Optimization of DU .,CCycle Environmental and Economic Performance by Chad A. Bollmann B.S., Ocean Engineering (1996) U.S. Naval Academy Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering and the Technology and Policy Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering and Master of Science in Technology and Policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 1998 01998 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved ............... .......... ..................... Department of Nuclear Engineering Technology and Policy Program Signature of Author ................. May 8, 1998 A C ertified by .................... Accepted by ....... .................. Mujid S. Kazimi Professor of Nuclear Engineering Thesis Supervisor ...................... ... . ....... C ertified by ........ .... .......... A C"... ............. .. ... ........................... Michael J. Driscoll Professor of Nuclear Engineering Emeritus Thesis Supervisor Lawrence M. idsk Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students Department of Nuclear Engineering Accepted by ........................................................ Richard de Neufville Chairman, Technology and Policy Program Scinci VJt u 4~i# e Optimization of DUPIC Cycle Environmental and Economic Performance by Chad A. Bollmann B.S., Ocean Engineering (1996) U.S. Naval Academy Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering and the Technology and Policy Program on May 8, 1998 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering and Master of Science in Technology anrd Policy ABSTRACT A study of the DUPIC (Direct Use of Spent PWR Fuel In CANDU) cycle was made to analyze cycle performance relative to that of PWR and CANDU fuel cycles in terms of uranium utilization and spent fuel production efficiency. The DUPIC cycle was found to be most efficient in terms of minimizing spent fuel production as well as most efficient (within limits) in terms of maximizing natural uranium utilization. It was found minimally productive to change PWR fuel management practices in order to extend burnup in the CANDU portion of the cycle. A policy analysis regarding potential implementation of the DUPIC cycle in North America, between the U.S. and Canada, was also made. CASMO computer models of PWR, CANDU, and CANFLEX fuel assemblies were created and benchmarked. The PWR models were then used to develop analytical correlations that predict PWR spent fuel isotopic compositions. Correlations that predict reactivity gain and burnup increase in CANDU reactors due to AIROX processing of PWR spent fuel were created. An estimate of fission product removal fractions during AIROX processing was developed. An integrated model that predicts CANDU discharge burnup extension due to the use of spent PWR fuel and AIROX processing was completed and used to analyze and compare the DUPIC cycle to other fuel cycles. The potential issues involved in implementation of a DUPIC cycle between the U.S. and Canada were examined. Stakeholders and influential groups were identified and their values were projected. A significant unresolved issue centers around which nation assumes custody of the DUPIC spent fuel and the disposal costs of that fuel. A plan for DUPIC cycle implementation was developed. Thesis Supervisor: Mujid Kazimi Title: Professor of Nuclear Engineering Thesis Supervisor: Michael Driscoll Title: Professor of Nuclear Engineering Emeritus Acknowledgements This project could not have been completed without the expertise and help of many people. I am greatly indebted to a good many people: Professor Mike Driscoll and Professor Mujid Kazimi, my advisors, Ron Ellis of AECL, Mike McMahon of The Mackenzie Group, Lorne Covington of STUDSVIK of America, and Xianfeng Zhao and Mike Reynard, graduate students in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at MIT. Many thanks go to my parents for their loving support over the years and my Dad's willingness to read and edit my writing. You missed out completely this time, Dad. Table of Contents Abstract ............................. 2.................2 ....................... Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................................ T able of Contents ........................................................................................................................ ................. 4 List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................................ L ist of Tables ............. . ................................................................................................... 3 ...................... 8 9 List of Symbols and Nomenclature ............................................................................................................. 10 CHAPTER 1 Introduction and Background.......................................................................................................................... .................. 1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1.2 Background................................................................................................................................... 1.3 DUPIC Cycle Justification ............................................................................ 1.4 DUPIC Cycle Description ............................................................ 1.5 REPORT STRUCTURE....................................................... 12 12 12 13 14 15 CHAPTER 2 Description of Modeling Process ...................................................................... 2.1 PWR Initial Conditions ........................................................ 2.2 Spent Fuel Isotopic Correlations .... .......................................... ...................... 2.3 AIROX Reactivity Effects. 2.4 CANDU Burnup Correlations........................................................... 2.5 C onclusions .............................................................................................................. 16 .... 16 16 18 18 .................. 19 CHAPTER 3 PWR Model Description............................................... 3.1 Plant D escription ................................................................................................................................... ....................................... 3.2 Model Description........................................................................................ .................. 3.3 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 20 20 21 22 CHAPTER 4 ....................................................................... CANDU Model Description ................................... 4 .1 Plant D escription ................................................................................................................................... 4.2 Fuel D escription .................................................................................................................................... ............................ 4.3 Model Description................................................................................................. 4.4 Standard (37-Pin) Model ........................................................................................ 4.5 CANFLEX Model .................................................................... .................. 4.6 C onclusions .............................................................................................................. 23 23 26 27 29 31 33 CHAPTER 5 Development of PWR Spent Fuel Isotopic Correlations............................................. 5.1 PWR Correlation Development ................................................................................... ......... 5.2 Determination of Maximum Acceptable Error ............................................ ................... 5.3 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 34 34 37 40 CHAPTER 6 ......... ........ Analysis of AIROX Process .................................... ....................... 6.1 Description of AIROX Process ........................................ 6.1.1 Spent Fuel Material Removal........................................................41 6.1.2 Spent Fuel Material Processing....................................................42 ..................... 6.1.3 CANFLEX Bundle Fabrication ...................... .......... ............................................... 6.2 Estimation of AIROX Fission Product Removal .................. ... ................................................ 6.3 Conclusions 41 41 43 43 46 CHAPTER 7 47 .... ......................... Development of CANDU Burnup Model ............................ 47 7.1 Isotopic Reactivity Worths and Effects .......................................... 47 ....................... Worths 7.1.1 Determination of Individual Isotope Concentration-Dependent Reactivity 48 ...................... ................................. 7.1.2 Determination of Isotopic Test Case Reactivity Effect 48 ...................... 7.2 Estimation of Fission Product Worths .......................... .......... 49 7.2.1 Determination of Total Fission Product Worth ......................................... 51 ................................. Worth Reactivity Product Fission of Reference 7.2.2 Determination 51 ................. ........................................ Burnup Discharge of CANDU Prediction 7.3 7.3.1 Net Change in Reactivity due to Fission Products............................................. 51 .................. 52 7.3.2 Overall Change in Reactivity ..................................... 7.3.3 Estimation of Test Case CANDU Discharge Burnup .................................................................. 52 53 .............................. 7.4 Model Integration.... 54 ......................................... 7.5 Conclusions ... CHAPTER 8 ........... ............ Analysis and Discussion of Results............................................. .............................................................................. 8.1 PWR Fuel Enrichm ent 8.2 Description of Compared Cycles.................................................. ... ............................ 8.3 Determination of Reactor Ratio in DUPIC ........................................ 8.4 Effects of DUPIC on Discharge Burnup..................................................................... ...................... 8.5 N atural Uranium U tilization .................................................................................................................. 8.6 Spent Fuel Production ........................................................................................................................... ......................................... 8.7 Conclusions ... 55 55 56 56 58 60 63 68 CHAPTER 9 .................................................. DUPIC Cycle Implementation in North America....... 9.1 History and Background of the DUPIC Cycle ........................................................................................ ...... ............................................................................................ 9.1.1 History ........................... .......... 9.1.2 Motivation for DUPIC Cycle Development......................... ................ 9.1.3 Current Status of DUPIC Implementation ...................................... ...................... 9.2 Issues Surrounding Implementation of the DUPIC Cycle ........................... .......................... 9.2.1 Reduced Fuel Cycle Costs............................................................. .......... ................................................. 9.2.2 AIROX Plant Costs and Issues .......... ................................ 9.2.3 Deregulation and Competitive Improvements .............. 9.2.4 Spent Fuel Reduction......................... 9.2.5 D UPIC Fuel Disposal ...................................................................................... ...................... 9.2.6 Conservation of Strategic Resources and National Security....................... ................... ............................................... Resistance.. Proliferation 9.2.7 AIROX Processing and 70 70 70 71 71 71 72 75 77 78 80 82 83 85 9.2.8 Transportation ............................................................................................................................... ...................... 85 Analyst's Perspective and Policy Options ...................................... 9.3.1 Analyst's Perspective................................................................ 85 86 9.3.2 Policy Options ................................................... ................ 89 9.4 Description of Stakeholders and Decision Makers.................................. 89 9.4.1 Public Positions .................. ........................................................................... 9.4.2 U tility Positions .................................................................................... 91 .......... ........ 91 9.4.3 Governm ental Positions ........................................................... ...................... 94 9.5 Proposed Policy Implementation Method.................................. ................... 94 9.5.1 W inning the Public ........................................................................................... 95 9.5.2 Gaining Utility Support............................................................... 96 9.5.3 Governmental Support.................................................... 97 9.6 Conclusions ............................................................ 9.3 CHAPTER 10 98 Conclusions and Future Work........................................................ 98 10.1 PWR Correlation Development ......................................... ................................. 10.1.1 Future Work: Additional Confirmation of PWR Correlations .................................... 98 10.1.2 Future Work: Additional Correlation Development........................................................... 98 99 10.2 AIROX Process Analysis............................................. 100 .......................................... Uncertainties Removal AIROX Eliminating 10.2.1 Future Work: .................... 101 10.2.3 Future Work: The Effects of Cooling Time ....................... 102 10.3 CANDU Burnup Prediction.......................................... 103 10.3.1 Future Work: CANDU Modeling in CASMO ..................................... 104 10.3.2 Future Work: Relation of Reactivity Worth and Isotope Concentration........................ 105 10.4 DUPIC Cycle Performance........................................... 10.4.1 Future Work: DUPIC Economic Performance............................................ 105 105 10.4.2 Future Work: Alternative Cycle Comparisons ......................................... 106 10 .5 P olicy Analysis .................................................................................................................. 107 .............................. Economics and Cycle Values Public of Analysis 10.5.1 Future Work: Additional 10.5.2 Future Work: Use of DUPIC Cycle to Burn Weapons Plutonium........................ ..................... 107 10.5.3 Future Work: Comparison of Proliferation Resistance of DUPIC Cycle ................................... 108 R eferences ........................................... ......... 109 APPENDIX A Burnup Correlations for Fixed Cycle Length or Batch Number ................................................. 112 APPENDIX B Sample CASMO Input and Output for Reference PWR................................... ........ 113 APPENDIX C Sample CANDU CA SMO Models............................................................................................................. 115 APPENDIX D Alternate AIROX Fission Product Removal Forecasts........................................... 118 APPENDIX E Influence of Cooling Time on Spent PWR Fuel................................................... 124 APPENDIX F Estimation of Fission Product Absorption Fraction Removal During AIROX ...................................... 128 APPENDIX G Sample Determination of (Ak/AX), for U-235 ............. ..................... APPENDIX H Benefits from Use of Slightly Enriched Uranium in CANDUs .............................................. ................. 135 138 List of Figures .......... 14 .. Figure 1-1: Diagram of 43-pin CANFLEX Fuel Bundle ......................... 17 Figure 2-1: Model Development Process Flowchart ........................................ 21 Figure 3-1: Plan View of Reference PWR Fuel Assembly ...................................................... Figure 4-1: Calandria and Pressure Tubes in a CANDU-600 (Ref. 10)............................................ 25 30 .................. Figure 4-2: Plan view of 37-pin Model Layout ........................................ 32 ............................................................................................ Layout M odel 45-pin of View Plan Figure 4-3: Figure 5-1: Comparison of CASMO PWR Data and Safeguards Plutonium Correlation..................................... 36 ....... 38 .................... Figure 5-2: Graph of K-Infinite vs Burnup for CANDU Reference Case.................. ....................................... 41 .............. ................... Figure 6-1: Flowchart of AIROX Fuel Processing.... Figure 8-1: Achievable Burnup in Component Stages of DUPIC Cycle .................................................. 59 ........... ............ 62 Figure 8-2: Natural Uranium Utilization .............................................. Figure 8-3: Spent Fuel Utilization............................................................................64 Figure 8-4: Annual Spent Fuel Production Comparison of All Cycles ................................................ 66 67 ........................ Figure 8-5: Annual Spent Fuel Production for DUPIC and PWR-only Cycles ........... 114 ..................................... PWR Reference for Card Figure B-1: Sample CASMO Input ........ 115 .................. Figure C-1: Sample CASMO Input Card for 37 Pin CANDU Model ............. Figure C-2: Sample CASMO Input Card for 43 Pin CANFLEX Model..............................................117 Figure E-1: Change in K-Infinite Over Time Due to Actinide Decay and Fission Product Buildup ...................... 124 Figure E-2: Change in K-Infinite Over Time Due to Fission Product Buildup and AIROX Removal ................ 125 List of Tables 20 Table 3-1: Operating Parameters of Reference PWR ........................................ 24 ..... .............. . ... ........................... Reactors Table 4-1: Operating Parameters of CANDU 28 Expansion.......................................................... Thermal Without and With K-Infinite of Table 4-2: Comparison 30 .............................. Parameters.............................. Alteration Model 4-3: Table 31 Table 4-4: K-Inf vs Burnup for Model and Benchmark (Ref. 13) ....................................................................... Table 4-5: Comparison of Benchmark to Model Isotopic Composition for 37-Pin Bundle (Ref. 3) ..................... 31 Table 4-6: Comparison of Benchmark to Experimental Isotopic Data for CANFLEX Bundle (Ref. 5).................... 33 Table 5-1: Range of Parameters for Spent PWR Fuel Correlation Development.............................................. 35 .......... 35 Table 5-2: Isotopic Correlations for Spent PWR Fuel ........................................ 37 .................................. Correlations Fuel Table 5-3: Maximum Errors in Isotopic Concentrations for PWR Spent 44 ...................................................... Study) (This AIROX During Table 6-1: Estimated Fission Product Removal 49 ................. Examination............................. Accuracy and Cases Correlation AIROX Table 7-1: Table 7-2: Sample Integrated Model of Reference Case........................................................................................ 50 Table 9-1: Summary of PWR, CANDU, and DUPIC Fuel Cycle Costs and Savings (1) ..................................... 72 ......... 113 Table B-1: Summary of Reference PWR Fuel Isotopics and K-Infinite as a Funtion of Burnup ............. Table D-1: Comparison of Fission Product Percent Removal Forecasts During AIROX................................... 118 119 Table D-2: Analysis of Fission Product Chemical Properties ........................................ 130 Fuel......... Spent Table F-I: ORIGEN Isotopic Fractional Absorption Estimation for 4.5 w/o, 50 MWD/kg PWR 135 Table G-I: Sample Determination of U-235 (Ak/AX), ......................................................................................... Table G-2: Comparison of Case 1 and Case 2 Isotopic Concentration-Dependent Reactivity Worths................ 136 138 Table H-: Approximate Discharge Burnup of SEU-Fueled CANDU ............................................... List of Symbols and Nomenclature LWR Light Water Reactor PWR Pressurized Water Reactor CANDU Canadian Deuterium Reactor DUPIC Direct Use of Spent PWR Fuel in CANDU AIROX Dry fuel refabrication process Xp PWR Reload Enrichment BdL PWR Discharge Burnup Bor Cycle average soluble boron concentration n PWR batch number Be Cycle burnup MOX Mixed Oxide fuel KAERI Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute AECL Atomic Energy of Canada, Limited INEL Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Ako Initial excess reactivity Akavg Maximum acceptable reactivity error Aki Average individual isotopic reactivity worth, (Ak/Ax)i Per-isotope, cycle average change in reactivity with concentration %Axi,Max Maximum allowable percentage isotopic variances Akfp Reactivity worth in a CANDU of all fission products present in spent PWR fuel Xfis Overall fissile content 6Akfp Net change in reactivity due to fission products AKi Total isotopic reactivity change AK Overall change in reactivity ABdC Change in CANDU discharge burnup Bdc Total CANDU burnup Rx AIROX fission product absorption removal fraction for uncooled fuel Ak'fp Post-AIROX total worth of fission products Akfp,ref Difference between CANDU reference case reactivity with and without AIROX processing BdC,ref Reference CANDU discharge burnup (F/P)p Feed-to-product ratio in PWR (W/P) Tails produced per unit mass of reactor fuel Rf Number of PWRs required to fuel one CANDU Q Gross thermal power L Capacity factor 1 Thermodynamic efficiency Uu Natural uranium utilization Usf Spent fuel utilization CHAPTER 1 Introduction and Background 1.1 Introduction Reducing the cost of electricity generated by nuclear power has been, and remains, a primary goal of both industry and academia. The world trend towards privatization of electricity production has also served to increase the pressure to reduce expenses so that nuclear energy remains competitive with other primary fuels. The DUPIC (Direct Use of Spent PWR Fuel In CANDU) cycle was originally proposed in Korea as a means of reducing spent fuel production. The DUPIC cycle also has the potential to reduce electrical generation costs by extracting more energy from the reactor fuel. This increased production efficiency, when combined with the decrease in spent fuel production, comprise the key advantages of the DUPIC cycle and make powerful arguments that support implementation of the DUPIC cycle. This study was undertaken with the goal of examining the environmental and economic performance of the entire DUPIC cycle. Furthermore, this study addresses the effects of initial PWR fuel cycle conditions on later-stage cycle performance and determines optimum performance values for variables such as PWR initial enrichment (Xp) and discharge burnup (BdL). 1.2 Background The DUPIC cycle requires the use of two different types of reactors, PWRs and CANDUs. PWRs (Pressurized Water Reactors) are cooled and moderated by light water and are the most common type of nuclear power plant in the world with 343 of these reactors currently planned or in existence. CANDUs (Canadian Deuterium Reactors) are cooled and moderated by heavy water and are the second most common nuclear power plant, with 37 plants in the world. (Ref 1) The U.S., Japan, and many European countries rely primarily on PWRs for nuclear power production while only Canada relies exclusively on CANDUs. Korea is a unique country because it generates electricity from both PWRs and CANDUs. This also makes Korea uniquely suited to implement the DUPIC cycle. 1.3 DUPIC Cycle Justification The DUPIC cycle reuses spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactors. CANDUs have a much greater neutron efficiency than PWRs, due primarily to the use of heavy water as the coolant and moderator. CANDU reactors can thus operate on fuel with much lower enrichments than PWRs. For instance, CANDUs are designed to burn fuel with the natural concentration of 0.711 w/o U235 while PWRs must have fuel with much higher enrichments, usually at least 3 w/o U-235. Because of the high initial enrichment of PWR fuel relative to CANDU fuel and the high neutron economy of CANDUs, even fuel that will no longer sustain a PWR can achieve significant additional burnup in a CANDU. There is usually sufficient fissile uranium and plutonium remaining in the spent PWR fuel to allow a CANDU to burn the spent PWR fuel considerably longer than fresh natural uranium fuel. For instance, natural uranium fuel is usually discharged from CANDUs with a fissile content (isotopes U-235, Pu-239, and Pu-241) of 0.25 w/o after a burnup of approximately 8.3 MWD/kg. PWR fuel, initially enriched to 3 w/o and burned for 35 MWD/kg, still has a significant total fissile content, often greater than 1 w/o after discharge, and can thus be burned for an additional 12 MWD/kg in CANDU reactors. The DUPIC cycle not only extends the use of PWR fuel but, when compared to conventional cycles that use only PWRs or CANDUs, the DUPIC cycle also significantly decreases the amount of spent fuel produced during the generation of a given amount of electricity. 1.4 DUPIC Cycle Description In the DUPIC fuel cycle, PWR spent fuel is stored for a period of time after being removed from the PWR at a certain discharge burnup. After cooling, the spent fuel is shipped to a special plant to be remanufactured into CANDU fuel bundles using a dry processing cycle such as AIROX (Ref. 2). At this plant, the cladding is punctured and gases that are trapped in the fuel rods are captured and stored for later disposal. The fuel cladding is then removed and the fuel pellets are transferred to a furnace where they are subjected to alternating reduction/oxidation reactions at peak temperatures of 1600 C. Volatile fission products are removed during this process while the spent fuel pellets are reduced to a fine powder. This powder is then milled, shaped, and sintered into CANDU fuel pellets. These pellets are reclad into fuel pencils and the pencils are assembled into a 43-pin CANFLEX bundle as shown in Fig. 1-1. Figure 1-1: Diagram of 43-pin CANFLEX Fuel Bundle (Ref. 34) Note: In Fig. 1-1 the center fuel pin and the surrounding ring are larger in diameter than the outer two rings. Some studies (Ref. 3) use different fuel compositions in the different-diameter pins. In this study the fuel compositions were uniform throughout all rings. This refabricated bundle of spent PWR fuel can then be burned in CANDUs in place of the natural uranium (non-enriched) fuel that is normally used. Computer analysis and practical experience have shown that minimal, insignificant modifications to CANDU control systems are required to safely use spent PWR (DUPIC) fuel (Ref. 3). 1.5 REPORT STRUCTURE This study will address the effects of the choice of PWR fuel cycle on the overall performance of the DUPIC cycle. Chapter 2 of this report describes the overall process that was followed to develop the complete DUPIC cycle model applied in this study. