Effects of Charge Motion Control During Cold Start of SI Engines by Dongkun Lee B.S., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seoul National University, 2003 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 2005 © Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2005. All rights reserved. ) Signature redacted Author ............. ~-.;'-"; ........................................... . C,... Department of Mechanical Engineering August 19, 2005 Signature redacted Certified by ......................... '.................. ., . ':' .' ...... '"':' .. . John B. Heywood Professor of Mechanical Engineering ~ Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Accepted by ........................................................ . Lallit Anand Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students ___- MASSACHUSETTS INS OF TECHNOLOGY ' NOV 0 7 2005 LIBRARIES 2 To my mother 3 4 Effects of Charge Motion Control During Cold Start of SI Engines by Dongkun Lee Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on August 19, 2005 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effects of various intake charge motion control approaches on the cold start-up process of a port fuel injected SI engine. Engine experiments were performed to assess the effectiveness of enhanced charge motion on mixture preparation, combustion, and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions. Different charge motions were produced by three different shapes of charge motion control valves (CMCV), which block off 75% of the engine's intake ports. Cold-fluid steady state experiments were carried out with the CMCV open and closed. Increased charge motion with the CMCV closed was found to shorten the combustion duration, which caused the 50% mass fraction burned to occur up to 50 CA earlier for the same spark timing. By the use of the CMCV, significant improvements in combustion stability (up to 1.5% reduction in COV) and fuel efficiency (up to 8% reduction in ISFC) were achieved with increased levels of spark timing retard due to enhanced air-fuel mixing and relatively faster burning. Engine start-up experiments were conducted with three different geometric charge motion control valves. The CMCV improved mixture preparation due to increased swirl and tumble intensities, which enhanced fuel distribution and evaporation. Moderate spark retard (AOs, -5') was found to reduce the engine-out HC emissions during the engine start-up process. Peak engine-out HC emissions with the CMCV closed occurred in the earlier stages of engine start-up process relative to the CMCV open case. Greater fuel vaporization and faster burning rate with the CMCV closed allowed reduced fuel injection and additional spark retard, resulting in significantly reduced HC emissions. The engine-out HC emissions were reduced by 18% during the 0-3 seconds and by 7% during the 3-20 seconds. Thesis Supervisor: John B. Heywood Title: Professor of Mechanical Engineering 5 6 Acknowledgments I am ever grateful to God, the Creator and the Guardian, to whom I owe my very existence. He has assured me that He will be with me and pointed out to me that no one has knowledge, power, or importance apart from him. There have been a number of people without whom this thesis could not have been completed. My deepest gratitude goes out to my supervisor, Professor John Heywood. It has been an honor to be mentored by a leader of such great character, knowledge, and integrity. He has tolerated an incalculable number of questions from me and has weathered that storm beautifully. He has not only taught me about internal combustion engines but also showed me the way of thinking to conduct research. I would like to thank all of the members of the MIT Engines and Fuels Research Consortium (General Motors, Ford, Daimler Chrysler, Delphi, and Saudi Aramco) for their valuable feedback and support. Special thanks to Dr. Ron Herrin and Dr. Norm Maasshoff of General Motors, who provided the engine, charge motion control devices, and flow testing results. It has been a pleasure working with them, and I hope to continue our working relationship in the future. The Sloan Automotive Laboratory has been a great place to work, learn, and socialize with fellow students and dedicated MIT employees. Thanks to Michael Gerty and Brian Hallgren for their assistance and companionship for the past two years. It is impossible to name everybody, but I would like to thank those who made my life at the lab interesting and helped me with my research. I am very fortunate to have wonderful friends with whom I have shared many great times. I would like to extend special thanks to my dream house members (Soon-Jo Chung, Ki Tae Nam, Hyun Jin In, and Jooeun Ahn) for their friendships which have made my life at MIT more enjoyable and truly colorful. All these years, my family has always been there for me. I would like to express my undying gratitude to my mother, Seok Joong, for her love, prayers, and for providing me a model of how I should live. I also would like to thank my sister, Jin-Ju, for her support and encouragement. Knowing that I have you standing behind me, I will never be afraid to march forward. I love you. Finally, I wish to thank my father, Seung Yeon, who I would give anything to have seen me finish this research project. Dongkun Lee August 2005 7 8 Contents Abstract................................................................................................................................... 5 A cknow ledgm ents .................................................................................................................. 7 Contents .................................................................................................................................. 9 List of Figures....................................................................................................................... 13 List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ 17 Nom enclature........................................................................................................................ 19 Chapter 1: Introduction..................................................................................................... 21 1.1 Background and M otivation......................................................................... 21 1.2 Previous Work .............................................................................................. 22 1.3 Research Objectives .................................................................................... 23 Experim ental Apparatus and Procedures ........................................................ 25 Experim ental Setup ...................................................................................... 25 2.1.1 Engine and D ynam om eter ................................................................... 25 2.1.2 Engine Subsystem s and Instrum entation............................................. 26 2.1.3 Engine Control System .......................................................................... 27 2.1.4 Charge M otion Control V alve .............................................................. 27 2.1.5 In-cylinder Pressure m easurem ents ..................................................... 28 2.1.6 D ata A cquisition System ..................................................................... 28 2.1.7 Fast-Response Em issions Analyzers ................................................... 29 Experim ental Conditions and Procedure ..................................................... 31 Chapter 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.2.1 Steady State Test Conditions and Procedure ........................................ 31 2.2.2 Start-up Test Conditions and Procedure............................................... 32 A nalysis M ethod............................................................................................ 34 2.3.1 Residual G as Fraction.......................................................................... 34 2.3.2 A ir/Fuel Ratio D eterm ination............................................................... 34 2.3.3 Burn Rate Analysis.............................................................................. 36 9 Chapter 3 : Steady State Experimental Results ................................................................. 37 3.1 Charge M otion Overview ............................................................................ 37 3.2 Combustion Characteristics.......................................................................... 38 3.3 3.2.1 Combustion Stability ............................................................................ 38 3.2.2 Bum Rate Analysis............................................................................... 39 Exhaust Emissions........................................................................................ 41 3.3.1 Exhaust Gas Temperature...................................................................... 41 3.3.2 Exhaust HC Emissions .......................................................................... 42 Chapter 4 : Engine Start-up Experimental Results.......................................................... 47 4.1 Engine Start-up Overview ............................................................................ 47 4.2 Comparison Results of Various CM CVs ..................................................... 49 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.2.1 CM CV Overview................................................................................. 4.2.2 M ixture Preparation...............................................................................50 4.2.3 Combustion Characteristics................................................................. 53 4.2.4 Exhaust Emissions................................................................................. 56 4.2.5 Flow Testing Results ............................................................................ 58 4.2.6 Overall Assessment of Different CM CVs ............................................. 60 Effects of Reduced Fuel Injection ................................................................. 49 61 4.3.1 M odification of Fuel Injection............................................................. 61 4.3.2 M ixture Preparation............................................................................... 61 4.3.3 Combustion Characteristics................................................................. 62 4.3.4 Exhaust Emissions................................................................................. 65 Effects of Retarded Spark Timing ............................................................... 67 4.4.1 M odification of Spark Timing ............................................................. 4.4.2 M ixture Preparation...............................................................................68 4.4.3 Combustion Characteristics................................................................. 4.4.4 Exhaust Emissions.................................................................................71 M odified Start-up Strategy with CM CV closed........................................... 4.5.1 M odification of Fuel Injection and Spark Timing................................ 4.5.2 M ixture Preparation...............................................................................75 10 67 68 73 73 4.5.3 Com bustion Characteristics................................................................... 75 4.5.4 Exhaust Em issions................................................................................ 79 Chapter 5 : Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations ............................................ 81 5.1 Overview ...................................................................................................... 81 5.2 Steady State Experim ents .............................................................................. 81 5.3 Engine Start-up Experim ents....................................................................... 82 5.4 Overall A ssessm ent and Recom mendations................................................. 85 References ............................................................................................................................ 87 Appendix .............................................................................................................................. 89 11 12 List of Figures Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3 Figure 3-4 Figure 3-5 Figure 3-6 Figure 3-7 Figure 3-8 Figure 3-9 Figure 3-10 Figure 3-11 Figure 4-1 Three different types of charge motion control valves: (a) Base CMCV <CMCV(B)>, (b) Tumble type CMCV <CMCV(T)>, (c) Swirl type CMCV <CMCV(S)>. Flow area was 25% for all three CMCVs....................................... 28 Schematic of fast-response FID sampling head from Cambustion. ....................... 29 Schematic of fast-response NDIR sampling head from Cambustion...................... 30 Geometry of charge motion control valve. 25% notch area valve made of 1mm alu m in um p late . ......................................................................................................... 38 COV of the Net-IMEP as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 200 C coolant. ................................................................................................................................... 39 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio w ith the 20 0C coolant. .................................................................................. 40 Location of 50% MFB as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20'C coolant. ................................................................................................................................... 40 Exhaust port gas temperature as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20'C c o o lan t. ...................................................................................................................... 41 Exhaust port gas temperature as a function of 50% MFB location with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20'C coolant................................................................................................... . . 