MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 03130 2299 y^.d' o^-'^L Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series EQUILIBRIUM REFINEMENT IN DYNAMIC VOTING GAMES Daron Acemoglu Georgy Egorov Konstantin Sonin Working Paper 09-26 October 6, 2009 1 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at httD:// =1490164 Equilibrium Refinement in Dynamic Voting Games* Daron Acemoglu MIT Georgy Egorov Northwestern University Konstantin Sonin New Economic School October 2009. Abstract We propose two related equilibrium refinements for voting and agenda-setting games, Sequentially Weakly Undominated Equilibrium (SWUE) and Markov Trembling Hand Perfect Equilibrium (MTHPE), and show how these equilibrium concepts eliminate non-intuitive equilibria that arise naturally in dynamic voting games and games in which random or deterministic sequences of agenda-setters make offers to several players. We establish existence of these equilibria in finite and infinite (for MTHPE) games, provide a characterization of the structure of equilibria, and clarify the relationship between the two concepts. Finally, we show how these concepts can be applied in a dynamic model of endogenous club formation. Keywords: JEL * voting, agenda-setting games, Markov trembling-hand perfect equilibrium. Classification: D72, C73. Daron Acemoglu gratefully acknowledges financial support from the National Science Foundation. Introduction 1 In many political economy problems, including models of legislative bargaining (e.g., Baron, Diermeier, and Fong, 2008, Battaglini and Coate, 2007, 2008, Diermeier and Fong, 2009, Dug- gan and Kalandrakis, 2007, Romer and Rosenthal, 1978) and models of mation (e.g., Acemoglu, Egorov, and Sonin, 2008), agents participate proposal making and strategic voting. which proposals are made and the voting protocols These . in particular, the whether voting "details" as well as the exact notion of equilibrium often have a major impact and may introduce "non-intuitive" This a significant challenge for applied analysis in this area. game procedures through sequential or simula- set of equilibria of the rounds of is (e.g., on the is in multiple Noncooperative game-theoretic formulations of these models typically specify the extensive form of the game, taneous) political coalition for- that appear unimportant and difficult to map many equilibria in It of these games. would be desirable for features to reality (such as the exact order of proposals and the details of the voting protocol) not to have a major impact on predictions, and for non-intuitive equilibria not to political economy theory of political situations; emerge as predictions. Therefore, to have equilibrium concepts that (ii) (i) appears important for can be applied to a wide variety and rule out non-intuitive equilibria; it (iii) make broad predictions that are independent of the procedural details specified in the extensive form of the political game. The next example political illustrates how games. Example 1 Consider three individuals, each strictly preferring option a to options will be implemented by voting. majority will be implemented. which non-intuitive equilibria can emerge in even the simplest all It is Voting is not think that The ample is all a, is a Nash equilibrium. However, the non-intuitive is also a Nash three individuals supporting option 6 is When any two a reasonable prediction. Nash equilibrium generally ignored, either by using one of two refinements, strategies or trembling-hand perfect equilibria so that instead of simultaneous voting there approach would work as voting approach also works equilibrium. a weak best response for the third one to do so as well. Naturally, we do non-intuitive prediction implied by the notion of undominated of these two simultaneous; the option that receives the possibility that all three individuals vote for option b b, it is One straightforward to verify that the natural equilibrium, in three individuals vote for option players vote for b. for 6 is is Nash (THPE), sequential voting. or It is in the previous ex- equilibria in (weakly) by changing the game evident why a weakly dominated strategy for each player. for relatively intuitive reasons: the first The second with sequential voting, the game becomes Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from IVIIT Libraries dynamic, and it is easy to show that in any subgame-perfect equilibrium (SPE) at least two play- ers vote for a, so option a is chosen. Moreover, this result applies regardless of the order in which the three individuals vote. Nevertheless, sequential voting has the potential disadvantage that most votes are not in practice cast sequentially, but simultaneously (and with secret ballots). Therefore, this approach "works," though is it does so by changing the environment to one that a worse approximation to the situation being modeled. Moreover, this discussion highlights that the set of predictions might crucially depend on seemingly unimportant procedural details such as whether voting is sequential or simultaneous. In addition, while these two refinements eliminate non-intuitive equilibria in static voting games, many involve dynamic proposal making and interesting political economy problems, such rule out non-intuitive equilibria. This Example at this option Example 1 If 2. In addition, option b in both dates 2, all illustrated in the next example. subgame is Example in 1, except that voting takes place a unanimity of voters prefers one of the two options in period is we assume that delay the relevant equilibrium concept in the is implemented. Otherwise, there is 1. and do not necessarily voting. In this case, these refinements 2 Consider the same environment as two dates, as those mentioned at the beginning, is SPE. an SPE. This starting from date 2. is It a majority vote at date is costly. Now because all all b players would be best responding by voting for b at date is multi-stage, three individuals voting for three players voting for b Then, expecting option then identical to that in 2, because the game can be verified that 1, is an equilibrium being implemented at the date 1. It can also be verified that eliminating weakly dominated strategies does not change this outcome, since voting for option date b at not weakly dominated because of costly delay. 1 is Example 2 shows that simply eliminating weakly dominated strategies resolve the problems that arise in dynamic voting games. Nevertheless, is it to illustrate that the sequential elimination of weakly dominated strategies powerful. For example, the strategy "vote for b in both periods" strategy "vote for b in period 1, for 6 in period 2" is 1 , vote for a in period 2" weakly dominated by "vote for , for ^See Duggan We is typically more weakly dominated by the and the strategy "vote for a in period for b in period 1 and a in period 2" a in both periods" in the reduced game. Note that this process of sequential elimination requires that simultaneously.