WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS The Palestinian Labor IVIarltet Between Gulf ttie War and Autonomy Joshua Angrist No. 98-05 May 1998 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from IVIIT Libraries c:\projects\kschool\kdraft3.wpdMay 18. 1998 THE PALESTINIAN LABOR MARKET BETWEEN THE GULF WAR AND AUTONOMY' by. Joshua D. Angrist MIT "This study is part of the Project and on Palestinian Refugees NBER at Harvard University. I tiiank the Project for financial support and the project organizers, George Borjas and Dani Rodrik, for their comments. Thanks also go to Jon Guryan and Samer Haj Yehia Archive. for research assistance. The data used here are available from the Hebrew University Social Science Data Abstract were an eventful time in the Middle East. Key events include the Gulf War, the Madrid peace conference, and the introduction of Palestinian autonomy in all of the Gaza Strip and in most West Bank population centers. This period also provides the last chance to look at economic conditions in the territories through the lens of the long-running Israeli survey program, which ended with the transfer of The early 1990s civil authority to the Palestinians. territories I use the Israeli survey data to describe labor market conditions in the on the eve of autonomy. Special attention is given to the impact of changing employment opportunities for Palestinians in Israel and to the situation of Palestinian refugees. Policy implications of the findings are discussed. I. Introduction The 1991 Gulf War marked a low territories point in Palestinian political and economic fortunes both in the and abroad. By 1994, however, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank town of Jericho had been turned over to the newly created Palestinian Authority (PA). In 1995, Palestinian cities and towns in the West Bank were also gradually brought under PA is relationship between Israel and the issues is how still PA control, although the final economic and political being negotiated. One . of the most important unresolved the flow of Palestinian labor to Israel will be regulated or even if it will continue at The all. years 1991-95 were a period of repeated sharp restrictions on Palestinian access to the Israeli labor market, and, in These some cases, restrictions on the flow of goods were in to and from the territories (Israel Employment Service, 1996). response to events such as the Hebron massacre and terrorist attacks in Israel, sources of variation in economic contacts that need not characterize the Israeli-Palestinian relationship indefinitely. In the mean time, it is possible to use the experience of these years to better understand how the Palestinian and Israeli labor markets interact. In three earlier papers (Angrist 1992, 1995, 1996), Palestinian for wage and employment working the Israel in Israel fell wage premium working from roughly 18 percent rose steeply. By in in Israel increased similarly. Israeli elasticity demand of model shows in wage premium that the daily 1981 to zero in 1984. Beginning in 1986, however, These changes wage differential. fairly inelastic Israeli for Palestinian labor The monthly wage premium parallel the pattern of Palestinian absences demand curve specification, but the best-fitting demand from for Palestinian labor. was estimated by using supply shocks with security curfews as instrumental variables. FV estimates of to the details of number of important changes 1989, daily wages paid to Palestinians working in Israel were 37 work, and are consistent with movements along a The described a patterns since 1981. Angrist (1996) percent higher than local wages, nearly doubling the 1987 for I that originate equations are somewhat sensitive models consistently suggest that the observed covariance between Palestinian wages and days worked can be rationalized by a short-run Israeli elasticity 1 of demand for Palestinian labor ranging These results suggest that labor possibility that Israeli demand between - 1 and -2. market policies for Palestinian labor in the territories may be inelastic should be analyzed enough to considerably earnings loss from reduced access to the Israeli labor market, at least for a while. On in light of the dampen the the other hand, higher Palestinian wages and an uncertain supply create a strong incentive for Israeli employers to develop alternative labor resources. Israel's increasing use of non-Palestinian guest-workers to by Palestinians now is includes as note that the fill an attempt to develop such resources. Recent reports suggest that the many as 250,000 guest workers number of Palestinians working from Europe and Asia.