Iowa State University Professional & Scientific Council Executive Committee Meeting Regular Session

Iowa State University
Professional & Scientific Council
Executive Committee Meeting
Regular Session
Tuesday, Jul 22, 2003 9:00 a.m.
Room 253, Durham Hall
Voting Members
X Kane, Kevin
X Mumm, Lynne
X Van Beek, Brenda
A Riedemann, Trevor
X Woodin, Dan
Non-voting Members
Brink, Marcia
Dixon, Kerry
Good, Cathy
Heer, Rex
Jensen, James
Marks, Del
McCool, Kelly
McManus, Barb
Pacheco-Ortiz, Yanira
Peterson, Teresa
Roberts, Kurt
Visiting Non-members: None.
Call To Order: Lynne Mumm, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
A quorum was present. The agenda was approved.
Meeting Minutes: Jun 16, 2003 minutes were approved as amended.
President’s Report
Kevin reported:
 Board of Regents (BOR) meeting: Brenda reported on the July Regent’s meeting. There
were no big issues for Iowa State, and the meeting went smoothly.
 Meeting with President Geoffroy: Kevin met with Geoffroy last week. He was happy to hear
about the Cytation award, and he offered to present all 8 quarterly awards (not the 4 we had
originally suggested). Anne Krapfl is ready to publicize it as soon as we’re ready. Kevin
asked Kurt to finalize the details with Anne.
Geoffroy also thanked us for providing input on the Academic Calendar. He gave Kevin a
draft schedule of decision making for the calendar issue. He would like us to have this as the
subject of the October Open Forum or some other open meeting to gather comments. Kevin
suggested we have a separate event, rather than at the forum. The discussion at Faculty
Senate will be on October 14, and Geoffroy has asked other campus groups to discuss it in
October, as well. It was suggested that we wait until after the Faculty Senate meeting in case
we wish to respond to that publicity. Kevin will talk to Arne Hallam (chair of the University
Calendar Committee) and see if he can come to our forum to answer questions. Our
publicity will include a link to our response from last spring.
In other news, the Memorial Union director position has been offered and will be announced
Geoffroy asked what else we’re talking about:
o We would like to make sure someone is at each BOR meeting, and he suggested we
avoid overnight travel when there are no docket items of interest. Rex said he only
went overnight twice, and it was a selective decision, depending on the docket.
Usually most of the action is on one day or the other. In the past, we have taken the
opportunity to meet with P&S presidents from U of I & UNI, but they haven’t been
regularly attending in recent years. Rex indicated that one of his overnight trips was
to attend the Regent’s Excellence Award presentation, which was done the night
before the main meeting. Kevin reported that there will be no Aug BOR meeting, but
new Regents will have their orientation in Ames, and Kevin has been asked to present
to them about P&S Council. He hopes to use what Rex put together last year. Rex
suggested that we ask Charlie Dobbs about lunch with the Regents.
o Kevin and Geoffroy talked about the Arrival of Children Policy, and Geoffroy is still
monitoring it. Kevin will get updates each month from him on that issue.
o P&S Classification Review: Kevin told Geoffroy that our Compensation and Benefits
committee has been working hard on these issues, and it’s important to us. Even
though there is no money now, he agrees we need to keep it on the table until we have
the money. Trevor asked Kevin to inquire about the 2003 P&S Salary Report, and
Geoffroy promised to check with Chidister to see why it’s not out. Kevin pointed out
that some use it in June for salary decisions.
o Kevin told Geoffroy about the retreat and book that Ellen offered to lead discussion
on – he thought that was a great idea. Kevin updated exec on the book club idea.
o Kevin discussed a July 3 memo on the President’s Budget Committee. The
committee has been reformulated for this year with different membership and a
slightly different charge. The committee will be chaired by Geoffroy and will advise
him directly. They will deal with big picture issues and recommend task forces to
explore topics in more detail. Membership will include the Presidents of P&S
Council, GSB, and GPSS, as well as the President and President-elect of Faculty
Senate, and some extra faculty chosen by Geoffroy.
President’s Council: Geoffroy reported that having a stable enrollment is a high priority. So
far we’re down about 400 students. He is pleased that this is another record year for
sponsored funding. He also pointed out that room & board is still a relative bargain, and
we’re still near the bottom of our Peer group and our neighboring states in tuition.
Kevin announced that we will need to discuss replacing Yanira’s position later, as she has
changed positions (and representation area) within the university.
Officer’s Reports
 Lynne Mumm: no report
Brenda Van Beek: Treasurer’s report: Account balances:
 General Fund $3,340.25.
 Campus Orgs account $150.00.
 Professional Development fund $845.03.
