UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING December 14, 2006 10:00 a.m. A meeting of the University of South Alabama Board of Trustees was duly convened by Mr. Donald L. Langham, Chair Pro Tempore, on Thursday, December 14, 2006, at 10:04 a.m. in the Board Room of the Frederick P. Whiddon Administration Building. Members Present: Trustees Steven Furr, Cecil Gardner, Samuel Jones, Donald Langham, Bettye Maye, Christie Miree, Mayer Mitchell, Bryant Mixon, James Nix, John Peek, Steven Stokes, Larry Striplin, and James Yance. Members Absent: Trustees J. L. Chestnut, Joseph Morton, and Bob Riley. Administration and Others: President Gordon Moulton; Drs. Dale Adams, Joseph Busta, Pat Covey, Lamar Duffy (COM Alumni Assn.), Miriam Fearn, Irene McIntosh (Faculty Senate), Robert Shearer, and Sam Strada; Messrs. Louis Cardinal (Thornton Farish), Ken Davis, Wayne Davis, Robert Galbraith, Stan Hammack, Will Jackson (SGA), and Bob Young (Frazer Lanier); and Mss. Diana Laier (Alumni Assn.), Vicki Tate (Faculty Senate), and Jean Tucker. Press: Mr. George Altman (Press-Register). Upon the call to order and an invocation by Dr. Adams, Chairman Langham called for consideration of ITEM 1, the minutes of the September 14, 2006, meeting of the Board of Trustees. On motion by Mayor Nix, seconded by Sheriff Mixon, the minutes were unanimously adopted. Chairman Langham read aloud RESOLUTION 1 of ITEM 1.A as follows. On motion by Sheriff Mixon, seconded by Mayor Nix, the resolution was unanimously approved. Senator Lindsey made brief remarks about his tenure as a Board member and expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve. RESOLUTION COMMENDATION OF USA TRUSTEE W. H. LINDSEY WHEREAS, W. H. “Pat” Lindsey was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the University of South Alabama in 1993, and WHEREAS, during his tenure as a member of the Board, Senator Lindsey served on the Executive and the Endowment and Investments Committees, and served continuously as a member of the Long-Range Planning Steering Committee from the time of his appointment to the Board to the end of his term as Trustee, and WHEREAS, Senator Lindsey has served the University with distinction, graciously contributing his time, energy, wisdom, and guidance to the growth and development of higher education in the state of Alabama, the region, and to the students, alumni, faculty, and administration of the University of South Alabama, USA Board of Trustees Page 2 December 14, 2006 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the University of South Alabama Board of Trustees expresses its deep appreciation and gratitude to Senator W. H. Lindsey for his devotion, service, and commitment to advancing the interests of the Institution and its constituencies. Chairman Langham read aloud RESOLUTION 2 of ITEM 1.A as follows. On motion by Ms. Maye, seconded by Mayor Nix, the resolution was unanimously approved. RESOLUTION COMMENDATION OF USA TRUSTEE E. CRUM FOSHEE WHEREAS, E. Crum Foshee was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the University of South Alabama in 1993, and WHEREAS, Mr. Foshee served as Secretary of the Board from 2001 to 2004, and WHEREAS, during his tenure as a member of the Board, he served on the Executive, the Academic and Student Affairs, the Budget and Finance, the Endowment and Investments, the Health Affairs, and the Long-Range Planning Steering Committees, and WHEREAS, Mr. Foshee, as a member of the Board of Directors of the University of South Alabama Foundation, served as a steward of the University endowment, and WHEREAS, Mr. Foshee has served the University with distinction, graciously contributing his time, energy, wisdom, and guidance to the growth and development of higher education in the state of Alabama, the region, and to the students, alumni, faculty, and administration of the University of South Alabama, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the University of South Alabama Board of Trustees expresses its deep appreciation and gratitude to Mr. E. Crum Foshee for his devotion, service, and commitment to advancing the interests of the Institution and its constituencies. President Moulton presented ITEM 2, the President’s Report. He welcomed new Trustees Dr. Steve Furr and Messrs. John Peek and Jim Yance. Also introduced were Dr. Irene McIntosh and Ms. Vicki Tate - Faculty Senate; Mr. Will Jackson - President, SGA; Ms. Diana Laier - President, USA National Alumni Association; and Dr. Miriam Fearn - Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Earth Sciences. President Moulton called upon Dr. Covey for a report on academic programs. Dr. Covey reported that the Doctor of Nursing Practice, one of only 20 offered nationwide, would be implemented in Spring 2007. She said that the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) had approved a Master of Science in Civil Engineering. She discussed an agreement recently completed with Auburn University to offer a Doctor of Pharmacy program, and reported that 1,434 students received degrees during Fall Commencement on December 9. The Board viewed a new television commercial for student recruitment featuring USA students, including Mr. Will Jackson, SGA President. President Moulton reminded the Board that upcoming events included the Coors Classic basketball doubleheader on December 16 and the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees on March 22, 2007. President Moulton called upon Dr. Busta for a report on USA Campaign Leadership goals. Dr. Busta welcomed Dr. Lamar Duffy - President, Medical Alumni Association. He reported that USA Board of Trustees Page 3 December 14, 2006 the largest gift by an alumni couple in University history had been announced at a press conference on December 13, and thanked Dr. and Mrs. Steven Stokes for their recent gift of $2 million in support of the creative writing program and the College of Medicine, bringing their total giving to the University to $2.42 million including University matching gifts. He recognized Ms. Miree for a recent pledge to endow the USA National Alumni Association’s outstanding employee awards program. He said the campaign has reached the $45 million level, and added that the USA Campaign Leadership Team and the Development staff are working diligently to attain a goal of $48 million by March 2007. He noted that copies of the publication entitled Honor Roll of Donors had been placed on the Board table. Chairman Langham called for consideration of health affairs items. Dr. Stokes, Health Affairs Committee Chair, moved approval of ITEM 3 resolutions as follows. Ms. Miree seconded, and the resolutions were unanimously approved. RESOLUTION USA HOSPITALS MEDICAL STAFF APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS FOR AUGUST, SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2006 OCTOBER 27, 2006 WHEREAS, the Medical Staff appointments and reappointments for August, September, and October 2006, and October 27, 2006, for the University of South Alabama Hospitals are recommended for approval by the Medical Executive Committees of the University of South Alabama Hospitals, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the appointments and reappointments be approved as submitted. RESOLUTION USA HOSPITALS MEDICAL STAFF BYLAWS AND RULES AND REGULATIONS REVISIONS OF NOVEMBER 9, 2006 WHEREAS, revisions of the USA Hospitals Medical Staff Bylaws and USA Medical Center’s Medical Staff Rules and Regulations were approved by the Medical Staffs of the University of South Alabama Hospitals at their November 9, 2006, Medical Staff meeting and recommended to the Board of Trustees for approval, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the revisions be approved as presented. Mr. Wayne Davis reported on the USA Mitchell Cancer Institute, ITEM 4. He said construction is proceeding smoothly and reminded Trustees to log onto the USA Web site for live viewing of construction progress. The anticipated completion date is November 2007. Mr. Hammack presented ITEM 5, a report on the USA / IHS Strategic Health Alliance. He said that, with the lease of Knollwood Hospital complete, the coordination of clinical services delivery and resident education continues to progress positively. Chairman Langham called for a report of academic and student affairs items. Ms. Miree, Academic and Student Affairs Committee Chair, moved approval of ITEM 6 as follows. Ms. Maye seconded and the resolution was unanimously approved. USA Board of Trustees Page 4 December 14, 2006 RESOLUTION SABBATICAL AWARDS WHEREAS, in accordance with University policy, proposals for Sabbatical Awards have been reviewed and recommended by the respective faculty committees, Departmental Chair, College Dean, and by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and President, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the University of South Alabama Board of Trustees approves said Sabbatical Awards on this date, December 14, 2006, for the 2007-2008 academic year. NAME DISCIPLINE Dr. David A. Bowers, Jr. Dr. Martha J. Brazy Dr. Phillip J. Carr Dr. Nicole T. Flynn Dr. Greg L. Gruner Dr. Fred W. McKenna Dr. Henry M. McKiven Dr. David H. Nelson Dr. J. Steven Picou Dr. Daniel S. Silver Dr. Michelle L. Slagle Dr. Susan G. Williams Ms. Ameina Summerlin Dr. Mary Ann Robinson Political Science/Criminal Justice History Anthropology Sociology Music Finance History Biological Sciences Sociology/Anthropology/Social Work Mathematics/Statistics Management Mathematics/Statistics Mathematics/Statistics Professional Studies TIME PERIOD Spring 2008 Academic Year 2007-2008 Spring 2008 Fall 2007 Spring 2008 Fall 2007 Spring 2008 Fall 2007 Spring 2008 Academic Year 2007-2008 Academic Year 2007-2008 Academic Year 2007-2008 Fall 2007 Spring 2008 Ms. Miree moved approval of ITEM 7 as follows. Mr. Peek seconded and the resolution was unanimously approved. RESOLUTION PROFESSORS EMERITUS WHEREAS, the following faculty members have retired from the University of South Alabama: and, Terry G. Cronis, Ph.D., Professor of Special Education Dorothy Jean P. McIver, Ph.D., Professor of English WHEREAS, in recognition of their contributions to the University through extraordinary accomplishments in teaching and in the generation of new knowledge through research and scholarship, and for serving as a consistently inspiring influence to students for a period of time, and WHEREAS, the faculty and chairpersons from their departments, academic dean, the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President have duly recommended the aforementioned retirees from the University faculty, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the University of South Alabama in a seated meeting held on December 14, 2006, hereby appoints the aforenamed individuals to the rank of Professor Emeritus with the rights and privileges thereunto appertaining, and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the University of South Alabama in recognition of their extraordinary accomplishments and dedicated service to the University of South Alabama wishes to convey its deep appreciation to these individuals. USA Board of Trustees Page 5 December 14, 2006 Ms. Miree moved approval of ITEM 8 as follows (refer to APPENDIX A for copies of policies and other authorized documentation). Ms. Maye seconded and the resolution was unanimously approved. RESOLUTION AMENDMENTS TO FACULTY SENATE CONSTITUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to Article III of the USA Faculty Senate Constitution, (as set forth in the USA Faculty Handbook, Chapter 2, Section 2.31) amendments thereto require approval of the University’s Board of Trustees, and WHEREAS, the Faculty Senate and the University Faculty at large have voted to approve amendments relating to scheduled senate meetings and the Mentoring Committee’s charge and function as described in the documents accompanying this resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Board of Trustees approves the amendments to the Faculty Senate Constitution as proposed. Dr. Adams presented ITEM 9, a report on student affairs. Concerning a new student recreation center, he said that the administration had made site visits to other centers, and that a consulting firm with considerable experience in this type of facility had been engaged to develop a concept that is right for the University. The firm has surveyed USA students for feedback on the components they would like in a recreation center. A program document should be complete before the next meeting of the Board in March 2007. Chairman Langham called for a report of budget and finance items. Mayor Nix, Budget and Finance Committee Chair, noted receipt by Trustees of ITEM 10, the University’s Monthly Fund Accounting Reports for July, August, and September 2006. He called upon Mr. Wayne Davis to discuss ITEM 10, as well as ITEM 11, the KPMG Audit Reports and Letters for the year ended September 30, 2006. Mr. Davis provided highlights from the publication entitled University of South Alabama 2006 Financial Report, saying that the University is in excellent financial condition. He said net assets total $311 million, up from $234 million in 2004. He noted that in the last five years, net assets had increased in excess of $100 million. He noted that one factor that significantly contributed to the University’s healthy financial condition was the commitment of major gifts to Campaign USA. Concerning ITEM 11, Mr. Wayne Davis reported that Mr. Mark Peach and Ms. Ashley Willson of the firm of KPMG, met with the Audit Committee on December 13, 2006, to deliver the required communications. He said KPMG rendered an unqualified opinion of the University’s financial statements, and called upon Mr. Ken Davis to discuss the University’s response to the KPMG management letter. Mr. Ken Davis reported that KPMG had outlined recommendations for the University to modify internal controls, and said the University is putting methods into practice to comply with the recommendations. Mr. Ken Davis presented ITEM 12, a report of the Alabama Department of Examiners of Public Accounts audit of disproportionate share hospital funds managed by the USA Foundation for the USA Board of Trustees Page 6 December 14, 2006 five-year period ended June 2005. He said that no instances of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations were reported. Mr. Wayne Davis presented ITEM 12.A as follows. He said the bids outlined relate to site preparation; opening of bids will take place in April 2007. On motion by Mayor Nix, seconded by Ms. Miree, the resolution was unanimously approved. RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND NURSING BUILDING WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees by a resolution on September 2, 2004, authorized the University President to enter into a contract with Barganier, Davis, Sims Architects Associates for Architectural Services to design the Allied Health and Nursing Building, and WHEREAS, the overall general contractor construction bids are expected to be received in February 2007, and WHEREAS, bids for the initial site work and soil surcharge and for high-voltage power equipment and equipment installation have been received, and it has been determined that the following bidders are the lowest responsive and responsible bidders for the specified packages listed below, totaling $998,965.77: Initial Site Work and Soil Surcharge McConnell Contractors $281,957.77 High-Voltage Power Equipment Stuart C. Irby Company $137,225.00 High-Voltage Power Equipment Installation Bagby and Russell Electric Co., Inc. $579,783.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the University of South Alabama hereby authorizes the University President to award the contract for initial site work and soil surcharge and for high-voltage power equipment and equipment installation as specified above for the dollar amounts specified above, as well as any other minor contracts necessary to complete the site-preparation phase of the project, in accordance with the bid laws of the State of Alabama. Mr. Wayne Davis presented ITEM 12.B resolutions as follows. On motion by Mr. Striplin, seconded by Dr. Stokes, the resolutions were unanimously approved. RESOLUTION TRANSFER OF HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING TO THE USA RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION WHEREAS, the University of South Alabama owns a building known as the Health Services Building, and WHEREAS, the creation of the USA Research and Technology Corporation (Corporation) was authorized by the University of South Alabama Board of Trustees at its June 6, 2002, meeting and duly incorporated with the State of Alabama on June 14, 2002, as a supporting organization of the University of South Alabama to, among other functions, “create, develop, construct, operate, manage, and finance one or more research and technology parks, technology enterprise centers, and other facilities and operations which further scientific research activities of the University, and contribute to the development of high-technology businesses in the State of Alabama,” and USA Board of Trustees Page 7 December 14, 2006 WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the University deems it to be in the best interest of the University and the Corporation to transfer the Health Services Building to the Corporation for the purposes stated in the Articles of Incorporation of the USA Research and Technology Corporation cited in the preceding paragraph, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves and authorizes the President to proceed with the transfer of the subject building to the Corporation for the sum of FIVE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED FORTY FOUR AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($5,566,444.00) to be leased by the Corporation to tenants who meet the required qualifications of the Corporation. RESOLUTION GROUND LEASE OF HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING LAND TO THE USA RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION WHEREAS, the University of South Alabama (“University”) owns certain real property which it utilizes to further its educational mission, and WHEREAS, the USA Research and Technology Corporation (“Corporation”), a not-for-profit, supporting organization of the University, was incorporated to further the educational and scientific mission of the University, to promote the University and its schools and departments, to promote the development of and to facilitate funding for the infrastructure and services in Mobile, Alabama, and to attract high technology and scientific enterprises, and WHEREAS, in order for said Corporation to fulfill its above-stated mission, it is recommended that the University lease approximately 13.2 acres of land known as the Health Services Building Land (shown on the attached Exhibit “A” as Lot 7 of the USA Technology & Research Park Master Plan) to the Corporation for the development, construction, and support of the park and its buildings for the sum of ONE DOLLAR AND NO/100 ($1.00) per annum, and a term that expires on July 1, 2048, and WHEREAS, the Corporation will use the property only for the purposes stated in the Articles of Incorporation governing the Corporation, such purposes to be set forth in the lease document, and WHEREAS, should said Corporation cease to exist for any reason, land and improvements thereon will revert to the University consistent with the terms of the lease, and WHEREAS, the University has determined that leasing the real property described above is in the best interest of the University in that it will allow the University to continue and enhance its valued missions of education, research, and service, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the University of South Alabama authorizes the President of the University to proceed with finalizing a land lease agreement with the USA Research and Technology Corporation for the lease of approximately 13.2 acres of real property known as the Health Services Building Land to the Corporation for development, support, and operation of the Corporation. Mr. Wayne Davis called for consideration of a bond issue, ITEM 13. He reminded Trustees that, at the September 14, 2006, Board meeting, the University administration was granted authorization to proceed with due diligence and planning for a proposed $65 million bond issue to fund completion of Mitchell Cancer Institute construction, a building for the colleges of Allied Health and Nursing, a student recreation center, and infrastructure and campus beautification improvements, including campus entrance portals and construction of a bell tower. He reported that, as a result of the due diligence process, an additional $10 million in capital projects had been identified. Also proposed is the use of bond proceeds to pay off debt remaining from the 1996 bond USA Board of Trustees Page 8 December 14, 2006 issue estimated at approximately $25 million, for a total recommended bond issue of $100 million. The newly identified projects include construction of an athletics field house and a softball field, and renovation of the Administration, Alpha South, and Student Center buildings. Aerial photos of the campus and artists renderings of the campus master plan were shown. Mr. Davis introduced the University’s financial advisor for the bond issue, Mr. Louis Cardinal of the firm of Thornton Farish, Inc. Mr. Cardinal briefly discussed the bond documents. He said that market conditions are currently at their most favorable in many months, an indication that the time is ideal for the University to consider a bond issue. Mr. Cardinal introduced Mr. Bob Young of the Frazer Lanier Company, the University’s senior bond underwriter, who reported a successful sale of bonds on December 12, 2006. He said that the average interest rate on the sale was 4.74 percent. He commended the University for an excellent presentation to Moody’s Investors Service during a recent site visit to campus. On motion by Mayor Nix, seconded by Ms. Maye, the following resolutions were unanimously approved. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees (herein called the “Board”) of UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA (herein called the “University”) as follows: Section 1. Findings. The Board hereby finds and recites that the University has heretofore issued, pursuant to a resolution adopted October 31, 1996 (herein called the “Authorizing Resolution”), its $31,680,000 original principal amount of University Tuition Revenue Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1996, dated as of February 15, 1996 (the “Series 1996 Bonds”), and (b) the University is not in default in the payment of the principal of and interest on any of the Series 1996 Bonds. The Series 1996 Bonds were issued pursuant to the provisions of a Tuition Revenue Trust Indenture, dated as of February 15, 1996 (the “Indenture”), from the University to The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A., Birmingham, Alabama. Section 2. Call for Redemption. Acting pursuant to the provisions of Article VI of the Indenture, the University does hereby elect to redeem and pay, and does hereby call for redemption and payment, on February 18, 2007, all of the outstanding Series 1996 Bonds (herein called the “Called Bonds”), the redemption of each Called Bond to be effected at a redemption price equal to the 102.00% of the face or par amount of each Bond so called for redemption. Section 3. Provisions for Notice. The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A., Birmingham, Alabama, is hereby directed, in its capacity as paying agent for the Series 1996 Bonds, to cause written notice of such redemption and prepayment to be given in the manner and at the time prescribed in Article VI of the Indenture. Section 4. Actions Authorized. The President of the University is hereby authorized and directed to take or cause to be taken, in the name and behalf of the University, all of the actions required by the provisions of the Indenture to be taken in order to effect the redemption on February 18, 2007, of the Called Bonds herein called for redemption. Section 5. No Repeal. The Board agrees that it will not repeal this resolution calling the Called Bonds for redemption on February 18, 2007. RESOLUTION ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF UNIVERSITY TUITION REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SERIES 2006 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees (herein called the “Board”) of UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA (herein called the “University”) as follows: USA Board of Trustees Page 9 December 14, 2006 Section 1. (a) Findings. The Board has determined and hereby finds and declares that the following facts are true and correct: (1) It is necessary, advisable, in the interest of the University and in the public interest that the University refund and retire the University’s outstanding Tuition Revenue Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1996, dated as of February 15, 1996 (the "Refunded 1996 Bonds"), which bonds were originally issued in the aggregate principal amount of $31,680,000; (2) It is necessary, advisable, in the interest of the University and in the public interest that the University issue the Bonds hereinafter authorized for the purpose of refunding the Refunded 1996 Bonds; and (3) It is necessary, advisable, in the interest of the University and in the public interest that the costs of issuing the Bonds and the costs of certain capital improvements representing a portion of the University’s five and ten-year capital improvement program including, without limitation, construction of the Mitchell Cancer Institute, the Colleges of Nursing and Allied Health Professions building, a Student Recreation Center, the Bell Tower, the Engineering and Sciences building, a softball field, athletics field house, and improvements to campus entrances to include new portals; renovation of the Administration, Student Center and Alpha South buildings and other capital improvements throughout the campus of the University (collectively, the "Improvements") be financed with proceeds of the Bonds. (b) Bonds to be Issued as Additional Parity Bonds Under the Indenture; Special Findings Under Section 8.2(b) of the Indenture. The Bonds shall be issued as additional parity bonds under Article VIII of the Indenture hereinafter referred to. In accordance with the provisions of Section 8.2(b) of the Indenture, the Board hereby finds and declares as follows: (1) the University is not now in default under the Indenture and no such default is imminent; (2) the Bonds shall be designated Series 2006; (3) the persons to whom the Bonds are to be delivered are set forth in Section 6 hereof; (4) all of the Bonds are to be issued by sale in accordance with Section 6 hereof; (5) the sale price of the Bonds is set forth in Section 6 hereof; (6) (a) the only bonds that have previously been issued by the University under the Indenture are its $31,680,000 original principal amount of University Tuition Revenue Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1996, dated February 15, 1996 (the “Series 1996 Bonds”), its $7,055,000 original principal amount of University Tuition Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1996B, dated October 15, 1996 (the “Series 1996B Bonds”), its $40,130,000.70 original principal amount of University Tuition Revenue Bonds, Series 1999, dated March 1, 1999 (the “Series 1999 Bonds”), and its $51,080,000 original principal amount of Tuition Revenue Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2004, dated March 15, 2004 (the “Series 2004 Bonds”); and (b) in Article VIII of the Indenture, the University has reserved the right to issue additional bonds, secured by a pledge of the Pledged Revenues on a parity with the Series 1996 Bonds (initially issued thereunder and which are to be refunded with proceeds of the Series 2006 Bonds hereinafter referred to), the Series 1996B Bonds (which bonds have been paid and retired), the Series 1999 Bonds, the Series 2004 Bonds and with such additional parity bonds as shall have thereafter been issued hereunder, upon compliance with the applicable provisions of said Article VIII; and (7) the Bonds are being issued for the purpose of refunding the Series 1996 Bonds, paying costs of the Improvements, and paying the expenses of issuing the Bonds, including the premium of the Bond Insurer for the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy. The Trustee is hereby requested to authenticate and deliver the Bonds to the purchasers specified in Section 6 hereof upon payment of the purchase price designated therein. Section 2. Authorization of Bonds. For the purposes specified in Section 1 of this resolution, there are hereby authorized to be issued by the University $100,000,000 aggregate principal amount of University Tuition Revenue Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2006, dated December 1, 2006 (herein called the “Bonds”), all under the terms, conditions and provisions set out in the Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture dated as of December 1, 2006, between the University and The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A., as trustee (herein called the “Trustee”), which is supplemental to the Trust Indenture between the University and the Trustee dated as of February 15, 1996 (the said Trust Indenture, as supplemented by the said Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture, herein called the “Indenture”). All the provisions of the Indenture respecting the Bonds are hereby adopted as a part of this resolution as fully as if set out at length herein. USA Board of Trustees Page 10 December 14, 2006 Section 3. Source of Payment of the Bonds. The principal of and the interest on the Bonds shall be payable solely from the Pledged Revenues as defined in the Indenture. Nothing contained in this resolution, in the Bonds or in the Indenture shall be deemed to impose any obligation on the University to pay the principal of or the interest on the Bonds except from the Pledged Revenues. The Bonds shall not represent or constitute obligations of any nature whatsoever of the State of Alabama and shall not be payable out of moneys appropriated to the University by the State. The agreements, covenants or representations contained in this resolution, in the Bonds and in the Indenture do not and shall never constitute or give rise to any personal or pecuniary liability or charge against the general credit of the University, and in the event of a breach of any such agreement, covenant or representation, no personal or pecuniary liability or charge payable directly or indirectly from the general revenues of the University shall arise therefrom. Neither the Bonds, nor the pledge or any agreement contained in the Indenture or in this resolution shall be or constitute an obligation of any nature whatsoever of the State of Alabama, and neither the Bonds nor any obligation arising from the aforesaid pledge or agreements shall be payable out of any moneys appropriated to the University by the State of Alabama. Nothing contained in this section shall, however, relieve the University from the observance and performance of the several covenants and agreements on its part herein contained. Section 4. Bonds Payable at Par. All remittances of principal of and interest on the Bonds to the holders thereof shall be made at par without any deduction for exchange or other cost, fees or expenses. The bank or banks at which the Bonds shall at any time be payable shall be considered by acceptance of their duties hereunder to have agreed that they will make or cause to be made remittances of principal of and interest on the Bonds, out of the moneys provided for that purpose, in bankable funds at par without any deduction for exchange or other cost, fees or expenses. The University will pay to such bank or banks all reasonable charges made and expenses incurred by them in making such remittances in bankable funds at par. Section 5. Authorization of Indenture. The Board does hereby authorize and direct the President of the University to execute and deliver, for and in the name and behalf of the University, to The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee under the aforesaid Trust Indenture, a Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture in substantially the form presented to the meeting at which this resolution is adopted and attached as Exhibit I to the minutes of said meeting (which form is hereby adopted in all respects as if set out in full in this resolution) and does hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of the Board to affix to the Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture the corporate seal of the University and to attest the same. Section 6. Sale of the Bonds. The Bonds are hereby sold and awarded to The Frazer Lanier Company, Incorporated, Merchant Capital, LLC, Gardnyr Michael Capital, Inc., Compass Bank, Raymond James and Associates, Inc., and Protective Securities, a Division Of Proequities (herein called the “Underwriters”), at and for a purchase price equal to $106,305,086.85 (reflecting an underwriting discount of $475,000 and original issue premium in the amount of $6,780,086.85) plus accrued interest on the Bonds from December 1, 2006, to the date of delivery thereof. Section 7. Authorization of the Official Statement. The Board does hereby authorize and direct the President of the University to execute, for and in the name and behalf of the University, an Official Statement with respect to the Bonds, to be dated the date of the adoption of this resolution, in substantially the form presented to the meeting at which this resolution is adopted and attached as Exhibit II to the minutes of said meeting (which form is hereby adopted in all respects as if set out in full in this resolution), with such changes as shall be necessary to conform to the provisions of this resolution. The Board does hereby declare that the Official Statement so executed by the President of the University shall be the Official Statement of the University with respect to the Bonds. The actions of the Underwriters in circulating, on behalf of the University, a Preliminary Official Statement respecting the Series 2006 Bonds, dated December 7, 2006, and attached hereto as Exhibit III, is hereby ratified and confirmed and the said Preliminary Official Statement is hereby adopted as the Preliminary Official Statement of the University and the Board hereby deems the said Official Statement "final" within the meaning of SEC Rule 15c2-12(b)(1) for the purposes of such rules. Section 8. Authorization of Continuing Disclosure Agreement. The President of the University is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver, on behalf of the University, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement for the benefit of the beneficial owners of the Bonds, in substantially the form presented to the meeting at which this resolution is adopted (which form shall be attached as Exhibit IV to the minutes of said meeting and which is hereby adopted in all USA Board of Trustees Page 11 December 14, 2006 respects as if set out in full in this resolution). The said Continuing Disclosure Agreement is to be entered into contemporaneously with the issuance of the Bonds in order to assist the Underwriters of the Bonds in complying with Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The rights of enforcement of the said Continuing Disclosure Agreement shall be as provided therein, and in no event shall a default by the University thereunder constitute a default hereunder or under the Indenture. Section 9. Execution and Delivery of Bonds. The Board does hereby authorize and direct the President of the University to execute the Bonds, in the name and behalf of the University, by causing a manual or facsimile of his signature to be imprinted thereon, and does hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of the Board to cause the corporate seal of the University to be imprinted or impressed on each of the Bonds and to attest the same by causing a manual or facsimile of the signature of said Secretary to be imprinted thereon, all in the manner provided in the Indenture, and the President of the University is hereby authorized and directed to deliver the Bonds, subsequent to their execution as provided herein and in the Indenture, to the Trustee under the Indenture, and to direct the Trustee to authenticate all the Bonds and to deliver them to the Underwriters, upon payment to the University of the purchase price therefor in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 hereof. Section 10. Application of Proceeds. The entire proceeds derived by the University from the sale of the Bonds shall be paid to said Trustee under the Indenture, which is thereupon authorized and directed to apply and disburse such moneys for the purposes and in the order specified in Section 1.5 of the Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture herein authorized. Section 11. Resolution Constitutes Contract. The provisions of this resolution shall constitute a contract between the University and each holder of the Bonds. Section 12. Severability. The various provisions of this resolution are hereby declared to be severable. In the event any provision hereof shall be held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect any other portion of this resolution. Section 13. General Authorization. The President of the University, the Vice- President for Financial Affairs and the Secretary of the Board are hereby authorized to execute such further certifications or other documents and to take such other action as any of them may deem appropriate or necessary for the consummation of the matters covered by this resolution, to the end that the Bonds may be executed and delivered as promptly as practicable. Chairman Langham called for a report of endowment and investments items. Mr. Mitchell, Chair, Endowment and Investments Committee, Presented performance for the total endowment and each money manager for fiscal year 2006: Commonfund, Arlington Partners, Gerber/Taylor, Oakmark Select, and Private Advisors. He stated that the endowment had outperformed its relative index for the year (11.31 percent vs. 8.76 percent) and since inception in March 2000 (5.74 percent vs. 2.51 percent). The University’s endowment totals $19.8 million. Mr. Mitchell said there are no plans to make investment changes at the present time. Following a short recess, Chairman Langham read aloud ITEM 14 as follows, and moved for approval. Ms. Miree seconded and the resolution was unanimously approved. Dr. and Mrs. Stokes were presented a framed resolution. Dr. Stokes expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve and provide support to his and Mrs. Stokes’ alma mater. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES UCOM 3600 .MOBILE, ALABAMA 36688-0002 TEL: (251) 380-2861 .FAX: (251) 380-2713 E-mail: November28, 2006 v. Gordon Moulton, President Unjversity of SouthAlabama Presjdent's Office AD 122 CAMPUS MAIL Dear President Moulton: In its March 2006 meeting the Senateunanimouslyapproved two amendmentsto the Senateconstitution. The first amendmentdeals with changesin language to better define the USA Faculty SenateMentoring,Committee's charge and function. The secondchange provides changed meeting dates during months when classesare not in sessionat the time of the regularly scheduledmeeting. After the Senate approval, the measureswere presentedto the faculty at large for a vote. Three-hundred and eighty-two (382) faculty membersvoted. Three-hundredand seventythree (373) members of the faculty voted to approvethe first changewhiJe nine (9) members of the faculty voted againstapproval. Three-hundredand eighty-one (381) members of the facuJtyvoted to approvethe secondchangeand one (I) faculty member voted against approval. The results indicate that a majority of the faculty approved both amendments. At this time I ask you to requestthe Board of Trusteesof the University of South Alabama to formally adopt these changesto the SenateConstitution at the Board of Trustees' Decembermeeting. I thank you very much for your assistaJ1ce in this matter and I will be happy to answer any questionspertaining to thesechanges. Sincerelyyours. P~!l<-l..A~ -cm9,~~;~:> P. Irene McIntosh USA Faculty SenateChair enclosure Community Counseling Rehabilitation Counseling School Counseling School Psychometry Educational Media AN AFFIRMATIVEACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION 9 Instructional Design and Det'elop,nent Proposed Constitutional Chanees Words in Bold Italics are the proposedchanges in wording to the present USA Faculty Senate Constitution. I. In order to better define the USA Faculty SenateMentoring Committee's charge and function, the Senatevoted to rewrite the Mentoring Committee's description at its March 22, 2006 meeting. The following paragraph in italics is the text that is currently in the USA Faculty Handbook followed by the proposed changes,which are in bold: This Committee will coordinate the Senate mentoring program for new faculty. It will recommendpolicies for the mentoring program, identify and recruit faculty mentors, and establish operating procedures. The Committee will also representfaculty in matters related to academic developmentat the university level (Faculty Handbook, Article 1; Section 4B6, Chap2, pg. 38) This Committee will represent the Faculty in matters related to academic development and faculty mentoring at the university level. It will function to advance the mission of the Faculty Senate by providing collaborative planning and consultation on matters as they relate to the teaching, research, and service activities of the faculty; to provide input into University policy concerning academic development and faculty mentoring; and assesspolicy approaches to, and delivery of Faculty mentoring within the University. 2. The Faculty Senatehas scheduledmeetings every third Wednesdayof the month except in May, August, and December. As it reads currently, the Faculty Handbook (Article II, Section 1, Chap. 2, pg 39) makes no provision for scheduling of meetings which happento fall on the Wednesdayswhen classesare not in session. This occasionally affects the March meeting of the Senate when students are on Spring Break, and the November meeting which sometimes falls on the Wednesday immediately before Thanksgiving. We propose that the following language in bold be added to Article II: Section I Chap. 2., p. 39 in order to eliminate confusion as to scheduled Senatemeetings: In the event that a regular meeting falls on a day when classesare not in session, the meeting will be held on the following Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. 10 FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL TRUST INDENTURE between UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAJ\iA and THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY, N.A. $100,000,000 University Tuition RevenueRefunding And CapitalImprovementBonds Series2006 Dated:December1, 2006 FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL TRUST INDENTURE between the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA, public body corporate under the laws of Alabama (herein called the "University"), and THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY, N.A. (as successor Trustee to AmSouth Bank of Alabama), a banking corporation in its capacity as Trustee under the Trust Indenture of the University dated as of December 1, 2006 as supplemented (said banking association in said capacity being herein called the "Trustee"), RECITALS The University makes the following findings as a basis for the undertakingsherein contained: (a) Pursuant to the provisions of the aforesaid Indenture (herein called the "Indenture"), the University has heretofore issued and sold its $31,680,000 original principal amount of University Tuition Revenue Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series1996, dated February 15, 1996 (the "Series 1996 Bonds"), its $7,055,000 University Tuition Re\'enue Refunding Bonds, Series 1996B, dated October IS, 1996 (the "Series 1996B Bonds"), $40,130,00.70 University Tuition Revenue Bonds, Series 1999, dated March 1, 1999 (the "Series 1999 Bonds"), and its $51,080,000 Tuition Revenue Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2004, dated March 15, 2004 (the "Series 2004 Bonds"). In Article VIII of the Indenture, the University has reserved the right to issue additional bonds, secured by a pledge of the Pledged Revenues on a parity \\'ith the Series 1996 Bonds (initially issued thereunder andwhich are to be refunded with proceeds of the Series 2006 Bonds hereinafter referred to), the Series 1996B Bonds (which bonds have been paid and retired), the Series 1999 Bonds, the Series2004 Bonds and with such additional parity bonds as shall have thereafter been issued hereunder,upon compliance with the applicable provisions of said Article VIII. The University now desiresto issue additional bonds, in the principal amount of $100,000,000, for the purpose of providing funds to pay costs of capital improvements at the University and to refund and retire theSeries 1996 Bonds. The University has duly adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of such additional bonds. This Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture is executed in order to specifythe details with respectto such additional bonds. (b) This Fifth SupplementalTrust Indenture is being executed to provide for the issuance of the Series 2006 Bonds (hereinafter referred to) as Additional Bonds underthe Indenture. Additional Definitions The following definitions are in addition to thosecontainedin the Indenture: "Ambac Assurance Corporation" or the "Bond Insurer" means Ambac Assurance Corporation, a Wisconsin-domiciledstockinsurancecompany. 