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the PWR and CANDU computer models, respectively, created to model the reactor physics and fuel burnup behavior. The development of PWR isotope correlations is discussed in Chapter 5 while Chapter 6 describes the AIROX process and the creation of an AIROX model. Chapter 7 relates the use of a method, similar to that used in Chapter 5, to develop correlations for discharge burnup in the CANDU. Chapter 8 compares the environmental and economic performance of the DUPIC cycle to conventional PWR and CANDU fuel cycles. Chapter 9 examines the potential public policy impacts of a DUPIC cycle proposal linking the U.S. and Canada. Chapter 10 summarizes the overall conclusions of this study and outlines areas for future work. Appendices A through I contain detailed explanations of important procedures and document important results in support of the main text. CHAPTER 2 Description of Modeling Process One of the principal goals of this project was to develop an integrated model to predict the achievable discharge burnup in the CANDU portion of the DUPIC cycle given initial PWR conditions. A flowchart of the process for model development is shown in Fig. 2-1. The development of this integrated model can be broken into four main stages: determination of PWR initial conditions, development of PWR spent fuel isotopic correlations, prediction of AIROX process effects on fuel, and development of CANDU burnup correlations. 2.1 PWR Initial Conditions Certain characteristics of the fresh PWR fuel must be known in order to accurately predict isotopic concentrations in the spent fuel. If reload enrichment, Xp, cycle-average soluble boron concentration, Bor, and PWR discharge burnup, BdL, are known then the correlations developed for the next stage of the model (discussed below) can be used immediately to determine spent fuel isotopics. If PWR discharge burnup is not known then the reload enrichment in addition to either the batch number, n, or the cycle burnup, Bc, can be used to predict discharge burnup. This parameter can be calculated using correlations developed in another MIT study (Ref 4), as summarized in Appendix A, before proceeding to the next stage. 2.2 Spent Fuel Isotopic Correlations Once discharge burnup, reload enrichment, and boron concentration are known the correlations developed in this study can be used to predict the isotopic composition of Figure 2-1: Model Development Process Flowchart Given one of the following sets of input data for PWR fresh fuel: Xp, Bor, BdL Xp, Batch number (n) Calculate BdL from Xp, B, - PWR - AIROX - CANDU correlations (1) Obtain spent fuel isotope concentrations from correlations based on BdL, Bor, and initial Xp (2) Use AIROX correlation to obtain AkFp for fission product removal Calculate Ak for each isotope (Ak) by comparing CANDU DUPIC reference and test cases Sum Ak, and AkFP, to determine total net AK Determine ABd from Eq. (7-5) Add ABdc to reference BdC, Ref to determine overall CANDU DUPIC BdC Sum Bdc and BdL to obtain total DUPIC burnup Bd Notes: (1) BdL correlations for PWR are developed and discussed in Ref. 4. (2) If boron concentration is unknown, a default value of Bor = 200Xp ppm can be used spent fuel discharged from the PWR at the specified burnup. The development of these correlations is described in Chapter 5 of this study. The correlations predict the weight percent concentration of important uranium and plutonium isotopes in terms of the initial mass of heavy metal in fresh PWR fuel. 2.3 AIROX Reactivity Effects The next stage of the model accounts for gains in the reactivity of the fuel that result from the processing that occurs during AIROX treatment. Because of the high temperatures that are used during oxidation/reduction and sintering, some fission products are vaporized and removed from the spent fuel. When these products are vaporized, the overall parasitic neutron absorption of the spent fuel is decreased and there is a proportional increase in the reactivity of the fuel. A correlation was developed to predict the change in reactivity during the AIROX process. This correlation and a list of vaporized fission products can be found in Chapter 6 along with a discussion of the analysis performed on this stage of the DUPIC cycle. 2.4 CANDU Burnup Correlations The final stage of the model predicts the achievable discharge burnup in the CANDU portion of the DUPIC cycle. This prediction is made by examining the reactivity effects in a CANDU of the significant uranium and plutonium isotopes mentioned above. We first determined the reactivity effects of a given isotope as its concentration in the fuel is varied. The total change in fuel reactivity can then be calculated by comparing test case concentrations of each isotope to the concentrations of that isotope in the reference case, 4.5 w/o-enriched PWR fuel burned to 50 GWD/MT. This change in reactivity from the reference case, when summed with a change in reactivity due to AIROX processing, can be used to determine the achievable burnup in the CANDU portion of the DUPIC cycle. The correlations developed in this stage of the model, along with a more detailed description of the methodology, can be found in Chapter 7. 2.5 Conclusions Once the correlations were developed for each stage of the model, the stages were integrated using a spreadsheet program so that the CANDU burnup and overall DUPIC burnup are parametrically determined from set of initial PWR conditions. This integration of submodels obviates the need for additional physics computer code runs over a wide range of PWR initial conditions. This model format could also be used to predict results for different reactors (PWRs or CANDUs with higher or lower powers, different fuel types and geometries, etc.) if specific numerical relations similar to those used in this study are developed. The spreadsheet, including specimen input and output, is discussed and documented in Chapter 8. CHAPTER 3 PWR Model Description The reference PWR for this study was Yonggwang-1, a Westinghouse 950 MWe Pressurized Water Reactor. A Korean PWR was selected because it facilitated benchmarking the results of this study's modeling to results developed by the Koreans during their study of the DUPIC cycle. Additionally, much of the existing literature discussing the proposed DUPIC cycle has focused on Korean PWRs and, more specifically, plants similar in design to Yonggwang-1. Finally, a great deal of the existing spent PWR fuel has been discharged from older-generation PWRs such as Yonggwang- 1. 3.1 Plant Description The important operating parameters for this plant are shown below. These parameters were determined using data obtained from AECL (Ref. 5), Fuji (Ref 6), and KAERI (Ref. 7). The plant, as modeled, uses a 17x17 Westinghouse fuel assembly containing 264 fuel rods. All parameters given below are for initial conditions and all dimensions given are cold dimensions. Table 3-1: Operating Parameters of Reference PWR Contractor Gross Power (MWth) Net Electrical Power (MWe) Fuel Assemblies Assembly Pitch (cm) Fuel Pins per Assembly Pin Pitch (cm) Specific Power (kW/kgU) Linear Power Density (kW/m) Coolant Temperature (OC) Fuel Pellet Diameter (cm) Cladding Thickness (cm) Cladding Material Gap Thickness (cm) Fuel Density (gUO 2/cm^3) Westinghouse 2775 900 157 21.5 264 1.26 41.8 17.9 307 0.7844 0.0571 Zr-4 0.008 10.33 3.2 Model Description Both the PWR and the CANDUs in this project were modeled using the CASMO-3 reactor analysis program developed by STUDSV1X NUCLEAR, a division of STUDS1K AB, Nykoping, Sweden. Because CASMO is designed to model PWRs, the Yonggwang-1 plant could be represented in CASMO without any of the modifications and adaptations that were necessary to model a CANDU reactor. A 17-cell by 17-cell fuel array, as shown in Fig. 3-1, was created in CASMO and used for all PWR modeling. This array was created and run in CASMO using input derived from the parameters in Table 3-1. Figure 3-1: Plan View of Reference PWR Fuel Assembly ~" -- ~ ~ I-:W The cIt PR SO Ne. K.MO. Th W cr weref~ly N %I 1 iZ -tOK kk ~-001" w wereX rserdwem f 5'he15*K Z;''~'2 Z z*Z "W H -; A--9* XF@edas pt(e K* Z:I R f " X: ZW X Fuli %I. *- Colnt* =z:: NX 3.01. %-.% .... K *.%- K R 1: % .... .. K,R :j~t~ K: *K* K***.K*K:*K Ok K :X..0 x'; X .A W-1 W.....a-0. .01 00 00, f~ ; 5SO 5.;; @0.l :R: RA i%**",: - SO\* i% -k'a...... x RZ" A. RK* ~5ik 0 .......... .. : Rx . %Z--Z$X : .:r,,%%%%%%%:kkkkk . %;Pi W., SO.' asmdld tseaysathtfulpwe odiin.Al ot0lrd wthdrwn.Celstat wuldnorall conainthee -*X ros wre odeed a emty containing only moderator). Cycle-average soluble boron was used, when desired, to control reactivity and to examine the effects of soluble boron concentration on spent fuel isotopics. 3.3 Conclusions The modeling of the PWR portion of the DUPIC cycle was fairly straightforward since basic, square fuel assemblies were used. For reference, sample CASMO input, output, and output summaries for the reference PWR are contained in Appendix B. CHAPTER 4 CANDU Model Description Because this study used a square-lattice reactor modeling code, several adaptations were necessary to convert the cylindrical CANDU fuel bundles and channels into equivalent square structures. Reference lattices for both a CANDU-600 using natural uranium fuel and the reference reactor using mixed-oxide fuel were created and then compared to benchmark calculations to confirm their validity. Significant adjustments had to be made to the model to approximate real life conditions, but the effects of these adjustments proved to be minimal as the results of this study show that CASMO-3 can be used to model CANDU fuel and predict fuel reactivity and isotopic composition with acceptable accuracy for current purposes. It should be noted that the most recent version of CASMO, CASMO-4, can explicitly model CANDU and other hexagonal fuel lattices. (Ref. 8) 4.1 Plant Description The design of a CANDU reactor core differs significantly from that of U.S. Light Water Reactors. CANDU reactors are designed to bum natural (non-enriched) uranium and to be continuously refueled in order to operate economically. This requirement for online fueling is an important influence on the design of the CANDU. CANDU fuel is contained in rods (fuel pencils) that are approximately 1.2 cm in diameter and 50 cm in length. These rods are fabricated into fuel bundles consisting of either 37 or 43 pencils. These bundles are the basic unit of fuel for a CANDU reactor. As shown in Fig. 4-1, fuel bundles are located inside pressure tubes that run horizontally through the reactor. Each pressure tube contains 13 fuel bundles and pressurized heavy water coolant. A gas-filled gap and calandria tube surround each pressure tube. The gap and calandria tube insulate the pressure tube and can contain leaks in the pressure tube. All pressure tubes are inside of a calandria tank which is filled with heavy-water moderator at low pressure and temperature. The operating parameters for the reference plants were obtained from existing literature and, in a few cases, directly from Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd. (AECL). The operating parameters for the two reactors of interest here are listed in Table 4-1. These parameters are for the most part identical and differ mainly in detailed lattice dimension and specific power. When burning MOX fuel using a CANFLEX bundle, however, the Bruce-i reactor produces 850 MWe net from 2832 MWth. This power uprating from the current levels shown in Table 4-1 is the result of using enriched fuel instead of natural uranium fuel and is possible in newer reactors or in existing reactors that have sufficient heat-removal capacity to avoid exceeding design limits. (Ref. 9) Analysis by AECL and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Ref. 3) as well as this study included this power uprating. All dimensions given are cold dimensions unless otherwise specified. Table 4-1: Operating Parameters of CANDU Reactors Core Thermal Power Net Electrical Power 2180 638 Bruce - 1 NU Fuel 2510 769 Channel Pitch 27.94 27.3 cm Avg. Fuel Temperature 900 900 K Fuel Density 10.36 10.36 gUO2/cm^3 Avg. Coolant Temperature 560.66 560.66 K Avg. Coolant Density 0.812 0.812 g/cm^3 Moderator Temperature 345.66 345.66 K Moderator Density 1.111 1.102 g/cm^3 Specific Power 25.4 32 kW/kg HE CANDU-600 Units MWth MWe Figure 4-1: Calandria and Pressure Tubes in a CANDU-600 (Ref. 10) CALANDRIA fuel rod diameter 13.08 mm Calandria tube thickness 1.4mm Pressure tube inside diameter (103.4 mm) Pressure tube thickness 4.34mm Calandria tube outer diameter 131.8 mm PRESSURE TUBE (WITH 37-PIN BUNDLE) pellet diameter 12.1 mm cladding thickness 0.38mm FUEL ELEMENT 4.2 Fuel Description There are two types of CANDU fuel bundles: 37-pin and 43-pin bundles. The 37-pin bundle is the standard CANDU natural uranium bundle, in this paper it is referred to as a "standard" or "reference" bundle. The pins in this bundle all have the same diameter and composition. In both bundles the pins are set in three rings around a single center pin. The 43pin bundle is referred to as a CANFLEX bundle and contains pins with two different geometries. The inner pins have larger diameters than the outer pins. The CANFLEX bundle was designed for alternate fuel types such as the mixed-oxide fuel (MOX) that is produced from excess weapon materials or from LWR spent fuel as proposed for the DUPIC cycle. The outer pins have smaller diameters so that they operate at lower linear powers and can be subject to higher burnups without fuel failure. In the proposed fuel cycle the MOX fuel produced in an LWR is homogenized using the AIROX process. (Ref 2) AIROX is a dry-processing technique originally developed in the 1960s at INEL by Aerojet International and is currently being jointly investigated by AECL, the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and the U.S. DOE. In AIROX the PWR fuel cladding is removed and the fuel pellets are subjected to alternating reducing and oxidizing conditions. (Ref. 11) This turns the fuel into a powder that can then be milled to a fine consistency and sintered into pellets for a CANFLEX bundle. This process is expected to produce very homogeneous fuel pellets that perform as well as conventional natural uranium fuel. (Ref. 12) Also, some fission products (and all volatile fission products) are removed during the oxidation-reduction process with some additional removal during the sintering stage. Since most of these products act as poisons, their removal increases the reactivity worth and potential burnup of the MOX fuel over that of the LWR spent fuel. 4.3 Model Description The reference and CANFLEX fuel bundles were modeled using the CASMO-3 assembly analysis program developed by STUDSVIK NUCLEAR, a division of STUDSVIK AB, Nykoping, Sweden. The bundles were analyzed at steady-state full power. No poisons or other reactivity control methods were used or required despite the additional reactivity of MOX fuel. Studies by AECL showed that the additional reactivity caused by MOX fuel can still be accommodated within the safety envelope of the Bruce reactors. (Ref. 13) Both the standard and CANFLEX CANDU bundles were modeled using a 17x17 lattice composed of 289 cells. An array of this size was chosen to provide the highest spatial resolution possible. It was also decided that each pin should occupy one lattice cell and should be modeled using its real dimensions in order to maximize realism. However, the individual square lattice cells were quite large in volume compared to the actual triangular spacing in CANDU fuel bundles. The fuel pin-to-coolant area ratio is smaller in CANDUs than in the equivalent cell of the square CASMO model; thus the fuel pin spacing is artificially large and the area occupied by coolant in the CASMO model is significantly greater than in actual CANDUs. This extra spacing in the fuel and coolant area of the lattice decreases the space available for the moderator in the region representing the calandria tank. Thus, without any compensation, a CASMO model using real pin dimensions would contain too much coolant and too little moderator. This inaccuracy was corrected by applying a density adjustment factor to the coolant and moderator. This factor was determined by comparing the real-life liquid areas to the model areas and then altering the coolant and moderator densities so that the model contained the correct volume of moderator and coolant, although in densities different from those in an actual CANDU. Also, since accurate moderator and coolant densities were so critical to the model, the thermal expansion function in CASMO was disabled and the hot, full-power densities of the coolant and moderator were used as the pre-adjusted input densities. This ensured that exactly the right volume of moderator and coolant was used so that the model will have the same fuel-tomoderator ratio as in an actual CANDU (see Table 4-3). A calculation was done with the thermal expansion function enabled to investigate the effects of this behavior. As is shown in Table 4-2, disabling thermal expansion caused no significant error in the model. Table 4-2: Comparison of K-Infinite With and Without Thermal Expansion % Error Allowing Expansion Expansion Disabled [MWD/MT] [K-Inf] [K-Inf] 0 1.1026 1.1028 -0.02 1.0611 1.0696 1.0649 1.0529 1.0378 1.0214 1.0046 0.9880 0.9720 0.9568 0.9426 1.0613 1.0698 1.0650 1.0530 1.0378 1.0214 1.0045 0.9878 0.9718 0.9565 0.9422 -0.02 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 Burnup 200 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 The capabilities of CASMO-3 affected the model geometry in other ways. Because CASMO was designed to model light water reactors, its basis angle is ninety degrees. The pins were thus placed in a roughly square layout and air-filled cells (simulating void) were used in the corners of the fuel matrix to approximate a more circular form. The air cells were modeled as a square channel with an extremely thin wall of Zircaloy. Second, the pressure tube, calandria tube, and gap were approximated by the insertion of a flow channel from a boiling water reactor. The gas gap between the two tubes was eliminated because CASMO-3 is incapable of modeling such a feature. It was believed that the effects of this loss would be minimal because of the small size of the gap and the small absorption cross-section of the gas, a belief that was verified by the accuracy of the results. Additionally, the pressure tube in a CANDU is composed primarily of a zirconium alloy which contains a small amount of niobium. When the two tubes were merged in the model the overall material composition had to be altered slightly to reflect the absorption cross-section of the other metal. Since CASMO does not have niobium in its material library, another metal with a similar absorption cross-section was chosen and its density was adjusted to approximate the cross-section of niobium. In both models the alternative metal that was used was Cu-63. 4.4 Standard (37-Pin) Model The 37-pin bundle was modeled using a 7 x 7 array of fuel pins and twelve air cells to produce a roughly circular, 37-pin fuel matrix as shown in Fig. 4-2. The air cell is actually modeled as a square pin containing air with an extremely thin cladding thickness. The bundle was modeled with natural uranium fuel and the bundle parameters shown in Table 4-3 were applied to approximate real conditions. The CASMO results were then compared to reactivityversus-burnup and isotopic benchmarks provided by AECL to verify the validity of the model. (Ref. 5) The results of this comparison are presented in Tables 4-4 and 4-5 and show that the natural uranium, 37-pin model accurately models a CANDU reactor. The difference between the model and benchmark reactivity was within one percent until a burnup of 5000 MWD/MT was achieved and then the error gradually increased to 1.5 percent. Since the trend is systematic - the model consistently underestimates k - it should be possible, if desired, to increase agreement with the benchmark through the introduction of further simple changes of factors such as pin diameter and fuel density. Appendix C includes a CASMO input card for the 37-pin bundle. Figure 4-2: Plan view of 37-pin Model Layout. -w II .. *Tci ;i~Iijr - Homogenized Pressure / 4L N Calandria Tube Surrounded By 240 External Moderator Cells (moderator not shown) [.[3[31313134, 33'A IT5 M 5f O O 22 D Fuel Pin 0= = Coolant ,Air Cells Table 4-3: Model Alteration Parameters Standard Model CANFLEX Model Coolant Density Factor 0.682 0.5783 Moderator Density Factor 0.9746 1.0698 Zircaloy Channel Thickness 4.28 4.98 mm Channel Zircaloy Composition Channel Copper Composition 99.28 99.28 w/o 0.72 0.72 w/o (simulating Nb) Isotopic errors were also within acceptable ranges. Differences between actual and expected levels of uranium-235 and uranium-238 were less than one percent and plutonium differences were about three percent. There are likely to be greater errors in plutonium concentrations than uranium because of the version of CASMO used. The university version used at MIT treats resonance integral calculations differently than the commercial version and these calculations are particularly important to the accurate prediction of plutonium production. Table 4-4: K-Inf vs Burnup for Model and Benchmark (Ref. 13) Bumup [MWD/MT] 0 200 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Model 1.1028 1.0613 1.0698 1.0650 1.0530 1.0378 1.0214 1.0045 0.9878 0.9718 0.9565 0.9422 K Infinite CANDU 1.1109 1.0785 1.0778 1.0724 1.0603 1.0453 1.0298 1.0140 0.9985 0.9837 0.9698 0.9570 % Error 0.72 1.59 0.74 0.69 0.69 0.72 0.82 0.93 1.07 1.22 1.38 1.54 Table 4-5: Comparison of Benchmark to Model Isotopic Composition for 37-Pin Bundle (Ref. 3) BdC = 8000 MWD/MT Isotope U-235 U-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 CASMO 0.205 98.486 0.252 0.110 0.024 0.007 AECL 0.206 98.389 0.249 0.110 0.023 0.007 Error* 0.40% -0.10% -1.25% -0.40% -4.46% -2.83% *Calculated using four significant figures for each value 4.5 CANFLEX Model The CANFLEX bundle was also modeled using a 7 by 7 cell fuel array. To preserve symmetry, however, only four air cells were used. As shown in Fig. 4-3, this produced a matrix containing 45 fuel pins instead of the 43 pins that are in an actual CANFLEX bundle. It was decided that since the CANFLEX bundle uses homogeneous MOX fuel and the fuel composition is input into CASMO on a weight-percent basis, the addition of two extra fuel pins would not cause unacceptable error provided the fuel-to-moderator and fuel-to-coolant mass ratios were adjusted to account for the extra fuel mass. Additionally, because each pin is exposed at a different rate, it would have been extremely difficult to normalize the modeling results to a 43pin bundle. Using fewer fuel pins was considered, but it was decided that maintaining lattice symmetry was more important than modeling the correct number of pins. This decision was upheld by the results, also shown in Table 4-6, of modeling an asymmetric 43-pin bundle. This model contained the same number of pins and mass of fuel as an actual CANFLEX bundle, but the error introduced because of the asymmetry was approximately the same as the 45-pin model and significantly greater with respect to Pu-239, an important isotope. A natural uranium CANFLEX bundle CASMO card is included in Appendix C. Figure 4-3: Plan View of 45-pin Model Layout * * * *Homogenized Pressure / SCalandria Tube Surrounded By **4 . 240 External Moderator Cells (moderator not shown) ** S=Coolant * Cells **Air = Inner Fuel Pin = Outer Fuel Pin Table 4-6: Comparison of Benchmark to Experimental Isotopic Data at Discharge Burnup for CANFLEX Bundle (Ref. 5) Isotope U-235 U-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 Benchmark Composition w/o 0.173 96.076 0.32 0.347 0.089 0.137 45-Pin Model w/o 0.186 95.873 0.319 0.355 0.094 0.125 % Error % 7.51 -0.21 -0.31 2.31 5.62 -8.76 43-Pin Model w/o 0.184 95.876 0.318 0.354 0.095 0.125 % Error % 6.36 -0.21 -0.63 2.02 6.74 -8.76 4.6 Conclusions CASMO-3 can be used to model circular-geometry lattices with acceptable accuracy. Modeling a CANDU reactor with a square-geometry program required adjustments to coolant and moderator densities and approximation of real-life CANDU fuel-bundle geometries. These adjustments allowed the creation of 37-pin and 43-pin CANDU fuel bundle models that predicted spent fuel isotopic composition within reasonable bounds of error. CHAPTER 5 Development of PWR Spent Fuel Isotopic Correlations Both the PWR and CANDU correlations were developed using CASMO-3. These CASMO-3 simulations were created and analyzed in large part by X. Zhao, an MIT student, during the course of a project examining the re-use of AIROX-processed fuel in PWRs. The PWR correlations allow the prediction of isotopic composition in the spent PWR fuel based on three inputs: reload enrichment, Xp, discharge burnup, BdL, and cycle-average boron concentration, Bor. Maximum acceptable levels of error in isotopic prediction from the PWR correlations were then developed. Bounds on acceptable error were developed in terms of the reactivity worth of a given isotope as it affects achievable burnup in the CANDU stage of the DUPIC cycle. 5.1 PWR Correlation Development The development of PWR correlations involved the creation and execution of a significant number of CASMO simulations. Reload enrichment, burnup, and cycle-average soluble boron concentration were varied over current and potential ranges in a series of CASMO calculations. The ranges that were examined are shown in Table 5-1. The results of the CASMO simulations were compiled and the post-burnup heavy metal isotope concentrations were then systematically linearized about the variables Xp, Bor, and BdL. When necessary, quadratic order terms were added to reduce the residual errors to within acceptable limits. The expressions for PWR isotope concentrations that were derived in this manner are shown in Table 5-2. The concentrations given by the correlations in Table 5-2 are in terms of w/o of initial heavy metal in fresh PWR fuel. Table 5-1: Range of Parameters for Spent PWR Fuel Correlation Development Notation XP [w/o] Enrichment Burnup Cycle Average Boron Concentration I Low Value 3 20 20M] B [MWD/kg BM1 Bor [ppm] High Value 8 96 Step Size 1 10 1600 1600 200 0 I Table 5-2: Isotopic Correlations for Spent PWR Fuel Nuclide Correlation [w/o] U - 234 X24 = 0.0084 + 0.0066Xp - 0.00041B U - 235 X25 = 0.26 + 0.579X - 0.008Xp2 - 0.038B + 0.065x10-3Bor U - 236 X26 = 0. 197Xp - 0. 164X25 - 0.003B U - 238 X28 = 99.12 - 0.693Xp - 0.074B - 0.153x10-3Bor Pu - 238 X48 = -0.0011X, + 0.0001B + 1.1x10-5B 2 + 0.0026x10"3Bor Pu - 239 X49 = 0.325 + 0.056Xp - 0.0005B - 1.45x10-5 B2 + 0.053x10 3 Bor Pu - 240 X40 = 0.112 - 0.0155X + 0.0055B - 2.0x10-sB2 + 0.0029x10 3Bor Pu - 241 X41 = 0.0237 + 0.004Xp + 0.00288B - 1.3x10-sB 2 + 0.016x103 Bor Pu - 242 X42 = -0.0127 - 0.021Xp + 0.00404B - 7x10-6B 2 Table 5-2 Notes (1) Xaz is the weight-percent concentration of the uranium or plutonium isotope of atomic number ending in 'a' and mass number ending in 'z,' initial heavy metal basis. (2) B is the fuel burnup at the desired analysis point, [MWD/kg]. (3) Bor is the soluble boron concentration, use 200 times Xp as default, [ppm]. The equations in Table 5-2 show the sensitivity of isotopic composition to soluble poison concentration - an important factor that can explain differences between this study's results and others which may not consider this variable. This also suggests that fuel management strategies and assembly design details may introduce significant uncertainties that will exceed the uncertainties associated with the use of these correlations. If this is the case, requisite accuracies should be obtainable by re-normalization of the correlations to compensate for core-specific variances such as leakage and usage of gadolinium compared to IFBA or WABA poisons. It is interesting to note that there were past efforts to develop isotopic ratio correlations for safeguard purposes. A correlation of the form given by Eq. (5-1) was developed in a materials safeguard study to predict the ratio of Plutonium 242 and 240 as a function of plutonium-241 and -239 in PWR spent fuel. (Ref. 14) xPu-2 42 = 3.3 Pu- 240 2 (5 -1) Pu-241 XPu- 2 39 ) Both the CASMO output and the correlations from Table 5-2 satisfy the above isotope ratio relation to within a maximum discrepancy of four percent and an average error of about 2%. Fig. 5-1 shows the consistent agreement of the results of this study's PWR CASMO data to the above plutonium isotope ratio correlation. Figure 5-1: Comparison of CASMO PWR Data and Safeguards Plutonium Correlation 0.43 Xp = 2 0.4 ------0.37 ----- 0.34 ..... 