Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from MIT Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/quantileregressi0420angr DEWEY .5 Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of Quantile Regression under Misspecification with an Application to the U.S. Wage Structure Joshua Angrist Victor Chernozhukov Ivan Fernandez- Val Working Paper 04-20 March 30, 2004 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://ssrn.com/abstract=544222 MASS I ^ HTUESCEH^I7 TUTE NAY 1 9 2004 LIBRARIES Quantile Regression under Misspecification, with an Application to the U.S. Wage Structure Joshua Angrist, Victor Chernozhukov, and Ivan Fernandez- Val March 30, 2004 Abstract Quantile regression (QR) squares (OLS) it fits minimum mean gives the function even a linear model for conditional quantiles, just as ordinary least An a linear model for conditional means. fits when attractive feature of OLS is that square error linear approximation to the conditional expectation the linear model is with discrete covariates suggests that misspecified. QR may Empirical research using quantile regression have a similar property, but the exact nature of the linear approximation has remained elusive. In this paper, we show that QR can be interpreted as minimizing a weighted mean-squared error loss function for specification error. The weighting quantile. function The weighted bias formula correlation and a is an average density of the dependent variable near the true conditional least squares interpretation of QR is used to derive an omitted variables partial quantile correlation concept, similar to the relationship and OLS. We also derive general asymptotic results for QR between partial processes allowing for misspecification of the conditional quantile function, extending earlier results from a single quantile to the entire process. analysis of the 2000. The The approximation wage structure and residual inequality in results suggest continued residual inequality upper half of the wage distribution and Acknowledgment. We thank David Jerry properties of BYU, are illustrated through an census data for 1980, 1990, and growth in the 1990s, primarily in the for college graduates. Autor, Gary Chamberlain, George Deltas, Jinyong Hahn, Hausman, Roger Koenker, and Art-Lewbel ticipants at US QR for helpful discussions, and seminar par- the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, the Econometrics Workshop, the University of Toronto, the University of Champaign, and the 2004 Winter Econometric Society Meetings for Harvard-MIT Illinois at comments. Urbana- Introduction 1 The Quantile Regression (QR) estimator, introduced by Koenker and Bassett (1978), increasingly important empirical tool, allowing researchers to an Part of the appeal of quantile regression derives from a natural entire conditional distribution. (OLS) or mean parallel with conventional ordinary least squares summary regression coefficients offer convenient Moreover, unlike OLS Just as regression. statistics for conditional expectation functions (CEF), quantile regression coefficients can be used to conditional distributions. is parsimonious models to an fit OLS make easily interpreted statements coefficients, QR estimates about capture changes in distribution shape and spread, as well as changes in location. An especially attractive feature of OLS regression estimates CEF. pretability under misspecification of the CEF The of any shape. MMSE their robustness error OLS interpretation of (MMSE) (1999). This robustness property - and well-understood summary i.e., linear the fact that OLS OLS OLS While QR e.g., lates a true linear OLS and model QR is estimates can be interpreted (for example, One QR when the linear estimates at different quantiles interpretation for QR under model (see, e.g., OLS, but the exact nature 1 An exception is QR QR postu- for conditional quantiles is is misspecified conditional quantile functions that that it provides the best linear pre- This interpretation is not very satisfying, typically not the object of interest in is Koenker and Hallock, 2001). with discrete covariates suggests that of regression coefficients, an important may imply misspecification however, since prediction under asymmetric loss work OLS This raises the question of whether and how dictor for a response variable under asymmetric loss. pirical theoretical deriving limiting that most of the theoretical and applied work on for conditional quantiles. QR cross). modern when White, 1980). estimates are as easy to compute as difference between under almost regression as an empirical research on regression inference typically also allows for misspecification distributions (see, features in Angrist provides a meaningful In view of the possibility of interpretation under misspecification, tool. approximation to statistic for multivariate conditional expectations circumstances - undoubtedly contributes to the primacy of all inter- emphasized by Chamberlain (1984) is and Goldberger (1991), while an average derivative interpretation of and Krueger and In addition to consistently estimating a linear CEF, OLS estimates provide the minimum mean square a is l em- Empirical research on quantile regression may have an approximation property similar to that of the linear approximation has remained an important unresolved the forecasting literature; see, e.g., Giacomini and Komunjer (2003). question The (cf. first predictor Chamberlain, 1994, (BLP) for error loss function, QR 181). p. contribution of this paper to is show that QR can the conditional quantile function much as OLS be interpreted as the best linear (CQF) using a weighted mean-squared regression provides a MMSE weighting function can be used to understand which, if regressors contribute disproportionately to a particular set of fit to the CEF. The implied any, parts of the distribution of QR estimates. the weighted mean-square error interpretation can be used to interpret We also QR coefficients as partial quantile correlation coefficients and to develop an omitted variable bias formulae for A second contribution is to develop a distribution theory for the entire applies under misspecification of the conditional quantile function. show how QR QR. process that The approach developed here has two advantages over current practice. First, we do not assume that the true quantile function is linear. Second, some of the regularity conditions that would be required for a fully nonparametric approach, such as multiple and continuity results of differentiability of the quantile function in regressors Our of regressors, are not needed. analysis of the QR process extends the Chamberlain (1994) and Halm (1997), who derived the basic variance formula particular quantile under misspecification. See also Koenker and Machado (1999), and Jureckova (1992), and Gutenbrunner, Jureckova, Koenker, Portnoy inference procedures based on for a Gutenbrunner (1993), who develop QR processes for the linear location shift model and linear Pitman deviations from this model. An QR important consequence of our analysis process, such as those in This is Koenker and Machado because the limit distribution of the fication. that the currently used inference tools on the is QR (1999), are not robust to misspecification. process is not distribution-free under misspeci- Moreover, Khmaladzation techniques, as in Bai (1998) and Koenker and Xiao (2002), cannot restore the distribution-free nature of the limit theory in this case. alternative methods that provide valid inference for the The approximation theorems and analysis of wage data from the 1980, by similar studies in labor for the an inexact model An process under misspecification. other theoretical ideas in the paper are illustrated with an 1990, and 2000 U.S. censuses. The analysis here (see, e.g., is motivated Buchinsky, 1994 and Autor, Katz, and Kearney, US; Gosling, Machin, and Meghir, 2000, Machado and Mata, therefore suggest economics, where quantile regression has been widely used to model changes in the wage distribution 2004 QR We for the 2003, for Portugal). In particular, for conditional quantiles, gives UK; Abadie, we show 1997, for Spain, and that quantile regression, while a good account of the relevant stylized facts. appealing feature of quantile regression in this context is that quantile regression coefficients can be used directly to describe "residual inequality," i.e. the spread in conditional on the variables included in the quantile regression model. residual wage inequality have been of the \va>',i> distribution Attempts to model major substantive importance to labor economists since Juhn, Murphy, and Pierce (1993). The paper presents the provides the inference theory for tional empirical results Interpreting QR Section 3 illustration. processes under misspecification. Section 4 presents addi- on the evolution of residual inequality using data from the 1980, 1990, and 2000 censuses. Section 2 Section 2 introduces assumptions and notation and organized as follows. is main approximation theorems, followed by an empirical 5 concludes QR with a brief summary. Under Misspecification Notation and Framework 2.1 Y Given a continuos response variable and a d x (CQF) the (population) conditional quantile function function is defined 1 regressor vector of Y given X, we are interested in X. The conditional quantile as: Q T (Y\X) = mi{y:FY (y\X)>r}, where Fy(y\X) is density fy(y\X). the distribution function for The CQF Y conditional on (1) X, with associated conditional can also be defined as the solution to the following minimization problem (assuming integrability throughout where needed): Q T (Y\X) = arg min i( is — < E [p T (Y - q(X))} (2) , ) minimum is over the set of measurable functions of a potentially infinite-dimensional problem if covariates are continuous, where p T (u) This = x (r \{u 0))u and the high-dimensional even with discrete X. features of the CQF using a linear model. The Koenker and Bassett It may X. and can be very nevertheless be possible to capture important This motivates linear quantile regression. (1978) linear quantile regression (QR) estimator solves the follow- ing population minimization problem: P(t) If q(X) is will find in fact linear, the it). More = arg min E [p T (Y - X'0)] . (3) QR minimand will find it (just as if the CEF is linear, OLS regression QR provides the best linear predictor for Y under the asymmetric generally, loss function, is pT As noted . in the introduction, however, prediction under asymmetric rarely the object of empirical work. Rather, the conditional quantile function interest. as a covariates, as in Katz and Murphy (1992) and Juhn, Murphy, and Pierce (1993). Thus, we would the nature of approximation that Our loss of intrinsic For example, labor economists are often interested in comparisons of conditional deciles measure of how the spread of a wage distribution changes conditional on QR The 2.2 is like to establish QR provides. Approximation Property principal theoretical result is specification error and QR that the population This of squared specification errors. is easiest to for a quantile-specific residual. For sum vector minimizes a weighted show using notation a quantile-specific for a given quantile r, we define the QR specification error as: Ar (X,P)=X'P-Q T (Y\X). Similarly, let e r be a quantile-specific residual, defined as the deviation of the response variable from the conditional quantile of interest: eT with conditional density ftT (e\X) at Y-Q = eT — T (Y\X), The e. exists a.s., (Approximation Property) Suppose 1 (ii) Q T (Y\X) is (5) following theorem shows that QR is the CQF. weighted least squares approximation to the unknown Theorem (4) that (i) the conditional density uniquely defined by (2), and (Hi) /3(r) is fy(y\X) uniquely defined by (3). Then /?