2 2(b) hereof. "DTC" has the meaning given in Section poljcy ""Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy" shall mean the financial guaranty insurance issued by Ambac Assurance jnsuring the payment when due of the principal of and interest on theSeries2006 Bonds asprovidedtherein. "Improvements" means the costs of capital improvements at the University tobe paid from proceeds of the Series 2006 Bonds, consisting generally of the construction of the Mitchell Cancer Institute, the Colleges of Nursing and Allied Health Professions building, a Student Recreation Center, the Bell Tower, the Engineering and Sciences building, a softball field, athletics field house, and improvements to campus entrances to include new portals; renovation of the Administration Building, the Student Center and Alpha South buildings~ and othercapital improvements throughout the campus. "Interest Payment Date" means each June 1 and December 1, commencing June 2007 "Record Date," as used in the Indenture, shall be, with respect to the Series 2006Bonds, the May 15 and November 15 preceding each Interest Payment Date. "Refunded Bonds" means the University Tuition Revenue Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1996, dated as of February 15, 1996, originally issued in the aggregate principal amount of $31 ,680,000 "Series 2006 Bonds" meansthose of the Bonds bearingthe designationSeries2006,as authorized to be issued in the principal amountof $100,000,000. NOW, THEREFORE,THIS SUPPLEMENTALINDENTURE WITNESSETH: It is herebyagreedamongthe University, the Trusteeand its successorsin trust underthe Indenture andthe holders at any time of the Series2006 Bonds hereinafterreferred to (thesaid holders evidencingtheir consenthereto by their acceptanceof the said Series2006 Bonds),each with each of theothers,asfollows: ARTICLE I SERIES 2006 BONDS Section 1.1 (a) Authorization and Description of the Series 2006 Bonds. There is hereby authorized to be issued by the University under the Indenture an issue or seriesof Bonds designed Tuition Revenue Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds, Series2006, dated as of December 1, 2006, which shall be issued in the aggregate principal amountof $100,000,000. The Series 2006 Bonds shall mature and become payable on December 1in the years and amounts shown below. Interest shall be payable on June 1, 2007, and each Interest Payment Date thereafter, and shall bear interest at the per annum rates set forth below: 3 Maturity Date (December 1) Principal Amount Interest Rate 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2036 $ 5,600,000 5,885,000 6,190,000 6,505,000 6,840,000 7,190,000 7,560,000 7,945,000 46,285,000 5.00% 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 The Series 2006 Bonds shall be issued in denominations of $5,000 or any multiple thereof. The Series 2006 Bonds shall be initially issued in the Authorized Denominations and registered in the names of the Holders as shall be designated by the purchaser of the Series 2006 Bonds from the University . Section 1.2 Redemption Provisions. (a) Optional Redemption. Those of theSeries 2006 Bonds having statedmaturities in 2017 and thereaftershall be subject to redemptionprior to their respectivematurities,at the option of the University, in whole or in part (but, if in part,in multiples of $5,000with those of the maturities to be redeemedto be se1ectedby the University at its discretion, and if less than all the Series 2006 Bonds having the same maturity areto be redeemed,thoseto be redeemedto be se1ectedby the Trusteeby lot), on December 1,2016,and on any date thereafter,at and for a redemptionprice for eachSeries2006 Bond redeemed equa1 to the par or faceamountthereofplus accrued interestthereonto the date fixed for redemption. (b) Scheduled Mandatory Redemption of Series 2006 Term Bond due 2036 The Series 2006 Bonds due 2036 shall be subject to mandatory redemption and pa}'tnent, and the University shall redeem and pay such Series 2006 Bonds, at and for a redemptionprice, with respect to each such Series 2006 Bond or portion thereof redeemed, equal to the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest to the Redemption Date (those to be redeemed to be selected by the Trustee by lot) but only in the following aggregate principal amounts on December I in the following years: Amount Year Redeemed 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 (final maturity) $ 8,355,000 8,785,000 9,235,000 9,705,000 10,205,000 d The Trustee will, no later than sixty (60) days preceding each December I of the years shown above, take such action as may be necessary to effect the redemption, on the next succeeding December I, of the respective principal amounts shown above of the Series 2006 Bondsdue December I, 2036. In the event that less than the entire principal of the Series 2006 Bondsof a maturity is redeemed and prepaid, the Trustee shall select by lot that portion of the principal of the Series 2006 Bonds of such maturity to be redeemed and prepaid, such redemption tobe in increments of$5,000 or any multiple thereof (c) Payments into Bond Fund. The University will pay into the Bond Fund created in the Tuition Revenue Trust Indenture dated as of February 15, 1996, in addition to all other payments required to be paid therein, an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and intereston the Series 2006 Bonds when due and to redeem Series 2006 Bonds required to be redeemed pursuant to the provisions for scheduled mandatory redemption required by the provisions of Section 1.2(b)hereof. Section 1.3 Method of Payment. (a) The principal of the Series 2006 Bondsshall be payable at maturity at the designated office of the Trustee in Bin11ingham, Alabama. Interest on the Series 2006 Bonds shall be payable by check or draft mailed or otherwise delivered by the Trustee to the respective Holders thereof at their addresses as they appear on the registrybooks of the Trustee pertaining to the registration of the Series 2006 Bonds; provided that thefinal payment of such interest shall be made only upon surrender of the appropriate Series 2006Bond to the Trustee. The principal and the interest on the Series 2006 Bonds shall be payableonly upon maturity and only upon surrender of such Series 2006 Bonds of the Trustee. All installments of principal of and interest on each Series 2006 Bond shall bear interest afterthe respective maturities of such principal and interest until paid or until moneys sufficient for payment thereof shall have been deposited for that purpose with the Trustee, whichever first occurs, at the rate of interest borne by such Series 2006 Bond. (b) Issued in Book-Entry Form. The Series2006 Bonds shall be initially issued in book-entry only fonD, registeredin the name of Cede & Co., the nomineeof The Depository Trust Company ("DTC"). So long as the said book-entry only systemremainsin effect, the provisions of this First SupplementalIndenture, including the provisions governing the registration and exchangeof Series2006 Bonds, places and mannerof payment ofSeries 2006 Bonds, requirementsfor presentmentof Series2006 Bonds shallbe subjectto the standard procedures of the DepositoryTrustCompany. (c) Book-Entry Only System; Payment Provisions. The Series2006 Bondswill be issuedas fully-registeredSeries2006 Bondsin the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, as registered owner of the Series 2006 Bonds. Purchasers of such Series 2006 Bonds will not receive physical delivery of Series2006Bond certificates. For purposesof this Official Statement,so long as all of the Series2006 Bondsare in the custodyof DTC, referencesto Series2006 Bondholdersor Owners shall meanDTCor its nominee. 5 DTC will act as securities depository for the Series 2006 Bonds. The Series2006 Bonds will be issued as fully-registered securities in the name of Cede & Co., DTC's partnership nominee ("Cede") or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representativeof DTC. One fully-registered Series 2006 Bond certificate will be issued for each maturity of the Series 2006 Bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of such maturity, and will be deposited with DTC. DTC is a limited-purpose trust company organized under the New York Banking Law, a "banking organization" within the meaning of the New York Banking Law, a memberof the Federal Reserve System, a "clearing corporation" within the meaning of the New York Uniform Commercial Code and a "clearing agency" registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 17 A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. DTC holds securities thatits participants (the "Direct Participants") deposit with DTC. DTC also facilitates post-trade settlement amDng Direct Participants of sales and other securities transactions in deposited securities, through electronic computerized book-entry transfers and pledges between Direct Participants' accounts. This eliminates the need for physical movement of securities certificates. Direct Participants include both U.S. and non-U.S. securities brokers and dealers, banks,trust companies, clearing corporations and certain other organizations. DTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation ("DTCC"). DTCC, in turn, isowned by a number of Direct Participants of DTC and members of the Natjonal Securities Clearing Corporation, Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, and Emerging Markets Clearing Corporation (NSCC, FICC, and EMCC, also subsidiaries of DTCC), as well as by the New York Stock Exchange, Inc., the American Stock Exchange, LLC, and the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Access to the DTC system is also available to others such as both U.S. andnonU.S. securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies and clearing corporations thatclear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a Direct Participant, either directly or indirectly ("Indirect Participants"). DTC has Standard & Poor's highest Rating: AAA. The DTC Rules applicable to its Direct and Indirect Participants are on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. More information about DTC can be found at and Purchasesof Series2006 Bonds, in the denominationof $5,000 principal amount or any integralmultiple of $5,000 in excessthereof, underthe DTC system must be madeby or through Direct Participants,which will receive a credit for the Series 2006 Bonds on DTC's records. The ownershipinterest of eachactual purchaserof eachSeries2006 Bond ("Beneficial Owner") is in turn to be recorded on the Direct and Indirect Participants' records. Beneficial Owners will not receivewritten confirmation from DTC of their purchase. BeneficialOwners are expected,however,to receive written confirmations providing details of the transaction, as well as periodic statementsof their holdings, from the Direct or Indirect Participantthrough which the BeneficialOwnerenteredinto the transaction. Transfersof ownership interestsin the Series 2006 Bondsareto be accomplishedby entriesmade on the books of Direct and Indirect Participants acting on behalf of Beneficial Owners. Beneficial Owners will not receive certificates representingtheir ownershipinterests in Series2006 Bonds, except in the eventthat use of the book-entrysystemfor the Series2006 Bondsis discontinued. To facilitate subsequenttransfers, all Series 2006 Bonds deposited by Direct Participants with DTC are registeredin the name of DTC's partnershipnominee, Cede,orsuch 6 other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. The depositof Series 2006 Bonds with DTC and their registration in the name of Cede or such otherDTC nominee does not effect any change in beneficial ownership. DTC has no knowledge of the actual Beneficial Owners of the Series 2006 Bonds; DTC's records reflect only the identityof the Direct Participants to whose accounts such Series 2006 Bonds are credited, which mayor may not be the Beneficial Owners. The Direct and Indirect Participants will remain responsible for keeping account of their holdings on behalf of their customers. Conveyance of notices and other communications by DTC to Direct Participants, by Direct Participants to Indirect Participants, and by Direct Participants and Indirect Participants to Beneficial Owners will be governed by arrangements among them, subjectto any statutory or regulatory requirements as may be in effect from time to time. Redemptjon notices shall be sent to DTC. If less than all of the Series2006 Bonds are bejng redeemed, DTC's practice is to deten11jne by Jot the amount of the jnterestof each Djrect Partjcjpant in such Series 2006 Bonds to be redeemed. Neither DTC nor Cede (nor any other DTC nominee) will consent or volewith respect to Series 2006 Bonds unless authorized by a Direct Participant in accordance witbDTC's Procedures. Under its usual procedures, DTC mails an Omnibus Proxy to the University assoon as possible after the record date. The Omnibus Proxy assigns Cede's consenting or voting rights to those Direct Participants to whose accounts the Series 2006 Bonds are credited on therecord date (identified in a listing attachedto the Omnibus Proxy). Principal, redemptionprice and interest paymentson the Series2006 BondswiII be made by the Trustee to Cedeor suchother nominee as may be requestedby an authorized representativeof DTC. DTC's practice is to credit Direct Participants' accounts,uponDTC's receipt of fundsand correspondingdetail information from the University or The Trustee,on a payment date in accordancewith their respectiveholdings shownon DTC's records. Payments by Direct and Indirect Participants to Beneficial Owners wiII be governed by standing instructions and customary practices,as in the case with securitiesheld for the accounts of customers in bearerforn1 or registeredin "streetname," and wiII be the responsibilityof such Direct and Indirect Participant and not of DTC, the Trustee or the University, subjectto any statutory or regulatoryrequirementsas maybe in effect from time to time. Paymentof principal, redemption price and interest to Cede (or such other nominee as may be requestedby an authorized representative of DTC) is the responsibility of the University or the Trustee, disbursementof such paymentsto Direct Participants will be the responsibility of DTC,and disbursementof suchpaymentsto the BeneficialOwners will be the responsibilityof Directand Indirect Participants. NEITHER THE UNIVERSITY NOR THE TRUSTEE WILL HA VE ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR OBLIGATION TO SUCH PARTICIPANTS, OR TO THE PERSONS FOR WHOM THEY ACT AS NOMINEES WITH RESPECTTO THE SERIES2006 BONDS, OR TO ANY BENEFICIAL OWNER IN RESPECT OF THE ACCURACY OF ANY RECORDS MAINTAINED BY DTC OR ANY DIRECT PARTICIPANT OR INDIRECT PARTICIPANT, THE PAYMENT BY DTC OR ANY DIRECT PARTICIPANT OR 7 INDIRECT PARTICIPANT OF ANY AMOUNT IN RESPECT OF THE PRINCIPAL OR REDEMPTION PRICE OF OR INTEREST ON THE SERIES 2006 BONDS, ANY NOTICE WHICH IS PERMITTED OR REQUIRED TO BE GIVEN TO SERIES 2006 BONDHOLDERS UNDER THE FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE, THE SELECTION BY DTC ORANY DIRECT PARTICIPANT OR INDIRECT PARTICIPANT OF ANY PERSON TO RECEIVE PAYMENT IN THE EVENT OF PARTIAL REDEMPTION OF THE SERIES 2006BONDS WITH RESPECTTO LESS THAN ALL OF THE SERIES 2006 BONDS, OR ANY OTHER ACTION TAKEN BY DTC AS REGISTERED SERIES 2006 BONDHOLDER. For every transfer and exchange of the Series 2006 Bonds, the Beneficial Owner may be charged a sum sufficient to cover any tax, fee or other governmental charge thatmaybe imposed in relation thereto, and any reasonable fees and expenses of the Trustee and thecosts incurred in preparing Series 2006 Bond certificates. DTC may discontinue providing its services as securities depository with respect to the Series 2006 Bonds at any time by giving reasonable notice to the University. In theevent of the discontinuance of the book-entry system for the Series 2006 Bonds, Series 2006Bond certificates will be printed and delivered and the following provisions of the Indenture will apply: (i) principal of the Series 2006 Bonds will be payable upon surrender of the Series2006 Bonds at the designated office of the Trustee; (ii) Series 2006 Bonds may be transferredor exchanged for other Series 2006 Bonds of authorized denominations as set forth in the next succeeding two paragraphs; and (iii) Series 2006 Bonds will be issued in denominations as described in the front portion of the Official Statement under "THE SERIES 2006 BONDS". In the event of "the discontinuanceof the use of the system of book-entry-only transfers throughDTC (or a successordepository), Series2006 Bond certificates will beprinted and delivered to DTC. Section 1.4 Form of Series 2006 Bonds. The Series 2006 Bonds and the Trustee's Authentication Certificate applicable thereto shall be in substantially the following forms, respectively, with such insertions, omissions and other variations as may be necessary to confonn to theprovisionshereof: 8 No. [FORM OF CAPTION FOR BONDS HELD IN BOOK ENTRY FORM] UNITED STATES OF Al\.1ERICA STATE OF ALABAMA UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAl\1A University Tuition RevenueRefunding and Capital Improvement Bobds Series 2006 Interest Rate Maturity Date ,., CUSIP Number Subjectto the provisions ashereinstated For value received, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA, a public body corporate underthe laws of the Stateof Alabama (herein called the "University"), will pay, solely from thesourceshereinafterreferredto, to or registered assigns,the principal sumof DOLLARS on the date specified above, with interest thereon from the date hereof until the maturity hereofat the per annumrate of interest specifiedabove,payableon June 1,2007,and semiannually thereafteron each DecemberI and June I until and at the maturity hereof.The principal of this bond are payable only upon presentationand surrenderof this bond at the 9 designated corporate trust office of The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. Birn1ingham, Alabama, or its successor as trustee under the Indenture hereinafter referred to. I tereston this bond is payable by check or draft mailed by the Trustee on the interest payme t dateto the registered holder hereof and at the address shown on the registry books of the Tru tee penaining to the Bonds asof the close of business on the May 14 or November 15, as the cas may be,next preceding the date of payment of such interest. Interest payments that are due ith respectto this bond and that are made by check or draft shall be deemed timely made if such heckor draft is mailed by the Trustee on or before the due date of such interest. Both theprinci al ofandthe interest on this bond sha]] bear interest after their respecti,'e maturities until paid 0 until moneys sufficient for payment thereof have been deposited with the Trustee at the per ann m ratestated above. The Indenture provides that a]] payments by the University or the Trustee t the personin whose name aBond is registered sha]] to the extent thereoffu]]y discharge and sati fy all liability for the same. Any transferee of this bond takes it subject to all payments of princip I andinterest in fact made with respect hereto. I THIS REFERENCE 2006 SERIES PROVISIONS FORTH SHALL IS BONP HEREBY FORTH SET FOR ALL MADE ON TO REVERSE THE PURPOSES HAVE THE FURTHER HEREOF, THE SAME PRO WHIC EFFECT f SIONS FURTHER AS OF IF SET HERE. This bond is one of a duly authorizedissueof bonds (hereincalJedthe "Bonds") issuable in serieswithout expresslimit as to principal amountunder a Trust Inden re datedasof February 15, 1996, as heretoforesupplementedand as supplementedby a Fifth upplemental Trust Indenture(the Trust Indenture, as so supplemented,being herein calJed the "Indenture"), between the University and The Bank of New York Trust Company,N.A., New York (herein calJed the "Trustee"). The principal of and the interest on the Bonds are payable solelyout of and are securedby a lien uponand pledge of certain feesfrom studentslevied by t e University (herein called the "Pledged Revenues")and shalJ not be payable from any 0 her fundsor revenues. Paymentof the principal of and the interest on the Bonds is secured, pro rataand without preferenceor priority of one Bond over anotheror of the Bonds of any 0 e series over the Bonds of anyother, by a valid pledge of the revenuesout of which theyare payable. Reference is hereby made to the Indenture for a description of the natureand extent of the security afforded thereby, the rights and duties of the University and tbeTrustee with respectthereto,the rights of the holdersof the Bondsand the termsand condit onsonwhich additional seriesof Bonds maybe issued. The Indentureprovides, inter alia, (a) th t in theevent of default by the University in the mannerand for the time therein provided, the Trusteemay declare the principal of and the interest accrued on this bond immediately due and payable, whereuponthesame shall thereuponbecomeimmediatelydue and payableand the Trusteeshall be entitled to pursuethe remediesprovided in the Indenture, (b) that the holder of t is bondshall have no right to enforce the provisions of the Indenture exceptas provided therein nd thenonly for the equalandpro rata benefitof the holdersof all the Bonds,and (c) that if this ondshallnot be presentedfor paymentwhendue (whetherby maturity or otherwise)andif funds sufficientfor such paymentshall have been made available to the Trustee therefore, all Ii bility of the University to the holder of suchbond and all rights of suchholder againstthe Un versityunder such bond or underthe Indentureshall ceaseand terminateand that the sole right f suchholder 10 shall thereafter be against the said funds so made available, which the Trustee is required to set aside and hold, subject to any applicable escheat or other similar law, for the benefit of such holder. The Indenture also provides that the University and the Trustee, with the written consent of the holders of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding under the Indenture, may at any time and from time to time amend the Indenture or any indenture supplemental thereto, provided that no such amendment shall (I) without the consent of the holder of each Bond affected, reduce the principal of, the rate of interest on any Bond, or (2) without the consent of the holders of all the Bonds then outstanding under the Indenture, extend the maturity of any installment of principal or interest on any of the Bonds, make any change in the schedule of required sinking fund or other similar payments with respect to any series of the Bonds, create a lien or charge on the Pledged Revenues ranking prior to or (except in connection with the issuance of additional parity bonds under the Indenture) on a parity with the lien or charge thereon contained in the Indenture, effect a preference or priority of any Bond over any other Bond or reduce the aggregate principal amount of Bonds the holdersof which are required to consent to any suchamendment. ;",;1; The series of bonds of which this is one is designated Series 12006and is authorized to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $100,000,000. .! 1 ,, Those of the Series2006Bonds havinga statedmaturity on December1,2017,or thereafter shall be subjectto redemptionand paymentby the University, at the optionof the University, as a whole or in part on December 1, 2016, and on any date thereafter(but if redeemed in part, (i) of suchmaturity or maturities as the University shall designate,andif less than all the Series2006 Bondsof a single maturity are to be redeemed,thoseto be redeemed to be selectedby the Trusteeby lot, and (ii) only in installmentsof $5,000or any integral multiple thereof), at and for a redemptionprice equal to the par or face amount thereof plus accrued interest to the datefixed for redemption. The Series 2006 Bonds having a stated maturity in 2036 shall be subjectto scheduled mandatory redemption commencingDecember1. 2032. but only in the datesand amounts set forth in the Indenture(with thoseto be redeemedto selectedby the Trusteebylot) at and for a redemptionprice. with respectto each such Series 2006 Bond (or portion thereof) redeemed, equal to the principal amount thereof plus accrued interestto the date fIXedfor redemption, but only to the extentrequiredby the Indenture. The Series 2006 Bonds are not generalobligations of the University, andthe covenants and representationsherein contained or containedin the Indenture do not andshall never constitute a personal or pecuniary liability or charge againstthe general credit of the University. The Series2006 Bonds are not obligations or debts of the State of Alabamanorare the faith and credit of said state pledgedfor paymentthereof, and neither the principal of nor interest on said bonds is payable out of any moneys provided for or appropriatedto the University by the State of Alabama. I t is hereby certified that all conditions. actions and things required by the Constitution and laws of Alabama to exist. be perf~nned and happenprecedentto or in the issuance of this bond do exist. have beenperformedandhave happenedin due and legalfonn. The Bonds are issuable only as ful1y registered bonds in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. Provision is made in the Indenture for the exchangeof Bonds for a like aggregate principal amount of Bonds of the same maturity and interest rateand in an authorized denomination, all as may be requested by the holder surrendering the Bond or Bonds to be so exchanged and upon the terms and conditions specified in the Indenture. This bond is transferable by the registered holder hereof in person, or by duly authorized attorney, on1y on the registry books of the Trustee pertaining to the Bonds and only upon surrender of this bond to the Trustee for cancellation, and upon any such transfera new Bond of like tenor herewith will be issued to the transferee in exchange therefore, all asmore particularly provided in the Indenture; Each holder, by receiving and accepting this bond,sha11 consent and agree and shall be estopped to deny that, insofar as the University and the Trustee are concerned, this bond may be transferred on1y in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture. The Trustee shall not be required so to transferor exchangethis bond duringthe period of fifteendays next precedingany interestpaymentdate with respectthereto. Execution by the Trustee of its authentication certificate hereon is essentialto the validity hereof and is conclusive of the due issue hereof under the Indenture. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the University has causedthis bond to be executed in its name and behalf with the signature of its President,has causeda facsimile of its corporate seal to be hereunto imprinted, has caused this bond to be attested by the signatureof the Secretaryof itsBoard of Trustees,and hascausedthis bond to be datedas of December1,2006. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAl\IA By I President University of SouthAlabama Attest: Secretaryof the Boardof Trustees 12 Form of Trustee's Authentication Certificate Date of Authenticationand Registration: The within bond is one of those described in the within-mentioned Trust Indenture. THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY ~N.A., Trustee By I I Its Authorized Officer 13 Form of Assignment For value received, the undersigned hereby sell(s), assign(s) and transfer(s)unto the within bond and hereby irrevocably constitute(s) and appoint(s) attorney, with full power of substitution in the premises, to transfer this bond on the books of the within-mentioned Trustee. DATED this NOTE: The signature on this assignment must correspond \\,ith the name of the registered owner as it appears on the face of the within Bond in every particular, without alteration, enlargement or change whatsoever. Signature guaranteed: (Bank, TrustCompanyor Finn)* By (AuthorizedOfficer) Its Medallion Number: * Signature(s)must be guaranteedby an eligible guarantor institution which is a member of a recognized signature guarantee program, i.e., Securities Transfer Agents Medallion Program (STAMP), Stock Exchanges Medallion Program (SEMP), or New York Stock ExchangeMedallion Signature Program(MSP). 