42 Exhaust port HC concentration as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 2 00C co o lan t............................................................................................................... 43 Exhaust port HC concentration as a function of 50% MFB location with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with th e 20'C coolant..................................................................................................... . 43 MAP and intake air flow as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20'C c o o lan t. ...................................................................................................................... 44 Exhaust port HC mass flow rate as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 2 00C co o lan t............................................................................................................... 45 Exhaust port HC mass flow rate as a function of 50% MFB location with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20'C coolant..................................................................................................... . 46 Baseline calibration MAP, RPM, spark timing, and relative air/fuel ratio as a function of time after crank with the CM CV open. ............................................................. 48 13 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 4-5 Figure 4-6 Figure 4-7 Figure 4-8 Figure 4-9 Figure 4-10 Figure 4-11 Figure 4-12 Figure 4-13 Figure 4-14 Figure 4-15 Figure 4-16 Figure 4-17 Figure 4-18 Figure 4-19 Figure 4-20 Exhaust gas emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function 48 of time after crank with the CM CV open. ............................................................. Three different types of charge motion control valves: (a) Base CMCV <CMCV(B)>, (b) Tumble type CMCV <CMCV(T)>, (c) Swirl type CMCV 50 <CMCV(S)>. Flow area was 25% for all three CMCVs........................................ In-cylinder k as a function of cycle number during the first 20 seconds following en gine crankin g.................................................................................................... .. 51 Evaporated fuel as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various C M C V s ...................................................................................................................... 52 Percentage of evaporated fuel to injected fuel as a function of cycle number during 52 the quasi-steady period for various CM CVs.......................................................... Net-IMEP as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various C M CV s ...................................................................................................................... 53 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various CM CV s....................................................................... 55 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period for various CM CVs. ............................................................... 55 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various CMCVs. .......... 57 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period for various CMCVs......... 57 Swirl index from flow bench meters as a function of normalized valve lift for various C M CV s...................................................................................................................... 59 Tumble index from flow bench meters as a function of normalized valve lift for various CM CV s. .................................................................................................... . 59 Required mass of injected fuel as a function of cycle number for the same in-cylinder lambda trace with the CMCV open and closed during the first 20 seconds after cranking com m enced. ............................................................................................ 62 Net-IMEP as a function of cycle number during the transient period for the CMCV open case and the CMCV closed case with reduced fuel injection. ....................... 63 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the transient period for the CMCV open case and the CMCV closed case with reduced fuel injectio n.............................................................................................................. 64 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period for the CMCV open case and the CMCV closed case with reduced fuel injection. ............................................................................................ 64 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the transient period for the CMCV open case and 66 the CMCV closed case with reduced fuel injection............................................... Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period for the CMCV open case and the CMCV closed case with reduced fuel injection........................................ 66 Spark timing as a function of cycle number during the first 20 seconds following engine cranking for various spark modifications with the CMCV closed............. 67 14 Figure 4-21 Figure 4-22 Figure 4-23 Figure 4-24 Figure 4-25 Figure 4-26 Figure 4-27 Figure 4-28 Figure 4-29 Figure 4-30 Figure 4-31 Figure 4-32 Figure 4-33 Figure 4-34 Figure 4-35 Figure 4-36 Required mass of injected fuel as a function of cycle number for the same in-cylinder lambda trace with various spark modifications during the first 20 seconds after cranking comm enced. ............................................................................................ 68 Net-IMEP as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various spark m odifications with the CM CV closed. ................................................................... 69 Location of 50% mass fraction burned as a function of cycle number during the 20 seconds after engine cranking for various spark modifications with the CMCV c lo se d ......................................................................................................................... 70 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various spark modifications with the CMCV closed.............. 70 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period for various spark modifications with the CMCV closed. .......... 71 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various spark modifications w ith the C M C V closed. ......................................................................................... 72 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period for various spark m odifications w ith the CM CV closed. ................................................................... 72 Injected fuel mass as a function of cycle number with the CMCV open and closed during the first 20 seconds after cranking. Reduced sequential fuel injection strategy was applied to the CM CV closed case.................................................................. 74 Spark timing as a function of cycle number with the CMCV open and closed during the first 20 seconds after cranking. Retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the C M C V closed case. ............................................................................................. . . 74 In-cylinder k as a function of cycle number during the first 20 seconds following engine cranking with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case........... 75 Net-IMEP as a function of cycle number during the transient period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CM CV closed case.................................................................. 76 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the transient period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case........... 77 Location of 50% mass fraction burned as a function of cycle number during the transient period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case........... 77 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. 78 Location of 50% mass fraction burned as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. 79 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the transient period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CM CV closed case........................................................................... 80 15 Figure 4-37 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CM CV closed case......................................................................... 80 16 List of Tables Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Engine specifications.............................................................................................. Unleaded test gasoline (Indolene, UTG-91) properties [14]. ................................ 17 25 32 18 Nomenclature ABDC ATDC BBDC BDC BTDC CA CMCV COV DAQ DOHC ECM EGR EVC EVO FFID FID FTP HC IAC IMEP IVC IVO MAP MDS MFB NDIR PVC RPM after bottom dead center after top dead center before bottom dead center bottom dead center before top dead center crank angle charge motion control valve coefficient of variation data acquisition dual overhead camshaft engine control module exhaust gas recirculation exhaust valve closing exhaust valve opening fast flame ionization detector flame ionization detector federal test procedure hydrocarbon idle air control indicated mean effective pressure intake valve closing intake valve opening manifold air pressure modular development system mass fraction burned non-dispersive infrared positive crankcase ventilation revolutions per minute SI spark ignition TDC UEGO top dead center universal exhaust gas oxygen 19 20 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background and Motivation Meeting future, stringent emissions standards will require precise engine control strategies that significantly improve the emissions performance under transient conditions. In particular, greater emphasis is being put upon the cold start-up process where a significant fraction of the total hydrocarbon (HC) emissions can be produced. The use of catalytic converters for aftertreatment is an effective means of reducing tailpipe-out HC emissions from spark ignition (SI) engines. However, the majority of the total HC emissions during the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) are emitted during the first few seconds of engine operation before the catalyst reaches light-off temperature, approximately 250 0 C. Due to the fact that catalytic converters are essentially ineffective until light-off temperatures are achieved, increased importance is being placed on understanding and improving engine-out HC emissions during the first few seconds of engine operation after cranking. There are various HC emissions formation mechanisms for SI engines: the filling of crevice volumes with unburned mixture, flame quenching at the combustion chamber walls, oil layer absorption and desorption, incomplete combustion, liquid fuel wetting of incylinder surface, deposit absorption and desorption, and air/fuel ratio abnormality [1,2]. During the engine start-up process, these mechanisms play increased roles in determining the engine-out HC emissions. Of particular importance is the influence of the mixture preparation process which can greatly affect these mechanisms. However, it is difficult to achieve appropriate mixture preparation in the cold start-up process due to the unfavorable fuel transportation and evaporation environment such as low port air velocity, initially atmospheric port pressure, and low port and cylinder wall temperatures. 21 Since only a small portion of injected fuel vaporizes and contributes to the combustible mixture in a cold engine [3,4], the cold start-up process of port fuel injected SI engines generally involves significant over-fueling in the intake manifold. A substantial amount of fuel is injected to overcome unexpected transients as well as poor mixture preparation. This fuel enrichment provides a sufficiently large amount of vaporized fuel so that smooth and robust start-up can be assured. A large portion of this excess fuel, however, does not vaporize and enters the cylinder as liquid [5]. This fuel may be stored in various places in the cylinder (e.g. deposits, oil layers on the cylinder liner, piston top, and cylinder head, or combustion chamber crevices), survive the subsequent combustion process unburned, and come out into the bulk exhaust, where it would significantly contribute to the exhaust HC emissions. The complex nature of these start-up behaviors requires an improvement in mixture preparation for robust combustion with low HC emissions. The mixture preparation process in contemporary port fuel injected SI engines is significantly affected by intake charge motion, especially during the engine start-up process. It is well known that the in-cylinder charge motion is one of the major factors that controls the air-fuel mixing and combustion process. Since the initial in-cylinder flow pattern is set up by the intake process, enhanced intake charge motion is essential for improving mixture preparation and combustion characteristics, which determine engine-out HC emissions behavior. There are several methods of enhancing charge motion: intake manifold modification, intake valve or cylinder head masking, and charge motion control valves (CMCV). The charge motion control valve is one of the most cost-effective methods for a high level of in-cylinder charge motion. 1.2 Previous Work Over the past few decades, great efforts have been placed on reducing vehicle emissions. With the development of catalytic converters, the HC emissions in the start-up process of SI engines have become a significant part of the total emissions. A number of studies have been done to investigate the various aspects of the start-up process and reduce the HC emissions with robust combustion. Mixture preparation during the start-up process has been 22 the focus of previous research. Most of previous studies have concentrated on the effects of fuel metering and liquid fuel behavior on mixture preparation and HC emissions. In a previous study performed by Henein et al. [6], the effect of engine transients on HC emissions was investigated. The initial piston position was found to affect the HC emissions during the cold start-up process. The first cycle fuel metering effect on HC emissions was examined by Castaing et a]. [7]. The open valve injection was detrimental to the mixture preparation process during the start-up because it caused mixture non-uniformity, directly deposited fuel in the cylinder which increased engine-out HC emissions. There have been some studies investigating the effect of enhanced charge motion on engine performance. In a study conducted by Takahashi et al. [8], the use of the CMCV increased the bum rate and combustion stability. More improvement in combustion stability was obtained by optimizing the geometry of the CMCV. Similar research by Nishizawa et al. [9] showed that the cold start-up HC emissions were reduced by an electronically actuated CMCV with a high-speed starter and a fast light-off catalyst. Jung et a]. [10] showed some benefits of the CMCV in the fuel consumption and cam retard at light load conditions. At medium and high load conditions, the CMCV caused an excessive pumping work penalty due to the flow restriction. 