(r) = arg mm E [w T (X, (3) 0€R d A 2T (X, f3)} (PI) , where w T (X,p) = f (l-u)feT (uA T (X,P)\X) du (6) Jo = I (1 - u) fy (u X'P + (1 - u) Q T {Y\X)\X) du > 0. (7) Jo This result says that the population weighted CQF mean squared approximation and the QR error, coefficient vector /3(r) i.e. minimizes the expected the square of the difference between the true linear approximation, with weighting function w T {X,@). The integral in either the conditional density of the quantile residual, or, weights involve an by a change of variables using Y = Q T (Y\X)+ eT , The the conditional density of the response variable. latter representation shows the weighting function to be given by the average density of the response variable over a line from the point of approximation, X'(3, to the true conditional quantile, multiplication by the term (1 — on the line closer to the true CQF. We refer to the function w T (X,(3) QR termines the importance the distribution of X Q T (Y\X). more weight being applied u) in the integral results in as defining importance weights, since this function de- minimand X gives to points in the support of for a given X also in the least squares problem. To In addition to the importance weights, the probability distribution of . determines the ultimate weight given to different values of we can see this, note that also write the = /?(r) arg X QR minimand as min fw T (x,(3) A 2T (x,0) dP(x), (8) peu d J where P(x) the is CDF of X (with associated probability or density function p(x)). overall weight varies in the distribution of Thus, the X according to w T (x,P)-p(x). The sense in which equation in Figure 1. QR approximates a nonlinear (9) CQF This figure plots an estimate of the and 0.90 for the 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 Pre- at points can be seen for an empirical wage CQF for log-earnings given quantiles, using data for aged 40-49 from the 1980 census (see Appendix for details education US-born black and white men Here we take concerning data). advantage of the discreteness of the schooling variable and the large census sample to compare QR CQF estimates with the true (sample) addition to the dots plotting Q T (Y\X) evaluated at each point in the support of X. against X, the figure also shows the In QR regression (solid) line. To compare the consequences orem 1, to a weighting representation of a MD estimator is of combined importance- and histogram-weighting, scheme using the minimum distance X (MD) = arg min E PeR d In other words, (3{t) is [(QT (Y\X) X, p(x). The (3(t) solving - X' (3) 2 = ' ] arg The dashed min E [A* (*,/?)] . (10) /3eR d the slope of the linear regression of the probability distribution of The- histogram only, the figure also shows a graphical estimator suggested by Chamberlain (1994). the sample analog of the vector P(t) as in Q T (Y\X) line in the figure by Chamberlain's estimator. Note that unlike QR, the MD on X, weighted only by has the slope determined estimator relies on the ability to Q T (Y\X) nonparametrically estimate by the discreteness of likely to is For every quantile, the CQF Chamberlain (1994) observes that, be attractive only when conclusion reached in This first step. QR Theorem and MD - that 1 X is MD not discernible different. facilitated here MD large. is regression lines are remarkably close, supporting the QR and QR. In Under in general, the low dimensional and the sample size a weighted is MD approximation to the unknown - and suggesting the extra weighting by the importance weights big differences between is and our large census samples, but would otherwise require additional and regularity conditions. restrictions estimator X nonparametric in a for fact, some w T (x,/3) quantiles, the either weighting scheme, the linear fits MD does not induce and QR lines are appear to describe the actual conditional quantiles reasonably well. By way CQF, of comparison and to provide a visual standard for the goodness of the figure also incorporates a panel illustrating the CEF. dashed OLS of the conditional variance of CQF at 6.39 and 6.98 in Y given product w T (x, (3{t))p{x) MD regression line to the The w t (x,P(t)), 1, most of the variation 1, fit of Table QR to the 1 CEF is similar to the QR fit to regression slopes are also similar, reports the slopes of the lines plotted weighting function in the schooling example, The X. figure also solid line in the figure shows the shows normalized kernel density estimates of the plotted with a dashed line. 2 Consistent with the comparison flat for in the overall weighting function QR importance importance- weighting in reasonably (GLS) Figure 2 again includes an analogous panel for analog of the plotted as inverse the importance weights are reasonably As Figure CEF solid generalized least squares QR and OLS against the regressor here, so that role of A the along with the histogram of education, p(x), the weights used in the estimator. of estimators in Figure 2 OLS QR to 1. w t (x,P(t))p(x), Chamberlain is an of was regressed on X, weighted by the The OLS percentage terms. Panel importance weights, CEF X. further investigate the nature of the Figure 2 plots and the slope, J5[V |X] The estimated median at the median. in each panel of Figure To regression line To compute the GLS regression line. in of This panel (bottom, right position in the figure) shows points on the dots, along with the the fit fit weights GLS is mean the quantiles considered comes from the X histogram. regression and the CEF. The the inverse of V[Y\ X], since the latter plays the estimation. Here too, the importance weighting function flat. See Appendix B for a detailed description of the procedure used for kernel density estimation of the weights. 2.3 Conditional Density as Primary Determinant of Importance Weights What features of the joint distribution of importance weighting function quantiles is correct, so the for QR? /? that the linear model for conditional A T (X, /3(r)) = zero and In this case, the 0. simplifies to 1/2 • fy (Q T (Y\X)\X) (11) , the weights are proportional to the conditional density of the response variable at the More relevant conditional quantile. density around the relevant quantile, w T (X,(3) = Here, rT (X) a.s. determine the theoretical shape of the initially is = /?(r) w t (X,P(t)) = X and approximation error weighting function when evaluated at i.e., Y Suppose is 1/2- for (3 neighborhood of in the \r T (X)\ < 1/6 a remainder term and the density fy (y\X) has a by a constant, denoted 4 we have fy(Q r {Y\X)\X)+rT (X), where the density weights 1/2 weights. data with a smooth conditional generally, for response /'. 3 • first /3(r): \A T (X,(3)\ \f'\ derivative in y This argument demonstrates that we can in most cases think of This interpretation applies when the degree of misspecification fy (y\X) in y near the true CQF is is modest or the not substantial. wt (X,/3(t)) For the empirical example considered in this section, the weighting function and the density-based approximation are remarkably plots estimates of both importance close. This can be seen in Figure this: figure also shows that both the weighting function and tion are fairly stable, suggesting that the conditional density of y X is in its first y near the true order approxima- stable across the levels of at each quantile. 3 The remainder term |A T (A-,/3)|- /' J Powell (1994, l p. is \rT (X) = w T {X,(3) - | /£x f, T {Q\X) GLS (efficient) asymptotic equivalence of the = /^(l - u){f, T (u A T (X,0)\X) - flT (0\X))du < . 2473) notes that an efficient weighted QR estimator (in the sense of attaining the relevant obtained by weighting the original Koenker and Bassett is (0|A"). Since the variance of the equivalent to a \ (l-u)-u-du=l-\A T (X,l3)\- f semiparametric efficiency bound) is which A T (X, P(t)) the approximation error mostly small and the conditional density fy {y\X) does not vary much The 3, and density weights constructed using a kernel method. The previous argument suggests there are two reasons for quantiles. bounded fy (Q T (Y\X)\X) as being the primary determinant of the importance • variability of conditional density is (12) . sample analog of Q T (y|A') QR proportional to l//£ r (0|A"), Powell's estimator estimator for conditional quantiles under correct specification. GLS fit minimand by 2 is and Powell's estimator under correct specification is The first order noted by Knight (2002). Partial Quantile Correlation 2.4 The QR least squares interpretation of has a practical payoff in that we can use is QR to express each CQF on each coefficient as a coefficient in a bivariate LS it to develop a QR. The idea here projection of the unknown regression-decomposition scheme and an omitted variables bias formula for been "partialled out." Since regressor, after the effects of other regressors have these derivations rely on least-squares algebra, a pre-requisite for the development of this de- composition is a version of the LS approximation property with weights that are fixed in the optimization problem. Theorem This version of the 2 (Iterative QR minimand is given in the theorem below. Approximation Property) Under the conditions of Theorem QR 1, coefficients satisfy the equation (3(t) = arg min E A 2T (X, /?)] [w T (X) (P2) , where w T (X) = = Theorem 2 differs If i The (13) 1 fY {u-X'P(r) -J from Theorem using the solution vector to the characterizes the r feT (u-A r (X,0(r))\X) du 1 QR + (l-u)Q T (Y\X)\X) du. in that the weights are defined ex post, problem. Theorem 2 (14) i.e., they are defined complements Theorem 1 in that it QR coefficient as a fixed point to an iterated minimum distance approximation. relationship between the weighting functions in relationship between the weights used to Theorems and 1 2 compute a continuously updated is 5 analogous to the GMM Estimator and the corresponding iterated estimator (see Hansen, Heaton, and Yaron, 1996). The weighting variable. wT (X) is again related to the conditional density of the dependent In particular, for a response variable with w T (X) = 1/2 smooth conditional density around the we have relevant quantile, 5 function • fY (Q T {Y\X)\X) + rT (X), where \r T (X)\ < 1/4 • |A r (X,/?