14 Section 1.5 Execution and Delivery of the Series 2006 Bonds. The Series2006 Bonds shall be forthwith executed and delivered to the Trustee and shall be authenticatedand delivered by the Trustee from time to time upon receipt by the Trustee of an order signedon behalf of the University by its President, requesting such authentication and delivery and designating the person or persons to receive the same or any part thereof. Section 1.6 Application of Proceeds from Sale of Series 2006 Bonds. Theentire proceeds derived by the University from the sale of the Series 2006 Bonds shall be paidto the Trustee and promptly thereafter applied by the Trustee for the following purposes andin the following order:.- .-- (a) accrued interest on the Series 2006 Bonds shall be paid into the BondFund and applied for payment of the interest due on the Series 2006 Bonds on June 1, 2007; (b) the sum of $23,560,327 shall be deposited into the Bond Fund and appliedfor the redemption of the Refunded Bonds on February] 8, 2007; and (c) the balance of the principal proceeds derived from the sale of the Series2006 Bonds shall be paid into the Construction Fund created in Article III hereof and applied for payment of the costs of the Improvements and the expenses of issuing the Series 2006 Bonds. ARTICLE II CONCERNINGTHE CODE Section 2.1 Concerning the Code. (a) General. The University recognizesthatthe Code imposes certain conditions to the exemption from Federal income taxation of interest income on the Series2006 Bonds. Accordingly, the University agrees that it will continually comply with all requirementsimposedby the Codeas a condition to the exemptionfrom Federal income taxation of the interestincome on the Series2006 Bonds. With respectto any question arising under this Section2.1, the University may rely upon an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel acceptableto it. (b) Bonds not to be "Private Activity Bonds". The University will not apply the proceedsof the Series2006 Bonds in a mannerthat would causeany of the Bonds to be "private activitybonds" within the meaningof Section141(a) of the Code. (c) Concerning the Arbitrage Pro\'isions of the Code. The University agreesthat it will comply with all provisions of the Code necessaryto precludethe Series2006 Bonds being considered"arbitragebonds" within the meaningof Section 148 of the Code. (d) Provisions Respecting Registration of Series 2006 Bonds to Comply with Provisions of Code. The University and the Trustee recognize that the provisionsof the Code require thatthe Series2006 Bondsbe in "registeredform" and that, in general,eachSeries 2006 Bond mustbe registered as to both principal and interest and any transferof anySeries 2006 Bond mustbe effected only by the surrenderof the old Bond and either by the reissuance of 15 the old Bond to a new Holder or the issuance ofa new Bond to a new Holder. The Trusteemay rely upon an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel with respect to any question which may arise pertaining to the transfer, exchange or reissuance of Series 2006 Bonds. ARTICLE III CONSTRUCTION FUND Section 3.1 2006 Construction Fund. There is hereby created a special trust fund, the full name of which shall be the"2006 Construction Fund," for the purpose of P for acquisition and construction of the Improvemen5s. The President of the Uf iversity Viding funds may designate one of more banks as the depository, custodian and disbursing agent for the 2006 Construction Fund. Moneys shall be paid into the 2006 Construction Fund in ac ordancewith the provisions of Section 1.3 hereof. The moneys in the 2006 Construction Fun shall be paid out upon order ofofthe University. Moneys on deposit in pay the con mayofbetime usedtototime pay the expenses issuing the Series 2006 Bonds and to costf truction of acquiring, Fund providing and constructing the Improvements, including reimbursement to the amounts heretofore advanced by the University in payment of such costs. niversity of Section 3.2 Investment of 2006 Construction Fund. In the event of investmentof moneys on depositin the 2006 Constructionfund, the investment,the securities or !certificates in which such moneysare so invested,together with all income derivedtherefrom, shall becomea part of the 2006 Construction Fund to the same extent as if they were mon~ys originally deposited therein. Any depository for the 2006 ConstructionFund may at any time andfrom time to time upon the direction of the University sell or otherwise convert into dash andsuch securities or certificateswhereuponthe net proceedstherefrom shall become a patt or the2006 Construction Fund. East depositoryshall be fully protectedin making any suchin'testment,sale or conversion in accordancewith the provisions of this section. In any determ~nation of the amount of moneysat any time forming a part of the 2006 ConstructionFund, all such securities and certificates in which any portion of the 2006 ConstructionFund is at the tim!e so invested shall be included therein at their thenmarket value. Moneys on depositin the Cons~ction Fund may be invested in Eligible Certificates of Federal Securities, including money r consisting solely of Federal Securities. arket funds " ARTICLE IV SPECIALPROVISIONSPERTAININGTO FINANCIAL GUARANTY INSURANCEPOLICY Section4.1 Payment Procedure Pursuant to Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy. As long as the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy shall be in full forceand effect, the University, the Trusteeand any Paying Agent agreeto comply with the following prOVISIons: (a) At least one (1) business day prior to all Interest Payment Datesthe Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, will detennine whether there will be sufficient funds in the Funds and Accountsto pay the principal of or intereston the Series2006 Bonds onIsuchInterest 16 Payment Date. If the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, detennines that there will be insufficient funds in such Funds or Accounts, the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, shall so notify Ambac Assurance. Such notice shall specify the amount of the anticipated deficiency, the Series2006 Bonds to which such deficiency is applicable and whether such Series 2006 Bonds will be deficient as to principal or interest, or both. If the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, hasnot so notified Ambac Assurance at least one (1) business day prior to an Interest PaymentDate, Ambac Assurance will make payments of principal or interest due on the Series 2006 Bondson or before the first (1st) business day next following the date on which Ambac Assuranceshall have received notice of nonpayment from the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any. (b) the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, shall, after giving notice to Ambac Assurance as provided in (a) above, make available to Ambac Assurance and, at Ambac Assurance's direction, to The Bank of New York, in New York, New York, as insurancetrustee for Ambac Assurance or any successor insurance trustee (the "Insurance Trustee"), the registration books by the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, and all records relating to theFunds and Accounts maintained under this Fifth SupplementalIndenture. (c) the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, shall provide Ambac Assuranceand the Insurance Trustee with a list of registered owners of Series 2006 Bonds entitled to receive principal or interestpayments from Ambac Assurance under the tenns of the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy, and shall make arrangements with the Insurance Trustee (i) to mail checksor drafts to the registered owners of Series 2006 Bonds entitled to receive full or partial interest payments from Ambac Assurance and (ii) to pay principal upon the Series 2006 Bonds surrendered to the Insurance Trustee by the registered owners of Series 2006 Bonds entitledto receive full or partial principal payments from Ambac Assurance. (d) the Trusteeor PayingAgent, if any, shall, at the time it provides noticeto Ambac Assurancepursuantto (a) above,notify registeredowners of Series2006 Bondsentitled to receive the paymentof principal or interestthereonfrom ArnbacAssurance(i) as to thefactof such entitlement, (ii) that Ambac Assurancewill remit to them all or a part of the interest payments nextcomingdue uponproof of Holderentitlementto interestpaymentsand deliveryto the Insurance Trustee,in form satisfactoryto theInsuranceTrustee,of anappropriateassignment of the registeredowner's right to payment, (iii) that should they be entitled to receivefull payment of principal from Ambac Assurance,they must surrender their Series 2006 Bonds (along with anappropriateinstrumentof assignmentin form satisfactoryto the InsuranceTrustee to pennit ownership of such Series 2006 Bonds to be registered in the name of Ambac Assurance) for paymentto the InsuranceTrustee,and not the Trustee or PayingAgent, if any, and (iv) that should they be entitled to receive partial payment of principal from Ambac Assurance, theymust surrendertheir Series2006Bonds for paymentthereonfirst to the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, who shall note on suchSeries2006 Bonds the portion of the principal paid by the Trusteeor PayingAgent, if any, and then, along with an appropriateinstrument of assignment in form satisfactoryto the InsuranceTrustee, to the InsuranceTrustee,whichwill then pay the unpaidportionof principal. (e) in the event that the Trusteeor Paying Agent, if any, has notice thatany payment of principal of or interest on an Obligation which has become Due for Payment and which is madeto a Holder by or on behalf of the University has been deemeda preferential 17 transfer and theretofore recovered from its registered owner pursuant to the United States Bankruptcy Code by a trustee in bankruptcy in accordance with the final, nonappealable order of a court having competent jurisdiction, the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, shall, at thetime Ambac Assurance is notified pursuant to (a) above, notify all registered owners that in theevent that any registered owner's payment is so recovered, such registered owner will be entitledto payment from Ambac Assurance to the extent of such recovery if sufficient funds are not otherwise available, and the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, shall furnish to Ambac Assurance its records evidencing the payments of principal of and interest on the Series 2006 Bonds\\'hich have been made by the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, and subsequently recovered from registered owners and the dates on which such payments were made. 0 (f)- _-0in- addition' to those rights granted -Ambac Assurance under this Fifth Supplemental Indenture, Ambac Assurance shall, to the extent it makes payment of principal of or interest on Series 2006 Bonds, become subrogated to the rights of the recipients of such payments in accordance with the terms of the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy, and to evidence such subrogation (i) in the case of subrogation as to claims for past due interest,the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, shall note Ambac Assurance's rights as subrogee on the registration books of the Obligor maintained by the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, upon receipt from Ambac Assurance of proof of the payment of interest thereon to the registered ownersof the Series 2006 Bonds, and (ii) in the case of subrogation as to claims for past due principal, the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, shall note Ambac Assurance's rights as subrogee on the registration books maintained by the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, upon surrender of the Series 2006 Bonds by the registered owners thereof together with proof of the paymentof principal thereof. Section4.2 Other Provision Pertaining to the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy. (a) Any provision oftrus Fifth Supplemental Indenture expressly recognizingor granting rights in or to Ambac Assurance may not be amended in any manner which affectsthe rights of Ambac Assurance hereunder without the prior written consent of Ambac Assurance. Ambac Assurance reserves the right to charge the University a fee for any consent or amendmentto the Fifth SupplementalIndenture while the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy is outstanding. (b) Unless otheIWise provided in this Section 4.2, Arnbac Assurance's consent shall be required in lieu of Holder consent, when required, for the following purposes: (i) execution and delivery of any amendment, supplement. change or modification to the Fifth Supplemental Indenture, (ii) removal of the Trustee or Paying Agent and selection and appointment of any successortrustee or paying agent.and (iii) initiation or approval of any action not described in (i) or (ii) above which requires Holder consent. (c) Any reorganizationor liquidationplan with respectto t1leUniversity mustbe acceptable to Ambac Assurance.In the event of any reorganization or liquidation, Ambac Assuranceshallhavethe right to vote on behalfof all Holderswho hold Ambac Assurance-insured Series2006 Bondsabsenta defaultby Ambac Assuranceunderthe applicableFinancial Guaranty InsurancePolicyinsuringsuchSeries2006 Bonds. 18 (d) Anything in this Fifth Supplemental Indenture to Ithe contrary notwithstanding, upon the occulTence and continuance of an event of default as defined herein, Ambac Assurance shall be entitled to control and direct the enforcement of all rights and remedies granted to the Holders or the Trustee for the benefit of the Holders under this Fifth Supplemental Indenture. (e) Anything in this Fifth Supplemental Indenture to the contrary notwithstanding, upon the occurrence and continuance of an event of default as defined herein, Ambac Assurance shall be entitled to control and direct the enforcement of all rights and remedies granted to the Holders or the Trustee for the benefit of the Holders under this Fifth Supplemental Indenture, including, without limitation: (i) the right to accelerate the principal of the Series2006 Bonds as described in this Fifth SupplementalIndenture, and (ii) the right to annul any declaration of acceleration, and Arnbac Assurance shall also be entitled to approve all \\'aivers of eventsof default. (f) Upon the occurrence of an event of default, the Trustee may, with the consent of Ambac Assurance, and shall, at the direction of Ambac Assurance or la majority in principal amount of the Holders with the consent of Ambac Assurance, by written noticeto the University andAmbac Assurance, declare the principal of the Series 2006 Bonds to be immediately due and payable, whereupon that portion of the principal of the Series 2006 Bonds therebycoming due and the interest thereon accrued to the date of payment shall, without further action, become and be immediately due and payable, anything in this Fifth SupplementalIndenture or in theSeries 2006 Bonds to the contrary notwithstanding. In the event that the maturity of the Series 2006 Bonds is accelerated, the Bond Insurer may elect, in its sole discretion, to pay all or a portion of the accelerated principaland interest accrued on such principal to the date of acceleration (to the extent unpaid by the Obligor) with respect to the Bonds, and the Bond Trustee shall accept such amounts. Upon payment ofall of such accelerated principal and interest accruedto the acceleration date as provided above, theBond Insurer's obligations under the Bond InsurancePolicy shall be ful1y discharged. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event that the principal and/or interest due on the Series 2006 Bonds shall be paid by Ambac Assurance Corporation pursuant to the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy, the Series 2006 Bondsshall remain Outstanding for all purposes, not be defeased or otherwise satisfied and not be considered paid by the Obligor, and the assignment and pledge of the Pledged Revenue and all covenants, agreements and other Series 2006 Bonds of the University to the registered owners shall conrinueto exist and shall run to the benefit of Ambac Assurance, and Ambac Assurance shall be subrogated to the rights of suchregistered owners. 19 ARTICLE V CONCERNINGPLEDGEDREVENUES; CONFIRl\1ATION OF INDENTURE, AS SUPPLEMENTED Section 5.1 Confirmation of Indenture. All the tenns, covenants and conditionsof the Indenture, as supplemented hereby, are hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed, and the Indenture as so supplemented shall continue in full force and effect. Section 5.2 Confirmation of Pledges. The provisions of the Indenture, whereinthe Pledged Revenues are pledged for payment of all Bonds issued under the Indenture, are hereby ratified and con[lm1ed ~ + (b) The definition of "Pledged Revenues" as defined in the Indentureand in each supplemental indenture heretofore executed and delivered, is hereby clarified and extended to include, within the said definition, the application fees, the registration fees, change of course fees and the out-of state fees received from students with respect to the registration and attendance at the University. The definition of "Pledged Revenues" is hereby amended, with the intent to subject to the lien of the Indenture, the new facilities fee of $50 per studentper semester, which fee was authorized by the Board on December 4, 2003 and which fee becomes effective in the Fall 2006. The pledge of the Pledged Revenues pledged for payment of Bonds issued under the Indenture, as clarified and amended herein, is hereby ratified and confinned. Section5.2 Construction of Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture. No provisionsof this Fifth SupplementalTrust Indenture shallbe construedto limit or restrict, either expressly or impliedly, the obligations of the University contained in the Indenture or the powersof the Trustee thereunder,nor shall the provisions of this Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenturebe construed in any mannerinconsistentwith the provisions of the Indenture or in any mannerthat would adverselyaffectthe interestof the Holders of anyBonds. Section 5.4 Severability. In the event that anyprovision hereofshall be held in,'alid or unenforceableby any courtof competentjurisdiction. suchholding shall not invalidateor render unenforceableanyotherprovision hereof. 20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the University has caused this Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture to be executed in its name and behalf by the President of the University, has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and has caused this Fifth SupplementalTrust Indenture to be attested by the Secretary of its Board of Trustees, and the Trustee has causedthis Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture to be executed in its name and behalf, has causedits corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and has caused this Fifth Supplemental Trust Indentureto be attested, all by its duly authorized officers, and the University and the Trustee have caused this Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture to be so executed in several counterparts, each ofwhich shall be deemed an original, and have caused this Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture to bedated as of December I, 2006, although actually executed and delivered on " UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAl\1A By President Attest: - Secretaryof the Board of Trustees THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUSTCOMPANY,N.A. By Its Attest Its 21 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF MOBilE I, , a Notary Pub]ic in and for said county in said state, hereby certify that V. Gordon Moulton, whose name as the Presidentof the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAI\:1A, a public body corporate under the Jaws of Alabama, is signed to the foregoing instrument and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the within instrument, he, as such officer and with fu]] authority, executed the same vo]untarily for and as the act of said public corporation. GIVEN--under--my--hand-and--official2006. seal-- of- office, this + Notary Public [NOTARIAL SEAL] 1/1523857.5 22 day--of--, _,2006. STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF JEFFERSON I, , a Notary Public in and for said county in said state, hereby certify that , whose name as of The Bank of Ne York Trust Company, N. -A~ in its capacity as Trustee under that certain Trust lndentur datedas of February 15, 1996, between it and the University of South Alabama, as suppleme ted, issigned to the foregoing instrument and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on this daythat, being infonned of the contents of the within instrument, as such officer and with II authority, executed the same voluntarily for and as the act of said bank, in its capacity as trusteeas--aforesaid:-- GIVEN under my hand and official seal of office, this -day of. Notary Public [NOTARIAL SEAL] 1/1523857.3 23 CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAl\1A for the benefit of BENEFICIAL OWNERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA UNIVERSITY TUITION REVENUE REFUNDING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 2006 DATED DECEMBER 1, 2006 1/1530012.1 CONTINUING DISCLOSUREAGREEMENT This CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (the "A reement")by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAI\1A, a public corporation under the laws f the Stateof Alabama (the "University"), for the benefit of the BENEFICIAL 0 :VNERS OF UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAI\1A UNIVERSITY TUITION REVENUE REFUNDING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2006, dated December I, 2006, originally issued in the original aggregateprincipal amount of $10 ,000,000(the "Bonds"). i RE CI TA'LS: The Bonds are proposed to be issued by the University on or a out April 15, 2004, and are subject to the provisions of Rule 15c2-12 (the ..Rule"), promu gated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States of America (the ..ommission") pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The University understands th t a failure of the University to comply with the provisions of this Agreement must be reported n accordance with the Rule and must be considered by any broker, dealer or municipal securities dealerbefore recommending the purchase or sale of the Bonds in the secondary market and that uch afailure may adversely affect the transferability and liquidity of the Bonds and their market rice. NOW, THEREFORE, the University does hereby undertake and Jgree with the Beneficial O\\'I1ersof the Bonds as folJows: I SectionI. Pumose. This Agreementis being executedand del veredby the University for the benefit of the Beneficial Ownersof the Bonds and in order for th underwriter of the Bonds to be in compliancewith SEC Rule 15c2-12(b)(5)(the "Rule"). As r quiredbythe Rule, this Agreementis enforceableby BeneficialOwners of the Bonds pursuantto the Indenture under which theBondsare issued(the "Indenture")and Section9 of this Agreemen. Section2. Statement with~p ~o Definitions. In addition to the definitions set forth i the Bonds, which apply to any capitalized term used in t the thi Official Agreement, 1/1530012.1 1 any di eCtlY , r a power, the depositories. ownership has or of which dispose to nominees or person through to, any mean respect Bonds with shall holding consent Owner" or vote persons to indirectly, including Bonds, or "Beneficial the following capitalizedterms shall have the following meanings: I shall mean any of the events with respect to the ! Bonds listed in"Listed SectionEvents" 5(a) of this Agreement. "Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board" shall mean the MU nicipal Securities Rulemaking Board, whose address is: [ Municipal SecuritiesRulemakingBoard 1818 N Street,N.W. Suite 800 Washington,D.C. 20036-2491 Tel: (202) 223-9347 Fax: (202) 872-0347 "National Repository" shall mean any Nationally Recognized Mupicjpal Securities Information Repository for purposes of the Rule. I "Repository' shall mean each National Repository and each I State Repository. "Rule" shall mean Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) adopted by the SeCUriti ~s and ExchangeCommission("SEC") under the SecuritiesExchangeAct of 19 4 (the "1934 Act"). "State Repository" shall mean any public or private repository or en~ity as may be designated by the State of Alabama as a state repository for the pu~se of the Rule. As of the date of this Agreement, there is no State Repository. I "University Annual Report" shall mean any Annual Report provided by the University pursuant to, and as described in, Sections 3 and 4 ofl this Agreement. Section3. Undertaking. The University hereby