T h e 2

T he 2nd Su nd ay o f E ast er
April 3, 2005
The Readings for the 3rd Sunday of Easter are:
Acts 2: 14, 22-33
1Pt. 1: 17-21
Jn. 20: 19-31
Sunday, April 3, 2005
8:00 Luc Maurice
10:00 Mass for the People
Noon Joanne P. Stuart
5:30 Mario Lamow
Monday, April 4 , 2005
5:30 Edward I. Carbone
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
5:30 Markham H. Lyons
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
5:30 Dr. Terry McGovern
Thursday, April 7, 2005
5:30 Sarah W. Griffin
Friday, April 8 , 2005
12:15 Catherine Bowdring
Saturday, April 9, 2005
4:00 Adele L. McGovern
Thank You
To all of our parishioners who donated Easter plants and to our Arts and Environment Committee
that designed and created the beautiful floral arrangements.
To all the singers and instrumentalists who filled the church with the sounds of
beautiful music.
To the members of the Liturgy Committee, Coordinators and Liturgical Ministers
who served so faithfully throughout the Triduum
To the members of the Hospitality Commission who provided the wonderful reception
following Easter Vigil.
To all who shared their time and talents to make this Easter such a wonderful
expression of divine and human love.
Adult Confirmation Meetings – If you have been baptized and have received First Communion,
but have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation, meetings for you will be held on Monda, April 11th,
April 18th and April 25th in the Friary Room at 7:15 pm. Confirmation will take place on Saturday, April
30th at the 4:00 PM Liturgy.
Loss and Renewal in the Easter Season – This Sunday, April 3rd – Lannon Chapel –
3:00–5:30 pm.
What does Easter look like in a heart that’s been broken? Is the Risen One present in our times
of loss?
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, if you desire the consolation and
companionship of others in the St. Ignatius community, we invite you to a special program,
another in our parish series on “Coping with Loss.” Please join members of the Spiritual Development
Commission and others in the parish for prayer, faith-sharing and discussion. Previous participants as
well as family members and friends are warmly invited. Refreshments will be served.
Sunday, April 3rd
“ “
“ “
Book Group – Rectory Library
Easter Faith Sharing Group – Rectory 2nd Floor
Coping with Loss Program – Friary Room
RCIA – Friary Room
7:15 pm
Liturgy Meeting – Rectory
7:15 pm
Children’s Carol Choir – Choir Room
Parish Choir Rehearsal – Choir Room
Little Rock Bible Group – Lannon Chapel
Thursday, “
Walk for Hunger Meeting – Friary Room
10:45 am
11:15 am
3:00 pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Lannon Chapel
4:30 pm
7:15 pm
7:15 pm
7:00 pm
12:45 pm
Mark Your Calendars! The Seraphim Singers return for another evening of
beautiful choral music on Saturday, May 14th, at 8:00 pm. The program features Music
set to Christian Poetry.
St. Ignatius Music Ministry - If you were inspired by the beautiful music of Holy Week here, and
have been considering joining in our wonderful music ministry, now would be a great time to do so. You
would be welcome to sit in on a rehearsal if you think you would be interested in raising your voice (or
your instrument) in praise of our Risen Lord! Contact Director of Music Ministry, Michael Burgo, at 617552-6108 or burgo@bc.edu.
The WALK for HUNGER is Sunday, May 1st. Information is on the
table in the upstairs gathering space. Let’s have a huge TEAM IGNATIUS
this year – a team of Walkers, Sponsors, Volunteers and Medical Volunteers!
TEAM IGNATIUS has a webpage on the Project Bread website. You can
register to walk and/or to make a pledge online – www.projectbread.org. The TEAM IGNATIUS signup sheet is on the table in the gathering space (you must personally register with Project Bread; the signup sheet is for us to make plans as a group). Any questions? Call Sr. Diane – 617-552-6107 or email her at
vallerio@bc.edu. SPECIAL NOTE: Project Bread really needs MDs, RNs and EMTs to staff medical tents
and rest stops. Contact Project Bread if you’d like to help – call Karen at 617-239-2522 – and pass the
word on to your co-workers, please; 40,000+ hearts and pairs of feet will need lots of TLC!
