PH-494 (PH-411) Section 101 version5/22/2015 Computational Methods in Physics Spring Semester 2014 Tentative Schedule Instructor: Text: C. M. Jenkins Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition, Press/Teuk/Vetterling Computational Methods Applied to the Undergraduate Curriculum, C. M. Jenkins Meeting Times: Class: MTWTF 9:30 AM to 10:25 PM Room: ILB 5 Web Address Select: classes / lecture notes/ Dr Jenkins / PH-411 Office: ILB 102 Office Hours: MWF 10:30-11:30 AM,& by appointment Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Date 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/29 6/30 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 Chapter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Test 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Test 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 Topic Newton’s Method Week 1 Wien’s Law, Quantum Mechanical Finite Square Well Freely Falling Body from great altitude, Points of Stable Equilibrium Time of Flight of a Projectile with Air Resistance Numerical Integration: Rectangle, Trapezoid, Simpson’s Rule Interpolation polynomials Gaussian Quadrature Quantum Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator, Particle Sliding Down a Bowl Arc Length of an Ellipse, Inverse Distance Force, Range of Ionizing Particles. Week 2 Week 3 Numerical Solution of Differential Equations / Euler’s Method, Modified Euler’s Method Runge-Kutta Method Second Order Differential Equations and Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method Simple Pendulum Rocket Fired from the Earth, Charged Particle and Ring of Charge Charged Particle and Electric Dipole in a Fluid, Artillery with Air Resistance. Motion of a Particle Between Two Massive Stationary Objects Projectile Motion with Exponentially Decreasing with Altitude Air Resistance Binary Planetary System Numerical Derivatives: The Midpoint Method Solution of Leplace’s Equation and Poisson’s Equation Infinite Parallel Plate Capacitor Object on an inclined Plane, Freely Falling Body with Air Resistance Finite Parallel Plate Capacitor Fitting Data: Linear Least Squares Fit Least Squares Fit for Exponential and Power Law Forms Quadratic Least Squares Fit. Least Squares Fit for Gaussian and Briet-Wigner Forms Balmer Series, Diode, PN Junction Diode, Microwave Michelson Interferometer Momentum of a Monoenergetic Muon Beam, Stefan-Botlzmann Law Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 PH-411 Section 101 Day 35 36 37 38 39 40 Date 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/20 Computational Method in Physics Spring Semester 2014 Chapter 6 6 Test 3 6 6 6 Tentative Schedule Page 2 version 5/22/15 Topic Monte Carlo Methods Generating Non-uniform Distributions from Uniform Distributions Week 8 Non-Uniform Distributions for Multivariable Functions Modeling Experiments with Constant Acceleration Nuclear Beta Decay Final Examination: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM ILB 5 PH-411 Class Rules: This is a course that teaches the solution of physics problems by use of a computer. Students are expected to program in C or C++. Since students are expected to learn how to analyze a physics problem, reduce this problem into a form that requires a numerical solution, then write a program to deduce the solution, the final grade has a large weight from the homework average. Lecture and Recitation Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes. Concepts are explained and example problems are worked in the class sessions. Attendance will be taken. The attendance roll will be passed out at the beginning of class for students to sign. Students are responsible for signing the attendance roll on the day it is passed out to receive credit for attending class that day. If you come in slightly late, please see the instructor after class to sign the roll. Students entering class about halfway through the lecture or leaving early without the instructor’s permission will be marked absent. Five points of the final grade will be assigned for attendance. Three cut days will be allowed. One point will be subtracted from the attendance points for each additional day missed after the three cut days until all attendance points are depleted. The homework will consist of programming assignments using the various techniques discussed in class as applied to specific physics problems. Since students are expected to use programs that they write to arrive at their solutions (as most problems do not have a “closed form” solution) the only way to test the student’s proficiency in the subject matter of this course is to assign long (and sometimes complicated) homework problems. Homework problems will be assigned with due dates. The due dates will be strictly enforced with a subtraction of one half a letter grade per day late penalty. This is to keep students from piling up assignments that are handed in at the end of the semester. Subsequently, students are greatly encouraged to begin writing the programs very quickly after the homework sets are assigned. The complexity of these types of problems excludes them from test. Because of the large weight of the homework, no collaboration in their solutions among students is expected. In fact, homework assignments may vary from student to student. Students with questions or problems should see the instructor during office hours or appointment. Students are