0.31 SXp 2.5 A Xp = 3 * Xp=4 e Xp=6 = 5 Xp + Xp = 7 - Xp 8 _0.28 Correlation from Eq. 5-1 o 0.25 .. 0.22 0 .19 ------------------ - -- ---- 0.16 0 .16 -.---. .---.....-. .. -.. ---. . . . . .. ...------... ... ..... ---. .. -----... ... ..-----... ... .. ------- --------.. .... ..---..-..-..--..--..-..---... . -------------... ...... 0.13 0.19 0.21 0.23 0.25 0.27 Pu-242/Pu-240 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.35 5.2 Determination of Maximum Acceptable Error Table 5-3 summarizes the calculated maximum allowable error and the achieved accuracies. The maximum error determinations were based on CASMO data calculated for the CANDU reference case as defined in Chapter 3. The error in terms of the relative burnup effect was then determined from the CASMO data for the CANDU reference case and is plotted in Fig. 5-2. Table 5-3: Maximum Errors in Isotopic Concentrations for PWR Spent Fuel Correlations Nuclide Allowable Error Correlation Max. I%1 Error [%] (1) 7.3 1.2 1.6 0.04 6.4 U- 234 U- 235 U- 236 U- 238 Pu - 238 100 3.4 70 6 100 Pu - 239 4.0 0.77 Pu - 240 Pu - 241 Pu -242 47 8 100 0.86 2.40 1.76 Table 5-3 Notes (1) Error is for range of enrichments 4 < X, < 7. (2) Extending range of enrichments to 2 < Xp, 8 approximately doubles the error. (3) The error cited = (correlation - CASMO) / (CASMO) x 100 (4) All data points fall within the cited bounds. The average absolute correlation error is approximately one-half the maximum values quoted. (5) 3.4 % error in U-235 gives approximately 2 % error in discharge burnup for CANDU DUPIC fuel. Other isotopes are scaled according to Eq. (5-4) as discussed in Section 5.2. An examination of Fig. 5-2 reveals that the total change in initial reactivity between the initial state and loss of criticality is approximately 0.21. After decreasing the total change in reactivity by 0.04 to allow for leakage, the initial excess reactivity, Ako, can be determined to be 0.17. For a linear burnup history as shown in Fig. 5-2, the increase in relative burnup capability can be approximated by Eq. 5-2 where Ak = 0.17: Figure 5-2: Graph of K-Infinite vs Burnup for CANDU Reference Case 1.3 ...... ...- - - - . . .. . . ... .. .. .. . . . . . ....... ... --.. ...... ... .....- . :'. -.. .;.- .... - . - .- . . . . .. . . . .-.. '---;--'- .. . . . ..-- 1.2 -Delta k, I 1.1 Lealage Allowance = 0.04 1 0.9 --.. -------- . . -. 1------------------ 1 + reactivity - k-inf 08 0 2 4 10 8 6 12 14 16 Burnup (MWD/kg) Ad BdCRe f "Akvg5Ak (5-2) 0 Next the maximum acceptable relative error in burnup was set at 2%. This is equivalent to an error of 0.4 MWD/kg of fuel over a total burnup of 20 MWD/kg. Substituting two percent for the left-hand term of Eq. (5-2) gives us the maximum acceptable reactivity error, Akavg = 0.02/5 = 0.004. A series of CANDU DUPIC runs were then made, systematically varying each nuclide concentration individually to determine (Ak/Ax)i ,the per-isotope, cycle average change in reactivity with concentration. Chapter 7 and Appendix G detail the methods used to determine (Ak/Ax)i for the examined isotopes. Substituting the (Ak/Ax)i value for U-235 into Eq. (5-3) and using the previously determined maximum allowable reactivity error (0.004) gives the allowable variance in isotopic composition for U-235. Dividing this value by the initial concentration of U-235 gives the maximum allowable percentage variation in composition. (5-3) x =g The maximum allowable percentage isotopic variances for the other examined nuclides, %Axi,Max, were then determined by comparison to the maximum allowable percentage error for U-235. For each isotope, %Axi,M,ax can be determined by dividing the concentration-dependent reactivity worth of U-235 by that of the test nuclide and then multiplying by the maximum allowable percentage variation in composition for U-235, %Axu-235,Max. This calculation is shown in Eq. (5-4). %AX,,M= Ak (AkJ AxU -- 235 ,Mav (v4) The results of these calculations to determine the maximum allowable isotopic composition error for the reference case are shown in the "Allowable Error" column of Table 53. The far right column of Table 5-3 shows the maximum error between the CASMO case and the correlation prediction for each tested combination of reload enrichment, boron concentration, and discharge burnup. As is evident in Table 5-3, the nuclide which most severely challenges the accuracy targets is U-235. While each individual isotope clearly meets its individual limits on error, care must be taken that the cumulative individual errors do not sum to create an excessive overall error. Individually, the accuracy of these correlations ranges from adequate to far more than sufficient. Also, closer examination of the detailed numerical comparisons reveals no definite remaining systematic bias that could be corrected in any simple fashion. 5.3 Conclusions The PWR spent fuel composition correlations can be very useful because of their simplicity and accuracy. These correlations can account for a range of initial conditions and allow the user to predict spent fuel isotopic composition without using a CASMO-equivalent computer program or interpolating data from a graph. While the correlations developed specifically for this study are not necessarily applicable to all reactors, the development process is straightforward and can be done for any other reactor of interest. CHAPTER 6 Analysis of AIROX Process In the proposed process spent PWR fuel, after cooling, will be shipped to an AIROX plant to be refabricated into CANDU fuel. Unlike the British and French PUREX plants that use "wet" separation techniques where spent fuel is dissolved and separated in acid baths, AIROX uses a dry process to refabricate the spent PWR fuel into CANFLEX fuel bundles. During the dry processing, some fission products are vaporized and removed from the fuel. The processed PWR fuel will thus have a higher neutronic reactivity after AIROX processing. The gain in reactivity from AIROX processing depends on the amount of fission products in the spent fuel and thus on the discharge burnup of the spent PWR fuel. 6.1 Description of AIROX Process A flowchart describing the overall AIROX processing path is shown in Fig. 6-1. Figure 6-1: Flowchart of AIROX Fuel Processing Spent PWR Fuel Receiving Pelletization Sintering and a Fuel Pin Fabrication 6.1.1 Fuel Disassembly Fuel Rod Decladding 4-- Powder Conditioning 1-- Fuel Oxidation/Reduction Bundle Fabrication DUPIC Fuel Shipping Spent Fuel Material Removal After the spent PWR fuel assemblies are cooled and shipped to the processing plant the first step in the AIROX process is spent fuel disassembly. In this step the spent PWR fuel rods are removed from the assembly structures and the structures are treated as solid waste. The fuel rods are then punctured to remove fission gases and then declad. Any fission gases that are removed are collected and stored for decay or disposal. The fuel cladding is removed from the spent fuel pellets and mechanically cleaned to maximize recovery of spent fuel material. The cladding, once cleaned, is then treated as solid waste. The removal of assembly structural materials and fuel cladding is expected to generate approximately 0.3 MT/MTHM of solid waste. (Ref. 15) 6.1.2 Spent Fuel Material Processing The next step of AIROX processing involves treating the spent fuel pellets and debris with alternating oxidation and reduction cycles to convert the pellets into a fine powder. The peak temperature reached during the oxidation/reduction stage is approximately 1200 C. (Ref. 16) The spent fuel powder can then be blended with other processed batches of powders, recycled, or milled to produce powder of the desired consistency and fissile content. After a batch of powder meets specifications of size and content uniformity, it begins the pelletization process. The fuel powder is compacted and granulated; a lubricant is then added to the powder to facilitate pelletization. Following the completion of a thermal treatment to remove the pelletization lubricant, the green pellets are sintered at a temperature of 1600 C in a reducing environment. (Ref. 16) The sintered pellets are then ground to dimension and surface finish specifications and quality tested. Any defective pellets and all scrap materials from earlier pellet and powder processing steps are recycled into the oxidation/reduction stage. 6.1.3 CANFLEX Bundle Fabrication The final stage of AIROX fuel processing begins with the fabrication of the CANFLEX fuel pins. The pellets are loaded into pins and the end caps are then welded onto the pins. Quality testing will identify defective pins for fuel material recycling while the satisfactory pins are assayed for fissile content. After measuring, pins of two different sizes are assembled into CANFLEX bundles. Depending on the recycled fuel fissile content, some plans require that the center pins of some CANFLEX bundle contain dysprosium poison mixed with natural uranium. These poisoned center pins will be fabricated at a separate facility and shipped in a finished, tested form to the AIROX plant. Finished bundles are examined to ensure they meet dimension and weld quality specifications and satisfactory bundles can then be shipped to CANDU reactors. Once again, unacceptable bundles are recycled by removal of fuel material, which is recycled, and cladding and assembly structures are treated as solid waste. 6.2 Estimation of AIROX Fission Product Removal Fission products are removed at three points during the AIROX process: cladding puncture, pellet oxidation/reduction, and pellet sintering. When the cladding is punctured, gaseous fission products such as xenon, krypton, and some carbon are released. The greatest removal of fission products occurs during the oxidation and reduction of the spent fuel pellets. Temperatures up to 1200 C vaporize most of the remaining volatile fission products. While the pellets are sintered at an even higher temperature (1600 C), there are few fission product oxides with boiling points between 1200 C and 1600 C and it is expected that most of the volatile fission products will have been removed prior to this step. This study's estimation of the AIROX process's percent fission product removal is shown in Table 6-1. Different predictions are cited for some nuclides in studies by AECL (Ref. 3), U.S. DOE (Ref 17), and SCIENTECH. (Ref 15) Appendix D contains the removal predictions of these three sources. It was decided that for the purposes of this study a prediction amalgamating the forecasts from all available sources, with added consideration of other factors, was the most reasonable approach to developing an estimation of fission product removal. Table 6-1: Estimated Fission Product Removal During AIROX (This Study) Fission Product % Removal 14C Cd Cs 3H I In Kr Mo Ru Se Te Xe All others 100 80 99 100 99 75 99 80 80 99 99 100 0 Table 6-1 was created by first examining existing literature for fission product removal forecasts. These forecasts were then considered relative to these elements' chemical properties. Factors such as boiling point and preferred oxidation state were used to forecast whether an element and/or its oxide vaporize during exposure to the oxidation/reduction or sintering process. If the element was expected to vaporize, then the removal forecasts given by other studies were used to predict the percentage removal predicted in Table 6-1. Further discussion and tables detailing the results of the removal estimation process can be found in Appendix E. It is important to note that this study's final forecast for fission product removal differs from forecasts by other sources. This is partially due to differences between fuel processing methods: AECL based their forecasts on small-scale tests of the OREOX process while this study considered the known temperatures of volatilization of the significant fission product elements and their oxides. Compared to our estimates, using AECL forecasts would approximately double the fission product absorptions that are removed during AIROX. For instance, AECL removes most palladium, rhodium, silver, and technetium while this study's forecast removes none. Additionally, some removal forecasts could not be validated when considered against fission product chemical properties and it was decided that a conservative estimate of reactivity gain would be more desirable. The removal fractions given in Table 6-1 then had to be converted to absorption fractions to permit integration of these results into the model. ORIGEN simulations were completed which analyzed the neutron absorption fractions of various isotopes in spent PWR fuel. The total absorption percentage removed during AIROX was then determined by multiplying each isotope's percent removal fraction (given in Table 6-1) by the percent absorption fraction of that isotope in spent PWR fuel (as determined in the ORIGEN runs). These calculations are discussed further in Appendix F. This study determined that nuclides accounting for 32.8% of all fission product absorptions in uncooled (i.e. no cooling time) spent fuel are removed during AIROX processing. The removed fission products include xenon isotopes that would otherwise quickly decay. If the xenon isotopes are not included in the removal estimate (i.e. prior to AIROX processing the spent fuel is cooled just long enough for all xenon to decay), the fraction of fission product absorptions removed drops to 14.4%. This study estimates that in uncooled fuel, Xe-135 and Xe-131 account for 12% and 6% of all fission product absorptions, respectively. Since DUPIC fuel is unlikely to be processed before at least a year or two of cooling, the 32.8% removal estimate does not accurately reflect the true removal of the AIROX process. After the fuel cools for 10 years and the absorption fractions of various isotopes change due to decay or yield, the AIROX process is expected to remove only 20.4% of all fission product absorptions. This estimate closely agrees with a similar study by INEL (Ref 17). For further discussion of the effects of cooling time on spent fuel composition and the AIROX process, see Appendix E. 6.3 Conclusions The determination of the fission product amounts that are removed during AIROX processing has been discussed and shown to be a significant unresolved issue. Three different expert groups use three different forecasts. Because fission products and fission product removal will affect the reactivity of the CANFLEX fuel and thus affect DUPIC cycle burnup forecasts, standardizing fission product removal estimates should be a primary concern of all parties performing DUPIC analysis. CHAPTER 7 Development of CANDU Burnup Model The development of correlations to predict CANDU discharge burnup of AIROX-recycled spent PWR fuel constituted a key part of this study. These correlations allow the prediction of discharge burnup based on the difference in isotopic composition between a test case and the CANDU reference case. 7.1 Isotopic Reactivity Worths and Effects 7.1.1 Determination of Individual Isotope Concentration-Dependent Reactivity Worths The first step in developing CANDU correlations required the determination of the reactivity worths of individual isotopes. The development of these worths was briefly described in Chapter 5 and will now be examined in some detail. A series of CASMO simulations were created which perturbed isotopic concentrations from the CANDU reference case. In each simulation case, one isotope's concentration was increased by a factor sufficient to cause a noticeable change in K-infinite. For each isotope, an increase of 1 w/o (i.e. x w/o becomes (x+1) w/o) was used for the first case and in the second case the isotope's concentration was increased by 1.5 w/o. After the simulations were completed, case-by-case comparisons of the change in Kinfinite with isotopic concentration for the CANDU DUPIC spent fuel were made between the reference and test cases. For each isotope at each burnup step between 0 and 14 MWD/kg, the reference and test case K-Infinite values were compared and the differences recorded. The KInfinite differences at each burnup step were then integrated using Simpson's Rule to obtain the average individual isotopic reactivity worth, Aki. This value was next divided by the initial isotopic perturbation to finally obtain each individual isotope's concentration-dependent reactivity worth, (Ak/Ax)i, as shown in column 5 of Table 7-2. Appendix G contains a sample of this calculation process for the isotope U-235. 7.1.2 Determination of Isotopic Test Case Reactivity Effect The previously-determined (Ak/AX)i values are then used to estimate each individual isotope's effect on reactivity, Aki, by comparing the difference in concentration between the reference case and test case PWR spent fuel isotopic concentrations for a given isotope. The test case concentrations can be obtained from the PWR correlations discussed in Chapter 5 or from CASMO computer models of the reference PWR. The following equations can then be used to calculate individual (Aki) and total (AKi) isotopic reactivity changes: Ak, = (Xes, - X,f AK,=ZAk, (7-1) (7-2) The values obtained from these equations can then be used to calculate CANDU discharge burnup as described in Section 7.3. 7.2 Estimation of Fission Product Worths In order to estimate the reactivity gain from fission product removal during the AIROX process and the effect on CANDU burnup, it was first found necessary to develop a correlation expressing the reactivity worth in a CANDU of all fission products present in spent PWR fuel (Akfp). The worth of fission products in the CANDU reference case then had to be determined. 7.2.1 Determination of Total Fission Product Worth A series of CASMO simulations varying both PWR reload enrichment and discharge burnup as shown in Table 7-1 were completed. These simulations were chosen to isolate and examine the relationships between burnup, reload enrichment, and reactivity gain due to fission product removal. The first part of the simulation calculated the spent fuel characteristics of PWR assemblies subject to the initial conditions shown in Table 7-1. Varying amounts and types of fission products were then removed from sets of CANFLEX bundles created from the uncooled PWR spent fuel generated in the previous simulation step. Table 7-1: AIROX Correlation Cases and Accuracy Examination BdL [GWD/MT] 45 Akfp AIROX Correlation % Error 1 Xp [w/o U-235] 4 0.127 0.127 0.39 2 3 4 5 5 5 45 50 60 0.126 0.128 0.149 0.127 0.134 0.149 -0.40 -4.69 0.00 5 6 65 0.158 0.157 0.95 Case Note: The basis of estimate in Table 7-1 is 100% of fission products removed after 0 years cooling time. CASMO simulations were again run, this time examining the CANFLEX bundles created in the previous step. The k-effective results of these CANFLEX simulations were then linearized with respect to PWR discharge burnup, PWR reload enrichment, and overall fissile content Xfis. The results of this linearization are given by Eq. (7-3) and Table 7-2. The linearization of these results, examining Akfp with respect to Xp and BdL, revealed a very strong, linear dependence of Akfp on PWR discharge burnup. This relation should be expected: as burnup increases in the PWR so does the fission product inventory. This increase in fission product concentration steadily depresses reactivity in the PWR and will similarly affect CANDU reactivity. The correlation given by Eq. (7-3) was compared to other correlations of the same data that also accounted for Xp and fissile uranium and plutonium concentrations, Xfn. The correlation in Eq. (7-3) was found to have comparable accuracy, and minimal complexity, when compared to the other examined correlations. Equation (7-3), with BdL in terms of MWD/kg, is used in the integrated model to predict the residual reactivity worth in a CANDU of all fission products present in the uncooled spent PWR fuel. Table 7-2: Sample Integrated Model of Reference Case Initial PWR Xp [w/o Bd, PWR Boron [ppm] (1) BdC,ref Delta ko Delta Kfp IROX FP Remova Delta Kfp, ref Isotope 24 25 26 28 48 49 40 41 42 Total Ki Delta Delta Kfp Delta BdC CANDU BdC DUPIC Burnup 4 45 800 14.40 0.173 0.1265 20.37% 0.10073 w/o MWD / kg ppm MWD / kg Composition [w/o] Reference Case Correlation Delta xi 0.017 0.778 0.521 92.959 0.025 0.522 0.193 0.174 0.079 0.016 0.790 0.523 92.896 0.024 0.540 0.259 0.156 0.071 -0.001 0.012 0.002 -0.063 -0.001 0.018 0.066 -0.018 -0.008 Delta k / Delta xi -0.031 0.150 -0.011 -0.001 -0.076 0.194 -0.044 0.276 -0.031 Delta ki 0.00002 0.00180 -0.00003 0.00005 0.00004 0.00340 -0.00291 -0.00502 0.00025 -0.00240 0.00000 -0.20 MWD / kg 14.20 MWD / kg 59.20 MWD / kg Notes: (1) Default Boron value of 200 Xp is assumed. (2) The values of reference case composition (column 2), Dk/DXi (column 5), BdC,ref, and AIROX removal are the same for all cases; all other values change with test case conditions. Akf = pf = 0.059+ 0.0015B (MWD/kg) (7-3) 7.2.2 Determination of Reference Fission Product Reactivity Worth The reference worth of remaining, post-AIROX fission products, Akfp,ref, was determined using a CASMO simulation of the reference CANDU case. This simulation removed fission products, in the amounts shown in Table 6-1, from the PWR reference case (Xp = 4 w/o, BdL 45 MWD/kg) and then burned the post-AIROX fuel in the reference CANDU. = The initial reactivities of the reference CANDU case with and without AIROX removal were then compared and the difference between the two initial reactivities, Akfp,ref, was recorded. This value is shown as "Delta Kfp Ref' in Table 7-2. 7.3 Prediction of CANDU Discharge Burnup The total fission product worth, when combined with AIROX fission product removal forecasts from Chapter 6 and compared to the reference post-AIROX fission product worth, allows prediction of CANDU burnup extension due to AIROX fission product removal. After the net change in reactivity due to fission products, 8Akfp , is determined, this value can be combined with the total isotopic reactivity change, AKi , to give the overall change in reactivity, AK. The total change in reactivity can then be converted to give the change in CANDU discharge burnup, ABdc ,and finally permit calculation of the total CANDU burnup, BdC. 7.3.1 Net Change in Reactivity due to Fission Products The first step in calculating the net change in reactivity due to fission products, Akfp , requires adjusting the total worth of fission products from Eq. (7-3), Akfp , to account for the loss of fission products during AIROX processing. This adjustment is shown in Eq. (7-4) where Rx is the AIROX fission product absorption removal fraction for uncooled fuel as given in Chapter 6. Ak' = (1- Rx)Ak (7-4) The post-AIROX total worth of fission products, Ak'fp , can then be compared to Akfpef to get the net change in reactivity due to fission products, 6Akfp , as shown in Eq. (7-5). This net change is due to fission product buildup and removal differences between the test case and reference case. AkfP = Akp,,, - Ak', = Ak,,ref - (I- R x ) Ak 7.3.2 (7- 5) Overall Change in Reactivity The overall change in CANDU reactivity can now be predicted by summing the results obtained from Eq. (7-2) and Eq. (7-5), the total isotopic reactivity change and the net change in reactivity due to fission products, as shown in Eq. (7-6). AK = AK, + SAkfp 7.3.3 (7 - 6) Estimation of Test Case CANDU Discharge Burnup If K-infinite and reactivity are assumed to be approximately linear functions of burnup, the results of Eq. (7-6) can then be used to calculate the net change in CANDU burnup by substituting the appropriate values into Eq. (7-7): A dC,Re _ AK (7-7) Ako Once the net change in CANDU burnup is determined this value can be added to that of the reference CANDU discharge burnup, BdC,ref, to determine the test case CANDU discharge burnup, BdC, as shown in Eq. (7-8). BdC= BdC,ref + Bd (7-8) 7.4 Model Integration Once all stages of the model creation process were completed, the model was integrated using a standard spreadsheet program. A sample calculation of the integrated model, using the reference case, a PWR initially enriched to 4 w/o and burned to 45 MWD/kg, is shown in Table 7-2. Please note that 8Akfp , given in Table 7-2 as 'Delta Delta Kfp', should be zero because the model test case is actually predicting the results of the CASMO reference case. Because fission product inventories and AIROX removal are the same, there is no difference between Akfp for the test case and Akfp,ref for the reference case. Examination of Table 7-2 also reveals the error resulting from use of the PWR correlations instead of CASMO modeling to predict uranium and plutonium isotope concentrations in the PWR spent fuel. These isotopic errors cause CANDU burnup to be shortened by 0.20 GWD/MT. This is equivalent to a burnup error of 1.4% in the CANDU stage and an overall DUPIC burnup error of 0.3%, which is quite acceptable for present purposes. The analytic model was also examined for accuracy over the given range of PWR reload enrichments and discharge burnups; the results of DUPIC CASMO models agreed with the predictions of the analytic model over a range of examined burnups. Error in CANDU discharge burnup prediction ranged from approximately (-8%) at the lower range of examined burnups to (2%) in the mid-region and (-4%) at the high end of the range of examined burnups. It is believed that the analytic model's accuracy can further be increased by reexamining the actinide worth ratios for the CANDU portion of the model (Dk/Dx values in Table 7-2), particularly since the model consistently underestimates achievable CANDU burnup. 7.5 Conclusions The determination of concentration-dependent isotopic and fission product reactivity worths completed the development of the CANDU modeling stage. The CANDU stage was then integrated with the PWR and AIROX stages to create a complete, integrated model. The model was, in turn, benchmarked to DUPIC cycles operating at low, medium, and high reload enrichments. This proved that the integrated model permits analytical determination of CANDU discharge burnup with a minimum error of (-1.5%) and a maximum error of (-8%). It should be possible to further reduce these errors by recalculating the concentration-dependent reactivity worths in CANDU of the uranium and plutonium isotopes. CHAPTER 8 Analysis and Discussion of Results The development of an integrated, parametric model to predict discharge burnup from the CANDU portion of the DUPIC cycle simplifies analysis of the entire DUPIC cycle. Examination of DUPIC cycle fuel efficiency was particularly interesting and revealed general guidelines for maximizing the fuel efficiency of the cycle. 