The Design of a Reduced Diameter Pebble Bed Modular Reactor for Reactor Pressure Vessel Transport by Railcar By Matthew S. Everson B.S. & M.S., Nuclear Science and Engineering (2009) Massachusetts Institute of Technology SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING AND MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 0 2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology MASSACHUSETTS INSTfUE OF TEm' 'LOGY All rights reserved AUG 1 9 2009 LIBRA RIES Signature of Authors: Matthew S. Everson Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering May 21, 2009 Certified by Professor Andrew C. Kadak Professor of the Practice, Nuclear Engineering Thesis Supervisor Certified by Professor Benoit Forget Assistant Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering Thesis Reader Accepted by: "/ gr7 Jacqueyn C. Yanch Profess of Nuclear Stience and Engineering Chair, Department Committee on Graduate Students ARCHIVES Acknowledgements I would like to thank Professor Andrew Kadak of MIT for the excellent guidance and expertise he has provided on the road to completing this thesis. I would also like to thank Eben Mulder of North West University for contributing to my knowledge of the inner workings of VSOP. And I express my gratefulness for my amazing fiance, who has always been there for me when I needed her. -2- The Design of a Reduced Diameter Pebble Bed Modular Reactor for Reactor Pressure Vessel Transport by Railcar By Matthew S. Everson Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering on May 21, 2009 in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Science and Engineering and Master of Science in Nuclear Science and Engineering ABSTRACT Many desirable locations for Pebble Bed Modular Reactors are currently out of consideration as construction sites for current designs due to limitations on the mode of transportation for large RPVs. In particular, the PBMR-400 design developed by PBMR Pty of South Africa uses an RPV with an outer diameter of 6.4 meters. Since current SCHNABEL railcars can only haul components up to 4.3 meters wide, the only other possibility for transport is by barge, which limits construction to sites accessible by river, lake or coast. Designing a PBMR with a core able to fit within an RPV able to be transported by railcar would be extremely valuable, especially for potential inland sites only accessible by railway, such as those in the Canadian Oil Sands at which the PBMR would be utilized for oil extraction processes. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the feasibility of a Pebble Bed Modular Reactor design operating at 250 MWth with a core restricted to fitting inside an RPV with an outer diameter of 4.3 meters. After reviewing the performance of various core configurations satisfying this constraint, an optimized PBMR design operating at this power was found. This new design uses the same fuel management scheme as the PBMR-400, as well as similar inlet and outlet coolant temperatures. This MPBR-250 design includes a pebble bed with an outer diameter of 2.7 meters, an outer reflector 50 cm thick and 12.5% enriched fuel. A mixture of graphite pebbles of 11.7% is also included in the pebble bed to produce an equilibrium core with minimal excess reactivity. This thesis shows that the MPBR-250 can perform up to the standards of the PBMR-400 design with respect to power peaking factors, peak temperatures and RPV fast fluences and can also increase fuel burnup to nearly 110 GWd/T. In addition, the MPBR-250 is a much more agile design, able to be deployed at a wider variety of locations because its RPV can be transported by railcar. Thesis Supervisor: Andrew C. Kadak Title: Professor of the Practice, Nuclear Engineering -3- Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. THE PEBBLE BED MODULAR REACTOR 1.1.1. PBMR 400 MW, REACTOR 1.1.2. FUEL ELEMENTS 1.1.3. THERMAL HYDRAULICS 1.1.4. FUEL MANAGEMENT 1.1.5. NEUTRONICS 1.1.6. SUMMARY 2. METHODS 2.1. USING 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. VSOP 94 DATA.DAT BIRGIT.DAT VSOP.DAT APPROACHING THE PROBLEM IMPLEMENTATION CALCULATING PEAK PEBBLE TEMPERATURE 3. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 3.1. PBMR 400 MWTH PERFORMANCE 3.2. OUTER REFLECTOR ONLY SCOPING ANALYSIS 3.2.1. 250 MWTH DESIGN 3.2.2. 3.2.3. -4- K-effective Power Peaking Factor Peak Temperature RPV Fast Fluence Fuel Burnup Analysis 200 MW DESIGN K-effective Power Peaking Factor Peak Temperature RPV Fast Fluence Fuel Burnup Analysis 150 MW DESIGN K-effective Power Peaking Factor Peak Temperature RPV Fast Fluence Fuel Burnup 8 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 16 18 20 21 23 26 27 30 32 33 39 39 40 42 45 46 49 52 53 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 63 65 66 68 69 3.3. Analysis 50 CM INNER DYNAMIC REFLECTOR 3.3.1. 250 MWTH DESIGN K-effective Power Peaking Factors Peak Pebble Temperature RPV Fast Fluence Fuel Burnup Analysis 3.4. A CRITICAL CORE WITH A 50 CM OUTER REFLECTOR 3.4.1. 3.4.2. 3.4.3. GRAPHITE PEBBLE MIXTURE 25 CM. CENTRAL REFLECTOR ANALYSIS 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80 81 82 82 86 88 4. CONCLUSIONS 89 5. REFERENCES 92 APPENDIX MPBR-250 MW BIRGIT2.DAT INPUT FILE 93 APPENDIX MPBR-250 MW DATA2.DAT INPUT FILE 94 APPENDIX MPBR-250 MW VSOP2.DAT INPUT FILE 95 APPENDIX MPBR-250 VSOP OUTPUT FILE 107 APPENDIX PBMR-400 MW BIRGIT2.DAT INPUT FILE 108 APPENDIX PBMR-400 MW DATA2.DAT INPUT FILE 110 APPENDIX PBMR-400 MW VSOP2.DAT INPUT FILE 111 APPENDIX PBMR-400 VSOP OUTPUT FILE 123 -5- Table of Figures Figure 1 : Cross section of the PBMR 400 MWth reactor ......................................... 9 Figure 2 : PBM R 400M W th Fuel Pebble Design ......................................................... 11 Figure 3 : Comparison of PBMR-400 and MPBR-250 Design Target.......................... 18 Figure 4 : A 2-D, R-Z representation of the core channels and layers in VSOP94 ......... 22 Figure 5 : Diagram of VSOP94 fuel management. ......................................................... 24 Figure 6 : Thermal conductivity for A3-3 Matrix Graphite .................................... .35 Figure 7 : Relative power distributions in the PBMR 400 MWth VSOP94 model...........36 Figure 8 : Coolant and Peak Pebble Axial Temperature Profile for the PBMR-400........ 38 Figure 9 : K-effective for a 10% enriched core operating at 250 MWth ........................ 40 Figure 10 : K-effective for a 12.5% enriched core operating at 250 MWth .................. 41 Figure 11 : Power peaking factors for a 10% enriched core operating at 250 MWth........ 42 Figure 12 : Power peaking factors for a 12.5% enriched core operating at 250 MW.......44 Figure 13 : Peak pebble temperature for a 10% enriched core operating at 250 MWth.... 45 Figure 14 : Peak pebble temperature for a 12.5% enriched core operating at 250 MWth. 46 Figure 15 : RPV fast fluence for a 10% enriched core operating at 250 MWth ............. 48 Figure 16 : RPV fast fluences for a 12.5% enriched core operating at 250 MWth....... 49 Figure 17 : Fuel burnup for a 10% enriched core operating at 250 MWth ..................... 50 Figure 18 : Fuel burnup for a 12.5% enriched core operating at 250 MWth .................... 51 Figure 19 : K-effective for cores operating at 200 MWth................................ ...... 54 Figure 20 : Power peaking factors for cores operating at 200 MWth ............................ 56 Figure 21 : Peak pebble ptemperature for cores operating at 200 MWth. ...................... 57 Figure 22 : RPV fast fluence for cores operating at 200 MWth. .................................... 59 Figure 23 : Fuel bumup for cores operating at 200 MWth. ............................................ 61 Figure 24 : K-effective for cores operating at 150 MWth................................ ..... 64 Figure 25 : Power peaking factors for cores operating at 150 MWth ............................ 66 Figure 26 : Peak pebble temperature for cores operating at 150 MWth ........................ 67 Figure 27 : RPV fast fluence for cores operating at 150 MWth. ................................... 68 Figure 28 : Fuel bumup for cores operating at 150 MWth. ..................................... 70 Figure 29 : Diagram comparing an outer reflector design to a central reflector design... 73 Figure 30 : K-effective for a core with a 50 cm. inner reflector. .................................. 75 Figure 31 : Power peaking factors for a core with a 50 cm inner reflector ................... 77 Figure 32 : Peak pebble temperatures for a core with a 50 c. inner reflector. ............... 78 Figure 33 : RPV fast fluences for a core with a 50 cm inner reflector .......................... 79 Figure 34 : Fuel bumups for a core with a 50 cm inner reflector. ................................. 80 Figure 35 : Graphite pebble mixture vs. k-effective for a core operating at 250 MWth.... 83 Figure 36 : Relative power distributions in the 250 MWth design with graphite .............. 84 Figure 37 : Axial Temperature Profiles for the Graphite Mixture Core ....................... 85 Figure 38 : Relative power distribution in the 250 MWth design with inner reflector..... 87 -6- Table of Tables Table 1 : PBMR Fuel Pebble Properties ................................................... 21 Table 2 : Tested Core Configurations - 250 MWth Core, Outer Reflector Only........... 28 Table 3 : Tested Core Configurations - All other core designs ........................................ 29 Table 4 : M ass flow rates for each core power tested .................................................... 32 Table 5 : Performance of the PBMR 400MWth from the VSOP94 Model Output........... 34 Table 6 : Comparison of the PBMR 400 MWth design and the 250 MWth design ........... 53 Table 7 : Comparison of PBMR 400 MWth design with the 200 MWth designs. ............. 63 Table 8 : Comparison of PBMR 400 MWth design with the 150 MWth designs .............. 71 Table 9 : Comparison of the PBMR-400 design to the 50 cm central reflector design .... 81 Table 10 : Comparison of the PBMR 400 MWth design and the 250 MWth designs...... 88 Table 11 : Executive summary comparing the PBMR-400 with the final MPBR-250.....91 -7- 1. Introduction The goal of this thesis is to assess the feasibility of modifying the design of a current Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) such that the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) fits within a 4.3 meter (-14 ft.) diameter space 1. This new constraint of the geometry of the PBMR is set such that the RPV of said reactor may be transported to remote sites only accessible by railcar. In this thesis, the end use of the PBMR is set to, but not limited to, the extraction of oil from the Canadian Oil Sands, most of which can only be accessed by railcar. With this new constraint applied to the reactor, the feasibility of operating a PBMR at 250 MWth under said design constraints will be evaluated. If such an operating power is not viable, a lower power rating and/or higher fuel enrichment may be considered. To determine the feasibility of these designs, a pebbled bed code called VSOP94 is used to calculate reactor physics parameters including, but not limited to, neutron multiplication factor, power peaking factor, maximum power per pebble and reactor vessel edge fast fluence. 1.1. The Pebble Bed Modular Reactor The pebbled bed reactor concept has been around for many decades and proof of concept reactors were built in Germany and China and will soon be built in South Africa. In general, the purpose of the PBR ranges from high efficiency power generation to thermo-chemical hydrogen production and steam production for industrial processes, such as oil sands extraction, all made possible by the high outlet temperatures the system is designed to withstand 2. Whereas the light water reactor is suitable for mostly power generation, the pebble bed design is well suited for a variety of applications. -8- 1.1.1. PBMR 400 MWth Reactor The reference design for a typical pebble bed reactor is the PBMR 400 MWth design of the South African PBMR, Pty Company. The PBMR 400 MWth reactor consists of three main sections: a solid graphite inner reflector, a fuel annulus and a solid graphite outer reflector. For this particular design, the diameter of the inner reflector is 2 meters, the fuel annulus is 85 cm thick and the outer reflector is 1 meter thick. The top of the core is covered with another reflector roughly 1 meter thick and another reflector on the bottom about 2 meters thick. The total height of the core, excluding the top and bottom reflectors, is 11 meters. This core is held inside a reactor pressure vessel with an outer diameter of 6.4 meters and an inner diameter of 6.1 meters. The 15 cm thick vessel has a total height of 16 meters 3. Figure 1 : Cross section of the PBMR 400 MWth reactor. -9- Helium is used as the main coolant for in a direct Brayton cycle. No secondary system is used in this design, meaning the Helium coolant which passes through the core goes directly to the power turbine. The inlet temperature of the coolant is set to 500C and the outlet to 9000 C. The direct Brayton cycle, coupled with such high outlet temperatures, allows for thermal efficiencies in excess of 40%. This allows the reactor, rated at 400 MWth, to produce over 160 MWe 3. The challenge associated with this design is that the reactor vessel diameter is too large to easily ship in one piece by train, making it very difficult to locate these plants anywhere but in coastal or water navigable sites. This thesis will explore how a smaller reactor vessel with a 4.3 meter maximum outer diameter can achieve 250 MWth by modifying the core and reflector design without exceeding peaking factors and vessel fluence limits while also achieving desired burnups. 1.1.2. Fuel Elements The main feature that sets the pebble bed design apart from many other reactors is the spherical fuel element design used in the core. These fuel elements, each 6 cm in diameter, are comprised of an outer graphite layer 0.5 cm thick and a 5 cm inner diameter of very small fuel particles suspended in a graphite matrix. The fuel particles inside the pebble are made up of 9.6% enriched UO 2 kernels surrounded by a porous carbon buffer, serving to provide room for fission product release from the kernel. This is, in turn, surrounded by three layers of carbon called TRISO (TRiple ISOtopic) layers. The kernel of fissile material is surrounded first by an inner layer of pyrolitic carbon (IPyC), then by a layer of silicon carbide (SIC) and a second layer of pyrolitic carbon (OPyC). Around -10- 15,000 of these fuel particles are deposited within the inner graphite matrix of the fuel pebble. The individual coatings of every kernel of UO2 provide the first barrier to fission gas release from the fuel. FUEL ELEMVENT DESIGN FOR PBMR Fuel Sphere in Half Section Coated Particle U~ium Dooxide Fuel Figure 2 : PBMR 400MWth Fuel Pebble Design 7 Theoretically, the TRISO layer on the fuel particles is able to contain fission product buildup for burnups up to 100 GWd/T, allowing efficient use of the fuel and more of the waste produced from radiative capture of neutrons by the primary fissile isotope. Such a high burnup is a vast improvement upon that seen in light water reactors, typically 35 GWd/T. In addition to reduced waste, the TRISO layer serves as an additional fission product barrier, which may be able to negate any need for a costly containment building surrounding a pebble bed reactor. If the TRISO layer is compromised then the fission gas will be released into the helium coolant. There are - 11 - approximately 15,000 very small TRISO particles per pebble such that if individual particles fail, the release of fission products into the coolant will be very small. This chain of events differs slightly from the cylindrical fuel elements within the light water reactor. In an LWR, the fuel element is comprised of a central column of fuel pellets stacked one on top of the other and surrounded by a cladding material. Since the thermal stresses within the fuel pellets are so high once the reactor is at full power, the pellets will crack and release some amount of fission gas. The average temperature within the fuel is therefore limited such that only 5% of the fission gas inventory is released from the pellets. After this cracking occurs, the only barrier between the gas and the primary coolant is the cladding. The equivalent to this in the pebble bed core is the TRISO layer, but the failure of the silicon carbide shell releases only the contents of a microsphere as opposed to a stack of fuel pellets approximately 12 feet long 5. Therefore the spherical fuel elements used in the PBMR are less likely to release fission product gas and allow increased use of fuel contents than LWRs. The steady state peak fuel pebble temperature must be limited to 12000 C, though, in order to prevent mechanical failure while the pebbles pass through the core 6. 1.1.3. Thermal Hydraulics Instead of the light water coolant predominant in current power generating reactors, the PBMR uses helium as its coolant. The use of helium as a coolant allows for safer operation in addition to the gains made by using spherical fuel elements. First, a virtually non-existent microscopic cross section for radiative capture coupled with a very low number density (since the helium coolant is in gas phase) allows the coolant to be passed through the core with almost no neutron activation thereafter. Second, helium is -12- inert and therefore will not chemically interact with the carbon in the fuel pebbles, such as the outer graphite reflector or any additional systems involved in the primary coolant loop. Although there are no corroding forces in the PBMR via chemical reactions as there are in LWRs, there are still concerns over whether the graphite dust generated during mechanical interactions between pebbles with each other and the inner diameter of the outer reflector would lead to degradation of coolant systems and combustible conditions during an air ingress accident. Third, the helium coolant is always in gas phase in the core and therefore will not be subject to the various two-phase flow accident scenarios which can occur in LWRs (departure from nucleate boiling in pressurized water reactors or dryout in boiling water reactors). Since there is no such degradation in heat transfer of helium as is seen above critical heat fluxes in LWRs and no chemical reactions occurring with material in the core and the coolant, the inlet and outlet temperatures can be set much higher than those found in LWRs. Typical inlet and outlet temperatures for the PBMR are 5000 C and 9000 C respectively allowing for higher thermal efficiencies for power production compared to LWRs which are limited to maximum outlet temperatures of 3400 C and peak efficiencies of 34% 5. These higher temperatures are what allow the PBMR design to be used in a much wider variety of applications, including high efficiency power generation and oil extraction. In addition to the differences in coolant, the thermal properties of graphite are very favorable during power transient scenarios in maintaining reactor safety, in particular minimizing rapid temperature changes on the RPV. The high thermal inertia of graphite makes it well suited for power transients because rapid changes in temperature take longer to travel through the fuel pebble graphite and the graphite of the outer -13- reflector. Therefore, these rapid changes in temperature will take longer to diffuse out to the RPV and minimize how quickly the temperature of the RPV changes during such a transient. This should allow the RPV to be subjected to a higher fast fluence, which would allow the lifetime of the reactor to be extended if the fast flux is fixed at the previously designed value. It might also allow the fast flux to be increased, generally equivalent to an increased power rating or a reduction in the thickness of the outer reflector. 