agrees,in accbrdancewith the provisions of the Rule, to provide ?r ca.useto be pro~ided,?ot later than six mqnthsa~erthe close of each fiscal year of the UnIversIty, commenCIngWIth the fiscal year that wIll end September 30, 2007, to each Repositorya University Annual Report in compli~nce withthe provisions of Section4 of this Agreement. The University furtheragrees,in accordancewiththe provisions of the Rule, to file in a timely mannera notice of any failure so to provi4e or cause to be provided the University Annual Report or any part thereof, suchnotice to be filed witheach National Repository or the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and with the State Repository. Section4. UniversitYReRort. (a) The University Annual Report shall contain or incorporateby referencethefollowing: 1/1530012.1 2 the audited financial statements of the University (1) thereto; (2) and I notes the revenues from the general tuition fees the proceeds of I WhiCh are pledged for payment (3) of the Bonds; the undergraduate enrollment by division, and graduat ,t professional enrollment by division, for the fall term commencing and with"n the fiscal year covered by the University Annual Report; (4) the schedule of undergraduate and graduate fees and ~edical College fees; (5) the receipts from application fees, course fees, registratiod fees, change course fees and out-of-state fees and the student facilities fee; I (6) the number of students, by geographic classification, attendi O g the fall tenn commencing within the fiscal year covered by the University nnual Report; (7) academic the number of degrees awarded, by type of degree, 1 year ending within the fiscal year covered by the University r the nnual Report;and (8) the directfor State appropriations andState received, the~State appropriations received employee benefitsauthorized and the total appropri tions received. (b) Anyone or more of the items listed abovemay be included by r ferencefrom other documents,including official statementsof debt issuesof the University or elatedpublic entities, which have beensubmittedto eachof the Repositories. If the documen includedby reference is a final official statement, it must be available from the Munici al Securities Rulemaking Board. The University shall clearly identify each such other documen so included by reference in the University Annual Report. Section5. Events. (a) The following constituteListed Events for purposes of this Agreement: 1/1530012.1 (1) principal and interestpaymentdelinquencies, (2) non-paymentrelateddefaults, (3) unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecti g financial difficulties, t 3 (4) unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting difficulties, (5) substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure td perform, (6) (7) adverse tax opinions or events affecting the tax-exempt status of the Bonds, I modifications to right. of holders of the Bonds, (8) calls for redemption, b ther than scheduled mandatory redetption, of the l Bonds" I defeasances, release,substitution,1r sale of property securingrepaymentrf theBonds, and , rating changes. (b) Wheneverthe University obtainsknowledge of the occurren~eora Listed Event, the University shall as soon as possibletake suchsteps as are necessaryto detennineif such event would constitute material infonna~ionwithin the meaningof the 1934A~t. 1 (c) If the University has etennined that the occurrence of a Lit ted Eventis material. the University shall file a notice 0 such occurrence with each National epositoryor the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board ~nd with each State Repository. Section6. Additional Information. Nothing in this Agreem~nt shallbe deemed to preventthe University from disseminatingany other information, using~hemeans of dissemination set forth in this AgreementOf any other means of communication, [ or including any other informationin any University AnnJal Reportor notice of occurrenceof a istedEvent, in addition to that which is required by this ~greement. If the University choosest~ includeany info.~ation in any. Un.iversi~ Annual R~prrt or ~otice of occurrence ?f a .LiSt d Eventin additIon to that whIch IS specifically requlrep by thIs Agreement,the UnIversity S all haveno obligation underthis Agreementto updatesuchinformation or include it in any furn e University Annual Reportor notice of occurrenceof a Listed Event. I , ...s~£~iQn.1. Tenni~ati~n. Th~ University. reservesthe. right to ~enninate its oblIgatIon to provide annual financIal mf°"11atlonand notices of matenal events as setforth above, if and when the University no longer remains an obligated personwith r spectto the Bonds within the meaningof the Rule. I Section8. Amendment.Waiver. Notwithstanding any other pro,*isionof this Agreement, the University may amend this Agreement and any provision of this A~eement may 1/1530012.1 4 t be waived, if such amendment or waiver is supported by an opinion of counsel ex ert in federal securities laws, to the effect that such amendment or waiver wou1d not cause th undertakings herein to vio1ate the Rule taking into account any subsequent change in or official interpretation of the Rule. Section 9. Default. (a) In the event of a failure of the Univers'ty to provide the Repositories the University Annual Report as required by this Agreement, he Beneficial Owner of any Bond may take such actions as may be necessary and appropri te, including seeking mandamus or specific perfomlance by court order. to cause the Univers ty to comply with its obligations to provide lTniversity Annual Reports under this Agreement. (b) to the Bonds under A default under this Agreement shall not be deemed a defaU f the Indenture or otherwise, and the sole remedy under this Ag t with ement respect in the event of any failure of the University to comply with this Agreement shall be an act.on to compel perfonnance. (c) The University shall not be in default in any of its undertaki gs underthis Agreement until ten days after it shall have received notice from a Beneficial 0 ner thatsuch default has occurred;provided, that suchperiod shall be extendedto thirty days if uponreceipt of such notice, the University has begunto comply with the provisions hereof and has takenall steps then available to it to assuresuchcompliance but, becauseof circumstanc s beyondthe University's control, it is unableto accomplishsuchcompliancewithin the ten-day eriod. Section10. Certain Parties Not Liable: Expenses. None f the group comprised of the trusteeunderthe Indenture,the paying agent for the Bonds, the re istrarfor the Bonds, the depositoryfor any of the specialfunds with respectto the Bonds, the ndernTiterof the Bonds, the bond counsel delivering an approving opinion with respect to t e Bonds,the underwriter's counseland the counselfor the University shall have any liability or esponsibility for complianceby the University with its undertakingsherein, and if the Universi obtainsfrom any person, firm, corporation or entity assistancein complying with its undertaki gs herein,it will compensatesuchperson, finn, corporation or entity in a reasonableand time y mannerfor such assistanceas it may renderto the University. r Section11. Contract. This undertaking shall constitutea contraC betweenthe University and the Beneficial Owners of the Bonds, but no other person, firm, c rporationor entity shall have anyrights hereunder. 1/1530012.1 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly authfrized by the University and has been executed on behalf of the University by its President and ~ttestedby the Secretary of its Board of Trustees, all as of the 9th day of January, 2007. I UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAl\tA -I - By Its President Attest: - Secretaryof Its Board of Trustees 1/1530012.1 6 - RATINGS: Ambac Insurance: Mood)' Underlying: NEW In ISSUE. the the BOOK-ENTRY opinion of Indenture interest income income tax on Counsel. to Series 2006 the of the the 2006 interest Bonds be to Bonds see income continuing pertaining Ho)\'e\'er. will See assuming referred purposes. recipient Series Bond herein ONLY on exempt will "Tax the Series from compliance certain be excludable Exemption" 2006 Alabama by the requirements from herein Bonds. income of gross for In the certain opinion University the with Internal income of other of Bond the the herein covenants Code recipient Counsel, Aaa A2 "RATINGS" Re,'enue Federal 's: Moody's: selforth of thereof tax for interest the Federal consequences the in 1986. to incolne the on taxation. S100,000,000 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA University Tuition RevenueRefunding and Capital Improvement Bonds Series 2006 Due: December 1, as shownherein Dated: December 1, 2006 SEE INSIDE COVER FOR SERIES, MATURITIES, INTEREST RATES AND PRICES OR YIELDS The Series2006 bondsare issued solely as fully registeredbonds in a denominationof any integralmultiple of $5,000. Principal is payable at the designatedcorporatetrust office of Bank of New York Trust Company,N.A., Bimlingham, Alabama, the Trustee. Interest (payable on June I, 2007, and on each December I andJune I thereafter) is payableby checkmailed to the registeredholder by the Trustee. The Series2006 Bonds are subject to redemption prior to maturity as described herein. The Series2006 Bonds will be special obligations of the University of South Alabama securedby a pledge of and payable solely from certain fees levied by the University against students enrolled at the University, as provided in the Indenture. Neither the Series 2006 Bonds nor the pledge of the said revenues and other agreements provided in the Indenture shall be or constitute a general obligation of the University or an obligation of any nature \\'hatsoever of the State of Alabama, or be payable out of any moneys appropriated by the State to the Universit.)'. Paymentof the principal of and intereston the Series2006 Bonds when due will be insuredby a financial guaranty insurancepolicy to be issued by Ambac AssuranceCorporation simultaneously with the deliveryof the Series 2006 Bonds. See"BOND INSURANCE" herein. (Accrued interestfrom December1~2006 to be added) The Series 2006 Bonds are offered when, as and if issued by the University and receivedby the Underwriters, subjectto prior sale, to withdrawal or modifications of the offer ~'ithout notice,and to theapproval of legality of theSeries2006 Bonds by Bradley Arant Rose& WhiteUP, Birmingham. Alabama,Bond Counsel.It is expected that the Series2006 Bonds in definitiveform will be available for delivery in New York,New York,on or about January 9, 2007. .THE FRAZER LANIER COMPANY MERCHANT CAPITAL, LLC INCORPORATED GARDNYR MICHAEL CAPITAL, INC. COMPASS BANK RAYMOND JAMES AND PROTECTIVE SECURITIES ASSOCIATES, INC. A Division of ProEquities December 14,2006 $100,000,000 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA Tuition Rt'J't'nut'Refunding and CapitallmproJ't'ment Bonds Serit's.2006 Dated Dt'cembt'r I, .2006 Date of Maturity (December1) 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2036 Amount $5.600,000.00 5,885,000.00 6,190,000.00 6,505,000.00 6,840,000.00 7,190,000.00 7,560,000.00 7,945,000.00 46,285,000.00 Interest Rate Price or Yield 5.00% 4.09% 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.11 4.12 5.00 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.13 SummalJ' Profile of the University of South Alabama (Pleaserefer to the entire Official Statement) The University was founded on May 9, 1963 by an act of the Legislature of Alabama. Today, the Universityis a major institution of higher learning in the State. The University was admitted to membcrship in theSouthern Association of Colleges and Schools on December4, 1968. Total enrollment for Fall 2006 is 13,090.Of those students, 9,874 areclassified asundergraduatestudentsand 3,012 are enrolled in graduateor professionalprograms. For the academicyear ended June,2006,the University awarded 2,222 degrees,of which 1,366were Baccalaureate Degrees,714 MastersDegrees,60 M.D. Degrees,11Ph.D. Degrees,and 71 Para-ProfessionalHcalth Degrees. For the academic year ended June 2006, the University employed 729 full-time faculty persons. Approximately 46% of non-medicalfaculty are tenured.The University employs 5,148personsin all categories. I The main campus in Mobile, Alabama, consists of 1I & major buildings, including facilities. hospital and medica! related Those facilities include buildings providing 1,763 spaces available'for student residency on campus, For its fiscal yearended September30, 2006,the University received from Federal,Stateand private sources, grants and contracts approximately$78,217,000and an additional$101,203,000 from direct State of Alabama legislative appropriations. Tuition and fees received during fiscal 2006 (net of scholarship allowances)was $47,236,000. Total revenues from the University's Hospital and related medical facilities were $224,105,000. (Pleaseseethe Audited Financial StatementsJorFiscal 2006 attachedto this Ojjicial Statement). \"~~l:il Subsequentto theissuanceof the Series2006 Bonds,the total principal amount(including the current compounded amount of Series 1999 Capital Appreciation Bonds) of indebtednessof the University payable from Pledge Revenues are expectedto be approximately$213,728,392(the principal amountof the Series 2006 Bonds is subject to change). UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA ADMINJSTRA TION President V. Gordon Moulton Trustees: 0 ~ J Mr. J. L. Chestnut,Jr. Attorney ':;~'~; Dr. StevenP. Furr Physician ~:"ii:~;¥[:~, Mr. J. Cecil Gardner Attorney The Honorable SamuelL. Jones Mayor, Mr. Donald L. Langham Labor Union Leader. Retired Ms. Bettye R. Maye Retired ":~c~;~ , City of Mobile I;\\;j ;:it1 (1 ~ *1', i;;;::~ ;&:;;1 Ms. Christie D. Miree Business Administration Mr. Mayer Mitchell Businessman, Mitchell Brothers, Inc. The Honorable Bryant Mixon Sheriff, Dale County, Alabama The Honorable JamesP. Nix Mayor, City ofFairhope, Mr. JohnM. Peek Attorney Dr. StevenStokes Physician Mr. Larry D. Striplin, Jr. Businessman Mr. JamesA. Yance Attorney, Retired Retired Ex Officio: The Honorable Bob Riley Dr. Joseph B. Morton Governor,State of Alabama State Superintendentof Education No dealer, brokrr, salesman or any other person has been authorized by the University, or the IJnder"Titers to give any inlormatiun or to make any representations olher than as contained in this Official Statement and, "given or made, such other informationor representations must not be relied upon as having been given or aulhorized by any of the foregoing. This Official Statemenldoesnot constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an olTer to buy, nor shall there by any sale of the Series 2006 Bonds by any prrson, in any jurisdiction in whicb it is unlawful for such person to make such olTer, sulicitation or sale. The information and exprr!5ionsof opinion herein are subject to change ,,'itbout notice and neither the delivery of this Official Statement nor any sale made hereunder shall, under any circumstances, creatr any inlplication that there has been no change in Ihe affairs of the University sinceIhr date hereof. TABLE OF CONTENTS OFFICIAL STATEMENT SI00,000,000 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA University Tuition Revenue Refunding and Capital Improvement Bonds Series 2006 Dated December I, 2006 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Official Statementwhich includes the cover page and the Exhibitsis to provide infonnation to all who may become owners of the $100,000,000 University of South Alabama University Tuition RevenueRefunding and Capital ImprovementBonds, Series 2006 (the "Series 2006 Bonds"). TheSeries 2006 Bonds are being issued pursuant to the provisions of a Trust Indenture (the "indenture") betweenthe University of South Alabama and The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. (the "Trustee"), datedas of December ], 2006. The Series 2006 Bonds, together with t\VO presently outstanding series of Bondsand any Additiona] Bonds which may hereafter be issued under the Indenture, are herein collectively referred to as the "Bonds." Definitions of certain words and terms having initial capital letters used herein are definedin the Indenture or in the instrument or document in the description of which such word or term is used. Reference is hereby made to the full text of the documentsand instrumentsbriefly described herein which may be obtainedfrom the Underwriters or from the University during the period of the offering. The Governor, the State Superintendentof Education and the appointed trusteestogether constitute a public body corporate under the name University of SouthAlabama (the "University"). The University is located in Mobile, Alabama,and its addressis Mobile, Alabama 36688. PURPOSE General General. The proceeds of the Series2006 Bonds will be applied (a) to pay the costs of certain capital improvements (hereinafter referred to), (b) to refund the outstanding Series 1996 Bonds (the "Refunded Bonds"), and (c) to paythe expensesof issuing the Series2006 Bonds. Capital Improvements. Proceedsof the Series 2006 Bonds will be used to makecapital improvements representinga portion of the University's five and ten-year capital improvementprogram. Generally, the capital improvementsto be funded with the Series2006 Bonds consist of constructionof the Mitchell Cancer Institute, the Collegesof Nursing and Allied Health Professions building, a Student Recreation Center,the Bell Tower, the Engineeringand Sciencesbuilding, a softball field, athletics fieldhouse, and improvements to campus entrances to include newportals; renovation of the Administration, StudentCenter and Alpha South buildings;and other capital improvementsthroughout the campus. Refunding. A portion of the proceedsof the Series 2006 Bonds will be used to refundthe Refunded Bonds. Contemporaneouslywith the issuanceof the Series2006 Bonds, the Board and the Bankof New York Trust Company,N.A. will enterinto an EscrowTrust Agreementdated as of December1,2006, into whichthe University will deposit,out of proceeds of the Series2006 Bonds, a cash amount sufficient to pay the principal, interest and call premiumon the Refunded Bonds on the redemptiondate. ESTIMATED USE OF PROCEEDS The proceeds from the sale of the Series 2006 Bonds are expectedto be applied substantiallyas follows: Sources Par Amount Original Issue Premium $100,000,000.00 6.780.086.85 TOTAL $106,780,086.85 Uses $ 81,876,803.23 23,560,327.21 CapitalImprovements Refunding Cost of issuance(including underwriting discount, Bondinsuranceand legal) TOTAL 1.342.956.41 $) 06,780,086.85 THE SERIES 2006 BONDS General Description The Series 2006 Bonds will be datedDecember I, 2006, and will bear interest(payableonJuneI, 2007, and on eachJune 1 and December1 thereafteruntil maturity) at the rates and will mature on December I in the years and in the amounts set forth on the coverpageof this Official Statement. The Series 2006 Bondswill be issuable only as fully registered bonds without coupons in the denomination of $5,000 or any integralmultiple thereof. Except as hereinafterdescribedunder"Book-Entry Only System",the principal of the Series 2006 Bond will be payableat the designatedcorporatetrust office of the Trustee upon presentationand surrender of the Series 2006 Bondsas they mature. Interest on Series2006 Bonds wiIJ be paid by the Trustee by checkor draft mailed to the registeredowner of the Series2006 Bond at the addressshown on the registry books of theTrustee pertaining to the Series2006 Bonds. No charge will be made for any exchangeor transferof the Series2006 Bonds, but the registered owner thereof shallbe responsible for paying all taxes and other governmentalchargesrelating to such transferor exchange. In the event a Series2006 Bond is lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated, the University and theTrustee may require satisfactoryindemnification for the replacementthereof and may chargethe holder or ownerofsuch bond with their feesand expensesin connectionwith the replacementthereof. Redemption of theSeries 2006 Bonds Prior to Maturity (a) Optional Redemption. Those of the Series 2006 Bonds having a stated maturityon December 1,2017,and thereafter will be subjectto redemptionprior to their respectivematurities, at the optionof the University, asa whole or in part, on December1,2016, and on any date thereafter(and if in part,in such maturities as the University shall select, and if less than all of a single maturity is to be redeemed thoseto be redeemed to be selectedby the Trusteeby lot) atand for a redemptionprice with respectto eachSeries2006Bond 2 (or principal ponion thereof redeemed)equal to the par or face amountof each Series 2006 Bond redeemedplus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. (b) Scheduled Mandatory Redemption of Term Series 2006 Bonds Due 2036. Those of the Series 2006 Bonds having a stated maturity in 2036 shall be subject to scheduled mandatory redemption and payment, and the University shall redeem and pay such Series 2005 Bonds, in accordance with the schedule hereinafter set forth, at and for a redemption price, with respect to each such Series 2006 Bond redeemed, equal to the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption, but only in the following aggregate principal amounts on December I in the following with those to be redeemed to be selected by theTrustee by lot. Redemption Date (December 1) Principal Amount Required to be Redeemed 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 (final maturity) $ 8,355,000 8,785,000 9,235,000 9,705,000 10,205,000 Notice of Redemption. Notice of redemption is required to be mailed by United States registered or certified mail to the registered owner of each Series 2006 Bond not more than sixty (60) nor less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption at the address shown on the registry books of the Trustee. No further interest will accrue after the date fixed for redemption on the principal of any Series 2006 Bond called for redemption upon notice duly given as provided in the Indenture and if payment therefor has been duly providedand in such event, any Series 2006 Bond (or portion thcreof) called for redemption will no longer be protected by the provisions of the Indenture. In the event that less than all of the outstanding principal of any Series 2006 Bond is to be redeemed, the registered owner thereof shall surrenderthe Series 2006 Bond that is to be prepaid in partto the Trustee in exchange,without expenseto the owner, for a new Series 2006 Bond of like tenor except in aprincipal amount equal to the unredeemedportion of the Series2006 Bond. Boon-Entry Only System The Series 2006 Bonds will be issuedas fully-registered Bonds in the name of Cede & Co.,as nominee of DTC, as registered owner of the Series 2006 Bonds. Purchasersof such Series 2006 Bonds will not receive physical delivery of Series2006 Bond certificates. For purposesof this Official Statement,so long asall of the Series 2006 Bonds are in the custodyof DTC, referencesto Series 2006 Bondholders or Owners shallmean DTC or its nominee. DTC will act as securities depository for the Series 2006 Bonds. The Series 2006 Bonds will be issued as fully-registered securities in the name of Cede & Co., DTC's partnership nominee ("Cede") or suchother nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. One fully-registered Series 2006Bond certificate will be issued for each maturity of the Series 2006 Bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of such maturity, and will be deposited with DTC. DTC is a limited-purpose trust company organized under the New York Banking Law, a "banking organization" within the meaning of the New York Banking Law, a member of the Federal Reserve System,a "clearing corporation" within the meaning of the New York Unifonn Commercial Code and a "clearing agency" registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. DTC holds securities that its participants (the "Direct Participants") deposit with DTC. DTC also facilitates post-trade settlement among Direct Participants of sales and other securities transactions in deposited securities, through electronic computerized book-entry transfers and pledges between Direct Participants' accounts. This eliminatesthe need for physical movement of securities certificates. Direct Participants include both U.S. and non-U.S. securities 3 brokers and dealers,banks,trust companies,clearing corporationsand certain other organizations. DTC isa whollyowned subsidiaryof The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation ("DTCC"). DTCC, in turn, is o"lled by a number of Direct Participantsof DTC and membersof the National SecuritiesClearing Corporation, FixedIncome Clearing Corporation,and Emerging Markets Clearing Corporation(NSCC, FICC, and EMCC, also subsidiaries of DTCC), as well as by the New York Stock Exchange,Inc., the American Stock Exchange, LLC, and theNational Association of Securities Dealers,Inc. Accessto the DTC systemis also availableto others suchas bothU.S. and non-U.S. securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companiesand clearing corporations that clear throughor maintain a custodial relationship with a Direct Participant, either directly or indirectly ("Indirect Participants"). DTC has Standard& Poor's highest Rating:AAA. The DTC Rulesapplicableto its Direct and Indirect Pal1icipants are on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. More infonnation about DTC can be found at and~~:!