^ can also be used a in both periods". After these weakly dominated strategies are eliminated, the strategy "vote becomes weakly dominated by "vote is not sufficient to all weakly dominated strategies are eliminated can strengthen the point even further and show that even allowing (2003) for a discussion of problems with this equilibrium refinement. for sequential elimination of weakly dominated strategies Example equilibria (see may not always rule out non-intuitive 5 in the Appendix). As already mentioned above, a powerful equilibrium concept intuitive predictions is trembling-hand perfect equilibria (THPE). However, the use of trembling- hand perfection concept trembles is if to focus in dynamic games requires some caution One way 1994, pp. 246-252). THPE to define the in (e.g., dynamic games Osborne and Rubinstein, to is aUow for correlated a player has a move at different stages of the game; a more restrictive generalization on uncorrelated trembles. Example 6 generalizations is in the this (SWUE) and Markov perfect-information game as the Sequentially Weakly Undominated Equi- Hand Trembling Perfect Equilibrium. an agenda- setting game of the players (or, possibly. Nature) moves, or there is dynamic voting games. paper introduces two simple, easy-to-use and intuitive equilibrium concepts for agenda-setting games: formal definition Appendix shows that neither of these sufficient to eliminate non-intuitive equilibria in certain Motivated by these problems, librium that often eliminates non- if is (MTHPE). We game at each stage of this a voting among a refer to either one subset of players (a provided below). Dynamic voting games, in which there are several stages of voting over proposals, are a special case of agenda-setting games. In addition, most multilateral bargaining an games can be cast as agenda-setting games. intuitive generalization of the idea of eliminating games. One disadvantage of SWUE games. Another, and a more serious one, equilibria, as Example 5 in the is is that that it it is We does not necessarily rule out alternative notion, cuses on Markovian trembles, has three desirable features. First, larger class of games, including infinite it it games with finite number several "details," such as whether voting not affect the predictions in these games. In particular, we agenda-setting games with simultaneous voting is though admittedly we show will ^We of MTHPEs) less realistic, all will is is in non-intuitive MTHPE, eliminates all which fo- non-intuitive for a of non-equivalent subgames. MTHPE in agenda-setting simultaneous or sequential, do show that the identical to the set of of the equivalent sequential voting games. This result voting, is apply to infinite can be applied easily and straightforwardly Third, we will provide a tight characterization of the structure of games and show that SWUE SWUE prove existence of difficult to generalize or Appendix shows. Our equilibria in agenda-setting games. Second, In this context, dynamic weakly dominated strategies, and uses this procedure iteratively starting from the terminal subgames. finite a also useful, since set of MTHPE MTHPE of (and of SPE) games with sequential allow a straightforward characterization of SPEs (and by backward induction." are not aware of any other equilibrium concept or refinement that has these three desirable features. We will first establish the existence of MTHPE a broad class of games, including for agenda-setting games, and then provide a characterization of the set of While setting games. MTHPE that for agenda-setting SWUE libria in SWUE games for MTHPE is for finite MTHPE games) an agenda- we show are not subsets of one another in general, games (and, more broadly, (so within this class of Our main and MTHPE all always a is a stronger concept). characterization result as well as our result on the equivalence of the set of equi- simultaneous and sequential voting games rely on the notion of regularization which we introduce. A regularization replaces each stage of a dynamic game where multiple players vote si- multaneously by a sequence of actions (stages) in which one player moves at a time. This implies that whenever several players move simultaneously, there are many the resulting games have the same set of equilibrium payoffs. that the set of result is set of SPE is of MTHPE A regularizations. However, all key part of our characterization of the initial (simultaneous voting) game is equivalent to the any regularization. This result both implies that which regularization MTHPE immaterial and shows that computing the set of is is chosen generally quite straightforward and can be done by choosing an arbitrary regularization (an arbitrary sequence of voting stages corresponding to the original game). Note, however, that the Markovian trembles restriction in MTHPE critical for these results: is Example Appendix shows that the above 6 in the respondence between the equilibria of simulataneous voting game and down when we Finally, use the standard we show how proposed and analyzed game can be in THPE either or concept instead of its regularization breaks MTHPE. both concepts can be applied to a dynamic voting model Acemoglu, Egorov and Sonin (2008) under sequential voting. This interpreted as one of elimination (as in Soviet Politburo) or as a coalition formation, similar to previous pioneering bera, Maschler, cor- and Shalev work in this area, (2001). In Roberts (1999), the club game of dynamic Roberts (1999) and Bar- membership changes subject to approval by a majority of the current members; in Barbera, Maschler, and Shalev (2001), any member of the club might unilaterally admit a applies our also main results to a game of dynamic be straightforwardly applied to dynamic interesting new member legislative bargaining work by Diermeier and Fong (2009) studies in their model would Although Section 4 coalition formation, our equilibrium concept agenda-setting power and uses a solution concept that MTHPE to the club.^ games. For example, recent legislative bargaining is can a special case of with persistent MTHPE. Applying give identical results. ^See also Jack and Lagunoff (2006) and Granot, Maschler, and Shalev (2002), where unanimity admission to a club. is required for , Although the hterature on voting games modern treatment), the notions of is MTHPE and Banks, 1999, vast (see Austen-Smith and SWUE Two are new. a previous contributions Moulin (1979) pioneered application of dominance are particularly noteworthy. for solvability to games. Duggan (2003) discusses the possibility of non-intuitive equilibria in political political games, suggests several solutions and also contains a The rest of the paper of related list open problems. organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the concepts of Markov is Trembling-Hand Perfect Equilibrium and Sequentially Weakly Undominated Equilibrium. Section 3 contains the main an application of results, while Section 4 provides MTHPE. Section 5 concludes and the Appendix contains two additional examples. Setup 2 Setup and Notation 2.1 T Consider a general n-person T-stage game (where a natural number or oo), where each is individual can take an action at every stage. Let the action profile of each individual = a* with t al S Al and G A' a* (not including stage game, and histories let t), Ht be the up to date t (a*! = nf=i ^twhere a^ = , . a^) for , . . (a^, . = IJs=o a'-* = . • . t . . with the set of continuation action profiles . . , . : < , . . . n, be the history of play up to stage at) is , the history at the beginning of the <T~1. We t be denote the set of all potential i-continuation action profiles be ^« ^^^ (aj, aj+i, (ai, 1 a"), so ^o , . set of histories ht for by if * = Let ht = i i , a^) for for player i = i 1, . . . n. denoted by A*'*. Symmetrically, define t-truncated action profiles as a L-t [a\,a\,...,a\_i) for with the set of i-truncated action profiles