encouraged to buy a copy of a C (or C++) compiler to work on homework problems at home. Student versions of these compilers are cheap an offer excellent integrated development environments (IDE) that integrates the debugger with the source code and error messages for quickly determining the source of most run time errors. Students also have access to numerous departmental personal computers with C++ compilers (C is a sub-set of C++) installed to work on assignments. The tests will include questions over material covered in class and in the homework problems. The questions may be in the form of derivations or application of numerical methods to actually setting up and solving Physics problems that require the application of numerical methods. The test questions may be in the form of calculations or derivations. A makeup test will be given for students with reasonable explanations for missing the regularly scheduled test. Makeup test will not be given for reasons such as insufficient time to prepare, etc. Students missing a test should contact the instructor as quickly as possible. Week 9 PH-411 Section 101 Computational Method in Physics Spring Semester 2014 Tentative Schedule Page 3 version 5/22/15 Students with disabilities who are registered with the Office of Special Student Services should notify the instructor immediately. Accommodations will be arranged between the Office of Special Student Services and the instructor. If you have a specific disability that qualifies you for academic accommodations, please notify the instructor/professor and provide certification from Special Student Services. OSSS is located in Room 270 of the Student Center (460-7212). Dishonesty on any assignment will result in a failing grade in the course. Academic dishonesty or disruption will be handled in accordance with the University of South Alabama policies as outlined in The Lowdown, the student handbook ( ). Students are expected to be cordial, courteous, and respectful of faculty members and fellow students. The University of South Alabama’s official policies regarding Academic Disruption and Student Academic Conduct are published annually in The Lowdown, the student handbook. The Course Goals & Objectives are to teach students how to take a physics problem that requires a numerical solution and analyze that problem to determine a suitable numeric method for the problem’s solution. This process includes starting with a blank computer file and coding the program (in Fortran, C or C++) to be used in the solution and testing the algorithm on a problem with a known solution to ensure the program works. The working program is applied to the physics problem of interest and the results from this program are interpreted and analyzed. Assessment of student outcome: Every assignment is based on a 0% to 100% grade scale. Major components of the course used to assign a grade and their importance is outlined in the left-hand box. The right-hand box contains the actual grade scale. Note that these are lower limits: I will never slide the percentages up (i.e. anyone that has a final grade of 90 or better is guaranteed an “A”). Final Grade Composition Grade Scale 5% Attendance A 90% to 100% 45% Homework Average B 80% to 89 % 30% Test Average C 70% to 79% 20% Final Exam D 60% to 69% F Below 60% Using the “Final Grade Composition” the final grade is computed as: Final Grade = 0 ≤ [5 - Cut days over three] (Attendance ) + 0.5* (Homework Average) + 0.3*(Test Average)+ + 0.20*(Final Exam) Since all classes do not progress at the same rate, the instructor may wish to modify the rate and amount of material covered (i.e. the days and number of days particular topics are planned in this syllabus may differ from the actual schedule achieved in the class room). Only under extraordinary circumstances, and only at the request and unanimous consent of the entire class, a test date may be rescheduled. Any student objecting to a potential change of test date may make his/her vote known in public (in class) or in private (at a meeting with the instructor). Catalog Course Description: PH 411 Computational Methods in Physics 3 cr Use of computers in physics research (industrial, applied or basic) is now common. This course will introduce advanced undergraduate physics students to computer solutions of physics problems. Particular attention will be paid to problems that have no analytic solutions and may only be solved numerically. The course will introduce several numeric methods and apply them to specific problems from quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, and mechanics. Students will write a series of programs in the Fortran or the C programming language and use them to solve undergraduate level physics problems. Prerequisites: MA238, CIS271 or CIS272, and PH303. General Education Competencies This course will help the student to achieve the Critical Thinking and Quantitative Reasoning General Education competencies. PH-411 Section 101 Computational Method in Physics Spring Semester 2014 Tentative Schedule Page 4 version 5/22/15 Critical Thinking: Critical Thinking is the formulation, rational scrutinizing, and/or considered assessment of information and diverse reasons for belief or action. Quantitative Reasoning: Quantitative Reasoning is the ability to systematically analyze quantitative concepts, evidence, processes, and outcomes to reach a rational conclusion.