INNOVATIVE CULTURES AND ORGANIZATIONS Edgar H.Schein 90s: 88-064 November 1988 ®1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Management in the 1990s Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Manaqement in the 1990s Management in the 1990s is an industry and governmental agency supported research program. Its aim is to develop a better understanding of the managerial issues of the 1990s and how to deal most effectively with them, particularly as these issues revolve around anticipated advances in Information Technology. Assisting the work of the Sloan School scholars with financial support and as working partners in research are: American Express Company British Petroleum Company, p.l.c. BellSouth Corporation CIGNA Corporation Digital Equipment Corporation Eastman Kodak Company Ernst & Young General Motors Corporation International Computers Ltd. MCI Communications Corporation United States Army United States Internal Revenue Service The conclusions or opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Massachussetts Institute of Technology, the Management in the 1990s Research Program, or its sponsoring organizations. Acknowledgement The ideas expressed in this paper are the result of extended conversations with Tom Malone, Diane Wilson, and various other colleagues. Our goal was to identify the main characters of innovative, adaptive, creative systems and cultures. Special thanks also to Lotte Bailyn, Marc Gerstein, Randy Davis, Bob McKersie, Michael Scott Morton, and John Van Maanen for their insightful comments on an early draft of this paper, and to the Management in the 1990s project for the financial support that made the research on which this paper is based possible. 1 Both increasingly students concerned of organizations about the and capacity adapt to rapidly changing environmental change in the technological, cultural environments therefore, finding is of increasing, are to The rate of political, and today organizations conditions. economic, it more and more managers and socio- organizations are, important to figure out how to adapt. Adaptation minor adjustments requires new even to the present way of doing genuinely products and new values involves the change." in turbulent environments innovative services, and new ways of of Organizations (Schein, 1980; "self-designing" Argyris things. the will & new goals, getting things done, Most importantly capacity have than It often thrusts--new missions, assumptions. development involves more to Schon, to adaptation manage "learn 1978) "perpetual how and and to to learn" become (Weick, 1977). The difficulty is that organizations are by their nature and often work. by design oriented toward stabilizing Organizations develop cultures and that are routinizing expressed structures and processes that permit large numbers of coordinate their efforts, members reinvent to continue the and people to that permit new generations of to perform effectively without having organization each in time (Schein, 1985). How to then, can one conceptualize an organization that can function effectively yet be capable of learning so that it can adapt and innovate in response to changing environmental circumstances? How can one III 2 conceive of an organization dynamic, that can manage the that can surmount paradox of its own central institutionalizing and stabilizing the process of change and innovation? In this essay questions and into the I want to address some aspects of these to present dynamics of a point of organizational view based on my research culture. In particular want to focus on innovation as itself a property of culture. other words, what kind of organizational culture would I In consis- tently favor innovation? This time question because of is of the rapid interest especial advances that field of information technology (IT). at the present are being made in the There is ample evidence to suggest that the introduction of IT into organizations not only forces cultural assumptions out into the open, but that the potential of IT as a strategic aid to organizations will not be fulfilled unless, at the same time, those organizations develop (or already possess) what I will define as "innovative cultures." The definition of problem. For purposes imprecise definition--new "innovation" of this paper ideas, is I will behavior itself adopt a major a broad and patterns, beliefs, values, and assumptions covering any aspect of the organization's functioning. In particular I want to insure that we consider both 1) "content innovation"-- new products, services, and ideas pertaining to the mission of the organization, and 2) "role innovation"-- new ways of doing things, new definitions of roles, and new approaches to performing in roles (Schein, 1970; Van Maanen & Schein, 1979). 3 Defining what is In analyzing found that it (Schein, any innovation? define innovation of organization the with culture change 1985). ultimately by and those something is some of What then had the therefore, really "new," who its most Was is that we must are both members in interaction in a position to perceive informed then I felt changed? perceptions of outsiders If both insiders and corporation, the organization My sense about this issue the organization and, changes. in a large really reflected an affirmation of assumptions there is, of course, also problematic. some of the major changes that had made basic a case of "new" outsiders agree we are dealing that with an innovation. This empiricist. messy. this definition will satisfy the positivistic Measuring consensus in perceptions is difficult and However, if we are to understand what organizational domain, concepts not and theoretical and if we insights, we off with the rich and messy are are at really goes on in to develop better this stage better insights of the ethnographer and the clinician (Schein, 1987). The paper will is divided into several parts. provide my own view of analyze organizations: the central In Part I, I variables needed to 1) A socio-technical paradigm; 2) Culture; 3) Information technology; 4) Structure; and 5) Process. II, In Part I will spell out in hypothesis form what I consider to be the necessary assumptions of an innovative culture. Part III explores some of the key characteristics of IT and states several hypotheses about the relationship of IT to innovative capacity, III 4 and Part IV states some conclusions and unresolved issues. to be order In have made minimal cultural has not, I on My goal is not to summarize innovation. that ideas is a vast literature into an area of know, but to be provocative and push analysis these out laying to what references organization design and what we in efficient to my knowledge, explored been very much as yet. I. A Basic Socio-technical Paradigm for Analyzing Organizations I will about nature the available them are start of the for some of with my underlying assumptions analysis organizational of are There organizations. many models Many systems. of flawed from the outset, however, because they conceptu- ally separate the task and technical elements from the human and organizational organization and For elements. design example, advocate and concept of mission or goal, as something that one should of strategy start with a then design the organization to The human elements are fullfill that mission or goal. thought of that models most follows typically and must be adapted to the mission and the technical/structural elements. In contrast, a socio-technical model one must ones the in integrate the mission product of managerial of the human considerations initial design process. and goals human roles. these human the of beings in with initial organization is, entrepreneurial, The assumptions, actors will The would limit beliefs, and bias argue the technical formulation of after all, technical, values, the that and a and biases technical and 5 structural options considered, and will certainly affect the kind of organizational design that is evolved. Furthermore, if the people who will be using (however it may have been invented) are not system a given involved in the initial design of the system, all kinds of unanticipated problems may arise that make the system less effective than its technical designers had forecast. We see this especially