1.1.4. Fuel Management In LWRs, the fixed lattice of fuel rods pose an interesting and difficult problem in how to effectively create uniform burnup among the fuel rods over their residence time while the fission rate can vary substantially from one position in the core to another. In order to do achieve an even burnup, the reactor must be shut down every 12 to 24 for refueling. During the refueling operation, about 1/3 of the core is replaced with fresh fuel while the rest is rearranged to achieve criticality for the next operating cycle and achieve as uniform burnup as possible. Clearly, the challenge for the fixed lattice cores is that the top and bottom of the fuel assembly is always underutilized. The amount of time required for such routine shutdowns corresponds to a loss of revenue for the operators of the power plant. Typical refueling outages last about 30 days in the United States 5. Pebbled bed reactors are refueled during operation by constantly recirculating the fuel pebbles. Pebbles are inserted in the top of the core and removed from the bottom of the reactor vessel. At the time of removal the pebbles are checked for burnup and if not completely used up, they are recycled back into the top of the core. When the fuel reaches the maximum burnup permitted, the pebbles are discharged and channeled into - 14- spent fuel storage tanks. This is the main difference with respect to fuel management between LWRs and PBMR. In addition to possible increases in capacity factor using online refueling, the fuel pebbles can be cycled through the reactor multiple times as well as be mixed in with fresh fuel when reinserted from the top of the core allowing for more complete utilization of the uranium in the fuel. Given that fresh fuel is inserted when needed to maintain criticality, there is very low excess reactivity when the equilibrium core has been attained again maximizing productive fuel utilization. During initial startup, the core is filled with a mixture of half fuel pebbles with half the normal enrichment and half graphite pebbles. This start up composition is then gradually filtered out when the full enrichment fuel pebbles are added in, eventually leading to an equilibrium core once all graphite and half enrichment pebbles are removed from the core. Once this process is fine tuned for a specific PBMR design, it is possible to achieve small excess reactivity relative to LWRs, especially during the start up process. LWRs need enough excess reactivity at the beginning of every startup to last the 12 to 18 months of operating. Since excess reactivity can be reduced for equilibrium operation in the PBMR, either the reactivity worth of individual control rods can be reduced if the total number is held constant or if reactivity worth is constant, the number of control rods needed to maintain criticality can be decreased relative to the LWRs. 1.1.5. Neutronics Thermal reactors use the large microscopic fission cross sections of fissile material for neutrons at thermal energies to reduce the total flux necessary to produce the same amount of power. Reducing the fast flux near the edge of the core reduces the fast neutron fluence of the RPV thus extending the lifetime of the reactor. From a neutronics - 15 - standpoint, the core must be designs to achieve equilibrium criticality without exceeding design peaking factors, achieving the target burnup of the discharged fuel and minimizing fast fluence on the reactor vessel. The variables under consideration include the size of the central reflector, core annulus thickness and outer reflector dimension within the constraint of the outer diameter of the reactor vessel of 4.3 meters. 1.1.6. Summary The PBMR design couples very high thermal efficiencies, increased utility and the capability for extremely high fuel burnup to make this reactor one of the most flexible with regards to application and waste. The high fuel burnups achievable make this design of special interest to nations lacking the ability or motivation to reprocess spent fuel, which are therefore limited to storing spent fuel and waste. But, in the case of the Canadian Oil Sands, this current design is way too large to be transported to any site by railcar. Therefore, this thesis endeavors to produce a modular pebble bed reactor, operating at 250 MWth, of similar performance to the PBMR 400 MWth design that is able to fit on a railcar for transport. This thesis will base relative performance of this new reactor design on the following quantities: k-effective, peaking power, peak pebble temperature, RPV fast fluence and fuel burnup. 2. Methods Very Superior Old Program 94 (VSOP94), a software package developed in Germany to simulate the steady state operation of a pebble bed reactor, was used to determine key reactor physics properties to be used in optimizing a PBMR design under the constraint that the outer diameter of the RPV must be held constant at 4.3 meters. -16- Since VSOP94 does not include the RPV in the thermal hydraulics or neutronics calculations, the assumption was made that the RPV was 15 cm thick and that the spacing between the inner diameter of the RPV and the outer diameter of the outer reflector was 15 cm. This further constrains the core of the new PBMR design to a radius of 1.85 meters, which includes the outer reflector, fuel region and central reflector. Figure 3 below is a comparison of the current design of the PBMR 400MW reactor to the size of the design with the imposed 4.3 meter outer vessel diameter constraint. The RPV is shaded in gray. -17- 6.4 meters 4.3 meters 11 meters Figure 3: Comparison of PBMR-400 and MPBR-250 Design Target 2.1. Using VSOP 94 VSOP 94 is a suite of separate programs used to solve a coupled neutronics thermal-hydraulics burnup problem, including the effects of online refueling, for a welldefined PBMR design. 18- An inner iteration of the program at each time step occurs between the CITATION and THERMIX programs. First Citation solves the 4-group (3 fast groups and 1 thermal) neutron diffusion equation for the flux shape and neutron multiplication factor given an initial distribution of fuel, such as the core filled up with startup fuel pebbles, and then uses the given thermal power from the input files to determine the magnitude of the flux. These fluxes are used to generate fission reaction rates, which are relayed to THERMIX to solve the thermal hydraulics equations. Once the temperatures are calculated, the information is fed back into GAM, a 68 fast/epithermal group spectrum solver, and THERMOS, a 30 thermal group spectrum solver, to generate new multi-group cross sections which are then condensed into 4 group cross sections for use in CITATION 8. This process is repeated until a user defined convergence criterion is satisfied, after which the various reactor physics parameters calculated in this process are saved to the output. Once the inner iteration is complete, the converged flux and cross sections are used to determine isotopic changes in the fuel under a given exposure (i.e. power and time). The duration of this exposure is defined as a cycle. One cycle may be broken up into multiple time steps to provide a better estimate of the new fuel composition. When the cycle is complete, the fuel already present in the core is moved down through the reactor, fresh fuel and recycled fuel are mixed and added in from the top and the series of iterations in the next cycle are initiated. This process is repeated for many cycles until the core reaches a steady state value for k-effective. A true equilibrium core reaches steady state operation with minimal excess reactivity. -19- 2.1.1. DATA.dat The DATA file specifies all the material properties, composition and dimensions of the fuel pebbles and their constitutive fuel particles. Two main types of fuel are defined in this file, the first being the start up fuel which consists of half fresh full enrichment fuel pebbles and half dummy graphite pebbles. The second type of fuel consists entirely of fresh, full enrichment fuel pebbles to be inserted after the PBMR core is filled with the startup mix. The fuel dimensions are typical of many PBMR designs currently under consideration. The graphite matrix in which the TRISO fuel particles are suspended was set to have a 5 cm diameter and was surrounded by a 0.5 cm thick graphite layer. The density of both the matrix and outer layer was set to 1.75 g/cm 3 . The individual fuel particles are also defined in this file. The diameter of the U0 2 fuel kernel was defined as 0.5 mm, the thickness of the IPyC layer was set at 0.04mm, the SiC layer at 0.035 mm and the OPyC layer at 0.04mm. The respective density of these layers, starting from the UO 2 kernel and moving outwards, is 10.40 g/cm 3, 1.90 g/cm 3, 3.18 g/cm 3 and 1.90 g/cm 3 . Table 1 summarizes these properties of the fuel used in the PBMR-400 design. -20- Table 1 : PBMR Fuel Pebble Properties Graphite Matrix Diameter Graphite Matrix Density Outer Graphite Layer Thickness Outer Graphite Layer Density Fuel Kernel Diameter Fuel Kernel Density Porous Buffer Thickness Porous Buffer Density IPyC Thickness 5 cm 1.75 g/cm 3 0.5 cm 1.75 g/cm 3 500 jim 10.40 g/cm 3 95 jLm 1.05 g/cm 3 40 ltm IPyC Density 1.90 g/cm 3 SiC Thickness 35 jm SiC Density OPyC Thickness OPyC Density 3.18 g/cm 3 40 jim 1.90 g/cm 3 2.1.2. BIRGIT.dat The BIRGIT files define the geometric model of the reactor, including fuel region and reflectors, as well as the flow of fuel pebbles through the core. The flow of fuel is defined by channels. The axial and radial positions for multiple points along the edges of each of these channels are used to model the flow of fuel. These channels are then divided into a certain number of layers, specified by the user, according to the velocities of the pebbles in one channel relative to the others. A roughly parabolic velocity distribution is assumed in this study, the pebbles moving fastest in the center and slowest nearest to the outer reflector. In total the core was divided into six fuel channels, the first and second containing 13 layers, the third 14 layers, the fourth 16 layers, the fifth 18 -21- layers and the last channel containing 22 layers. The increase in the number of layers reflected the speed at which the pebbles move through each channel. Each of these layers are then broken up into 6 batches of equal volume. These batches contain information about the differing stages of fuel burnup as fuel passes through the core multiple times. The assumption on the number of batches is derived from the number of passes required to achieve the desired burnup - in this case 6 passes through the core. Shown on Figure 4 is a graphic of the VSOP modeling of the core with its 6 channels, layers and batches within each layer. VSOP Channels and Layers E 0 O U) ox 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Radial Position (cm.) Figure 4 : A 2-D, R-Z representation of the core channels and layers in VSOP94. The geometry of the core in the VSOP reference model is modified such that the shape of the fuel channels is kept constant. - 22 - This is done by multiplying the radial position of the points defining the channel edges by the fraction of the new radius of the core over the previous radius. For example, if the channels were defined previously for a core with a fuel zone radius of 155 cm and the next radius to be tested is 145 cm, then the radial positions defining the channel edges need to be multiplied by a fraction of 145 over 155. In a similar manner the thickness of the outer reflector is defined by a set of radial meshes, which can be modified in a similar fashion as the fuel zone radius. 2.1.3. VSOP.dat The VSOP file defines the fuel management scheme of the PBMR, meaning that the file dictates how the top and bottom layers of each channel are dealt with after each time step VSOP 94 evaluates. In this study, the same multi-recycle scheme is taken as the PBMR 400MW design calls for. This scheme calls for the fuel pebbles to be passed through the reactor 6 times over the span of 3 years, leading to an average time of 6 months per pass. To accomplish this, all the layers in every channel were divided up into 6 batches. Each batch is able to store information for fuel at a different state of burnup. This is implemented such that the first batch contains fuel on its first pass through the core, essentially fresh fuel, the second batch contains fuel on its second pass and so on and so forth for the rest of the batches. Therefore the sixth batch contains fuel on its last pass through the core. At the end every time step is evaluated, once all flux and burnup calculations have been completed, all the batches within each layer are stepped down in their respective channels to the next layer location. Therefore, all the batches in the first layer of the first channel are moved down to the second layer of the same channel, the second layer batches are moved to the third and so on. This movement of fuel is applied up until the last layer of each channel, the bottom of the core. -23- At the bottom of the core, the first batch from each bottom layer moves to the first of six temporary storage boxes, the second set of batches to the second and so on. This means that all of the first batches from the last layer of each channel, fuel that has passed once through the core, are placed together into the same storage box. All of the second batches in the bottom layers for each channel are placed together in the second storage box. This process is repeated for the rest of the batches at the bottom of the core as well. When placed into these storage boxes, the varying degrees of burnup experienced through movement of fuel in the 6 channels are averaged out into a homogenous material for each box. This process mixes all fuel exiting the core which has already passed through the core the same number of times. Therefore all fuel exiting the core after passing through once are placed inside the first storage box and mixed. The same process occurs for all fuel leaving the core that has passed through twice, three times, and so on until fuel which has passed through the core six times is placed into the sixth storage box. The upper half of Figure 5 below shows this process for all batch 1 fuel, fuel exiting the core after its first pass. Last Layer of Each Channel Batch 1 Batch 1 Batch 1 Cycle n Batches Mixed Together Storage Box 1 Cycle n+1 Batch 2 Batch 2 Batch 2 First Layer of Each Channel Figure 5 : Diagram of VSOP94 fuel management. - 24 - When the fuel in the storage boxes is homogenized, the individual information of each batch placed into these storage boxes is lost. This is equivalent to mixing the fuel before placement back in through the top of the core. Once homogenized, all fuel within the same storage box has the same average burnup. For reinsertion of fuel into the core, the fuel from the first storage box placed into the second batch position in each top layer according to each batches' respective volume as seen in the lower half of Figure 5. This ensures that the same volume of fuel exiting each channel is replaced. The same process is applied to the second, third, fourth and fifth storage boxes. The fuel from the sixth storage box, though, is placed into spent fuel storage. In this way, fuel is removed after it has passed through the reactor six times as is desired. The first batch for each top layer is filled with fresh fuel. Once the fuel is reinserted into their respective batches within the top layer of each channel, their individual burnups are followed as they continue down through the core until they are placed into storage boxes when they exit the core again. The only parameter remaining to be defined is the length of the time step, which is chosen such that after 6 passes through the reactor the residence time of the fuel is set at 3 years. A slightly different scheme was used to model reactor startup. At the beginning of the program, all layers of the core are filled with a mix of half, fully enriched fuel pebbles and half graphite pebbles. As the batches of each layer are moved down through the reactor, the first batch within each of the top layers is filled with the second type of fuel, fully enriched fuel pebbles with not mix of graphite pebbles, while the 5 batches below continue to be filled with fresh fuel of the first type. Therefore, in this startup -25- phase, no recycling of fuel occurs. This is applied to the PBMR until the first batch of the second fuel type reaches the last layer of the sixth channel. Once the second type of fuel, carried down in the first batch of each layer, reaches the bottom of the core, the fuel management transitions to the scheme previously discussed for steady state operation. 2.2. Approaching the Problem In order to design an optimized, equilibrium PBMR core small enough to be transported by rail car, many different core design needed to be tested. The first objective was to model the PBMR 400 MWth core based on the information of the current design by which other design could be compared. Next, it was necessary to determine whether a core of such smaller size than the PBMR 400 MWth design could reach criticality at a power rating of 250 MWth. To begin the analysis of these designs, a scoping analysis which only included an outer reflector present was done. The maximum core dimension including reflectors was limited to a 185 cm. radius. These designs were tested at three powers, 150 MWth, 200 MWth and 250 MWth, and using two different fuels, one 10% enriched and the other 12.5%. Every design was tested for the same fuel management scheme, 6 passes through the core over a 3 year period before discarding occurred. K-effective, power peaking factors, peak pebble temperatures, RPV fast fluences and fuel burnup, were obtained directly from the VSOP output or calculated from the output and then compared with those values found for the PBMR 400 MWth design to determine any design candidates. Another scoping analysis including central reflectors into the design of the core was conducted to determine if performance was enhanced with their inclusion. This was - 26 - done by placing a 50 cm radius central dynamic reflector in a core, initially with a 10 cm outer reflector, for a direct comparison with the 165 cm. fuel zone radius and a 20 cm thick outer reflector design. Both designs contain approximately an equivalent amount of reflector material and fuel pebbles. Once a design which matched the PBMR 400MWth standard in performance was found, the necessary steps were taken to form an equilibrium core at or near criticality. This was done either by mixing a certain fraction of graphite pebbles into the fuel or, as it is later explained, by including a central reflector. 