Q and A for Section 5.2 CS 106 Victor Norman

Q and A for Section 5.2
CS 106
Victor Norman
Function definition, call syntax
def <functionname> ( <param list> ):
Note: <param list> is a comma-separated list of
identifiers, called parameters, that will refer to
the values passed in
Function call:
<functionname>(<value>, <value>)
result = <functionname>(<value>, <value>, …)
<values> are called arguments.
Metaphor: Bank Teller
• A bank teller does work for you.
• You hand him some information (money or a paycheck
or a request for money).
– input parameters
• He does some work for you using your inputs.
– code in the function
• He hands back some results to you (money or a receipt
or both).
– return value or values.
• You don’t really know exactly what he is doing, but
that’s ok.
Why create functions?
• A function can be called a sub-program.
– It takes inputs, does some computation using
those inputs, and produces outputs.
• A function can be given a really nice name.
def filterOutNonExcelFiles(fileList):
excelFiles = filterOutNonExcelFiles(allFiles)
– This makes the main code much easier to
understand – i.e., more hospitable.
Why create functions?
• Thus, a function is an abstraction of code.
– we don’t know how math.sin() works, but we can use
it anyway.
• A function, once debugged, can be reused many
times without worrying about whether the code
is correct or not.
– Code reuse.
– Should help with debugging large programs.
• A function operates in its own little world.
– Variables you create in the function are not accessible
from outside – they have local scope.
Function definition vs. call
• You have to define a function before you can use
def isOdd(num):
“““Return True if num is an odd number, False
if it is even.”””
if num % 2 == 1:
return True
return False
• Function call:
x = int(raw_input(“Enter a number: “))
if isOdd(x):
print x, “is an odd number.”
Multiple returns in a function defn
Q: Is it possible to use the return statement
multiple times in the body of a function?
A: Yes! If there are different places where you
have determined what to return, just call return
Let’s define some functions!
area(w, h)
max(val1, val2)
min(val1, val2, val3)
Functions on lists:
Where to define functions?
Q: Where do you define functions? In the same
file? In another place?
A: Either in the same file or in another file. You
can build up a file with some useful functions
that you will use in multiple projects. You would
have to import the file to use the functions.
Or you can define functions in the same file, for
use only in that file.
File organization
# Comments about what this code does.
# Author information, perhaps.
# ------- imports ------import sys
from math import sin, cos
# ------- CONSTANT definitions ------WORLD_SIZE = 500
# ------- Function definitions ------def isOdd(x):
<code here>
# -------- main code --------num_houses = int(raw_input(“Enter how many houses to draw: “))
… etc …
What does this function do?
Q: What does this function do?
def unknown(val1, val2):
tmp = val1 ** val2
return tmp
A: It is the power function.
Note: tmp is a local variable – only defined and
accessible within the function.
Function call example
Q: Write code to call unknown() and print the
A: print
"An unknown result: ", unknown(2.5, 3.5)
What if unknown() had printed a result instead of
returning it?...
return statement
Q: What does return someVal do?
A: It returns the value someVal to the caller,
and, ends execution of code in the function.
Q: How is this different than printing a value in a
A: Printing sends out characters to the screen,
but does not give a value back to the caller.
return vs. break
Q: Is return similar to break in that it gets you
out of a loop?
A: Yes! Very observant of you. A return is
another way to get out of an “infinite loop”, but,
of course, it can only be used in a function.
def isPrime(n):
“””return True if n is prime, False otherwise”””
res = True
# assume n is prime
# try every division of n up to n / 2.
for div in range(n / 2 + 1):
if n % div == 0:
# We found a divisor that divides n
# perfectly. Therefore, we know n is
# not prime. So return immediately
res = False
# We’ve tried every divisor and not found any
# that divides n perfectly. Therefore, n must
# be prime.
return res
def isPrime(n):
“””return True if n is prime, False otherwise”””
# try every division of n up to n / 2.
for div in range(n / 2 + 1):
if n % div == 0:
# We found a divisor that divides n
# perfectly. Therefore, we know n is
# not prime. So return immediately
return False
# We’ve tried every divisor and not found any
# that divides n perfectly. Therefore, n must
# be prime.
return True
What is the output?
Q: What is the output from this code:
def f(x):
x += 3
print x
z = 10
print z
A: Output is 13 on one line, then 10 on the next.
What is the result?
Q: What does z hold at the end of this code?:
def add3(x):
x += 3
print x
y = 7
z = add3(y)
A: z holds the value None, because the function f()
does not return anything. NOTE: printing a value
is NOT the same as returning a value!
Q: If you define a variable inside a function, can
you access that variable from outside the
function? Explain.
A: No, you cannot access it. Once the code
stops running the function, the local variables
cease to exist.
Activation Records
• When a function is called, an activation record for
that function is defined and pushed on the
– The parameters refer to the values passed in as
– Local variables are created in the activation record.
• When the function returns, the activation record
is deleted.
• If a function calls another function, another
activation record for that function is added.
Local vs. Global Scope
• A local variable defined in a function definition
has local scope.
– It cannot be accessed from outside.
– Same for parameters of the function definition.
• A global variable can be accessed within a
– If the variable is not found already defined in the
function, then the code looks in the global scope for
the definition.
– A global variable cannot be set from within a function.
