that call the final vector angle. when it touches the target, it is to intercept the runway centerline at a If this procedure is performed properly, the target will intercept the box on the centerline at some point before the VM. procedure has This only. It can the timing provide the speed. currently been mechanized for be easily extended, however, to of the turn to Appendix help the controller with the base leg as well. timing for calling B examines Finally, it can also the deceleration to how the the final turn positioning of the final approach the wand can be determined as a function of the aircraft current and landing speeds. .... es -,g,,. .'-' -170- r 1 es--.-, n. . , , ,,.. . s ...-.g'J; r-- -171CHAPTER 5 A METHODOLOGY FOR TRAFFIC FLIGHT PLAN GENERATION 5.1 Introduction operations provides the potential for Optimal scheduling of runway substantial improvements the runway system. in the efficiency of potential can only be realized if the schedule is achieved. that landing threshold at the delivered must be aircraft This This means of their assigned runway on time.1 To precise accomplish conflict-free plans flight the at delivery runway, generated for are all 4-dimensional, landing aircraft. These are based on the aircraft's current position. as determined by the surveillance and tracking system, and the aircraft's STAR, as determined by the runway schedule. Fl-ight by the planning, performed Traffic Flight Plan Generator (TFPG), establishes with certainty that the runway schedule is feasible. there i.e. exists a safe (conflict-free) set of paths which will satisfy the schedule. Flight precise planning delivery is only of landings the at first step the runway.# towards accomplishing Once flight plans are (1) Obviously departures should also be on the runway ready for takeoff at their scheduled time. This, however, does not involve flight planning. -172- specified, there remains the problem of guiding the aircraft along their through is accomplisned guidance Aircraft path. assigned the interaction of the Command Generator, which determines a set of commands for suitable and the and Detection Command in a timely these commands and dispatches Conformance the capabilities, navigation aircraft's which activates Activator, fashion, each Conformance Resolution functions, which insure that the flight plans are indeed being followed. Due to the close guidance, the relationship methodology between flight presented here planning will, on and aircraft many occasions, encompass the guidance functions as well. ConsisCte wit Ute bi design philoSUphy of the auLomatied terminal area ATM/C system, it is necessary to maintain the master-slave relationship between the controller and the TFPG software. that flight plans ATM/C controller. the flight plans or legs. The should be easily understood This implies and visualized by the Accordingly, the horizontal profile (ground track) of will be composed of a small third and fourth dimension of number of linear segments the flight plan will be provided by specification of altitude and speed change points along some of the legs. Advanced navigation and flight control systems onboard the aircraft will enhance however, be the operation of a prerequisite for the ATM/C system. using it. profiles are also consistent with this Piecewise They should not, linear horizontal design goal for the TFPG and the automated terminal ATM/C system in general. -173- schedule. changing runway As a ground tracks are selected To achieve this, from a prespecified path structure which allows a number of alternative generated for an aircraft at any paths to be considerable result, until exist shortening adapt to a dynamically to generate flight plans that The TFPG has flexibility in the late phases point along its approach. path of stretching and path approach, when the the aircraft's scheduled time of arrival at the runway becomes fixed. The changing runway schedule has important implications with regard to aircraft guidance as well. any when its aircraft, strictly enforce be STAR will changing, there the -4-dimensional- flight function is Detection the early part of the approach of During plan. is no The need to Conformance identify non-conforming aircraft. still used to However, instead of forcing the aircraft back into conformance, the TFPG uses estimates of their current position, ground track, and ground speed to generate new flight plans. In other words, in the the runway schedule had the approach we can treat non-conformance as if changed. of the flight Thus, the inherent flexibility early phases of path selection process is used to correct navigation errors, errors in the estimates of the prevailing winds, and finally, as a means of avoiding active speed control on most occasions. Changes in the runway schedule usual events plan. In generated that will result some cases, however, for some and conformance alerts are tne most in modification of a revised flight aircraft in order to resolve an aircraft's flight plan will have to be conflicts which have -174- the ATM/C controller may impose issuing a direct command to Finally, plans of other traffic. resulted from modifications of flight plan, either by changes in the flight the pilot, or by specifying a new flight plan for the aircraft to the TFPG function. The implication of the above scenario is that, flight planning for the terminal area ATM/C system is accomplished by repeatedly solving the 2.3.3). point in time when new flight At each (i.e. runway threshold) for Q% ~ precisely spciie Oyji-h .OZA. ... ~ Q"S each landing ~ ~ in J.L& -r dienios U.UL ~~rr4 ~ .LAd"'. plans are required, the and the position) the current origin ri. chapter 2 (section plan generation problem stated in same basic flight destination aircraft in *A. lgtpanigts A...L&"J-L Th JLLI= the terminal r.L ""J. "6L the (i.e. area is %.CLO'% st .L0 6_0 find a set of 4-dimensional, conflict-free paths which satisfy the above boundary conditions. The link between consecutive invocations of the traffic flight plan generation function positions (i.e. point in time. pointed out. options them solution itself. Namely, the aircraft TFPG) are a direct consequence of the the output) which were generated at some earlier Even though this relationship is obvious, it has to be It emphasizes that flight plans must leave open as many in order to allow modifications. if the need for as possible arises the the input to the plans (i.e. flight is at some future time. This flexibility needed in the initial phases of the approach. is particularly -1755.2 Flight Path Structures A typical layout figure 5-1. The of the Terminal Control Area (TCA) TCA extends 30 to 60 nautical which is situated in the center of the figure. the periphery of Landing miles from the airport. A number of waypoints at the TCA have been designated as traffic is directed'by is shown in entry and exit fixes. enroute controllers towards the entry fixes* (shown as upward pointing triangles) along jet routes or airways. Departing traffic is directed towards the exit fixes, which are shown as downward pointing triangles. The based on the destination airport exit fix assignment of the departure. is determined Landings are handed off to the ATM/C controller 5 to 10 nautical miles prior to reaching the entry fix. Departures are handed nautical miles prior to reaching from the entry fixes to solid lines. off to the exit fix. the runway are The dashed lines represent enroute sectors 5 to 10 Nominal approach routes shown in figure 5-1 in nominal departure routes from the runway towards the exit fixes. The nominal approach route from entry in greater detail in figure 5-2. fix A to the runway is shown It consists of 5 legs. 1. The Entry leg, (OA in figure 5-2) 2. The Initial Approach leg, (AB in figure 5-2) 3. The Downwind leg. (BC in figure 5-2) 4. The Base leg. (CD in figure 5-2) 5. The Final Approach leg, (DE in figure 5-2) linear segments or -176- TCA boundary ) > / V ACM V 7IV .z x -~-- 'I I V Figure 5-1. - V Typical Terminal Area Layout. .