1.3 Research Objectives There has been little study trying to examine the real engine start-up process with the CMCV. Most of the previous experimental studies on enhancing the charge motion for the cold start-up process have been performed under the simulated steady state conditions due to the difficulty of engine control. Therefore, it would be worth to investigate the effects of enhanced charge motion on mixture preparation, combustion characteristics, and HC emissions. The objective of this research is to quantify the effects of various intake charge motion control approaches on the cold start-up process of a port fuel injected SI engine. Four main tasks were carried out: 23 * Develop diagnostics to examine the impacts of controlled charge motions on mixture and combustion. * Identify desirable flow patterns for cold start-up by examining various charge motion control valves. * Assess the effectiveness of these changes in charge motion on mixture preparation, combustion, and emissions. * Develop recommendations for improving the charge motion during the engine start-up process. 24 Chapter 2 Experimental Apparatus and Procedures 2.1 Experimental Setup 2.1.1 Engine and Dynamometer Experiments were performed on a 2003 model year, 2.2 liter L61 Ecotec (GMX357) engine to investigate the effects of various intake charge motion control approaches on the cold start-up process of a port fuel injected SI engine. The engine was coupled to an eddy current, absorbing only, dynamometer (Froude Consine AE-80). This test setup used the engine starter motor for cranking operation with full control over the engine control modules (ECM). Additional engine specifications are shown in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 Engine specifications Ecotec 2.2-liter, 4-cylin er Engine Specifications Type Naturally Aspirated, Line 4 Displacement Volume (cc) Clearance Volume (cc) 2189 65 Bore (mm) Stroke (mm) Connecting Rod (mm) Wrist Pin Offset (mm) 86 94.6 146.5 0.8 Compression Ratio 10.0:1 Firing Order 1-3-4-2 Valve Configuration 16v DOHC IVO: 7 BTDC IIVC: 560 ABDC EVO: 49 BBDC IEVC: 19 ATDC Valve Timing Fuel System Sequential Fuel Injection 25 2.1.2 Engine Subsystems and Instrumentation Air mass flow rate was measured by a thermal mass flow meter (EPI, Series 8000MP). Throttle position control was controlled by a stepper motor (Pacific Scientific SinMax 1.8' motor with 5230 indexer/driver) connected via a cable to the engine throttle body. Incremental movement of the throttle was adjusted by two momentary contact switches with a selectable stepping rate. The positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) system was utilized during the engine operation, but the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and secondary air injection system were not used for these experiments. Fuel was supplied by external fuel pump with an inline filter, accumulator, and pressure regulator. The regulator outlet was connected to the fuel injector rail. A constant fuel rail pressure of 52 psig was maintained for a returnless fuel injection system. Injected fuel mass was calculated from the fuel pulse width duration and pressure differential across the injector. The coolant temperature was controlled by an external heat exchanger. The engine coolant system was a closed looped system driven by an internal water pump that circulated fluid through the block and cylinder head. The thermostat was removed and the heater core was modified to eliminate the recirculation of coolant within the cylinder head and block. Coolant exited the head and flowed to an external water pump installed in the engine's cooling circuit. The pump outlet was connected to an external heat exchanger and to a coolant reservoir tank before being routed back to the engine. Coolant temperature was varied via a set-point controller that actuated a valve allowing for plant water to flow through an external heat exchanger. The engine oil was not externally cooled and its temperature was measured in the oil pan. Time-resolved exhaust gas temperatures were obtained from chromel-alumel (type-K) exposed junction thermocouples (0.8-mm bead diameter) with custom radiation shielding. Exhaust air/fuel ratio was measured by a universal exhaust gas oxygen (UEGO) sensor located at the exhaust manifold collector. A Horiba MEXA-700 analyzer interpreted the signal and displayed the air/fuel equivalence ratio. 26 2.1.3 Engine Control System The Delco Modular Development System (MDS) [11] was used to control and modify the engine control module (ECM). Specific ECM operations were monitored and recorded by the MDS. This system provided the user control of parameters including the change of calibration data by read only memory (ROM) emulation. A PC was connected to the MDS stack that allowed for internal and external data logging. The stack was composed of several units. The main instrument unit (MIU) was the core of the MDS and contained two embedded processors: the main instrument processor (MIP) and the input output processor (IOP). The computer interface buffer internal logging (CIBIL) provided MDS communication with a computer. The analog conversion module (ACM) contained 8-BNC outputs and 2 instantaneous switches scaled from 0 to 5 volts. A 1MB GMPX Pod was connected to the X-pod that interfaced with the ECM and allowed the ECM's EPROM to be flashed for standalone ECM operation. The shell program allowed the user to have full access to lookup tables and relevant environmental variables. Real-time monitoring and modification of several parameters (RPM, MAP, spark timing, air/fuel ratio, and idle air control (IAC) valve position) was accomplished by using the MDS's external display unit (DU). Full control of the engine was possible using the Delphi Electronics Instrument Tool Suite (ITS) running the Saturn Legacy Software. File handling between the computer and MDS unit was achieved using the ITS software. The program CalTools was used to modify ECM parameters and lookup table variables. 2.1.4 Charge Motion Control Valve The charge motion control valve (CMCV) device was installed between the intake manifold and intake port. The asymmetrical CMCV (base CMCV) was used for the steady state experiment as shown in Figure 2-1. Three different shapes of charge motion control valves were investigated for the engine start-up experiment in order to better understand the effects of the enhanced charge motion on mixture preparation, combustion, and emissions. All three different CMCVs were made of 1 mm aluminum plate and reduced the port cross sectional area by 75% (i.e. 25% notch area). Since the CMCV device was located upstream of the fuel injector, it did not impede the fuel spray. 27 (a) Base CMCV Figure 2-1 2.1.5 (b) Tumble type CMCV (c) Swirl type CMCV Three different types of charge motion control valves: (a) Base CMCV <CMCV(B)>, (b) Tumble type CMCV <CMCV(T)>, (c) Swirl type CMCV <CMCV(S)>. Flow area was 25% for all three CMCVs. In-cylinder Pressure measurements Each cylinder was equipped with a flush-mounted piezoelectric pressure transducer (Kistler 6125A). The cylinder head passage sleeve incorporated an eight-hole flame arrestor to minimize the occurrence of thermal shock. The current signal from the transducer was converted to a voltage signal by a charge amplifier (Kistler 5010B). The transducers were statically calibrated at several pressure points using a dead weight tester. For pressure referencing, an absolute pressure transducer (OMEGA PX-176) was installed in the intake manifold runner that provided better transient response compared to the OEM MAP transducer. In-cylinder pressure was referenced on an individual cycle basis over a 20 CA interval centered around BDC of the intake event, 1700 ATDC to 190' ATDC, using the intake manifold runner pressure. 2.1.6 Data Acquisition System The data acquisition (DAQ) system utilized two DAQ boards from National Instruments installed in a personal computer. The first card (PCI-6071E) acquired 32 differential channels of high-speed signals. The second card (PCI-6024E) was used with a multiplexing chassis (SCXI-1000) and a 32 channel thermocouple module (SCXI- 1102) to acquire temperature data from type-K thermocouples. The two boards were operated at different speeds; high-speed data was captured with a frequency of 40000hz (once per 0.025ms), while temperature data was acquired with a frequency of 4000hz (once per 0.25ms). Both 28 DAQ cards were triggered frOln signals provided by an incremental encoder (BEl Series H25E) coupled to the engine crankshaft. LabView software was used to create a virtual instrument for data scaling, processing, and logging. 2.1.7 Fast-Response Emissions Analyzers • Fast-Response He Analyzer Time-resolved HC concentrations were measured via a Cambustion HFR400 fastresponse flame ionization detector (FID). The FID is the industry standard method of measuring HC concentration. The fast-response FID consists of a main control unit (MCU) and two remote sampling heads. The sample gas is introduced into a hydrogen flame inside the FID. Any hydrocarbons in the sample will produce ions when they are burned. Ions are detected using a Inetal collector which is biased with a high DC voltage. The current across this collector is thus proportional to the rate of ionization which in tum depends upon the concentration of HC in the salnple gas. This fast-response FID has a 10-90% response time of approximately 1 millisecond. A heated transfer sampling line (TSL-H) with a hole diameter of 0.026" was placed at the exhaust port exit, 7 em from the exhaust valve seats. The fast-response FID was calibrated before and after each experiment using 1500ppmC 3 propane gas (span) and nitrogen gas (zero). Fast Response FID High voltage _ _ - - - - - ~ Vacuum ion collector Rame chamber NozzLe - - - _ _ _ _ _ <f-- Air _ _ _ _ _ _ <f-- Fuel gas SampLe capillary Figure 2-2 Schematic of fast-response FID sampling head from Cambustion [12]. 29 Fast-Response CO and CO 2 Analyzer Time-resolved CO and CO 2 concentrations were measured VIa a Cambustion NDIR500 fast-response non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) detector. The NDIR is the industry standard method of measuring engine exhaust CO and CO 2 emissions. The instrument is a two-channel analyzer with the detectors located in remote sample heads. It measures CO and CO 2 simultaneously from one sample head, providing four streams of data per analyzer. Satnple gas from the engine is conveyed through narrow heated capillaries directly into the sample chamber. The optical filters are mounted on a chopping wheel; reference and blank sectors on the chopping wheel correct for minute changes in temperature and IR emitter performance. The instrument gives a T lO- 90 response time of approximately 8 milliseconds. The main control unit is housed in a mobile cabinet with the vacuum pump located in the base. The analyzer is controlled via RS232 or RS485 serial communications from a laptop computer with the installed operating software. The interface provides full control of the instrument including auto-calibration, start-up, self-test, and trouble-shooting and help functions with video assistance. A heated sample probe was located at the exhaust port exit, 7 CIn from the exhaust valve seats. Recommended cleaning process was conducted before and after each experiment to remove accumulations from optical windows. Temperature controlled Pressure controUed dlamber ~ 1 AddItional volume can be added here for in-cylinder sampling. - - - - - + + T o vacuum pump Temperature Controlled Ext.maIC~ Heatstnk Figure 2-3 Schematic of fast-response NDIR sampling head from Cambustion 113J. 30 2.2 Experimental Conditions and Procedure 2.2.1 Steady State Test Conditions and Procedure Steady state cold-fluid experiments were performed to understand the basic effects of the CMCV on mixture, combustion, and emissions. In order to simulate the park idle condition, the engine was operated at the condition of 1000 rpm, 2.5 bar Net-IMEP (net indicated mean effective pressure) with the base CMCV open and closed. Spark timing sweeps were conducted with a fixed coolant temperature of 20'C and a stoichiometric air/fuel ratio. The coolant temperature was regulated by an external heat exchanger. The exhaust system, however, was not externally cooled and was allowed to reach a hot stabilized temperature for steady state experiments. A set of 300 cycle data was recorded for each operating condition. All experiments were performed with unleaded test gasoline (UTG), commonly termed "indolene". This is a standardized fuel type typically used for emissions certification and laboratory work. UTG-91 from Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC was used for this work to represent the performance of gasoline. The relevant specification of this fuel is in Table 2-2. 