in the realm of information technology where the difficulties of implementation far outstrip the difficulties of invention. For designed, example, the human when an information misunderstood or actively ignored. is initially either totally First a "small" example are consequences system often observed by Lotte Bailyn where the introduction of PCs to an executive group was slowed down by the frequently discovered fact that executives do not type and do not like to go into a learner mode. The enthusiastic implementers created a typing program to deal with this issue and, to provide effective learners, arranged to have a bell feedback to the ring every time a mistake was made (on the theory that an aural signal would get better attention than a visual signal). But, the signal was also public and no-one wanted others to know when they were making errors, so the system had to be redesigned with the less vivid but more private feedback signal. A "larger" example occurred in one division of an aerospace company. and schedule company, and The general manager needed detailed performance information for each project and program in the designed a system that would provide such detail. III 6 The allowed system as problems soon to they arose, so or schedule identify he performance check could on what was He felt he needed that information to deal with his going wrong. outside as him stake-holders. What this manager did not anticipate that was the feel very threatened by the project managers and engineers would knowledge that their day to day behavior was being monitored. the manager asked questions problem areas, about they If found it difficult to respond because they had not had a chance to look at the reasons for well known in phenomenon happens typically system anticipated this problem inasmuch as it designers should have a The from plan. the observed deviations that is the What psychology of control. subordinates who feel is threatened or embarrassed by revealed information attempt to subvert the system by refusing protect the enter themselves. designers to cannot falsified, be invent data or feeding in false typically Such behavior more elaborate information leads information the to system devices that leading to an escalation of resentment and tension in the organization. An become to even more dangerous outcome is that the subordinates dependent on exercise (McGregor, the boss whatever 1960, to be self-control 1967). "If the control system and cease they had been the President has all exercising the informat- ion, we will fix only those problems that he shows himself to be concerned about." The socio-technical solution is the people concerned in initially to involve all the system design. This was eventually 7 done above case because in the resentment to create dysfunctional a solution. It was The in his subordinates. into a "redesign" of the whole organization launched invented that it was the manager realized concluded that system and the manager had a valid need for the information but he did not need it simultaneSo the project members sugges- ously with all of the employees. information as soon as ted a time delay-- they would get the it was available so that they could get to work on any problems that were The manager would identified. couple of problems, later days or even so before by that he get the inquired, the time the information a same he inquired about teams could project tell him what was wrong and how they were dealing with time delay solved motivated effective everyone's problem organization. The and led to essential it. The a much more control stayed where the information was-- in the project teams. Enough information and about cal is known and control today systems, about about the human the design problems of of equipment, the human problems of automation to make socio-techniWhat typically stands design entirely feasible. in the way is cultural assumptions about the role of management and the role of technical It is designers for these analyzed first reasons Figure 1). 1 about here Insert Figure 1 about here __________ the initial creation of innovations. that organizational culture in defining innovation (See Fig. Insert in the conditions must be for adaptation and III 8 The model emphasizes that one can study adaptation and innovation from the point of view of the organizational processes that must be present, from the point of view of the organizational structure that must be in place, and from the point of view of the information technology that must be inasmuch as ultimately the culture used, processes used and will determine how will influence both by the organization, it ions underlying innovation that will elements. cannot Adopting bypass the available. of the technology the structure is the cultural and is the assumpt- influence each of the other a socio-technical analysis However, model reminds the cultural and us human that we forces at work in organizations. Culture The overarching determinant of how organizations work is the culture that cope with and their Culture tions the is evolved external internal can that therefore, problems problems be defined has in the organization as worked as to be taught perceive, think, and feel of the well of survival enough in the integration pattern of to to new members environment (Schein, learned be it's members basic considered 1985). assump- valid and, as the correct way to in relation to the problems of survival and integration. Culture manifests espoused values, what culture. and itself in overt behaviors, norms, and can be thought of as the artifacts of the Culture is also expressed in some of the less conscious operational values that members share. But unless one 9 deciphers the underlying, often implicit and unconscious pattern of taken for granted assumptions, one has not really analyzed the culture per se. Culture life daily Stability of predictability and hence cannot Culture, stabilizes to what provides meaning and members for is essential the they do. the members Without predicatability they cannot function of an organization. and overt manifestations its and the avoid that anxiety loss attends of meaning. therefore, an inherently conservative once in place, is, force. "strength" The founders; organizational organization; culture a will be a function of 1) the strengths of the initial convictions of several variables: the of 3) the 2) the the intensity of group or learning experience in stability of the terms of number of crises survived and the emotional intensity of those shared crises; 4) the degree to which the learning process has been one of anxiety avoidance rather than positive reinforcement. will The more the culture serves to reduce anxiety, the more it resist change. assumptions Cultural tend toward a consistent paradigm to the extent that the culture creators have a consistent set of assumptions in the first place and to the extent that the organization's learning experiences provide consistency. If the members of an organization learn inconsistent things in order to survive possibly remain integrated, they will have ambiguous assumptions that they can and comfortable with (Martin, 1987). inconsistent nevertheless and feel III 10 To the extent that culture is a learned product of group experience, there will be a culture wherever there is a group, in the sense of a set of people who share common experiences over a their a total culture can have then, sub- strength varying as a will one A total organiza- identified above. function of the same factors tion, have sub-groups, them, in each of cultures group many into time over themselves differentiate organizations most as Inasmuch time. of period as as well sub- of a set cultures, and any given member of the organization will simulta"possess" elements of all of the cultures that he or she neously is of will, & Barley, (Van Maanen a member of course, be family, community, groups that the person belongs to and And 1984). some of these occupational, and other identifies with outside of the organization. that members of organizations have multiple group Given memberships and that they will identify to different degrees with these various groups, culture, overall entire have it is not at all anomalous to have a strong yet have "deviant" that sub-cultures