^ To put in Israel positions vacated Israeli labor force this figure in perspective, was probably never more than 120,000 at any one time; official statistics indicate between lOO-1 10 thousand workers (Angrist, 1996). Another relevant piece of background information is that in 1995, the entire only about 1.2 million (Israel Central Bureau of In light of these recent changes, it male civilian labor force now seems natural to ask whether proportional to changes in days worked? workers on Palestinian wages? This Another important change is numbered Statistics, 1996). consequences of negative demand shocks are moderated by earnings in Israel it is still inelastic Israeli More generally, true that the earnings demand. Or are changes what has been the in effect of guest the first set of issues discussed here. in the Palestinian labor market that I noted in earlier work was a dramatic reduction in the wage premia paid to more educated workers between 1981 and 1987. Angrist (1995) provides evidence which suggest that large shifts in the supply of educated workers combined with restricted capital investment explain this decline in returns to schooling. Angrist different types of workers schooling coefficients ^This figure is were employed may reflect from a recent in Israel at different times, (1992) also shows that which suggests that these worker heterogeneity. But the panel data estimates reported article in the Hebrew daily Maariv (1996). A possible alternative rough changes in in Angrist indicator of the flow of guest workers might be had from the number of "temporary residents" (a visa classification) entering Israel. This figure reached 85,000 in 1996, up from 44,000 in 1995, and 18,000 in 1993 (Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, 1996; Table 4.1). (1995) show that sharp declines in the returns to schooling are apparent even after allowing for individual The second heterogeneity. more recent human issue look at here I is whether the returns to schooling have recovered period, perhaps in response to the expectation of increased opportunities for the utilization of capital under the autonomy regime. on the returns Finally, in addition to updating earlier results shocks on wages, the third issue discussed in who Hve in the in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. whose resided in Israel in 1948 and people this paper is the economic condition of Palestinian refugees The TLFS micro data sets for 1992-95 identify people who father resided in Israel in 1948. the children of refugees. Information on refugee status is refugee/non-refugee wage and employment gap since 992. 1 and the impact of supply to schooling These people are refugees and used to estimate and characterize the n. Data and descriptive statistics The TLFS In 1967, the Israel Central Bank and Gaza territories. Strip Bureau of which was used The sampling frame was Because of the TLFS rotation as a Statistics (CBS) conducted a population Census in the West sampling frame for quarterly labor force surveys in the periodically updated to reflect migration and new construction. group design, each surveyed household was interviewed four times. TLFS interviews were conducted by local Palestinian enumerators employed by the Israeli Civil Administration in the territories. The last the last interviews in the survey interviews in the Gaza Strip were conducted in the West Bank were conducted in the third quarter sizes are reported in Table 1 for selected years through descriptive statistics and 1989 and every year from 1991-1995. 1994 when the Gaza survey ceased. Roughly 30-39 thousand interviews were conducted each year until The from a high of 27 percent fraction of the sample residing in the Gaza strip fluctuates quarter of 1994; of 1995. The sample used here contains observations on men aged 1 8-64. Basic sample first in 1981-84 to a low of 22 percent in 1988. The mean age of men Approximately half of the men in the in the sample is stable at about 33. sample are wage laborers, the remainder being mostly employed (including work on a family farm or business), unemployed, or constitute 2/3 of the labor force, with participation rates ranging men in the labor force who were employed This ranges from 37-39 percent until 1993, shows that skilled and unskilled jobs, and workers from the territories in Israel or when who are it Jerusalem sample rose from 7.7 years in shown is in Israel and agriculture Kleiman (1992) and Semyonov and Lewin-Epstein (1987). Table level in the to Wage laborers 82 percent. The fraction of in the last column of Table 1. drops sharply, to 32 percent. The lower half of Table employed in the construction from 72 in school. self- 1981 to 8.7 years and Jerusalem are concentrated industries. 1 in 1991, also For more on shows 1 in semi- this point, see that the average schooling and then continued to rise to over 9 years in 1993. For the purposes of this paper, in the State of Israel. I define a first-generation refugee to be someone who 1 indicate that in Bank and Gaza Strip, 1992 and 1993, the when complete last years about 5 percent of the men in the extract percent were second-generation refugees. Weighting this by proportion of second generation refugees to 30.5 percent. Gaza Strip than in the 1 948 A second-generation refugee is someone whose father lived in the State of Israel in 1948. These definitions correspond to the information collected in the TLFS. Estimates not Table lived in first generation refugees. in surveys were done in both the West were first-generation refugees and about 23 CBS sampling weights increases the The proportion of refugees West Bank. About 54 percent of Gazans refugees and 8 percent are shown is much higher in the are estimated to be second generation The corresponding figures for the West bank are 16 and 3 percent, respectively. The usual TLFS. types of sampling and non-sampling errors in labor force surveys are also present in the In addition, data collection after territories that 1988 became more