Some rather extensive meeting notes from May 20, but a... start of SMOV. 1. OBSERVATORY STATUS

Some rather extensive meeting notes from May 20, but a good record for the
start of SMOV.
- The Pointing Control System has been functioning nominally since Deploy and
continues to function nominally at this time.
- A nominal Deploy and transition to Normal Mode was seen on-orbit. JSC
provided data shows approximately 1 degree difference between Deploy-24 hour
deploy attitude and actual deploy attitude. Once the vehicle was maneuvered to
attitude, a 4.3 degree error was measured by the FHSTs. This was a
combination of tip off rates, CAD errors, maneuver errors, and gyro drift errors. A
maximum of 5.8 degrees/hour was experienced before correction.
- New biases low enough that science can proceed.
- No Bright Earth impingement was encountered during release or during the
establishing of the BEA attitude. The first Gyro bias update corrected 0.86 deg/hr
of bias. After update that update, nominal rate of change on bias (<50 arc-sec/hr
in 20
- Preliminary analysis of the FHST Checkout and FHST-FHST alignment data
indicates no significant FHST to FHST alignment shift. Data continues to be
collected and analyzed. John Wirzburger
- EPS -- During the servicing mission, solar array current and structure current
were gathered for the purpose of analyzing the solar array shorts. Some success
has been made in assessing the faults utilizing the photo survey, video images
and STK models.
- HST released 139/1258 in HWCC with 433Ah
- Due to the low load (43A), the battery voltages did not decrease to the CCC
charge-on threshold in the first release orbit night.
- This may also be a symptom of reduced battery impedance and/or a different
voltage characteristic (a good thing!)
- EPS transitioned to TRSWCC at 139/1849 and functioning normally.
- The first orbit achieved 476Ah (psi)
- During that orbit night, the battery voltage did not decrease to the charge-on
threshold. The load was 53A.
- Battery temperatures are well grouped and running around -2 to -3 deg C.
- EPS is considering changes to the VTFE charge-on threshold which is
presently set to 21 counts (2.94V) below the charge-off threshold. Proposed
change would decrease the charge-on delta to 18 counts (2.52V below chargeoff).
- As the new batteries may demonstrate different characteristics, EPS is
preparing for the possibility of adjusting the VTFE levels. VTFE curves have
been prepared for increasing the VTFE by 50mV and 100mV.
- I&C
- NAM 818 taking TDRS-W down happening on day 146. Merle and Bill are on
top of it, and have no concerns.
- New config code (T85) for 2 way tracking
- Discussed LGA issue, and that no impacts have been seen.
- DMS -- Nominal. First Health & Safety 486 load uplinked @ 140/11:52:31.
- Timed Processor pointer set at 140/12:40:25. - SSR engineering dumps will
be scheduled once the SMS begins and communication resumes using the
- This will be the last of the engineering data recorded during SM4.
- Once we go up to 32K format, we should clear the SSR EDAC counter and
turn limits back on.
- Safing
- On 5/17/02 at GMT 137/17:50 , SMAC 21 was disabled to prevent the idling of
NCS during a Zero Gyro Sunpoint entry. OPS Request 16771-1 was executed to
disable SMAC 21.
- Nominal B-side operation
- 17 SBEs
- OR 137 ESB Dump
- Seq 180 9.0 Load this afternoon
- WFC3
- Safe
- Thermal setpoints returned to nominal (OBCP 19 dgC, VCHP 18 dgC)
- Continuing to monitor
- OR 103-1 to configure Event Flgas post-9.0 install
1) WFC3 AT/FT was nominal other than a suspend at DEB power-on. This
was seen once before in TV1 (2004), is documented in HAR1972, and was
dispositioned as an unverified failure. Analysis indicates not potential harm to
WFC3 and impact
on its performance. FSW was patched to change the response that generated
this suspend to a status buffer message. The DEB power-on was then performed
without incident. No expected impact on SMOV.
2) The WFC3 cold plate thermal control system including the VCHP is
exhibiting rapid oscillations. This behavior was also seen in ground testing. The
relative VCHP and cold plate heater setpoints have been adjusted a couple of
times and the HST
and WFC3 teams continue to monitor. Behavior is undesirable but not believed
harmful. Behavior once bench is cooled is expected to be improved, hence no
SMOV impact.
- COS.
- Safe
- Vacuum gauge ~3.9e-6 torr
- OR 125 COS FSW load CS 4.09A
IDT -- The AT and FT were successfully executed on Saturday, May 16.
Pressures have consistently been below the expected level. Changes in the
environment were easily tracked with the pressure gauge, suggesting that the
instrument venting is
much more efficient than modeling had predicted. We met the criterion for
opening the FUV detector door during the servicing mission and have requested
that the FUV door be opened ahead of schedule.
-- [Note: The request to open the FUV Door early has been approved by the
SMOV TTRB, HST MO, and Project . Plans are to open the door on May 22, Day
142, sometime after the COS recovery from SAFE per the SMS. This change
has the
advantage of lengthening the time between door-opening and FUV high voltage
and implies no other SMOV timeline changes. - cpb]
-- Upcoming events:
1. recovery from SAFE (Fri ~6:30 a.m. EDT)
2. 11353 (memory check) - (Fri ~6:55 a.m.)