*****WALK FOR HUNGER MEETING - Are you walking or volunteering - or thinking about
it? Let’s join together for a TEAM IGNATIUS meeting on Thursday, April 7th, at 7:15 PM in the Friary
Room (lower church). Questions? Call Sr. Diane – 617-552-6107.
OPERATION RICE BOWL - Returns may be deposited in the special collection box by the table in
the gathering space or in the basket outside the Friary Room. Thanks!
SPRINGTIME MEAL AT SHATTUCK SHELTER - Last weekend to sign up! The
date is Sunday, April 10th, when we’ll provide the guests with a great meal and great company!
Sign-up sheets, for food donations and volunteer help, and reminder cards are on the table in
the upper church gathering space! Questions? Call Sr. Diane at 617-552-6107.
SENIOR PARISHIONERS: Watch the bulletin (and your mail) for news of our April gathering!
NEWTON-WELLESLEY HOSPITAL, on behalf of its Catholic patients, is seeking volunteers to
visit patients and/or bring them Communion. If you’d like more information about time commitment
and the orientation process, please contact Sr. Diane at 617-552-6107.
“Living Between Easter and Pentecost as a Gay Catholic”
Gays and Lesbians, Families and Friends - Share the Gifts We All Are
The program presenter is James B. Nickoloff, College of the Holy Corss, and is sponsored by St.
Anthony Shrine, the Paulist Center and the Jesuit Urban Center, and will be held at the Jesuit Urban
Center, 775 Harrison Avenue, Boston on Sunday, April 17th from Noon to 2:30 pm. (A simple lunch will
be served). The cost is $17 and pre-registration is required by Wednesday, April 13th (students $10).
Contact Dr. Jackie Stewart at 617-542-6440, Extension 143.
BOOK DISCUSSIONS – On Sunday, April 17th at 11:15 am, there will be a discussion of The Dance
of the Dissident Daughter by Sue Monk Kidd in the rectory sunroom on the second floor. (Some readers
will be familiar with this author through her best selling novel, The Secret Life of Bees). The May meeting
of the book group will be held on May 29th at the same time and location. The book for discussion on that
will be Mary Gordon’s new book, Pearl. All are welcome!
Voice of the Faithful – Guest Speaker Presentation – David Castaldi, Chair of the Board of
VOTF National, and Chairman of the Parish Reconfiguration Fund Oversight Committee, a lay group
that overseas the disposition of funds from the sale of property occasioned by church closings in the
Archdiocese of Boston, will speak on the issues relevant to the reconfiguration of the Archdiocese and the
closing of parishes. All parishioners are invited to attend. The meeting will be held in the Lannon
Chapel on Sunday, April 10th at 6:30 pm. For more information, contact Steve Sheehan at 617-783-6336 or
email sheehan1777@aol.com.
FOR YOUNG ADULTS – Come to SEE! Scripture Explored and Experienced - A
Wednesday at 7:30pm in the rectory. New participants are always welcome! If you'd like more
information, contact Leslie Gray at graylm@comcast.net
Warm Bread - Joyful Story: Easter Faith Sharing Group - April 3rd, 10th, 17th– 11:15 am to
1:30 pm – Rectory – Nurture your spirit with daily reflections from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. Gift your
Eastertide season by sharing the “warm bread” of word and story in a small group meeting. Gather in
the spirit of the early followers of Jesus to pray and witness to the truth of Resurrection. Our text is
Robert Morneau’s book, From Resurrection to Pentecost: Easter Season Meditations, a resource of core
Easter themes, poetry, commentary and reflection questions. Copies of our text are available at the St.