for player notation a' and a~' and A~* are used depend only on actions, i.e., assume that even of histories. We if T is infinite, player the 1,...,5 denoted by A*'~*. i i's payoff is We also use the standard and the action for the sets of actions). .i We = to denote the action profiles for player players (similarly, A^ players i i The profiles of all other payoflF functions for the given by ('^1 (a\...,a"). game admits only a finite set of payoff-relevant classes also define the restriction of the payoff function u^ to a continuation play asuMai'-*,...,a"'-* (ai'*,...,a"'*) the utihty of player then, when a^i,...,af the action profile (aj,...,a") at time is it i : t, a^'^+i, ... : is (a-^'~*, and then finally, . , . . it ,a"'*+M restricted to be a^•^...,a"'* onwards. Symmetrically, this payoff function can also be read as the action profile profile A f (a^'*"*"^, a^'~*, . a"'~' . , . given that up to time ja"'*"*"^) . aj, : . . . . ,a^ A {X) (corresponding to strategy where //*"' \ //*~^ is is u^ 0-1'*, . ( . , . at time t (t"'* continuation : time S''~*. ^-truncated strategy for player (including time t A t t), i.e.. i-continuation strategy for player t (including time i t), i.e., or longer. will also use the same and ct*'' (7^'*+\ . payoff . . , to other ,G il utility function defined over ) \ player players i after use Similarly, for the payoff to player i We cr"''*. when he h*~^ history uses (ct^-*, the notation the use also /i*-M as the payoff from strategy profile ct"'*+i . . . , ct"'*) I restricted to the continuation strategy profile [a^'*'^^, /i*"-^. (corre- i and write strategy given history Q-i,t the play has consisted of the action specifies plays only after time ct*) U UJ continuation A S*. the set of histories until time strategies (as actions) the by denoted by abuse of notation, we slight i a^) specifies plays only until set of truncated strategies denote from continuation i is set of strategies for player sponding to strategy to t denotes the set of probability distributions defined over the set X. Denote the With a t, utility from \. (possibly mixed) strategy for player where The . This function specifies up to and including time t—1; a"'~*) is . . . , . cr"'*+^) from t + 1 onwards, we use the notation when he chooses the continuation action profile a*'* and others choose given history h^~^. We start by providing the standard definitions of Nash equilibria and subgame perfect Nash equilibria. 6 Definition A 1 strategy profile A Definition 2 u' > . . (ct^, a Nash Equilibrium ct") is , . {a\ a'') strategy profile h'-^) u' (<T^'*,d-^'* > {a\ a-') u' ((T^, ...,a^) is Towards introducing weakly dominant one stage game with actions We Definition 3 . , . n, for 1, . . . , n. for all t, if a~' G E~* and for alH = 1, . . , . n. Weakly Undominated Equilibrium Sequentially . alH = H'-\ h*'^ G all I for all 1, for a Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium h*-^) for u' (a''*,a-^'* I G £* and for all a' if any cr* say that strategies, let us take a small digression and consider a (a^, ...,a"). (<t^, . . ,(t") . a weakly undominated equilibrium is if for each i = G S' we have u'{a\a-') >u'{a\a-') (i.e., it is a Nash equilibrium) and for each i = 1, . . , . n, there does not exist cr' G E' such that u'{a\a-') >u'{a\a-') G S~* with for all (T~' at least one strict inequality. Naturally, such equilibrium always exists in static finite games. Let us next extend general T-stage of the game game for T finite. A defined analogously to Definition is Definition 4 Take any t < I : weakly undominated equilibrium librium for any u I a ' ,a ' /i* (b'\ a-*'* for all (T~*'* G that may < T+ t if (ct^, ; exist G ct*'* ai'*+\ . . Strategy profile (a\ I. . . . . , £*'* \ ti ^u . . . a h^~^ -sequentially ,(t") is a /i*-sequentially weakly undominated equi- ,(t") is j last stage 3. occur after h*~^ and for each .CT,...,a and there does not u' weakly undominated strategy equilibrium in this to the it \ a ' ,a = i ' 1, . . , . . a ' n, for any G a*'* ,...,(T' \ n E*'*, i \\.) such that a^'*+i | h'-^\ > u' U''\ E~*'* with at least one strict inequality. a"*'* \ a''*+\ . . . , a^'*+i | h^'A (2) Definition 4 inductive, but this induction is terminal node, then the condition first recorded any further. In words, we for a weakly dominant strategy Definition 5 Strategy profile Weakly Undominated Equilibrium . . it will be played from time (SWUE) + t 1 not be will onwards and then look game. game of a finite extensive-form ,(t") . leads to a /i*""^ hypothesize that there exists a /i*-sequentially weakly first profile at stage t of the ((j\ history if because the history satisfied automatically, is undominated equilibrium, impose that Indeed, finite. is is a Sequentially a /i^-sequentially weakly undominated equi- if it is librium. Markov Trembling-Hand We now introduce the we need to define a Definition 6 for aU /i^"\ A Perfect Equilibria notion of Markov Trembling-Hand Markovian strategy (Maskin and continuation strategy e H*~'^ such that /i*~^ ct*'* any for is > e (MTHPE). For this, Tirole, 2001). Markovian a*'*, d*-* /i*-i) u' (a''*,a-^'* Perfect Equilibria A''* if and any u' (a^'*,a-*'* a"'-* G A~^'* h'-^) | I implies that U^\a-''' h'-^) > u' (a^'Sa"'-* h''^ | I Definition 7 form strategic We is say that a strategy profile continuation strategy (m) u* , . , . . ct" a^''^ (m)) -^ {a\a~^ (m)) > We say u* {m) ((T^, (cr*, . is . , . ct~' profiles Markovian (j") as an extensive-form game ...,0"") Trembling- Hand Perfect Equilibrium all a' (a^ (m) { for all m ^ oo (m)) for that a strategy profile (a^, strategic of Markov Trembling-Hand Perfect Equilibrium (MTHPE) quence of totally mixed Markovian strategy ((7^ (<j^, ...,ct") z = , . , . . ct" if in agent- there exists a se- (m)) }^^^ (meaning that l,...,n and all m for alH = £ N) such that and £ E\ for all meN of an extensive-form (MTHPE) if it is and game MTHPE in strategic in the 1, . form . . is , n. Markov corresponding agent- form game. Note that problems that MTHPE is defined directly arise when trembling hand in the agent-strategic perfection 8 is form in order to avoid defined on the strategic form standard (e.g., Selten, . MTHPE Osborne and Rubinstein, 1994, pp. 246-252). Naturally, 1975, than THPE.^ Nevertheless, we establish In a class of political games, which MTHPE we its a stronger concept is existence under general assumptions refer to as agenda-setting MTHPE (Theorem 1). games, we prove that a pure- these two equihbrium concepts do not always coincide. SWUE (Theorem 2). Nevertheless, First, a MTHPE always exists, while SWUE exist strategy may exists, and moreover every not. Second, in an infinite a is game, there may SWUEs that are not MTHPE. Agenda- Setting Games 2.2 Let us first define general agenda-setting games, a class of extensive form games with perfect information that includes most voting games as a special case.