~9.r£. Purchasesof Series 2006 Bonds, in the denominationof $5,000 principal amountor anyintegral multiple of $5,000 in excessthereof, under the DTC system mustbe made by or through Direct Participants, which will receive a credit for the Series 2006 Bondson DTC's records. The ownershipinterest of eachactualpurchaser of each Series 2006 Bond ("Beneficial Owner") is in turn to be recorded on the Direct and Indirect Pal1icipants' records. Beneficial Owners will not receive written confirmation from DTC of their purchase. BeneficialOwners are expected, however, to receive written confirmations providing details of the transaction, as well asperiodic statementsof their holdings, from the Direct or Indirect Participantthrough which the Beneficial Owner entered into the tTansaction. Transfersof ownership interestsin the Series2006 Bonds are to be accomplishedby entriesmade on the books of Direct and Indirect Participantsacting on behalf of Beneficial Owners. Beneficial Ownerswill not receive certificatesrepresenting their ownershipinterests in Series2006 Bonds, except in the event that useof the book-entry systemfor the Series 2006 Bondsis discontinued. To facilitate subsequenttransfers, all Series2006 Bonds deposited by Direct Participantswith DTC are registeredin the name of DTC's partnershipnominee,Cede,or suchothernominee as maybe requested by an authorized representativeof DTC. The depositof Series 2006Bonds with DTC and their registrationin thename of Cede or suchother DTC nominee does not effect any changein beneficial ownership. DTC hasno knowledgeof the actual Beneficial Owners of the Series2006 Bonds; DTC's records reflect only the identity of theDirect Participants to whose accountssuch Series2006 Bonds are credited, which mayor may not be the Beneficial Owners. The Direct and Indirect Participants will remain responsible for keeping account of their holdingson behalf of their customers. Conveyance of notices and other communications by DTC to Direct Participants,by Direct Participants to Indirect Participants,and by Direct Participantsand Indirect Participantsto Beneficial O\\'nerswillbe governed by arrangementsamong them, subjectto any statutory or regulatory requirementsas maybe in effectfrom time to time. Redemptionnotices shall be sent to DTC. If less than all of the Series 2006 Bonds arcbeing redeemed, DTC's practice is to determine by lot the amount of the interest of eachDirect Participantin suchSeries 2006 Bonds to beredeemed. Neither DTC nor Cede (nor any other DTC nominee)will consentor vote with respecttoSeries 2006 Bonds unlessauthorized by a Direct Participant in accordancewith DTC's Procedures. Under its usual procedures, DTC mails an Omnibus Proxy to the Board as soonas possible after the record date. The Omnibus Proxy assigns Cede's consenting or voting rights to those Direct Participantsto whose accountsthe Series2006 Bonds are creditedon the record date (identified in a listing attachedto the OmnibusProxy). Principal, redemption price and interest paymentson the Series2006 Bonds will be madeby the Trustee to Cede or such other nominee as may be requestedby an authorizedrepresentative of DTC. DTC's practice is to credit Direct Participants' accounts,upon DTC's receiptof funds andcorresponding detail infonnation from the Board or Trustee,on a payment datein accordancewith their respectiveholdings shown on DTC's records. Payments by Direct and Indirect Participantsto Beneficia] Owners will be governedby standing instructionsand customary practices,as in the case with securitiesheld for the accountsof customersin bearer fonT!or registeredin "street name," and will be the responsibility of such Direct and Indirect Participantand not of DTC,the Trusteeor the Board, subjectto any statutory or regulatoryrequirementsas may be in effect from time to time. Paymentof principal, redemptionprice and interest to Cede (or such othernominee as may be requested by an authorized 4 reprcsentative of DTC) is the responsibility of the Board or the Trustee, disbursement of such payments 10 Dircct Participants will be the responsibility of DTC, and disbursement of such payments to the Beneficial O\\'nerswill be the responsibility of Direct and Indirect Participants. NEITHER THE CITY NOR THE BANK WILL HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR OBLIGA TION TO SUCH PARTICIPANTS, OR TO THE PERSONS FOR WHOM THEY ACT AS NOMINEES WITH RESPECT TO THE SERIES 2006 BONDS, OR TO ANY BENEFICIAL OWNER IN RESPECT OF THE ACCURACY OF ANY RECORDS MAINTAINED BY DTC OR ANY DIRECT PARTICIPANT OR INDIRECT PARTICIPANT, THE PAYMENT BY DTC OR ANY DIRECT PARTICIPANT OR INDIRECT PARTICIPANT OF ANY AMOUNT IN RESPECT OF THE PRINCIPAL OR REDEMPTION PRICE OF OR INTEREST ON THE SERIES 2006 BONDS, ANY NOTICE WHICH IS PERMITTED OR REQUIRED TO BE GIVEN TO SERIES 2006 BONDHOLDERS UNDER THE AUTHORIZING ORDINANCE, THE SELECTION BY DTC OR ANY DIRECT PARTICIPANT OR INDIRECT PARTICIPANT OF ANY PERSON TO RECEIVE PA YMENTIN THE EVENT OF PARTIAL REDEMPTION OF THE SERIES 2006 BONDS WITH RESPECT TO LESS THAN ALL OF THE SERIES 2006 BONDS, OR ANY OTHER ACTION TAKEN BY DTC AS REGISTERED SERIES 2006 BONDHOLDER. For every transferand exchangeof the Series2006 Bonds,the Beneficial Owner may bechargeda sum sufficient to cover any tax, fee or other governmentalcharge that may be imposed in relation thereto,and any reasonablefees and expensesof the Trusteeand the costsincurred in preparing Series2006 Bond certificates. DTC may discontinue providing its services as securities depository with respect to theSeries 2006 Bonds at any time by giving reasonablenotice to the Board. In the event of the discontinuance ofthc bookentry system for the Series 2006 Bonds, Series 2006 Bond certificates will be printed and deliveredand the following provisions of the Indenture will apply: (i) principal of the Series 2006 Bonds will be payableupon surrender of the Series2006 Bonds at the designatedoffice of the Trustee; (ii) Series2006 Bonds may be transferred or exchanged for other Series 2006 Bonds of authorized denominations as set forth in the next succeedingtwo par~graphs; and (iii) Series 2006 Bonds will be issued in denominations as described in the front portionof the Official Statementunder "THE SERJES2006 BONDS". The Board may decide to discontinueuse of the systemof book-entry-only transfers throughDTC (or a successordepository). In that event,Series2006 Bond certificates will be printed and delivered to DTG. SECURITY General The Series2006 Bonds will be issued under the Indenture and will constitute limited obligations of the University payable solely from and securedby a lien on and a pledge of the Pledged Revenues(hereinafter defined) levied and collected by the University. The term "Pledged Revenues"is defined in the Indentureto mean the amounts received by the University from GeneralFeesand additional fees, if any, that may be subjectedto the lien of the Indenture pursuantto a SupplementalIndenture. The term "General Fees"is defined in the Indenture to mean each fee now or hereafterlevied by the University as a generaltuition charge againststudentsenrolledat the University. The SupplementalIndenture underwhich the Series 2006 Bonds are issued will clarify the definitionof Pledged Revenuesto include the application fee,the out-of-state fee,the registration fee,and the building fee. Excluding the Series 1996 Bonds which are to be refunded with proceeds of the Series2006 Bonds, two series of Bonds designated Series 1999 and Series 2004 (the "Outstanding Bonds") will remain outstanding following the issuanceof the Series2006 Bonds. As of December 1,2006, the outstandingprincipalof the Outstanding Bondswas $113,698,392. The Series2006 Bonds are securedpro rata and on an equal lien basisone with the other,withthe Outstanding Bonds and with any Additional Bonds that may be hereafterissued underand subject to the termsand conditions of the Indenture,by a pledge of the PledgedRevenues(the Outstanding Bonds, the Series 2006Bonds and any Additional Bonds issuedhereafterarehereinafterreferred to collectively as the "Bonds"). 5 The Bonds shall nevcr be payable from any funds at any time provided for or appropriated by the State of A labama. and shall not be a charge on the general credit or tax revenues of the State. Neither theStatenor the University shall be obligated, directly or indirectly, to contribute any funds, property or resources to thepayment of the Bonds except the Pledged Revenues. SpecialFunds The special funds are more fully described under the caption "Summary of Certain Provisionsof the Indenture," below. Additional Bonds The Indenture authorizes the issuance of Additional Bonds, such as the Series 2006 Bonds,subject to the provisions of the Indenture without express limit as to principal amount. See "Summary of Indenture," infra, for coverage and other requirements. The Additional Bonds will be secured on a parity or equallicn basis with the pledge of the Pledged Revenues for the benefit of all of the Bonds outstanding under the Indenture. Debt Semce Requirements The following table sets forth the debt service on the Series 1999 Bonds and the Series2004 Bonds as of September30, 2006 (the end of Fiscal Year 2006 of the University)and the debtservice on theSeries 2006 Bonds (excludingdebt service on Series1996 Bondsto be refunded): Outstanding Fiscal Year (September30) Debt Service Series2006 Bonds 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 $2,500,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,460,000 10,457,875 10,461,000 10,458,625 10,460,000 10,459,250 10,460,500 10,457,875 10,460,375 10,461,875 10,461,375 10,457,875 10,460,125 DebtService Series 1999 Bonds DebtService Series2004 Bonds $276,076.25 2,951,927.50 3,448,590.00 3,848.977.50 4,051,238.75 4,250,000.00 4,450,000.00 4,650,000.00 4,650,000.00 4,650,000.00 7,550,000.00 7,545,000.00 7,545,000.00 $3,608,230 3,601,630 3,605,880 3,611,505 2,818,755 2,638,255 2,635,880 2,495,755 2,497,880 2,496,575 2,599,720 2,599,300 2,597,215 8,670,125 8,670,000 8,671,625 8,674,000 8,666,375 t\ Total Debt Service $6,384,30615 11,553,557.50 12,054,470.00 12,460,482.50 11,869,993.75 11,888,255.00 12,085,880.00 12,]45,755.00 12,147,880.00 12,]46,575.00 15,]49,720.00 15,]44,300.00 15,142,215.00 13,670,125.00 13,670,000.00 13,674,000.00 13,674,000.00 13,666,375.00 10,460,000.00 ]0,457,875.00 10,46],000.00 10,458,625.00 10,460,000.00 10,459,250.00 10,460,500.00 10,457,875.00 ]0,460,375.00 10,461,875.00 10,461,375.00 10,457,875.00 10,460,125.00 Pledged Revenues The following is a summaryof the annualrevenues from Pledged Revenues for the fiscalyears ended September30 shownbelow: Amount FiscalYear $ 54,077,519 47,852,645 43,183,114 39,663,135 36,284,136 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Tuition increases were placed into effect for certain of the years shown above. The foregoing information has been extracted by the University from the audited financial statements of the University and is believed to bereliable; however, because such financial information was not presented in the financial statements of the University in the foregoing form, such information is not audited. Reference is hereby made to the audited financial statementsof the University appearing as Exhibit A hereto and which, for the other periods, are available on request from the Underwriters during the period of the offering made hereby. BOND INSURANCE Payment Pursuantto Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy Ambac AssuranceCorporation("Ambac Assurance")has made a commitment to issue a financial guarantyinsurancepolicy(the "Financial GuarantyInsurancePolicy") relating to the Series 2006 Bonds,effectiveasof the date of issuanceof the Series 2006 Bonds. Under the termsof the Financial Guaranty InsurancePolicy,Ambac Assurancewill pay to The Bank of New York, in New York, New York, or any successorthereto(the "Insurance Trustee"), that portionof the principal of andinterest on the Series2006 Bonds that shall becomeDue for Payment but shall be unpaid by reasonof Nonpaymentby the Obligor (as suchterms are defined in the Financial GuarantyInsurance Policy). Ambac Assurancewill make suchpaymentsto the InsuranceTrustee on the later of the date on whichsuch principal and/or interestbecomesDue for Paymentor within one business day following the date on which Ambac Assurance shall havereceivednotice of Nonpaymentfrom theTrustee. The insurancewill extend for the termof the Series2006 Bondsand,onceissued,cannotbe canceledby AmbacAssurance. The Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy will insure payment only on stated maturity datesand on mandatory sinking fund installment dates, in the case of principal, and on stated dates for payment, in the case ofinterest. I f the Series 2006 Bonds become subject to mandatory redemption and insufficient funds are available for redemptionof all outstanding Series 2006 Bonds, Ambac Assurance will remain obligated to pay the principal of and intereston outstanding Series 2006 Bonds on the originally scheduled interestand principal payment dates, including mandatory sinking fund redemption dates. In the event of any acceleration of the principal of the Series 2006 Bonds, the insured payments will be made at such times and in such amounts aswould have been made had there not been an acceleration, except to the extent that Ambac Assurance elects, in its sole discretion, to pay all or a portion of the acceleratedprincipal and interest accrued thereon to the date of acceleration (to the extent unpaid by the Obligor). Upon payment of all such accelerated principal and interest accrued to the acceleration date, Ambac Assurance's obligations under the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy shall be fully discharged. In the eventthe Trustee hasnotice that anypaymentof principal of or intereston a Series2006Bond that has becomeDue for Paymentand that is made to a holderby or on behalf of the Obligor hasbeen deemed a preferentialtransferandtheretoforerecoveredfrom its registered owner pursuantto the United StatesBankruptcyCode in accordancewith a final, non-appealableorder of a court of competentjurisdiction, such registeredownerwill be entitled to paymentfrom AmbacAssuranceto the extentof suchrecovery if sufficientfunds are not otherwiseavailable. 7 The Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy does not insure any risk other than Nonpayment (as set forth in theFinancial Guaranty Insurance Policy). Specifically, the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy does not cover: ). paymenton acceleration,as a result of a call for redemption(other than mandatory sinking fund redemption)or as a resultof anyother advancement of maturity; 2. payment of any redemption, prepaymcnt or acceleration premium; and 3. nonpaymentof principal or interestcausedby the insolvcncyor negligenceof theTrustce, Paying Agent or Bond Registrar,if any. If it becomes necessary to call upon the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy. payment ofprincipal requires surrender of the Series 2006 Bonds to the Insurance Trustee together with an appropriate instrumentof assignment so as to permit ownership of such Series 2006 Bonds to be registered in the name of Ambac Assuranceto the extent of the payment under the Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy. Payment of interest pursuant to theFinancial Guaranty Insurance Policy requires proof of holder entitlement to interest payments and an appropriate assignm:ntof the holder's right to payment to Ambac Assurance. Upon payment of the insurancebenefits,Ambac Assurancewill becomethe owner of theSeries 2006Bond, appurtenantcoupon, if any, or right to paymentof the principalof or intereston suchSeries2006Bondand will be fully subrogated to the surrenderingholder'srightsto payment. Ambac Assurance Corporation Ambac Assuranceis a Wisconsin-domiciledstock insurancecorporationregulated by theOfficeof the Commissionerof Insurance of the Stateof Wisconsin,and is licensedto do businessin 50 states,the Districtof Columbia, the Territory of Guam, the Commonwealthof Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, with admitted assets of approximately $9,699,000,000 (unaudited) and statutory capital of approximately $6,223,000,000 (unaudited) as of September 30, 2006. Statutory capitalconsists of Ambac Assurance'spolicyholders' surplus and statutory contingencyreserve. Standard& Poor'sRatingsServices,a division of The McGraw-Hili Companies, Inc., Moody's InvestorsService, Inc. and Fitch Ratingshave eachassigneda triple-A financial strengthrating 10Ambac Assurance. Ambac Assurancehas obtained a ruling from the Internal RevenueServiceto the effectthatthe insuring of an obligation by Ambac Assurancewill not affect the treatment for federalincome tax purposes of interest on suchobligation and that insuranceproceedsrepresentingmaturing interestpaid by Ambac Assurance under policy provisions substantially identicalto thosecontained in the Financial GuarantyInsurance Policyshallbe treated for federalincome tax purposesin the samemanneras if suchpaymentswere madeby the ObJigor.Ambac Assurance makesno representationregarding the Series2006 Bonds or the advisability of investing in theSeries 2006 Bonds andmakes no representationregarding, nor has it participated in the preparation of, this Official Statement other than the information supplied by Ambac Assurance and presentedunder the heading'BOND INSURANCE". Available Information The parent companyof Ambac Assurance,Ambac Financial Group, Inc. (the "Company"),is subject to the informationalrequirementsof the SecuritiesExchangeAct of 1934,asamended(the "Exchange Act"), and in accordancetherewith files reports,proxy statementsand other information with the Securitiesand Exchange Commission (the"SEC"). These reports, proxy statementsand other information can be read and copiedat the SEC's public referenceroom at 100F Street,N.E., Room 1580, Washington,D.C. 20549. Pleasecall the SECat 1800-SEC-0330 for further information on the public reference room. The SEC maintains an internetsite at that contains reports, proxy and information statements and other information regarding companies that file electronically with the SEC,including the Company. These reports,proxy statementsandother infonnation canalsobe read at the offices of the NewYork Stock Exchange,Inc., 20 Broad Street, New York,New York 10005. 8 7. Copies of Ambac Assurance's financial statements prepared in accordance with statutory accounting standardsare available from Ambac Assurance. The addressof Ambac Assurance's administrative offices is One StateStreet Plaza, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10004,and its telephone number is (212)668- 0340. Incorporation of Certain Documents by Reference The following documents filed by the Company with the SEC (File No. this Official Statement: I. .}0777) are incorporated by referencein The Company's Annual Report on Fonn JO-K for the fiscal year ended December 3 J, 2005 andfiled on March 13, 2006; 2. The Company'sCurrent Reporton Form 8-K datedand filed on April 26, 2006; 3. The Company'sQuarterly Reporton Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarterly period ended March 31.2006and filed on May 10,2006; 4. The Company'sCurrent Reporton Fonn 8-K datedJuly 25, 2006 and filed on July 26, 2006; The Company'sCurrent Reporton Form 8-K datedand filed on July 26, 2006; 6. The Company'sQuarterly Report on Fom1 10-Q fOTthe fiscal quarterly period ended June 30,2006and filed on August 9,2006; The Company'sCuTTentReporton Fonn 8-K datedand filed on October 25, 2006; and 8. The Company'sQuarterly Reporton Fonn 10-Q for the fiscal quarterly period ended September30,2006 and filed on November8,2006. All documents subsequentlyfiled by the Company pursuantto the requirementsof the Exchange Act afterthedate of this Official Statementwill be availab1efor inspection in the same manner as described above in "Available lnfonnation", UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA General The University of SouthAlabama (the "University") was created by Act No. 157 adoptedatthe Secondspecial Sessionof the Legislatureof Alabama of 1963(now Sections16-55-1 et seq. of the code of Alabama of 1975) (the .,Act"). The University, with an enrollment of over 13,000 students,serves as a major centerofhighquality and accessibleundergraduate,graduate,and professionaleducation. The mission of the University actively embraces the functions of teaching, research, public service and health care through which it pursues the preservation, discovery,conununicationand application of knowledge. The University was admitted to membership jn the Southern Associationof Collegesand Schools ("SACS") in 1968and is fully accreditedby the Commission of Colleges of SACSto award baccalaureate, master's and doctoral degrees. The Act provides for a Board of Trusteesas the governing body of the University with all ofthe rights, privileges andauthorities necessaryto promote the purpose of its creation, which is to establish andprovide for the maintenanceandoperation of a StateUniversity in Mobile County,Alabama. The Board of Trusteesconsists of seventeenmembers.Currently, thereis one vacant position. The Governorof the State of Alabama andtheState Superintendent of Educationare ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees. Three members of the Boardof Trustees are appointedfrom Mobile County. Three membersare appointedfrom the state at large. One member is appointed from eachof the nine State Senatorial Districts as these Districts were designated at the timethe University was organized. All Trusteesexcept ex-officio membersare appointed by the Governor by andwiththe advice and consentof the State Senate,andhold office for a term of twelve years and until their successorsshallbe appointed and qualified. The presentmembersof the Boardof Trusteesare as follows: 9 Nameof Trustee Mr. J.L. Chestnut,Jr. Dr. StevenP. Furr Mr. J.Cecil Gardner The HonorableSamuelL. Jones Mr. Donald L. Langham Ms. BettyeR. Maye Ms. ChristieD. Miree Mr. Mayer Mitchell The Honorable Bryant Mixon The HonorableJamesP. Nix Mr. JohnM. Peek Dr. StevenStokes Mr. Larry D. Striplin, Jr. Mr. JamesA. Vance The HonorableBob Riley Dr. JosephB. Morton Occupation Attorney Physician Attorney Mayor, City of Mobile Labor Union Leader, Retired Educator, Retired Business Administration Businessman, Mitchell Brothers, Inc. Sheriff, Dale County, Alabama Mayor, City of Fairhope, Retired Attorney Physician Businessman Attorney, Retired Governor, State of Alabama State Superintendent of Education Term of Office September 30,2013 September 30,2017 September 30,2013 September 30,2013 September 30,2009 September 30,2017 September 30,2013 September 3D,2009 September 30,2013 September 30,2009 September 30,2017 September 30,2017 September 30,2017 September 30,2009 Ex Officio Ex Officio The Board of Trustees appoints the Presidentof the University. Mr. V. Gordon Moultonhas served as Presidentof the University since July 29, 1998. Mr. Moulton recelved his M.B.A. from Emory University. He joined the faculty of the College of Businessat the University in 1966. In 1968,he was appointed Directorof University Computer Services, while continuing to serve as a faculty member. He was appointedDean of Administrative Servicesin 1977, and, in 198O,he was instrumentalin establishingthe Departmentof Computer and Information Sciencesand served asits Dean. From 1983 until his appointmentas President,Mr. Moulton servedas Vice Presidentfor Servicesand Planning. The organization below the Board of Trustees is composed of the President and six Vice Presidents: SeniorVice President for Academic Affairs; Vice President for Health Sciences;Vice President for Development andAlumni Relations; Vice Presidentfor StudentAffairs; Vice Presidentfor Health SystemsandVice President for FinancialAffairs. Under the present organization,the University is comprised of a College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business,College of Education,College of Engineering,College of Medicine,College of AlliedHealth Professions, Collegeof Nursing, a Graduate School, a School of Computer and Infomlation Sciencesand aSchool of Continuing Education,eachheadedby anacademicdean. Departmentsoperateunderthe direction of department chairs, who work in coordination with the faculty and report directly to the deans. The University was admittedto membershipin the Southern Associationof Colleges andSchools at the annual meetingon December4, 1968. Degreesand Programs Through its ten colleges and schools,the University awards the bachelor's degreein almostfifty majors or areas,the master's degree in thirty-two majors or areasand the doctoratedegreein eight majors orareas. In addition, post-secondarycertificates are offered in four areas. In the period 1998through 2006,the Universityof South Alabama addedten new academicprogramsto meetthe needsof studentsand the state:B.S.B.A. Electronic Commerce, B.S. Meteorology,M.S. OccupationalTherapy,Bachelorof Social Work, M.S. Instructional Design and Development, Doctor of Audiology, M.Ed. Reading,Doctor of Physical Therapy,M.S. Environmental Toxicology and Doctor of NursingPractice. During that sameperiod, in orderto make the bestuse of resources,the University closed five programs:B.A. Economics,B.S.B.A. Managerial Economics,B.M. Music Performance,B.M. Music Theory, and B.A. Art History. 