elements are deviant within it, or to "counter-cultural" or because of their external connections such as to a strong professional group or an international union (Martin & Siehl, 1983). We know that culture evolves and can be changed, but we have not of and analyzed carefully enough any given culture innovation. possible tive, Or, that would more put to to conceive of that would have what the the or its less facilitate question more a type of culture as characteristics directly, that would be learning dynamic the are change is it innova- invention of 11 environmentally responsive new solutions rather than conservative self-preservation? culture that And would is it favor possible to conceive of a type of socio-technical design innovations instead of the traditional technology driven ones? Before answering these questions in Part II, some attention must be given to the other elements in the model. Information Technology. Cultures technologies first that place. One are built caused may the as a function of involved. Chemical, high and organization expect therefore, and around respond to be organizational heavy the created cultures the kind of core tech, to core in to the vary, technology that is manufacturing, financial, other service industries will each evolve somewhat different "industry" cultures that will influence organizational cultures. But all organizations have in common the need to communicate, to get information to the right place at the right time to make it possible to appropriately divide labor and coordinate the effort of organization likened to the members. life blood of The flow of information can be the system, and the information channels can be likened to the circulatory system. IT in use important at any given determinant of time the is, therefore, organization's The state of likely capacity to to be an learn. What then should be the characteristics of the information system to maximize the capacity of the organization to learn, adapt, and innovate? Information technology is central to this analysis III 12 because its own evolution has made possible extraordinary magnitude. innovative leaps of Today some organizations are being designed on totally different premises by taking advantage of the capabilities of IT. We can conceptualize this best by distin- guishing three kinds of utopian visions that have grown up around IT: 1) The Vision to Automate: Most of the critical funct- ions in the organization are taken over by robots or computerized systems run by highly skilled and trained professional 2) The Vision to Informate: operators. By building accurate models of critical processes in the organization it is possible not only to automate such processes but to make visible and understandable to everyone is what Zuboff obviously has (1988) tremendous for managers at all 2a). calls the processes themselves in the organization. "informating" implications the not organization, only for workers the and but levels. Informating Up: In this vision, IT is used aggregate and centralize as much information about all of This organization as possible control by top management. The to facilitate to the parts planning and organization becomes transparent to its top management. 2b). systems Informating forces Down: an analysis of In the this core processes of the organization and makes workers. Instead of vision the production design of and other those transparent to understanding only a small piece of the total process, workers become familiar with the whole process and can, therefore, make decisions that previously were made by 13 various layers of management. A few organizations think 3) The Vision to Transform: of ize even more radical innovations by asking how one might organthe basic work, the communication patterns, authority to fully take advantage of the possibilities inherent relations, Socio-technical design considerations in IT. and become primary to integrate the technical and human capabilities. Such being organizations may form, a totally different like complex networks in which communication and more shift around the task and chains authority take requirements of and change the motivation to according and skills of the the people. Adaptation and innovation are involved to varying in each of these visions, but in the vision to automate degrees and the vision to informate up, we are only talking of converting processes that are already happening into more efficient execution of those same processes. Thus robots and various other kinds of machine controlled work are important innovations in the production process, and sophisticated information systems that permit high levels of centralized control are innovations in the degree to which information can be rapidly collected and centralized, but it is only with informating down and transforming that we get more radical innovation in the nature of the organization In these instances IT creates new concept of how work is itself. to be done defined. and how the management process itself is to be What this means is that the cultural assumptions about the nature and use of IT will themselves be a crucial determinant III 14 of how IT will be used to create further innovation. Organizational Processes. Over time ses, recurrent events organization is organization processes they every to coordinate problems punish, and, above, but and time visible given of permit the members of the with make decisions, the invisible, and are a other. with each how Such other, they how implement basic cultural whereas the analysis, of the processes we need that to 1988). culture are as largely evolve over fully understand to observable then, the assumptions In order therefore, and (Schein, 1987, reflection analyzable. assumptions this each how they organize work, supervise, reward, organization, underlying purposes and procesthe effectively primary of task of members communicate processes implicit any the in general deal with people Such are develops a set insure that fulfilled and that decisions arrived at, defined that concern how solve organization specify both processes. the question is what the For kinds of cultural assumptions must be present to facilitate organizational processes that will increase the likelihood that the organization will be able to learn, adapt, and innovate? Organizational Structure. Some rules, processes become manuals, organization stable charts, and and are articulated other more in permanent documents reflecting how management feels things should be done. The ultimate division of labor as embodied in job descriptions 15 and of organizational units, the basic organization design in terms who reports typically to whom thought structure. of and as who the is major accountable for what elements the "formal" of are But as in the case of organizational processes, these structures are ultimately a reflection of the underlying cultural assumptions. One of the common misconceptions in this area is that structure can be analyzed as a factor separate from culture. If one starts with a socio-technical model of organizations, cannot separate whether some encourage kinds of structure formal from culture. One structures are more can, likely to however, assumptions will favor the ask facilitate or learning, adaptation, and innovation, and, cultural one if so, what evolution of such structures? In structure, stable most those but regarded are organizations one also processes are observed supported that only by implicit finds an to norms "informal" be relatively and are to be unsanctioned or even to run counter to the structure. It is the existence of such counter structures often formal based on sub-cultures that may be "counter-cultures" that may determine in important ways what kind of innovation is possible. The "parallel" what informal structures structure that includes are designed to "compensatory" structures or project may be may teams be 1988). relatively temporary Such permanent processes in the formal compensatory such as such or offset or supplement may be weaknesses and dysfunctional elements structure (Schein, 1980, tees also as or parallel standing committask forces and set up to work only on specific and time bound III 16 tasks. Most without the informal effectively, done theories organization organization and, must be explicitly analyzed understand the this paper the question assumptions would informal then favor the structure that the that and well system and total simply things therefore, how most informal it works. becomes what favor fact would understood evolution of would the acknowledge not that get structure if we are to purposes of For kind of patterns of learning, cultural formal and adaptation, and innovation? it is my argument that To sum up, the necessary and in order to determine sufficient conditions for an innovative organ- ization, we must specify the characteristics of the culture that favor ses, the kind of and formal information and technology, organizational proces- informal organizational structure that increases the likelihood of the occurrence of innovation. II. Characteristics of an Innovative Culture. Organizational dimensions. and state cultures can analyzed along many I will specify a minimum set, as shown in Table 1, in hypothesis innovative capacity. form the assumptions necessary for Table 1 can also be used as a diagnostic device for analyzing any given culture. Insert Table 1 about here __________ be 17 1. Organization-environment Relationships. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL C. HYPOTHESIS IT ASSUMES INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT ITS THAT ENVIRONMENTS ARE CONTROLLABLE, CHANGEABLE, AND MANAGEABLE. Organizations can be distinguished by the shared assumpthey hold tions about the their existence and act and fatalistic that feel completely dependent and assume is out of survival are in passive are At one extreme we have dominated by their various environments. organizations that they dominate or to which degree They their own control. the face of environmental They accept whatever niche the environment provides. turbulence. At the other extreme we have organizations that hold the shared assumption that extent of survival and that and environment their own behavior will to which they actively are able environment. their progress and Implied improvement is the possible, are are growth influence the a function to dominate further a of the some aspects assumption basically that optimistic orientation toward the environment. Innovative members assume that capacity will innovation to increase is possible the extent and necessary, that which derives from their optimistic assumption that the environment can be Organizations influenced. that they are dominated environments are by fixed will that pessimistically assume either others and/or assume that their find it difficult to conceive of new ideas and will find it even more difficult to marshall the energy III 18 to try out new ideas. 2. The Nature of Human Activity. HYPOTHESIS C2. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT ASSUMES THAT THE APPROPRIATE HUMAN ACTIVITY IS TO BE PROACTIVE, ORIENTED TOWARD PROBLEM SOLVING AND IMPROVING THINGS. All organizations make implicit assumptions about whether the appropriate behavior of members is to be 1) reactive, fatalistic, and oriented to getting what pleasure one can out of one's lot in life (Dionysian), and oriented toward improving a middle ground of trying 2) to be proactive, things (Promethean), to harmonize and optimistic, or 3) to take compromise between one's own needs and whatever environmental constraints and possibilities exist are (Apollonian). As will be the individual level counterpart to noted these assumptions the assumptions relating the organization to its environment. An innovator in the people will find it virtually midst of reactive or harmonizing impossible to get even an audience much less a commitment to new ways of doing things. or Apollonian organizations, whistle-blowers, neutralized. innovators are likely In Dionysian to be called boat rockers, or trouble makers, and thus to be And if the culture is too fatalistic it will of course not attract or retain innovators in the first place. One may wish to speculate whether there is an upper 19 limit If there are too many innovators to activity orientation. and if the culture strongly encourages innovation will that cause other problems unpredictable? and innovation by not, I believe In other words, if the organi- innovation to a tolerable level. enable undermine invent and evolve processes and structures that reduce tion will control, is going out of zation will innovation becomes a problem, the organiza- too much if because end, the in chaotic too life making that, its own innovativeness will to invent mechanisms to achieve greater discipline and it control. The passive stagnate or reverse fatalistic until it not is cannot fails or An true. invent is taken organization "proactivity." over by too is that It will others who will forcibly change the culture by massive replacement of people with a different activity orientation. I am hypothesizing, therefore, that one cannot have too much innovativeness but one can have too much conservatism and passivity. 3. The Nature of Reality and Truth. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL HYPOTHESIS C3. INCREASE TO THE EXTENT ARRIVED AT BY PRAGMATIC they hold whether something IT ASSUMES THAT TRUTH TO BE degree to IS (VS. MORALISTIC) MEANS. Organizations which THAT shared can be distinguished assumptions is true or not. by the about how one determines When a complex decision has to III 20 be made involving uncertain validity, what futures and criteria does the information of uncertain organization use to determine when it has enough and the right kind of information to make the decision? At dogma, one extreme one finds a heavy reliance on tradition, the elders. either authority At in of moral principles, the other extreme a search error attitude ical (England, for one finds the If or a trial and is not possible or pract- the decision verification by physical means wisdom of pragmatism embodied scientific verification if formal verification 1975). or is in a domain where is not possible, pragmatism would imply that the decision makers debate out the issues and subject each alternative to sufficient scrutiny that the one that sur- vives can be accepted with some measure of confidence. In various organizations sorts it is not dominated by only difficult dogma to or authorities articulate new ideas but even more difficult to get the sanction to try them out. exception is, of An of course, the situation where the innovator is the person in authority, a situation that arises from time to time in history tion but that or to is hard to predict. To specify as an organizational condiincrease the generally, a positive value must be tradition, on trying out new things even if such a value must be innovative capacity put on novelty, on breaking they are risky, and supported by an underlying assumption that "the truth" is not already known. The positive pragmatic end of the continuum also attitude toward trial and error, risk implies a more taking, and the 21 of acceptance that procedures for in The message succeed. new things fail," the take only if you moralistic such it will be innovation to the harder for is organizations sure you will are and systems, rules, necessary risks the more The failures. institutionalized, become to members or dogmas, to committed is organization efforts unsuccessful "try not break rules or a prescription for conservatism and playing it safe. 4. The Nature of Time. HYPOTHESIS C4A. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL TO THE INCREASE EXTENT IT THAT IS ORIENTED TO THE NEAR FUTURE (VS. PAST, PRESENT OR FAR FUTURE). HYPOTHESIS C4B. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT USES MEDIUM LENGTH TIME UNITS SHORT ONES THAT DONT INNOVATION ALLOW TO DEVELOP OR (VS. LONG ONES THAT MAKE INNOVATION DIFFICULT TO EVALUATE). All organizations hold implicit assumptions about the relative importance of the past, the present, and the future, and all organizations have implicit assumptions about the appropriate length of time units for different kinds of tasks. in zations measure themselves months, some use intermediate and some use longer units short units Some organi- such as weeks or units such as quarters and years, such as 5 or 10 year spans. All organizations use all of these units for various different purpo- III 22 ses, and, as Lawrence and Lorsch (1967) pointed out years ago the different functional units of an organization such as sales and R & D will have very different assumptions about what it means to be "on time" and how long units of work are. It will be units. is likely found that in each organization's assumptions about the "really culture there important" The actual size of the relevant time units will vary from company to company, so the determination of what is "past," sent," time "near future," and "far future" must be "pre- determined for each organization studied by getting members' consensus on these units. core The size of technologies development of such that time the units is also organization new products, for is example, influenced by working with. takes much the The longer in the pharmaceutical industry than in the consumer goods industry. Organizations that live in the past or present will find it difficult to place a value on novelty because they are focused on what has worked or is working now. be dismissed easily because organization likes organization is to think focused on their ideas about. On the launch any innovation because plenty of People with new ideas can far it time to try things do not "fit" the other hand, future it may be the future." if the the unable is assumed that there "in what to is always A near future orientation should, therefore, be most favorable to innovation. It is also clear that too short a time orientation will always make innovation difficult because one can always show that short-run costs are too high to justify continuation of the trial and error involved in innovation. On the other hand, if 23 the time units are too long, some innovations that are failures will be allowed to continue too long, the organization will lose money, and the whole innovation process will be undermined because people will remember how they were hurt by past innovations. The ability of the organization to develop a sense of an optimal length of time for an innovation thus becomes a very important determinant of its learning capacity. This optimal length of time will be subjectively defined in most organizations, and must be measured within each organization, as indicated above. The precise length of the units is not as important as the members' ability to recognize that giving an innovation too little or too much time is equally destructive to the overall innovation process. Optimal length time units play also a role in the selling of an innovative vision, whether that comes from leaders or from other innovators in the organization. The vision of the future cannot exceed the ability of members of the organization to understand what is proposed, nor can it promise benefits that will only be realized by the next generation. To be motivated to implement something new, people have to be able to see what benefits that will bring them within their own "lifetime." As Jaques has argued (1976, 1982) the length of time over which organization members have "discretion" appears to vary with organizational rank. On the shop floor supervisors check on employees by the hour or the day. At lower managerial levels one has discretion over weeks, and so on up the ladder until the most senior management is supposed to define its tasks in terms of III 24 In years. communicating it becomes critical tions the future of impact proposed then to consider over what innova- time units in this "Optimal" time units, the audience is used to thinking. are partly defined by the actual innovative task that is context, being proposed or undertaken. 5. The Nature of Human Nature. HYPOTHESIS C5. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT ASSUMES THAT PEOPLE ARE ULTIMATELY NEUTRAL OR GOOD, AND, IN ANY CASE, ARE CAPABLE OF IMPROVEMENT. Organizations make assumptions implicit about both in terms of whether it is ultimately good, nature, neutral, or evil, and in terms of how malleable or fixed it is. are nizations they will cynical about not encourage nature innovation In Theory X) will mistrust such organizations innovative capacity often is devoted to defeating organizational life invent elaborate easier for efficiency Dickson, themselves (Argyris, 1964; assumptions listen at processes and the expense McGregor, devices to make of organizational 1960; Roethlisberger & 1939). On the other hand, expect motives. worse, orga- as Workers ulterior or, (McGregor's If innovators goals. having human human about people human to be if the organization holds optimistic nature innovative, (McGregor's Theory will encourage Y), it will innovation, will to new ideas, and will be more likely to trust them. At 25 the same time, members must that one's knows one for feel innovation to that and personality can grow and are they all be encouraged "perfectible" contribution improve, organization is in the not fixed. sense If this knowledge (assumption) one acts as a powerful stimulant to personal development and innovation. 6. The Nature of Human Relationships. HYPOTHESIS C6A. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATIONN TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT ASSUMES THE IDEAL OF INDIVIDUALISM AND THE PURSUIT OF INDIVIDUAL DIVERSITY. HYPOTHESIS C6B. BUT, IF AN ORGANIZATION HAS INDIVIDUALS WHOSE IDEAS ARE ADOPTED, A FEW INNOVATIVE IT CAN IMPLEMENT SOME TYPES OF INNOVATIONS FASTER TO THE EXTENT THAT IT ASSUMES THE IDEAL OF GROUPISM. HYPOTHESIS C6C. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT ASSUMES THAT COLLEGIAL/PARTICIPATIVE METHODS OF DECISION MAKING ARE THE MOST APPROPRIATE. HYPOTHESIS C6D. BUT, IF AN ORGANIZATION HAS INNOVATIVE PEOPLE IN SENIOR LEADERSHIP ROLES, IT CAN IMPLEMENT SOME INNOVATIONS FASTER TO THE EXTENT THAT IT ASSUMES AUTHORITARIAN/PATERNALISTIC METHODS OF DECISION MAKING. This dimension of culture has to do with prevailing III 26 assumptions about the ideal human relationship. Two dimensions are involved here: 1) The degree ideal from of to which the "individualism" (that individual effort) ultimately come or The degree good assumes ultimately (that all good the come things implying that ultimately all themselves to the group), to which ideal collegial/participative things "groupism" from the group, individuals must subordinate 2) all organization (implying and, relationships are that power and seen as influence in decision making is a function of who has what expertise relevant to any given task to be accomplished) or as istic (implying that power and influence autocratic/paternalreside in positions, statuses and roles, or are a function of the specific personality of the individual). The complex and hypotheses contingent around these because under two dimensions certain conditions tion could occur anywhere along these two dimensions. values innova- Basically a culture that have more ideas to draw from and create more incentives for ideas to be put forward. individuals are more and individual diversity will However, when it comes to acceptance of ideas and implementation, the strongly individualistic organization may be at some disadvantage. In other words, in a groupist organiza- tion it will be harder to get new ideas to be articulated, but if they are adopted, such an organization will be far more effective in implementing suppress them their dissent because for individuals the sake of the who may dissent will total group's welfare. In such organizations the burden of innovation probably 27 falls on in that leadership the likely the most are they to be What the deter- able to get an idea adopted in the first place. minants are of innovativeness in the leaders of groupist organizations then becomes the secondary but critical question. Collegial/participative to decision making is likely more identify the relevant areas in which innovation is needed, ideas, good surface stimulate to everyone understands the affairs where state of and creativity, to produce to a idea so that it This assumption is central because will be properly implemented. collegial/participative decision making influences so many phases of the total innovation process from invention to implementation, particularly if the new on the idea or is process complex and hard to understand. If, innovative leader has too complex hand, other an autocratic if the ideas are not ideas that are sound, to communicate, or paternalistic and