Stability Analysis of Natural Circulation in BWRs at High Pressure Conditions by Rui Hu B.S., Nuclear Engineering (2002) M.S., Nuclear Engineering (2005) Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology September 2007 © 2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved Signature of Author ................... Department of Nucliar Science and Engineering August 10, 2007 Certified by ............. TEPC Mujid S. Kazimi TEPCO Pr'ffsýsor of Nuclear Engineering Professor of Mechanical Engineering SThesis Supervisor C ertified by ......................... ................... .............. Jacopo Buongiorno Assistant Pressor of Nu lear Science and Engineering Thesis Reader Accepted by ............................ / Jeffrey A. Coderre Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students MASSACHU•.IrS INS OFTECHNOLOGY JUL 2 4 2008 LIBRARIES M Stability Analysis of Natural Circulation in BWRs at High Pressure Conditions by Rui Hu Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Abstract At rated conditions, a natural circulation boiling water reactor (NCBWR) depends completely on buoyancy to remove heat from the reactor core. This raises the issue of potential unstable flow. oscillations. The objective of this work is to assess the characteristics of stability in a NCBWR at rated conditions, and the sensitivity to design and operating conditions in comparison to previous BWRs. Two kinds of instabilities, namely Ledinegg flow excursion and Density Wave Oscillations (DWO), have been studied. The DWO analyses were conducted for three oscillation modes: Single Channel thermal-hydraulic stability, coupled neutronics region-wide out-of-phase stability and core-wide in-phase stability. Using frequency domain methods, the three types of DWO stability characteristics of the NCBWR and their sensitivity to the operating parameters and design features have been determined. The characteristic equations are constructed from linearized equations, which are derived for small deviations around steady operating conditions. The Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) is used in our analysis as a reference NCBWR design. It is found that the ESBWR can be stable with a large margin around the operating conditions by proper choice of the core inlet orifice scheme, and for appropriate power to flow ratios. In single channel stability analysis, neutronic feedback is neglected. Design features of the ESBWR, including shorter fuel bundle and use of part-length rods in the assemblies, tend to improve the thermal-hydraulic stability performance. However, the thermal-hydraulic stability margin is still lower than that of a typical BWR at rated conditions. In neutronic-coupled out-ofphase as well as in-phase stability analysis, the perturbation decay ratios for ESBWR at our assumed conditions are higher than that of a typical BWR (Peach Bottom 2) at rated conditions, due to its lower thermal-hydraulic stability margin and higher neutronic feedback. Nevertheless, the stability criteria are satisfied. -I- To evaluate the NCBWR stability performance, comparison with BWR/Peach Bottom 2 at both the rated condition and maximum natural circulation condition has been conducted. Sensitivity studies are performed on the effects of design features and operating parameters, including chimney length, inlet orifice coefficient, power, flow rate, and axial power distribution, reactivity coefficients, fuel pellet-clad gap conductance. It can be concluded that the NCBWR and BWR stabilities are similarly sensitive to operating parameters. Thesis Advisor: Professor Mujid S. Kazimi Title: TEPCO Professor of Nuclear Engineering; Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Reader: Professor Jacopo Buongiorno Title: Assistant Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering - II - Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the thesis advisor, Professor Mujid S. Kazimi, for continuous support and constructive advices. Special thanks are extended to Dr. Jiyun Zhao, who did a lot of preliminary work on this topic, for his help and fruitful discussions in the early days of this work. I'd like to also thank Dr. Shih-Ping Kao for valuable suggestions, guidance, comments, and reviewing my thesis. I sincerely thank Professor Jacopo Buongiorno for the valuable comments and to be the thesis reader. I sincerely thank all my colleagues in Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering at MIT for the unlimited support and the friendly working atmosphere. -III - Table of Contents A bstract ................................................ ........... ..... ................. I Acknow ledgem ents ................................. ........................ ................ III Table of Contents ........................................................... IV N om enclature ................................................................. .................. V I C hapter 1 Introduction .............................. ..... ......... ........................................... 1 1.1 Historical Perspective of Boiling Water Reactor Stability ....................... 1 1.2 M otivation and Objective ........................ ... ............................. 1.3 Literature Review of BWR Stability Analysis ......................... ........................ .. ................. 3 5 1.3.1 Review of Channel Two-phase Flow Stability Research ..................................... 5 1.3.2 Review of Region-Wide and Core-Wide BWR Stability Research ............................ 6 1.3.3 Review of Codes Capable of Simulating the BWR System Stability ......................... 8 1.4 Thesis W ork and O rganization ................................................................... ...................... 10 Chapter 2 Description of a Reference Natural Circulation BWR (ESBWR) Design ............... 12 2.1 Overview of Design Features ....................................... ...................... 12 2.2 Coolant flow path and conditions in ESBW R ......................................... .......................... 14 2.3 ESBWR core and fuel assembly description ..................................................................... 17 Chapter 3 Method Description of Linear Stability Analysis of BWR................................... 3.1 Stability of a dynam ic system.................................... ........................... 3.2 General BWR instabilities and physical processes.......................... 3.3 Mechanism of Density Wave Oscillations ....................... 3.4 Fundamental Equations ........................................ .. ..................... 18 18 19 ...................... 21 ........................ 23 3.4.1. Governing equations of the two-phase flow field ......................... 3.4.2 Fuel assembly heat conduction equations ..................... ............. 3.4.3 N eutronic equations ...................................................... ....................................... 3.5 Frequency Domain Linear Analysis Method..................................................... 23 25 27 28 Chapter 4 Single Channel Thermal-Hydraulic Stability Analysis of BWRs....................... 30 4.1 Stability C haracteristics .............................................................................. ................ 30 4.2 Construction of the Characteristic Equation......................................... 32 4.2.1 Channel Nodes M odel ........................................ ...................... 33 4.2.2 Friction Factors and Pressure Drop ...................... .. ...................... 34 4.2.3 System Steady State Calculation ................................................... ......... 34 4.2.4 Derivation of Characteristic equation................................. 37 4.3 Density Wave Stability performances of ESBWR and a normal BWR ........................... 42 4.3.1 Stability performance under design conditions with uniform axial power distribution (H EM ) ........................ .... . ...................... .............................................. . . ..... 4.3.2 Parameter sensitivity analysis................................ ....................... 4.3.3 Design feature sensitivity analysis (non-uniform power distribution, HEM) .............. 4.3.4 Model evaluation, HEM versus NHEM ........ ................................ 4.4 Ledinegg Stability Analysis ............................................... IV- 43 44 49 50 53 4.4.1 Ledinegg Stability Analysis by Using Pressure Drop versus Flow Rate Curve ........ 54 4.4.2 Ledinegg Stability Analysis by Using Characteristic Equation ................................ 55 4.5 Conclusion......................................... 56 Chapter 5 Coupled neutronic region-wide (out-of-phase) stability analysis .......................... 57 5.1 The model description .................................................. 58 5.1.1 Thermal-hydraulic model description .......................................... ............ 59 5.1.2 Neutronic model description ...................................................................... 62 5.1.3 Coupling of the thermal-hydraulic and neutronic models .................................... 65 5.1.4 Characteristic equation for coupled neutronics out-of-phase stability ...................... 68 5.2 Out-of-phase Stability performance of ESBWR and comparisons with BWR ................ 69 5.2.1 Thermal-Hydraulic Lumping and Reactivity Coefficients ..................................... 5.2.2 Stability performance under design conditions ....................................... ....... 5.2.3 Param eter sensitivity analysis....................................................................................... 5.3 Conclusion......................................... 71 73 75 81 Chapter 6 Coupled neutronic core wide (in-phase) stability analysis .................................... 83 6.1 The m odel description ................................................. .................................................. 83 6.1.1 Thermal-hydraulics model description ..................................... ..... ............ 6.1.2 Neutronic model descriptions .................................................................................... 6.1.3 Characteristic equation for in-phase stability analysis ....................................... 6.2 In-phase Stability performance of ESBWR and comparisons with BWR........................ 85 95 96 97 6.2.1 Stability performance under design conditions ....................................... ....... 98 6.2.2 Param eter sensitivity analysis....................................................................................... 99 6.3 Conclusion.......................................... 106 Chapter 7 Summary and Recommendations ..................................... 7.1 Summ ary of C onclusions .................................................................................................. 7.2 Recommendations for Future work ...................................................... 107 107 .......................... 111 References ................................................................................................................................... 112 Nomenclature English A,: Fuel assembly cross sectional flow area (m2) Cden: Density reactivity coefficient Cdop: Doppler reactivity coefficient Ck : Kinematics wave velocity (m/s), Ck = j V C O: Void distribution parameter c,: Specific heat at constant pressure [kJ/(kg K)] D,: Hydraulic Diameter (m) f,: Friction factor in single-phase liquid region f 2 : Friction factor in two-phase mixture region G: Mass flux (kg/m2s) h: Enthalpy (kJ/kg) j: Volumetric flux density (m/s) Ki: Inlet orifice coefficient kf : Liquid thermal conductivity [W/(m K)] L: Length of fuel rod heated region (m) Lnod : Length of fuel rod lower unheated plenum (m) LoU: Length of fuel rod upper gas plenum (m) M : M ratio of the recirculation loop, M = Wsutiuon Wrecirculation N,~: Subcooling Number Npch : Phase Change Number Nu: Nusselt number -VI- AP : Pressure drop (MPa) APsystem: Channel pressure drop (MPa) APexter,,a: External pressure drop imposed on the channel (MPa) P: Pressure (MPa) P,: Peclet number Pe = GDec ef kf Ph : Fuel rod outside perimeter per fuel assembly (m) Ph: Heating parameter of the fuel rods per assembly (m) Pr: Prandtl number q": Surface heat flux (kW/m2) 3 q,': Volumetric heat flux (kW/m ) qf,i: Fuel rods surface heat flux at node i (kW/m 2) r: Radius of the fuel pin (m) R: Ideal gas constant [J/(mol K)] R,: Fuel pellet radius (m) R2 : Fuel cladding inside radius (m) R3 :Fuel cladding outside radius (m) Re: Reynold number s : Variable of Laplace Transformation To: Fuel centerline temperature (K) Tf : Fuel temperature (K) T,: Fuel cladding temperature (K) Tp,,: Average temperature of the fuel pin (K) T, : Wall temperature (K) To: Bulk fluid temperature (K) t: Time (s) u : Coolant velocity (m/s) v: Specific volume (m3/kg) - VII - Vg: Vapor drift velocity (m/s) w: Flow rate (kg/s) x(t) : Vector of state variables x: Flow quality xeq : Equilibrium quality Xeq,exit: Equilibrium quality at channel exit y(t): Vector of constitutive variables. Greek letters p: Coolant density (kg/m 3) Ap : Density difference between liquid and vapor at saturation (kg/m3) 6: Perturbation 4: Fuel pin non-dimensional radius, r = r R, r-R r7: Fuel cladding non-dimensional radius, r7 = 2 R 3 - R2 a : Real part of eigenvalue w": Imaginary part of eigenvalue i : Eigenvalues A : Length of heated single-phase liquid region (m) S: Two phase mixture phase change frequency VAB q Ph , (rad/s) hAB Ac a : Vapor void fraction Fg: Actual vapor generation rate (kg/m3 s) F: Velocity to pressure transfer function /T1 : Heat generation rate to pressure transfer function lI: Transfer function of the inlet flow oscillation to the total pressure drop oscillation across the channel E : An arbitrarily constant number - VIII - Ai •:Decay constant of ith-group precursors, fi: Fraction of neutrons in it delayed group, Xdi (E): ith-group delayed neutron spectra, and p (E): Prompt neutron spectra. Am : mth mode reactivity m: mth neutron flux mode If : Fission cross section v : Number of neutrons per fission Am : Neutron generation time of the mth mode Subscripts in: Channel inlet exit: Channel outlet f :Saturated Liquid g : Saturated vapor fg : Difference between values of vapor and liquid at saturation ext: External m : Two phase mixture A : Properties at net vapor generation point i: Axial node number 1: Heated single-phase liquid region 2: Heated two-phase mixture region t: Total F :Feedback ori : Orifice c: Coolant nod : Lower non-heating fuel part nou : Upper non-heating fuel part Superscripts o : Steady state value -IX- s : Subcritical reactivity Acronyms BWR: Boiling Water Reactor NCBWR: Natural Circulation Boiling Water Reactor ESBWR: Economical Simplified Boiling Water Reactor ABWR: Advanced Boiling Water Reactor SCWR: Supercritical water-cooled reactor NPP: Nuclear Power Plant DWO: Density wave oscillations DR: Decay ratio HEM: Homogenous-Equilibrium model HNEM: Homogenous-Nonequilibrium model GE: General Electric IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency NRC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission INEL: The Idaho National Laboratory EPRI: Electric Power Research Institute ORNL: Oak Ridge National Laboratory SAB: code for Stability Analysis of BWR DC: Downcomer UP: Upper plenum LP: Lower plenum rs: Riser sep: Steam separator FW: Feed water Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 HistoricalPerspective of Boiling Water Reactor Stability Nuclear energy plays a major role in meeting the world's energy needs. At the end of 2006, there were 444 nuclear power plants operating in 32 countries, with 25 more units under construction. These plants account for 17% of the world's electricity. Altogether there are 93 BWRs, including four ABWRs, currently operating worldwide. Many are among the best operating plants in the world, performing in the "best of class" category. Numerous countries rely heavily on BWR plants to meeting their needs for electricity. Japan, for example, has 32 BWR plants, representing nearly two-thirds of its installed nuclear capacity. Similarly, BWR plants predominate in Taiwan and several European countries. In the United States, there are 35 operating BWRs. During the development of BWR technology, there was considerable concern about the possible effect of thermal hydraulic oscillations and coupled neutronic/thermal-hydraulic instabilities. The boiling two-phase flow in the core may become less stable because of the time lag between vapor generation and pressure loss perturbation. Furthermore, in BWRs, the reactivity depends strongly on the core void fraction. Thus, when a void fraction oscillation is established in a BWR, the power oscillates according to the neutronic feedback. This feedback mechanism may under certain conditions lead to poorly damped or even limit-cycle power oscillations. The stability of BWR reactor systems has been of a great concern from the safety and the design point of view. In terms of safety, the concerned variables in an instability occurrence with high oscillation amplitudes are the neutron flux and the rod surface temperature: the control of the first one may prevent any undesired excursion of the second one. Additional problems might arise due to thermal cycling that may affect the fuel rod integrity, making pellet-cladding interaction more probable; thermal cycling may also induce greater than normal fission product release from pellets [D'Auria, 1997]. Furthermore, sustained flow oscillations may cause forced mechanical -1- vibration of components or system control problems, affect the local heat transfer characteristics, and may induce boiling crisis. Therefore, the designer must be able to predict the threshold of instability in order to design a reactor with substantial stability margin. Although events related to unstable behavior occurred every now and then, stability was not a major issue for many years. Stability problems may only arise during start up or during transients which significantly shift the operating point towards low core flow and high power. The operating instructions for BWRs contain clear rules on how to avoid operating points (regions) that may produce power-void oscillations. Fig. 1.1 shows a power-flow map for the Leibstadt NPP [Hanggi, 2001]. The lower right side of the plot marks the allowed operating region, the gray regime may only be entered if special measures are taken and finally, the black regime is forbidden due to stability concerns. 100 90 0so 70 Thermal " Power 5 (%) 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Flow (%) Fig. 1.1 Instability region in the power-flow map for the Leibstadt BWR NPP The current trend of increasing reactor power and applying natural circulation core cooling, however, has major consequences for the stability of new BWR designs. The numerous modifications in reactor size, reactor power, fuel design, power density, discharge burnup and loading strategies changed the core stability behavior of the BWR reactor to a significant extent. -2- In comparison to the situation in the Seventies, the region of the power-flow map which has to be avoided grew to a respectable size. Instability events had been observed more frequently in commercial plants. Table 1.1 summarizes instability cases that occurred in the last 20 years [IAEA-TECDOC-1474, 2005]. Some of the instability events in BWR plants were inadvertent and others were induced intentionally as experiments. Since the design changes will persist due to economic reasons, the instability potential needs to be addressed. Therefore, it is important to understand the underlying mechanism of power-void instability as thoroughly as possible. The instability events in Table 1.1 and the open questions led to numerous new investigations and reports and fostered the development of more sophisticated computational tools. 1.2 Motivation and Objective Natural circulation at full power is a key feature in the design of next generation BWRs, because it has the potential for simplicity, inherent safety, and maintenance reduction. Numerous design modifications can be applied in a natural circulation boiling water reactor (NCBWR) to achieve simplicity and improved plant economics. Given that a NCBWR depends completely on natural convection to remove heat from the reactor core at rated conditions, the stability of the flow against density wave oscillations is important to ascertain under all expected operating conditions. For economics, the modifications have allowed NCBWRs to work at high nominal power, but they have also favored an increase in the reactivity feedback and a decrease in the response time, resulting in a lower stability margin when the reactor is operated at low mass flow and high nominal power. Also, a NCBWR typically uses large-size cores to compensate for shorter fuel and produce higher power outputs. As the core size increases, the nuclear coupling between different parts of the core becomes weaker, and the core becomes more susceptible to regional or so-called out-of-phase oscillations. In addition, high chimneys can be installed in a NCBWR to achieve natural circulation at full power, which raises the issue of flashing-induced instabilities under low-pressure startup conditions. The objective of this thesis is to determine the margin for stability of operation in BWRs relying completely on natural convection for heat removal, such as the ESBWR, in comparison to the conditions in older BWR technology that allows natural convection at part-load only. This thesis focuses on investigation of stability against density wave oscillation. It explores the sensitivity of stability to variations in design and operating conditions. Since the flashing-induced instabilities are only important under low-pressure startup conditions, they are not included in this thesis. Table 1. 