were part of the Palestinian uprising or difficult Intifada. because of civil disturbances Because TLFS in the data on the territories were collected by employees of the Israeli civil administration, these may be data less accurate than data from comparable labor force surveys carried out elsewhere. Moreover, although there are many sensible patterns in the TLFS data on labor force status (e.g., seasonality; wages are see Angrist, 1996), data on often poor even in the best circumstances. As a check on the TLFS data. Table 2 reports estimates of average wages from the first two waves of the Palestinian Labor Force Survey (PLFS), which was conducted in the third quarter of 1995 and the PLFS wages second quarter of 1996.' Average employed 49 shekels locally (including Jerusalem), for Palestinians employed in 1995 were 35 shekels for residents of the West Bank 27 shekels for residents of the Gaza Strip employed in Israel (excluding Jerusalem). Estimates second quarter of 1995 are about 31 for Palestinians employed The most shekels for Palestinians employed in Israel. quarter of 1994; when the average wage is in the recent Israeli from the and locally, TLFS in the West Bank or Jerusalem and 51 wage data estimated to have been 26 shekels. for Gaza So the is from the PLFS and first the TLFS data seem to generate estimates that are in the same ball park. There were no at all locations following the Israeli surveys in the territories in 1996. between 1995 and 1996. This drop November 1995 Rabin is in wages probably due to the disruption of economic activity assassination, the early subsequent closure and quarantine of the The PLFS data show a big drop 1996 bus bombings territories until the elections in in Israel, and the May. Graphical analysis After an initial decline during the Palestinian uprising, the proportion of Palestinians working in Israel fell sharply in 1993, largely as a Israel. The change in probability of consequence of an increasingly working in Israel can be seen 'These estimates were derived from Palestinian Central Bureau of reports suggests an effort has been sometimes reported on a different made basis. to maintain in Figure Statistics some comparability with restrictive access policy 1 (1996a, , enforced by separately for residents of b). The introduction to these the Israeli surveys, although the PLFS results are the West Bank and Gaza employment/population Gaza Recent changes Strip. ratios. These also fell Strip to levels not substantially different Bank employment unemployment rates also rates, seem to employment in in the West On have recovered by the end of 1995. data show in Figure from those prevailing during the preceding which are affected by movements TLFS unemployment can be seen 2, which plots sharply in early 1993, but recovered very quickly in the in and out of the labor early 1993 than they had been previously, especially in the most recent rates rates the other hand, force, stayed higher after West Bank. This can be seen around 4 percent in the West years. Gaza Strip in Figure 3. The and around 7 percent Bank."* Figure 4 plots average days worked by region of residence.' Like the employment data, this figure also shows a sharp drop in 1993 that was almost as large as the Gulf War drop. Subsequently, average days worked seem to have returned to the 18-19 day level prevalent during the Intifada period. Figure which plots average days worked by work shows location, that reductions in average 5, days worked continued to be most severe for those employed in Israel or Jerusalem. In contrast, average days worked appear to have been on a gradual upward trend for those employed In recent years, the pattern of fluctuations in days worked, although it is somewhat quarter changes in average days I have also confirmed this 6, which worked occurred at in plots by comparing quarter-to- worked and average monthly earnings. This comparison shows recent years at least, changes in days that 5. monthly wages largely mirrors the fluctuations This can be seen by comparing Figure less volatile. monthly wages by work location, with Figure locally. roughly constant real (daily) wage changes in monthly wages are roughly parallel to changes in days worked is that in rates. The fact important because this implies that fluctuations in days worked are not associated with changes in wages. "•The TLFS labor force status recode from which the similar to those used in the 'Figures that plot information by region of residence work location. unemployment rate is constructed uses "actual status" definitions CPS. Figures that plot information by work location regardless of region of residence. show averages for all workers who live in the region, regardless of show averages for all workers employed at that location, The fell wages of Palestinians increased steeply from 1985 to 1989, fell from 1989 to 1991, and again in 1993. This can be seen in Figure 7, which plots average daily wages by work location. This figure also the real first shows that the wages paid employed to Palestinians half of the 1990s and declining in Gaza. in the But wages paid West Bank were more or to Palestinians working less flat in in Israel or Jerusalem exhibit an increasing trend from 1991-95. Only in 1995 do wages paid to Palestinians working in Israel turn down the increase in again, for the first