if the socio-technical implicatit ions have been correctly thought through, is possible for the organization to implement such ideas more rapidly and totally. leader will this situation danger in The impose an threefold: is 1) That the idea that is wrong under conditions where subordinates are neither motivated nor rewarded for pointing out the potential problems; 2) That the idea will not be successfully communicated leading to paralysis and idea will discover she had be that implemented innovation. incorrectly because subordinates in mind and/or frustration; or 3) That the did did not fully not accept the leader did not understand what the consequences he of or the III 28 One additional point bearing on this assumption needs to be brought out. If predictions about the ultimate impact of IT are correct, then leaner, flatter, more highly networked organizations are the likely consequence Such organizations managers are degree effectively, or paternalistic assumptions authority in of work however, skill or such networks expertise that (Schein, if their will more any given 1989). likely be member given moment in time relative to the task to be done. authority 1987). still operating from hierarchical models buttressed by autocratic basis of cannot (Drucker, 1988; Malone, will mean function better very little. Obviously such has at The the any Positional systems if they hold collegial/participative will assumptions in the first place. 7. Sub-cultural Diversity. HYPOTHESIS C7. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT ENCOURAGES DIVERSE BUT CONNECTED SUB-CULTURES. As organizations grow and mature they develop tures as well as overarching cultures. of such sub-cultures will capacity. However, the sub-systems with their it to manage is a homogenizing force. organization contains within enough diverse can The nature and diversity influence the organization's innovative For any given group, culture if sub-cul- innovate its total system, own diverse sub-cultures, by empowering people and ideas from 29 those sub-cultures that are most different from the "parent" yet best adapted to a changing environment. sub-cultures is, and Drawing on diverse in fact, the commonest way that cultures evolve, this process, if properly managed, is therefore one of the most important sources of potential innovation. The sub-cultures must be connected and part of a parent culture or their elements will not be seen as relevant duced into the parent. decentralized For example, organization new if intro- in a highly geographically ideas may well spring up in an overseas subsidiary, but those ideas are only importable into the parent organization genuinely part of if the subsidiary the larger culture. If is perceived the ideas are brought to be in via transfer of people from the subsidiary, those people will only have credibility and influence if they are perceived to be part of the larger culture and sympathetic to it. It for so many is this is that loose be within unity theme that accounts current management statements that the effective organization can diversity one that and can both tight at the centralize same time. and decentralize, To restate the point, diversification and decentralization are effective as innovative forces only to the extent that the separate units are perceived to be and feel themselves to be connected to the whole. If they do not feel connected innovate on behalf of the whole. they will not be motivated to If they are not perceived to be connected, their ideas will not be perceived as relevant. 11 30 Summary. in order to be innovative an organization- To summarize, al culture must assume: 1) That the world is changeable and an be managed, 2) That humans are by nature proactive problem solvers, 3) That truth is pragmatically arrived at, 4) That the appropriate time horizon is near future, 5) That time units should be geared to the kind of innovation being considered, is neutral or good and is, 6) That human nature in any case, perfectible, 7) That human are relationships based on individualism and the valuing of diversity, 8) That decision making is collegial/participative, 9) diverse That sub-cultures encouraged, but that are an asset sub-cultures have to to be be connected to the parent culture. Having stated these conditions for what must be true in the what further conditions must be present overall culture, in the state of information technology? III. Characteristics of an Information Technology for Innovation. I am making function only if channels assumption it can take process information. ation the are that any open system can in, move around, and appropriately Information is the life blood, and informthe circulatory system of the organization. If the organization is to be capable of innovation, what must be true of the information system? 31 Parenthetically, I am assuming that if the above specified cultural conditions are not present, the organization is not likely to develop or implement an ideal information system, or if such a system should for some reason be present, the system in ways that I will detail below. it will misuse So having an ideal system from a technological point of view will not by solve the problem of innovation. to things happen. innovation in the However, culture, itself Technology alone will not cause given it right the is possible conditions to specify for how an information system will enhance the chances for innovation. 1. Networking capacity. HYPOTHESIS IT1. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT HAS TOTAL NETWORKING CAPACITY. My new assumption here ideas and the capacity to at any given point I am not assuming at all is the capacity to implement innovations may require that those Especially connections have to be operational it will favor innovation if the capacity important will be cultures so that new ideas that may arise chance perceived of being invent in time connecting everyone to everyone else. times, only that there. is that both by other channels between sub- in sub-cultures have a sub-cultures and the parent culture. The exist in network does not have to be electronic. It can the form of frequent meetings that involve everybody, a III 32 heavy travel schedule that gets everyone to all parts of the organization, an system, technologies sophisticated The more mail efficient a good system, phone become more etc. relevant as the constraints of time and space become more costly. 2. Routing and filtering capacity. HYPOTHESIS IT2A. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT CAN OPEN AND CLOSE CHANNELS AS NEEDED. HYPOTHESIS IT2B. CAPACITY THE OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT CAN FILTER INFORMATION IN THE CHANNNELS AS NEEDED. My assumption here not desirable at certain ent to is that a fully connected network is For certain kinds of all times. stages of the innovation process, keep open only those channels tasks and for it may be more effici- that are necessary for The organization must have the process efficient implementation. capacity to diagnose its information needs but it must also have the technical capacity to implement its diagnosis in the sense of opening and closing channels as needed. In arguing authoritarian for system, closes channels can be available as this i.e. needed. capacity some higher I am not reverting authority I am suggesting in a collegial/participative that to an opens or that such capacity system as well in 33 that members can choose to open and close channels themselves as they perceive this to be appropriate. Just as the organization needs the technical capacity to open and close information overloads, channels, flows 2) to so it along given prevent needs channels the capacity to inappropriate 1) avoid information to filter information getting to some members, and 3) to insure that appropriate information gets to those members who need it. capacity again, along it reverting with implies to an the that Again this technical such capacity filtering authoritarian can implies diagnostic of the be hierarchical system, and designed without system. A good example of such a system is the Information Lens and Object Lens technology developed by Malone that allows the members of network to specify rules for routing and filtering that are automatically implemented (La & Malone, 1988; Malone, the then et al, 1989). 