~'-. - A -177- 20NM * FAS = Final Approach Speed 15NM D C IAL T =2 ,000 f t I - IAS=160 kts 10NMALT=2 IAS=F,) rE 5NM ft M B{ALT=4,000 ft~ IAS=180 kts P TCA boundary ALT=15,000 ft .IAS=220 kts 0 Figure 5-2. ft IAS= 250 kts {ALT=15,000 Typical Nominal Approach Flight Plan. -178- Note the leg that from point is also Furthermore, we have leg. exist until the will continue to an outer marker marker, (OM), the outer part of the final approach considered to be assumed that E to ILS is decommissioned. leg is associated with a Each area airspace, and with the same general location of the entry and downwind traffic in them, downwind, base, specific to each base regions depends on and final direction of traffic. The regions, as well as the direction of the location of the regions, on approach This runway direction. are merging of the terminal particular region points for fix. the other means that traffic from entry The hand, are the downwind and two or more entry fixes. From nominal approach routes, we can construct nominal flight plans by specifying flight plans altitude and are based on speed profiles along typical values for the rates at the preferred aircraft configuration (e.g. from "idle thrust" descents at various they may vary depending on the altitudes and leg. Nominal airspeed and descent airspeeds resulting flap settings). aircraft type. indicated airspeeds, (IAS), each Consequently, Figure 5-2 shows typical at various points along the nominal approach route for jet aircraft. Nominal flight plans can be thought of as the ideal 4-dimensional flight profile from the entry fix to the runway for each type of landing aircraft. Thus, they determine the preferred time of arrival at various -179intermediate waypoints as well as PTAR, the preferred time of arrival at aircraft. for each landing the runway we have already The latter, as for the runway the sequencing constraints noted, is used to implement scheduling function. each leg of the nominal The TFPG associates phase The approach. af the P 5-2 ) figure in the flight planning options that are may and fly along a downwind leg Similarly, a the' figure. soon as the As aircraft. significant transition downwina at at phase at points P or which is parallel to the one shown in choice of base legs is available aircraft transitions to the its flexibility part of to the the runway centerline, (e.g. different distances from P2), is when its An aircraft which is in the initial approach phase (e.g. available. point the aircraft phase in which flight plan is revised, determines route with a distinct downwind leg, a since only is lost to that the base leg selection remains available. The performance of have which runway. the ground geometry of the TFPG, particularly with regard to to achieve Many important effects tracks has of the a precise and characteristics landing aircraft, schedule at tight we will in the discuss, the landing however, are equally as important in flight planning for departing traffic. Eirst, in order to avoid the accumulation of errors as the aircraft proceeds along its aircraft at flight plan, intermediate small errors waypoints must be in the delivery of the readily absorbed by -180modifications during approach initial the ground track. subsequent legs of and downwind the this phases, capability of approach, it will the determine the will During the later substantially limit the need for strict speed control. phases During the accuracy with which landings can be delivered to the runway. Secod, a multiplicity aircraft to the runway at the will insure with of ground tracks capable of delivering scheduled time should be available. high probability that a set This of conflict-free flight plans exist. Third, scheduling along the flight flexibility should be maintained plan to the highest at every point degree possible. The interval between EFTAR and LFTAR will generally decrease as the aircraft proceeds along the various phases of the approach. difficulties since rescheduling during the anyway. Some flexibility needs to be maintained, however, even during to allow small schedule by failure of preceding operations changes brought about In not present any late phases is not desirable It will be necessary in order the base phase. schedule. This does many respects, this to meet their characteristic is equivalent to the capability to absorb delivery errors at intermediate waypoints. In order to obtain these structures which provide a number of the approach. accomplish this. There are many characteristics, we specify path alternative legs for each phase of alternative structures which will To be concrete, one such possibility will be described -181- (figure 5-3). solid line depicts the nominal The approach route which is identical to the one shown previously in figure 5-2. approach requires somewhat separate each phase of the Even though treatment, we can distinguish two major stages during which the goals in The first stage, which we call generating flight plans differ greatly. adaptive. entry, initial approach and includes the incoming flight intormation on an the ATM/C system first obtains starts when and downwind The second, or precision. stage includes the base and the final phases. Each phases. approach from the aircraft transitions adaptive to the precision stage when its scheduled time of arrival at the runway becomes fixed. The dashed lines in figure 5-3 represent the alternative legs that Thus, for the initial approach are available during the adaptive stage. phase, the aircraft can be routed along leg AB or along any leg parallel to AB. for For example, the ground track AA B this of phase the Legs approach. is an acceptable alternative to parallel BC provide alternatives for the downwind phase. stage, the aircraft's During this flight goal, planning therefore, STAR is changing. is to maintain the The primary time interval [EFTARLFTAR] as large as possible so that runway scheduling flexibility is maximized. there will be Due to changes cases where one during this stage. in the sequence of aircraft will need Since all aircraft will be runway operations, to overtake another descending while in the 20NM -182- - 15NM - D C 10NM -/I\ E B K L Figure 5-3. xl _ NAN_ I Example of an Approach Path Structure. -183and initial altitude phase, it may not the downwind between overtaking separation therefore, need to be on two the initial aircraft will, In order to insure that between overtaking traffic, adjacent legs there will be no interference in Such traffic. different legs. to maintain be possible 3-5 nauricai miles be spaced phase will and downwind apart. The selection in the base phase is made from a number ot legs which are perpendicular to the approach phase, the legs intercept small angle (typically 200). In extension. runway centerline the final the runway centerline extension at a During the base and final approach phases, the aircraft's STAR is fixed- and flight planning is primarily concerned precise delivery with cannot be achieved spaced 3 or 5 of the aircraft if ground nautical approach legs do not occur plan generator will to the restricted to tracks are miles. Thus, the turns to at prespecified points. determine the time and aircraft should transition from the downwind that to the final approach phase. This precision runway. legs that are base and final Instead, the flight position at which the to tne base phase and from One such selection is shown in figure 5-3. In order to achieve the operation of the automated ATM/C precision necessary for the proper system, the timing of the deceleration to the final approach speed will be controlled during the final approach phase. The final approach will, therefore, be the only phase during -184- which active speed control will be exercised. At all other times, speed control will be enforced only if no other alternative is available. The structures used in this particular geometry were chosen because they are widely ATM/C system. used for manual spacing in the The structure for the initial approach phase is commonly called a "harp", while the structures for the approach collectively phases describing the present terminal area form a downwind, base and final "trombone". operational characteristics of Analytical models these and other ATM/C structures have been developed by Simpson. [SIM 64]. 