time since 1991 (except for first quarter 1993). Note, however, that wages paid to Palestinians working in Jerusalem is somewhat more gradual after 1992. Interpretation The years 1992-95 were migrant labor to under curfew, as on the Israel. marked by extended and repeated In 1992, 1993, in the Intifada years. territories instead interruptions in the flow of Palestinian and 1994, there were periods when large numbers of people were It is also important to note that Israel increasingly of curfews, so that curfews were not the only or even the most important source of supply shocks. There were total closures of the territories in April 1993, February 1994, April 1994, October 1994, January 1995, July 1995, August 1995, and September 1995 1996). The imposed closures closures lasted from one Palestinians were allowed to work week to up to (Israel Employment Service, two months, during which time few and sometimes no in Israel or Jerusalem. During the Intifada years (roughly 1988-91), exogenous supply shocks were associated with an increase in daily wages. This wage response partly offset the decline in earnings so that earnings were less variable than wages. wages in the more recent period suggests workers as they used to be. It The that Israeli fact that earnings appears to from fewer days worked, be about as volatile as employers are no longer as dependent on Palestinian should be noted, however, that the period discussed here largely predates the massive inflow of guest workers to Israel, which probably did not begin apparent insensitivity of wages to fluctuations in days worked in earnest until 1995. may therefore The reflect a structural and perhaps long-lasting change in the Palestinian-Israeli employment relationship. Real wages earned by Palestinians working in 95 period, only beginning to decline in 1995. probably reflects post Guif wages in The growth War economic growth 1995 may indeed be due Israel increased substantially wages paid in in Israel. On to competition with the guest over most of the 1992- to Palestinians the other hand, the working dechne in Israel in Palestinian workers since the IsraeU economy continued to grow in that year. In contrast with the decline in Palestinian wages between 1994 and 1995, enjoyed real wage growth of about 2 percent over Israeli citizens Statistics, 1996; Table 12.24). It is still period (Israel Central Bureau of and 1993, when the wages paid also worth noting that in 1992 Palestinians working in Israel and Jerusalem were essentially this wages of Israeli increasing, the citizens to were flat. in. Regression estimates and changes in schooling coefficients This section uses regression models to show that the pattern in relative wages seen in the figures is apparent after controlling for basic demographic characteristics, and to look at recent changes in the returns to schooling. Table 3 reports the results of estimating the following equation (computed by weighted squares using CBS sampling weights): log(wJ = where is 6^, is in-Israel effect in year term Xi(aot -i- + Xi,ao, is a Xi,^(x,t is more t, aj^ is a + ^ aiePc dummy + Zg + bigYg. f.Qt variable indicating if i t, fj is a dummy variable indicating if i works Cj is a dummy variable indicating if i lives in variable indicating work in + C-X + variable that indicates if dummy is i in schooling Jerusalem and i); ],\\i+ u^, is in are: (1) age group c and P„ group g and in Israel in year t and Ygt is 6t is an urban area and X^ is is, 8 a work- a city effect The Xit=ageit-years of 25-34, 35^44, 45-54, 55-64. The schooling groups indexed by g years. is a a work-in-Jerusalem effect.^ a time-varying quadratic function of potential experience (that 'The age groups indexed by c years, 16 or Xi,'ai, a t, dummy + bjg is t, schooling effect in year t, Jj Sq, a quarter effect in year an age effect in year in year least are: 13-15 schooling|,-6). Column Table 3 reports estimates of the daily wage premium for working (1) of of residence. The premium fall sharply from about 20 percent in 1981 to -.03 for residents of Bank 1984, and to .056 for residents of the West .25 for 1994 Gaza at residents in 1987 and both work locations. In in Israel to .20 for fact, in 1984. The West Bank. The the 1992-1995 Israel premium by region Gaza in rose sharply after that, to increase continued every year from 1991 to wage premium for work in Israel was larger than it has ever been. The 1995 premium was about 50-60 percent for Palestinians from both locations. The schooling locations, coefficients and continued shown to decline in the in Table 3 decline monotonically West Bank thereafter. But beginning schooling began to increase substantially for residents of the Gaza Strip. also increased in 1995 for residents of the investment and the increase in until The West Bank. This turnaround may 1991 for residents in 1992, the returns to returns to a college degree reflect 1 993 in an inflow of and administrative jobs generated by the autonomy process. civil service PA administrative activities were concentrated in the Gaza Strip during this period, in the returns to schooling in both at Gaza pre-dates the official beginning of although the increase autonomy there.' Finally, note that in contrast with the specification reported here in Table 3, potential experience was not included in the models reported by