GENERAL OVERVIEW OF FIELD EXPERIENCES EXPERIENCE METHODS PRACTICUM DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIENCE: Interns observe, gather data, interact and possibly assist with individual and small group instruction, and may teach a few mini-lessons with extensive guidance from mentor. Course instructor provides syllabus with required assignments and/or suggested task list. Interns observe and assist with individual and small group instruction, engage in extensive coplanning and co-teaching with mentor, then move to independent lesson and unit planning leading up to extended period of independent teaching time (typically one-two weeks). Important to have time between teaching experiences for reflection. Note that practicum interns are not “part-time student teachers.” This is often first time for interns to write and deliver lessons, and they require a lot of guidance. Brief period of observation with steady increase of responsibilities. Intern bears full load of mentor teacher responsibilities for approximately 10 weeks. Intern gains experience creating and grading assessments. Mentor is always available and continues to provide feedback and encourage reflection. Mentor models effective instructional practices, offers orientation to classroom and school, and provides time and resources for interns to complete syllabus requirements. If required by course instructor, provides feedback on intern progress. Mentor models effective instructional practices, offers orientation to classroom and school, engages in extensive coplanning and co-teaching with intern, provides materials and advice for intern’s lesson plans, and facilitates reflections on experience. Completes formal observations and evaluations as required by CSU. Writes letter of recommendation or completion for intern at end of experience. Mentor models effective instructional practices, offers orientation to classroom and school, provides materials and advice for intern’s lesson plans, and fosters intern’s independent teaching with minimal co-teaching. Completes formal observations and evaluations as required by CSU. Writes letter of recommendation or completion for intern at end of experience. Field experiences range from 20-70 hours over 10 weeks. Some experiences require specific days/times, others arranged in cooperation with mentor teacher. Usually 4 mornings a week (15-16 hours/ week) for entire semester. Should include 12 hours instructional time and 3-4 hours planning time. Some licensure areas require split experiences (half semester at one site, half at different site). 5 full days a week for entire semester (15 weeks), following mentor teacher’s schedule and time obligations. Interns expected to attend faculty meetings, open houses, parent-teacher conferences, etc. Some licensure areas require split experiences. INTERN DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIENCE: MENTOR EXPERIENCE SCHEDULE STUDENT TEACHING GENERAL OVERVIEW OF FIELD EXPERIENCES EXPERIENCE GRADE MENTOR GUIDELINES COMPENSATION FOR MENTOR TEACHER METHODS PRACTICUM STUDENT TEACHING Letter grade assigned by course instructor. Intern earns letter grade, assigned by University supervisor, based on supervisor and mentor observations/evaluations, syllabus assignments, and portfolio. Interns in practicum must earn a grade of B or higher to progress to student teaching. Intern earns a grade of “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory,” assigned by University supervisor, based on supervisor and mentor observations/evaluations, syllabus assignments, and portfolio. Intern must earn “Satisfactory” to pass student teaching and apply for teaching license. Mentor teachers must have appropriate licensure and have at least one year teaching experience Mentor teachers must have appropriate licensure and have minimum of three years of teaching experience including one year in field of study for this experience Mentor teachers must have appropriate licensure and have minimum of three years of teaching experience including one year in field of study for this experience Mentor teachers not paid stipend but eligible for up to $200 mini-grant for classroom projects and/or educational supplies $300 – full practicum (full semester) $300– full student teaching (full semester) $150 – half practicum (half semester) $150 – half student teaching (half semester) Payment processed according to district/school policy. Payment processed according to district/school policy.