2.3. Implementation The three main input files described in the previous section, initially created from a previous VSOP94 user, were modified to reflect typical values of a PBMR design along with the new dimensions of the reactor 10. The general method used was to run VSOP94 for several possible core geometries at a fixed power, initially 250 MW, and a fixed enrichment, initially 10% with a 4.3 meter outer vessel constraint. This limited the actual core dimension to a 1.85 meter radius available for those three main core regions central, core and outer reflector. First calculations were done with only an outer reflector and then a second set were conducted with a 50 cm inner dynamic reflector added, as discussed in the previous section. In order to find an optimized core design at each desired power and enrichment, the first fuel zone radius tested was set to 175 cm, no central reflector and the outer reflector thickness set to 50 cm to test the sensitivity of k-effective to the reflector dimension. Once the program was run for this geometry, the output from the program -27 - was saved and the thickness of the outer reflector was decreased by 10 cm for each proceeding run until reaching the outer reflector reached a thickness of 10 cm. After reaching this lower limit on the reflector size, the fuel zone radius was decreased by 10 cm and the same reflector reductions from an initial thickness of 50 cm were made again. This process was repeated until the fuel zone radius reached 125 cm, at which point the outer reflector thickness was started at the thickness corresponding to a sum of fuel zone radius and reflector thickness corresponding to 185 cm. At each fuel zone radius, the calculations for all possible reflector thicknesses would only be stopped prematurely if the neutron multiplication factor in the reactor's equilibrium state decreased significantly below unity. All designs tested according to this process are shown below in Table 2. Table 2 : Tested Core Configurations - 250 MWth Core, Outer Reflector Only Fuel Radius 175 cm 165 cm 155 cm 145 cm 135 cm Tested 125 cm 115 cm 10 cm 10 cm Outer 20 cm 20 cm 20 cm Reflector 30 cm 30 cm 30 cm Thicknesses 40 cm 40 cm 40 cm 50 cm 50 cm 50 cm 60 cm 60 cm 70 cm * Green - Criticalat 250 MWth using both 10% and 12.5% enrichedfuel Yellow - Criticalat 250 MWth only using 12.5% enrichedfuel Since it was found that the most favorable core designs occurred using all possible space within the 185 cm radius constraint, all further VSOP runs were conducted -28- using only designs which used the entire available space. Therefore, for all core designs tested at 200 MWth and 150 MWth with only an outer reflector, only designs in which the fuel zone radius and outer reflector thickness summed to the 185 cm limit were used. The various configuration tested can be seen below in Table 3. Table 3 : Tested Core Configurations - All other core designs FZR* 105 cm 95 cm. ORT* 80 cm 90 cm. * ORT - Outer Reflector Thickness, FZR - Fuel Zone Radius Green - Criticalat 200 and 150 MWth using 12.5% enrichedfuel Yellow - Criticalat only 150 MWth using 12.5% enrichedfuel The second series of cases, in which a 50 cm inner reflector was added, were run with designs that filled up the total amount of space available under the geometric constraint as well. This means that when the outer radius of the fuel zone was decreased, the extra space left over was filled in by the outer reflector. Similar to the first set of VSOP runs, the outer radius of the fuel zone was decreased from 175 cm by 10 cm steps until dropping below criticality. All possible designs were run for a reactor operating at 250MWth using 10% and 12.5% enriched fuel. For every single case, the fuel management scheme was maintained at 6 passes over a 3 year period until fuel was removed from the core. The goal of this was to further match the scheme of the PBMR 400MWth design so that a direct comparison of performance could be maintained while only the core geometry, enrichment and power was varied. -29- 2.4. Calculating Peak Pebble Temperature Since VSOP94 does not explicitly calculate the peak pebble temperature, instead given the peak pebble power as its output, the heat equation must be solved for a fuel pebble being driven to this peak power. A list of conservative assumptions was compiled with which the heat equation could be solved for a fuel pebble and the peak temperature calculated. The first assumption was that the helium coolant surrounding the pebble driven at the highest power would be 900C. A second assumption was made that the power at which the pebble was being driven was uniformly distributed over the volume of the pebble containing the TRISO fuel particles. The next assumption was that there was an adiabatic boundary condition set upon the center of the pebble due to radial symmetry. The last assumption was that the thermal conductivity of the fuel pebble did not have any radial dependence. These assumptions allow the heat equation, as detailed below, to be solved analytically. kV2 T =-q.' which becomes d (q, (+r2 11 dr r 2 dr where k is the thermal conductivity of the pebble and q"' is the uniform heat generation rate in the pebble, which is calculated by dividing the peak pebble power generated by VSOP by the volume of the TRISO fuel particle region. Solving this equation for the geometry of the fuel pebble yields the following equation for the peak pebble temperature. 1 T~ak~1 = Peak T Peak peak -30- 4rf2hHe + (1 4kc r 1 - ro +1T~ + 8kcr, ) T In the above equation Ppeak refers to the peak pebble power, THe refers to the temperature of the helium coolant surrounding the pebble set at 900C, ri and ro refer to the inner and outer radius of the fuel pebble which are 2.5 cm and 3 cm respectively and kc refers to the thermal conductivity of graphite in the pebble which is set at a conservative value of 18 W/mK, equivalent to the thermal conductivity of graphite subjected to a fluence of approximately 2.5x1021 n/(cm 2). hHe, the heat transfer coefficient of Helium in a pebble bed, was calculated using the following empirical formula: Nu = 1.27 NuPr0.3 3 Re0.36 1.18 +0.033 0. 03 .5Re0.86 1.07 = hedp kHe where Pr is the defined as the product of viscosity and heat capacity of Helium divided by its thermal conductivity, e is defined as the porosity which is set at .39, and Re is defined as the product of the mass flow rate of Helium and the pebble diameter divided by the product of cross sectional area of the core and the viscosity of Helium 8. The mass flow rate can be found using the following equation for heat balance QCore = rhcp (Tout - Tin ) in which Qcore is the total thermal power produced by the core, c, is the heat capacity of Helium at constant pressure, 5195 J/kgK, and Ti and Tout are the inlet and outlet temperatures set to 5000 C and 9000 C, respectively 8. Calculations for the mass flow rates for each power rating can be found in Table 4 below. -31 - Table 4 : Mass flow rates for each core power tested These set of equations allow the peak pebble temperature to be calculated with all the assumed properties provided to VSOP and the peak pebble power calculated for all of the core designs evaluated. This analysis does not include radiative heat removal, which may further reduce the peak pebble temperature in all cases. Since the thermal conductivity of graphite was taken to be extremely conservative, representative of graphite at high fluences, this may also unnecessarily increase the peak temperature, especially for cases in which fresh fuel is being driven to the peak pebble power. If this analysis fails, directly comparing the peak pebble powers calculated with those of the PBMR 400 MWth design is sufficient. 3. Results and Analysis The results of the VSOP runs have been separated out in this section by three different design parameters: geometry, power rating and enrichment. Geometry covers the arrangement of reflectors and fuel within the core, distinguishing between whether the core has an outer reflector or inner reflector. The inner reflector cases were only evaluated along the design constraint, the sum of all constituents' thicknesses (inner reflector, fuel zone and outer reflector) set equal to 185 cm, since it was found in the outer reflector only case that the best reactor performance lay on this line. Within these two categories, the power rating and enrichments were varied due to issues minimizing power peaking factors. Three different power ratings were used: the original 250 MWth, - 32 - then 200 MWth and 150 MWth. At each of these powers, two different enrichments were used: the original 10% and new 12.5% enriched fuel. All of the following sections detail the results and analysis of the equilibrium cores established for these designs. 3.1. PBMR 400 MWth Performance The PBMR 400 MWth design was modeled in VSOP94 with a central reflector 2 meters in diameter, a fuel annulus 0.85 meters thick and an outer reflector 1 meter thick. The enrichment of the fuel used was approximated as 10%. Fuel pebbles were passed through the core 6 times over the course of 3 years, as specified for this design. The solid graphite central reflector was modeled as a dynamic central reflector with the packing fraction set to 0.95 instead of 0.61 to model a solid reflector. This central reflector was formed in channel 1, while channels 2 through 6 defined the flow of fuel pebbles through the core. A two meter thick bottom reflector and a 1 meter thick top reflector were placed into the model as well. The total height of the pebble bed was set at 11 meters. The performance of this design, as calculated using this VSOP94 model, is summarized in the Table 5 below. -33- Table 5 : Performance of the PBMR 400MWth from the VSOP94 Model Output Parameter Performance k-effective 1.0180 Number of Fuel Pebbles 452,000 Number of Graphite Pebbles 0 VSOP Power Peaking Factor 9.89 Peak Pebble Power 6.48 kW Peak Pebble Temperature 1715.6 0C Core Edge Fast Fluence* 4.32x10 22 n/cm2 Fuel Burnup 87.7 GWd/T * Fast fluence occurring over a 40 year reactor lifetime. From this data, it is clearly seen that excess reactivity has been minimized and that a fuel burnup of near 90 GWd/T, as specified by the PBMR design, is achieved. A few troubling observations were made, though, while reviewing this data in terms of interpreting the results. The VSOP displayed power peaking factor and calculated peak pebble temperature are extremely high for a reactor based on these power peaking factors. The extremely high peak pebble temperature can also be explained by the fact that overly conservative graphite thermal conductivity and surrounding coolant temperature values were used in the analysis of the peak temperature. In addition to this, any radiative heat removal was neglected in the current temperature analysis, thus removing a possibly significant source of heat removal. The power peaking factor calculated by VSOP94 is done in the following manner. The fluxes in the core are calculated by homogenizing the 6 batches of each layer into - 34 - one material. Once the relative fluxes are found, the power is used to determine the actual magnitude of the fluxes in each layer. The flux for every layer is thus calculated, and once finished, is applied to each batch separately within each layer. This means that 235 batches with higher burnup and therefore less Will contribute less power than fresh U fuel on its first pass through the core. This further suggests that the pebble driven to the peak power has not been subjected to a high fluence, therefore resulting in a higher thermal conductivity and lowering peak temperature according to Figure 6 below. 1 I St - ---- - I jX X I I 1 , I I i I I I i 4 -- - - i4 -- -- --4- I i iI I 4-- - i r i i i i- i calcuate te calculate 4 i I 4 these power power peaking factors. These I I relatriv------powers o p relative i t peaking To powers i4i I 4 Si i 4 I t 4 4 I - - iI I I I I produced t i i by i -!- - I i I -- d t I t t - - t i - I 4 I I t i --- i I i I t ! I t I i i I i i - -44 - 1 - -4 - -i- - - - I I 1 t lar,r-t 4" 74 4f 4 is different numbers batches, i I 1 I I 1 I i I i i i rouebybthsn fo Ti4 1t i This these -- i I I i I r.4--tI i1 I factors. show that t i I i - - 4- - -!-- ii i I not t - are i from not layers, i I t 4 f t4 the usual --exceedingly are what i 4 i i I I I 4 1 4 i method, high-- VSOP94 f i i i It 4u I t i w4 which for the-- uses i t to i -35 - PBMR 400 MWth design, all relative powers have been averaged by layer and plotted according to their position in each channel. 3.5 3 Channel 2 Channel 3 - Channel 4 - Channel 5 Channel 6 -o 2.5 0. 0 2 .! 1.5 0 1 0.5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Axial Distance from Top of Core (cm.) Figure 7 : Relative power distributions in the PBMR 400 MWth VSOP94 model. This shows that the actual power peaking factor in the core is approximately 3.7, rather than the 9.89 value given in the output, which is more commonly used to determine the peak pebble power than the VSOP power peaking factors. Figure 7 also further supports the assumption that the temperature of the coolant surrounding the pebble driven to the peak power is much cooler, since the peak in the power distribution occurs much closer to the coolant inlet. Since, all other things remaining constant, the analysis contains the correct dependences on peak pebble power, mass flow rate, and core geometry, the peak temperature found for this design, -1715 0 C, will be used as a metric of performance for other tested designs. -36- A more in-depth temperature analysis was conducted using the relative power distributions from the VSOP output. This in-depth analysis approximate the PBMR core as one single channel with a relative power distribution the same as Channel 2, another conservative assumption. Next, the linear and volumetric power generation rates were taken to have the same shape as the relative power distribution of Channel 2. This was then used to calculate both the temperature of the coolant and the temperature at the center of a fuel pebble in the following way. The coolant temperature was calculated by using the steady state energy equation below: ri dz = q'(z) which, following integration, becomes THe (z) - Ti,, 1 q'(z)dz 11 mcp o As stated before, the shape of q'(z) was taken to be the same as the relative power distribution for Channel 2 and the integration was carried out using a basic Riemann sum approximation. The resulting function was normalized by the integral along the length of the core so that the final temperature distribution of the coolant varied from 500oC to 900oC as would be expected. This is summarized in the equation below. Sq'(z)dz T (z) - Tn =-(4oo = (4000C) °L0 THe(Z)-I I q'(z)dz 0 To calculate the temperature in the center of a fuel pebble at any position along the axis of the core, the volumetric power generation distribution was calculated by multiplying the relative power distribution of Channel 2 by the fuel averaged volumetric power generation. This fuel averaged quantity was used because the power is not spread -37- evenly over the whole core since only 61% of the volume of the core is composed of pebbles. Further, only a fraction of the volume in a fuel pebble generates power due to the presence of the .5 cm thick graphite coating. For the PBMR-400, the fuel averaged 3 volumetric power generation rate was found to be -13.54 MW/m . Once all of the relative powers in Channel 2 were multiplied by this quantity, the resulting values were multiplied by the volume of the power generating region in a fuel pebble to determine the peak pebble power at all axial positions in the core. These numbers were then used in the same heat conduction and convection analysis discussed in Section 2.4. The results of this analysis for the PBMR-400 design are shown in Figure 8. The peak pebble 0 temperature calculated using this method is 1107 0C, well below the 1200 C upper limit. Axial Temperature Profiles for PBMR-400 1200 00. 11 1100 - Coolant Temperature (Interpolation) Temperature (Data) * Coolant ............................ --..n. . Pebble Temperature (Interpolation) -Center F Center Pebble Temperature (Data) 500- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Axial Position Top to Bottom (cm) Figure 8: Coolant and Peak Pebble Axial Temperature Profile for the PBMR-400 The PBMR neutronics-thermal hydraulics coupled steady state benchmark predicts a temperature of 1042 0 C, which shows that the heat transfer analysis used is -38- conservative 9. In this thesis, we will however be consistent in comparative analysis of these results despite the overly conservative peak temperature calculation. Since it has been shown that the PBMR 400 MWth already satisfies the 1200 0 C upper limit on peak temperature, new designs will be compared directly to the PBMR 400 MWth peak temperature calculated directly from the VSOP peak pebble power output, 1715 0C, for simplicity. 3.2. Outer Reflector Only Scoping Analysis Core designs containing only an outer reflector were first considered to determine their effectiveness in reducing power peaking factors, edge fast fluences and satisfying the "1200 0 C" upper limit on the peak pebble temperature. If these parameters are not able to perform up to the PBMR 400 MWth design including whether or not the core is able to achieve criticality, then alternative core configurations will be considered, primarily those which include a central dynamic reflector. Inclusion of this into the core should, in theory, reduce radial peaking factors and decrease the total power peaking factor 3.2.1. 