(r))| In other words, given weights defined in terms of /3(t), the solution to the weighted approximation is /3(r). It is easy to show that this fixed point property defines the the unique solution to the original QR problem. /3(t) |/'| , minimum (15) distance uniquely whenever /3(t) is where r T (X) a remainder term and the density fy (y\X) has a is by a constant, denoted a.s. /'. When 6 wT (X) either kwt (X,0(t)) so the approximate weighting function evaluated at is d—\ when (16) QR the coefficient vector is variables X2, along with the corresponding partition of f 2] can now decompose w T (X), l Thus, coefficients. X = [Xi,X' We small, » -fY {Q T (Y\X)\X), the same as before is is defined with regard to a partition of the regression vector into a variable, X\, and the remaining QR or /' bounded solution value. its Partial quantile correlation the A T (X,P(r)) derivative in y first Q T (Y\X) done just as can be for (3(T) , = X'^x , (P1 (r),p2 (r) y. (17) and X\ using orthogonal projections onto X2 weighted by weighted least squares Q T (Y\X) = X 2 n Q + q T (Y\X), Xi = + Vlt such that such that mean regression: E[w T (X) E[wT (X) X2 X Vi] q T (Y\X)} 2 = (18) 0, = 0. (19) In this decomposition, q T (Y\X) and V\ are residuals created by a weighted linear projection of the CQF, mathematics Q T (Y\X), for least and X\ on X 2 , respectively, using w T (X) as weight. 7 Then, standard squares gives = argminS 0i(t) (q T (Y\X) - Vrfi) [wT (X) (Q T (Y\X) - V^f) [w T (X) 2 ] (20) , ft and also = argminS A(r) (21) . pi This shows that the sense that it (3\(t) can be interpreted as the "partial quantile correlation coefficient" can be obtained from a regression of the CQF, partialled out the effect of by the QR weighting X 2 . Both the partialling-out Q T (Y\X), in on X\, once we have and second-step regressions are weighted function. Figure 4 shows partial quantile correlation plots for the effect of schooling on wages, adjusting for the effect of 6 The remainder term i-|A r (Jf,/3(T))|7 8 a quadratic function of potential experience. 8 For this example the sample age Thus, tt q =E /' is \r T = w T {X) - (X)\ \ /£t (0|X) ^u-du^l-\A T (X,P(r))\- f [w T {X)X 2 X'2 \- Potential experience is 1 E . [w T (X)X 2 Qr{Y\X)\ and defined in the standard way as age m=E [w - T {X)X2 X'2 ]- years of schooling 1 E - 6. [w T (X)X2 X 1 ] range extended to 30-54 to increase the range of variation of potential experience, and the is sample restricted to white is CQF i.e. q T (Y\X) plotted against Vi; while the solid line represents the partial QR CQF The dashed linear for every quantile. As schooling without controls. be close to of log-earnings given schooling looks to line is a counterfactual QR with the same slope as for for conventional least squares estimates (see the omission of experience causes since experience correspond to the scatterplot of and of log-earnings In this example, the partial slope. in the figure and schooling for the 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 the partial residuals of the 0.90 quantiles, men. 9 The points downward bottom right panel), bias in the coefficient of schooling for every quantile, and schooling are negatively correlated and experience raises wages. Omitted Variables Bias 2.5 The previous we can discussion suggests use a reasoning process analyzing omitted variables bias in the context of tation of QR coefficients. variables on X\ X QR. Here we use to construct formal relationship between "long" In particular, suppose — [X[, X 2 ]', but X2 is we much QR like that for OLS when the least squares interpre- coefficients and "short" QR are interested in a quantile regression with explanatory not available, e.g. ability in the wage equation. We run QR only, obtaining the coefficient vector 7l (T) = argminE[pr (y-^ 7l)]. (22) 71 The long regression coefficient vectors are (/3i(t),/?2(t)), defined by OW^r)')' = arg pin E[pT (Y - Xjfl - X'2 fo)]. (23) P1,P2 Finally, it is useful to define a remainder term Rt (X) = Q t (Y\X)-X' P 1 equal to the residual of the of Xi in the long The QR. If the CQF, CQF and 7i(r) 3 (Long is and Short linear, X\ and X2 then Rr(X) , (24) not explained by the linear function = X'2 f32 {r). Coefficients) Suppose that the conditions of Theorem uniquely defined by (22). Then, 7i(r) The is (t), following theorem describes the relationship between 71 (r) and (3\{t). Theorem 9 given both 1 inclusion of black men 1 hold 1. = argmmE[w;(X)-A 2T (X :11 )}, complicates estimation of the weights and 10 CQF (25) because of small cells. A r (X,7i) = X[n - Q T (Y\X), where w*r {X) 2. IfE[w*(X) XiX[] is invertible, B x {r) = QR coefficients in a = Y - Q T (Y\X), 71 (r) = X j3\{t) l + XR X[]- l E[w*T {X) 1 r (X)}. (27) calculations, the omitted variables formula in this case QR to be equal to the corresponding long clear, there are (2G) £i(r), where two complications QR in the appears through the remainder term, Rr(X). In practice, as being approximated by the omitted linear part, variables on included variables is it X'^fiiij}- weighted by w*(X), while Large Sample Properties of QR While the First, the effect of case. shows the coefficients plus the coefficients weighted projection of omitted effects on included variables. seems 3 and ftr (u-AT (XMr))\X)du. \J E[w*T (X) As with OLS short and long short = eT parallel with OLS omitted variables seems reasonable to think of this Second, the regression of omitted for OLS it is unweighted. 10 and Robust Inference Under Misspeciflcation In this section, we study the consequences of misspeciflcation for large sample inference on the quantile regression process n $(r) = /3eR d The QR process V n 1 arg min /?(•), - treatment control problems, Xi/3), r the intercept T= e cf. and quantile-quantile Doksum (1974). To a treatment, denoted D, so we have quantile regression process $(•) ticular, - closed subinterval of (0, viewed as a function of the probability index ization of the quantile processes for receiving p T (Yz /3i(») (28) 1). f-f 2=1 — (/?i(»), $2{*))' r, is a regression general- plots used in univariate see this, X= suppose the regressor (1,D)'. measure and two-sample is a dummy Then, the components of the easily interpreted quantities. In par- measures the quantile function in the control group, and the slope /%(•) measures the quantile treatment effect (as a function of the probability r). When the regressors are continuous, $2{ 9 ) measures the quantile treatment effect as a response to a unit Note that the omitted variables bias formula derived here can be used to determined the bias from measure- ment error in regressors, by identifiying the error as the omitted variable. error is likely to generate an attenuation bias in QR as well as pointing this out. 11 OLS For example, classical measurement estimates. We thank Arthur Lewbel for change in the treatment. Under misspecification, the preted as approximating the quantile treatment function in the control group, in the sense stated in Previous studies of the or els, QR QR effect, slope process, $2(*), should be inter- while (3\(») approximates the quantile Theorem 1. process /?(•) focused on the linear location or scale shift Pitman deviations from these models. See especially Koenker and Machado Gutenbrunner and Jureckova (1992), Gutenbrunner, Jureckova, Koenker, Portnoy first purpose of this section misspecification of any type. is to extend previous limit theory for the The second purpose tion for currently used inference tools, is QR mod- (1999), (1993). The process to allow for to analyze the consequences of misspecifica- and derive inference procedures that remain valid under misspecification. Basic Large Sample Properties 3.1 The A.l following conditions are used to insure consistency: (Yi,X{,i < n) are iid on the probability space A. 2 The conditional density fy(y\X A. 3 E \\X\\ < oo, and for all t £ T, E is the unique solution in Theorem M. 4 (Consistency of = (f2, T, P) for each n. x) exists P-a.s. (5(t) defined to solve [(r - 1{Y < X'0(t)})X] = (29) d . QR Process) Under conditions A.l- A. 3, sup||/3(r)-/3(r)||= 0p (l). The (30) following additional conditions are imposed to obtain asymptotic normality: A. 4 The conditional density fy(y\X in x) is bounded and uniformly continuous in y, uniformly x over the support of (Y,X). A.5 J{t) = for — E some e Jy{X'P{t)\X)XX' > is positive definite 0. 12 and finite for all r, and E \\X\\ 2+e < oo Theorem J(.)v^I converges weakly model zero ^ The proof of this ~ So(-, JZ mean Gaussian its =E (r, r 1 ) result (in the appendix) is is where a uniform central relies theorem holds Q T (Y\X). ditional quantile function (EII^'Efr.T') is {Y < , where X'p(r')}) XX'}. (31) X'(3{t), then - tt'} E [XX'}. (32) it does not rely on for the process case, or explicit chaining difficult to establish for all QR problems (see fully In particular, extensions for this functional class. and imposes little structure on the underlying con- For example, smoothness of nonparametric estimation approach, on the QR is Q T (Y\X) in not needed. process, since it X, which Theorem is 5 implies that not proportional to the covariance function of the standard d-dimensional [min(r, r') — tt'} I, unlike in the correctly specified case, where (EXX'^EoiT, t') = which 1 {z{t)z{t')'} primarily on the fact that the functional class also has important consequences for general inference Brownian bridge =E and various Markovian data are immediate. 5 allows for misspecification needed to pursue the 0p (l) Donsker. Thus, the theorem easily extends to a wide range of cases limit to strong, uniformly mixing, Theorem + of independent interest, since which are not applicable Portnoy, 1991). In contrast, the proof Rd } - [min(r, r') arguments, which are case-specific and therefore {1{Y < X'P},(3 £ (r' Q T (Y\X) = = t process z{»), in the space of bounded function X'(3(t)}) i.e. X that •)• either convexity arguments, e.g. " 1{* < Xtf{.)}) (• covariance function T,(t,t') correctly specified, is •) = =E[{t-1{Y< £(r, t') In general, £(-, Process) Under A.1-A.5, we have /?