^ In Section existence of To MTHPE and SWUE for these 3, we establish the games. define a general agenda-setting game, we first need a definition of a stage. Inside one stage, information sets are possible as the definition should be general enough to nest simultaneous voting. Definition 8 game 1. A game if it satisfies Game F F in extensive form with a set of players N is called an agenda- setting the following conditions. consists of a (possibly infinite) (a) a "proposing stage", i.e., number of stages, where each stage is either: a decision node and a number of possible actions of a single player (possibly Nature), the agenda-setter at stage Q. (h) a "voting stage", i.e., a connected subgraph of F, in which each player most one decision node and two actions 2. e N has and a" (0) at . For each voting stage 0, there are only two equivalence classes of continuation-payofiidentical 3. at this node, say a^ (0) i subgames following terminal nodes of In each voting stage 0, for each player i £ in game F, say y (0) and n (0). N and for any other players' actions held fixed, action of (0) does not decrease the probability of moving into a subgame that belongs to the equivalence class y (0) * Another trembling hand refinement used of MTHPE. A in some neighborhood in the literature, truly perfect equilibrium, is stronger than our notion mixed profiles any one sequence of profiles in the standard notion of trembling-hand perfection and to one sequence of Markovian profiles in the case of MTHPE. However, this equilibrium concept fails to exist in many games, including our dynamic game of coalition formation (except in some special cases). "The study of agenda-setting games was pioneered by Romer and Rosenthal (1978) and Baron and Ferejohn (1989). truly perfect equilibrium requires strategies from of a rather than to a to be best responses to all fully . For any two nodes 4- £, and of ^' exists a voting stage 8' of game game F F, if . ^ and ^ belong to one information set, than there that contains both ^ and ^' This definition states that any game in which one of the agents makes a proposal and others vote in favor or against this proposal restriction that more all dynamic voting games and then subsequently, a subset and then of, or in less likely to succeed). intuitive Agenda-setting which at some stages proposals are made, players vote in favor or against these proposals. all, dynamic bargaining games, where a also include several stage, do not make a proposal "yes" votes games naturally cover an agenda-setting game (and imposes the is division of a pie They offered at a certain is needs to be accepted by the other participants acting simultaneously or in this sequence, as special cases. Characterization 3 Existence Results 3.1 We start is, in a very broad class of games. nonetheless, a sufficiently strong equilibrium refinement to rule out Theorem MTHPE 1 Any player N £ i finite or infinite extensive-form (possibly in Proof. Suppose is first mixed that game with a finite (a^ Markovian strategies (rj) , . . . ,a" (77)). T is finite. non-intuitive equilibria number of stages has a Consider a perturbation of the original game where each By t] > where 0, the standard fixed point theorem argument, this perturbed only. Therefore, the perturbed Because the action space has can choose a sequence limit. it strategies). has a Nash equilibrium; moreover, the fixed point theorem applies to later prove that restricted to play each action at each stage with probability t]\^> sufficiently small. is all We games. in agenda-setting rj MTHPE exists by observing that 77^,77^, .. . we restrict our attention game has a Markov Perfect Equilibria dimensions and thus compact, we finite which converges to if game such that (a^ (rj^) is , . . . ,a" (t?'"")) This limit would be a trembling-hand perfect equihbrium in Markovian strategies, has a i.e., an MTHPE. If T is infinite, the previous reasoning applies straightforwardly if instead of "stages" "classes of stages with payoff-equivalent histories" Theorem 2. 2 1. In any finite Any (finite) game, a agenda-setting MTHPE is a game has SWUE. 10 a MTHPE in pure strategies. we use . 3. Any Proof. We (1) SWUE in pure agenda- setting game has a finite strategies. proceed by induction on the number of stages. consider a one-shot agenda-setting game. stage If this is perfect. If the single stage of the outcomes to another. outcome MTHPE, We MTHPE agenda-setting there subgames there same ctJ, MTHPE a^, . . . for in all agenda-setting i if player each j G {1, . actions for infinitely (at . MTHPE, in the corresponding MTHPE), and we and take any m. [i) i which is ct^, cr^, . . . i. we can proceed MTHPEs i first for a^. In each of k corresponding MTHPE; we j„ such that Cj^ It is is now is = for infinite . Take another . . for any n. action aj that is weakly better than other is of the whole game. a voting stage. Then there MTHPE number a^ 1. Now i MTHPE. 11 . are played, respectively, then There is an action consider two subsequences of m for which a find action a{i). number It is {i) is (z) weakly will get action of players now the stages starting from the second one and actions a stage form a pure strategy . Consider one of the players n, to another one. of m's. profiles cr^, cr^, and repeat the procedure; then we any player are, essentially, in each (if they are isomorphic, take which are formed by values of for Now, consider straightforward to prove that aj, along with MTHPE player, j, and Moreover, we can require cr", of the previous subsequences. Since the and can choose the weakly better than other actions. has two actions, y and n, in stage ct^, where MTHPE for each such j 1-stage games. the subgames strategies a"^ and in this way, chosen . can similarly construct two sequences of strategy and u^, and two subsequences at the T— of actions, there values of n. weakly preferred better for player (j) If in , . a pure strategy weakly prefers to choose one of the actions, y or sequences a is forms a pure strategy and (j\,a\,... Each player a n, there number many . j\,J2) are isomorphic, then ct" any start with the case which converge to a pure strategy /c} = ai, than T; take an less Therefore, there exist sequences of strategy profiles most) two subgames; take a pure-strategy player weakly prefers one i We its first stage. consider the case where the initial stage the same (i) , . (for j Since there are a finite Now Consider stages. isomorphic subgames. for at first stage. For the chosen games with number of stages exists (by the induction hypothesis) two subgames i Markovian Suppose that we have proved the existence of making a choice between k actions which are Nash equilibria that T game with one player is voting, then each player it is straightforward to verify that voting for a weakly preferred It is next proceed with the induction step. pure-strategy since MTHPE. an is is indeed, is trivial; one-player move, then, evidently, the action which maximizes his utility constitutes a pure-strategy and trembling-hand The base is finite, evident that the for each player i . (2) Take any strategy profile on the number of stages with it. < q' By Consider This MTHPE, when moves i by at first stage > u°. action a* If possible over the set of feasible actions. Hence, this consider the other situation where the mixed on how other players let /x"*", iJ,~ , it votes, i > fi^ is small then yields fx'^uf it is it is is i, and is a this utility is if implies uf > how he a a small for (/i"*" -I- votes, By Depending ry. is played. Thus, if u'^' < u~' it is if u^' > and player definition, n^) u^' pf) u~' where u^' and u~' are profile a' maximum the a voting stage. Consider a profile a' probabilities of these events. + {fx~ + i's utilities u~' and thus by definition of , MTHPE is i in this take any player MTHPE. This who i a weakly dominant strategy is himself and other players) weakly dominant. If, and thus this any MTHPE Similarly, . = u~ u^ inated. Therefore, for participates in voting. If is if uf > u~ then he for , him , is a SWUE. 1, from