3. Connectivity to Environment; "Openness" of the system. HYPOTHESIS IT3. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT HAS MULTIPLE OPEN CHANNELS TO AND FROM ITS ENVIRONMENTS. Organizations are open socio-technical systems embedded in multiple environments. If they cannot is going on in those environments accurately track what they cannot which innovation is more or less important. identify areas in Similarly, they can- W11 34 not assess if efforts the effects they behavior on the observe cannot innovative and adaptive their own of of effects the environment that are those parts of innovative their intended to be impacted. the environment are necessary, but Multiple channels to they also be must but knowledge the stays incoming Many organizations appropriately. processed appropriate the so that the the organization within to connected in departments that decision points information can be know a great deal effectively cannot integrate, and act on the knowledge (Schein, 1980). utilize, 4. Capacity to evolve own IT system technologically. HYPOTHESIS IT4. THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT HAS THE CAPACITY TO FULLY UNDERIMPLEMENT INNOVATIONS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ITSELF STAND AND AS THESE MAY APPLY TO VARIOUS ASPECTS OF THE ORGANIZATION'S TASKS. What is implied here own use of IT as modify its and as new ideas arise on how capacity to is the organization's new possibilities become available to use existing technology. This means that somewhere in the total system must reside good information on current possibilities. external sources, capacities Such but and good information the may information places to be acted on approptiately. information come has to from get on future internal to the or right Various aspects of IT such 35 as office automation, understood, but must CAD/CAM, be and flexibly so adopted mission of the organization (Thomas, IV. on must not only be well to support the basic 1988). Interaction of Culture and Information Technology Implied in the above analysis is that cultural assumpt- ions can and will limit the degree to which IT can be and will be used. The simply not kind of be proactivity, information network installed in and above will in organizations that do not believe mastering decision making, described their so on. environment, But that is not in in participative the whole story. The technology itself can and will gradually affect organizational cultures by what it makes possible, interaction between the culture and and in some cultures the the technology will, in the long run, be destructive to adaptive capacity and innovation. In order to examine these interactions we must first examine some of the properties of I.T. and show how those can become forces to unfreeze the present culture. I.T. as a force unfreezing culture. If one thinks of the information technology community as itself a sub-culture, one can identify certain of its assumptions that, if implemented lead to assumptions. Specifically, intrinsically good for the unfreezing of other IT community assumes organizations more widely distributed, designers of the and more to have more that it rapidly disseminated. IT increases: is information, IT are therefore likely to highlight the properties of the technology. cultural The following II] 36 1) can more people more Accessibility: access easily information that is electronically available in a network; information 2) Rapidity: and feedback can be obtained much more rapidly by electronic means in computer based networks; information can be presented to large 3) Simultaneity: numbers of people simultaneously even though they are geographically dispersed and are in different time zones; 4) Presentational flexibility: information can simulta- neously be presented in different ways to different people; factors relationships complex 5) Complexity: in information can be more easily and contextual with represented computer aided systems (e.g. three dimensional modelling); 6) System awareness: requires accurate modelling become transparent to of processes, information users systems information creating and these models then (the essence of what Zuboff means by "informating"); 7) possible System/network for all members accountability: to become dependence, of the fact that there networks make aware of their mutual it inter- is no necessary higher author- ity in the network, and hence that all members of the network can be simultaneously accountable for network output; 8) Team work capacity: the combination of simultaneity it possible for real team work to occur where every member realizes his or her part, and where and network accountability makes all contributions are transparent, thus forcing mutual trust (i.e. any abuse by any member is immediately visible to all other members of the network); 37 9) Task based authority: possible to designate given moment authority decision in a functioning network it is making power to whoever at any in time has the most relevant information, and this can rotate among members of the network as the task changes; 10) Self-designing capacity: psychologically possible itself and to adapt for the to changing it is technologically and network to constantly redesign circumstances if the necessary power and flexibility have been built in initially. As can be seen, these characteristics introduce a strong bias toward collaborative team work in that such work becomes not only much more more appropriate will face feasible to in the an electronic complex tasks environment, that most but also organizations in the future. What all of this means is that the introduction of IT is a force that may stimulate culture change by first of all forcing some cultural about by assumptions out into the (i.e. assumptions formal authority and managerial prerogatives), and second, clearly making alternative methods Thus if either sub-culture the within leadership the networks, this will of a organization open of coordination total organization introduces force cultural possible. or some sophisticated IT re-examination and reveal which cultural assumptions will aid or hinder further utilization of IT. the The further implication of introduction of IT may be one this line of argument is that of the most powerful ways of unfreezing a culture and starting a process of change toward more innovative capacity in general. 38 1. Presence of an IT subculture. HYPOTHESIS I/C 1: THE CAPACITY OF AN ORGANIZATION TO INNOVATE WILL INCREASE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT HAS SOMEWHERE WITHIN ITSELF A FULLY FUNCTIONING CAN BE A TECHNOLOGICALLY SOPHISTICATED DEMONSTRATION OF I.T. SYSTEM THAT I.T. CAPACITY AND A SOURCE OF DIFFUSION TO OTHER PARTS OF THE ORGANIZATION. In the with other words, organization the at assumptions least of the organization where such a sub-culture condition for there must be is one IT or there will only 2. Destructive I.T./culture THE sub-cultures of that not be is congruent any place within IT can be appropriately utilized. However, a organizational I/C 2A: the sub-subculture necessary and innovation, culture may prevent diffusionn of the HYPOTHESIS among not because a sufficient the larger innovation. interactions. PROVISION OF I.T. FOR PURPOSES OF AUTOMA- TION TO A MANAGEMENT THAT OPERATES BY THE ASSUMPTIONS OF THEORY X WILL THE IN LONG THE SHORT RUN RUN WILL PRODUCE PRODUCE PRODUCTIVITY EMPLOYEE IMPROVEMENTS DEPENDENCE AND BUT ANXIETY IN THAT WILL REDUCE THE PROBABILITY OF INNOVATION. HYPOTHESIS INFORMATING I/C 2B: TO A THE PROVISION OF MANAGEMENT THAT I.T. OPERATES FOR BY PURPOSES OF UPWARD THE ASSUMPTIONS OF 39 THEORY X CONTROL LION, WILL ALLOW SUCH MANAGEMENT A THAT WILL REFUSAL TO ALIENATE USE THE EMPLOYEES, SYSTEM, LEVEL OF CAUSE SURVEILLANCE AND RESISTANCE, FALSIFICATION OF DATA REBEL- ENTRY IF POSSIBLE, AND ULTIMATELY, TOTAL DEPENDENCY AND ABDICATION OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. HYPOTHESIS I/C 2C: TING TO DOWN THEORY X GAINS, A THE PROVISION OF MANAGEMENT WILL PRODUCE BUT WILL, IN THAT OPERATES SHORT RUN THE I.T. FOR PURPOSES OF INFORMA- LONG BY THE ASSUMPTIONS PRODUCTIVITY AND RUN, BE SUBVERTED BY NEED TO CONTROL AND TO ASSERT WHAT IT REGARDS TO BE OF INVOLVEMENT MANAGEMENT'S ITS