(•)) defined by is S(r,r') the - (/3(.) to a tight £°°(T), where z(«) When QR 5 (Gaussianity of [min(r, r') in turn implies that the conventional inference - tt'} J, methods developed (33) in Koenker and Machado (1999) do not apply under misspecification. Moreover, the problem of a nonstandard covariance function cannot be alleviated by the Khmaladzation techniques implemented in Koenker and Xiao (2002). We therefore rely on Theorem 5 to develop general inference methods on the QR process that are robust to misspecification. An important though previously known corollary of Theorem 5 standard errors used for basic pointwise inference are 13 is that the conventional not robust to misspecification. This follows from the from fact that the covariance kernel T,(t,t') generally differs T,q(t,t'). In particular, we have: Corollary = 6 T, k Tfe (Finite-Dimensional Limit Theory) Under A.1-A.5, for a 1 1, K, ..., the regression quantile statistics y/n($(Tk)—(3(Tk)) are asymptotically jointly normal, with asymptotic variance given by _1 J(Tfc) between the k-th and l-th subsets equal to J(t/ £(•, Chamberlain (1994) and Hahn (1997) give r eT, - y/n{P(r) (3{t)) -^ TV" (0,V(r) the variance formula simplifies to Vo{t) i.e. r = r(l — r) for r (In this case, the 0.5. = (1 we have is ) S(t ! / c 1 ,t;)J(t/)~ . and asymptotic covariance Under correct specification - 2r) J(t)- • 1 E ((1{Y < . u Under is a given for correct specification \XX'}J~ 1 {t). Hence commonly [r for the re- median, — 1{Y < X' /3(r)}] 2 = 1/4 = is < Q T (Y\X)}) XX') J(t)~\ of misspecification, the difference grows as (34) we move away can be positive or negative depending on the sign of specification error it < r XX' For example, . if X one-dimensional and is 1/2 the difference between V(r) and Vq(t) corresponding conditional quantile values of the regressor, (t)) V(t) under misspecification except X'P(t) - 1{Y correlation with the elements of positive, then for 1 the difference between Vq(t) and V(r) same degree that, for the for a single quantile, that this result for 1 two formulae coincide because 0.5). Also, since from the median and its c = J- (t)Z(t,t)J= J _1 (r)r(l — t)E ported estimates of Vq{t) are inconsistent and _1 _1 E(r/c ,Tfc)J(rfc) replaced with Eo(-, ) in these expressions. is •) finite collection is will be positive if Y the lower than the linear approximation for higher absolute and negative otherwise, i.e. if the conditional quantile is above the linear approximation for these values. Table and 1 illustrates these basic implications their asymptotic by reporting estimates of the schooling standard errors, using the two alternative formulae Vq(t) and V(r), empirical example considered in the previous section. Panel from regressions of log-earnings on schooling B Panel presents the same schooling The is biased downwards is above the linear approximation "See also reports QR and OLS from a model that also controls The standard for the coefficients 1990 and 2000 census samples, while for race and a errors were estimated using equations Kim and White and 0.90). commonly reported standard Here, the since, for the high levels of schooling severe, the conditional quantile is A alternative estimates of the standard errors are fairly close, with the biggest differences for tail quantiles (0.10 error for the 1980, coefficients quadratic function of potential experience. (44)- (46), below. coefficients where misspecification below the linear approximation for the 0.90 quantile. (2002). 14 for the 0.10 quantile, is more while it Simultaneous (Uniform) Inference 3.2 An alternative to pointwise inference Kolmogorov-type uniform inference on the is Uniform inference provides a parsimonious strategy cess. test, in QR pro- study of changes in an entire Here we derive robust uniform confidence regions that allow us to response distribution. multaneously for the si- the Scheffe sense, a variety of potentially multi-faceted hypotheses about conditional distributions without compromising significance levels. Examples include tion tests (omission of variables), stochastic dominance, constant treatment effects, specifica- and changes in distribution. Of tice. course, a finite Nevertheless, number of quantile regression coefficients are always estimated in prac- convenient to treat the quantile-specific estimates as realizations it is still of a stochastic process rather than as a large vector of parameters. construction of joint confidence intervals sion, K= estimated at 20 different quantiles and covariance terms to be estimated Theorem for, say, is d (i.e., = increments of dK(dK + To 2 of the coefficients = l)/2 820. The number .05). The see this, consider the from a quantile regresof variance functional limit result in 5 allow us to avoid this high-dimensional estimation problem. 12 This approach also leads to a convenient graphical inference procedure, illustrated below. The simplest use of the quantile regression process H : For example, we might want to R{t)'(3{t) test zero over the whole quantile process, This corresponds to R(r) = i.e. [0, ..., 1, ...0]' to test linear hypotheses of the form: all reT. (35) coefficient corresponding to the variable j is whether = for all with 1 reT. in the j — (36) th position and r(r) = 0. Similarly, to construct uniform or simultaneous confidence intervals for parameters or for linear functions of parameters of the form R{t)'(3(t) The r(r) for whether the /5,-(t) we may want = is - t{t) for all t e T. (37) following corollaries facilitate both hypotheses testing and the construction of confidence intervals in this framework: 12 Formally, this is continuously, so that \fn{p{jk) — 0(Tk)), fc because the empirical quantile regression process v/n(/3(«) —/?(•)) • = 1, ..., K, for is /n(/3(») • v approximately equivalent to a large a suitably fine grid of quantile indices 15 — /?(•)) asymptotically behaves finite collection of regression quantiles Tk = {ric, fc = 1, ..., K} C T. , Corollary 2 (Kolmogorov Statistic) Under V{t) — V{t) + where \x\ 1-1/2 ' norm denotes the sup sM ~ R(t)'V(t)R(t)] sup and 5, any (35), for T op (l) uniformly in r 6 Kn = Theorem the conditions of of a vector, i.e. (R(t)'P(t) \x\ — maxj - K, r(r) \xA, and K, is a. (38) random variable with an absolutely continuous distribution, defined as K= " 1/2 sup [R{t)'V{t)R(t)] I 1 R{t)'J{t)- z{t)\ (39) . Corollary 3 (General Uniform Inference) Then, for n(a) denoting k(a) any consistent estimate of and the a- quantile ofK, it, lim p{y/n(R(T)'f3(T) - r{r)) E fn {r), for all r € t\ = 1 - a, (40) where &(t)= \[R{T)V{T)R{T)r l/2 ^{R{r)'Kr)-r(r)-u{T))\<k{l- a ) [u(r): when For example, R(t)'(3(t) = £(r) The — r(r) is scalar, - r(r) R(t)'0(t) [ b, where b (41) we have *(i-«^Wl^ ± 1 . ( 42 ) k(a) can easily be obtained by subsampling in cross-sectional applications of critical values the sort considered here. Let I\,...,Ig be size ]. — oo, > 6/n — > 0, 5 ^ B randomly chosen subsamples of (Yl,Xi,i < n) of - oo as n > oo. First, compute the test statistic for each subsample " K Ijtb where /?/ ,(,(t) is the = sup QR can replace Vo(/?/ ^(r) AIj>b (r) = estimate using subsample As noted above, Tft- n , {Kj ltb , ..., — /5(r)) by -J(r)" 1 Corollary 4 (Consistent grid >/&JR(r)' J [ the subsampling sequence estimator: !/2 R(r)'F(r) R(r)l J I its first ^£ /?(a)) in practice Kj B ^}. ie7 .(r If Ij. b (r) - Wi < (43) I, Then, define «(«) as the a-quantile of order approximation, which ~ P(t)) recomputation of quantiles is is not desirable, one a re-centered one-step *W)*i- The estimator k(q) we (% , described above, is consistent for k{q) T replace the continuum of quantile indices where the distance between adjacent grid points goes 16 to zero as n — -> by a oo. . finite- Since the ' inference processes considered arc stochasl icallv e<|iiicon( iniions, his I replacement does nol affect, the asymptotic theory. To make previous methods operational, we inference also need uniformly consistent estima- components of the variance formulae: tors for the ±£(T-l{Yi<XL$(r)W-l{Y n *— = Z(t,t') i <Xi$(T')})-XiXl, (44) i=l E = (r,r') [min(r,r')-rr']--Vl I 4 (45) i=i r Y l{\Yi-X[P{r)\<K}-X Xl = i^ ZTiriji J(r) (46) i i i=i where h n is — such that h n and h\n > — > oo. 13 The next result establishes the uniform consistency of these estimators. Corollary 5 The estimators shown E\\X\\ 4 in equations (44)-(46) are uniformly consistent in (r,r') if <oo. The Figure 5 illustrates uniform inference in our empirical example. 95% pointwise and uniform regressions of log-earnings on schooling, race estimates. and a quadratic function The in 1980, of experience, using data lines indicate the The uniform bands were obtained by subsampling using 200 = size b 5n 2 / 5 and a grid of quantiles Txn , figure suggests the returns to schooling were low (except for r > .85, where they shift up), increased sharply and became more heterogeneous in = {.1, .15, and OLS — 200) repetitions .9}. ..., corresponding (B 14 essentially flat across quantiles a finding similar to Buchinsky's (1994) using Current Population Surveys (CPS) for this period. also confirmed in the shows robust confidence intervals for the schooling coefficient /?(•) from quantile from the 1980, 1990 and 2000 censuses. The horizontal with subsample figure On the other hand, the returns 1990 and especially in 2000, a result we CPS. Since the uniform confidence bands do not contain a horizontal line, we can reject the hypothesis of homogeneous returns to schooling for 1990 and 2000. Moreover, the uniform band for statistically significant 1990 does not overlap with the 1980 band, suggesting a marked and change in the relationship between schooling and the conditional wage distribution in this period. 15 A variety of other hypotheses regarding the returns to schooling can similarly be tested using Figure 5. Note also that the uniform bands are not much wider than "Following Koenker (1994), we use Hall and Sheather's (1988) rule setting h n = c • n~ 1/3 . Chernozhukov (2002) discusses subsampling for QR inference in greater detail. 15 Using Bonferoni bounds, our graphical test that looks for overlap in two 95% confidence bands has a 14 17 sig- the corresponding pointwise bands due to the high correlation between individual coefficients in QR the process. 4 Estimates of Changing Residual Inequality One of the most significant and widely-studied developments in the last three decades inequality, as is American economy The broad pattern has been one the changing wage structure. of increasing measured by either the variance or the gap between upper and lower quantiles of the wage distribution. ratio of the .9 and For example, Katz and Autor (1999) note that the 90-10 ratio quantiles) increased by 25 percent from 1979 to 1995. .1 Wage (i.e. due The increase in wage inequality differentials associated US wage data are changes in the way in part to is the inequality appears to have continued to increase since 1995, though the recent inequality trend clear-cut in the is less collected (Lemieux, 2003). typically described as arising in two ways: increasing wage with observed worker characteristics such as education and experience, and increased dispersion conditional on these characteristics. The first, known as "between- group inequality," has increased as a consequence of changes in the distribution of characteristics, and especially changes in the economic returns to these characteristics. in the For example, increases economic return to schooling have been an important factor working to increase overall The known wage dispersion. - not directly linked to changes in the distribution of covariates or their returns, second, in residual inequality are in Juhn, An Murphy, and sometimes said to reflect increasing - by definition though increases returns to "unobserved skills" (as Pierce, 1993). easily see this, note that if we approximate Q T (Y\X) is that by X' (3{t), with log wages as the dependent provided by X'[(3(t) a key difference between quantile regression and OLS is be used to construct a measure of within-group or residual inequality. variable, then the within-group r to r' ratio an is appealing feature of quantile regression as a tool for understanding wage inequality QR coefficients can To as within-group or "residual inequality," mean — 0(t')]. This fact highlights regression: a ceteris paribus increase in regression coefficient increases a variance-based measure of between-group inequality, without changing within-group inequality as measured by the residual variance. a ceteris paribus increase in any non-central quantile, measured by the spread from the r to nificance level of approximately 10% (1 — .95 1 —r 2 ). A r, In contrast, increases within-group inequality as quantiles. test with exactly 5% size can be obtained by constructing confidence bands for the difference in estimated quantiles across years, again using the procedure outlined in section 3.2. 