8.1 PWR Fuel Enrichment As discussed above, PWR fuel differs from CANDU fuel in that PWR fuel is enriched in U-235. Enriched fuel contains more fissile uranium (U-235) than is present in natural uranium; enriched fuel generally is composed of 3 - 5 w/o U-235 while natural uranium (NU) contains approximately 0.711 w/o U-235. Enrichment plants produce enriched fuel by preferentially concentrating the U-235 from a large amount of natural uranium into a smaller amount of enriched uranium. Increasing the concentration of U-235 requires increasing amounts of NU feed. Enrichment, consequently, creates significant amounts of depleted uranium waste (tails) with much lower concentrations of U-235 than are present in natural uranium (0.2 - 0.3 w/o compared to the 0.711 w/o in NU). A measure of the natural uranium required to produce one mass unit of reactor fuel is the feed-to-product, (F/P)p , ratio which is readily computed from total NU and U-235 material balances. This ratio is directly proportional to enrichment and is given in Eq. (8-1) for tails with a U-235 concentration of 0.25 w/o. The (F/P) ratio can also be used to determine the tails produced per unit mass of reactor fuel, W/P. F/P = 2.17Xp - 0.54 = 1+ W/P (8-1) As shown in Eq. (8-1), both natural uranium consumption and tails production increase with increasing PWR enrichment. CANDUs, on the other hand, do not currently use enriched fuel and thus produce no tails. While tails are much less toxic than spent fuel, the volume of tails required to produce a given volume of reactor fuel is significantly greater than the volume of fuel produced. 8.2 Description of Compared Cycles By varying initial PWR conditions, the efficiency of the DUPIC cycle was determined as measured by tails production, natural uranium consumption, and spent fuel production per unit electrical power generation. These efficiencies were then compared to the efficiencies of other cycles with the same power generation. Cycles that produced all of their electricity from PWRs (PWR-only) or natural uranium-fueled CANDUs (CANDU-only) were considered. Additionally, the efficiencies of a Parallel cycle were determined. This Parallel cycle produces power by the same mix of natural-uranium CANDUs and PWRs as the DUPIC cycle but uses fresh natural uranium fuel in the CANDU instead of AIROX-processed spent PWR fuel. Only the DUPIC cycle uses MOX-fueled CANDUs. 8.3 Determination of Reactor Ratio in DUPIC An important factor in determining the efficiencies of the DUPIC and Parallel cycles was the reactor ratio, or the number of PWRs required to continuously fuel a CANDU reactor. Because PWRs burn fuel longer and have slightly greater thermal efficiency than CANDUs, PWRs produce much less spent fuel per unit of electrical power than a CANDU. For instance, a PWR that burns its fuel to 35 GWD/MT produces approximately 11 GWDe per metric ton of spent fuel while a natural uranium-fueled CANDU produces only about 2.7 GWDe per metric ton of spent fuel. Because CANDUs obtain less power per unit fuel than PWRs, for a given amount of power production a CANDU must use more fuel. It follows from the above example that CANDUs will also consume more fuel per day of operation than PWRs; a 950 MWe PWR will burn < 0.1 metric tons of fuel per day while a 750 MWe CANDU will burn approximately 0.25 metric tons of fuel per day. In this study DUPIC CANDUs were assumed to exclusively burn AIROX-processed PWR spent fuel and thus, because of these differences in fuel consumption, multiple PWRs were required to fuel one CANDU. Rf in Eq. (8-2) gives the number of PWRs needed to produce sufficient spent fuel to fulfill the fueling requirements of one CANDU. Qc and Qp are the gross thermal power and Le and Lp are the capacity factors of the DUPIC CANDU and the PWR, respectively. R = QBdLLC (8-2) As can be seen in Eq. (8-2), the number of PWRs per CANDU changes with both PWR and CANDU burnup; thus each different PWR burnup will have a different achievable CANDU burnup in the DUPIC cycle. Replacing Q with 1/rl (where r is thermodynamic efficiency) in Eq. (8-2) gives the electrical power ratio (ratio of MWe) of the two reactor types in question. Section 8.6 describes the method used to predict spent fuel production and the electricity produced by the different fuel cycles. The DUPIC cycle reactor ratio facilitates planning the needed reactor mix when considering implementation and optimization of the DUPIC cycle. If a utility or country decides to fuel all of its CANDUs with spent PWR fuel, it is a simple exercise to use the integrated DUPIC model and Eq. (8-2) to determine other requirements for implementation of the DUPIC cycle. For instance, if Ontario Hydro desired to fuel 8 Bruce CANDUs using U.S. PWRs, approximately twenty-four 950 MWe PWRs with reload enrichments of 4 w/o and discharge burnups of 44 GWD/MT would be required to fully fuel these CANDUs (based on the characteristics of the reference reactors.) If PWR reload enrichment is fixed by a regulatory limit or executive decision, the number of PWRs required to continuously fuel the CANDUs can be determined. If Xp and BdL are flexible and the number of PWRs contributing to the DUPIC cycle are fixed, Xp and BdL can be adjusted so that the PWRs produce the amount of spent fuel required to fuel the CANDUs. This planning is constrained by the available range of reactor ratios, as determined from the available reactor mix and characteristics. 8.4 Effects of DUPIC on Discharge Burnup The DUPIC cycle effectively extends the burnup of PWR fuel by 10 to 20 MWD/kg. A significant part of this burnup gain is due to the reactivity increase associated with the removal of fission products during the AIROX process. However, the main additional reactivity gain results from the higher neutronic efficiency of the CANDU design. Fig. 8-1 shows the achievable burnup in the PWR and CANDU portions of the DUPIC cycle, calculated with the integrated model as described in Chapter 7. Note that there are three data sets for each fuel cycle; each set is differentiated by a factor that gives the PWR discharge burnup for that data set. For instance, the 10 Xp CANDU data set gives the discharge burnup for the CANDU stage of the DUPIC cycle where the PWR discharge burnup (in GWD/MT = MWD/kg) was ten times the PWR reload enrichment (in w/o U-235). For a PWR using 5 w/o enriched fuel burned to a 10 Xp discharge burnup of 50 MWD/kg, the achievable burnup in a DUPIC CANDU is approximately 20 MWD/kg. (For comparison, the NU-fueled Bruce reactors have a discharge burnup of 8.3 MWD/kg.) Fig. 8-1 is significant in that it clearly shows the dependence of total DUPIC cycle burnup on the PWR discharge burnup. Since changing PWR enrichment over the considered Figure 8-1: Achievable Burnup in Component Stages of DUPIC Cycle 100 90 80 30 70 to7. chainga~..n - U- slihtl change ache (5 M~W c " ---CANDU "-nu- w -----------.---------.. Xp CANDU - 0- - sinfcnl ----Xp CANDU m11 MWD/kg effect on PWR), it is important to optimize burnup strategy for the PWR rather than overall CANDUPIC cycle burnup while significantly to 7 w/othus U-235) appears onlytoslightly be a ke(3 changesto optimizing evable rangiven enrichment increases reativity the penalty er burnups, as initial enrichment that although driving low t PWR Fig. shows 8-1 are increasing gains in CANDU burnup and thus increasing gains in overall DUPIC burnup. At higher initial enrichments and high (12 Xp) PWR burnup, though, achievable CANDU burnup remains essentially constant. Beyond approximately 5.5 w/o U-235, gains in DUPIC cycle burnup are due strictly to gains from the PWR. For the high-burnup (12 Xp) CANDU case, achievable CANDU burnup is actually maximized at an enrichment of 6 w/o although there is very little decrease from this maximum as Xp is further increased. 8.5 Natural Uranium Utilization The measure of efficiency used in most of the following comparisons is utilization. Utilization of a resource is usually described in terms that express the effective use of the resource. In the case of nuclear power reactors, this measure of effectiveness is defined as the amount of electricity produced per unit mass of initial resource. Utilization can thus be determined by calculating the number of MWDe produced by a reactor or a cycle from a given amount of resource, natural uranium. Utilization is given on the charts in this Chapter as a function of reload enrichment, Xp. Utilization was calculated for three different discharge burnups per each Xp. Differing burnups are denoted by different line types: a discharge burnup of 10 times reload enrichment (10 Xp) is denoted by a solid line, 11 Xp is given by a dash-dot line, and 12 Xp by a dotted line. The natural uranium utilization, Uu, for the DUPIC cycle can be calculated as shown in Eq. (8-3) from values of BdL and Bdc determined by the integrated model. "f' in Eq. (8-3) is the fraction of fissile material mass lost during PWR burnup and AIROX processing.* For the purposes of this study, f is assumed to be zero. rp and rc in Eq. (8-3) are the PWR and CANDU thermodynamic efficiencies, respectively. *A simple estimate of the fraction of heavy metal fissioned during burnup is given by Bd [MWD/kg] / 1000. Heavy metal losses during AIROX are expected to be small: less than or equal to one percent. (Ref. 15) Uu[MWDe/kgUnat] = /BdL + (1- f)rcBdc (F/P)PWR (8-3) Note that this utilization factor depends on the thermodynamic efficiency,r , of the reactors employed in the DUPIC cycle. This efficiency factor must be adjusted when determining Uu for the Parallel case because, as noted earlier, this study assumes natural uranium-fueled CANDUs to have lower thermal efficiencies. The above correlation must also be adjusted to account for the additional natural uranium requirements of the CANDU in the Parallel cycle. These adjustments can be made by increasing the mass flow in the denominator by the factors shown in Eq. (8-4) where BdN is the natural uranium-fueled (NU) CANDU discharge burnup and 1CN is the NU CANDU thermal efficiency. UjMWDe/kgUnat] = Bd + (1- f))7cBdc (F/P), (8-4) +(1- JBdc * 17c It is interesting to note that Eq. 8-4 reduces to the PWR-only or CANDU-only cases if the case-appropriate substitutions are made. For instance, in the PWR-only case, f =1 because there is effectively a complete loss of the spent fuel between the PWR and CANDU stages. Equation (8-4) can be modified for a CANDU-only cycle by setting BdL and (F/P)PWR equal to zero. Equation (8-3) can also be modified to describe a parallel cycle using slightly enriched uranium (SEU) CANDU as described in Appendix H. Appendix H also discusses the advantages of a Parallel cycle using an SEU CANDU. Fig. 8-2 shows the natural uranium utilization for four different cycles: DUPIC, PWRonly, CANDU-only, and Parallel. There is only one line for the CANDU-only Uu because natural uranium CANDUs burn all of their fuel to approximately the same discharge burnup, independent of initial PWR enrichment. - - Fig. 8-2 also shows that at low to medium enrichments in the PWR, the DUPIC cycle is even more efficient than a natural uranium-fueled CANDU, which alone is better than a PWR in natural uranium efficiency. At low to medium ( 4 %) enrichments, the savings from fueling the CANDU with spent PWR fuel rather than NU outweigh the PWRs' low uranium utilization. - Also, extending the PWR burnup at a given Xp increases DUPIC Uu even more and allows a high-burnup (12 Xp) DUPIC cycle to achieve the same Uu as the CANDU up to 5 w/o - enrichment. Figure 8-2: Natural Uranium Utilization 3.00 --DUPIC 10Xp 12Xp - + - DUPIC....... - U - PWR Only 11Xp CANDU Only --- C 2.75 D J S.. 2.50 2 .50 -.. -..... ---... - -A-- Parallel 11Xp -- - - DUPIC 11Xp - -- PWR Only 10OXp - --- PWR Only 12Xp --Parallel 10OXp - -k.-Parallel 12Xp ------------------------... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ----------------.. - 2.25 0 i i- E 1.75 1.75 --- . 1.50 2.50 -A -Ar U-7 ..... "----- .. - -- ' . .. --- ------ ------- --- ". .. . . 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 Initial PWR Enrichment, Xp, w/o PWRs have lower natural uranium utilizations because of the large amount of natural uranium consumed during the enrichment process. With increasing enrichment, the (F/P) ratio increases more rapidly than achievable burnup in a PWR. The resulting decrease in utilization is evident in the downward trend of the PWR utilization curve. The Parallel cycle is only slightly more efficient than the PWR-only cycle because of the high reactor ratio of PWRs to CANDUs in the DUPIC cycle. With the same high ratio, the overall Uu of the Parallel cycle is dominated by the Uu of the PWRs; the single CANDU can only increase the overall Uu by a slight amount. This is most evident in the decreasing Uu benefit of the Parallel cycle at high burnups. 8.6 Spent Fuel Production The benefits of the DUPIC cycle can also be considered in terms of spent fuel production efficiency, defined in terms of the electricity produced from one kilogram of spent fuel material. Since the DUPIC CANDU is fueled solely with spent PWR fuel, the total volume of spent fuel produced by the DUPIC cycle is essentially the same as that produced by the PWRs alone. There will be some additional spent fuel waste generated in the AIROX process, but for the most part the extra burnup in the CANDU is "free" in terms of spent fuel generation. There is significant additional solid waste produced during AIROX due to the PWR cladding and structural materials but this additional waste is not included in the results shown in Fig. 8-3. This figure compares the spent fuel utilization, Usf (in terms of MWDe/kg spent fuel), of the four cycles. DUPIC Usf is given by Eq. (8-5) and depends only on the cycle thermal efficiency and discharge burnup. U,[MWDe/kg spent fuel ] = qB + cBdc (8- 5) The DUPIC cycle has the highest Usf of the four cycles. This high efficiency, greater than even a PWR, results from burning the spent PWR fuel an additional 10-20 MWD/kg in the CANDU reactor. It is interesting to note that the additional gain in utilization from higher burnups in the PWR is largely offset by the decreased achievable burnup in the CANDU portion of the cycle. This cancellation effect is noticeable when the DUPIC Usf is compared to the PWR Usf, the next- highest-efficiency cycle. At low enrichment, approximately 2.5 MWDe/kg spent fuel is gained by pushing PWR discharge burnup from 10 Xp to 12 Xp. At high Xp this gain is even greater, approximately 5 MWDe/kg. The gain from doing the same in the DUPIC cycle, however, is much smaller, only about 40% of the PWR gain at any point. The achievable DUPIC CANDU burnup is thus affected by the fission product build-up in high burnup fuel. This effect will be examined below in greater depth. Figure 8-3: Spent Fuel Utilization I 35.00 -DUPIC 10Xp -- DUPIC 11Xp •-- 30.00 DUPIC 12Xp ----------------------- -E---PWR Only 10Xp -- PWR Only 11Xp -PWR Only 12Xp --* ---CANDU Only -Parallel 10Xp A Parallel 11Xp -... - A- - Parallel 12Xp 25.00 20.00 . . . .................. - --......... 15.00 10.00 --- A-ii t--i" 4-... 5.00 4. p~re.?rr.....~.~..~.. I n on -I2.50 2.50 ; : I 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 ---------------i-.'.-----------^~ ---- p p 5.00 5.50 p p 6..00 6.50 p.~. 7.00 7.50 Initial PWR Enrichment, Xp, wlo The NU CANDU utilization is the lowest of the examined cycles, primarily because the achievable burnup with natural uranium fuel is very low (8 MWD/kg). Again, the Usf of a NU CANDU is constant because all CANDU fuel is discharged at approximately the same burnup, independent of PWR enrichment. The Usf of the Parallel cycle is given by Eq. (8-6), similar in 64 form to Eq. 8-5, but again corrected for the use of an NU CANDU rather than a DUPIC CANDU. Eq. (8-6) can also be used to calculate Usf for CANDU-only and PWR-only solutions if a similar limiting-case procedure is followed as for Eq. (8-4). U, [MWDe/kg spent fuel] = FB + (1- f ) cBdc *d C BdN 1CN (8-6) 1 + (1 - f) There is significant gain in Usf with the Parallel cycle although its efficiency is significantly lowered by the NU CANDU. NU CANDUs produce such large amounts of spent fuel that just one CANDU per two or more PWRs is able to significantly lower the Usf of the multiple PWRs used in the Parallel cycle. CANDUs, in general, produce more than 100 MT/yr of spent fuel while PWRs generate between 34 and 15 MT/yr of spent fuel, depending on enrichment and discharge burnup. These comparisons are not exactly equivalent, however, because the reactors produce different amounts of electricity and have different thermodynamic efficiencies. The sheer volume of waste produced by a NU CANDU can be put in better perspective by Fig. 8-4 which shows the mass of spent fuel produced by DUPIC, CANDU-only, and PWRonly cycles over the course of a year. A Parallel cycle is not included for comparison because there is no unambiguous value for an equivalent Parallel cycle; since the NU CANDU in the Parallel cycle produces less electricity than the DUPIC CANDU, the remaining generation gap can be made up with either additional NU CANDUs or PWRs. The Parallel cycle will thus produce more spent fuel annually than the PWR-only cycle but significantly less than the CANDU-only cycle. Fig. 8-5 shows the DUPIC and PWR-only cycles in closer detail. Because the different cycles use different numbers of reactors and have different efficiencies and outputs, the results in Fig. 8-4 and Fig. 8-5 were normalized to the amount of electricity produced by the DUPIC cycle at the same Xp. This was done by computing the yearly electrical production of a DUPIC cycle operating at a given Xp and BdL. The number of PWRs or NU CANDUs that are required to produce the same amount of electricity was then determined and these numbers were multiplied by the annual spent fuel generation of each type of reactor, where the annual spent fuel production, m, of a reactor is given by Eq. (8-7) and the annual electricity production, E, is given by Eq. (8-8). 365.25QL m[MT/yr] = B (8-7) E[MWDe/yr] = mBry = 365.25QLy (8-8) Figure 8-4: Annual Spent Fuel Production Comparison of All Cycles 1200.00 --- DUPIC 10Xp - + - DUPIC 12Xp -* 1000.00 ---- --PWR Only 11Xp CANDU Only 10Xp -- --DUPIC 11Xp - PWR Only 10Xp - -- PWR Only 12Xp - - -CANDU Only 11Xp - CANDU Only 12Xp 800.00 - - .---.... -- o-- --------------- 6.50 7.00 _ 11A- 600.00 400.00 ,* " - -... . °i ----------------- -o° - ------- i_ -- 200.00 n n 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 PWR Reload Enrichment, Xp 6.00 7.50 To determine the annual energy production of a DUPIC cycle, the cycle's Xp and BdL must first be chosen. Bdc can then be obtained from the integrated model described in Chapter 7. Eq. (8-2) can now be used to determine the number of PWRs needed to fuel one CANDU and the annual DUPIC electricity production is determined as follows in Eq. (8-9). Ep and Ec are obtained by substituting the appropriate PWR and DUPIC CANDU values into Eq. (8-8). (8-9) ED[MWDe/yr] = EpRf + E c Figure 8-5: Annual Spent Fuel Production for DUPIC and PWR-only Cycles 140.00 -e ---.-- CANDU Only spent fuel production varies between 430 MT/yr for 3 w/o, 10Xp case to 1000 MT/yr for 7 w/o, 20Xp case. DUPIC 10Xp - DUPIC 11Xp - DUPIC 12Xp --in--PWROnly i10Xp 20.00 1 - -- .- PWR Only 11Xp - PWR Only 12Xp 00.00 1 - - ------- -- 80.00 60.00 - -- - - ---- -- I----------------- ------------- --------- ------------0 ----------------------------------- --------------40.00 2.50 * 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 4.50 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 Initial PWR Enrichment, Xp, w/o The number of reactors, N, that are required to produce the same amount of electrical power as the DUPIC cycle in a CANDU-only or PWR-only cycle is now calculated by dividing Eq. (8-9) by Eq. (8-8) for the appropriate CANDU-only or PWR-only case. Finally, the annual spent fuel generation of any fuel cycle can be calculated by multiplying the reactor-specific 67 results of Eq. (8-7) by the applicable reactor mix for any cycle. For instance, for a PWR-only cycle, Eq. (8-10) gives the required number of PWRs, Np and Eq. (8-11) gives the annual spent fuel production of this PWR-only cycle. Np - E EEpR, +Ec = E (8-10) E+ Mp [MT spent fuel/yr] = mNp = mp, pfEc (811) It is interesting to note that there appears to be less gain from increasing enrichment (and thus burnup) in the high-burnup (12 Xp) DUPIC case. At high enrichments this curve is much more level than the lower-bumup cases and M does not continuously decrease as enrichment increases. There is actually a minimum in the 12 Xp DUPIC curve, indicating that the optimum enrichment, in terms of spent fuel generation, is approximately 6 w/o. The increasing spent fuel production at the high-enrichment end of this curve shows that the effects of fission product buildup on CANDU reactivity become very significant at high PWR bumup. For both the 10 Xp and 11 Xp DUPIC cases the effects of fission product buildup are not as pronounced and do not limit additional CANDU burnup. 8.7 Conclusions The DUPIC cycle is more efficient than all other examined cycles (PWR-only, CANDU- only, and Parallel) in terms of spent fuel minimization. The PWR portion of the cycle is the dominant contributor to spent fuel efficiency; extending burnup of the spent PWR fuel in the CANDU only contributes a small, virtually enrichment-independent gain to the DUPIC cycle. In terms of uranium utilization, the DUPIC cycle is more efficient than the CANDU-only cycle up to reload enrichments of 5 w/o. At high burnups in the DUPIC cycle, CANDU discharge burnup is essentially independent of enrichment above 5 w/o. Because the PWR is dominant in terms of burnup contribution and the elasticity of CANDU burnup in terms of original PWR enrichment is relatively small, DUPIC cycle characteristics should be chosen that optimize PWR performance. CHAPTER 9 DUPIC Cycle Implementation in North America As the nuclear industry has matured, different methods have been proposed to enhance the environmental and economic performance of nuclear power. The DUPIC cycle has the potential to do both by decreasing the amount of spent nuclear fuel that is produced and by producing more electricity from a given amount of uranium. The proximity of U.S. LWRs to Canadian CANDUs in North America creates a potential partnership that can implement the DUPIC cycle. While there are numerous advantages to implementation of a DUPIC cycle between the U.S. and Canada, there are also significant barriers to that implementation that must be addressed. Because this concept is in its infancy, there is little concrete evidence as to the future path that a proposal for implementation would have to travel. It should be possible to extrapolate the general nature of the path, however, from the historical treatment of issues relating to nuclear power. 9.1 History and Background of the DUPIC Cycle 9.1.1 History The DUPIC cycle was originally proposed by Korea in 1989 and accepted by the U.S. in 1990. Korea (KAERI), Canada (AECL), and the U.S. (Los Alamos National Laboratory) began a feasibility study in 1991 that continued for a year before an experimental program was initiated in 1992. This program is currently ongoing and is divided among the parties such that Canada is in charge of designing, irradiating, and testing DUPIC fuel pins and bundles. KAERI's role is to prepare the facilities to implement a test-scale DUPIC cycle using spent PWR fuel from Korean reactors and Korean facilities to process and refabricate the DUPIC fuel. The U.S. has been examining and developing materials safeguards procedures designed to prevent nuclear weapons proliferation. 9.1.2 Motivation for DUPIC Cycle Development The DUPIC cycle was originally proposed by Korea as a means of reducing waste generation and decreasing natural uranium consumption. Korea is a small, site-limited, and resource-poor country and appreciates the possibility of decreasing dependence on foreign sources for natural uranium and space requirements for spent fuel disposal. While the above three issues have been motivators for consideration of the DUPIC cycle in the U.S., an important additional motivator has been the prospect of decreased fuel cycle costs and finding a method of recycling spent fuel that has improved proliferation resistance over the wet processing techniques currently in use. 9.1.3 Current Status of DUPIC Implementation Korea, Canada, and the U.S. are continuing research into implementation of the DUPIC cycle in Korea. AECL is beginning irradiation of three DUPIC fuel pins and the first tests of larger DUPIC fuel samples are expected to occur in Korea in 2000. (Ref. 27) There are no formally published studies of potential U.S. - Canadian implementation of the DUPIC cycle. Some individuals are attempting to initiate discussions with U.S. and Canadian utilities regarding the potential of the DUPIC cycle, but no official (i.e. governmental or even utility) decisions have been made to examine the feasibility and advantages of the DUPIC cycle. 9.2 Issues Surrounding Implementation of the DUPIC Cycle Implementation of the DUPIC cycle will affect many areas of nuclear energy production and thereby national policy-making. The DUPIC cycle may lower fuel cycle costs and thus the costs of generating electricity and disposing of spent fuel, thereby making nuclear generating stations more competitive. A more competitive nuclear industry will affect national policy regarding electricity deregulation, radioactive waste disposal, nuclear energy regulation, and strategic resource planning. Any resurgence or reorientation of the nuclear industry will attract the interest and concern of many public and special interest groups. 