Trevor Riedemann: no report
Dan Woodin: Notes from the June 25 Campus Leader’s Breakfast were distributed and
summarized. He also reported on the Policy Committee (deciding how policies should be
developed) – they will hire a part-time web person to build a cross-referenced policy site, and
they are also looking into a staff person who would check policies under discussion to make
sure they are in line with state law, etc.
Standing Committee Reports:
Kurt reported that information on the Cytation Award will be out soon
Barb will bring name tags for new members to the retreat on Friday. She also reported that the
committee needs a new web person, and they are checking with Jeff to see when the new email
trees will be ready. The email tree will be needed soon for Retention & Recruitment Request for
Proposals. The committee also asks that members update their profile for the web page – Barb
or Marcia will bring a sample profile to the retreat on Friday. Rex volunteered to redesign &
update the web page.
Compensation & Benefits:
No report. Kevin reported that they have sent an email asking how administrators are supposed
to use market and equity info from the annual Salary Report.
Policies & Procedures:
Kelly reported that they are getting geared up with information from last year’s chair.
Del reported that the committee has been asked for two names for the Retirees Committee. They
are also working on ways to adjust representation without upsetting the system too much:
perhaps combining small areas and splitting A&R into smaller areas. The realignment related to
the CIO position will also affect this discussion.
Recruitment and Retention:
Yanira reported that the RFP will be opened this week and the deadline for proposals will be
August 15 at noon. She will send website updates to Rex, and he will post this year’s
information and forms. The Provost’s office told Yanira that allocations will be handled by HRS
this year, but HRS wasn’t able to confirm that. Kevin will have the appropriate people in the
Provost’s office & HRS meet and update Yanira.
Peer Advisory:
Cathy reported no contacts this month.
Ad Hoc Committee Reports:
Officer Time: W don’t have a report from Kerry yet, but she promises it soon.
Academic Calendar: Dan distributed & summarized the report that was sent to Kevin and
forwarded to Geoffroy. It is structured by concerns of various constituents: the university
community, the local community, and the student body. Kevin said that Geoffroy was satisfied
with the question format, as that is what they needed.
Old Business:
Administrative Support: Lynne asked how Exec would like to follow up on using some of the
secretary’s time. Kevin reported that she transcribes tapes of Faculty Senate meetings, and that
requires that senators introduce themselves each time they speak. There is a question of who to
begin discussions with – Faculty Senate or the Provost’s office. After reviewing the 1997 memo,
it was clear that discussion should begin with the Provost’s office, as they had promised some
support from one of their clerical employees, in addition to support by the Faculty Senate
secretary. The Ad hoc committee’s report on officer time will provide support for this discussion.
After the report is received, Kevin will begin discussions with the Provost’s office.
Cytation Award: Publicity has been arranged for the award, and the first award is anticipated
toward the end of the quarter (Sept). Publicity outlets include Inside ISU, the Daily, and the enewsletter.
Response to Madden memo: The response has been reworked into a memo that Kevin will
present to Exec for discussion at the August meeting. He also plans to talk to Madden about it
when he asks about outplacement services. Lynne clarified that the August meeting will be
August 21, the third Thursday (the original schedule had it on the second Thursday). Some other
Exec dates may need to change to accommodate Kevin’s attendance at BOR meetings.
New Business:
 Iowa Shares campaign: someone from that group wants to talk at one of our council
meetings. How do we want to handle it? Kevin suggested we put them on the September
agenda for about 10 minutes, as we did with the Morrill Hall committee.
 Replacements:
o Linda Brinkmeyer is leaving the university, so we need to appoint a replacement.
Del will contact the other person who ran for her position, and if he’s willing, that
name will be proposed for approval at Friday’s Council meeting.
o Yanira Pacheco-Ortiz has moved to a different representation area. According to
our constitution, she must resign, but Kevin encouraged her to maintain her
committee membership as a non-council member. Kevin proposed that if willing,
Yanira would stay on R&R as a non-council member, and the R&R committee
will select a replacement chair. Kevin asked Del to speak to the other candidate
from Student Affairs, and if she is willing, that name will be proposed for
approval at Friday’s Council meeting.
 Retreat: Lynne reviewed the draft retreat schedule. There was discussion on how to best
prioritize within committees and as a full council during the afternoon session. We need to
end the day with everyone seeing the big picture. We also need to be prepared to answer the
question: “what is your number one priority for the coming year?” Lynne will send the
finalized schedule as soon as possible. Brenda will bring breakfast and afternoon snack food,
and Barb will bring the coffee.
For The Good of the Order:
 Next Council meeting will be our retreat on July 25 at McFarland Park, Ames
 Next Executive Committee meeting will be August 21 in Room 248, Memorial Union.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Brenda Van Beek, Secretary/Treasurer, P&S Council