Angrist (1995) because exact years of schooling are poorly measured. But the specification used here otherwise identical to the ones is I used potential experience necessarily raises the estimated returns to schooling but has period comparisons. This can be seen in the second panel equation (1) when the potential experience quadratic rV. Changes in Refugee/non-Refugee wage 'The Declaration of Principles was signed The preparatory transfer of power of Table 3, little effect Including on cross- which reports estimates of dropped (and age dummies are retained). differentials Table 4 reports estimates of differences 1994. is B earlier. in in other areas in daily wages between refugees (men who residing September 1993 and the Gaza/Jericho withdrawal was completed was completed in December 1994. in the in May State of Israel in 1948), the children of refugees and other Palestinians. Refugee effects) fathers resided in the State of Israel in 1948), models without controlling for covariates (other than period were computed by estimating: log(W;,) where effects in (men whose R,i, is a dummy = 6^, + + R,i,(t)„ for refugees and R2i,(|)2, Rj,, is a + (2) Ui„ dummy corresponding refugee effects. Estimates with covariates were produced by adding equation 1992 and 1993, refugees earned The 1992 refugee wage gap was about the wage gap was about Strip, less than 8.5 percent in 4.5 percent in model (including controls for work Gaza Gaza and Unlike in the West Bank. The first covariates. Gaza and 15.7 percent in the 15.3 percent in the + (j)2, are the R2i,4'2i to gap in Bank and Gaza Strip. West Bank. The 1993 West Bank. Adding covariates to both years to less than 2 percent in the Gaza Strip in In the 1 covariates-adjusted gap between refugee and non- percent. Gaza generation refugees residing in the covariates are not taken into account, in the non-refugees in both the West location) reduces the refugee wages in 1992 and 1993 was around 8-1 men RntCJ),, and an amount less than the standard error of the estimates. Including covariates also reduces, but does not eliminate, the gap when (J),, (1). In refugee and for the children of refugees, 1992 and 1993. This appears West Bank, however, same when estimated with or without other Palestinians in the men whose West Bank From 1992-1995, the is the wage gap covariates. Strip, fathers to who earned less than other Palestinians were refugees earned no less than other be the case with and without controlling for for first and second generation refugees is about the The wage gap between second generation refugees and also largely unaffected raw refugee wage gap in the by control for covariates. West Bank fell from -.16 to -.05. This is apparently due in part to changes in personal characteristics. Controlling for covariates, the gap shrinks much less. years. So The 1995 gap for second generation refugees in the the overall pattern suggest that refugee West Bank wage gaps have been 10 is also smaller than in earlier closing. The data for residents of the Gaza Strip actually show an than other Palestinians in that year. But this 1994 survey in more interesting turnaround in 1994, with refugees earning substantially Gaza was conducted may be an anomalous result which reflects the fact that the Also, the 1994 interviews in in the first quarter only. Gaza were the before the Israeli survey program ended there, and this quarter marks the transition from Israeli to last Palestinian authority. Table 5 reports estimates for employment similar to those reported in Table 4 for wages. The employment models with covariates do not control story here similar in is many refugees residing in both the Palestinians. much of the for work respects to that for wages. West Bank and Gaza location since When Strip are some men do not work. The comparisons are not adjusted for covariates, much less likely to be working than other But adjusting for education, age, urban residence, and potential experience accounts first generation refugee employment gap, especially in the covariates also reduces the refugee employment gap for residents of the Second-generation refugees in both the West gap remains substantial. employment rates than other Palestinians, with difference between the results for wages and Gaza Strip. Controlling for West Bank, although Bank and Gaza and without adjusting for demographic employment have been shrinking, the employment gap does not appear is that, to unlike the wage for Strip the adjusted have lower characteristics. One gap, which appears to have changed systematically in the 1992-95 period. V. Summary and policy discussion Summary Three important characteristics of the Palestinian labor market are the wage premium for working in Israel, the economic returns to schooling, and the refugee wage and employment gaps. For most of the period since 1991, the wages of Palestinians employed in Israel were rising, while local wages were The (log) premium for working in Israel in 1992-95 reached 50 or 60 percent as the 11 Israeli flat. economic improved while situation roughly proportional to changes change begun wage in to fall. served to in Moreover, rates. Recent changes that in the territories did not. monthly earnings have been days worked, suggesting that labor supply shocks did not induce a wages of Palestinians employed in 1995, the in Israel