3 Ground Track Selection and Speed Control methodology for ground track selection We will present the general and speed control using the selection example. of the initial approach leg as an The method of selection for subsequent approach phases follows the same principles. Let approach. point us consider an aircraft Referring back 0 flying have to figure 5-3, towards the specific initial approach specified the entry fix leg. the entry phase of the the aircraft may A. We first have This selection cannot be legs and the phases of the approach. which is in speed changes for be at some to select a made until we all the subsequent The selection problem can, therefore, be viewed from a different perspective. Namely, we desirable flight plan for the downwind, base and final approach phases. can first determine what is a -185and then select an initial approach leg based on that flight plan. We will call such flight plans desired flight plans. In most cases, desired flight plans will be very similar to nominal flight plans, profiles etc. since flight pertain to preferred airspeeds, altitude However, we prefer to use distinct terms because: nominal flight plans desired both encompass all the phases of plans only include a specific first, the approach, whereas subset of phases, and second, nominal flight plans are preferred from the point of view of the aircraft pilot alone, while desired flight plans take into consideration scheduling and flight planning goals as well. A concrete example will help illustrate in the determination of the desired additional considerations which the major issues involved flight plan for any aircraft. pertain to Some specific landing sequences will be discussed in section 5.6. For the final approach and the base phases, the desired flight plan may be the same as the nominal. This distance of 12 nautical miles from means that the base leg is at a the runway threshold (d nom in figure 5-3), the turn to final approach is such that the intercept point E is 8 nautical miles from the runway final approach airspeed occurs immediately following the acquisition of threshold, and the the runway centerline extension. The that approximately the control points respective selection range. are deceleration to the rationale for these selections is centered within their It is assumed, therefore, that the base leg -186can be between 6 and at distances ranging 15 nautical miles from the runway threshold, and that the turn to final approach can be such that the intercept point E can range from very near the OM to very near the point of intersection of base the and leg runway centerline the extension. Similar considerations apply to the selection of the desired flight plan for the downwind phase. desired flight plan occupies in "CentPringr" the the runway the . considered also. point to turn in this case) of the aircraft in the current runway other hand, the aircraft has been If, on the to be its nominal position. POS nom the same as In however, the current position the sequence has nnie- rntrol would be adequate if the position schedule is nominal speed profile. can be identical to the determining the desired downwind leg, aircraft profile for the example, the speed For (see chapter 4). moved forward or backward from its nominal position, its potential for being moved again by future rescheduling is no longer the same assume an MPS value of 5, and that the backward 3 positions. at most in the two directions. aircraft has already been moved It can only be further two positions. At the same For example, time, rescheduled backwards by it is possible to be rescheduled forward by as many as 8. This implies that the selection of the downwind leg figure 5-3, has to be biased the downwind legs accordingly. which are at greater runway centerline would be preferable to leg BC. In the situation of distances from the -187Once the desired flight plan for the approach phases has been selected, we initial approach, *that the downwind the point where aircraft reaches leg at the downwind, base can determine, for any leg of the a speed command has to be intersection with the appropriate and final time. The the given so already chosen initial approach leg for which the timing of the speed reduction most closely matches the nominal speed profile will be selected. speed reduction, deceleration can nominal In speeds be assumed. the computation of the time for the for both For example, before entry airspeed of about 220 in 180 vicinity Similarly, of during the knots during downwind phase after the typically jet aircraft will decelerate from their the and the knots to an airspeed initial aircraft will approach phase. lower their flaps which will cause approximately a 20 knot decrease in airspeed. The flight planning logic applies limits to the timing of the speed change in each phase of knowledge on when (or the approach. at what approach phase in question. 5-3 for example, point) speed desired flight associated speed conflict check. limits reflect empirical changes occur along the During the initial approach phase of figure we may specify that the speed plan should occur within 10 miles from the deceleration, These the entry fix. as determined above, occurs plan together with change is accepted reduction in the flight If the timing of within those limits, the initi4l approach leg pending altitude the and the assignment and -188- In allowable limits. to aircraft and the speed reduction Having initial approach appropriate leg. the chosen leg flight plan, the desired latest) allowable. the not will fall within the This simply means that the desired flight plan cannot as is. Since be implemented respect speed reduction the cases, some leg and has been the however, it is assigned is set to occur at the thus selected the leg and phase only, the TFPG the corresponding The selection is again based "best" with to the earliest (or speed profile for will proceed speed profile to select an for the downwind on the final approach and base phase portions of the desired flight plan. This iterative procedure continues until the complete flight plan has been generated. 5.4 Altitude Selection Aircraft required altitudes separations separation cannot be cleared to will among be aircraft be provided. the lowest actively controlled whenever Within those possible to adequate achieve the longitudinal limitations landings will altitude consistent be taken into with their position and distance from the runway. Obstructions on the ground can consideration by imposing lowest safe altitudes along each leg in the approach structure. Maximum altitudes along the ground track will also be imposed. These have to be consistent with typical descent rates for each aircraft type. The upper altitude limits will, Unlike lower altitude therefore, depend on the aircraft type. limits, upper limits are not associated with a -189specific location to the within the terminal area. time left until limits applicable to substantial change touchdown. Instead, they are related This means that any aircraft will have to in its STAR. the upper altitude be redetermined after a The reverse may also occur: on rare occasions, the current altitude of an aircraft may affect the aircraft's EFTAR. 5.5 Conflict Identification and Resolution As stated in to section 5.1, in order for operate properly, mean that flight plans must maintained at all times. traffic, but airspace. be conflict-free. if-all- aircraft-. -adhere to- their -- flight -plans specified conformance limits, the other the automated ATM/C system In terminal areas, within the required airborne separations will be An aircraft may be in also with By this we conflict not only with ground obstructions and with restricted airspace restrictions will usually result from weather conditions. (e.g. thunderstorms concentrated at particular regions of the terminal area). Given the identification of conflicts with straight forward. separation requirements conflicts is a straight ground In obstructions and a set of flight plans. forward task. Resolution of and restricted fact, as we pointed out airspace in the previous section, altitude restrictions process. The same can be done with airspace restrictions. are inherent to the is also flight plan generation -190- Conflicts flight between plans of determine which two aircraft either (or both) is the best aircraft have to can be resolved by aircraft involved. In choice, alternative flight be generated and evaluated. These changing the order to plans for both may be in conflict with the flight plan of a third aircraft, and thus a new decision of the same type has to be made. This approach will require excessive computational effort and has to be rejected on that basis. are A much simpler conflict resolution