PREROGA- TIVES AND RIGHTS. HYPOTHESIS TRANSFORM THE I/C AN 2D: are failure MANAGEMENT TERMS MENTALITY one examines cases some but successful zation's CONTROL IN X OF I.T. WILL WILL NOT BE ABLE CAPABILITIES PREVENT THE TO BECAUSE NECESSARY INVOLVEMENT IN SYSTEM DESIGN AND UTILIZATION. If there THEORY ORGANIZATION HIERARCHICAL EMPLOYEE A specific that in the suggest short of patterns certain IT implementation that not only failure, explain interactions which, run, would be destructive even the if to the organi- longer range capacity to innovate and adapt. These interactions involve specifically the cultural assumptions around participation and control, and are shown in Table 2. Insert Table 2 about here IN1 40 The various IT visions are shown down the left side and the cultural extremes two are control along in terms of especially as these apply respect top. the shown characterized with to can most easily be Theory X and Theory Y, These McGregor's and participation to the CEO or senior management as individuals. stated The specific above. The hypotheses logic behind in Table embedded the first these of 2 have been hypotheses derives from prior and current research on automation, especially the research of Hirschhorn (1987), which shows that workers in highly automated plants become anxious because of their high level of and responsibility, the absence of supportive bosses. Because they often do not understand the complex technology they become highly stand. This dependent on combination psychological denial and the anxiety level they do that and of dependency conditions that may arise. signals, information under- anxiety can lead to inability to manage the not any crisis That is, when the system sends alarm is so high that workers assume that the information must be wrong and ignore it. The played out scenario underlying the second in a number of organizations, most dangerous because the sub-culture of the assumptions of the short run there a control hypothesis has been and is potentially the IT plays directly into oriented Theory X management. In is the illusion that the IT system has given management the perfect and ultimate control tool, especially the system designers can also be categorized as Theory X. if If one 41 has control oriented designers working with control oriented managers one is bound to get an organization that will perfectly controlled but that will sooner or later fail of employee commitment and involvement. look for lack And certainly there will be no motivation or capacity to innovate. Evidence for the third hypothesis comes from Zuboff's study of the paper mill that dramatically increased its productivity as workers learned the logic behind they were using and discovered that the automated they could run the plant perfectly well without lots of managerial control. were not willing to give up this control; workers take to do things that credit for some of they the system already But managers they started to order knew improvements, how to do, and to leading workers to resentfully abdicate and consequently to underutilize the system. What implemented is important with a Theory to note is Y management that the would same have system entirely positive results because the managers would be happy to have workers exercise more control and take over the system. It is only the control need characteristic of the Theory X manager that produces the destructive negative results. The Theory visions X fourth dominated in the hypothesis organization first place, is self-evident, will not and will not have in that the transformational be able to elicit the innovative capacity to start a transformation process. In summary, the capabilities of IT in combination with a hierarchically results control oriented management will produce in each of the IT visions, though those negative results may not III 42 show up initially. operating If the designers of from hierarchical control the system are also assumptions we have the potential of great harm to the organization in terms of its long run ability to innovate and to adapt to changing environmental circumstances. The implication is that the cultural assumptions around employee involvement, the of control, nature of project, importance of hierarchy as a principle the prerogatives and rights of managers, and the authority are because the critical the potential of ones IT as to examine a force for in any IT innovation will not be achieved if those assumptions are too close to Theory X. Summary and conclusions. We can summarize the hypotheses about IT by stating that an organization's capacity to innovate will increase to the extent that it has: 1) The capacity to connect everyone, 2) The ability to open and close channels as needed, 3) The ability to filter information in the channels, 4) Multiple channels into and from the relevant environments, and to the relevant decision centers, 5) The capacity to use the most advanced IT systems, 6) At least one fully functioning advanced IT system somewhere within the organization, 7) A Theory Y management that will use the applications appropriately and sensitively. IT 43 We implement force noted that IT solutions, to surface culture will but, at the constrain the same time, IT and unfreeze cultural assumptions ability to is a powerful if it can be the cultural introduced anywhere in the organization. If the favor assumptions processes IT and capacity is innovation, structures that present if organization will increase likelihood the will and the develop of members inventing and implementing those new ideas that will make the organization more adaptive in a rapidly changing environment. The crucial point of this analysis is to note that if such technological and cultural conditions are not present, pointless to work on organizational processes and structures directly. People may be necessary. between culture will The the design. and the as resist the IT capability will kinds of changes that of the we get the long range for. interweaving essence of cultural and technological factors socio-technical model of organization I hope that the above hypotheses can stimulate thinking about how to serve simply Only if we can create the appropriate synergy benefits we are looking is it is increase the probability of innovation, and can a kind of diagnostic grid to assess in any given group degree of "innovativeness." Above all, I hope that by focusing on culture I have made it clear why resistance to change and the desire of organizations not to normal and understandable phenomena. innovate are entirely 44 REFERENCES Argyris, N.Y.: C. Integrating Wiley, Argyris, individual and the organization. 1964. C. & Cliffs, N.J.: Drucker, the P. Schon, D. Organizational learning. A. Prentice-Hall, 1978. F. The coming of the new organization. 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A SOCIO-TECHNICAL MODEL OF ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION 49 TABLE 1 CULTURAL DIMENSIONS THAT INFLUENCE INNOVATIVENESS* 1. ORGANIZATION-ENVIRONMENT RELATIONSHIP Symbiotic Environment Dominant Org. Dominant X 2. NATURE OF HUMAN ACTIVITY Reactive, fatalistic Harmonizing Pro-active 3. NATURE OF REALITY AND TRUTH Moralistic Authority 4. Pragmatism X NATURE OF TIME Past Oriented Near Future Oriented X Present Oriented Medium Time Units X Short Time Units Long Time Units 5. NATURE OF HUMAN NATURE Humans are basically evil Human nature is fixed Humans are basically good Human nature is mutable X 6. NATURE OF HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS Groupisms Authoritarian/paternalistic 7. Low Individualism X Collegial/Participative X SUB-CULTURE DIVERSITY/CONNECTEDNESS High X * The X on each dimension indicates the ideal condition for high innovativeness. II] 50 TABLE 2 POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN I.T. AND CULTURE I.T. VISION THEORY X* AUTOMATE Negative Positive INFORMATE UP Very negative Positive INFORMATE DOWN Very negative Very positive TRANSFORM Not feasible Very positive THEORY Y* * Theory X is used here as shorthand for hierarchical, authoritarian control orientation, based on cynicism about human nature. Theory Y is used here as shorthand for idealism about human nature and a belief in collegial/participative relationships that permit high degrees of self-control.