18 QR Summary The 4.1 Our goal in this brief empirical section equality in the 1980, 1990, participation, men Picture we continue QR to use linear is to measure changing residual in- and 2000 censuses. To mitigate the impact of changes in labor force to focus on a prime-age sample consisting of US-born white and black aged 40-49. Figure 6 provides a compact QR-generated from 1980 through 2000. The summary of the evolution of residual inequality figure plots the averaged (across covariates) conditional quantiles of earnings, as predicted from a QR The function of potential experience. model controlling for schooling, race, and a quadratic leftmost panel shows the unconditional quantiles, i.e., the marginal earnings distribution; the middle panel conditions on covariate means for each year; 16 the third panel fixes the covariate means at their 1980 values. Each panel shows quantiles for the three census years, plotted using a line-width determined by the uniform inference bands for fitted values derived from our QR To estimates of the quantile process. of inequality while holding location fixed, the line for each year is facilitate a comparison centered at median earnings for that year. The largest shift in unconditional distributions occurred This in the lower half of the earnings distribution. shift between 1980 and 1990, primarily is statistically significant, as seen from the fact that the bands for these two years do not overlap. and C with Panel is because conditioning smooths out some of the heaping commonly found in Panel B shows a clear increase in residual inequality from 1980 to 1990, with a continuing increase from 1990 to 2000. is that it when An interesting feature of the latter increase, appears to have occurred only in the upper half of the wage distribution. Below the median, the conditional quantiles pattern B shows the residual distribution shifting more smoothly than the marginal survey-based earnings data. however, comparison of Panels A This distribution. A can be the covariate distribution is a similar asymmetry in their analysis of for 1990 and 2000 overlap. Panel held fixed. CPS C shows a similar Autor, Katz, and Kearney (2004) report data, with virtually all inequality growth in the 1990s in the upper half of the wage distribution. 4.2 Accuracy of the While Figure whether the this period, 16 Panel C QR Picture 6 provides a useful distillation of the linear QR results, QR model accurately captures key features both overall and for specific groups. The we are especially interested in of changing residual inequality in large census data sets allow us to compare uses a slightly different schooling recode to maximize comparability; see the appendix for details. 19 QR CQF. estimates with the corresponding non-parametric estimates of the analysis of 1980 census data in the previous section, inequality by assessing the quality of the Figures 7 and 8 show the regressor is corresponding at the .75 QR As and QR CQF in to the fit for 1980, the fit and 2000 census data. for 1990 sets, for a model where the sole reasonably good at fit is all QR A Panel of Table regression line to the Chamberlain of the linear model to the CQF. Again, as More evidence on not too far from linear. quantiles, quantiles than lower down, especially for 2000. .9 compare the CQF both census data Paralleling the analysis of changing residual though Again, the 1. MD line, obtained from for 1980, the almost indistinguishable, suggesting the importance weights are lines are is to the coefficient estimates are reported in figures also a histogram-weighted CQF fit years of schooling. somewhat worse The QR we begin our flat MD and QR and/or the true the nature of the weighting function can be seen in Figures 9 and 10, which plot importance weights and histogram weights, and Figures 11 and 12, which plot the importance weights and density weights. the conditional density of quantiles flat at all To assess the and in Y given X, and hence the QR figures establish that importance weights, are indeed fairly both years. QR performance of measuring residual inequality, Table 2 reports as a tool for alternative inter-quantile spreads constructed from the for the These CQF and QR. Panel A reports estimates whole sample, averaged using the sample distribution of the covariates. This panel shows an important overall increase in the distribution of in wage and returns inequality, which cannot be totally explained by changes to the covariates. The spread remarkably well; the latter runs from 1.20 to QR 90-10 spread tracks the CQF 90-10 1.43, while QR implies a 90-10 spread ranging from 1.19 to 1.45 in the model that controls for schooling, race and experience. are equally good for Results the inter-quartile range and the two-half-spreads, and for the model that only controls for schooling. The asymmetry of residual inequality growth since 1990 can be seen by comparing the change in the 90-50 and 50-10 spreads. The evolution of residual inequality for specific schooling groups provides a more stringent test of the QR approach. Panels B and C of Table 2 report results from a model that includes schooling with and without potential experience and race, evaluated for specific schooling groups. The 90-10 spread based on the CQF for high school graduates 1.09 in 1980 to 1.26 in 1990 to 1.29 in 2000, values similarly the CQF for show an increase from high school graduates, in the first decade, when (12 years of schooling) race and experience are included. shows an increase fitted 1.32 in 2000. Thus, like around .14 with essentially no change in the second. 20 and QR in residual inequality of 1.17 in 1980 to 1.31 in 1990 QR moves from The results are similar without controlling for race The and experience. evolution of the inter-quartile range appears to have been broadly similar to that of the 90-10 spread While residual inequality grew little for for the high school group. high school graduates in the 1990s, college graduates (16 years of schooling) saw a substantial increase and Kearney's (2004) comparison of QR captures the essential CQF from the the 1990s. wage dispersion. This echoes Autor, Katz, features of this pattern remarkably well. The 90-10 spread estimated graduates increased from 1.26 to 1.44 in the 1980s and then to 1.55 in for college QR The corresponding and then to 1.57 in and high school graduates using the CPS. Again, college estimates imply an increase from 1.19 to 1.38 in the 1980s, The in the 1990's. QR estimates also capture about two-thirds of the growth in residual inequality over the entire period for the other spreads considered. QR The ability of to track these changes seems especially impressive given the changes (detailed in the data appendix) in the underlying schooling variable across censuses. 4.3 QR-based measures As with variance-based measures imations to provide convenient ready discussed where r is summary is we can use of dispersion, summary measures the inter-quantile range: some high and or typical measure of residual inequality / quantile spreads and their of residual inequality. A QR approx- natural measure al- IQRry[Y\X] ^X'/3{t)-X'P{t') =X'[P(t)-P(t')}, index, for example 90%, RIr>r On of inequality = Med{lQRry[Y\X]} ** is r' is some low index, for example 10%. A the median IQR, Med{X'(3(r) -X'/3(r')} . (47) the other hand, a reasonable measure of between-group inequality can be given by the inter-quantile range of the conditional median: BI r T , = , which measures the variation To grade the relative IQ^ T ,{Med[Y\X}} £ IQRr^iX' 0(1/2)}, (48) in the central location of the conditional distribution. importance of within and between-group inequality, we can define the following "residual-to-totai" ratio and RTR,. = QR its approximation: [MedjIQRrMX]}]* 2 [MedilQRr^lYlX]}] + [iQ^iMed^X]}] 2 [Med{X'f3(T)-X'f3{T')}\ [Med{X'(3(T) - X'P(t')}} 21 2 (50) + [lQRT y{X't3{\/2)}\ The RTR measure can be motivated by an analogy to traditional analysis of variance models, where the ratio of residual to total variance "1 is — R2 " i.e. , E{V[Y\X}} E{V[Y\X}} + V{E[Y\X}}- RTR replaces standard deviation with inter-quantile range as { ' a measure of dispersion and means with medians as a measure of location. In fact, in the classical normal location-shift model, Y= (this X' j3 + U, the two measures coincide definition of RTR), but they would be and the natural restrictions satisfies the reason is different in general. < RTRry < RTR necessarily equals 1 if Y when conditional dispersion is Table 3 compares is independent of X 17 why the squares are present in the RTR is nonnegative by construction 1. (52) (no between-group inequality) and equals zero (no within-group inequality). ANOVA and quantile- based estimates of between-group inequality, group inequality, and the relative importance of within-group inequality and a linear variates. and CQ-based measures are generally QR and closer for within-group inequality CQ-based measures suggest a sharp increase group and between-group inequality, especially in the upper grew much in the relative go from 80% faster than RI.50,10 an d BIso,io- On 81% between We a is 78% ANOVA-based in 2000. least 1 An no clear trend Some of these conclusions squares approximation to a nonlinear CEF. tools for in within- measures, but the latter does have shown how linear quantile regression provides a weighted partial quantile plots for tails. least squares an unknown and potentially nonlinear conditional quantile function, much as to co- For example, the QR-based RTRgo^o 1980 and 1990, and then back to not capture the asymmetric changes in the upper and lower Summary and than For example, RIgo.so and tail. the other hand, there importance of within-group inequality. to general trends are also captured by the standard 5 within- both a non-parametric model of log-earnings that includes schooling, race and potential experience as QR between-group inequality. Both BIgo,50 for The QR approximation OLS provides approximation property leads to and an omitted variables bias formula, analogous to standard specification OLS. alternative choice for the denominator leads to a relative measure that can exceed is the marginal interquantile range 1. 