250 MW Design A 250 MWth core design which fits within an RPV small enough to be transported by railcar is the overarching goal of this study. If power peaking factors do not achieve levels comparable to the PBMR 400MWth design, then additional core designs will be tested, in particular, those which include an inner reflector. -39- K-effective Using the same fuel enrichment that the PBMR 400MWth design uses, 10% 2 35U, and no graphite pebbles mixed in with the fuel, the 250 MWth reactor yielded somewhat encouraging results. As seen in the graph below of k-effective for this reactor, criticality can be easily achieved. Critical core configurations can be attained using fuel zone radii Unfortunately, concerns arose about varying from 175 cm all the way to 145 cm. whether a reflector less than 50 cm thick would fail mechanically, especially with the inclusion of control rods in the reflector. Therefore it would be favorable to have a design which could be made critical for a design with a 50 cm thick outer reflector and a 135 cm fuel zone radius. Using only an outer reflector with 10% enriched fuel, this particular design was unable to reach criticality, having a k-effective of roughly 0.88. It was postulated, though, that inserting additional reflector material into the center of the core would be able to increase reactivity and possibly create a critical core for this case. 40 K-effective - 10% Enriched, 250 MWth, Outer Reflector Only I I I E ) 30- K>1.25 1.25>K>1.20 1.20>K>1.15 i .15>K>1.10 .10>K>1.05 "1 1.05>K>1.00 K<1.00 - o "320 0 15 145 150 155 160 15 170 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 9 :K-effective for a 10% enriched core operating at 250 MWth without an inner reflector -40 - In an effort to make the 250 MW design work without need for an internal reflector, the fuel enrichment was increased to 12.5% and the VSOP program run again for the different core configurations. These results can be seen in Figure 10. K-effective - 12.5% Enriched, 250 MWth, Outer Reflector Only 60 SK>1.35 - 1.35>K>1.30 55 ~1.30>K>1.25 . K<1.00 1.20>K>.15 2, O 15 1 25 130 135 140 145 150 100 155 165 170 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 10: K-effective for a 12.5% enriched core operating at 250 MWth without an inner reflector At this higher enrichment, the number of possible core configurations able to achieve criticality increases substantially. Critical cores vary from a fuel zone radius of 175 cm all the way to almost 125 cm. At this enrichment, a core with a 50 cm outer reflector thickness could become critical, negating any need of an inner reflector to establish a critical core for this design. If power peaking factors become an issue in the design, though, relative to the PBMR 400 MWth design, including an inner reflector into the core may be able to reduce these factors. This will be discussed further in Section 3.3. -410 An equilibrium core is found for a core design with a fuel zone radius of 126.5 cm and an outer reflector thickness of 58.5 cm. This still satisfies the 50 cm lower limit on the outer reflector and achieves a k-effective of 1.007 in the process. Although no corresponding equilibrium core can satisfy the reflector thickness constraint using lower enriched fuel at this power, the core parameter of this 12.5% enriched design will be compared to the PBMR 400 MWth design. Power Peaking Factor Just as the K-effective results for the 10% enriched fuel designs were not as favorable as those for the 12.5% enriched cores, comparing the power peaking factors seen in Figure 11 and Figure 12 suggest that using higher enriched fuel is favorable. Most of the peaking factors seen in both graphs, though, are still below the 9.89 VSOP value calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth design. Power Peaking Factors - 10% Enriched, 250 MWth, Outer Reflector Only 40 PPF>10 10>PPF>9 9>PPF>8 8>PPF>7 7>PPF>6 36 o 0 -o 6>PPF>5 PPF<5 25 20 0 15is 145 150 155 160 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) 1M5 170 175 Figure 11 :Power peaking factors for a 10% enriched core operating at 250 MWth. -42- In the graph above, the power peaking factor decreases as the outer reflector thickness increases at any fixed fuel zone radius. This is what would be expected since the presence of light atomic mass material, in this case carbon, has the effect of reflecting the neutrons back towards the core. This reduces leakage from the core and in turn reduces the current at the interface between the fuel zone and the reflector. Since the neutron current is directly proportional to the gradient of the flux, a decrease in the current produces a decrease in the rate at which the flux drops near this interface. This causes the radial flux distribution to level off, decreasing the ratio of the peak radial flux to the average radial flux, which is the radial power peaking factor. For very large thicknesses, this effect begins to level off because at some point adding more material will cause more neutrons to be absorbed than scattered back to the core. Just as well, at a fixed reflector thickness, the power peaking factor decreases as the fuel zone radius increases. This is simply due to the additional volume of fuel introduced into the core as the fuel zone increases in size. The additional fuel reduces the total flux necessary to achieve the same overall power and in turn reduces the average burnup experienced by the fuel as it moves axially through the core. Because of this, the difference in the average enrichment of fuel entering and exiting the core will decrease and cause the axial power peaking factor to drop. -43 - Power Peaking Factors - 12.5% Enriched, 250 MWth, Outer Reflector Only E o50 U) Un 45 U C 40 r. 35 0 a30 U) CC 25 o0 145 150 155 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 12 : Power peaking factors for the 12.5% enriched fuel reactor operating at 250 MW. While the 135 cm fuel zone radius and 50 cm thick outer reflector design is unable to attain criticality using 10% enriched fuel, using 12.5% enriched fuel, this design is able to both achieve criticality and operate at well below the power peaking factors seen in the PBMR 400 MWth design. Steps still need to be taken, though, in order to reach a true equilibrium core with very little excess reactivity for this specific design. The properties of this design will likely change in the process of achieving an equilibrium core and will be further discussed in Section 3.4. Without any further modification to the design, a core with a fuel zone radius of 126.5 and an outer reflector thickness of 58.5 cm. can achieve criticality. The power peaking factors of this design are found to be 9.22, a slight improvement upon the 9.89 value seen in the PBMR 400 MWth design. -44 - Peak Temperature The peak temperature within the PBMR must be kept at a temperature at or below the PBMR-400 metric temperature during steady state operation in order to satisfy the safety analysis requirements of the plant. Based on the discussion of peak temperature in 0 Section 3.1, the PBMR-400 metric for our analysis is 1715 C for comparative purposes. Peak Pebble Temperature - 10% Enriched, 250 MWth, Outer Reflector Only T>1900 1900>T>1800 1800>T>1700 1700>T>1600 1600>T>1500 1500>T>1400 36- 30 1400>T>1300 T<1300 C) 0, O 15 45 150 155 160 165 170 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 13 :Peak pebble temperature for a 10% enriched core operating at 250 MWth. For the 10% enriched fuel case in Figure 13, cores with a fuel zone radius from 175 cm to 145 cm fall below the PBMR-400 temperature. On the other hand, when 12.5% enriched fuel is used, any critical designs with a fuel zone radius greater than 130 cm violate this limit. This places some concern as to whether the 135 cm fuel zone radius design with the 50 cm thick outer reflector will be able to satisfy this upper limit as well once measures are taken to reduce excess reactivity. The design being considered thus far for this power rating does suffer from a substantial increase in the power peaking temperature relative to the PBMR 400 MWth -45- design. A core with a 126.5 cm fuel zone radius and a 58.5 cm outer reflector thickness is calculated to have a peak pebble temperature of 2050.70 C, more than a 300 0 C increase upon the 1715 0 C achieved in the PBMR 400 MWth core can be seen in Figure 14 below. Peak Pebble Temperature (oC)- 12.5% Enriched, 250 MWth, Outer Reflector Only T>1800 55- - 1800>T>1500 1500>T>1300 E 5o 1300>T>1200 cn 45 45 T<1200 a- 40 - 35 0 30CC25 "20 25 130 135 140 145 150 155 100 165 170 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 14 :Peak pebble temperature for the 12.5% enriched core operating at 250 MWth. RPV Fast Fluence The fast fluence, or total number of fast neutrons incident upon one square centimeter of the RPV over an elapsed period of time, is extremely important in determining the lifetime of the reactor. This is because the interaction of the fast neutrons with the RPV material causes the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) to rise. If a metal's temperature reaches or drops below its DBTT it will lose its malleable properties and become more susceptible to cracking due to pressurized thermal shock (PTS). PTS occurs during planned and unplanned shutdowns: essentially whenever the temperature of the RPV drops quickly, bringing the temperature closer to the DBTT. -46 - The fast fluences at the edge of the core were calculated for all core configurations and for a reactor lifetime of 40 years. These values are assumed to be representative of the fast fluences the RPV will be subjected to over the same period of time since there is little space between the outer diameter of the core and the inner diameter of the RPV. As can be seen in Figure 15, the fast fluence is only weakly dependent on the thickness of the outer reflector, especially within the bounds of the geometric constraints. The fast fluence is largely dependent on the fuel zone radius because the total flux which the reactor needs to be operated at is almost wholly dependent on the total volume of fuel in the core. The fast flux will increase with the total flux as the volume of fuel in the core decreases, leading to an increase in the fast flux at the edge of the core as this occurs. The slight decreases seen in the fast fluence when the outer reflector thickness is increased is due to an increase in slowing down of fast neutrons. With more carbon to scatter with, more of the neutrons slow down to epithermal and thermal energies, leading to an overall decrease in the population of fast neutrons. -47 - RPV Fast Fluence - 10% Enriched, 250 MWth, Outer Reflector Only FF>3.0 3.0>FF>2.5 2.5>FF>2.0 2.0>FF>1.5 1.5>FF>1.0 FF<1.0 35s o vn C 3o 25 o a: Os 45 150 155 160 165 170 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 15 : RPV fast fluence for the 10% enriched core operating at 250 MWth. Relative to the PBMR 400 MWth design, which had an operating core edge fast fluence of 4.32x1022 n/cm 2 over a 40 year time period, it is easily seen from Figure 15 that all critical cores are able to produce lower RPV fast fluences. The results from the 12.5% enriched fuel design, seen in Figure 16, show that some designs, again those with a fuel zone radius below 130 cm do not perform as well compared to the PBMR 400 MWth design with respect to RPV fast fluence. Since the 135 cm fuel zone radius design lies particularly close to this value, there is a concern that once the necessary measures are taken to reduce excess reactivity, the fast fluence would increase. Since most methods considered to reduce excess reactivity involve reducing the volume of fuel in the core, fluxes would increase and possibly push the RPV fast fluence above 4.32x1022 n/cm 2 . These worries will be addressed in Section 3.4. -48- RPV Fast Fluence (x10 2 2 n/cm 2 ) - 12.5% Enriched, 250 MWth, Outer Reflector Only FF>4 O 4>FF>3 3>FF>2 2>FF>1 55- E so0 45 C 40 T_ 25 520 15 25 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 16 : RPV fast fluences for the 12.5% enriched core operating at 250 MWth. For the equilibrium core design established using 12.5% enriched fuel, an RPV fast fluence of 5.24x1022 n/cm 2 is found. This value is much higher than that calculated 22 for the PBMR 400 MWth design, which had a calculated RPV fast fluence of 4.32x10 n/cm 2 . This further shows the need to develop a new design which can achieve the same performance as the PBMR 400 MWth equilibrium core but at 250 MWth and under the geometric constraints placed on the core Fuel Burnup One of the major advantages of the spherical fuel element design used in these reactors is to achieve fuel burnups much higher than those found in fuel rods in light waters reactors. Fuel burnup essentially is the reactor equivalent of fuel efficiency. It is defined as the amount of energy, GWd, able to be extracted from one metric ton of fuel by the reactor. Maximizing this value not only increases efficiency, but also allows the reactor to burn more of the waste produced from radiative capture in 238U, mostly 239Pu. -49 - For such high burnups as the TRISO fuel particles were designed for, the amount of nuclear waste produced can be reduced by burning the 239 Pu produced in the previous passes through the reactor. Since this is all self-contained within the fuel pebble, there is no worry about proliferation because there is no reprocessing of spent fuel involved. Fuel burnup is almost solely dependent on the fuel zone radius, as can be seen in the figure below. This is because the total burnup the fuel experiences as it passes through the core is a function of the average volumetric power generation, which depends only on the total volume of fuel in the core since the power is fixed at 250 MWth. There is an almost unnoticeable increase in the fuel burnup as the reflector thickness increases. This behavior may be due to slight increases in the thermal neutron population as the reflector size increases. More thermal neutrons would be available for both fission and radiative capture and less fast neutrons would be available for the fast fission of 238U. In this case, more 239Pu would be formed and thus there would be more fissile inventory. Fuel Burnup (GWd/T) - 10% Enriched, 250 MWth, Outer Reflector Only 40 FB>85 85>FB>80 - 80>FB>75 75>FB>70 35 3o (D70>FB>65 a 30" FB<65 c ) 25 10 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 17 : Fuel burnup for the 10% enriched core operating at 250 MWth. -50- Comparing the fuel burnups calculated for the 10% and 12.5% enriched fuel cases, it is clearly seen that the same behaviors and almost the exact same numbers are calculated for the overlapping core designs. This further shows exactly how the fuel burnup is entirely dependent on the volume of fuel in the core at a constant power. Fuel Burnup (GWd/T) - 12.5% Enriched, 250 MWth, Outer Reflector Only o " I I FB>110 -110>FB>105 105>FB>100 55 -: - 100>FB>95 95>FB>90 so o 90>FB>85 45 - 85>FB>80 -40 80>FB>75 - 75>FB>70 so 70>FB>65 I30 - t FB<65 20 15 25 130 135 140 145 150 155 10 165 170 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 18 :Fuel burnup for the 12.5% enriched reactor operating at 250 MWth. The fuel burnups able to be achieved by the 10% enriched fuel case are limited to approximately 85 GWd/T, according to Figure 17. This isn't too far from the near 90 GWd/T value achieved in the PBMR 400 MWth design, but still falls slightly short of the goal. The 12.5% enriched fuel design, though, increases the number of core designs and in turn allows the formation of critical cores with higher burnups. In particular, the 135 cm fuel zone radius core is able to achieve a burnup of just under 100 GWd/T and still maintaining criticality. The promise of this design is the ability to generate higher burnup than the PBMR 400 MWth, while achieving improved performance with respect to peaking factors, peak pebble temperature and RPV fast fluence. -51 - The equilibrium core design achieved using 12.5% enriched fuel is found to achieve a burnup of 109.9 GWd/T, over a 20 GWd/T increase upon the fuel burnup calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth design. Analysis Although critical equilibrium cores are able to be established using 10% enriched fuel, the minimum outer reflector thickness of 50 cm could not be accommodated into the core without driving it subcritical. Therefore, without any other design modifications, 12.5% enriched fuel was instead used to establish a critical core for a design at fuel zone radius of 135 cm and an outer reflector thickness of 50 cm. All possible core configurations tested which achieved criticality showed promise in performing similar to or better than the PBMR 400 MWth design. Most of these cores, though, had very high excess reactivities relative to that of the current PBMR core, including the 135 cm fuel zone radius design. Additional steps will be taken in Section 3.4. to form a true equilibrium core to be able to make a fair comparison between this specific design and the PBMR 400 MWth design. The equilibrium core formed with the 12.5% enriched fuel and no further modifications performed poorly relative to the PBMR 400 MWth design. Table 6 below compares the various core parameters of this new design and the PBMR 400 MWth design. - 52 - Table 6 : Comparison of the PBMR 400 MWth design and the 250 MWth design Parameters PBMR 400 MWth 250 MWth - 12.5% e. K-effective 1.0180 1.007 9.89 9.33 Peak Pebble Temp. 1715.6 0 C 2050 0 C RPV Fast Fluence 4.32x10 22 n/cm 2 5.24x10 22 n/cm 2 87.7 GWd/T 109.9 GWd/T Power Max./Avg. Fuel Burnup 3.2.2. 200 MW Design The power was downrated to 200 MWth to see if this would allow core designs to be able to achieve criticality using 10% enriched fuel once steady state operation is established. Again, only an outer reflector was placed in the design to determine if any optimal reflector size existed for the 200 MWth reactor. The second goal in decreasing the power was to reduce the difference in enrichment between the various batches in each layer, thereby reducing the peak batch power at which fresh fuel is driven and in turn reducing the VSOP power peaking factor. A reduction of the peaking factors would likely reduce the peak pebble temperatures to values below the 17150C limit set on steady state operation by the PBMR 400 MWth design. But since the burnup is proportional to the power times the fuel residence time, fuel burnups will be expected to decrease from those observed in the 250 MWth case. -53- K-effective The k-effective results for the 10% enriched fuel 200 MWth designs did produce a range of critical cores similar to that of the 250 MWth design using 12.5% enriched fuel, once steady state operation was obtained. The possible core designs ranged from a fuel zone radius of 175 cm down to about 130 cm. This increase in k-effective relative to the 250 MWth core using 10% enriched fuel is due to an increase in the average enrichment of fuel in the core for a given design. At a higher power, the average enrichment inside the core, once equilibrium is reached, is lower because the higher fluxes cause more of the fissile content to be burned. The opposite effect occurs when power is decreased, which causes the average enrichment to increase and k-effective to increase as well. K-effective - 200 MWth, Outer Reflector Only At .I ;I I I 1.35 . . . . . . . ..-.. . . . . . . . . . 1.3 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1.25 .-. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 1.2 .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1.15 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ... 1.1 1.05 . 