Lab #9: Moment of Inertia Theory: Explain analogy between linear and rotational motion. What is moment of inertia? Moment of inertia of a single particle and system of particles. Moment of inertia of a bar. Experimental moment of inertia. Experiment: To determine an experimental value of I for a rectangular bar, we will determine I for the platter (moment of inertia apparatus) both with and without the rectangular bar. We can then subtract the value of I for the platter without the bar from the value of I for the platter with the bar to obtain I for the bar. Just a platter 1. Determine the mass needed to overcome force on the system due to friction (mf) using paper clips. δm f is the mass of one paper clip. 2. Plot V vs. t for the platter using mh = 70g. Slope of that line is measured acceleration. Repeat for a second set of data. 3. Calculate Ipl using g I pl = mR 2 ( − 1) a m=mh-mf mh-hanging mass Platter and the bar: Repeat steps 1 through 3 g − 1) a Calculate 4 values for Ibar using Ibar=Itot-Ipl Calculate the average Ibar and statistical uncertainty 4 I 1 + ...... + I bar I bar = bar 4 σ δI bar = 4 Calculate Itheory±δItheory using 1 I theory = M ( a 2 + b 2 ) 12 M-mass of the bar a-bar length b-bar width Compare Ibar with Itheory I tot = mR 2 ( 4. 5. 6. 7.