31 Table 2-2 Unleaded test gasoline (Indolene, UTG-91) properties [141. UTG-91 Property Specific Gravity at 60160 *F API Gravity Copper Corrosion, 3 h at 50 'C Existent Gum (washed), mgi100 mL Sulfur, ppm Reid Vapor Pressure, psia Lead, gtgal Phosphorus, gfgal Hydrogen, wt % Caibon, wt % Cabon Density, g/gal Distilation Range at 760 mmHg, *F Initial Boling Point 10% 50% 90% End Point Oxidation Stabdity, min Heat of Combustion, Net, Btuflb Composition, vol % Aromatics Olefins Saturates Research Octane Number Motor Octane Number Anti-Knock Index, (R+MY2 Sensitivity Oxygenates, vol % Benzene, vol % 2.2.2 Typical Value 0.7350 61.0 Specification 0.7343 - 0.7440 Report 1 1 max 2 130 9.0 0.0010 0.001 13.7 86.3 5 max 1000 max 8.8- 92 0.0050 max 0.002 max Report Report Report 88 122 212 321 399 > 1440 18500 75-95 120-135 200-230 300-325 415 max 1440 min Report 24.0 6.0 70.0 90.8 82.8 86-8 7.8 35.0 max 10- Test Method ASTM D 4052 ASTM D 1250 ASTM D 130 ASTM D 381 ASTM D 5453 ASTM D 5191 ICPIOES ICPIOES ASTM D 5291 ASTM D 5291 Calculated ASTM D 86 ASTM D 525 ASTM D 240 ASTM D 1319 max Report 90.3- 91.7 Report 87.0 max 7.5 min 0.0 max Report ASTM D 2699 ASTM D 2700 Calculated Calculated Chromatography Chromatography Start-up Test Conditions and Procedure Engine start-up experiments were conducted with the three different geometric charge motion control valves. Mixture preparation, combustion characteristics, and HC emissions were evaluated with the various fuel injection and spark timing strategies during the first 20 seconds following engine cranking. General Motors provided the target speed-load point during the park idle period of the FTP (0-15 seconds) for this engine. The baseline calibra- tion produced a Gross-IMEP of 3.0 bar and 950 RPM with 0.40 bar MAP and 6 0BTDC spark timing. Therefore, the engine was calibrated using the MDS hardware and CalTools software to achieve the target operation condition for the park idle period, 2.5 bar NetIMEP and 950 RPM. All engine start-up tests were conducted with UTG-91 (Table 2-2) at approximately 20C environmental conditions. The coolant temperature was initially fixed at 20C by the external coolant control system. 32 After each start-up test, the engine was operated and warmed up to a coolant temperature of 70 0C to avoid residual fuel build-up in the intake port [15]. After shutdown, the engine was purged by cranking with the injector off for 1 minute. Metal temperatures throughout the engine and exhaust system, then, were force-cooled to ambient temperatures before another experiment was conducted. Several previous studies showed that the engine start-up behavior is affected by the initial phasing of the piston positions [6,7]. For a 4-cylinder 4-stroke engine, the engine tends to stop with one of the pistons at mid stroke (~90' from the BDC) of compression. Therefore, the piston starting point was fixed at 9 0 'ATDC of the expansion stroke of cylinder #4 to avoid excessive complexity in data analysis. Engine speed and load were not regulated by the dynamometer controller (Digalog Series 1022A) due to the unstable transient control of the dyno-engine system during startup RPM flare. The required engine idle load was achieved by utilizing engine accessories with the dynamometer coupled but not absorbing power from the engine. A hydraulic power steering pump and alternator were added to the engine setup to simulate park idle load conditions observed during the first 15 seconds of the FTP. The power steering pump was throttled to 800 psig by the use of a needle valve. The low pressure line was routed through a heat exchanger before returning oil to the reservoir tank. The regulated 14.7 volt output from the alternator was isolated from the 12 volt battery bus by a zener diode and connected to bank of power watt resistors, which had total 0.2 Ohm (three 0.6 Ohm resistors in parallel). 33 2.3 Analysis Method 2.3.1 Residual Gas Fraction To calculate in-cylinder air/fuel ratio and engine-out HC mass emissions, it is crucial to be able to estimate the cycle-by-cycle composition of the combustion chamber charge. This charge consists of fresh air, fuel, and residual gas from the previous cycle. The conventional SI combustion process is largely affected by the residual gas fraction. Residual gas in SI engines has a profound effect on emissions, performance, and combustion stability. Residual gas affects the combustion process through its influence on charge mass, dilution, temperature, and flame speed. Residual gas influences combustion mainly by acting as a diluent which decreases the flame speed and temperature of the resulting charge. These effects are especially important for engine idle stability and for HC emissions. Also, interpreting experimental pressure data through chemical energy release and exhaust mass flow analysis requires that the residual gas mass fraction be known. Fox model [16] was used to estimate the residual gas fraction during the engine start-up process since the model is applicable for low to medium engine speeds such that the cylinder pressure does not substantially differ from the exhaust port pressure at IVO. In the model, the contribution of the back flow from the exhaust port to the cylinder during the valve overlap period is accounted for explicitly in terms of a valve overlap factor. For more detailed information regarding the residual gas fraction refer to the Section A.2 in the Appendix. x, =1.266 OF P N P 0.87 -- 4 -P - + 32_.r 2.3.2 Air/Fuel Ratio Determination Exhaust gas composition depends on the relative proportions of fuel and air fed to the engine, fuel composition, and completeness of combustion. These relationships can be used to determine the operating air/fuel equivalence ratio of an engine from a knowledge of its exhaust gas composition. A general formula for the composition of fuel can be represented as CnHmOr. For conventional petroleum-based fuels, oxygen will be absent. Since Indolene 34 (UTG-91) also has no oxygen in its composition, CHy (c.f. y = m/n) was used for the following combustion reactions. The overall combustion reaction can be written explicitly as: CH +n, (0, +3.773- N2 ) + n,, - {i' q C02 + ' o - CO+ >n { Xc Xc's - CH, + X' o -H2 0+ X' o - NO+ X' HCH+X - CH,+ - C2 +cCO H ~nPxC@~±xOCOxCHCH~H H + X' - N2 + X' - 02} 2 O+ NO . NO+XH, 20II2+ XNNO± - H+ -N H 22H +N, 2+ -} @ 2 no : moles of 02 per mole CHy nr moles of residual gas per mole CHy nP moles of exhaust products per mole CHy ' mole fraction of residual gas component : mole fraction of exhaust gas component X From the exhaust concentrations of HC, CO, and C0 2, a carbon balance air/fuel ratio was derived. Fox model was combined with this combustion equation in order to provide the mole fraction of residual gas. Throughout the calculation, it has been assumed that the unburned hydrocarbons have the same H/C ratio as the fuel. Since NOx concentrations are usually sufficiently low during the cold start-up process, NO and NO 2 were negligible for this air/fuel ratio evaluation. A Mar - F Mfuel [W +C'W- I-+1 C, CW' W =- ic+ -XH20 +1CH, 2 22 K= XCOXHO XC H Mair, Mfuel: W= n2 XC + K0O + XCH 1's 'o + I' 2 CO X XH y] 2 CT CT -n 2 molecular weight 35 H + 2 ) 2.3.3 Bum Rate Analysis The burn rate analysis was performed using the in-cylinder pressure data acquired from cylinder #4. A single-zone thermodynamic model [18] incorporating the effects of residual fraction, heat transfer, and crevices was used for the burn rate analysis in order to quantify combustion characteristics with the CMCV open and closed. Fox model was used for the residual gas fraction in this model, heat transfer was handled by the Woschni correlation, and total crevice volume was estimated to be equal to 2% of the clearance volume. QCH ao - Y -1 Y V + ao 1 Y -I VP ao where: QcH Fuel chemical energy 0 Crank angle y Ratio of specific heat p Cylinder pressure V Cylinder volume QCR Energy in crevices QHT Heat transfer 36 + CR ao HT ao Chapter 3 Steady State Experimental Results 3.1 Charge Motion Overview Gas motion into and within the engine cylinder is one of the major factors that controls the air-fuel mixing and combustion process. It also has a significant impact on heat transfer. Since the initial in-cylinder flow pattern is set up by the intake process, the intake charge motion plays a critical role in enhancing both the air-fuel mixing and combustion process. During the engine start-up process, it is difficult to achieve an appropriate incylinder mixture for robust combustion due to the unfavorable mixture preparation environment such as cold port wall temperatures, initially atmospheric port pressure, and low air velocity. Inappropriate mixture preparation can also cause a high level of HC emissions and a slow combustion process, which decreases combustion stability. Enhanced incylinder charge motion, therefore, is essential for mixture preparation, combustion characteristics, and HC emissions during the cold start-up. Steady state cold-fluid testing was performed to understand the basic effects of the CMCV on mixture, combustion, and emissions. Various parameters were measured at the condition of 1000 rpm, 2.5 bar Net-IMEP. This speed-load point represents the park idle operating condition for this engine. An asymmetrical charge motion control valve (CMCV), shown in Figure 3-1, was used to promote more rapid air-fuel mixing and also speed up the combustion process in this steady state experiment. The charge motion control valve was installed between the intake port and the intake manifold. This CMCV was made of 1 mm aluminum plate and reduced the port cross sectional area by 75%. 37 (a) Base CMCV Figure 3-1 Geometry of charge motion control valve. 25% notch area valve made of plate. 1mm aluminum 3.2 Combustion Characteristics 3.2.1 Combustion Stability Combustion stability was quantified and investigated in terms of the coefficient of variation (COV) in net indicated mean effective pressure (Net-IMEP). Cycle-by-cycle combustion variations in the combustion process are caused by several factors: variation in gas motion in the cylinder during combustion, variation in the amounts of fuel, air, and residual gas supplied to a given cylinder each cycle, and variation in mixture composition within the cylinder each cycle [1]. Net-IMEP and COV were calculated from in-cylinder pressure data acquired from cylinder #4. A set of 300 cycle data was analyzed for each operating condition. Figure 3-2 shows the COV of the Net-IMEP as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed. With increased spark retardation, combustion stability was found to worsen as combustion occurred in a rapidly expanding cylinder volume. However, significant improvements in combustion stability were achieved with the CMCV closed at late spark timings. 38 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, 20°C, A=1.0 9 8 -. 6 [;; 5 ~ ::;; Z > o U 4 3 2 35 30 25 20 15 10 o -5 -10 -15 Spark Timing (OBTDC) Figure 3-2 COY of the Net-IMEP as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20°C coolant. 3.2.2 Bum Rate Analysis A single-zone thermodynamic bum rate analysis incorporating the effects of heat transfer, residuals, and crevices was used to quantify combustion characteristics with the CMCV open and closed case. Increased charge motion with the CMCV closed was found to shorten the 0-100/0 and 10-90% combustion duration as shown in Figure 3-3. Figure 3-4 shows that the reduced combustion duration causes 50% mass fraction burned to occur up to 5° CA earlier for the same spark timing. 39 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, 20°C, 1..=1.0 .. 38 ......... 36 « S c 0 .~ Q) "'0 o « u ~ 26 E 24 U 22 r- .~ 0 0 o A- o o 0 .~ o E 24 A- 0 cF. A- 22 0 en 20 6 18 A 0 U o AA- 0 0 A A A A 20 26 ::l .0 0 A- o 0 0 0 o 30 28 c 6 Figure 3-3 10-90% ~ A- 0 cF. 0 r-------. o 30 c ::l .0 34 A ~ 32 32 ~ 0 28 0 open1090 closed1090 .. 0-10% 34 o 38 0) 36 0) Q) "'0 open010 ciosed010 0 18 0 0 o A A- A A A 353025 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10-15 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10-15 Spark Timing (oBTDC) Spark Timing (BTDC) 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20°C coolant. 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, 20°C, 1..=1.0 70 60 U 0 l- SO 0) 40 « 'L.. LL ~ "* 0 30 I.() '0 c 20 .9 cou 0 10 -l 0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 o -5 -10 -15 Spark Timing (BTDC) Figure 3-4 Location of 50% MFB as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20°C coolant. 40 3.3 Exhaust Emissions 3.3.1 Exhaust Gas Temperature The cylinder #4 port exit exhaust gas temperatures were measured with the CMCV open and closed at various spark timings as shown in Figure 3-5. The CMCV decreased the exhaust gas temperature between 5-30°C at a given spark timing, which was attributed to increased in-cylinder heat transfer during combustion. The exhaust gas temperatures were observed to increase with the spark retardation for both the CMCV open and closed case due to the fact that the burned gas is not as fully expanded and does not perform as much work on the piston. 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, 20°C, A=1.0 800 U 750 'L. ~ co 700 Ci3 E 650 Cl) IVl co 600 C) ~ 0... 550 tl :J co 500 x ..c llJ 450 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 Spark Timing (oBTDC) Figure 3-5 Exhaust port gas temperature as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20°C coolant. 41 Since the location of 50% mass fraction burned gives a better indication of when combustion is occurring, it can be used as the indicator of combustion phasing. Figure 3-6 shows that exhaust gas temperatures increased linearly with combustion phasing. At an equivalent phasing, there is a close agreement between the CMCV open and closed exhaust gas temperatures. 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, 20°C, A=1.0 800 E ----0--- CMCV open --A- CMCV closed 750 Q) :s ro 700 Cii E 650 Q) I(f) C'Q 600 <...? 0 CL t=) :::J C'Q ..c 550 500 x l!J 450 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Location of 50% MFB (OATDC) Figure 3-6 Exhaust port gas temperature as a function of 50% MFB location with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20°C coolant. 3.3.2 Exhaust He Emissions Figure 3-7 shows the exhaust HC concentrations with the CMCV open and closed for various spark timings. HC concentrations decreased at retarded spark timings mainly due to the reduced crevice volume fraction at peak pressure and increased burned gas temperature at the end of the expansion and during exhaust, which increased oxidation. The exhaust HC concentrations were also investigated as a function of combustion phasing (location of 500/0 MFB). Figure 3-8 shows that the He concentrations of the CMCV open and closed cases are almost coincident at a given combustion phasing. 42 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, 20°C, A=1.0 ~~~ ~~~g~io~~d 3500 3000 o~ U~ E 2500 a.. \)~ S c 0 .~ C Q) u c \':\ 2000 \:~ 1500 0 U U I '\o~ ... 1000 " "0 500 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 Spark Timing (oBTDC) Figure 3-7 Exhaust port HC concentration as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20 GC coolant. 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, 20°C, A=1.0 3500 3000 u~ E 2500 a.. S c 0 .~ 2000 C Q) u c 1500 0 U U I 1000 '0 500 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Location of 50% MFB (OATDC) Figure 3-8 Exhaust port HC concentration as a function of 50% MFB location with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20 GC coolant. 