1: Summary of reported BWR instability events NPP, Country, Event Manufacturer Date 30.06.1982 13.01.1984 23.02.1987 09.03.1988 15.01.1989 26.10.1989 08.01.1990 Caorso, Italy, GE (General Electric) Caorso, Italy, GE TVO-I, Finland, ABB Atom LaSalle 2, USA, GE Forsmark 1, Sweden, ABB Atom Ringhals 1, Sweden, ABB Atom ABB Atom 2, Sweden, Core instability during plant start up Core instability during special tests Power oscillations during plant start up Core instability with scram caused by neutron flux oscillation Power oscillations during special tests Instability during power ascent after refueling Power oscillations 29.01.1991 Cofrentes, Spain, GE Power oscillations due to inadvertent entry in the reactor power-core flow map instability zone "B" 03.07.1991 15.08.1992 09.07.1993 Isar 1, Germany, Siemens WNP 2, USA, GE Perry, USA, GE Scram due to power oscillations Power oscillations Entry into a region of core instability 01.1995 Laguna Verde 1, Mexico, GE 17.07.1996 Forsmark 1, Sweden, ABB Atom 08.02.1998 ABB Atom ABB Atom 25.02.1999 Oskarshamn 3, Sweden, Power oscillations during start-up Local oscillations due to a bad seated fuel assembly Power oscillations due to a bad combination of core design and control-rod pattern during start Oskarshamn 2, Sweden, up Power oscillations after a turbine trip with pump ABB Atom runback -4- 1.3 Literature Review of BWR StabilityAnalysis 1.3.1 Review of Channel Two-phase Flow Stability Research In general, several types of thermal-hydraulic instabilities may occur in a heated two-phase system. Some of these instabilities arise from the steady-state characteristics of the system such as flow excursion (or Leidinegg instability) and relaxation instability (flow pattern transition, bumping, geysering, and chugging, etc.). Others are due to the dynamic nature of the system, such as density wave oscillations, pressure drop oscillations, acoustic oscillations, and thermal oscillations. Reviews of most aspects of two-phase stability may be found in [Boure, 1973] and [Tong, 1997]. In the following, a brief literature review of the main papers with relevance to our work is conducted. For a single heated two-phase flow channel, Ishii [1971] constructed a stability boundary map to provide the stability margin for a specific operating condition. Once the stability boundary is provided, it is very easy for the designers to check the stability feature of their designs based on the guidance of the stability maps. A thermal equilibrium two-phase model was applied by Ishii. A drift flux model was applied to take into account the non-homogeneity of the two-phase flow. It was found that the system pressure effects can be accounted for by the stability boundary, which means that the stability boundary is the same for different system pressures. Therefore, once a stability boundary map was constructed for a specific system pressure, it could be applied to other pressures also. Saha [1974] improved Ishii's model by using a simplified non-equilibrium two-phase flow model. By comparing the model with an experiment conducted by using a Freon-113 boiling loop, he found that the model matched the experimental data well. Wang [1994] constructed a stability boundary map for a two-phase natural circulation loop. A homogenous equilibrium two-phase flow model was used. He found that in addition to the density wave instability at high power level, instability can occur at low power level as well. Podowski [2003] studied the effects of different two-phase flow models on stability boundary maps. The two-fluid model, drift flux model and HEM model were compared. It was found that the HEM model predicts the most conservative stability boundary. -5- 1.3.2 Review of Region-Wide and Core-Wide BWR Stability Research The broad literature on BWR-stability covers a wide range of subjects. Reviews of most aspects of neutronic coupled stability may be found in [D'Auria et al., 1997], [March-Leuba and Rey, 1993], [Hanggi, 2001], and [Lahey and Moody, 1993]. Papers chosen in our work are briefly reviewed in the following. According to [Lahey and Moody, 1993], the instability types that are of interest in the BWR technology can be also categorized into static and dynamic instabilities. From the reactor designer's viewpoint, the most important instability types are the Ledinegg instability and the density wave oscillations (DWO). Podowski [2003] categorized the DWO instability types for BWR into three types of DWOs. The first one is a single channel type, which means that only one channel or a small fraction of the parallel channels oscillates, while the other channels remain at steady state. This imposes a constant pressure drop boundary condition across the oscillating channel or channels. This type of DWO was also called the parallel channel type DWO by Podowski [2003]. During single channel oscillation, only a small fraction of the core flow oscillates while the bulk flow remains at steady state. Therefore, the neutronic feedback due to this small fraction oscillation can be neglected. In other words, the thermal-hydraulic dynamics is decoupled from the neutronic dynamics in the single channel oscillation. The second type is the region wide (or out-of-phase) instability. In this type of instability, about half of the core behaves out-of-phase from the other half [March-Leuba and Rey, 1993]. During the oscillation, half of the core rise in power while the other half decrease to maintain an approximately constant total core power. Also, the system adjusts flow from one half of the core to the other half while keeping the total flow rate almost constant. All channels will have the same but oscillating pressure drop [Munoz-Cobo, et al, 2002]. The third type is called the core wide in-phase instability, where the flow and power in all channels oscillate in phase throughout the whole core. March-Leuba and Rey [1993] provided a review of the state-of-the-art for the coupled neutronic instabilities in BWRs. The topics discussed in this paper are: the observed instability modes in BWRs, physical mechanisms leading to instabilities in BWRs, sensitivity to physical parameters and codes used for BWR stability calculations. -6- March-Leuba and Blakeman [1991] discussed the mechanism of the out-of-phase oscillations in BWRs. To demonstrate the out-of-phase oscillation, they coupled the first subcritical neutronic dynamics model with a thermal-hydraulics model, and found that the out-of-phase instability can occur even if the core-wide in-phase oscillation is stable. They indicated that for any operating condition, there is a threshold reactivity value above which the out-of-phase mode is more unstable that the in-phase mode. Then, they modified the frequency domain stability analysis code LAPUR to include the out-of-phase analysis capability. Hashimoto [1993] conducted an out-of-phase stability analysis of BWRs and concluded that the absolute value of the reactivity coefficient should not be made too large in reactor design and the subcriticality should be kept as large as possible in fuel management and reactor operations to avoid the instability. While March-Leuba and Blakeman [1991] and Hashimoto [1993] applied a linear model, a nonlinear model was developed by Munoz-Cobo, et. al [1996, 2000]. They integrated the momentum equation in the time domain and demonstrated the out-of-phase instability by increasing the feedback gain of the first subcritical mode. Over the past several years, many mathematical models and computer codes have been developed, and tests have been carried out to investigate density-wave and power-void instabilities in BWRs. In the theoretical work done so far, stability analyses have usually been carried out by evaluating the decay ratios and oscillation frequencies and studying the effect of certain parameters on BWR core stability. Numerical simulations have been done to study the time evolution of certain phase variables. The results of some of these stability analyses and numerical simulations have been compared with test results or data collected from actual BWR instability incidents, and the overall agreement has been reasonably good. This overall good agreement between the computational and mathematical analyses, and the experimental tests and the actual operational BWR incidents, has led to a better understanding of the instability phenomenon. However, Van der Hagen et al [2000] questioned the use of decay ratio (DR) in BWR stability monitoring. They argue that the DR can not give the stability margin which will mislead the operator, since a small DR does not mean a high stability margin. They appeal that instead of merely focusing on DRs, it would be beneficial to compare the sensitivity of the predicted DRvalues to independent reactor variables as well. -7- In contrast to forced circulation BWR instability, the number of references dealing with the natural circulation BWR is limited. Aritomi et al. [1992] and Chiang et al. [1993] pointed out three types of instabilities that might occur in natural circulation BWRs: geysering, natural circulation oscillations, and density wave oscillations. They also found that such instabilities could be suppressed above 0.5 MPa. At earlier stages, however, Mathisen [1967] reported large amplitude oscillations even at high pressures. These instabilities were found to be induced by the natural circulation flow dynamics. Therefore, the mechanisms that cause instabilities in natural circulation BWRs at both low and high pressures deserve attention. Recently, void flashing effects received much more attention in the research of the stability of natural circulation BWRs under low-pressure start-up conditions [Inada et al. 2000, Van Bragt et al. 2002, Yadigaroglu and Askari 2005, and Furuya et al. 2004]. Thermal-dynamic properties are dependent on pressure: i.e. saturation enthalpy changes with pressure, which in turn induces the flashing phenomenon (the sudden increase of vapor generation due to the reduction in hydrostatic head). Manera [2003] investigated the dynamics of a flashing bubble with wire mesh sensors in the CIRCUS facility. Furuya [2004, 2006] investigated the occurrence conditions and the mechanism of flashing-induced instability experimentally in a relatively low system pressure at the SIRIUS-N facility, which simulates a prototypical natural circulation BWR. 1.3.3 Review of Codes Capable of Simulating the BWR System Stability A wide variety of codes and models exists that may be used to address the stability issues, ranging from sophisticated system codes, able to calculate an overall plant behavior, to very simple models. All of them have the capability to quantify stability, although reliability may be different. Multipurpose codes solving multi-dimensional equations both for neutronics and thermal-hydraulics are now available. On the other hand, simplified codes based on Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) are still used in the same frame. Several computer programs have been adopted to evaluate stability of BWRs and other boiling channel systems. In describing them, two classes are considered following a generally adopted classification. Examples of both can be seen in Table 1.2 [Hanggi, 2001]. -8- * Frequency Domain Codes, whose purpose is the linear stability analysis of BWRs or other boiling systems. In the frequency domain code, only linear equations rather than the full set of differential equations are considered. Perturbing and Laplace transforming the neutron kinetics equations allow easy inclusion of the fission power dynamics into the linear model for BWR stability. * Time Domain Codes, which include analysis tools specifically developed to simulate the transient behavior of plant systems. These codes numerically integrate the differential equations that describe the physical behavior of the system in time. They have the capability to deal with the non-linear features of BWRs and are based in simulation techniques. Table 1. 2 Common BWR Stability Codes Common codes operating in the time domain Name RAMONA-3B Thermal-Hydraulics Model Eq. Channels Neutronics Dimension Owerner/User all D-F NE 4 3 ScandPower A/s RELAP5/3D a few 2 fluid 6 Point kinetics/3 INEL, NRC RETRAN-3D TRACG 4 a few Slip EQ 2 fluid 5 6 1 3 EPRI TRACE a few 2 fluid 6 3 NRC GE Common codes operating in the frequency domain Name Thermal-Hydraulics Neutronics Dimension Owerner/User 3-5 3 simplified RPI 5 Point kinetics 1 ORNL, NRC SIMENS Slip EQ D-F NE 5 Point kinetics 1 GE GE D-F NE 4 3 FORSMARK AB Model Eq. a few D-F EQ LAPUR5 STAIF 1-7 10 Slip EQ D-F NE FABLE ODYSY 24 a few all Channels NUFREQ NP MATSTAB SAB a few D-F EQ 4 Point kinetics Eq.: number of conservation equations for thermal hydraulics D-F: drift-flux description of two-phase mixture NE: thermal non-equilibrium between phases Slip: non-equal gas and liquid velocities EQ: thermal equilibrium between phases -9- MIT 1.4 Thesis Work and Organization The objective of this thesis is to assess the stability margin of NCBWRs, such as the ESBWR, under normal operating conditions in comparison to the conditions in older BWR technology that allowed natural convection at part load only. As frequency domain methods can be used efficiently to carry out sensitivity analyses, compared to time domain codes, a frequency domain linear stability code is developed to investigate the NCBWR stability. Zhao et al. [2005] at MIT developed a linear stability analysis code (SAB) for U.S. reference SCWR design. Since the SCWR may undergo their same boiling during the start-up phase, he also developed a two-phase capability. The code is programmed in MATLAB compiler. For simplicity, the thermal-hydraulics Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) was used first. Later, this approximation was expanded to non-homogeneous flow. A lumped fuel dynamics model with the temperature distribution in the fuel pin developed at Brookheaven National Lab [Wulff et al., 1984] is applied. The fuel dynamics model is coupled to the coolant thermal-hydraulics model through the dynamics of the fluctuation of the fuel rods surface heat flux. The thermalhydraulic model is then coupled to the neutronic dynamic model through the fuel Doppler reactivity feedback and coolant density reactivity feedback. The point kinetics model is used for the neutronics in the code. In NCBWRs, the DWOs will be always coupled with natural circulation instabilities. This particular feature must be captured by the frequency domain code. To ensure the proper design of NCBWR without instability problems, the SAB code is extended and applied in this work. The scope of the current work includes: (1) Increasing the capability of the original SAB code; adapting it to natural circulation situations. By adding: * Capability of modeling natural circulation loop * Capability of applying non-uniform axial power profile (2) Stability assessments of a NCBWR (ESBWR), both for thermal-hydraulic and neutroniccoupled stabilities, and comparison to those of a BWR (Peach Bottom 2) under both forced circulation and natural circulation conditions. (3) Develop guidance for designers to avoid the development of instabilities with large margins. Sensitivity analyses of all 3 types of DWOs for both NCBWR and BWR. * Parameter sensitivity (inlet orifice, power, flow rate, axial power profile, reactivity coefficient, etc.) - 10- Design feature sensitivity(long chimney, part-length fuel rode, shorter fuel rod, larger reactor core, etc) This thesis can be divided into 7 chapters. After the review of the two-phase flow instability and BWR instability in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 describes a reference NCBWR design, ESBWR; Chapter 3 describes the methods of linear stability analysis in frequency domain used in the SAB code. Then, single channel stability analysis is presented in Chapters 4. The coupled neutronics out-ofphase stability is analyzed in chapter 5 and the in-phase stability in Chapter 6. In the end, Chapter 7 presents the conclusions and recommendations for future work. -11- Chapter 2 Description of a Reference Natural Circulation BWR (ESBWR) Design The Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) is General Electric's latest evolution of the BWR. It is used in our analysis as a reference NCBWR. The ESBWR evolved from the design and operating experience of all the BWR in the past, especially from the innovations developed for the company's earlier ABWR and SBWR. It has been announced as a simplified reactor with a standardized design and first-rate economics [Hinds and Maslak, 2006]. Details of the ESBWR design can be found in [Hinds and Maslak, 2006], [Rao, 2003], [Cheung, et. al., 1998], and [GE Nuclear Energy, 2005]. In this chapter, the key features and required information for stability analysis are described. 2.1 Overview of Design Features The ESBWR plant design relies on the use of natural circulation and passive safety features to enhance the plant performance and simplify the design. Table 2.1 (Table II in [Hinds and Maslak, 2006]) shows a comparison of some key plant features for several BWR designs. It shows that the full benefit of natural circulation has been achieved in the ESBWR. The use of natural circulation has allowed the elimination of several systems (Table 2.1), including recirculation pumps (and associated piping, valves, motors, and controllers), safety system pumps, and safety diesel generators. -12- Table 2.1 Comparison of Key Features [Hinds and Maslak, 2006] Parameter BWR/4 BWR/6 ABWR ESBWR Power (MWt/MWe) 3293/1098 3900/1360 3926/1350 4500/1550 Vessel height/dia 21.9/6.4 21.8/6.4 21.1/7.1 27.7/7.1 (m) Fuel bundles, number Active fuel height 764 800 872 1132 37 37 37 3 Power density (kW/L) Recirculation pumps Number/type of CRDs Safety system pumps Safety diesel generators 50 54.2 51 54 2 (external) 185/LP 2 (external) 193/LP 10 (internal) 0 205/FM 269/FM 9 9 18 0 2 3 3 0 Alternate shutdown 2 SLC pumps 2 SLC pumps 2 SLC pumps 2 SLC accumulators Control and instrumentation Core damage (freq./yr) Safety bldg vol (m3/MWe) Analog single channel 10-5 Analog single channel Digital multiple channel Digital multiple channel 10-6 10-7 108- 120 170 180 130 (m) accumulators The ESBWR has evolved over the past 10 years from the original 670 MWe SBWR taking advantage of the economies of scale, enhancing the natural circulation core flow, retaining the original passive safety features, but adding to the simplification with enhanced safety and economics in mind. The approach to improving the commercial attractiveness of the ESBWR compared to the SBWR was to follow a multiple approach by: [Hinds and Maslak, 2006] * Enhanced overall plant performance * Modular design of the passive safety systems * The use of natural circulation * Increased output and reduction in overall material quantities. The ESBWR design has achieved a major plant simplification by eliminating the recirculation pumps. The use of natural circulation, along with the desire to maintain the same or better plant performance margins, resulted in the following key design features: - 13- * Opening the flow path between the downcomer and lower plenum (elimination of internal jet pumps) * Use of shorter fuel - resulting in a reduced core pressure drop * Use of an improved steam separator to reduce pressure drops * Use of a longer chimney to enhance the driving head for natural circulation flow The selection of the optimum power level was based on the desire to utilize the synergism between the ABWR and the SBWR and to utilize existing design and technology from the ABWR - as an example, using the same diameter pressure vessel [Rao, 2003]. The ESBWR core was also increased in size by adding more fuel assemblies to increase power level. Fuel height was decreased to 3.0 meters in order to achieve the appropriate pressure drop, while the power density was maintained at 54 kW/L. The core was increased from the 872 fuel assemblies in the ABWR to 1132 fuel assemblies in the ESBWR, resulting in a thermal power rating of 4500 MWt. 2.2 Coolant flow path and conditionsin ESBWR The ESBWR reactor coolant system is similar to that of the operating BWRs, except that the recirculation pumps and associated piping are eliminated. Circulation of the reactor coolant through the ESBWR core is accomplished via natural circulation. It is one of the key features to achieve simplicity and improved plant economics. The magnitude of the natural circulation flow depends on the balance between the density driving head and the pressure losses through the circulation path. Figure 2.1 shows a schematic diagram of flow path and pressure drops inside the reactor vessel [Cheung, et. al., 1998]. The driving head is proportional to the density difference between the fluid in the downcomer and the fluid inside the core shroud, or proportional to the height of the chimney/upper plenum and core. The major losses through the circulation path include those at the downcomer, core, chimney/upper plenum, and separators. The core flow varies according to the power level, as the density difference changes with changes in power levels. Therefore, a core power-flow map is only a single line and there is no active control of the core flow at any given power level. Typical thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the ESBWR core are compared with those of typical BWR-6 and ABWR cores in Table 2.2 (Table 4.4-la in [GE Nuclear Energy, 2005]). Table 2.3 -14- (Table 4.4-5 in [GE Nuclear Energy, 2005]) provides the flow path length, height, liquid level, fluid volume, and flow areas for each major flow path volume within the reactor vessel. It is shown that the design features discussed in Section 2.1 greatly reduce core pressure drop, from 182 kPa of BWR/6 to 70kPa of ESBWR, which in turn enhances natural circulation. Also, the ESBWR has a lower flow rate to achieve the lower pressure drop. Thus, the ESBWR has a higher core power and a lower coolant flow rate compared to the existing BWRs. According to the collected information, the power to flow ratio for the ESBWR is around 65% higher than that of a typical BWR/6, and 75% higher than that of a typical BWR/4, Peach Bottom 2. This is not totally surprising since the added voiding in the core helps natural circulation. However, this feature makes it more prone to unstable behavior. Thus, a stability analysis should be conducted to ascertain that sufficient stability margins are maintained. Separator AP oe-Chimney AP sad Core AP Fig. 2.1 Schematic of Flow and Pressure Drops in a Reactor - 15- Table 2.2 Typical Thermal-Hydraulic Design Characteristics of BWR Reactor Cores General Operating Conditions BWR/6 ABWR ESBWR Reference design thermal output (MWt) Power level for engineered safety features (MWt) Steam flow rate, at 420 'F final feedwater temperature (kg/s) Core coolant flow rate (kg/s) Feedwater flow rate (kg/s) System pressure, nominal in steam dome (kPa) System pressure, nominal core design (kPa) Coolant saturation temperature at core design pressure (oC) Average power density (kW/L) Core total heat transfer area (m2) Core inlet enthalpy (kJ/kg) Core inlet temperature (oC) Core maximum exit voids within assemblies (%) Core average void fraction, active coolant Active coolant flow area per assembly (m2) Core average inlet velocity (m/s) Maximum inlet velocity (m/s) Total core pressure drop (kPa) Core support plate pressure drop (kPa) Average orifice pressure drop, central region (kPa) Average orifice pressure drop, peripheral region (kPa) Maximum channel pressure loading (kPa) Average-power assembly channel pressure loading (bottom) (kPa) 3579 3730 1940 13104 1936 7171 7274 288 54.1 6810 1227 278 79 0.414 0.0098 2.13 2.6 182 151.7 39.4 129 106 97.2 3926 4005 2122 14502 2118 7171 7274 288 50.6 7727 1227 278 75.1 0.408 0.0101 1.96 26.7 168.2 137.9 60.3 122 75.2 65.5 4500 4590 2433 9034-10584 2451 7171 7240 288 54.3 9976 1183-1197 270-272 90.0 0.53 0.0093 1.12 1.15 70 41.3 20.3 37.1 24.4 21.5 Table 2.3 ESBWR Reactor Coolant System Geometric Data Flow Path Height and Liquid Level (m) Lower Plenum Core Length (m) 4.13 (Axial)) 1.78 (Radial) 3.79 Chimney Upper Upper Plenum Dome Downcomer Volume of Fluid (m3 ) Average Flow Area (m2 ) 3.77/2-Phase 96 20.22 6.61 6.61/2-Phase 29.27 2.75 2.75/2-Phase 276 (includes upper plenum) 276 (includes 276 (includes chimney) 1.78 (Radial) 2.79 (Axial) 14.53 2.79/Steam 225 28.67 14.53/14.53 259 8.4 -16- 29.53 2.3 ESBWR core and fuel assembly description The fuel assembly consists of a fuel bundle and a channel which surrounds the fuel bundle. A Modified GE14 fuel assembly (to account for the shorter active fuel length) is adopted in ESBWR. The GE14 design utilizes a 10x10 fuel rod array which includes 78 full-length fuel rods, 14 part length fuel rods and 2 large central water rods. Note that, while the pattern is 10x10, there are actually only 94 rods due to the oversized water rods. The active fuel length is approximately 3.048 m. The active fuel length of standard