logic is adopted. classified into invalid, Invalid three categories: flight plans are those which Flight plans temporary, do not conform to the schedule. This caLtegUry incLudes aircraft LhaL have been rescheduled, of conformance, assigned flight as well as plans. aircraft plans are which have Temporary flight plans the runway schedule but have not flight that conflict-free and final. aircraft out not yet been are in conformance with yet been checked for conflicts. and will not change Final during current invocation of the flight plan generation function. All three categories of flight plans have fixed portions. Usually, those will be parts of the flight plan which have been executed, or will be executed within a short time interval (say. time the flight plan generation of flight controller. plans may be 30-60 seconds) from the function was invoked. fixed due to Additional parts constraints imposed by the ATM/C When the flight plan generation function is invoked, invalid flight plans are the identified. function temporary. to be At least one flight plan should invoked. All valid flight be invalid for plans are then made Finally fixed portions of all flight plans are identified. Conflict checking is performed as follows: 1. Select an aircraft whose flight If the flight plan is plan is temporary or invalid. invalid, generate a valid one and designate it as temporary. 2. Identify conflicts with final flight plans as well as with fixed portions of invalid or temporary flight plans. 3. If no conflicts exist, make the flight plan final. generate a revised temporary flight plan and go Otherwise, back to step 2. 4. If no more aircraft to consider stop. Otherwise go to step 1. In practice, the flight plan generation and the conflict resolution are performed simultaneously, i.e. for each phase alternatives conflicts of are approach, it is generated if exist, then When complete, the as each the flight plan is generated such conflicts flight planning the flight plan checked for are identified. continues with becomes final. conflicts and This If no the next phase. method guarantees that conflicts will be identified at the earliest possible time. -192This approach to conflict resolution has obvious drawbacks compared with the more general approach summarized earlier in is possible, for conflict-free flight according which aircraft to example, to be unable plans because are of to a bad determine choice in selected in therefore, very important to determine this section. step a set It of the sequence 1 above. It is, a good criterion for making this selection. We have chosen to select aircraft in an scheduled time of arrival at the runway. for aircraft which are close to see, lanin ligt time approaches. This implies that flight plans landing become final first. fexbiltydereases as th Therefore, given two aircraft land in direct succession, revising the in most increasing order of their cases, be preferable schele As we have lr andingL~ which are scheduled to flight plan of the second will, to revising that of the first. This is exactly what the conflict resolution logic will do. 5.6 Separations during the Base and Final Approach Phases When the scheduled time of arrival at the runway becomes fixed for some aircraft, it transitions from the adaptive to of the approach. This will typically happen as the precision stage the aircraft is flying along the assigned downwind leg. Figure 5-4 shows depicts a typical an aircraft on the downwind leg flight plan from there to the (point P) and outer marker (OM). At -193- P1 P3 OM Figure 5-4. Typical Flight Plan for the Base and Final Approach Phases. -194- points P and P2 the aircraft intercept heading runway At the allow easy To respectively. angle 0 centerline extension, degrees. turns to the base leg is typically interception of the between 20 and 30 aircraft tracks P3 , the intercept point and to the runway the runway and subsequently towards the runway centerline extension towards the OM threshold. Aircraft have to arrive at the OM not only at a specific time but also at a specific altitude and speed which will allow them to intercept We will call the glideslope. this altitude the 5 nautical is approximately Typically, the OM threshold. This means that the OM DM crossing altitude. miles from the runway crossing altitude is 1800 feet above ground level. If aircraft is not at the altitude command will be the proper given (at aircraft will be cleared to decelerate at some point P . s some altitude, an OM crossing point P ). Finally, the down to its final approach speed P and/or P may occur s a either before or after point P2, and in any order. This geometry is based on the work of Durocher EDUR 77] who snowed that it can provide excellent accuracy in delivering aircraft to the OM. His tests simulator. were conducted by simulating approaches in a cockpit Radar tracking errors as well as wind were also simulated. -195this In section we aircraft at the time of closest to determine the separation between two as a approach, the turn, of timing required he runway. planning an li adverse ects region without any Second, by parameters guidelines which can on studying the in the be maintained separations can precision be used to generate good it ni The delivery at various flight separations, longitudinal First, final approach of the the effects the the minimum is twofold. Its purpose the OM. parameters (e.g. e, etc.), and intercept angle the separations at that safe shows flight planning function of the model can be used This the final approach region. traffic patterns in that describes mathematical model present a we develop traffic patterns in this area. Good traffic patterns cannot be established once the aircraft is on the downwind or the base leg. remaining in the timing At that point, all the flexibility still of the needed to correct for navigation the desired traffic during the entry section, desisred turns and Planning for final approach area has to start patterns in the and the initial approach phase. plans which are deceleration is and surveillance errors. therefore, is intended to provide flight the final used for The analysis in tnis guidelines for determining flight planning during the adaptive stage of the approach (see section 5.3). (1) The model is similar to the one first used by Dunlay for estimating the expected number of conflicts at the intersection of airways. [DUN 75] -196- Consider the situation We will approach phase. final aircraft are Two 5-5. of figure in the that aircraft assume throughout 1 is scheduled to land before aircraft 2, and that both aircraft have already decelerated to their respective final approach speeds, v Aircraft 2 is flying along is going to intercept Aircraft 1 and the intercept point P. is at a the centerline runway the runway centerline at distance d. from the OM. separation, S. determine the minimum and v 2 ' , between the two extension. an angle 8, We seek to aircraft, as a function of: and v 2 , their final approach speeds, 1. V 2. S , the required minimum separation at the OM, 3. d., the intercept distance, and 4. 6 the intercept angle. before aircraft 1, the minimum horizontal If aircraft 2 reaches P. 3. We will, therefore, analyze the case where aircraft reach the OM first. first. 1 reaches P. 3. To simplify the formulas, we the origin of the coordinate system and aircraft 1 P.. is at inconsequential. aircraft 1 has to be zero since, by assumption, separation will always We Clearly, the will, therefore, to be will define P. 3. we will assume that at time t=O direction assume of the that both flight is aircraft are flying away from the OM. The coordinates. time t, are given by: (x ,y ) and (x2 y)9, of the two aircraft at any Y AC #1 (x1 ,7 1 \ P. AC #2 V. x Figure 5-5. Horizontal Separations during the Final Approach Phase. -198- x = vItcos6 and 1 = y 1 is at P.. When aircraft 1 is at the when OM, the separation S. is, therefore given by: between the two aircraft is S . 0 Si 0 two aircraft at time t=0, i.e. where, S. is the separation of the aircraft = 5-1 2 i 2 1 = S 5-2 v2 ) (v- - V. This 1 reaches P . first. By assumption. aircraft means that this discussion is valid for: d. S(t), . Sv o 1 (v1 - v 2 < two aircraft between the the separation as a function of time, satisfies: (X1 S(t)2 Substituting equations - x2 2 + (yl - y2 )2 5-1 for the aircraft coordinates we obtain after some manipulation: 2 E V12 + V 2 2 S 2 (t) = + 2tS.