43 To achieve the same engine load (Net-IMEP) with late spark timings, the engine's mass flow rate was increased to offset the reduction in work extracted from the burned gas. Therefore, the meaningful representation of the HC emissions is the HC mass flow rate in the steady state. Changes in exhaust mass flow rates were addressed to better interpret the results from the HC concentration data as shown in Figure 3-9. 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, 20°C, A=1.0 0.65 0.60 "2 0.55 eCIJ 0.50 ~ 0.45 ~ 0.40 0.35 35 11 Vl :9 S o u::: 109 8 30 25 20 15 10 5 o ·5 -10 -15 10 5 o -5 -10 -15 I ,--1_ _ _ _ _ _---. r-I ---B--- CMCVopen ~ CMCV closed f- 6 35 30 25 20 15 Spark Timing (OBTOC) Figure 3-9 MAP and intake air flow as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric airlfuel ratio with the 20°C coolant. 44 Figure 3-10 shows the exhaust HC mass flow rate with the CMCV open and closed for various spark timings. As combustion was phased earlier due to faster burning with the enhanced CMCV generated charge motion at a given spark timing, higher in-cylinder peak combustion pressures occurred, which would increase the mass fraction of the HC trapped in crevice volumes that escaped the oxidation during flame propagation. The important crevice processes occurring during the engine cycle are the following. As the cylinder pressure rises during compression, air-fuel mixture is forced into each crevice region. Since these volumes are thin, they have a large surface/volume ratio; the gas flowing into the crevice cools by heat transfer to close to the wall temperature. During combustion while the pressure continues to rise, air-fuel mixture, depending on engine type, continues to flow into these crevice volumes. After flame arrival at the crevice entrance, burned gases will flow into each crevice until the cylinder pressure starts to decrease. Once the crevice gas pressure is higher than the cylinder pressure, gas flows back from each crevice into the cylinder. 2.5 bar NIMEP. 1000 RPM. 20°C. 1..=1.0 I. ---B--- CMCV open I ............... CMCV closed I 10 u Q) (f) 0, 5 8 (f) c o .~ 6 'E w u I 35 30 25 20 15 10 o ·5 ·10 ·15 Spark Timing tSTDC) Figure 3-10 Exhaust port HC mass flow rate as a function of spark timing with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio with the 20°C coolant. 45 The exhaust HC mass flow rates were re-plotted in Figure 3-11 at equivalent levels of combustion phasing (location of 50% MFB). The line for the CMCV closed case was almost coincident with the line for the CMCV open case. This indicates that the CMCV gives no noticeable advantage on the exhaust HC emissions at an equivalent combustion phasing in the steady state park idle operation. 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, 20°C, A=1.0 ---B--- CMCV open --A- CMCV closed 10 U ell V1 rn 5 8 V1 c o "~ 6 "E L.1J u I '0 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Location of 50% MFB (OAT DC) Figure 3-11 Exhaust port HC mass flow rate as a function of 50% MFB location with the CMCV open and closed at 2.5 bar NIMEP, 1000 RPM, and stoichiometric airlfuel ratio with the 20°C coolant. 46 Chapter 4 Engine Start-up Experimental Results 4.1 Engine Start-up Overview Ambient engine start-up is a complicated process that requires delivery of an adequate relative air/fuel ratio around the spark plug gap for a robust combustion event during engine cranking. The engine undergoes severe transients before it reaches the idle speed. Upon the first cylinder firing, the engine accelerates to a speed up to about 1600 RPM, resulting in a rapid decrease in the intake manifold pressure. During the first part of this transient period, spark timing is advanced as engine speed and in-cylinder exhaust gas residuals increase. The engine then decelerates to normal idle speeds during the second part of this transient period; therefore, the intake manifold pressure and spark timing also transition to the idle calibration state. In order to better understand the typical engine start-up behavior, several operating parameters and exhaust emissions were acquired during the first 20 seconds after cranking commenced as shown in Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2. A substantial amount of fuel was injected into cylinder #4 for the first few cycles to prepare the appropriate in-cylinder mixture for robust combustion. Significantly rich in-cylinder mixture conditions and high transient HC concentrations were also observed during the first few seconds. The critical processes will be discussed in the following sequence: mixture preparation, combustion, and HC emissions. This is because the intended use of the CMCV is to reduce HC emissions by improving mixture preparation and combustion characteristics. However, the mixture preparation analysis used the engine-out exhaust emissions data as shown in Section 2.3.2. 47 20*C Engine Start-up Behavior, Baseline Calibration a(U .0 fl 2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 II1 MAP --- RPM -- 1800 6D i14w 1200 800 2 4 2 400 800 200 -; 40 35 i- 2000 1800 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 _____1.3 25 20 151 1.1 0.9 0.8 07 0.8 10 5 0 Ti -10 S 2 6 4 8 10 12 - 14 16 18 05 20 Time after crank (sec) Figure 4-1 Baseline calibration MAP, RPM, spark timing, and relative air/fuel ratio as a function of time after crank with the CMCV open. 20*C Engine Start-up Behavior, Baseline Calibration 120 120 100 100 U0 0 06 0 N 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 14 12 10 8 40000 C- 2 - 4 2 0 HC HC 0 Figure 4-2 4) E CC 0 0 35000 30000 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time after crank (sec) 16 18 20000 0. 1500 10000 C) I 5000 0 20 Exhaust gas emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of time after crank with the CMCV open. 48 During a typical 20C start-up process, the baseline calibration resulted in an idle speed of 950 RPM and 60 BTDC spark timing at approximately 3 seconds after the onset of engine cranking. The average Net-IMEP of 2.45 bar with 5% COV was obtained during the quasi-steady idle period of 3-20 seconds. Engine operation in the first 20 seconds showed two clearly distinct periods, which were separated by engine operating conditions around 3 seconds following engine cranking. Thus, in subsequent discussions, the earlier period and the later period are denoted as the transient period and the quasi-steady period, respectively. 4.2 Comparison Results of Various CMCVs 4.2.1 CMCV Overview In-cylinder charge motion is a transient phenomenon and is developed during the intake process. Gas motion within the cylinder is one of the major factors that controls the air-fuel mixing and combustion process. It is difficult to achieve robust combustion in the start-up process due to the unfavorable mixture preparation environment such as cold port wall temperatures, initially atmospheric port pressure, and low air velocity; each of these conditions is detrimental to fuel vaporization. Therefore, during the start-up process, an increased level of in-cylinder charge motion is helpful for improving fuel vaporization, airfuel mixing, and tolerance to high levels of residual dilution. Three different shapes of charge motion control valves were investigated to better understand the effects of the enhanced charge motion on mixture preparation, combustion, and emissions. Figure 4-3 shows the three different charge motion control valves named as base CMCV, tumble type CMCV, and swirl type CMCV. All three different CMCVs were made of 1 mm aluminum plate and reduced the port cross sectional area by 75% (i.e. 25% notch area). 49 (a) Base CMCV Figure 4-3 (b) Tumble type CMCV (c) Swirl type CMCV Three different types of charge motion control valves: (a) Base CMCV <CMCV(B)>, (b) Tumble type CMCV <CMCV(T)>, (c) Swirl type CMCV <CMCV(S)>. Flow area was 25% for all three CMCVs. 4.2.2 Mixture Preparation The task of the engine induction and fuel systems is to prepare an air-fuel mixture that satisfies the requirements of the engine over its operating regime. Mixture preparation is usually discussed in terms of the relative air/fuel ratio. In order to explore this topic here, mixture preparation is defined by the in-cylinder mixture condition just before combustion occurs. The in-cylinder mixture condition just before the start of the combustion was quantified by the calculated in-cylinder relative air/fuel ratio, resulting from fuel vaporization in the port and cylinder produced by the charge motion. In-cylinder relative air/fuel ratio was derived from the carbon based lambda evaluation, which was developed from time-resolved emission measurements, as described in Section 2.3.2. With the CMCV closed, consistently richer in-cylinder lambda levels were observed from numerous experiments with different amounts of fuel injections. To avoid unnecessarily rich in-cylinder mixture conditions with the CMCV closed, a 4% reduction in fuel injection, compared to the baseline CMCV open calibration, was applied to all the CMCV open and CMCV closed cases for this comparison experiment. The spark timing trajectories, however, remained the same as the baseline CMCV open calibration for all cases. In addition, with the CMCV closed, the idle air control (IAC) stepper positions were varied in order to maintain the same air flow rate as the CMCV open case. Consequently, the same injected fuel and same inlet air mass were delivered to the cylinder, cycle by cycle, for all four different experiments. 50 Evaporated Fuel of Transient Period I I 45 I- 40 l- ~ 35 ~ I -'- X ~ CMCVopen CMCV closed CMCV closed(t) CMCV closed(s) 0 A ~ [] X Q) ()~ 8 0, 5 30 ~ 25 ~ (i) 0 o~ X :::J lJ.. "'0 - AO u 0 Q) ro 20 0 Cl.. ro > l.J.J A - o~ *o 15 ~ 10 o ,- _ li~!~~~~~.ai~~~~§~t~i 10 5 15 20 25 30 Cycle No. Figure 4-5 Evaporated fuel as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various CMCVs. Percent Evaporated Fuel to Injected Fuel 110 ~ .& .& .& 105 .& .& .& .& Q) :::J lJ.. "'0 0 0 100 0 Q) ti Q) .C' 95 B Q) :::J lJ.. "'0 90 Q) 0 ro 0 Cl.. ro > ~ 85 ~ X l.J.J CMCVopen co CMCV closed(B) CMCV closed(T) X CMCV closed(S) - •• Linear Fit of CMCV open - - Linear Fit of CMCV closed(B) 0 .& X 0 80 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 Cycle No. Figure 4-6 Percentage of evaporated fuel to injected fuel as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period for various CMCVs. 52 4.2.3 Combustion Characteristics Combustion stability was investigated qualitatively during the transient period, and was quantified by the COV of the Net-IMEP during a quasi-steady period. Net-IMEP was calculated from in-cylinder pressure data acquired from cylinder #4. More stable Net-IMEP was observed in all three CMCV closed cases compared with the CMCV open case during the transient period as shown in Figure 4-7. During the quasi-steady period, the COV of Net-IMEP was also decreased with the base CMCV and the swirl type CMCV; a COV of 5.2% and of 5.5% were obtained, respectively, while the CMCV open case yielded a COV of 5.9%. The combustion stability, however, slightly worsened with the tumble type CMCV up to a COV of 6.2%. CMCV 10 open 1 M 6-80 co 2- z 0li 0 5 10- CMCV closed(B) - 0liuiL~lihI ..llluuu1Illff ~ U 0 -. 10 15 20 25 30 CMCV closed(T) 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 CMCV closed(S) 10 -- .a. LJ 4- z |11:41 0 5 10 1|111 15 20 2 25 30 Cycle No. Figure 4-7 0 111112 01 5 10 15 20 111 25 1 30 Cycle No. Net-IMEP as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various CMCVs. 53 Burn rate analysis was conducted on the 0 to 20 seconds after cranking. The flamedevelopment angle (0-10% energy-release fraction) and rapid-burning angle (10-90% energy-release fraction) were investigated with the CMCV open and with the various CMCVs closed. It is known that the flame development process is primarily influenced by the mixture state, composition, and motion in the vicinity of the spark plug. The rapid burning stage, during which the major portion of the charge bums as the flame propagates across the chamber, is obviously influenced by conditions throughout the combustion chamber. The 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations were shortened with all three different CMCVs as shown in Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9. In particular, the 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations were significantly reduced with the CMCV closed during the transient period. There are two plausible mechanisms for these faster burning processes. First, differences in in-cylinder mixture composition, resulting from the enhanced mixture preparation, could affect the combustion duration. On the other hand, differences in gas motion in the vicinity of the spark plug, resulting in differences in motion of the flame kernel during the early stages of development, could also affect the combustion duration. Least square fit lines for the CMCV open and the base CMCV closed case were added to Figure 4-9 for a more clear illustration. Significant reductions were also achieved with the CMCV closed during the quasi-steady period, due to the combined effect of richer incylinder mixture and enhanced gas motion within the cylinder, while the injected fuel mass and spark timing trajectories remained the same for all cases. 54 Combustion Duration of Transient Region o 50 CMCV open CMCV closed(B) CMCV closed(T) CMCV closed(S) A 0 - X 45 50 0 45 0 40 - 40 0 0 35 - 35 A- 0 0 -x =3 30 0 P 0 30 0 0 25 O OR20 -o E 0 C-, A A 0 d, 20 A >A& o 15 15 0-10%- 10 o 5 10 15 20 25 -210-90% 10 0 30 5 10 Cycle No. Figure 4-8 ~~0 A 25 15 20 25 30 Cycle No. 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various CMCVs. Combustion Duration of Quasi Steady Period 37 0 A 0 X 35 _ 33 --- 42 CMCV open CMCV closed(B) CMCV closed(T) 40 CMCV closed(S) Linear Fit of CMCV open a 38 Linear Fit of CMCV closed(B) < 31 < 36 U 0 0 0 0 0 C 29 c 34 0 o 0 -(A& -X 0 o 1 27 -COOO cx<)00< 006 octl A 0- O 32 0 .) XO OX O 25 a xUa-x 2 23 ~ arflM&Wma X* ( M> MAD S0 C 0 Ct) -O 26 E E o 19 ARA ' 17 - 00 00 4OAA 0 615 13 ,1 1 , , , , AOcAoA AA 0 0 0 00 0(0 00 0 cxy 00 EVO0 0tm qj ' -' 15' - O 0-10% , , , , , , , 7, , 0 0 0 0 00 00 *oQ M-Ac ' ' 0 'WM < CuAO AmO nci ;xa MMxCU= cx M GOP A -0) ctnoc Aor) >*DM%0 M4" xc-x So *E3<XEs o0 24 .m _ 22 x e A A oxx* A hf -" 30 45 60 75 90 105120135150165 A- 06~"AA*>A 620 AAo0iCA 0 A 0 10-90%/C 18 30 45 60 75 90 105120135150165 Cycle No. Cycle No. Figure 4-9 30 = 28 .o 21 0 0 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the quasisteady period for various CMCVs. 