BWR fuel assemblies is approximately 3.66 m. The shorter fuel assembly provides a lower pressure drop which is important to enhance natural circulation flow. The ESBWR core and fuel assembly design information are collected in Table 2-4, compared with those of BWR-4 (Peach Bottom 2). Most of the ESBWR data are obtained from [GE Nuclear Energy, 2005]. The data of Peach Bottom 2 are collected from [Carmichael and Niemi, 1978]. Table 2.4: ESBWR core and fuel assembly parameters Parameter Core Thermal power Power density Equivalent core diameter Vessel inner diameter Fuel assembly Fuel pin lattice Assembly number Number mber of of fuel fuel pins pins per per BWR/4 (Peach Bottom 2) NCBWR (ESBWR) 3293MWt 50.7kW/liter 4.75m 6.375m 4500MWt 54kW/liter 5.883m 7.1m Square (8x8) 764 Square 10x10 1132 63 92(78 full length, 14 partial length) 4.47m 3.66m 12.5 mm 0.86 mm 10.6 mm 3.79m 3.048m(2.032m for partial length rods) 10.26 mm 0.71mm 8.67mm ssembly Overall length Active fuel length Fuel pin OD Cladding thickness Pellet thickness - 17- Chapter 3 Method Description of Linear Stability Analysis of BWR Two-phase flow with boiling is one of the fundamental mass and heat transfer processes that occur inside a boiling water reactor. Because of the chaotic nature of the two-phase flow, BWR stability has been an important technical issue for a long time. This Chapter first presents a brief overview of the dynamic system stability concept. Then, it describes the mechanism of Density Wave Oscillations (DWO) in detail and the resulting BWR instabilities. Following that it gives the fundamental conservation equations, fuel assembly heat conduction equations, and neutronic equations. The BWR stability analysis methodology in frequency domain is introduced at the end. 3.1 Stability of a dynamic system With enough fundamental physical analysis, a dynamic system can normally be represented by a group of ordinary or partial differential equations. These equations could be linear or non-linear, based on the specific equation structures. Techniques to analyze linear system stability have been developed and used extensively [Peng, et. al., 1985]. New methods for assessing the non-linear system stability and predicting the time-dependent behaviors are however still evolving. The stability of a linear system can be analyzed by the Laplace Transformation in the frequency domain. The output of the dynamic system R(t) and the input I(t) can be simply represented as Eq. 3.1, where "s" is the Laplace variable. Here, G(s) is the system transfer function and it has polynomials of Laplace variable "s" as the denominator and the numerator. The roots of the denominator are called "poles" and the numerator "zeros". R(s) = G(s)I(s) (3.1) - 18- For a given bounded input, I(t), if the system is stable, the output, R(t), should be bounded. Normally, to test the stability of the system (Eq. 3.1), one can use an impulse input signal. Then the system response is the inverse Laplace transform of the system transfer function, N R(t) = ~Riee, (3.2) i=1 Here, Ri is the residue of pole Pi. If the system is stable, the largest real part of the poles should be negative, so that the induced oscillation amplitude decreases exponentially. Therefore, if all the poles of a linear system have negative real parts, this system is stable. The real part of the most unstable pole determines the relative stability or the stability margin. Practically, one normally uses decay ratios to evaluate linear system stabilities without knowing the detailed transfer functions. There are two decay ratios defined. One is the apparent decay ratio, which is defined as the amplitude ratio of the first two peaks of the output of a system for a given impulse input. For higher order linear systems, the amplitude ratios of any consecutive two peaks are not constant but they converge to a value equal to a second order system with only a pair of complex poles at the same position as the least stable pair of the original system. This value is called asymptotic decay ratio. The decay ratio is not a good measure to evaluate the stability of a non-linear system. Once a non-linear dynamic system becomes linearly unstable and the solution is away from the equilibrium solution, periodic solutions may show up. For a periodic solution, the corresponding decay ratio is exactly 1.0. A linear system may become unstable with such a decay ratio, but the non-linear system may be stable with such a periodic phase space trajectory, which is called a limit cycle oscillation. Although the periodic solution may be stable, this limit cycle oscillation state is treated as an "unstable" state. To assess the non-linear system stability, the system is normally linearized around the equilibrium state. The stability margin is then determined by linear stability evaluation techniques. 3.2 General BWR instabilities and physical processes In a BWR, the heat generated in the fuel pellets is transferred to the outer surface of the fuel cladding, where the water is heated and boiled through convective heat transfer. The steam generated is sent to steam turbines to drive electrical generators. The water inside a BWR not -19- only functions as the coolant which removes the heat from the reactor core and keeps the fuel assembly temperature lower than safety limits, but also participates in the nuclear fission chain reactions as the moderator to slow down the fast neutrons. Thus, the BWR energy conversion consists of two major physical processes: the neutronic process and the thermal-hydraulic process. The BWR thermal-hydraulic process is a complicated physical phenomenon. The process can be further divided into three dynamic processes: the fuel heat conduction, the in-core channel flow dynamic, and the out-of-core flow dynamic. For a conventional BWR, the out-of-core flow dynamic process includes the recirculation pump/loop hydraulic process and the upper plenum/separator hydraulic process. In a NCBWR, the out-of-core hydraulic processes include those inside the chimney, steam separator, and downcomer. The neutronic feedbacks from the thermal-hydraulic dynamic processes are due to the moderator density change and fuel temperature change. The BWR instabilities may be induced by the feedback mechanism between the thermal-hydraulic and neutronic process. Without an external oscillating reactivity change, unstable oscillations or sustained power oscillations may occur between these two dynamic processes. A typical diagram of the coupling between these two processes is shown in Fig. 3.1. The density wave oscillations had been identified as the major cause of almost all the reported BWR instability incidents [Lu, 1997]. Once the density wave instability occurs, the reactivity feedback caused by delay in the change in void fraction with respect to the initial channel inlet flow perturbation. If the delay is long enough, the reactor system may become unstable. The neutron flux may oscillate with a frequency close to the inverse of the density wave time constant, which is the transport time delay of the voids traveling through the core. This type of instability is called a coupled neutronic-thermal-hydraulic instability. Under the influence of this type of instability, the core neutron flux distribution and the corresponding power distribution may oscillate in different modes. As discussed in Chapter 1, the fundamental mode of the power oscillation is the so-called core-wide in-phase mode. In this mode, the reactor power throughout the whole core oscillates in phase with the same frequency. Another mode is called the out-ofphase oscillation, in which the total reactor power may not vary greatly, but the local reactor power density changes. - 20 - I`, (5pext Suext ext Fig. 3.1: Block diagram of the BWR instability 3.3 Mechanism of Density Wave Oscillations From the point of view of the reactor designer, density wave oscillations (DWO) are considered the most important instabilities. The mechanism of this mode is due to the feedback and interaction between the various pressure drop components, caused by the lag introduced due to the finite speed of propagation of kinematical density waves. Although neutronic coupling occurs in DWO, for demonstration, only the mechanism of pure thermal-hydraulics oscillations is discussed in this section. The BWR fuel assembly is contained in a channel box to confine the coolant inside the assembly. Consequently, a small fluctuation in the flow rate of any single channel will not affect the total flow rate of the remaining channels. Therefore, a constant pressure drop boundary condition can be imposed on that single channel. Also, the neutronic feedback due to flow fluctuation of a single channel will not affect the whole core neutronic properties. Therefore, a single channel can oscillate on its own without the neutronic feedback [March-Leuba and Rey 1993]. The mechanism of single channel DWO in a parallel channel system can be illustrated by Fig. 3.2. If some external forces or disturbances create a small change in the inlet flow, the local coolant density in a two-phase system will experience fluctuation and a density wave will propagate towards the exit along the flow. This density wave will cause the local pressure drop to fluctuate or oscillate with some time delay with respect to the inlet flow. In some situations, the channel 21- total pressure drop may experience an 180' phase lag with respect to the inlet flow as shown in Fig. 3.2. The exit pressure will decrease, but the constant external pressure boundary condition of a parallel channel system such as a BWR core will attempt to increase the inlet flow forcing the channel flow to oscillate. The main driving force of density wave oscillations is due to the phase lag between the response of the two-phase pressure loss and single-phase pressure loss. For a two-region flow channel model, the feedback mechanism can be illustrated by Fig. 3.3. If F1 (s) and (S) are the transfer functions between an inlet flow oscillation and the pressure drop F2 oscillations corresponding to region 1 and 2 respectively (region 1 represents single-phase liquid region, compressible part; while region 2 represents the two-phase region, non-compressible part), the system characteristic equation can be determined as follows: If 6uext is the external disturbance of the inlet flow and & F is the flow feedback, the total disturbance of the inlet flow is: (3.3) •, t = uext~ + SuF Recognizing that SAp, = SApI + 8Ap 2 = 0 (3.4) One can obtain the following relationship between 6ut and 6 uext: u94, t r= (s) Suext C,(s)+ 2(S) (3.5) ext If H(s) = 1, (s) + F2 (s), then H(s) is the transfer function between the inlet flow oscillation and the total pressure drop oscillation across the loop. Therefore, the characteristic equation of the single channel stability is: H(s) = 0. For a stable system, all the eigenvalues of H(s) must have negative real parts. - 22 - Feedback flow wout Exit Total Pressure drop Constant external pressure drop .4 Ap=C Inlet Inlet flow Fig. 3.2: Mechanism of DWO instability in a single heated channel &ext + 5 4uF 6Apt = 0 Fig. 3.3: Block diagram of flow feedback mechanism 3.4 Fundamental Equations Mathematical models used to describe the dynamic behavior of each physical process of a BWR system are discussed in this section. They include the fundamental two-phase flow equations, the fuel pin heat conduction equations, and the neutron point kinetics equations. 3.4.1. Governing equations of the two-phase flow field The basic equations used for describing the two-phase flow system start with conservation equations of mass, momentum, and energy. For simplicity, the thermal-hydraulics Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) is used first in our analysis. Later, this approximation is expanded to non-homogeneous flow. The conservation equations for the HEM model can be described as follows: - 23 - 1) Mixture mass conservation equation +am (p,,U) = 0 (3.6) az at 2) Vapor phase mass conservation equation (apg,) + at (apug) = (3.7) - az A ,cfg For homogenous flow, the following mixture velocity equation can be derived from the above two mass conservation equations. The detailed derivation can be found in [Lahey and Moody, 1993] au _ az Ph (3.8) hg Ac 3) Mixture momentum conservation equation ap S= a_a+ a(G f pmumi 2 /P,) + 2 +pg az at az (3.9) 2De 4) Mixture energy conservation equation ah, ah, PM -' + PMuam at az qPh (3.10) Ac To assure the suitability of HEM in a stability analysis, a comparison of HEM and NHEM has been done. For the non-homogenous model, the Bestion drift-flux correlation [Bestion D., 1990] was applied in this work. According to Coddington and Macian [2002], despite the simplicity of this correlation, it yields very good results for most of the experimental data. This correlation has the following form: C O = 1.0,Vgi = 0.188 ggDeAp D; A p (3.11) Pg The conservation equations for non-homogeneous two phase flow model provided in [Saha, 1974] were applied: - 24- j Vfg qPh _ az Vfg q Ph apm +Ck aum at Pm az at Pm( (3.12) hfg Ac +Um hlf am) Ac apm az az (3.13) = 0 fm 2De aht + Um h,))i = P, + am a - Pm(a M az Ac Ot az a[ PmPg Pf az Pm-P Pm 2 Pf'( PmPP Pm Ap V (3.14) (3.15) In Which, Ck = j + Vg U= j - ( Pm (3.16) (3.17) 1)Vg (3.18) Pm = (1- a)pf + apg hm (1 - a)p, P p h + h, Pm Pm (3.19) In single phase region, the fluid density and flow velocity are assumed constant for simplicity. 3.4.2 Fuel assembly heat conduction equations A lumped fuel dynamics model with the temperature distribution in the fuel pin developed at Brookheaven National Lab [Wulff, et al, 1984] is applied in this thesis. The temperature profile in the fuel, gas gap and cladding are illustrated in Fig. 3.4. - 25 - Fuel Gas gap I Cladding r Tcoolant Fig. 3.4: Fuel pin temperature distribution profile Assuming a power polynomial for temperature distribution in the fuel pellet, it can be given as: T, = TO + bý + cý Where, ý = 2 (3.20) r R, Assuming a linear temperature distribution in the thin cladding, the temperature can be given as: Tc = T2 + d7r Where, r-R (3.21) 2 2 R 3 - R2 (R 2 < r < R 3 ) Solving the Fourier heat transfer equation with the above temperature distributions, one obtains: dTpi, dt 2 kc NBi(T (R3 -R 2 )R3 (PCp)f 1 +(Cgm +Fpr)NBi,c] Where, Tpi, : Average temperature of the fuel pin - 26- - R qv (,o%)f (3.22) NBi,c = h (R - R2) 2 •R+[ ][ 3 ( R 2 Cgm Cgm = ( R3 F 2 + R C(•fc 4 kf (R 3 -R 2 )R 3 ) - (R3 - R2) 6(R2 +R3 k 2 3 6(R 2 R 3 ) R3 R3 pr (3.23) kc kc 1 1 ] (3.24) ) (3.25) R1 hgap From Fig. 3.4, the fuel rods surface temperature, fuel pin average temperature and the coolant bulk temperature can be derived as: T, - T = (3.26) p [1 + (Cgm + Fpr)NBi,c] The Dittus-Boelter correlation is applied in this analysis to calculate the heat transfer coefficient in single-phase region, and the Chen's correlation in two-phase region. The details of these correlations could be found in [Todreas and Kazimi, 1990]. The fuel is dynamically coupled to the coolant thermal-hydraulics model through the dynamics of the fluctuation of the fuel rods surface heat flux. Applying perturbation, linearization and Laplace transformation (see Chapter 4 for details) of the above Equations (3.22), (3.26) and heat transfer correlation, we can determine the fluctuation of the fuel rods surface heat flux as a function of coolant density, velocity and enthalpy oscillations. Plugging it into the coolant thermal-hydraulics dynamics model, the characteristic equation of the coupled fuel dynamics model can be derived. 3.4.3 Neutronic equations The most widely used equation to model the dynamic neutron flux distribution inside a reactor core is the time dependent multi-group diffusion equation. However, it uses time dependent and space dependent cross-sections, which are determined by the reactor local thermal-hydraulic conditions and control rod positions. As a result, the equation becomes non-linear and too difficult to solve. For simplicity, the point kinetics equation is used in this work. - 27 - The point kinetics method assumes that the spacial and time dependent neutron flux and delayed neutron precursor concentration are separable functions of time and space. The neutron energy spectrum, the normalized flux and delayed neutron precursor space distribution functions are independent of the time. These assumptions greatly simplify the multi-group diffusion equations. The point kinetics neutron density equation is then given as: n p(t )n(t) + Ci (t) (3.27) Ai=1 dt and the delayed neutron precursor density equation is: dC d dt i =-Ai -k n(t) - ACi i (t) (3.28) A The above equations also predict the reactor transient behavior reasonably well, if the reactor normalized spatial neutron flux distribution does not change significantly during a transient. To take into account the reactor thermal-hydraulic feedback, instead of calculating the local cross section change, the point kinetics method uses the feedback reactivity. The feedback reactivity represents the overall effect of changing thermal-hydraulic conditions throughout the whole reactor core. The two major feedback mechanisms are the moderator density change and the fuel Doppler effects. There are weighting schemes to calculate the appropriate overall feedback reactivity due to changing local thermal-hydraulic conditions. Because of its simplicity, the point kinetics model has been widely used to predict the reactor kinetics behavior and the onset of the instability. The disadvantage of the point kinetics model is that it can not predict local power distribution changes during a reactor transient. However, during an out-of-phase instability, the high harmonic neutron spatial distribution modes are excited even if the fundamental mode is stable. To obtain the dynamic features of the high harmonic modes, a modal expansion method is used. The details could be found in Chapter 5. 3.5 Frequency Domain Linear Analysis Method Frequency domain method deals only with linear equations rather than the full set of differential equations. It is obtained from the discretized system equations. The differential and constitutive equations are linearized by representing each state variable with its steady state value and a deviation from steady state, expanding nonlinear terms in Taylor series, and neglecting higher - 28 - order terms. The frequency domain linear system of equations is obtained by applying the Laplace transformation to the resulting linear equations. As described in Section 3.1, if all the zeros of the characteristic equation have negative real parts, the disturbance will asymptotically decay away and the system is stable. After sufficient time, the system stability boundary can be determined by the zero which has the largest real part. This zero is called the dominant eigenvalue. To determine the dominant eigenvalue, an inverse iteration combined with Newton's method is applied for solving the characteristic equation. One advantage of the frequency-domain (FD) approach is that it takes less computing time compared to the time-domain (TD) approach. This is because the FD approach deals with only a linear system of equations, whereas the TD methods must solve the full set of differential equations. Another advantage of the FD approach is that it is not plagued by the numerical stability difficulties inherent in TD methods. Finally, the FD approach has the capability of describing an oscillation with one single complex number (eigenvalue), from which a decay ratio (which is defined as the ratio between the first and second peaks of system oscillation in the impulse response) could be calculated. Denoting the dominant eigenvalue by decay ratio of the system can be determined as: DR = exp(2T -). = o + ia , the In this work, following the standard approach for BWR stability analysis, the decay ratio is used as the criterion for stability. To conduct stability analysis, the BWR core and reactor vessel are divided into a large number of nodes. The thermal-hydraulic conservation equations, constitutive equations, along with neutronic equations form a system of nonlinear equations, which can be solved numerically by dividing the flow channel into axial computational nodes. First, the steady state parameters for each node, including coolant temperature, enthalpy, velocity, density, flow quality, cladding and fuel temperature, are solved. Then, after applying a perturbation, linearization and Laplace transformation of the conservation equations for each node, the characteristic equation of this single channel is derived by integration of the momentum equations. The detailed procedure for the characteristic equation derivation can be found in the following chapters. - 29- Single Channel ThermalChapter 4 Hydraulic Stability Analysis of BWRs 4.1 Stability Characteristics The single channel type DWO is discussed in this Chapter. Under such conditions, only one channel or a small fraction of the parallel channels oscillates, while the other channels remain at steady state. This imposes a constant pressure drop boundary condition across the oscillating channel or channels. During the single channel oscillation, only a small fraction of the core flow oscillates while the bulk flow remains at steady state. Therefore, the neutronic feedback due to this small fraction oscillation can be neglected. In other words, the thermal-hydraulic dynamics is decoupled from the neutronic dynamics in the single channel oscillation. The main parameters that influence the single channel DWO, as reported by [D'Auria, 1997] and [Ishii, 1976], are: * An increase in mass flow rate increases stability, * An increase in power decreases stability, * An increase in overall density ratio decreases stability, * An increase in power input to the channel increases oscillation frequency, * An increase in inlet sub-cooling increases stability at high sub-cooled condition, * An increase in system pressure for a given power input increases stability, * A decrease in heated length increases the flow stability. -30- Ishii [1971] characterized the primary governing parameters for two phase flow instability by a Subcooling Number and a Phase Change number. A Stability Map was constructed by using these two dimensionless parameters. A typical Stability Map is shown in Fig. 4.1. The subcooling number was defined as: Nsub = (h -hi) hfg Ap Pg (4.1) The subcooling number scales the inlet subcooling and is the dimensionless residence time of a fluid particle in the single phase liquid region. The phase change number was defined as: Vfg q Ph L ch-hg (4.2) Ac ui, The phase change number scales the rate of phase change due to heat addition. E z ra, Phase Change Number, N,,h (-) Fig. 4.1: Typical Stability Map Although instabilities are common in both forced and natural circulation (FC and NC) systems, the latter is more unstable than the first due to a regenerative feedback inherent in the NC process and its low driving force. For example, any disturbance in the driving force of a NC system will affect the flow which in turn will influence the driving force leading to an oscillatory behavior, even in cases where eventually a steady state is expected. In other words, a regenerative feedback is inherent in the mechanism causing NC flow due to the strong coupling between the flow and -31 - the driving force. As a result, the NC systems are more unstable than FC systems due to the above reasons. Flashing instability is expected to occur in NC systems with