0.16 0 110 120 I 130 -10% Enrichment (Interpolation) * 10% Enrichment (Data) -12.5% Enrichment (Interpolation) * 12.5% Enrichment (Data) 140 . I 150 I.. .. , I ... .. , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 170 180 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 19 : K-effective for the 10% and 12.5% enriched reactor designs operating at 200 MWth. As can be seen in Figure 19 above, two cores are found that can satisfy the minimum required thickness of the outer reflector, 50 cm, and achieve minimal excess reactivities at steady state operation. - 54- Using a cubic spline interpolation with the 10% enriched fuel data, this design is found to occur at a fuel zone radius of approximately 126.8 cm and an outer reflector thickness of 58.2 cm. K-effective for this design is approximately 1.004. For the 12.5% enriched fuel data, the design with minimal excess reactivity occurs at a fuel zone radius of 114 cm and an outer reflector thickness of 71 cm. The k-effective for this design was 1.007. These two equilibrium cores will be analyzed based on their performance relative to each other and the PBMR 400 MWth design. Power Peaking Factor Although k-effective increased when the power was decreased from 250 MWth to 200 MWth enriched fuel, VSOP power peaking factors were found to decrease. All critical cores fell well below the 9.89 VSOP power peaking factors observed in the PBMR 400 MWth design. -55 - Power Peaking Factors - 200 MWth, Outer Reflector Only 7 -10% 6e.5~ \ 10% Enrichment (Data) -12.5% Enrichment (Interpolation) * 12.5% Enrichment (Data) Ss5.5s L) Enrichment (Interpolation) U5 " 4.5 4 o 35 a) 3 2.5 15 125 135 145 155 165 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 20 : Power peaking factors for 10% and 12.5% enriched reactor designs operating at 200 MWth. Again, using a cubic spline interpolation to predict the values of untested core configurations, the power peaking factors were calculated for the two equilibrium core designs discussed in the previous section. For the design using a 126.8 cm fuel zone radius and a 58.2 cm thick outer reflector with 10% enriched fuel, a power peaking factor of 7.85 was obtained. For the 12.5 % enriched fuel design, having a 114 cm fuel zone radius and a 71 cm thick outer reflector, achieved a power peaking factor of 7.83. Both of these cores have such similar peaking factors that this along can't be used to determine the best design. In addition, both of these design improved significantly upon the 9.89 power peaking factor found in the PBMR 400 MWth design. - 56 - Peak Temperature The decrease in reactor power from 250 MWth to 200 MWth was able to decrease the peak pebble temperature in all critical core designs previously tested, to the point that the peak temperature approaches the PBMR-400 metric, 1715 0 C. The trends seen in Figure 21 reflect those seen in the 250MWth case along the upper limit of core design sizes; improvements upon the peak temperature, calculated with the VSOP output, occurred as fuel zone radius increases. Peak Pebble Temperature - 200 MWth, Outer Reflector Only 1 I I I I I ~ I I I 1 I ................................................. . - 10% Enrichm ent (Interpolation) * 10% Enrichment (Data) 1700 ......- 1800 leoo ..... 12.5% Enrichment (Interpolation) ..... * 12.5% Enrichment (Data) : C, I I 1500 E a 1400 1300 (L -N 1200 . ... .. .. . . .. .. ... .. 1100 . ... .... .... .... 5 .... .... .... ... 125 135 145 155 165 1 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 21 : Peak temperature for the 10% and 12.5% enrichment reactor designs operating at 200MWth. Cubic spline interpolation was used again to predict the peak pebble temperature for all untested designs. As can be seen above, most of the core designs which attained criticality produced peak pebble temperature seen well below the 1715 0 C value obtained from the PBMR 400 MWth VSOP94 model. The 10% enriched fuel design which achieved minimal excess reactivity was able to achieve improved performance with respect to the peak pebble temperature. For this -57- design, the peak temperature was found to be 1695°C, a slight improvement upon the PBMR 400 MWth design. The 12.5% enriched fuel design, though, failed to reach this goal value. The peak pebble temperature calculated for this design was 1861 0C, more than a 1000 C increase from the PBMR 400 MWth core. Although the current analysis of the peak temperatures is limited, this core may still be viable and produce a steady state peak temperature below 12000 C. Since all other material properties are held constant in the temperature calculations, the peak pebble power is still greater relative to the PBMR 400 MWth core, making the 10% enriched fuel design more appealing. RPV Fast Fluence In decreasing the power of the reactor by 50 MW, the fast fluence was able to be reduced by 30% to almost 50% in many instances. This can be seen by comparing the graph below of the edge fast fluence with those of the 250 MWth case in Figure 15 and Figure 16. Even though measures can be taken to mitigate the fast fluence incident upon the RPV, such as placing a steel shroud around the core, the configuration of the core should be made to minimize the fast fluence if at all possible. Since reducing the fast fluence on the RPV is so essential in maximizing the life of the reactor and optimizing its availability to the industry the core is employed within, finding the core design which improves upon the edge fast fluence seen in the PBMR 400 MWth core is highly favorable. -58 - RPV Fast Fluence - 200 MWth, Outer Reflector Only * 10% Enrichment (Data) " E 3 ................................ ................................. ............ c\I 2 "5 12.5 % E nric hm ent (Inte rpo latio n) * 12.5% Enrichment (Data) x a I- 1.5 0.5 ?15 125 135 145 155 165 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 22 : Edge fast fluence for the 10% and 12.5% enriched reactor designs operating at 200 MWth. For the two designs being discussed under the 200 MWth power rating, the cubic spline interpolation used to produce the smooth lines seen in Figure 22 is also used to predict the RPV fast fluences values of untested designs. For the 10% enriched fuel design, the RPV fast fluence achieved was 3.71x10 22 n/cm 2 over a 40 year time period. The fast fluence calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth core was 4.32x10 22 n/cm 2 over the same amount of time. So far, this design is performing just as well to the PBMR design. The 12.5% enriched fuel design is observed to have slightly poorer performance with regard to the RPV fast fluence. A value of 4.58x1022 n/cm 2 was calculated for this design. Although this is slightly higher than seen in the PBMR 400 MWth design, this fluence is close enough to be tolerable. -59- Fuel Burnup Although the decrease in power resulted in substantial improvements upon many parameters, the average fuel burnup produced for the majority of the critical designs was reduced. In order for an optimized design to be found, a compromise needs to be reached between the safety of the reactor, which increases as the power decreases and the volume of fuel in the core increases, and its overall fuel performance, which decreases under similar circumstances. The poorer fuel performance in the 200 MWth reactor is a direct result of the reduced flux necessary to maintain a lower power, as opposed to the 250 MWth case. Since the amount of time the fuel spends in the core is fixed at approximately 3 years, the total fluence the fuel is exposed to decreases accordingly. This is easily seen when comparing the fuel bumup performance of the 250 MWth reactor in Figure 17 and Figure 18 to the graph below of burnup for the 200 MWth reactor. While the fuel burnup varies from around 65 to 115 GWd/T in Figure 18, the calculated burnup for the 200 MWth reactor ranges from 50 to 110 GWd/T. Not only does the fuel burnup depend on the power, but also the core geometry, which leads to a significant decrease in burnup as the fuel zone radius increases from 145 cm to 175 cm. This decrease, discussed before, is the result of the decrease in the amount of fuel over which the power is distributed. Fluxes inside the core must be higher if there is less fuel present in the core in order to maintain the same power. In the same way, if more fuel is present in the core, the fluxes can be reduced. But, since the time the fuel spends in the core is fixed, if the fluxes are reduced, the average amount of fissile - 60 - material left over in a fuel pebble after exiting the core increases, causing the burnup to decrease. Fuel Burnup - 200 MWth, Outer Reflector Only 110 1 100..... -10% Enrichment (Interpolation) * 10% Enrichment (Data) -12.5% Enrichment (Interpolation) - 0*........................ ............ I. . ...... 12.5% Enrichm ent (Data) =- LL 60 51 415 125 135 145 155 185 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 23 :Fuel burnup for the 10% and 12.5% enriched reactor designs operating at 200 MWth. For the 10% enriched core, the average fuel bumup exiting the core is calculated to be approximately 88.4 GWd/T. This value is a slight improvement upon the 87.7 GWd/T calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth design. The 12.5% enriched fuel design produces a significantly higher burnup than that produced by the PBMR 400 MWth. The 12.5% enriched core allows for an increase in fuel burnup up to 108.6 GWd/T, over a 20 GWd/T increase on the PBMR 400 MWth design. Analysis Two core designs show promise in producing a critical equilibrium core with performance on par with or greater than that of the PBMR 400 MWth design as well as providing enough space in the core to fit an outer reflector at least 50 cm thick. The core -61- using 10% enriched fuel is designed with a 126.8 cm fuel zone radius and a 58.2 cm thick outer reflector thickness. This design is able to achieve a k-effective near unity, 1.004, with enhanced performance in all calculated quantities used to compare this design with the PBMR 400 MWth core. A second core using 12.5% enriched fuel formed a critical equilibrium core with a 114 cm fuel zone radius and an outer reflector 71 cm thick. This core was able to achieve similar performance with respect to power peaking and RPV fast fluences relative to the PBMR 400 MWth design. Unfortunately, there was a significant increase in the peak pebble temperature beyond that calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth core. While VSOP power peaking factors stayed relatively the same using both enrichments, the peak pebble power increased in the 12.5% enriched design due to the increase in volumetric power generation associated with the decrease in total fuel volume. This caused the temperature to increase when using 12.5% enriched fuel instead of 10% enriched fuel. The uncertainty of the temperature analysis, though, allows no conclusions to be made regarding whether the increase is tolerable. Although the peak pebble power may be higher for this design, the fuel burnup is able to be increased significantly relative to the PBMR 400 MWth design. Table 7 below provides the various core parameters for these designs to summarize the comparisons. - 62 - Table 7 : Comparison of PBMR 400 MWth design with the 200 MWth designs. Parameters PBMR 400 MWth 200 MWth - 10% e. 200 MWth - 12.5% e. K-effective 1.0180 1.004 1.007 Power Max./Avg. 9.89 7.85 7.83 Peak Pebble Temp. 1715.6 0 C 1695 0 C 1861 0 C RPV Fast Fluence 4.32x10 22n/cm 2 3.71x1022 n/cm 4.58x1022 n/cm2 87.7 GWd/T 88.4 GWd/T 108.6 GWd/T Fuel Burnup 3.2.3. 150 MW Design K-effective As per the 200 MWth designs suggested, an analysis was undertaken which decreased the power 100 MW below the target to see if further enhance of performance could be achieved relative to the PBMR 400 MWth design. Because of this reduction in power, the average enrichment of fuel during steady state operation for all possible core designs increases because the total flux in the core decreases. This leads to a total decrease in the amount of fissile material which is burned within the fuel pebbles as they pass through the core (that is for a specific design). Although this will cause further reduction of the burnup achieved in all possible designs tested at 200 MWth, it allows the core to become critical at reduced fuel zone radii. The comparison of k-effective for all tested core designs using 10% and 12.5% enriched fuel is shown in Figure 24. A new behavior in K-effective begins to appear in the 150 MWth core. For all previous tested designs at higher powers, k-effective was observed to increase until the - 63 - slop of increasing k-effective starts to decrease. For the 150 MWth core, k-effective is seen to reach an almost constant value when using either 10% or 12.5% enriched fuel. These values essentially represent the value of k-effective for an "infinite" reactor, or kinfinity (infinite with respect to the neutrons interacting with the reactor). Beyond these fuel zone radii, the neutrons within the core essentially don't notice the additional fuel because they interact with the fuel around them before reaching it. K-effective - 150 MWth, Outer Reflector Only 1.5 1.3- -10% Enrichment (Interpolation) * 1 0 % Enrichment (Data) Enrichment (Interpolation) -12.5% 1. ...... o3 CD 12.5% Enrichment (Data) L* 1 I I I I 135 145 155 165 0.9 115 125 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 24 : K-effective for the 10% and 12.5% enriched reactor designs operating at 150 MWth. Using 10% enriched fuel, a reactor operating at 150 MWth can achieve criticality along the geometric constraint for core configurations ranging from a fuel zone radius of 175 cm to approximately 110 cm. An actual equilibrium core with minimum excess reactivity can be formed using a fuel zone radius of 111.5 cm and an outer reflector 73.5 cm thick. K-effective for this design is approximately 1.005. Using 12.5% enriched fuel extends the full range of operable core designs from a fuel zone radius of 175 cm to 100 cm. -64 - An equilibrium core with very little excess reactivity can be established using a fuel zone radius only 1 meter thick surrounded by an outer reflector 85 cm thick. K-effective for this design is near 1.006. These two designs will be compared with each other and with the PBMR 400 MWth design according to their performance Power Peaking Factor New behavior in the power peaking factors is also observed in the 150 MWth case as well. For a core using 10% enriched fuel, as the fuel zone radius is reduced from 175 cm to near 162 cm, the power peaking factor decreases. After reaching 162 cm peaking factors then begin to increase. A minimum power peaking factor 2.94 is found near a fuel zone radius of 156.7 cm and an outer reflector thickness of 28.3 cm. Using 12.5% enriched fuel, a minimum power peaking factor of 2.58 is found at a fuel zone radius of 150 cm and an outer reflector thickness of 25 cm. Unfortunately for both the 10% and 12.5% enriched fuel cores, the minimum power peaking factors occur almost exactly where the largest excess reactivities were found in the Section Since establishing an equilibrium core with minimal excess reactivity, these designs are not pursued any further, as interesting as they may seem. -65 - Power Peaking Factors - 150 MWth, Outer Reflector Only 7 Enrichment (Interpolation) -10% * 10% Enrichment (Data) -12.5% Enrichment (Interpolation) * 12.5% Enrichment (Data) o U- 05 115 125 145 135 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) 155 185 175 Figure 25 : Power peaking factors for the 10% and 12.5% enriched reactor designs operating at 150 MWth. The design which minimized excess reactivity using 10% enriched fuel was able to achieve a power peaking factor of approximately 6.55. This is nearly 2/3 the 9.89 power peaking factor seen in the PBMR 400 MWth design. The 12.5% enriched fuel design which reached a true equilibrium core also improved upon the PBMR 400 MWth power peaking factors. This design achieved a peaking factor of around 6.65, again, almost 2/3 of that observed in the PBMR 400 MWth core. Since the power peaking factors for both of the 150 MWth cores perform equally well here, the rest of the parameters must be taken into account. Peak Temperature As opposed to the 200 MWth case where only one of the various core configurations or fuel enrichments were able to achieve a peak pebble temperature below temperature metric, both the 10% and 12.5% enriched fuel cores operating at the 1715'C LL a the 1715C temperature metric, both the 10% and 12.5% enriched fuel cores operating at - 66 - if 150 MWth are able to satisfy this condition. These equilibrium cores are able to match not reduce the peak pebble temperature from the 1715'C value observed in the PBMR 400 MWth design. The 10% enriched core, having a fuel zone radius of 111.5 cm and an outer 0 reflector thickness of 73.5 cm, was able to attain a peak pebble temperature of 1550 C, a significant improvement upon that seen in the PBMR 400 MWth core. The 12.5% enriched equilibrium core, with a 1 meter fuel zone radius and an 85 cm thick outer reflector, was able to satisfy the upper limit set by the PBMR 400 MWth design. The 0 peak pebble temperature produced here was 1705 C, just barely reaching the upper limit, but still satisfying it. Peak Pebble Temperature - 150 MWth, Outer Reflector Only 16000 -10% .................. 1500 ........ . . 1400 Enrichment (Interpolation) 10% Enrichm ent (Data) Enrichment (Interpolation) -12.5% ....... * 12.5% Enrichment (Data) o E 1100 a,1200 100%5 I I 115 125 I I I I 135 145 155 185 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 26 : Peak pebble temperature for the 10% and 12.5% enriched reactor designs operating at 150 MWth. Since neither of these equilibrium core designs violated the upper limit on the steady state peak temperature and they matched each other in power peaking factor - 67 - performance, the RPV fast fluences and fuel burnups must then be taken into consideration to determine the best design. RPV Fast Fluence Since the fast fluence on the RPV is so crucial in determining the lifetime of the reactor, it is desirable to minimize this quantity as much as possible. Therefore the value of this key parameter will be compared for the two equilibrium core designs discussed previously. If either of the two designs provide a significant improvement relative to one another or to the PBMR 400 MWth design, this will be highly favorable for the corresponding design. RPV Fast Fluence - 150 MWth, Outer Reflector Only 135 145 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 27 : RPV fast fluence for the 10% and 12.5% enriched reactor designs operating at 150 MWth. For the equilibrium core utilizing 10% enriched fuel, the RPV fast fluence calculated was roughly 3.34x10 22 n/cm 2 over the assumed 40 year lifetime of the core. This is a significant improvement upon the PBMR 400 MWth fast fluence of 4.32x1022 -68 - n/cm 2 over the same time. The 12.5% enriched core was able to achieve a modest improvement upon the PBMR 400 MWth design's fluence. This design's fluence was found to be 4.18x10 22 n/cm 2. Fuel Burnup Since the power is further down rated to 150 MWth and the residence time of the fuel pebbles in the core remains constant at 3 years, it is expected that the fuel burnups observed for all designs previously tested for the 200 MWth case will decrease. Indeed, further reductions in the average fuel burnups of all these designs are seen comparing Figure 23 with Figure 28. The lowest possible burnup decreases from around 47.8 GWd/T in the 200 MWth case to approximately 35.7 GWd/T for the 150 MWth design. An interesting observation was made that the average fuel burnup does not change when the fuel enrichment is increased from 10% to 12.5% when the core design is held constant. At first it was thought that the different power peaking factors using the two enrichments would result in higher burnups, but this turned out not to be the case. Since VSOP calculates the volumetric average of fuel burnup as the fuel leaves the core, information on the highest and lowest burnups of fuel taken out of the core is lost. This leads to a dependence solely on the reactor power and volume of fuel in the core. -69- Fuel Burnup - 150 MWth. Outer Reflector Only 100 -10% Enrichment (Interpolation) * 10% Enrichment (Data) -12.5% Enrichment (Interpolation) .......... .... *......................... 