55 4.2.4 Exhaust Emissions Time-resolved cylinder #4 exhaust port exit HC, CO and CO 2 concentration data were taken for the first 20 seconds of engine operation. During the transient period, high HC and CO emissions were observed due to the rich in-cylinder mixture condition and the increased charge dilution. As the engine accelerated, the intake manifold pressure decreased to a low value of about 0.26 bar, which increased the residual gas fraction due to the increased backflow during the valve overlap period. The highest HC mole fraction occurred around cycle #13 where the intake manifold pressure dipped to its minimum value. As the intake manifold pressure started to increase to the idle calibration condition, there was a progressive drop in HC mole fraction. Using the same fuel injection and spark timing trajectories, higher levels of engineout HC emissions relative to the CMCV open case were observed with all three different CMCVs. There were several plausible reasons for the trends shown in Figure 4-10 and Figure 4-11. Richer in-cylinder mixture conditions with the CMCV closed cases mainly produced higher engine-out HC emissions. As combustion was phased earlier due to faster burning with the enhanced charge motion, higher in-cylinder peak combustion pressures occurred and also increased the mass fraction of the HC trapped in crevice volumes that escaped the oxidation during flame propagation. 56 Engine-out HC Emissions of Transient Period 7 X 0 A 0 > 6 -X .3 CMCV open CMCV closed(B) CMCV closed(T) CMCV closed(S) A E 5C, o X E w 3 LO I A ~ X 0 A 2 -- X 0 0 _ 0 0 10 0 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cycle No. Figure 4-10 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various CMCVs. Engine-out HC Emissions of Quasi-steady Period 0.7 0 CMCV open x S0.6 - E A x CMCV closed(B) 11 CMCV closed(T) X CMCV closed(S) O A* 20.5 . x xX S,%~~ Ax) bXX i x ~~ oc 6 x A C,) .V) E LU 0.4 0 A A- A a S0.3 LLJ 0.2 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 Cycle No. Figure 4-11 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period for various CMCVs. 57 4.2.5 Flow Testing Results In order to quantify the in-cylinder charge motion with the CMCVs, flow bench tests were conducted at GM Powertrain Warren Engineering Center. The raw in-cylinder flow motion information, either the swirl or tumble, was indicated as a torque. However, the torques, by themselves, are of little value and must be corrected for flow rate and test conditions. By normalizing torque output values with engine geometries (bore and stroke) and plotting them versus valve lift, the swirl and tumble indexes were produced. Physically, the index represents a measure of the rate at which the charge in the cylinder is swirling or tumbling around its axis per engine revolution if all the inducted charge entered the cylinder at the given valve lift. More information about the swirl and tumble index calculation is described in Appendix A.3. Figure 4-12 and 4-13 show the swirl and tumble index from the raw torque values that come from flow bench meters as a function of normalized valve lift. The strongest swirl flow was observed with the swirl type CMCV and the moderate increase of swirl flow was also shown with the base CMCV, while little impact on the swirl motion was identified with the tumble type CMCV. All three designs, however, increased the tumble index relative to the CMCV open case, and the base CMCV was found to give slightly higher tumble flow than the others. The differences of these swirl and tumble motions are likely to affect the liquid fuel transport, distribution, and evaporation; therefore, those flow testing results can be correlated with the previous results of mixture preparation, combustion characteristics, and HC emissions. 58 Swirl Index 6 I 5 E3 - 4 0) I I I I I - ---CMCV open -- CMCV closed(B) CMCV closed(T)x CMCV closed(S) x - 3 2 0 -)-----0------- --- 0 -1 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 ~ O .. 0.20 ~ 0.25 0.30 L V/D V Figure 4-12 Swirl index from flow bench meters as a function of normalized valve lift for various CMCVs. Tumble Index 2.0 1.5 1.0 AA -0 0.5 -o '0 ---- 0.0 E 0 --- -0.5 0---0------- -1.0 ------ --0--- CMCV open -- CMCV closed(B) E CMCV closed(T) -1.5 X-CMCV closed(S) -2.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 L V/D V Figure 4-13 Tumble index from flow bench meters as a function of normalized valve lift for various CMCVs. 59 4.2.6 Overall Assessment of Different CMCVs Different geometric charge motion control valves were found to yield differences in fuel evaporation, combustion rate, and engine-out HC emissions. With the same fuel injection and spark timing profile, the highest fuel evaporation was achieved with the base CMCV, which has the highest tumbling and also significant swirling flow motion. Lower fuel evaporation and higher HC emissions were observed with the swirl type CMCV, which has the strongest swirl motion and moderate tumble motion, than the other CMCVs. The swirl type CMCV showed slower 0-10% combustion but faster 10-90% combustion than the tumble type CMCV that enhances only the tumble motion. A plausible mechanism can be developed by correlating the in-cylinder flow motion characteristics with the other results. With the swirl type CMCV, the bulk flow was forced to rotate strongly through the cylinder liner side; therefore, more of fuel droplets were presumably distributed near the cylinder wall than the centrally located spark plug gap. This was likely to cause the lack of fuel in the vicinity of spark plug gap and the excess of fuel near the cylinder wall. This fuel distribution can explain relatively slower flame initiation (0-10% combustion duration) in the earlier stage of combustion and higher flame propagation (10-90% combustion duration) in the later stage of combustion with the swirl type CMCV. In addition, by this excess swirl motion through the cylinder wall, more liquid fuel could wet the cylinder wall, resulting in increased amounts of fuel deposited in cylinder and also engine-out HC emissions. In contrast, with the tumble motion, strong flow patterns can be expected near the piston top and cylinder head surface. Thus, higher flow motion can be achieved in the vicinity of spark plug gap. The overall results indicate that in-cylinder swirl and tumble motion should be appro- priately combined by optimizing the shape of the CMCV. The base CMCV, which moderately enhanced the swirl and tumble motion, showed the greatest potential for mixture preparation, combustion characteristics, and HC emissions. 60 4.3 Effects of Reduced Fuel Injection 4.3.1 Modification of Fuel Injection Since relatively richer in-cylinder mixture conditions were observed with the CMCV closed, reduced sequential fuel injection was then used with the CMCV closed case. In order to achieve the same in-cylinder lambda trace with the baseline CMCV open calibration, reduced amounts of fuel were injected for the CMCV closed case. Spark timings, however, were maintained at the same levels of the baseline CMCV open calibration. The impacts of spark timing on combustion and emissions were thus decoupled from the effects of reduced fuel injection. The comparison of the various charge motion control valves indicates that the base CMCV has the greatest potential for improving mixture preparation and combustion characteristics even though it produces higher HC emissions (due mainly to the higher incylinder lambda conditions). Thus, the base CMCV was used for further comparison experiments. 4.3.2 Mixture Preparation The effect of reduced fuel injection with the CMCV closed on mixture preparation was evaluated while using the same spark timing trace as the base CMCV open calibration. Figure 4-14 shows the injected fuel mass as a function of cycle number during the first 20 seconds following engine cranking, in order to obtain the same in-cylinder lambda trace as the baseline CMCV open calibration. The amount of cycle-by-cycle injected fuel mass was reduced approximately by 7.5% during the transient period, including a 12% reduction for the first two cycles. During the quasi-steady period, overall 3.5% less fuel was injected with the CMCV closed. Meanwhile, the same baseline spark timings were applied to both the CMCV open and closed case. 61 Injected Fuel Mass 125 k I I ' * 120 115 * 0 A 110 & 45 0 I CMCV open CMCV closed -> 105 E A 40 35 CO 30 25 L 20 - w15 10 0 A 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Cycle No. Figure 4-14 Required mass of injected fuel as a function of cycle number for the same in-cylinder lambda trace with the CMCV open and closed during the first 20 seconds after cranking commenced. 4.3.3 Combustion Characteristics Combustion characteristics were investigated in terms of the variation of Net-IMEP and combustion duration in order to assess the effectiveness of the CMCV with reduced fuel injection. A smaller variation of Net-IMEP, shown in Figure 4-15, was obtained with the CMCV closed (relative to the CMCV open case) during the transient period, while the same in-cylinder lambda and spark timing trace were maintained. During the quasi-steady period, Net-IMEP averaged 2.45 bar with 5% COV for both the cases. Test-to-test variations in average Net-IMEP and COV were ±0.1 bar and ±0.3%, respectively. 62 10 10 CMCV open CMCV closed i 8 6 6 -U mm .0 CL 4 4 2 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cycle No. Cycle No. Figure 4-15 Net-IMEP as a function of cycle number during the transient period for the CMCV open case and the CMCV closed case with reduced fuel injection. Burn rate analysis was performed on the first 20 seconds following engine cranking to determine the 0-10% and 10-90% combustion duration. Figure 4-16 and Figure 4-17 show clear differences between the CMCV open and closed case. Noticeable reductions in both the 0-10% and 10-90% combustion duration were found with the CMCV closed, especially during the transient period. Reduced combustion durations of the CMCV closed case could allow additional spark retard while injecting less fuel overall. 63 Combustion Duration of Transient Region 60 55 0) 0 50 - C 40 -0 0 0 0- 0 o0 0 0 0 0A E 2 - 0 ~20 -A 0 A AAA A 0 0 0 00 0. O 0 A A A 00 -0 0 A 15 - 0 CMCV open Ab 0 15 A CMCV closed IA 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 A A"A A 0 20 - ODo 0 30 - E 25 oMA . 0 20 - 10 00 35 - 30 A 0 0 0 0 10-90% .2 40 - 00 o - . 0 0 0 400 ~5 . 45 0 35 C . 55 - 045 . 6 ., . . .1 . 0-10% 0 5 I I I 10 15 20 Cycle No. 25 30 Cycle No. Figure 4-16 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the transient period for the CMCV open case and the CMCV closed case with reduced fuel injection. Combustion Duration of Quasi Steady Region 0 CMCV open 35 - A CMCV closed -Linear Fit of CMCV open Linear Fit of CMCV closed 40 - - W 0 0 "0 030 M) 25 C 00 - U 35 o amo o A At C o0oAL 4 aoGD Ao o*& A OcD cxDO Od A $2110 -a Ci A ~ . A 00 0 0 r_ .O An".Gr 0 AA -A&AM&!,a! E sa AA AA A <k AAA - ' o A AAoo A 00 A o A ,36 O(A o OOA OAOO vo XOOft* dMd cA oc 0o Aoeo 30 o 0 Ala tCoo oaaiA A A o0 A * A 0s Me A Ao& oA 0 0 E 2 o 02 0 AAA L AITLeOAAAL oA AAAUA& J AAA A AA 6-1iS I I~ Figure 4-17 0 0 AcL C0040 .o S 0 - 0 A 10-90% i e . 1 I Ii .1 , i 1 Ii I 1. , , , 25 40 55 70 85 100115130145160 25 40 55 70 85 100115130145160 CyCle No. Cycle No. 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations steady period for the CMCV as a function of cycle number during the quasi- open case and the CMCV closed case with reduced fuel injec- tion. 64 Gas motion effects on air-fuel mixture in the port and cylinder can be divided into two areas: the effect on mixture preparation which is represented by in-cylinder air/fuel ratio, and the effect on flame-development which is represented by the 0-10% energy-release fraction angle. Since the same in-cylinder lambda trajectory was maintained with the same spark timing for both the cases, the difference of the 0-10% combustion duration can be considered as the direct charge motion impact on flame-development. The CMCV thus decreased the 0-10% combustion duration, 80 CA on average during the transient period and 2' CA during the quasi-steady period, as a result of enhanced charge motion impacts on combustion initiation. 4.3.4 Exhaust Emissions With the CMCV open, the high engine-out HC emissions region, shown in Figure 418, was observed near where the lowest intake manifold pressure occurred. The low incylinder pressure presumably assisted the vaporization of liquid fuel deposited throughout the engine. However, with the CMCV closed, high engine-out HC emissions were found in the earlier stages of engine start-up. This implies that the CMCV enhanced fuel evaporation rate right from the beginning; therefore, less liquid fuel should be deposited in the cylinder during the transient period. Figure 4-19 shows that the engine-out HC emissions during the quasi-steady period were reduced with the CMCV closed by 6.5%, while the same incylinder lambda and spark timing profile was maintained. 65 Engine-out HC Emissions of Transient Period 7 open 0 CMCV A CMCV closed A 6 E C 54 E LU 3 U A A 2 A o A 00 0 0 A0 A 4 0 0A LU 0 AA AAA 0 00L 5 0 AAA&&f464*AA 25 25 20 20 15 15 I 10 I 30 Cycle No. Figure 4-18 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the transient period for the CMCV open case and the CMCV closed case with reduced fuel injection. Engine-out HC Emissions of Quasi-steady Period 0.65 0.60 CMCV open CMCV closed 0 A 0 A- S0.55 Linear Fit of CMCV open -- Linear Fit of CMCV closed - C) E 0.50 m - o O 0.45 A 0 E 0.40 I 0 A -~ 6 0.30 0 OA - 0.35 0 LUI 0 A LUJ 0 A A - - 0.25 0.20 1 23 . I 40 . I 55 . I 70 . I 85 . I 100 . 15 115 I ,I 130 145 160 160 Cycle No. Figure 4-19 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period for the CMCV open case and the CMCV closed case with reduced fuel injection. 