Whiteboard: draw this
def abc(x, y):
t = x * 3 + y
return t
def dfg(z):
res = abc(z, z + 1)
return res
x = dfg(3)
print x
Mistakes students make (1)
• (Sung to the tune “Mistakes lovers make”)
def area(w, h):
w = 10
h = 30
return w * h
• Ignores the input parameters.
Mistakes students make (2)
def area(w, h):
print w * h
theArea = area(10, 100)
• Print instead of return the computed value
Mistakes students make (3)
def volume(w, h, 10):
return w * h * 10
• Function definition problems – not using
identifiers only in the param list.
Mistakes students make (4)
def volume(w, h, d):
w * h * d
• Forgetting to return a value.
def volume(w, h, d):
return w * h * d
volume(30, 77.2, 33)
• Forgetting to save the returned value.
Mistakes students make (5)
def searchForString(aList, aStr):
index = searchForString(listOfQuotes,
• Thinking that the name of the parameter
must match the name of the argument.
OK? Or not?
Q: Will this work?
def average(x, y):
return (x + y) / 2.0
z = 10
q = average(z, z)
A: Yes. Why not?!
Formal/actual parameters
Q: In this code, identify the formal parameters
and the actual parameters.
def average(x, y):
return (x + y) / 2.0
z = 10
q = average(z, z)
A: x, y are the formal parameters. z and z are
the actual parameters.
Global/local names
Q: Is this legal?
def average(x, y):
return (x + y) / 2.0
y = 10
x = 20
print average(y, x)
A: Yes. The value of y is assigned to x in average().
The value in x is assigned to y in average().
Creating global variables from inside a
Q: Is there any way to set variables withint he body of a
function that the uer could use later, or are they all local
A: You can do this, but please don’t, if at all possible.
You can use the keyword global:
def a(x, y):
global z
z = x + y
print z
# error
a(3, 4)
print z
# prints 7
Number of parameters
Q: Does a function need to know how many
variables it is taking in? So, can you write a
function that takes in an undetermined amount
of variables?
A: (Q should use the term “parameters”, not
A function has to know how many parameters it
has coming in. It is basing its output on its input
Undetermined # of params?
Q: Can you write a function that takes in an
undetermined number of parameters?
A: You can… but you don’t want to… in this class…
e.g., it is nice to have a function max() that takes
any number of parameters:
max(1, 7, 22, -33)
max(-33, -1000, math.pi)
max(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
Fruitless function?
Q: When might you write and use a function
that doesn't return anything?
A: Perhaps the function prints out some stuff.
Or this:
def add1(x):
lst = [ 7 ]
# what is lst now?
Q: Is this legal?
def average(x, y):
return (x + y + z) / 3.0
z = 100000
print average(0, 1)
A: It is legal. A function can access a variable in
the global scope. This is often not very
desirable, however.
Functions calling other functions
Q: Can a function call another function? Can a
function call itself?
A: Of course! And, yes!
A function that calls itself is called a recursive
function. Don’t try this at home…
Interface vs. Implementation
Q: Does a person have to know how a function
does something in order to use it?
A: No! A function defines what it does, and the
caller doesn't care how it does it.
Knowing what a function does
Q: How does a person know what a function can
do for you?
A: The writer of the function gives the function a
nice descriptive name, with good formal
parameter names, and a docstring (or
comments) to describe what the function
Flow of Control
• Flow of control is how the thread of execution
jumps around the code. I.e., what lines are
being executed, when.
• Starts in the main code.
• Each time a function is called, execution
“flows” to that function definition. Control
flows back to the caller when the function
Flow of control example
def khvr(a):
a *= 2.5
return a
def se(x):
y = khvr(x + 1)
return y – 1
def rvd(p):
return se(p ** 2)
# main code
print rvd(2)
Control flow
1 function defn
4 function defn
7 function defn
10 rvd called
8 se called
5 khvr called
2 khvr body
3 return from khvr to se
6 return from se to rvd
8 return from rvd to main
10 print result
Optional Parameters
• With “normal” function definitions, each
parameter has to be given a value when the
function is called.
def aFunc(x, y, z):
#  3 parameters
aFunc(3, 4, “Hi, Isaac!”) #  3 values
Optional Parameters (2)
• With optional parameters, you can specify in
the function definition the default value for
parameters when the caller provides no value.
def countdown(start = 10):
“””print a countdown, starting at the given
start value (10 by default).”””
for i in range(start, 0, -1):
print i
# no value given, so start is 10
# use 20 for start
Optional Parameters (3)
• Notice that the code in the function is not
“special” – uses start normally.
• Optional parameters (with default values)
must be specified after non-optional
(“required”) parameters.
Using optional params
Q: If you are given this function, show two ways you
could call it, with different numbers of
def plot_points(x_list, y_list, symbol='ro')
plot_points(xs, ys)
plot_points(xs, ys, 'g-')
draw() signature
Q: Write the signature of a function draw() that
takes x, y, and radius as 3 required
parameters, and takes canvas and width as
optional parameters, with the default value
for canvas being canv and the default value
for width being 2.
A: draw(x,
y, radius, canvas=canv, width=2)
Checking input parameters
Q: What are the reasons for checking input
parameters to functions?
A: Sometimes functions cannot operate if sent
the wrong kinds of parameters – wrong values
or wrong types. Checking input parameters
gives better feedback to the programmer than
just a SyntaxError or DivideByZero error.