[ v2 - V1 - 2v 1 v 2 cose] cose)]+ (S.)23 5-3 -199time and setting the derivative By differentiating with respect to to zero, S(t)) is minimized. t (and therefore for which S2 (t) the time t we can determine is given by: S (v cosO - v ) 2 _2vvcos8 12 2 1 t* =+ 5-4 * 5-4 is valid only for Equation Thus, we t.. positive values oi distinguish three cases. First, if v 1 is less that at t =0 and that S.. v 2 , the minimum separation, S Furthermore, according is equal to S.. 1 occurs , to 5-2, S 0 is less v 1 is -less-than v ,-the--overall minimum separation Thus,-when 12 occurs at the OM. Second, if v > v2 > v cose * the minimum separation occurs again at This time, however, S0 is t.=0. greater than S. so the overall minimum separation occurs when aircraft 1 is at P. and is given by 5-2. Finally, if v cose > v2 lt * the minimum separation occurs at the time t given by * both aircraft are 5-1 we obtain beyond P.. By substituting t from the formulas for the minimum separation 5-4, i.e. when 5-4 into 5-3 and S. min and for the -200approach. closest of time the at when coordinates aircraft Specifically, the minimum separation is given by: S. = S(t ) mi~n S.sinO 5-5 1 1 + r2 -2rcosO where, r is defined as the ratio v2/v1 of the aircraft speeds. when a slow aircraft (aircraft When this happens, to achieve aircraft runway separations by slow followed utilization, at will the ones also such pairs case) follows a 2 in this altitude separatinu tight the final approach will arise during Clearly, conflicts will will takeoffs OM. be scheduled contribute to occur less ahead since fast Fortunately, inefficiencies in frequently of when the aircraft were allowed In addition, random first-come-first-served sequence. normally faster one. have to be imposed in order runway schedule is optimized, than they would if to land in their leg only the following slow aircraft. The the optimal runway fact that have a smaller number of is not The coincidental. separations, schedule will, on the average, fast-slow aircraft pairs in direct succession, The same however, that principles are involved have to be in both cases. considered by the runway schedule, occur between the OM and the runway threshold. Since altitude there, fast-slow sequences result in idle separation is not an option -201runway time. The formulas for the separation requirements between the OM and the runway threshold are derived in Appendix A. The indicated method for handling fast-slow sequences maintain altitude separation by clearing the fast aircraft OM and keeping the the slow aircraft crossing higher. The altitude early descent of down to the slow aircraft can be is to 1000 feet timed so that it reaches the OM crossing altitude when the fast aircraft is at the OM and the separation is So. Table 5-1 illustrates the separations this strategy. In cases 1 through 6, v 2 and the timing involved in ranges from 140 to 90 knots while the other parameters are kept constant at the following values: S 0 = 3 nautical miles d. = 2 nautical miles v1 = 150 knots 6 Case = 20 degrees 7 is the same as case 6 except that S is changed from 3 to 6 nautical miles. In addition to the value of the following values appear in table 5-1: 1. v2: the speed of the slow aircraft, minimum separation, S. , the min TABLE 5-1 The effect of v 2 on Horizontal Separations and on the Timing of the Descent 2 ta Sa (NM) (NM) (mins) (NM) 2.00 0.00 4.87 3.29 3.04 2.80 3.53 0.55 6.14 3.35 2.65 1.86 3.37 4.50 0.91 6.73 3.51 2.43 2.11 2.07 3.71 5.00 1.09 6.80 3.64 2.12 100 1.82 2.13 3.93 5.13 1.14 6.55 3.80 1.83 90 1.56 2.07 4.08 5.00 1.09 6.12 4.01 1.58 90 3.69 3.84 7.84 7.50 2.06 11.76 6.00 4.31 x1 (NM) 2.09 1.45 2.44 110 5 6 CASE v2 # (knots) Smin (NM) 1 140 2.87 0.80 2 130 2.67 3 120 4 t1 t2 (mins) (mins) * .7 * S 0 = 6 Nautical miles for case 7. -2032. x, y,, and x2 : the coordinates of the two aircraft at the time of closest approach, 3. t1: the interval between the time of closest approach and the time of closest approach and the time aircraft 1 reaches the OM. 4. t2: interval between the the time aircraft 2 reaches the OM. the interval between the 5. ta: time aircraft 2 starts its descent and the time it (i.e. aircraft 2) reaches the OM. 6. S : the separation between the two aircraft at the time aircraft 2 starts its descent. Note that--x- and-x--are now-relative to -the OM and not-to P. . 12 3. * that t1 is equal to t Also note since the analysis assumed that aircraft 1 was at P. at time t=O. I The timing of the initiation of descent by the second aircraft was based on an assumed 500-600 feet per minute descent rate and an altitude difference of 1000-1200 feet. Accordingly, the descent is initiated 2 minutes before the first aircraft reaches the OM. By comparing the through 6, the time values of the descent of t start of closest approach. t is 4.3 nautical miles. a while the we note that, the second aircraft In minutes after the closest approach, time and t , 2a aircraft are in cases 3 starts approximately at case 7, the descent starts almost 2 and the corresponding separation at In cases 1 and 2 the still approaching descent has to each other. In both -204- however, the cases, minimum approach three nautical miles. is almost practical purposes, the aircraft have adequate This means that, for all longitudinal separation throughout. table 5-1 From between v difference that, as we see and v 2 increases. formulate a strategy for the timing the of closest time decelerate near result can This be used to of the final deceleration which is Namely. we can maximize the separation going to take place on this leg. at decreases as the expected. S approach the OM while the allowing the by slow aircraft to fast aircraft decelerates immediately after the turn to the final approach leg. An extreme case of this would t be if the slow aircraft decelerates from v2 when the fast aircraft is at the OM. to its final speed a speed v Then the closest approach would I be the one applicable to the speed pair v1 . v 2 rather than the pair v1 , v2 ' have said earlier, As we used to provide Consequently strategy. aircraft the timing of the the required accuracy it will not always decelerate early and in the delivery be possible It is possible. however, to slow final deceleration is at the runway. to implement the above plan so that on the average fast aircraft decelerate late. In particular, this can be achieved by appropriate selection of the desired flight plans (see section 5.3). The selectioA of the turn to the base and final approach legs can also be used to achieve this goal. -205guidelines that can The general the above analysis be deduced by are: First, the tight separation, S longitudinal separations to occur in a slow aircraft is scheduled to Consequently, altitude safe separations for exist in the aircraft will require smaller the OM the final approach region wnenever land directly separation will be these fast-slow runway schedule, at least at , behind a required in order sequences. When it is imperative to 1000 feet above last few minutes of the approach. faster one. to assure such sequences maintain the slow the OM crossing altitude until the Note the "laddering"' of aircraft that will occur when n aircraft with speeds v1 are scheduled in remain 2 >'' direct succession. 