Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Econonnics Working Paper Series SPECULATIVE GROWTH: HINTS FROM THE US ECONOMY Ricardo J. Caballero Emmanual Mohamad L. Farhi Hammour WORKING PAPER 02-45 November 27, 2002 REVISED: May 10, 2004 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at This http://papers.ssrn.conn/abstract=355901 Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2011 witii IVIIT funding from Libraries Iittp:// Speculative Growth: US Economy Hints from the Ricardo J. Emmanuel Caballero May This draft: Mohamad Farhi 10, L. Hammour* 2004 Abstract We propose a framework for understanding recurrent historical episodes of vigorous economic expansion accompanied by extreme asset valuations, as exhibited by the U.S. in the 1990s. We interpret this phenomenon as a high-valuation equilibrium with a low effective cost of capital based on optimism about the future availability of funds The key for investment. to the sustainability of such an equilibrium We increased growth to an increase in the supply of effective funding. feedback from is show that such feedback arises naturally when an expansion comes with technological progress in the capital producing sector, when fiscal rules generate sustained the rest of the world has lower expansion potential, and relaxed by the expansion itself. when fiscal surpluses, financial constraints are Arguably, these ingredients were present in the U.S. during the 1990s. We also show improving but they can crash. The latter is when all simultaneously that such expansions can be welfare more likely if bubbles develop along the expansionary path. These (rational) bubbles can emerge even when the interest rate exceeds the rate of growth of the economy. •Respectively: seajch unit). Briigemann MIT and NBER; MIT; DELTA CEPR (DELTA is a joint E-mail:;; for CNRS-EHESS-ENS We re- are grateful to Bjorn outstanding research assistance and to the European Central Bank Research Department and the International Institute for Economic Studies Angeletos, Gadi Barlevy, Olivier Blanchard, Portier, Pietro Reichlin, DELTA, ESSIM, for useful and We thank Franklin Allen, Marios Peter Diamond, Thomas Philippon, Frank Jean Tirole, Jaume Ventura and seminar participants at Boston University, Harvard, IIES, MIT, the comments. Caballero thanks the transformed version of for their hospitality. Thomas Chaney, NBER WP NBER EFG NSF meetings. Northwestern, Toulouse, and for financial support. #9831, December 2002. This is CORE, Wharton an extensively revised and Introduction 1 Economic history has witnessed many stark "speculative growth" episodes of extreme stock market valuations accompanied by brisk economic growth. The most notable recent expe- was that rience the NASDAQ of the United States in the 1990s. in the 1990s, followed by valuations shown in figure lb, Figure la illustrates the sharp rise in by the collapse of 2000-2001. The extremes reached and their collapse in the absence of obvious changes in fundamentals, are suggestive of widespread speculation. Figures Ic and Id illustrate the growth and investment boom-and-bust that accompanied the market's gyrations^. a: Stock Mvkat Indices b: Plica /Earnings Y*anfro(n Ptik c: Real GDP Growth Rsllo YsaiBfroin Pa all {%) d:lnvasUranKGOP(%) Yaiisfrom Paak YaarafromPaik Figure 1: Speculative Growth in the US. The nature and policy dilemmas of speculative expansions have attracted much attention (e.g., International Monetary Fund 2000, Shiller 2000, Cecchetti et al. 2000), but our formal understanding of the macroeconomic mechanisms that underlie the relation between stock market speculation and real economic activity remains quite limited. to attribute such episodes to irrational exuberance, 'Note: Panel b: the numerator inator Panel b: is a: is and indeed always possible highly likely that some the real (inflation-adjusted) Datastream Total Market Index; denom- moving average over preceding ten years of real earnings corresponding to the index. Nasdaq Composite Index from The Nasdaq Stock Market, Datastream Total Market Index it is It is for US. Panel c: Annual report on national accounts (CD-ROM) 1998 Inc, Sources: SP 500 from Datastream. Panel Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Panel d: BEA. 10 years treasury rate (real and nominal) ^— ^— "real rate: pre 1990 a\«rage -real rate' post 1990 average real rate -nominal rate - - - Figure of that is invariably present. Long Real and Nominal Rates. 2: But what are the environments that facilitate these irrationality or, put differently, that facilitate the confusion of intelligent by having a rational path that In this paper is bouts of economic agents not too distant from observation? we take an extreme approach for rational expectations equilibria that to answering the previous question can mimic speculative growth episodes. hint from the recent U.S. episode to formulate owe theory. We start and look We take a from the observation that long run interest rates, and in particular the cost of capital faced by growing companies, declined throughout the 1990s. year US Treasury-bond rate, to The dotted line in figure 2 illustrates which we subtract the University of Michigan Inflation Expectations Index to obtain the corresponding real rate during the 1990s is and 1990s (dashed the path of the 10- (solid line). The latter 's decline apparent: the difference between the average real rates for the 1980s lines) is about 200 basis points. Such a decline can account for a significant share of the decline in the real rates implicit in US observed rise in asset prices: The Treasury bonds alone can explain over 50 percent of the rise in broad market's valuations during the second half of the 1990s, and if one is to consider the further decline in risk premia due to increased participation in stock markets (admittedly a somewhat circular argument), then that share rises to 80 percent or more.^^ Once such •^See, e.g., rise has taken place, the investment and output growth boom that followed can Vissing-Jorgensen (1999) for a model and evidence on the relation between participation and the equity premium. ^A fact that by a sequel was not missed by economic commentators, and indeed was extrapolated to extreme of bestsellers starting with "Dow 36,000: the stock market," by Glassman and Hassett (1999). The new limits strategy for profiting from the coming rise in be rationalized along standard q — theory arguments. However, the key general equilibrium question above story in the demand tions of a low long-term cost of capital consistent with the high How is: are expecta- for savings needed to fund a high-investment equilibrium? Limited to rational explanations, this necessarily means that along the expansionary path agents expect an funding to more than offset the be exogenous or endogenous. both but highlight the demand increase in the availability of such funding. The source of this for In our model and account of the U.S. episode shift we could include cannot be matched by a com- latter since the crash of 2000-2001 mensurate exogenous shock. Thus the central ingredient of ovir model is a growth-funding feedback by which the future supply of effective funding increases as a result of the conditions created effective is by a speculative expansion, and ends up lowering the cost of capital (the word added to encompass the important decline in the price of new capital relative to consumption goods during the 1990s). We show that speculative growth episodes can be welfare improving but they are susceptible to crashes. The latter are more likely if also bubbles develop along the expansionary path. Of independent more interest realistic features a "dynamically is than inefficient" the fact that in our environment rational bubbles exhibit in the standard setup. In the economy, that accumulation of capital. Their emergence away from investment and 1. is bubbles can only appear in one whose structure is conducive to the over- welfare improving as they help to absorb saving to alleviate the over-accumulation problem. However, the notion that bubbles and investment in figmre is latter, move in opposite directions is contrary to the patterns depicted Moreover, empirical testing of "dynamic inefficiency" has been negative. Abel et al. (1989) tested an implication of dynamic inefficiency, whether the aggregate market assets acts as a long-term "cash sink" for investors, but found no evidence of economies. Finally, the idea that bubbles are inherently it in for OECD good runs counter much of the perception of policymakers and practitioners. In contrast, since in our model a speculative growth episode anticipates increased funding, bubbles may emerge even when economy and the corporate the current interest exceeds the rate of growth of the sector generates a surplus. And while it is still the case that the emergence of a bubble crowds out resources for investment, the speculative growth dy- namics guarantees that investment still booms along the path. By the same token, if the speculative growth path crashes then no longer the conditions exist for a rational bubble to survive (for the same reason that a bubble cannot exist in the dynamically efficient region and of the standard model) in a speculative path is must crash as costly because accumulation and because We show that it it it well. Finally, a bubble that emerges early on crowds out potentially welfare improving capital overexposes the economy to a crash. a growth-funding feedback arises naturally when an expansion comes with technological progress, especially, in the capital producing sector; sustained when were when fiscal surpluses; How fiscal rules generate the rest of the world has lower expansion potential; and financial constraints are relaxed all when by the expansion itself. Arguably, these ingredients simultaneously present in the U.S. during the 1990s. does technological progress, especially in the capital producing sector, generate On feedback from growth to funding? comes and with it one end, technological progress raises future saving available for investment. logical progress in capital On in- the other, relatively fast techno- producing sectors reduces the saving needed to finance a higher steady-state capital-output ratio. In this context, a fundamental expansion in productivity and stock market speculation are not necessarily competing explanations tive growth episode, as most observers had might form an integral part it during the 1990s. A of an specula- technological revolution — both as cause and consequence — of a speculative growth equilibrium. What about fiscal policy? We note that a significant share of increased available funding in the U.S. speculative expansion of the 1990s was attributable to public sector's saving. To the extent that pro-cyclical government revenues increase public saving, they reinforce the feedback from growth to saving. In the short run, of the boom and can fiscal surpluses can arise as a consequence facilitate the initial rise in investment. surpluses can play a central role in More importantly, making the speculative equilibrium feasible fiscal by providing the funding necessary to sustain high investment in the long run. This consideration has a particularly stark implication