CS106 Mid-term Quiz Not counted in your grade.


CS106 Mid-term Quiz

Not counted in your grade.


Write code to create a variable message that refers to a string Hello world .

Answer: message = “Hello world”


Write code to create a variable aList that refers to an empty list.

Answer: aList = [] or aList = list()


Write code to create a variable aList that refers to a list that contains the integers 1, 2, …,


Answer: aList = range(1, 101)


Write code using a for loop that does itembased iteration of a list acids , print out each item on a separate line.

Answer: for acid in acids: print acid


Write the same code, using index-based iteration.

Answer: for idx in range(len(acids)): print acids[idx]


Write code that iterates over a list of strings acids that prints only the items that have length 7.

Answer: for acid in acids: if len(acid) == 7: print acid


Write code that, given these lists: guys = [ ‘Abe’, ‘Bob’ … ] girls = [‘Ann’, ‘Bea’ … ]

(each having the same length), prints out corresponding pairs, like this:

Abe and Ann

Bob and Bea

A7 for idx in range(len(guys)): print guys[idx] + “ and “ + girls[idx]


Write code that creates a list of sorted integers from 1 to 1000 that contains only those integers that are not a multiple of 3 nor a multiple of 7.

A8 res = [] for i in range(1, 1001): if i % 3 == 0: continue if i % 7 == 0: continue res.append(i)

# you could also create a list with all numbers and then remove some, but that will be slow and problematic.

# Next slide has alternative solution.

A8 res = [] for i in range(1, 1001): if i % 3 != 0 and i % 7 != 0: res.append(i)


Write code to create a variable color that refers to a tuple containing integers 255, 66, 255.

Answer: color = (255, 66, 255)


Write code that when given a list of strings cheeses, prints out each cheese on a line, preceded by its number in the list and a dot.


1. Cheddar

2. Gouda

3. Venezuelan Beaver Cheese

A10 for idx in range(len(cheeses)): print str(idx + 1) + “, “ + cheeses[idx]