tall, unheated risers. The fundamental cause of this instability is that the hot liquid from the reactor core outlet experiences static pressure decrease as it flows up and may reach saturation near the exit of the riser causing it to vaporize. The increased driving force generated by the vaporization, increases the flow rate leading to reduced exit temperature and suppression of flashing. This in turn reduces the driving force and flow causing the exit temperature to increase once again leading to the repetition of the process. However, the instability is observed only in low-pressure systems. Since the objective of this thesis is to determine the margin for stability of NCBWRs under rated, high pressure conditions, the flashing-induced instability is not addressed here. 4.2 Construction of the Characteristic Equation As discussed in Section 3.3, for a two-region flow channel model, if F , (s) and F 2 (S) are the transfer functions between an inlet flow oscillation and the pressure drop oscillations corresponding to compressible and non-compressible region respectively, the characteristic equation of the single channel stability is: HI(s) = F- (s) + -2(s) = 0 . The characteristic equation is then just the transfer function between the inlet flow oscillation and the total pressure drop oscillation across the channel. To conduct a single channel stability analysis, the BWR core and reactor vessel are divided into an appropriate number of radial and axial nodes. The thermal-hydraulic conservation equations, constitutive equations, along with neutronic equations form a system of nonlinear equations, which can be solved numerically by dividing the flow channel into axial computational nodes. First, the steady state parameters in each node, including coolant temperature, enthalpy, velocity, density, flow quality, cladding and fuel temperature, are solved. Then, after applying perturbation, linearization and Laplace transformation of the conservation equations for each node, the characteristic equation of this single channel is derived by integration of the momentum equations. - 32- 4.2.1 Channel Nodes Model To derive the characteristic equation, the NCBWR core axial channel is divided into five sections, namely the inlet orifice, grids (including lower tieplate, upper tieplate, and spacers), the heated section, the lower and upper non-heated sections. Note that the heated section is divided into three parts, allowing the geometric parameters of the flow channel in the two-phase region to be changed due to the part-length fuel pins in the assembly. The channel flow diagram of the chimney plus core is shown in Fig. 4.2a, and the heated region in the core in Fig. 4.2b. k I Chimney LNon-heated region II 1 At I- Core It Heated region LNon-heated region 4 ft Inlet orifice U (a)Core + Chimney A b, Two-phase fluid (above part length fuel) Two-phase region including part length rods) 9 Single phase region F (b)Heated Region Fig. 4.2: Channel Flow Diagram -33 - t -t- ti U, t t t t t 4.2.2 Friction Factors and Pressure Drop For the single-phase liquid region the following friction factors [Todreas and Kazimi, 1990] are used: For Re = 3x10 4 -106: f = 0.184Re -0 2 (4.3) For Re < 3 x 104 : f = 0.316 Re-025 (4.4) In the single phase liquid region, the friction factor is assumed constant and equal to f,, which is the friction factor at the boiling boundary. In the two phase mixture region, the friction factor may be expressed in the following form [Ishii, 1971]: f 2 =Cmf (4.5) For high system pressure and reasonably high exit qualities, Cm ranges from 1.5 to 2.5. Thus, Cm = 2.0 was taken both by Ishii [1971] and Saha [1974] in earlier analysis. In this work we also use C. = 2.0, which means the two-phase friction multiplier is twice the HEM value of The pressure drop coefficients are used to account for the form pressure drop at the inlet orifice, tie-plates and spacers. For example, the pressure drop at the inlet orifice can be expressed as: fU2 APori = kin (4.6) 2 Where k, is the inlet orifice coefficient. 4.2.3 System Steady State Calculation If the BWR flow channel is divided into a large number of axial nodes, the thermal-hydraulic conservation equations can be solved numerically along the computational nodes. Given the inlet boundary conditions, the steady state parameters at each node, including coolant temperature, enthalpy, velocity, density, flow quality, cladding and fuel temperature, are solved by marching up the nodes, as shown in Fig. 4.3. - 34- uk+1 uk uin k+1 k+1 I k hin k k +1 k p. Fig. 4.3: Steady state channel calculation by marching up the nodes (1) Single-phase heated region By assuming constant liquid density in this region, the steady state parameters can be easily obtained. Using the conservation equations discussed in Section 3.4, the resulting parameters for any node are: (4.7) u(k)= ui q (k - 1)PhdZ GAC h, (k)= h, (k - 1)+ T (k) = T (k - 1)+ (4.8) h 1(k) - h (k - 1) (4.9) Co The pressure drop in this single phase region can be calculated as: APJ = p, gA + f s A G2 (4.10) De 2 pf In which A2is the heated length to the onset of nucleate boiling. (2) Two-phase heated region Using the two-phase conservation equations discussed in Section 3.4, the following steady state parameters are obtained, ignoring the presence of subcooled boiling: um(k)= um(k - 1)+ fg hg q dz Ac (4.11) -35- (4.12) P (k)= G/um(k) Xeq(k)= Xeq(k - 1)+ -- h dz (4.13) GAchfg The pressure drop in this region can be calculated as: APm = APm(k) (4.14) k Where, APm (k) is the pressure drop in the k-th node. G APm(k) =( 2 G 2 - + P) gdz + fm P (k+ 1) pm (k) dz G2 (4.15) De 2pm (k) (3) Inlet mass flow rate calculation The above calculation is given by knowing the inlet mass flow rate. However, under natural circulation conditions, the mass flow rate is decided by the flow conditions (no longer an input of the code). The magnitude of the natural circulation flow depends on the balance between the density driving head and the pressure losses through the circulation path. Figure 2.1 shows a schematic diagram of the flow path and pressure drops in the reactor. The driving head is proportional to the density difference between the fluid in the downcomer and the fluid inside the core shroud, or effectively proportional to the sum of the heights of the chimney/upper plenum and core. The major losses through the circulation path include those at the downcomer, core, chimney/upper plenum, and separators. The core flow rate varies proportional to the power level, as the density difference changes with the power levels, and there is no active control of the core flow at any given power level. The driving head in the cold downcomer and the pressure losses in the heated side must be balanced. (4.16) APhot = APcold In which, Pf g(Lcore + APcold Lchimney + Lupper-plenum + Ld Lseparator L dc G2 dc (4.17) Dedc 2 pf AP = AP +±AP core hot Pcore grav chimney Pacc +AP + AP,(4.18) upper-plenum fric inlet separator Pgrid (4.19) Neglecting friction pressure loss in the chimney and upper plenum, APchimney + Aupper-plenum = mg (Lchimney + Lupper-pienum) -36- (4.20) APseparator = Ksp G2 + p,, gL (4.21) Depending on the balance between the driving head and the pressure losses, the inlet mass flow rate could be calculated by iteration. 4.2.4 Derivation of Characteristic equation After the steady state parameters are calculated in each node, we introduce small perturbations around the equilibrium parameters and neglect the higher order perturbation terms, and then apply Laplace transformation to the conservation equations for each node, the linearized set of perturbation equations in frequency domain are constructed. After solving the perturbation equations numerically along the axial computational nodes, as indicated in Fig. 4.4, the characteristic equation of this single channel is derived. Uik+l hk+l 9Pk+l 9kk 9Pk k+1 k Fig. 4.4: Transient channel perturbation calculation by marching up the nodes (1) Single phase heated region A constant liquid density is assumed in this region. Then after perturbation, linearization, and Laplace transformation, the set of perturbation equations would be: adu dd=p d dz (4.22) = O,or 9u,(z)= Sui, sp= ui, + f,G~i - (4.23) De -37- dSh s d + dz ui, + qP h AcPfU 2Sh u _ P h in A G Sq =0 (4.24) Then, F, (s), the transfer functions between an inlet flow perturbation and the pressure drop perturbations in this region is: F,(s) = SAP Suin (4.25) Where f G2 N, SAp(k) + (pg + SAP = (4.26) )s D, 2 p, k=1 SAp(k) = sp(ui,dz + f GSu De 1 dz (4.27) De S2 is the perturbation of the heated length of the single phase region. When calculating the total pressure drop oscillations in the single phase heated region, we need to consider the effects of the perturbation of boiling boundary. The perturbation of the boiling boundary can be expressed as: 2= PyACU A c uin (s,i ) (4.28) q (2 )Ph Where &h(s,2) is the perturbation of the fluid enthalpy at the boiling boundary. It can be solved by using the energy perturbation equation (4.24). Sh(k + 1)= (1- sdz )Sh(k) - q (k)Phdz 2 uin AcPfUn in + Phdz Sq" (k) = 0 AcG (4.29) (2) Two phase heated region The saturated liquid and saturated vapor density are assumed constant in this region. For simplicity, the thermal-hydraulics Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) is used first in our analysis. Later, this approximation is expanded to non-homogeneous flow. After applying perturbation, linearization, and Laplace transformation, the set of perturbation equations become: d SSpm +-d (Pm8u m + UmSPm ) = 0 (4.30) dz dSu__(z) d (Z) dz Vfg Ph hf Ac (z) (4.31) -38- dSAjp d = s(pmif + um2,Pm•) d (2pUMU, +U,5PM)+ 2 Ump + _ -+ug dz dz d dz+ +hm (Pm. dz u m + G (2p P +U2 U+ 9m )+ gSpm (4.32) 2De umSPm ) q Ph + -AG usm AcG APh = 0 (4.33) AcG ur The set of perturbation equations can be solved numerically by using the following difference scheme: 5Um (k + 1) = 8um (k)+ dz , (k + 1) = Pm(k) um (k + 1) VP fg h q (k) (4.34) hfg A c (k)u+ um(k) (uk) (k) - sdz) um(k + 1) p,, (k + 1) S(k (k ) u, (k +1) (4.35) hfg Sp,m (k + 1) ,n(k + 1) = (4.34) vfg, p (k + 1) Then, F 2 (s), the transfer functions between an inlet flow perturbation and the pressure drop perturbations in this region can be obtained. F 2 (S) = (4.35) 2 Suin Where V N2 SAP 2 = q () + f g + SAp(k) - (G* k=l G2 P hfg A c ) D e (4.36) 2p, The second term is due to the effects of the perturbation of boiling boundary. The first term can be calculated by summing up the pressure perturbation in each node. SAp(k) = 2G5um (k + 1) + u2 (k + 1)SPm (k +1) + (SP, (k)dz - 2G + f2Gdz)Sum (k) De + (SUm (k)dz - u (k) + 2De + gdz)SPm (k) (4.37) In our analysis, the heated two-phase region is divided into two parts (see Fig. 4.2b) to account for the geometry change of the flow channel due to part-length fuel rods. The Equations (4.30) to -39- (4.37) above are applicable in both parts, but some constant parameters, such as Ph, Ac, De, G, and f 2 , are different. (3) Two phase unheated region In this region, for an adiabatic two-phase flow, the set of perturbation equations would be: d• m (Z) 0 (4.38) dz d SSPm + U d SPm = 0 sAp P 94 dz m (4.39) dz + +f (2PmumU& m + U 2pm) + s Sh = 0 (4.40) (4.41) Solving the above perturbation equation numerically, we obtain the perturbation parameter at each node: Sum (k) = SUm(1) (4.42) (k - 1) (4.43) _hm (k) = (U m - sdz) hm(k - 1) (4.44) SP, (k) = - sdz) (Um Um Um SAp(k) = (S/Um + fm /De)GdZSUm (k)+(fm /(2De)U2 + g)dziPm (k) (4.45) Then, F3(s), the transfer functions between an inlet flow oscillation and the pressure drop oscillations in this region can be obtained. F3(s)= SAP3 6 (4.46) in Where N3 SAP 3 => SAp(k) (4.47) k=1 (4) Inlet orifice or spacer grids - 40 - Since only form pressure drop are accounted for at the inlet orifice, tie-plates and spacers, the pressure drop at those positions, e.g. spacer, can be expressed as: 2 (4.48) mkspacer PspacerUspacer spacer Applying linear perturbation and Laplace transformation of the above equation yields: 2 O/Pspacer=Cmkspacer PspacerU spacer spacer) sp Pspacer spacer spacer spacer (4.49) where kspacer is the spacer pressure loss coefficient; Cm is the two-phase friction pressure loss multiplier, where Cm = 1 for single phase liquid flow, and Cm = 2 for two phase mixture flow; 3 Pspacer and uspacer are the local density and velocity at the spacer; and Pspacer and Suspacer are perturbations of local density and velocity at the spacer. (5) Perturbation of wall heat flux From the fuel heat conduction equation, the perturbation of heat flux at each node, iq (k), can be solved. A lumped fuel dynamics model is discussed in section 3.4.2. Perturbation, linearization and Laplace transformation of the Equations (3.22) and (3.26) and heat transfer correlation, we can find the fluctuation of the fuel rods surface heat flux as function of coolant density, velocity and enthalpy oscillations. The detailed procedure can be found in [Zhao et al., 2005]. The result is: 1 [= + h where 2 + sR3(PCp)f Cgm, (Cgm + Fpr )(R 3 - R2) ]q kc = q", h h h + ( R1 R3 ) 2 t'v (pc,p) hoo (4.50) Cpo Fp,, R 1, R 2, and R3 have been defined in Section 3.4.2. &Sqis the oscillation of internal volumetric heat density in the fuel pin, Sq, = 0 for single channel stability analysis. h is the heat transfer coefficient at the wall. The Dittus-Boelter correlation was applied in this analysis to calculate the heat transfer coefficient in the single-phase region, Nu = 0.023 Re 8 Pr0.4 , when the fluid is heated -41 - (4.51) After perturbation, linearization and Laplace transformation of the Dittus-Boelter correlation, one obtains: &h _= 0.8 h SpcU, + PoogUo (4.52) POUm Following the same steps, the equation similar to (4.52) could be deduced for the Chen's correlation used in the two-phase region. (6) Construction of the characteristic equation Summing up all the oscillations of pressure drop through the coolant channel, the characteristic equation can be constructed. H(s) = F 1(s) + + 2 (S) (4.53) 3 (S)+... Using the perturbation equations described above, the characteristic equation of thermalhydraulic Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) for the single-channel stability analysis is constructed. Following the same procedures, the characteristic equation of thermal-hydraulic Non-Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (NHEM) could be derived. Details of the perturbation equations of NHEM will be discussed in Section 4.3.4. 4.3 Density Wave Stability performances of ESBWR and a normal BWR In order to account for regional stability of the ESBWR, the acceptance criteria used by GE for the single channel decay ratio was constrained to less than 0.5 [GE Nuclear Energy, 2005]. We also adopt this conservative criterion in this work for the larger NCBWR core and the uncertainty of the analysis method. In this section, the single channel stability is evaluated for the highest power channels by perturbing the inlet flow velocity while maintaining constant channel power and constant pressure drop. Uniform axial power profile was first used. Then, effects of non-uniform power distribution and enhanced chimney are analyzed. Furthermore, results of the HEM and NHEM are compared. Finally, the sensitivity of NCBWR stability to different operating parameters is assessed and compared to BWR (Peach Bottom 2) at both rated and natural circulation conditions. - 42 - 4.3.1 Stability performance under design conditions with uniform axial power distribution (HEM) The hot channel design parameters and the calculated decay ratios are listed in Table 4.1 for both the NCBWR and BWR. Uniform axial power shape is applied in both the NCBWR and the BWR. This assumption will be released later in the parameter sensitivity analysis. Compared with the BWR parameters, the following design parameters will affect the single channel stability for the NCBWR: * Higher power to flow rate ratio (reduces stability) * Lower radial power peaking factor (enhances stability) * Higher Inlet orifice coefficient (enhances stability) From Table 4.1, we can see that the NCBWR has a higher decay ratio, i.e. smaller stability margin compared to a typical BWR. But it is still stable, with a large stability margin. Table 4.1: Parameters for hot channel stability analysis Parameter BWR ESBWR Average assembly power(MW) 4.31 3.98 1.4 1.33 Assembly flow rate(kg/s)* 13.67 7.59 Inlet enthalpy(kJ/kg) 1211 1190 Inlet temperature( o C) 275 271 Inlet orifice coefficient 31.1 42.1 0.0101 0.0093 Heated length(m) 3.66 3.048 Overall length(m) 4.47 3.79 Radial power peaking factor Flow area(m2) -1.37 + 4.63i - 1.12 + 4.25i Calculated dominant root Decay Ratio 0.155 0.19 Frequency(Hz) 0.74 0.68 *: Assumed total 10% bypass flow and water rod flow for ESBWR, 14% for Peach Bottom 2. - 43 - 4.3.2 Parameter sensitivity analysis (1) Sensitivity analysis of non-uniform axial power distribution (HEM) Since a uniform axial heat flux is unrealistic, a sensitivity analysis of the axial power distribution has been conducted. First, a realistic axial power distribution at the beginning of reactor lifetime of ESBWR is adopted. Then, a general power shape function: P(z) = A, sin(;r(z / H) " ) is used in the sensitivity analysis. By changing the power shape factor n, the effect of power distributions can be determined. The effect of non-uniform power shape has been examined in other studies, but it is included here to highlight the significance of the more bottom peaked axial shape of ESBWR in stability studies. The power ratio versus realistic power distribution and power shape functions are shown in Fig. 4.5 and Fig. 4.6 respectively. The decay ratios calculated for different axial power distributions are shown in Fig. 4.7. Relative Axial Power(BOC) 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 Z (m) 2 Fig. 4.5: Relative axial power at BOC - 44 - 2.5 3 n 4 z(m) Fig. 4.6: Diagram of different power shape functions n ~e 0U.5 0.5 0.45 DR of Non-uniform p er distribution at BOC DR of Uniform power distribution DR of Uniform power distribution 0.05 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 Power Shape Parameter, n 3 Fig. 4.7: Effects of non-uniform axial power distribution As seen in Fig. 4.7, a bottom peaked power distribution has a larger decay ratio. It is clear that a bottom peaked power distribution causes boiling to occur earlier, thus increasing the two-phase flow region and core average void fraction, hence making the reactor less stable. - 45 - (2) Base cases for Sensitivity analysis (non-uniform power distribution (NU), HEM) To compare the stability performance of the BWR to that of the NCBWR, a similar axial power distribution should be applied in the sensitivity analysis. It is shown in Fig. 4.7 that the ESBWR decay ratio of the power distribution at BOC is close to that when the power shape parameter n equals to 2, since they have similar shapes. Thus, the general power shape function: P(z) = -sin(r(z / H) 2 1/ 2 ) is used in the BWR sensitivity analysis. The calculated decay ratios of all conditions are shown in Table 4.2, and will be used as the base cases for parameter sensitivity analyses. Comparing the results of Table 4.1 and Table 4.2, it is seen again that the bottom peaked power distribution has a smaller stability margin. It is not surprising that the decay ratio of a BWR at natural circulation condition is much higher than those of BWR and NCBWR at rated conditions. This is consistent with the historical findings that some experiments and analyses have indicated that hydraulic oscillations can occur around the knee in the power-to-flow curve of BWR operating conditions. As a reminder, the NCBWR stability performance in start-up process should be studied in the future. Table 4.2: Power and Mass flow rate for sensitivity analysis (NU, HEM) BWR at rated BWR at natural NCBWR at rated condition circulation condition* condition 1.4 1.4 1.33 Average bundle power (MWt) 4.31 2.6 3.98 Flow rate in the hot bundle (kg/s) 15.9 4.55 7.8 Decay Ratio 0.21 0.72 0.28 Parameters Radial Power peaking *: maximum natural circulation point in BWR/4 power-flow map (3) Inlet orifice coefficient sensitivity analysis (non-uniform power distribution, HEM) The inlet orifice coefficient plays a very important role in the system stability characteristics. The decay ratios at different inlet orifice coefficients for the hot channel are shown in Fig. 4.8. - 46 - 1 -e-- NCBWR S•BWR 0.8 ---------- --- -0. BWRatN.C. tNC ~BW 0o tl- -I oCz 0z T p 0.2 A' I - I -I - I----- -e_- V I I · · 10 20 30 Inlet orifice coefficient 40 Fig. 4.8: Inlet orifice coefficient sensitivity analysis (NU, HEM) From Fig. 4.8, it is seen that the decay ratios of NCBWR and BWR increase significantly for smaller inlet orifice coefficient. A minimum inlet orifice coefficient of about 20 is required to satisfy the stability criterion of a decay ratio below 0.5. It is well known that the single phase to two phase pressure drop ratio plays a significant role in the stability. The system is more stable for a higher single-phase fraction pressure drop. Since in all BWRs, the core inlet temperature is near the saturation temperature, the single-phase pressure drop is mainly due to the inlet orifice pressure loss. Thus, the NCBWR and BWR stabilities are similarly sensitive to inlet orifice coefficient. It is not surprising that the decay ratio of the BWR at natural circulation condition is higher than one when the inlet orifice coefficients are less than 20. This is consistent with the historical finding that BWRs are susceptible to unstable oscillations around the maximum natural circulation conditions and should be forbidden to operate under this region, as seen in Fig. 1.1. (4) Power and mass flow rate sensitivity analysis (non-uniform power distribution, HEM) As the flow rate is uncontrolled under natural circulation conditions, the mass flow sensitivity analysis was conducted only for BWR under forced circulation conditions. It is performed by changing the mass flow rate while keeping the power and other operating parameters constant. Similarly, the power sensitivity analysis was performed by changing the system power while - 47 - keeping other operating parameters unchanged. The decay ratios at different power and mass flow rate are shown in Fig. 4.9 and Fig. 4.10, respectively. ,^ r, 70 80 90 100 Percentage of nominal flow (%) 110 Fig. 4.9: Mass flow rate sensitivity analysis (NU, HEM) L 0.8 0.6 - ESBWR -- BWR at full power --- BWR at N. C. 0.4 -.-... . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . 0.2 1.1 1~2 Fraction of nominal power 1.3 Fig. 4.10: Power sensitivity analysis (NU, HEM) From Fig. 4.9 and Fig. 4.10, it is observed that the decay ratios of the NCBWR and BWR increase proportionally to increasing power or decreasing mass flow rate. This result is consistent - 48- with the general understanding that the reactor is more stable with smaller power-to-flow ratio. It is also seen that the NCBWR still satisfies the stability criterion at 120% nominal power. 