during a speculative growth episode. The for fiscal policy possibility of using the fiscal sinpluses that result spending could be illusory, as these surpluses from such expansions to cut taxes and raise might be necessary to sustain the speculative growth equilibrium that generated them. A similar role is played by external saving, the other significant source of increase in aggregate saving during the 1990s. on short run interest rates In the short run, capital flows alleviate the pressure brought about by the investment boom. In the long run, potential productivity in the high investment equilibrium then the speculative growth path itself yields is higher at if the home than abroad, a reallocation of global investment toward domestic assets. Moreover, the speculative growth path itself may be made feasible by a decline in opportunities abroad. Finally, if the expansion relaxes financial constraints faced by productive entrepreneurs, then aggregate saving is The expansion reallocated toward them. of the 1990s clearly achieved this goal by facilitating the reallocation of capital toward the mostly small and emerging companies of the new economy sectors. Some of these companies were undoubtedly bubbles and crowded out capital from good firms, but many others were the pillars of the information technology revolution that was so central to the episode. The speculative growth episodes to which our theory relates are a recurrent phenomenon. Earlier episodes of vigorous economic expansion under speculative asset valuations have been documented by economic historians. In the case of the U.S., can be observed in the expansions of the turn of the 20th this phenomenon centiury, the 1920s, also and the 1960s Equally important, our theory can be brought to bear on sustained (see, e.g., Shiller 2000). low cost-of-capital equilibria, such as the prolonged expansions exhibited in a number of East Asian economies in the post-war period. In fact, the key feedback from growth to funding in these economies has been documented. between income growth and saving Examining the aggregate relationship in a cross-country panel of 64 countries over the period 1958-1987, Caroll and Weil (1994) find that growth Granger causes saving with a positive but that saving does not Granger cause growth. sign, growth followed by strong increases in saving rates is The pattern of an acceleration in particularly clear in the high-growth, high-saving East Asian economies of Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and (1997) elaborate on this evidence et al. saving In is its and show that the estimated impact of growth on not only statistically significant but also very large in economic terms. economic theme, growth episodes literature Hong Kong. Gavin is (e.g., this paper is part of a long tradition of studies of speculative Kindleberger 1989). divided between those 2000), and those who, based on the who In terms of the recent U.S. experience, this see a case of speculative behavior (e.g., Shiller significant acceleration in underlying U.S. productivity growth, conclude that the expansion was driven by a technological revolution that affected real fundamentals Prom (e.g.. Greenwood and Jovanovic, this perspective, oiu: contribution two views need not be mutually is 1999; Hobijn and Jovanovic, 2000). to provide a unified perspective under exclusive. opportunities and stock market speculation On which these the contrary, an expansion of technological may come hand on hand. This perspective finds support in the evidence of Beaudry and Portier (2003), who device a novel semi-structural VAR procedure to conclude that the US business cycle driven by a shock that does not affect productivity in the short run but that is is largely strongly They argue related to future productivity growth. that such shock could well represent a coordination device. Similarly, Christiano and Fisher (2003) conclude that the explanatory power of RBC style models shocks. In our model, the and the single shock, is greatly enhanced by the introduction of procyclicaJ investment comovements emphasized by Christiano and Fisher latter may be mostly of the coordination sort hinted arise from a by Beaudry and Portier's findings. On the methodological side, our paper belongs to the literature on multiple equilibria. This literature is too extensive to review here some of the (see, e.g., Benhabib and Farmer (1999)), but and Krugman it is interesting to point out who develops a trade model with external economies and adjustment costs. In that model, if similarities differences with (1991), adjustment costs are too small, then multiple equilibria arise and expectations dominate. On the other hand, when adjustment costs are large enough, the multiple equilibria region disappears and only history matters. In contrast, in our model multiple equilibria arise only for intermediate adjustment costs. As in Krugman, we need adjustment costs to be small in order to be able to afford a transition to a high capital equilibrium. Unlike Krugman's, also need adjustment costs to be large enough to generate boom the investment sufficient capital gains to justify along the transition. We also relate on the methodological and substantive side to the literature on bubbles in The seminal work by Tirole (1985) set up the foundation of bubbles in general equilibrium, but when embedded in the basic unique-equilibrimn general equilibrium. sis we OLG model it In particular, for the analy- generates implications that are at odds with speculative growth episodes. it implies that investment and bubbles experience negative comovement and that the latter only can arise in a dynamically inefficient economy. Neither of these elements is observed dmring these episodes. Partly for this reason, a large literature has developed to modify the basic structure. For example, several papers have demonstrated that, in the presence of externalities that create a wedge between private and social returns on investment, bubbles can arise even 1992; if the bubbleless economy Grossman and Yanagawa, logic a step further when only 1993; is dynamically King and Ferguson, and shows that with segmented efficient (e.g., Saint-Paul, 1993). Ventura (2003) takes this financial markets bubbles may emerge the marginal savers face interest rates below the rate of growth of the economy. Olivier (2000) addresses the negative-comovement problem and shows how bubbles on firm creation can lead to more rather than less investment. Aside from the difference in the specific mechanism we emphasize, in our comovement with investment and model conventional rational bubbles exhibit positive arise even when private) interest rates. 6 all investors and savers face high (and The rest of this paper organized as follows. In section is model of speculative growth. Our analysis generations model, to which is we present a prototypical 2, based on the Diamond (1965) overlapping- we add adjustment costs and a assumption about the special saving function. Adjustment costs allow us to characterize stock market role in facilitating the transition from low- to high-investment booms and their key Our equilibria. function generically captiures the growth-funding feedback that is special saving central to the existence of a high-valuation equilibrium. Section 3 discusses the possibility of bubbles and the fragility they introduce to a speculative growth episode. Section 4 presents specific mechanisms that may have facilitated an speculative growth episode in the fiscal surpluses, capital flows, 5 shows how and technological progress financial constraints a la Kiyotaki to generate the type of growth-funding Speculative In this section we during the 1990s. Namely, in the equipment and Moore (1997) Section sector. also have the potential mechanisms that we emphasize. Section 6 discusses and Section 7 concludes. Several appendices welfare issues, 2 US follow. Growth present a prototypical model of speculative growth. Our analysis on a linearized version of the Diamond (1965) overlapping-generations model. is We based capture the growth-funding feedback mechanism through a generic funding function that relaxes Diamond's stability condition.^ Our focus in this paper the violation of the stability condition (although on) as , is is not so we do provide much on what specific is behind mechanisms later on the other features of the economy that make such modelling change a potentially important source of speculative growth episodes. In Section 4 we discuss specific features that may have other hand, we this structure is played a role in the little episode during the 1990s. focus on building the basic structure of the economy. In this section, on the One key ingredient in the presence of the "right" amount of adjustment costs to capital. much adjustment too US costs, transitions are too costly adjustment With too and equilibrium becomes unique. With costs, there are neither stock market booms nor multiple equilibria, which are central features of the speculative growth episodes we wish to model. 2.1 The Growth-funding feedback Consider a standard Diamond (1965) overlapping-generations structure with no population growth and a unit mass of young and old agents who coexist ^See Diamond (1965), page 1134. at any date t. Each generation is born with a unit of labor, L = to be used 1, when young, for which wage Wt determined in a competitive, full-employment labor market. constunption good used as a numeraire. is Consumption goods function at any time exogenous rate t is determined by the is The economy's labor, Lt- level of technology. At, The production which grows at an = + 7)At. (l given by a constant returns technology, F{Kt,AtL). Letting kt denote capital per effective worker, we write the marginal product of capital n Mkt), The labor market be written of generation = t is sj = chooses the level of saving per unit of effective labor can > 0. (1) member St, that maximizes lifetime utility. in the level of saving per effective unit given by is = s{wt,rt), denotes the interest rate between periods Diamond terized t (2) and i + 1, s^, > 0, and (1965) model, there are no adjustment costs to capital so that capital next period is < Sr < rt = fk{kt+\) equal to today's saving. Equilibrium then by a nonlinear difference equation ^ ^ the stability condition in panel 0. when young, summarized St/AtL, which we assume and the stock of If as: 00. The long run feedback 2.1.1 In the Kt/AtLt a function of consumption during youth and old age. Each St rt w' w{kt) relevant features of preferences are where = as: Lifetime utility of labor, < = Wt/AtL competitive, and the wage wt is Wt The single 7: Ai+i Production and are produced with capital, Kt, receives a total it (a) of Figure 3 can The for capital accumulation: siw{kt),r{kt+i)) (1965) is °Note that even if ,g- relaxed, then multiple steady-states as in essential feature of this saving function region where saving increases rapidly as capital of this feature but simply assume it.^ A rises. is that there utility is particularly simple formulation of such situation would violate the stability conditions. 