appear to have were associated with increasing wages, which In the past, negative labor supply shocks dampen in the consequences of these shocks for earnings and offered evidence of Palestinian market power in the market for construction and agricultural workers. Overall, the new findings suggest that the dependence of Israeli now been employers on Palestinian labor has reduced, perhaps because of The question of whether guest workers, sectoral shifts, or substitution in favor of capital or local labor. new situation is permanent or transitory remains open. Other findings suggest that the returns to schooling sustained decline, although there pre-Intifada levels. On is still way to go a long Palestinians have been concentrated in the West Bank, once The (1996), Strip. I last set Gaza of relationships looked the other hand, there are at Gaza Strip West Bank new employment Perhaps a change Strip. began before the returns on the Palestinian political infrastructure there do not find dramatic differences On in the the other hand, educated workers in the for their schooling. Together, these findings suggest that the is more to recover after a human still capital reach their receive almost no in opportunities will also percent. to established. market conditions by refugee some important however, the adjusted refugee wage gap come here are refugee/non-refugee contrasts. Like Pedersen in labor than other Palestinians, although the refugee premium opportunities for skilled status, at least in the differences, especially for residents of the wage gap appears in the to have been declining. As West Bank was about 7 The adjusted employment gap in the Gaza 12 Strip in percent, while the Gaza West Bank. Refugees and the children of refugees in the West Bank have lower wages and lower employment was 4-6 the late as rates 1995, employment gap 1994 was about 7 percent. Implications for access policy Structural Israeli labor economic changes are almost by definition long-lasting. If a structural market has occurred, then the Palestinians should probably not count on returning arrangement that allows large numbers of migrant workers to commute to work each day other hand, change if the new relationship between Palestinians and by guest workers, prospects for a Palestinians have been replaced makers and many commentators (see, e.g, Maariv, 1 homes in the an in Israel. On the employers has developed because the reversal seem better. Israeli policy 996) appear to be uncomfortable with the notion of a permanent guest worker population; Palestinian workers, the most part return to their Israeli to in the at least, West Bank and Gaza do not aspire to Israeli citizenship Strip every evening. This is and for a remarkable and perhaps even unique feature of Palestinian labor migration. The question remains whether either number of Palestinians working Palestinians employed in Israel in Israel as a desirable must surely be employers benefit from low cost employees Moreover, little Israelis or Palestinians outcome. The large wage premium attractive to workers. who are, in premium apparently need be paid for should look to an increase in the many cases, more educated And even at these now enjoyed by wages Israeli highly skilled and productive. Palestinian workers. On the other hand, employment of workers from the territories involves substantial transaction costs on both sides. For the workers, employment in Israel involves long commutes even though distances are short (see, e.g., Angrist, 1996), as well as arbitrary search and seizure, risk of personal attack, and lockouts in response to attacks or as a consequence of local quarantines and curfews. Employers pay a price in terms of uncertainty and employee absences, sabotage, and the risk of personal attack. In addition to these considerations, data from other countries show economic integration has increased, migrants from developing countries analogy appropriate in the Israeli case) constitute In a recent study of labor in the world that while international to industrialized countries (an only a modest proportion of the world stock of migrants. economy. Bloom and Brender (1993) 13 note: "World economic integration has proceeded even though international labor mobility has not increased in recent decades . . . Developed country governments generally do not encourage international migration and often inhibit legal or financial barriers . . . limitations through the imposition of various it on the physical mobility of labor, however, have not prevented the emergence of a global market for labor services as services can be exchanged in a variety of ways that do not require the physical proximity of buyers and sellers." This suggests that there are a variety of economic and social factors that limit the benefits from migrant labor. In fact, the experience of developed countries around the world at who have employed one time or another has been mixed. Recent examples of non-citizen labor include US employment of Mexicans, German employment of Turks, citizens of in migrant labor developed countries Western European employment of Southern and Eastern European nations, and Malaysians employed in Singapore. In each of these cases, pressure has been generated for change in one or both of the following directions: (1) Granting the full range of civil rights and