12.5% Enrichm ent (D ata) 80 3: .50- 05 115 125 135 145 155 185 175 Fuel Zone Radius (cm.) Figure 28: Fuel burnup for the 10% and 12.5% enriched reactor designs operating at 150 MWth. The 10% enriched fuel equilibrium core was able to reach a fuel bumrnup of approximately 86.2 GWd/T, slightly lower than the 87.7 GWd/T burnup achieved by the PBMR 400 MWth design, but still very close to it. The 12.5% enriched fuel core was able to significantly increase this burnup, though, to a value of 106.4 GWd/T. Use of the higher enrichment fuel is able to significantly increase the bumrnup of the equilibrium core because the difference in the enrichment of fresh fuel and used up fuel exiting the core can be increased while still maintaining an overall average enrichment in the core similar to that using lower enriched fuel. Analysis For a reactor operating at 150 MWth, two equilibrium core designs are found which perform up to or better than the PBMR 400 MWth design. The first core utilizing 10% enriched fuel consists of a fuel zone radius of 111.5 cm and an outer reflector 73.5 - 70 - cm thick. This design is able to significantly reduce all parameters, power peaking factor, peak pebble temperature, and RPV fast fluence while maintaining nearly the same fuel burnup achieved by the PBMR 400 MWth design. While this core reduced the parameters and maintained a similar burnup, the 12.5% enriched core was able to maintain roughly the same parameters as the PBMR 400 MWth design, but significantly increase the achievable fuel burnup in the process. This design consists of a fuel zone radius of exactly 1 meter and an outer reflector 85 cm thick. This design matched almost exactly the peak pebble temperature and RPV fast fluence of the PBMR design while achieving nearly the same power peaking factor as the 10% enriched equilibrium core. While performance was matched in nearly all these areas, the fuel burnup was able to be increased to 106.4 GWd/T, significantly higher than the 87.7 GWd/T produced with the PBMR 400 MWth core. Table 8 below summarizes this statement. Table 8 : Comparison of PBMR 400 MWth design with the 150 MWth designs Parameters PBMR 400 MWth 150 MWth - 10% e.* 150 MWth - 12.5% e.* K-effective 1.0180 1.005 1.006 9.89 6.55 6.65 Peak Pebble Temp. 1715.6 0C 1550 0 C 1705 0C RPV Fast Fluence 4.32x10 22 n/cm 2 3.34x10 22 n/cm2 4.18x10 22 n/cm2 87.7 GWd/T 86.2 GWd/T 106.4 GWd/T Power Max./Avg. Fuel Burnup * 10% e. - 111.5 cm. fuel zone radius and a 73.5 cm. thick outer reflector 12.5% e. - 100 cm. fuel zone radius and a 85 cm. thick outer reflector -71 - 3.3. 50 cm Inner Dynamic Reflector Initially, only an outer reflector was included into the design of the core because of concerns that including both an inner and outer reflector would displace too much fuel and cause the peak pebble temperature to increase. This concern was addressed in this analysis by comparing the performance of a reactor with a central dynamic reflector with the data obtained for reactors with only outer reflectors. An central reflector with a radius of 50 cm was chosen in order to match the fuel displacement achieved when the outer reflector thickness is increased from 10 cm to 20 cm. This dynamic reflector consists entirely of graphite dummy pebbles which move through the core with the rest of the fuel. By using the same volume a 20 cm outer reflector takes up in the core and instead applying the inner 10 cm of this to form a central reflector, the effectiveness of a central reflector can be directly compared to that of the outer reflector. The figure below shows a simple to-scale drawing of comparing the cross sections of these two different designs. - 72 - Fuel Zone 3.3 meters 1 meter Outer Reflector .2 meters thick Outer Reflector .1 meters thick Figure 29: Diagram of an outer reflector design compared to an central reflector design. 3.3.1. 250 MWth Design Even though the 250 MWth design using 10% enriched fuel was not able to attain a critical equilibrium core with a minimum outer reflector thickness of 50 cm included, the presence of a dynamic central reflector could enable the core to reach criticality. This was thought because this inner reflector would be placed where the fast neutron flux would be the highest, at the center of the core. The graphite pebbles would then be able to more effectively slow down neutrons because of their placement where the fast fluxes were initially highest. An additional thought was that because this reflector was placed at the center of the core, if fast or thermal neutrons passed through it, there would still be fuel on the other side to interact with. In the case with an outer reflector, once the neutrons passed through, there was little to no chance of these neutrons coming back. Both of these expected behaviors relate directly to the boundary conditions applied to the core by CITATION. At the center of the core no net neutron current can exist due to -73- radial symmetry, leading to the interpretation that there is no net leakage of thermal or fast neutrons across the core centerline. Since thermal neutrons are produced in the reflector, leakage of them can only occur away from the core centerline and towards the fuel. For the outer reflector, the thermal neutrons produced from thermalization of fast neutrons can either be reflected back towards the fuel or leaked out of the core. Since the inner reflector is expected to perform better in reflecting thermal neutrons back towards the fuel and since thermal neutrons drive most of the fission reactions in the core, it would be expected that k-effective would increase, possibly to the point where the core could become critical. K-effective Opposite of what would be expected, the introduction of the central reflector into the core causes k-effective to decreases. The figure below shows that while critical cores can still be established using either 10% or 12.5% enriched fuel with this reflector, the keffective values have decreased relative to the calculations done with the same core designs but no central reflector. This may be due to the fact that thermalization by the graphite already present in the fuel zone was not taken into account since most thermalization was thought to occur within the outer reflector. It is apparent from the results that this is not the case. Since sufficient slowing down of neutrons already exists within the pebble bed itself, the placement of additional moderating material, in this case either outer or inner reflector, will cause both displacement of fuel and additional parasitic absorption of thermal neutrons which would have otherwise caused fission. As can be seen in Figure 30, the inner reflector allowed a maximum k-effective value of approximately 1.3 to be achieved for the core using 12.5% enriched fuel, a - 74 - reduction in k-effective from the original value of 1.36 when the central reflector was not included in the design. The 10% enriched fuel case also suffered a reduction of the maximum k-effective from roughly 1.26 to 1.2 when the central reflector was included. The insertion of this 50 cm inner reflector thus leads to an overall Ak of approximately 0.06. K-effective - 50 cm. Inner Reflector, 250 MWth 1.35 1.25 -10% Enrichment (Interpolation) 1.310% Enrichment (Data) - 12.5% Enrichment (Interpolation) S12.5% Enrichment (Data) 1.2 m 1.15 L 1.05 1 0. 0" 6 140 145 150 15 180 15 170 175 Fuel Zone Outer Radius (cm.) Figure 30 :Comparison of K-effective for a core with a 50 cm. inner reflector operating at 250 MWth. For designs with larger outer reflectors, such as the 135 cm fuel zone radius and 50 cm outer reflector thickness design, an even greater decrease in k-effective occurred. For this design in particular, k-effective decreased from a value of approximately 1.15 to near 0.95, a Ak of -0.2. This is due to the larger fraction of the total fuel volume which the central reflector takes up for this design compared to the 175 cm fuel zone design. The consequence of this is that a reactor operating at 250 MWth can't form an equilibrium core using 10% enriched fuel in a design incorporating the 50 cm thick outer - 75 - reflector necessary to avoid mechanical failure. Further scoping of central reflector sizes will be carried out in Section 3.4. Although it may be the case that 10% enriched fuel can't be used to produce an equilibrium core of this design, 12.5% enriched fuel can achieve a core very close to this. At a fuel zone radius of 137.5 cm and an outer reflector thickness of 47.5 cm can produce an equilibrium core with a k-effective of 1.003. Therefore, the insertion of the central reflector into the core served as a mixed blessing. It was unable to produce a critical equilibrium core using 10% enriched fuel when a minimum outer reflector thickness of 50 cm was included but at the same time, it reduced the excess reactivity of this design such that in the 12.5% enriched fuel case, the core achieves minimum excess reactivity close to this design. Power Peaking Factors Since power peaking factors are such a great concern in reactor safety during transients, the core design selected in the previous section needs to at least perform similarly to the PBMR 400 MWth design with respect to this parameter. As seen in the graph below of the power peaking factors for the various design, the 137.5 cm fuel zone radius seem to approach the 9.89 VSOP peaking factor value of the PBMR 400MWth design very closely. Indeed, the actual power peaking factor calculated for this particular design operating at 250 MWth is 9.66, a slight improvement upon the PBMR. - 76 - Power Peaking Factors - 50 cm. Inner Reflector, 250 MWth -10% Enrichment (Interpolation) * 10% Enrichment (Data) -12.5% Enrichment (Interpolation) 12.5% Enrichment (Data) 12- 1 S10 98 7 6 5 4 3 135 I I 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 Fuel Zone Outer Radius (cm.) Figure 31 : Comparison of power peaking factors for a core with a 50 cm inner reflector operating at 250 MWth. Many of the other designs in Figure 31 are able to improve upon the 9.66 peaking factor produced with this design, but, as occurred in many of the previous core designs, the designs achieving minimum power peaking factors also maximized excess reactivity in the core. This excess reactivity can theoretically be controlled through addition of more burnable poisons and control rods into the design. The whole advantage of designing a reactor with online fuel movement, though, is the ability to maintain low excess reactivity while achieving high burnups. Thus the best design is still the 137.5 cm fuel zone radius core. Peak Pebble Temperature Although these core designs perform considerably better with regards to power peaking factors, if these designs do not satisfy the 1715C temperature calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth design then it is questionable as to whether they will operate with a - 77 - peak pebble temperature under 1200C. This is of particular concern for the 250 MWth case because the peak temperatures of core designs near criticality when the core only included an outer reflector were almost all above the 1715 0C calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth design. Peak Pebble Temperature - 50 cm Inner Reflector, 250 MWth 2200 Enrichment (Interpolation) 2100 -10% 2000- * 10% Enrichment (Data) -12.5% Enrichment (Interpolation) Sloo * 12.5% Enrichment (Data) l 180oo0 T 1700 E 1600oo a) 1500 a 1400 13001200 1100 135 140 145 150 I 155 I 160 I 165 170 175 Fuel Zone Outer Radius (cm.) Figure 32 :Comparison of peak pebble temperatures for a core with a 50 c. inner reflector operating at 250 MWth. The 12.5% enriched core, using a fuel zone radius of 137.5 cm and an outer reflector 47.5 cm thick with the 50 cm central reflector violates the 1715 0 C upper limit significantly. The peak temperature calculated for this specific design is 1928 0 C. Now while this calculated temperature exceeds PBMR's by 2000 C, it is still uncertain as to whether it truly lies below 12000 C because of the failure of the temperature analysis used in this study. Since the analysis used over conservative values for the surrounding helium temperature as well as low thermal conductivities for graphite, it may very well be that this design could satisfy this 12000 C limit. -78 - RPV Fast Fluence In Figure 33, it is seen that the minimum edge fast fluences are achieved when the fuel zone outer radius is 175 cm for both the 10% and 12.5% enriched fuel cases. But, once again, these favorable values hold only for cores with high excess reactivities, and make them poor candidates for this reactor. RPV Fast Fluence - 50 cm. Inner Reflector, 10% & 12.5% Enrichment, 250 MWth -10% Enrichment (Interpolation) * 10% Enrichment (Data) 5 -12.5% E Enrichment (Interpolation) * 12.5% Enrichment (Data) o x Ct- N 140 145 150 155 100 185 170 175 Fuel Zone Outer Radius (cm.) Figure 33 :Comparison of the RPV fast fluences for a core with a 50 cm inner reflector operating at 250 MWth. For the design being considered, a core comprising of a 50 cm central dynamic reflector, an outer fuel zone radius of 137.5 cm and an outer reflector thickness of 47.5 cm, an RPV fast fluence of 4.57x1022 n/cm2 is achieved over a 40 year time period. This is slightly worse than the PBMR 400 MWth design, which had a 4.32x10 22 n/cm 2 RPV fast fluence. Despite the poorer performance, the increase in RPV fast fluence is still tolerable. -79- Fuel Burnup As can be seen in Figure 34 below, there is little difference between the burnups achieved when 12.5% enriched fuel is switched out with 10% enriched fuel for any particular design. The main difference between using these two enrichments comes from the extension of critical cores to cores with smaller volumes of fuel, which allows for higher burnup cores. Now, if the 12.5% enriched fuel core with a fuel zone outer radius of 175 cm had been chosen as the optimized core design based solely off of its minimized power peaking factors and edge fast fluence, then the fuel burnup achieved by such a reactor would be only 65.2 GWd/T. Fuel Burnup - 50 cm. Inner Reflector, 10% & 12.5% Enrichment, 2 50MWth 115 I I 110 -10% 105 - * 10% Enriched Fuel (Data) -12.5% Enriched Fuel (Interpolation) Slooz Enriched Fuel (Interpolation) * 12.5% Enriched Fuel (Data) 90 75 m 85 80 75 70 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 Fuel Zone Outer Radius (cm.) Figure 34 : Comparison of fuel burnups for a core with a 50 cm inner reflector operating at 250 MWth. The core, though, which minimizes excess reactivity when the 50 cm central reflector is included, achieves a fuel burnup of 107.3 GWd/T. - 80- This is a significant improvement upon the 87.7 GWd/T bumup observed in the PBMR 400 MWth design. Although power peaking factors and RPV fast fluence are nearly the same for this design as they are for the PBMR 400 MWth design, the nearly 20 GWd/T improvement makes these compromises worth while. Analysis By placing an dynamic reflector made of up of graphite pebbles into the center of the core, the 250 MWth design was only able produce an equilibrium core using 12.5% enriched fuel. This core using 12.5% enriched fuel minimized reactivity did not perform as well as the PBMR 400 MWth design, especially with respect to the peak pebble temperature. Due to the uncertainty in the analysis of the peak temperature, though, this can't render the design as unacceptable until a more accurate analysis is conducted. In addition to this, the performance of this design relative to the PBMR 400 MWth core with respect to peaking factors, RPV fast fluences and especially fuel burnup, make this design very favorable. Table 9 below compares all the calculated parameters for this proposed design with the PBMR 400 MWth design. Table 9 : Comparison of the PBMR 400 MWth design to the 250 MWth design using a 50 cm central reflector Parameters PBMR 400 MWth 250 MWth - 12.5% e. K-effective 1.0180 1.003 Power Max./Avg. 9.89 9.66 Peak Pebble Temp. 1715.6 0 C 1928 0 C RPV Fast Fluence 4.32x1022 n/cm2 4.57x1022 n/cm 87.7 GWd/T 107.3 GWd/T Fuel Burnup -81 - 3.4. A Critical Core with a 50 cm Outer Reflector After analyzing the 250 MWth core designs in Section 3.2.1., the goal was set forth to create a design which reduced the excess reactivity of a core with an outer fuel zone radius of 135 cm and an outer reflector 50 cm thick using 12.5% enriched fuel. Two approaches were taken to do this. The first approach was to add a mixture of graphite pebbles without any fuel particles inside them to reduce the total volume of fuel in the core, thereby reducing reactivity. The second method to reduce reactivity was to place a 25 cm radius central reflector in the core and then add a mixture of graphite pebbles if necessary. Both of these approaches would hopefully not just reduce excess reactivity, but also improve upon the performance of the PBMR 400 MWth design as well. 3.4.1. Graphite Pebble Mixture 12.5% enriched fuel was used in this analysis because an equilibrium critical core with 10% enriched fuel using the PBMR 400 MWth fuel scheme and operating at a power of 250 MWth was unable to be produced. The introduction of 12.5% fuel, though, did not produce an exactly critical core, though, and thus various mixtures of graphite pebbles into the fuel were tested to find the mixture which produced an equilibrium core with minimal excess reactivity. For a reactor with an outer reflector of 50 cm and a fuel zone radius of 135 cm, graphite pebbles were added into the fuel 5% at a time starting initially with no graphite pebbles mixed in. The fraction of graphite pebbles was incremented 5% at a time until the core became subcritical. The graph below shows the results of this analysis. - 82 - K-effective - 12.5% Enriched, 135 cm. FZ, 50 cm. OR, 250 MWth 1.15 1.05 - a, 0.95 0. 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15 Fraction of Graphite Pebbles in Fuel Figure 35 : The effect of the graphite pebble mixture on k-effective for the 12.5% enriched core operating at 250 MWth. In Figure 35 above, it is seen that only a small fraction of the fuel must be mixed with graphite pebbles to obtain an equilibrium core. The exact fraction at which this occurs is when 11.7% of all pebbles in the core are graphite and the other 88.3% consist of fuel pebbles. With this fraction of graphite pebbles, a k-effective of 1.0031 was obtained with this 250 MWth design. This design also achieved a power peaking factor of 9.38, lower than any 250 MWth equilibrium core evaluated yet. This is also an improvement upon the 9.89 peaking factor calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth design. Now, where as the power peaking factors provided in the VSOP94 output provided this information according to batch relative power, the actual power peaking factor would be defined for the individual layers, averaging the relative powers generated by each layer's batches. The graph of the relative powers generated by each layer according to their channel position is seen below. The power peaking factor defined in - 83 - this fashion is 3.61, lower than the 3.73 peaking factor found for the PBMR 400 MWth design. 