8 a For now, we do not explain the source one stays within purely neoclassical features, these need not be exotic. technology we use here a log charac- 1+7 Diamond arise. is With is the a: I-;. MulUplo Btea^ aleles \r> modcf the Dlarrond b: MulUple steady stales Ir the linear modet A / iu'ii-t ',r i.'.-,'' 1 / / / / / / / / / / 1 Figure 3: to start with a saving function that is " A " I L- Multiple Steady States and linear in k r, with a step at some level of capital k": = s{w{kt),rt) So So with So, 5 capital, on TTo and Sj-O strictly positive. — tti/c, with ttq and k<k°; + Skkt + Srn, + + Skh + Srn-, k > k°, Now the marginal product of capital be linear in let strictly positive tti (4) (5 and k < (henceforth, tto/tti we will focus equilibria that satisfy this constraint), so that: n= = r{kt+i) TTo - TTikt+i Replacing this interest rate expression into the saving function capital accumulation expression (3), solves the model. that we captm-e the Assumption 0: Assumption 1 Assumption for a The (4), and the result into the following assumptions ensure scenario that concerns us. A= Sriri (Minimum 1 states + (1 +7- s^) and ^si+^ > grovi^th-saving feedback): jump that the < 5 A;°. 5= > in the saving function at fc° [k^ — aid^iiim) /^ must be high enough steady state to exist to the right of k°. Proposition 1 (Multiple Steady States) If Assumption and 1 are satisfied, the So fc" + SrTTo A where the superscripts "n" and "s" economy has two steady ^ o <k° < , stanrf /or Sq + 5 + S^TTq A = states, A;" , and k^ , with: g fc^ normal and speculative, (5) respectively. Proof: See appendix A. The proposition simply states that parameter S, if sufficiently strong, the is the growth-saving feedback, captured here by the economy exhibits multiple steady states. This is illustrated in panel (b) of Figure 3. Importantly, since the marginal product of capital is decreasing in the stock of capital, the speculative steady state exhibits a lower cost of capital than the normal steady state: r* This the reason at times is we = -TTi— < r" r". A refer to the "speculative" equilibrium as the "low cost of capital" equilibrium. Similarly, since the valuation of and earnings, in steady state the former that valuation is is an asset is just earnings divided just one over the cost of capital. Thus we simply its by cost of price divided capital, by we have also refer to the "speculative" equilibrium as the "high valuation equilibrium." How requires to can the economy have a low cost of capital in the speculative equilibrium when more saving more than to be sustained? Precisely because higher capital raises saving offset the at the core of the growth-funding is state. To That is, for any given see this, suppose the level of kt the economy increasing saving, which can only happen at is if economy converges to has a unique to a specific steady Then moving toward fc". it the interest rate rises (since /c* would require But kt is given). cannot be an equilibrium since a decreasing marginal product of capital implies that an increase in the interest rate reduces investment. Conversely, suppose that the fc*. for funding). in this paper. easy to see that while the model above has multiple steady states, equilibriuTTi. this mechanisms we discuss demand Multiple Equilibria 2.1.2 It is enough reduction in saving due to the decline in interest rate resulting from lower marginal product of capital (supply of funding shifts more than This it Then moving toward fall. But this A;" equilibrium capital: If More generally, the fall same at interest rate in the interest rate leads to logic applies to is any other more level of a level of investment constitutes an equilibrium in the capital market for a given level of capital, capital) would require lowering saving, which requires the cannot be an equilibrium either since a rather than less investment. economy then no other can be an equilibrium. The reason level of is investment (and hence of tomorrow's simply that for any given saving are, respectively, decreasing and increasing with respect to 10 r^. kt, investment and Let us modify slightly the previous setup and introduce adjustment costs. only creates the possibility of a stock market boom, which is This not one of the features we aim and to explain, but also breaks the short run connection between the return on investment the marginal product of capital (since there are capital gains), which was at the heart of the uniqueness result above. Let investment to maintain the effective capital stock be from this level of investment is As investment. all deviations be subject to a convex adjustment cost:^ ciIt,Kt) where I but frictionless, = \e-'Kt(J^^-j^ (6) , usual, the investment equation in this context takes the simple qi-theory form: x{qt) where xt = It/Kt and qt is = , is responsive to such deviations. The (7) When adjustment costs relatively unresponsive to deviations of the value of installed When capital firom that of uninstalled capital. infinity. 1) the price of a unit of installed capital. are large {6 low) investment goes to + S{qt - 7 they are low [9 large), investment The simple model in the previous section obtains capital accumulation equation can now be written is very when as: h,r^^^h=(l^-^i,,-l))k,. 1+7 1+7 V Importantly, it is product of capital. no longer the case that the A 6 (8) / interest rate unit of installed capital costs qt is equal to the marginal and saves adjustment costs for CK{It,Kt) today. This unit of capital yields qt+i and fk{kt+i) tomorrow. Thus, the return from investing in capital is: /, ^ N ^ qt After replacing /^ in it, this expression qt+i = (1 + fk{h+i) + CK{IuKt)- qt+i '' can be rearranged + rt){qt + CKih, Kt)) - (ttq as: - 7rifct+i), (9) with CKiiuKt) ^ir^(i-7) -^-^(^-7)^ = \e-\xt-^f-e-\xt--i)xt = -(7 + i(9*-i))fe-i)- ^Subtracting effective-maintenance investment from the adjustment cost function facilitates our analysis later on without any substantive cost. 11 The a function of qt and For kt- the old young capital to the sell their at price qt- allocate their saving to the purchase of the existing stock of capital, to invest in and capital, to pay Replacing (4), (6) = r{qu h) > l{fcf and — qt The new adjustment costs of installing this new capital: for the s{kt, with t, to solve out the interest rate as is us find the capital market equilibrium condition. this, let Following production in period young dynamic system, last step to fully specify the n) = + xt{qt))kt + c{x{qt),kt). {qt (7) into (10), and solving out + 1) + 0{qt - -t + - ^{qt 1)^ (10) for the interest rate, yields: - h-so- Sk k°} an indicator function that takes value one when kt l{kt > > k°}s\ (11) , k° and zero otherwise. Putting things together, the system governing equilibrium dynamics can be written as a two-dimensional system in qt+i = + r{qu h)) {l It is - (qt {kt, 5t)-space: f7 h+i= U + Y^(5t-l)jfci, + - :^{qt 1) {qt j - 1) j - Uo - tti (l + ^^(gt - 1) j hj . straightforward to verify that this dynamic system has the same steady states described in Proposition 1. For simply note that in steady state g this, = 1, in which case the steady state equations of this system collapse to those of the model without adjustment costs. But the question that concerns us here under which circumstances the presence of is adjustment costs can break the uniqueness result of the simpler model. whether it possible for an is economy near toward the "speculative" one. That is, its In particular, "natural" steady state to initiate a path whether the economy can embark in a "speculative growth" path. Let us assume that 6 q — I and k appendix = k"' small so that we can for the transition for a precise from A:" be small). to k^, /c" Let dynamic system can be written qt+i make a if first order approximation around such transition is possible (see the statement about this approximation, which also requires that the distance between k° and linearized is = :i+o(i-7) + qt = {qt - 1) and kt = {kt — A;"), then the as: (j^ + ^^ 12 qt + -kt-l{kt>k-}-, Of O-p (12) kt+i In the appendix = -7-^qt 1+7 + h. (13) we provide the exact statements that make and of the nonhnear one as 5 (fc" — k°) go to zero. In the the dynamic system described by (12) and (13). We this main shall hnear system the limit om: analysis refers to text, add a technical condition that ensures that the interest rate and marginal product, fk, rather than the adjustment cost saving feature of investment, ck, dominates local dynamics for all values of + r")(l - 7) - Assumption It is 0' ^+ (Technical condition): (1 6: > 1 useful to define the following function: = -1 + 2- A(^) -, ^^^^ 1+7 which corresponds to the , ratio of the slope of the unstable path stemming from the normal steady state to (minus) the slope of the saddle path stemming from the speculative steady state (see the Appendix). decreasing on [0,^] A Observe that and increasing on is non-monotonic on strictly positive, +oo[, with \im.g^Q K{9) [0, — [0, +oo[, — +cxd, lim0^+ooA(0) where ^+ Assumption + ('a(^) 1' (Minimum growth + r")(l-7)-l saving feedback for a trcinsition): 5 > ^ = i) A(fcO-fc"). > Note that since A(^) Assumption m= (l ini{6 0, Assumption 2 (Speculative > 0, A{e) = -1 + 1' implies Assumption adjustment costs region): ^(^^} and e{6) = sup{0 > 0, 1. 0_{5) A(0) < 9 < 9{5), with = -1 + ^^^^}. Proposition 2 (Multiple Equilibria and Speculative Growth) If Assumptions from fc" to k^ . 1 0, 0', ' and 2 hold, there is a speculative growth path that takes the Along that path, qt > economy 0. Proof: See appendix A. Let us discuss here the structure of the proof with the help of the phase diagrams in Figure 4. The central ingredients in each of these panels are the unstable 13 arm of the normal a: Intermediate Adjustment Costs b: c: Low Adjustment Costs High Adjustment Costs Figure 4: Multiple Equilibria steady state, the vertical line at k°, and the stable arm (saddle path) of the speculative steady state. Naturally, for a speculative growth path to exist, it must be the case that the unstable path of the low capital equilibrium intersects the k° line below the intersection of the latter and the saddle path of the high capital equilibrium. This depicted in panel g"*" > 1, such that (a). it By continuity, in this case there hits k° at the saddle is is precisely the scenario a path starting at it is instructive to discuss scenarios where the conditions for such path do not exist. Panels (b) and 6 > The former is responses). is very fiat normal steady state is < 9)7 2 is is (it is main if and only if, is that since our linear system cannot state whether a speculative growth path no speculative growth path of the Propositions in the the slope of the unstable path takes enormous capital gains to justify costly not stated as an exactly at the boundaries of the range in reversed, there for the (small deviations of q from 1 lead to large investment very steep approximation to the non-linear one, we 9 extreme (hence 9 On the other, when adjustment costs are too large, ^The only reason Proposition when Figure 4 one end, when adjustment costs are too low, the slope of the saddle path speculative steady state for the (c) in one in which adjustment costs are too low (hence 6) while the latter represents the other On with path of the speculative equilibrium. Before further characterizing the speculative growth path, provide these examples. (/c",g"'") Assumption (see