- GSFC to evaluate (Serrano and Kelly)
- if OK, continue with nominal timeline
- if not OK, GSFC is to have contingency ops request ready to suspend
3. 11354 (3 sets of data buffer checks)
- 1st set on Mon aft
- 2nd set on Mon eve
- 3rd set on Tues morning
- all analyzed by GSFC; actions same as for 11353 including
availability of contingency ops request
4. FT update: stim at high user coordinate end of segment B was "pegged"
with all counts in maximum pixel value; this was anticipated as possible
consequence of SI temperature by IDT since position of stims is temperaturedependent;
once we arrive at operational temperatures this stim should be found at nominal
position; COS team will evaluate in FUV functional and dark tests in SMOV.
- FGS/OTA - The OTA subsystem is performing nominally. We had positive
response of all OTA heater groups at post-deploy turn ON. All FGES are ON and
in default, awaiting the initial science SMS.
- Safe
- OR 91-2 to set Event Flag 7 to inhibit HRC commanding post-9.0 install
- OR in work for ASIC timing pattern load on DOY 141
- Working group planning to remove HRC stored/RT commanding
- Ops Note to be drafted to handle expected ACS 290 ESBs
- The FT for ACS was divided into two parts.
-- The first part "WFC CEB-R FT" was passed: both CCDs and all four amps
are operational, with a read noise of 3.0-3.6 electrons in the pre-scan with DSI
--The WFC also passed the second part "ACS-R System FT" with read noise
of 3.0-3.5 (DSI) and 4.0-4.6 electrons (C&S).
- The HRC could not be successfully recovered. The SBC functionality has been
Upcoming activities:
- 5/21: an ASIC timing pattern patch will be loaded.
- 5/22: ACS01 memory load/dump will be executed.
- 5/25: ACS03 science data buffer check and data transfer rate will be
- Safe
- HSTAR 11840 for high CCD bias from Amp B under analysis
Tiger Team meeting for 1:00 pm this afternoon
Prevent transition up in SMS? (TBD)
Possibility of updating stored/RT commanding to bring CCD up w/o Amp B
- STIS repair appears to have been successful, however, a bias anomalyin the
functional test readout done using the B amp of the CCD may delay the start of
- The FT showed that STIS is operational; mechanisms moved to commanded
locations, and all voltages were within tolerances. The new LVPS2R card does
exactly what it is supposed to do. However, an error in the setting of the flag that
told STIS to ignore the HST take-data flag caused the CCD shutter to remain
closed during the planned lamp exposures, effectively turning these 0.1 s lamp
exposures into bias frames.
-Examination of these images showed a large bias offset, and possibly a gain
anomaly in the image taken with the B amp (about 49000 DN). The two most
significant bits in the image are always high. Also note that the STIS CCD was
unusually cold during the FT. While within tested "operational" limits, no images
had ever been taken at this cold a temperature, and this may also be related to
the occurrence of this anomaly. This anomaly is currently being investigated to
determine if this fault presents any danger to STIS.
- If the fault cannot be proven to be benign, then permanently turning off the A &
B amps together is possible. However, the required revisions to limits tables and
possibly flight software, as well as the resulting testing would require delaying
STIS recovery by 7 to 9 days.
- A tiger team is currently evaluating this anomaly. Turning off these amps
would also require canceling or substantially revising the STIS CTI Check
proposal 11400, as this uses the B amp.
- Safe
- NCS Safed
- Expecting more info from Creare next week.
- TPS -1.4e-6, CPL in Hold on survival heaters (-39 degC)
- Seq 182 to recover ESM to Operate and place CPL in standby (-34c)
- Without HRC, NICMOS is the only real coronagraph on board
3. PLANNING AND SCHEDULING - Brief verbal summary from P&S
representative describing status of upcoming calendar and SMS builds.
09.140 (H&S) products were delivered Tuesday evening
09.142 is in work. Waiting for ephem this afternoon. Will try to deliver this
09.145 will start work Thursday with a goal to deliver by Friday evening.
4. OPERATIONS - Brief verbal summary of any operational or data processing
- FOT -- Info is compilation of CP, SM4 Ops Requests open, Normal Ops
Requests Open, Ops Notes open, and verbal discussions with midnight shift SEs
on duty in SMOR:
Two-Way Tracking During Low-Gain Ops ROP IC-03 (generic SM
OBAD map (SM OR #135-0) ~140/09:06z
OBAD with Maneuver (COP 3.55, OR #18430-0) @140/10:10z
OBAD map without Maneuver (COP 3.55, OR #18431-0)
Execute SM4 Command Plan SEQ #174-183
Restore OTA Focal Plane Temp @ SEQ 175 (ON #1819)
WFC3 Heater Setpoint Management (SM OR #TBD, approval pending)
Start Health & Safety SMS SA140T01 @140/17:00z
NSSC-1 Status Buffer Dump Between SEQ 179 & 180 (SM OR #137)
Inhibit ACS HRC commanding after NSSC-I 9.0.4 load in SEQ 180 (SM
OR #91-2)
Reconfigure WFC3 event flags after NSSC-I 9.0.4 install (SM OR#103-
Load COS CS FSW 4.09A after SEQ 180 (pending approval, SM
Resume use of Normal Ops Request System & ROP after H&S
SMOV4 Configure tasking orders to collect SI Memory Dumps
(generic OR #18428-1)
STIS AMP testing Ops Requests (to be discussed &
approved/disapproved at SMOV meeting)
- PACOR -- Nothing to report.
- OPUS -- Upcoming Fasttrack requests are being tracked.
- Archive -- Nothing to report.