NF Visitor Use Monitoring Program To Know & Better Serve our NF visitors How Does NVUM Work? • 20% of forests sampled each year • Forests identify all road, trail exits & recreation sites • Assigned stratified random sample • Obtain 24 hour traffic count • Conduct 6 hrs onsite interviews HOW DOES NVUM WORK? PREWORK STRATIFICATION Site type • Overnight Use Developed Sites (OUDs) • Day Use Developed Sites (DUDs) • General Forest Areas (GFAs) • Wilderness • View Corridor Site Day • Very High, High, Medium, Low Proxy or non-proxy HOW DOES NVUM WORK? ON-SITE INTERVIEWS Basic (50%) Satisfaction (25%) Economic (25%) Spanish (as needed) Why We Did It In response to Agency need for Improved understanding of visitor use & satisfaction Reliable, science based visitor data NVUM Survey Cycles Sampling Cycle #1 10/2000 – 9/2003 Sampling Cycle 2 10/2004 – 9/2008 Succeeding survey cycles – Every 5 years Sampling Calendar SITETYPE SITENAM E DUDS FOXTAIL GROUP PICNIC - WINTER Site Num STRATUS M ONTH DAY YEAR 255089.00 FR3 1 2 2005 DUDS DUDS DUDS DEER CREEK PICNIC 16.00 HIGH 1 9 2005 PM KYLE VISITOR CENTER 14.00 HIGH 1 9 2005 PM LAS VEGAS SKI AND SNOWBOARD RESORT 22.00 SV1 1 10 2005 VIEW HWY 158 DEER CREEK 256.00 LOW 1 20 2005 DUDS FOXTAIL GROUP PICNIC - WINTER 255089.00 FR3 1 23 2005 DUDS DUDS DUDS DESERT VIEW DAY USE SITE 15.00 MEDIUM 1 28 2005 PM DEER CREEK PICNIC 16.00 HIGH 1 29 2005 AM KYLE VISITOR CENTER 14.00 HIGH 1 29 2005 AM DUDS FOXTAIL GROUP PICNIC - WINTER GFA 5-52 POTOSI @ SR160 GFA 5-57 CATHEDRAL ROCK TRAIL @ stairw a DUDS DESERT VIEW DAY USE SITE DUDS FOXTAIL GROUP PICNIC - WINTER DUDS DUDS GFA 5-16 CHAMPION ROAD DUDS KYLE VISITOR CENTER DUDS LAS VEGAS SKI AND SNOWBOARD RESORT GFA 5-42 WILLOW CREEK 601/565 GFA 5-15 ARCHERY CAMP GFA 5-57 CATHEDRAL ROCK TRAIL @ stairw a GFA 5-7 TROUT/LOVELL SUMMIT DUDS DESERT VIEW DAY USE SITE GFA FOXT FOXT FOXT 255089.00 SURVTIM E NOTE1 PM FR3 2 5 2005 1001.00 HIGH 2 6 2005 PM 255109.00 MEDIUM 2 6 2005 AM 15.00 MEDIUM 2 13 2005 PM FOXT 255089.00 FR3 2 13 2005 FOXTAIL GROUP PICNIC - WINTER FOXT 255089.00 FR3 2 20 2005 FOXTAIL GROUP PICNIC - WINTER FOXT 255089.00 FR3 2 21 2005 1011.00 MEDIUM 2 25 2005 PM 14.00 HIGH 2 26 2005 PM 22.00 SV1 3 1 2005 255092.00 MEDIUM 3 1 2005 PM 1010.00 MEDIUM 3 4 2005 AM 255109.00 MEDIUM 3 5 2005 1002.00 MEDIUM 3 8 2005 PM 15.00 LOW 3 10 2005 AM 5-11 CRYSTAL SPRING 1006.00 LOW 3 14 2005 AM DUDS KYLE VISITOR CENTER 14.00 LOW 3 15 2005 PM GFA 5-47 SKI TOW/MARY JANE 1008.00 MEDIUM 3 18 2005 DUDS KYLE VISITOR CENTER 14.00 LOW 3 24 2005 PM GFA 5-50 LUCKY STRIKE 578 255100.00 LOW 3 25 2005 AM GFA 5-1 MACKS CANYON 996.00 HIGH 3 27 2005 PM GFA 5-23 HORSE SHUTEM SPRING 1019.00 MEDIUM 3 27 2005 PM DUDS DEER CREEK PICNIC PM GFA 5-4 LOVELL CYN DUDS DEER CREEK PICNIC VIEW HWY 158 DEER CREEK GFA 5-54 CARPENTER/WALLACE CONNECTOR GFA 5-18 MCFARLAND WILDERNESS5W6 FLETCHER CANYON 16.00 LOW 3 29 2005 999.00 MEDIUM 3 29 2005 PM PM STANDARD PROTOCOL -- SAMPLING AND TRAFFIC COUNT PM 16.00 MEDIUM 4 2 2005 PM 256.00 LOW 4 2 2005 AM 255105.00 MEDIUM 4 9 2005 PM 1013.00 MEDIUM 4 10 2005 PM 209.00 LOW 4 10 2005 AM DUDS DEER CREEK PICNIC 16.00 LOW 4 12 2005 PM DUDS KYLE VISITOR CENTER 14.00 LOW 4 14 2005 PM GFA 5-12 COLD CREEK PONDS 1007.00 HIGH 4 16 2005 AM DUDS CATHEDRAL ROCK PICNIC GFA 5-56 ROBBERS ROOST TRAIL DUDS CATHEDRAL ROCK PICNIC GFA 5-40 STIRLING 552 GFA 5-2 TELEPHONE CANYON GFA 5-5 COTTONWOOD GFA 5-7 TROUT/LOVELL SUMMIT WILDERNESS5W5 TRAIL CANYON STANDARD PROTOCOL -- SAMPLING AND TRAFFIC COUNT 23.00 DUR4 4 17 2005 255107.00 MEDIUM 4 17 2005 23.00 DUR4 4 23 2005 1005.00 MEDIUM 4 23 2005 AM 997.00 MEDIUM 4 24 2005 AM 1000.00 MEDIUM 4 24 2005 PM 1002.00 MEDIUM 4 28 2005 AM PM 208.00 LOW 4 29 2005 PM GFA 5-7 TROUT/LOVELL SUMMIT 1002.00 HIGH 4 30 2005 PM GFA 5-7 TROUT/LOVELL SUMMIT 1002.00 HIGH 5 1 2005 PM GFA 5-47 SKI TOW/MARY JANE 1008.00 LOW 5 4 2005 GFA 5-52 POTOSI @ SR160 1001.00 MEDIUM 5 4 2005 AM DUDS DESERT VIEW DAY USE SITE 15.00 HIGH 5 7 2005 PM SET UP TRAFFIC COUNTER ONLY -- 8AM START Who Benefits? • USFS leaders & program managers • Congress, & external customers • The public • The resource Applications NVUM Applications IN PLANNING & MANAGEMENT • Setting Customer Service Standards Required by Exec Order 12862 • National Recreation Agenda Implementation • Strategic & Annual Performance Plans Better service to the public while protecting valuable resources Forest Planning & Monitoring Setting realistic targets & meeting them In Land Management Decisions Demand and Supply Analysis What do visitors do while on your forest? Where do they do it? Who are they? Applications In Land Management Decisions – Effects of Forest TOURISM on local communities • Employment • Income Based on: Expenditure data Applications In Land Management Decisions – Best placement of LIMITED RESOURCES • Niche ID Based on current visitor satisfaction Applications In Land Management Decisions RECREATION NICHE ID Based on Visitor Characteristics • Age • Race • Activity participation • Outdoor recreation expenditure profiles • Length of stay • Satisfaction Applications Important Definitions National Forest Visit Entry of one person upon a NF to participate in recreation activities. Must be contiguous. Site Visit Entry of one person onto a NF site or area to participate in recreation activities. More definitions: Recreation trip Duration of time beginning when visitor left home and ending when they get back to their home. Confidence level and error rate Used together to define the reliability of the estimated visits. Workshop Uinta National Forest What is a RS-FMP: Niche The specific recreation focus of a forest incorporating (demand) public expectations with unique social and ecological features of the land (supply). Niche Design DEMAND Using NVUM (forest use data), US Census (population trends) and NSRE (Market Zone resident rec activities) to develop visitor use. SUPPLY Using Infra Site Inventory, ROS, SMS and SOP to develop Forest assets and amenities. Demand It’s important to know what our visitors demand because: It provides context to help us make decisions. It calibrates our thinking about what is occurring on the forest. Current Use Estimated use Visitor Origin & Market Zone Visitor Characteristics Visitor Activity Satisfaction and Importance Visitor Characteristics (from NVUM and Census) Market Zone Characteristics Market Zone State Average 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Language other than English spoken at home, pct Households Percentage of Persons with a disability, age 5+, 2000 Persons below poverty, percent, 1999 Market Zone 12.92% 19.18% 12.18% State Average 15.80% 18.18% 10.62% Summary of Visitor Characteristics Most visitors are from the local surrounding counties. There are significantly more young people recreating on this Forest than most other Forests, but visitors represent the age distribution of the market zone. Predominately day-use with some weekend overnight stays. Segment Shares by Forest NLDay Angeles NL- ON FS NL-ONOther LDay LON FS LONOther 9 0 1 81 5 4 21 13 12 40 6 1 Inyo 2 10 62 16 0 1 Modoc 4 5 8 50 5 19 Sequoia 5 17 18 38 8 2 Eldorado Day/Overnight Use of Forest (from NVUM) Segmentation of Visitors- Local/Non-local and Day/Overnight All Forests Uinta 80% 70% 67% 60% 50% 46% 40% 30% 19% 20% 10% 9% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 7% 2% 2% 0% NL-Day Local-Day NL-Overnight-NF Local-Overnight-NF NL-Overnight Local-Overnight Estimated Annual Use (from NVUM) R4 Forest Visits (In Thousands) 6,000 4,947 Number of Visits 5,000 4,000 3,370 2,879 3,000 2,548 2,474 2,000 1,552 1,359 882 913 1,000 774 616 467 457 0 IS LL L A CH E AK ON HL LM S FI SA SA LA H OT E TT E XI YE PA DI TI TO W Y E HL AN M SA AS BE IA OY -T E CH CA E N IS TO BO TE RE GE HE ID RG BR TA UBO RI CA LT BO CH AT A NT UI M HU AS W NEW!!! NRIS-NVUM • A database containing ALL Round 1 information • Access database • Easy to use – queries by forest, region, or nationally, or combinations • Some examples follow NRIS –HD: R4 Visitor Zip Codes NRIS-HD: Tonto Stratification NVUM HD- Tonto Interviews NRIS –HD Tonto Visitation NRIS –HD: LTBMU Duration NRIS – HD: LTBMU Activities NRIS – HD: Region 4 Visitation