22 Q T (Y) — Q T >(Y). However, this A natural question raised by the relationships explored here changes in sample design. approximation changes in as well. Like the the QR OLS is stratified samples. Of course, an OLS regression line has this approximation to a nonlinear weighting scheme seems CQF change as the histogram of like The is While misspecification of the CQF test QR may change Finally, process. as the nature of the we used QR fit for by the it QR may be subpopulations of special for The of correct specification QR of the QR, it uniform confidence intervals and a interpretation of such tests is is more dropped. The results of a global approximation changes. of between and within-group inequality. For the wage distribution remarkably most well. part, linear Of QR cap- particular interest the finding that the growth of within-group inequality between 1990 and 2000 in the m< the tools here to describe the wage distribution in three censuses, proposing tures the evolution of the conditional an expansion 1 have presented a misspecification-robust distribution This provides a foundation when the assumption summary measures is 1 changes (though functional form does not affect the usefulness of We basis for global tests of hypotheses about distribution. subtle, however, ; a topic we plan to explore in future work. does have implications for inference. theory for the X role played an empirical, application-specific question. Jn practice, of interest to use stratification weights to improve the linear This fc to QR approximation to a nonlinear CEF, the nature of the weights underlying not otherwise, since the importance weights are a function of X). interest. QR the sensitivity of Unlike a postulated-as-true linear model, the nature of the is largely due to upper half of the conditional wage distribution and the growing inequality wage distribution of college graduates. Traditional regression-based inequality measures miss these developments. 23 A Appendix: Proofs A.l We Proof of Theorem 1. have that = aigmmE[p T (Y - X'0)\. 0(t) Then, we can subtract and depend on E[pT (Y — finite is Q T (Y\X))}, by condition (3(t) = (53) without affecting the optimization, because it does not (ii): - arg min {E[p T (Y - E[p T (Y - Q T (Y\X))}} X'0)) 0€R d (54) . Write E[p T (e r -A T (X,0))}-E[p = E[(t- < l{e T T (e T A T (X,0)}) (e T = E [(l{eT < A T (X, /?)} - r) )] - A T {X,0))] -E[(t- A T (X, -E (3)} [(l{e T < < l{e T A T (X,/3)} 0})e r - ] (55) < l{e T 0}) eT ] Now, write I = E [(l{e T < A T (X:P)} - t)A t (X,P)} = E [E [(l{e T < A T (X,(3)} - t)\X] A T (X,f3)} l ] = E[[FeT (A T (X,P)\X)-F£T (Q\X)]A T (X,P)} (56) (6) E (J (c) where fCr (uA T (X,/3)\X)du) by the law of iterated expectations, (a) is density), f£ AuA T (X,P)\X)A T (X,P)duJA T (X,P) and (c) is by II (b) is A 2T (X,p) by condition (i) (a.s. existence of conditional linearity of the integral. Similarly, =E G [l{eT [0, A T (X,p)}} • \e T \]+E [l{e T 6 [A T (X,/3),0]} \e T \ (57) = E[l{u T e[O,l]}-Ur-\A T {X,0)\) where uT Next, note that for the case =e T /A T {X,P) uT = l if if A T (X,/3)^0, A T {X,0) =0. (58) A T (X,@) ^ fUT (u\X) du = feT (uA T (X,j3)\X) £[1K€[0,1]K|X]-|A T (X,/?)| \A T (X,j3)\ ufUT (u\X)du / Jo 24 du, so (59) |A.(X,/3)| (60) uflr (uA T {X,P)\X)du -A;{X, /?)• (61) For cases when A T (X,/3) = E[l{u T € Thus, [0, \A T (X,P)\ l\}u T \X} = 0. (62) follows that it n = E[l{uT e[O,l}}uT \A T (X,l3)\)=E[E[l{uT <=[O,l}}uT \X}\A T (X,0)\} (63) A 2T (X,P) f uftT (uA T (X,0)\X)du Jo Proof of Theorem A. 2 We have to prove that /3(r) 2. that solves /3(T) = aigmmE[pT (Y-X'0)}, (PI) 0eR d is equal to P* (t) that solves 13* {t) = £ arg min 0eu d The FOC for program (P2) is [w T (X) A 2T (X,p)} (P2) . given by 2 E [w T (X) A t (X,P*{t)) X] = (64) 0, where The FOC for program (PI) is -Jf {u-A T {X,p{r))\X)du. iT (65) given by I'=E which by calculations similar to those ( /' => l = w T {X) < A t (X,P(t))} -t) X] = [(l{eT in (56) (66) 0, can be written as A t (X,(3(t))} - t) \X]-X] E[E[(l{e T < = E [(Fer (A T (X, p(r))\X) - Fir (0\X)) X] • (b) feT (uA T (X,0(r))\X)A T (X,P(T))du\ (c) J where (a) is feT (uA T (X,P(T))\X)du) by the law of iterated expectations, linearity of the integral. By the definition of I' Finally, note that this is = precisely the 2 E (b) is a.s. A T (X,p(r)) X existence of conditional density, and (c) for A t (X,(3{t)) program X] = 0. it uniquely solves the follows that P*(t) = FOC. Hence since the (PI) P(t) uniquely solves the FOC for 25 (68) (P2). Both program (Pi) and program (P2) are convex. (PI) has unique solution means by wT (X) [w T {X) FOC by (67) X /3(t) and (P2) have the same both programs. H. by assumption, which first order condition, it Proof of Theorem A. 3 Taking claim 1 as given, claim 2 = remains to prove claim population is immediate: is = E[w*T (X)X 7l (r) It 3. Pl(r) The 1. +E first X[}- 1 E [w;(X)X l (X'1 p l (T) 1 [w T {X)X l X[\- l E [w* T {Xx ) eT X.RriX)} (69) (70) . order condition of the quantile regression of Y on X\ in the given by E {{\{Y<X[ 1i {t)}-t)X or for + R T (X))} 1 \=Q, (71) = Y - Q T (Y\X) and A T (A, 7l (r)) = A| 7i (t) - Q T {Y\X), E [(l{e T < A T (X, 7l (r))} - r) X = l 0. ] (72) This can be rewritten as E since P{e T < 0\X X } E[l{e T [E[l{eT < A T (X, 7l (r))} - = E[P{e T < 0|Xi,X2 } < A t (X, 7 i(t))} - l{e T < 0}\X \X X = C 1 ] J ] = l{e T E[r\Xi\ < 0}\XX = X = 0, x ] Write r. A T (X, 7l (r))} E[E[l{e T < (73) ] - l{e T < 0}\X]\Xi] E[[F^(A T (X ni (r))\X) - F,r (0|X)]|Xi] 'I Y /£t ( U A t (A, 7i (t))|X) /£T ( U A r (A, 7l A T (A\ 7l (T))d U (r))|A)rf^ |x ) A T (A, 7l (r))|x! (74) where by (a) is by the law of iterated expectations, linearity of the integral. Defining 2 E [E [w*T (X) (b) is by a.s. existence of conditional density, L f£T (uA T (X, 7i(r))|X)c?u, we can and (c) rewrite the previous A t (X, 7i (t))|X • 1] X 1] = (75) 0, by the law of iterated expectations 2E Finally, note that this is A. 4 [w*(X) A T (A, 7l (r)) X,} = precisely the first order condition for the 7l (r) We \ order condition as first or, w*(X) = = arg min E[w*(X) {X'xll 0. (76) program - Q T (Y\X)) 2 }M (77) Notation for Proofs of Theorems 4 and 5 use the following empirical processes in the sequel, for W = (Y,X) f^E n [f(W)\ = -T fW), f~G n [f(W)\ = i=i 26 -1= £(/W) - E v i=i \f{Wi))). (78) If /is an estimated tion G function, ^ E"=i(/W) - E w [/(W)l denotes 71 i)\) lf( and stochastic convergence concepts, such as weak convergence f= f- Other basic nota bounded the space of in stochastic equicontinuity, Donsker classes, and Vapnik-Cervonenkis (VC) classes, are used functions, and defined ai van der Vaart (1998). in Proof of Theorem 4 A. 5 Observe that, for each r in T, minimizes /?(t) Q n {r,P) = E n [p T (Y - X'P) - p T (Y - X'p{r))} . (79) . (80) Define Q 00 (r,/3) = E [p T (Y By A. 2 and A. 3, Qoo(t,P) is uniquely minimized at /3(r) for each r — Since by Knight's identity p T (u have, by setting p T (Y u X'p) - p T (Y - X'p(r))} = Y - X'P(r) v) and v - X'p) - p T (Y - X'p(r)) = — p T {u) = — (r — = X'(P - l{u < in 0})v T. + < Jq\1{u s] — l{u < 0}}ds, -(r-l{Y< X'0(t)})X'(/3 - P(r)) rX'(0-0(r)) + we P(t)), that (81) [1{Y / < X'P(t) +s}- 1{Y < X'P(T)}]ds. Jo Thus, it follows that for any p G < \Q x (t,P)\ We Rd 2 • E\X'(P - can also show that for any compact set Q„(t, P) This statement is £;||^|| • • ||/3 o p . (1), uniformly in (t, - P(t)\\ < co. P)eT (82) x B. LLN. The uniform convergence true pointwise by the Khinchin - 2 B = Q 00 (t, P) + \Q n (r',P') < p(r))\ Q n (r",P")\ < d • \t' - t"\ (83) follows because \\P' - P"\\, (84) E\\X\\ < oo. (85) + C2 where d= Hence the empirical process 2 E\\X\\ (r, /?) i— > sup 0€B \\p\\ Q n (r,P) is < cxd and C2 = 2 • stochastically equicontinuous, which implies the uniform convergence. Consider a collection of closed balls Bm(P{t)) of radius &m{t) -v(t), where v(t) is = (vi(t), ...,Vd{r))' a positive scalar such that 5m(t) 5m (r) is M and center /?(t), a direction vector with unity > M. Then and norm let Pm{ t ~ ||w(t)|| ) = uniformly in t £ T, (Qu(t,0m(t)) - Qn(r,/3(r))) > Q n (r,^,(r)) - Q n (T,p( T )) > Qoo{t,PIAt)) - Q^Pir)) + > e 27 M + op -(l), o p -(l) 1 P{ T ) + and 8m{t) for some cm > (b) follows where 0, (a) follows by convexity M from any M > within uniformly for (3(t) — 0, ||/3(t) M> any for line connecting (3m(t) and by the assumption that 0, the minimizer /3(r) t € T, with probability approaching to one. That M uniformly T with probability r 6 for all /3(r), /3(r) is the must be we have that is, approaching to one. Proof of Theorem 5 A. 6 First, < /3(r)\\ all on the m for (3* {t) (3, in (83), (c) follows 6 T. Hence unique minimizer of Q<x{0, r) uniformly in r for in by the uniform convergence established by the computational properties of /3(r), for all r € T, Theorem cf. 3.3 in Koenker and Bassett (1978): En \ip T (Y - X'0(t))X\ < const ~" f • " " where <p T {u) = T — l{u < P Hence uniformly ('sup Note that 0}. \\Xi\\ > n l/ A < Second, Gn (r, /3) i—> set, [</? [ip T p), (r", 1, ...,d (K — X' (3) X] T /?")) is a T—T the functional class s ,max VC X%(r))x\ = op . (n" 1/2 ) = o p -(n 1/2 since ), o(l). (88) (89) . stochastically equicontinuous over is ^ [(^ (7 - X'/3') X. is maxj£ x,..d equicontinuity then The uniform is l^lj, X This also Donsker with envelope equal T — T with X by Theorem 2.10.6 in also forms a Van B x T, where S is any ||/3(t) — and therefore by stochastic equicontinuity of In order to show 2, X,f] (90) , because the functional class class, with envelope by Theorem 2.10.6 Donsker class in Van 2. T= Hence der Vaart with a square integrable The stochastic a part of being Donsker. consistency sup TeT \ip r is X'/3") der Vaart and Wellner (1996). P(t)\\ = o p -(l) implies = V(1). supp((T,6(r)),(r,/?(r))) Gn - Vt „ (Y - 3 subgraph class and hence also Donsker and Wellner (1996). The product of • \\Xi\\ ) indexing the components of the vector {1{Y < X'(3},P G B} envelope 2 oo implies sup i<n > n l/2 < nE\\Xif+€ /n^ = nP(\\Xi\\ (Y - d e < with respect to the L2{P) pseudometric p((r', for j 2+e € T, in r En compact £||Xj|| (87) , J J] (Y - X'(3{t))x) = (91) note that for Gn (r, /?) i—> [<p T Gn [y T (V — X'j3) X] we have that {Y - X'/3(t))X] + o p -(l), uniformly in r. / denoting the upper bound on fy(y\X 28 (91) = (92) x), application of the Holder's inequality, a Taylor expansion and Cauchy-Schwai z inequality, give the series "I ini qualities: suppf(r,6(r)),(r,/3(T))) sup < max ,/£ . Uip T max sup X (Y - X'b(r)) 3 -<p r (Y- X'0(t)) Xtf] (Y-X'b(T))-<pT (Y-X'/3(T))\^ <p r iJ T6 7-j€l,...,d < max (£ \1{Y < sup X'b{r)} - 1{Y < X' 0(t)}\)*&™ (e \XA <sup(jS|/-X'(6(r)-/3(r))|)^W-(£;||X|| 2+£ T6T const • sup (/ • {E\\X\\ 1/2 2 \\b(r) ) - where the second inequality follows by binomiality of uating at 6(r) = , |<^ T < const • by uniform convergence and e > E[p T {Y-X'P)X]\ I,3=/5<t) is the mapping y (Y — ip T X'/?