Ignatius Rectory. For our first meeting on April 3rd, please read/pray with the pages for the first week of
Gifts and Graces: A Morning of Reflection and Prayer for Godparents –
April 23rd – 10:00 – 1:30 pm – Rectory Chapel – Presenter Patricia Fazzone - In this Easter
season, when we proclaim “Christ is Risen, He is risen indeed”, it is fitting for Godparents to
name, to affirm, and to reaffirm their commitment to give their godchildren spiritual nurture and loving
presence. Core themes for godparents to ponder will be: 1) What are the gifts that I am given to share
with my godchild? 2) How can I nurture my godchild in this Easter season and beyond? 3) How is
prayer and blessing part of my life as a godparent? 4) What support/resources do I need to be a lifegiving, loving godparent? Bring a notebook for prayer and journaling, and a photograph of your
godchild. Share this first-time Easter offering for godparents with a friend. If you are a godparent of
young, growing, and/or grown children, or preparing to become a godparent, or a sponsor of an adult
who is a new member of our church family, you are most welcome. Please register by calling the rectory
at 617-552-6102.
The Living Reminder: Service and Prayer in Memory of Jesus Christ – April 28th and
May 5th – 7:15 – 8:30 pm – Rectory Chapel – Presenter: Patricia Fazzone – How is my life in the
Eastertide of 2005 a living reminder, a sustaining reminder, and a guiding reminder of Jesus Christ? This
question touched the heart of early Christians and challenged Henri Nouwen to ponder these questions
in his book on ministry entitled The Living Reminder: Service and Prayer in Memory of Jesus Christ. For
all who desire to love, to pray, and to serve in the name of Jesus, here is a simple and yet profound
reflection to support, guide and strengthen us in our Easter journey. All are welcome to attend this
program sponsored by the Henri Nouwen Reflection Group, a faith-sharing group in its third season.
Copies of the book will be available at the rectory on April 10th.
Religious Education News
Religious Education Office -- 617-552-6105
E-mail – blichade@bc.edu
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES will be held on April 3rd and 10th.
There will be NO Classes on April 17th and 24th due to School Vacation.
Classes will resume on May 1st.
Rev. Robert F. VerEecke, S.J
Director of Music Ministry
Associate Director of Music, Organist
Adult Spiritual Formation
Director of Religious Education
Director of Outreach
Associate Pastors
Rev. Kenneth G. Loftus, S.J.
Rev. John C. Wronski, S.J.
Rev. James Morgan S.J.; emeritus
Pastoral Associates
Michael L. Burgo, M.M.
Timothy L. Zimmerman, M.M.
Patricia Fazzone, M.A.
*Deborah R. Blicharz, M.A.
Diane M. Vallerio, OSF
Parish Administration
*Richard Moynihan, M.Ed./M.A. Business Manager
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Administrative Assistant
*designates member of the Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Team
The Sacraments
Upper Church: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:30 PM
Lower Church: (September – June) 10:00 AM, Family Liturgy
12:15 PM, 5:30 PM
9:00 AM, 4:00 PM (Vigil)
Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rites of Christian Initiation for
Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement.
Our confirmation program begins in the 10th grade. Students are confirmed in the
spring of the 11th grade. Young adults who have been catechized but are not yet
confirmed should contact the rectory for an alternative program.
Must be registered as a parishioner six months prior to beginning Marriage arrangements.
Saturdays 3:15 - 3:45 PM Upper Church or by
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Fridays 12:45 - 5:00 p.m.
Lannon Chapel
Anointing of the Sick
By arrangement.
Community Care - If you know of a family or individual in our parish struggling with a death,
illness or other difficulty, contact: Ginny Carroll 617-327-4519, Maureen Eldredge 617-469-0496,
Mary Riordan 617-787-8926
Parish Office:
28 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467-3848
Phone: 617-552-6100 Fax: 617-552-6101
E-mail: ignatius@bc.edu Web: http://www.bc.edu/st-ignatius