4.3.3 Design feature sensitivity analysis (non-uniform distribution, HEM) power A long chimney is introduced in a NCBWR in order to achieve high natural circulation flow rate. Inside the chimney of ESBWR are partitions that separate in groups of 16 fuel assemblies, and thereby form smaller chimney sections, limiting cross flow and flow mixing. Assuming that corewide pressure equalization takes place at the upper plenum above the chimneys, the pressure drop oscillation in the chimney is included in the characteristic equation of a super bundle (which is defined as a group of 16 fuel assemblies in a common chimney cell) stability analysis. The part-length fuel rods are typically installed in BWR assemblies to reduce the bundle pressure drop and the steam flow velocity in the highly voided area. Their effect on flow stability has also been studied by replacing the part-length rods with full length rods, while assuming the same axial power distribution. The calculated decay ratios for part-length versus full-length fuel rods are shown in Table 4.3. It is clear that the part length rods have a positive effect, as they add to the single channel stability. This is expected as the part-length rods increase the flow area in the upper channel, which decrease flow velocity, thus the pressure drop near the exit, which in turn increase the channel flow rate. The decay ratio of a hot super bundle is slightly smaller than that of a hot single channel with the same power peaking factor. This could be explained by the mixing of bypass flow and active coolant flow, which dampens the oscillation. The insignificant frictional pressure drop in the chimney does not affect the stability performance much. It is also found that the decay ratio of a super bundle fluctuates in a small range with the chimney length changes. The flashing-induced stability phenomenon is only important under low pressure conditions; therefore, its effects are not included in this work. - 49 - Table 4.3: Chimney and part length rod effects (NU, HEM) Model Single channel (pressure equalize above Super bundle the core) (pressure equalize above the With part length rods No part length rods chimney) ower peaking factor Decay Ratio 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.25 0.28 0.40 0.25 0.18 4.3.4 Model evaluation, HEM versus NHEM To assure the suitability of HEM in a stability analysis, a comparison of HEM and NHEM has been done for the single channel analysis. Non-uniform axial power profile is applied in each case. To construct the NHEM characteristic equation, the pressure drop oscillations across the twophase heated region is derived first. As discussed in Section 3.4.1, the Bestion drift-flux correlation was applied for the non-homogenous model. This correlation has the following form: (3.11) Co = 1.0,V~ = 0.188 gDap V Pg For the numerical characteristic equation derivation, this region was divided into N nodes. The pressure drop oscillation at every node k was obtained by applying linearization, perturbation and Laplace transformation the conservation equations discussed in Section 3.4.1, and the total pressure drop oscillation across this region was obtained by summing up the oscillations of every node. From Equation (3.12), one obtains Vfg Ph~ h 9" (k) hfg Ac cbj(k + 1) = 6j(k) + dz (4.54) The volumetric flux oscillation at the first node (z = A ) should be the same as the inlet velocity oscillation. Therefore, 9j(1) = &ui. From Equation (3.13), one obtains - 50- j(k + 1)- 2j(k) -Vg dz sP, (k + 1) = z (s-+ j(k) + Vg SPm (k) Pm (k + 1) .)p, dz m(k) (k) -sj, j(k) + V, (j(k + 1) - dj(k)) (4.55) j(k) + V,. The density oscillation at the first node ( z = A ) should be zero, since it should give a zero vapor generation rate at the boiling boundary. Perturbation and Laplace transformation of Equation (3.17), (3.18) and (3.19), yield: om SP (k + 1) = j(k +1)+ gum (k +-1) (4.56) P, (k + 1) 1hm (k +-1) = vfg p, (k + 1) (4.57) Then, the pressure drop oscillation at each node k can be obtained from Equation (3.14). As the acceleration part of the momentum equation is only related to the inlet and outlet conditions of the region, it is treated separately. SAp(k) = G3Um (k + 1) + (SP, (k)dz + Pm (k)(um (k + 1) - um (k)) - G +- f 2Gdz)um De + (um (k)(um (k + 1) - umrn (k)) + f 2u (k)dz + gdz)SP, (k) (k) (4.58) 2De For the acceleration part, APa Pf -PM +8zZaccPm - Pg of Pg V2)d Pm Pf - Pm(L) ppg SPm(L) f -Pm(L) pfpg 2 Pm(L) P P P(L)Vp 2 (4.59) Pm (L) V It is easy to perturb and Laplace transform the above equation to obtain the total acceleration pressure drop oscillation as: Apacc = Pm (L) - 2p 3p(L) Pmo(L) PfP pgVSPm (L) (4.60) -51 - The nodalization is from A to L, but the real case should be from 2 + 152 to L. The pressure drop oscillation due to boiling boundary oscillation should be deleted from the total oscillation. The pressure drop oscillation due to boundary oscillation can be expressed as: 6Aps =(G u Uin+Vgi g Ph q"(2)+ f 2pfU /(2De) + gpf)62 hfg Ac (4.61) Then, the total pressure drop oscillation in the heated two-phase region can be expressed as: N2 SAP 2 =1 8p(k) + SApacc - 8Apa 5 (4.62) k=1 Thus, F2 (s), the transfer functions between an inlet flow oscillation and the pressure drop oscillations in this region could be obtained as F2 (S) = SAP 2 (4.63) A Suin Adding up all the pressure drop oscillation in each region, the NHEM characteristic equation of the single-channel ESBWR is derived, and the stability analysis results compared with HEM are shown in Table 4.4. If we set the drift velocity V, = 0.0, the characteristic equation, derived for NHEM will become that for the HEM. Table 4.4: Results of HEM and NHEM model in single channel analysis Model HEM NHEM -1.07+5.27i -1.39 + 5.65i Decay Ratio 0.28 0.21 Frequency (Hz) 0.84 0.90 Dominant Root As shown in Table 4.4, the decay ratio of the HEM is slightly higher than that of NHEM. According to Podowski [2003], the HEM predictions are always more conservative compared to those of a mechanistic two-fluid model over a broad range of operation conditions, which is consistent with our findings. This result is expected, since for the same mass flow rate and heating power, HEM predicts a lower vapor velocity and higher void fraction than those obtained from a slip or two-fluid model. - 52- 4.4 Ledinegg Stability Analysis The Ledinegg type instability, also called as flow excursion, is a static type of instability since this kind of instability phenomenon is governed by static hydraulic laws. In the Ledinegg type instability, flow undergoes sudden, large amplitude excursion to a new, stable operating condition. This is due to the particular S-shape relation of the flow rate to the pressure drop, characteristic of a boiling channel often exhibits at low pressure. The NCBWR should be designed without Ledinegg instability problem. The typical relationship of fluid pressure drop across a boiling channel to inlet flow velocity (or inlet flow rate) is shown in Fig. 4.11 (marked APcha,,ne). For parallel channels as in the NCBWR core, the constant pressure drop boundary condition can be taken as APexternal . Ap Apchannel - I o I - - I APexternali Region 2I Region 3 1~U'V Uin Fig. 4.11: Ledinegg instability (flow excursion) As shown in Fig. 4.11, if the operating point is in region 2, such as at operating point 2, a small increase of inlet flow will decrease the channel pressure drop below the constant external pressure drop. Thus, the inlet flow will increase again, until the operation shifts to point 3. On the other hand, a decrease in the flow of point 2 will shift the system to point 1. Thus, the operation in region 2 is unstable. - 53 - The criterion for the occurrence of a Ledinegg type instability is [Boure, 1973]: aGint (4.64) aGepxt As, in the ESBWR, the friction pressure loss in the downcomer is negligible, the external pressure drop is almost constant. Thus, to avoid the Ledinegg instability, the pressure drop across the channel should satisfy the follow relationship: Pchannel 0 (4.65) auin The relationship will be applied to the BWR channels to check for Ledinegg instability 4.4.1 Ledinegg Stability Analysis by Using Pressure Drop versus Flow Rate Curve The pressure drop versus inlet flow velocity of the ESBWR hot channel and the average channel were calculated and plotted in Fig. 4.12a and Fig. 4.12b, respectively. It should be noted here that the pressure drop APchannel includes the pressure loss in the chimney, upper plenum and the separators. - I Sx105 cc 0~ (- P cc CL 01. 2 O1. Co 0. 0 n(rU) 0 CO 0., Cl). 50 100 Percentage of Reference Flow Rate (%) 150 Percentage of Reference Flow Rate (%) (a) Hot channel (b) Average channel Fig. 4.12: Pressure Drop versus Flow Rate Curves of ESBWR channels - 54- From Fig. 4.12, it is easy to see that the slope of the pressure drop versus flow rate at the operating point is always positive for both the hot and the average channels. Thus, the criterion of the Ledinegg stability described by Equation (4.65) is satisfied and there will be no Ledinegg instability in the ESBWR design at full power operating conditions. 4.4.2 Ledinegg Stability Analysis by Using Characteristic Equation According to Ishii [1971], the Ledinegg type stability criterion can be also expressed as: lim s-*O channel in > 0 > liml(s) > 0 (4.66) s--O In which case, the perturbation of inlet velocity can be expressed as: Uin = Eet (4.67) Where, e is an arbitrarily constant number and s is a complex number (s = a + jCO, where a is the amplification coefficient and wCis the frequency of oscillation). Thus, by taking the limit s - 0 , the perturbation becomes constant. Thus inequality (4.66) becomes the same as inequality (4.65). As the characteristic equation H(s) has already been constructed in the DWO analysis, it can be used to assess the Ledinegg instability. For the previously defined hot channel in the ESBWR design: limHl(s) = 1.02e5 kg/rrs >0 s--0 (4.68) Similarly, at an average channel: limHF(s) = 9.21e4 kg/rss>0 (4.69) s-4-0 - 55 - Thus, there will be no Ledinegg type static instability in the ESBWR design at steady-state operation conditions. This finding is the same as the results from the pressure drop versus flow rate map. 4.5 Conclusion For the Ledinegg type instability, it is found that the reference ESBWR design would not experience such an instability problem at normal operating conditions. In single-channel DWO stability analysis, it is found that the flow oscillation decay ratio for a typical NCBWR is higher than that of a typical BWR at rated conditions. Although the NCBWR design data show a lower radial power peaking factor and a higher inlet orifice coefficient than those of an older BWR, which tend to enhance stability. However, its high power to flow ratio reduces its stability margin slightly. Furthermore, the results indicate that new design features of the NCBWR, including shorter fuel bundle and installation of part-length rods, tend to improve its thermal-hydraulic stability performance. A sensitivity analysis to axial power distribution was conducted. It is found that the stability margin is reduced when power is shifted to the bottom of the core, which confirms the findings in the literature. The bottom peaked power distribution increases the two-phase flow region and core average void fraction, which degrades the stability. Thus, the most limiting condition for single channel thermal-hydraulic stability is at Beginning of Cycle (BOC), which has the most bottom peaked power shape. Sensitivity studies have addressed the effects of inlet orifice coefficient, the channel power and flow rate. It is found that the NCBWR stability is most sensitive to the inlet orifice coefficient. A proper choice of the orifice scheme is needed to balance the stability performance and natural circulation performance. The NCBWR is also sensitive to the power and flow rate. With decreasing flow rate or increasing power, the NCBWR stability gradually deteriorates due to the increasing power/flow ratio. It can be concluded that the NCBWR and BWR stabilities are similarly sensitive to the analyzed operating parameters. -56- Chapter 5 Coupled neutronic regionwide (out-of-phase) stability analysis Out of phase oscillations in boiling water reactors (BWR) have been observed in some reactors during stability tests and also during start up conditions, such as in Leibstadt, Cofrentes [Mata et al. 1992], Caorso [Gialdi et al. 1985], and Ringhals [Van der Hagen et al. 1994]. This kind of instabilities is characterized by out of phase self sustained oscillations in which a sizable region of the core increases in power, while the power in other parts decreases, in such a way, that the average reactor power remains essentially constant. In the tests described in [Gialdi et al., 1985], local power oscillations amplitude was as large as 70% while the average reactor power oscillated by only 12%. Since the automatic safety systems in BWRs rely on total power measurements to scram the reactor, large amplitude out-of-phase oscillations can occur without reactor scram. Therefore, it is necessary to design the reactors to avoid the out-of-phase instability problem. Furthermore, for economics, next generation BWRs typically use large-size cores to produce higher power outputs. As the core size increases, the nuclear coupling between different parts of the core becomes weaker, and the core becomes more susceptible to out-of-phase oscillations. Also, the high nominal power favored an increase in the reactivity feedback and a decrease in the response time, resulting in a lower stability margin. Thus, it is even more important to assess outof-phase stability of NCBWRs, such as ESBWR, which have larger reactor cores. Important contributions to out-of-phase instability have been made by March-Leuba and Blakeman [1991], who showed that the subcritical modes can become unstable under certain conditions even when the fundamental mode is stable, and by Kengo Hashimoto et al. [1993] who showed by modal expansion that the thermal-hydraulic reactivity feedback among different modes was one of the mechanisms leading to out of phase oscillations. Hashimoto et al. [1993] and Takeuchi et al. [1994] also examined the stability of subcritical neutronic modes which could result in out-of-phase oscillations, and showed that the subcriticality of the spatial-harmonic mode could be employed as an indication of stability. -57- In this chapter, the out-of-phase stability features of the ESBWR and BWR/Peach Bottom 2 are analyzed. The linearized thermal-hydraulics model and point kinetics model were developed. To obtain the first subcritical neutronic dynamic mode, the modal expansion method for point kinetics equation based on the so-called A modes was applied. In the analysis, the effects of nonuniform power distribution and equivalent core diameter are analyzed; the sensitivities of ESBWR stability to different operating parameters and reactivity coefficients are assessed and compared to BWR at both rated and natural circulation conditions. 5.1 The model description In this section, the thermal-hydraulic and neutronic models are developed first; then, they are coupled together and the characteristic equation is constructed for the out-of-phase stability mode. The thermal-hydraulic and neutronic models are illustrated in Fig. 5.1. First subcritical mode neutronic dynamics model -W Upper Plenum T,out | AP I - II Fig. 5.1: An illustration of out-of-phase stability model -58- WT,in = const. As seen in Fig. 5.1, the core model includes two channels with one channel to represent each half of the core. 5.1.1 Thermal-hydraulic model description To investigate the coupled neutronic stability, a thermal hydraulic model must be developed for the whole core. To represent the ESBWR core flow and power by a few channels, the detailed flow and power distributions should be obtained. Using the TRAC/BF1 code, Akitoshi Hotta, et al. [2001] analyzed the thermal-hydraulic lumping effect on the BWR out-of-phase stability, and found that the stability is not sensitive to the number of lumped channels. Using the stability code SAB, Zhao et al. [2005] also achieved the same conclusion, provided there are at least three zones in each region of the modeled core: the hottest channel, the hot subregion and the low power subregion. As indicated in [Zhao et al., 2005], for BWRs, the out-of-phase oscillation is sensitive to the reactivity feedback coefficient; since the neutronic feedback is controlled by the whole core average properties, and the core thermal hydraulic lumping approach will not change the core average properties, the BWR out-of-phase stability is not sensitive to the degree of core channel lumping. Moreover, the BWR only applies two inlet orifice zones, center and peripheral regions, different core lumping schemes do not change the inlet orifice coefficients of the different lumped channels. However, Zhao et al did not evaluate the ramification of using a point kinetics model instead of a space-time kinetics model. As the BWR out-of-phase stability is not sensitive to channel lumping, a three channel model to represent one half of the core is applied to conduct out-of-phase stability analysis. But for simplicity, one channel model is used to describe the mechanism of out-of-phase instability. In this mode of lumping, the whole core is represented by two identical channels, with each channel representing half of the core. During out-of-phase density wave oscillations, the input variables for a specific channel are: the inlet flow rate, inlet enthalpy and power. Therefore, output pressure drop oscillations across channel 1 or 2 can be described as a function of the inlet flow rate oscillation, inlet enthalpy oscillation and power oscillation. Assuming that the enthalpy in the lower plenum can be taken -59- constant during the out-of-phase oscillation, the pressure drop oscillations are only functions of the inlet flow rate and power oscillations: ' (5.1) SAp 2 = r25w2 + g28'2 (5.2) SApI = 1 Sw, + ;rlgq Solving the Sw1 and Sw2 from the above equations (5-1) and (5-2), and applying the boundary condition: (5.3) SAp = SAp 2 The inlet flow response for an input pressure drop oscillation or power oscillation for channel 1 and 2 can be expressed as: Sw =1 SAp - LSq 1 i" r2 r2 Sw2 = Sp 2 (5.4) (5.5) 9 For this two parallel channel system, if the pressure drop or power oscillated in one channel, say channel 1, to maintain the total flow rate constant, the flow rate in the other channel would have the same amount of oscillation feedback but with an opposite sign. The feedback process can be illustrated as: Sw, =0 Fig. 5.2: Block diagram of the pressure feedback mechanism for parallel channels From Fig. 5.2, Vw2,F = F2 FApF 2 F2 (5.6) 2 - 60- and, Sw, + SW2,F = (5.7) 0 Therefore, 1 1( 1p_ gq + SApp, Ap, F1 I 1 Adding the SAp, 2 q 5 (5.8) =0 F2 ' 2 term to both sides of the above equation and applying: r2 (5.9) SApF + SApext = gApt Equation (5.8) can be re-written as: r 1 F1 -SApt, - 1 2 Sql 92 + S1Apt, F1 F2 F2 9 11 6 Pext F2 (5.10) Also, during the out-of-phase oscillations, the power has the relation: Sqi;' -5= 1 Substituting Equation (5.1) into Equation (5.10) above, and after some rearrangement, one obtains: + F,9w,+ Kt•q,•' r,1 +r F2 1 + I+K & + 9'= (F 92 1,ext + F2 F2 ,ext) o-aG (5.11) This equation will be applied to construct the characteristic equation after coupling with the neutronic feedback relations. The coefficients F , F2 and ,rz, r2 can be obtained from the single channel pressure response analysis, which had been described previously in the single channel stability analysis. Using the same methodology described above, similar equations to (5.11) could be derived for the three channel model case (half of the core). Once the transfer functions from inlet flow rate and power oscillations to pressure drop oscillation were developed for a specific single channel, the out-of-phase thermal hydraulic characteristic equation can be easily obtained after some mathematic derivations. -61 - 5.1.2 Neutronic model description The neutron kinetics equations describe the rate of change in the neutron flux throughout the core. Since the neutron flux level determines the amount of heat generation inside the fuel pellet as a result of fission, it is directly related to the volumetric heat generation rate in the heat conduction equation. A Point Kinetic Model (PKM) was described in Section 3.4.3, and it will be used to simulate the void-reactivity coupling in this analysis. However, during an out-of-phase instability, the high harmonic neutron spacial distribution modes are excited even if the fundamental mode is stable. To obtain the dynamic features of the high harmonic modes, a modal expansion method is widely used. The basic idea of the modal expansion method is to approximate the unknown space and time related neutron flux function by a linear combination of known space functions with timedepended coefficients. Therefore, the modal expansion method includes two steps: (1) define the space functions (2) derive the time-dependent coefficients. In the out-of-phase stability analysis literature, the 2 modes modal expansion is frequently applied, such as: [Munoz-Cobo, et. al., 1996, 2000, 2002], [Hashimoto, et. al., 1993, 1997], [Dokhane, et. al., 2003], and [Zhao, et al., 2005]. The A modes expansion method is also used in this analysis. The Lamda modes expansion model can be expressed as: 1 L,,, (r, E) = -Mom (r, E) (5.12) In which, LO: the steady-state destruction operator, M *: the steady-state production operator, A2 : m t mode reactivity ,,: mth neutron flux mode For a bare homogenous cylindrical reactor with radius R and height H, it can be shown that the fundamental and first subcritical modes can be described as: 0o(r, z, 0) = Jo (2.40r/ R) sin(z / H) - 62 - 0l (r, z, 9) = J 1(3.83r/R)sin(nz / H) sin(0) (5.13) The shapes of these two modes are illustrated in Fig. 5.3. Fundamental mode First subcritical mode Fig. 5.3: Shapes of the fundamental and first subcritical modes During out-of-phase oscillations, the excited first subcritical mode coupled to a stable fundamental mode generates an out-of-phase dynamics feature. The total neutron flux is the combination of these two dominant neutron flux modes and can be illustrated as: -k U Fig. 5.4: Total neutron flux dynamics during out-of-phase oscillation - 63 - The adjoint equations of OM can be described as: oT * L•"m(r, E) = 1 T (r, E) *Om MO (5.14) And the bm together with its adjoint eigenvectors Om have the relation: < q,M k >= 0, for m # k (5.15) Using the A modal expansion method, the modal point kinetic equation can be obtained. Neglecting the non-linear terms and tiny parts, the simplified equations are listed below. Details can be found in [Zhao et al., 2005]. dnm _ Pm -fl nm + Pmo_+ dt dCim dt Am Am 6Cim, (5.16) i=l Pi = n -- ZCi,m (5.17) Am Where, pm": the subcritical reactivity of the mth mode, which can be defined as: p, = 1-1/A m (5.18) p,,: the excitation reactivity of the mt mode, which is introduced by a net change in the nh mode reaction rate. It can be described as: pro =< 0,,(SM( - &L)0> / < OM, MoM > (5.19) Am: the neutron generation time of the mht mode, which can be described as: Am = < b,1/V m > / < ,Mob m > (5.20) The subcritical reactivity pm can be calculated using the formula derived by [March-Leuba and Blakeman, 1991]: pm = DVB2 I v Z f (5.21) Where, D: diffusion coefficient - 64 - if : fission cross section v : number of neutrons per fission VB 2 :the geometric buckling difference between the fundamental and m th mode Applying Perturbation and Laplace transformations to the above equations, the so called zeropower transfer function of the m th harmonic mode can be derived: 9q =Dm(s)POmo (5.22) (Im (s) = qO (sA, - p + (5.23) /'A A• i=1 S + 5.1.3 Coupling of the thermal-hydraulic and neutronic models During out-of-phase oscillations, the thermal-hydraulic parameters change (changes in the average void and the fuel