66 4.4 Effects of Retarded Spark Timing 4.4.1 Modification of Spark Timing Since considerable shortening in combustion duration and improvement in combustion stability were achieved with the use of the charge motion control valve, additional spark retard was feasible with the CMCV closed. Three different spark modifications with the CMCV closed were investigated during the first 20 seconds following engine cranking. Spark timings, shown in Figure 4-20, were retarded (~esp = _5° and -10°) with respect to the baseline spark timing (~esp = 0°), while the same in-cylinder lambda trace was maintained for all three different spark modifications. Spark Modification with the CMCV closed 40 35 --~El 30 - - - ~esp = _5° - - . - . ~e sp = -1 0° 25 G 0 sp =0° 20 t- eo 'L- 15 0) ·E c 10 f= 5 .::,t:. m Cl. 0 if) -5 -10 -15 0 20 40 80 60 100 120 140 160 Cycle No. Figure 4-20 Spark timing as a function of cycle number during the first 20 seconds following engine cranking for various spark modifications with the CMCV closed. 67 4.4.2 Mixture Preparation Figure 4-21 shows the required Inass of injected fuel for the same in-cylinder lalnbda trace as the baseline spark tuning (~esp = 0°) case. The steady-state experilnental results showed that the air and fuel mass flow rates through the engine were increased with an increased level of spark retardation to maintain the same mean Net-IMEP. Similar trends were observed in the start-up experiments. As spark timing was retarded, more fuel was injected and also more air was inducted for the same in-cylinder latnbda trajectory. Injected Fuel Mass 20~,~~,~~,~~,~~,~~,~;~,=~==,====,==~~, A * ~o sp = 0 0 ~o sp = _50 ~o sp = _10 0 Q3 14 ~ u.. "0 Q) ti .~ 12 r- 10 I I I I I I I I I I 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 Cycle No. Figure 4-21 Required mass of injected fuel as a function of cycle number for the same in-cylinder lambda trace with various spark modifications during the first 20 seconds after cranking commenced. 4.4.3 Combustion Characteristics As combustion was phased later in the cycle, spark timing retardation was limited by combustion stability. Therefore, at each of the three different spark modifications, combustion stability was assessed during the first 20 seconds following engine cranking. Figure 422 shows the Net-IMEP during the transient period. As the level of spark retardation was increased, there was a noticeable increase of fluctuation in the Net-IMEP during the transient period. During the quasi-steady period, the COY of Net-IMEP was also increased; 68 sient period. During the quasi-steady period, the COY of Net-IMEP was also increased; the COY of5 .2%, 6.0%, and 6.9% were observed for the ~esp = 0°, ~esp = _5 °, and ~esp = -10° spark modification, respectively. 10 l18 sp 10 = 0° _ 6 10 = _5° e w w ro e... w ~ 4 6 e e... e... I ""t*4Jl18sp = -10° 8 6 ro e ~ sp 8 8 ro l18 ~ 4 4 Z 2 2 o o o o 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cycle No, 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cycle No. o 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cycle No. Figure 4-22 Net-IMEP as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various spark modifications with the CMCV closed. The location of 50% mass fraction burned, 0-100/0 combustion duration and 10-90 % combustion duration, shown in Figure 4-23 , Figure 4-24 and Figure 4-25 , were determined by bum rate analysis. As the spark timings were retarded, the locations of 500/0 mass fraction burned were also retarded during both the transient and quasi-steady period. With the most aggressive spark retardation (~esp = -10°), relatively larger variations in the location of 50% mass fraction burned and the 10-90% combustion duration were observed as combustion occurred in a rapidly expanding cylinder volume. However, relatively less variations were observed in the 0-100/0 combustion duration, which is influenced primarily by the in-cylinder mixture preparation and in-cylinder gas motion. This is likely because the in-cylinder lambda trace was fixed and gas motions in the vicinity of the spark plug were fairly silnilar due to the use of the CMCV for all three spark modifications. 69 Location of 50% Mass Fraction Burned o 60 ~6 ... * o o 40 20 60 80 100 sp = 0° ~6 sp = _5° ~6 = sp 120 _10° 140 160 Cycle No. Figure 4-23 Location of 50% mass fraction burned as a function of cycle number during the 20 seconds after engine cranking for various spark modifications with the CMCV closed. Combustion Duration of Transient Region ~ 40 ~e & 45 t-- * o t-- sp = 0° 45 ~e sp = _5° ~e sp = « ~ 40 .~ 30 t-- & 0 . .A 25 Co ~ 20 0 0 & ,. ~ ,...... .~ f:!J. & * 30 ::J o - *'IE 0 0 ~& & * C .g 25 (f) ::J .0 E & *& M g 15 r 0 - 0 & c o ;*~;frJob ~;~& ~ r* T U 6 o o §.~ o U '-"'35 o :; 0 « o t-- * cr, _10° '0 ~ 35 c o - o & 20 U g 15 * en 6 ,...... 10 0-10% 10 I I I 1 o 5 10 15 11 20 25 ~ 30 10-90% ~ _I I 1 I 1 1 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cycle No. Cycle No. Figure 4-24 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various spark modifications with the CMCV closed. 70 Combustion Duration of Quasi-steady Region 45~~~~~~~~~~ 35 69 sp = 0 * 0, 69 sp = _50 * * ** * 69 sp = _lOa 0 Q) o 0 ~ "0 o <t: S:?. 30 00 o .~ ~ o ~ 25 c ~o o 'f7; o U "*6 or- o * * .-:J o _ _ BAlIlib'. _~~ ~~ ::J ~ o~ ... ... .. ~DO ~. 0 '* *_** ITJ",*_ GIE*J ~o DID*: i3 ~ ~&:J_~~~ l-..:ro ~ .D E ~ OIl ~o~d\ ~o 0.0 _ __ _ ~ *-~ * 0 ~0[JlK: W1!!Il( c CI&l JlIiiIit. . . . . 20 ~,.. tl~ 0 ~* ~~*~;tJ* -~~ ;eJ * 15 c_L I _I L '* "*020 6 (j) 0-10% I o 10-90% 15~~~~~~~~~~ 30 45 60 75 90105120135150165 30 45 60 75 90105120135150165 Cycle No. Cycle No. Figure 4-25 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the quasisteady period for various spark modifications with the CMCV closed. 4.4.4 Exhaust Emissions Time-resolved cylinder #4 exhaust port exit HC, CO and CO 2 concentration measurements were taken for the first 20 seconds of engine operation. In order to investigate the effect of retarded spark timing, the engine-out HC mass emissions were evaluated for three different spark modifications. Figure 4-26 and Figure 4-27 show that the engine-out HC emissions were reduced with the moderate spark retardation (~esp = _5°) by 220/0 during the transient period and by 140/0 during the quasi-steady period. However, with the more aggressive spark retardation (~esp = -10°), the engine-out HC emissions were increased by 200/0 during the transient period and by 14% during the quasi-steady period. As described in Section 4.4.2, the air and fuel mass flow rates through the engine were increased with increased levels of spark retardation to maintain the same mean Net-IMEP. Thus, a decrease in HC concentrations with the spark retardation was more than offset by an increase in mass flow rate. 71 Engine-out HC Emissions of Transient Period I III I I I I I I \ ..--..6 'CI) U =0 = _50 sp 0 ···D···~e = _10 sp ---A--- ~e >. u ~\ (f) c o ;- 'Vi (f) ~ 3 r \ I "5 o - ..' .'" U $ \)iii 2 r- sp - -)f- - ~e 0,5 r S 0 a) c b\ '. 0 ~: '0: ~ .~ '. - b'. & ....*,0. "'=~?-~~~} '0 p ... * ··*-*t~i,;j"iH=..~~i '0, 1 c l.LJ o o 10 15 20 25 - 30 Cycle No. Figure 4-26 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the transient period for various spark modifications with the CMCV closed. Engine-out HC Emissions of Quasi-steady Period 0.8 * o Q) o u ~ 0.7 - - Linear Fit of t>9 sp = 0 0, - .• - Linear Fit of t>9 S sp = 0 _50 - - • Linear Fit of t>9 sp = _10 (f) § 0 0 t>9 sp = _50 0 t>9 = _10 sp t>9 sp = 0 0.6 'Vi (f) 'E W 0.5 U I "5 o a) c '0, c W 0.4 0.3 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 Cycle No. Figure 4-27 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period for various spark modifications with the CMCV closed. 72 4.5 Modified Start-up Strategy with CMCV closed 4.5.1 Modification of Fuel Injection and Spark Timing As discussed in the previous sections, mixture preparation and combustion characteristics were improved with the CMCV closed by enhancing fuel vaporization and increasing burning rate. Greater fuel vaporization allowed reduced fuel injection and the faster burning rate enabled additional spark retard. In addition, the extended retardation of spark timing decreased HC emissions. Therefore, an appropriate combination of reduced fuel injection and retarded spark timing with the CMCV closed could be a way to achieve more robust combustion and lower HC emissions during the engine start-up process. In order to achieve the same in-cylinder lambda profile as the baseline CMCV open calibration, reduced sequential fuel injection strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case as shown in Figure 4-28. The amount of reductions in fuel injection was determined by the results of Section 4.3. At the same time, retarded spark timing strategy was also utilized to the CMCV closed case for more reductions in HC emissions as shown in Figure 4-29. Spark timing was modified using the results of Section 4.3 and Section 4.4. During the transient period (0 to 3 seconds), a total of 7.5% reduced fuel, including a 12% reduction for the first two cycles, and 80 CA retarded spark timing were applied to the CMCV closed case. During the quasi-steady period (3 to 20 seconds), overall 3.5% reduced fuel and 50 CA retarded spark timing were applied to the CMCV closed case with respect to the baseline CMCV open case. 73 Injected Fuel Mass 125 120 115 -0o CMCV openCMCV closed -A 110 0) 105 A 45 C-) E 0 A- 40 CO 35 30 - -0 LL 25 _0 20 C-) C' 15 10 5 0 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Cycle No. Figure 4-28 Injected fuel mass as a function of cycle number with the CMCV open and closed during the first 20 seconds after cranking. Reduced sequential fuel injection strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. Spark Timing 35 CMCV open --- \---- CMCV closed 30 IV' 25 U 20 C 15 10 CO - \ - 5 - 0 LI) -- -5 -10 0 I I I I 20 40 60 80 I . 100 120 . I 140 . 160 Cycle No. Figure 4-29 Spark timing as a function of cycle number with the CMCV open and closed during the first 20 seconds after cranking. Retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. 74 4.5.2 Mixture Preparation In-cylinder lambda was calculated from the exhaust HC, CO, and CO 2 emissions data to investigate mixture preparation before combustion. Figure 4-30 shows in-cylinder lambda traces as a function of cycle number for the cases described in the previous section. Cycle-by-cycle in-cylinder lambda points were well matched for both cases within ±2%. Figure 4-30 suggests that both cases had similar mixture preparation conditions before combustion occurred. In-cylinder A. 1.8 I I I I 0 I • 1.6 f-.A. CMCVopen CMCV closed 0 ~ 1.4 I- - 1.2 I- - 0.4 L.-LI----'----'I'-'--"--I...&.-.-........ I---'-----'I----'~l'__"__...L.._ 1-'--....L1----,---,-,i o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Cycle No. Figure 4-30 In-cylinder J... as a function of cycle number during the first 20 seconds following engine cranking with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. 4.5.3 Combustion Characteristics Net-IMEP and combustion durations were calculated from in-cylinder pressure data acquired from cylinder #4 in order to investigate combined effects of reduced fuel and retarded spark timing with enhanced charge motion on combustion characteristics. Qualitative observation of Net-IMEP shown in Figure 4-31 indicates that combustion stability was improved with the CMCV closed during the transient period. However, the COY of Net- 75 IMEP during the quasi-steady period was increased by about 1%; the COY of 5% and 6% were observed for the CMCV open and closed case, respectively. _ _CMCVopen 8 ro 8 6 '- 6 ro e e 0... 0... ll.J ~ CMCV closed ll.J ~ 4 z 4 Z 2 2 o o o 10 15 20 25 30 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cycle No. Cycle No. Figure 4-31 Net-IMEP as a function of cycle number during the transient period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case Bum rate analysis was conducted on the first 20 seconds following engine cranking. Figure 4-32 and 4-33 show a comparison of the 0-100/0 and 10-90% combustion duration and the location of 50% mass fraction burned during the transient period. Significantly reduced combustion duration was achieved with CMCV closed even using 7.5% less fuel and 8° CA spark retardation. The location of 500/0 mass fraction burned shown in Figure 4-33 was also advanced especially between cycle number 5-15 where intake manifold pressure has severely low values. Since the location of 500/0 mass fraction burned gives a good indication of when combustion is occurring, the results shown in Figure 4-33 suggests possible additional spark retardation with the CMCV closed during the transient period. 76 Combustion Duration of Transient Period 60 I I I I I 55 0> Q) "0 50 0 U 0 cf2. 20 • 10 0 I I 5 15 20 25 30 CD~~ • M,cAc1. 0 ~. •~. • •• I • ~ f- 0 0 10 5 - CMCVopen CMCV closed 15 - - CD 10 L 10 00. E 25 t • • .~O • • o o c- 0 CMCVopen CMCV closed I • 0 0 30 cf2. 20 0 en 6 15 I 00 U • .6M I 0 0 ::::l .0 I 0 0 0 .~ ~ /.~~ 0 ~ i1 Ji. 15 I 10-90% 50 35 c ~ 0 ~. 0 6 o • oo 0 - ~ 0 0 30 :s 0 0 0 E 25 ..-- - 0 35 I ~ 45 c 0 .~ 40 - 0 ::::l .0 "0 r. I « 0 0 c .~ 55 0> Q) - 0 ~ 45 c 0 .~ 40 0 60 I - « :s 0 I 0-10% 20 25 t 30 Cycle No. Cycle No. Figure 4-32 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the transient period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. Location of 50% MFB of Transient Period U0 f-- ~ I 65 f- 60 f- 55 f- 50 f- 0 45 rf- • cf2. 30 0 l!') 25 f- 0 20 f- 15 f- ac 0 .~ u 0 --l f- 0 0 0 0 o~· 5 • •• .~. • 0 o. • 10 0 0 () 35 ~ - 0 •• 0 0 f- l.J.... I- • 40 en I 0 • • 0 •o. 0 - 0 - 0 0 - • • 0° •• •• 0 - 0 •• -'- 1 I I o 5 10 15 - - I • 20 CMCVopen CMCV closed 25 I: 30 Cycle No. Figure 4-33 Location of 500/0 mass fraction burned as a function of cycle number during the transient period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. 77 Figure 4-34 and 4-35 show a comparison of the 0-10% and 10-900/0 combustion duration and the location of 50% mass fraction burned during the quasi-steady period. Relatively large variations in the 10-90% combustion duration and the location of 50% mass fraction burned were observed with CMCV closed. This increased variation was responsible for slightly decreased combustion stability (COV) during the quasi-steady period. Variations in the location of 50% mass fraction burned are known as the primary cause of cyclic variations in the Net-IMEP. Since the expansion ratio decreases rapidly during combustion for retarded spark timing, the combustion phasing is one of the major factors which determines individual cycle Net-IMEP. Both the CMCV open and closed case were found to experience almost the same combustion phasing on average since two linear fit lines of the location of 50% mass fraction burned almost coincided, while using reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy for the CMCV closed case. Combustion Duration of Quasi Steady Period 45~~~~~~~~~~ 40 o CMCVopen .. CMCV closed - •• Linear Fit of CMCV open Linear Fit of CMCV closed o A o o eft. o O'l 20 6 0-10% 10-90% 10 15~~~~~~~~~~ 25 40 55 70 85100115130145160 25 40 55 70 85 100115130145160 Cycle No. Cycle No. Figure 4-34 0-10% and 10-90% combustion durations as a function of cycle number during the quasisteady period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. 