10 Sum/nary Enrolllnent Profile -Fall 2006 Number 1,347 3,741 1,731 2,260 930 313 2,065 303 394 6 Collegeof Allied HealthProfessions Collegeof Arts andSciences Mitchell College of Business Collegeof Education Collegeof Engineering Collegeof Medicine Collegeof Nursing Schoolof Continuing Educationand SpccialPrograms Schoolof Computer and Information Sciences GraduateSchool (M.S. EnvironmentalToxicology) Tota]. Percent 10.3 28.6 13.2 17.3 7.1 2.4 15.8 2.3 3.0 -S2J ~ 100.0% .Excludes 213 medical residents. Enrollment and Trends Total Enrol/ment by Head Count Fall 2002 Undergraduate Graduate/Professional Unclassified Total Fall 2003 9,568 9,905 2,925 266 13.096 2,600 155 12.323 Fall 2004 10,136 2,990 214 ~ Fall 2005 9,957 2,978 187 13.122 Fall 2006 9,874 3,0]2 204 13.090 Total Enrollment byFTE Fall 2002 Undergraduate Graduate/Professional 7,926 Total ~ Fall 2003 8,374 ~ l.§.Q2 ~ Fall 2004 Fall 2005 8,477 ~ ~ 8,414 ~ ~ Fall2006 8,430 6.Q21 ~ AcceptanceRate -Freshmen Applied Admitted Acceptance rate Fall 2003 Fall 2002 2,683 2,930 2,217 75.7% 2,485 92.6% Fall 2004 Fall 2005 2,801 2,681 2,321 86.6% 2,613 93.3% Fall 2006 2,906 2,690 92.6% AcceptanceRate -Transfers Applied Admitted Acceptance rate Fall2002 1,708 1,437 84.1% 11 Fall 2003 1,799 1,458 81.0% Fall 2004 1,750 1,680 96.0% Fall 2005 1,770 1,501 84.8% Fall2006 1,760 1,527 86.8% Matriculation Rate-Freshmen Fall 2002 2,683 1,437 44.5% Applied Matriculated Matriculation rate Fall 2003 Fall 2004 2,801 2,930 \,458 Fall 2005 2,681 1,258 1,340 44.4% 47.8% 46.9% Fall2006 2,906 1,433 49.3% Retention-Rate First-Time. Full-Time Freshmen Fall 2001 Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 to to 10 to Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2003 1,003 Fall 2002 Number Entered Number Returned 1,116 778 70% Retention Rate 1,179 1,218 876 72% 678 68% 828 70% Fall2005 to Fall2006 1,152 827 72% Cumulative GraduationRate-Freshmen Fall Class Number Matriculated 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1,182 1,056 1,132 1,044 2000 1,042 Four Years Number Percent 868 167 147 138 143 121 167 Five Years Number Percent 333 282 293 286 222 332 28.2% 26.7% 25.9% 27.4% 25.6% 31.9% 14.)% 13.9% 12.2% 13.7% 13.9% 16.0% Six Years Number 418 357 355 350 284 413 Percent 35.4% 33.8% 31.4% 33.5% 32.7% 39.6% AverageACT Scores ofMatriculated Students Fall 2002 Average ACT scores 22.7 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 22.8 21.7 Fall 2005 21.7 Fall 2006 21.6 Geographic Concentrationsof Students Mobile County Baldwin County Other AlabamaCounties Florida Mississippi Other U. S. States International Total 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 6,655 1,207 1,793 520 979 352 817 12,323 7,073 1,283 1,905 559 1,047 361 868 13,096 7,546 1,260 1,634 474 7,322 7,155 1,225 1,560 12 1,110 503 813 13,340 1,244 1,575 470 1,142 555 814 13,122 446 1,209 656 839 13,090 Main Schools in Colnpetitive Group and Listed Tuition Undergraduate Resident I Non-Resident Graduate2 Resident Non-Resident University of South Alabama $4,502 $8,312 $4,700 In-State Reference Group Alabama A&M University Alabama State University $4,430 4,008 $5,292 4,608 5,198 4,864 9,216 14,798 13,516 4,804 5,866 10,924 12,060 4,468 8,836 $8,708 Auburn University University of Alabama University of Alabama at 5,278 4,864 $8,330 8,016 14,878 13,516 Birmingham University of Alabama in Huntsville 4,792 4,688 4,104 10,732 9,886 8,108 Mean of In-StateReferenceGroup $4,596 $10,495 $5,014 $11,342 Regional ReferenceGroup University of SouthernMississippi 3Universityof New Orleans 4Universityof WestFlorida $4,310 3,810 $9,740 10,854 13,520 $4,310 3,720 4,640 $9,740 10,764 17,440 Troy State University 2,782 $ I 0,044 I Based on 30 undergraduate credit hours per academic year 2 Based on 24 graduate credit hours per academic year 3Based on 12hours per semester undergraduate and 9 hours per semester graduate ~Based on 13hours per semester undergraduate and 10 hours per semester graduate Certain Fees andCharges Undergraduate and Graduate. The following shows the fee schedule for the periodssho~,". Except as otherwise indicated,course fees are per semesterhour. Graduate School does not include the Collegeof Medicine. Fall & Spring Summer 2001-02 Applicationfee $25.00 2002 $ 25.00 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $25.00 2002-03 $ 25.00 Course fee, per semesterhour (in-state) Undergraduate Graduate 97.00 125.00 103.00 135.00 103.00 113.00 135.00 149.00 127.00 167.00 Registrationfee 33.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 Change coursefee 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 13 127.00 167.00 (Late Registration Fee) Out ofstalefee.per course 206.00 270.00 194.00 Undergraduate Graduate 254.00 206.00 270.00 226.00 298.00 254.00 334.00 254.00 334.00 Receipts from certainTuition and Feeswere for the fiscal periods shownas follows: 2002-2003 2003-2004 2001-2002 Application fee Course fee $ 276,360 $ 292,737 31,632,596 34,872,774 1.696,952 1,752,088 259,360 245,629 Registrationfee Change of coursefee Building Fee Out-of-state fee $ 312,074 $ 315,475 38,336,717 41,655,648 ] ,576,289 1,546,715 ]85,980 2.418.868 2.499.907 $36_284_136 2004-2005 2.772.054 $43.183.114 $39_663_135 2005-2006 $ 310,604 46,362,216 1,905,130 1,306,900 3.027.907 $47.852.645 2,202,617 3.296.952 $54.077.519 Medical College. Feesand certain chargesfor the College of Medicine were for the periods indicated, as follows: 2002-2003 2003-2004 2001-2002 Application fee Registration fee $ 25.00 33.00 Coursefee In-state $ 7,700 15,400 Out-of-state 25.00 50.00 $ 50.00 65.00 8,700 17,400 9,770 19,540 2004-2005 2005-2006 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 66.00 66.00 11,040 12,254 22,080 24,508 Degrees Awarded The University awardedthe following degreesfor the academicyears ending June 30 of theyears shownbelow: 2003 2004 2005 2006 ,303 ,365 1,366 Baccalaureate Degrees 1,365 1,371 MasterDegrees 554 623 601 714 714 91 91 79 71 71 60 13 59 60 59 60 11 12 II 11 Certification -Health ParaProfessionals ProfessionalDegrees M.D. Ph.D. TOTAL 2,083 2,155 14 2,055 2,264 2,222 Faculty and Staff Facultyand staff employees for the University were asfollows at September30: Full-time faculty by rank: Professor Associateprofessor Assistantprofessor Instructor Lecturer TOTAL 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 206 166 204 75 204 158 207 161 200 213 100 201 158 241 110 252 246 117 5 3 2 656 678 712 720 146 144 124 191 196 80 93 200 720 97 3 160 6 729 Full-time faculty by length of service: Up to 2 years 3-4 years 5-9 years 73 10-14 years 15+ years TOTAL 75 215 106 ]]3 136 121 180 656 678 170 61 215 712 49.5% 44% 44% 47% 4,515 4,695 4,756 4,555 4,419 5,171 5,373 5,468 5,275 5,148 120 197 135 109 89 206 729 Percentof facultytenured (University instructional faculty only) Non-faculty 46% Total University employees Student Financial Aid The University awarded and paid financial aid at the following levels for the yearsended September30,asfollows: 2002 Federalgovernment: Student loans Grants Student employment University: Loans Scholarships 2004 2003 2005 2006 $ 40,881,443 $ 45,350,803 $ 56,010,310 $ 59,064,146 $ 57,347,790 8,647,896 9,666,417 11,007,900 10,112,792 9,320,301 503,318 658,008 421,622 595,354 343,929 39,712 4,684,794 39,712 5,248,164 39,712 5,918,944 39,712 5,907,253 39,712 7,486,296 Total financial aid awarded $ 54,757,163 $ 60,963,104 $ 73,398,488 $ 75,719,257 $ 74,538,028 15 CAMPUS Current Facilities FACILITIES Details of construction/acquisitionand renovationsare as follows: Yearsof construction or acquisition Prior to 1960 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2006 Total Gross SquareFeet Constructedor Acquired 1,091,119 1,348,143 1,072,407 910,706 617,968 309.296 5.349.639 ]6 GrossSquareFeet Renovated 207,676 302,671 192,963 81,712 0 .139.052 924.081 111ecampus is served by water, gas and electric utilities for the greater Mobile metro area. Insurance Claims for damagesto the University's campusproperty are covered by the State Insurance Fund of the State of Alabama's Division of Risk Management. All buildings and contents are covered by the State Insurance Fund policy. The University usestwo self-insured trust funds to pay general liability and professional liability claims. Injuries from work-related incidents to those employeescovered by the University's self-insured health plan are covered by that plan. Work-related injuries to employees not covered by the health plan are reviewed by the StateBoard of Adjustment for final resolution. Technology The University is continuing to implement the Banner suite of University software. In additionto the Student Information System, the University is also live on the Alumni/Development, Finance, andHuman Resource modules. Imaging implementation is in progress. These products provide an integrated systemserving students, faculty, staff, and alumni. All academic,office, andhospital buildings havenetwork access,as does each room in thecampus student residences. Network enhancementshave addedwirelessaccessin many locations as well as additionalfiber trunks. Many classroomsincorporate"electronic podia" with computersand projection equipment. The University is actively engaged in online education,and information technologyis included in all disciplines throughoutthe University, with approximately740 computerworkstations availablefor studentuse. Student Housing 1,763 spacesareavailable for occupancyin campusstudentresidences.Over the last five years,occupancy rates have averaged86%,with the Fall 2006 semesterat 92%. Approximately 12% of total headcountenrollment occupied studenthousing for the Fall 2006 semester. The demand for student housing and the scarcity of suitable rental housing in the Mobile area promptedthe University in the winter of 2006 to explore adding additional student housing on campus. In August 2006a land lease was signed under \\'hich Campus Crest at Mobile, L.L.C., a Campus Crest company, will build, own, and manage a 504-bed student apartment complex located on approximately 12 acres of campus land near the intramural fields and other student housing. Construction began in October 2006 and it is anticipated the apartmentswill be ready for occupancy for the Fall 2007 semester. The University is under no obligation to guarantee the financing or occupancy or any other revenue source with respect to the apartments. SUMMARY INFORMATION RESPECTING STATE AND PRIVATE FUNDING State Appropriations The University hasreceived appropriationsfrom the Stateof Alabama for certain of its operating costs and other non-operatingcash requirements,including capital expenditures. State appropriations maynot lawfully be used for the paymentof debt service on the Series2006 Bonds. There can be no assurancethatfuture Legislatures will continueto make such appropriations,or if made,that they will be timely or sufficient whenadded to operating revenuesand General Fees remaining after the payment of debt service, to cover in full, operating expenses of the University. The following tabulation compiled by the University staff from University accountingrecords shows State appropriationsto the University for the fiscal yearsshown: 17 2250 Year Ended September 30 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Total Appropriations Authorized Received 10],202,677 86,621,887 84,233,051 101,202,677 86,621,887 84,233,051 83,845,5]6 81,603,5]4 83,845,516 81,603,514 Endowment Endowment assets for the University are deposited both in the University and in the USA Foundation. Net endowmentassetsin the accountsof the University at September30, 2006 were $27,064,000.Of the net endowmentassets,$12,612,000are classified as restricted,unexpendable,while the remainderare classified as restricted, expendable.The Board of Trusteeshas an approvedendowmentmanagementand investmentpolicy that includes anestablishedspendingrate of 5% based on the 3-year moving averagenet assetsof endowments.In maintaining its endowment,it is the goal of the University to provide revenue while preserving principal to fund those projects which have beenendowed for specific purposes. Net assetsof endowmentsare al]ocated asfollows at September30,2006: Pooled equity mutual funds Pooledbond mutual funds Managedincome alternative investments Other $11,387,000 2,116,000 6,318,000 Total $27.064.000 7.243.000 The University of SouthAlabama Foundation(the Foundation),a legally separateentity, existsfor the primary purposeof advancingthe purpose of the University of South Alabama in furthering, improving,and expanding its properties,services, facilities, and activities. Its total assetsat June 30, 2006, its most recentfiscal year-end,were $291,374,000and its net assetswere $290,502,000at the samedate. Assetsare primarily investedin marketable securities (42%), timber and mineral properties (51%), and real estate (6%). Cash and non-cash distributions to theUniversity over the pastfive fiscal yearsare,asreported in the audited financial statementsof the Foundation for theyearsendedJune 30, as follows: 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 $ 6,074,000 6,213,000 6,892,000 5,654,000 9,913,000 SUMMARYOF CERTAIN PROVISIONSOF THE INDENTURE The following is a brief summary of certain provisions of the Indenture as amendedand supplemented by the SupplementalIndenture, to which Indenture and SupplementalIndenture in their entirety reference is madefor the detailed provisions thereof. Unlessthe context clearly indicates otherwise,all references herein shan be deemedto include the Series2006 Bonds,the Series 2004 Bonds, the Series 1999 Bondsand any Additional Bondshereafterissued underthe Indenture. 2251 Financial GuarantyInsuranceCompanyshall be deemedto be the sole holder of the Series2006 Bonds it has insuredfor so long as it has not failedto comply with its payment obligationsunder the Bond Insurance Policy. Certain otherrights to direct remediesarereservedto Financial Guaranty InsuranceCompany in theFourth SupplementalIndenture. As used in the following summary, the following definitions shall have the following respective meanings. ..Annual Debt Service Requirement" means, as of any date of determination, the amount of principal and interest maturing or Maturity Amount due with respect to the then outstanding Bonds in such Bond Year; provided, that the principal amount or Maturity Amount of any Bonds subject to a Mandatory Redemption Requirement during such Bond Year shall, for purposes of this definition, be considered as maturing in the Bond Year during which such redemption is required and not in the Bond Year in which their stated maturity occurs. "Bond Year" means the period beginning December 2 in each calendar year and endingon December 1 of thenext succeedingcalendaryear. Special Funds Bond Fund. The Indenturealsoprovides for the creation of a specialtrust fund called the"Bond Principal and InterestFund." The University is requiredto pay into the Bond Fund,in addition to all otheramounts required by the Indenture,the following: (a) Contemporaneouslywith the issuanceand sale of any of the Bonds and out of the proceedsderived from such sale,the University is required to pay into the Bond Fund such part of theproceedsfrom the sale as is allocableto premium (if any) and accruedinterest. (b) On or before the BusinessDay precedingeach Interest PaymentDate until the principal and the interest on the Bondsis paid in full, the University is required to pay into the Bond fund, out of the moneys in the RevenueAccount, an amount equal to the sum of (i) the semiannual installment of interest that will mature on the Bonds on the then next succeeding semiannualInterest PaymentDate with respectthereto,plus (ii) the principal or Maturity Amount that will become due on the Bonds on the then next succeedingPrincipal PaymentDate, plus (iii) the principal or Maturity Amount of Bonds required to be redeemed on the next succeeding Principal PaymentDate pursuantto any Mandatory RedemptionRequirement. (c) In the event that the moneyspaid or transferredinto the Bond Fund with respect to any Interest PaymentDate is less thanthe amount required to be paid therein with respectto such Interest Payment Date, until suchtime as the paymentsinto the Bond Fund are current, the University is required to pay into the Bond Fund, in addition to the paymentsprovided fOTwith respectto current then required to be paid therein all moneys on deposit in the Revenue Account until suchtime as the payments requiredto be made into the Bond Fund are in a fully current condition. All moneys paid into the Bond Fund are required to be used only for payment of the principalof and the interest on the Bonds upon or after the respectivematurities of such principal and interest and to redeem Bonds subjectto a Mandatory RedemptionRequirement.If at the final maturity of the Bonds,however suchBonds may mature, thereare in the Bond Fund moneysin excessof what is required to pay in full the principal of and the interest on the Bonds,then any suchexcesswill be returnedto the University. 19 2252 The Indenture authorizes the issuanceof Additional Bonds, subject to the provisions of the Indenture. Among the conditions to the issuanceof any Additional Bondsare the following: (a) SupplementalIndenture. Prior to the issuanceof any Additional Bonds, there shall be executed and delivered a supplemental indenture containing a provision that the semiannualpayments into the Bond Fund be adjusted to provide for such additional amounts as may be necessaryto pay the principal of and interest on such Additional Bonds provided, however, that in making such adjustmentthe principal amount of any such Additional Bonds required by the terms of the SupplementalIndenture to be redeemedduring any Bond Year shall be consideredas maturing in the Bond Year during which such redemptionis required and not in the Bond Year in which their statedmaturity occurs; (b) Certificate as to PledgedRevenues The item or items required by either of the following subparagraphs(i) or (ii): (i) A certificate by the Vice Presidentfor Financial Affairs of the University certifying that the amountof Pledged Revenuesreceived during the Fiscal year next precedingthe dateof the issuanceof the Additional Bonds then proposed to be issuedwas not less than 125% of the maximum Annual Debt Service Requirementwith respectto the then current or any then succeeding Bond Year, which certificate shall set forth the figures on which it is basedand shall Tecite that the Pledged Revenuesfor such Fiscal Year specified therein were taken from the annual audit of the University for such Fiscal Year or, if such audit shall not have been completed for the most recent Fiscal year at the date of such certificate,were takenfrom the official recordsof the University, or (ii) A Resolution or Resolutions adopted by the University after the commencementof the Fiscal Year next preceding the issuance of the then proposed Additional Bonds either (i) increasing the GeneralFees,or (ii) levying new fees and chargesof a type or kind different from the General Fees,or (iii) a combination thereof, accompaniedby a certificate of the Vice President for Financial Affairs stating that if the increasedPledgedRevenuesor the new fees set forth in the said Resolution or Resolutionshad beenin effect throughoutthe Fiscal Year next precedingthe dateof issuanceof the then proposed Additional Bonds would have been not less than 125% of the maximum Annual Debt Service Requirementduring the then current or any then succeedingBond Year with respect to Bonds that will be outstanding immediately following the issuanceof the thenproposedAdditional Bonds; and (c) Opinion of IndependentCounsel. An opinion dated on the dateof issuance of such Additional Bonds, signedby IndependentCounsel acceptableto the Trustee,approving the fonns of all documentsrequiredaboveto be delivered to the Trusteeand reciting that they comply with the applicablerequirementsset out above. Maintenance of Pledged Revenues The University has covenanted in the Indenture that, so long as any of the Bonds remain outstanding and unpaid,the University will fix, levy and col1ectPledgedRevenuesfrom all students attendingthe University during each Fiscal Year in such amountsand at such times as shall be required to produce revenues sufficient to pay the principal of, unamortized premium,if any, and interest on the Bonds during the sameFiscal Year. 20 1253 Supplemental Indentures Supplemental Indentures Without Bondholder Consent. The University and the Trustee may at any time and from time to time enter into such Supplemental Indentures (in addition to such Supplemental Indentures as are otherwise provided for in the Indenture) as shall not be inconsistent with the terms and provisions of the Indenture, for anyone or more of the following purposes: (a) to add to the covenantsand agreementsof the University contained in the Indenture other covenants and agreementsthereafter to be observed and performed by the University, provided that such other covenants and agreementsmay not either expressly or impliedly limit or restrict any of the obligations of the University containedin the Indentures;or (b) to cure any ambiguity or to cure, correct or supplement any defect or inconsistentprovisions contained in the Indenture or in any SupplementalIndenture or to make any provisions with respectto mattersarising underthe Indenture or any SupplementalIndenture for any other purpose if such provisions are necessaryor desirableand are not inconsistentwith the provisions of the Indenture or any SupplementalIndenture and do not adversely affect the interestsof the holders of the Bonds. Any such SupplementalIndenture will not require the consentof any bondholders. Supplemental Indentures Requiring Bondholders Consent. In addition to those Supplemental Indentures describedabove, the Indenture provides that the University and the Trustee may, at any time andfrom time to time, with the written consentof the holders of not less than sixty-six and two-thirds percent (662/3%) in Outstanding Amount of Bonds, enter into suchSupplementalIndenturesas shall be deemednecessaryor desirable by the University and the Trustee for the purposeof modifying, altering, amending,adding to or rescinding,in any particular, any of the terms or provisions containedin the Indentureor in any SupplementalIndenture;providedthat without the written consent of the Holder of eachBond affected,no reduction in the principal amountof, rate of interest on, or the premium payable upon the redemption of, any Bond shall be made; and provided, further,that, without the written consentof the holders of all the Bonds,none of the following shallbe permitted. (i) an extensionof the maturity of any installmentof principal of or interest on any Bond; (ii) any changein the scheduleof required sinking fund or other similar payments with respectto any seriesof the Bonds; (iii) the creation of a lien or charge on the Pledged Revenues ranking prior to or (exceptin connectionwith the issuanceof Additional Bonds) on a parity with the lien or chargethereoncontainedherein; (iv) Bonds;or the establishmentof preferencesor priorities as between the (v) a reduction in the aggregateprincipal amount of Bonds the holders of which are requiredto consentto suchSupplementalIndenture. Upon the execution of any SupplementalIndenture under and pursuant to the provisions of this section,the Indenture shallbedeemedto be modified andamendedin accordancetherewith,andthe respectiverights, dutiesand obligations underthe Indenture of the University, the Trusteeand all holders of the Bonds then outstandingshall thereafter be determined,exercised and enforced hereunder, subject in all respects to such modifications and amendments. 