4 3.5 3 7 Channel -- Channel Channel --- Channel -- Channel S--- o 2.5 . 2 2 . -- 1.5 1-" 1 2 3 4 5 Channel 6 0.5 - 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Axial Distance Figure 36 : Relative power distribution throughout each channel for this core design. In addition to the improvement with respect to power peaking factors, the RPV fast fluence achieved was almost exactly the same as that calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth design, a 4.28x10 22 n/cm 2 fluence compared to 4.32x10 22 n/cm 2. Significant increases in fuel burnup to a value of 109.1 GWd/T were calculated for this design, as well. Although the performance of the design according to these parameters improved, the peak pebble temperature still exceeded those calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth core. This new design was calculated, using the VSOP data, to have a peak pebble temperature of 1930.9 0 C compared to the 1715 0 C calculated for PBMR. Since, it may very well be the case that this new design can keep peak pebble temperatures below 1200 0 C during - 84- steady state operation, the in-depth temperature analysis applied to the PBMR-400 will be used here. By analyzing the core as a single channel with a relative power distribution according to Channel 1 in Figure 36 and applying the same heat conduction and convection model for the fuel pebble as before, the axial temperature profile for the helium coolant and center pebble temperature is found. The results of this analysis are plotted below in Figure 37. Axial Temperature Profile for MPBR-250 1100 Coolant Temperature (Interpolation) ............... .... ........ 1000 oo00 . . . . .. . . ........................... .. . . 0 100 200 S Coolant Temperature (Data) ......... ............ Center Pebble Temperature (Interpolation) Center Pebble Temperature (Data) . . . .......- . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 300 . . ........ . .. .... . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . 400 500 . . . . ........ .. .. . . . .. . . 600 . . . . . ......................... . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. 700 800 000 ......... . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . 1000 1100 Axial Position Top to Bottom (cm) Figure 37: Coolant and Peak Pebble Axial Temperature Profile for the Graphite Mixture Core - 85 - The results from this analysis shows that the peak pebble temperature is 1079 0C, satisfying the 1200 0 C upper limit on the steady state peak core temperature. This additional analysis therefore shows that this design still fits within this additional constraint. 3.4.2. 25 cm. Central Reflector The introduction of a 25 cm radius central dynamic reflector into the 135 cm fuel zone radius and 50 cm outer reflector thickness design reduced k-effective from a value of 1.1548 in the original design to 1.0948. Since this excess reactivity is still quite large compared to the equilibrium cores obtained so far, the further addition of graphite pebbles into the fuel will be necessary. The graphite pebble mix necessary to achieve near exact criticality was calculated first by determining the approximate Ak per percentage of graphite pebbles mixed. Using the date from the previous section, this was found to be -.013231 Ak per % mixing. The inverse of this was then multiplied by the excess Ak, .0948, producing an estimated 7.3% mixing to achieve a critical design. Now, because the data taken from Figure 35 was not exactly linear, this calculated amount overestimated the percentage of graphite pebble mixing necessary to achieve criticality, therefore yielding a slightly subcritical core. When the percentage was decreased to exactly 7%, an equilibrium core almost exactly at criticality was achieved. For this design, k-effective was found to be 1.0024 and the batch power peaking factor calculated to be 9.87, almost exactly the same as the PBMR 400 MWth design. The RPV fast fluence was almost an exact match as well, 4.36x10 22 n/cm 2 compared to 4.32x1022 n/cm 2 in the PBMR design. The fuel burnup achieved significantly improved - 86 - from 87.7 GWd/T calculated for the PBMR 400 MWth core to 109.1 GWd/T, the same burnup seen in the previous design. In addition to the VSOP calculated power peaking factor, the relative power distribution in each channel was calculated and plotted in the graph below. The power peaking factor from these calculations were found to be 3.81, higher relative to both the 3.73 value for the PBMR 400 MWth design and the 3.61 factor calculated for the design in the previous section. 4 3.5 3 2. --- o 2.5 w Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 -- Channel5 SChannel 6 2 1 0.5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Axial Distance (cm.) Figure 38 : Relative power distribution throughout each channel of this core design. The peak temperature was slightly higher for this design, as well, calculated to be 1984.6 0 C. Again, the same comments made about the uncertainty in the thermal analysis in the previous section apply here. Therefore, although this peak temperature exceeds the 1715 0C limit set by the PBMR 400 MWth design, this does not necessarily mean this design exceeds the actual 12000 C limit. - 87 - 3.4.3. Analysis Both of the equilibrium core designs obtained in this analysis produced relatively similar RPV fast fluences, as well as peak pebble temperatures and fuel burnups. Both of these cores significantly improved upon the fuel bumups achieved by the PBMR 400 MWth design. A total increase in the fuel burnup by over 20 GWd/T was achieved with these new designs. Peak pebble temperatures are a concern, though, having exceeded the PBMR 400 MWth peak temperature by over 2000 C. Although this does not necessarily mean these designs fail to maintain a peak pebble temperature below the 1200'C steady state limit, these concerns need to be qualified with a more accurate thermal analysis of the fuel pebble being driven to the peak pebble power. Table 10 below summarizes this analysis. Table 10 : Comparison of the PBMR 400 MWth design and the 250 MWth designs Parameters PBMR 400 MWth 250 MWth- No IR* 250 MWth - 25 cm. IR* K-effective 1.0180 1.0031 1.0024 Batch Peaking 9.89 9.38 9.87 Core Peaking 3.73 3.61 3.81 Peak Pebble Temp. 1715.60 C 1930.9 0C 1984.6 0 C RPV Fast Fluence 4.32x1022 n/cm2 4.28x1022 n/cm 2 4.36x1072 n/cm 2 87.7 GWd/T 109.1 GWd/T 109.1 GWd/T Fuel Burnup * No IR - 11.7% graphitepebble mixture used 25 cm IR - 7% graphitepebble mixture used -88- 4. Conclusions Several core designs have been considered which fit within the 3.7 meter space within the reduced diameter RPV. The first set of designs included only an outer reflector into the core to determine if the core needs an inner reflector as the PBMR 400 MWth design suggests. Each design was tested at three powers, 250, 200, and 150 MWth. For each power, 10% and 12.5% enriched fuels were used and equilibrium core designs found with each. Power peaking factors, RPV fast fluence and peak pebble temperature were used to establish the level of performance achieved in each design relative to the PBMR 400 MWth core. An additional constraint was put on the thickness of the outer reflector because of worries of mechanical failures using an outer reflector less than a 50 cm thick. Therefore, only designs were considered which used an outer reflector thickness of at least 50 cm. For the designs operating at 250 MWth without an inner reflector, only a core using 12.5% enriched fuel could form an equilibrium core using an outer reflector over 50 cm thick. This core design, which included a fuel zone with a radius of 126.5 cm and an outer reflector 58.5 cm thick, performed poorly relative to the PBMR 400 MWth design. Therefore, further steps were taken to obtain an equilibrium core with a design using the minimum outer reflector thickness of 50 cm. Three different approaches were taken to reduce the excess reactivity of the 135 cm fuel zone radius and 50 cm thick outer reflector design. First, a central reflector 50 cm in radius was inserted into the core to displace fuel and lower k-effective. This produced a core with a much improved peak pebble temperature and RPV fast fluence. Second, a design with no central reflector but with graphite pebbles homogenously mixed -89- in with the fuel was considered. An equilibrium core was maintained using an 11.7% mixture of graphite pebbles and performed slightly better than the 50 cm central reflector design. The third design considered used both a 25 cm radius central reflector and a mixture of graphite pebbles to achieve an equilibrium core. This core was able to achieve near criticality using a 7% graphite pebble mixture, but performance relative to the two previously mentioned designs declined. Out of all the 250 MWth equilibrium cores using 12.5% enriched fuel, the design with a fuel zone radius of 135 cm, an outer reflector thickness of 50 cm, no inner reflector and a graphite pebble mixture of 11.7% was chosen as the overall best candidate. This design was able to reduce both core and batch peaking factors relative to many of the other designs as well as produce the lowest RPV fast fluence. Table 11 below summarizes the performance of the chosen 250 MWth design relative to the PBMR-400. - 90- Table 11 : Executive summary comparing the PBMR-400 with the final MPBR-250 Reactor Parameters PBMR 400 MWth MPBR 250 MWth Reactor Inlet Temperature 500 0 C 500 0C Reactor Outlet Temperature 9000 C 9000 C 192.5 kg/s 120.9 kg/s 9 MPa 9 MPa Central Reflector Radius 1.0 m 0.0 m Pebble Bed Outer Radius 1.85 m 1.35 m Outer Reflector Thickness 1.0 m 0.5 m Pebble Bed Height 11.0 m 11.0 m Volume of Pebble Bed -84 m 3 -63 m 3 Number of Fuel Spheres -452,000 -300,000 0 -39,700 Fuel Enrichment 9.6 % 12.5 % K-effective 1.0180 1.0031 9.89 9.38 VSOP Peak Temperature 1715.6 0C 1930.9 0C Modeled Peak Temperature 1107 OC 1079 OC Mass Flow Rate System Operating Pressure Number of Graphite Spheres VSOP Power Peaking Factors RPV Fast Fluence 4.32x1022 n/cm 2 4.28xl 022 n/cm 2 87.7 GWd/T 109.1 GWd/T Fuel Burnup Verification of the thermal analysis applied to these designs is required, though, to make sure that the peak pebble temperature during steady state operation remains below the 1200 0C limit. If these results are verified, then this design achieves both improved performance upon the PBMR 400 MWth design and is able to fit within an RPV small enough in diameter to be transported by railcar, also improving upon design mobility and accessibility to prospective reactor sites. -91 - 5. References 1. Boenig, H.J.; Rogers, J.D.; McLelland, G.R.; Pelts, C.T., "Transportation of a 451 ton generator stator and a 234 ton generator rotor from Hartsville, TN, to Los Alamos, NM," Fusion Engineering, 1989. Proceedings., IEEE Thirteenth Symposium on , vol., no., pp. 4 3 2 -4 3 5 vol.1, 2-6 Oct 1989 2. Finan, A.; Miu, k.; Kadak, A., "Nuclear Technology & Canadian Oil Sands Integration of Nuclear Power with In-Situ Oil Extraction", ICAAP 2006, Reno, Nevada. 3. Venter, P.J.; Mitchell, M.N., "Integrated design approach of the pebble BeD modular reactor using models", Nuclear EngineeringandDesign, Volume 237, Issues 12-13, July 2007, Pages 1341-1353 4. 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Al., "The PBMR Steady State and Coupled Kinetics Core Thermal Hydraulics Benchmark Test Problems", 2 nd International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology, Beijing, China. September 2004 10. Galloway, C., " Summary of VSOP Studies on Reactor Core and Vessel Sizing for Modularity", MIT Nuclear Science and Engineering Department, 2007 11. Kazimi, K.S.; Todreas, N.E., "Nuclear Systems I: Thermal Hydraulics Fundamentals", Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, New York, NY, 1990 - 92 - Appendix A. MPBR-250 MW Birgit2.dat Input File 25 37 0 8 0 BI-1 0 0 600 300 0.1 7 0 L.E-6 0. BI-2 0 13 6 13 0. 0. 0. BI-3 0.0 293.93 57 9.65 751.14 792.68 834.22 BI-4 875.76 917.30 958.84 1000.39 1036.05 1070.21 BI-4 1100.0 BI- 4 34.7 34.1 32.7 29.4 25.7 21.6 BI-5 18.1 13.8 10.9 8.3 6.6 5.9 BI-5 5.5 BI-5 0 13 6 -1 0. 0. 0. BI- 3 56.2 55.2 53.0 47.5 41.6 34.9 BI- 5 29.2 22.3 17.5 13.3 10.7 9.4 BI-5 8.9 BI-5 0 14 6 -1 0. 0. 0. BI- 3 82.1 81.0 78.6 73.6 69.6 63.0 BI-5 54.5 44.5 36.8 28.9 23.3 18.1 BI- 5 14.3 BI- 5 0 16 6 -1 0. 0. 0. BI-3 103.0 102.4 100.9 97.0 93.9 88.9 BI-5 80.9 69.7 56.7 46.5 37.9 29.7 BI- 5 17.3 BI-5 0 18 6 -1 0. 0. 0. BI- 3 119.6 119.6 118.6 117.0 114.9 109.8 BI-5 104.9 95.3 84.7 70.6 55.6 38.8 BI- 5 20.0 BI-5 1 22 6 0 0.0 140.0 86.8 BI- 3 -1 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BI- 3 0 27.0 0 7.7 0 16.6 0 16.6 0 67.1 3 1.9 BI-6 2 4.2 3 9.9 3 3.2 3 7.1 3 5.8 4 17.9 BI-6 BI-6 2 50.0 3 90.0 1 10.0 3 50.0 3 61.2 0 109.044 BI- 7 0 109.044 0 109.044 0 109.044 0 109.044 0 109.044 0 109.044 BI- 7 0 109.044 0 109.044 0 118.604 3 50.0 2 50.0 2 50.0 BI-7 2 50.0 2 25.0 BI-7 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 28 28 28 28 49 BI- 8 52 52 52 52 52 52 16 30 28 28 44 49 BI-8 52 2 2 2 2 2 16 29 29 29 44 49 BI- 8 53 3 3 3 3 10 16 30 35 40 44 49 BI-8 4 4 4 4 4 10 17 30 35 40 44 49 BI-8 0 0 0 0 0 11 18 31 36 41 45 49 BI-8 0 0 0 0 0 11 19 31 36 41 45 49 BI-8 0 0 0 0 0 11 20 31 36 41 45 49 BI-8 0 0 0 0 0 12 21 32 37 42 46 49 BI-8 0 0 0 0 0 12 22 32 37 42 46 49 BI-8 - 93 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 6 50 6 8 6 54 6 9 27.0 16.6 54.52 54.52 54.52 16.95 16.94 BI-8 0 12 23 32 37 42 46 49 BI-8 0 13 24 33 38 43 47 49 BI-8 0 13 25 33 38 43 47 49 BI-8 0 13 26 33 38 43 47 49 BI-8 0 14 27 34 39 55 48 49 BI-8 7 14 14 34 39 55 48 49 BI-8 50 51 51 51 39 55 48 49 BI-8 8 54 54 54 39 55 15 49 BI-8 54 54 54 54 15 15 15 49 BI-8 999999949 7.7 2 16.6 2 16.6 2 16.6 2 16.6 BI-9 BI-9 17.3 54.52 3 54.52 BI-10 54.52 54.52 3 54.52 54.52 54.52 3 54.52 BI-10 54.52 3 54.52 54.52 54.52 3 54.52 BI-10 54.52 3 54.52 16.95 16.95 1 16.95 BI-10 16.95 1 16.95 BI-10 Appendix B. MPBR-250 MW Data2.dat Input File D 1 65 1 0 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 133 87 160 88 35 149 D2 52 54 57 59 151 62 143 64 67 69 75 156 84 152 89 144 99 154 D2 101 102 103 104 107 148 147 108 109 155 110 111 175 112 113 116 117 118 D2 D 2 120 121 122 130 164 29 4 26 150 5 23 $ 1 1 250. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.60 0. 0. 2.20 D 3 D 4 0. 0. 23.4 FUELTYPE 1, FEED-I LOW ENRICHED 9 GR/KUGEL, FUEL ELEMENTS D5 D6 0101 2 1 0 2 D7 1. 0. 0. 0.126394 0.085 D8 143 D9 0.025 10.40 0. 0. D11 3.18 1.90 0.00 135 1.05 0.004 0.0095 D11 0.0040 1.90 D)12 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0. 117 D 13 1.0 0.0 1.75 1.75 0.15600 1.75 D 19 150 -.293 D 19 87 0.343 E-10 FUELTYPE 1, FEED-I LOW ENRICHED 9 GR/KUGEL, START-UP ELEMENTS D5 D6 0102 1 0 0 2 D7 0. 1. 0. 0.085 0.07589 D 19 150 -.293 D 19 87 0.343 E-10 - 94 - FUELTYPE 2, FEED-I 0201 1 1 0 2 0.07589 0.085 0.0 2.5 3.0 1.75 1.75 0.1560 150 -.293 87 0.343 E-10 FUELTYPE 3, FEED-I 0301 1 1 0 4 0.126394 0.085 2.5 3.0 0. 0 1.75 0.15600 1.75 150 -.293 87 0.343 E-10 130 0.3500E-06 164 3.5050E-06 Appendix C. BK = BLINDKUGELN D6 D7 1. 0. 0. D 12 1.0 0.5 0.0 D 13 0.0 0.0 1.75 D 19 D 19 65%BK (+NOSES) D6 1. 0. 0. D7 D 12 1.0 0.5 0.0 1.0 D 13 1.75 0.0 D 19 D 19 D 19 D 19 D5 D5 MPBR-250 MW VSOP2.dat Input File *1999 MS; 0.3%BE IN MS; 265MW; 44 FISPR; 10.2G/K; V 2 07730 0 15 20 0 25 0 0 V 3 0 0 3 36 6 3 4350 42 0 65 V 4 44 44 0 0 0 1 V10 0 1. 0.0001 1 3 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 K1 V 11 301 0 0 0 0 1 7 V11 010002 13 V11 010003 010004 19 V11 25 V11 010005 31 V11 010006 010007 37 V11 43 V11 010008 0 1 0 0 0 10 49 V 11 55 V11 010000 61 V11 010000 67 V11 010000 73 V11 010000 79 K2 V 11 010001 85 V11 010002 010003 91 V11 010004 97 V11 103 V 11 010005 010006 109 V 11 010007 115 V 11 010008 121 V11 0 1 0 0 0 10 127 V 11 0 1 0 0 0 10 V I - 95 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 96 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 0 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 0 0 133 V11 139 V11 145 V11 151 V 11 157K3V11 I 163 VII 169 VI1 175 V11 181 VII 187 V11 193 V11 199 VI1 205 V11 211 V11 217 Vi 223 Vi 229 V11 235 V1 241 K4 V 11 247 V11 253 V1 259 Vi1 265 Vi1 271 V11 277 V 1 283 V11 289 VI1 295 V11 301 Vi 307 V 313 V 1i 319 V 11 325 V11 331 Vi 337K5 V 11 343 V11 349 Vi 355 Vll 361 Vi 367 Vi 373 V11 379 V 1 385 V 1 391 V 1 397 Vll 403 V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 026 0 027 0 028 0 029 0 30 0 031 0 26 0 27 0 28 0 1 0 0 0 33 0 1 0 0 0 34 0 1 0 0 0 35 64 010000 0 0 0 0 -02 0 1 8.52341 010000 0 1 0 0 0 0 010000 1 0 0 0 0 0 010000 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 014 641 0 7.58082 -02 0 0 012 011 0 0 0 4 64 2 0 9.02479 0 0 -04 0 -04 1 0.0 58 0.0 -03 59 63 7.86962 -02 -02 64 2.3055 63 2.49736 -02 64 8.47225 -02 63 2.22115-02 64 7.58082 -02 1 0 0 0 0 12 64 9.02479 -04 2 0 0 0 0 13 63 1.55 -02 409 V 11 415 V 11 421 V 11 427 V 11 433 V 11 439 V 11 445 K6 V 11 451 V 11 457 V 11 463 V 11 469 V 11 475 V 11 481 V 11 487 V 11 493 V 11 499 V 11 505 V 11 511 V 11 517 V 11 523 V 11 529 V 11 535 V 11 541 V 11 547 V 11 553 V 11 559 V 11 565 V 11 571 V 11 577 KON V11 V 12 V 12 1 B V11 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 2B2V11 V 12 V 12 3B3 VII V 12 V 12 4 B4 V11 V 12 5B5V11 V 12 -97- 64 5.28 -02 20000 63 2.64423 -02 64 9.02479 -02 2 0 0 0 0 14 63 2.45094 -02 64 8.36508 -02 2 0 0 0 0 15 63 1.93792 -02 64 6.61415-02 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 16 63 2.64423 -02 64 9.02479 -02 0 10 0 0 0 17 0 10 0 0 0 18 0 10 0 0 0 19 0 10 0 0 0 20 0 10 0 0 0 15 3 0 0 0 0 16 58 1.453 -06 63 1.81923 -02 64 6.20906 -02 0 16 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 17 0 16 0 0 0 30000 58 0.0 -06 63 1.81923 -02 64 6.20906 -02 0 20 0 0 0 18 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 19 0 20 0 0 0 20 0 1 0 0 0 21 02000 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 22 0 10 0 0 0 23 0 10 0 0 0 24 0 10 0 0 0 25 4 0 0 0 0 21 58 0.0 -04 59 0.0 -03 63 2.49736 -02 -98- V 12 6B6V11 V 12 V 12 7B7V11 V 12 V 12 8B 8V11 V 12 V 12 9 B9 V11 10B10 VII V 12 V 12 11 Bll V1I 12 B12 V11 13 B13 V11 14 B14 VI 15 B15 VI1 16 B16 V1I V 12 V 12 V 12 17 B17 V11 18 B18 V1i 19 B19 VI1 20 B20 V11 V 12 V 12 V 12 21 B21 V11 22 B22 V11 23 B23 V11 24 B24 V 11 27 B27 V11 28 B28 V11 29 B29 V11 30 B30 V11 31 B31 VI1 32 B32 V11 33 B33 V11 34 B34 V11 35 B35 V11 V 12 V 12 V 12 64 8.52341-02 0 35 0 0 0 22 0 35 0 0 0 23 0 35 0 0 0 24 0 35 0 0 0 25 4 0 0 0 0 21 58 0.0 -04 59 0.0 -03 63 1.82734 -02 64 6.23664 -02 0 40 0 0 0 22 0 40 0 0 0 23 0 40 0 0 0 24 4 0 0 0 0 37 58 0.0 -04 59 0.0 -03 63 2.49736 -02 64 8.52341 -02 0 44 0 0 0 38 0 44 0 0 0 39 0 44 0 0 0 40 0 44 0 0 0 41 2 0 0 0 0 36 60 4.08572 -02 64 9.02479 -04 4 0 0 0 0 42 58 5.01175 -05 59 2.04286 -04 63 2.29165 -02 64 7.82771 -02 4 0 0 0 0 42 58 5.40700 -05 59 2.20397 -04 63 2.47238 -02 64 8.44504 -02 0 10 0 0 0 11 0 52 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 0 0 15 0 40 0 0 0 25 1.901042 250.+06 0. 0.700 6 10 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 5015 180 515 30 3 3 5 0 0 575. 590. 612. 637. 