1000 feet higher than the than the third, etc. will then be > V The operation The n third aircraft second, the fourth will have to 1000 feet higher on the base and final approacn legs very similar to the operation of a holding stack. *As the leader aircraft reaches the OM, the second aircraft is cleared to the OM crossing altitude and all other aircraft in the sequence are cleared to 1000 feet below their present altitude. §S&corn, should be Furthermore, the runway centerline intercept close if the to the OM for at least point (P. in one two aircraft are approaching from of the figure 5-5) aircraft. a different side of the runway, both should intercept as close to the OM as possible. It -206- can be easily the increase shown from the e between early as the that will etfectively this closest time of approach by the slow possible, while to down should decelerate its final aircraft should making the velocity this will increase Smin by Again decelerate late. at 5-5, the two aircraft paths. aircraft fast speed as approach Smin separation. increasing the angle Thlird, equation difference between the two aircraft smaller. We the since conservative section this conclude time the second starts its larger. In nautical miles or larger, at all times, separation approach glideslope horizontal fact, if S , speeds. angle is approximately separation approximately 1100 feet. separation aircraft independent of reason for The aircraft, at the descent along the glideslope, the two translate this is, 3 to their will be much at the difference of course, 3 OM, is 3 maintain altitude will degrees. an this need it reaches the O. between the two the required Even aircraft may intercept at Instead, the second strategy, the separations Under this for case 7). and be on the glideslope when its original altitude OM crossing glideslope at the OM, though landings typically intercept the the case. the be at the OM (6 miles altitude 3 miles before it reaches not always be will second aircraft calculations are the that by noting that since the nautical altitude in final miles of difference of -20/- 5.7 Aircraft Guidance all the aircraft within the TCA, Having generated flight plans for remains the still there have advanced navigation them to conform airline fleet will control systems and flight which will allow plans with little to 4-dimensional flight it is the future, In of the commercial the great majority expected that guidance. problem of or no help Consequently, we will concentrate here from the automated ATM/C system. respect to aircraft that do not have on guidance issues that arise with this capability. basic problems are two There first is the execution of turns do with speed has to control. that we need to from one leg to do Namely, investigate. the next. we have to The The second exercise strict speed control throughout the approach, or can we allow the aircraft crew some flexibility in controlling the speed? Recovery from Errors in the Execution of Turns 5.7.1 us Let consider the aircraft currently located at point P. for a turn moment, to a that we the airspeed, v , different leg The aircraft's flight plan calls at point of the aircraft, we can time to initiate Since shows an Figure 5-6 P1 . If we assume, have perfect information on the wind required to track the new leg. turn, the a turn. execution of for the vector, W, on the calculate the heading change the aircraft has a finite rate of the turn is 'also of interest. Assuming a -208- Heading change v P lPt w aVV Figure 5-6. The Kinematics of Aircraft Turns -209standard rate of turn, the actual circle (shown dashed in figure point the Pt (and The heading initiated. values by the required therefore, determine We can, 5-6). the timing) therefore the turn where Processor for has to be turn are the to initiate the change and time Command the arc of a aircraft track will be guiding conventionally equipped aircraft along their assigned track. When surveillance errors as well as errors in the estimates of W, and va are introduced, inaccuracies will result in two ways: Fir.st, the required heading change and turn can no longer be accurately will generally be turn. Lateral deviations early or late new out of determined. conformance with from the vector will not to initiate the As a result, the aircraft its flight intended track These may increase turn initiation. ground track the time be parallel with plan after the will be caused by with time since the the intended path. Longitudinal deviations will also be present and will generally increase with time. Second,. during the turn, the by the to quality of the tracking data produced surveillance and tracking algorithms the position flying along estimates that can a straight line. are significantly inferior be obtained while the aircraft is Consequently, ,the accuracy in executing the turn cannot be ascertained until good quality tracking data is again available. required Typically. 30-40 after the aircraft seconds (i.e comes out 8-10 radar of the "hits") will be turn for the tracking -210errors to be reduced to the level expected for linear flight. miles at the typical to approximately 3-5 nautical interval translates This time terminal area airspeeds for jet aircraft. The degradation of tracking quality during a turn, requires all the to recover from the be able is initiated. next turn particular importance restriction is of This typicaily of the order at accuracy approach. the of stage t-at airport) provides better located at the (assumed to be radar antenna turn, before the Fortunately, the proximity of the aircraft to the of 5 miles in length. ackming errors introduced by one and final approach legs, which are for the base miles. in order to plan to be at least 3-5 nautical legs of the flight It is clear from the above discussion that, after a turn either the path or flight flight plan require correction. aircraft will of the Large lateral errors can be corrected by the Conformance Resolurion Path change which heading will path not be the one plans will have take the originally to be form of closer to intended by the any conflicts. generated for a small its assigned given, however, the correction has been Normally this deviation will not create flight will the.aircraft will bring after the heading Even path. the correction Typically Generator. flight plan. If it does, new the conflicting pair of aircraft. Small residual deviations from the the Command Processor prior to a flight plan can be corrected by subsequent turn. Longitudinal -211- deviations can be corrected by adjusting if one is specified adjustments conflict. do in not need They have to the the time for the speed change, flight correction, be taken plan for as long into this leg. Lateral as they do not create a consideration, however, in calculating the heading change and the timing of a subsequent turn. if the deviations Finally, cannot be corrected by the Command Processor, new flight plans will have to be generated. 5.7.2 Speed Control By necessity, 4-dimensional flight changes at various time-points. speed needs to be actively methodology uses controlling timing at ground Nevertheless, controlled track means reduction at that, even Active From though the some time-point, the have to specify speed this does not impIy that at all selection the runway. when it is absolutely necessary. simply plans as times. the The proposed primary speed control means of is only used an operational standpoint, this flight plan may specify Command Activator does a speed not transmit that command to the aircraft. An example Assume that an will help illustrate aircraft is at point P of how this can be accomplished. the downwind leg (figure 5-7) and that its current flight plan requires the aircraft to fly the ground track specified by the sequence of points P, P1 , reductions at points S1 and S2. P 2 ' B 3 , OM with speed Furthermore, suppose that the aircraft -212- T 'P2 P3 p' /' Intended Deceleration Point P Deceleration Point Earliest &S Deceleration Point Figure 5-7, Recovery From Early Speed Reduction -213- aircraft The only generated. with out of to fall the The deceleration will at point P. decelerates unexpectedly conformance and way to bring current flight alert will be a conformance back into conformance the aircraft will be plan to cause the command a speed increase. Instead, the flight plan is corrected by Clearly this is not desirable. assigning a new base leg, thus shortening the length the aircraft has to travel to reach the runway. The new flight plan, therefore, be the one depicted in the dashed line. There are limits to how early the pilot can reduce the airspeed. If the speed reduction occurs too early the aircraft will not be able to reach the runway path on time. even if the is assigned. advance the Such situations point- prior to which compensate for a speed reduction. figure 5-7. S will depend shortest available 2-dimensional can be determining in avoided by the flight plan generator cannot As an example this may be point S0 in on the assigned base leg from the OM, as distance, d, of the currently well as the range of allowable values for that distance. The general summarized method as follows: for At the approach path, the point S compensate advised for to reaches S 0 , avoiding , beyond speed reductions, maintain his time of speed the pilot is free to active speed control can be to a new leg of the a turn which