21 2254 Defaults and Remedies Events of Default under the Indenture include the following: (a) failure by the University to pay principal of, the interest on or the premium (if any) on any Bond as and when the same shall become due, as provided therein and in the Indenture(whether such shall becomedue pursuantto any Mandatory RedemptionProvisions or otherwise); (b) failure by the University to perform and observe any of the agreements and covenants on its part contained in the Indenture (other than in the manner described in (a) above) which such failure continues for a period of not less than thirty (30) days after written notice of such failure has been given to the University by the Trustee or by the holders of not less than twenty-five percent (25%) in outstanding amount of Bonds, unless during such period or any extension thereof the University has commenced and is diligently pursuing appropriate corrective action; or (c) detennination by a court having jurisdiction that the University is insolvent or bankrupt, or appointmentby a court having jurisdiction of a receiver for the University or for a substantia! part thereof, or approval by a court of competentjurisdiction of any petition for reorganizationof the University or rearrangementor readjustment of the obligations of the University under anyprovisions of the bankruptcylaws of the United States. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default the Trustee shall have the following rights and remedies: (a) Acceleration. The Trusteemay, by written notice to the University and with the consentof the Bond Insurer,declarethe principal of all the Bonds forthwith due and payable,and such principal shall thereuponbecomeandbe immediatelydue and payable,anything herein or in the Bonds to the contrarynotwithstanding. If, however,the University makesgood that default and every other default hereunder (except for those installments of principal declared due and payablethat would, absentsuch declaration,not be due and payable), with interest on all overdue paymentsof principal and interest, andmade reimbursementof aJ] of the reasonableexpensesof the Trustee,then the Trustee may (and, if Tequestedin writing by the holders of a majority in principal amount of the then outstandingBonds,shal1),by written notice to the University, waive such defaultand its consequences,but no such waiver shall affect any subsequentdefault or right relative thereto. (b) Mandamusand Other Remedies. The Trustee shall havethe right of mandamus or other lawful remedyin any court of competentjurisdiction to enforce its rights and the rights of the holders of the Bonds against the University and any officers, agents or employees of the University, including but not limited to the right to require the University and its officers, agents or employeesto perform and observe all of its or their duties under the laws of the State of Alabama. Concerning the Trustee The Trustee shall be under no obligation to institute suit or to take any proceedings underthe Indenture or to enter any appearanceor in any way defend in any suit in which it maybe made defendantorto take !,teps in the executionof trust createdor in the enforcementof anyrights or powers underthe Indenture, until it shall be indemnified to its satisfaction against any and all costs and expense, outlays and counsel fees andother reasonabledisbursementsand againstal11iability. 22 22"55 The Trustee shall not be liable in connection with the performance of its duties under the Indenture except for its gross negligence or willful misconduct. The University has agreed to pay to the Trustee from time to time reasonable compensation for all services rendered by it under the Indenture, including the services of bond registrar and paying agent and alsoall of its reasonable expenses, charges, counsel fees and other disbursements and those of its attorneys and employees incurred in and about the performance of its powers and duties under the Indenture prior to the Bonds. Nothing contained in the Indenture or any supplemental indenture shall require the Trustee to expend or risk its own funds or otherwise incur any financial liability in the performance of any of its duties or in the exercise of any of its rights or powers if it believes that the repayment of such funds or the making whole in respect of such liability is not reasonably assured to it. RA TINGS Moody's Investors Service, Inc. has issued a rating of "Aaa" to the Series 2006 Bonds with the understanding that, upon delivery of the Series 2006 Bonds, a policy insuring the payment when due of the principal of and interest on the Series 2006 Bonds will be issued by Ambac Assurance Corporation. Such ratings reflect only the views of the rating agencies at the time such rating is given and the University makes no representation asto the appropriateness of such rating. There is no assurance that the rating on the Series 2006 Bonds will continue for any given period of time or that such rating may not be suspended, lowered or withdrawn entirely if, in the judgment of the rating agencies, circumstances should Bond. Any such downwaTd change in, OTwithdrawal of, the rating may have an adverse effect on the secondary market of the Series 2006 Bonds. The University has furnished to Moody's Investors Service,Inc. certain infonnation andmaterial respecting the Series2006 Bonds and itself, and Moody's has given a rating of" A2" to the Series2006 Bonds. Any explanation of the significance of any such rating may be obtained only from the rating agency. Thereis no assurance that suchratings will remain in effect for any given period of time or that they will not berevised downward or withdrawn entirely by Moody's. Any suchdownward revision or withdrawal of anyrating assigned to the Series 2006 Bonds may have an adverse effect on the market price of the Series 2006 Bonds. Neitherthe University nor the Underwriter has undertakenany responsibility after the issuanceof the Series2006 Bondsto assuremaintenanceof the ratings or to opposeany suchrevision or withdrawal. LITIGATION The University is a defendant in one suit and has been notified by the Equal Employment Opportunity Office ("EEOC") of a chargefiled with the EEOC againstthe University. The said suit and charge both arise from allegednegligenceor othergrounds againstthe University and certainof its employeesin the operationof the University or the University of South Alabama Hospitals with respectto hiring practices and personnelpolicies. In the pending suit and charge,the University (or the named hospital)is due to be dismissedas a defendant due to sovereign immunity. In addition, the University has been notified of claims against it filed in the State Boardof Adjustment but noneof these claims involve any significant sumsin excessof the sums otherwiseprovidedfor and ,,'ould not have an impact upon the collection of the PledgedRevenues. In the opinjon of the UniversityAttorney, the aggregate exposureof the University with respectto all pending claims and suits would not be materia!to the University's financialposition. LEGALITY The Series2006 Bonds will be issued subjectto the approving opinion of Bradley Arant Rose& White, LLP, Bimringharn,Alabama, Bond Counsel. It is anticipated that the opinion of Bond Counselwill be in substantially the fOrn1set forth in Exhibit B. 23 General TAX EXEMPTION Pursuantto the provisions of the Internal RevenueCode of 1986 (the "Code"), the exemptionof the interest income on the Series 2006 Bondsfrom gross income for federalincome tax purposesis dependent upon compliance by the University with certain provisions of the Code subsequentto the issuanceof the Series2006 Bonds. Among the requirements of the Codeto the continued exemption of the interest income on the Series2006 Bonds from gross income for federal income tax purposesare certain requirements relating to the use and expenditure of proceedsfrom the Series 2006 Bonds, restrictions on the investment of proceedsearnedprior to expenditure, and the requirement that certain earnings be rebated to the United States of America. In the proceedings under which the Series 2006 Bonds are issued, the University has made certain covenants(the "Compliance Covenants")to the effect that it will comply with all conditions to and requirementsfor the exemption from gross income for federal income tax purposesof the interestincome on the Series 2006 Bonds imposedby the Code. Failure to comply with the Compliance Covenants may result in the interest income on the Series2006 Bonds being subjectto gross income for federalincome tax purposesfrom the date of issuanceof the Series2006 Bonds. Bradley Arant Rose & White LLP, Bond Counsel, is of the opinion that, under the Code,as presently construedand administered,and assumingcomplianceby the University with the Compliance Covenants, the interest income on the Series 2006 Bonds will be excludable from gross income of the recipients thereoffor federal income tax purposespursuantto the provisions of Section 103 of the Code and will not constituteanitemof tax preference for the purpose of computing the liability of individuals or corporationsfor the alternativeminimum tax imposed by Section 55 of the Code. Bond Counsel will expressno opinion with respectto the federaltax consequencesto the recipients of the interestincome on the Series2006 Bondsunder any provision of the Codenot referred to above. Bond Counsel is further of the opinion that the interest income on the Series 2006 Bonds is exempt from present Alabama income taxation. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE The University will enter into a Continuing Disclosure Agreementfor the benefit of holdersof the Series 2006 Bonds wherein the University has agreed to provide annually certain financial infornlation and operating data relating to the University (the "Annual Reports"),and to provide notices of the occurrenceofcertain enumerated events,ifmaterial. The Annual Reports will be filed by the University with each nationally recognized municipal securities infornlation repository C'NRMSIR") and with the state information depository of Alabama ("SID"), if any. The notices of material events will be filed by the University with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board or each NRMSIR and with the SID, if any. The specific nature of the informationto be contained in the Annual Reports or the notices of material events and the other provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Agreementare summarizedin Exhibit C hereto. The Continuing DisclosureAgreementhas beenentered into in order to assistthe Underwriters of the Series 2006 Bonds in complying with Rule 15c2-12(b)(5)of the Securities and Exchange Commission. A failure by the University to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Agreement must bereported in accordancewith the Rule and must be consideredby any broker, dealeror municipal securities dealer before recommending the purchase or sale of the Series2006 Bonds in the secondarymarket. Consequently, sucha failure may adverselyaffectthe transferability and liquidity of the Series2006 Bonds andtheir marketprice. STATE NOT LIABLE ON SERIES 2006 BONDS The Series 2006 Bonds are specialobligationsof the Universitypayable solely out of, andsecured by a pledge of, the PledgedRevenues. Neither the principal of nor the intereston the Series2006 Bondsnor the aforesaid pledge or any other agreementcontained in the Indenture shall constitute an obligation of anynature whatsoever of the State of Alabama, and neitherthe Series2006 Bonds nor any obligation arising from saidpledge or agreementsshallbe payable out of anymoneysappropriatedto the University by the State of Alabama. 24 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Exhibit A contains audited financial statementsof the University for the fiscal yearended September30, 2006. VERIFICATION The arithmetical accuracy of certain computations included in the schedules providedby Financial Advisor r on behalf of the University relating to the forecastedpayments of principal and interestto redeem the Refunded Bonds, and computation of the yields on the Series 2006 Bonds was examinedby The Arbitrage Group, Inc.. Such computations were based solely upon assumptions and information suppliedby Financial Advisor on behalf of the University. The Arbitrage Group, Inc. has restricted its proceduresto examining the arithmetical accuracyof certain computationsand has not made any study or evaluation of the assumptions and information uponwhich the computationsarebased and, accordingly,has not expressedan opinion on thedataused, the reasonablenessof the assumptions,or the achievability of the forecastedoutcome. FINANCIAL ADVISOR Thornton Farish Inc., Montgomery, Alabama,has served as financial advisor to the Universityin connection with the issuanceof the Series2006 Bonds. UNDERWRITING The Series2006 Bonds are being purchasedfor reoffering by the underwriters shown onthe front cover hereof (the "Underwriters") at an aggregate purchase price of $106,305,086.85, reflecting underwriting discount of $475,000and original issue premium of $6,780,086.85,plus accrued interest from DecemberI, 2006. The public offering price of the Series 2006 Bonds as set forth on the cover page of this Official Statementmaybe changed from time to time by the Underwriters and the Underwriters may allow a concession from thepublic offering price to certaindealers. MISCELLANEOUS The referencesherein to statutory provisions, the Indenture and other documents and instruments are summaries of certainprovisions thereof and do not purport to be complete. For full and complete statements of such provisions referenceis hereby made to the specific statutory provision, document or instrument to whichsuch summary relates. So far as any statements made in this Official Statement involve matters of opinion or of estimates, whether or not expressly stated, they are set forth as such and not as representations of fact. No representationis made that any of the statementswill be realized. Neither this Official Statementnor any statement which may have beenmade verbally or in writing is to be construedas a contract with the owners of the Series2006 Bonds. The information contained in this Official Statement has been compiled or preparedfrom information obtainedfrom sourcesbelieved to be reliable; however,the University makesno representationasto the accuracy or completenessof suchinformation. The information and the expressionsof opinion hereinare subject to change without notice. Accordingly, neither the delivery of this Official Statementnor any sale made hereunder shall. under any circumstances,create any implication that, since the date hereof, there has been no changein the affairs of the University or anyother governmentalagenciesor entities discussedherein. 25 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA 26 EXHIBIT A AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 EXHIBIT B PROPOSED FORM OF OPINION OF BOND COUNSEL (FOrn1 of Opinion of Bradley Arant Rose& White LLP (Datedthe date of deliveryof the Series2006 Bonds) We have examined the Constitution and laws of the State of Alabama and certified copies of proceedings of the Board of Trustees of the University of South A labama (herein called the "University") andother documents submitted to us pertaining to the issuance and validity of $100,000,000 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA University Tuition RevenueRefunding and Capital ImprovementBonds Series2006 Dated asof December I, 2006 (herein called the"Series 2006 Bonds"). The statements hereinafter made and the opinions hereinafter exprcssed are based upon our examination of said constitution, laws and proceedings. The documentssubmitted show asfollows: (1) That the Series 2006 Bonds have been issued under a Trust Indenture dated as February 15, 1996, as heretofore supplemented and by a Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture, dated as of December 1,2006 between the University and The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A., as trustee (herein together called the "Indenture"), wherein there has been pledged for payment of all bonds issued thereunder so much as may be necessary therefor of the proceeds of the general tuition fees levied against all students attending the University (herein called the "Pledged Revenues"); and (2) That the University is authorized under the Indenture to issue, without express limit as to principal amount but only upon compliance with certain conditions precedent specified in the Indenture. additional bonds secured by a pledge of the Pledged Revenues on a parity with all other bonds issued under the Indenture and at any time outstanding. We are of the following opinion: that the University exists as a public corporation under thelaws of the State of Alabama and has corporate power to issue the Series 2006 Bonds and to execute and deliverthe Indenture; that the Series 2006 Bonds have been duly authorized, sold, executed and issued in the manner provided by the applicable provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State of Alabama, are in due and legal Connand evidence valid and binding limited or special obligations of the University payable, as to principal and interest, solely out of the Pledged Revenues; that the payment of the principal of and the interest on the Series 2006 Bondsis secured, pro rata and without preference or priority of one over another and on a parity with Bonds previously issued under the Indenture and with all other bonds hereafter issued under the Indenture, by a pledge of thePledged Revenues and the provisions of the Indenture; that the said pledge is valid, subject to all lawful prior chargeson the Pledged Revenues; that the Indenture has been duly authorized, executed and delivered on behalf of the University; and that under existing statutes, the interest income on the Series 2006 Bonds is exempt from Alabama income taxation. We are of the further opinion that, under the Internal RevenueCode of 1986(herein calledthe "Code"), as presentlyconstruedand administered,and assumingcontinuing compliance by the Universitywith its covenants (set forth in the Indenture)pertaining to certain requirementsof the Code, (i) the interestinconx:on the Series 2006 Bonds will be excludable from the gross income of the recipients thereof for federal incometax purposes pursuantto the provisions of Section 103 of the Code and, therefore,will be exempt from present federal income taxation, and (ii) the interest income on the Series 2006 Bonds will not be treated as an itemof tax preference in computing the alternative minimum tax for individuals and corporationsimposed by Section55 of the Code. We call to your attention, however, that a portion of the interest income on the Series 2006 Bondswill be inc1uded in alternative minimum taxable income of corporations for the purpose of computing the alternative minimum tax imposedby Section 55 of the Code. We expressno opinion with respect to the federal incometax consequencesto the recipientsof the interestincome on the Series2006 Bonds exceptas stated above. We are of the opinion that the interest income on the Series 2006Bonds is, under existingstatutes and regulations, exemptfrom Alabama incometaxation. Neither the principal of nor the interest on the Series 2006 Bonds nor the aforesaid pledge or any other agrecments contained in the Indenture constitute an obligation of any nature whatsoever of the State of Alabama, and neither the Series 2006 Bonds nor any obligation arising from said pledge or other agreementsare payable out of any moneys appropriated to the University by the State of Alabama. Yours very truly, Exhibit C Summary of Continuing Disclosure Agreement EXHIBITC SUMMARY OF CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT The following is a summary of the Continuing Disclosure Agreement (the ..Agreement") entered into by the University, for the benefit of the holders of the Series 2006 Bonds, in order to assist the Underwriters in complying with the provisions of Rule 15c2-12 (the "Rule"), promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States of America (the "Commission") pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Except where otherwise defined in the Exhibit, all capitalized terms have the meaning assigned in the frontportion of this Official Statement. Annual Report of the University. The University agrees,in accordancewith the provisionsof the Rule, to provide or cause to be provided to each nationally recognized municipal securities information repository ("NRMSIR") and to the appropriate state information depository ("SID"), if any, for the Stateof Alabama, in eachcaseas designatedby the Commissionin accordancewith the Rule,not later than six months after the close of eachfiscal year of the University (October I -September 30) commencingafter September30,2007, the following annualfinancial information andoperatingdata(the "University Annual Report"): (I) the audited financialstatementsof the Univcrsity andnotesthcreto; (2) the revenuesfrom the generaltuition fees the proceedsof which arepledged for payment (3) the scheduleof undergraduateandgraduatefeesand MedicalCollege fees; of the Series 2006Bonds; (4) out-of-statefees; the receipts from application fees,course fees, registration fees,changecoursefeesand (5) the number of students,by geographicclassification, attendingthe fall term commencing within the fiscal yearcovered by the University Annual Report; (6) the number of degreesawarded,by type of degree,for the academicyear endingwithin the fiscal year coveredby the University AnnualReport; and (7) a statement of the direct State appropriations authorized and received, the State appropriations receivedfor employeebenefitsand the total Stateappropriationsreceived. Notice of Material Events. The University agreesto provide or causeto be provided, ina timely manner, (i) to eachNRMSlR or to the Municipal SecuritiesRulemaking Board and (ii) to the SID for theStateof Alabama, if any,notice of the occurrenceof any of the following events with respectto the Series2006 Bonds,if material: (i) principal and interestpaymentdelinquencies; (ii) non-paymentrelateddefaults; unscheduleddraws on debtservicereservesreflecting financialdifficulties; unscheduleddraws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (v) substitutionof credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; (vi) adversetax opinions or events affecting the tax-exemptstatusof the Series 2006 (vii) modifications of the rights ofhoJders of the Series2006 Bonds; Bonds; (viii) calls for redemption, other than scheduled mandatory redemption, of any of the Series 2006 Bonds; (ix) defeasances; (x) release,substitution or sale of property securing repaymentof the Series 2006 Bonds; or (xi) rating changes. Additional Information. The University may from time to time choose to provide other infomlation in addition to the infomlation and notices listed above, but the University does not undertakein the Agreement to commit to provide any such additional infomlation or to update or to continue to providesuch additional infomlation or notices once provided. Beneficiaries and Enforcement. The University agreesthat its undertakings pursuant totheRule set forth in the Agreement are intended to be for the benefit of the holders of the Series 2006 Bonds andshall be enforceable by suchholders. No failure by the University to comply with its obligations under the Agreementshall constitute an eventof default underthe Indenture. EXHIBIT D SPECIMEN POLICY OF BOND INSURANCE Ambac Fin:lncial Gllaranty Amt..,c A..",.",. (""poratic", (I,.. 5,0", Str",. Pia,... 15.h FICK. N." ,"",k.Nt'\Y y",k10004 Insur:lnc(' Policy T.111""""': 1212)1;1)8.0:14(1 P"II,,'t.'III,t.., 0"/111"': (11,11':0""',,: ,\",1... ;-\",..,""", C",,""'"iI'" \,\",1,;,,), II WI"'JI",I" """" ..""",... ""'J. II," I"'., '" "!"'"J,",III"" "f ,I.' I'"Y"."" (,I II" 1""11""'" "",1 ",t:!." to) 'lit tf"m, or till' P"II,'v, 1""011' "h'f'~ ", 1"""10 TI'" B'nl; ,~ N..,'r '10,1;,'" """"", '" ",.~';a...'o' I'IK' -I"""n,,,.. T""",'ll,or II.. tN',..r" ,0/ 'I~' H,..,~.., ,I 1""""" vI 'h;: !,'lrwIP'" ,., a,l(! 'no,~'" 'n, r.I.- "1.,,..-,1,'" 11I..~"hl'II;,'I"'" !'I,. -OI..IIi!"'I","-' "..,1.11,1..111"".,., D,., ,," P'\""""" 1,", .10;,111", '"'p".1 h, "'""", ,1/ N.'"":') ",..", I!y "!~' OhliJ:'~' '. ~" " ~",I... ,,111no..k,' "" I, """":"" '" 'I.' I",.";",,.. T"", "'1'1"" "'., II) b",'"'~ U") I"II""I"~ "'!J.\"" nul"IC;I!I;\n "I.?!","'" "I N,"'po)'",,'nt lll""'. H"I,I'" , ,. """1" I"" ""I! ""ft'""", ", r.I.,I"""."... T"",..., f,l "" I. ""P",,!{iIJI11:'" "".' 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