the 2. If is is an feasible or not the inequalities in Assumption 2 are Appendix). The same consideration applies to most text. 14 That investment beyond maintenance investment). exist, is, adjustment costs must be large enough to generate growth path to for a speculative decouple sufficient capital gains to the return on investment from the marginal product of capital in the short run, but not so large that simply too costly to finance an investment boom. it is Retm-ning to panel is it are investment we These are precisely highlighted in the introduction for the U.S. episode during the 1990s. Fragility Our use of the investment and crashes word "speculative" boom and is primarily meant to capture the feedback between the capital gains along the path toward the high capital equilibrium. our framework also captures the meaning of "fragility" in that Assumption 3 (Non-crash adjustment costs e^{5) and growth. And since marginal prod- declining, the price- earnings ratios (valuations) are also rising. the features 2.2 see that along the speculative growth path the value of booming and with installed capital is uct we can (a), = > inf{^ 0, - -1 + ^(fc^} K{e) Note that Assumption 3 where the superscript C is and word. region): o"^ {5) = automatically satisfied 6 ^ sup{^ if 5 But > 0, 0F{5),9 = -1 + A{e) < 5^ = {5) (A{9) + 1] , where ^^J_^6) A{k^ — }. A;°), stands for crash. Proposition 3 (Consolidation region) If Assumptions economy from fc" capital stock, k° equilibria for 0, k^ 0', 2 and 3 1', hold, there is a speculative growth path that takes the to k^, but the converse is not true. <k^ <k^ <kt , such that there is Moreover, there is a unique equilibrium for kt a value > k'^ k'^ of the and multiple <k'^. Proof: See appendix A. The A;*, is first there is part of the proposition is literally Proposition no path that can take the economy back to similar to that used in Proposition hold, the unstable path now 2, to The second 2. fc". The part is that at structure of the proof show that when Assumption 3 does not from the high capital equilibrium overshoots the saddle path to the low capital equilibrium. The last part of economy has a consolidation region. such that once the economy reaches the proposition raises an interesting feature: That it, is, there a region around the high capital steady state is no chance of a crash that takes the economy back to the low capital equilibrium. The other side of the coin along a speculative path is fragile The and susceptible to 15 crashes. is that, early on, an economy A 2.3 Detour: Sunspots Of course the concepts of crashes paths are imprecise at best. But as and it is fragility in a model with multiple but deterministic conceptually straightforward to introduce a sunspot an equilibrium-selection device, and formalize these statements. Suppose, for example, that in the multiple equilibria region the sunspot variable Markov chain with two states, {u,d}, and initial = value eo u. When agents coordinate their expectations on the speculative growth path. the state When is is a u, all the state is d, expectations coordinate on the path toward the low capital steady state. Define the crash time, Td'. Td and = inf{t > 0,et = d}, the transition probabilities be such that once a crash takes place, the let economy converges to the low capital equilibrium with probability one: Puu Pud Pdu Pdd _ IJ- 1- fl 1 suppose that preferences are such that only the expected return of a project Finally, matters to agents (we can use Epstein-Zin preferences for this purpose). With this structure, sunspots do not alter the expression defining the equilibrium interest rate. modified is All that is the expression for expected future price of capital while in the speculative growth path (and not yet in the consolidation region), which is now [fJ-qt^i + (1 — ii)qf_^_i) instead of simply qt+i- For expositional simplicity, we henceforth suppress sunspots from our formal analysis but still use the language of crashes associated to them.^ Alternatively, our analysis can be thought of as being conducted in the neighborhood of /x = 1. Bubbles, Assets in Fixed Supply, and Speculative Growth 3 Assume momentarily that the It is 7. well known from Essentially, since a speculative steady state is dynamically inefficient, with r* < Tirole (1985) that rational bubbles can emerge in such scenario. bubble must grow at the interest rate, and the latter is below the rate of growth of the economy, a bubble in this environment never outgrows the economy. Thus, if it is * feasible at the outset, Similarly, it remains so at later dates. Moreover, rational bubbles in this we do not model the jump onto a speculative path. sunspot arguments. 16 We could do so with entirely symmetric context are welfare enhancing since they solve an "excessive" investment problem driven by a high demand for a store of value rather than by productivity considerations. It follows that the emergence of a rational bubble in this context lowers aggregate investment, and that a crash of the bubble boosts aggregate investment. Now assume that the low capital long run equilibrium, steady state, this means r" > 7. It is also well dynamically A;", is known from Tirole (1985) that rational bub- bles cannot exist in such environment. If the interest rate exceeds the rate of economy, a bubble grows faster than the economy until In efficient. growth of the eventually becomes inconsistent it with the aggregate endowment constraint. Backward induction then shows that a rational bubble can simply not emerge in The most evidence point fact that (Abel et this region. al (1989)) in the direction of dynamic and that episodes of speculative growth as efficiency in the U.S. illustrated in Figure 1 exhibit strong positive comovement between valuations and investment, would seem to be conclusive evidence against the presence of rational bubbles during these episodes. It turns out that neither property needs to hold in our speculative growth environment. Along a speculative growth path bubbles may emerge even where the in the region rate of growth of the economy. Moreover, aggregate investment positive comovement. The speculative growth path is needed interest rate exceeds the and the bubble experience for a bubble to emerge, and if the economy crashes into the recessionary path toward the low capital equilibrium, so will the bubble. Importantly, the likelihood of such crash is enhanced by the emergence of a bubble. 3.1 Bubbles with r >7 Assumption 4 (Bubble region): ttq — tti/c" >7> ttq — tti/c" Proposition 4 (Bubbles in high interest region) Let Assumptions economy 0, 0', 1', 2 and 4 initiates a speculative (normalized by A{t)), bt, hold, and Then, initial capital be equal to fc". if the growth path, there will a range of feasible rational bubbles such that bo > u and 1 + ^U 1+7 Proof: See appendix B. This result is in a region is intuitive. where the toward a dynamically While at the outset of the speculative interest rate exceeds the rate of inefficient region growth path the economy growth of the economy, where bubbles can be sustained. 17 it is headed But then, by backward induction, bubbles can required it is start before the economy reaches that that the initial bubble be sufficiently small so that despite region. All that its fast is early growth, reaches the dynamically inefficient region with a size consistent with the bounds imposed by the economy, and that size of the a: it allows capital to grow and reach that region. Paths of q and k with and without bubbles b: Figure Figure 5 shows one such example. 5: Path of the bubble Bubbles Panel (a) illustrates the paths of q and k for two economies along a speculative path, one with and the other without a rational bubble. Panel (b) illustrates the 3.2 path of the bubble. Bubbles and crashes Proposition 5 (Bubbles and fragility) Let Assumptions 1 0, 0', ', 2, 3 and 4 hold, and initial capital be equal to A;". Then, the length of time an economy along a speculative growth path remains outside the consolidation region (and hence is susceptible to a crash), is increasing with respect to the size of the bubble, bt- Proof: See appendix B. The reason competes for this result is intuitive as well. for savings takes longer for the bubble still in the standard model, a bubble with physical investment. This means that in the presence of a bubble, the economy transits more slowly from it As economy fc" to fc* all along the path, which also means that to reach the consolidation region, crowds out investment, it k> k'^. Note that while a now exhibits positive rather than negative comovement with aggregate investment. In particular, the bubble can only emerge when the investment is booming along a speculative path. And if the latter crashes, so will the bubble. 18 , t: 30 Change in RelaUve Prico o( Equipment Govcrnmcni 25 Changs ui Raiaina pnca o( Equipmanl Pri itn | aiivriga 5 -5 1990 1992 1991 199J 1994 199S I99fi 1997 Figure Mechanisms 4 6: in the 1998 1999 Mechanisms US 1670 ises 2000 in the igso lees 2000 is conducive to speculative growth At the core of 1. this result is optimism funding of large capital accumulation. In this section we discuss a few prominent features of the Fiscal sm-pluses, capital flows, US economy during the 1990s that supported this optimism: and technological progress in the equipment sector. Fiscal surpluses 4.1 The fiscal surpluses generated during the U.S. speculative growth experience were the com- bined result of fiscal consolidation measures and the automatic effect of procyclical tax revenues in a booming environment. on less Episode episodes that resemble those portrayed in Figmre effective isao US Epidode Sections 2 and 3 have described an environment that about future 1BTS interest rates in the short investment boom. supported the sustainability, critical It is boom The reduction run and substituted in public for increased private saving to in this sense that a tight policy of paying down effect fund the the national debt Turning to the more novel issue of longer-term in the short term. we argue that a continuing policy rule of generating fiscal surpluses provides support to the speculative equilibrium. To develop our argument, we add a government ment taxes wage income utility function. at a rate r* dt = Dt/AtL to the model. We assume the govern- and spends gtAtL on goods that do not enter agents' Thus the government's budget (1 where debt had a moderating + '))dt+i = (1 constraint + rt)[dt - [Ttwt is - (14) gt)], denotes public debt per unit of effective labor. Adding the public sector alters two equations in the model. 