acceptance If player rj i i's is sole best sufficiently must support uf < u~ votes for the proposal plays in this never pivotal, then any strategy player, the strategy he plays in this = (given continuation strategies of uf < u~ then the strategy he or the player pivotal; in expectation, u~', then player it. accepted ^'^+^~+fi'P + A*~'"i~' voting against is the proposal in equilibrium with probability one. Similar reasoning applies to the case Now with a SWUE. ?7-close to rejected regardless of voting for the proposal, and u^ > u~ stage Voting for the proposal yields 0. and rejection of the proposal response first MTHPE vote, three mutually exclusive situations are possible: proposal player and by assumption an action played with a is actions played in a all MTHPE and suppose that strategies and ^^ be the respective voting against in uf for any other feasible action a (otherwise non-zero probability yield the same expected utility for player how MTHPE at this stage; denote his expected utility (in this there would exist a payoff-improving deviation). Hence, regardless of games its first stage. from taking action a consisting of fully for truncated to any of the game's proper subgames, forms a non-zero probability in equilibrium then u^' Now proved by backward induction is game. Suppose that the Theorem has been proved Suppose that only one player MTHPE) MTHPE. Consider an agenda-setting game with q stages and take any q stages. induction, this SWUE. in the a that forms a MTHPE is is MTHPE is weakly undom- weakly undominated, This completes the induction step. (3) This follows from (1) and (2) of this Theorem. Existence of an will MTHPE be exploited below for SWUE in (existence of an procedure, is a equilibrium in pure strategies full is at first a surprising result characterization of these equilibria in agenda-setting and games pure strategies, which can be computed by a backward-induction obvious). 12 (0,0) (1,1) Figure A Game 3: Relationship Between 3.2 SWUE However, MTHPE and (1,1) With SWUE which MTHPE not is MTHPE and SWUE concepts are not equivalent, and neither in general stronger is than the other (though see Theorem 4 below). Example 3 There exists SWUE is not an agenda-setting game where an a game of two players with extensive form depicted on Figure because at each stage only one player has a (non-trivial) move. {R,r). However, there are two there SWUEs: a non-zero chance that player 2 will play is As an alternative to the concept of The {R,r) and {L,r). SWUE, player I, This 3. 1 is It is an is Consider an agenda-setting game, game has latter MTHPE. MTHPE exactly one not MTHPE, because if better off choosing R. one might consider Sequentially Weakly Dominant Equilibria, defined as follows: Definition 9 Take any t:l<t<T+l. weakly dominant equilibrium any h} that a ' may ,a occur after a : , . . . if ((t\ /i*~^ we use ,a (ct^, . . . ,17") . ,(t") is ti I \ the convention that Strategy profile . is (ct^, . . . ,ct") is a h^~^ -sequentially a h* -sequentially weakly dominant equilibrium for and for (Here, . Strategy profile all any > u G i;*'*, CT*'* profile is [ a ,a for a . all cr'''^ G ,...,(7' ' S"^'*, \ and for = all i h^ -sequentially weakly dominant a Sequentially Weakly n I,. . . ,N. equilibrium.) Dominant Equilibrium (SWDE) if it is a h^ -sequentially weakly dominant equilibrium. Note that we do not require that the inequality holds order to ensure existence in situations where one player Clearly, SWDE shown that is much we can games indifferent stronger equilibrium concept than for agenda-setting for general finite precisely, a is games the notions SWDE is of between SWUE. 13 (7''*,cr~*'* different Nevertheless, SWDE and SWUE coincide, a "strictly" stronger concept and establish the following result. one strictly for at least may in outcomes. it can be though naturally fail to exist. More Theorem a is 2. 3 SWUE is a SWDE (and thus a MTHPE SWDE in pure strategies. In any finite agenda- setting game, a 1. SWDE). In particular, such games have In any finite game, a SWDE is a SWUE (so for agenda- setting games these notions coin- cide). game where There exists a 4- There exists an agenda-setting game where a Proof. (1) This stage; finite easily is may be proved tially, it voting; take stitute a i given that a i i. If he assume that SWUE <T, if SWDE not a is SWUE MTHPE. The base a. SWDE and in profile a. the case where accepted and is uf > u~ must hold (according indeed, voting "against" is Now assume action a. Finally, if if must be that u^ . a is would con- pivotal with votes "for" the proposal. Denotes his i rejected by u'^ and u'^ respectively, then , to Definition 4; otherwise voting "for" a prescribes a mixed strategy (and = u~ But that he is then again, any player i is would be weakly dominant also a the only alternative action, and hence u'l is is plays a pure strategy; then without loss i prescribes that player the proposal take any allow for any action that a dominated strategy at this stage). But in that case, voting "for" strategy: Step: played from that stage on. Suppose the stage involves one he plays first SWUE is SWUE (essen- is trivial pivotal with probability zero, then any strategy is in particular, the continuation payoffs then both acts, a positive probability. Consider of generality SWDE. not a with exactly the same words as the induction step). some player SWDE, a proven by induction. Take any only a single player if best response of player in MTHPE is 3. > uf for any pivotal with a positive probability), strategy at this stage forms a i's SWDE after the corresponding history. This proves the induction step. (2) Again, this trivial. is proved by induction. Take any Step: take any player i finite game and and suppose that he plays strategy SWDE a. ct*'* G The base !]*•'. is again This implies, by definition, that Ui{a''',a-''') >u^{a'^',a-''') (we drop conditioning on past and future actions immediately implies that condition contradiction, that there strategies ct~*'* G S"'-* is ct''* G (1) (3) for brevity) for holds for any a''* G S*'*. Now a^'^ and u"*'*. This assume, to obtain a such that for at least one combination of other players' S''' we have Ui [cr ' ,a ' ) > Ui {^a ' , a ) (recall that Definition 4 requires that one of the inequalities condition violates This contradiction completes the proof. (3). any 14 (2) be strict). However, this last (3) Consider a one-stage game with two players making simultaneous moves with payoff matrix SWDE, This game does not have I r L (1,1) (0,0) R (0,0) (1,1) because players has a weakly dominant strategy. and {R, r) are MTHPEs SWUE is SWDE in SWDE is not MTHPE. MTHPE 3.3 in In this subsection, We games. It is one-stage and in that only stage neither of the straightforward to check, however, that both (X, Example 3. SWUE Indeed, in this example the an agenda-setting game. Hence, there Agenda-Setting is also a is one player takes an action, it of the structure of MTHPE into an alternative game in stages where there are simultaneous i.e., as an agenda-setting game where in agenda-setting define the notion of a regularization of an agenda-setting game. game transforms MTHPE, Games we provide a characterization of an agenda setting I) of this game. (4) This follows from any it is . which A at regularization each stage only moves are replaced by a sequence of stages corresponding to each one of these moves. Definition 10 Suppose that T tion of game V if it is is among i & X move players X C