temperature) would have neutronic feedback. In this case, it is necessary to consider the reactivity loss due to the moderator density change via the average core void fraction and the average fuel temperature changes. The void-reactivity and the fuel temperature-reactivity are two important reactivities that link the thermal-hydraulics and the neutronics. Generally, they are specified with reactivity coefficients which show the change in the reactivity due to change in the feedback parameter, either the void fraction or the fuel temperature. Therefore, the following coefficients are defined for the neutronic feedback reactivities, Ka = 1a and KD = p Here, a is the void fraction which is properly averaged over the aTp reactor core; Tp is the fuel pellet temperature which is properly averaged over the fuel pellet volume throughout the core. Based on the definitions of the reactivity coefficients, the reactivity due to each feedback loop can be determined. The feedback mechanism can be described as shown in Fig. 5.5. - 65 - Pext cUext Fig. 5.5: Thermal-hydraulic and neutronic coupling of the out-of-phase stability If only the first subcritical harmonic mode was excited, from Fig.5.5, the following relations can be obtained: &i"= 9& + &, (5.24) &q~ = ~,(s)Sp, (5.25) Therefore, (5.26) Also, the reactivity has the relation: Sp, = 8 Pext + Sp,F (5.27) sPF = pfenl + sPopo (5.28) From Equation (5.19), the feedback reactivity can be described as: Spn =< I,( - 6L)O > / <0,Mo¢m > (5.29) If only the fundamental and first subcritical modes were interested, Equation (5.29) become: F =< SpF = p 10Y~,V'I , (&1 - &)0 > (5PF LJI > / < [, Mo0 , - 66- (5.30) It is worth noticing that the oscillation operator (6M1 - SL) has an anti-symmetrical distribution similar to the first-harmonic neutronic mode during the out-of-phase oscillation. Imagining that the flow rate in one half of the core increases, the coolant density will increase and the fuel temperature will decrease in that half of the core, which will give a positive (64 - 6L) during the out-of-phase oscillation. Also, the first-harmonic neutronic mode has a positive sign in this half of the core. Therefore, the oscillation operator (6M - oL) and the first-harmonic neutronic mode have the same sign in this half of the core, which will generate a positive reactivity feedback value from Equation (5.30). On the other hand, in the other half of the core, both the oscillation operator (6M- 6L) and the first-harmonic neutronic mode have negative signs, which also generate a positive reactivity feedback value from Equation (5.30). Adding up the feedback reactivity for the two halves of the core, the total feedback reactivity can be obtained. Using the two channel model (each channel represent one half of the reactor core), the reactivity feedback is derived in [Zhao et al., 2005]. The results are shown below: Cdop &pF = Cden Pl,c (5.31) ,f Where, N r1,c: the average density oscillation in channel 1 (half of the core), P,c = WnS6PI', (5.32) n=1 N ,if : the average fuel temperature oscillation in channel 1, 6i,f = ZW,,•,t (5.33) n=1 W, is the weighting factor at each node, which is usually taken in the form [Wulff et al., 1984]: 2 (5.34) Wn = n=l For the density and fuel temperature oscillations in the node n, let us express each to be a function of the inlet flow rate oscillation and power oscillation as: 3 + den 91 (5.35) f = U Swl + nJ 5q1 (5.36) Pic = Ul,den6l Substituting the above two equations into Equations (5.32) and (5.33), one obtains: - 67- N l,c= N WnU,den + S 6WnQ 1 =• W n=1 + Q1,den&l (5.37) I,f&tl (5.38) n=1 N l,f den = U ,den Lq' n=1 N n,•f + - lk .W,,Q• = Ul,fS 1+ n=1 Substituting the above two equations into Equation (5.31), one can obtain: ,c+ Cdop 6 ,f pF = Cden + CdopU,i) 1,den,, =(C l +(CdenQ,den +Cdop,f) (C, +(5.39) (5.39) Thus, substituting the above Equation (5.39) into Equation (5.27), one obtains: Ap, - Cden(U + Uf) I - Cdop(,de J n+ = 8 Pext (5.40) 5.1.4 Characteristic equation for coupled neutronics out-of-phase stability To construct the characteristic equation for the coupled neutronics out-of-phase oscillation, the one channel model (half of the core) was also applied here for demonstration. In Section 5.1.1, the characteristic equation governing the thermal hydraulics dynamics was derived as Equation (5.11), . F8w1 + ,q - + F2 2 1+ + (." 2 qo= +~ F2 2 ( 1 1Z2 + Iex,) (5.11) In Section 5.1.2, the neutronic dynamics model was constructed and the transfer function from the reactivity oscillation to power oscillation was derived as Equations (5.22) and (5.23). Therefore, we come up with the power and reactivity relation as Equation (5.41): (5.41) qt" --I)l(s)&p, = 6!2t, Noting that &q = Sqo and for a nuclear reactor system Sqex = 0. In Section 5.1.3, the thermal hydraulics and neutronics model are coupled, the coupling equation of (5.40) was derived. - 68 - 9p, - Cden (Ui,den + U,f )• - Cdop (Q1,den+ Q,f (5.40) )9' = Pext The above stability governing Equations (5.11), (5.41) and (5.40) can be written in matrix form as: A(s)6x, = B(s)dx'ex (5.42) Where, dxt = (9w ' !•" p) Sxext = ('I,ext A(s) = (5.43) Pext) 65,xt Ft it, O 0 1 - A (s) (denQ1,den +Cdop,) 1 - (Cden U,d n B(s) = (5.44) CdopU,f ) 0 1 0 0 0 1 (5.45) (5.46) Therefore, the characteristic equation for the out-of-phase stability of a BWR system can be derived from, det[A(s)] = 0 (5.47) Thus, the characteristic equation is: F,[1 - (s) (CdenQl,den + Cdop, f)] + ~t() (CdenUl,den + CdopUf ) =0 (5.48) For a more detailed lumping, the same procedure can be used except that the result has more complicated properties combinations. Also, the characteristic equations similar to Equation (5.48) can be derived. 5.2 Out-of-phase Stability performance of ESB WR comparisons with BWR and GE uses a stability criteria map of core decay ratio vs. channel decay ratio to establish margins to stability [GE Nuclear Energy, 2005]. Stability acceptance criteria for BWRs are established on - 69- this map at core decay ratio = 0.8 and limiting channel decay ratio = 0.8, with an allowance for regional mode oscillations in the top right corner of the defined rectangle. The ESBWR stability design criteria are shown in this map in Fig. 5.6(Figure 4D-1 in [GE Nuclear Energy, 2005]). e '3 0 0.1 02 0.3 0.5 0.4 channe 0.6 Decay Rno 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Fig. 5.6 Proposed Stability Map for ESBWR The ESBWR core size of 1132 bundles is significantly larger than the operating BWR. The regional stability boundary is expected to move inwards in the Core Decay Ratio vs. Channel Decay Ratio plane as the sub-criticality of the azimuthal harmonic decreases. As shown in the above stability map, line A represents the regional stability boundary of the smaller BWR reactors; while line B represents that of the ESBWR. The shrinking of the regional stability boundary, from line A to line B, shows the approximate effect of the larger core size on the regional oscillations. As described in the single channel stability analysis, the acceptance criteria for the single channel decay ratio was constrained to less than 0.5 in order to account for regional stability of the ESBWR. Considering model uncertainties of the order of 0.2, we can adopt the - 70 - acceptance criterion of the decay ratio = 0.8 for ESBWR out-of-phase (regional) oscillations, the same as GE did for the core decay ratio and channel decay ratio in the stability map. For conservative concern, HEM is applied in the thermal-hydraulic model. In this section, the decay ratio for out-of-phase (regional) oscillations was calculated by perturbing the core in the out-of-phase mode about the line of symmetry for the azimuthal and harmonic mode: perturbing the inlet flow rate and heat generation in half of the core while maintaining the total core power constant. The initial operating conditions are the same as for the single channel stability analysis. Non-uniform axial power profile at BOC is used and the effect of axial power distribution is also analyzed. Then, like in the single channel stability case, the sensitivity of ESBWR stability to different parameters is assessed and compared to BWR (Peach Bottom 2) at both rated and natural circulation conditions. 5.2.1 Thermal-Hydraulic Lumping and Reactivity Coefficients As discussed in Section 5.1.1., the BWR out-of-phase stability is not sensitive to the degree of channel lumping, a three channel model (high power channel, intermediate power channel, and low power channel, together represent one half of the core) is sufficient to conduct out-of-phase stability analysis. The detailed lumping parameters for the ESBWR are listed in Table 5-1. They are calculated based on: (1) The same pressure drop across all of the channels; (2) Radial power distribution is assigned based on the reference design value at BOC (Beginning of Cycle); (3) All assemblies in the peripheral region are grouped into the low power channel; (4) Keeping constant the total core power and total flow rate. Table 5-1: Parameters of the three lumped channel model for ESBWR (half of the core) Lumped channel Power Assembly Assembly flow Equivalent inlet orifice number peaking factor number rate (kg/s) coefficient (half core) 1 1.25 64 7.26 42.1 2 1.05 410 7.80 42.1 3 0.603 92 6.75 110 -71 - The typical BWR was also lumped into three channels for each half of the core, and the lumped parameters can be found in Table 5-2. Table 5-2: Parameters of the three channel model for a typical BWR (half of the core) Lumped channel Power Assembly Assembly flow Equivalent inlet orifice number peaking factor number rate (kg/s) coefficient 1 1.3 30 13.85 31.1 2 1.037 306 14.41 31.1 3 0.565 46 7.65 205.0 In Section 5.1.3, the void reactivity coefficients and Doppler coefficients are shown to couple the thermal-hydraulics and the neutronics. Usually, a neutronic code is required to determine those coefficients for the ESBWR and BWR fuel bundles under different operating conditions. However, for simplicity, the ESBWR is assumed to have the same reactivity coefficients as a typical BWR; and the following reactivity coefficients are used in the current study. The validity of this assumption for the shorter and wider core is suspect, but no other information was available for us to use. 1)Void coefficient, a quadratic form [Munoz-Cobo et al., 2002] was taken as: C, = C 1 + C2- + C3'7 2 , (5.49) Where, a is the core average void fraction: a = -f - PM Pfg ,,: the core average water density 2) A constant Doppler coefficient was taken for both ESBWR and BWR. In effect, the Doppler coefficient induces negative reactivity feedback with short delay time. Thus, it is expected to stabilize the core. Due to the smaller pin of an ESBWR assembly, the stabilization effect is stronger. However, the magnitude may be very small compared to void reactivity, and can be ignored in many cases [Lahey and Moody, 1993]. So, it is reasonable to apply a constant Doppler feedback coefficient to both the ESBWR and BWR in this analysis. - 72- As to the void reactivity coefficient, it mainly depends upon fuel design parameters such as H/U ratio (ratio between moderator and fuel atom densities), U-235 enrichment, and fuel burnup. A more negative void reactivity coefficient increases neutronics feedback directly and destabilizes the core. As the fuel to moderator ratio in the design of ESBWR is comparable to that of a typical BWR, it is reasonable to use the same form for both of them. Note that the higher value of the void in the coolant in the upper region of the core is compensated for by the larger inter-assembly gap in the ESBWR compared to the BWR. However, it is difficult to decide on the appropriate values for C 1, C 2 , and C 3 in the above Equation (5.49) for a typical BWR. The values for Ringhals NPP can be found as: C, = -0.143, C 2 = 0.12005, C 3 = -0.1755 in [Munoz-Cobo et al., 2002]. Because the Ringhals NPP has a similar core size as the typical BWR/Peach Bottom 2, and the fuel enrichments of these two power plants are similar[Zhao et al., 2005], the values of factors C1, C 2, C3 were taken as those of the Ringhals NPP in this work. Table 5.3: Reactivity coefficients for ESBWR and BWR Reactor Doppler coefficient Void coefficient (quadratic form) BWR Ak -2.3e-5( •-/"C) k Ak -0.124 A( k ESBWR Ak -2.3e-5( k--/C) k -0.137- Ak k = 0.448) (A = 0.626) From Table 5.3, it is seen that both the BWR and ESBWR have similar void coefficients while the average void fraction of ESBWR is higher than that of BWR. This indicates that using the same factors C, C2, C3 for both the BWR and ESBWR may not be appropriate. This assumption need to be examined in future work. A sensitivity analysis of the impact of reactivity coefficients on out-of-phase stability is conducted later in this chapter. 5.2.2 Stability performance under design conditions An out-of-phase stability analysis for the ESBWR design is conducted in this section. For comparison, the typical BWR out-of-phase stability was also analyzed. - 73 - The lumped channel parameters are collected in the Table 5.1 and 5.2, and the design parameters and the calculated decay ratios are listed in Table 5.4 for both the ESBWR and BWR. Uniform axial power shape is applied in the BWR at both rated and natural circulation conditions. This assumption will be released later in the parameter sensitivity analysis. Compared with the parameters of the reference BWR at rated conditions, the following design parameters will affect the out-of-phase stability for the NCBWR: *Higher power to flow rate ratio (reduces stability) *Larger reactor core (reduces stability) *Low thermal-hydraulic stability margin (favorite out-of-phase oscillation, reduces stability) From Table 5.4, we can see that the NCBWR has a higher decay ratio, i.e. smaller stability margin compared to a typical BWR. But it is still stable, with a large stability margin. The decay ratio of the BWR at natural circulation condition is higher than that of the ESBWR, which indicates that the enhanced ESBWR thermal-hydraulic stability margin, as discussed in Chapter 4, also improves its out-of-phase stability performance. Table 5.4: Parameters for out-of-phase stability analysis BWR/4 (Peach Bottom BWR/4 at natural 2) at rated condition circulation condition* Core Power (MW) 3293 1986 4500 Core flow rate (kg/s) 12915 4118 9516 50 30 54 Uniform Uniform Design value at BOC 31.1 central, 205.0 31.1 central, 205.0 42.1 central, 110 peripheral peripheral peripheral Fuel bundles, number 764 764 1132 Equivalent core diameter (m) 4.75 4.75 5.883 -1.24 + 3.52i -0.17 + 2.16i -0.74 + 4.93i Decay Ratio 0.11 0.60 0.39 Frequency(Hz) 0.56 0.34 0.78 Parameter Power density (kW/L) Axial power shape Inlet orifice coefficient Calculated dominant root *: maximum natural circulation point in BWR/4 power-flow map - 74 - NCBWR (ESBWR) 5.2.3 Parameter sensitivity analysis In this section, a design feature and operating parameter sensitivity study is conducted for both the ESBWR and BWR. (1) Axial vower trofile effects As in the single channel stability analysis, the general power shape function: P(z) = A, sin(fr(z / H) 1 " ) is used in the sensitivity analysis for out-of-phase stability. By changing the power shape factor n, the effect of power distributions can be determined. The ESBWR decay ratios calculated for different axial power distributions are shown in Fig. 5.7. 0.7 E 0.6 0.5 DR of Non-uniform power distribution at B 0.4 0.3 0.2 DR of Uniform power distribution 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.8 3 Power Shape Parameter, n Fig. 5.7 Effects of axial power profile on stability As seen in Fig. 5.7, a bottom peaked power distribution has a larger decay ratio. It is clear that a bottom peaked power distribution causes boiling to occur earlier; this brings an increase of the axially averaged void fraction and also produces a larger delay in the local (e.g. at spacer grid locations) pressure drops adjustments, hence making the reactor less stable. To compare the stability performance of the BWR to that of the ESBWR, a similar axial power distribution should be applied in the sensitivity analysis. It is shown in Fig. 5.7 that the ESBWR - 75 - decay ratio of the power distribution at BOC is close to that when the power shape parameter n equals to 2, since they have similar shapes. Thus, the general power shape function: P(z) = 2 sin((z / H) / 2) is used in the BWR sensitivity analysis for out-of-phase stability. The decay ratios calculated under design conditions are listed in Table 5.5, and will be used as the base cases for parameter sensitivity analyses. Comparing the results of Table 5.4 and Table 5.5, it is seen again that the bottom peaked power distribution has a smaller stability margin. Table 5.5: Base case for sensitivity analysis of out-of-phase stability (NU) Parameters BWR at rated condition BWR at natural ESBWR at rated circulation condition* condition Core Power (MW) 3293 1986 4500 Core flow rate (kg/s) 12915 4033 9516 -1.30 + 4.86i -0.14 + 2.94i -0.74 + 4.93i Decay Ratio 0.19 0.74 0.39 Frequency(Hz) 0.77 0.47 0.78 Calculated dominant root *: maximum natural circulation point in BWR/4 power-flow map (2) Inlet orifice coefficient effects Pressure drops in the single phase region are directly related to thermal-hydraulic feedbacks under DWOs. As in ESBWR, the pressure loss at the inlet orifice dominates the single phase pressure drop. Thus, it is important to assess the impact of inlet orifice coefficients on out-ofphase stability. The inlet orifice coefficient sensitivity analysis was performed by multiplying the coefficients at each channel with the same factors, while keeping the other operating parameters unchanged. The decay ratios and core mass flow rates at different inlet orifice coefficients are shown in Fig. 5.8. -76- I -eI 0.8 o S0.6 _ -- -- - - - 4Vuuu BWR 12000 --0 BWR at N.C. ------_ T - - rinnn I ESBWR - - - - - - - - 0• 0 . . . . . -- . . 0 0 " - --------- ----- ,0.0.5.. 0.5 1.5 1 -- . I i --------- ---------- 0.2---------- T+- . 10000 - , 8000 - - , 0.4-------- . - -4 ?. . 1.5 ~ 6000 ------- 4000 - a . ESBWR BWR at Rated Condition -- BWR at N.C. - - - - - - -- - -- 4 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 1.5 Inlet orifice coefficient (Ratio to design value) Inlet orifice coefficient (Ratio to design value) (b) Core Flow Rate (a) Decay Ratio Fig. 5.8 Inlet orifice coefficient sensitivity analysis From Fig. 5.8, it is seen that the decay ratios of ESBWR and BWR increase significantly for smaller inlet orifice coefficient. A minimum factor of 0.5 to the ESBWR design value of inlet orifice coefficient is required to satisfy the stability criterion, of a decay ratio below 0.8. The impact of inlet orifice coefficient on stability is remarkable under both forced circulation and natural circulation conditions, as the decay ratio increases from 0.19 to 0.51 for BWR at rated condition, versus, from 0.39 to 0.93 for ESBWR under natural circulation conditions. It is not surprising that the decay ratio of the BWR at natural circulation condition is higher than one when the inlet orifice coefficients are reduced to half of the design values. This is consistent with the historical findings of some experiments and analyses that indicated that BWRs are susceptible to unstable oscillations around the knee in the power-to-flow curve. It is also shown in Fig. 5.8b that decreasing the inlet orifice coefficient will decrease the pressure loss across the orifice, thus increase the core flow rate to balance the total pressure drop under natural circulation. As the increase of core flow rate has a stabilizing effect on stability, the effect of inlet orifice coefficient is damped a little under natural circulation conditions. It is shown in Fig. 5.8b that the effect of inlet orifice coefficient on core flow rate is more significant in ESBWR, compared to BWRs. This is probably due to the pressure loss at the inlet orifice accounting for a higher proportion of single-phase pressure drop in ESBWR. (3) Power effects The power sensitivity analysis was performed by changing the system power while keeping other operating parameters unchanged. The decay ratios and core mass flow rates at different power levels are shown in Fig. 5.9. - 77 - x 104 ---- ESBWR BWR at Rated Condition 1.5 --- BWR at N.C.I. 0r a3 oL 0.5 0 o 0.5 ---B 100 90 0 Core Power (%) 120 110 Core Power (%) 130 (b) Core Flow Rate (a) Decay Ratio Fig. 5.9: Power sensitivity analysis From Fig. 5.9, it is observed that the decay ratios of the ESBWR and BWR increase proportionally to increasing power. The higher core power increases the average void fraction and has a higher neutronic feedback gain because of the increased void reactivity coefficient. Under this condition, the two phase pressure drop increases and stability margins decrease. The results are consistent with the general understanding that the reactor is more stable at a smaller power-toflow ratio. It is also seen that the ESBWR still satisfies the stability criterion at 130% nominal power. From these results, the core power effect is more significant for the ESBWR, compared to the BWR under forced circulation conditions, but similar at natural circulation conditions. This is probably because: (1) the core flow rate is more sensitive in the ESBWR, as seen in Fig. 5.9b. ( the larger reactor leads to more sensitive stability margin for out-of-phase oscillations. (4) Flow Rate effects Since the flow rate is uncontrolled under natural circulation conditions in the ESBWR, the mass flow sensitivity analysis was conducted only for the BWR under forced circulation conditions. It is performed by changing the mass flow rate while keeping the power and other operating parameters constant. The decay ratios at different core flow rates are shown in Fig. 5.10. -78- Ar o0 'M °u CO 0r 0• 100 90 80 Fraction of nominal flow (%) .70 110 Fig. 5.10: Flow Rate sensitivity analysis It is shown in Fig. 5.10 that the decay ratio increases proportionally to decreasing core flow rate. Lower flow rates result in higher average void fraction and longer delay times for the density waves. Thus the operating conditions with lower flow would be less stable. (5) Doppler coefficients effects As discussed in Section 5.2.1, the Doppler feedback effect on the BWR stability is usually small compared with the void coefficient effect. In our analysis, a constant Doppler feedback coefficient is applied for both the ESBWR and BWR. To examine the validity of this assumption, a variety of Doppler coefficients were examined. The results are shown in Fig 5.11. As seen in Fig. 5.11, both the ESBWR and BWR are not sensitive to the Doppler coefficients. Therefore, the assumption of applying a constant Doppler feedback coefficient in out-of-phase stability analysis for both the ESBWR and BWR is reasonable. - 79- 1 -- ESBWR • BWR at Rated Condition I ------ -- BWR at N.C. 0.8 A A--$- 'v v4'-- 0.6 ----o--... --- 0.4 0.2 7 ~( 4 - ------- ) I ~----~--~ 1 2 3 Doppler Coefficients (factors) Fig. 5.11: Doppler coefficients sensitivity analysis (6) Void coefficients effects The void coefficient sensitivity analysis was performed by multiplying a factor by the steady state values of both the ESBWR and BWR. The decay ratios for different factors are shown in Fig. 5.12. --- ESBWR nA BWR A- M l r%+ -AIM h.i t. - -- -------,------I-------------- ---- 13L ----- I 6.5 1 1.5 Void Coefficients (factors) Fig. 5.12: Void coefficients sensitivity analysis It is clear that the void coefficient effect is prominent in both the ESBWR and BWR cases. - 80- (7) Core Diameter effects In out-of-phase oscillations, the first subcritical neutronic mode will take effect. The higher mode subcritical reactivity is directly proportional to the difference between the geometric buckling of the fundamental and subcritical modes. Therefore, larger cores should be more susceptible to out of phase instabilities than smaller cores. As the ESBWR uses large-size core to compensate for its shorter fuel and produce higher power outputs, it is valuable to conduct a sensitivity analysis to the core equivalent diameter. It is performed by changing the core equivalent diameter while keeping other operating parameters constant. The results are shown in Fig. 5.13. f~ 0.5 I- -.