19 The saving of the young St is now a function of after-tax wages: st = s{{l-Tt)w{kt),rt) while the capital-maxket equihbrium condition {Ttwt The saving - + st=dt + gt) of the government pubhc debt and new now given by + x{qt)) h + c{x{qt),kt). (16) and of the young must fund the purchase of the existing capital stock from the old, (16) implicitly define a {qt is (15) , and new investment. Combined, equations interest rate function rt dynamics are described by system (8)-(9) = r{kt,qt,dt,Tt,gt)- (15)- The economy's with the new interest rate function together with the government budget constraint, (14), and a fiscal policy rule. Let us consider a benchmark fixed-parameters policy rule under which detrended government spending and the tax rate are fixed at g > and r > 0. To facilitate comparisons, we assume that this and other policy rules result in a balanced budget in the low-valuation steady state — which requires g — tw" — and, therefore, result The important point to notice during expansions beyond fc" is in the same low valuation steady state. that this fixed-parameters policy creates primary siurpluses and primary deficits diu'ing contractions. that the fiscal rule implies that the primary goverrmient surplus, {rivt — To see this, note 5), increases with Wt in an expansion. Thus the response of the combined "gross" saving of government and the young to an increase in wages The is given by (t + Su)(l — r)) dwt- increase in saving generated by the fixed-parameters rule not only facilitates the funding of investment in the short run but, more importantly, plays a central role in emergence of a speculative growth scenario. cilitating the most clearly path. by focusing on the speculative steady One can show that if, state, indexation of other words, also expansion experiment fiscal fiscal is falls surpluses are not only a symptom made rather than on the entire is raised with the and so does the spending to wages, the speculative equilibrium level of is no longer fc*. In enough feasible. In of the speculative growth episode, but it. that the fiscal sm-pluses generated by the speculative equilibrium can be partly spent or rebated to the taxpayer may be an illusion. of the speculative equilibrium, and might swiftly disappear giving rise to is similar to reducing 6 in Section 2. For a high can be a central element of the factors that support The notion {k'^, 1), instead of being fixed, government spending endogenous increase in the wage, then aggregate saving fact this fiscal This feasibility point fa- what one might describe as a surplus illusion. 20 The if surpluses could be a pillar this equilibrium umravels — The following proposition summarizes our results:^ Proposition 6 (Surplus Illusion) Let Assumptions 0', 0, 1', 2 and 4 — 9 + oif{wt — w"") hold. Let gt saddle-path steady state equilibria for a= 0, there exists An a'", the speculative equilibrium disappears. an If the . a™ > upper bound for economy has two such that for any a™ max{:;p^ fcO-fc" is a > (* ~ A See appendix C. Proof: Importantly, the parameter a"* is less than one for a wide configuration of parameters. Capitcd flows 4.2 The other major source of funding for the investment account. As a short-term funding mechanism, boom in the U.S. was the current international capital flows can moderate the needed to fund the investment boom. Over time, the whole world may rise in interest rates be dragged into a speculative path.^^ We capture the key role played role by capital flows in facilitating a speculative growth episode with a stark contrast. One in which no such episode presence of external saving. For this purpose, let be will feasible without the us assume that the closed economy saving = function does not depend on the interest rate, Sr In this case, 0. if the home country were in autarky, the transition from the normal steady state to the speculative one would be impossible. This /;", with no role Let us now endowment Cj is because saving, and therefore investment, are for interest rates in facilitating 6(1 + 7)* In it, which they save in each period, determined by an investment boom. introduce a simple foreign country. = fully the young receive an aggregate in full. The economy also has a technology that uses only capital to produce consumption goods: FiZt) where (foreign) capital Zt = ^tf(j-) = is Ajizt); f > 0,7" accumulated without adjustment < costs. 0, Because this produc- tion function exhibits decreasing returns to scale, there are quasi-rents which accrue to an 'in the proposition, we also add the condition that the speculative equilibrium be dynamically in order to avoid explosive assets or debt. This is necessary only because we inefficient are analyzing simple linear fiscal rules. '"Ventura (2001) emphasizes an alternative portfolio channel connecting the current account and a domestic bubble. In his model, the m.ain effect of the bubble attempt to rebalance their portfolios to finance the investment that is by investing in is to raise domestic wealth. As domestic agents non-bubbly domestic equity, external borrowing required to build domestic equity. 21 rises unmodeled which does not save factor of production, (this is not important). Let the mar- ginal product of capital from this technology be linear in capital, TTi strictly positive and z < tto/tti (henceforth, we constraint). Since capital markets are integrated, n= r{zt+i) Equilibrium in global capital market s{kt) +e= {qt is will focus must be it = n^- on it in (18) to obtain available for investment in It is now can fully an that: (17) now: (l + 7)2;t+i, = still (18) given by (9) and (8). ^=; - which here we mean saving fc): straightforward to see that with Sq — sq +e— '^°y^V ^ sf, — Sk and s^ — ^^ we , reproduce the analysis of Section 2 with s^{kt,rt) replacing s{kt,rt) in Section's would have been economy now can economy while foreign output declines. strength, the domestic Interestingly, as it economy a speculative path which if rises, and foreign saving flows Over time, pulls the foreign into the home as the growth-saving feedback gains in economy by reversing the capital flows. have played an important role during the 1990s, the mechanism may above also implies that there is an exogenous decline a transition into a speculative episode in the transition initiate infeasible in autarky. Early on in this path, the interest rate rise in — — effective saving function (by 2 formulae. In particular, the domestic facilitate and ttq (17): Zt+l and replace niz, with Trizt+i + xt{qt))kt + c{x{qt), kt) + can now solve zt+i out from — equilibria that satisfy this while the arbitrage and capital accumulation equations for k are We ttq comes together with the decline in foreign opportunities, this home economy. Furthermore, in opportunities abroad, interest rates may if the need not the short run either. Let us suppose that with s^{kt,rt) replacing s{kt,rt), Assumptions Assumption 2 does not hold, so that no transition speculative steady state is and 1 hold but from the normal steady state to the possible. Consider a situation 22 0, 0' where the economy is initially in the low steady state. Let us < TTo' TTo, now imagine SO that Sq shifts to Sq Assumption A(A;° 5: - A;") that e and = Sq + (e' — e) > sg' - sg > A(fc° — (ttq' - ttq unexpectedly — ttq)^^ - A;") > shift to e* and e >Sg. ^x^^+i) >^ This assumption implies that there are two steady states under the new parameters. Denote them by fc^ = fc„ + ^^^and k'^ = ks +^^^. Proposition 7 (Change in conditions in the rest of the world) If Assumption 5 By tTq. holds, there is there are multiple equilibria contrast, with capital stock no transition from there fc", is result is to under the parameters fc* under the parameters e and a saddle path that takes the economy from speculative growth path that takes the The fc" economy from intuitive. If saving in the foreign A;" to k^ . fc" it k^ Along these paths, country increase or if qt and a > 0. the rate of return in the foreign country decreases, causing a reallocation of saving to the domestic a speculative growth scenario can emerge where starting tt'q: to and e economy, would have been impossible before the shift. Technologiccd progress in the equipment sector 4.3 The productivity growth that came with technological progress was exceptional. two disappointing decades beginning with the recovered more than half of growth in industrial and its lost oil price shocks of the 1970s, the economy productivity growth. Most prominently, productivity electronic machinery accelerated 1973—1990 to more than 6% After for 1995-2000. from an annual rate of 2% for This acceleration reduced the price of machinery boom. This mechanism and electronic devices, fits within the speculative growth perspective we have highlighted up to now, once one which in turn contributed to the investment broadens the definition of funding to that of of saving, a decline in the price of economy's stock of new effective funding. capital raises the That is, for any given level power of that saving to build the capital. While some of the technological progress exogenous to the capital deepening process in equipment producing sectors may have been itself, we continue here with our endogenous perspective (which in any event would act as a multiplier to the exogenous shocks). We capture this endogeneity through a positive spillover from the capital accumulation process to the production of equipment goods. ^^ This simple channel allows us to preserve ^^See Murphy et al. and Jaimovich (2003) much of (1989) for a model of this sort based on increasing returns in the equipment sector, for a countecyclical markups version. 23 = our previous formulae. Moreover, here we set 5 as the technological spillover ends up playing a similar role in the current model. We assume that the technology in the equipment goods sectors can transform one unit of consumption goods into X{k) units of equipment goods (with in this sector ensures that the price of Since corresponds to Tobin's q qt the price on a new equipment goods — that is A' > 0). Perfect competition is: as the value of a unit of installed capital over — we preserve the formulae of Section (uninstalled) unit of capital 2, with two exceptions: the capital market equilibrium condition and the arbitrage equation. The former is now: s{kt,rt) But ^ p(kt){qt + xt{qt))kt + pikt)c{x{qt),kt). (19) apparent that by dividing both side of this condition by p{kt) and defining the is funding function effective as: \ P(, sP[kt,rt) _ = s{kt,rt) ' P{h) we can rewrite (19) as: s^ikun) which = + xt{qt))kt + {qt entirely analogous to the equilibrium capital is c{x{qt),kt), (20) market condition in Section 2. Moreover, suppose that we model the aggregate increasing returns aspect of the equip- ment sector as a simple step function: P*) = 1 then (1 — p) > The only is ''"'°^ ^' P < 1, k> (21) k°. isomorphic to 5 in terms of the effective funding or saving function. difference with the model in Section 2 is that (1 - p) not only effective affects funding, but also the arbitrage equation, since now: ...1 = ,, w ,r W PJ^t) + n){qt + ck{Iu ^^))^(^^ , , (1 T.- However, nothing of our fundamental message is changed by (TTQ-TTlfct+l) Appendix C.3. 