N i has the same two actions that he had at stage ^^ after {cj (C)}iex ^^ played at stage played if and only game is itself more players at the game F'. same is itself). We a abuse of notation, we say that u Notice that the converse of the statement is 15 Crucially, next show that of game T can be to a strategy profile a' of a regularization F', so that players play the slight game T set of equilibrium payoffs to all players. establish this result, first note that any strategy profile With a game the that has simultaneous an agenda-setting game, with the unique regularization that as in profile a. and same stage (and the regularization of an agenda-second different regularizations will also lead to the mapped which players if the original however, each of these regularizations has the same set of terminal payoffs. To ^, If there is £,. Clearly there are several regularizations of an agenda-setting actions by two or an action. that each stage only one player takes proceeds with subgame y (^) after profile {at (Oliex {£,) F' a regulariza- at stage ^, then ^ is substituted by \X\ stages in sequentially. Player proceeds with y game call obtained from T by substituting every stage where more than one player moves by a sequence of stages such voting We a (finite) agenda-setting game. is not true, since a' naturally same actions a strategy profile of may game involve a pattern of . . actions that cannot be captured by cr, example, when later actions depend on earlier actions. for MTHPE Nevertheless, the next theorem shows a strong equivalence between the set of agenda-second game and the Theorem 1. 2. set of MTHPE is a finite agenda-setting game. MTHPE of game any regularization T' a a is Conversely, MTHPE a if a' is F, then Proof. by F' Take (1) MTHPE MTHPE). Since the game . ,(7") . we may, without is finite, and a SPE) MTHPE a then there exists an fully mixed — as r at every stage or i SWUE Denote the corresponding strategy F. profile (cr^,. every player , (and thus an in m T payoffs as in a' Consider a sequence of which converge to the equilibrium (r) for MTHPE an in regularization T' a of game a' to avoid confusion. best response to a it is same in which all players obtain the an (and SPE) of any regularization of the same game. 4 Suppose T If of profile in profiles (g^ {r) ,. .. oo and such that the > node ^ ,a^ (r)) ct*'* is a by the definition (this exists assume that loss of generahty, game at every voting stage every player that participates in the voting has the same preferences over the two and n alternatives y sequence for all r's in the (i.e., This implies that at voting stage, each player either between the two indifferent to (cr'^ (r) , . , . . {a'^ (r) mixed and converge to a'^ (r)) for every player a single action by some player in game F, (cr^ (r) well, for the game , . . . F. ,(t" (r)) If is same reason then he must have picked i . . — (ct'^ it is (r) , . game F'; obvi- oo. Let us verify that a' is a best response »• any node ^ and then of the regularized ,(t'" (r)) . any for r. If node corresponds to £, obvious, since the payoffs of . , . cr'" and (r)) (ct^ (r) , . . . , all actions are ct" (r)) have the were indifferent about the outcomes of the voting in F (provided played after that voting), then he as before. it in If game F strategies were fully mixed). In the he strictly preferred (since he game indiflferent in is this voting, the one of the outcomes game F' as (say, y(C))i was pivotal with a positive probability since F', if profile (tr'^ (r) , . . . , a'" (r)) of action af (^) cannot decrease the likelihood that the corresponding is played, his choice subgame is reached after because other players' strategies in this (now sequential) voting do not depend on his action. Consequently, choosing af (^) i is distribution over the payoffs at terminal nodes. Consider the case where ^ corresponded to a voting in that , a' as r at i the same, as the continuations of profiles same strictly prefers y, or strictly prefers n, or for all r. Consider the corresponding profiles ously, they are fully we can always take such subsequence). strictly preferred outcome n {£,) is is still a best response for him. The case where player treated similarly. This establishes that profile a' consists of 16 best responses to (r) (cr'^ , . . . , and (r)) for all players, at all stages, cr'^ for all r's, a' is i.e., a MTHPE. Take any (2) (^a'^ (r) , . . that the part 1 , . MTHPE which converge to the equilibrium (t'" (r)) ct"'* a best response to is we may, without , profile (<7'\ a' (r) for every player assume that loss of generality, . . a'") as r , . ^ oo and such node at every stage or i As ^. at every voting stage every player same preferences over the two participates in the voting has the in the Consider a sequence of fully mixed profiles a' in regularization F'. and n alternatives y in who for all r's sequence (note that these preferences are well-defined, since a' must consist of Markovian strategies). For any voting node ^ in game F, take the probability p in the corresponding voting in game F' under profile reaching this node; note that this probability all votings in F' that One can players if they y {^) is who who strictly prefer voted af not sufficient for n indifferent now Let us decision, let p (^) af (^). players players Finally, if p (^) > who p{^) G taken conditional on is 0, and n in F'. If it is then the set of players {^) subgames a as follows. if p(0 ^ the same for then (0, 1), (Oil)> n is players and (^), p {£,) n strictly prefer then there i^ game with p (0 and = is (^) to a player who (this is who were makes a F' (there, 0, let all and strictly preferred those let i let single he chooses players the rest choose of let or are indifferent choose a^ {^) n choose a" then the set of to be reached even (^) At a node where player as in corresponding nodes of let all probability of acceptance who 1, for all r. At a voting node prefer y to < p(C) not sufficient for y be reached. Moreover, Markovian). strictly preferred way that the with (^) about votings indifferent (for all r above) choose a" (^), 1, let all who if him choose the same action is probability well defined in the sense that (^) (for all r's) is define strategy profile n to y or were = n (^) to (^) to between y the same action as a' prefer y Similarly, (^). The correspond to node ^ in F since a' consists of Markovian strategies. easily check the following statements all is may is a'. that the proposal will be accepted {£,) who (^). If the rest choose y choose af indifferent mix possible, since neither of the in (^), all such a two groups strict preferences is sufficient to enforce either of the decisions). Let us verify that (fj^ [r) ,. . . ,a^ (r)) ct is a MTHPE. Observe that which converges to a and that for all players as profiles (a'^ (r) best responses, due to the , . . . , cr'" (r)) way we defined for any for every r we can take a subgame in fully mixed profile F have the same payoffs chosen above. Then at each node of F players play profile a. This completes the proof. This result establishes the equivalence of agenda-setting games with simultaneous and quential votings once a proper equilibrium concept also highlights the importance of MTHPE as (MTHPE) is used. More importantly, seit an equilibrium refinement. Example 6 shows that 17 part (1) of Theorem 4 would not hold Appendix shows, among other in the we considered if things, that it THPE would MTHPE. Example instead of also