•00.45 i r I i ESBWR Design Value I 0.4 - - - -- - - - - - - - --- 0.35 0.3 A - 2- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - I 5 4.5 6 5.5 5 Core Equivalent Diameter (m) 6.5 Fig.5.13: Equivalent Core Diameter sensitivity analysis From Fig. 5.13, it is shown that the decay ratios increase proportionally to the core equivalent diameters. As the core size increases, the nuclear coupling between different parts of the core becomes weaker, and the core becomes more susceptible to out-of-phase oscillations. 5.3 Conclusion In the out-of-phase stability analysis, it is found that the decay ratio for a typical NCBWR (ESBWR) is much higher than that of a typical BWR (Peach Bottom 2) at rated conditions. This is due to the larger reactor core and lower thermal-hydraulic stability margin. However, the decay -81 - ratio of the ESBWR is smaller than that of BWR/Peach Bottom 2 under natural circulation conditions, which indicates that the new design features of the ESBWR, as discussed in Chapter 4, tend to improve its thermal-hydraulic stability performance, and thus out-of-phase stability performance. Sensitivity studies have addressed the effects of axial power distribution, inlet orifice coefficient, operating power level, and core flow rate. The results are similar to those of the single channel analysis, as the out-of-phase oscillations are dominated by thermal-hydraulic stability characteristics. The effects of axial power distribution, inlet orifice coefficient and power are more complex under natural circulation conditions, as any change of those parameters would alter the core flow rate. However, the results are consistent with the general understanding that a higher power-to-flow ratio and a higher two-phase pressure drop over single-phase pressure drop ratio result in higher average void fraction and deteriorate both the thermal-hydraulic and out-ofphase stability margin. It can be concluded that the NCBWR and BWR stabilities are similarly sensitive to operating parameters, but the NCBWR has more margin for stability under natural circulation conditions. Sensitivity analyses to reactivity coefficients have also been conducted. The results indicate that the void coefficient effect is prominent in both ESBWR and BWRs, while the Doppler feedback is negligible in out-of-phase stability analysis. The values used in our analyses of the two coefficients are very generic. Detailed calculation of void coefficients is required for more accurate stability analysis. The current results should only be considered as reasonable first order estimates, but not as confirmed values The effect of core size equivalent diameter again indicates the importance of assessing the outof-phase stability analysis for large BWRs, such as ESBWR, in which the nuclear coupling between different parts of the core becomes weaker. - 82- Chapter 6 Coupled neutronic core wide (in-phase) stability analysis Core-wide oscillations have been observed in several forced circulation BWRs [D'Auria et al., 1997] under close-to-natural circulation conditions where the stability margin is lowest in the power/flow map. For instance, core-wide oscillations were observed at the LaSalle 2 plant in Illinois. The term "core-wide oscillations" refers to the case when oscillations of neutron flux and flow in the whole core are in phase. The boiling two-phase flow in the core may become less stable because of the time lag between accommodating a mass flow change at one location and through adjustments of mass flow of a different density at another location in a channel, or through adjustments of vapor generation. Furthermore, void-reactivity feedback may make the system less stable. These two issues are of practical importance for designing and operating BWRs. As the NCBWRs typically have higher power-to-flow ratio, larger average void fraction and void reactivity coefficients, it is of considerable importance to assess the in-phase (core-wide) stability performance of NCBWRs. Furthermore, the stability characteristics will be discussed based on a parametric study of design choices of ESBWR, such as the power profile, total operating power, inlet orifice coefficients, the void reactivity coefficients, etc. Again, all the parameter sensitivity study will be compared with BWR at rated and natural circulation conditions. 6.1 The model description In in-phase oscillations, the flow and the power in all channels oscillate in the same mode throughout the whole core. Only the fundamental neutronic mode has effects. In this section, the thermal-hydraulic and neutronic models are described first; then, they are coupled together and the characteristic equation is constructed for the in-phase stability mode. The thermal-hydraulic and neutronic models can be illustrated in the Fig. 6.1. - 83 - Fundamental mode neutronic dynamics Wfeedwater Fig. 6.1: Illustration of in-phase stability model Unlike the single channel oscillation mode, which is restricted by a constant pressure drop across the single oscillation channel, the core pressure drop during the core wide in-phase oscillation will fluctuate, and the magnitude is constrained by the out-of-core components. Also, unlike the region wide out-of-phase oscillation, which adjusts the flow between two halves of the core to maintain an almost constant total inlet flow rate, the core inlet flow rate will oscillate during the in phase oscillation, and the feedback of the inlet flow rate is conducted by the flow dynamics in the out-of-core components. Furthermore, the in-phase stability mode affects all components in the flow path, while both the single channel and the out-of-phase stability modes only involve the parallel channel system in the core. The reactor core is just one of the components in the flow path, and the entire flow path is involved in the in-phase core-wide oscillations. For a typical BWR system, the two phase mixture exits from the reactor core and flows through the upper plenum and riser, then the steam is separated from the two phase mixture in the steam separator and dryer region. The separated saturated water mixes with the feedwater and flows - 84- down through the downcomer. After flowing through the jet pumps and recirculation loops, the water is finally collected in the lower plenum and flows up through the core to finish the closed flow loop. The boundary condition of this closed loop is the total of pressure drops for all the components in the flow path is zero. A constant feedwater flow rate can be assumed, since the feedwater flow rate is not affected by the loop fluctuation and is a small fraction of the total flow (about 13% at the steady state). A typical BWR reactor flow path is illustrated in Fig. 6.2. (Fig 3.3 in [Hanggi, 2001]) ss Fig. 6.2: BWR coolant flow path illustration The flow path of the GE ESBWR design is illustrated in Fig. 2.1 in Chapter 2. The ESBWR design relies completely on natural circulation to remove the heat from the core. The recirculation loop is eliminated. The same as in a BWR, the boundary condition is again the total of pressure drops across all components in the flow loop which adds up to zero. 6.1.1 Thermal-hydraulics model description To investigate the in-phase stability, a thermal hydraulic model must be developed for the whole core. As discussed in Chapter 5, coupled neutronics stability is not sensitive to the different thermal-hydraulic channel lumping. It is due to: (1)the neutronic feedback is controlled by the -85- whole core average properties, and the different thermal hydraulic channel lumping approach will not change the core average properties a lot; ( BWR only applies two inlet orifice zones, the center and peripheral regions, different core lumping schemes do not change the inlet orifice coefficients of the different lumped channels. So, a three parallel channel model to represent the whole core is applied to conduct in-phase stability analysis. Similar to the three channel model to represent half a core in out-of-phase stability analysis, consideration is given to a hot channel, average channel and low power density channel. In single channel density wave oscillations, the pressure boundary condition is that the total pressure drop across the oscillation channel is constant. The characteristic equation for single channel stability analysis is: HI(s) = F(s) = 0, in which F(s) is the transfer function between the inlet flow oscillation and the total pressure drop oscillation across the channel. In the in-phase oscillations, the pressure boundary condition is that the total pressure drop across the loop is constant, similar to that of the single channel oscillations. However, during in-phase oscillations, not only the inlet flow rate, but also the inlet enthalpy and power can be fluctuating. Therefore, the output pressure drop oscillations across the loop will be described as a function of the inlet flow rate oscillation, inlet enthalpy oscillation and power oscillation: APloop = FloopWin + kq' ++ H oopMin (loop (6.1) Thus, to derive the characteristic equation for in-phase stability analysis, the pressure drop oscillation for every component should be derived. (1) Reactor core and chimney partition If the core is modeled as N lumped parallel channels, for every lumped channel, the pressure drop oscillation can be described as: dAp = FlS SAp 2 =F 2 1 l,in + TlF 1 gqo' + HoAin W2,in + 72F 2 ' + H2 in (6.2) SAPN = FNWN, in + NFNdq + HuN-in - 86- All of the lumped channels have the same pressure drop. Adding up the inlet flow rate to all channels, the total flow rate can be obtained. If the pressure drop response to the inlet flow rate and power oscillations for every specific lumped channel is calculated, the pressure drop response for the total flow rate of the whole core and power oscillations can be obtained. Applying the boundary conditions: SApI = AP 2 ... = 8APN = SAPcore (6.3) Sw~1,in (6.4) + 2,in ... - N,in = in The volumetric power of the lumped channels can be related to the core average volumetric power as: q, = F,q0 q2 = F2o (6.5) qN = Fq' I&j = F• •'q (6.6) After some manipulations, the pressure drop oscillation across the core can be expressed as a function of the inlet flow rate oscillation, power oscillation and inlet enthalpy oscillation as: SAPcore = core reore in 6 q + H core in (6.7) Where, 11 r1 ++-I...+ 2 F 1 1 1 1 1 H core =(- + - + ---+ - ) (H - + H2 --score -+--- -+ = ] 2 N 2 NFN 1 HN IF N Besides the pressure drop response should be derived, the density and fuel temperature oscillations for every axial node should also be related to inlet flow rate, inlet enthalpy and power - 87 - oscillations since the reactivity feedback is related to the whole core properties. The oscillations for enthalpy, density, fuel temperature and the flow rate at every node i can be expressed as: •n i "- Wn ni = -"w n +t" & i. = D, S, p,, q ' W nh Wn,i lqo + W hi, i +D q' + Dhi &~hnH =+ +H H ' + Hh n,i , in+ n ,i q o " ni nj= (6.8) (6.9) (6.10) (6.10) in ++ InAMh Cnjqi n in The transfer functions (Wn,• W (6.11) Whi, Dn, ...... ) in the above equations are derived from the conservation equations at each node. The method is similar to that in single channel analysis, which has been described in Chapter 4. At the core exit (chimney partition exit for ESBWR), the water from all the lumped channels flows into the upper plenum, and is mixed there. It was assumed that the mixing is perfect. From the mass and energy conservations, we can get Wm Wlex W2,ex (6.12) + WN,ex whm = wexhi,ex + W2,exh2,ex + + (6.13) N,exhN,ex Where, h,: the mixed enthalpy at the upper plenum Win: the mixed flow rate at the upper plenum h,.ex, h2,ex ... hx,: the exit enthalpy for lumped channels Wl,ex , 2,ex... WN,ex the exit flow rate for lumped channels Perturbation and Laplace transformation of Equation (6.12) and (6.13) yield the mixed enthalpy and flow rate oscillations: m ,ex + 2,ex + +8wN,ex = (WW..+W + (W h + W 'x) wi +W(2x +-+ ",+W+, ) Sjqo +whex +...+Whex) 1,ex~l 2,ex N'+W,e-x 6hin -88- (6.14) = Wex gWi, +Wqe S4l + Wex'hi,, Shm = [(hi,ex,oSWI,ex + Wex,oh,ex) + (h2,ex,o +(hN,ex,o N,ex + WN,ex,oAN,ex) 2,ex + 2,ex,o 'h,ex) +... hm,o06m W - = H~, Sw, + Hex 9q + H ,ex bh, (6.15) Applying the relation between the enthalpy oscillation and density oscillation described in Chapter 4 for the two phase mixture, the mixed density oscillation at the core exit can be derived as: m= (6.16) vfg -2 •-_ From the mixed flow rate and density oscillations, the mixture velocity oscillations at the core exit can be derived as: Wm = mm•Acore i',, = (m - win / m,o , (6.17) • m)/(Acore •mo) Where, Acoe : total core flow area ,mo: the steady state mixed density at core exit (2) Upper plenum The upper plenum modeling and the oscillation derivations follow from those of [Lahey and Moody, 1993]. Since the cross section area of the upper plenum is much larger than its height, a lumped parameter model can be applied. The pressure drop oscillation for the upper plenum can be derived as: A~pup Ap LUA [sAup,ex A, s Ai 1 in(Au,ex upex ]2' A ) + -( 2 A,,Pm,o (6.18) (6.18) A2 wi )2 (1 Where, - 89- A x)+9.81LuP ]b ,e p,ex = (1+ up) - (6.19) up,i (6.20) up,ex = Ae 8up,i n A ,ex A : Upper plenum flow area •u: Volume averaged upper plenum density z,: the mixing time constant in the upper plenum, ru, - P wup,o Mup,o: the water mass in the upper plenum at the steady state w the water flow rate in the upper plenum at the steady state :,o: Recalling that the channel exit is the upper plenum inlet, plugging Equations (6.16), (6.17), (6.19) and (6.20) into Equation (6.18), the pressure drop response of the upper plenum can be described as: SApup = FupWin +7CupSq + Hnup (6.21) kh (3) Steam separators The pressure loss at the steam separators is lumped into the form loss with a coefficient ofKsep. Therefore, the steam separator pressure drop model is described as: 2 (6.22) APsep = Ksep Then, the pressure drop oscillation can be derived as, 2 Usep 9APsep = Ksep 2 6 Psep + KsepGsep Usep (6.23) In which, Susep(S) =f Sup (S) Aseup Pse (s) =Pup,ex (s) - 90 - Then, the pressure drop oscillation for the steam separator can be written as: APsep = Fsep',n + 7 sep6qo' + H sep (6.24) i, (4) The feedwater and the separated saturated water mixing region WFW, hFW WD, hD,in Fig. 6.3: Separated water and feedwater mixing region As mentioned before, assuming the feedwater flow rate and enthalpy are constant, one obtains, (h, - h,,)wFw k,in 2 (6.25) &VD WD,o Assuming non-compressible fluid in the single phase region, the flow rate oscillations in the single phase region will be equal to the core inlet flow rate oscillation, i.e. SwD = Win. (5) The downcomer reeion Without a recirculation loop, the downcomer region in the ESBWR is very simple. Assuming the single phase density is constant in the downcomer region, the pressure drop oscillation for the steam separator can be written as: JAPd fdcLd = (IdcS +--fD Dedc mcoreL cor) fAd =r in Where, Idc : Momentum of inertia of the downcomer, Idc = Ldc / Adc -91- (6.26) The enthalpy oscillation in the downcomer could be derived from the energy conservation equation. According to [Zhao et al., 2005], the energy conservation equation for the downcomer can be written as: 8(hD -p/p f) (D fA at wD 8h, az = (6.27) Ph,D Where, q,: heat flux between the downcomer water and the vessel wall. It can be written as: (6.28) qv = HD(TV - T). Applying a lumped parameter model to the reactor vessel and neglecting the heat loss and generation in the vessel wall, the temperature dynamics of the vessel wall can be written as, dT SC,, (6.29) dt = -qv AV Where, M, :Vessel mass A, :Total vessel heating area at the downcomer region Perturbation and Laplace transformation of Equation (6.28) and (6.29), neglecting the fluctuation of heat transfer coefficient, one yields: (ST, - TD) (6.30) Tv (s) = -A ,v (M C p,, vs) i qv (6.31) &qv = H Perturbation and Laplace transformation of Equation (6.27) and applying Equations (6.30) and (6.31), after integration and rearrangement, the relation of the enthalpy oscillations between the inlet and the outlet of the upper downcomer can be obtained as: &hD,e = exp{-LD [ ADp fS + WD,o Ph, Ho DHo ]}&Di WD,oCf (1+ HD,o A I(MVC,,vs)) =D D,n (6.32) However, the downcomer region of a typical BWR can be divided into an upper downcomer, a lower downcomer and the jet pump regions, as shown in Fig. 6.4. The flow dynamics is more complex than that in ESBWR. The details of the thermal-hydraulics oscillation in the downcomer region of a BWR can be found in [Zhao et al., 2005]. - 92- Part 1 Part 2 2 Part 3 F, Fig. 6.4: The downcomer region in a BWR Also, the pressure drop oscillation in downcomer region can be also derived as, (6.33) SAPD = FDiSw, Where, F, = FD + FD2 + jet The relation of the enthalpy oscillations between the inlet and the outlet of the upper downcomer for BWR can be also derived as: Diex = DShD,in (6) Lower plenum Just as for the upper plenum, the lumped model was applied to the lower plenum, from which one obtains: hLP,ex = (1 + LpS) -1 (6.34) hLP,i n Where, ,o Wio: the water mass in the lower plenum at steady state rTI: the mixing time constant in the lower plenum, r, - M M o: the water mass in the lower plenum at steady state - 93 - Recalling that the downcomer outlet is the lower plenum inlet, and the lower plenum outlet is the core inlet, from equations (6.25), (6.32), and (6.34), one obtains a relation between the core inlet flow rate oscillation and the core inlet enthalpy oscillation as: 6~i = (1+ z~s)-I x exp{-L (h x - hFw)WFW 2 i% , = ADf S PhDHDo Wo,o WD,opf (1+ HD,oAV I(M,C,V s)) (6.35) (6.35) nin Thw. D,o (7) Total pressure drop oscillations across the flow loop Plugging Equation (6.35) into Equations (6.7), (6.21), and (6.24), one obtains, 5APcore = (Fcore + H coreThw )•wn + AP, = (Fup + HpT,Thw)Wi + (6.36) corel6q (6.37) up•q0 ' (6.38) Apsep = (Fsep + HsepThw)~Win + gsep q7 0 The total loop pressure drop responses can be obtained by adding up Equations (6.36), (6.37), (6.38), and (6.26). SAp = [(core + up + sep + (H or + H ) ) + (H + H sep )Thw ]&in+ (7core+ Jup + Irs )q&o' (6.39) = rloop6,in + lToop¢•o The flow path can be categorized into a compressible part and non-compressible part. The compressible part for the ESBWR is the two-phase flow region, which includes the two-phase flow part in the reactor core, upper plenum, riser and steam separator. The non-compressible part includes the downcomer, lower plenum and the single phase part of the reactor core. During inphase oscillation, the pressure drop fluctuation in the compressible part will generate an opposite sign feedback in the non-compressible part with the same amplitude to maintain a constant pressure drop boundary condition. The feedback mechanism can be represented in Fig. 6.5 as follows: - 94- Get',,Sq + 6w, tq Thermal hydraulics of S the compressible part APcomp. SAp, =0 &Sw Thermal hydraulics of the non-compressible part Pnon-comp. + Fig. 6.5: Thermal hydraulic feedback of the ESBWR in phase stability From the above diagram, the pressure drop oscillations in the compressible and non-compressible part can be expressed as: 8Apco = F.comp.• + comp.• APnon-comp. = Fnon-comp. (6.40) F + )7non-comp. oqo (6.41) To maintain a constant total pressure drop, (6.42) SAPcomp. + APnon-comp. = 0 Combining Equations (6.40), (6.41) and (6.42), one obtains, Floop in,t + oop (6.43) in,ext = non-comp.~ 6.1.2 Neutronic model descriptions The neutronic dynamics transfer function had been discussed in Chapter 5 by using a A modes expansion of the point kinetic equation. However, only fundamental mode neutronic dynamics play a role in in-phase oscillations; unlike in out-of-phase oscillations, both fundamental and first subcritical modes take effects. According to Equations (5.22) and (5.23), the transfer function for the fundamental mode can be described as: SqF = (o(s)SP, (6.44) ~o(s) = q'(sAo + (6.45) i=1 S + Ai - 95 - 6.1.3 Characteristic equation for in-phase stability analysis Similar to the out-of-phase case, for the in-phase stability mode, the void-reactivity and the fuel temperature-reactivity are two important feedback mechanisms that link the thermal-hydraulics and the neutronics. For in-phase stability analysis, the boundary condition of the constant total pressure drop oscillation throughout of the whole closed loop (Ap,,oo p = 0 ) is applied. Similar to the out-of-phase case, the feedback loop for the in-phase stability can be described in Fig. 6.6. (5 ext U ext Fig. 6.6: Block diagram for the in-phase stability model The same as the out-of-phase case, the neutronic feedback is controlled by the whole core average properties. The oscillations of the core average parameters are obtained by adding up the weighted contributions for all of the nodes, radial and axially through out of the core. If the core has N channels and one channel has M nodes axially, the average core density and fuel temperature oscillations can be expressed as: NM NM ic= W U in Wj j=l i=1 N M S in j=1 i=1 WUi den +q W i=1 Q = UdendWin den den en (6.46) j=l i=1 + Sq ' N M W QYi = U, w, + j=1 i=1 Therefore, the reactivity feedback oscillation can be obtained as: - 96 - Q fq (6.47) Sp, = Cden c+ dop (6.48) = (CdenUden + CdopUf )w in + (CdenQden + CdopQf Then, the total reactivity oscillation equation can be written as: Sp, ) - Cden (Uden + Uf in,t - Cdop (Qden+ (6.49) Qf )qo = Pext And the total power oscillation equation can be expressed as: (6.50) qtl - Do (s)S)p, = 9qe' Similar to the out-of-phase stability analysis, the governing Equations (6.43), (6.49) and (6.50) can be described in a matrix form as: (6.51) A(s)&x, = B(s)&ext In which, (6.52) Xt = (6Win,t q o, SPt ), SXext = (SWin,ext ,, &ext, (6.53) Pex, ) Floop 1 0 A(s) = -(CdeUn + Cdop U) ]non-comp. B(s) = nloop -(CdenQden + Cdo, Q 0 - ~o(s ) , and (6.54) 1 00 0 1 0 0 0 1 (6.55) Therefore, the characteristic equation can be derived from det[A(s)] = 0. The characteristic equation for the in-phase stability analysis is: Froop[1- o(S) (CdenQden + Cdop )f + o(S) (CdenUdn + CdopUf) = 0 (6.56) 6.2 In-phase Stability performance of ESBWR and comparisons with BWR As described in Chapter 5, GE uses a stability criteria map of the in-phase core decay ratio vs. channel decay ratio to establish margins to stability [GE Nuclear Energy, 2005]. The ESBWR - 97 - stability design criterion for in-phase decay ratio is constrained to less than 0.8. We also adopt this criterion in our work for the uncertainty of the analysis method. For conservation, HEM is again applied in the thermal-hydraulic model. In this section, the decay ratio for in-phase (core-wide) oscillations was calculated first at ESBWR design coditions. The initial conditions were the same as for the out-of-phase stability analysis. Non-uniform axial power profile at BOC is used and the effect of axial power distribution is also analyzed. Then, as in the single channel and out-of-phase stability cases, the sensitivity of ESBWR stability to different parameters are assessed and compared to BWR (Peach Bottom 2) at both rated and natural circulation conditions. 