(r))|. Then, eval- on the is line sup - 0(t)\\*&+V =op -(1), (94) inrsT =E\fY (X'b(T)\X)XX']\I6(t)=/3*(t) 0(t)-P(t)), connecting /3(r) and /3(r) for each also uniformly consistent. Thus by A5, i.e. r. /3(t) is E\fY (X'b(.)\X)XX'} I lb(.)=0*(.) uniformly consistent by Theorem X, follows that it = £[/y.(X7?(.)|X)XX']+ v (95) the uniform continuity and boundedness of fy(y\x), uniformly in x over the support of i—> ||/3(r) 0. Third, by a Taylor expansion, uniformly hence /3*(r) (Y — X'b(r)) — r€T b(r)=/3(r) 4, / /?(r) supp((r,6(r)),(T,/3(r))) where P*(t) (93) )^ ^ /3(r)||) J "* ') \ T6 7-iei,...,d < 2+ (l) in £~(T). (96) > v J(.) Indeed, by A5 for any compact K, E [fY {X'b{»)\X)XX'l{X G K}] = JS [/y (X'/?(.)|X)XX'1{X I € K}]- I6(.)=/3*C») o(l). Then, fortf c = R d \A\ £ [/yp£T'6(.)|X) 0: l{X , J e K c }} £ [/y(X'/3(.)|X)XX'l{X and I 6 l6(.)=/3*(.) can be made arbitrarily small using E\\XX'\\ < in large samples. This follows by setting the set co and fY (X'f}(»)\X) < f K sufficiently large and a.s. Fourth, since the we have by left hand side (lhs) of (89) = lhs of 1/2 lhs of (95)+ n" (92), (97) using (96) •/(•)(/?(•) +n- 1 /2 " + /?(•)) G„[(p.(y 29 V sup Vrer X'/3(.))X] /3(r) - /3(r) + (98) 11/ II op-in- 1 '2 ) in £°°(T). X c }] > A > Since mineig (J(t)) 0, uniformly sup ||n- 1/2 G„ = [<p T (Y - X'/3(r))X] sup T€T >(A + Fifth, tinuous over T 1 o p . (n- 1/2 )|| + or ( sup (3(t)) ||/3(t) - /3(r)||)| r€T o p .(l))- E [X] S up||/3(r)-/3(r)||. Hence . (99) II r6T continuous. In fact, 1— > /3(r) is for /?(r) defined as solution to n->G„ by continuity of the mapping r h-» [ip r (Y — X'(3(t)) X] for the (3{t) Then, stochastic equicontinuity of t P((t',/3(t')), (t",/3(t"))). >-> it is E \(t — is continuously dif- 1{Y < X'0})X] pseudo-metric given by p(r' ,t") G„ [<Pt{Y — = stochastically equicon- = X'(3{t))X] and ordinary imply that G„ where 5. J(t)0(t) - by the implicit function theorem, we have that dP(r)/dT = J(t)~ CLT II + II by the stated assumptions, the mapping r ferentiable, since 0, inrgT z(») is - X'P(»))X] [<p.(Y => z(.) in e°°(T), a Gaussian process with covariance function S(», Therefore, the lhs of (99) is Op (n -1 / 2 (100) •) specified in the statement of Theorem implying ), sup||^(/3(r)-/?(r))||=O p .(i). Finally, (101) by (99)-(101) >/«(£(•) " /?(•)) = -^ _1 (-)Gn b.(y - A"/3(.))] + o p . (1) in £°°(T) (102) =4- A. 7 J" 1 (.)-2(.) in£°°(T). Proof of Corollaries Proof of Corollary 1. The result Proof of Corollary 2. The result follows Proof of Corollary 3. The result is immediate from Corollary Proof of Corollary 4. The result is immediate from and Corollary 2.4.1, for the case is when immediate from the definition of weak convergence by the continuous mapping theorem Politis, 2. Romano and Wolf (1999), the rescaling matrices are known. For the case are consistently estimated the proof follows by an argument similar to the proof of Politis, Romano and Wolf (1999). Finally, This result follows from Theorem 11.1 Proof of Corollary 5. Note that in we also need that Davydov, Lifshits, this corollary is Buchinsky and Hahn (1998) for consistency of J(t), whereas we require a uniform result. K in £°°(T). in £°°(T). Theorem when 2.2.1 the matrices Theorem 2.5.1 in has an absolutely continuous distribution. and Smorodina (1998). not covered by the results in Powell (1986) or because their proofs apply only pointwise in r, First, recall that J(r) We will = 2^-E„ [l{\Y - X'J{r)\ < hn } XiX(\ . (103) show that J(t) - J(t) = Op-(l) uniformly in r G 30 T . (104) = En Note that 2h n J(r) B set and f/,(/5(r), H positive constant , /?,„)] where , VC class {l{|Vi 4 (recall £?||Xj|| in £°°(B x < — < X[(3\ h}, sup B \\E n [fi sup J(t) follows + op (l) /i), < h}-XiX[. '/3| 2 S B,h £ /? Next, for any compacl a Donsker class with (0, //)} is (1996), since this a product is H}} and a square intergrable random matrix XiX- (0, h) >—> (/?, Gn converges to a Gaussian process [fi{(3, h)\ (l3,h)}-E[f (P,h)]\\=O p .(n-^ i II ||e„ [ft(fi(T), 2 (105) ). II be any compact set that covers Hence (104) t which implies that 0eB,O<h<H Letting he € B, (3 -X l{|y Van der Vaart and Wellner in oo by assumption). Therefore, (0,//)), = the functional class {fi{P, square integrable envelope by Theorem 2.10.6 of a h) /,(/?, U T £tP{t), E [/,(/?, h)\ h n j\ - \ = En by using that 2h n J{t) this implies p=kr)ih=hn in (96) 1 {n- - '2 (106) ). and noting that l/2h n -E [.A(/?(t), ft„)l by an argument similar to that used = Op I — and the assumption h\n > [fi((3, h)} \ft r)ih=hn oo. Second, we can write =E„ E(r,r') J(tO,t,t')M/] 5i (/3(r) (107) , [ where 5i (/3',/3",r',r") = (r - 1{K, E(r, r') Note that class, for - < X[P'}){t' = E(r, r') {&(/?', /?",t',t"), (/?',/3",t',t") any bounded Then, T — Tp is also a set B. Indeed, e ^3 = bounded Donsker - 1{Y < Z X'rf"}) o p . (1) uniformly in B x B {l{li class x < T x T} with envelope class with envelope bounded Donsker 2.10.6 in Van 4, by Theorem 2.10.6 class in inspection, U r /3(r), A similar B We a is VC class, x (T XX[ and hence 2.10.6 in - Tp) is Van is Donsker. der Vaart and a bounded Donsker (1996). Last, the product of a gives a Donsker class, by Theorem der Vaart and Wellner (1996). En cover B} Van der Vaart and Wellner This implies that uniformly in (/3',/3",r',r") £ {B x By (108) . Donsker and hence a Glivenko-Cantelli - Tp) with a square integrable random matrix show that will TxT 6 by Theorem 2, Wellner (1996). Next, the product of two bounded classes (T We % (r, r') is X-P},/3 € X X[. [&(/?', B x T x T) /3",t',t")W] -E[g {p',P",T',r")Xi Xi} = i , E\gi (0',0",T ,T")Xi Xi] is continuous in (/?',/?", t',t") over o p .(l). (B x BxTxT). (109) Letting B continuity and (109) imply (108). argument applies to £o( r T ') •" , Appendix: Estimating the QR Weighting calculate the importance weights using equation (7). points between the non-parametric estimates of the The integral CQF (Q T (Y\X)) 31 Function was estimated with a grid of 101 and the QR approximation (X'(3(t)), X for each cell of the covariates . This gives the following discrete approximation formula for the rise to importance weights i2r(«, We Mr)) = ~ f> ~ W Iy } (W used kernel density estimates of /y(y|X — • X ' kT) + (1 W " } • ^ (y|X = X)|X = X ) x) with a Gaussian kernel and bandwidth (h) • (110) determined by 'Var[Y - Q T {Y\X = x)\X = IQR optimal in the sense that is - Q T (Y\X = x)\X = x] fill) 1.349 0.9 This bandwidth choice .25,0.7S{Y x], -m it ,„ minimizes mean integrated square error with Gaussian data and a Gaussian kernel (Silverman, 1986). The density weights were calculated Sampling weights were used To in w T (X), we calculate weights for partial quantile correlation, 101 -—. 1 « 101 £ also use a discrete / 1 ?Y 2 - 1 " l00 _) ® AYlX = X)lX = \ 1 ' - (loo approximation of we have X d{T) + (1 ' where the conditional densities are estimates using the same kernel method as C similarly. the estimation of conditional densities for the 2000 census sample. the average density of the response variable representation. In particular, *•"(*) „, for the V ' (U3) importance weights. Appendix: Sampling Weights In order to take into account the weighted structure of the census 2000 sample, the estimators for the components of the variance formulae £(t,t') = - ^ wf 2 ±o(t,t) = in Table (t were modified as follows 1 - 1(Y < X - X'J(t))(t' l{Yi < X'J(t')) XiX'i, (114) =1 [mm(T,T')-Tr'}--J2w^-X X' i i (115) , i=l J(t) ^-Y w --l(\Yi-X'J{T)\<h )'X X' = where u>i n i n t i i (116) . i=\ are the sampling weights (normalized to add to n). Other calculations involving the 2000 sample use sampling weights in the standard way. D Appendix: Data The data were drawn from sample, all from the the IPUMS 1% self-weighting 1980 website (Ruggles et al, 32 and 1990 samples, and the 1% weighted 2000 2003). The sample for most of the calculations consists of US-born black and white men with age 40-49 with annual earnings and hours worked in the at least 5 years of education, with positive year preceding the census, and with nonzero sampling weight. Individuals with imputed values for age, education, earnings or weeks worked were also excluded from the sample. After this selection process, the final sample sizes were 65,023, 86,785 and 97,397 for 1980, 1990 and 2000. The log-earnings variable is the average log weekly wage and was calculated as the log of the reported annual income from work divided by weeks worked in the previous year. Annual income is expressed in 1989 dollars using the Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index. The education variable for 1980 corresponds to the highest grade of school completed, coded as follows: Years of schooling Highest grade of school completed 5 5th grade of Elementary School 6 6th grade of Elementary School 7 7th grade of Elementary School 8 8th grade of Elementary School 9 9th grade of High School 10 10th grade of High School 11 11th grade of High School 12 12th grade of High School 13 1st year of College 14 2nd year 15 3rd year of College 16 4th year of College of College 17 5th year of College 18 6th year of College 19 7th year of College 20 8th or more year of College For the purposes of Figure 5 and most of the empirical work, years of schooling 33 for 1990 and 2000 censuses were imputed from categorical schooling variables as Years of schooling follows: Educational attainment 8 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th grade 9 9th grade 10th grade 10 11 11th or 12th grade, no diploma 12 High school graduate, diploma or 13 Some 14 Completed associate degree in college, occupational 15 Completed associate degree in college, 16 Completed bachelor's degree, not attending school 17 Completed bachelor's degree, but now enrolled 18 Completed master's degree college, 19 Completed professional degree 20 Completed doctorate For the purposes of Panel in college as 14 in 1980, C in Figure 6, GED but no degree we modify this slightly, coding 5th-8th and coding the categories associate program academic program grade as 8 and 2-3 years college degree, occupational program, and associate degree, academic program, as 14 in 1990. 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Mean OLS Quantile Regression Estimates Desc. Stats. Census SD 0.25 0.1 0.5 0.75 0.9 Coeff. Estimate Root A. Without controls 1980 1990 2000 65,023 86,785 97,397 6.40 6.46 6.50 0.67 0.69 0.75 7.48 7.13 6.39 6.56 7.42 6.98 (0.223) (0.078) 0.067) (0.069) (0.100) (0.080) [0.239] [0.081] 0.067] [0.070] [0.110] [0.087] 10.04 9.57 8.93 9.23 11.59 9.78 (0.130) (0.119) (0.075) (0.108) (0.169) (0.082) [0.135] [0.121] [0.075] [0.107] [0.178] [0.087] 9.80 10.57 11.05 11.89 15.51 11.71 (0.201) (0.129) (0.109) (0.115) (0.624) (0.092) [0.208] [0.133] [0.109] [0.115] [0.669] [0.113] B. Controlling for race 1980 1990 2000 65,023 86,785 97,397 6.40 6.46 6.50 0.67 0.69 0.75 Notes: US-born white and black in brackets. for 7.35 7.35 6.83 7.01 7.91 7.20 (0.120) 0.099) (0.104) (0.145) (0.120) [0.199] [0.123] 0.099] [0.106] [0.153] [0.127] 11.15 10.96 10.62 11.08 13.69 11.36 (0.274) (0.123) 0.104) (0.149) (0.252) (0.117) [0.285] [0.126] 0.104] [0.148] [0.263] [0.122] 9.16 10.49 11.13 11.95 15.73 11.44 (0.195) (0.120) 0.126) (0.134) (0.385) (0.117) [0.204] [0.122] 0.126] [0.134] [0.401] [0.141] 40-49. o.e O.f and quadratic function of potential experience (0.190) men aged Sampling weights used 0.