social benefits to migrant workers, with the possibility of eventual citizenship. A leading example is the situation of long-time resident Turkish guest workers in Germany; (2) Substitution of capital mobility for labor mobility. manufacturing from Hong Kong one hand, under the 1 here is the recent flow of capital and to Southeastern China. Recent American experience On An example is especially interesting because 990 Immigration Reform and Control Act, it reflects moves illegal aliens in both directions. who have been country from a long time can in some cases apply for amnesty and permanent residence. hand, efforts have been the made Rio Grande. In addition program is the Offshore to to encourage American firms to low labor costs and proximity Assembly Provision of the US 14 tariff set to On in the the other up establishments on the Mexican side of American markets, a key component of this schedule which stipulates that products assembled or processed abroad with The Mexican government value added. when the US US closed down parts are levied an import duty (to the originally promoted US US) only on the foreign offshore assembly to offset job losses a program that permitted seasonal entry of Mexican farm workers (Mendez, Murray, and Rousslang, 1991). An analogous "offshore assembly" effort for Israel would be to promote Palestinian industry and agriculture in 4he territories, integrated with Israeli distribution and marketing, as an alternative to labor migration. This process will probably develop faster employing Palestinians or foreign guest workers employers do not have the option of if Israeli in Israel. In the past, Israeli policy makers seem to have found local Palestinian economic development a threatening prospect but lessons from other countries suggest that this need not be the case. Some of the features that make Gazan labor attractive to employers apply equally well to the employment of Gazans Gaza using in Israeli Israeli and other foreign capital. Recent research on the determinants of foreign direct investment also suggests that for developing countries, infrastructure, stable international relations, rapid industrial development, domestic market are the factors most important for attractive capital from abroad than tax concessions and low labor costs (Wheeler and Two Mody, and an expanding - more important even 1992). other policy issues I conclude with a brief discussion of the policy implications of the two others reported here. My study of the returns to schooling (Angrist, political reasons for the decline in capital 1995) in the economic returns on human have begun to recover for workers who live in the Gaza capital. territories returns to human capital, either may want discussed possible In fact, the returns on Strip, possibly human because of autonomy. the other hand, the returns to schooling remain had not yet turned around in the the near term, the Palestinian leaders sets of findings West Bank to consider efforts directed at reducing the On as of 1995. In imbalance in by changing the geographic distribution of public sector employment or by 15 making investment in the West Bank more attractive. Of course, the success of such efforts depends on a range of external factors that are impossible to control. Finally,_the results for refugees suggest that refugees only moderately worse off than other Palestinians. (1996). While the results reported here rates than non-refugees, the wage gap is show who reside in the West Bank and Gaza A similar conclusion was reached recently by Pedersen that refugees closing and the have somewhat lower wages and employment employment differences are not dramatic. This suggests that resources devoted to further integrating refugees into the local Palestinian most effective overall if are economy way be they are focused on improving schools and physical infrastructure and on boosting the macro economy, as opposed to programs of targeted subsidies and 16 transfers. References "Wages and Employment in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: 1981-90," Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel, Discussion Paper No. 92.02, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, July Angrist, J.D., 1992. "The Economic Returns to Schooling in the West Bank and Gaza Strip," American Economic Review 85 (December 1995), 1065-1087. Angrist, J.D., "Short-run Demand for Palestinian Labor," Journal of Labor Economics 14 (July 1996), Angrist, J.D., 425-453. Bloom, D., and A. Brender, "Labor in the World Economy," NBER Working Paper No. 4266, January 1993. Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, Labour Force Survey in Judea and Samaria: January-September 1995, Jerusalem: September, 1996. Israel Central Israel Bureau of Employment Abstract of Israel 1996, Jerusalem: 1996. Payments Division, Dates of Closures 93-94-95, Memo dated January Statistics, Statistical Service, 15, 1996. Lewin-Epstein, Noah and Moshe Semyonov. The Arab Minority Inequality. in Israel's Economy: Patterns of Ethnic San Francisco: Westview Press, 1993. Kleiman, Ephraim. "The Flow of Labour Services From the West Bank and Gaza to Israel." Department of Economics Working Paper No. 260, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, July 1992. Maariv (Hebrew Daily), "Foreign Workers: Underground Israel '96", Saturday Supplement, pages 14-20, October 25, 1996. A., T. Murray, and D.J. Rousslang, "US-Mexico Employment Effects of Repealing the Offshore Assembly Provision," Applied Economics 23 (March 1991), 553-566. Mendez, Jose Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, US Labour Force Survey: Main Findings (September-October 1995 Round), Labour Force Survey Report Series (No. 1), Ramallah: April, 1996. Bureau of Statistics, Labour Force Survey: Main Findings (April-May 1996 Round), Labour Force Survey Report Series (No. 2), Ramallah: August, 1996. Pedersen, Jon, "West Bank and Gaza Living Conditions: Are Refugees Different? (the answer is: not very much), paper prepared for the Harvard Refugee Project, October 1996. Wheeler, David, and Ashoka Mody, "International Investment Decisions: The Case of US Firms," International Economic Review 33 (August 1992), 57-76. Palestinian Central 17 ; ' E »rj Tt a * 6 — o ^ -* — ^ O o rf" fi — oo •a Q 5 °- — tN — — 5'E 2 t_ t? 13 c« OS oi 2 o o f^ - c u O cr^ c o c p CT; — c*S r^ vo ^ 0> 00 •a 4> rt " o o a 'd ,: >> p so r*i 00 q; •H u « 5 S * .^ C3 E'd .,- i5 a B o o to 8 u c =* lis U~t C — ° .° S2 ^ CO set o o s E a a* — OS — ^ o — < — o oo — S a o lic o V] tf o u « g a. ?J E a i _- =03 CL E OS in — ' — — ^^ i T3 O = ca c 03 U — S E S « en n as o^ -* — * 03 d -' n 2 2 d o^ 1 o ? c ^^ C C 3 "E. iSt ia <u & 2 "5 ^ in a u a. £ o < z < z p O •a c o o o Z .t I la ^^ m <3 — o U-l "^ to o -* o ^ — o r^ O Tt — o — "^ oo * — o CO ifi-a vn M ;S r^ oo <N o (N »n <N O ^-1 o O u oo oo oo *- ^ o o ^- D u O < vj-> ^ & o ;_ uU O ;^ (N Tt „H m o ^H >i-l \D (N Tf O — CS csi O O O — o ' O ON —o O T S o mm o § •^ oo —o « mo m (N oo (N oo rr\ — — Tj- I rj oo ^ m O o — o (N — •* O ^- oo XT) ^~ OO oo o — O —O ^" D — o CM »n O o s:00 ,o o U ^§ k. OJ -r s rncNt 'OfNl TtO o f*^ ^- (SO r^— f^O On^O oo— — O c^^/^ oo— — m -o — xn — ^O ^ (N o o 82 q o _ °o P o oooo -^ OO P OO — oo ^ P O oo CN OO »o o oO 5 ^ MD -J P O <2 O < z o — mo u cs oo (^ -r oo en O S •o:9' li-) p-i o>n r^(N ^o -rt oo rs <M O r--— • ONCN — o oo oo — CN(N — o ^-. — o moo On — m —o CO oo ^- CO 2 ^s Po a a E — o ,/ E c -ii ;:: mo o Tj- o m <N o -^ v£J c^ Ov »n O ^ o E u w o Z (N o po ^ 1^ "^ s •a > o CJ Jr £ u « -c OOCT r : ^ °oS Oo t^f^ oR "^O CT^^/^ vo^ of-^ <^»n prS Po '^O frg HO O — o o OJ ": o o Oo — o — SiT! Po Oo O ts '^ o o — OS 2o — O go— o g^ P o S2o : Sox Sf^ Oo U n<^ ^O S<^ Oo ** "". . p: P o OS r^ Co" ~ o f:^ "". O So Po -: o ~o qj 'S- ~: o " o ii-S^ M —o oo o U ^o Po >o o (S o — po CJ — ^ Po ' o o cs o CsJ CN > — o P O ^ OS O^ PO >n Co o U Po ^' oo »* J. Po OO ^OO so —o Po ^ o o OS f^ V~i P o as OS ^-' S2 Po O CN in t^ oo CQ "^ U P o Po Po p o Po ~; o Po P O P o °o P o M Co ^ po o 5 P So po S--3 u >• -2o 3 -: S S' p o — — : So Po S' o o Po p) en eg- P o o iji p P o S- £ CSS -J ws D Z c= -a -a & § i o o ^ o £ ^ = 2o Po -c "o Po — P o "^ ?° SI" PS "S S^ P8 P o .g g H to "a <U 5 " S c 1 3 5 c5 IK ^ CN o S s 3 ^ o PO : Po t~ o Po P o rn oo P o P o U 3 ^ i3 u S ~o Po -3 •= Po a p E Po = s s o [^ U a o w v. c 60 C/1 u. ^ OC .o -S s ^ ^ ^3 _ 'r7 c^ rt ca ^ u 3 "rt C c 1-^ £i 5 -a C3 uT ^ g s i is .2? '5 .70 . 65 . 60 0.55- 0.50w u m 0.45 •-1 0.401 u o ^ 0.35 o Q 0.30- §0.25 4-) U n3 fc .20 . . 15 10 0.05- . 00 ' ' ' ' ' ' I I 1 82 ' ' ' ' I ' I I 83 84 ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' 85 Region of Residence Figure 1. ' I 37 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Year Gaza ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I 95 96 West Bank Fraction of employed working in Israel by region Ji^ 0.85- . 80 CO Pi c o a, ° 0.75 o QJ e >, o j—i a e w . . 70 65 ' ' I 1 82 ' I ' i I 83 84 85 , I I 1 I I I 86 87 Region of Residence Figure 2. Employment rate by region ' ' 88 89 Year Gaza ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I 90 91 92 93 94 95 ' ' I 96 West Bank c^^S { 0.10- . 09 . 08 07 . 0) >i o 1— ex % 0.06 Q) U >-l O 05 . O (0 04 . o u 03 . . 02 0.01- . 00 Region of Residence Figure 3 . Unemployment rate by region Year Gaza West Bank iL 24 22 20 T3 O 16 - 14 - CO Q 12 10 ' ' ' I ' ' ' I 81 82 ' ' ' ' I 83 ' ' ' ' I 84 ' ' I 85 Region of Residence Figure 4. 1 I I I I ' ' I I 6 87 88 89 Year Gaza Average days worked by region ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I 90 91 92 93 94 ' ' ' ' I 95 ' ' ' I 96 West Bank ^7 26 24 22 - 20 - 0) u o 16 Q 14 12 - 10 - ' ' ' I 1 ' ' I 82 ' ' ' ' I 83 ' ' ' ' I 84 ' ' ' ' I ' 85 Work Location Figure 5. ' ' ' ' I 86 ' ' ' ' I 87 ' ' I I 39 Year Gaza Jerusalem Average days worked by work location ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 XXX ' ' Israel West Bank 3.? 1200 1150 /I 1 1100 1050 1000 950 ^ 900 (0 ^ 850 (0 QJ PS 800 750 4-1 G o '^ tn - 700 650 m u CD > 600 <; 550 - 500 450- 400 - 350 - 300-1 81 -T—i—I—r—i—r- 82 83 84 85 16 87 88 89 91 90 92 93 94 95 96 Year Work Location Figure 6. Gaza Jerusalem >< X X Israel West Bank Average monthly wages in 1991 NIS by work location Male employees aged 18-64 2f 60 55 - 50 - Q) (0 S 45 PS en en (0 Q 40 0) Di (0 U QJ > 35 30 25 I 82 ' ' ' ' I 83 ' ' !''''!' ' 84 85 Work Location 86 — ' ' ' ' 38 7. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I I 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Year Gaza Jerusalem Figure I I ' I ^—^—^ Israel West Bank Average daily wages in 1991 NIS by work location Male employees aged 18-64 3^