9.2.1 Reduced Fuel Cycle Costs* Both U.S. and Canadian operators can gain significantly from implementation of the DUPIC cycle. Table 9-1 summarizes the cost and savings estimates that are discussed below in further detail. The cost estimates are primarily from (Ref 25, 26, 27, and 31). Note, however, that many of the unit costs in question vary considerably among different analysts: See (Ref. 29) for a definitive survey of international studies. Table 9-1: Summary of PWR, CANDU, and DUPIC Fuel Cycle Costs and Savings (1) Process Uranium Fuel Procurement Fuel Fabrication Spent Fuel Storage Spent Fuel Disposal Total PWR Savings (4) [$/kg] 175 370 545 CANDU Savings (3) DUPIC Cost Net Savings (2) [$/kg [$/kg] [$/kg] 151 113 20 98 382 510 175 200 885 151 -397 20 268 42 Notes: (1) Basis of estimates is $/kg of spent reference DUPIC fuel, Chapter 2. (2) Savings are determined by subtracting DUPIC Cost from the sum of PWR and CANDU Savings. (3) CANDU savings represent the dollars saved by displacing NU fuel and are adjusted to account for greater fuel consumption and spent fuel production when fueled with NU as opposed to spent PWR fuel. The general formula is CANDU Savings = Rsf * NU CANDU value. * Because DUPIC cycle implementation in the U.S. and Canada has not been examined in significant detail, there are few known reliable economic analyses on the lifecycle costs and benefits of DUPIC implementation in the U.S. Many economic references this study cites have been developed for Korea while very few have been developed for Canada. For the purposes of this study, estimates developed for Korea will be used when necessary for the U.S. and Canada. Actual costs in the U.S. in Canada can be expected to vary in a variety of ways and due to a variety of factors. There is one recent study (Ref. 31) of spent fuel disposal costs in Canada. It only examines direct repository costs, however, and does not include transportation and storage costs. It is one of the present study's recommendations for further work that a complete, life cycle economic analysis be completed of DUPIC cycle implementation in the U.S. and Canada. (4) PWR savings represent the back-end costs avoided by sending spent fuel from NR PWR units to one CANDU U.S. operators and the DOE will save primarily on spent fuel storage and disposal costs while Canadian operators, by using spent PWR fuel to fuel the CANDUs, will not have to buy uranium ore. The U.S. Department of Energy currently assesses utilities a 1 mill/kwhr fee that is earmarked for spent fuel disposal costs. For the reference PWR with fuel burned to 45 MWD/kg, this fee translates to a disposal cost of $370/kg of spent fuel. Provided that Canadian utilities take responsibility for disposing of the spent DUPIC fuel, it seems reasonable to expect that U.S. utilities or the Department of Energy will recognize most of these spent fuel disposal fees as savings. This fee also does not account for the cost that utilities incur from storing spent fuel on the premises because it currently cannot be shipped to a spent fuel repository and spent fuel pool space is exhausted, requiring the purchase of dry storage casks. Some utilities have been storing fuel on-site for more than 20 years and some decommissioned power plants have even had to ship their spent fuel to other reactor sites for storage. One estimate of PWR spent fuel storage costs is as high as $260/kg. (Ref 26) Since spent PWR fuel can be expected to be stored for some amount of time before AIROX processing, U.S. utilities should not expect to save all of these costs. This study conservatively (i.e. high end) estimates that complete DUPIC fuel storage (PWR fuel prior to processing and CANDU DUPIC fuel after irradiation) may cost $175/kg. Storage savings, when combined with PWR spent fuel disposal savings, might allow U.S. utilities to save as much as $545/kg from implementation of the DUPIC cycle. While the Canadian utilities will still have to dispose of the DUPIC spent fuel, they will have to dispose of a much smaller volume of waste. A significant portion of actual spent fuel disposal costs will be proportional to fuel volume; since the DUPIC cycle can be expected to produce approximately half the waste of the equivalent NU CANDU cycle, there should be significant spent fuel disposal savings for Canadian utilities as well. For instance, the ratio of NU CANDU spent fuel production to DUPIC CANDU spent fuel production normalized per unit of electrical power generation, Rsf, is given by Eq. (9-1). R =B - BdC7C (9-1) Applying Eq. (9-1) to the conditions of the reference case would give a spent fuel production ratio of 1.89; this is the ratio used in Table 9-1 to adjust the CANDU cost estimates. Canadian operators would enjoy additional savings because they would not have to purchase and fabricate NU fuel for their CANDU reactors. Canadian studies estimate fuel procurement and fabrication costs to be approximately $140/kg (Ref. 25). NU CANDU spent fuel storage is estimated to cost $10/kg in Korea (Ref. 26), but a figure of at least twice that ($20/kg) seems more realistic and is used in this study. NU spent fuel disposal is estimated to cost $52/kg in Canada while DUPIC disposal is forecast to cost about $200/kg for the reference case. (Ref. 31) When the savings from spent fuel production are added to the avoided additional costs of using of NU fuel, Canadian savings from implementation of the DUPIC cycle can be estimated to be greater than $300/kg. For example, in the reference case, where every kilogram of DUPIC fuel reduces spent fuel production by 0.89 kg, the total savings from DUPIC implementation may be expected to approach 1.89*$140/kg (fresh NU fuel savings) + 0.89*$52/kg (avoided spent fuel savings) a $350/kg. If the NU spent fuel disposal costs are adjusted upwards, more in line with estimates from the rest of the world (for instance, disposal is expected to cost $400/kg in Sweden and Finland), total Canadian savings could be expected to exceed $600/kg. Combining the savings in the U.S. and Canada would increase the total savings in the two countries to approximately $900-1000/kg.* Even greater savings could be projected if estimates by U.S. nuclear power critics were used: One critic estimates that the real eventual cost of LWR fuel disposal will be 3 mills/kwhr or $1050/kg of spent fuel in the reference case. (Ref 30) 9.2.2 AIROX Plant Costs and Issues The aforementioned economic savings forecasts do not account for the added cost of the AIROX processing plant. A 1996 cost evaluation of a conceptual AIROX facility estimated that a plant capable of processing 400 MT/yr of PWR spent fuel would cost $1.1 billion with a levelized unit (of spent fuel) cost of $510/kg. (Ref 15) This plant is capable of processing the spent fuel from 17.5 reference PWRs and fabricating fuel for 5.4 CANDUs using Eq. (8-2) and (8-7) as described in Chapter 8. When the costs of the DUPIC fuel fabrication is subtracted from net U.S. and Canadian savings as detailed in Table 9-1, the net savings from implementation of the DUPIC cycle can be estimated to be about $40/kg of spent fuel. This estimate is extremely variable, however, due to the uncertainties regarding plant construction costs. Estimates of the cost of the plant are extremely preliminary and were given with an error range of +50% to -30%. (Ref. 15) Part of the wide range in cost estimates is because this plant will be the first of its kind utilizing unique processes, a condition that makes an accurate estimate extremely difficult. This plant will potentially be subject to the extreme price escalation seen previously in nuclear power plant construction. Additionally, the licensing *This savings estimate assumes DUPIC spent fuel disposal costs to be approximately 0.5 mills/kwhr. These costs include cooling of the spent DUPIC fuel for 50 years. This substantial cooling period significantly reduces costs, making it, on paper, less expensive (in constant dollar terms) to dispose of DUPIC fuel than NU fuel. Comparison between the cited NU and DUPIC spent fuel disposal costs, as cited, is not quite accurate. The DUPIC fuel will have a higher storage cost, though, and it is hoped that this higher cost may make the comparison more accurate. and litigation process will also be complex and likely costly due to the groundbreaking nature of this plant. The location of the AIROX plant will also affect construction costs due to differing labor and materials costs as well as other factors such as government support and public opposition (or lack thereof). It will probably be less expensive to construct an AIROX plant in Canada than in the U.S., although it may be difficult to convince Canada to both dispose of the spent fuel and build the AIROX plant, despite the fact that such a plant would most likely be subject to substantial litigation in the U.S. Regardless of location, though, it is also possible that the plant costs in the U.S. or Canada would be higher than the estimated cost in Korea. Hence, the net savings given in Table 7-1 from a DUPIC cycle are to be considered extremely speculative estimates. The economic savings of the DUPIC cycle are very dependent on the AIROX plant costs and the Canadian spent fuel disposal costs. Most current consideration of DUPIC implementation in North America predicts the construction of the AIROX plant and DUPIC spent fuel disposal in Canada. Negotiations regarding these two issues are likely to be the most contentious in the case of DUPIC implementation between any two countries. Given the current problems of spent fuel disposal in the U.S., it seems that disposal of spent DUPIC fuel in Canada is the more feasible option. The Canadian estimate of $200/kg for DUPIC spent fuel disposal seems low compared to estimates for disposal of different types of spent fuel in other countries, especially since DUPIC fuel has a high fission product inventory.+ +Fission product inventory is approximately proportional to total burnup. DUPIC fuel will thus contain about 8 times the fission product mass of NU CANDU fuel. However, the volume of CANDU spent fuel that is produced will be about twice that of DUPIC spent fuel. 9.2.3 Deregulation and Competitive Improvements The electric power industry in the U.S. is currently being deregulated to increase competition. One of the most-contested areas of deregulation involves capital investments that utilities made expecting to recover the cost in their service contracts, so-called "stranded costs." Many utilities have nuclear power plants that, because of cost escalation during construction or operating problems, have very high capital costs that have not yet been repaid by the utilities' captive ratepayers. Had the electricity market continued to be regulated, these utilities would have eventually recovered their capital investment in these plants through regulated electricity rates set specifically to repay the utilities for their expenditures. However, as electricity markets are deregulated and lower-cost independent generators are allowed to compete with the utilities for customers it is expected that the market price of electricity will fall below the minimum level needed by utilities to allow them to completely recover their capital investments in the nuclear power plants. Nuclear plants (or other facilities) where only part of the initial investment can be recovered are called stranded assets.* Stranded cost recovery is the policy that compensates utilities for the unrecovered portion of the investment. Utilities claim they are entitled to stranded cost recovery because they were assured under past regulations to recover their capital investment over the life of the plant. Utilities then claim that, because they were encouraged to believe that the nuclear plants could be amortized over 30 or more years, they should be allowed to pay for the stranded assets over a long period of time and these costs should be passed on to their former ratepayers. As deregulation progresses, the U.S. states have been inclined to approve stranded cost recovery through electricity surcharges to all customers for several years into the future. The amount of the surcharge and length of time of recovery vary from state to state. If utilities do, in the end, save money through implementation of the DUPIC cycle, the allowed amount of stranded cost recovery should be adjusted. In general, the portion of stranded costs attributable to on-site spent fuel storage should only be a small fraction of the total, although there will be additional savings if the DOE surcharge is removed from spent PWR fuel that is used in the DUPIC cycle. 9.2.4 Spent Fuel Reduction While spent fuel issues are inextricably tied to economic issues, the above discussion dealt with spent fuel savings in dollar terms as a part of overall fuel cycle costs. There are other, more qualitative issues regarding spent fuel production and savings that also need to be addressed including the timing and feasibility of spent fuel repository disposal and the subsequent inaccuracy of spent fuel disposal costs. The estimates for spent fuel disposal costs discussed in Section 9.1.1 are based on the eventual construction and use of a spent fuel repository within budget and time constraints. The fate of the repository program has always been somewhat uncertain, however, because of the very politically sensitive nature of the decisions that have been and will be made. The framework for the establishment of a geologic repository for spent fuel disposal was first created by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. The original act called for the opening of the first repository by January 1998 and the opening of a second repository in the 2001 timeframe. The 1 mill/kwhr disposal fee (with provisions for annual review) was also established in the 1982 act. In 1987 the Nuclear Waste Amendments Act designated Yucca Mountain, Nevada as the repository site and provided for the establishment of an interim storage site outside of Nevada. Since the 1987 act, Nevada has obstructed the establishment of a repository to the extent that a Supreme Court order was required to begin characterization of the Yucca Mountain site. Because of this and other delays, the opening of the Yucca Mountain repository has been delayed at least until 2010. The interim waste storage facility siting provision in the 1987 act has been reversed; any interim storage site that is established will likely be in Nevada, close to the Yucca Mountain site. The site characterization of Yucca Mountain, originally estimated to cost $100 million, will cost more than $6 billion to complete. The licensing of the repository will cost an additional $1-2 billion after the NRC research program and regulatory expenses are added up and before any repository construction begins. When the history of the repository program is considered, serious questions regarding its feasibility and likelihood of implementation are raised. Given the escalation of cost estimates, questions are also raised regarding the adequacy of the 1 mill/kwhr fee to completely pay for the lifecycle repository costs. (Ref. 30) Since the future of the repository program in regards to cost and even existence are so questionable, any evaluator should be very critical of using economics as the sole criterion when examining the advantages of the DUPIC cycle. Indeed, since it is not definitely known how we will dispose of the spent fuel we already have, it is clear that minimization of spent fuel production is an important consideration in the evaluation of any nuclear fuel cycle policy. The fact that, as discussed in Chapter 8 and shown in Fig. 8-4, the DUPIC cycle produces significantly less spent fuel per unit electricity than CANDU-only cycles and moderately smaller amounts than a PWR-only cycle should make the DUPIC very attractive regardless of most economic considerations. 9.2.5 DUPIC Fuel Disposal It is important to consider the issues surrounding the choice of country for final disposal of DUPIC fuel. It is likely that there will be significant political discussion of this issue. In the case of a regional DUPIC cycle (between different countries), it is in both countries' interests to dispose of the DUPIC fuel in the other country: no country wants to be the final resting site of more waste than is necessary, whether or not the waste is nuclear. It is thus important to consider the potential savings from DUPIC implementation in terms of country-dependent benefits (and costs). For instance, if DUPIC fuel is disposed of in Canada, the benefit to the U.S. could be very significant. It is expected that future spent fuel production in the U.S. will exceed the planned capacity of the Yucca Mountain repository; implementation of the DUPIC cycle might reduce future spent fuel volumes such that a second repository is not required. There would be significant savings in the U.S. associated with avoiding the construction of a second repository. Congress did not have the political will to site a second repository in the 1980s and it is unknown if this situation has changed. Indecisiveness or fragmented support would most likely slow project completion. This can be seen in the history of the current Yucca Mountain repository: The resultant project delays and increased litigation have drastically escalated costs. There is no reason to believe that the political environment in the U.S. has significantly changed and there is thus no guarantee that the second repository could actually be created if needed. Utilities would then be on their own to dispose of the spent fuel or the federal government would have to store the fuel aboveground indefinitely; either option will be costly. Canada would benefit from DUPIC cycle implementation with spent fuel disposal in the U.S. in two ways. Not only would Canada not have to pay spent fuel disposal fees but their spent fuel transport and storage costs should be lower under DUPIC due to the smaller volumes of spent fuel produced. Even if the spent DUPIC fuel is disposed of in Canada, Canada will benefit because the spent fuel volume generated by their reactors will be lowered by half. If the U.S. must dispose of the DUPIC spent fuel, the DUPIC fuel should be no more expensive to dispose of than spent PWR fuel. One recent study (Ref 31) indicated that spent PWR and DUPIC fuel have similar decay heats over time, partially due to fission product removal during AIROX processing and partially due to increased plutonium and actinide destruction (particularly Pu-239, Pu-241, and Am-241) during burnup in the CANDU (Ref 31). Recent news indicates that Canada may have as much trouble disposing of their spent fuel as the U.S., though. Canadian utilities were expecting a decision "regarding the future direction of used fuel disposal" in 1998, but in February the government instead announced that another panel would be appointed to fully reconsider the issues involved in siting a spent fuel repository (Ref. 32). Due to failures in the original analysis to adequately consider the social issues of spent fuel disposal, the Canadian government created a new agency to study the issue and announced that the decision to build a spent fuel repository and begin construction was at least 20-25 years away (Ref. 32). A repository delay such as this should encourage the Canadian government to seek means of reducing the amount of spent fuel that must eventually be stored. Should either country be able to permanently dispose of spent fuel, the different political climates of the two countries will affect DUPIC fuel disposal costs and this should also be considered in determining the siting of DUPIC fuel disposal. Due to different Canadian political and geographical qualities, the costs of disposing of a given amount of spent DUPIC fuel in Canada might not be as large in the U.S. For instance, a recent Canadian study (Ref. 31) expects DUPIC fuel disposal to cost only $200/kg once the spent DUPIC fuel is cooled for 50 years aboveground. Disposal of the same fuel in the U.S., if subject to the 1 mill/kwhr surcharge, would cost $400/kg based on total accumulated burnup. It thus appears particularly advantageous to dispose of DUPIC fuel in Canada because their costs are lower and they are planning on a lengthy cooling period for spent DUPIC fuel which should allow sufficient time for the construction of a repository. 9.2.6 Conservation of Strategic Resources and National Security The prospect of conserving natural and strategic resources is another motivator for implementation of the DUPIC cycle. As shown in Chapter 8, the DUPIC cycle has better uranium utilization than both PWR and CANDU cycles up to 4 or 5 w/o initial PWR fuel enrichments. Above 5 w/o, the DUPIC cycle is still more efficient than the PWR fuel cycle. In general, conservation of any resource is desirable politically and strategically. A reduction in the required amount of uranium ore reduces the destruction and disruption of the environment that occurs during mining of uranium ore. Uranium reserves are of great potential importance to national energy security because of the demands that will be placed on the world energy supply in the future. While the shortages of low-cost energy that have been forecast for the past 40 years have yet to, and may never, materialize, the continued population growth and industrialization of less-developed countries will require ever-increasing amounts of energy. While uranium, when used in breeder reactors and recycled, can almost be considered a renewable resource, deployment of this system will be costly and contentious. The uranium saved from early DUPIC cycle implementation could thus postpone the time when the existing light water reactor (LWR) infrastructure becomes outmoded. A complicating factor of this analysis is that Canada is the world's leading supplier of uranium and the U.S. now imports most of its uranium from Canada (Ref. 33). Implementation of the DUPIC cycle would result in a significant reduction in the amount of uranium mined in Canada, an outcome that the uranium miners would not support. Because the DUPIC cycle consumes significant amounts of plutonium during the CANDU stage of the cycle (as mentioned above and in Ref 31), the DUPIC cycle will produce spent fuel that is even more proliferation-resistant than PWR spent fuel. This is an advantage because there will be much less temptation to excavate a DUPIC repository in an attempt to recover weapons material. The use of the DUPIC cycle will make the repository more secure and increase the safety of all countries from groups attempting to obtain weapons material to make a nuclear weapon. 9.2.7 AIROX Processing and Proliferation Resistance One of the primary concerns and goals of the U.S. since the 1970s, with respect to any nuclear issue, has been non-proliferation. The U.S. Department of State is participating in a joint DUPIC development project with Korea and Canada because they believe that the AIROX-cycle meets the U.S. requirements for proliferation resistance. The main reasons for the AIROX cycle's U.S. support derive from the use of dry-processing rather than the "wet" processing that is used in fuel recycling plants in France and the U.K. The U.S. supported uranium recycle in LWRs and was also developing breeder reactors until President Carter implemented the U.S.'s current stand against these fuel cycles during his term in office. While President Reagan rescinded the official order forbidding reprocessing, since the Carter administration many in the U.S. have been opposed to the construction of any sort of "wet" recycling plant due to of the near-complete separation of uranium and plutonium isotopes from the fuel material that is done during wet reprocessing. Additionally, utilities have come to view reprocessing as uneconomical and have not pursued a recycling strategy. In the U.S. view, the near-complete separation of isotopes prior to the preparation of mixed oxide fuel is thought to facilitate weapons material diversion and thus too risky in terms of proliferation, even though France, Japan, and the U.K. are all actively pursuing reprocessing programs. The quite recent testing of nuclear weapons in India and testing threats by Pakistan will almost surely harden opinion against wet reprocessing and any treatments not perceived as "proliferation-resistant." The use of a dry recycle during AIROX does not involve the separation of uranium and plutonium isotopes from the rest of the fuel material. Additionally, during the AIROX spent fuel processing the gamma-emitting fission products continue to provide selfprotection to the spent fuel. Also, AIROX processing is done in heavily shielded enclosures called hot boxes that prevent contamination of the plant from released fission products. These hotboxes will all be monitored by safeguard systems developed by the U.S. It would be very difficult to covertly remove any spent fuel material from a hotbox even if the hotboxes weren't monitored. The most significant disadvantage of the AIROX process, as with any recycling process, is that radioactive waste is generated during the process. All of the removed fission products discussed in Chapter 6 in addition to the PWR spent fuel cladding and structural materials must be treated and disposed of as nuclear waste. While some of the removed fission products can be stored at the AIROX plant until they decay to safe radioactivity levels, other fission products, such as iodine, are captured in a solid medium and then disposed of similar to other solid waste. AIROX processing, as opposed to wet reprocessing, is characterized by low-level waste streams that are small in volume. And while there is still a large net decrease in waste generated by the DUPIC cycle, even including waste generated by the AIROX process, difficulties with public citizens and environmental groups may still arise simply because new waste is created during the DUPIC cycle. 9.2.8 Transportation Transportation of DUPIC fuel between the various stages of the cycle is also an issue. Transportation of spent fuel must be relatively easy and very safe otherwise the implementation of the cycle is threatened. Fortunately, there is already substantial experience in this area as spent fuel is currently transported between reactor sites; more experience will also be gained as spent fuel is shipped in the coming decade to an interim storage site which may or may not be at Yucca Mountain. While current spent fuel transportation methods are extremely safe and the procedure is well-established there is the possibility that transportation schedules can be affected by litigation and public protest. Incidents of public intervention and delay of spent or reprocessed fuel shipments have recently occurred in Germany and Japan. Interruptions in the flow of spent fuel to the AIROX plant have the potential to drastically increase the lifecycle costs of DUPIC cycle implementation. 9.3 Analyst's Perspective and Policy Options 9.3.1 Analyst's Perspective The potential qualitative gains of DUPIC cycle implementation, particularly in an region such as North America where there are significant numbers of both types of reactors in a good ratio (4-5 LWRs to each CANDU), far outweigh the possible negative consequences of cycle implementation (Ref. 1) There is the potential for large reductions in Canadian spent fuel volume, the conservation of significant amounts of natural uranium, and the avoided disposal of large amounts of spent fuel in the U.S. Two possible drawbacks or barriers are higher than expected AIROX costs that negate all potential savings from the cycle and a potential spent fuel transportation accident. The former is significantly more likely than the latter, and the latter is not a significant threat in terms of radiation release. The containers used to transport spent fuel have been conservatively designed and tested to withstand even train crashes. Additionally, DUPIC fuel will always be protected and contained by cladding during transport to and from the AIROX plant. The potential risk from most any transportation accident is probably smaller than most people incur when they commute in their cars to work. There would be significant regulatory and pubic opinion barriers that would need to be overcome in order to implement the DUPIC cycle between the U.S. and Canada, but it is the author's belief that many of these barriers might be overcome with complete and open education of the public as to the benefits, disadvantages, and risks associated with the DUPIC cycle. All parties will have different values and interests; it is very likely that some parties will decide that their interests and values are not served by implementation of the DUPIC cycle. If a significant part of the populace decides that DUPIC cycle implementation is in their best interests, however, it is very likely that partisan opposition lacking broad-based support could be overcome. 