78 Location of 50% MFB of Quasi-steady Period 55 o CMCVopen CMCV closed - • - Linear Fit of CMCV open - - Linear Fit of CMCV closed • 50 G 0 f- o • .. () 0 45 00 A ~ co 40 l.L ~ eft. 35 0 L{) ac 0 30 .~ u 0 -.J 25 20~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~ 25 40 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 Cycle No. Figure 4-35 Location of 50% mass fraction burned as a function of cycle number during the quasisteady period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. 4.5.4 Exhaust Emissions HC, co and CO 2 concentrations were measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 during the first 20 seconds after engine cranking commenced. Figure 4-36 and Figure 4-37 show the mass of engine-out HC emissions per cycle during the transient period and during the quasi-steady state, respectively. There was a noticeable decrease in engine-out HC emissions around the region in which the intake manifold pressure was lowest. The engineout HC emissions were reduced by 18% during the transient period and by 7% during the quasi-steady period. A total reduction of 12% in HC emissions was achieved by the charge motion control valve with the reduced fuel injection and retarded spark timing. 79 Engine-out HC Emissions of Transient Period I I Cil U » u I I ... 6 I -' ~ CMCVopen CMCV closed 0 I' " - - - - • 0 Transient region 0,5 S l/1 C 0 ·Vi l/1 ·E l.LJ 3 U I :5 2 0 cG c ·61 1 c l.LJ I 0 10 0 15 20 25 30 Cycle No. Figure 4-36 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the transient period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. Engine-out HC Emissions of Quasi-steady Period o CMCVopen • CMCV closed - • - Linear Fit of CMCV open - - Linear Fit of CMCV closed 0.60 Cil ~) ~ 0.55 u 0, S l/1 C 0 ·Vi o 0.50 0.45 l/1 ·E l.LJ 0.40 U I 0.35 :5 0 cG 0.30 c ·61 c 0.25 Quasi steady region l.LJ o. 20 L..-~~--'---'----I.---''---~''''''''''--'---'----'----'L..-~''''''''''--'---'----I.--' 25 40 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 Cycle No. Figure 4-37 Engine-out HC mass emissions measured at the exhaust port exit of cylinder #4 as a function of cycle number during the quasi-steady period with the CMCV open and closed. Reduced sequential fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy was applied to the CMCV closed case. 80 Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations 5.1 Overview The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of various intake charge motion control approaches on the cold start-up process of a port fuel injected SI engine. Experiments were performed to assess the effectiveness of enhanced charge motion on mixture preparation, combustion, and HC emissions. In this chapter, the findings of the research will be summarized, conclusions will be drawn, and implications for future research will be discussed. 5.2 Steady State Experiments Steady state experiments were conducted to provide basic insight into combustion characteristics and HC emissions behavior with the charge motion control valve (CMCV). The combustion process and exhaust gas state were examined under the fixed engine opera- tion (2.5 bar Net-IMEP, 1000 rpm) and cold (20'C) fluid condition. The following conclusions were obtained from the steady state experimental results. * Increased charge motion with the CMCV closed was found to shorten the 0-10% and 10-90% combustion duration at a given spark timing. This reduced combustion duration caused the 50% mass fraction burned to occur up to 5' CA earlier for the same spark timing. 81 * With increased spark retardation from optimum timing, combustion stability was found to worsen as more of the combustion process occurred in a rapidly expanding cylinder volume. However, significant improvements in combustion stability (0.51.5% reductions in COV) were achieved with the CMCV closed as spark timing was retarded. This is due to the increase in burn rate with the CMCV closed, resulting from the higher in-cylinder velocity and turbulence. * The CMCV decreased the exhaust gas temperature between 5-30'C at a given spark timing, which was attributed to the increased in-cylinder heat transfer during combustion due to the effectively less retarded combustion phasing (location of 50% mass fraction burned) with the CMCV closed. However, at equivalent levels of combustion phasing, there was close agreement between the CMCV open and closed exhaust gas temperatures. * No noticeable advantage on the exhaust HC emissions was found with the CMCV closed at an equivalent combustion phasing in steady state idle operation, since the exhaust HC mass flow rate with the CMCV closed was almost coincident with the CMCV open case. This is mainly due to faster combustion and slightly higher peak pressure, which have offsetting effects on the various sources of HC within the cylinder. * The use of the CMCV improved fuel consumption at retarded spark timings. Improvements in ISFC were obtained with the CMCV closed due to enhanced air-fuel mixing and relatively faster burning, which caused the earlier end of combustion. The ISFC at a given spark timing was reduced up to 8% relative to the CMCV open case, as spark timing was retarded. 5.3 Engine Start-up Experiments Engine start-up experiments were conducted with the three different geometric charge motion control valves. Mixture preparation, combustion characteristics, and HC emissions were evaluated with the various fuel injection and spark timing strategies during the first 20 82 seconds following engine cranking. The engine operation was divided into two distinct periods (transient period and quasi-steady period) at about 3 seconds, after which the engine entered into the quasi-steady idle operation. The following conclusions were based on the results of those engine start-up experiments. Effects of the CMCV with the same fuel injection and spark profile * The use of the CMCV was found to improve mixture preparation during the engine start-up process. With the same fuel injection and spark timing trajectory, the CMCV increased the amount of fuel evaporated relative to the CMCV open case. This is mainly due to higher mixture velocities through the upper part of valve, which increases atomization of liquid fuel at the valve seat, resulting in finer fuel droplets and more rapid distribution and mixing with hot residual gas. " Significant differences were observed between the different geometric charge motion control valves. The highest evaporation rate was obtained from the swirltumble type CMCV (base type CMCV as shown in Figure 4-3). The liquid fuel transport, distribution, and evaporation were affected by the combined swirl and tumble flow motion, and correlated with combustion characteristics and HC emissions. Moderately enhanced swirl and tumble motion, which was produced by the base CMCV, showed the greatest potential for improving mixture preparation, combustion characteristics, and HC emissions. Effects of the CMCV with reduced fuel injection under the same spark profile * The same in-cylinder air/fuel ratio profile as the CMCV open case was achieved with the CMCV closed by injecting 7.5% less fuel during the transient period (0 to 3 seconds) and 3.5% less fuel during the quasi-steady period (3 to 20 seconds) due to improved fuel transport and evaporation, while the same spark timing trajectory was maintained. 83 * Charge motion impact on initial flame development was assessed by comparing the burn rate analysis results with the same in-cylinder air/fuel ratio and spark timing profile. The 0-10% combustion duration was reduced by 8' CA on average during the transient period and 20 CA during the quasi-steady period due to enhanced incylinder charge motion resulting from the use of the CMCV. Significant reductions in the combustion duration were found with the CMCV closed, especially during the transient period. * Using the CMCV with the same in-cylinder lambda and spark timing profile, peak engine-out HC emissions (excluding the first cycle) occurred in the earlier stages of engine start-up process relative to the CMCV open case. Combining this with the fact that the same burned fuel mass trajectory was maintained indicates that the CMCV enhanced liquid fuel transport and evaporation rates, resulting in less liquid fuel being deposited in the cylinder during the transient period. The engine-out HC emissions during the quasi-steady period were reduced with the CMCV closed by 6.5%. Effects of the CMCV with retarded spark under the same fuel injection profile * Reduced combustion duration with the CMCV closed enabled additional spark retard while injecting less fuel overall. Combustion stability worsened as combustion was phased later. Moderate spark retard (AOsp = -5') was found to reduce the engine-out HC emissions by 22% during the transient period and by 14% during the quasi-steady period relative to the baseline spark timing (A0,= 0'). HC emissions decreased at retarded spark timings due to decreased crevice volume fraction at peak pressure and increased burned gas temperatures at the end of the expansion and during exhaust, which increased post combustion oxidation. Effects of the CMCV with reduced fuel injection and retarded spark profile * The same in-cylinder air/fuel ratio profile as the baseline CMCV open case was achieved with the CMCV closed by applying 7.5% reduced fuel and 8' CA spark re- 84 tard for the transient period and 3.5% reduced fuel and 5' CA spark retard for the quasi-steady period due to increased fuel vaporization and burning rates. * By the combination of reduced fuel injection and retarded spark timing strategy with the CMCV closed, the combustion stability was increased during the transient period. However, the COV of Net-IMEP during the quasi-steady period was worsened from about 5% to 6%. * A total reduction of 12% in HC emissions during the first 20 seconds of operation was achieved by the charge motion control valve with the reduced fuel injection and retarded spark timing. The engine-out HC emissions were reduced by 18% during the transient period and by 7% during the quasi-steady period. This improvement was mainly influenced by enhanced liquid fuel transport into the cylinder and increased fuel vaporization, which allowed reduced fuel injection and prevented liquid fuel deposited within the cylinder. 5.4 Overall Assessment and Recommendations * The CMCV was found to improve the engine's cold start-up characteristics. In particular, greater improvement in mixture preparation, combustion stability, and HC emissions were observed during the initial 3 seconds (transient period) before the engine reached quasi-steady idle operation. " Considering that a large fraction of the total HC emissions during the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) is emitted during the first 20 seconds, and also that approximately 40% of the first 20 second HC emissions are emitted during the first 3 seconds, it would be beneficial to use the charge motion control valve even for the first 3 seconds of engine cold start-up. * Different shape charge motion control valves, which produced different in-cylinder flows, were found to yield the differences in fuel evaporation, combustion rate, and engine-out HC emissions due to the combined effects of the swirl and tumble mo- 85 tion. Flow testing results indicate that better performance was obtained with the CMCV geometries that produced moderate swirl and tumble intensities rather than high swirl or tumble alone * Greater fuel vaporization and faster burning rate with the CMCV closed allowed reduced fuel injection and additional spark retard, resulting in a significant reduction in HC emissions during the engine cold start-up process. * Since less liquid fuel deposits within the cylinder in the early stage of engine startup with the CMCV closed, more precise cycle-by-cycle fuel metering, which is required for the low emissions engine start-up, can be achieved for the first hundred cycles by the use of the CMCV. 86 References References 1. Heywood, J.B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals,McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988. 2. Cheng, W.K., Hamrin D., Heywood, J.B., Hochgreb, S., Min, K., and Norris, M., "An overview of hydrocarbon emissions mechanisms in spark-ignition engines", SAE Paper 932708, 1993. 3. 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B B2 89 A.3 Swirl and Tumble Index Swirl Index (SI) : This is an estimate of the swirl number if the cylinder was filled at this valve lift and there were no effects of compressibility. = 2zSp"I g2 i&d 8 Note: The term (nt2/8) is to correct for "mass weighting" of the mean piston speed when assigning an engine speed to match the flow rate of the steady flow bench. SI swirl index T swirl torque on honeycomb element (N-mm) s S Pcy engine stroke (mm) = in-cylinder density at test conditions (kg/m 3) Calculate pcyl from the ideal gas relation: p = 1000 PD (kg 288.17 TD Note: This equation assumes the gas pressure and temperature at the valve-exit-plane are the same as those within the cylinder. PD and TD are pressure and temperature in the cylinder at each test point. Tumble Index (TI) : This is an estimate of the tumble number if the cylinder was filled at this valve lift and there were no effects of compressibility. 90 TI = 2 2rcorSpy .C 12 8 Note: The term (n 2/8) is to correct for "mass weighting" of the mean piston speed when assigning an engine speed to match the flow rate of the steady flow bench. TI = tumble index S = engine stroke (mm) T cor PcyI corrected torque (N-mm) in-cylinder density at test conditions (kg/M 3) Calculate Tcor: 2 cor = r meas 2 3 CAL 9B Second term in correction equation is to convert from the moment of inertia for a cylinder about its axis into the moment of inertia for a cylinder rotated about a central diameter. S = engine stroke (mm) B = engine bore (mm) Tmeas = measured torque (N-mm) T cor CAL = corrected torque (N-mm) = calibration factor to account for fraction of tumble angular momentum intercepted and measured by sensing element. Current best estimate of calibration to use for WEC fixture is 1.0. 91