the flight plan generator can is determined. until that point. The Once pilot is then the aircraft reduce his speed at his discretion and -214- the flight plan generator will compensate P for it by adjusting the point at which the aircraft will turn to base. Note that maintains its the same method current speed longer can also be used than specified in if the aircraft the flight plan. Finally, as we have mentioned earlier, this method cannot be used on the final approach leg. The final speed reduction controlled to achieve accurate delivery at the OM. has to be precisely -215- CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Summary The purpose of this research was to study in the terminal area Air decision making process Traffic Management and Control (ATM/C) system, and develop the methodology for the design and implementation of a fully automated terminal area ATM/C system. decision making" methodology Namely, the Our work adopts the which is practiced at decision-making authority rests with centralized the present time. the ATM/C controller. Accordingly, the main focus of our work is the Ground Control Subsystem, (AGCS), of the terminal area aircraft control ATM/C system. subsystem, and the Other subsystems (e.g. various data linK the systems) are considered to the extent that they affect the decision-making process in the ACGS. In summary, the accomplishments of this research were in 4 areas: First, we studied the Automated Ground at a top level of functional Control Subsystem, (AGCS), aggregation, identified its elements, described their requirements, and studied their interrelationships. From this functional description of the AGCS, emerged the concept as well as the automated terminal top level software design for the area ATM/C system, which provided the framework for the remainaer of our research. -216- Second. developed a we heuristic algorithm for algorithm is based on The uses the The proposed. he that methodology Shifting Position Constrained and [DEA 76], Dear, of work schedules. runway generating efficient the with the we designed and implemented a Finally, remaining automation functions. as well controller- as ATM/C the with scheduling runway interactions of detail the in we examined Furthermore, complexity. to its contribute factors that the and examined problem scheduling the runway of general formulation very aircraft on multiple runways and was algorithm is capable of scheduling specifically designed to be implemented in a real-time environment. developed a we Third, 4-dimensional flight plans. flight that can plans changing runway flight planning In schedule. methodology planning on modified to adapt to connection with this of aircraft guidance can be the is designed Our methodology be easily the problem discussed generating conflict-free, methodology for of part the a dynamically methodology, we how our flight and showed precise 4-dimensional to reconcile used to generate automated system, with ATM/C conventional navigation capability onboard the aircraft. Fourth. we facility simulation development and software is based system. "critical to be used testing of as a testbed automation of is a software vast area terminal area real-time further research, for software. on our concept for the ATM/C automation mass" implemented a and designed The design of the automated terminal area ATM/C of research before experimentation and requires a and testing can -217begin. We feel that this work has significantly contributed towards the achievement specifically automation of this critical mass. Furthermore, the designed to facilitate functions. In particular, the simulation further software was development of ATM/C facility has the following characteristics: 1. Modular software design which allows easy moaification of specific simulation functions with others. Monitor In particular, process processes. This be simulated. human control any necessary direct control of of realism in particularly of them flexibility in simulation. For may modifying of of subordinate stations may be stations will "human be factors" add an may prove research. loops and the fact that any implemented, the flow of allows events great in the surveillance data four seconds J= AU aircraft. which is specifically the surveillance positions to the simulated aircraft example, tracking and algorithms, this not may Simulation the simulation and for are now updated once every In research the number Pseudo-pilot Finally, the concept of timer number of allows multiple controller operators. extra degree logic In addition, pseudo-pilot added, allowing by can the little or no effect on interested in tracking be satisfactory since the timing data, which depends bearing may be of importance. on the aircraft The simulation logic allows -218- such be to modifications relatively little with made effort. is based on detailea models 2. The simulated aircraft motion and detail. of instrument cockpit flight aircraft Air Traffic aircraft quality by seen aircraft of the ATM/C flight is of advanced terminal Control since the precision with which guided along can be as in the study particularly important area moaelled in very realistic representation modelling Proper controller. also are readings results in a This Errors in the navigation system. of the aircraft control 4-dimensional flight plans has tremendous effect on the flight planning logic. 3. The interface between functions designed specifically was and experimentation and the automation the controller testing of to alternative allow display concepts. This was done by structuring the software in two "layers". The lower the screen and displayed. layer manages the proper update of is independent of the actual data that is Thus the displayed data as well as the display format can be changed by modifying only the the I/0 interface. top layer of -2196.2 Recommendations for Future Research main areas are two There and development is where research still needed before a successful implementation of an automated terminal area ATM/C system is accomplished: 1. Algorithms for Traffic Flight Plan Generation program has shown that automatic The Metering and Spacing be achieved. flight plan generation can version, however, has significant out (chapter pointed may software incompatible totally be scheduling function which is expected to methodology in this proposed for the runway with provide most of current ATM/C system capability. the improvement over the The drawbacks which we have importantly, the current Most 1). The current test flight automated work should provide a generation plan solid basis for further work in this area. our From experience flight plan ground for methods. be a with the subject will be generation applications of a we believe that particularly fertile Artificial Intelligence Specifically, the conflict resolution "learning regarding the program" which acpumulates selection of alternative conflicts are identified. logic can experience flight plans when -220- 2. Human Factors research and experimentation The introduction of automated runway scheduling and flight substantially increase generation will plan available information of amount large the already to the ATM/C This creates first the need for experimenting controller. The interaction with alternative methods of presentation. of the ATM/C controller with the automation software is of re-evaluate the of allocation factors human chapter 4 the need to Finally, we discussed in research. in area significant other the course responsibilities among various controller positions in the terminal area. Independent of our views on an automated ATM/C the role of the controller in environment, we believe that in all three of the above areas there is a need for quick testing and evaluation of alternative concepts. an effective concept level tool for due to TASIM can provide research factors human the relative ease with at the which the display format and the I/0 interface can be modified. The existence of a precise runway all aircraft in the terminal schedule and of flight plans for area give rise to the possibility of improving the capabilities of a number of "establisned" functions in the ATM/C system. In chapter 2 we described possible improvements in hazard detection and tracking through algorithms as surveillance data. which use flight plan as well Additional improvements