SMOV Status & Planning Meeting Notes 9/23/09 Summary –

SMOV Status & Planning Meeting Notes
Summary –
Observatory Status
NCS/NICMOS temperature control setpoint has been raised per the early
SMOV plan. The NICMOS Filter Wheel Test has completed successfully. COS data
analyses are ongoing; a small pointing offset has been detected and may eventually require
an update to the aperture location file (SIAF). COS external SMOV observations are due to
complete this week. WFC3 CSM test produced status buffer error messages, which are now
understood and not considered a serious problem.
o Details below and in the referenced attachments.
All subsystems are nominal
SI Status
 WFC3 SMOV is complete
 Engineering
 CSM Test - Cycl 17 prop 12006 (See HSTAR 12021)
o CSM commanding resulted in status buffer messages (SBF)
reporting out-of-tolerance CSM moves
o Dave Hickey reported that the proposal consisted of single
step CSm moves
 SBFs resulted from known hysteresis
 Not entirely unexpected due to the change in
direction as the relative move macro ICSMREL
does not account for preferred direction.
Motor commutation looked good.
All subsequent moves looked ok, because, as
absolute moves, the macro does account for
preferred direction
 All else as expected
Test is designed to test IR “blob” motion as a function of
CSM moves
 IR blobs reported in SMOV meeting of Aug. 28.
 See Aug. 28 meeting notes
COS (TKeyes)
 COS SMOV external observations are completing this week
 Only one SMOV internal (a dark measurement) remains
o Scheduled near end of SMS271
 SMOV data analyses on-going
 Blind pointing analysis (using trg acq routines) indicates
o ~ 0.3 arcsec error in both “along-dispersion” and ”crossdispersion” directions
 Possible time-evolution is being studied
o possible need for a refinement to the SIAF (aperture
location) file.
o Otherwise not a serious problem
 For details, see the attached COS_SMOV_update_23September2009.ppt
FGS/OTA SMOV is complete
Art Bradley reported on a loss-of-lock due to search radius exceeded in an
FGS1 astrometry proposal
 HSTAR 12017
To be discussed at next FGS Working Group
 Fix will require an update to a PLCP group
o to be part of general 3-gyro “clean-up” work
ACS SMOV is complete.
 STIS SMOV is complete
 Engineering
 Plans to increase NCS PID control setpoint temperature later this
o As part of early NICMOS SMOV Plan
 Note: On Sep. 24, this temperature increase was carried out.
See flash report excerpts, below
o OR 18711-0 to adjust the NCS PID control setpoint
temperature was successfully completed at 267/15:02:35
o The Prime (inactive – dewar) setpoint was changed from
79.8 K to 81.8 K, and the Alternate (active – weightedaverage neon) setpoint was changed from 75.0 K to 77.0 K.
o The Compressor speed was seen to ramp back immediately
to approximately 6378 rps in order to accommodate the
requested increase in temperature.
o The control point temperature is in the process of settling
into its new commanded setpoint – currently at 76.3 K and
climbing. SI and TCS will be continuing to monitor as the
system approaches stability.
 Science (TWiklind)
 DC Transfer Function Test
o Analysis results are nominal
 Dark Monitoring continues
 Filter Wheel Test (FWT) completed nominally
o Prop 11407
o Analysis results are nominal
 For details, see attached NICMOS_SMOV_Report_20090923.ppt
ERO program is complete.
P&S Status
 Nominal
OPUS (TEllis)
 Since the last SMOV status meeting we fast-tracked data for NICMOS
proposals 11947 and 11407.
 Mike Swam looked into the anomalous COS exposure LA9H02NBQ/S with
bad event and exposure times
 found that the merging of Q/S splits isn't handled properly when
more than two POD files are involved.
 As a result, association LA9H02020 didn't initially get through
CALCOS, but it was later reprocessed and archived using a workaround from Mike.
 The problem and the fix are described in OPUS PR 63543, and it
looks like the fix will be delivered with OPUS 2009.3 sometime in
Archive (SAnderson)
 Nominal