6.2.1 Stability performance under design conditions An in-phase stability analysis for the ESBWR design is conducted in this section. For comparison, the typical BWR in-phase stability was also analyzed. The whole ESBWR core is represented by three lumped channels (high power channel, intermediate power channel, and low power channel). The detailed thermal-hydraulic lumping parameters for ESBWR and BWR/Peach Bottom 2 are listed in the tables below. Table 6.1: Parameters of the three lumped channel model for ESBWR Lumped Power Assembly Assembly flow Equivalent inlet channel number peaking factor number rate (kg/s) orifice coefficient 1 1.25 128 7.26 42.1 2 1.05 820 7.80 42.1 3 0.603 184 6.75 110 Table 6.2: Parameters of the three channel model for a typical BWR Lumped Power Assembly Assembly flow Equivalent inlet channel number peaking factor number rate (kg/s) orifice coefficient 1 1.3 60 13.85 31.1 2 1.037 612 14.41 31.1 3 0.565 92 7.65 205.0 - 98 - The operating parameters and the calculated decay ratios are listed in Table 6.3 for both the ESBWR and BWR. From Table 6.3, we can see that the ESBWR has a higher decay ratio, i.e. smaller stability margin compared to a typical BWR at rated condition. But it is still stable, with a large stability margin. However, it is found that the BWR at the maximum natural circulation point can be unstable, as the calculated maximum decay ratio is larger than 1. As discussed in Chapter 4, the decay ratio in single channel analysis for BWR at maximum natural circulation point is 0.72, versus 0.28 for ESBWR. Therefore, the thermal-hydraulic stability margin is much lower than that of ESBWR. When neutronic feedback is taking effects in in-phase stability analysis, the system could experience sustained or amplified oscillations. This finding is consistent with the reported BWR instability events near natural circulation conditions. Table 6.3: Parameters for in-phase stability analysis BWR/4 (Peach Bottom 2) BWR/4 at natural NCBWR at rated condition circulation condition* (ESBWR) 3293 1986 4500 12915 3834 9516 Feed water flow rate (kg/s) 1687 1018 2451 Power density (kW/L) 50 30 54 Uniform Uniform Design value at Parameter Core Power (MW) Core coolant flow rate kg/s) xial power shape BOC Inlet temperature (oC) 275 275 271 Fuel bundles, number 764 764 1132 Calculated dominant oot -0.98 + 4.34i 0.06+2.28i -0.44 + 4.40i 0.24 >1, Unstable 0.535 Decay Ratio 0.36 0.69 lrequency(Hz) *: maximum natural circulation point in BWR/4 power-flow map 0.70 6.2.2 Parameter sensitivity analysis In the following, design feature and parameter sensitivity study is conducted for both the ESBWR and BWR at rated condition. - 99- (1) Axial power profile effects As the same in the single-channel and out-of-phase stability analysis, the general power shape function: P(z) = A, sin(r(z / H)"" ) is used in the sensitivity analysis for in-phase stability. By changing the power shape factor n, the effect of power distributions can be determined. The decay ratios calculated for different axial power distributions are shown in Fig. 6.7. As seen in Fig. 6.7, a bottom peaked power distribution has a larger decay ratio, the result is consistent with those in single channel and out-of-phase stability analysis: the bottom peaked power distribution causes boiling to occur earlier; brings to an increase of the axially averaged void fraction and produces a larger delay in the local pressure drops adjustments, hence making the reactor less stable. However, the effect is not as prominent as in single channel analysis. The saturation effect is also shown in the above figure. Under bottom-peaked power shapes, shifting power to the core bottom also reduce the neutronics feedback in the upper, high void fraction content region of the core, which has a stabilizing effect. 1.5 2 2.5 Power Shape Parameter, n Fig. 6.7 Effects of axial power profile on in-phase stability -100- For consistency, the general power shape function: P(z) = 2 sin((z / H)"1/2 ) is again applied in the BWR sensitivity analysis for in -phase stability, the same as used in the single-channel and out-of-phase stability analyses. The decay ratios calculated are listed in Table 6.4, and will be used as the base cases for parameter sensitivity analyses. Comparing the results of Table 6.3 and Table 6.4, it is seen again that the bottom peaked power distribution has a smaller stability margin. Table 6.4: Base case for sensitivity analysis of in-phase stability (NU) Parameters BWR at rated condition ESBWR at rated condition Core Power (MW) 3293 4500 Core flow rate (kg/s) 12915 9516 -0.81 + 4.49i -0.44 + 4.40i Decay Ratio 0.32 0.535 Frequency(Hz) 0.71 0.70 Calculated dominant root (2) Inlet orifice coefficient effects The inlet orifice coefficient sensitivity analysis was performed by multiplying a factor to the design values for all the lumping channels, while keeping other operating parameters unchanged. The decay ratios and core mass flow rates at different inlet orifice coefficients are shown in Fig. 6.8. o 0.6 - ESBWR BWR at Rated Condition -- -- 0.7 ----------- "• I I IVVVV 000 61 --- -E-ESBWR ' 14,000 I---------- BWR at Rated Condition E na >, 0.5 ---------- ,•---_------- -------- CU a4) o 0.4 ------------- - ---- - -- - - L ----i--_ ------ -----------------S- L I •-• •,•--_ _ L --- -- -- ------- 10,000 - 0.3 12,000 - - - - •;• 8,000 A' v.,0 I 0.5 1 Inlet orifice coefficient (Ratio to Design Value) 1.5 0 I I 0.5 I 1 1.5 Inlet orifice coefficient (Ratio to design value) (a) Decay Ratio (b) Core Flow Rate Fig. 6.8 Inlet orifice coefficient sensitivity analysis - 101 - In ESBWR, the pressure loss at the inlet orifice takes up a large proportion of the total pressure drop. With small inlet orifice coefficient, the core flow rate increases under natural circulation, as seen in Fig. 6.8b. The increase in core flow rate will decrease the average void fraction and generate positive neutronic feedback, which has a stabilizing effect. Although the smaller inlet orifice coefficient decreases the single phase pressure drop, which deteriorates the thermalhydraulic stability margin, the overall effect in our study shows that the ESBWR in-phase stability is not sensitive to inlet orifice coefficients. Nonetheless, it is shown in Fig. 6.8a that the effect of inlet orifice coefficient is significant in in-phase stability for BWR under forced circulation conditions, as expected. (3) Power and flow rate effects A power sensitivity analysis was performed by changing the system power while keeping all other operating parameters unchanged. The decay ratios and core mass flow rates at different power levels are shown in Fig. 6.9. The mass flow sensitivity analysis was conducted only for BWR, since the flow rate of ESBWR is uncontrolled under natural circulation conditions. It was performed by changing the mass flow rate while keeping the power and other operating parameters constant. The decay ratios at different core flow rates are shown in Fig. 6.10. 16,000 '-----;;:====E=S=B::!:W==R====~=====;l -----B- ESBWR -;:,.- BWR at Rated Condition 1 1 0.6 I ---- 1 -1- - - - -1- - I 1 I 1 I I - - - ~ 0.5 - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - -: - - - - -:- - - - 1 1 0.4 - - - - 1 1 1 1 I f ~ - - ~=-~-i::---=--=---::--=-~=·.=·~_··=·:==-=-:::·-'::·-=- _-- 0.3 - - - - 1 1 I 1 1 1 t ---- +- - - - ~ - - - - -: - - - - -:- - - - I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 105 110 115 120 Core Power (%) 125 ~ 14,000 : C ~ ~ 12,000 o u::: ~ o 10,000 BWR at Rated Condition 1'-----,------,-------' - - - - - - I - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - 1 1 ~ ~ ~ I ______ -1- - - - - 1 I 1 .. 1 L- I I 1 f I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 - - - - - - I - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - () _ r - - - - - f 8,00~0 130 (a) Decay Ratio 100 110 120 Core Power (%) (b) Core Flow Rate Fig. 6.9: Power sensitivity analysis - 102- 130 0 0 CO rD 0. 80 70 90 100 Percentage to nominal flow (%) 110 Fig. 6.10: Flow Rate sensitivity analysis From Fig. 6.9, it is observed that the decay ratios of the ESBWR and BWR both increase when reactors are operating at higher core power levels. The results are consistent with the findings in single-channel and out-of-phase analysis. The higher core power increases average void fraction and has a higher neutronic feedback gain, hence destabilizes the reactor. It is also seen that the ESBWR still satisfies the criterion at 130% nominal power. Also from Fig. 6.9, the core power effect is similarly significant under natural circulation conditions and forced circulation conditions, although the core flow rate in ESBWR decreases under higher power, as seen in Fig. 6.9b. However, the flow rate effect is prominent in the BWR. As shown in Fig. 6.10, the decay ratios increase proportionally to decreasing core flow rates. In principle, the operating conditions with the lower flow should be less stable, as it results in higher average void fraction and longer delay times for the density waves. (4) Reactivity coefficients effects In our analysis, a constant Doppler feedback coefficient and a quadratic form void reactivity coefficient ( C = C1 + C2 T+ C3 d2 ) were applied for both the ESBWR and BWR. They are both borrowed from [Munoz-Cobo, 2002] for Ringhals nuclear plant in Sweden, which is a rough assumption for our analysis. Without detailed neutronics model to calculate those coefficients, the sensitivity study for those coefficients must be conducted. - 103 - The Doppler and void coefficients sensitivity analyses were performed by multiplying a factor to the steady-state values of both ESBWR and BWR. The decay ratios of different factors are shown in Fig. 6.11 and Fig. 6.12. · a8 · v.1 · -- ESBWR 0.7 ----- - ---- 0.6 I BWR at Rated Condition - - - S0.5 -----0.4 -------- - --------------------------- ----- -I----------------- - - iI - - - - - - - - - I- 0.3' v. I 3 2 1 Doppler Coefficients (factors) Fig. 6.11: Doppler coefficients sensitivity analysis - 0.8 ESBWR BWR at Rated Condition S----- 0.6---- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - - - - ------------ ------- - - - - ---- -- - -----I- 0 0.4S--- ~J----- 0.2 0.5 I I 1 1.5 Void Coefficients (factors) Fig. 6.12: Void coefficients sensitivity analysis As seen in Fig. 6.11, both the ESBWR and BWR are not sensitive to the Doppler coefficients. The Doppler feedback effect is very small in in-phase stability analysis for both the ESBWR and -104- BWR. However, the void coefficient effect is prominent, although not so remarkable in the ESBWR. The difference between the BWR and ESBWR may originate from their difference in thermal-hydraulic stability margin. (5) Fuel Gap Conductance effects Fuel gap conductance also affects reactor stability performance, primarily, relating to neutronics feedback. It should be mentioned here that the gap thermal conductivity used in our analysis is a constant value for both BWR and ESBWR. Although affecting the thermal response of the fuel rods, it is known with a poor degree of accuracy. To assess its effect, sensitivity analysis was performed by multiplying a factor to the constant value. The results of different factors are shown in Fig. 6.13. I SI ---e ESBWR * BWR at Rated Condition 0.8 -------------------------- I - -- o ,Z L A l CO) - -- -- -- -- -- A -- ___-------~----------- -- --- --- -- - - - -----i S0.4 0.2 0.5 Z --------- --- --- --- --- *-- --- ------------I I- I 1 1.5 Fuel Gap Conductance (factors) 2 Fig. 6.13: Gap conductance sensitivity analysis From Fig. 6.13, it is observed that the decay ratios of the ESBWR and BWR both increase with increasing pellet-clad gap conductance. Before the power can feed back through the coolant dynamics, it has to change the fuel temperature, thus the heat flux from fuel to coolant. The relatively lower fuel response in commercial BWRs would have a stabilizing effect. Thus, increased pellet-clad gap conductance has a destabilizing effect in general, as do smaller diameter fuels due to the reduction of the response time. However, its effect to in-phase stability is not prominent. -105- 6.3 Conclusion In core-wide in-phase stability analysis, the decay ratio for a typical NCBWR (ESBWR) is found to be higher than that of a typical BWR (Peach Bottom 2) at rated conditions, due to its lower thermal-hydraulic stability margin and higher neutronic feedback. But the NCBWR (ESBWR) still satisfies the stability criteria, Decay Ratio=0.8. However, it is found that BWR/Peach Bottom 2 could be unstable near the maximum natural circulation point in power-flow map. This indicates that the new design features of ESBWR, which help the thermal-hydraulic stability performance in Chapter 4, improve the in-phase stability performance. Sensitivity studies have addressed the effects of axial power distribution, inlet orifice coefficient, power and flow rate, reactivity coefficients, and gap conductance. The results are consistent with general understandings: lower thermal-hydraulic stability margin, higher neutronic feedback, and faster response (higher oscillation frequency) destabilize the reactor system. When a certain operating parameter changes, all three effects should be combined, which makes the in-phase stability more complex to analyze. In general, more bottom-peaked axial power profile and higher power-to-flow ratio result in higher two-phase pressure drop and higher average void fraction and higher neutronic feedback, thus deteriorate the stability margin. The higher reactivity coefficients and higher gap conductance will result in higher neutronic feedback and shorter response time, thus lower stability margin. -106- Chapter 7 Summary and Recommendations 7.1 Summary of Conclusions Natural circulation is a key feature in the design of next generation BWRs, because it has the potential for simplicity, inherent safety, and maintenance reduction. Numerous design modifications have been applied in NCBWRs, such as the ESBWR, to achieve simplicity and improved plant economics. However, the modifications changed the core stability behavior to a significant extent, resulting in a lower stability margin when the reactor is operated at low mass flow and high nominal power. The objective of this thesis is to assess the stability margin of NCBWRs under normal operating conditions, such as the ESBWR, in comparison to the older BWR technology that allows natural convection at partial load only. Since the frequency domain methods can be used more efficiently to carry out sensitivity analyses, as compared to the time domain methods, a frequency domain linear stability code was developed to investigate the NCBWR stability. In linear stability analysis, the BWR core and reactor vessel are divided into a large number of nodes. Thus, the thermal-hydraulic conservation equations, constitutive equations, along with neutronic equations form a system of nonlinear equations, which can be solved numerically by dividing the flow channel into axial computational nodes. First, the steady state parameters in each node, including the coolant temperature, enthalpy, velocity, density, flow quality, cladding and fuel temperature, are solved. Then, after applying perturbation, linearization and Laplace transformation of the conservation equations for each node, the characteristic equation for each DWO mode can be derived by applying appropriate boundary conditions. In addition, in order to evaluate the NCBWR stability performance, comparisons with BWR/Peach Bottom 2 at both the rated condition and maximum natural circulation condition -107- have been conducted as well. Sensitivity studies are performed to investigate the effects of design features and operating parameters, including the chimney length, inlet orifice coefficient, power, flow rate, and axial power distribution, reactivity coefficients, fuel pellet-clad gap conductance. Using pressure drop versus flow rate curve and the characteristic equation for single-channel DWO stability analysis, the Ledinegg type instability has been assessed for the highest power channel in the ESBWR. It can be concluded that the reference ESBWR design would not experience such an instability problem in normal operating conditions. Using frequency domain methods, the three types of DWO stability characteristics of the NCBWR and their sensitivity to the operating parameters and design features have been analyzed. 1. Single channel stability analysis In single channel DWO stability analysis, it is assumed that only one channel or a small fraction of the core flow oscillates while the bulk flow remains at steady state. Therefore, the neutronic feedback due to this small fraction oscillation can be neglected; the boundary condition of constant channel pressure drop can be used to construct the characteristic equation. It is found that the flow oscillation decay ratio for the ESBWR is higher than that of a typical BWR at rated conditions, which means that the stability margin is reduced due to its high powerto-flow ratio. However, the decay ratio is much lower than that of the BWR at maximum natural circulation conditions, which indicates that new design features of the ESBWR, including shorter fuel bundle and installation of part-length rods, tend to improve its thermal-hydraulic stability performance. Various sensitivity analyses have been conducted. It is found that the bottom peaked power distribution increases the two-phase flow region and core average void fraction, thus degrades the stability. Therefore, the most limiting condition for single channel thermal-hydraulic stability is at Beginning of Cycle, which has the most bottom peaked power shape. Stability margin is also sensitive to the inlet orifice coefficient, power and flow rate. With decreasing flow rate or increasing power, the ESBWR stability gradually deteriorates due to the increasing power/flow ratio. When the inlet coefficient is increased, the stability margin is increased due to the increase -108- in single-phase pressure drop. Thus, a proper choice of the orifice scheme is needed to balance the stability performance and natural circulation performance. However, it can be concluded that the thermal-hydraulic stabilities of both ESBWR and BWR are similarly sensitive to these operating parameters. To assure the suitability of HEM in a stability analysis, a comparison of the HEM and NHEM has been done for the single channel analysis. It is found that HEM predicts more conservative results comparing to the non-homogenous model. 2. Out-of-phase stability analysis During the out-of-phase instability, half of the core increases in power while the power in the other half decrease while maintaining an approximately constant total core power. It is assumed that the total inlet core flow-rate and total core power remain constant in the oscillations. The thermodynamic parameter changes (changes in the average void and the fuel temperature) will have neutronic feedback due to Doppler and void reactivity feedback. The thermal-hydraulic HEM model and modal expansion method for point kinetics equations were applied in our linear stability analysis code. It is found that the decay ratio for ESBWR is much higher than that of the BWR/Peach Bottom 2 at rated conditions, due to the larger reactor core and lower thermal-hydraulic stability margin. However, the stability margin of ESBWR is smaller than that of BWR/Peach Bottom 2 under natural circulation conditions, which indicates that the new design features of the ESBWR improve its thermal-hydraulic stability performance, and thus out-of-phase stability performance. Sensitivity studies have addressed the effects of axial power distribution, inlet orifice coefficient, power, and core flow rate. The results are similar to those of single channel analysis, which indicates that the out-of-phase oscillations are dominated by thermal-hydraulic stability characteristics. The higher power-to-flow ratio and higher two-phase pressure drop over singlephase pressure drop ratio result in higher average void fraction and deteriorates both the thermalhydraulic and out-of-phase stability margin. Although the core flow rate changes with the operating parameters under natural circulation conditions, it can be concluded that the NCBWR and BWR out-of-phase stabilities are similarly sensitive to these operating parameters. -109- The void coefficient effect is prominent in both ESBWR and BWRs, while Doppler feedback is negligible in out-of-phase stability analysis. The effect of core size equivalent diameter again demonstrates that the larger core is more susceptible to out-of-phase instabilities than the smaller core. The out-of-phase stability performance plays an important role in designing higher power BWRs. 3. In-phase stability analysis During in-phase oscillations, the flow and the power in all of the channels oscillate in phase throughout the whole core; only the fundamental mode is taken into account in the neutronics model. The boundary condition for in-phase stability analysis is the total of pressure drops across the flow loop is zero. For conservative, the thermally-hydraulic HEM is applied in the stability analysis code. From the results, the decay ratio for a typical NCBWR (ESBWR) is higher than that of a typical BWR (Peach Bottom 2) at rated conditions, due to its lower thermal-hydraulic stability margin and higher neutronic feedback. But it still satisfies the stability criteria, Decay Ratio=0.8. However, it is found that BWR/Peach Bottom 2 is unstable at the maximum natural circulation point in the power-flow map. Sensitivity studies have also addressed the effects of axial power distribution, inlet orifice coefficient, power and flow rate, reactivity coefficients, and gap conductance. The results are consistent with general understandings: lower thermal-hydraulic stability margin, higher neutronic feedback, and faster response (higher oscillation frequency) destabilize the reactor system. When a certain operating parameter changes, all three effects must be combined, which makes the in-phase stability more complex to analyze. In general, more bottom-peaked axial power profile and higher power-to-flow ratio result in higher two-phase pressure drop and higher average void fraction and higher neutronic feedback, thus deteriorate the stability margin. The higher reactivity coefficients and higher gap conductance will result in higher neutronic feedback and shorter response time, thus lower the stability margin. -110- 7.2 Recommendations for Future work The following topics are good candidates for future work: 1. A more quantitative validation of the code. 2. The effect of oscillation frequency to the stability margin, its relation to the operating parameters, and if it could be used to choose the dominant root of the system characteristic equation to avoid false roots from numerical analysis. 3. Specified neutronic calculation for the reactivity feedback coefficients, or applying multiregional neutronic feedback with detailed neutronics model. 4. Stability analysis for the reactor startup, in which the flashing effect must be considered. 5. 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