24 , (22) this modification. In particular, the pre-conditions and features of the speculative path remain valid. in . • p(fc,^,) We prove these claims Financial Constraints and Growth-funding feedbacks 5 Another key ingredient firms in in the new technology US episode We sectors. is the reallocation of funding toward small growth develop this model here with two purposes. First, to show that a growth-funding mechanism need not operate through aggregate reallocation of funds can play a similar role. Second, to show a more explicit saving; the model of 6; here the growth- funding feedback stems from the relaxation of financial constraints brought about by the expansion. Let us simplify interest rate determination by assuming that there to capital, h, sector with (low) productivity interest rate More is pinned down at substantively, r, which is is a constant returns always active so that the "riskless" r. assume that only a fraction yu < 1 of the new born can work in the conventional sector described in Section 2, while the rest of the work in a sector that has no capital. Yt Young = Thus, aggregate output At{^^Lf{kt) invest young and (lenders) is: + {l-^l)L + rht). lenders have undiscounted log-utility preferences, so they save half of their wages, which in aggregate saving is amounts to (1 — m)/2. We assume that (1 — n) is large enough so never binding in equilibrium. Entreprenem:s, on the other hand, satisfy a (detrended) consumption c, after -c). In equilibrium, entrepreneurs borrow from lenders, = {xt minimum which they save and invest as much as they can: fj,{w{kt) dt their df. + qt + l^'H^t - lf)h - - KHh) c). (23) Against this loans, entrepreneurs post as collateral the capital they acquire: qt+ih/Ci- Neither + r). new investment nor output can be pledged lateralized loans are made (this is our financial constraint). Col- at the "riskless" interest rate r. Uncollateralized loans (per unit) S/sr resources in monitoring and therefore are made at interest rate r consume -I- 6/sr- For a given interest rate, neither the accumulation equation nor the arbitrage condition described in Section 2 change in this model. The main change the two regions of the phase diagram. Rather than k°, 25 now is in the criterion separating there is a condition that splits . the region according to whether the marginal loan not (and hence at rate r + For this purpose, 6). let By — replacing (23), the arbitrage condition, and the accumulation equation into this expres- we sion, nt us define qt+ih _ = dt- -— 1 + r , nt collateralized (and hence at rate r) or is - obtain: (7+g(gt-l)+^(gt-l)^)fc.-M(^(fct)-c)+(^^(g,-l)^ + ^7(g^-l)+ 2 When We are n{qt, kt) now 1 < the interest rate is r, in the setting of Section 2 +r while 2 when n^ > and simplifying, the separating region = [7 + (^ + 7) {qt - 1) + 0{qt - 1 the interest rate is r + 5/sr. with only a slightly more complicated function separating the two regions of the phase diagram. Note that this /t" +r +r I is if nj — then 0, rt = r. Using defined by the following equation If] kt-fi {w{kt) /+^ -c)+ 1 +r -I Financial constraints with intermediate adjustment costs Figure 7: Financial Constraints Figure 7 illustrates the analogue of panel (a) in Figure 4. steady states and the possibility of a speculative growth path. feedback is now arises sufficiently large, from the which fact that the financial constraint significantly drops the interest rate the main claims in this section; in particular, it the context of this model. 26 is on As before, there are two The key funding-growth no longer binding when k loans. Appendix D proves reproduces the main result of the paper in ^)^^ Welfare 6 Do speculative in it? growth episodes represent a Pareto improvement across generations involved The answer to this question is not generic, as it depends on the specific channel behind the growth funding feedback. For example, in the financial constraints model of the previous section the answer is yes. But it needs not be the case saving function as some savers after if time at which t° (the is (5 a property of the aggregate reaches k°) are hurt by kt first the sharp decline in interest rates. Generic results 6.1 But what t°. generic in our models is generic that It is also capital close results in if is the welfare improvement of the economy is dynamically enough to the high capital equilibrium are all efficient generations born before then also better off. all generations with We summarize these two propositions, and explain them through their short proofs. Proposition 8 (Welfare for early generations) Let the conditions for the multiple equilibria outcome in the cannonical model in Section 2 hold. Then all generations < t t° are better off along a speculative path than in the low capital steady state. Proof: The basket consumed by individuals of generation affordable along the speculative growth path u;^ > u;" _ rt > r" since qt Therefore, (24) > is t in the 5" 1 + r" + i"^-!— 1 + rt > fc", r^ > and rq is in the (24) low capital equilibrium. <tQ, which are the ones that concern us 1, kt low capital steady state if: where s" denotes detrended savings by an individual For generations t > 0, in this proposition, and wt > Wn since kt > fe" we have and Wk > 0. always verified for these generations. Q.E.D. Proposition 9 (Welfare for late generations) Let the conditions for the multiple equilibria outcome in the cannonical model in Section 2 hold. Then if the speculative steady state is dynamically efficient (r* > near the speculative steady state are better off than in the normal steady if i~^ < (1 +7)|^ ~ 1' then than in the normal steady all -y), all state. generations Conversely, generations near the speculative steady state are worse off state. 27 , Observe that (1 + 7)|^ - < 1 7. Proof: For generations is We ambiguous. The t > still whether the key inequality in the previous proposition t°, > w^ have wt but now the sign of — rt r" is s" = (g" + x" + \d-\x^ - 7)2)A;" = (1 satisfied ambiguous. market equilibrium condition in the low equilibrium capital is is + 7)A;". In the speculative steady state, we can rewrite (24) as /(F) - F/'(F) Since / is strictly concave, {}e - - /(fc") > fc"/'(fc") we have Y^T^fc" (/'(^") /'(fc^)) (25) that f{k') - /(fc") < {k' k^f'{k') - /(fc") - k^f'ik") < k^)f'{k') - - k^)f'{k^). Therefore, - k'^ifik^) Assume first /'(F)) < f{k') - that r* = fik") > Y^^^" so that (25) is verified with a < k'{f'{k^) - f'{kn). Then 7. (/'(fc") - f'ikn) < k- strict inequality. Since (/'(fc-) - limt^+00 wt /'(F)) = w^ and limt_>+oo n— r^, this proves the first claim in the proposition. Assume now that r* = /'(fc*) < (1 + 7)|^ - 1. Then 3^i^/c" (/'(F) - /'(F)) > F (/'(F) - /'(F)) so that (25) is , violated. This proves the second claim in the proposition. Q.E.D. 6.2 A comment on Bubbles cind Welfare In the classic model of rational equilibrium bubbles, the latter are good because they reduce the overaccumulation problem of a dynamically efficient economy. This welfare enhancing features of bubbles runs counter most observers intuition during speculative growth episodes. 28 Our model shares that positive side of bubbles for generations very late in the speculative growth episode but they have a negative side as by delaying the arrival of the consolidation phase. In other words, if arise early in the speculative Final growth path more likely to be But bubbles that beneficial. risk derailing this potentially prosperous process. Remarks This paper builds a theoretical framework We they overexpose the economy to crashes ^^ bubbles emerge late in the process once the economy has already arrived to the consolidation region, they are 7 well: characterize this phenomenon optimism about the future for thinking about episodes of speculative growth. as a low effective cost-of-capital equilibrium based availability of funds for investment. Our framework on highlights the key short-term and long-term funding mechanisms necessary to sustain a speculative growth equilibrium. Ours is not a framework of "irrational exuberance," although pretation of such episodes. These occur when a it offers speculative growth path is a natural internot backed by a long-run funding mechanism strong enough to eventually validate the capital gains dynamics that are needed in the short run to reallocate resources toward the sectors that drive the boom. A sector, as prototypical example it may is when investment and speculation focus on the "wrong" have been the case in Japan during the 1980s with its large real estate boom. The ulative and U.S. experience during the 1990s probably had elements of both: growth component built on the information technology foreigners' confidence, as well as late 1990s. markets Prom boom this perspective, some elements of it is not at if bubbly, was during the 1990s, even regard, an interesting question that we all sector, A rational spec- sound fiscal policy, irrationality especially during the clear whether much of the U.S. asset condemned leave for future research is to be reversed. On this whether a central bank may should attempt to raise interest rates upon the emergence of bubbles. It case that doing so not only crashes the bubbles but also the underling, and mostly welfare well be the enhancing, speculative growth episode. '"Note that this postponement has a distributional before t°, which are unambiguously better off effect as well as it extends the number of generations with the speculative growth episode. 29 — A Proof of Propositions Proof of Proposition The (1 1: = conditions for a steady state are q + 7)fc. < /c" A:° is by Assumption This in Section 2 0. a steady state Similarly k^ last inequality holds > if k^ and only is = r 1, TVo if A:" — nik, + s^k + Sr'r + l{k > = ^ai^ < a steady state by Assumption sq if if = This inequality holds k°. and only k°}6 k^ — '^ —— > fc°. 1. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition Let qt = {qt — 1) 2: and kt = {h — normal steady state can be written qt 1+7 1+7 Qt characterized by the following n= (l+r")(l-7) + TTi 1 + +7- Sfc kt ^ 0j^n is + Sr h+1 = 7— This system dynamic system around the as: (l+0(l-7) Qt+i k"), then the linearized ^ + kf 2x2 matrix: + ^A;" tti + ^ Sk- 1+7 The two eigenvalues A"*" and A of fi are real since the discriminant D of det(f) — xl) positive: D (l + r")(l-7) + TTl^fc" + f^ +7 + 1 +4 fc" 7ri 1 A"*" and A A+ =l+ are given =1+ It is ^ 1 Sr 1 +7 >0. by (l+r")(l-7)+^+^fc"-l+/ d+rn)(l-7)+^ + ^fc"-l V4(.,+i±2^)|^ 2 and A- + (l+r-)(l-7)+^^+^fc"-l-y (l+.")(l-7) + straightforward to check that A" < 1< 30 A+. ^ + ^fe"-i; %4(.,+i±2^)|^ is Let us denote by (x+, and {x 1) the corresponding eigenvectors: 1)', , A+ - + „ 1 1+7 X' - = X 1 <0. gfc" 1+7 This shows that the normal steady state = Similarly, let qf — {qt 1) = and kf {kt — (1 + r'){l - 7) + + 3^ +7 ( Then the A;*). around the speculative steady state can be written 9t+i a saddle point. (fc", 1) is linearized dynamic system as: 1 fe' q! 1+7-Sfc + TTi fc? s. ek' fc: 1+7* t+1 This system is 2x2 characterized by the following (l Q= + r^)(l-7) + ^ * matrix: + ^fc« 7ri + i±^ 1+7 The two is eigenvalues A®"*" and A* of fi* are real since the discriminant D^ of det{Q.