may be possible in both -221- these functions equipment (e.g. This can be if them we provide with readings speed and vertical heading, achieved through the use of from the onboard speed indicators, etc.). the air-to-ground digital data link for mode-S equipped aircraft. Finally 4 we in chapter scheduling and congestion discussed the management or flow control both fixes and at the departure gates. used to allow much more efficient The runway schedule is therefore automated enroute flow connection between runway Runway scheduling information can be flow control in the enroute airspace. a valuable source control systems such as the concept description of AERA. at the entry ot information for one included in the - blank page - -222APPENDIX A INTERARRIVAL DYNAMICS This appendix presents the mathematical the minimum time separation between runway. formulas for determining consecutive arrivals using the same The calculations assume that the two basic ATC rules related to the runway operation are: 1. No two aircraft are permitted on the same runway at the same time. 2. Coaltitudinal aircraft under ground control must maintain a specified horizontal separation. It is also same runway fly equal to the assumed that all a common aircraft's controlled aircraft final approach preferred path at approach arriving at the a constant velocity speed. The preferred approach speed depends upon such parameters as the type of aircraft, the landing preferred weight, the weather conditions, approach speed arrives at the entry fix. is specified by and pilot the pilot preferences. This when the aircraft Consequently. two identical aircraft may have different preferred approach speeds. The minimum time separation at landings is analytically determined as the runway between two successive a function of the final approach -223- length. and speeds approach the the minimum horizontal separation Specifically, let: distance. v land (i) = the approach speed of aircraft i tocc (i) = the runway occupancy time of aircraft i = the s.. ij1 minimum horizontal followed by aircraft separation for j = the length of the common final approach path. F Then, t. .(s. .F), iJ the minimum time separation at ,the runway between iJ the landing of aircraft i followed by aircraft max[t aircraft i j is given by: C(i) ; s. ./v (j)] 13 land occ when v land(i) is less than v land(j). and by: max[t occ(i) ; Sij/vl (j) (ladj) - 1/vland(i))] + F(1/v when v land(i) is greater than v landj). To simplify this expression, let c then, be defined as follows: 0 vland (i)<v land Q) - 1/v and (i) 1/v land(j) / ladlad (j) V land (i) -> v landCJ -224t..(s..,F) = max Et 1j 1J Figures ; s. ./v (i) ij land A-2 illustrate A-1 and occupancy runway occ time aircraft of (j) + Fe..] 13 landing siLuations. the two 1 less than be to is assumed The s ./V land (2) in both cases. In the overtaking situation of figure than aircraft 1 and consequently, 2 is faster the point of closest approach between the two aircraft occurs when aircraft runway. A-i, aircraft the first one touches down on the This closest approach equals s12/V land (2). In the aircraft opening case 1 and the point begins its final approach. beginning the final time units of figure A-2, of closest aircraft 2 is slower than approach occurs when aircraft 1 Aircraft 1 lands F/vland(1) time units after approach and aircraft after aircraft 1 2 lands (F + s12 Vand(2) begins its final approach. Thus the time between the two landings is: (F + s1 2)/v land (2) = s /V land (2) + Fe1 2 12 Suppose now that three aircraft, with approach speeds 120, 135, and 150 knots respectively, have identical preferred times of arrival at the runway, (arbitrarily set to 0). Table A-1 presents the minimum time separation for all possible combinations of successive arrival pairs. final approach length of 5 nautical miles was assumed for A the -225- ACs 2 AC 2 N t 12 = s12 /Vland (2) Figure A-i. Minimum Interarrival Separation (Overtaking Case) AC 1 F S12 + F t12 Figure A-2. = Vland kz) ~ land (1) Minimum Interarrival Separation (Opening Case) -226- TABLE A-1 Minimum Interarrival Ti me Separation (Seconds) At the Runway Leading Aircraft (Knots) Following Aircraft (Knots) . 120 135 106.67 150 120.00 135 150 80.00 72.00 72.00 93.33 S.. F = 3 NM = 5 NM -227- In calculations. this the example, occupancy times runway are irrelevant as long as they do not exceed 72 seconds. There are six sequences in which the assigned lists each to the landing times (rounded and the average landing sequence The delay aircraft. the aircraft can land. Table A-2 nearest second) for delay experienced by the three to be the difference for each aircraft is assumed and the preferred landing time (which between the assigned landing time is zero in this case). even in this in this example. points are brought out Several important situation, the simple sequence affects the runway utilization as demonstrated the same landing time situations consider schedule. Second, the average delay (e.g. occur more (e.g. than one often by the range in the time fact that some sequences have almost sequences sequences 1 very operations greatly of 200) and the variation in the average the last aircraft lands (152 vs. delay (74 vs 106.67). First, and 3 and 6) 2) is not and indicate efficiency measure that in or the same last coincidental. it Such is necessary to optimizing the runway TABLE it-2 A Comparison of Lar ding Sequences Landing Time Seq. 3 Landing Time Seq. I Landing Time 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 80 3 72 1 107 3 152 2 165 3 179 Average Delay: 74 Average Delay: Average Delay: 75.67 95.33 Landing Time. Landing Time Seq. 4 Landing Time 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 72 1 120 2 93 1 192 2 200 1 200 Delay: . Average Average 8g Delay: 106.67 Average Delay: 97.67 - blank page - -229APPENDIX B THE KINEMATICS OF THE INTERCEPT VECTOR The kinematics of determining a vector moving target can be expressed as a function of the relative speeds and the relative position of the aircraft discussion, turning radii, the time to will be ignored. to cause the intercept of a To simplify this and the target. turn and the time to decelerate These complicate unnecessarily the basic concept and can be accounted for by calling turns and speed changes earlier tnan tne idealized model requires. Consider figure B-1. and is moving along the x axis at a constant speed vb* at a -point (x0,y0) and has a ground speed v . to approach speed the aircraft's is at the origin At time t=0 the target box va The This The aircraft is speed may be equal intercept problems can be stated as: 1. Is it possible to intercept the box? 2. What heading e is required to intercept? 3. What is the time tv to call the speed change if v0 is greater than va? 4. What is the time to intercept. t.? Since it is obvious that the required heading 0 depends on the time the speed change is called, change at t = t./2. i v we can The average set the time to call that speed aircraft ground speed in the interval (x ,yO) / / Figure B-1. The Kinematics of the Intercept Vector -231(t , t.) o I. will in flexibility v = (v + v )/2. o a be correcting a This turn that was assumption not allows perfectly some timed by change after the turn is completed and adjusting the time for the speed good tracking of the aircraft has resumed. Accordingly, we can assume that the aircraft travels at a speed v until it intercepts the box at time ti. from time t The equations of motion are: r = it = vcose x = x + vtcosO 0 = vsinO V= v - vtsine At the time.of intercept, y = 0 and x = r. =t.. Thus, 1. 3. y o = vt.sine 1 it. = X + vt.cosO From B-1, the time of intercept is given by: t. = I vsinQ From B-2, substituting for t . r - vcose vsinO x 0 Y B-1 B-2 -232x 0 cose +v yO From B-3, if we know the e,we angle B-3 sine can solve for the ground speed ratio r/v, and the intercept of interest and not the actual values of x a = tan ratio r/v and of e,the and yo. box from the box, for any given values can be intercepted as and the point of intercept on the long as the The time to interceDt the aircraft is on the dotted line of figure B-1. box t., If we denote by - the relative bearing of the aircraft of the Note that only the ratio is ratio x /y . x axis, will depend on the position of the aircraft along the dotted line. 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