9.3.2 Policy Options The DUPIC cycle offers the potential for some reduction in spent fuel production and increase in uranium utilization over the fuel cycles currently used, whether implemented in a country or region. The potential gains from the DUPIC cycle are far more dramatic in a regional implementation, such as between the U.S. and Canada or Brazil and Argentina. These are considered regional implementations because each country is operating on a different fuel cycle and can make great improvements in their fuel cycles, either by avoiding spent fuel disposal costs (the country with PWRs) or by avoiding fuel purchase costs and significantly decreasing generated spent fuel volumes (the country with CANDUs). In an intra-country DUPIC implementation, such as is being planned in Korea, there are still significant savings, but fresh PWR fuel must still be purchased and DUPIC spent fuel must still be stored and disposed of in some manner. However, the DUPIC cycle is by no means the only and not necessarily even the most effective way of addressing some of the issues raised in Section 9.2. There are numerous options in addition to DUPIC cycle implementation that can be pursued to solve the spent fuel disposal problems in the current U.S. LWR-based fuel cycle. The first option would be to fast-track the establishment of the Yucca Mountain repository and increase the planned capacity or even establish a second repository. Another possible solution would involve the use of a self- sustaining fuel cycle. Evaluation of multiple recycle LWR fuel cycles based on the AIROX or other non-aqueous processes is currently being done at MIT; this type of innovative fuel cycle may prove to be both feasible and easily implementable. National energy security can be improved without DUPIC implementation by pursuing energy conservation and renewable energy programs. Conservation will reduce total energy demand and thus demand on foreign energy sources and an increase in energy production from renewable resources would do the same. Increased use of renewable energy sources will also enhance national security because this use will save other domestic resources for use in the future. Neither of these options is likely to provide sufficient electricity, either through savings or increased production, to eliminate the need for expansion of the energy supply from fossil and/or nuclear sources, however. There are also other options for effective implementation of the DUPIC cycle. Many DUPIC studies assume that the associated AIROX plant will be located in a region or country that is implementing the cycle and that the plant will be used exclusively by the region or country that builds the plant. It is possible that a non-associated AIROX plant could be built that would buy spent PWR fuel from utilities in one country and then sell AIROX-processed CANFLEX fuel to other countries with CANDU reactors. The exact cash flows associated with "purchases" and "flows" will depend on the cycle economics; an electricity generator may actually pay the plant owner to accept the generator's spent fuel in order to avoid spent fuel disposal costs. Other synergistic applications of an AIROX plant are possible. For example, the AIROX process could be used for refabrication of accelerator targets used for "electric breeding." This process uses a proton accelerator to power a spallation neutron source that transmutes a fissile isotope (U-238 or Th-232) into fissile isotopes (Pu-239 or U-233) for LWR fueling. Weapons grade plutonium could also be blended into batches of spent PWR fuel during AIROX processing. This could be used to increase the reactivity of spent PWR fuel that has been cooled for significant periods of time, permitting its use as DUPIC fuel and thereby decreasing existing volumes of spent fuel. This process would thus also help the U.S. decrease its plutonium stockpiles and could even save the multi-billion dollar cost of a special purpose facility that would be constructed solely for purpose of disposing of these stocks of plutonium. 9.4 Description of Stakeholders and Decision Makers A significant number of residents (acting as electricity consumers) in the United States and Canada could be affected by implementation of the DUPIC cycle between these two countries, particularly if there are savings to utilities and changes to stranded cost recovery policies. Other groups that will be affected by DUPIC implementation are electric utilities and nuclear power plant operators and taxpayers. The decision makers involved in implementation of a DUPIC cycle include Congress, executive agencies such as the President and Department of Energy, and federal agencies such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, and Department of Energy. Environmental and public interest groups can be expected to have significant influence during DUPIC policy negotiations. 9.4.1 Public Positions The public can fill three separate and independent roles at the same time: ratepayer, taxpayer, and concerned citizen. As a ratepayer, the public should generally be pleased with any decrease in electricity rates and would be likely to support the DUPIC cycle on a purely economic basis if implementation will produce net savings for the utilities and these savings are passed along to the consumer. As a taxpayer, the public is also likely to support the DUPIC cycle. As discussed earlier, with the significant delays and uncertain future of the repository project, it is very possible that storage and repository costs will exceed forecasts and may exceed the proceeds from the 1 mill/kwhr charge to utilities. If this actually happens, some combination of utility and government funding will have to pay for the budget overruns. Either as a ratepayer, taxpayer, or both, the public will have to fund spent fuel disposal. If implementation of the DUPIC cycle reduces even a portion of these cost overruns then the public will again gain from implementation of the DUPIC Cycle. In the concerned citizen role, the public can take a variety of stands regarding DUPIC cycle implementation. In an absolutist, anti-nuclear role, the public could oppose any change to the existing nuclear fuel cycle, especially since the new AIROX plant would produce nuclear waste. The spent fuel transportation requirements would also be cause to oppose the DUPIC cycle because of the threat of accidents and radiation releases. On the other hand, as mothers and fathers concerned about the future state of the world, it is possible that the public will decide to support the AIROX plant. This might be because the public recognizes that there will be a net decrease in spent fuel production and that the transportation issue is a moot point. (Spent PWR fuel will eventually have to be transported to a repository or storage site if it is not recycled; CANDU fuel bundles must originate at either the AIROX plant or another fuel fabrication plant.) Additionally, the public could recognize that their risk from a fuel transportation accident is extremely minimal because of the margins of safety inherent in the transportation containers. Because of the extreme uncertainty associated with predicting the public's eventual views on the DUPIC cycle, and because of the perceived general negative public sentiment toward nuclear power, education will be essential to helping the public make an informed, rather than irrational, decision that hopefully supports implementation of the DUPIC cycle. Unfortunately, this type of dialogue has never been successfully created with the public (thus creating the general fear of and negative sentiment towards nuclear power and nuclear waste). If implementation of the DUPIC cycle in the U.S. and Canada is to succeed the public in both countries must not be opposed to DUPIC cycle implementation. While gaining the public's support of DUPIC implementation will not guarantee implementation, alienating the public will certainly prevent DUPIC cycle implementation because of the political nature of much long-term decision making in the U.S. 9.4.2 Utility Positions It is likely that most nuclear generators will support DUPIC implementation. Some utilities may be deterred from attempting implementation by the substantial litigation that might arise from interest groups seeking to block implementation. There are other utilities, however, that would probably vigorously pursue the creation of a U.S.-Canada DUPIC cycle. As mentioned above, the difficulties and delays associated with the federal waste repository have raised significant doubts as to the likelihood of its opening within the next twenty years, or ever. Although on-site dry storage is possible for older spent fuel, this option requires additional licensing, litigation, and money. In order to avoid dry storage and further complications with the federal repository it is extremely likely that there will be sufficient U.S. utility interest to pursue implementation of a joint U.S.-Canadian DUPIC cycle. Additionally, many of the operators whose spent fuel stores are approaching the storage capacity of spent fuel pools are in the northeast. (Ref. 27) This would facilitate implementation because transportation distances to Canada are shorter. 9.4.3 Governmental Positions It is difficult to assess the position of the U.S. federal government regarding nuclear power and spent fuel disposal. Both issues are so politically charged that Congress, the President, and associated federal agencies often seem reluctant to explicitly address the subject. The site selection process for the spent fuel repository was impossibly complicated; Congress was unable to act in an organized, efficient, and analytical way when siting the federal repository. Although there has been a change in the attitudes of some Congressmen towards nuclear power and its importance to national interests (most notably Senator Domenici), most of Congress seems uncomfortable taking a stand for or against nuclear power. For this reason it is difficult to assess the potential positions of Congress regarding DUPIC cycle implementation. A reduction in the volume of spent fuel that will have to be dealt with in the future should appeal to Congress and the President, as should the prospect of saving voters (taxpayers and ratepayers) money through a reduction in spent fuel storage and disposal fees. Implementation of the DUPIC cycle will also alienate some number of voters; this is motivation to oppose DUPIC implementation. The executive branch and its agencies don't have as significant a stake in DUPIC implementation as the legislative branch, the public, and the utilities. The executive branch's importance to DUPIC implementation results from the decision-making power that resides in the federal agencies such as the NRC and the Department of Energy. The NRC, in recent years, has shown a great deal of interest in working with nuclear generators to revise licensing and other procedures in order to make nuclear electricity generation more competitive with other forms of power production. A principal motivation of this interest is believed to originate with the belief that only viable generators will be able to fully fund plant decommissioning at a reactor's end-oflife. This can be seen in the NRC's decision to allow utilities to pursue higher-enrichment PWR strategies and to streamline licensing procedures for the construction of new reactor plants. It thus seems likely that the NRC would support DUPIC implementation in order to increase nuclear generators' competitiveness. The Department of Energy stands to gain significantly from implementation of the DUPIC cycle because of the resultant decrease in future spent fuel inventories that would have to be stored. proliferation. Additionally, these volumes are decreased in a way that does not encourage The Environmental Protection Agency would similarly benefit from DUPIC implementation, although the EPA would also be concerned about the waste generated by the AIROX plant. The net decrease in spent fuel inventories, though, would probably earn the EPA's approval. The NRC, DOE, and EPA, probably the three agencies with the most decisionmaking power, would thus likely support implementation of the DUPIC cycle. Comparable agencies in Canada would also be likely to support DUPIC implementation from the standpoint of reducing spent fuel production, especially since their repository has now been significantly delayed. There will most likely be some regulatory agency concern about using reactor fuel with more reactivity, but there has already been substantial testing in Canada examining the effects of using enriched fuel and ensuring that it is safe for use in CANDUs. Non-stakeholders will also try to influence any policies considering DUPIC cycle implementation. Groups that could be expected to support DUPIC implementation would be lobbying and special interest groups representing nuclear power generators and consumer interest groups. Some environmental groups and special interest groups representing competing power generators (natural gas, oil, and coal) would likely vocally oppose implementation of the DUPIC cycle. It is also possible that some environmental groups would support DUPIC cycle implementation because of the net spent fuel reduction while some consumer groups would oppose DUPIC implementation. 9.5 Proposed Policy Implementation Method Section 9.4 has outlined the various interests of the some of the stakeholders and influential parties that will be affected by implementation of the DUPIC cycle. Any proposed implementation of the DUPIC cycle would need to approach these parties and gain their support by attempting to understand their value system and emphasize the advantages of the DUPIC cycle that the parties value. 9.5.1 Winning the Public In this case, the most effective method of approaching the public might be to emphasize a combination of economic (should they be present) and environmental advantages. It is a littlecontested fact that the American public "votes their pocketbook" in Presidential elections; economic savings through lower electricity bills might have a similarly powerful influence on their perception of the advantages of the DUPIC cycle. This argument, of course, requires that the DUPIC cycle save the utilities (and hence the public) money. It should also be possible to promote the environmental advantages of the DUPIC cycle. As discussed in Chapter 8, the DUPIC cycle has a higher natural uranium utilization and spent fuel efficiency than the PWR-only cycle. The DUPIC cycle thus conserves a natural resource and produces less waste. The prospect of reducing the total amount of nuclear waste (in terms of spent fuel) and of not disposing of U.S. spent fuel in the U.S. (if disposed of in Canada) should also appeal to the public. The DUPIC cycle could thus be promoted in terms of making the environment safer for future generations. It was previously mentioned that education is believed to be of primary importance in garnering public support. Each parent, ratepayer, and environmental activist will have different beliefs, values, and agendas. Teaching these stakeholders the relative merits of the DUPIC cycle, or making the information easily available, will not necessarily convince any stakeholder to support implementation of the cycle. The information, particularly regarding transportation and processing safety, must be readily available, however, so that any perception of "hiding the facts" is prevented and so that concerned individuals can decide whether they will see a savings in their electricity rates or if they need to worry about a transportation accident. It is important that the public base its decisions on values rather than fears; fear is what has dominated public sentiment regarding nuclear power in the past and it is this fear that must be avoided or prevented to the greatest extent possible. Sincere attempts to address the public's concerns, adequate information, and sufficient emphasis of the advantages of DUPIC cycle implementation are the only ways to overcome this fear. While it is not necessary that a significant portion of the public enthusiastically support the DUPIC cycle, it is critical to successful implementation that some of the public support the DUPIC cycle and that the majority be at least ambivalent towards the process. If the public is generally ambivalent (perhaps because in their minds the economic and environmental benefits are offset by the safety questions) then it is possible that the DUPIC cycle may be successfully implemented if other major players such as the government and utilities support the cycle. 9.5.2 Gaining Utility Support It is probable that power generators will be most easily swayed by economic arguments. The most powerful argument promoting DUPIC implementation would be the prospect of savings for both the U.S. and Canadian operators. To this end, DUPIC expenses must be divided proportionally to the benefits. The U.S.'s gains from saving on spent fuel disposal fees will probably be greater than Canadian fresh fuel savings. If Canada is responsible for disposing of the spent DUPIC fuel, they should gain additional consideration when the costs and savings are apportioned. Allocating the costs of the AIROX plant relative to the savings enjoyed by each country and the relative costs of DUPIC implementation would be an efficient method of ensuring that each country benefits fairly from DUPIC implementation. Without economic arguments it may be difficult to gain the support of the utilities. It may be possible to convince some U.S. utilities to support the DUPIC cycle as a definite means of disposing of spent fuel in an uncertain environment but it would be difficult to gain widespread support without economic advantages. Depending on the size of the parties, however, the support of one or two generators may be sufficient to begin successful implementation. 9.5.3 Governmental Support It may be easiest to gain the support of the U.S. and Canadian governments for DUPIC cycle implementation. Spent fuel disposal is a significant problem and may be a significant expense for both countries. The DUPIC cycle's primary benefit, apart from theoretical economic savings, is waste efficiency. A significant reduction in spent fuel volumes may allow the U.S. to avoid construction of a second repository and may allow the Canadians to build a smaller repository. The U.S. could realize additional savings by using the DUPIC cycle to dispose of surplus weapons plutonium instead of building a special-purpose facility solely for this purpose. The DUPIC cycle should not raise any proliferation concerns among either government and the national security arguments for implementation of the DUPIC cycle are compelling, too. The governments also have sufficient power to ensure implementation should the DUPIC cycle prove uneconomical to the utilities. Since the spent fuel disposal and national security arguments are strong, U.S. and Canadian governments may find it in their best interests to gain the power generators' support by making the cycle economic. This could most effectively be accomplished by reducing the cost of the plant, either by subsidizing construction or by providing low-interest loans. The greatest potential barrier to implementation will be political in both countries. Even if the government would support the cycle on technical grounds, if the voters are opposed to cycle implementation then government approval is very unlikely. 9.6 Conclusions The DUPIC cycle offers a proliferation-resistant solution for reducing PWR spent fuel inventories and the amount of plutonium that must be placed in storage. This is particularly important in light of the questionable future of the federal waste storage and repository program. There are additional benefits in the areas of conservation and national security and implementation of the DUPIC cycle may even help nuclear generators (and consumers) to save money. The DUPIC cycle must not be considered solely in terms of economics, however, because of the number and importance of other issues. Public support, or at least widespread ambivalence, toward the DUPIC cycle is key to successful implementation. CHAPTER 10 Conclusions and Future Work The successful development of an analytical model for prediction of overall DUPIC cycle burnup facilitated analysis of the DUPIC cycle and its comparison to other cycles. While this study fulfilled its objectives, the scope and depth of the study was necessarily limited by time constraints. Over the course of the study, numerous additional topics were found that merit re-examination or further investigation. 10.1 PWR Correlation Development A series of CASMO-3 simulations permitted the development of a series of analytical correlations that predicted PWR spent fuel isotopic composition. These predictions can be made based on knowledge of simple PWR fuel cycle parameters such as reload enrichment, discharge burnup, soluble boron concentration, and cycle length. The correlations accurately predicted PWR spent fuel burnup over a broad range of reload enrichments and discharge burnups. 10.1.1 Future Work: Additional Confirmation of PWR Correlations It would be valuable to confirm the accuracy of the PWR spent fuel isotopic correlations using a different, perhaps more accurate modeling code and cross-section library such as CASMO-4, HELIOS, or MOCUP. 10.1.2 Future Work: Additional Correlation Development Analytical correlations to predict isotopic concentrations in spent fuel are very useful and can save significant time and computing power. It could be very useful to future studies if similar correlations were developed for reactors and lattices other than the reference case such as the ABB/CE lattice used in System 80+ reactors or BWR lattices. 10.2 AIROX Process Analysis Analysis of the AIROX process shows that there is a non-negligible reactivity gain due to the removal of certain fission products during the oxidation / reduction and sintering steps. Experimental hot cell tests of the AIROX process have been completed that examined fission product removal, yet there is still disagreement among the published removal forecasts. The lack of consensus regarding the types and amounts of fission product removal among other published AIROX studies is confusing and provides strong motivation for a second round of hot cell AIROX tests that seek to specifically quantify fission product removal. Fission products such as palladium, rhodium, silver, and technetium that account for approximately 13, 2, 2, and 5% of all fission product absorptions, respectively, are removed in some studies and not in others. 80% removal of these fission products in addition to the fission products already forecast to be removed would remove nearly 40% of all fission product absorptions during AIROX. If further quantitative analysis of the AIROX process reveals that these elements are not removed, it may be possible to remove palladium, rhodium, and technetium using other dry processes. Removal of these strong poisons will further increase achievable burnup in the CANDU portion of the DUPIC cycle. The cooling time of DUPIC fuel before and after AIROX processing significantly affects achievable burnup in the CANDU portion of the DUPIC cycle. PWR spent fuel that is cooled for longer than 5 years begins to lose significant reactivity due to Pu-241 decay and Gd-155 and Am-241 buildup. Cooling times should thus be kept as short as possible in order to extend burnup in the CANDU to the greatest extent possible. The reactivity gain due to fission product removal during AIROX processing is time-dependent. The decay and buildup of fission products creates absorption cross- sections that do not change significantly with cooling time with the notable exception of Gd-155. It is the decay of Pu-241 and buildup of Am-241 and Gd-155 that cause most of the reactivity decrease of spent fuel with time. 10.2.1 Future Work: Eliminating AIROX Removal Uncertainties An effort should be made by all interested parties to determine a consistent fission product removal forecast through additional hot-cell tests of AIROX processing on PWR spent fuel, analysis of existing results of small-scale AIROX tests (provided they are sufficiently detailed), or the use of computer modeling to predict fission product removal. The existence and use of a consistent removal forecast would greatly reduce the uncertainty associated with predicting the reactivity effects of AIROX processing, especially when comparing the results of different studies. For instance, using the process described in Appendix F, AECL forecasts remove approximately 35% of all fission product absorptions. Use of this removal fraction in the reference case integrated model would increase achievable CANDU burnup by more than 10%, or 1.5 MWD/kg, to 15.75 MWD/kg. 100 10.2.2 Future Work: Increasing Fission Product Removal During AIROX It may be possible to modify the AIROX process to remove additional strong fission product poisons. Palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, and technetium form metallic inclusions in the fuel matrix during burnup. At the end of the AIROX process, before sintering, where the DUPIC fuel is in a fine powder form, these elements could possibly be separated from the DUPIC fuel powder using a gas-fluidized bed or cyclone separator. While UO2 has a density of approximately 10.4 g/cm3 , palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, and technetium have densities of 11.97, 12.4, 12.6, and 11.5 g/cm3 , respectively. If the size of the metallic inclusions is an appreciable fraction of the size of the UO2 particles at this stage, the density differences of these fission products should be sufficient to permit separation from the DUPIC fuel powder. There may be additional dry methods to separate fission products from the DUPIC fuel during the AIROX process such as raising temperatures during the oxidation/reduction and sintering steps. Any additional fission product removal will increase achievable CANDU burnup, thereby making the DUPIC cycle even more efficient in terms of uranium utilization and spent fuel efficiency. 10.2.3 Future Work: The Effects of Cooling Time It is also necessary to account for the effects of cooling time on DUPIC fuel reactivity in order to generate accurate, consistent CANDU burnup predictions. The effect of cooling time is significant; one study estimates a decrease in k-infinite of 0.04 over a 10-year cooling period (Ref. 24). Such a decrease in k-infinite would decrease CANDU burnup by more than 3 MWD/kg. It may be possible to determine analytical correlations that predict both the timevariable reactivity gain from AIROX processing and the change in DUPIC fuel reactivity. Since the reactivity change during cooling is due primarily to the concentration changes of Pu-241, Gd-155, and Am-241, it may be possible to accurately correlate reactivity change to cooling time considering only these three isotopes (plus one decaying generic absorber) as per unpublished work by X.F. Zhao at MIT. If these correlations cannot be developed it is necessary to continue using computer models to predict the time-variable AIROX reactivity gain and fuel reactivity decrease. 10.3 CANDU Burnup Prediction It is possible to model a circular fuel assembly using a square lattice modeling program such as CASMO-3. Isotopic concentrations were predicted with a maximum error of less than 10%. Using a data base computed using this model, it is possible to analytically predict the discharge burnup of the CANDU portion of the DUPIC cycle. This prediction can be made by correlating the reactivity gain from fission product removal during AIROX and the reactivity effects of isotopic composition with a change in CANDU burnup from a reference case. The reactivity worths of some uranium and plutonium isotopes vary nonlinearly with concentration; it is important to refine current estimates of these ratios over a more appropriate range of concentration changes. 102 10.3.1 Future Work: CANDU Modeling in CASMO The excess plutonium produced by this study's CANDU models (relative to benchmarks) might be indicative that the resonance integral of U-238 is too large. It may then be possible to improve the accuracy of the CASMO-3 models used in this study by artificially altering the model to decrease the resonance integral of the U-238 in the fuel pins. This could be done by slightly decreasing the fuel pellet surface area and increasing pellet density (to conserve mass) because the resonance integral of U-238 is proportional to the square root of pellet surface area divided by pellet mass. The use of other advanced computer codes that explicitly model circular lattices such as CASMO-4 (Ref. 8) or MOCUP should also increase the accuracy of the CANDU modeling. It would also be interesting to examine the effects of using different materials in the corner cells that were filled with air in the CANDU models. The use of these cells, and the use of air instead of void, caused geometric anomalies in the model and the neutronic spectrum. It may be instructive to use solid Zircaloy or void in place of these air cells and examine the results. 