not hold we considered if 5 se- quential elimination of weakly-dominated strategies (and in particular, with this notion certain non-intuitive equilibria theorem estabhshes a "generic uniqueness" of Finally, the next games. Example 6 in the Appendix again shows that Theorem SWUE MTHPE survive). Thus, the equivalence result for still 5 Suppose agenda-setting game T it would not hold does not hold. in agenda-setting THPE. for such. that for any two terminal nodes, is one if player obtains the same payoffs in these two nodes, then each player obtains the same payoffs Then two We ui and payoffs, and prove the following statement by induction by the number of stages: (a) for any in same these payoffs are the Proof. MTHPEs any two same in both nodes. MTHPEs (Ti and as those in fj2 all any players get the SPE all (72, players obtain the of any regularization ofT'. same payoffs, and (b) if at MTHPE some a players get a certain expected payoff vector, then there exists a terminal node where players get these payoffs. Let us prove the stage (the base i making a the first node of the game involves player decision, then of all available actions he will choose one subgames are gets the same realized at payoff, some terminal nodes and by assumption of the statement; part (b) induction, either all which maximizes In the strict preference. same. Again, part (b) To complete the SPE of move one or in first case, all MTHPE is trivial. proof, and where MTHPEs his utility. proof may be done by to show that these 4, all he stage involves voting. By same payoffs all players have for trivial reasons, and hence the payoffs are the payoffs coincide with the payoffs in of the game). It remains to prove that in a in indifferent, (a) players get these payoffs in any any two terminal nodes either all all MTHPE of the game where players same payoffs players get the players in any two any SPEs are the same. This induction, similarly to the one in the beginning of this proof. Application: the Elimination To demonstrate the involve the is This proves part payoff. first i This proves the induction step. players get different payoffs, the payoffs of all same strategies of players are unique, we need some SPE at a time players get the Consider the case where the is trivial. any regularization. By Theorem game (and thus all of the subgames. Since player players are indifferent between the alternatives y and n, or while in the second, the 4 If there are several such actions then, by induction, the payoff vectors of the corresponding If a is trivial). usefulness of the endogenous club formation game MTHPE Game and SWUE concepts, (or "pohtical elimination" 18 we now use a game) studied in version of the Acemoglu, Egorov, and Sonin is an (2008). This is an infinite-horizon dynamic game with the following structure: there initial collection of individuals, power political > 7^ (for of We total assume that powers Ix + . . ,n}, with each individual . Xt C A^, and members of members, thus determining a new ruling its Xq = N. The have {1, example, representing individual there exists a ruling coalition some N= power of any coalition X C this ruling coalition coalition A^ Xt+i C N endowed with At each date "guns"). z's € may Xt- t > 1, vote to exclude At time t = we 0, is {ijjjgyv ^^^ generic in the sense that if X,Y c and A^ X^Y , then 7y- In any period > i Nature at random 1, the voting proceeds as follows. Alternative An becomes the next ruling member votes. If who coalition, an absolute majority of the available ''weighted of each agenda-setter, which is determined by At^i which is a are entitled to do so vote for or against i.e., Xt^\ = Aj^j, if and only if it receives where votes are weighted by the power votes,^^ of the junta, so that an individual with a greater 7j has proportionately more the proposal At^t does not receive an absolute majority, then the next agenda-setter nominates a proposal and so on. In case no proposal The An through any fixed protocol) proposes an alternative coalition (or subcoalition of the current coalition. All individuals At^i- i preferences (for each accepted, Xt+i is £ N) consist of two parts. The i = Xt- first is utility from power, oo [/+ = (l-/3)]B,^/3--*;^I,ex.. ^^t T=t Here /3 G (0, 1) is function for individual j being a expectations at time t. form is members member The term 7j/7xt ruling coalition members. coalition It member Formally, the extensive form of the picked randomly by nature; yet (with = 0, 1, individuals, li^Xr . all . ., t, is the indicator and Et denotes represents the power of the individual relative to other in proportion to their power. stage, j all of the ruling coalition at time that each player obtains greater utility At each across can be motivated from the division of a unit Therefore, each prefers to be a 1. common the discount factor The important when size pie among the implication of this functional the power of the ruling coalition is smaller. of a smaller ruling coalition.^ game is as follows. We assume that an agenda-setter is the results go through for any fixed protocol of agenda-setters. the game starts with an intermediary coalitions by Nj C N No = N). ^ These payoffs are a special case of the more general payoffs introduced in Acemoglu, Egorov and Sonin (2008) and are adopted to simplify the notation here (without affecting any of the results). 19 , = 2. Nature randomly picks agenda 3. Agenda 4. All players in Xj^q simultaneously vote over this proposal; let setter e Nj ij^g G Xj^q. Let YesjXj,,} = {z G X^,, ior q = If Xj^g Nj | {i,Xo,q) Vj^q li q < b,9+i = Then, y}). with Nj+i 1 \Nj\, is game proceeds otherwise the G {y, n} be the in favor of this proposal if to step = from Xj^q add —e by 1). Xj^q (and j increases then next agenda setter 7^ ^j,r ioT 1 to step Nj Xo,q) Vj^q {i, i&Nj Nj, then we proceed to step 7 and the stage j) and the 7. 5; \ Xj^q are eliminated, players to step 6. a member of the coalition Xj^q has the absolute majority of the weighted votes within Nj, then the if proceeds to step 5. (i.e., Yes {Xj^q} be the subset of Xj^g voting i£Yes{A'j,,} i.e., 1 P (Nj). proposes a coalition Xj^q G i vote of player (i.e. ij^q setter < r < q (i.e., it is game proceeds G Nj ij,q+i picked among is game 6. game Otherwise players from ends. to their payoff, and the game proceeds randomly picked by nature such that those who have not made a proposal to step 3 (with q increased by 1). at Otherwise, we proceed 7. becomes the ruling coalition of this terminal node, and each player i G Nj adds Wi {Nj) to his payoff. game form a sequence Nq D Ni D Coalitions that emerge during the the number . Summing disutility cost equal to e > over the payoffs at each node, the payoff of each player • Ui = Wi (Nj) -eY, In, . D Nj where j is Whenever there of coalitions (except initial one) that emerges during the game. a non-trivial transition, each player incurs a small). . (e i is is can be arbitrarily given by (i) (4) i<j<J where Ix (•) is the indicator (characteristic) function of set X. This payoff function captures the fact that individuals' overall utility in the game is of rounds of elimination in which the individual number With a of players ehminated equals slight |A'^| abuse of terminology, we - |A'j|, refer to j 20 related to their share Wi is and to the involved in (the second term in and there are totally J number (4)). The rounds of elimination. above as "the stage of voting." . The next two examples show game that, as in Examples