^ — xl) positive: D (1 + r')(l - 7 + A*"*" and A*~ are given by A*+ = (l+r-)(l-7) + 1 + + -^ 1+7 ^ fc* - +4 1 Sr + ^fc^-l + ^ TTi + 1 + 7-Sfc, '- Sr ek' -)r^ 1+7 > 0- a+r^)(i-7)+^+^fc^-i; V4(.i + i±I^)f^ 2 and A"It is =1+ (l+r^)(l-7)+^+^fe--l-y a+'-^)(l-7)+^+^fe=-l]'+4(7ri+i±^)f^ straightforward to check that A"Let us denote by (x**"*", 1) and (x*~, < 1< 1)', A"+. the corresponding eigenvectors: 1+7 A^- - 1+7 31 1 <0. This shows that the speculative steady state Let us and 1 now are verified and As we do functions of =x+ + 0{5), We will > /i;"| x*~, and 6, and A*~ A*"*" fc° - X- + 0(6), prove the following small enough, and that if ^_. j < k^ and k of {k^{S), : 1) is manifold of [fc°, A;'g [1, +00 and [ parameterized by -there exists 5 \'+{6) (A;, 5 > and m 5 all 5^"+ It is clear 1 are verified. that k'{5) = A;" Let us + 0(<5), = A+ + 0(6) and X'-{d) = A" ~^„ then a transition is possible for 6 < ^0 , + 0{S). is possible. twice continuously differentiable in the is : < there exist continuously differentiable 5, -^ [A;", fc°] [1, +00 such [ 6 g|~(fc)) in the region k parameterized by > and continuous all ^aZ^n then for 5 small enough, no transition such that for k^] —> (A;", 1) is These variables are k^, the following results hold: > -there exists S functions q^~ > 0. and X'-{5). Because the dynamic system we consider regions k us vary k^ and 5 such that assumptions also vary. ^_~i result. If > > a saddle point. as long as assumptions x*+(<5), x'-{S), X'+iS) x'-{S) let e5 for some e and do not depend on denote them by k'{6), x'+{5) — |fc° this, k^, x*"*", S, 7 and fix A;", sq, Sr, ttq, tti, (fc*, 1) is (A;, > [k^,k^(d)], q^~^{k)) in the region k such that for all 5 that the stable manifold < 5 e [A:", and A; and the unstable k^\. e [k^,k^{5)], and [A;",A;°], |g|-(fc) - 1 - x'~{5){k - k'{5))\ < m5'^ and |g"+(A;')-l-x+(A;-fc")| Using the A^+(5) = ^ k^ + 0{5), x'+{5) = x+ + 0{5), x'-{5) = x' + 0(<5), A^~(5) = A" + 0{5), we see that there exists ^>l>OandM>0 fact that k'{5) A+ + 0{5) and such that for < m^^ alU <1 and A; e [A;°, A:^((5)], |9|-(A;) - 1 and k' - X- (A; - G [A;", A;°], k\5))\ < M6^ and |9"+(A:') The condition for state to be possible is - 1 - x+(A; - A:")| < McJ^. a transition from the normal steady state to the speculative steady that the intersection of the unstable 32 arm of the normal steady state = with the vertical k ko line below the intersection of stable arm (the saddle path) of lies the speculative steady state with the vertical k Theq= +a;+(A;- 1 Similarly the q intersects the k fc") line = l+x~{k-k^{S)) k^{S))). Therefore, 5 if <5,& line. line at the point (fc°, l — k line intersects the k^ line at the point = ko line to lie + x-{k^ - We + x-(fc° - + M5^ > k'{5)) Similarly, a siifRcient condition 1 (A;°, l+x~(fc° — + a;+(A; - arm below the intersection of stable (the saddle path) of the speculative steady state with the vertical k 1 + a;+(fc° - fc")). necessary condition for the intersection of the unstable of the normal steady state with the vertical k arm = ko = k^ - = ko line is MS"^. (26) -M5^>1 + x+{k - fc") + M6^. (27) 1 A;") is k'{5)) can rewrite (26) and (27) as A+ 1 1 - A" < k^-k° TT + A;0 - A;" 2M5'^ T7^ k^ - fc" and A+ 1 Using the fact that when transition 5 < (5 1 - A" we have kept 1 sufficient condition for and that if reexamine We ^_~i > k^ — if 1 < - k'^ 2M5^ - fcO A;" > ^_~i < k'- fco /fcO eS, we k"-- see that a necessary condition for a k° 2M5 fc" £ a transition k' 1 l-\- ^ when 6^0. ^^ This shows that fcO - A" A+ - Notice that k' is A+ and that a < ^oZfcn > k° -k° - fc" is 2M5 e~' then a transition is possible for 6 small enough, I^Zpr then for 5 small enough, no transition this condition. have that 33 is possible. Let us now — = -1 + 2- A" 1- ] 4(^i 1+-; + ^±i^)f|^ Wl + rn)(l-r) + ^^+^k'^-l\ = AWA a decreasing function of is T non-monotonic in is interval (^, +oo), 6. It is increasing in the interval Sr In addition lim^^o decreasing on addition, and decreasing (0, 9) in the where Ml It is + l±I^)i^ 4(vr, T= T = 0, + + r")(l-7)-l (l and lime^+oo and increasing on (0, 9) we have limg^o A — -l-oo and T = O.As a result, A +oo), and reaches a {9, lime_>_)_oo A= is non-monotonic minimum for 9 in 6. = 9. In -|-oo. Q.E.D. This shows that that if ^_~i > if ^_~i < ^o~^„ , then a transition is possible for S small enough, ^o~^„ then for S small enough, no transition is appendix, we will often have to go through a similar argument. same details and instead and possible. In the rest of the We will state directly the equivalent of the condition not go through the ^Zl > ^oZfcn - The only exception concerns the discussion of bubbles where more complex issues arise. Proof of Proposition The 3: condition for a transition from the speculative steady state to the normal steady state to be possible is that the intersection of the unstable state with the vertical k = ko line lies Going through the same arguments enough and fc* , ... of the speculative steady above the intersection of stable arm (the saddle path) of the normal steady state with the vertical k transition for 5 small arm — — ko line. as in the proof of proposition 2, the condition for a fc° > e'5 A+ - 1 Q.E.D. 34 can be expressed A;0 - fc" as: B Proof of Propositions Proof of Proposition in Section 3 4: In principle, there could be a third steady state once bubbles are feasible: TTo — TTifc'' = 7 and see why, 6 > 0. Assumption 4 guarantees that assume the contrary. It is clear from assumption 4 that bubble in this steady state would be negative, since which is this steady state = b < fc^ does not < where exist. To But the associated k^. so+s^ttq- Afc'' {k'', 1, b), so+Sr7ro— AA;" = 0, a contradiction. In the proof of this proposition, we have to perform two linearizations, one around the normal steady state and one around the speculative steady state. This is because the characteristics of the dynamic system are different around the two steady states. The normal steady state has a two-dimensional unstable manifold and a one-dimensional stable manifold, whereas the speculative steady state has a one-dimensional unstable manifold and a two-dimensional stable manifold. We and show that for S small for every bubble < consider the possibility of a small initial bubbles, A+-1 ^_~i if < k'-k° prEf^r < enough and m^ > then there exists < 6o mb6, and that < there exists 0, , 6o < ffibS m^ > if 6o < MbS for some Mb > such that a transition > ^_~i is 0, possible ^o~^„ then for 5 small enough, such that no transition is possible with initial 6o- Let us terms in gi first linearize = (qt - 1) , kt the system around the normal steady state. — •+1 {h - l k"qt -\ = (1 bt+i {rt — r"), bt = bt and 5 we have that + r")(l - 7) + by —+ 1-^7 A;" -r-. qt + 1 TTi +7- Sfc kt -I- -\ bt, +h 1-hr" = Similarly, h O 7" 1+1 Qt n= to second order ir + T-Sfcr^ H bt, by Qt+i fc"), Up 1-^7 we order terms in bt. linearize the ^ = (qt — 1) , system around the speculative steady kt = (kt — k^), n— 35 {n — r*), bt — bt and state. 6, Up to second we have that — - n = kt H k''qt H Of = qt+i (1 h, Of + r")(l - 7) + Of —+ +7 A;* T-!1 qt + + TTi l + J-Sk h H bt, 9k' qt + +7 1 + r* = T"; h1 + 7 kt 1 — ^t+i The dynamic system around the normal steady state (l+r")(l-7) + fi" = ^ + ^/c" is TTi characterized by the matrix + to. i 1 1+7 i±^ ^ Similarly, the 1+7 dynamic system around the speculative steady state characterized by is the matrix (l + r^)(l-7) + Q.' ^ + ^A;^ tti + r^ i±^ \ 1 1+r Q Keeping the same notations as above, A"~ < 1 and ^f^ > 1, it is 1+7 clear that the eigenvalues of with corresponding eigenvectors (x"+, 1,0)', (x"^, Q" are 1, 0)' A""*" and > 1, (0, 0, 1) where A"+ (l+r")(l-7)+^ + ^fc"-l+y = 1 + = 1 + d+r")(l-7) + =||^ + ^fc"-l]V4(.i + ii^)f^ 2 and A"- (l+r")(l-7)+^ + ^fc"-l-y (l+r'')(l-7)+^^ + ^fc"-l" V4(., + i±^)f^ Therefore, the tangent plane to the unstable manifold of the normal steady state plane through the normal steady state with directing vectors the tangent line to its stable manifold is (x""*", 1,0) and is (0,0, 1), the and the line through the normal steady state with directing vector (x"~, 1,0)'. Similarly, the eigenvalues of fi* are A*"*" > 1, A**" < 1 and ^^~- < 1, with corresponding eigenvectors (x*+,l,0)', (x*~,l,0)' and (0,0,1) where A"+ =1+ (l+r«)(l-7) + and (l+r^)(l-7) + A^ 1 + ^ ^ + ^fc=-l+/ (l+r-)(l-7)+^ + ^fc--l V4(..+i±2_:£.)Ml 2 + ^fc-'-l-/ (l+r.')(l-7) + 36 ^ + ^fc^-l %4(., + i±2^)Mi Therefore, the tangent hne to the unstable manifold of the speculative steady state the line through the speculative steady state with directing vectors stable manifold tangent plane to its directing vectors (a;*'~, now vary Let us s ^^ TT^+li^+^-a > = As we do ables are > <5 ttq - k^{5) — 7 this, k^, a;"+, A;°((5) = = x+ + 0(5), — A;"| > |fc° x^-((J) A — 1+ A — ^ — = + 0(6), X- = and lims-^ojiS) r" A"+(5) - It is > e;;" 0, — X < et" 1 k^ and functions q'f These vari- and X'-jS) ^ = fc" x"~((5), + 0{S), = A-+0(5), x^+(5) - A" + 0(.5), with , +4(,rt+i±^)^ 0. + r'^ fc > > [k^,k^{6)] X G [0, ^>f > [/c",fc°] < for all 5 6, there exist continuously differentiable x [0,Mb5] -> [l,+oo[ and g"+ (fc*((5), Mft^], and 1,0) is : [A;",fc°] e [fc",A;°] m> x [0,Mb5] ^ [l,+oo[ such parameterized by {k,b,q^^{k,b)) in the region and the unstable manifold of (A;,6,5^+(fc)) in the region {k,b) -there exists twice continuously differentiable in the is the following results are true: such that [fc°,fc"] : /c°, that the stable manifold of (fc',6') Also o -there exists S and 0. ttiA;". x'^~^{5), clear that k'{S) X++0{5), A"-(5) ^ A+ + 0((5) X'+{S) Because the dynamic system we consider G - ttq > = 9 l+r" {k,b) = A;^((5), (l+r")(l-r")+^ + ^fc"-l-^[(l+r'^)(l-r'')+:Llff;i + ^fc"-l] < fc" eS for some e also vary. A'*" Let us denote them by 6. i-r regions k that fc". = x-+0((5), x++0((5), x"-(^) way s^{6) in such a x"", A"+,A"",x*+, x^~, A*+ and continuous functions of all > A"+(5),A"-(5), x'+{6), x'-{6), X'+{5) and A"-((5). x"+((5) = 7 ((5) and s^ for 5 ttiA;" and lim^^o and the (0,0, 1). assumptions 0,1 and 4 are verified and fixed, , the plane through the speculative steady state with is ) for fc" = k^ 5, Note that 7(5) < r" k^{S) and 1,0)' (a;^"'",l,0) is (fc",l,0) is parameterized by x [0,MbS]. such that for all 5 <d, {k, b) G [fe°, fc^(5)] x [0, Mfc(5], x [0,Mb6], \qf{k,b) - - 1 x'-{d){k - k'iS))\ < m5^ and |g^+(fc', 6') Using the A'*- (5) = A" -I- - 1 = /c" + A"+(5) = A+ fact that k'{6) 0(5) and -I- - x"+(5)(fc 0(5), 0(6), - x'*-(<5) we 37 fc")| - x" < mS^. -t- 0(5), x"+(5) see that there exists = x+ -h 0(5), I>f>OandM>0 such that for all 5 <5, 6 {k,b) and {k\b') e [k^,k'{6)] x [0,Mb5], \ql-{k,b)-l-x-{k-k'(5))\ [fc",/c°] x [0,MbS], <M6^ and \q'^+(k',b')-l-x+ik-k'')\ <M5'^. The 1 q = 1 + + x~^{k^ — A;"). the line k = x~^{k /c") k^,q = I — plane intersects the k Similarly the q 1 is — = l + x~{k — k^{S)) + x~{k^ — + a;-(A;° - Therefore, k'^{5)). k'{5)) + M^^ > k^ plane along the line k plane intersects the k 5 if < (5 + x+{k - 1 we have , A;") - = — k'^,q = k^ plane along that M5'^. (28) a necessary condition for the intersection of the unstable manifold of the normal steady state with the vertical fc = /eq plane to lie below the intersection of stable manifold of the = speculative steady state with the vertical k Similarly, a sufficient condition 1 We + x-{k° - ko plane in the region b 6 [0, MhS]. is k'{5)) - M5^ > + x+(fc - 1 A;") + M5^. (29) can rewrite (28) and (29) as A+ 1 1 - A" < —-- A;^ A;° T7. A;0 7z: A;" 2M5'^ + A:^ - A;" and A+ 1 Using the 5 fact that k^ — k^ > 1 - A" e5, < A:* A;0 we - A;° - A;" 2M5'^ k^ - k'^' see that a necessary condition for a transition <^is A+-1 1 and that a _ A" ^ sufficient condition for A;0 - A;" a transition A+-1 1- A" 2MS A:"-A:° k' - k° k^ -k-^ 38 ^ e is 2M5 ~' when ' ^ Notice that > rrih ^ ~i when -» such that a transition > then ^aZ^ri that no transition is for 5 is S -> O.This shows that possible for 5 small small enough, for every if and only -1 For exactly the of a transition is < enough and frib > 0, f^rf^, then there exists < 6o < there exists mt,6, < 6o and that < if f^hS such if A+ is j^ possible with initial bubble 6o. This condition holds which if same condition fc"-A:° ^ fco - fc^ as without bubbles. The discussion of the possibility therefore entirely similar. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition that the projection of the trajectory of the transition path with initial It is also clear bubble 6o > on the plane bubble. initial 5: To 6 = will lie below the trajectory of the transition path with zero see this, note that the projection of a trajectory with positive bubble can only cross the projection of a trajectory with zero bubble from below. This proves the claim since the projection of a transition path, with or without bubble ends in the speculative steady state By initial (fc*, 1, 0). the capital accumulation equation, this in turn implies that a transition path with bubble 6o > will reach every plane k = h with k^ < h< k'^ after a larger of periods than the transition path with zero initial bubble. Q.E.D. C Proof of Propositions C.l We in Section 4 Fiscal can rewrite the capital market equilibrium condition as s{{l-T)w{kt),rt) + Tw{kt) -gt= iqt where Let us define a net saving function 39 + xt + ^0~'^{xt-j)'^] h + du number s{w{kt),rt) = s((l - T)w{kt),rt) + Tw{kt) - gf In this proposition, we perform a comparative statics exercise varying lently pj and keeping as{{i~-r)Mkthrt)+rw{k,)^-g on the normal steady state fixed. ^^^^ ^^ ^ Therefore, as{{i-r)w{k,),n)+rMk,.)-g rj.^^^^ _ let a (or equiva- us denote by Sk — numbers do not depend a. Note that a first order approximation of wages around the normal steady state w{kt) We therefore have the following ~f fi.^ ^ s{w{kt),rt) = first y { = s'^ — Sk — QTTifc", and Sq = order approximation for the net saving function + + s'^kt sq + 7riA:"fcf u;" s'^kt where + srn Srn k<k°+ s^, + s^ + 6, k> k°, "^^^^ Assumption 4 guarantees that the normal steady region, while the speculative steady state, The speculative steady state, if it > = d' + il state, s(i(;(A;"),r") r" + j)k', w") - Tw'). we have = TTq = (l - TTlfc", 40 + 7)fc", in a dynamically efficient by the following equations k°, - ^-^(5 + a{w' - normal steady is a dynamically inefficient region. exists, is characterized J{w{k'),r') Similarly, in the state exists, is in if it k' d' is: . Using these equations, we can rewrite the conditions characterizing the speculative steady state as > k' - s^{k' + Sr{r' - fc") k°, + = r") <5 d^ + + 7)(fc^ - (1 fc"), r^-r" = -7ri(F-A:"), 7— We can solve these equations In particular, \sl We (5 = [(1 - n,sr we - (1 can rewrite + 7) - Sfc for r* /c®, w^ r^ , and d^ get + 7)] -kn+S= ]^Sn7n%~S] (fc^ " ^^^^^^^^^ ' ^'' ^"^^ this equation as + TTiSr] (/c*-fc")+a7rifc"(A;"-/c") + (Q; - [1 + r" - r) 7ri(A;^ 7— - A;")] 7rifc"(A;* + 7ri(fc* r" — - A;") (30) Using the k^ > k^, we fact that 1 see that for [(1 It is clear + a > r" r, + 7) - = 1 + r" - 7ri(A;'* - fc") > 0, (1 + 7) the right hand side of this equation Sfc + T^isr] (fc° - A;") + Q7rifc"(A;° - - is Sfc - niSr > and greater than A;"). that lim a—+00 {[(l + 7)-Sfc + 7riSr](fc°-A:")+a7riA;"(/c°-A;")} = +cx3. This proves that for a high enough (30) has no solution. , We have the stronger result that a a > max sufficient condition for (30) not to [a s —-(1 —;— ,,„, /, < 1 TTiA;" (A;0 - ^ A;") 41 A;0-A;", _1 j i ),r > J . have a solution is A;") ) Therefore a >a where fcO-fc" T— ; < if 1, it can be the case that there no solution is for A a < 1. Q.E.D. External C.2 We continue to assume that 5 — around q ^— (?< - 1 and k 1)) ^t written as: Qt+i (l = = k^ {h - from for the transition and k"-), + r")(l-7) + small so that is (7ri^ zt = {zt - we can make a /c" to k^, if first such transition z") then the linearized + ?r(l + e)) order approximation 1+7 i is possible. Let dynamic system can be +7 1 +7 (31) «t+i The analysis and proofs that follow 1+7 qt + refer to the kt. (32) dynamic system described by and (31) (32). The speculative steady state 7ri(5 Tl (l+7)+'ri (1+7-Sfc is characterized by k^ = — ,, , ,'^J-'^/. ^ > r , and P— >0. For a speculative growth path to must be the case that the unstable path of exist, it the normal steady state intersects the k° line below the intersection of the latter and the saddle path of the speculative steady state. We can express this condition as A^+-l k'-k^ < A,g = where the superscript A^+ = 1+ e stands for external -l + (l+r")(l--7)+^ (i+e)fc" 1 +7 + 1+7 (33) and + \/( -H-(l+r -)(1--7) + ^ {i+e)fc" sqefc"(i- 1+7 + 1+7 ^ 1+7 + 1+7 -)' 1+7 -i_4 7r]flfc" 1+7 1+7 2 and A"- = 1+ We have -l+(l+r'^)(l--7) + A^ -1 ^ (l+S)*:" + 1+7 -l+(l+r -)(1--7) + 1+7 ^\/(- (i+e)fc" + 21,sie*"(i-^) 1+ ^ 42 1+7 ,^^,efen +^T+T^ )" -^-A 7ri9fc"(i1 +7 1+7 4-4 n-^Sfc" 1+7 This + is + r")(l - (1 -l + we have assumed true because (l 7) + ^ > 0' which imphes that holds, and therefore + r")(l-7) + ^^^l±^ + ^>0. a decreasing function of A*^ is 1+7 'Y^e -l T^ that Assumption is non-monotonic + in 9. It (l is 1+7 +^1+7 efc" + r»)(l-7)+ "'^iy"" 1+7 increasing on -l + (l (0, 9 ) ' and decreasing on + r")(l-7) + {9" +00), where , !^ 1+7 In addition Um^^o """^ = 0, and Hme_,+oo = '^'^ 0. —€ As a result, A*^ is {9 ,+00), non-monotonic and reaches a minimum lime_+oo A^ = in 9. It for ^ = is decreasing on 9 ) and increasing on we have lime_o In addition, . (0, A'^ = +00, and +00. Q.E.D. C.3 Technologiccd progress Let us assume that 6p = 1 —p = I and k = k"' for the — 1) and kt = (fej — fc"), around q qt = {qt is small so that transition from we can make a A;" to k^, if first order approximation such transition is possible. Let then the hnearized dynamic system can be written as: kt qt+i ?t + i^t + [(1 + r-")7 - r^fc" + ^k'' (34) h+i = The analysis < ^.^t 1+7- + kt ^,qt + h + ^^5, k>k°, and proofs that follow kt k°- (35) refer to the dynamic system described by (35). Assumption 5 (Minimum technological progress): A '^^>^-l+^n+l±2fc, 43 -(fc°-A;"). (34) and < k°\ — Proposition 10 (Multiple Steady States) If Assumption 3 economy has two non-degenerate steady is satisfied, the states, fc" and k", with: ^ £L+B < fc» where A= tti + and speculative, +7- (1 ,» feo < > 0, Sk)/sr + 1 + -" + (^+ 7)fc"/^.,^ ^ ,s^ (36) and the superscripts "n" and "s" stand for normal respectively. Assumption 6 (Speculative adjustment A+-1 + — A costs region): fc" ^'•Y+\, ,0 ,, — < Proposition 11 (Multiple Equilibria and Speculative Growth) If fc" Assumptions 5 and 6 hold, there is a speculative growth path that takes the economy from to k'. Proof: Imposing q^i qt+i = = qi and kt^i a-o(i-.) + = kt and solving for k^ and q^ in (^ + ^)r —Ap ^ kt+ qt-\ Sp 1+7 Sr and r- = Kt+1 we k'^ > find that k^ 5„ — k^ >5p= Let us — fc* k^, = -^ — 5p — Ok"" ^ :rqt ek"" p + h + -- and = — 5p. 1+7 q'^ , ()p, 1+7 This is a steady state if and only if which we can rewrite as ^TTT- now assume (k° - A;") . that this inequality holds. We now ask under what conditions a transition from the normal steady state to the speculative steady state speculative growth path to exist, it is possible. For a must be the case that the unstable path of the normal steady state intersects the k° line below the intersection of the latter and the saddle path of the speculative steady state. 1+7 We can express this condition as 1+7 44 We can rewrite (37) as A \+ fe" -ir J 1 1 +7 n ^ AJe!L 1.0 _ • l.n Q.E.D. D Proof of Claims The curve — nt in Section 5 = intersects the g hne 1 a point at - wjkt) c — if +r 1 the assumption that this equation has at least one solution. example that f{kt) ^-^ and only f'ikt) kt We make (1, k) if = , assumption -fk}, this < a < Afcf with be will and 1 + r) > j^ |u(l and and the equation nt verified < c = will If we assume for maxfc>o{/i-u;(/c) - have exactly two solutions. Let k^ there is We < k^ be the no second two intersections of this curve with the g first this that depends on 5, 1 line (fci — +oo if intersection). assume that there are two steady Because in = framework we will it is states now A;" < fc* where /c" < fc°, and fc° < fc* < the interest rate in the normal steady state r fc^. + S approximate the dynamics of the system around the speculative steady state (where the interest rate is r). Letting S tend to we 0, moving the normal are steady state while keeping the speculative steady state fixed. Assumption 7: A= s^tti + (1 +7- > Sfc) 0, k" = 2^ > k°. Assumption 8 (Minimum growth- funding feedback): Assumption The line last 9: (1 + /i) nik' - 7 - 3^ > assumption is made to make with the low interest rate region to and (^ + 7) - sure that locally, the > S 5 = 2^ > n = S7.7ri(fc* — fc°). 0. curve is upward sloping its right. Let Et=[j+i9 + 7) {qt - 1) Assuming that 5 and n* are q — q* = l and k = + e{qt - 1)2]J h - ^iw{kt) -c+ small, let us perform a k^. 45 first y// i+7+g(gt-i) j^j ^+ 1 -kf r order approximation around Up nt = to second order terms in qt rit — n^, S and Ht = we n'^, -fkt + — - {qt I) kt , — — {kt + -y)k'qt-{l + fi)Trik'kt- {e niOk^'^ E* = 7fc* - = ft /i(u;* if - c) + < j^fc" KiQk s2 and A;" The analysis and proofs that follow + ^i)'Kik - •gt — + 1 7 k^), ^t = {Tt — t^), = -^ < TY— i + 7 — qt 1+7 9t /to < +r kt +r > — ^*. Note Ef if Sr = 7- kt+i +7 l ft + r^)(l-7) + (l St+i < — E'* and Et 1 qt 1+7 have (^° have: 1 We = A;*), fco that by assumption, 0. + TTikt + l{'Et<-S'] — (38) + (39) refer to the kt- dynamic system described by (38) and (39). For a speculative growth path to exist two conditions must be be the case that the unstable arm of the normal steady state line. Second the Ej it = — E* equilibrium. is less satisfied. steep than the E4 must be the case that the unstable arm of the normal steady state line We can express these conditions as = + M)7rifc^-7-^ (l+7)(l + ^) -TTifc'* (l (A/^ - >o, A^+-l (l+'''''i'='-^Zlfe_(A-f+-l) Af _ = (l + 7)(l < i-xf- k" -k kO-k'^' (l+.W^--7-T^ ^. _^,_ (l+7)(l + ^)-"lfc' ^ where = (l+rnil-l}+^ 1 + -V (l+'-»)(l-7)+^-l ^^ 1 +7 2 (l+r=)(l-7)+^ -.-/ We it must = — E* intersects below the intersection of the latter and the saddle path of the speculative ^/ A^+ First, can rewrite d+r=)(l-7) + A-^ as: 46 ^-l 2 ,.,efc» +* 1+7 and (l+M)7rifc--7-i^ ^^f 1 I ^ We '^ ^ ~ ^ " (l+7)(l + i)-lfe» have *^ < lim SO that no transition unstable arm is possible for too large adjustment costs because the slope of the of the normal steady state goes to +oo while the slope of the Et = —5* tends to a finite positive limit. Similarly lim so that is no transition is ^•' possible because the unstable too steep (the slope of which tends to a Et = — H* line (the slope of — — oo, arm of the normal steady state finite strictly positive limit) which tends to and overshoots the 0). Therefore, a transition can only occur for intermediate adjustment costs. Let us define the Assumption 10 as requiring that the two conditions for a transition be satisfied. Assumption We 10: '^^{9) > and A^iO) < ^^ have proved the following propositions. Proposition 12 (Multiple Steady States) If A;" Assumptions and 7, 8 and 9 are satisfied, the economy has two non- degenerate steady states, k^, with: j^n ^ JL^ Sri < fco < fc^ = JL^ 2rZ. (40) TTl TTi Proposition 13 (Multiple Equilibria and Speculative Growth) If Assumptions from fc" to k^ . 7, 8, 9 and 10 hold, there Along that path, qt is a speculative growth path that takes the economy > 47 References [1] [2] Abel, A.B., N.G. Mankiw, L. H. 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