10.3.2 Future Work: Relation of Reactivity Worth and Isotope Concentration It should be possible to further increase the accuracy of the CANDU discharge burnup predictions of this study by redetermining the values used for concentrationdependent isotopic reactivity worth, (Ak/Ax)i. This study used a one-range-fits-all approach that, in retrospect, was inappropriate in that the Axi values that were used were much larger than necessary. For each isotope, varying the perturbation magnitudes over 103 ranges closer to those predicted by the PWR correlations in this study should allow the determination of reactivity worth values more appropriate to the test cases of interest. 10.4 DUPIC Cycle Performance Overall DUPIC cycle performance does not improve significantly once PWR reload enrichments increase past 5.5 or 6 w/o U-235, corresponding to burnups around 60 to 70 MWD/kg. As PWRs operate at higher burnups, PWR spent fuel production is decreased and more units are required to fuel a single CANDU. While DUPIC spent fuel production is reduced as PWR enrichment increases, the overall reduction is much smaller than the initial savings in spent fuel production from switching to a DUPIC cycle. The incremental gains in spent fuel savings are thus small and might be easily outweighed by increasing natural uranium consumption and higher PWR fueling costs for the multiple PWRs. By itself, then, the DUPIC concept thus does not provide significant motivation for the development and use of ultra-high PWR burnup capabilities. In terms of resource utilization, there does not appear to be an incentive to change PWR fuel management practices to enhance CANDU performance in the DUPIC cycle. The requirement of multiple PWRs to fuel one CANDU reactor causes the PWR characteristics to dominate the DUPIC cycle in terms of uranium utilization and spent fuel efficiency. In general, the DUPIC cycle simply increases PWR spent fuel efficiency and PWR uranium utilization by a fixed value over the range of reload enrichments. Large reductions in spent fuel production volumes are possible for both parties should a CANDU-only country use and dispose of AIROX-processed fuel from a PWRonly country. A win-win situation may develop since the PWR-only country would not 104 have to dispose of spent PWR fuel used in the DUPIC cycle and since the CANDU-only country would see a factor of two reduction in spent fuel generation. 10.4.1 Future Work: DUPIC Economic Performance Analysis of DUPIC performance with respect to economics instead of resource utilization and waste savings might reveal additional optimal performance points. It would also be useful to agree upon a common set of cost parameters for uranium procurement, fuel fabrication, and spent fuel storage and disposal. This would allow more accurate and more consistent comparison of economic benefits of DUPIC implementation. The most recent comprehensive IAEA study on the economics of the nuclear fuel cycle (Ref 29), would appear to be a good starting point for this analysis. The wide range of projected spent fuel storage and disposal costs, in particular, makes economic analysis and comparison of the DUPIC cycle difficult. It is important to consider that in a Canadian/U.S. DUPIC cycle spent DUPIC fuel disposal costs might vary with the country of disposal. If the U.S. were to treat DUPIC fuel the same as spent PWR fuel, disposal costs would be much higher in the U.S. than in Canada, thereby making an even stronger case for Canadian disposal of DUPIC spent fuel. 10.4.2 Future Work: Alternative Cycle Comparisons It may be instructive to compare DUPIC performance to another parallel cycle that uses slightly enriched uranium (SEU) in a CANDU as an alternative to NU fuel. SEU fuel (with about 1.1-1.3 w/o enrichment) would confer many of the benefits of DUPIC fuel (extended burnup, power uprating, decrease in waste generation) without as 105 significant an increase in fuel fabrication costs. SEU fuel cycles have already been examined in some detail by AECL but have not been formally compared to DUPIC cycle performance. 10.5 Policy Analysis There are numerous potential stakeholders when considering implementation of the DUPIC cycle in North America. As shown in Chapter 9, the public, nuclear generators, and the government might all benefit substantially from the DUPIC cycle. These gains would be most quantifiable in economic terms should the DUPIC cycle save money, but it is difficult to estimate the true economic costs and savings of any implementation of the DUPIC cycle, particularly at such an early stage of analysis. There are additional environmental and national security gains from DUPIC implementation but the economic motivator would be the most powerful factor in winning approval of the DUPIC cycle. The public is the most influential group regarding DUPIC implementation: its political power can sway government policy and the prospect of extensive litigation would likely deter nuclear generators from DUPIC cycle implementation should the plan be opposed by a significant part of the populace. If the DUPIC cycle does not incur significant public opposition, it is likely the government would approve of implementation and could then encourage nuclear generators to follow suit should the DUPIC cycle prove uneconomical without government subsidies. 106 10.5.1 Future Work: Additional Analysis of Public Values and Cycle Economics As public opinion and lack of significant opposition will be extremely important to successful implementation of the DUPIC cycle in North America, additional policy analysis focusing on public opinion and methods of gaining public support will be extremely critical in creating a plan for implementation. It is critical to identify the values of the public and to determine how these values can be served through implementation of the DUPIC cycle. As saving money is a common value and almost every individual will be affected as an electricity ratepayer, additional economic analysis to quantify the total savings (or expense) of the DUPIC cycle is crucial to making an effective economic argument supporting DUPIC implementation. 10.5.2 Future Work: Use of DUPIC Cycle to Burn Weapons Plutonium Studies by the U.S. and Canada (Ref 3) have shown that it is technically feasible to burn weapons-grade plutonium in CANDU reactors by mixing the plutonium with depleted uranium. Additional policy analysis should examine the possibility of using the DUPIC cycle and spent PWR fuel to bum weapons plutonium as well. It should be possible to enrich and burn in CANDUs spent PWR fuel that has cooled for a long time and would otherwise be uneconomical for use in the DUPIC cycle. This would make the plutonium extremely proliferation-resistant and avoid generation of significant amounts of CANDU spent fuel. In addition, one could consider building an AIROX facility, similar to that used in the DUPIC cycle, that would blend weapons plutonium into spent PWR fuel and fabricate 107 PWR fuel assemblies instead of CANFLEX fuel bundles. Recycling spent PWR fuel in this manner would confer the benefits of fuel recycling that were discussed in Chapter 9 and increase national security by making the weapons plutonium proliferation-resistant. If all surplus weapons plutonium can be disposed of using the DUPIC cycle or PWR recycle instead of a specialized disposal facility, the U.S. taxpayers could directly save several billion dollars in avoided plant construction costs and additional monies in avoided spent fuel disposal costs. 10.5.3 Future Work: Comparison of Proliferation Resistance of DUPIC Cycle While preliminary evaluation of the decrease in spent fuel volumes has been made, other measures of proliferation resistance should be better evaluated. This includes the self-protection characteristics of the spent fuel and the plutonium isotope mix in the spent fuel. The DUPIC cycle appears to be advantageous in both of these areas: extending the spent PWR fuel burnup in the CANDU significantly increases protective fission product inventories while burning significant amounts of fissile plutonium. 108 References [1] AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY, "World List of Nuclear Power Plants," Nuclear News, Vol. 41-3, March 1998. [2] FEINROTH, HERBERT, "Research, Development, and Demonstration Plan for AIROX Dry Recycle of Nuclear Reactor Spent Fuel," Gamma Engineering Corporation, GAMMA 8540-2, August 1993. [3] AECL TECHNOLOGIES, INC., "Plutonium Consumption Program - CANDU Reactor Project," Final Report, July 1994. [4] MACLEAN, H.J., McMAHON, M.V., AND DRISCOLL, M.J., "Uranium and Separative Work Utilization in Light Water Reactors," Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Nuclear Engineering, MIT-NFC-TR-009, January 1998. 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AND COX, D.S., "AECL's Progress in Developing the DUPIC Fuel Fabrication Process," 4 International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Pembroke, Ontario, October 3-5, 1995. [12] JAHSHAN, S. N. and McGEEHAN, T.J., "An Evaluation of the Deployment of AIROX-Recycled Fuel in Pressurized Water Reactors," Nuclear Technology, Vol. 106, June 1994. 109 [13] FRANKEL, A.J. and SHAPIRO, N.L., "Appraisal of PWR-HWR Tandem Fuel Cycles," Combustion Engineering, Inc., NPSD-45, February 1977. [14] CHRISTENSEN, D.E. AND PREZBINDOWSKI, D.L., "Isotopic Correlation Safeguards Techniques: Ratios and Their Properties," Transactionsof the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 18, June 1974. [15] "Conceptual Design and Cost Evaluation of the DUPIC Fuel Fabrication Facility Final Report," SCIENTECH, Inc. and Gamma Engineering Corporation, SCIECOM-219-96, May 1996. [16] Personal communication with Herbert Feinroth of Gamma Engineering Corp., March 1998. [17] MAJUMDAR, D., et al, "Recycling of Nuclear Spent Fuel with AIROX Processing," U.S. Department of Energy Idaho Field Office, DOE/ID-10423, December 1992. [18] LIDE, D.R., ed., "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics," Ann Arbor: CRC Press, 1994. [19] DEAN, J.A., ed., "Lange's Handbook of Chemistry, Thirteenth Edition," New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985. [20] REID, R.C., PRAUSNITZ, J.M., SHERWOOD, T.K., "The Properties of Gases and Liquids,Third Edition," New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977. [21] KUBASCHEWSKI, 0. and ALCOCK, C.B., "Metallurgical Thermochemistry, Fifth Edition" New York: Pergamon Press, 1979. [22] REID, R.C., PRAUSNITZ, J.M., SHERWOOD, T.K., "The Properties of Gases and Liquids, Fourth Edition," New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985. [23] McMAHON, M.V., DRISCOLL, M.J., and PILAT, E.E., "Natural Uranium and Separative Work Utilization in LWRs," Transactionsof the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 76, June 1997. [24] SANDERS, T.L. and WESTFALL, R.M. "Feasibility and Incentives for Burnup Credit in Spent-Fuel Transport Casks," Nuclear Science and Engineering,Vol. 104, January 1990. [25] BOCZAR, P.G. and DASTUR, A.R., "CANDU / PWR Synergism," IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on "Advances in Heavy Water Reactors," Toronto, Canada, June 1993. 110 [26] RIM, CHANG S., "Fueling CANDUs with PWR Spent Fuel," Lecture at MIT, April 1995. [27] FEINROTH, HERBERT, Personal communication with Dr. Neil Todreas, February 1996. [28] Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute, DUPIC cyle Background and Information Pages, http://websys.kaeri.re.kr/nuclear/nu-f3-7.html. [29] NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY, "The Economics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle," Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 1994. [30] COHN, S.M., "Too Cheap to Meter: An Economic and Philosophical Analysis of the Nuclear Dream," State University of New York Press, 1997. [31] BAUMGARTNER, P., ATES, Y., ELLIS, R.J., TAYLOR, P. and BOCZAR, P.G., "Disposal Costs for Selected Advanced CANDU Fuel Cycles," 6th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, May 10-15,1998. [32] SILVER, RAY, "Lack of Public Support Stymies Canadian Waste Disposal Effort," Nucleonics Week, March 19, 1998. [33] "Uranium 1995: Resources, Production, and Demand," Paris: OECD, 1996. [34] CHOI, H., RHEE, B.W., and PARK, H., "Physics Study on Direct Use of Spent Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel in CANDU (DUPIC)," Nuclear Science and Engineering,Vol. 126, May 1997. APPENDIX A Burnup Correlations for Fixed Cycle Length or Batch Number Maclean et al. in (Ref. 4) show that, for a generic LWR, correlations can be used to predict discharge burnup (BdL) when knowing reload enrichment (Xp) and either constant cycle burnup (BcL) or batch number (n) such that 1/nh' of the reactor core is replaced each refueling. If reload enrichment and batch number are known and fixed then the averaged end of cycle burnup of all fuel in the core, Bi (equivalent to batch reload burnup), can be determined using Eq. (A-1). B, = 28 X, -0.88 -19.2,MWD/kgU (A -1) The discharge burnup can then be directly determined using Eq. (A-2). B,= 2n B, MWD/kgU (A-2) If X, and BcL are known instead, as in the case when a fixed cycle length is more important than a fixed batch number, discharge burnup can still be calculated. B 1 should first be determined, again using Eq. (A-1). Discharge burnup can then be determined from Eq. (A-3). Bd = 2B -BcL, MWD/kgU (A- 3) Once BdL is determined the integrated model can be used to predict Bdc based on Xp, BdL, and Bor. BcL can be determined from Eq. (A-4) where p is the rated core specific power [kW/kgU], L is the cycle-average capacity factor from startup to startup, and Tc is the cycle length from startup to startup [calendar days]. BC = MWD/kgU PL( 1000, 112 (A-4) APPENDIX B Sample CASMO Input and Output for Reference PWR This appendix contains a CASMO input card and a summary output table. Figure B-1 shows a sample CASMO input card for the reference PWR lattice using fresh fuel enriched to 3 w/o U-235 and burned to 35 GWD/MT. The results of this modeling are shown in Table B-1 as a summary of spent fuel isotopic concentration and K-infinite values. Table B-1: Summary of Reference PWR Fuel Isotopics and K-Infinite as a Funtion of Burnup Brmup (IVIW /kg) 0 0.5 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 WT(%) 92234 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.022 0.021 0.019 0.018 0.016 0.015 0.014 K-inf 92235 3 2.941 2.883 2.46 2.007 1.621 1.291 1.012 0.779 0.587 92236 0 0.011 0.021 0.096 0.174 0.238 0.291 0.332 0.364 0.387 92238 96.976 96.946 96.916 96.67 96.349 96.01 95.652 95.275 94.878 94.46 94238 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.010 0.014 113 94239 0.000 0.019 0.044 0.200 0.321 0.391 0.430 0.450 0.457 0.457 94240 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.020 0.058 0.099 0.139 0.176 0.207 0.234 94241 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.020 0.044 0.068 0.090 0.109 0.123 94242 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.006 0.014 0.026 0.040 0.057 1.2900 1.2762 1.2696 1.2213 1.1611 1.1073 1.0578 1.0114 0.9677 0.9270 Figure B-1: Sample CASMO Input Card for Reference PWR * * * CASMO-3 Input 17x17 Westinghouse PWR Assembly WABA IN * 3.0 U-235 Enrichment * * 10 Sep 97 Chad Bollmann * Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Changes = 0 TIT,TFU=1000.0,TMO=580.0,BOR=0.0,VOI .0 *No Boron *0.711 enrich, no burnable SIM,'STANDARD',3.0,0,0,0,0.0 absorber *ZR4 MI1,6.550,.7000E-05/302=100.0 *SS347 MI2,7.900,.1800E-04/347=100.0 *INC718 MI3,8.200,.1800E-04/718=100.0 *INC750 MI4,8.200,.1800E-04/750=100.0 4 8 0 0 0= 5 0 0 0 00 *AGINCD . =15.00, MI5,10.16,.2250E-04/47000=80.00,490 0 37 *BORSHIM .87, 1 3 0 0 0 = 3 .4 4 MI6,2.260,.3250E-05/8000=54.81,14000= 5010=.7100,5011=3.170 *IFBA-1.5X MI7,0.23595/5010=100 33 *Pt DET ,1 3 0 0 0 = 1 3 .85 MI8,2.2543/718=73.82,8000=12. 7 64 7 MI9,4.3,,/13000=34.324,8000=30.530,5000=2 .506,6000= . 0 *WABA MATERIAL *ZR4 BOX,6.550,.7000E-05/302=100.0 *FUEL PIN,1,.3922,.4001,.4572 *GUIDET PIN,2,0.5817,.6020/"COO","BOX" *INSTR THIM .6147/"AIR","MI3","MI8" .5690, .5042, .4166, .2553, .1727, PIN,3, "MI3", "COO", "BOX"/2,4,6/1, "DET" PIN,4, .1727,.2553, .4166,.5042,.5690, .6147/"AIR","MI3","MI8" *INSTR THIM "MI3", "COO", "BOX"/2,4,6/1 *RCCA PIN,5,.4331,.4369,.4839,.5690,.6147/"MI5","AIR","MI2" "COO", "BOX"/1,3,5/1, "AIC" *RCCA PIN,6,.4331,.4369,.4839,.5690,.6147/"MI5","AIR","MI2" "COO", "BOX"/1, 3,5/1, "BTH" PIN,7,0.2858,0.3391,0.3531,0.4039,0.4178,0.4839,0.5613,0.6020/"COO" *WABA "MI1", "AIR", "MI9" , "AIR", "MI1", "COO", "MI1"/1, 6, 8/1, "WAB" 9 347 8 7 =15. 4 1 SPA,13.99,.1800E-04,,8.154/ 18= 4.5 , *Pressure PRE,158 *Power Dens Korean PDE,41.8 *No Box,21.5 Pitch PWR,17,1.260,21.50,,,,,8 35 30 25 DEP,0.0 0.5 1 5 10 15 20 *Need Desnsity FUE,1,10.33/3.0 7300 6 Neglect Term = .0 *FUE,2,10.1315/3.100, *20 BA LPI 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 LST,STA 114 APPENDIX C Sample CANDU CASMO Models This appendix contains sample CASMO input cards for both the 37 pin and 43 pin CANFLEX bundle models. Figure C-1 shows a sample CASMO input card for the 37-pin CANDU bundle model. This model was developed before the CANFLEX model in order to verify that the approximation techniques employed in this study would be effective. It was thought it would be easier to create an accurate model with the 37-pin bundle since this model uses natural uranium fuel (instead of more complicated mixed-oxide fuel) and the pin layout approximates a circular, symmetric bundle. * * * * * Figure C-1: Sample CASMO Input Card for 37 Pin CANDU Model CAS 3 37 ELEMENT CANDU FILE MODIFICATION TO ZIRC DENSITY, XE, AND NOT ALLOWING THERMAL EXPANSION CHAD BOLLMANN MIT 31 JULY 97 TIT,,TFU=900,TMO=345.66,,IDE='CAN1' SIM, 'CANTEST',0.711,0.0,0,0,0 FUE,1,10.36, ,,/0.711 CAN, 6.440, 0.7E-5,, BOX,6.479,0,560.66/29063=0.72 302=99.28 *MOD DENS ADJUSTED MOD,1.111,,,/1102=20.097 8000=79.894 1001=0.009 COO,0.81212,,560.66/1102=19.973 8000=79.949 1001=0.078 * COO DENS ADJUSTED PIN,1,0.605,0.616, 0.654 PIN,2,0.8214,0.8215/'AIR', 'CAN'//-1 PRE, 100.0 BWR,7,1.6435,11.5045,0.428,7.7895,7.7895, 4 LPI 1111 1111 1112 1 1 2 2/'F' PDE, 25.4 XEN, 0 THE, 0 0.0 DEP,0.0,0.2,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0, LST, STA END 115 Figure C-2 shows sample CASMO input for the reference case CANFLEX model. The model layout as shown in Figure C-2 is the same as was used in the benchmark CANFLEX model cases, but for the reference case model the fuel composition has been changed to reflect 4 w/o, 45 MWD/kg spent PWR fuel that has been cooled for 10 years and refabricated using the AIROX process as described in Chapter 6. 116 Figure C-2: Sample CASMO Input for Reference Case CANFLEX Model * * * * * * * CAS 3 CANFLEX CANDU FILE BASELINE CALCS FOR DK/DK DETERMINATION USES YongWang-1 4 w/o 45 GWD CHAD BOLLMANN MIT 16 MAR 98 EQUILIBRIUM XENON AT STARTUP = ' TIT,,TFU=900,TMO=345.66,,IDE CAN1' SIM,'CANTEST',0.711,0.0,0,0,0 FUE,1,10.358,,,/0.77765 401=1.6430E+00 402=3.4850E-01 36083=4.5782E-05 45103=4.3563E-02 45105=9.5056E-05 47109=6.7293E-03 53135=5.5337E-07 54131=0.0000E+00 54135=0.0000E+00 55133=1.2877E-03 55134=1.5688E-04 55135=3.9663E-04 60143=9.2812E-02 60145=7.6875E-02 61147=1.9117E-02 61148=1.0989E-04 61149=1.4423E-04 61248=1.7557E-04 62147=8.2062E-03 62149=2.5629E-04 62150=3.5542E-02 62151=1.4281E-03 62152=1.2350E-02 63153=1.3967E-02 63154=3.8900E-03 63155=2.2487E-03 64155=1.3975E-05 92234=1.6818E-02 92236=5.2104E-01 92238=9.2959E+01 92239=5.8949E-05 93237=6.4275E-02 93239=8.5409E-03 94238=2.5359E-02 94239=5.2170E-01 94240=1.9326E-01 94241=1.7424E-01 94242=7.8614E-02 95241=5.2004E-03 95242=7.8164E-05 95243=1.7714E-02 96242=2.5498E-03 96244=5.6797E-03 FUE,2,10.358,,,/0.77765 401=1.6430E+00 402=3.4850E-01 36083=4.5782E-05 45103=4.3563E-02 45105=9.5056E-05 47109=6.7293E-03 53135=5.5337E-07 54131=0.0000E+00 54135=0.0000E+00 55133=1.2877E-03 55134=1.5688E-04 55135=3.9663E-04 60143=9.2812E-02 60145=7.6875E-02 61147=1.9117E-02 61148=1.0989E-04 61149=1.4423E-04 61248=1.7557E-04 62147=8.2062E-03 62149=2.5629E-04 62150=3.5542E-02 62151=1.4281E-03 62152=1.2350E-02 63153=1.3967E-02 63154=3.8900E-03 63155=2.2487E-03 64155=1.3975E-05 92234=1.6818E-02 92236=5.2104E-01 92238=9.2959E+01 92239=5.8949E-05 93237=6.4275E-02 93239=8.5409E-03 94238=2.5359E-02 94239=5.2170E-01 94240=1.9326E-01 94241=1.7424E-01 94242=7.8614E-02 95241=5.2004E-03 95242=7.8164E-05 95243=1.7714E-02 96242=2.5498E-03 96244=5.6797E-03 FUE,3,10.358,,,/0.77765 401=1.6430E+00 402=3.4850E-01 36083=4.5782E-05 45103=4.3563E-02 45105=9.5056E-05 47109=6.7293E-03 53135=5.5337E-07 54131=0.0000E+00 54135=0.0000E+00 55133=1.2877E-03 55134=1.5688E-04 55135=3.9663E-04 60143=9.2812E-02 60145=7.6875E-02 61147=1.9117E-02 61148=1.0989E-04 61149=1.4423E-04 61248=1.7557E-04 62147=8.2062E-03 62149=2.5629E-04 62150=3.5542E-02 62151=1.4281E-03 62152=1.2350E-02 63153=1.3967E-02 63154=3.8900E-03 63155=2.2487E-03 64155=1.3975E-05 92234=1.6818E-02 92236=5.2104E-01 92238=9.2959E+01 92239=5.8949E-05 93237=6.4275E-02 93239=8.5409E-03 94238=2.5359E-02 94239=5.2170E-01 94240=1.9326E-01 94241=1.7424E-01 94242=7.8614E-02 95241=5.2004E-03 95242=7.8164E-05 95243=1.7714E-02 96242=2.5498E-03 96244=5.6797E-03 CAN,6.440,0.7E-5,, 7 BOX,6.479,0,560.66/29063=0. 2 302=99.28 97 *MOD DENS ADJUSTED 8000=79.894 1001=0.009 MOD,1.1590,,,/1102=20.0 * COO DENS COO,0.4696,,560.66/1102=19.973 8000=79.949 1001=0.078 ADJUSTED PIN,4,0.5370,0.542,0.575/'3','AIR','CAN' PIN,3,0.5370,0.542,0.575/'2','AIR','CAN' PIN,1,0.8214,0.8215/'AIR','CAN'//-1 PIN,2,0.6345,0.6395,0.675/'1','AIR','CAN' PRE,100.0 7 53 4 98 7 5 3 , . 14, . 1 ,,1 BWR,7,1.6059,11.2412,0.4 117 *AIR GAP PINS* APPENDIX D Alternate AIROX Fission Product Removal Forecasts The fission product removal forecasts for this study differed from those of the three other sources included in this appendix. Table D-1 compares the forecasts of this study and three additional studies. Table D-l: Comparison of Fission Product Percent Removal Forecasts During AIROX INEL (Ref. 17) Scientech (Ref. 15) This Study (1) (2) (3) Ag Cd Cs I In Ir Kr Mo 100 100 80 0 99 99 0 0 99 80 100 100 0 75 90 100 75 0 100 0 100 100 0 75 100 100 0 75 100 0 100 100 0 80 99 99 75 0 99 80 Pd 80 0 0 0 Rh Ru 80 80 0 90 0 100 0 80 Se Tc Te 80 80 99 0 Discrepancy 75 0 0 75 99 0 99 Xe 100 100 100 100 Nuclide 14C 3H AECL (Ref. 5) Notes: (1) INEL, in Ref 17, states that hot cell tests by Atomics International in the 1960s show that "small" amounts of technetium are removed during sintering. However, in later quantitative discussions no forecast is made regarding expected technetium removal. (2) The Scientech forecasts were developed to predict released fission product waste streams and thus may be biased upwards in some cases to produce a conservative (in terms of waste-handling) estimate. 118 This study's removal predictions, as outlined in Table D-1, were developed from an analysis of the chemical properties of important fission products. This analysis was performed during the course of this study by Michael Reynard, a graduate student at MIT. This chemical analysis focused primarily on the possible oxides and other species formed during the AIROX process and the melting and boiling points of these compounds. If elements were found to form oxides or hydrides with boiling points below that of the operating temperature of the oxidation / reduction stage (1200 C) then a certain portion of the element was assumed to be removed. Removal estimates from other sources were then compared and this study's removal forecast was established based on the removal forecasts for similar elements. Then the boiling points of various oxides in Table A-2 were compared to the sintering temperature (1600 C) to determine which, if any, fission product oxides might be removed during sintering. This study's final forecasts for removal during sintering were also based on forecasts for similar elements from the other studies. Table D-2: Analysis of Fission Product Chemical Properties Element Known Oxides Ag AgO Ag2O Known Hydrides Source 1 2 1 2 1 Boiling Pt (del C) 2212 2164 Melting Pt (deE C) 962 960.15 dec> 100 dec 100 dec 230 dec 200 Boil During Redux / Oxid no no no no no no Boil During Sintering no no no no no no 2607 2607 994 994 no no no no no no no no 2 1 2 Am AmO2 Am203 1 1 119 Element Known Known Oxides Hydrides Ba BaO BaO2 BaO2.8H20 BaH2 Cd CdO Cm Cs CsH Cs20 Source 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Eu203 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 Gd203 4 1 2 1 Cs202 Cs203 Cs7O D2 HD D20 HDO Dy Dy203 Er Er203 Eu Gd Boiling Pt Melting Pt Boil During Boil During (del C) 1640 1849 (deg C) 725 725 3088 2013 1920 800, -02 2750 450 Sintering no no no no no no no no no yes no yes yes subl 1497 1345 +-40 1350 28.4 28.8 dec dec Redux /Oxid no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes no no no no yes yes no no 490 (in N2) no no 490 (in N2) 400 400 400 400 502 3 -254 -253 -257 4 3.82 no no no no no no no yes yes yes no yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes yes no yes yes no no no no no no no no no yes yes no no no no no no 1400 767 770 1497 669 678.5 dec 400 650, -02 650, -02 -250 -248 -251 101.43 101.46 2567 2600 2868 2900 1527 1440 3273 3000 dec > 1000 321 321 1412 1500 2340 2380 1529 1497 infusable 2400 822 826 2050 623 1313 1306 2330 +-20 2340 2 120 yes yes no no yes yes no no Element K Know Oxides Known Hydrides H2 H20 H202 Ho Ho203 12 102 I205 1409 HI Kr La La203 Mo Mo203 MoO2 MoO3 Pd PdO2.xH20 PdO PdO.xH20 PdO.xH20 Pd2H Pm Pu epsilon Pu PuO PuO2 Pu203 Rh RhO2 RhO2.2H20 Rh203 Rh203.5H20 Ru RuO2 RuO4 Source 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 Boiling Pt (deg C) -252.8 100 150.2 151.2 2700 2600 Melting Pt (deg C) -259.34 0 -0.41 -0.4 1474 1461 184 184 130 113.5 113.6 -35.4 -35.35 -35.5 -153 -153 3464 3470 4200 4639 4646 1155 2970 2940 3000 3230 dec 2800 3727 +-100 3727 3900 4119 dec 108 40 dec 300-350 dec 275 dec. 75 dec. 75 -51 -51 -51 -157 -157 918 920 2320 2623 2610 dec - 1100 801 1554 1550 dec, -H20, -O 870 dec 870 dec dec dec 1042 640 1900 2390 (in He) 2085 (in He) 1966 1966 dec dec 1100-1150 dec 1100 dec 2310 2427 dec 25.5 25 Boil During Redux / Oxid yes yes yes yes no no no yes yes yes no no no no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes Boil During Sintering yes yes yes yes no no no yes yes yes no no no no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes Element Known Oxides Known Hydrides Sb Sb205 Sb204 Sb203 SbH3 Se Se Se SeO2 Se3 Sm Sn gray Sn white Sn brittle Sn SnO SnO.xH20 SnO2 Sn2 SnO2.xH20 (alpha) SnO2.xH20 (beta) SnH4 Sr SrO SrO2 SrH2 Tb Tc Tc2 Tc207 Te Tet2 Tee3 Te205 Xe Source Boiling Pt (deg C) Melting Pt (deg C) Boil During Redux / Oxid Boil During Sintering 1 2 2 2 2 1750 1635 630.5 630.5 dec 380 dec 930 no no no no yes no no no no yes 1 -17.1 -88 no no 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 -18.4 684 685 685 685 subl 315 subl dec 180 -91.5 217 170-180 60-80 221 subl316*,340-350 340* 118 118 yes yes yes yes yes no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no 656 1 1790 1072 no no 2 1803 1072 no no 1 1 1 2 1 2270 2260 2260 2623 232 stable 13-161 stable >161 stable 13-161 no no no no no no no no no no subl 1800-1900* subl 1900* 1630 1630 -52 -52 1382 1381 dec - 150 -150 777 769 2532 2665 215 dec 215 dec 1050 d>1000 1359 1356 2157 2250+-50 subl 1000 119.5 449.51 450 no no no no no yes yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes yes yes ves yes yes 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 3221 2800 4265 4567 310.6 988 1009 1 1245 733 no yes 2 1 2 2 1 2 subl1790? 