( Standard Errors 2000 Census. in parentheses. O.f O.f O.f Standard Errors robust to mispecifica Table 2: Comparison of CQF and QR-based Interquantile Spreads Interquantile Spread 90-10 Census Obs. QR CQ Controls 90-50 75-25 CQ 50-10 QR CQ QR CQ QR A. Overall 1980 1990 2000 65,023 86,785 97,397 No 1.20 1.20 0.56 0.56 0.51 0.52 0.69 0.68 Yes 1.20 1.19 0.56 0.55 0.52 0.51 0.68 0.67 No 1.37 1.36 0.65 0.65 0.61 0.61 0.76 0.75 Yes 1.35 1.35 0.64 0.64 0.60 0.61 0.75 0.74 No 1.45 1.45 0.71 0.70 0.68 0.69 0.77 0.76 Yes 1.43 1.45 0.70 0.68 0.67 0.70 0.76 0.75 B. High School Graduates 1980 1990 2000 25,020 22,837 25,963 No 1.10 1.20 0.51 0.57 0.42 0.51 0.67 0.69 Yes 1.09 1.17 0.52 0.55 0.44 0.50 0.65 0.67 No 1.27 1.33 0.64 0.66 0.51 0.56 0.76 0.77 Yes 1.26 1.31 0.63 0.64 0.52 0.55 0.74 0.76 No 1.32 1.34 0.68 0.67 0.60 0.61 0.72 0.73 Yes 1.29 1.32 0.66 0.66 0.59 0.60 0.70 0.72 C. College Graduates 1980 1990 2000 7,158 15,517 19,388 No 1.25 1.19 0.60 0.54 0.58 0.55 0.67 0.64 Yes 1.26 1.19 0.59 0.53 0.61 0.54 0.65 0.64 No 1.49 1.40 0.68 0.64 0.69 0.67 0.77 0.73 Yes 1.44 1.38 0.66 0.63 0.70 0.66 0.74 0.72 No 1.57 1.57 0.73 0.72 0.75 0.78 0.82 0.78 Yes 1.55 1.57 0.74 0.71 0.75 0.80 0.80 0.78 Notes: US-born white and black of the covariates in each year. men aged The 40-49. Average measures calculated using the distribution covariates are schooling (controls quadratic function of experience (controls = Yes). = No) or schooling, race and a Sampling weights used for 2000 Census. Table 3: Measures of Between-group (Model) and Within-group (Residual) and Linear (Quantile) Regression Approximations Inequality ANOVA Quantile-based Measures 90-10 Census Obs. CQ 75-25 QR CQ QR 50-10 90-50 CQ QR Cond. OLS CQ QR Mean Fit A. Between-group Inequality 1980 65,023 0.60 0.59 0.15 0.23 0.35 0.32 0.25 0.27 0.24 0.23 1990 86,785 0.63 0.65 0.33 0.35 0.37 0.41 0.27 0.24 0.28 0.27 2000 97,397 0.66 0.75 0.51 0.43 0.42 0.53 0.24 0.22 0.30 0.29 B. Within-group Inequality 1980 65,023 1.14 1.17 0.52 0.54 0.49 0.51 0.65 0.66 0.63 0.63 1990 86,785 1.32 1.35 0.62 0.63 0.57 0.59 0.73 0.75 0.63 0.64 2000 97,397 1.38 1.41 0.67 0.67 0.64 0.66 0.73 0.75 0.68 0.69 C. Relative Importance of Within-group Inequality (RTR and 1-R ) 1980 65,023 78 80 93 85 65 72 87 86 87 88 1990 86,785 81 81 78 76 71 68 88 90 84 85 2000 97,397 82 78 63 71 70 61 90 92 84 85 Notes: US-born white and black schooling, race men aged by the sum of the square of Panel census. 40-49. Measures calculated in a and experience. Relative measures calculated A and the square model that includes as the square of Panel of Panel B. B divided Sampling weights used for 2000 A. tau = 0.10 B. tau = 0.25 Schooling Schooling Schooling Schooling Schooling CQ o KBQR CQR - - 1: CQF and CEF in 1980 Census (US-born white and black men aged 40-49). A - E plot the Conditional Quantile Function, Koenker and Basset's Quantile Figure Panels Regression fit and Chamberlain's Minimum Distance years of schooling. Weighted LS fit Panel and OLS fit F fit for weekly log-earnings given Expectation Function (CEF), for weekly log-earnings given years of schooling. plots the Conditional A. tau = 0.10 QR QR weights weigths Imp, weights Imp. weights Schooling Schooling C. tau = 0.50 QR I - - weights Imp. weights Schooling Schooling Schooling Schooling Weighting Functions in 1980 Census (US-born white and black men aged 40-49). plot the histogram of years of schooling, QR weighting function and importance weighting function for QR's of log-earnings on years of schooling. Panel F plots the histogram of years of schooling, WLS weighting function and inverse of the conditional variance for the linear regression of log-earnings on years of schooling. Figure Panels 2: A-E Imp. weights Den. weights Imp. weights Den. weights Schooling Schooling D. tau = 0.75 Imp weights Den. weights Imp. weights Den. weights Schooling Schooling Imp weights Den. weights Schooling Figure 3: men aged Importance and Density Weights 40-49). in 1980 Census (US-born white and black I Partial CQF Partial CQF With Experience Without Experience With Experience Without Experience Residuals of Schooling Residuals of Schooling D. tau = 0.75 o - *" ^v m o «Sa^v*^ ( u "^ifw* - o -.•: • .j=i m Partial CQF Partial With Experience Without Experience CQF With Experience Without Experience m Residuals of Schooling Residuals of Schooling Partial CQF Partial Residuals of Schooling Residuals of Schooling Figure Panels 4: A-E Partial Correlation Plots in 1980 Census (US-born white plot the Partial Conditional Quantile Function years of schooling, same slope Quantile as a controlling for a quadratic QR line CQF With Experience Without Experienc With Experience Without Experience and Partial function of experience. QR fit men aged 30-54). of log-earnings The dashed line on has the of log-earnings on years of schooling without controlling for experience. and Partial OLS fit of log-earnings on years of schooling, controlling for a quadratic function of experience. The dashed line has the same slope as a OLS line of log-earnings on years of schooling without controlling for Panel F plots the Partial Conditional Expectation Function experience. - ~ i~ _ o O 3 c '6 Q. t/) V) _ „ N \^B^l * *~ o> ~" ~ N v "-"---^^ ~ v'v^ O„ "O "V\ x ^ iP 3 XI XI o o Z3 • <s^ a: tr l ' • i X ' — < •q- '— o^ o^ CT> CT> \ ^Vx 1 i % . V v •ta. 1 1 Q^^^ag 1 1 -o a) r- •c 5- B ° s x o ~ ~c_ ^ ^ _ 1 01 91 (%) ;uepLyaoo 6ui|00ips _o O a) 2 M ° a op § inn — * — 8 2 "3 -S .3 3 ™ « a g O 3 = <« ~ §1 sl^ m m O n 91 -S » is on a ° o B'g a> T3 id <r g 3 H i- 1 0) 2 <o <M [0 CL, o) a '^V \V -" « -J \\ a; co - 5P a; s, O _ tj o a g \ c I o !*(, i CL 1 U) 3 3 O O J?i' .' \W f ^ ^3 1 . XI XI a 5. K* m -•> 3 c 3 ° 8 go .^s! * -^Si' ^ o> a) s ,_l e| . -r ,o •- _o O u e^ § Jj =^ ^ S (%) (uapyiaoo Bu!|ool(0S •- 1 ' cc 1 '/•/ in in Ol CT> 1 ' ' - * = °"§ c. ™o 10 -c 3 _J £ § 1 f/af * ' vv 1 1 y 1 9L 1 1 21 1 01 (%) (uapiyeoo 6u!|00L(0S 1 /* ' tJT ', s *s_ \N '/ y Q ' \ — .-. — — " ~ / o c ^ d — CO - ss o o o 00 O) o o> at o lO 7 ^ — -_ E ill 5 -. u z -_ *" 3 ~ _ < cs 3 - •- m '- i 2 r V -:: — — z - 'J'. -' — — ei ~ 1-1 J OJ it H 0> a — ~ ~ - - i2 - Z na f5 0. — '- Q) - r a; O - bO — X -.r z c (1) 05 = O ; s6uiujea 6on o — - g - z - - ~ "J - — ~ — .- Dh trt 5 = O — zz — ^S, v- CN 3 — I 00 s6u!UJE0 6o~] 2 a> O o - o ra a> w: 5 o 5 r "3 c br " 3 _z .. - sd .SP"5 1 bo bO J3 3 ooo cocno 0)010 t- a; DQ — - -a 3 - O _-: ai .--. — — _ ctf _ r rr 5 Z- 2 a - > A. tau = 0.10 CQ o KBQR CQR - - *^0 o ' o I I I 1 14 1 18 16 20 1 t 1 1 1 i 10 B 12 Schooling 14 16 18 r 20 Schooling CQ KBQR CQR - 1 1 1 1 12 10 14 1 18 16 r 20 1 T 10 8 1 12 Schooling 1 14 1 16 1 18 Schooling 10 Schooling 12 14 16 Schooling 7: CQF and CEF in 1990 Census (US-born white and black men aged 40-49). A E plot the Conditional Quantile Function, Koenker and Basset's Quantile Figure Panels - Regression fit and Chamberlain's Minimum Distance years of schooling. Weighted LS fit Panel and OLS fit F for plots the Conditional fit for weekly log-earnings given Expectation Function (CEF), weekly log-earnings given years of schooling. r 20 1 t 1 1 10 8 1 14 12 1 16 18 r 20 T 1 1 10 8 1 14 12 Schooling 1 1 16 18 T 20 Schooling o CQ KBQR - 1 i 1 1 12 10 8 1 14 1 16 18 - CQR r 20 Schooling Schooling 1 t 1 10 8 1 12 1 1 16 14 18 r 20 1 T 10 8 Schooling Figure Panels 8: CQF A E - Regression fit and Weighted LS CEF in 2000 Census (US-born white and black and Chamberlain's Minimum Distance fit Panel and OLS 1 14 1 16 1 18 Schooling plot the Conditional Quantile Function, years of schooling. 1 12 fit F for plots the Conditional men aged 40-49). Koenker and Basset's Quantile fit for weekly log-earnings given Expectation Function (CEF), weekly log-earnings given years of schooling. r 20 ii i B. tau = 0.25 QR weigths QR weights Imp. weights Imp. weights |A| 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 l 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1 ——^An~ ——— 10 i Schooling QR i i i ^HLfk^ 14 16 18 20 1 1 12 WLS weights 10 i 12 14 16 18 1 20 Schooling weights 1/V[Y|X] ——yte^ ——— i 1 I 10 Imp. weights ~~ 1 I 8 Schooling QR 20 i i 12 i 18 Imp. weights ———mW — —— i 16 QR weights weights fh 10 14 Schooling Imp. weights 8 i i 12 i 14 Schooling i 16 i 18 20 — MiJ^ i 10 1 1 1 1 1 12 14 16 18 20 Schooling Weighting Functions in 1990 Census (US-born white and black men aged 40-49). plot the histogram of years of schooling, QR weighting function and importance weighting function for QR's of log-earnings on years of schooling. Panel F plots the histogram of years of schooling, WLS weighting function and inverse of the conditional Figure Panels 9: A-E variance for the linear regression of log-earnings on years of schooling. i QR i QR weigths Imp. weights weights Imp. weights m fh — — — —— — i i i 10 8 14 12 16 18 1 i 10 20 QR - i 12 14 i 16 20 18 Schooling Schooling — uzl —— — r i i i QR weights weights - - Imp. weights Imp. weights fh m*1 1 I 10 I I 12 14 I 16 i I 18 20 1 10 8 12 Schooling QR F. — weights 1 1 1 1 I 1 12 14 16 18 20 8 Schooling Figure 10: Weighting Functions Panels A-E 1 1 20 18 16 mean weights 1/V[Y|X] 1 I 10 WLS - Imp. weights 8 14 1 Schooling tau = 0.90 E. 1 I 10 I I 12 14 I I I 16 20 18 Schooling in 2000 Census (US-born white and black plot the histogram of years of schooling, QR weighting function for QR's of log-earnings on years of schooling. histogram of years of schooling, WLS men aged 40-49). weighting function and importance Panel F plots the weighting function and inverse of the conditional variance for the linear regression of log-earnings on years of schooling. Imp. weights Den. weights T 1 10 8 Imp. weights Den. weights 1 1 14 12 1 1 16 18 T 20 1 1 10 8 1 1 14 12 Schooling 1 16 T 1 20 18 Schooling D. tau = 0.75 - - 1 i 8 — Imp. weights Den. weights - 1 1 1 i 10 12 14 16 18 r 20 t 8 Schooling Imp. weights Den. weights 1 10 1 12 1 14 1 16 r 1 18 20 Schooling Imp. weights Den. weights t 8 1 10 1 1 14 12 1 16 1 18 r 20 Schooling Figure 11: Importance and Density Weights men aged 40-49). in 1990 Census (US-born white and black B. tau = 0.25 Imp. weights Den. weights - Imp. weights Den. weights 1 10 1 1 1 i 12 14 16 18 r i 20 8 1 10 1 Schooling ~ 14 12 r 1 18 20 Imp. weights Den. weights Den. weights 10 1 16 Schooling Imp. weights - - 1 14 12 16 18 20 Schooling r i 10 1 12 1 14 1 16 1 18 20 Schooling Imp. weights Den. weights t 8 1 10 1 1 12 14 1 16 1 18 r 20 Schooling Figure 12: Importance and Density Weights men aged in 40-49). 3837 33 2000 Census (US-born white and black Date Due Mil 1 IMMAMII ! 3 9080 02618 4355 lg||;||;;|l