663. V 12 36 B36 VI 37 B37 V11 38 B38 V11 39 B39 V11 40 B40 V11 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 41 B41 V11 42 B42 V 11 43 B43 V11 44 B44 V11 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 45 B45 Vi1 46 B46 V11 47 B47 V11 48 B48 V11 49 B49 V 11 V 12 V 12 50 B50 V11 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 51 B51 Vi1 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 52 B52 V 11 53 B53 V11 54 B54 V11 -55 B55 V11 V 15 V 16 V21 V 22 V 23 G 1 0 685. G2/R19 - 99- 702. 712. 794. 647. 0. 0. G2/R19 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. G2/R19 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. G2/R19 0. 594. 629. 681. 738. 793. G2/R19 844. 887. 920. 944. 927. 0. G2/R19 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 G3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 G3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 G3 3 3 3 3 3 3 G3 1 0 G4 6 901 902 903 904 905 906 G 4 1 0 G4 6 901 902 903 904 905 906 G 4 1 0 G4 1 0 G4 100000. 29. 1.86 G 5 2 3 2 11 -1 0 Ti 1600 1601 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1612 573. 587. 608. 633. 658. 680. T3/R20 697. 708. 788. 644. 551. 566. T3/R20 751. 883. 745. 553. 602. 702. T3/R20 780. 836. 503. 534. 541. 546. T3/R20 589. 589. 622. 670. 725. 780. T3/R20 830. 874. 909. 934. 921. 200. T3/R20 503. 534. 541. 546. 589. 883. T3 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 T 2 575. 590. 612. 637. 663. 685. T3/R20 702. 712. 794. 647. 0. 0. T3/R20 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. T3/R20 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. T3/R20 0. 594. 629. 681. 738. 793. T3/R20 844. 887. 920. 944. 927. 200. T3/R20 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. T3 4.0 6 12 29 T 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 5 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T5 1.5 0.61 1. 1. -1. 1. T 6 11111111122220000000 T 7 4 01 0.0 1. 0. T 9 6 00 -1.0 0. 1. T 9 26 01 1.0 0. 0. T 9 130 01 -2.0 0.0 0. T 9 150 01 -2.0 0.0 0.0 T 9 - 100- T 2 T9 01 -2.0 0.0 0.0 -1. 1. T6 1. 1.5 0.61 0. 1.0694 T 7 .025 .046 .14537 11111111122233333300 1 1 T8 3.0 3.985 2.5 T9 0. 1. 0. 4 01 0.0 1. T9 1.0 0. 1. 6 00 T9 0. 26 01 1.0 0. 0. T9 0. 130 01 0.0 1.0 C. 0. T9 150 01 .24682 .17968 .57350 T9 0. -1001 01 .24682 .17968 .57350 1. 0. 0. T6 1.5 1.0 0.0 T7 10000000000000000000 T8 1.0 T9 -4 00 1. 1. -1. 1. T 6 1.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T 7 11112222220000000000 1 0 T8 0.375 1.0466 T9 4 00 0. 1. T9 130 01 1. 0. T9 164 01 1. 0. T9 -1001 01 0.01445 0.98555 T11 0.0 2.5 3.0 0.1 0.61 120000 CO-2 *7730* MEDUL H/R=805/175; CITA 2-Z CO-3 **KOPPLUNG: VSOP - CITATION** cl-l 001 010 0 0-1 CI-1 1 0000-1 C1-2 00 1 00 1 000000000000 C1-3 000000000000000000000000 840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 C1-4 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. C1-5 003 C3-1 0010-10010 C3-2 000070000010000 0. 0. C3-3 0.0001 0.0001 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.287800-11 1. 0. C3-4 C7-1 1 1 C7-2 1 204 204 C7-3 C7-4 C7-5 135. 0.1 0.5 CX-1 14 81 18 0 0.99 0.99 R 1 0.0 0.0 0.99 0.99 0.0 R 1 0.99 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 R 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 1 -1001 - 101- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R1 0. 0. 365. 0.8 0. 0. R2 000 R3 3.564007E+6 -101 1. R 5 3.564007E+6 -201 2. R 5 3.564007E+6 -301 3. R 5 1320 20001 1 0300 01110 00000 R9 1 0 R16 0 R17 554.5 571.1 595.1 622.8 651. 0 676.3 G2/R19 698.4 717.2 799.7 630.4 0.0 0.0 G2/R19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 G2/R19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 G2/R19 577.8 0.0 614.7 669.4 733.1 796.2 G2/R19 852.8 900.9 940.7 968.9 955. 2 0.0 G2/R19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 G2/R19 0.0 551.7 566.9 589.1 615.3 642. 6 667.6 T3/R20 689.9 708.9 787.5 624.6 514. 4 541.1 T3/R20 703.3 931.1 708.7 517.3 589. 3 735.8 T3/R20 867.6 910.7 484.6 559.1 616.'0 665.4 T3/R20 647.8 571.0 604.5 654.4 713. 6 774.0 T3/R20 829.9 878.6 920.0 950.5 941. 9 314.9 T3/R20 428.3 466.9 467.4 467.9 468.:2 867.6 T3/R20 554.5 571.1 595.1 622.8 651.(0 676.3 T3/R20 698.4 717.2 799.7 630.4 0.0 0.0 T3/R20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T3/R20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T3/R20 0.0 577.8 614.7 669.4 733.1 796.2 T3/R20 852.8 900.9 940.7 968.9 955. 2 0.0 T3/R20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T3/R20 0.01067 R24 0.01067 R24 0.01067 R24 0.01067 R24 0.01067 R24 0.01067 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 102 - 79 80 81 82 83 84 151 145 152 146 153 147 154 148 155 149 156 150 157 158 159 160 161 162 235 229 236230 237231 238232 239233 240 234 241 242 243 244 245 246 331 325 332 326 333 327 334328 335 329 336330 337 338 339 340 341 342 439433 440 434 441 435 442436 0.01730 0.01730 0.01730 0.01730 0.01730 0.01730 0.03292 0.03292 0.03292 0.03292 0.03292 0.03292 0.03512 0.03512 0.03512 0.03512 0.03512 0.03512 0.03320 0.03320 0.03320 0.03320 0.03320 0.03320 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 R24 - 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106 - 1 111111 TX9 TX9 111 11 1 TX9 1 11 1 1 1 1 TX9 1 1 1 11 1 1 TX9 11 11111 TX9 1111 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 TX9 TX9 1 111111 HET 1 -1 17 36 0 0 0 .61 1.75 0 0 700 500 -1 0 TX10 TX11 0.390E00 6.000E00 4 TX12 2.500E00 17 36 1.000E00 2.000E00 17 36 1.000E00 TX12 1.500E00 17 36 1.000E00 1.000E00 17 36 1.000E00 TX14 1 0 0 0 37 0.00000E00 0.00000E00 4.36151E00 1.02102E01 7.00000E01 TX17 8.00000E00 5.00000E02 1.10000E03 0.00000E00 2.50000E00 7.589E0000 TX19 KX1 0 0 0.000E00 0.000E00 0.000E00 0.000E00 0.000E00 KX2 0.000E00 0.000E00 0.000E00 0.000E00 8.000E01 2 1 0 1 0 0 -1E00 O0.OEO 1.0E0.39E0 0.OEO 127.5 500E0 KX3 Appendix D. MPBR-250 VSOP Output File OPERATIONEL SUMMARY OUTPUT OF CASE: PERIOD:233 TIMESTEP: 1 PERFORMANCE DATA OF TIMESTEP NO.: 1 GLOBAL DATA: K-EFF 1.0031 3.071 E+10 (FISS/WS) FISSIONS/ENERGY 9.38 POWER PEAKING MAX./AVG. MAX. POWER PER BALL KW/BALL 7.29 NEUTRON DOSIS: FAST NEUTRON EXPOSURE (>0.1 MEV) E+21/(CM2*360D) MAX. UPPER EDGE E+21/(CM2*360D) MAX. LOWER EDGE E+21/(CM2*360D) MAX. OUTER EDGE THERMAL NEUTRON FLUX (<1.85 EV): E+14/(CM2*SEC) MAX. UPPER EDGE MAX. LOWER EDGE E+14/(CM2*SEC) E+14/(CM2*SEC) MAX. OUTER EDGE E+14/(CM2*SEC) AVG. THERMAL FLUX 2.24 0.00 1.07 2.26 0.00 2.35 1.31 - 107- AVG. TOTAL FLUX E+14/(CM2*SEC) NEUTRON BALANCE: FRACTIONAL FISSIONS OF U -235 % U -236 % U -238 % PU-239 % PU-241 % 87.32 0.04 0.35 9.04 3.24 NEUTRON LOSSES IN HEAVY METALS ESP. IN FISSILE ISOTOPES 49.80 ESP. IN U -235 % 43.23 ESP. IN U -236 % 1.16 ESP. IN U -238 % 5.55 ESP. IN NP-239 % 0.01 ESP. IN PU-239 % 5.07 ESP. IN PU-240 % 1.64 ESP. IN PU-241 % 1.49 ESP. IN PU-242 % 0.10 ESP. IN NP-237 % 0.59 IN FISSION PRODUCTS 11.97 ESP. IN XE-135 % 2.43 CORE-LEAKAGE 2.33 % 58.84 24.38 PERFORMANCE DATA OF CYCLE NO.:233 GLOBAL DATA: AVG. ENRICHMENT % 3.41 AVG. FUEL RESIDENCE TIME DAYS 1146.6 AVG. BURNUP MWD/T 109078.3 CONVERSION RATIO 0.144 SOURCE NEUTR./FISSILE ABS. ET'A*EPSIL 2.008 CAPTURE/FISSION IN FISS.MAT. ALPHA 0.238 FAST DOSIS SPENT FUEL ELEM. IE+21/CM2 2.98 Appendix E. PBMR-400 MW Birgit2.dat Input File 25 37 0 8 0 BI- 1 0 0 600 300 0.1 7 0 1.E-6 0. BI- 2 0 13 6 13 0. 0. 0. BI-3 0.0 417.01 834 .0)2 856.56 879.10 901.64 BI- 4 928.69 955.74 91841.59 1013.44 1042.29 1071.15 BI- 4 1100.0 BI- 4 - 108 - BI-5 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 BI-5 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 BI-5 100.00 BI-3 0. 0. 0 20 6 -1 0. BI- 5 110.54 111.65 112.75 109.44 109.44 109.44 BI-5 131.52 122.69 127.10 114.96 117.17 119.38 BI-5 137.04 BI-3 0. 0. 0 15 6 -1 0. BI- 5 134.63 134.63 134.63 134.63 134.63 134.63 BI- 5 137.94 136.84 136.84 135.73 135.73 135.73 BI-5 140.15 BI- 3 0. 0. 0 13 6 -1 0. BI-5 150.37 150.37 150.37 150.37 150.37 150.37 BI-5 148.16 147.06 149.27 148.16 149.27 149.27 BI-5 144.85 BI- 3 0. 0. 0 15 6 -1 0. 172.25 BI- 5 174.46 173.35 175.56 175.56 175.56 BI- 5 162.31 157.90 153.48 170.04 167.83 165.62 BI-5 147.96 80.26 BI-3 1 20 6 0 0.0 151.89 BI-3 0.0 -1 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 37.0 0 10.6 0 22.7 0 22.7 0 92.0 3 3.8 BI- 6 6.4 3 14.1 3 11.5 4 36.0 BI-6 2 8.3 3 19.9 3 BI-6 2 50.0 3 90.0 1 10.0 3 50.0 3 61.2 0 109.044 BI-7 0 109.044 0 109.044 0 109.044 0 109.044 0 109.044 0 109.044 BI-7 0 109.044 0 109.044 0 118.604 3 50.0 2 50.0 2 50.0 BI- 7 BI- 7 2 50.0 2 25.0 BI-8 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 28 28 28 28 49 BI-8 52 52 52 52 52 52 16 30 28 28 44 49 BI- 8 52 2 2 2 2 2 16 29 29 29 44 49 BI- 8 53 3 3 3 3 10 16 30 35 40 44 49 BI-8 4 4 4 4 4 10 17 30 35 40 44 49 BI-8 0 0 0 0 0 11 18 31 36 41 45 49 BI-8 0 0 0 0 0 11 19 31 36 41 45 49 BI-8 0 0 0 0 0 11 20 31 36 41 45 49 BI- 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 21 32 37 42 46 49 BI- 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 22 32 37 42 46 49 BI- 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 23 32 37 42 46 49 BI-8 0 0 0 0 0 13 24 33 38 43 47 49 BI-8 0 0 0 0 0 13 25 33 38 43 47 49 BI- 8 0 0 0 0 0 13 26 33 38 43 47 49 BI- 8 0 0 0 0 0 14 27 34 39 55 48 49 BI- 8 5 6 7 7 7 14 14 34 39 55 48 49 BI-8 6 50 50 50 51 51 51 39 55 48 49 BI-8 6 8 8 8 54 54 54 39 55 15 49 -109- 5 6 54 54 56999999 3 37.0 2 2 22.7 2 3 54.52 3 3 54.52 3 3 54.52 3 1 16.95 1 1 16.94 54 54 54 54 15 9 9 10.6 2 22.7 2 23.9 54.52 3 54.52 54.52 3 54.52 54.52 3 54.52 16.95 1 16.95 Appendix F. 65 6 52 101 120 $ 15 15 49 BI-8 9 49 BI-8 22.7 2 22.7 2 22.7 BI- 9 BI-9 3 54.52 3 54.52 3 54.52 BI-10 3 54.52 3 54.52 3 54.52 BI-10 3 54.52 3 54.52 3 54.52 BI-10 1 16.95 1 16.95 1 16.95 BI-10 BI-10 PBMR-400 MW Data2.dat Input File 1 0 D 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 133 87 160 88 35 149 D 2 54 57 59 151 62 143 64 67 69 75 156 84 152 89 144 99 154 D 2 102 103 104 107 148 147 108 109 155 110 111 175 112 113 116 117 118 D 2 121 122 130 164 29 4 26150 5 23 D 2 1 1 250. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.60 0. 0. 2.20 D 3 23.4 0. 0. D 4 FUELTYPE 1, FEED-I LOW ENRICHED 9 GR/KUGEL, FUEL ELEMENTS D5 0101 2 1 0 2 D6 0.101147 0.085 1. 0. 0. D7 143 D8 0.025 10.40 0. 0. D9 0.0095 1.05 0.004 1.90 0.0035 3.18 D 11 0.0040 1.90 Dl 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 D 12 0.13751 1.75 1.75 1.75 0.0 1.0 D 13 150 -.293 D 19 87 0.343 E-10 D 19 FUELTYPE 1, FEED-I LOW ENRICHED 9 GR!KUGEL, START-UP ELEMENTS D5 0102 1 0 0 2 D6 0.07589 0.085 1. 0. 0. D7 150 -.293 D 19 87 0.343 E-10 D 19 FUELTYPE 2, FEED-I BK = BLINDKUGELN D5 0201 1 1 0 2 0.95 D6 0.101147 0.085 1. 0. 4 D7 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 D 12 0.00006 1.75 1.75 1.75 0.0 0.0 D 13 150 -.293 D 19 87 0.343 E-10 D 19 FUELTYPE 3, FEED-I 65%BK (+NOSES) D5 110- D6 0301 1 1 0 4 D7 0. 1. 0. 0.101147 0.085 0.5 D 12 1.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.0 D 13 1.0 1.75 1.75 0.0 0.13751 1.75 D 19 150 -. 293 D 19 87 0.3430E-10 D 19 130 0.3500E-06 D 19 164 3.5050E-06 Appendix ( PBMR-400 MW VSOP2.dat Input File *1999 MS; 0.3%BE IN MS; 265MW; 44 FISPR; 9.OG/K; V 2 07730 0 15 20 0 25 0 0 V 3 65 42 0 4350 42 7 3 0 3 0 V 4 44 44 0 0 0 1 V 10 1. 0 0.0001 1 3 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 I1KiV11 301 0 0 0 0 1 7 V1i 0 1 0 0 0 2 13 V11 0 1 0 0 0 3 19 VI1 0 1 0 0 0 4 25 V11 0 1 0 0 0 5 31 Vi 0 1 0 0 0 6 37 Vii 0 1 0 0 0 7 43 Vii 0 1 0 0 0 8 49 V11 0 1 0 0 0 10 55 VI1 0 1 0 0 0 0 61 VI1 0 1 0 0 0 0 67 V11 0 1 0 0 0 0 73 V11 0 1 0 0 0 0 79 K2 V 11 0 1 0 0 0 1 85 V11 0 1 0 0 0 2 91 Vi1 0 1 0 0 0 3 97 V11 0 1 0 0 0 4 103 V11 0 1 0 0 0 5 109 V1I 0 1 0 0 0 5 115 Vi 0 1 0 0 0 6 121 Vll 0 1 0 0 0 6 127 V11 0 1 0 0 0 7 133 V11 0 1 0 0 0 7 139 V1i 0 1 0 0 0 8 145 V11 0 1 0 0 0 8 151 V11 0 1 0 0 0 9 157 V I 0 1 0 0 0 9 163 V11 0 1 0 0 0 10 169 V11 0 1 0 0 0 10 V1i 175 0 1 0 0 0 0 V 1 -111- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -112- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 0 0 0 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 0 0 0 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 35 0 0 0 181 VII 187 V11 193 Vll 199 K3 V 11 205 V1 211 V11 217 Vll 223 VI1 229 V11 235 Vii 241 V1I 247 V1I 253 V11 259 V11 265 V11 271 V1i 277 VII 283 V11 289K4V 11 295 Vii 301 VI1 307 V11 313 Vi 319 Vi 325 V1i 331 VII 337 V11 343 VII 349 Vll 355 Vll 361 V1i 367 K5 V 11 373 V11 379 V11 385 V1i 391 V11 397 V 1 403 V1i 409 V11 415 V11 421 V11 427 Vii 433 V1i 439 Vii 445 Vi1 451 V11 0 1 0 0 0 26 0 1 0 0 0 27 0 1 0 0 0 28 0 1 0 0 0 29 0 1 0 0 0 30 0 1 0 0 0 30 0 1 0 0 0 31 0 1 0 0 0 31 0 1 0 0 0 32 0 1 0 0 0 32 0 1 0 0 0 33 0 1 0 0 0 33 0 1 0 0 0 34 0 1 0 0 0 34 0 1 0 0 0 35 0 1 0 0 0 35 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 14 63 2.30577 -02 64 7.86962 -02 4 0 0 0 0 11 58 0.0 -04 59 0.0 -03 63 2.49736 -02 64 8.52341 -02 20000 63 2.48234 -02 64 8.47225 -02 20000 63 2.22115-02 64 7.58082 -02 1 0 0 0 0 12 64 9.02479 -04 2 0 0 0 0 13 63 1.55 -02 64 5.28 -02 20000 63 2.64423 -02 64 9.02479 -02 2 0 0 0 0 14 63 2.45094 -02 64 8.36508 -02 2 0 0 0 0 15 457 K6 V 11 463 V 11 469 V 11 475 V 11 481 V 11 487 V 11 493 V 11 499 V 11 505 V 11 511 V 11 517 V 11 523 V 11 529 V 11 535 V 11 541 V 11 547 V 11 553 V 11 559 V 11 565 V 11 571 V 11 577 KON V11 V 12 V 12 1 B 1V11 V 12 V12 V 12 V 12 2B2V11 V 12 V 12 3B3V11 V 12 V 12 4B4V11 V 12 5B5VII V 12 V 12 6B6 Vi V 12 V 12 7B7V11 V 12 V 12 8B8 VII -113- 63 1.93792 -02 64 6.61415-02 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 16 63 2.64423 -02 64 9.02479 -02 0 10 0 0 0 17 0 10 0 0 0 18 0 10 0 0 0 19 0 10 0 0 0 20 0 10 0 0 0 15 3 0 0 0 0 16 58 1.453 -06 63 1.81923 -02 64 6.20906 -02 0 16 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 17 0 16 0 0 0 30000 58 0.0 -06 63 1.81923 -02 64 6.20906 -02 0 20 0 0 0 18 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 19 0 20 0 0 0 20 0 1 0 0 0 21 02000 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 22 0 10 0 0 0 23 0 10 0 0 0 24 0 10 0 0 0 25 4 0 0 0 0 21 58 0.0 -04 59 0.0 -03 63 2.49736 -02 64 8.52341 -02 0 35 0 0 0 22 0 35 0 0 0 23 0 35 0 0 0 24 0 35 0 0 0 25 4 0 0 0 0 21 58 0.0 -04 59 0.0 -03 -114- V 12 V 12 9 B 9 V11 10 B10 V11 V 12 V 12 11 Bll VI 12 B12 V1i 13 B13 VII 14 B14 V11 15 B15 VI1 16 B16 V1I V 12 V 12 V 12 17 B17 V11 18 B18 V11 19 B19 V11 20 B20 V11 V 12 V 12 V 12 21 B21 V11 22 B22 V11 23 B23 V11 24 B24 V 11 27 B27 V11 28 B28 V11 29 B29 Vi1 30 B30 V 11 31 B31 VI1 32 B32 V11 33 B33 V11 34 B34 V11 35 B35 V11 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 36 B36 V11 37 B37 V1i 38 B38 V11 39 B39 V11 40 B40 V 11 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 41 B41 VI1 42 B42 V11 43 B43 V11 44 B44 V11 V 12 V 12 V12 V 12 45 B45 V11 46 B46 V11 47 B47 Vi1 48 B48 V11 49 B49 V11 V 12 V 12 50 B50 V11 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 51 B51 V11 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 52 B52 V11 53 B53 V11 54 B54 V11 -55 B55 V11 0. 0.700 V 15 V 16 V21 V 22 V 23 30 3 3 5 0 0 0 G 1 612. 637. 663. 685. G2/R19 794. 647. 0. 0. G2/R19 0. 0. 0. 0. G2/R19 0. 0. 0. 0. G2/R19 629. 681. 793. G2/R19 738. 920. 944. 927. 0. G2/R19 0. 0. 0. 0. G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 G3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 G3 63 1.82734 -02 64 6.23664 -02 0 40 0 0 0 22 0 40 0 0 0 23 0 40 0 0 0 24 4 0 0 0 0 37 58 0.0 -04 59 0.0 -03 63 2.49736 -02 64 8.52341 -02 0 44 0 0 0 38 0 44 0 0 0 39 0 44 0 0 0 40 0 44 0 0 0 41 2 0 0 0 0 36 60 4.08572 -02 64 9.02479 -04 4 0 0 0 0 42 58 5.01175 -05 59 2.04286 -04 63 2.29165 -02 64 7.82771 -02 4 0 0 0 0 42 58 5.40700 -05 59 2.20397 -04 63 2.47238 -02 64 8.44504 -02 0 10 0 0 0 11 0 52 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 0 0 15 0 40 0 0 0 25 1.832329 400.+06 6 10 1 1 0 0 1 0 5015 180 515 575. 590. 702. 712. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 594. 844. 887. 0. 0. 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 -115- 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 G3 3 3 3 3 3 3 G 3 1 0 G4 6 901 902 903 904 905 906 G4 1 0 G4 6 901 902 903 904 905 906 G4 1 0 1 0 10000(0. 29. 1.86 G5 2 3 2 11 -1 0 T 1 1600 1601 1603 1604 1460:5 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1612 573. 587. 608. 633. 658. 680. T3/R20 697. 708. 788. 644. 551. 566. T3/R20 751. 883. 745. 553. 602. 702. T3/R20 780. 836. 503. 534. 541. 546. T3/R20 589. 589. 622. 670. 725. 780. T3/R20 830. 874. 909. 934. 921. 200. T3/R20 503. 534. 541. 546. 589. 883. T3 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 T2 575. 590. 612. 637. 663. 685. T3/R20 702. 712. 794. 647. 0. 0. T3/R20 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. T3/R20 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. T3/R20 0. 594. 629. 681. 738. 793. T3/R20 844. 887. 920. 944. 927. 200. T3/R20 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. T3 4.0 6 12 29 T4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T5 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T5 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 T5 1.5 0.61 1. 1. -1. 1. T 6 11111111 122220000000 T7 4 01 0.0 1. T9 6 00 -1.0 0. 0. T9 1. 26 01 1.0 0. 0. T9 130 01 -2.0 0.0 0.0 T9 150 01 -2.0 0.0 0.0 T9 -1001 01 -2.0 0.0 0.0 T9 1.5 0.61 0. 1. -1. 1. T 6 11111111 122233333300 1 1 .025 .046 .14537 1.0694 2.5 3.0 3.985 T8 4 01 0.0 1. T9 6 00 1.0 0. T9 26 01 1.0 0. T9 130 01 0.0 1.0 0. 0. T9 116- T2 T 7 T 9 0. 150 01 .24682 .17968 .57350 T 9 0. .57350 .17968 .24682 -1001 01 0. T 6 0. 1. 0.0 1.0 1.5 T 7 10000000000000000000 T 8 1.0 T 9 1. -4 00 1. T 6 -1. 1. 0.0 1.0 1.5 0.0 T 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 11112222220000000000 1 0 T 8 1.0466 0.375 T9 1. 0. 4 00 T 9 0. 1. 01 130 T 9 0. 1. 164 01 T 9 0.98555 01 0.01445 -1001 T 11 0.1 3.0 2.5 0.0 0.61 CO-1 120000 CO-2 *7730* MEDUL H/R=805/175; CITA 2-Z CO-3 **KOPPLUNG: VSOP - CITATION** CI-1 001 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 C1-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C1-3 840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 C1-4 0. C1-5 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. C3-1 003 00 1 0 C3-2 0-1 1 00 0000 1 0 0 0 0000700 0. C3-3 0. 0. 0. 0.0001 0.0001 0. C3-4 1. 0. 3.287800-11 0. 0. C7-1 1 1 C7-2 1 204 204 C7-3 C7-4 C7-5 0.5 0.1 185. 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PBMR-400 VSOP Output File PERFORMANCE DATA OF TIMESTEP NO.: 1 GLOBAL DATA: 1.0180 K-EFF E+10 (FISS/WS) FISSIONS/ENERGY €3.070 ).89 POWER PEAKING MAX./AVG. 6.48 KW/BALL MAX. POWER PER BALL NEUTRON DOSIS: FAST NEUTRON EXPOSURE (>0.1 MEV) E+21/(CM2*360D) MAX. UPPER EDGE E+21/(CM2*360D) MAX. LOWER EDGE E+21/(CM2*360D) EDGE MAX. OUTER THERMAL NEUTRON FLUX (<1.85 EV): E+14/(CM2*SEC) MAX. UPPER EDGE E+14/(CM2*SEC) MAX. LOWER EDGE E+14/(CM2*SEC) MAX. OUTER EDGE E+14/(CM2*SEC) AVG. THERMAL FLU) E+14/(CM2*SEC) AVG. TOTAL FLUX NEUTRON BALANCE: FRACTIONAL FISSIONS OF % U -235 % U -236 % U -238 % PU-239 % PU-241 1.51 0.00 1.08 2.60 0.00 3.11 1.73 2.53 86.07 0.03 0.35 10.16 3.38 NEUTRON LOSSES IN HEAVY METALS 50.49 % ESP. IN FISSILE ISOTOPES 43.13 % ESP. IN U -235 59.98 - 123 - ESP. IN U -236 ESP. IN U -238 ESP. IN NP-239 ESP. IN PU-239 ESP. IN PU-240 ESP. IN PU-241 ESP. IN PU-242 ESP. IN NP-237 IN FISSION PRODUCTS ESP. IN XE-135 CORE-LEAKAGE % % % % % % % % 0.86 6.36 0.02 5.78 1.78 1.58 0.08 0.39 % 10.88 2.50 % % 20.20 PERFORMANCE DATA OF CYCLE NO.:213 GLOBAL DATA: AVG. ENRICHMENT % 2.91 AVG. FUEL RESIDENCE TIME DAYS 840.8 MWD/T 87688.4 AVG. BURNUP CONVERSION RATIO 0.162 SOURCE NEUTR./FISSILE ABS. ETA*EPSIL 1.980 CAPTURE/FISSION IN FISS.MAT. ALPHA 0.240 FAST DOSIS SPENT FUEL ELEM. E+21/CM2 1.75 - 124-