732.6 430 dec 400 dec 450 -112 -112 no no no no yes yes no no no no yes yes -107 -108 It is unknown why both CRC and Lange make this same apparent contradiction regarding SnO2 and SeO2. 122 Key to Sources: 1 = CRC (Ref. 18) 2 = Lange's Handbook of Chemistry (Ref. 19) 3 = "Properties of Gases and Liquids," Reid (Ref. 20) 4 = "Metallurgical Thermochemistry," Kubaschewski (Ref. 21) 5 = "The Properties of Gases and Liquids" (1977), by Reid (Ref. 22) 123 Key To Abbreviations: "subl" = sublime "dec" = decompose "+-" = +/- denoting temperature variability APPENDIX E Influence of Cooling Time on Spent PWR Fuel The cooling time of spent PWR fuel has a significant effect on the reactivity of spent PWR fuel. Two effects, actinide decay and the resultant fission product buildup, are the primary cause of a decrease in k-infinite of approximately 0.04 over a ten-year cooling time, as shown in Figures E-1 and E-2. This decrease represents slightly less than half of the excess reactivity in a batch of spent PWR fuel modeled by Sanders and Westfall. (Ref. 24) Figure E-1 shows k-infinite, the infinite multiplication factor for PWR spent fuel having cooling time (t) when loaded into an appropriate CANDU lattice model. Figure E-2 shows the effects of fission product buildup and AIROX removal on k-infinite. Figure E-1: Change in K-Infinite Over Time Due to Actinide Decay and Fission Product Buildup 2 3 1 k-infinite(t) 4 5 O+E 0 5 10 Cooling Time, t [Years] 124 15 20 Fig. E-1 Notes: (1) Gain due to Xe-135 decay. (2) Loss due to Pu-241 decay. (3) Loss due to Am-241 buildup. (4) Loss due to Gd-155 buildup. (5) Loss or gain due to all other fission products and minor actinides. Figure E-2: Change in K-Infinite Over Time Due to Fission Product Buildup and AIROX Removal 5 10 15 Cooling Time, t [Years] Fig. E-2 Notes: (6) Gain due to removal of all fission products. (7) Gain due to removal of fission products during AIROX processing. Approximately 20% of this reactivity decrease is due to the beta decay of Pu-241 and subsequent formation of Am-241, a fairly strong poison. (Shown by Note 1 and Note 2 in Fig. 71). The effects of this decay are even more pronounced than other decays because, as seen in 125 Figure 7-2, Pu-241 has the greatest concentration-based reactivity effect of the examined isotopes. Another significant cause of the decrease in spent fuel reactivity is the buildup of Gd- 155 from beta decay of Eu-155 (Note 3 of Figure 7-1). This effect is particularly insidious because Eu-155 has a short half-life (approximately 4.7 years) and Gd-155 has an extremely large neutron-capture cross section (approximately 61000 barns). Gd-155 alone increases the total fission product absorptions by nearly 10% over 10 years. (Ref 24) The remaining decrease in reactivity is due to buildup of actinide absorbers (Note 4 in Figure 7-1). Because of the significant decrease in reactivity as cooling time increases, it is extremely advantageous to use "fresh" spent PWR fuel in the DUPIC process. Spent fuel that has cooled less than 5 years loses relatively little reactivity and is very suitable for use in the DUPIC cycle. Spent fuel that has cooled for 20 or more years (of which a significant inventory exists in the U.S.) is much less attractive from a DUPIC standpoint. Additional delays in the implementation of the DUPIC cycle in the U.S. will only serve to further decrease the attractiveness of a majority of the spent fuel stocks. This study used computer modeling (ORIGEN) to cool spent PWR fuel for varying periods of time. ORIGEN accounts for fission product decays and yields to estimate the fraction of absorptions due to an individual isotope out of the total absorptions due to all fission products. The fission product absorption fractions after 10 years of cooling were used to estimate the total fission product absorptions removed during the AIROX process as further discussed in Appendix F. An inconsistency arises because in the present work, Ak6 was determined at time t = 0 but 126 the fraction of fission product absorptions removed, given by Ak7 /Ak6 , was determined at time t = 10 years and applied as discussed in Chapter 7. Additional work by Zhao at MIT on this topic is progressing. He has been able to develop a simple analytic correction for the Ak (t) components discussed above. This correlations allows the user to estimate k -infinite (t) after a certain period of time and obviates the need for new ORIGEN runs to estimate this value for any time frame of interest. These results will be documented in an internal MIT report. 127 APPENDIX F Estimation of Fission Product Absorption Fraction Removal During AIROX Table F-1 shows the individual isotopic absorptions as a percent of all fission production absorptions at three different times: immediately after removal from the PWR, 1 year after removal, and 10 years after removal. Note that the columns labeled "% Absorptions [out of 1]" give the fractional absorption of each fission product at the corresponding cooling times. These results were calculated using the ORIGEN computer modeling program. The total percentage of fission product absorptions that is removed during AIROX can be calculated by applying the results outlined in Table 6-1 to Table F-1 as follows: (1) Choose a cooling time. (2) For each nuclide that is removed during AIROX, multiply that nuclide's fractional removal during AIROX by the nuclide's individual absorption fraction to obtain the "absorptions removed." (3) Sum all entries in the "absorptions removed" column to obtain the fraction of total fission product absorptions that are removed during AIROX, Rx. (4) Return to the integrated model with the calculated Rx and apply that removal fraction as described in Chapter 7. Note that the correlation for removal of all fission products (as given by Eq. 7-3) must be modified to correspond to fuel having the cooling time specified in Step (1) above. It is important to make calculations that are consistent in terms of cooling time. It is important to be consistent in time because there will be a significant change in fission product absorption fractions as certain nuclides decay and other nuclides are formed. Gd-155, for instance, has a very large neutron absorption cross-section and has a fairly high yield; 128 concentrations and the resultant absorptions of this strong poison increase dramatically over the course of 10 years. In this study the fraction of all fission product absorptions removed in the AIROX process for the reference CANDU, 20.4%, was calculated for spent PWR fuel that was cooled for 10 years (Note 7 in Fig. 7-2). The reactivity worth of all fission products in spent PWR fuel, Akfp, was determined from uncooled spent PWR fuel (Note 6 in Fig. 7-2). This inconsistency can be expected to cause errors in this study's estimation of achievable CANDU discharge burnup. The total fission product reactivity worth at 10 years should be greater than for uncooled fuel due to isotopic concentration changes such as the buildup of Gd-155. Further discussion of the spent fuel reactivity changes with cooling can be found in Appendix E. Thus, this study's correlation for Akfp will underrepresent the actual worth of all fission products. Work by X. Zhao has developed a correlation to predict the changing reactivity worth of all fission products with cooling time for PWRs. Because of the cooling time inconsistency, this study will underestimate fission product removal and the results of this study should be expected to consistently underrepresent achievable CANDU and DUPIC burnup. The error induced by this inconsistency should be relatively small, however: discharge burnup should be consistently underestimated by no more than 10%, or 1.5 MWD/kg of CANDU burnup and hence less than 3% of DUPIC burnup. This will introduce a systematic bias so that all relative trends will be the same and all relative comparisons should be valid. 129 Table F-1: ORIGEN Isotopic Fractional Absorption Estimation for 4.5 w/o, 50 MWD/kg PWR Spent Fuel Cooled Nuclide GD155 RH103 ND143 SM149 CS133 XE131 SM152 SM151 EU153 ND145 SM150 SM147 AG109 EU154 KR 83 EU155 CS135 PM147 CD113 CS134 GD158 DY164 PM148M PM148 1135 PM149 RH105 XE135 TC 99 MO 95 RU101 PR141 PD105 MO 98 PD108 LA139 ZR 93 GD157 1129 EU151 MO 97 PD107 0 Years 1 Year 10 Years % Absorptions [out of 1] 9.77E-04 2.49E-02 1.32E-01 9.70E-02 1.18E-01 1.12E-01 9.14E-02 1.03E-01 9.80E-02 4.87E-02 9.31E-02 8.84E-02 6.55E-02 7.29E-02 6.92E-02 5.95E-02 6.66E-02 6.33E-02 4.03E-02 4.45E-02 4.23E-02 3.64E-02 4.06E-02 3.59E-02 3.19E-02 3.54E-02 3.37E-02 2.93E-02 3.23E-02 3.07E-02 2.16E-02 2.38E-02 2.26E-02 6.87E-03 1.06E-02 1.87E-02 1.78E-02 1.97E-02 1.87E-02 2.35E-02 2.39E-02 1.10E-02 6.53E-03 7.21E-03 6.84E-03 2.34E-02 2.25E-02 6.06E-03 4.69E-03 5.18E-03 4.92E-03 4.30E-02 3.85E-02 3.39E-03 2.42E-03 2.77E-03 2.64E-03 1.39E-02 1.09E-02 5.03E-04 1.61 E-04 1.78E-04 1.69E-04 5.90E-05 6.51E-05 6.19E-05 1.20E-02 2.89E-05 2.99E-29 7.48E-03 9.48E-08 9.80E-32 3.79E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.60E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.53E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.22E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.01E-02 5.55E-02 5.27E-02 2.12E-02 2.60E-02 2.47E-02 1.60E-02 1.76E-02 1.67E-02 1.00E-02 1.15E-02 1.09E-02 9.20E-03 1.02E-02 9.66E-03 7.70E-03 8.50E-03 8.07E-03 6.71 E-03 7.41 E-03 7.04E-03 6.33E-03 6.98E-03 6.63E-03 5.77E-03 6.37E-03 6.05E-03 4.01 E-03 5.40E-03 5.12E-03 4.68E-03 5.21E-03 4.94E-03 3.38E-05 5.14E-04 4.41 E-03 4.06E-03 4.49E-03 4.26E-03 3.84E-03 4.24E-03 4.02E-03 % Removal Our Forecast 0.99 1 0.99 0.99 0.8 0.99 0.99 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.99 0.8 130 Removed Absorptions 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.49E-02 5.95E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.46E-03 0.00E+00 4.64E-03 0.00E+00 1.94E-03 1.37E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.75E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.22E-01 0.00E+00 1.69E-02 1.28E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.16E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.64E-03 0.00E+00 3.25E-03 0.00E+00 Remaining Absorptions 9.77E-04 9.70E-02 9. 14E-02 4.87E-02 6.55E-04 0.00E+00 4.03E-02 3.64E-02 3.19E-02 2.93E-02 2.16E-02 6.87E-03 1.78E-02 2.35E-02 6.53E-05 2.34E-02 4.69E-05 4.30E-02 4.84E-04 1.39E-04 1.61 E-04 5.90E-05 1.20E-02 7.48E-03 3.79E-11 6.60E-04 8.53E-03 0.00E+00 5.01E-02 4.23E-03 3.19E-03 1.00E-02 9.20E-03 1.54E-03 6.71 E-03 6.33E-03 5.77E-03 4.01 E-03 4.68E-05 3.38E-05 8.13E-04 3.84E-03 Cooled Nuclide ND144 IN115 GD154 ND148 1127 RU102 GD156 PDI04 ZR 91 SM148 ZR 96 BA134 MO100 RU104 ND146 BA137 RU100 PD106 XE132 CD110 CE142 CD111 BR 81 ZR 92 ND150 Y 89 CE140 XE134 ND142 SR 90 MO 96 RB 85 SM154 SB121 BA138 XE136 TB159 KR 84 SB123 RB 87 CS137 DY161 KR 82 ZR 94 DY162 CD112 PD110 CD114 TE125 DY160 TE130 0 Years 1 Year 10 Years % Absorptions [out of 1] 2.61 E-03 3.30E-03 3.41 E-03 1.57E-03 1.82E-03 1.73E-03 2.07E-04 4.40E-04 1.65E-03 1.54E-03 1.70E-03 1.61 E-03 1.37E-03 1.55E-03 1.48E-03 1.41 E-03 1.55E-03 1.47E-03 1.33E-03 1.55E-03 1.47E-03 1.33E-03 1.47E-03 1.39E-03 1.24E-03 1.44E-03 1.37E-03 1.09E-03 1.22E-03 1.16E-03 1.08E-03 1.20E-03 1.14E-03 3.08E-04 5.73E-04 1.07E-03 1.00E-03 1.10E-03 1.05E-03 9.54E-04 1.05E-03 9.99E-04 8.38E-04 9.25E-04 8.78E-04 1.40E-04 2.36E-04 8.53E-04 7.52E-04 8.30E-04 7.89E-04 4.07E-04 5.93E-04 7.00E-04 6.45E-04 7.13E-04 6.77E-04 5.95E-04 6.66E-04 6.37E-04 5.83E-04 6.43E-04 6.11 E-04 5.68E-04 6.36E-04 6.04E-04 5.74E-04 6.33E-04 6.01 E-04 5.62E-04 6.21E-04 5.89E-04 5.39E-04 5.95E-04 5.65E-04 4.61E-04 5.30E-04 5.03E-04 3.81 E-04 4.27E-04 4.05E-04 3.52E-04 3.88E-04 3.69E-04 3.02E-04 3.34E-04 3.17E-04 3.58E-04 3.86E-04 2.96E-04 2.73E-04 3.01E-04 2.86E-04 2.34E-04 2.62E-04 2.72E-04 2.53E-04 2.80E-04 2.65E-04 2.38E-04 2.63E-04 2.50E-04 2.26E-04 2.50E-04 2.37E-04 2.07E-04 2.28E-04 2.16E-04 1.82E-04 2.02E-04 1.92E-04 1.79E-04 1.98E-04 1.88E-04 1.69E-04 1.93E-04 1.84E-04 1.60E-04 1.76E-04 1.68E-04 1.57E-04 1.70E-04 1.31E-04 1.20E-04 1.36E-04 1.30E-04 1.18E-04 1.31E-04 1.25E-04 1.12E-04 1.24E-04 1.17E-04 1.12E-04 1.23E-04 1.17E-04 9.15E-05 1.01 E-04 9.60E-05 9.09E-05 1.00E-04 9.53E-05 8.96E-05 9.89E-05 9.39E-05 2.68E-05 4.47E-05 8.82E-05 5.13E-05 7.84E-05 7.51 E-05 7.10E-05 7.83E-05 7.44E-05 % Removal Our Forecast 0.75 0.99 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 0.8 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.8 0.8 0.99 0.99 Removed Absorptions 0.00E+00 1.18E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.36E-03 1.12E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.00E-04 7.63E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.02E-04 0.00E+00 6.45E-04 4.76E-04 0.00E+00 4.54E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.52E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.18E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.07E-04 0.00E+00 1.77E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.56E-04 0.00E+00 1.17E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.32E-05 0.00E+00 7.17E-05 2.65E-05 0.00E+00 7.02E-05 Remaining Absorptions 2.61 E-03 3.93E-04 2.07E-04 1.54E-03 1.37E-05 2.81 E-04 1.33E-03 1.33E-03 1.24E-03 1.09E-03 1.08E-03 3.08E-04 2.00E-04 1.91 E-04 8.38E-04 1.40E-04 1.50E-04 4.07E-04 0.00E+00 1.19E-04 5.83E-04 1.14E-04 5.74E-04 5.62E-04 5.39E-04 4.61E-04 3.81 E-04 0.00E+00 3.02E-04 3.58E-04 5.45E-05 2.34E-04 2.53E-04 2.38E-04 2.26E-04 0.00E+00 1.82E-04 1.79E-06 1.69E-04 1.60E-04 1.57E-06 1.20E-04 1.18E-06 1.12E-04 1.12E-04 1.83E-05 9.09E-05 1.79E-05 2.68E-07 5.13E-05 7.10E-07 1 Year 10 Years Cooled 0 Years Nuclide TE128 DY163 XE130 SE 77 SN117 ZR 90 SN116 SN124 KR 85 SE 79 SN118 KR 86 H0165 XE128 EU152 BA136 SN119 TE122 SE 80 BA135 TE123 IN113 SN115 SE 78 SN126 CD116 SB125 AS 75 SR 88 SN120 SE 82 SR 86 TE124 GD152 SN122 TE126 GD160 ER167 XE129 GE 73 LI 6 ER166 RU 99 SE 76 LA138 Y 90 GE 76 SR 87 RU106 GE 74 % Removal Our Forecast % Absorptions [out of 1] 0.99 7.09E-05 7.82E-05 7.43E-05 6.42E-05 7.09E-05 6.73E-05 1 5.67E-05 6.26E-05 5.95E-05 0.8 3.87E-05 4.28E-05 4.06E-05 3.43E-05 3.78E-05 3.59E-05 5.56E-06 8.93E-06 2.97E-05 2.60E-05 2.87E-05 2.72E-05 2.56E-05 2.83E-05 2.69E-05 0.99 3.52E-05 3.65E-05 1.94E-05 0.8 1.78E-05 1.97E-05 1.87E-05 1.78E-05 1.96E-05 1.87E-05 0.99 1.64E-05 1.81E-05 1.71E-05 1.59E-05 1.76E-05 1.67E-05 1 1.54E-05 1.70E-05 1.62E-05 2.45E-05 2.57E-05 1.54E-05 1.31E-05 1.49E-05 1.41 E-05 1.31E-05 1.45E-05 1.38E-05 0.99 1.30E-05 1.45E-05 1.38E-05 0.8 1.19E-05 1.31E-05 1.24E-05 1.10E-05 1.22E-05 1.16E-05 0.99 8.69E-06 1.18E-05 1.15E-05 0.75 1.08E-06 2.15E-06 8.52E-06 7.85E-06 7.46E-06 8.27E-06 0.8 6.68E-06 7.37E-06 7.00E-06 6.11E-06 6.74E-06 6.40E-06 0.8 4.96E-06 5.48E-06 5.20E-06 5.18E-05 4.48E-05 4.48E-06 3.92E-06 4.33E-06 4.11E-06 3.54E-06 3.90E-06 3.70E-06 2.69E-06 2.97E-06 2.82E-06 0.8 2.65E-06 2.93E-06 2.78E-06 2.50E-06 2.89E-06 2.74E-06 0.99 2.10E-06 2.73E-06 2.59E-06 2.29E-06 2.56E-06 2.59E-06 2.06E-06 2.28E-06 2.16E-06 0.99 2.03E-06 2.27E-06 2.16E-06 1.98E-06 2.18E-06 2.07E-06 1.60E-06 1.76E-06 1.68E-06 1 1.35E-06 1.49E-06 1.42E-06 1.29E-06 1.42E-06 1.35E-06 1.22E-06 1.35E-06 1.28E-06 1.03E-06 1.15E-06 1.09E-06 0.8 1.37E-07 2.34E-07 9.27E-07 0.8 6.65E-07 6.33E-07 7.01E-07 6.06E-07 6.69E-07 6.35E-07 6.47E-07 6.59E-07 5.05E-07 4.30E-07 4.75E-07 4.51 E-07 1.65E-07 1.83E-07 1.73E-07 0.8 8.26E-05 4.58E-05 8.93E-08 6.05E-08 6.68E-08 6.34E-08 132 Removed Absorptions 7.02E-05 0.00E+00 5.67E-05 3.09E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.49E-05 1.43E-05 0.00E+00 1.62E-05 0.00E+00 1.54E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.29E-05 9.49E-06 0.00E+00 8.60E-06 8.13E-07 0.00E+00 5.34E-06 0.00E+00 3.97E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.12E-06 0.00E+00 2.08E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.00E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.35E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.10E-07 5.06E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.61 E-05 0.00E+00 Remaining Absorptions 7.09E-07 6.42E-05 0.00E+00 7.74E-06 3.43E-05 5.56E-06 2.60E-05 2.56E-05 3.52E-07 3.56E-06 1.78E-05 1.64E-07 1.59E-05 0.00E+00 2.45E-05 1.31E-05 1.31E-05 1.30E-07 2.37E-06 1.10E-05 8.69E-08 2.71 E-07 7.46E-06 1.34E-06 6.11 E-06 9.92E-07 5.18E-05 3.92E-06 3.54E-06 2.69E-06 5.31E-07 2.50E-06 2.10E-08 2.29E-06 2.06E-06 2.03E-08 1.98E-06 1.60E-06 0.00E+00 1.29E-06 1.22E-06 1.03E-06 2.74E-08 1.27E-07 6.06E-07 6.47E-07 4.30E-07 1.65E-07 1.65E-05 6.05E-08 Cooled 0 Years 1 Year 10 Years % Removal Nuclide BR 79 CE144 ER168 GE 72 NB 94 AG107 TM169 KR 80 NB 93 AG110M ZN 68 YB170 CD108 SN114 ZN 70 BE 9 YB171 GA 69 GA 71 SB126 LI 7 H3 CD109 BE 10 TM171 YB172 ER170 ZN 66 ZN 67 TE127M SN123 C 14 AG110 TM 170 TB160 NB 95 ZR 95 Y 91 SB124 SR 89 CD115M RU103 CE141 TE129M AG111 BA139 Our Forecast % Absorptions [out of 1] 6.13E-09 1.04E-08 4.05E-08 2.04E-04 9.22E-05 2.89E-08 2.61 E-08 2.88E-08 2.74E-08 2.27E-08 2.51E-08 2.39E-08 2.21 E-08 2.43E-08 2.31E-08 1.22E-09 2.40E-09 1.13E-08 9.60E-09 1.12E-08 1.07E-08 6.76E-09 7.46E-09 7.08E-09 0.99 3.09E-1 0 5.69E-1 0 4.70E-09 8.14E-05 3.26E-05 3.40E-09 2.00E-09 2.20E-09 2.09E-09 3.47E-1 0 6.48E-1 0 6.56E-1 0 6.04E-1 0 6.67E-1 0 6.33E-10 0.8 4.07E-1 0 4.82E-1 0 4.58E-1 0 3.49E-1 0 3.86E-10 3.66E-1 0 1.15E-10 1.27E-10 1.21E-10 3.32E-11 5.23E-11 8.25E-11 1.68E-11 1.86E-11 1.77E-11 1.56E-11 1.72E-11 1.64E-11 1.19E-07 1.43E-11 1.35E-11 8.98E-12 9.91E-12 9.41E-12 1 6.68E-1 2 6.97E-12 3.99E-12 0.8 1.87E-10 1.19E-10 8.35E-1 3 7.96E-1 3 8.78E-1 3 8.34E-1 3 1.25E-11 9.61E-12 3.54E-1 3 1.75E-13 1.94E-13 1.85E-13 6.20E-14 1.14E-13 1.15E-13 3.33E-14 3.68E-14 3.49E-14 1.65E-14 1.83E-14 1.73E-14 1.26E-05 1.41E-06 1.12E-15 0.99 2.05E-07 3.18E-08 6.59E-16 1 1.15E-16 1.27E-16 1.20E-16 1.68E-09 2.47E-1 3 2.57E-17 6.40E-10 9.87E-1 1 1.89E-18 2.77E-05 9.23E-07 1.81 E-20 1.79E-04 8.08E-06 2.68E-21 8.75E-05 1.85E-06 5.99E-22 3.70E-05 5.43E-07 6.29E-24 6.29E-07 1.04E-08 3.58E-25 7.69E-06 5.64E-08 1.36E-27 0.8 2.61E-06 9.84E-09 6.03E-31 0.8 6.36E-04 1.12E-06 6.81 E-32 5.45E-04 2.51E-07 8.71 E-38 0.99 1.77E-06 1.05E-09 3.51 E-39 8.04E-06 1.55E-20 0.00E+00 1.87E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Removed Absorptions 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.69E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.83E-10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.68E-12 1.49E-10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.25E-05 0.00E+00 1.15E-16 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.08E-06 5.09E-04 0.00E+00 1.75E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Remaining Absorptions 6.13E-09 2.04E-04 2.61 E-08 2.27E-08 2.21E-08 1.22E-09 9.60E-09 6.76E-11 3.09E-10 8.14E-05 2.00E-09 3.47E-10 1.21E-10 4.07E-10 3.49E-10 1.15E-10 3.32E-11 1.68E-11 1.56E-11 1.19E-07 8.98E-12 0.00E+00 3.73E-11 7.96E-13 1.25E-11 1.75E-13 6.20E-14 3.33E-14 1.65E-14 1.26E-07 2.05E-07 0.00E+00 1.68E-09 6.40E-10 2.77E-05 1.79E-04 8.75E-05 3.70E-05 6.29E-07 7.69E-06 5.21 E-07 1.27E-04 5.45E-04 1.77E-08 8.04E-06 1.87E-07 Cooled Nuclide BA140 CD118 CE143 CS134M CS136 CS141 CU 66 DY165 ER171 EU156 EU157 GD161 GE 75 1130 1131 IN117 IN117M IN119 IN119M IN120 IN120M KR 87 LA140 MO 99 ND147 NI 66 PM151 PR142 PR143 RB 86 RB 88 RH104 RH104M RU105 SM153 SN125 TE132 TE134 XE133 0 Years 1 Year 10 Years % Removal Our Forecast % Absorptions [out of 1] 4.16E-05 1.16E-13 0.00E+00 0.8 1.83E-10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.27E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.55E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.99 0.99 7.17E-06 3.21E-14 0.00E+00 1.65E-12 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.99 1.08E-17 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.43E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.31E- 17 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.27E-03 8.08E-11 0.00E+00 3.81 E-06 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 3.42E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.41 E-1 1 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.58E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.99 9.58E-06 2.31E-19 0.00E+00 0.99 0.75 9.76E-10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.75 3.27E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.62E-12 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.75 4.92E-11 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.75 0.75 2.15E-14 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.75 1.49E-15 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.17E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.99 2.43E-05 7.41E-14 0.00E+00 0.8 1.92E-05 2.80E-45 0.00E+00 5.17E-04 6.54E-14 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.08E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.20E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.35E-04 8.05E-12 0.00E+00 2.49E-07 3.51E-1 3 0.00E+00 2.32E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.07E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.45E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.43E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.8 4.08E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.83E-07 1.23E-18 0.00E+00 7.98E-09 1.58E-42 0.00E+00 0.99 0.99 1.42E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1 8.97E-04 1.33E-24 0.00E+00 134 Removed Absorptions 0.00E+00 1.47E-10 0.00E+00 7.47E-09 7.10E-06 1.64E-12 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.50E-07 9.48E-06 7.32E-1 0 2.45E-09 1.97E-12 3.69E-11 1.61E-14 1.12E-15 4.13E-06 0.00E+00 1.53E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.94E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.90E-09 1.40E-09 8.97E-04 Remaining Absorptions 4.16E-05 3.67E-11 1.27E-05 7.55E-11 7.17E-08 1.65E-14 1.08E-17 2.43E-07 2.31E-17 1.27E-03 3.81E-06 3.42E-08 4.41 E-11 7.58E-09 9.58E-08 2.44E-10 8.17E-10 6.55E-13 1.23E-11 5.38E-15 3.74E-16 4.17E-08 2.43E-05 3.83E-06 5.17E-04 0.00E+00 9.08E-05 2.20E-06 8.35E-04 2.49E-07 2.32E-09 8.07E-09 6.45E-08 4.86E-08 4.08E-04 2.83E-07 7.98E-11 1.42E-11 0.00E+00 APPENDIX G Sample Determination of (Ak/AX)i for U-235 Table G-1 shows a sample spreadsheet for determining the concentration-dependent reactivity worth, (Ak/AX)i, for U-235. Note that all 'D's in Table G-1 represent the symbol 'A' as used throughout the rest of this study. Table G-1: Sample Determination of U-235 (Ak/AX)i Burnup [MWD/kg] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reference Case K-inf 92235 [w/o] 1.2128 0.778 1.1654 0.735 1.1439 0.694 1.1217 0.652 1.0996 0.611 1.0776 0.571 1.0559 0.532 1.0346 0.494 1.0138 0.457 0.9935 0.421 0.9739 0.386 0.9549 0.353 0.9367 0.322 0.9193 0.292 0.9028 0.264 92235 [w/o] 1.778 1.711 1.646 1.581 1.516 1.452 1.389 1.327 1.265 1.204 1.145 1.086 1.029 0.973 0.918 Test Case 1 Dk K-inf Simp Dk 92235 Test Case 2 Dk K-inf Simp Dk [w/o] 1.3268 1.2770 1.2631 1.2487 1.2340 1.2192 1.2042 1.1892 1.1740 1.1588 1.1434 1.1280 1.1125 1.0970 1.0814 0.1140 0.1116 0.1192 0.1269 0.1344 0.1416 0.1483 0.1545 0.1602 0.1653 0.1696 0.1731 0.1758 0.1777 0.1787 0.1140 0.4462 0.2385 0.5077 0.2688 0.5662 0.2966 0.6182 0.3204 0.6610 0.3391 0.6925 0.3517 0.7108 0.1787 2.278 2.204 2.131 2.059 1.987 1.916 1.846 1.776 1.707 1.638 1.571 1.504 1.439 1.374 1.311 1.3663 1.3154 1.3035 1.2912 1.2787 1.2660 1.2532 1.2403 1.2272 1.2140 1.2007 1.1873 1.1737 1.1600 1.1462 0.1536 0.1500 0.1597 0.1695 0.1791 0.1884 0.1973 0.2056 0.2134 0.2205 0.2269 0.2324 0.2370 0.2407 0.2435 0.1536 0.5998 0.3193 0.6778 0.3582 0.7536 0.3946 0.8226 0.4268 0.8820 0.4537 0.9295 0.4740 0.9629 0.2435 Summary of Results Case 1 Case 2 Dx 1 1.5 Average Dk Simpson's Dk DkDx 0.1501 0.1502 0.1502 0.2012 0.2012 0.1342 For both cases of each isotope, the concentration-dependent isotopic reactivity worth, given as "Dk/Dx" in Table G-1, was determined at each burnup step as follows: (1) Calculate the isotopic change in K-Infinite, Dk, by subtracting Test Case K-Infinite from Reference Case K-Infinite. (The reference DUPIC CANDU calculation is discussed in Chapter 7.) (2) Integrate Dk using Simpson's Rule. (3) Calculate Dx by subtracting Test Case U-235 from Reference Case U-235. 135 (4) Obtain Dk/Dx by dividing integrated Dk by Dx. The values from Steps (2) through (4) for each case are summarized in the "Summary of Results" subtable in Table G-1. The average value of Dk, "Average Dk", is included to allow comparison of the results from two methods of determining Dk as well as to serve as a check of the Simpson's Rule integration. Only the Dk/Dx values from Case 1 are used in the integrated model. The Case 2 Dk/Dx value for U-235 differs significantly from the Case 1 value, as do the Case 2 values for most of the other isotopes, as shown in Table G-2. Table G-2: Comparison of Case 1 and Case 2 Isotopic Concentration-Dependent Reactivity Worths Isotope DkIDx Case 1 Case 2 U-234 U-235 U-236 U-238 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 -0.0314 0.1502 -0.0109 -0.0008 -0.0762 0.1939 -0.0440 0.2755 -0.0304 0.1342 -0.0107 -0.0008 -0.0707 0.1780 Invalid (1) 0.2573 Pu-242 Notes: -0.0312 -0.0271 (1) An invalid data set was obtained for this case due to CASMO input error. The large differences in Dk/Dx between Case 1 and Case 2 show that there is a non-linear relationship between change in isotopic concentration and the resultant change in K-Infinite. This, in turn, suggests that the appropriateness of a set of Dk/Dx values for use in calculations depends on the range of isotopic perturbations that are being examined. For this study, where isotopic concentration variability from test case conditions varied with the isotope being considered (maximum Dx of-4 w/o for U-238 and minimum Dx of 0.009 for U-234), the use of one blanket set of perturbations did not provide the maximum accuracy. It is suggested that 136 future work in this area should include recalculation of the isotopic concentration-dependent reactivity worths using base-case perturbations that are more appropriate to the actual isotopic concentration variability. 137 APPENDIX H Benefits from Use of Slightly Enriched Uranium in CANDUs Instead of using spent PWR or MOX fuel in CANDUs, equivalent gains in burnup can be achieved using slightly enriched uranium (SEU) without the significant increases in fuel handling concerns that occur with use of MOX or DUPIC fuel. A SEU CANDU can realize the burnups given in Table H-i estimated using Eq. (H-1). The results of the correlation given in Eq. (H-I) are compared to "Reference Bd" values, given in Table H-I, obtained from AECL. (Ref. 31) Bd [MWD/kg]= 50 X -0.11-31.25 (H -1) Table H-1: Approximate Discharge Burnup of SEU-Fueled CANDU Xp Correlation Bd Reference Bd [w/o U-235] 0.711 0.9 1.0 [MWD/kg] 7.51 13.19 15.9 [MWD/kg] 8 14 NA 1.2 1.5 20.95 27.70 21 28 By following the same procedure as applied in Ref (4) and in Chapter 8, maximum uranium utilization occurs at approximately Xp = 1.3 w/o U-235, at which point Bd is approximately tripled compared to a NU CANDU (Ref 4). Spent fuel arisings are thus reduced by a factor of three. The uranium utilization of a Parallel cycle using a SEU-fueled CANDU can be given by Eq. (H-2) where the subscript 'SEU' denotes the variable value corresponding to a SEU-fueled CANDU (Ref. 4). 138 rB, jmsEv + rlSEUBdSEU mpM U,[MWDe/kgUnat] = (H- 2) It would be interesting to evaluate the DUPIC cycle relative to a Parallel cycle using an SEU-fueled CANDU in addition to a Parallel cycle using an NU CANDU. The advantage of the DUPIC cycle in terms of uranium utilization and spent fuel efficiency would be greatly decreased relative to an SEU Parallel cycle. It is also likely that a CANDU operator would first operate on an SEU cycle prior to burning MOX fuel in order to gain experience operating with more enriched, higher-reactivity fuels. 139