and 1 2 in the Introduction, in this there are also several "non-intuitive" SPEs, and in fact, there are several "non-intuitive" Markovian SPEs. Example 4 suppose that a coalition (and the is The rest). = it is A, B, and clearly. SPE, where all C make a {A^B,C} {A,B,C,D} which should be the ultimate ruling coalition is 7^, is 10, and rejected by the is any two- intuitive: its members. And exists another and everybody votes to a pre-fixed protocol C} and Consequently, both {A, B, We is {A, B, C, D} can emerge as not a reasonable outcome, since A, B, and can also note that not intuitive in the sense that is = indeed an SPE, because no deviation by a single player can lead a SPE, even though the former Yet, this equilibrium all it is C have players are using Markovian strategies. resulting from an artificial coordination among A,B, and C. The main result for this application application of MTHPE Proposition 1 Let the 4> is given in the following proposition and shows mapping (X) — (p min SWUE (MTHPE) most one stage of elimination and coincides with of each i is 7y. (5) where the ultimate ruling coalition after at N the be defined as arg there exists a pure strategy & how removes the non-intuitive equilibrium leading to {A, B, C, D}. Y€{ZCN: iz<ix; lz>lx\z; 4>{Z)=Z}U{X} Then and 5 a proposal, he proposes make proposals according players enough votes to eliminate D. failure 7^ = would prefer {A, B, C} to {A, B, C, D}. Nevertheless, there to acceptance of any proposal. in 4, "unstable" and would lead to the elimination of one of against any proposal. This outcomes = MTHPE where A, B, or C proposes the B and C vote for in favor of this coalition is following this proposal. A, to first fact that person subset of {A,B,C,D}, with 7^ = 3,7^ 1/2. It can be verified that there {A,B,C}, and D if N = Consider (p {N) with probability 1, is and reached the payoff given by Ui (N) Vice versa, in any SWUE = Wi {X) - el^N) (i) I{<f>{N):^N}- in pure or mixed strategies (and in strategies) the ultimate ruling coalition is (p {N), and it is any (6) MTHPE in pure or necessarily reached after at mixed most one stage of elimination, and players payoffs are given by (6) ' Proof. Acemoglu, Egorov, and Sonin (2008) considered a version of voting and established that the unique SPE is characterized by 21 this mapping game with (5) , sequential with payoffs (6) as given in the proposition. Given the notion of regularization introduced here, this impHes that they considered a regularization of the game here. Then Theorem 5 immediately applies and establishes that the unique MTHPE is given by (5) and (6), completing the proof. This proposition provides an illustration of the usefulness of the concept of of considering a Simon all 5 In more complicated game with sequential voting (2008), one can consider a simpler game and obtain Instead Acemoglu, Egorov, and as in exactly the MTHPE. same results (eliminating non-intuitive equilibria). Conclusion many political generally, in economy models, which what we defined equilibria are "non-intuitive" involve voting or multilateral bargaining, or as agenda-setting games, several . Nash In addition, details concerning voting cedures often have a major effect on the set of equilibria. In many or subgame more perfect (Nash) and proposal making pro- applied models, non-intuitive equilibria are eliminated (sometimes without specifying the exact notion of equilibrium), and modelers often have to make sure that the "right assumptions" are imposed so that unimportant details do not influence conclusions. In this paper, we proposed two related equilibrium refinements for voting games. Sequentially Weakly Undominated Equilibrium Perfect Equilibrium (MTHPE). These or deterministic sequence of agenda setters MTHPE (SWUE) and Markov Trembling Hand concepts are widely apphcable, easy to use and eliminate non-intuitive equilibria that arise naturally in tight characterization of and agenda-setting dynamic voting games and games make offers to several players. in agenda-setting in We games and showed that the does not depend on features such as whether voting is which random also provided a set of simultaneous or sequential. that these concepts can be applied in a wide variety of political MTHPE We believe economy models and can both eliminate the need to devise ad hoc equilibrium refinements to remove non-intuitive equilibria and ensure that major predictions do not depend auxiliary assumptions that are to reality (such as whether voting is simultaneous or sequential). 22 difficult to map References Acemoglu, Daxon, Georgy Egorov, and Konstantin Sonin (2008) Coalition Formation in Non- Democracies, Review of Economic Studies, 75(4): 987-1009. 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None of player is that between the outcomes). eliminated by sequential elimination of weakly dominated strategies. profile this as One would expect 0. and both get the payoff of respectively, then 1 1 their actions sequentially (which corresponds to they play arguably the most intuitive outcome. the payoffs of players (We can think about their strategies. respectively. This as player 3 sequential process of casting votes). is R aflfect choice determine whether they both get 3' and 2 should play 1 Now they play strategies If may and this cannot be Consider the strategy- 3's strategies is weakly dominated. can be eliminated. Example 6 Consider a game of three players with extensive form and payoffs as shown on Figure The 4. first-best; and if 'bad'. first two players vote, and one of them votes if for the 'left' All players receive the same both vote for the 'right', all three players receive then the third player chooses between 'moderate' in all terminal nodes, so there is no strategic conflict between them. Equilibrium efficiency is (i?, r, (ai, L (01,62,63)). Indeed, take = ((1 - is trembling-hand perfect, but so is (Z/,Z, (ai, not achieved because of 'herding' in voting (note that neither strategies: for instance, a" 02,03)) 7?3) L+ best response to second player playing some rj^R, (l Evidently, player 3 (and is - not I are dominated and third player playing and consider t] rj^) all his / L 02,03)) where I + rj^r, ((l - i?^) oi + 77^61, (1 - 77) 02 + 7762, agents in agent-strategic form) are better 25 (1 oflF - r?) 03 + 7763)) choosing oi over . (5,5,5) (0,0,0) Figure 6i, a2 over 62, L, he obtains he obtains 1 weight to The I. A Game With and 03 over = u/, ur = should put 4: all 5 ((l b ((l — (5,5,5) (0,0,0) (5,5,5) (0,0,0) 63. - Now (1 — in Trembling-Hand Perfect Equilibrium. consider payoffs of player - 7?^) (l 77'^) Herding 77)) (7,7,7) 1 choosing +rf {I - r])) = 5 - bif + 777^ = 5 — 577 + 277^ + 677^. 77^) + Sr;^ L or R. If he chooses brf. If he chooses R, Hence, For small player 77, weight to L, and a similar argument would show that player 2 should put This proves that (L, effect that Example /, (ai, 02, 03)) is also 6 emphasizes required to be Markovian, which is a trembling-hand perfect equilibrium. would not be the case what our all definition of if fully MTHPE mixed imposes. were profiles cr" Indeed, it is a natural restriction to require that in the three subgames where player 3 moves and payoffs are identical, his mixed action utility of player 1 profile cr" due to the by worse development in the should lead to identical place. In that case, the increase of possibility of player 2 playing r instead of subgame if he still plays 26 /. I would be not be offset